How to get pregnant easier. What to do to get pregnant the first time? What should I do to get pregnant faster? What should be done to get pregnant with a girl, a boy, twins, twins? Is pregnancy possible with inflammation of the ovaries


Eat right. First you need to give up alcohol and cigarettes. Add more meat and nuts to your diet. Eat more foods with vitamin E and do not forget about succinic acid. Such a diet will allow you to be more energetic, which will help the spermatozoa to be faster and more efficient.

Take breaks from sex. There is no need to try to conceive a child 24 hours a day, because only the first time is effective. After that, the spermatozoa do not have time to “ripen”, and there will be no result. Therefore, try again after 3 days of waiting. And only the first "volley" will be effective, in the second portion the concentration of spermatozoa is halved.

Get out of the woman immediately after ejaculation. So you will not smear the sperm and prevent the sperm from reaching the “target”.

Try not to bring a woman to orgasm. During this peak, the woman's cervix rises, which prevents sperm from entering it. If the cervix remains in place, the sperm easily enters, and conception occurs.

Before intercourse, women are advised to douche with a soda solution. Sometimes you may not even be aware of the inflammation in the body, which creates an unfavorable environment for sperm. Soda will help restore normal microflora, and even if there are no problems, a weak soda solution will not cause harm.

Choose the right position for conception. It is best to use the classic lying position. If you try to get pregnant while standing, the sperm will spill out and your chances of getting pregnant are greatly reduced. Therefore, it is better to abandon experiments at this time and use the missionary position. But if a woman has a bend of the uterus, then it is recommended to use the “behind” position.

After ejaculation, the woman should remain in the same position - lie on her back or stomach. You can not just lie down, but press your knees to your chest - this way you can increase the chances of conception. But if the cervix is ​​not located as standard, but turned to the side, it is better to ask the doctor which side to lie on.

After the act, you need to relax and not torment yourself with thoughts “or not”. A woman should be in a good mood, without stress and nerves. If this advice is not followed, the contractile activity of the fallopian tubes may be disrupted, and the spermatozoon will not be able to reach its destination. So do not be nervous and do not rush things.

Choose your time wisely. Experts believe that the best period for conception is autumn and spring. In the mornings, when a woman is rested and full of energy, is the best time to try to get pregnant. It is important for a woman to ovulate. You can calculate it yourself or buy an ovulation test at a pharmacy.

These days, there are an increasing number of couples who want to become happy parents, but cannot wait until the pregnancy test shows two stripes. There are many reasons for this. A sedentary lifestyle, stress, poor ecology, bad habits affect the ability to conceive a baby. Even the psychological attitude of future parents plays an important role in this matter.

Proven ways to get pregnant quickly, recommended by experienced medical specialists, will help bring the desired result closer.

For obvious reasons, the probability of pregnancy depends on the state of the seminal fluid of a man. To make it easier to achieve the desired result, both future parents should pay attention to the state of their body.

A man can be examined, make a spermogram. By improving its performance, you can maximize the chances of pregnancy.

How to improve sperm quality?

By studying the most simple ways get pregnant as quickly as possible, you need to pay attention to a fairly effective approach.

If, after passing the examination, the spouse did not reveal any serious deviations in the spermogram and drug treatment is not required, you can simply follow some recommendations. By increasing sperm motility, a man will help his partner to conceive a child quickly.

For this, it is necessary to healthy lifestyle life. Alcohol and cigarettes reduce sperm quality. The best way to solve this problem is to give up such bad habits. No matter how difficult the process of weaning from cigarettes or drinking beer while watching a football match is, for the sake of the future baby, these sacrifices must be made. Moreover, the proper development of their crumbs in the future depends on the health of the parents.

Helps improve the quality of seminal fluid a few more simple recommendations. Do not wear tight jeans or tight underwear. Hypothermia can also be a negative factor for conception. However, don't get too warm. Spermatozoa are much more viable at moderate temperatures. Overheating or hypothermia contribute to their death. Strong physical exercise should also be.


Strong stresses and negative emotions, experiences lead to the production of defective spermatozoa. Therefore, such situations should be avoided. Sports activities (with moderate physical activity), balanced diet, a positive and varied pastime, will help bring the long-awaited moment closer.

Woman's behavior

A lot depends on the level of a woman's health. To easily get pregnant, the expectant mother must adhere to a number of recommendations. This is the most effective ways which are advised by experienced gynecologists to their patients.

right time

The right approach to approaching a long-awaited pregnancy is to determine the fertile period. During it, the female body is ready to accept the male seed, and conception will occur.

The egg is released from the follicle into the fallopian tube during ovulation. 5 days before this moment and a day after it with a standard cycle (28 days), you can try to conceive a child.

A quick way to get pregnant is to determine this period. There are several ways to determine the moment of ovulation:

  • calendar method.
  • Building a graph of basal temperature.
  • Conducting home tests.
  • Monitoring by ultrasound.

The calendar method is the oldest. The release of the egg from the follicle according to this approach occurs on the 14th day of the cycle. It's easy to calculate on a calendar. If the cycle is longer or shorter, then this moment is determined two weeks before the upcoming ovulation. This is one of the less reliable approaches.

More informative at home is the most popular method today. It involves performing a daily measurement of rectal temperature. A schedule built on the basis of collecting such data will allow not only to determine the day of ovulation, but also possible deviations in the functioning of body systems.

Also, during measurements, a woman controls the nature of the discharge from the genital tract. This allows you to determine the fertile period. During it, the discharge becomes similar in appearance to raw egg white.

You can also use the test method. Special pharmaceutical products capture the release of luteinizing hormone, which increases sharply before ovulation. This tool is sold in almost every pharmacy and is considered a fairly reliable method.

However, ultrasound monitoring helps to most reliably determine the period suitable for conception. Based on the examination data, the doctor will be able to reliably say whether the dominant follicle is developing. According to its size, the estimated time of the onset of ovulation is calculated. After that, an ultrasound can also easily check whether ovulation has occurred in this cycle.

Healthy lifestyle

Drinking alcohol, smoking negatively affect a woman's ability to conceive. The reproductive system is very sensitive to harmful external influences. Alcohol and smoking not only significantly reduce the chances of getting pregnant, but if this condition occurs, they cause serious deviations in the development of the fetus. Until the miscarriage. Future parents should understand the seriousness of the responsibility they bear for the life and health of their crumbs.

It is important to keep yourself in good shape. To do this, you need to do exercises or do fitness. The main thing is to exclude power loads. And, of course, a full, healthy sleep remains a priority.

Rational nutrition should also not be left without attention. You can use all kinds of greens, cereals, milk, legumes. A balanced diet will allow you to normalize weight, which is very important for the healthy development of a new life.

You should also take vitamins. Very often, it is simply not possible to get all the necessary substances and trace elements with ordinary food. It helps to achieve the goal of getting pregnant by enriching the diet with vitamin complexes. And it is better to choose products intended for women in position.

Behavior during and after intimacy

You shouldn't have sex too often. High-quality sperm is produced during abstinence for 2-3 days.

There is an opinion that the probability of conception depends on the “correct” posture during intimacy. This is a rather controversial issue.

But to lie down for 15 minutes after intercourse will be quite useful. This makes it easier for sperm to enter the uterus. After ejaculation, the man should also stop friction so that the sperm does not flow out of the partner's genital tract.

Half an hour before and after lovemaking, a woman should not wash herself with ordinary soap. This can disrupt the acid-base balance in the vagina and significantly reduce the lifespan of sperm. It is better to use special intimate hygiene products that do not increase acidity.

Psychological factor

It happens that in the absence of any deviations in the functioning of the body systems, pregnancy still does not occur for a long time. Very often the reason similar situation is a psychological factor.

Due to the couple's fixation on the desire to conceive a child sooner, the body is in a stressful state. Don't worry too much. Relaxing, calming down and not paying attention to the opinions of others, everything will happen by itself.

Also, the expectant mother should be psychologically prepared for the changes in life associated with the birth of a child. Fears, uncertainty sometimes affect the possibility of conception.

medical examination

The most reasonable way out for prolonged non-occurrence of pregnancy is a full medical examination. The doctor will be able to find the causes of failures and competently eliminate them.

Moreover, not knowing about their health problems, the couple runs the risk of facing serious problems during pregnancy.

The most correct approach is to plan conception, based on clear instructions from a medical specialist. This really guarantees the early onset of the long-awaited conception and the healthy development of the fetus.

By self-medicating, a couple increases the risk of harming themselves and their unborn baby. Therefore, the consultation of a qualified specialist is considered a reasonable, adequate solution to such a problem.

By approaching the issue of pregnancy planning calmly and responsibly, a married couple will be able to achieve the desired result quickly, and the process of developing a new life will proceed correctly and harmoniously.

If you can’t get past moms with strollers and look at curly-haired little ones, it’s quite clear that instincts have begun to play and you are ready for motherhood.

But, as practice shows, not everyone succeeds the first time, especially if the age is over thirty or there were problems in gynecology. But do not get upset right away, there are some simple, but quite effective tips on how to get pregnant quickly.

First, the so-called preparatory stage, and then - active actions.

Step 1. The right menu

The first item that needs to be done in order to quickly get pregnant is a special diet, moreover, this task is facing both partners.

  1. Men's nutrition;
  • Your spouse needs to activate sperm motility as much as possible, and seafood and meat do better with this;
  • For a snack, nuts are suitable, rich in selenium and zinc, which have a positive effect on sperm quality. By the way, sea delicacies have a positive effect on a man in terms of sexual charging.
  1. Products for the expectant mother;
  • You will also need seafood for conception, but you will only need to lean on fatty varieties fish rich in omega fatty acids;
  • You can’t do without meat and eggs, since proteins are necessary not only for fertilization, but also for bearing a healthy baby;
  • Pay attention to foods rich in vitamins A and E, as well as folic acid. See the article about vitamins in early pregnancy >>>;
  • An excellent ally in matters of quick conception is honey, which has a beneficial effect on your reproductive system, it can be taken not only inside, but also locally, in the form of lotions.
  1. Special products;
  • All products can be divided into two groups - alkaline and acidic, depending on which environment is activated in your body after eating them;
  • There is data from medical studies, according to which, conception occurs faster if you eat alkaline foods, in such an environment spermatozoa do not die and the likelihood of conception increases significantly.

You need a lemon, which, despite the sour taste, is the most alkaline product, then cucumbers and radishes, celery and beets, Brussels sprouts, garlic, gourds, bananas, cereals, especially buckwheat, grapes and pineapple, flax seeds.

Prepare yourself a romantic dinner the day before from this list of products.

But it is better not to use meat, milk and fish on the day of conception.

  1. harmful products;
  • Enemies of rapid conception are sweets and other fast carbohydrates, alcohol, genetically modified foods and other harmful substances in bright packages from hypermarket shelves .;
  • But caffeine and tobacco have a bad effect on the work of the male reproductive system.

Step 2. Physical form

You should know that excess weight, in matters of rapid conception, is not playing on your side.

Many couples can not get pregnant precisely because of the extra kilos.

  1. In men with an excess mass index, there is a low activity of spermatozoa, which die before they reach the egg;
  2. In women with a lot of weight, there are problems in the functioning of the reproductive system and in the hormonal background, when monthly ovulation simply does not occur.

Note! Period strict diet- not the best time to conceive. Your body is weakened and simply not ready for motherhood.

Interestingly, according to church canons, during the period of strict fasting, prohibitions are imposed not only on food, but also on sexual relations between spouses.

Step 3. Medical examination

If it is important for you not only to get pregnant quickly, but also to bear a healthy baby, then you need to undergo a simple medical examination before conception.

  • You need to take blood and urine tests, go through a gynecologist and a therapist;
  • An examination by a gynecologist is especially important if you have previously had problems in the female line, such as erosion or bacterial diseases. The specialist will prescribe the correct and effective treatment for you, and in the near future you will be ready to fulfill your main role - to become a mother;
  • By the way, if you have a history of bending the cervix, do not worry. This does not interfere with how to quickly get pregnant for the first time and what position you choose. Read more about this diagnosis in the article How to get pregnant when the uterus is bent?>>>;
  • If you have been taking hormonal contraceptives for a long time, then, literally immediately after stopping their use, pregnancy may occur;

This is due to the fact that while taking hormonal drugs, your hormonal background and cycle become perfectly clear, and, consequently, the maturation of the egg takes place on well-defined days.

  • Another thing is the uterine spiral. In this case, conception is possible three or more months after its removal;
  • It is worth delaying conception and in case of termination of pregnancy or miscarriage, a period of at least six months.
  1. The state of the uterus and the activity of egg maturation are positively affected by such medicinal plants, like the queen bee and knotweed, as well as sage;
  2. They are taken orally, in the form of a tincture. Note that sage will help with low levels of the hormone estrogen, with other hormonal disorders this remedy is powerless;
  3. Various lotions also contribute to rapid conception. So, you can put tampons richly moistened with honey into the vagina for several days. Such manipulations enhance uterine circulation, have a nourishing and regenerating effect.

Step 5. Simple calculation

There is nothing abstruse in how to get pregnant quickly the first time. And the secret is all in your menstrual cycle.

So, it's time to arm yourself with a calendar with the dates of the beginning of your menstrual cycle and move on to the calculations.

  • Most auspicious time for quick conception - from 10 to 18 days of your cycle, note that the day, not a calendar number;
  • During this period, you ovulate, and if your cycle is 28 days, this is about 13 days of the cycle, if 30 days, then 15.

Note! How to quickly get pregnant after menstruation is two days before ovulation and the day the egg matures. It's left to you, defining your own auspicious days, work well on future offspring.

  • By the way, the time of ovulation can be found out thermally, when body temperature is measured, rectally, while the indicators should be 37 degrees or using a special ovulation test, which can be purchased without a prescription at any pharmacy.

Step 6. Favorable aura

From the stories of your friends, you probably know that pregnancy, as a rule, comes when you don’t expect it at all. And the reason for this is peace.

  1. When partners enjoy intimacy with each other, without focusing on the physiology of conception, then the process itself goes as it should;
  2. Just imagine what the results can be if you only think about how to deliver the spermatozoa to the right address all the time. Tension and nerves in love affairs will obviously be superfluous;
  3. The answer to what to do to get pregnant quickly is simple - go on a joint holiday at sea or in the mountains, away from problems and fuss;
  4. You can use spa treatments, massages, aromatherapy, all of which will help you relax and get maximum pleasure.

Step 7. Kamasutra for expectant mothers

It turns out that even the way you make love to your partner affects the process of conception. It's time for you to find out in which positions to get pregnant faster.

  • In matters of conception, you should not reinvent the wheel, because the traditional missionary position is the best suited for fertilizing the egg;
  • The main thing: at the end of the act, do not jump up immediately, but lie in bed, while raising your legs high in the “birch” position familiar to you from physical education lessons;
  • Note that the penetration style for quick conception should be deep, you can put a pillow under the buttocks to lift the pelvis towards the partner;
  • To get pregnant quickly and, at the same time, conceive a healthy and strong baby, watch the online course I want a baby: the truth about conception that obstetricians do not tell.

I wish you a healthy pregnancy!

Often, young people are looking on the Internet for ways to quickly get pregnant, and begin to experiment based on the information received.

When is the best time to get pregnant?

It is possible to conceive a child on the days of ovulation when in contact with a sexual partner, but not always the right time and high-quality sperm are a reliable way to get pregnant. There are some features.

It is very important to plan a pregnancy, and take this seriously for both partners. The process of carrying and giving birth to a baby is not easy, so it is recommended to consult a specialist and undergo the prescribed diagnostics.

Best time to get pregnant

The desire to have a child is good, but desire alone is not enough. The female body has its own biological rhythms, which are worth listening to.

Fertilization of the egg occurs during the fertile period, namely on days 9–15 of the menstrual cycle.(counted from the first day of menstruation). The most effective - two days before ovulation and the day when it came. In order for a woman to become pregnant faster, you need to accurately calculate the day of ovulation and refrain from sex before fertile days.

The day of ovulation can be determined by measuring basal body temperature rectally (in the rectum).

During ovulation, the temperature rises by 0.3-0.4 degrees. For the most accurate results, it is recommended to take measurements over several cycles.

There are also tests to determine ovulation, or you can use special calendar. By indicating the beginning of menstruation, the duration of the cycle and the duration of menstruation, you can calculate the most suitable time for conception. This method is suitable for women with normal cycles who keep monthly records.

What to do to get pregnant

In order for a woman to become pregnant faster, it is necessary, if possible, to exclude factors that negatively affect the health of both partners.

  • Stress is a significant factor preventing pregnancy. It is important to learn how to relax using appropriate methods (for example, auto-training, massage, aromatherapy, soothing herbs, contacting a psychologist).
  • Bad habits - Smoking, alcohol, caffeine abuse. smoking women are much less likely to become pregnant. In men who are addicted to smoking for a long time, the number and activity of spermatozoa decreases.
  • Poor nutrition - leads to a decrease in vitamins and minerals needed by the body. It is recommended to include greens, vegetables, fruits, cereals, bread, olive oil in the diet. It has been proven that vitamin E in sufficient quantities has a beneficial effect on male and female sexual function. In the absence of ovulation, it is useful for women to include legumes and nuts in their daily diet. Indispensable products are also cottage cheese, full-fat milk, yogurt. Do not lean on sweets, starchy foods, foods with preservatives and other harmful additives.
  • Weight problems- both excess weight and its lack can prevent conception. But this does not only apply to women. Overweight men produce fewer sperm.
  • Abuse medicines - antibiotics, analgesics and antihistamines contain substances that prevent the maturation of the egg.

An unhealthy lifestyle leads to a decrease in reproductive function and prevents you from quickly becoming pregnant.

How many intercourses should be

The frequency of having sex also has its own nuances. Couples who have sex every other day during the ovulatory period have the same high conception rates (22%) as couples who have sex every day (25%). If sexual intercourse occurs once a week, the chances are reduced to 10%, since the moment when a woman can become pregnant faster is missed.

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Does posture matter?

In order for a woman to become pregnant as quickly as possible, the position in sex is not important.

An exception is women who have been diagnosed with a uterine bend, posterior deviation, and other shape features. In this case, a properly chosen position will contribute to better sperm penetration (pose with legs pressed to the stomach, or a position when the partner is behind).

After sexual intercourse, you can raise your hips by placing a small pillow, and lie down like this for about 10 minutes. You can stand more flexible in the “birch” position. In this case, the main part of the sperm will hit the target, and will not leak out. After having sex, it is not recommended to wash yourself immediately so that the number of viable spermatozoa does not decrease.

When to See a Doctor

The ideal option is when a woman wants to have a baby, and after intercourse, pregnancy occurs. But if there is infertility, it will not be possible to quickly solve the health problem and get pregnant.

With infertility, there is no difference how often, for how long, and in what position the couple has sex. You can even read on the Internet about ways supposedly guaranteeing pregnancy, but neither a special diet, nor horoscopes, nor other pseudoscientific rituals can bring the desired result. A woman can easily and quickly become pregnant only when both partners are young and healthy.

Therefore, if a couple leads a healthy lifestyle, monitors ovulation, and pregnancy has not occurred within 6 months, then it's time to contact a specialist and undergo a series of diagnostic tests. Experienced doctors will help determine the cause of fertility decline, and eliminate it.

The first is a gynecologist.

Examination and tests will help to exclude infertility in a woman. The diagnosis includes a blood test for herpes, ureaplasmosis, syphilis and other bacteria and viruses. They also do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and mammary glands, take a smear to determine the microflora of the vagina, examine the urine, determine the ratio of hormones and, if necessary, do a scraping from the cervix.

Lack of pregnancy is not only a female problem. In order not to waste precious time, a man also needs to undergo a series of laboratory and instrumental studies.

Mandatory is a spermogram - a study of the ejaculate, which allows to assess the ability of spermatozoa to fertilize an egg. The cause of male infertility can be a genetic anomaly of the genital organs, the presence of inflammation in the genitourinary system, benign formations, impaired libido, trauma to the genital organs.

The sooner the cause is found and eliminated for both partners, the sooner a woman can become pregnant.

If you have tried everything, but there is no pregnancy

In this case, assisted reproductive technologies make it possible to become happy parents. The most effective method is IVF (in vitro fertilization). It shows good results even in the presence of serious reproductive pathologies.

Standard program IVF includes a set of procedures from ovarian stimulation to the transfer of high-quality embryos into the uterine cavity.

With the help of a laparoscope, an egg ready for fertilization is removed from the follicle and placed in a nutrient medium, where sperm is subsequently injected. The process of fertilization is observed with a microscope, and with a positive result, the fertilized egg is placed in a special incubator - a thermostat. When the egg reaches the desired maturity, the embryo is transferred to the uterine cavity, where it will grow and develop.

The ICSI method is offered to couples with low quality male sperm. This method differs from the standard IVF procedure in that only one viable spermatozoon is selected for fertilization, which is injected with a special needle directly into the egg. That is, conception does not occur with any sperm, but with a certain one, under the control of a reproductologist. The IMSI method involves screening the sperm before entering the egg. In this case, a microscope with 6000x magnification is used in order to take into account the morphology of the spermatozoon and its correct structure. For comparison, the ICSI method uses a microscope with 400x magnification.

The PICSI method differs from the IMSI method in that the embryologist selects only “mature” spermatozoa for fertilization. For selection, their binding index with hyaluronic acid is determined. Those spermatozoa that begin to interact with acid are less susceptible to DNA damage. These are the most mature, correct, in terms of morphology and structure of spermatozoa. They are used for fertilization.

Contraindications for all these methods are the conditions of a woman in which full-fledged gestation and childbirth are impossible, namely:

  • pathology of the uterus;
  • mental illness;
  • oncological diseases;
  • benign tumors in the ovaries and uterus.

If it was possible to cure the above diseases, the IVF procedure is allowed.

Which method is better

When referring to a good reproductologist, such a question will not haunt you. Our specialists will conduct a comprehensive examination of the couple using state-of-the-art equipment. Diagnosis will identify the cause of infertility and develop effective scheme treatment. If necessary, the doctor himself will advise the most suitable method of in vitro fertilization for you. The sooner you turn to specialists, the faster a woman can become pregnant.

The recipe for fulfilling a dream is simple: trust in a doctor, qualifications of a specialist, a little luck and an obligatory faith in success.

Many women, having decided to give birth to a child, are faced with a problem - it turns out that getting pregnant is not so easy, especially when it comes to the age of 38 or 39 years. Sometimes the attempts made for months are in vain. What to do in this case? How to quickly get pregnant at the scheduled time? Are there any methods of approaching the long-awaited moment?

If you can’t get pregnant, the first thing you need to do is visit a doctor and undergo a full examination. The reasons may lie in both partners. For a woman, an obstacle to fertilization is:

  • menstrual irregularities,
  • hormonal problems,
  • inflammatory gynecological diseases,
  • lack of ovulation
  • stress and increased physical activity, etc.

As for men, there is often reduced sperm activity, the consequences of varicocele and other ailments, and an unhealthy lifestyle.

In any case, the advice of doctors, conducting the prescribed course of treatment will help to cope with the existing problems. In most situations, conservative therapy can be dispensed with. For example, with polycystic ovaries, a woman is recommended to take oral contraceptives for a certain period of time, which restore the menstrual cycle, exclude intermenstrual bleeding, and normalize the hormonal background. After hormonal pills, conception occurs very quickly, which is difficult to achieve with an irregular cycle. It also increases the chance of getting pregnant with twins. This effect is observed after Yarina, after Zhanin and other variants of OK.

With erosion and inflammation, you also need to undergo therapy. In the first case, cauterization or freezing is performed, in the latter, a conservative approach.

It is important to pay attention to the regularity and fact of the onset of ovulation. Its presence is the main condition for fertilization. It happens that ovulation does not occur, then artificial stimulation methods are used.

In order to get pregnant faster, you need to keep an ovulation schedule, controlling basal body temperature. When the egg is ripe, ready for fertilization, the latter will be 37 degrees and a little higher. You can use a pharmacy ovulation test.

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