In the church calendar there is a special memorial day - Radonitsa. What to do on Parent's Day at the Cemetery What to do on Parent's Saturday at the Cemetery

Probably, every person has at least one relative or friend who has already been buried. People always pay maximum attention to their loved ones. Even after the death of a person, there is a desire to visit his tomb and take care of his peace. But many do not know how to visit the cemetery correctly. There are days when it is possible, and even necessary, to go to the cemetery. And, on the contrary, when it is better not to visit the dead.

When can you visit the cemetery?

* on the day of the funeral;

*on the 3rd, 9th and 40th day after death;

*every year on the day of the death of a person;

*on memorial days - Monday and Tuesday of the week following Paschal;

*Meat-fare Saturday preceding the week of Great Lent;

*2nd, 3rd and 4th Saturdays of Great Lent;

* Trinity Saturday - the day before the feast of the Holy Trinity;

*Dmitrov Saturday is the first Saturday in November.

When not to go to the cemetery:

* Orthodoxy does not welcome visiting the graves of relatives on such Christian holidays as Easter, the Annunciation and Christmas;

*The Trinity is not celebrated at the cemetery either. On Trinity they go to church;

* it is believed that you do not need to go to the churchyard after sunset;

*Women are not advised to visit the place of the dead during pregnancy or menstruation. But this is a personal choice of each of the fair sex.

Some sources report that it would be wrong to go to the tomb on the birthday of the deceased. You can just remember him with a kind word, in the circle of the family and loved ones of the deceased.

There are also some superstitions and rules of behavior on the churchyard.

How to behave in a cemetery:

If you have planned a trip to the cemetery, do not wear bright colors. Black or white would be best. You can also pick up things from your wardrobe in muted tones. Legs must be covered: wear pants or a long skirt. Shoes must also be closed. It is desirable to cover the head with a headdress or throw on a scarf.

When they go to the cemetery, they behave calmly, without unnecessary emotions. Avoid laughing or crying out loud. Do not swear.

Don't spit or litter. And if you want out of need, find a suitable place for this outside the cemetery.

Upon arrival at the grave, a positive action will be to light a candle, to remember the deceased.

Do not drink or eat near the tombstone. Have a funeral dinner at home.

Do not step on the graves and do not jump over them.

You don’t need to touch other people’s graves, put things in order there, unless the relatives of the person buried there asked you to do so.

In the case when you dropped something on the dead earth, it is better not to pick up this thing. If the fallen item is very important to you, pick it up and put something in return (candy, cookies, flowers).

Leaving the cemetery, do not turn around, and, moreover, do not return.

When you get home, wash your hands thoroughly (and it’s better to do it at the cemetery), be sure to wash off the cemetery soil from your shoes, and wash the tool that was used to clean the grave.

When to visit the cemetery, each person determines for himself. Of course, going to such places almost every day is not recommended. But don't forget about your loved ones either. Do as your heart tells you.

In a situation where you live far from the graves of your relatives or simply do not have the opportunity to visit them, but there is a desire to pay attention and remember, go to church and light a candle for the repose.

You need to know that such candles are not placed on the days of Holy Week and the days of Bright Week.

Also in the temple there is an opportunity to order a memorial service (prayer for the dead) or lithium (intensified prayer) from the priest. You can also pray yourself: read the Psalter or the rite of lithium performed by a layman.

Under any circumstances, remember your dead loved ones, and when you come to their graves, behave appropriately, because a cemetery is a sacred land, a resting place for the dead.


In the first seven days after the death of a person, do not take out of the houseno things.

On the 9th day after death, relatives go to the temple, order a memorial service, and lay a second memorial table at home.The family of the deceased did not sit at the first memorial table.

Now, on the contrary: a family and nine more people sat down at the table (three who washed the deceased, three who made a coffin, three who dug a hole).

In modern conditions, the number of invitees may vary, because there are various government services that provide the necessary funeral services: the deceased is dressed in the mortuary, the coffin can be bought at a ritual supplies store, the grave can also be prepared in advance. Therefore, there may be 3 - 6 - 9 invitees, or there may be no one.

On the 40th day after the death of a person, they arrange a third memorial table - “sarakavitsy”, at which the family of the deceased, relatives, relatives, friends, and work colleagues are present. The church orders Sorokoust - forty liturgies.

From the day of the funeral until the 40th day, remembering the name of the deceased, we must pronounce the verbal formula-amulet for ourselves and all the living. At the same time, the same words are a symbolic wish for the deceased: "Earth rest in peace", thereby expressing wishes that his soul would be in paradise.

After the 40th day and over the next three years we will say a different formula-wish: "The kingdom of heaven to him." Thus, we wish the deceased an afterlife in paradise. These words should be addressed to any deceased, regardless of the circumstances of his life and death. At the same time, they are guided by the biblical commandment "Judge not, lest you be judged."

During the year following the death of a person, none of the family members has the moral right to take part in any festive celebration.

None of the members of the family of the deceased (including the second degree of relationship) could marry or marry during the period of mourning,

If a relative of the 1st or 2nd degree of kinship has died in the family and a year has not yet passed after his death, then such a family does not have the right to paint eggs red for Easter (they must be white or any other color - blue, black, green) and, accordingly, take part in the celebrations of Easter night.

After the death of the husband, the wife is forbidden for a year to wash anything on the day of the week on which the trouble happened.

For a year after death, everything in the house where the deceased lived remains in a state of rest or permanence: repairs cannot be made, furniture rearranged, nothing is given away or sold from the things of the deceased until the soul of the deceased reaches eternal rest.

During this year and all subsequent years, you can go to the cemetery only on Saturdays (except for 9, 40 days after death and church holidays of honoring ancestors, such as Radunitsa or Autumn Grandfathers). These are the days of commemoration of the dead recognized by the church. Try to convince your relatives that you should not constantly come to the grave to the deceased, thereby harming their health.

Whichever way you come to the cemetery, come back the same way.

Visit the cemetery before 12 noon.

Days of special commemoration of the departed throughout the year:

Meatless Saturday- Saturday in the ninth week before Easter;

- Saturday in the second week of Great Lent;

Universal Parent Saturday- Saturday in the third week of Great Lent;

Universal Parent Saturday- Saturday in the fourth week of Great Lent;

Radunitsa- Tuesday in the second week after Easter;

Trinity Saturday- Saturday in the seventh week after Easter;

Dmitrievskaya Saturday- Saturday in the third week after the Intercession (14.10).

Exactly one year later after death, the family of the deceased celebrates a memorial meal (“please”) - the 4th, final memorial family and birth table. It must be remembered that the living cannot be congratulated on their birthday in advance, and the final memorial table should be arranged either exactly one year later, or 1-3 days earlier.

On this day, you need to go to the temple and order a memorial service for the deceased, go to the cemetery - visit the grave.

As soon as the last memorial meal is over, the family is again included in the traditional scheme of festive regulations of the folk calendar, becomes a full member of the community, has the right to take part in any tribal celebrations, including weddings.

A monument on the grave can be erected only after a year after the death of a person. Moreover, it is necessary to remember the golden rule of folk culture: "Do not graze the land with pasture Pakravou and Radaunshchy." This means that if the year of the deceased fell at the end of October, i.e. after the Intercession (and for the entire subsequent period up to Radunitsa), then the monument can only be erected in the spring, after Radunitsa.

After the installation of the monument, the cross (usually wooden) is placed next to the grave for another year, and then thrown away. It can also be buried under a flower garden or under a gravestone.

get married (get married) after the death of one of the spouses,in a year. If a woman married a second time, then the new husband became the full owner-owner only after seven years.

If the spouses were married, then after the death of the husband, his wife took his ring, and if she no longer remarried, then both wedding rings were placed in her coffin.

If the husband buried his wife, then her wedding ring remained with him, and after his death, both rings were placed in his coffin, so that when they met in the Kingdom of Heaven, they would say: “I brought our rings with which the Lord God crowned us.

For three years celebrate the birthday of the deceased and the day of his death. After this period, only the day of death and all annual church holidays of commemoration of ancestors are celebrated.

Not all of us know how to pray, much less know prayers for the dead. Learn a few prayers that may help you find peace in your soul after an irreparable loss.

November 3 is the last day of commemoration of the dead this year. Parishioners pray for the repose of the souls of deceased relatives and friends, visit their graves in cemeteries.

Memorial Saturdays are very important days, since a person whose earthly path has already ended cannot beg for the forgiveness of his sins and correct the mistakes made during his lifetime. However, it is quite capable of being alive. Parental Saturdays exist so that we do not forget about the dead, honor their memory and, most importantly, ask the Lord for mercy for relatives and close people who have gone to another world, thereby facilitating their afterlife.

Many Christians pray every day for the repose of the dead, but especially important days of remembrance, according to the traditions of the Orthodox Church, come five times a year. All parental Saturdays for Orthodox Christians are especially important days when it is necessary to commemorate the dead and pray for the granting of the Kingdom of Heaven to all deceased relatives and friends. First of all, we are talking about parents, which is reflected in the title.

Dmitrievskaya parental Saturday is a transitional holiday. It is not tied to a specific date, but to the Saturday before the day of memory of Demetrius of Thessalonica - the great martyr, whose life, miracles and deeds are remembered on November 8 (October 26, old style). On the weekends on the eve of the holiday, a Divine Liturgy for the dead is served and requiems are read.

Traditions of Dmitrievskaya parental Saturday November 3, 2018

November 3 (the eve of the day of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica) is another day of commemoration of deceased relatives. Special memorial services are held in temples. People pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, ask God to forgive their sinful deeds and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.

Many historians associate the appearance of this Saturday with the Battle of Kulikovo. Dmitry Donskoy, after the victory, suggested that Orthodox dignitaries establish a day of commemoration of their souls in honor of the soldiers who fell in battle. The clergy agreed, naming Saturday in honor of Prince Dmitry.

Those who cannot visit the temple to pray for the departed can do so at home. On this day, it is customary to give alms, therefore, when going to the temple, do not forget to take treats with you, which must be distributed to the poor after the service.

After the memorial service, Orthodox believers can go to the cemetery and clean up the graves of relatives. In this case, you need to take treats that are left on the grave with you.

Dmitrievskaya parental Saturday in 2018, what to do

In folk traditions, on November 3, they say goodbye to autumn and meet winter. On the day of commemoration of the dead, they cleaned the houses, put the plots in order in order to start sowing work as early as possible in the spring. After attending the service in former times and now, believers arrange memorial dinners, where, according to tradition, they also set the table for departed relatives, believing that their souls descend from Heaven to look after the living. Previously, before Dmitrievskaya Saturday, they always visited baths, and after washing they left brooms, believing that the souls of the dead would also want to wash.

On Dmitriev Saturday, many go to cemeteries to clean up the graves, leave a memorial and light candles taken in temples or churches. On the churchyards they read prayers for the dead and ask them for help and support.

You can pray for the dead not only during parental Saturdays, but also on ordinary days. The clergy note that regular prayers offered to the Higher powers provide great support to the souls of the dead and help them get to Heaven. Sincere prayers coming from the heart will surely be heard.

Meal rules for Dmitrievskaya parental Saturday

When arranging a memorial meal, it is necessary to adhere to important rules. First of all, try to serve dishes that the deceased liked during his lifetime. In ancient times, there was a tradition to put additional cutlery on the table and fill the plate with treats.

It was believed that in this way it was possible to show the deceased that they still love him and keep a memory of him. During the funeral dinner, it is forbidden to abuse alcohol, otherwise you can anger the souls of the departed. It is better to serve soft drinks or Cahors on the table.

Prayer for the dead

Give rest, Lord, to the souls of your departed servants: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names) and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, free and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.

It is more convenient to read the names from the commemorative book - a small book where the names of living and deceased relatives are recorded. There is a pious custom to keep family commemorations, reading which both in home prayer and during church services, Orthodox people commemorate many generations of their deceased ancestors by name.

Church commemoration on parental Saturday

To commemorate your deceased relatives in church, you need to come to the temple for worship on the evening of Friday on the eve of parental Saturday. At this time, a great memorial service, or parastas, is performed. All troparia, stichera, hymns and parastas readings are dedicated to prayer for the dead. On the morning of the memorial Saturday itself, a Divine Liturgy for the dead is performed, after which a common memorial service is served.

For church commemoration for the parastas, and then separately for the liturgy, parishioners prepare notes with the remembrance of the departed. In the note, the names of those commemorated in the genitive case are written in large legible handwriting (answer the question “who?”), with the clergy and monastics being the first to be mentioned, indicating the rank and degree of monasticism (for example, Metropolitan John, Sheikhumen Savva, Archpriest Alexander, nun Rachel, Andrei, Nina). All names must be given in church spelling (for example, Tatiana, Alexy) and in full (Michael, Lyubov, not Misha, Lyuba).

In addition, it is customary to bring food to the temple as a donation. As a rule, bread, sweets, fruits, vegetables, etc. are placed on the canon. You can bring flour for prosphora, Cahors for liturgy, candles and oil for lamps. It is not allowed to bring meat products or spirits.

Parental Saturday is a holiday on which you can and should visit the cemetery to look after the grave of the deceased. But, of course, there is more than one such day in the year: let's figure out which days in 2018 all ten Parental Saturdays fall on.

Parental Saturdays in 2018. Orthodox calendar

  • 10.02. the so-called Ecumenical (aka Meat-Pass) Parental Saturday, the first in 2018. Pancakes are baked on this day, since Shrovetide falls close to this Saturday this year, and one must be carried to the grave of the deceased.
  • 03.03, 10.03, 17.03. These days you can commemorate your own relatives, although the church prefers to designate these three parent Saturdays as days of commemoration of people who led an ascetic lifestyle.
  • 17.04. The main memorial Saturday of the year, Radonitsa, she is Radunitsa. It is also called parental Saturday.
  • 9.05. Again, all family members are remembered, but special respect is shown, as befits the date, to people who died during hostilities (mainly in World War II).
  • 24.05. On Semik (as this Saturday is called) suicides and children who died unbaptized are commemorated. 26.05. Trinity Saturday, which is called so on the feast of the Trinity, celebrated after this Parental Saturday.
  • 11.09. This day is dedicated to the memory of John the Baptist, who died for the faith; on this day, everyone who died in this way is commemorated, as well as just Orthodox who died in hostilities.
  • 3.11. Demetrius Saturday is a day to commemorate the soldiers who died in the Battle of Kulikovo. You are also allowed to commemorate your own relatives.

What should be done at the cemetery on Parents' Saturday?

First of all, you need to focus on the time of year. All Parental Saturdays fall at a time when there is already or still no snow (of course, if everything is in order with the weather this season), so you won’t have to break through the snow cover and remove it from the site.

  • In the spring, you need to remove the old withered weeds and fresh flowers, as well as artificial flowers - most likely, they have acquired a very unsightly appearance during the winter. The monument can be washed with a mild soap solution.
  • In summer, you can simply sweep on the site - usually during this period there is still not much garbage accumulated here.
  • In the fall, you will have to pour out the water from the vases, if any, otherwise the liquid will simply destroy them. It is necessary to sweep the area and, if possible, remove debris, leaves and needles of coniferous trees, if they got on the grave. The monument can be covered for the winter - for example, with agril or strong cellophane film.

A week after the celebration of the great Easter, we commemorate the dead. Radonitsa or Parent's Day is a holiday of commemoration of the dead. This is the main day of the year, when all Orthodox people visit cemeteries, the graves of their relatives and friends who have gone to another world. Parents' Day is a day of remembrance and joy for our departed loved ones who have gone to eternal life. It is necessary to carefully prepare for this day, Radonitsa in 2018 is celebrated on April 15-16.

When is the memorial day of parents celebrated in Moldova

In general, there are eight parental days in the church calendar for visiting the graves of the dead. Seven of them fall on Saturday, only Radonitsa is celebrated on the ninth day after Easter - on Tuesday. In Moldova, Parents' Day is officially Sunday and Monday on April 15-16. In many villages, believers visit cemeteries on Tuesday.

Radonitsa is the first parental day of the year, every believer should know the dates of all parental days in order to commemorate the dead on these days, order a service in the church, and clean up at the grave.

What to do on parent's day

Out of ignorance, many people visit the cemetery on Holy Easter Sunday. It is absolutely impossible to do this, only on the ninth day after Easter you can come to the cemetery.

People bring food and alcohol, drink, talk loudly, arrange noisy gatherings. The Church forbids such commemoration of the dead. The grave is the tomb of the deceased, you must behave quietly, modestly.

Read a prayer or Akathist for the repose of the dead, light a candle, invite a priest. If you have brought any gifts, give them to poor needy people. It is not necessary to leave food or a glass of vodka with bread on the grave, these are pagan traditions alien to Orthodox Christians.

Radonitsa in 2018. Traditions and signs.

Radonitsa is the most important memorial day of the year. This memorial day does not have an annual specific date, since the celebration of Radonitsa takes place on the ninth day from the celebration of Easter. Radonitsa in 2018 falls on April 17th. On this day, all believing Christians visit cemeteries, where special funeral services are held at the graves of the dead.

After visiting the cemetery, a festive memorial meal is allowed, where believers commemorate and rejoice for the souls of relatives and friends who are in the bosom of the Lord.

Visiting a cemetery for a memorial parent's day

In many Moldovan villages, people lay huge tables in the cemetery, one might say right on the grave. They bring cabbage rolls, meat, eggs and alcohol. Many are so carried away: here they commemorated with a glass of wine, there they also commemorated, by the end of the day they can fall asleep on the grave. Eating and drinking a lot of alcohol at the grave, leaving food on the grave are pagan traditions.

The grave is the place where the body of the deceased rests, so you need to behave with respect.

Restrictions on the entry of cars in cemeteries on memorial parental days

At the Chisinau cemeteries "", "" and "" on Parental Saturday, entry by car into the territory of the cemetery is prohibited. As well as the administration of some cemeteries, closes the entrance 2 days before the Parents' funeral. These bans are put in place to prevent congestion on the narrow cemetery roads, which are crowded with visitors these days.

In other cities of Moldova, such as Balti, Cahul, Ungheni, Soroca, Orhei, Edinet, there are no restrictions on entry before memorial days. But directly on April 15 and 16, from early morning, the entrance will already be blocked by traffic police.

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