Smoking and coke. Smoking and birth control pills: is it worth it to combine? It turns out that the only contraceptive for women who smoke is a condom.

Pregnancy planning is a very personal matter. Of course, the birth of a child is a great joy, a miracle, but everyone prepares for this important event individually.

Many seek to get an education first, find a good job, and only then have children. Such an approach is not unfounded. The modern pace of life does not allow you to relax.

One way or another, the decision must be balanced, conscious. After all, a child is not only happiness, but also a huge responsibility.

There are a huge number of methods of protection from an undesirable situation. The most common means are birth control pills. Of course, they are not a 100% panacea, there is a huge amount of evidence for this.

It should be noted that not a single remedy, except for abstinence, as well as surgery on the fallopian tubes, gives a firm guarantee that pregnancy will not occur. Contraceptive drugs are often prescribed for violation of the production of female sex hormones. This condition negatively affects not only appearance, but also well-being, leading to serious illnesses.

Pharmacies sell a huge variety of hormonal substances, which are widely advertised due to their effectiveness and safety. However, not all so simple.

Hormonal drugs can have a very powerful effect on the body. If misused, they can have severe consequences. They are appointed only by a specialist after preliminary laboratory tests, which include mandatory blood sampling for hormone levels, ultrasound examination of internal organs.

Otherwise, drugs can cause irreparable harm to health by disrupting the hormonal balance. It must be remembered that contraceptives have their own contraindications. They can also lead to undesirable consequences.

So, for example, lovers of smoking one or two cigarettes a day can face a serious choice. After all, one of the contraindications to taking contraceptives is smoking. Why can't you smoke while taking birth control pills?

Properties of oral contraceptives

Due to its composition, drugs effectively protect against unwanted pregnancy, normalize hormonal levels, and fight infectious agents.

There are the following groups of drugs:

  • Hormonal
  • Gestagennye (on the basis of a gestagen);
  • Combined (based on progestogen, estrogen. Estrogen can be represented as ethinyl estradiol, estradiol valerate, estradiol hemihydrate. The amount of the hormone varies from 20 to 50 mcg);
  • Non-hormonal
  • Fast acting drugs

Progestin contraceptives are less effective than combined ones. They are more often prescribed to young girls or women over 40 years old. These include such means as: Lactinet, Norgestrel, Exluton, etc.

Non-hormonal agents prevent the penetration of infections, do not affect the hormonal background, and have a weak protective effect. They are prescribed in the presence of contraindications to hormones. These include: Patentex Oval, Pharmatex, Concepttrol, Benatex, etc.

Drugs used in emergency situations, such as accidental sexual contact or skipping regular medications. They are effective for the first 72 hours. The most common, for example: Postinor, Escapel, Ginepreston, etc.

Combined contraceptives deserve the most attention, since in practice they are most often used due to their effectiveness and positive effects on the body. Such drugs include, for example: Diane-35, Regulon, Novinet, etc.

However, it should be noted that in addition to the benefits, these drugs have an adverse effect on the circulatory system of the body, making the blood thicker. As a consequence, the movement of blood through the vessels slows down, leading to negative complications.

It is important to remember that any medicine has contraindications and can cause severe complications. This is especially true of hormones, as they are potent elements.

The choice of one or another remedy may depend on many factors, including age, comorbidities, life situation. Therefore, expert advice is essential. You cannot self-medicate.

Why you can't smoke

Everyone knows that smoking is injurious to health. Nicotine addiction appears due to the penetration of a poisonous substance into all cellular structures of the body. Nicotine is able to easily dissolve in the bloodstream. With the blood flow, it enters the central and peripheral nervous systems.

In this case, there is an intense impact on the emotional sphere, mental activity, as well as on the work of internal organs. The earlier a person starts smoking, the stronger the addiction and the greater the harm to health.

Signs of nicotine poisoning are vasoconstriction, which occurs due to an increase in adrenaline, as well as norepinephrine. Difficulty breathing, the appearance of shortness of breath occurs due to oxygen starvation of tissues, the appearance of problems with the heart.

Characterized by an increase in heart rate, the appearance of sweating, shaking hands. Appearance changes are not for the better, the skin ages prematurely. But most importantly, due to an increase in fibrinogen, blood density increases, which leads to a slowdown in blood flow.

The hormone estrogen has the same effect. Therefore, the negative impact is doubled. After 35 years, this combination is dangerous not only for health, but also for life, especially if there are concomitant diseases of the circulatory system.

It should be remembered that passive smoking is just as dangerous as active smoking. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid public places specially designated for smoking, as well as to avoid people who smoke.

Consequences of combining contraceptives with smoking

If you continue to smoke nicotine cigarettes while taking drugs containing the hormone estrogen, this can lead to serious problems with the circulatory system, namely, the formation of blood clots that will interfere with the flow of oxygen, and with it nutrients to the body.

For example:

  • In case of violation of the blood circulation of the brain, the condition is fraught with the formation of a stroke;
  • When the blood circulation of the heart is disturbed, a heart attack often occurs;
  • Stagnation of blood in the veins provokes venous expansion;
  • The risk of tumors of the uterus or breast due to cell mutation increases significantly.

Now there is a huge number of various means of contraception, the choice of which, of course, should be approached with extreme caution, having studied contraindications and side effects. But, the best alternative would be to quit smoking.

However, for smokers with "experience" this can be very difficult to do. This is due not only to emotional dependence, a person begins to feel much worse.

There is a kind of nicotine “breaking”, which is not possible for an unprepared body to cope with. In this situation, drugs without hormones can be considered, but they will be less effective.

In addition, it should be noted that smoking, one way or another, is poorly combined with any medicinal substance. Electronic cigarettes without nicotine that have come into fashion not so long ago could be a solution to a difficult problem.

However, here the question remains open. The fact is that the composition of such cigarettes may not correspond to the declared one. And even if there is no nicotine, the effect of aromatic and other substances on the body has not been fully studied.

The choice is rather difficult. Therefore, it is not recommended to rely only on your own preferences, it is better to find a solution together with your doctor.

Many women at some point in their lives decide to protect themselves from unplanned pregnancies by using oral contraceptives. The drugs of this group have proven their effectiveness and ease of use. However, taking birth control pills along with smoking causes serious harm to health.

It is known that contraceptives contain hormones. Preparations for this purpose are divided into two groups: combined and progestin. The combined ones contain estrogens and gestagens. The dosage of hormones, determined by the amount of ethinyl estradiol, is different. Allocate:

  • high-dose (50 mcg);
  • medium-dose (35-40 mcg);
  • low-dose (30 mcg);
  • microdosed (20 mcg);
  • progestin tablets are single-component and contain only gestagens.

The latest generation of contraceptives are considered safer due to the low dosage of estrogen. But still, this hormone slightly increases blood clotting. However, it is not necessary to say that taking such drugs will definitely lead to the formation of blood clots.

Nevertheless, a gynecologist, choosing contraceptives for a woman, will try to find out about her health problems and whether she smokes.

Interaction of OC components with tobacco smoke

Nicotine, entering the body with cigarette smoke, affects the circulatory system in the same way as estrogen. At the same time, its intensity is higher than that of the hormone. That is why doctors unanimously warn women against the combined use of estrogen-containing pills and smoking.

It turns out that when taking birth control pills and smoking, a dangerous tandem is created. Estrogen increases clotting, and nicotine enhances the action of estrogen, similarly affecting the blood.

Non-compliance with the recommendations for the use of hormonal drugs leads to the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. The level of cholesterol in the blood rises. Cholesterol plaques settle on the walls of blood vessels, narrowing their lumen. As a result, the blood flow is disturbed, oxygen enters the organs in insufficient quantities. The heart is under heavy stress. This is especially true for women who smoke, whose age is 35 years or more.

The consequence of smoking and concomitant use of OK may be an increase in the activity of the papillomavirus. It has been scientifically proven that papillomavirus can lead to oncology of the female genital organs.

The reaction of the body to the combination of cigarettes with oral contraceptives

Both young girls and mature women 40 years old resort to contraception. Modern combined OK are well tolerated and do not cause inconvenience in everyday life. However, they do have side effects. To what extent they manifest themselves depends largely on the woman herself.

Observations have shown that smoking and birth control pills taken at the same time lead to headaches, heaviness in the legs, discomfort in the mammary glands, and pain in the lower abdomen. The occurrence of these symptoms is a direct signal to see a doctor.

Some girls who have a bad habit noted that the veins in their legs become more noticeable. There were complaints of nausea, fainting. This once again indicates the incompatibility of smoking with the use of combined contraceptives.

According to studies, the process of thrombosis depends not only on the woman's age, but also on the number of cigarettes smoked per day. If up to 10 cigarettes a day are smoked while taking hormonal pills, then the risk of getting problems with the heart and blood vessels is doubled compared to women without nicotine addiction. 15 cigarettes triples the risk. Taking drugs with estrogen becomes especially dangerous for smokers aged forty years or more.

Diseases that develop when smoking and taking OK

Against the background of combining contraceptives and smoking, the risk of developing many diseases increases. Moreover, even passive tobacco consumption has a negative effect.

Studies have confirmed that a person who took contraceptives and continued to smoke increased the risk of developing the following pathologies by 8 times:

  • embolism;
  • stroke;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • heart attack;
  • thrombosis;
  • vascular diseases.

The risk group included women over thirty years of age. In addition, information has appeared about the possible development of type 2 diabetes mellitus and oncology, especially hormone-dependent ones.

Estrogen and progesterone have been classified as carcinogens since the early 1980s. Statements that hormonal preparations based on these components can lead to the growth of malignant tumors have been officially confirmed by scientists from the University of Southern California. In 1993, researchers described in detail the relationship between the development of breast cancer and the use of combined drugs for the purpose of menopausal hormone therapy.

At the same time, the risk of developing ovarian and endometrial cancer was reduced. However, when using a lower dosage of the same hormones, the opposite trend was observed. It has been noted that women over 40 years of age are most at risk. Smoking only exacerbates the possible consequences.

It is also important that a smoking woman, taking combined OK, ages herself much faster.

Choice of contraceptives

Despite the fact that contraceptive drugs are available without a prescription, you should not choose them yourself. It is better to consult a doctor and take the necessary tests. Only after the examination, you can proceed to the choice of tablets.

It happens that hormonal drugs are prescribed for the treatment of gynecological pathologies. For example, such drugs include Visanne. It is prescribed for endometriosis, the period of use is long - from 3 months to a year. At the same time, Visanne and smoking are incompatible.

The category of estrogen-containing drugs also includes Dimia, Diane-35, Janine, Lindinet, Regulon, Yarina, Jess. Their reception, of course, is not desirable when smoking. It is better in this case to prefer progestin tablets. However, if a replacement is not possible, you should think about quitting smoking.

Prolonged and uncontrolled intake of OK can lead to hormonal imbalance and the loss of the opportunity to conceive a child in the future.

How to protect yourself while taking combined contraceptives

If it is difficult to quit smoking, but such a need arose in connection with the use of OK, you can use auxiliary means that suppress the craving for smoking. The range of modern pharmacological products is diverse. Many of them have proven themselves in practice. Everyone can find a convenient form of release for themselves.


Such drugs are dispensed without a doctor's prescription. They contain medical nicotine. Regular use of dragees reduces withdrawal symptoms without harming the body. The active substance of an alkaloid nature in safe doses enters the bloodstream, as a result of which the feeling of discomfort disappears.

Former smokers note their convenience due to their compact size, optimal speed of action (4-6 minutes). Women say that lollipops are good for hunger. For women, the problem of weight gain when quitting smoking is always relevant. The greatest popularity in the countries of the post-Soviet space was acquired by the lollipops Nicotinet and Nicomel.

Chewing gums

Regular gum or nicotine gum can be used. In the process of chewing, nicotine from them enters the oral cavity and is absorbed through the mucous membrane and saliva. They also help to fight the desire to take up a cigarette and relieve the symptoms of smoking cessation. The dose of nicotine may vary. Gum "Nicorette" has proven itself well.


Medicines in tablet form of release can be divided conditionally into three types:

The tablets of the first group act by analogy with lozenges and chewing gums. Antidepressants affect the parts of the brain responsible for smoking addiction. And the third group of drugs allows you to form an aversion to smoking by binding to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the brain.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine knows a lot of recipes to help get rid of nicotine addiction. Most often, they are based on the use of decoctions of medicinal herbs, which can be found in any pharmacy.

Oats (grass or seeds) are also widely used. You can rinse your mouth with a solution of baking soda. Many noted the positive effect of the method, which involves rinsing the mouth with cow's milk before each act of smoking. After a week, the dependence is significantly weakened.

Perhaps the best thing about folk recipes that they are available and harmless.

If a woman does not give up smoking and simultaneously takes estrogen-containing contraceptives, then she should carefully listen to the reactions of her body. You can and should protect yourself from severe side effects. But the best solution, of course, would be a complete cessation of smoking.

Very often on the forums, women are interested in whether birth control pills are compatible with smoking? We will deal with this important issue together with Evgeny Konkova, our consultant on hormonal contraception. It's no secret that smoking is unhealthy in and of itself. And in combination with taking estrogen-containing * birth control pills, the harmful effects of nicotine increase several times.

    * Estrogen-containing pills are combined birth control pills that contain the hormone estrogen. It is also contained in the Evra hormonal patch and in the Novaring vaginal ring.

The effect of smoking on the body:

  1. blood pressure rises
  2. increases the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle
  3. transient vasospasm occurs

Side effects of estrogen-containing birth control pills

  1. increased blood clotting
  2. the movement of blood through the vessels and veins is hindered

The biggest trouble for those who like to smoke a cigarette is that this addiction leads to the formation of blood clots. And thrombosis is the cause of atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and stroke. That is why WHO does not recommend that women who smoke (especially if they are over 35 years of age) use estrogen-containing hormonal preparations.

Factors that provoke the formation of blood clots:

  • smoking;
  • overweight (obesity);
  • arterial hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • diabetes;
  • valvular heart disease;
  • prolonged immobilization;
  • major surgery or extensive trauma,
  • forced standing or sedentary work (hairdressers, salesmen, drivers, office workers);
  • hereditary predisposition to thrombosis (thrombosis, myocardial infarction or cerebrovascular accident at a young age in one of the next of kin);
  • dyslipoproteinemia;
  • dyslipidemia.

Therefore, if you are over 35 years of age and you fall under at least one item on this list, then you need to choose a contraceptive that does not contain estrogen.

Contraceptives for women who smoke

A smoking woman should understand that even the smallest dose of estrogen contained in the drug increases blood clotting. In no case do not listen to the advice of "well-wishers" that modern microdose birth control pills can be taken without risk to health.

If the contraceptive pill contains ethinyl estradiol, estradiol valerate or estradiol hemihydrate, then this drug is contraindicated for you. It is also impossible to use the Evra hormonal patch and the Novaring vaginal ring as contraception.

These drugs also reliably protect against unwanted pregnancy, but they have an unpleasant drawback. Purely gestagenic preparations, unlike combined ones, control the menstrual cycle worse and intermenstrual bleeding may occur when they are taken. This bleeding is not harmful to health, but it can cause some discomfort. Therefore, you need to prioritize: either endure intermenstrual bleeding, or quit smoking and switch to more convenient combined birth control pills.

There are other methods of hormonal contraception for women who smoke - this is a hormonal spiral, which is installed in the uterine cavity for a period of 5 years. Or a hormonal implant. It is injected under the skin and provides reliable contraception for up to 3 years.

With an irregular sexual life, you can use non-hormonal contraceptives: birth control candles or creams, a regular intrauterine device or a condom.

    See article

Additional Information

On our forum, the question is often asked, is it possible to use combined estrogen birth control pills if a woman is under 35 years old and does not smoke very much. In such a situation, it is possible, but before starting use, it is advisable to take a blood test for hereditary thrombophilia. This analysis must be taken by those who have had problems with pregnancy, have APS syndrome, have a history of thrombosis; if one of the close relatives had a death at a young age from a stroke, heart attack.

In the process of taking birth control pills, a woman who smokes should take an annual test to check blood clotting (coagulogram). To prevent an increase in blood clotting, drink enough fluids (1.5 - 2 liters per day), especially in the heat. More physical activity, less fatty, fried and sweet. To thin the blood, you can use onions, garlic, cherries, cranberries, blueberries and ginger. On the recommendation of a doctor, special drugs that thin the blood can be prescribed.

And the best way to avoid harmful effects on the circulatory system and other organs is to stop smoking, using, for example, the effective technique of Allen Carr "

Site of gynecologist-endocrinologist Dr. Sikirina, dedicated to the main issues of life and health of a modern woman.
Contraceptive pills and smoking
Birth control pills and smoking.

Women who smoke can take birth control pills without estrogen (so-called progestin birth control pills or "mini-pill"). These include: Lactinet, Charozetta, Exluton and Microlut.
These drugs also reliably protect against unwanted pregnancy, but they have an unpleasant drawback. Purely gestagenic preparations, unlike combined ones, control the menstrual cycle worse and intermenstrual bleeding may occur when they are taken.

And the best way to avoid harmful effects on the circulatory system and other organs is to stop smoking, using, for example, Allen Carr's effective technique "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking."
Forum: Contraceptive pills and smoking.
New on the forum.

Very often on the forums, women are interested in whether birth control pills are compatible with smoking? We will deal with this important issue together with Evgeny Konkova, our consultant on hormonal contraception. It's no secret that smoking is unhealthy in and of itself. And in combination with taking estrogen-containing * birth control pills, the harmful effects of nicotine increase several times.
* Estrogen-containing - these are combined contraceptives, which include the hormone estrogen.

Factors that provoke the formation of blood clots:
smoking; overweight (obesity); arterial hypertension (high blood pressure); diabetes; valvular heart disease; prolonged immobilization; serious surgical interventions or extensive trauma, forced standing or sedentary work (hairdressers, sellers, drivers, office workers); hereditary predisposition to thrombosis (thrombosis, myocardial infarction or cerebrovascular accident at a young age in one of the next of kin); dyslipoproteinemia; dyslipidemia.
Therefore, if you are over 35 years of age and you fall under at least one item on this list, then you need to choose a contraceptive that does not contain estrogen.
Contraceptives for women who smoke.
A smoking woman should understand that even the smallest dose of estrogen contained in the drug increases blood clotting. In no case do not listen to the advice of "well-wishers" that modern microdose birth control pills can be taken without risk to health.

To prevent an increase in blood clotting, drink enough fluids (1.5 - 2 liters per day), especially in the heat. More physical activity, less fatty, fried and sweet.

It is also contained in the Evra hormonal patch and in the Novaring vaginal ring.
The effect of smoking on the body: blood pressure rises, the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle increases, a short-term vasospasm occurs, blood coagulability increases, the movement of blood through the vessels and veins becomes more difficult.
Side effects of estrogen-containing birth control pills.

Increased blood clotting, the movement of blood through the vessels and veins is difficult.
The biggest trouble for those who like to smoke a cigarette is that this addiction leads to the formation of blood clots. And thrombosis is the cause of atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and stroke. That is why WHO does not recommend that women who smoke (especially if they are over 35 years of age) use estrogen-containing hormonal preparations.

If the contraceptive pill contains ethinyl estradiol, estradiol valerate or estradiol hemihydrate, then this drug is contraindicated for you. It is also impossible to use the Evra hormonal patch and the Novaring vaginal ring as contraception.

This bleeding is not harmful to health, but it can cause some discomfort. Therefore, you need to prioritize: either endure intermenstrual bleeding, or quit smoking and switch to more convenient combined birth control pills.
There are other methods of hormonal contraception for women who smoke - this is the Mirena hormonal coil, which is installed in the uterine cavity for a period of 5 years. Or the hormonal implant Implanon.

To thin the blood, you can use onions, garlic, cherries, cranberries, blueberries and ginger. On the recommendation of a doctor, special drugs that thin the blood can be prescribed.

It is injected under the skin and provides reliable contraception for up to 3 years.
With an irregular sexual life, you can use non-hormonal contraceptives: birth control candles or creams, a regular intrauterine device or a condom.
Additional Information.

2000–2017 Sikirina Olga Iosifovna (gynecologist-endocrinologist, Moscow)
This site is not intended for viewing by persons under 16 years of age!

On our forum, the question is often asked, is it possible to use combined estrogen birth control pills if a woman is under 35 years old and does not smoke very much. In such a situation, it is possible, but before starting use, it is advisable to take a blood test for hereditary thrombophilia. This analysis must be taken by those who have had problems with pregnancy, have APS syndrome, have a history of thrombosis; if one of the close relatives had a death at a young age from a stroke, heart attack.
In the process of taking birth control pills, a woman who smokes should take an annual test to check blood clotting (coagulogram).

I am 36 years old and have been a smoker for over 20 years. I know that smoking is harmful and dangerous, but nevertheless I'm not going to quit, as they say, "I didn't crush it." Therefore, I have this question: "If there are any means, both medical and folk or food products that can somehow stop the harmful effects of cigarettes on the body (something like cleansing). I am sure that this problem concerns many citizens of our country and every year more and more.

Some prefer to suck on hard candies. Others - to be coded, go to hypnosis. Some firms advise a set of their biological additives. I don’t specifically name them, because. I don't really believe in it myself. Best Option It's easy to quit smoking by willpower. I have many such examples. As soon as signs of lung cancer appear, quit smoking instantly and forever. How long will they live: (So don't wait for the finish line. Quit smoking now.

It's been 5 months since I quit smoking. Periodically there are nervousness, irritability, severe headaches, loss of mood. How long will this continue. Tried Nootropil - still.

Giving up a bad habit is accompanied by depression, the duration and degree of severity is individual. The most effective combination of dense employment during the day, multivitamins (Berocca is best) and sports (swimming). Instead of nootropil, it is possible to use Nicorette

I am 24 years old. For the last month I have had problems with my heart - I feel it all the time. Could it be related to smoking? (I have been smoking for about 10 years) Or are there other reasons?

I ask you to give me information about the effect of smoking on higher nervous activity

Tobacco smoking has a stimulating effect on higher nervous activity, which is manifested in an increase in concentration. This effect is short-lived (10-15 minutes). Frequent stimulation of the nervous system by smoking can lead to depletion of nerve cells and the development of an asthenic condition.

Please answer if there are medications to quit smoking. If there is, please list their names and the possibility of acquiring them without a doctor's prescription.

There is a drug "Nicorette", a prescription for its purchase is not required.

Good afternoon! I am 23 and have been smoking since I was 16. Relatively recently, rather strange sensations appeared in the right leg, it does not seem to hurt, but as if constantly “stiff”. I read from the popular literature that smoking leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to the peripheral vessels. Accordingly, you need to quit smoking. Or take any drugs (for example, they advertise in the subway - “for pain in the legs ...”)? I would be grateful for an answer, sorry if the question is not for your profile.

Indeed, discomfort, pain and tingling in the legs are associated with vascular pathology. You need to consult a vascular surgeon to clarify the “level of blood supply” in the diseased leg. Smoking is a risk factor for the development of atherosclerotic and obliterating processes. Therefore, you must refuse this bad habit. We do not recommend that you take any "vascular" drugs without consulting a doctor.

Hello! I had pneumonia as a baby, I wonder if I can smoke after that and how it can affect my lungs. Thank you.

Smoking affects any lungs equally badly. Some people have problems earlier, some later. You shouldn't start smoking.

Are there medications for those who want to quit smoking and not increase their weight. I read in the press that such medicines appeared in Russia in the form of dragees or lollipops .. Is this true? Are they effective? What are their names?

There are such drugs - nicorette and nicotinel. But they do not guarantee that after you quit smoking you will not get better. To control body weight, you will have to resort to standard methods (calorie restriction in combination with physical activity). But the most important thing in the process of parting with cigarettes is your desire.

I was diagnosed with endometriosis and prescribed treatment for 1 month (9-25 days) "Dufaston", 3 months - "Marvelon". I am 35 years old and I smoke (a pack in 2-3 days). When I took Duphaston, I continued to smoke and suddenly I found out that smoking is strictly prohibited when taking hormonal drugs. Is this true and what is the reason for this?

Up to 35 years, you can combine smoking with taking hormonal drugs. After - it is impossible (but this only applies to drugs containing estrogens, Marvelon applies to them, but Duphaston does not). In addition, in medicine, no less than a pack a day is called smoking.

Pregnant for almost 6 months, but could not quit smoking.
Can I try any anti-smoking products (they all contain nicotine)?
How can smoking affect the unborn child?

Smoking causes vasospasm, if it is regular - then a long or constant spasm. This primarily affects such a vascular organ as the placenta, thus. causes insufficiency of its functions: blood flow to the fetus decreases, and consequently - nutrients and oxygen. This leads to a delay in the development of the fetus and its oxygen starvation.
The only effective remedy is to quit or significantly reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke. If this fails, it is necessary to conduct courses of prevention (or treatment) of placental insufficiency more often than in a pregnancy uncomplicated by smoking. Do an ultrasound more often, determine the size of the fetus and their compliance with the deadline. Walk more in the fresh air, so that at least in the intervals between cigarettes, oxygen enters the child. If you can stop smoking cigarettes while taking anti-smoking drugs, this is the way out.

The authors of the answers, doctors: Repina I.B., Lukyanov A.V., Baksheev V.I., Gilyarov M.Yu., Berestenko O.V., Gutiev A.M., Plieva Z.A., Koroleva A. G., Mikushevich A.F., Melnik V.A., Kardanov A.A., Kozarchuk Yu.V., Veselago O.V., etc.

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