Miller's big dream book interpretation of dreams. Miller's Dream Interpretation Dreams and Dreams Interpretation of Miller's Dreams

Miller's dream book is the most authoritative dream book containing the most complete interpretation of dreams. Miller's dream book online not only gives the interpretation of dreams for free, but also allows you to understand the nature of dreams in general. Despite the fact that more than a hundred years have passed since the first edition of Miller's dream book, his interpretation of dreams is in demand all over the world with equal success.

Interpretation of dreams according to Miller's dream book

The famous American psychologist Gustav Miller published his "Dream Book, or the Interpretation of Dreams" based on many years of studying the influence of images from dreams on the future fate of a person. According to Miller, the set of things and symbols that we see in a dream is not accidental. It is an encrypted code, by solving which, you can get a forecast about future events. After analyzing and systematizing the statistics of events and objects seen in a dream by different people, Miller compiled a single scheme for interpreting dreams, which allows you to look into the future and explain many things that happen in reality. Currently, Miller's classic dream book is somewhat outdated, since it does not contain modern objects and phenomena, however, most of the interpretation of dreams remains relevant for many people around the world.

How to use Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book can be used both in print and online. All dreams and dreams in Miller's dream book are arranged in alphabetical order. Whatever dream book is used - Miller's dream book or any other, you should always remember the general rules for the successful interpretation of dreams.

  • It is necessary to look for interpretation only in clear and vivid dreams.
  • It is recommended to write down the most vivid dreams immediately after waking up, until the details of the dream are forgotten.
  • According to numerous observations, the degree of prophecy in dreams depends on the days of the week and on the days lunar calendar. There is a sign that a dream from Thursday to Friday must come true.

Miller's dream book will help you not only find the interpretation of dreams online for free, but also be prepared for any life surprises in the future.

Miller is a successful businessman who solves dreams.. Gustav Hindman Miller is a famous American entrepreneur, farmer, writer, financier and business owner. He was respected for his intelligence and subtlety of thought in commercial circles, revered as a writer of picturesque stories, however, his innate ability to conduct a deep analysis of dreams brought him world fame.

Miller by nature was distinguished by his desire for psychological analysis of facts, understanding the circumstances of situations, the root causes of consequences and identifying the nature of dreams - such abilities, coupled with decency, apparently helped him achieve a worthy position in society, as well as become the world's most famous author of a dream book .

Rock and fortune

Difficult childhood

Gustav was born in the Texas border region in 1857, under the roof of a small ranch house. His father died when he was not even five, and his mother had another one-year-old child, his brother Frank. She married a second time, and the children were brought up in her father's house. Soon the grandmother also died, and the grandfather married a young widow with two children, who subsequently bore him four more. So Gustav grew up in a crowded house, in the years civil war, in deprivation and gloomy living conditions. However, his grandfather was distinguished by high morality and a tough character, he despised deceit in trade, and treated many merchants with disdain, because he considered them "unclean hands." The grandfather's credo left its mark on how Miller conducted his affairs in life.

The beginning of the way

As soon as Gustav received his secondary education, he decided to improve his life, and, having received the position of a clerk, he began to work in a store. At 21, Miller married a beautiful girl from a wealthy family, and a year after the wedding, he opened his first grocery store with his brother, and they called their business Miller Brothers and Company. The Millers began to prosper in the store business. They traded in essential goods, but, unfortunately, the store burned down, leaving only ashes behind. Unshakable will and faith in success helped the brothers open a new store, and after that, the largest department store on the entire southern bank of the Ohio River, which very quickly gained popularity, and the business of the merchant brothers began to flourish.

Recognition and career

Miller's fame as a businessman grew every year, he succeeded in a lot, he was known as a respected citizen in America. During the years of work, Gustav Miller became the president of the National Bank of Hamilton, the founder and president of the Mills company (hosiery), co-owner, president and director of the department store Miller Brothers and Co., the owner of a controlling stake in the investment firm Ross-Hindman Miller.


The quiet family life of the Millers was undermined by the misfortunes associated with children. In total, the Miller couple had seven children, but the first three died still in crumbs, the fourth died at 21, and only the last three survived to old age.


In the eventful life of Gustav, there was also a place for creativity. He devoted evenings to literary pursuits, several books were published from his pen and won the favor of the reader, including “Lucy Dalton”, “Is marriage a mistake”, “Jew” .

Miller's famous dream book

The sharpness of the perception of the outside world, the genius in psychoanalysis, the ability to see the background of facts and the ability to unravel the signals of the subconscious helped Miller to compile a dream book, which even today surpasses all known in popularity. More than 1500 objects were interpreted in the dream book, which Miller analyzed not only on the basis of his own dreams, but he also used in his creation the knowledge gained from the mastered ancient teachings about the providence of dreams. His theory about the unconscious journey into the world of dreams is based on the belief that the human subconscious mind remembers everything that happens in reality, analyzes the past and the present, and then sends an encrypted message to the consciousness in a dream, correctly interpreting which, you can predict many events in your life, prevent trouble , in time to abandon the planned risky business, or, on the contrary, to wait for success in your endeavors.

Gustav Miller - American psychologist became known to a wide audience thanks to his book "Dream Interpretation or the Interpretation of Dreams".

Miller's dream book turned out to be so good that it is still one of the main sources of dream interpretation all over the world. Many of our predecessors used Miller's dream book as the main database of information about dreams. Gustav Miller created his dream book based on a painstaking, long-term study of the influence of plots and images from dreams on the fate of a person. Miller spent many years analyzing the relationship between similar dreams. different people and subsequent events in their lives. On the basis of this work, the interpretation of Miller's dreams appeared and gained general fame.

According to Gustav Miller, the set of images, objects and symbols that we see in a dream is far from accidental. It represents encrypted messages, by solving which, you can unravel some of the events that await the dreamer in the future. Having analyzed and combined into one system various combinations of objects, phenomena and events seen in a dream by various people, Miller compiled a general interpretation scheme that allows you to look into the future and explain some things that happen in reality.

Miller compiled his dream book based on knowledge of human psychology, as well as using a long-term analysis of the dreams of tens of thousands of people.
Miller's dream book differs from other dream books by a significant amount of information - in the original, Miller's dream book contains about 10,000 interpretations of dreams and explanations of their meaning. None of the other popular dream books offer such a list of dreams as Miller's dream book. Perhaps that is why he is today considered the most authoritative among other interpreters of dreams.

Biography of the compiler of the dream book Gustav Miller

Gustav Miller was born on September 4, 1857 in Texas, on a ranch. The parents were among the first settlers in the area. Miller was educated at Correl County School.

Miller began working at the age of twenty as a clerk in a country store, and two years later he opened his own store in Barestone County, Tennessee. In 1889, after moving to the city of Chattanunga, he founded a department store with his brother. In 1895, G. Miller became one of the founders of the factory and corporation. As president, he led them until he retired in 1923.

Sharp mind, ability to analyze, inexhaustible vitality and business qualities made Miller not only a rich man, but also a well-known individual in human society.

In addition to the interpreter of dreams, G. Miller wrote several more books: Lucy Dalton, Tisparia, Jew, etc. But this person was most famous for the world-famous dream book, which many still use today. Died Gustav Hindman Miller 1929.

Dream "abortion" Miller's dream book interprets like this:

If a woman sees in a dream that she agrees to an abortion, then this dream is a warning: apparently, she is going to do something that will entail trouble.

If a doctor dreams of such an operation, then this dream warns him against neglecting his professional duty.


Dream "apricot" Miller's dream book interprets like this:

Apricot orchards in your dreams mean that your future, although it appears to you in pink tones, still contains hidden sadness.

There are apricots in a dream - means the approach of unpleasant events. If others eat them, then your environment in real life will not match your inclinations. A friend will say this: "Apricots mean that you are wasting time on trifles."

Your environment in real life will not match your inclinations. A friend will say this: "Apricots mean that you are wasting time on trifles."


Dream "automobile" Miller's dream book interprets like this:

To dream that you are driving a car means your activity and luck in business.

If you are in a car accident, after such a dream, do not expect good impressions from the entertainment in which you are going to participate.

Seeing yourself successfully avoiding a car accident is a good sign: you will be able to honestly avoid a collision with the enemy of your plans.

Buying a car in a dream is also good sign the fact that you will be able to restore your former good position, but selling a car is an unpleasant change in fate.

Driving a car portends losses, sometimes illnesses. Being thrown out of a car on the go is bad news. A broken car is also a dream that portends failure.

Just to see cars in a dream - for trips, changes in fate, pleasant travels.

If you see that your car has disappeared, it has been stolen - this means the failure of many of your plans, on which the future depends.

Getting out of the car is a sign of the successful implementation of plans, which will bring you well-deserved satisfaction.


Adam and Eve

Dream "Adam and Eve" Miller's dream book interprets like this:

Seeing Adam and Eve in a dream portends an unexpected event that will change your affairs for the worse.

Seeing Eve in the Garden of Eden with a snake wrapped around her body means that someone's treachery threatens your happiness.

Seeing and hearing how Eve is talking to a serpent is a warning: some insidious person who can tarnish your reputation can lead to failure in your business.


Dream "advocate" Miller's dream book interprets like this:

For a young woman to dream that she is in some way connected with a lawyer means that she will involuntarily commit an unwise act that will become the object of her trouble and insulting criticism.

Seeing a lawyer in court portends a serious disagreement over some kind of property.

If in a dream a lawyer defends you, then such a dream promises you the support of friends in a difficult time for you.

Just seeing a lawyer in a dream means that you are capable and gifted, and you always prefer your own judgment to the opinions of others. However, be careful in your assessments.


Dream "accordion" Miller's dream book interprets like this:

To dream that you are listening to an accordion, promises you to participate in some kind of entertainment and get rid of sad thoughts about the past.

If a young woman sees herself playing the accordion. - this is a harbinger of very sad events, which, however, will lead her to a meeting with her loved one. Their union will be happy and long.

If the accordion makes false sounds, the illness of a close friend awaits her.


Dream "acrobat" Miller's dream book interprets like this:

Seeing acrobats in a dream is a harbinger that the anxiety of others will help you avoid unnecessary risk.

Seeing yourself as an acrobat promises surprise, and at the same time - the burden of responsibility for something, the difficulties and intrigues of your enemies.

A woman - an acrobat in your dream - this is a possible slander on you, a failure in business.

For a young woman to see tightrope walkers in a dream is a pleasant omen of her success with men.


Dream "actors" Miller's dream book interprets like this:

Seeing an actress in a dream portends a state of unclouded pleasures and the approval of others.

Seeing her in grief means that you will gladly help a friend, relieving him of debts and helping him overcome troubles.

If you imagine yourself as an actress, then in life you will be forced to look for work, but your hard work will bring you joy.

If you dream that you are in love with an actor (or actress), then your inclinations and talent will help you work with pleasure, without exhausting yourself with work.

Seeing a dead actor or actress promises the collapse of your plans as a result of great misfortune.

Seeing stray, impoverished actors means a change for the worse in your affairs. For those who enjoy the comfort of home, this is also a warning of change, as well as a sign of possible treachery.

For a young woman to dream that she is engaged to an actor and marries him, portends that her infatuation will lead to repentance.

For a man to dream that he is having fun with an actress means that his quarrels with his wife or lover will bring him a lot of misfortune.

To dream of an amateur actor on stage promises you the speedy implementation of your plans, which will bring you joy.

Seeing tragedy on stage warns you of some evil. The obscurity of visible images is also a sign of failure.


Dream "shark" Miller's dream book interprets like this:

Sharks in a dream portend formidable, terrible enemies.

If sharks pursue and attack you, then failures are inevitable that will plunge you into the abyss of despair.

Seeing sharks frolicking in clear, clear water means that while you prosper and enjoy female society, someone's envy quietly but surely wants to deprive you of peace and happiness.

If you dream of a dead shark, then you will regain prosperity and peace.


Dream "midwife" Miller's dream book interprets like this:

Seeing a midwife in a dream means a serious illness that will almost end tragically.

A young woman dreaming of a midwife promises suffering and disaster.


Dream "alley" Miller's dream book interprets like this:

Seeing an alley in a dream means that your fate will not be as prosperous as before. A lot of unpleasant, annoying worries will arise for you.

For a young woman, wandering down the alley in the dark is a warning against dubious friends who can tarnish her reputation.


Dream "diamond" Miller's dream book interprets like this:

Seeing a diamond in a dream means that you will be in trouble and you will not be able to fulfill some of your desire, which is dearer to you than life.


Dream "altar" Miller's dream book interprets like this:

Seeing a priest at the altar in a dream means quarrels and discord in commercial and domestic affairs.

Seeing a wedding - promises sad events in the lives of your friends.

The altar will appear to you in a dream in order to warn against making a mistake. This dream may mean imminent repentance.


Dream "album" Miller's dream book interprets like this:

Seeing an album in a dream means success and making true friends.

For a young woman to dream that she is looking at photographs in an album portends that she will soon have a new lover with whom she will be happy.


Dream "aluminum" Miller's dream book interprets like this:

Seeing aluminum in a dream means your satisfaction with any, even a little luck. For a woman to see aluminum utensils dull, without shine - portends unexpected sadness. And the loss awaits this woman.


Dream "barn" Miller's dream book interprets like this:

If you see in a dream a barn full of ripe, good grain: wheat, barley, and fat herds around, this is a sign of great and lasting prosperity. If the barn is empty, then poverty and failure await you.


Dream "America" Miller's dream book interprets like this:

High-ranking leaders should take care of the affairs of the state. Everyone else will do the right thing by taking care of their own person, because after this dream they will be in trouble.


Dream "amputation" Miller's dream book interprets like this:

Seeing in a dream the amputation of any parts of the body means a small loss in the service.

The complete loss of arms and legs in a dream is a decline in commercial affairs.

For sailors, such a dream portends a storm, loss of property.

For people experiencing great misfortune, this dream is a warning sign.

A pineapple

Dream "a pineapple" Miller's dream book interprets like this:

Seeing pineapples in a dream means an extremely favorable alignment of affairs for you. Success will follow in the very near future if in your dream you pick pineapples or eat them.

If you dream that you pricked your finger while preparing pineapples for the table, then in life you will be extremely annoyed by those things that in the end will bring you joy and success.


Dream "angels" Miller's dream book interprets like this:

Seeing angels in a dream portends impressions that will confuse and disturb your soul.

This dream promises a change of fate.

If the dream is unusually pleasant, then you will receive news of the well-being of friends or an inheritance from unknown relatives.

A dream can be a warning about possible gossip that will affect your affairs or cordial relationships.

For good people, the dream of angels is a consolation; it induces evil people to repentance.


Dream "angina" Miller's dream book interprets like this:

Seeing this that you are stricken with this ailment promises you a dull, joyless job.

If you dream that others have a sore throat, it means that the disease will cause you great anxiety.


Dream "joke" Miller's dream book interprets like this:

To dream that you are telling a joke means that you prefer a cheerful dissolute company to an intellectual one and that your affairs will be as unstable as you are.

For a young woman, listening to jokes means that she will fall into a very cheerful society of people looking for entertainment.

The first book of dreams appeared in ancient egypt two thousand years before our era. It contained the interpretation of two hundred dreams and descriptions of magical rites to protect against dark forces. One of the first interpreters was Artemidorus of Daldian, who created the Pentateuch known as Oneirocritica. He believed that the meaning of sleep depends on the status, gender, age and character of the particular person who was visited by night visions.

In the period of antiquity, the decoding of dreams was condemned as an adherence to the pagan faith, only dreams about divine revelations were considered an exception. In the Middle Ages, the popularity of the dream book is growing rapidly. At the same time, many interpreters appear who use different approaches in their work: identity, similarity, opposition. So, one dream could have excellent interpretations: some authors took the night vision of the loss of money literally, others saw this as impending material losses, and others, on the contrary, enrichment.

In 1900, the dream book of Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, was published, where he interpreted dreams as messages from the subconscious. One of the most popular dream books among our contemporaries was Miller's dream book, published in 1901.

Dream interpretation

Every nation understands sleep in its own way. So, Hindus believe that it can be a prediction of future events. According to their version, what they saw before awakening should come true in the near future, and what they dreamed about in the first half of the night will come true within a year. The sun, fire, stars among the Hindus are a symbol of wealth; flowers, pure water or white clothes promise good, and eating meat or a solar eclipse promises misfortune.

Muslims interpret dreams by direct analogies: images that cause negative associations portend problems and disasters, while positive ones, on the contrary, are well-being. So, a snake predicts a threat, and an emerald - prosperity.

The modern understanding of dreams is increasingly rooted in psychology. So, according to psychologists, having studied the content of a dream, one can learn about a person’s internal conflicts, his fears and secret desires.

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