1s 8 posting report. Standard accounting reports. Posting report

In order to take into account the production of products or semi-finished products in the configuration, it is necessary to generate the document “Production Report for the Shift”. It can also reflect the services that departments provide to each other. The document is called up from the “Production” section, subsection “Product Release”.

Planned price

In the “Directories and accounting settings” section, in the “Production” section, you must select the “Production activities are in progress” checkbox and select the type of planned prices. At these prices, materials will be written off for production.

Note. For installation various types prices, the document “” is used.

Method for assessing MPZ

To analyze the cost, you can generate a balance sheet for the cost account (Account 20.01 - in our case). If you select the desired product group in the “Selections” section, the report will display all the costs, which in total give the cost price.

In our example, all costs are allocated to one cost item - “Material costs of main production”. Let’s complicate the example, add another item “Costs of the quality department” and take into account the material costs of this department in the cost of production.

To do this, we will use our favorite document “Shift Production Report”. In it, on the “Services” tab, select the corresponding service, cost account, division (for which the service is performed), product group and cost item.

On the “Materials” tab we will indicate the consumables used that are necessary for quality control. Please note that the nomenclature group is indicated as before (“Chocolate pastes”), and the cost item selected is different—“QD expenses.”

Standard reports in 1C for accounting and tax accounting

Standard reports are designed to obtain data on account balances and turnover, subaccounts and transactions in various sections for accounting and tax accounting.

Each type of accounting (accounting or tax) has its own sets of standard reports.

For accounting 1C:Accounting 8 provides the following set of standard reports:

  1. "Turnover balance sheet";
  2. "Chess sheet";
  3. “Account balance sheet”;
  4. “Account turnover”;
  5. "Account Analysis";
  6. "Account card";
  7. "Analysis of subconto";
  8. “Turnover between subcontos”;
  9. “Subconto card”;
  10. "Summary transactions";
  11. “Posting report”;
  12. "Main book";
  13. "Diagram".

This report contains a tabular representation of the turnover between accounts for the selected period of time. The rows of the table correspond to debited accounts, the columns to credited accounts.

Posting report : information is displayed from transactions selected according to specified criteria. Using the default settings, the report will display a list of transactions, and, unlike the transaction journal, this list can be printed on paper. In the report setup form, you can specify the criteria by which transaction data should be displayed in the report: debit account, credit account, currency, document, fragment of text that should be contained in the content of the transaction or the name of the subaccount. “PR” (accounting for permanent differences in the valuation of assets and obligations) a similar set of reports is provided. Standard tax accounting reports have in the dialog area additional settings "Accounting type", which allows you to select one of the types of accounting for PBU 18/02: for accounting for temporary differences ( "VR"), to take into account permanent differences ( "ETC").

These reports can be seen in the menu "Reports". The reports use synthetic and analytical accounting data.

Any report can be generated for a specific organization and for a specific period of time.

The advantage of all standard reports is the ability to detail them (decipher them). This feature greatly facilitates the detection and correction of errors and allows you to quickly find answers to questions that arise in the current work of users.

The transaction report is a selection from the transaction journal according to certain specified criteria.

To generate a report, select "Posting report" menu "Reports" main menu of the program. A request for output parameters for this report appears on the screen.

Configuring the output of a transaction report

In the report settings request, you must indicate for what period you want to generate the report. The period is specified by selecting the start date of the period and the end date of the period.

If you need a report for "standard" period (month, quarter, half-year, 9 months or year), use the period selection button

The inclusion of transactions in the report can be limited by a filter. The filter is specified as a string. In general, a filter may contain one or more account correspondence and/or character strings, separated by semicolons ";" .

The correspondence looks like:

  • n postings with account n;
  • n, m postings to the debit of account n from the credit of account m.

Here as n And m an asterisk may be indicated ( "*" ), it stands for any account. For example, filter "*,51" means that the report will include all transactions from credit account 51 “Current accounts”.

The report includes all entries from the transaction log that meet the following conditions:

  • if the filter contains account correspondence, then the transaction must correspond to one of these correspondence;
  • if the filter contains character strings, then the transaction must contain at least one of these strings - either in the column "Content", either in the name of the debit subaccount of the posting, or in the name of the credit subaccount of the posting.


In the report settings form, you can save frequently used filters and use them later.

To save a filter in the list, click the button "Remember".

To use a previously saved filter, select it in the list of filters and click the button "Choose". In this case, the filter from the list is copied to the field "Filter".

To remove a filter from the list, select it and click the button "Delete".

Postings in the report can be selected for one specific currency. To do this, check the box "By currency" and select the desired currency.

Transactions can be selected by a specific journal number included in the transactions. To do this, enter or select the journal number.

Viewing a transaction report

For each transaction included in the report, the date, description of the transaction, debit and credit accounts of the transaction, the amount of the transaction and the name of the subaccount of the debit and credit of the transaction are provided, if analytical accounting is maintained for the debit or credit accounts of the transaction. For transactions denominated in currency, the report indicates the name of the currency, the amount in the currency and the exchange rate of the currency at which the transaction was made. The order of entries in the report corresponds to the chronological order of transactions in the journal entry.

Detailing report indicators

When the mouse pointer appears as a cross with a lens (on report lines) when you press a key Enter or double-clicking the mouse, the corresponding operation for viewing and editing is displayed on the screen. In this case, the cursor is automatically placed on the selected transaction in the opening window for viewing and editing the operation.

Accountants very often encounter the need to create advance reports when making cash payments to employees. This document is necessary to confirm the amount spent or monetary documents previously issued to the employee.

Let's give a simple example. The employee was given a certain amount to purchase a ticket. Upon his return, he provides this ticket to the accountant in order to confirm how much money he actually spent. Then the accountant makes an advance report based on it.

Many more examples can be given. This includes the purchase of materials, goods (stationery, household equipment, etc.), fees, daily allowances, postage and much more.

In this article we will look at the step-by-step instructions for creating advance report in 1C 8.3 and give a sample of how to fill it out.

Issuance of funds

First of all, the employee is given money or monetary documents. This operation can be completed in 1C 8.3 through cash documents and monetary documents, respectively. They are located in the “Bank and Cashier” section.

In addition to the above methods, you can use debiting from a current account, but in our example this option will not be considered, because this type of transaction is more often found with cash rather than non-cash payments.

Below is an example of issuing cash to an accountable person. It generates postings for accounts Dt 71.01 – Kt 50.1. The accounting account is substituted, but it can be changed when filling out the document.

This document is also used in cases where there is an overexpenditure of issued funds. Simply put, the employee was given 1,000 rubles, and he spent 1,500 rubles with the permission of the manager. The difference of 500 rubles should be paid in cash.

Preparation of an advance report in 1C

Decor of this document almost the same in both versions 3.0 (8.3) and 2.0 (8.2), so this article is suitable for everyone.

To make a new advance report, you need to go to the “Bank and Cashier” menu and select “Advance reports”. In the list form that opens, click on the “Create” button.

First you need to select the employee for whom the document and department are being drawn up.

The first tab lists the documents by which the employee received these funds. The currency and amount will be entered automatically.

Let's briefly look at the contents of the remaining tabs:

  • The “Goods” tab contains a list of inventory items that were purchased by the accountable person. When you specify accounting accounts for these goods, receipt transactions will be generated.
  • The third tab contains data on returnable containers that the employee received from the supplier.
  • The “Payment” tab contains data on the amounts paid by suppliers for previously purchased goods, prepayment.
  • On the “Other” tab, other expenses are indicated. In our case, we will report on this tab.

Before printing, you need to proofread the document. The printed form of this document is located in the “Print” menu - “Advance report (AO-1)”.

As we can see in the printed form and at the bottom of the document form, this employee there was an overrun.

This means he spent more Money, than he was given initially. In our example, the difference of 100 rubles will be reflected in account 71.01. As previously stated, the difference in amounts must be returned to the employee using a document cash document cash issuance.

See also video instructions for filling out an advance report in 1C:

Manufacturing plants who have chosen direct manufacturing for their main activity finished products or semi-finished products, are faced with the task of reflecting and recording such business processes in regulated accounting. In this article we propose step by step instructions accounting for production and release of finished products 1C 8.3 using the configuration “1C: Enterprise Accounting, edition 3.0”.

Step 1: Check production functionality

To begin with, let’s make sure that our configuration allows us to keep track of the release of finished products in 1C 8.3.

In “Administration” in the settings, click on the “Functionality” link.

We are interested in the functionality of the production accounting system, which can be found on the corresponding tab.

We see that in this part the functions are used and cannot be turned off. At this point we consider the first step completed.

Step 2: set up accounting policy

The setting is also implemented in the main menu of the system from the “Main” section, subsection “Settings”, hyperlink “Accounting Policy”.

The accounting policy is configured for a specific organization, then we pay attention to the types of activities for account 20 and set the flag for accounting for the release of goods.

Note! At the bottom of the figure there are three additional options that also affect our accounting method:

  • Accounting for deviations - turning on this flag means using account 40 “Output of products (works, services)” in accounting;
  • In terms of semi-finished products, turning on this flag means taking into account multi-process production and requires setting the sequence of processing stages;
  • Services to own departments – turning on this flag means accounting for counter output, and requires setting up the “Counter Issue” register to prevent looping in the calculation of the cost of goods.

We are considering an option without using count 40, counter issues and semi-finished products.

This step is complete, we have completed the necessary policy settings.

Step 3: register issues at planned cost

In the main menu of the system, the “Production” section is responsible for recording production processes, and a separate subsection is directly devoted to production.

  • Request invoice – allows you to register the transfer of materials to production or any other write-off of them as costs. The release can be registered without it, but this depends on the setup of the production business process;
  • Production report for a shift - registers production according to planned production and at the same time write off materials for production.

Let's analyze in detail the work with the production report for the shift.

Let's create a new document and fill it out taking into account the release of one type of goods according to a simple production specification.

In the header, in addition to the name of the company and the warehouse where the material is taken from and where the released goods are placed, you will need to indicate the cost account and the production cost division.

To fill out the tabular part, the system must include indicators in the nomenclature directory, which will contain information about the varieties of manufactured goods.

The item card must have the form “Products”. For separate accounting On the main production cost account, it is necessary to fill in the item group. To automatically write off materials for manufactured products, you need to fill out a specification, which can be created directly from this card.

Our next action is to enter in the “Products” plate, the quantity of production, put down the planned price, specification. The lines “Account” and “Item group” will be filled in automatically according to the item card data.

To write off materials and add them to the s/s composition, fill out the “Materials” tab. If there is a specification, filling will occur automatically by clicking the “Fill” button.

This accounting step should be completed by completing the created form. The transactions generated by this reflect the accounting of production and release of finished products in 1C 8.3.

Analyzing the postings, we see that the credit of account 20 reflects the planned cost, and the debit of account 20 collects actual costs. To make a correct calculation, you need to understand the actual cost of finished goods.

Step 4: calculate the actual cost of production

Before calculating the actual cost, the system must reflect all necessary costs in the main production account. In addition to raw materials, this may include workers’ salaries, equipment depreciation, and other expenses. This calculation is triggered through Monthly Closing.

The current calculation is possible if the calculations of previous periods have been completed.

If the period is closed without errors, then all operations are reflected in green. To check the cost calculation, let's look at what transactions were generated when closing cost accounts. To do this, select the appropriate operation “Show transactions”.

The calculation made an adjustment to the output, this is reflected in the first posting. The posting creates a reversal entry, because planned cost turned out to be more than actual costs.

Step 5: analyze reports on the actual cost of goods

In conclusion, all we have to do is make accounting reports for cost accounts and finished goods. Previously, in our example, we did not reflect work in progress, assuming that all products were released to the warehouse and there were no unprocessed raw materials left in the workshops of the enterprise. This means that the balance of the main production account should be zero, and the actual cost of production was formed in the finished goods account.

We see that account 20 is closed.

The calculation was made correctly. The next stage will be accounting for the sale of finished products in 1C 8.3.

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