Is it possible to undergo manual therapy for a cervical hernia? Manual therapy of the spine for hernia reviews. Contraindications to the use of manual therapy

The lumbar spine bears the heaviest load, ensuring, together with other structures, the vertical position of the body in space. Here the vertebrae are larger, the intervertebral discs are thicker, and the ligaments and muscles are more powerful. But this does not always protect against overload and hernia formation.

There are many ways to treat the disease. All of them help alleviate the condition and delay surgery. In some cases, manual therapy may also be useful.

Goals and objectives of manual therapy for lumbar hernia

For a hernia located in the lumbar spine, the following are noted:

  • pain in the lumbar region of varying intensity, which can radiate to the lower limbs and sacrum;
  • with posterolateral hernias, compression of the spinal root is possible, which is manifested by impaired sensitivity in the corresponding limb, loss of reflexes and muscle atrophy;
  • Posterior hernias are dangerous because they can lead to compression of the spinal cord, and this is accompanied by dysfunction of the lower extremities and pelvic organs.

Hernial protrusions can lead to compression of blood vessels, including arteries feeding the roots, as well as veins. This makes the situation even worse.

The main goals of manual therapy:

  1. Reducing pain.
  2. Increased mobility of the spine in the lumbar region.
  3. Disappearance of tension symptoms.

Problems that are solved during diagnosis and treatment:

  1. Increasing the distance between the vertebrae, eliminating compression of the intervertebral disc and compression of the spinal roots.
  2. Returning the vertebrae to their normal position when they are displaced.
  3. Relaxation of muscles and ligaments.
  4. Improving regional blood circulation.

Over time, with proper treatment, fibrotization of the disc occurs - its compaction and self-fixation. As a result, the pain goes away and the spine becomes more mobile. The average time for fibrotization of a hernia ranges from 1.5 to 5 years, with two hernias this period increases to 6, with multiple hernias – up to 10 years.

Manual diagnostics

At the first meeting, the chiropractor carefully examines the complaints and medical history. A general examination is carried out, the condition of all organs and systems is assessed. Contraindications for treatment are identified. The doctor gets acquainted with the tests, X-ray data, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. The condition of peripheral nerves is judged by the results of electroneuromyography.

All this is necessary to develop an individual treatment program that will be the safest and most effective. The location of the hernia is taken into account: anterior, posterior or posterolateral. The vegetative background of each patient and the influence of the vascular component are important; if necessary, drug correction is carried out.

The patient is examined in all positions: standing, sitting, lying down. Pay attention to the curves of the spine. With a lumbar hernia, flattening of the lumbar lordosis and scoliotic curvature are often observed. The degree of mobility of the spine is judged by how active movements are performed: bending forward and to the sides.

Palpation of the spine is carried out from top to bottom. At the same time, the condition of the muscles is assessed, displacement of the spinous processes, and instability of the motor segments are revealed. The most painful points are determined.

Manipulations for lumbar hernia

Use gentle techniques of influence. To begin with, achieve muscle relaxation. Mobilization techniques and post-isometric relaxation help with this. All manipulations are performed only with maximum muscle relaxation, otherwise they will simply be useless, since the long back muscles are very strong, and the doctor will not be able to overcome their resistance. This will do more harm than good.

Manipulations begin with the atlanto-occipital joint and proceed to the cervicothoracic and thoracolumbar regions. The position is selected depending on the location of the hernia, as well as the changes identified in the spine during diagnosis.

The main method of influence is traction, or extension. For posterolateral hernias, traction is applied to both legs, with the patient lying on his stomach. For median hernias, the patient is placed on his back. In the presence of scoliosis, traction is performed on one leg on the side where the pain syndrome is noted.

The stretching is done very carefully, with soft rhythmic movements. After a series of such movements, a break is taken. During the second approach, the doctor needs to seize the moment and apply stronger traction. During a successful manipulation, you can hear a crunch. To achieve a positive result, the procedure is repeated every other day. Over time, the crunch disappears and the pain goes away.

For posterolateral hernias, extension manipulations are used. They are performed using the hands, sometimes the doctor uses the knee. Techniques that lead to twisting and increased pressure inside the discs, which may be accompanied by their loss, are contraindicated.

In some cases, directed push or impact methods are used. This is necessary when gentle techniques do not give the desired result and the vertebrae cannot be put in place. The technique is risky, so the chiropractor must be sure of the need for such influence.

During the session, the doctor mobilizes the spinal segment if vertebral displacement is detected. This is done very gently. They work not only with the lumbar, but also with other parts of the spine.

To achieve a positive effect, 10 to 15 sessions are required. You can repeat the manipulations no earlier than two weeks later. If necessary, you can visit a chiropractor after 1–1.5 months. To maintain the achieved treatment results, courses must be repeated 3-4 times a year.

After manual therapy for a lumbar hernia, bending forward should be avoided. If there is a need to take something, it is better to sit down. Thermal procedures, massage, physiotherapy, balneotherapy are contraindicated until the period of fibrotization of the intervertebral disc.

Contraindications for treatment

All contraindications are divided into absolute and relative. Manual therapy cannot be performed in the following conditions:

  • inflammatory processes in the spine, joints, spinal cord and spinal membranes;
  • oncological diseases;
  • fresh injuries and recent spinal surgeries;
  • disc sequestration;
  • myelopathy;
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • acute cardiovascular, infectious diseases;
  • bleeding;
  • high pressure;
  • drinking alcohol.

Relative contraindications include:

  • decreased bone density - osteoporosis, which is often observed in people suffering from certain endocrine diseases, taking hormonal drugs (glucocorticoids) and in the elderly;
  • pathology of internal organs;
  • identification of osteophytes;
  • Forestier's disease;
  • vertebral developmental anomalies;
  • severe instability of the spinal segments;
  • exacerbation of osteochondrosis, although some chiropractors begin treatment during this period;
  • pregnancy.

Complications of manual therapy

During treatment, if manipulations are performed ineptly or without taking into account contraindications, severe complications may develop:

  1. Damage to blood vessels, the spinal cord or its roots by a hernia or bone growth - osteophyte.
  2. Ligament rupture.
  3. The vertebrae may become even more unstable.

The spine is complex and requires careful handling. Therefore, a doctor practicing manual therapy must be highly qualified. Only such a specialist can you trust with your health.

Manual therapy is one of the oldest methods of treating the musculoskeletal system. Translated from Latin, this term means “healing with hands.” Therefore, the chiropractor carries out treatment exclusively using the power of his hands without surgical intervention, providing a therapeutic effect on sore spots in the human body. Outwardly it looks like a massage.

Many people still argue about its effectiveness, however, the popularity of this technique does not fade. Most often, people turn to chiropractors to treat spinal hernia with manual therapy.

When is manual therapy indicated for a hernia?

Treatment of a spinal hernia with manual therapy requires a full examination by a neurologist, orthopedist, as well as an X-ray and magnetic resonance scan. Then a professional chiropractor will be able to say for sure whether your spinal hernia can be treated with manual therapy. Since this method of treatment has various contraindications.

In general, manual therapy is recommended for disc protrusion with displacement of the vertebrae, disc herniation with unpleasant sensations in the upper/lower extremities, neck, and spine. Manual therapy for spinal hernia is also often performed as preparation for surgical treatment.

If you have a herniated disc in your cervical spine, manual therapy is a treatment option if you have minimal symptoms. It is recommended to combine with physiotherapeutic procedures and reflexology.

The most effective manual therapy treatment for a hernia will be if you begin treatment early. It is best to start at the third stage. After all, most often an intervertebral hernia occurs precisely as a consequence of this disease.

What is the effect of treating a hernia with manual therapy?

  • Pain syndrome and inflammation are reduced;
  • The overall well-being of a person improves;
  • Blood circulation is normalized;
  • Metabolism is restored;
  • Joints become more mobile;
  • Muscle spasms go away.

How is a hernia treated with manual therapy?

The first stage of this treatment method is restoration of mobility, relief of pain symptoms by improving metabolism, anti-edematous action and reducing cerebrospinal fluid pressure in the spinal canal.

The second stage of the chiropractor’s method of treating intervertebral hernia is restoring the normal position of the vertebrae and discs, eliminating the cause that led to the development of this disease. To do this, sessions are held to normalize the tone of muscles and ligaments, the condition of the muscle corset improves, and special exercises are prescribed. This helps relieve pressure on the damaged disc and stop further progression of the disease.

The last stage in the treatment of intervertebral hernia with manual therapy is maintaining the achieved results, as well as restoring blood circulation in this area. The last point is especially important, since with poor blood supply, metabolic products will be poorly removed from the vertebrae and intervertebral discs.

On average, treatment with manual therapy for a herniated disc requires 20 sessions, lasting at least 30 minutes. Some patients require 6-8 months for sustained improvement. After a course of manual therapy for a herniated spine, exercise therapy is prescribed, carried out at home daily.

Please note that the greatest effect from manual therapy for intervertebral hernia of the cervical, lumbar and other parts of the spine will be if this technique is combined with physiotherapy, herbal medicine, and reflexology.

Contraindications for manual therapy for spinal hernia

  • Hypertensive crisis;
  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Injuries, spinal surgeries;
  • Unstable position of the vertebrae;
  • Infections occurring in the spine;
  • Exacerbation period;
  • Acute cerebrovascular accident;
  • Disc myelopathy.

Manual therapy for spinal hernia is contraindicated for pregnant women and people suffering from cancer.

We recommend that you carefully choose a doctor. He must have a higher medical education and certificates allowing him to work in this field. Carefully read reviews and recommendations from other customers.

A herniated disc is a complex pathology that affects several aspects of human health. In the pathological mechanism of the formation of intervertebral disc protrusion, metabolic and blood supply disturbances in the muscle fibers adjacent to the spine are of great importance. This may be a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle, poor posture, deficiency of certain nutrients, or age-related changes.

For full treatment, restoration of normal blood supply and transportation of oxygen, nutrients and fluid to the cartilage tissue is required. This can only be done by directly influencing the area of ​​pathological changes. Taking so-called chondroprotectors, which, in fact, should restore cartilage, is not effective for the reason that with impaired blood flow and dysfunction of diffuse nutrition of the spinal column, their absorption does not occur.

Manual therapy can help with spinal hernia of almost any stage and severity of prolapse of the fibrous ring and nucleus pulposus. Next, we will tell you what effect manual therapy has on a spinal hernia, what techniques can be used and how long the course of treatment takes.

Methods of manual therapy for spinal hernia

Manual therapy for spinal hernia uses a variety of methods that create an individual treatment program. During the initial consultation, the doctor fully examines the patient, identifies concomitant diseases and the possible cause of the pathology of the spinal column. After this, an individual program is developed, which will include not only treatment measures, but also recommendations for lifestyle changes. Including attention is paid to nutrition, organizing places for work and rest, physical activity and many other everyday aspects.

Please note that continuous adjustment of treatment measures is required as your health improves. Therefore, manual therapy for spinal hernia should be carried out under constant supervision by a specialist. Thus, at the initial stage of treatment, traction traction of the spinal column may be required, which is necessary for rapid relief of pain. Then the doctor prescribes therapeutic massage and physical exercises to consolidate the results. In the future, the treatment is adjusted, other techniques are added to start the intervertebral disc regeneration program.

In many patients, spinal hernia is associated with poor posture and excess body weight. In this case, the rehabilitation program necessarily includes acupuncture, nutritional therapy, and special physical activity to correct the pathological condition. In case of postural pathologies, the influence of an osteopath and the use of a special correction corset may be required. But it is necessary to do this. Without correcting posture and eliminating excess body weight, treatment for a spinal hernia may not be effective.

Also in the arsenal of specialists at our clinic there is the possibility of performing pharmacocupuncture with the introduction of minimal dosages of drugs into biologically active points. Reflexology is aimed at achieving the fastest possible positive treatment results.

The effectiveness of manual therapy for spinal hernia

The proven effectiveness of manual therapy for spinal hernia is based on several aspects. First of all, it is worth noting the complete restoration of blood supply to the muscular frame of the spinal column due to direct manual intervention. Osteopathy and therapeutic massage restore diffuse nutrition of cartilage tissue. She ceases to suffer from a lack of oxygen, fluid and collagen inclusions. The process of self-regeneration begins. At this time, it is important to quickly begin a muscle fiber strengthening program. For this, physical therapy and osteopathy are used. And for the correct position of the recovering intervertebral disc, traction therapy is used. To enhance effectiveness, reflexology sessions are prescribed. They allow you to stimulate the body’s own regenerative forces and achieve high treatment effectiveness.

In general, the course of treatment can last from several weeks to several months. It all depends on the stage of the pathological process, the size of the hernia and the general health of the patient. Visible improvement with the elimination of pain is achieved after 2 - 3 sessions. However, treatment should be continued until the removal of the intervertebral hernia is radiologically documented.

It occurs due to deformation of the disc located between the vertebrae. This problem requires combined treatment. One of the methods to alleviate the patient's condition is massage and manual therapy. Before starting this procedure, you must consult a specialist and undergo a comprehensive medical examination.

In order not to provoke a deterioration in the patient’s well-being, you need to know about some features of this procedure:

  1. Massage should be used only in the early stages of the disease. Otherwise, you can cause pinched nerves, which will inevitably lead to paralysis or even death.
  2. Exercise will help improve the patient’s well-being, aimed at relaxing the muscles located along the spine.
  3. Do not apply sharp or intense pressure.

Reference: The first session is short in duration. Only light massage movements are used.

  1. Are prohibited twisting and sudden movements that can lead to disc displacement and a noticeable increase in pain for the patient.
  2. The presence of severe pain indicates that massage is not allowed during this period.
  3. Categorically prohibited perform deep rubbing movements.
  4. Massage sessions will be more effective in the event that they are supplemented with the correct physical therapy exercises.


Before prescribing a massage course to a patient, The attending physician gives a referral for a series of examinations. This allows you to find out whether it is possible to use this method in a particular case.

Main contraindications to the use of massage:

  • strong pain in the neck area;
  • colds diseases;
  • fever, high temperature;
  • diseases cardiovascular system;
  • presence of allergic reactions on the patient's body ;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract(nausea, vomiting, diarrhea);
  • for diseases of bone tissue, as well as the presence of inflammatory processes in it.

If you have at least one contraindication to cervical massage if you have a hernia, immediately refuse it so as not to worsen your condition or complicate the course of the disease.

Classic and acupressure massage

These are the most popular types of massage that are used to relieve pain in the patient. Let's look at them in more detail.

  1. Classic massage. This type of massage normalizes blood circulation, metabolism, improves muscle contraction and removes toxins accumulated in diseased areas of the neck.

Procedures can be performed every other day and only with minimal pain in the cervical region. One procedure lasts a minimum of 15 minutes and a maximum of 50 minutes. It includes the following manipulations:

  • stroking movements along and across the spine;
  • gradual transition to rubbing and warming up the muscles;
  • easy grip on small areas of skin and subsequent light compression;
  • tapping and patting with the pads of the fingers, sometimes the palms are used, and practically no force is applied;
  • weak massaging relaxing movements palms along the entire back, the main emphasis is on the diseased area.

All exercises begin to be performed from the lower back and move towards the neck.

Attention: a prerequisite when performing the massage in question is not to touch the spine.

  1. Acupressure. The purpose of this type of massage is to relieve tension only in specific areas of the back. It is performed with elbows, fists, palms and fingers. The specialist puts a lot of effort and acts sharply, but briefly, on the cervical spine. The patient experiences very strong pain attacks, which quickly pass, and the patient’s condition noticeably improves.

Other types of massage

In the presence of a hernia of the cervical spine, the following types of massage are also used:

  1. Swedish massage. It is a type of classic massage. It is characterized by sliding hand movements and the absence of deep kneading techniques. Only the upper layer of muscles is involved, thereby improving blood circulation without any strain on the cardiovascular system.
  2. Shiatsu massage(Shiatsu) is a type of acupressure.

This type of massage is performed by pressing certain points on the back with fingers, elbows and fists, which causes muscle relaxation and a feeling of relief. Pressing occurs with varying strength and intensity, which can provoke severe painful sensations, but they are short-lived.

Reference: At the end of a shiatsu session, severe pain is noticeably reduced.

  1. Ice massage. It is a very effective remedy, which is explained by the special properties of ice itself: ice relieves inflammatory processes and eliminates swelling of painful tissues; acts on nerve endings, slowing down the process of transmitting painful sensations throughout the back.
  1. Vacuum, aka canned. Before starting the procedure, massage oil is applied to the surface of the body. Then they place jars, which, sticking to the body, create a vacuum, as a result of which the skin is absorbed by 20 mm. As a result of these actions, the patient experiences pleasant feelings of warmth and relaxation. All traces that appear after the cans disappear within two to three hours. This massage helps relax muscles, remove toxins from the entire body, normalize blood circulation and eliminate pain in the cervical region.

The positive effect of vacuum massage sessions is complemented by various physiotherapeutic methods. Immediately after completion of the session, the patient is not allowed to get up from the couch, so as not to provoke dizziness or nausea.

Reference: In some cases, bruises may appear on the body, which will disappear two days or the next day after the procedure.

Useful video

Below you can find out about therapeutic massage for grija


Thus, at the first signs of a hernia in the cervical spine, massage and special physical exercises can be quite effective methods to combat this disease. They will help relieve pain symptoms. However, in order not to worsen your condition, before starting any type of massage, consult a specialist and undergo the necessary medical examination.

After some time, this pain begins to hinder a person’s movements; the patient cannot move normally, which leads to disability.

    • Symptoms:
  • Other treatments
    • Manual therapy
    • Acupuncture

This can happen due to excessive stress on the lower back, namely the spine, as a result of injury, heavy lifting, or some other factors.

Pain appears as a result of rupture of the fibrous ring, which is located in the intervertebral disc, so some of it, namely the jelly-like part, begins to come out and thereby puts pressure on the ends of the spinal column. This leads to the formation of pain. If you seek help from a doctor in time, there is a chance to restore the disc and get rid of the disease. But generally, the patient pays attention to severe pain only at the late stage of a lumbar hernia. This can lead to severe pain that radiates strongly to the leg. In this case, difficulties may arise when urinating, libido and potency decrease.

A herniated disc appears anywhere in the lumbar region, but most often it occurs between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae, as well as between the 5th and 1st sacral vertebrae. But, in addition, intervertebral hernia can cause radiculopathy, lumbago, and also lead to inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

Causes of a hernia in the spine or lower back:

  1. Osteochondrosis. This is the most common cause of vertebral hernia. The main factor in its occurrence is injury, a fall or a strong blow. It is worth noting that in this case the mechanical factor plays the main role;
  2. Scoliosis, abnormalities in the structure of the pelvis or lower limbs. Sometimes a lumbar hernia can appear as a result of structural lesions of the spine when tuberculosis, syphilis or congenital pathologies of the vertebrae occur;
  3. Bad habits. Many will be surprised, but bad habits can also cause intervertebral hernia. Smoking reduces the supply of oxygen and thus the spinal discs do not receive some important elements. Coffee can impair blood circulation in the tissues that surround the spine;
  4. Lack of physical activity. Modern people sometimes cannot find time for daily gymnastics or jogging in the morning, so this negatively affects the lumbar spine or the spine itself. Starting from the age of 20, a person’s metabolism is formed only through movement. And if there is no physical activity, then this leads to osteochondrosis, and, consequently, to an intervertebral hernia.

Symptoms of a lumbar hernia

The main symptom of the disease is displacement and rupture of the fibrous membrane of the disc, which leads to the leakage of jelly-like fluid into the interstitial space. There are several stages in the development of this process:

  • prolapse. The disc moves slightly, and if it is not influenced by external factors and deformation, then it can easily fall into place;
  • protrusion. With minimal displacement of the disc, its subsequent shift occurs, but for now this is limited between the vertebral bodies;
  • extrusion and sequestration. At this stage, the nucleus is completely displaced outward and it hangs between the vertebrae. Then the core ruptures and its contents flow out.


  • ankle reflexes begin to decline;
  • lameness appears, gait changes;
  • the soles of the feet begin to go numb, but sometimes a burning sensation appears;
  • the spinal muscles begin to tense and “lumbago” appears in the lumbar region;
  • sweating increases;
  • urinary or fecal incontinence appears, and potency decreases.

But how to treat intervertebral hernia in the lumbar region?

The main thing in this matter is to quickly contact a specialist so as not to miss conservative treatment in order to avoid surgery. A specialist, prescribing treatment in this case, can stop the progression of the disease, which leads to the prevention of complications. The main goal in the treatment of lumbar disc herniation is to localize the pain that leads to discomfort and difficulty in movement. But how to treat a hernia?

Only medications can remove inflammation and pain, and they will also take part in the recovery process. Anti-inflammatory drugs can suppress the enzyme activity that appears at the site of inflammation and is responsible for pain in the lumbar region. These drugs also reduce nerve sensitivity, which leads to increased blood flow.

In addition, during the treatment of lumbar hernia, drugs are used that improve blood circulation. They are able to relieve swelling and restore blood flow to the painful area.

Chondroprotectors can accelerate the recovery process in cartilage tissue. Of course, you can’t do without topical products that eliminate pain.

Surgical removal of lumbar disc herniation

Surgery is a last resort in the treatment of vertebral hernia. It is usually used during exacerbation of the disease, especially when the hernia affects a person’s life. This happens after diagnostics of the patient’s body showed that compression of the nerve endings led to disruption of the genitourinary organs. In addition, problems in the genitourinary area can arise due to compression of the nerves in the spine itself.

Types of gentle surgical intervention:

  • endoscopic surgery. Surgery occurs through a small incision. This method causes little injury, and rehabilitation after surgery occurs quickly.
  • laser vaporization. In this procedure, a laser is used to evaporate the leaked liquid from the disk core. But this method has its drawback - in some cases, a relapse of the disease occurs.
  • microdiscectomy. The intervention lasts about an hour and is performed using a small incision, without damaging other muscles.

You can also treat a lumbar hernia with the help of therapeutic exercises. But this must be done after the pain syndrome has been eliminated and in the absence of nerve compression. A set of exercises is developed individually for each individual patient. The main goal of therapeutic exercises is to strengthen the muscles of the lower back and spine so that disc displacement does not occur in the future. Many exercises can be aimed at stretching the spine. In this case, the spaces between the vertebrae may become wider, and the disc will be installed in its original place.

Treatment of intervertebral hernia using traditional medicine

When treating a spinal hernia, folk remedies are aimed at eliminating pain. Usually, general strengthening herbs and fruits, which contain many vitamins and microelements, are used for treatment. All infusions must be consumed before meals. Their active substances quickly reach the problem area and help correct all the disorders that have appeared in the structure of the spinal tissue.

A decoction of aspen bark helps eliminate lumbar hernia. Pour one tablespoon of bark into a glass of boiling water and cook for an hour. The decoction should be drunk 4 times a day, 30 grams.

The cinquefoil tincture (can be found at the pharmacy) must be diluted with water and taken three times a day. This tincture can also be prepared at home by mixing 40% alcohol with 100 grams of cinquefoil.

When treating an intervertebral hernia, compresses can be used. Horse fat is perfect for this, which must be finely grated and wrapped in cloth, and then applied to the hernia. The pain begins to gradually subside, but the bandage should not be removed for two days.

Resin ointment should be applied after a bath. To prepare it you will need 0.5 kg of dry comfrey roots, 300 grams of vodka, 70 grams of pine resin and 350 grams of pork fat. The comfrey needs to be crushed in a blender and the fat melted. Then mix the fat with comfrey and put on low heat for about 30 minutes. The resin is also melted and added to the main mixture, without turning off the heat, cook for another 10 minutes and then add vodka. Stir everything for 10 minutes and remove from heat. After the mixture has cooled, the ointment is ready for application.

Treatment of intervertebral hernia in the lumbar region can also be done using clay. Red clay should be moistened with water and wrapped in gauze, and then heated to 40 degrees. Gauze is applied to the hernia and fixed. The clay should be removed after it has completely dried. This method is considered the most effective in treating hernia.

Other treatments

Manual therapy

It is not recommended to use traditional manual therapy methods in the treatment of intervertebral hernia, therefore, in order to achieve a better effect during treatment, you can use the opposite methods: kinesiology, osteopathy, reflexology. With the help of individual body movements, the chiropractor is able to influence the patient’s nervous system, which leads to a speedy recovery. On average, such therapy lasts about 10 days, but it all depends on the patient’s condition.


Acupuncture involves a targeted effect on the body, in particular on a sore spot. The process is carried out using thin medical needles, which a specialist installs at the desired points on the patient’s body. Modern acupuncture includes a complex of electrical stimulation of body points. In other words, the needles are connected to the device, and impulses are transmitted through them. This therapy, part of a comprehensive treatment, is better and more effective than traditional acupuncture.

Using manual therapy to treat spinal diseases

Manual therapy is one of the most effective methods of treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

It not only improves blood circulation in tissues, but also restores the functions of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs.

Manual procedures are successfully used in many countries around the world and have been approved by the majority of people suffering from spinal diseases.

What is manual therapy?

Manual therapy of the spine is a system of manual techniques that are aimed at activating all the body’s forces for self-healing.

For spinal diseases, the main goal of treatment is the rehabilitation of intervertebral discs and vertebrae.

This is done using special techniques, the essence of which is to distance the articular surfaces from each other.

Thanks to the work of chiropractors (vertebrologists), who influence strictly certain areas of the spine, blood circulation in the tissues improves, muscle tone increases, and degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs are stopped.

In addition, tactile influences activate the functioning of nerve endings and relieve muscle spasms. If manual procedures are alternated with courses of physiotherapeutic procedures and reflexology, the effect of treatment is enhanced several times.

Features of the technique

As a rule, people turn to a vertebrologist if they have the following complaints:

  • constant pain in the lower back, which is accompanied by nagging pain in the leg;
  • limitation of motor function of joints and spine;
  • pain in the joints;
  • numbness in fingers or toes;
  • attacks of sudden acute pain in the lumbar region;
  • pain in the thoracic spine;
  • neck pain that radiates to the head or arm;
  • dizziness, tinnitus, deterioration of concentration and memory.

If these complaints are indeed a symptom of spinal pathology, the doctor determines the treatment and the advisability of manual therapy.

However, there are those who, on the contrary, consider them necessary in treatment. In fact, everything relies on the professionalism of the vertebrologist, since one wrong move can aggravate the course of the disease.

The presence of certain signs is not yet a reason to prescribe manual therapy. The diagnosis must first be confirmed using x-ray or MRI.

If the image really shows pathology (intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, etc.), the doctor decides to prescribe a course of treatment.

Each physical therapy session lasts about 30 minutes. Then a break is taken for two days to maintain the therapeutic effect.

Therapy for hernia

Many specialists do not undertake manual therapy for hernia of the lumbar and cervical spine, since this work requires high professionalism.

However, this does not mean that it is contraindicated. In some cases, after the first session the patient feels relief.

In order for the exercises to be effective and not harm the body, the doctor must know the exact location of the hernia. As a rule, decompression and shock-pulse techniques are used for this disease.

The patient's body is relaxed, due to which muscle tension and body fixation are equalized.

In the acute form of the disease, manual treatment is limited to light, plastic techniques. In this case, a Shants collar or special orthopedic traction is used.

When the acute process begins to subside, post-isometric muscle relaxation and traction mobilization are used.

Thanks to manual procedures, negative pressure is created in the body of the spine, and the hernia, according to the laws of physics, is set back.

In addition, such exercises relieve pain and eliminate the main cause of the disease. This cause, in most cases, is spinal osteochondrosis.

How to perform manual therapy of the spine - video lessons:

Procedures for osteochondrosis

The essence of osteochondrosis is the curvature and destruction of the vertebrae, so therapeutic practice is aimed at restoring their functions.

Vertebrologists distinguish 4 phases of the disease:

  • passes secretly;
  • characterized by vertebral movements and pain;
  • intervertebral hernia develops;
  • spondylolisthesis is formed, in which the vertebrae are displaced and bone growths appear.

Hand treatment is effective only in the first three stages. Once bone growths appear, it can no longer help.

Before the session begins, the muscles are warmed up and then slowly stretched. Thanks to these procedures, muscle spasms are eliminated and local blood circulation is improved.

Then they begin the therapy itself, which has the following components:

  • mobilization;
  • manipulation;
  • massotherapy;
  • automobilization;
  • functional correction.

The most popular and most effective technique is massage. All exercises are done in positions in which you can stretch the muscles in the affected area as much as possible.

Before repeating the stretch, you need to move slightly in the opposite direction, and then fix the muscles for a few minutes. Such approaches are good for relieving muscle spasms.

Therapy for cervical hypermobility

One of the most common neck pathologies is hypermobility.

Manual therapy for instability of the cervical spine is aimed at eliminating it.

To do this, first of all, muscle tension is relieved. When the load is removed from the diseased vertebra, it becomes less loose and the disease does not progress.

The main method of treatment for instability of the cervical vertebrae is automobilization.

Its essence is that the patient clasps his head with one hand and tilts it forward, and with the other he props up his chin. Then he slowly turns his head and rocks in the direction of rotation.

These procedures not only relieve tension, but also improve local blood circulation.

Independent use of the technique

The use of spinal manual therapy at home is only possible with outside help.

A physically fit, strong person who has an understanding of the physiology of the body and is trained in the technique of medical procedures is well suited for this purpose.

Before starting practice, it is necessary to warm up the muscles using a special vibration massager, a warm bath or segmental massage.

This can be achieved by leaning on the back of a chair or other surface, or by holding the spinal sections with your hands. Most often, the hand support method is used in the treatment of the cervical or lumbar spine.

Each movement should be done with only light pressure. Many exercises do not require the use of force at all, since they are designed on the principle of inertial action.

The therapeutic effect in this case is achieved thanks to personal body weight. The most difficult thing is to carry out procedures only on certain areas of the spine, without moving or straining other muscles.

Voice of the people

What do people who have undergone manual procedures write in their reviews?

Contraindications and precautions

Like any other type of treatment, manual therapy can be harmful to health.

Therefore, it is important to know in what cases it is contraindicated. This includes:

  • acute joint diseases;
  • disc myelopathy;
  • arthrosis 3-4 degrees;
  • bone osteoporosis;
  • intervertebral disc injuries;
  • tumors of the spine, spinal cord or brain;
  • Forestier's disease;
  • consolidated spinal fractures.

As for pregnancy, many experts have a positive attitude towards manual treatment.

The fact is that during the period of carrying a child, most medications are contraindicated, and manual procedures can be a real salvation from pain.

Taking into account reviews from patients and doctors, as well as numerous studies, we can conclude that manual therapy is completely safe when treating the spine.

Moreover, it has an amazing effect, which is not always possible to achieve even with drug treatment.

Only an experienced, qualified specialist can cure the spine without harming the rest of the body.

Non-surgical methods for treating intervertebral hernia

Every person who has been diagnosed with a herniated disc asks the question: is it possible to do without surgery? Fortunately, there are a large number of non-surgical hernia treatment options.

Each of these methods has its own contraindications, so you should consult your doctor before treatment.

Physiotherapeutic methods of treating the disease

Massage for intervertebral hernia

Therapeutic exercises for the spine

Yoga complex for the treatment of herniated disc

Treatment of the spine using manual therapy methods

Advantages of osteopathy and contraindications to its use

Drug treatment

An intervertebral hernia often causes pinching of the roots, in which case the patient develops signs of inflammation and severe pain. Doctors usually prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs):

In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, these drugs also reduce pain. These medications are produced in the form of injection solutions, ointments, and rectal suppositories. The doctor, based on the results of the examination, decides what to prescribe for the patient. You should not self-medicate and take these medications on your own.

The use of tablet drugs can provoke an exacerbation of chronic gastritis and gastric ulcers. In order to protect the gastric mucosa from the effects of NSAIDs, the following drugs can be used:

These drugs cover the stomach with a film that protects it from exposure to an aggressive environment.

In cases where the patient complains of unbearable pain, he is prescribed stronger drugs, for example, morphine or codeine. These medications can only be obtained with a prescription from specialized pharmacies.

If all these methods are ineffective and the patient continues to suffer from pain, he is prescribed epidural injections, i.e. injections directly into the lesion. The patient is administered steroid drugs, which provide almost immediate relief. But the use of this method is limited. Epidural injections can only be used 3 times a year.

The next group of drugs used in the treatment of intervertebral hernia are chondroprotectors. They restore cartilage tissue in the intervertebral space, stop the progression of the disease and prevent the destruction of intervertebral discs. Chondroprotectors include:

To achieve a therapeutic effect, drugs should be used for 3 months or more. The course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor.

Doctors confirm the positive effect of using Rumalon - it is an extract from animal cartilage and bone marrow. The medicine contains structural components that are necessary for the normal functioning of cartilage.

Muscle relaxants are prescribed to patients to relax muscles and reduce pain. Mydocalm belongs to this group.

Patients also need drugs that improve blood circulation in the diseased area. For this purpose use:

If pain prevents the patient from falling asleep, he is prescribed antidepressants. They calm the nervous system. There is evidence that these drugs can also reduce pain. Antidepressants are available only by prescription and are used strictly in a certain dosage. These include:

In addition to the main treatment, the patient is prescribed the use of vitamins. B vitamins restore tissue sensitivity and reduce pain. Vitamin D restores bone tissue, strengthens ligaments, and is prescribed along with calcium. Vitamins A, E and C are antioxidants and help restore damaged intervertebral cartilage tissue.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Physiotherapy has long proven its effectiveness in treating back problems. After the procedures, muscle tension is reduced and tense tissues are restored.


During the procedure, a medicinal substance is injected into the patient's body tissue, without tissue damage. The medicine enters the skin under the influence of an electric current.

  • a more concentrated medicine that directly enters the body tissues, bypassing the liver;
  • long-term retention of the drug in tissues;
  • the effect of current on the body also has a positive effect: blood circulation improves, swelling and inflammation decrease;
  • the treatment is painless;
  • rarely causes an allergic reaction.

Mud therapy

This method is classified as thermal treatment using mud of various compositions. The mud is heated to 50 degrees, then mixed with cold water and applied either in the form of applications to a sore spot or to the entire body except the head and heart area. Therapeutic mud improves metabolism in the diseased area, relieves inflammation and swelling.

Mud therapy can be used only after the end of the acute period, that is, after the pain has subsided.


Ultrasound therapy is a method of using vibrations of sound waves. They are not perceived by the human ear. But they penetrate into the body to a depth of 6 cm.

Under the influence of ultrasonic waves, tissue metabolism accelerates, blood circulation improves, and muscle spasms are relieved. Ultrasound relieves inflammation and pain.


It has a positive effect in combination with other treatment methods. It can be carried out only after the pain has subsided. Massage should be performed by a specially trained medical professional.

There is a special massage technique that can be performed at home, but only after consultation with your doctor. First you need to rub the inflamed vertebrae with fir oil. After this, apply honey to the skin, after adding a few mummy tablets to it. Make patting movements on the back. At this time, the skin should stick to the palms. The pain that appears during such a massage should be tolerated. Honey removes old toxins and fights hernia. After the honey massage, you need to wipe your back with a warm cloth and apply Finalgon ointment to it. After this, you need to wrap your back and go to bed. Improvement can be felt by the morning, but to achieve a long-term effect it is necessary to carry out a course of 2-4 weeks.

Gymnastics for intervertebral hernia

  • Get on all fours. Raise your opposite arm and leg. Hold for a few seconds, then lower and repeat with the other arm and leg.
  • Lie on your back. The surface must be hard. Legs should be bent at the knees, arms at your sides. Raise and lower your pelvis for 1-2 minutes.
  • On the floor, lie on your stomach. Place your arms along your body, while trying to raise your upper body as much as possible. Hold this position for a few seconds, then lower yourself. Repeat the exercise 7-10 times. It can also be complicated and lift the chest and legs at the same time (“boat”).

There is a popular wisdom: you need to spend as much time on gymnastics for a hernia as was spent on acquiring it.

The main rule is that you can’t do exercises in bed. Buy a special yoga mat. Exercises should not cause discomfort. If pain occurs, you should stop exercising.

  • Lie on your back with your knees pulled up to your chin. In this position you need to roll on the floor. The exercise stretches the spinal muscles and ligaments.
  • Lying on your back, bend your knees. Grasp your shins with your hands. In this position, try to straighten your spine as much as possible.
  • Lying on your back, bend your leg at the knee and try to touch it with your forehead. Then switch legs.
  • Get on all fours. Arch your back like a cat. In this case, your gaze should first be at the floor, then at the ceiling.

Manual therapy

Treatment performed using hands is called manual therapy. It is performed for many diseases of the spine, joints, muscles and internal organs.

Treatment is carried out by a specially trained chiropractor. To begin with, he relieves pain, and after that he will perform techniques aimed at restoring the intervertebral disc. After a course of manual therapy, muscle tone is normalized, pressure on the damaged disc is reduced, and blood circulation improves. Normalizing blood circulation improves metabolism, thereby relieving inflammation and pain more quickly.

It is very important to choose a qualified doctor, because one wrong movement can lead to disability of the patient.


A complex of diagnostics and therapeutic effects on the patient’s tissues using fingers. With this method of treatment, the effect on the human body is very gentle, so it can be used for people of all age groups.

Using his hands, an osteopathic doctor can determine even small deviations in the position of organs, the spine and other tissues of the body. Hands help the doctor not only make a diagnosis, but also carry out treatment.

  • effective diagnosis and treatment of spinal diseases;
  • safety of treatment;
  • pain relief after the first session;
  • Can be used to prevent exacerbation.

In case of intervertebral hernia, the doctor, acting on the diseased area, improves blood circulation and metabolism. After a course of treatment of 7-10 sessions, muscle spasms are relieved and pain goes away.

There are a huge number of non-surgical hernia treatments. The main thing is to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and not self-medicate. Since hernia is classified as a chronic disease, it is important to remember to prevent exacerbation of the disease.

  • Eat right. More fruits and vegetables, follow the drinking regime. Eliminate fatty, spicy, smoked and pickled foods from your food.
  • Exercise every day. They will help keep muscles toned and protect the spine from damage.
  • Go swimming. It also trains the muscles of the spine, strengthens them and thereby prevents exacerbation of the disease.
  • Don't lift heavy objects.
  • Undergo preventive treatment in a timely manner: physiotherapy, drug therapy. The frequency of such treatment is prescribed by the doctor. This will depend on the extent of the damage to the spine.

It must be remembered that in severe cases such treatment may not help and surgery cannot be avoided. Listen to your doctor and then you may be able to avoid surgical treatment.

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Manual therapy of the spine for hernia reviews

No one will disagree with the fact that persistent PDS block and disc herniation are related. You just need to understand which of them is primary and which is secondary. The primary one is the block. After the relationship of two adjacent vertebrae changes (most often as a result of injury), the disc that is located between them begins to experience an uneven load. The pressure on one side becomes greater than on the other. This leads, over time, to the formation of a hernia.

By removing the PDS block, you can restore uniform pressure over the entire area of ​​the disk. This helps eliminate “protrusion”, i.e. hernias In this way, “root compression” is eliminated.

A sequestrum of a disc herniation is a loose disc fragment in the spinal canal. Therefore, it is impossible to change anything in the sequestration and its localization by redistributing pressure on the disc.

And, therefore, change the sequester-root relationship and the presence of radicular conflict too. But it’s easy to “squeeze out” more fragments of the nucleus pulposus from the disc with rough force. Which will lead to even greater compression of the root. Therefore, the presence of sequestration is a contraindication to manual therapy.

With disc protrusion - yes, this is a discussed issue, but not with sequestration.

There can be no talk of “rough influence”. Modern manual medicine has a large arsenal of safe techniques.

Sequestration is not always a contraindication to MT. What matters is its size, time of appearance, size of the spinal canal, etc. In each specific case, indications and, more importantly, contraindications must be taken into account. Only after a thorough analysis of the situation can a decision on MT be made.

Sincerely, Cherebillo Vladislav Yurievich

Otherwise, all manual therapy turns into shamanism. There is no need to discredit the method.

The presence of sequestration is an absolute contraindication for manual therapy on this PDS. In this case, manual therapy is fully indicated above and below the site of the lesion by any means.

Otherwise, all manual therapy turns into shamanism. There is no need to discredit the method.

And then, I responded to Dr. Stupin’s phrase that MT is contraindicated for PDS with a herniated disc. And you turned the conversation to sequestration. Sequestration is an extreme form of hernia formation. But there are other stages at which MT methods are often the only effective ones.

Otherwise, all manual therapy turns into shamanism. There is no need to discredit the method.

“Thus, even with a verified disc herniation, the clinical manifestations are complex. And there are even cases when the pain is almost entirely a consequence of musculofascial problems. But of course, the herniation that happened made the main contribution that this area became an area of ​​irritation.”

There was given a collective example of a clinical case that was borderline for making a decision. A small hernia, and manifestations (maybe) of radicular syndrome.

But the same situation can occur with a hernia of 7-10 mm, if there is sufficient reserve space and with a “successful” spatial relationship between the hernia and the root.

How many of you can confidently say that the sequestered hernia under discussion (and even more so its separate sequestration) completely determines the clinic by the mechanism of pressure on the root?

Or maybe this sequestration has nothing to do with clinical manifestations at all? And you are discussing whether manual therapy can do something with it.

I believe that manual therapy, like other considerable arsenal of conservative therapy, should be used in full to indicate that conservative therapy is not effective. Or this therapy does not satisfy the patient (the quality of life does not change). After this, indications for a surgical decision arise (emergency indications are not discussed).

Subjective personal experience. 12 years ago I was diagnosed with a sequestered hernia L5-S1, 14 mm. To be honest, I remember that time with horror. I was already preparing for surgery, but it got better. A year later and to this day, this event does not have any impact on my quality of life.

Naturally, this is a special case. But which particular case, for a specific therapeutic decision, can only be decided by a DOCTOR.

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