Fat deposit in the vertebral body. Osteochondrosis is the result of fatty degeneration. Treatment methods for fatty degeneration of the bone marrow of the vertebral bodies

The rhythm of life of a modern person dictates its conditions. The average resident of a large city does not have the opportunity to devote several hours a day to eating: our contemporary is too busy. In order to somehow satisfy the need for food, a person resorts to fast food, small snacks, etc. As you know, “piecemealism” never leads to good things. The lack of a rational and thoughtful diet certainly leads to various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The least you can get away with is gastritis, but there are also more serious diseases. One of them is fatty liver hepatosis.

Fatty liver hepatosis is a degenerative disease of the organ with the gradual destruction of hepatocyte cells. Instead of hepatocytes, fat cells - lipocytes - take their place in the liver. Over time, lipocytes are destroyed, liver fibrosis begins, and this is a direct path to cirrhosis and death.

What do you need to know about fatty liver hepatosis so as not to miss the trouble?

Fatty liver hepatosis: causes

In the vast majority of cases, the causes of fatty liver hepatosis lie in the nutritional factor. This means that the disease itself develops due to poor nutrition. However, not always. Among the factors leading to the disease are:

Alcohol abuse. Approximately 80% of all patients with hepatosis are people who do not know the limits of alcohol consumption. The problem of alcoholism is especially common in men, so they are the main patients of the gastroenterologist. In women, hepatosis develops more rapidly and has a worse prognosis, especially against the background of alcoholism.

Use of narcotic and psychoactive substances. This includes not only drugs, but also the notorious energy drinks, caffeine in general, and even tea, due to the tannins it contains (you can drink tea without fear, we are talking about isolated cases).

Another risk group consists of people with poor nutrition. In this case, we are talking about a deficiency of normal food. This includes vegetarians and people suffering from anorexia. The body is not designed for such extreme stress. With prolonged poor nutrition, the body begins to think that the “hunger year” has come and it’s time to stock up on fat. This is extremely harmful not only to the liver, but also to the heart.

Disorders of the lungs and heart can lead to hepatosis.

Diseases associated with lipid metabolism disorders in the body. The most important culprit of hepatosis among diseases is diabetes mellitus (especially type 2). It causes both external and internal obesity affecting the organs.

The effects of toxins on the body.

There are many causes of fatty liver disease. Almost always the person himself is to blame for violations of its work.

Fatty liver hepatosis: first symptoms

Liver hepatosis is a silent disease. Often, until the process becomes advanced, a person develops cirrhosis of the liver, nothing is noticeable. However, this is only an appearance. If you listen carefully to your own body, you can notice something that was not observed before. The first symptoms of fatty liver disease include:

Mild pain in the right side under the ribs. This is where the liver is located. In the initial stages of damage, hepatocyte cells die. This is accompanied by inflammation and pain. The pain is dull and aching in nature and is almost unnoticeable unless hepatitis or cholecystitis is added to the hepatosis.

Peptic phenomena. Frequent signs of fatty liver hepatosis. Since the liver ceases to function normally, there is a high risk of developing problems from other organs of the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, heartburn, belching. Pain may be observed in the left side, in the center of the abdomen in the epigastric region.

Phenomena of dysbacteriosis. Usually manifested in the form of constipation, diarrhea, or their alternation. The stool takes on a greenish tint.

Dry skin. The skin with hepatosis becomes dry, hot and flabby. If we are talking about the later stages of the disease, then it completely turns yellow from the release of bile into the bloodstream.

Disorders of the sensory organs, in particular decreased vision.

All these are nonspecific signs of fatty liver hepatosis. You can put an end to it only after going through a full diagnosis.

Diagnosis of fatty liver hepatosis

At the first suspicion of the development of hepatosis, you should immediately consult a doctor. Gastroenterologists deal with problems with the gastrointestinal tract. At the initial appointment, the doctor conducts a survey of the patient about complaints, their nature and duration. This is how the specialist draws up a diagnostic strategy.

The list of necessary measures to make an accurate diagnosis includes:

Ultrasound of the liver. Traditionally, an ultrasound examination of the liver helps to detect its enlargement, and this almost always indicates problems with the organ.

Tomographic research. MRI allows you to evaluate the structure of the liver. If fat is deposited in an organ, this will be visible on an MRI.

Blood chemistry. ALT and AST indicators are assessed. When they increase, we are talking about liver disease.

Biopsy. It doesn't happen that often. Allows you to find out whether fat is present in the structure of the organ.

In most cases, doctors are faced not with hepatosis, but with hepatitis or cholecystitis. However, you cannot diagnose yourself. The doctor will do this. The patient’s task is to clearly and consistently talk about his complaints.

Treatment of fatty liver hepatosis

Treatment of fatty liver hepatosis presents many difficulties. To solve the problem once and for all, an integrated approach is required. Treatment includes a number of important aspects:

Eliminating the root cause of fat deposition in the liver. The most important step, without which the treatment will have no effect. The first thing to do is to identify the root cause. It could be alcoholism, then you cannot do without completely giving up alcohol, at least for the period of treatment, it could be an unhealthy diet, then you should give up fatty, fried and excessively salty foods. At this stage, the main role is played by the patient’s willpower and discipline.

Compliance with nutrition, diet and physical activity. If fat is broken down, it will not be deposited in the liver. But in order for fat to be broken down, effort is required. First, you need to avoid fatty foods and foods rich in “bad” cholesterol. This includes fatty meats, sausages, baked goods, etc. Secondly, it is necessary that the reserves that penetrate the body be broken down. Therefore, physical inactivity should be avoided.

Taking medications. The main group of drugs used to treat hepatosis are the so-called hepatoprotectors.

In addition to avoiding factors that cause fatty liver disease and following a specialized diet, it is possible to take hepatoprotectors. Among them, preparations based on silymarin (milk thistle flavonoid) are very trusted. For example, Legalon, an original German preparation containing milk thistle flavonoids (silymarin), which have undergone a special purification and standardization procedure.

Compared to analogues, Legalon has a higher content of the active component. It helps the liver cope with the load, strengthens its structure and prevents destruction by stabilizing cell membranes and additional synthesis of phospholipids. Legalon actively fights toxic substances, preventing their excess from harming the liver and the entire body.

In addition to the protective effect, the hepatoprotector Legalon has a restorative effect and helps reduce inflammatory factors. Also, Legalon is suitable for the prevention of liver dysfunction, since it significantly reduces the load on the organ when taking medications, fatty foods and alcohol. In addition, the drug helps prevent the occurrence of fibrosis and other degenerative changes in the liver.

These medications stop destructive processes in the liver and help restore already dead cells. Antioxidant medications have also proven themselves to be effective in preventing liver cells from dying and being replaced by scar or fatty tissue.

Contrary to popular opinion on the Internet, hepatosis should be treated with herbs with great care. Only milk thistle is suitable. The reason lies in the fact that this disease is often accompanied by cholecystitis: choleretic drugs can provoke rupture of the gallbladder.

Prevention of fatty liver hepatosis

Prevention of fatty liver hepatosis is not difficult. It is enough to follow the following recommendations:

Eat often and in small portions. This way the liver will not be overstrained.

Reduce your consumption of animal fats to a minimum. A complete rejection of them is also unacceptable.

Drink alcohol with caution, and never abuse it.

Maintain at least a minimum level of physical activity: physical inactivity has an extremely negative effect on liver function.

All these tips will help you avoid liver problems in the future.

Fatty liver hepatosis is characterized by high danger due to the risk of degeneration into cirrhosis. To prevent problems, you should rationalize your diet and physical activity regimen. And if trouble does occur, you should urgently consult a doctor for advice. It is much easier to treat hepatosis in the initial stages. This way the patient will help both himself and the doctor.


Nutrition for fatty liver

One of the factors in the development of fatty liver is a sedentary lifestyle combined with overeating. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your diet and maintain a normal weight. If the patient is obese, then he is recommended to follow a diet (but not strict) with a weight loss of approximately 0.5 kg per week. Moderate physical activity is encouraged: exercise on an exercise bike, swimming, walking.

Diet for fatty liver is not just important - it plays a leading role in the effectiveness of treatment for patients. In medical institutions, diet table No. 5 is usually prescribed, with the consumption of protein foods up to 120 g per day, limiting animal fat, as well as a sufficient amount of liver-healthy foods - cottage cheese, cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, wild rice). Plant foods are welcome - fruits and vegetables, greens, all types of cabbage.

Instead of meat products, it is recommended to eat fish and seafood. It is advisable to avoid fried foods - steam, boil or bake dishes with a minimum amount of butter (it is better to replace it with vegetable oil).

We must not forget about the drinking regime: in the absence of contraindications, you should drink at least 2 liters of water per day, mainly in the first half of the day.

It is necessary to limit or exclude fatty dairy products: whole milk, sour cream, cheeses. Low-fat kefir, fermented baked milk, and yogurt are allowed for consumption.

Alcoholic drinks will have to be eliminated completely! In addition to alcohol, carbonated drinks are also prohibited.

It is also recommended to avoid sweets, white pastries, store-bought and fatty sauces, margarine, sausages, fatty meats and lard. Try to eat only natural, fresh foods, with a minimum amount of sugar.


Causes of fatty liver

Various reasons can lead to fatty liver degeneration: alcohol abuse, improper and inadequate nutrition, and especially protein starvation; endocrine disorders (lesions of the diencephalic-pituitary system, islet apparatus of the pancreas), long-term infections (tuberculosis) and intoxications (phosphorus, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, etc.), treatment with corticosteroids and antibiotics.

Symptoms and signs of fatty liver

At an early stage, the disease is asymptomatic; hepatomegaly is possible without noticeable functional abnormalities. The liver is smooth and soft to the touch. In this still reversible period, elimination of the cause leads to normalization of the size of the liver. As the disease progresses, the liver becomes sensitive and dense. A high level of choline in the blood serum is determined, and acetylcholinesterase activity increases. The content of total fats in the blood serum is often increased, and the first stage of the polarographic wave shows a tendency to increase. They emphasize the increased sensitivity and vulnerability of the liver during fatty degeneration, and a decrease in the glycogen content in it.

During the terminal period of the disease, severe complications are possible: fat embolism, vascular thrombosis, hemorrhagic diathesis, hepatic coma. There is no convincing evidence that stenosis can lead to cirrhosis in humans.

Diagnosis. One should think about fatty liver degeneration in cases of detection of an enlarged liver of soft consistency, in the absence of noticeable functional disorders, especially when it concerns alcoholics, patients with diabetes mellitus, ulcerative colitis, tuberculosis or nutritional disorders, etc. For the pathology of fat metabolism and the presence of fat Liver degeneration is indicated by high serum choline levels, increased acetylcholinesterase activity, high total fat content and an increased first stage of the polarographic wave. A reliable diagnosis can be made by histological examination of biopsy material from the liver.

Fatty liver degeneration is differentiated from liver prolapse, chronic hepatitis and compensated inactive cirrhosis.

Treatment of fatty liver

First of all, the cause that led to fatty liver should be eliminated. The diet should be rich in animal proteins, vitamins, lipotropic substances with a limited amount of fat. You can prescribe vitamin B6 due to the unconditional dapottropic effect inherent in the drug, as well as choline chloride, lipocaine, folic acid, empirically methionine and choline (the use of the latter in the clinic has been disappointing).

Fatty liver degeneration of non-alcoholic etiology

Fatty liver of non-alcoholic etiology is called liver damage of varying severity, histologically resembling alcoholic liver damage, but occurring in those who do not abuse alcohol. It includes fatty liver degeneration itself, damage to hepatocytes, necrosis and fibrosis; liver cirrhosis with portal hypertension and other complications, including hepatocellular carcinoma. Life expectancy with fatty liver is lower than in the general population.

In practice, the diagnosis of fatty liver of non-alcoholic etiology is made by exclusion. It should be suspected in a patient with chronic liver damage who does not abuse alcohol, with negative results of serological tests for viral hepatitis and the absence of congenital or acquired liver diseases.

Associated diseases and conditions

Fatty liver of non-alcoholic etiology is often found in type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity and dyslipoproteinemia, which, in turn, are closely related to the presence of metabolic syndrome.

Obesity. It is obesity that most often accompanies fatty liver disease that is not associated with alcohol consumption. The presence of obesity is noted in 40-100% of cases of fatty liver with signs of hepatitis, and fatty liver with signs of hepatitis is detected in 9-36% of obese individuals. In addition, the type of obesity matters.

Hyperlipoproteinemia(hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia, or both) is detected in 20-80% of cases of fatty liver with signs of hepatitis.

As a rule, with fatty liver with signs of hepatitis There are several risk factors at once.

In addition, risk factors include female gender, rapid weight loss, acute starvation, small intestinal diverticulosis.

To hereditary diseases in which fatty liver develops, include Wilson's disease, homocystinuria, tyrosinemia, abetalipoproteidemia and hypobetalipoproteidemia, as well as spontaneous Weber-Christian panniculitis.

Fatty liver degeneration (especially with signs of hepatitis) can lead to surgical interventions, for example gastroplasty, jejunoileal anastomosis, biliopancreatic bypass.

Medicines and other substances. Fatty liver disease can be caused by a number of medications and other chemical compounds. These include glucocorticoids, amiodarone, synthetic estrogens, tamoxifen, diethyphene (a former cardiovascular drug), isoniazid, methotrexate, perhexiline, tetracycline, puromycin, bleomycin, dichlorethylene, ethionine, hydrazine, hypoglycine A, asparaginase, azacitidine, azauridine, azaserine . Constant contact with petroleum products at work is also a risk factor for fatty liver disease.

Symptoms. Most often, fatty liver disease is asymptomatic; Sometimes patients complain of weakness, malaise, and mild pain.

Physical examination. Almost three quarters of patients have hepatomegaly, and a quarter have splenomegaly.

Laboratory research. In the absence of signs of hepatitis, laboratory tests are not very informative. If they are present, the main change in biochemical indicators of liver function is an increase in the activity of ALT and AST. Usually these abnormalities are discovered during the next medical examination or when visiting a doctor for another reason. There is no clear connection between enzyme activity, on the one hand, and histological parameters and the severity of inflammation or fibrosis, on the other. The activity of ALT is often higher than the activity of AST, which distinguishes fatty liver of non-alcoholic etiology from liver damage due to alcoholism, when the activity of AST is higher than ALT, and the activity of ALP may be slightly increased; Serum bilirubin and albumin levels are usually normal. Prolonged PT indicates decompensated liver failure. In some patients, a low titer of antinuclear antibodies is determined. However, there are no antimitochondrial antibodies, antibodies to the hepatitis C virus or HBsAg in the blood, and serum levels of ceruloplasmin and α 1 -antitrypsin are within normal limits. Elevated serum ferritin levels and increased transferrin saturation are common. In men, excess iron in the body is more pronounced than in women. In a third of patients with fatty liver degeneration with signs of hepatitis, a homozygous or heterozygous mutation in the HFE gene is detected, leading to the replacement of cysteine ​​at position 282 with tyrosine (a genetic marker of hemochromatosis). Liver fibrosis in the presence of this mutation is usually more severe.

Instrumental studies. To diagnose fatty liver, various non-invasive radiological diagnostic methods are used, including abdominal ultrasound, CT and MRI of the abdomen. None of them are sensitive enough to detect liver inflammation and fibrosis. CT and MRI can detect only extrahepatic manifestations of cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Thus, these methods lack both sensitivity and specificity to confidently diagnose fatty liver with signs of hepatitis and determine its severity.

Liver biopsy- a method that allows you to confirm the diagnosis of fatty liver, with or without signs of hepatitis, to assess the activity of hepatitis and the degree of fibrosis. It is still unclear whether all patients should undergo a biopsy, since the results do not always influence treatment. A biopsy is indicated if patients have metabolic syndrome and if the activity of liver enzymes is constantly elevated, despite proper treatment.

Histological picture In case of fatty liver degeneration, alcoholic and non-alcoholic etiologies are the same. Histologically, there are 3 stages of fatty liver. The first stage is fatty infiltration of hepatocytes without their inflammation and destruction. At the same time, fat accumulates in large drops in hepatocytes. The second stage is fatty infiltration of hepatocytes with signs of necrosis and inflammation. Fatty degeneration can be diffuse, or it can be concentrated in the central zones of the liver lobules. Inflammation of the parenchyma of varying degrees is always observed; the cellular infiltrate consists of neutrophils, macrophages and lymphocytes. Necrosis of hepatocytes with areas of devastation of the parenchyma is possible; Mallory and Councilman bodies may be detected.

In 15-65% of patients, iron deposits are detected in hepatocytes. In case of fatty degeneration with signs of hepatitis, in 35-85% of cases fibrosis is found around individual hepatocytes, around the sinusoids and portal tracts. The degree of fibrosis can vary greatly, from mild fibrosis around small veins and groups of cells to severe, widespread fibrosis. In 7-16% of patients with fatty liver with signs of hepatitis, liver cirrhosis is detected at the first biopsy; histologically it is indistinguishable from portal cirrhosis.

Causes of liver dystrophy of non-alcoholic etiology

The pathogenesis of fatty liver of non-alcoholic etiology is complex; Apparently, not only the liver is involved in it, but also fat, muscle and other tissues. Adipose tissue and insulin resistance play a leading role in the pathogenesis of the disease. It is known that fats are stored in the fatty tissue of internal organs. With excess caloric intake of food, the process of normal fat storage is disrupted, which affects the rate of both lipogenesis and lipolysis and leads to an increased supply of free fatty acids from adipose tissue into the blood. This, in turn, promotes the accumulation of fats in the liver and striated muscles. This releases cytokines, which disrupts intracellular signal transmission when insulin binds to receptors and reduces insulin-mediated glucose uptake into muscle. At the same time, utilization is suppressed and glucose production in the liver is stimulated. In addition, the availability of fatty acids in the liver stimulates their esterification and de novo lipogenesis. At the same time, the level of apoprotein B 100l of VLDL increases. All this taken together leads to the accumulation and oxidation of fats in the liver, stimulates free radical oxidation, the release of inflammatory cytokines and the activation of Ito cells.

In general, although the specific mechanisms for the development of inflammation and necrosis of hepatocytes in fatty liver are not fully understood, they are most likely based on two processes: fatty infiltration of the liver, on the one hand, and free radical oxidation and the release of proinflammatory cytokines, which cause progressive damage liver, on the other. Increasing evidence suggests that a second mechanism in the pathogenesis of fatty liver disease is mediated by adipokines released from adipose tissue.

Adiponectin is an adipokine with anti-inflammatory properties. There is a significant connection between low levels of adiponectin and an increase in the amount of fatty tissue in internal organs, hyperlipoproteinemia and insulin resistance. Another adipokine, leptin, on the contrary, has a pro-inflammatory effect. It promotes liver fibrosis by increasing the expression of transforming growth factor beta and stimulating Ito cell activation. Proinflammatory cytokines produced by the fatty tissue of internal organs also include FIO and IL-6. They play a leading role in the development of insulin resistance because they disrupt intracellular signal transmission when insulin binds to receptors and promote inflammation. In addition, they have a negative effect on the immune system.

Course and prognosis of liver dystrophy of non-alcoholic etiology

The course of the disease depends on the histological picture. If there is no inflammation and destruction of hepatocytes, the disease usually does not progress, but in the presence of signs of hepatitis, approximately 20% of patients develop cirrhosis over time. In the presence of signs of hepatitis, fatty liver degeneration is considered a stable condition in most cases, but in some patients it progresses and leads to severe cirrhosis of the liver. Risk factors for cirrhosis include old age, the presence of metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes mellitus, and higher activity of AST than ALT.

There is currently no treatment for fatty liver of non-alcoholic etiology; Available methods are aimed at eliminating factors associated with the development of the disease. Patients are recommended to lose weight and abstain from alcohol, correct hyperglycemia and hyperlipoproteinemia, and discontinue hepatotoxic drugs (glucocorticoids, estrogens, amiodarone, perhexiline). In cases of severe obesity, surgical treatment is indicated. In a number of small short-term studies, ursodeoxycholic acid, vitamin E, gemfibrozil, betaine (a choline metabolite), acetylcysteine, and metformin improved biochemical parameters of liver function and reduced the severity of liver fatty infiltration, but did not have a significant effect on inflammatory activity or fibrosis.

Thiazolidinedione derivatives (pioglitazone and rosiglitazone) increase the sensitivity of adipose and muscle tissue to insulin and improve the uptake of glucose by their cells.


Liver pathology


As a rule, patients with fatty degeneration or hepatosis in the liver do not complain about deteriorating health. The disease has a mild course, but continues to progress slowly. Subsequently, persistent dull pain develops in the right side of the hypochondrium, accompanied by nausea with vomiting and stool disorders.

In rare cases, fatty liver degeneration of various etiologies develops with pronounced symptoms - severe abdominal pain, weight loss, jaundice and itching of the skin.


“> The main reason for damage to the body is the insusceptibility of liver cells to the effects of insulin on them. The main function of this hormone is to transport glucose into cells from tissue fluid and blood. When insulin resistance develops, cells in the liver do not receive vital glucose and die, and are subsequently replaced by useless fatty tissue.

Insulin resistance can develop as a hereditary pathology, and also often occurs due to improper metabolism and can be triggered by improper immune aggression towards the hormone insulin.

Concomitant factors that have a beneficial effect on the development of the disease are: intoxication, high concentration of fat in foods and insufficient physical activity.


For treatment, patients are advised to take multivitamins and drugs that protect the liver. It is also recommended to ensure sufficient physical activity. Treatment for fatty liver degeneration is usually long-term and takes at least two to three months. Subsequently, an ultrasound scan of the peritoneum and a biochemical blood test are mandatory.

As for nutrition, it should include vegetable oils with the non-vegetable fatty acids they contain. With the concomitant development of diabetes and obesity, it is necessary to limit the amount of carbohydrates consumed.

Courses of treatment for pathology must be carried out at least twice a year. This disease indicates a metabolic disorder, which provokes the accumulation of excess fat in the cells in the form of droplets.

If the causes of the pathology are not treated in a timely manner, fatty degeneration will lead to the complete loss of damaged organs and ultimately to death. In this regard, you should not ignore the recommendations of a specialist and strictly adhere to the course of treatment.

Pathology of the pancreas

“> Regardless of the location of the lesion, the pathology disrupts the normal functioning of the organ. The same thing happens in the pancreas, where fat cells begin to push out healthy structures and prevent the remaining ones from functioning properly. Fatty infiltration in the pancreas indicates a disruption of metabolic processes in the human body.

Most often, fatty degeneration of the pancreas occurs in patients with acute or chronic pancreatitis due to alcohol abuse. Usually in such situations this pathology is combined with infiltration in the liver. At the same time, during an ultrasound examination, the iron practically does not change its size and has smooth contours. Neglect of pathology can lead to serious and unpleasant consequences.


Often, fatty infiltration in the pancreas develops due to improper treatment or poor nutrition in patients with chronic pancreatitis. Against the background of obesity, all the negative manifestations of the disease intensify several times, since normal functioning is disrupted, healthy tissues are replaced by fat, and the process itself is considered irreversible.

Degeneration does not necessarily develop against the background of inflammatory pathology, and the process of inflammation in the pancreas will not always cause degeneration in it. Typically, overweight people and elderly patients undergo such pathological changes.


Degeneration in the pancreas can only be treated with conservative methods or through surgery. Conservative treatment is carried out provided that small fat cells are distributed throughout the gland and do not compress its ducts. When fat cells begin to merge into groups, compress the ducts and interfere with the production of secretions, surgical intervention is required - namely, the removal of lipomatous nodes.

The essence of conservative treatment is to organize the following activities:

  • Strict diet with limited fat intake.
  • Reducing body weight in the presence of excess fat deposits. According to statistics, most people who suffer from fatty degeneration also suffer from excess body weight. Therefore, this measure will remove excess fats from the lipid layer in the pancreas.

“> Due to the fact that fatty degeneration is considered an irreversible process, it is no longer possible to cure the damaged areas of the organ, and the main goal of therapeutic treatment remains to prevent the subsequent progression of the spread of fat cells. At this stage of treatment, proper nutrition plays an important role, because a correctly chosen diet, which is strictly followed by the patient, helps to avoid surgical intervention in case of progression of the disease process.

The diet is based on the rules of fractional meals. This is not just the basis of the diet, but an indisputable algorithm for proper nutrition in general. Unfortunately, in the modern world, even such an inalienable norm is becoming an exception.

You need to eat four to five times a day. The nutrition itself is based on diet No. 5, which must be followed by all patients affected by pancreatic pathologies. Patients are required to avoid eating fried foods, smoked and salty foods, sweets, baked goods, alcoholic beverages and chocolate. Doctors recommend cooking all dishes by steaming or in a double boiler. It is especially useful to eat dairy products and cereals.

As for meat, it is better to give preference to lean poultry, but whenever possible replace them with vegetables. It is also useful to drink pre-prepared infusions of medicinal herbs such as chamomile, mint, St. John's wort, blueberry leaves and cranberries.


Why does pathology develop?

Most often, the pathology develops after 46-50 years.

Impaired metabolism leads to the fact that the liver cannot secrete the required amount of enzymes to process fats.

As a result, they begin to accumulate in the organ cavity.

Such changes can occur under the influence of the following factors:

  1. Eating disorder. Sweets, processed foods and fast foods, preservatives, dyes and other toxins are especially harmful to the liver.
  2. Prolonged fasting or, conversely, constant overeating. Starvation diets or an incorrectly composed diet, vegetarianism are the enemies of the liver. They lead to organ obesity.
  3. Hereditary factor. If there were relatives in the family with liver diseases, then the person will develop dystrophic pathology in 89%.
  4. Uncontrolled and prolonged use of medications.
  5. Drinking too much alcohol (alcoholic fatty liver).
  6. Drug use.
  7. Professional activity involving work in industrial enterprises where various types of chemicals are produced.
  8. Passive lifestyle.
  9. Failure of the hormonal system.
  10. Neoplasms affecting the pituitary gland.

The mechanism of formation of fatty degeneration is actually very simple. Fats enter the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) and are broken down. If a lot of these components enter the liver, and disposition factors are present, fats undergo synthesis and accumulate in liver cells. The same thing happens under the influence of carbohydrate-containing substances that enter the liver in large quantities.

Fatty degeneration can be classified as follows:

Type I – fatty inclusions are sporadic, they are randomly located in the liver. There are no clinical manifestations.

Type II – fat molecules are arranged tightly. The person feels worse and experiences pain in the liver area.

Type III – there is a local location of fat capsules, they are located in certain areas of the organ. The symptoms are pronounced.

Type IV - fatty molecules are located almost throughout the liver or occupy one of the lobes. The symptoms are vivid.

Fatty degeneration can also be classified depending on the stage:

I – liver cells contain a small amount of fatty molecules, but they do not affect the functioning of the organ, although the destructive mechanism has already been launched.

II – fat completely fills the cells, they are destroyed, and an inflammatory process can develop around each cell.

III – the processes are irreversible, necrosis develops, in most cases at this stage it is impossible to restore liver function.

How does the disease manifest itself?

Signs of the disease appear already in the second stage:

  1. Drawing, aching pain in the liver area, which becomes stronger after eating fatty foods, smoked foods, spicy foods and alcoholic drinks. In this case, the pain can be constant or intermittent.
  2. Bitterness in the mouth, belching with a bitter aftertaste.
  3. Nausea, almost always ending in vomiting.
  4. Flatulence.
  5. Enlargement of the liver.
  6. A yellow coating appears on the tongue, it is dense.
  7. Constipation followed by diarrhea. They are permanent.

Signs of the third stage of damage cause very great discomfort and are expressed in:

  • increased irritability;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • fatigue;
  • memory impairment;
  • tendency towards depression;
  • accumulation of a large amount (up to 25 l) of free fluid (the stomach becomes very large);
  • pain cannot be relieved with analgesics;
  • yellowness of the skin;
  • in rare cases, skin itching develops.

If fatty degeneration leads to necrosis of liver tissue, the following additional signs and symptoms are observed:

  • unpleasant odor of liver on the bed and from the mouth;
  • significant increase in temperature;
  • nose bleed;
  • anorexia;
  • disturbance of heart rhythms and increased breathing.

It should be noted that as soon as the first symptoms appear, you should immediately go to the hospital so that the doctor can prescribe a course of treatment. Under no circumstances should you treat fatty degeneration yourself. This can be fatal. Another point is that the disease develops quite quickly, so treatment should be prescribed as soon as possible.

Today, with timely access to the hospital, treatment is effective, thanks to innovative techniques and new generation drugs.

The use of traditional methods of treatment is not prohibited, but it is necessary to consult a doctor before drinking decoctions.

How is diagnostic examination and treatment performed?

Diagnostics includes the following types of examination:

  • ultrasonography;
  • CT scan;
  • laparoscopic technique;
  • biopsy to identify fatty inclusions, their number, size and location;
  • blood tests.

When the symptoms are studied, as well as on the basis of a diagnostic examination, treatment will be prescribed, the regimen of which will be developed in each individual case.

Treatment of fatty degeneration is carried out in a complex manner. In this case, a mandatory condition is diet.

Only by following all the doctors’ instructions will it be possible to get rid of fatty degeneration. To treat dystrophy, doctors prescribe drugs to restore liver cells, drugs that normalize metabolism, medications and a vitamin complex to boost immunity. If an inflammatory drug is present, treatment involves taking anti-inflammatory drugs.

Treatment with folk remedies

Liver dystrophy can be treated with pumpkin.

It is very rich in vitamins and minerals, which help restore cells in the shortest possible time and normalize metabolic balance.

Cut off the top of the pumpkin, remove the seeds, fill the cavity with honey and place in a cool place for 8-10 days. After this, pour the honey into a container and put it in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. l. 2 times a day. If you are allergic to bee products, this method is prohibited.

It is possible to treat dystrophy with herbal tea. The following components are taken in equal quantities: string, wormwood, sage, raspberry leaves, birch leaves, chamomile, yarrow, linden. Grind the ingredients and mix. Pour boiling water in the ratio of 1 part collection, 2 parts water. Leave for 3 hours, strain and take throughout the day as tea.

Dystrophy can be treated with the following decoction: birch leaves, rose hips, hawthorn, red rowan, nettle leaves, lingonberries, bearberry, dandelion roots, fennel fruits, St. John's wort. Grind the ingredients and add water in a ratio of 1:3. Boil the mixture in a steam bath for 20 minutes. Strain and drink as tea throughout the day.

Diet for liver dystrophy

Basic diet rules:

  • increase the amount of protein-rich foods (fermented milk products, lean meats);
  • eliminate carbohydrates (white bread, sugar, rice, potatoes);
  • reduce the amount of animal fats (butter, fatty fish and oil) as much as possible;
  • Be sure to include at least 2.5 liters of water per day in your diet;
  • exclude alcohol;
  • Avoid fried, spicy, salty foods.

How dystrophy is treated directly depends on the person. If there is excess weight, a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, you should completely get rid of such factors - play sports, but without much physical activity. You can learn from your doctor about how to treat dystrophy with physical gymnastics.

The main goals of dietary nutrition for dystrophy are the normalization of the basic functions of the organ and the resumption of cholesterol and fat metabolism; stimulation of bile production.

The amount of fat consumed during the day should not exceed 50 g! This is a very important condition.

In addition, it is necessary to exclude foods that are rich in cholesterol. In this case, it will be possible not only to help liver cells recover, but also to avoid thrombophlebitis.

Another important rule is that it is better to steam dishes or eat them boiled or baked. In this case, they will not only be beneficial for the liver, but will also retain all the vitamins.

What should definitely be included in the diet:

  • vegetable broth soups with cereals, borscht;
  • vegetables;
  • vegetable salads;
  • mild cheese, ham;
  • boiled egg or steam omelet;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina;
  • low-fat dairy products.

What to exclude:

  • fatty foods, mushroom broths and mushrooms;
  • seafood;
  • fresh onions, garlic, tomatoes, radishes, legumes;

  • pickles and marinades;
  • dried products;
  • conservation;
  • coffee, cold or carbonated drinks.

It is very important not only to treat the disease, but also to take all measures to prevent it.

Prevention methods include: a healthy lifestyle, control of alcohol intake, increasing immunity, taking care of your health, and playing sports. Only in this case will it be possible to prevent a disease such as fatty liver degeneration. It should be remembered that if the disease is not treated, it will lead to death.

Bone marrow is a collection of stem cells. These cells, transforming, become leukocytes - protecting the body from infections, platelets - ensuring blood clotting, and red blood cells - providing the body with oxygen. All three types of blood cells make up the bone marrow, which controls the life processes of a living organism. In particular, it plays a critical role in both the formation and maintenance of the immune system.

Due to some reasons, internal or external, the process of hematopoiesis and healthy bone marrow functions may be disrupted. In particular, due to degenerative, dystrophic processes, its natural healthy tissue is gradually, little by little, replaced by connective or adipose tissue. Moreover, it is the latter, fat replacement that occurs most often. Fatty degeneration of the bone marrow occurs - a change, replacement of healthy tissue, deterioration of its condition, caused by a large amount of fat in its cells.

Why is fatty degeneration dangerous?

Degenerative changes occurring in the bone marrow negatively affect the process of hematopoiesis, worsen the composition of the blood, negatively affect the blood circulation process, and affect the health of blood vessels. When the functions of this organ are impaired, the number of leukocytes, platelets, and red blood cells decreases.

All these negative changes affect a person’s overall health. The nutrition of organs and tissues is disrupted, the composition of the blood changes, and it moves worse through the vessels. The functions of the entire body are disrupted, and its resistance to various diseases is reduced.

Violation of the composition and functions of the bone marrow leads to insufficient oxygen supply to the internal organs. This also leads to the inability to stop bleeding in case of injury.

Bone marrow degeneration - causes

Over time, the body ages. Sooner or later, degenerative processes begin to occur in it. They also occur in the bone marrow.

If this is associated with aging, the processes begin in due time, they are considered natural physiological processes. The older a person gets, the faster they happen. For example, by the age of 65-70, half of all bone marrow is replaced by adipose tissue. The older a person gets, the faster the replacement process occurs.

Scientists consider myeloid cells to be the “culprits” of the replacement process. They are found in the bone marrow and give rise to all blood cells except lymphocytes. From them muscles and liver are formed. Experts suspect that they are the first to be replaced by fat cells, due to their low “specialization.”

If we are talking about pathological degeneration of tissue, independent of aging, then the causes may be serious metabolic disorders, cancer (metastasis), chronic infectious diseases. Pathological degeneration can occur at any age.

Some medications can cause (accelerate) the replacement process. These include: cytostatic or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (acetylsalicylic acid, analgin), hypnotics (barbiturates).

Some drugs for hypertension (captopril), anti-tuberculosis drugs. Certain antibiotics (chloramphenicol), as well as certain antiarrhythmic drugs, can accelerate degeneration.

Diseases caused by fatty degeneration

Fatty bone marrow degeneration is often the cause of several serious diseases. In particular, as a result of fat replacement, Simmonds-Schien syndrome develops, hypoplastic as well as aplastic anemia occurs. Osteoporosis often develops.

Let's look at them briefly:

Simmonds-Sheehan syndrome(hypothalamic-pituitary cachexia). Most often, young women aged 30-40 years suffer from the disease. Pathology begins in the adenohypophysis and hypothalamus. Then there are disturbances in the secretion of hormones, in particular growth hormone. This causes degenerative-dystrophic as well as atrophic pathological processes in the body.

Hypoplastic, aplastic anemia. They arise due to inhibition of hematopoiesis. It, in turn, begins as a result of the replacement of myeloid tissue with adipose tissue. The reasons for this replacement are most often cited as exposure to toxins, an infectious or viral disease.

Osteoporosis. Excessive fat cells greatly complicate the body's production of collagen and interfere with the absorption of calcium. Fatty degeneration weakens and thins bone tissue, making it fragile.

Treatment of fatty bone marrow degeneration - in brief

Treatment of a disease caused by fatty degeneration of the bone marrow is carried out after conducting the necessary examination and establishing an accurate diagnosis. If the disease threatens the patient's life, for medical reasons, a bone marrow transplant is possible. The decision to carry out this or that treatment is made by the attending physician.

It is no exaggeration to say that the health of the spine means the health of the whole organism. However, the spine is subjected to very heavy loads, we do not always eat right, and a sedentary lifestyle, when modern people sit for a long time, puts even more strain on the spine. The result of all these processes are degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine, which over time turn into a diagnosis of osteochondrosis.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis

The main symptom is pain in different parts of the body, not just in the spine. In addition, disruption of the conduction of nerve signals leads to problems in the functioning of many organs.

Here are the main manifestations of osteochondrosis:

  • Headaches and dizziness,
  • Chest pain
  • Changes in blood pressure,
  • Pain, numbness or tingling sensation in the arms or legs,
  • Limitation of spinal mobility
  • Difficulty breathing, muscle weakness.

Stages of development of degenerative changes

1. The first stage is called preclinical. There are no symptoms yet, the spine looks normal on the pictures, but degeneration of the intervertebral discs has already begun.

2. Stage of changes in the nucleus pulposus. The density of the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc increases, it becomes denser, the vertebrae come closer together and compress the nerve roots.

3. At the third stage, destruction of the fibrous ring occurs. It dries out, cracks form, the fibrous ring can no longer support the intervertebral disc, so the nucleus pulposus protrudes outward (protrusion and disc herniation). The vertebrae move even closer together and may even shift, because the disc does not fulfill its shock-absorbing function.

4. The stage of replacement of the intervertebral disc with scar or fatty tissue, the so-called scar or fatty degeneration. This is the last stage of degeneration of the spinal discs, when the normal cartilage tissue from which they should consist is practically gone.

Fatty degeneration of the spine

In addition to damage to the intervertebral discs, osteochondrosis can be accompanied by other degenerative processes. Most often this is due to metabolic disorders. Then the tissues do not receive the nutrition they need, which leads to their destruction, death and replacement by other tissues, for example, adipose tissue.

What does fatty degeneration mean?

Fatty degeneration is a tissue change that causes abnormal amounts of fat to accumulate in cells. Moreover, the protoplasm of the cell can turn into fat, because fat grains penetrate inside it. Such changes in the cell lead to the death of the cell nucleus, and then the cell itself.

Most often, fatty degeneration affects the liver and blood vessels, but it can occur in any organs and tissues. When fat replaces the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral discs, they lose the ability to maintain the flexibility of the spine and provide a springing effect. Bone tissue can also be replaced by fat. Fatty degeneration of the vertebrae leads to their loss of strength, which negatively affects the general condition of the spine. The vertebrae become more mobile and less stable. Areas that have undergone such changes are clearly visible when diagnosing the spine using MRI.

The causes of fatty degeneration can be circulatory disorders, poisoning with various substances (for example, arsenic, phosphorus, alcohol). Fatty degeneration can become a complication of some infectious diseases.
Depending on the nature of the disturbances that have occurred in the body, corresponding forms of degeneration occur in it. However, if the process affects the spine, then in many cases it leads to the development of osteochondrosis. When making a diagnosis, various examinations are carried out. Depending on what is happening in the spine and in the patient’s body as a whole, treatment is prescribed. However, it is possible to restore tissue only at the very early stages of the pathological process, and in most cases it is only possible to stop the disease.

Fatty liver is a rather dangerous disease of the digestive tract. It is characterized by the replacement of liver cells with fatty tissue, due to which the functionality of this organ decreases. The danger of fatty degeneration is that the disease may not show any symptoms for a long time, which is why the liver begins to rapidly deteriorate.

Over time, a person begins to constantly feel nausea, vomiting, heaviness and pain in the right hypochondrium, and is faced with bowel problems and fatigue. Due to the formation of fat cells, the size of the liver begins to rapidly increase, while the organ loses its natural protective mechanisms.

Against the background of this disease, complications such as hepatitis often occur.

With fatty degeneration, various structural changes occur in the liver, which lead to disruption of the functioning of this organ.

Experts distinguish the following forms of this disease:

  • Focal disseminated– a pathology in which numerous accumulations of fat cells are located on the liver. This form of the disease is asymptomatic for a long time.
  • Severely disseminated– a liver disease in which fatty deposits are located throughout the entire area of ​​the liver. It quickly manifests itself with specific symptoms.
  • Diffuse– liver disease in which fatty tissue fills all lobes. With this form, the symptoms are obvious and well expressed.
  • Zonal– damage to the liver tissue, in which fatty inclusions in the cells spread in certain lobes.
  • Alcoholic– a rare form of the disease in which Ziewe syndrome manifests itself. Occurs as a result of alcohol, drug and other addictions.

Causes of the disease

Metabolic syndrome, or metabolic and hormonal disorders, is the most common cause of fatty liver. This disease is accompanied by an increase in blood lipid levels and the development of diabetes mellitus. This poses a serious risk of cardiovascular complications.

The following factors can provoke this disease::

Fatty liver degeneration occurs against the background of insulin resistance by cells, as well as due to disturbances in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. Also, such a disease can develop due to excessive intake of fatty acids into the liver due to increased lipolysis or due to food consumed.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of fatty degeneration depend on the degree of liver damage and the degree of development of this process. At the first stage, the disease does not show any signs; the pathology can be diagnosed only with a comprehensive examination.

Stage 2 of this disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

At stage 3 of fatty degeneration, more serious manifestations occur, such as:

The thermal stage is characterized by the occurrence of complications such as renal failure and cirrhosis. Also added to this are shortness of breath, nosebleeds, bad breath, loss of appetite, and increased body temperature.

Fatty degeneration in pregnant women

Acute fatty degeneration in pregnant women is an extremely dangerous complication that can occur in any pregnant woman. Despite the fact that it occurs extremely rarely, the consequences of such a violation will be disastrous for both mother and child.

The following reasons can provoke liver degeneration in a pregnant woman::

  • Constant bouts of vomiting.
  • Acute form of fatty hepatosis.
  • Hepatosis with cholestasis.
  • Inflammation of the liver with renal syndrome.

The first manifestations of this disorder can be detected as early as 30-38 weeks; earlier they occur in extremely rare cases.

The woman begins to complain of a feeling of lethargy, weakness, constant nausea and vomiting, and pain in the abdomen.

After some time, heartburn is added to everything, ulcers appear on the surface of the esophagus, which cause pain when swallowing. At the next stage of development, the disease is complemented by brown vomit, jaundice, ascites and anemia.


The first stage of diagnostic measures is a detailed history taking and visual examination by a specialist. After this, palpation of the liver, abdomen, and tapping of the abdominal cavity are performed.

To determine the functioning of the body, a general examination and biochemical blood test, an analysis for markers of liver diseases, a general analysis of urine and feces are prescribed.

All this is accompanied carrying out instrumental diagnostic methods:

Nutrition for liver dystrophy

For fatty liver disease, it is very important to follow a special diet. It will help reduce the load on this organ, as well as restore all its basic functions. It is important to remember that you can consume no more than 50 grams of fat per day.

Also eliminate foods that are high in cholesterol from your diet. It is best to steam food, but you can stew and boil it.

Remember to follow the following diet rules:

  • Increase the amount of protein foods in your diet.
  • Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages completely.
  • Completely eliminate spicy, fried, salty foods.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.
  • Reduce the amount of animal fats.
  • Eliminate simple carbohydrates.

Treatment of fatty liver

There is no definite and only correct treatment regimen for fatty liver. Therapy depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the degree of manifestation of the disorder. Typically, treatment measures require the patient to exclude all provoking factors.

After this, drug therapy is carried out to restore liver tissue, stabilize metabolic processes, and eliminate toxic effects. The patient also needs to reconsider his lifestyle and start eating right.

You should not self-medicate - treatment of gastrointestinal tract should be carried out by a qualified specialist.

You should not ignore this disease or try to cure it yourself. Such a lesion requires the most complete and responsible approach, constant monitoring by a doctor. Treatment of fatty degeneration involves taking a number of medications. It usually consists of therapy with antioxidants and membrane stabilizers.

Drugs for the treatment of gastrointestinal tract can be divided into the following groups::

  • Preparations based on essential phospholipids. This includes phosphatidylcholine products, thanks to which liver cells receive a protective layer. Among such drugs are Essliver, Essentiale, Hepabos and their analogues.
  • Preparations from the group of sulfoamino acids - Dibikor, Heptral and others.
  • Herbal preparations that normalize liver function - LIV 52, artichoke extract, Karsil and others.

To reduce the toxic effects on the liver and reduce intoxication, it is very important to drink vitamin complexes. For these purposes, it is permissible to use Niacin, ascorbic acid, vitamin B or E.


Chronic fatty liver disease with the right approach to drug therapy has a very favorable prognosis. Of course, if such a problem is ignored for a long time, such a disease is complicated by cirrhosis of the liver - the organ begins to change its size, structure and shape.

This usually affects the elderly, as well as people who suffer from excess body weight or diabetes. This disease poses a particular danger to pregnant women, since the risk of fetal mortality increases with relapse of cholestasis.

With a comprehensive approach to the treatment of gastric dysplasia, a person can live a long and fulfilling life.

Consumption of fatty junk food or alcoholic beverages will lead to a sharp development of the disease. Because of this, the quality and duration of life drops significantly and is shortened. In many cases, fatty degeneration flows into, which leads to the formation of stones in the ducts and the organ itself. Try to have regular check-ups with your doctor and follow all of your doctor's orders.

Prevention of fatty liver

To prevent the formation of prerequisites for fatty liver degeneration, it is enough to lead a healthy lifestyle. The most important thing is proper and nutritious nutrition. Your diet should always contain dishes high in healthy elements and vitamins. You also need to eat often and in small portions so as not to overload your liver.

Proper nutrition is the best prevention of fatty liver.

Preventive measures also include regular visits to your doctor for a detailed medical examination. It will help to identify any abnormalities in the early stages and promptly prescribe appropriate treatment.

Lead an active lifestyle that normalizes the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract and prevents stagnation. Don’t forget to take vitamin supplements regularly and treat any viral diseases in a timely manner.


Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines now, victory in the fight against liver diseases is not yet on your side...

Have you already thought about surgery? This is understandable, because the liver is a very important organ, and its proper functioning is the key to health and well-being. Nausea and vomiting, a yellowish tint to the skin, bitterness in the mouth and unpleasant odor, dark urine and diarrhea... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? We recommend reading the story of Olga Krichevskaya, how she cured her liver...

The liver is the largest gland in the human body. It not only performs the function of external secretion - the production of bile, which is involved in the digestion process as an emulsifier of fats. More than 200 biochemical processes take place in its parenchyma, regulating carbohydrate, lipid (fat) and protein metabolism, the synthesis of transport proteins and blood clotting components. This organ also performs a barrier function. All substances entering the human body through the gastrointestinal tract enter primarily the liver, where their primary chemical processing occurs. This is what protects us from the effects of toxic substances, alcohol and undesirable consequences of taking medications.

The liver is one of the five vital organs of the human body. This is why the appearance of symptoms of damage to this organ cannot be ignored! Unfortunately, there are a great many factors for its damage. As a result of their influence, inflammatory changes in the gland can occur - hepatitis (viral, bacterial, toxic, autoimmune), as well as non-inflammatory changes associated with excessive accumulation of various substances in the organ due to metabolic disorders - so-called hepatosis. Fatty hepatoses are the most common.

What is fatty liver?

Dystrophy is a disorder of nutrition and nutrient metabolism. Fatty degeneration is excessive fat deposition due to impaired fat metabolism. Healthy liver tissue contains up to 5% fat, and when it accumulates (mainly in the form of triglycerides), more than 10% is called fatty liver disease, or fatty liver.

Very important! If symptoms of liver damage appear, you should not self-medicate. To determine treatment tactics, you must first find out the nature and mechanism of the disease. The doctor and modern diagnostic methods will help the patient with this.

Alcoholic fatty degeneration

Alcoholic steatosis occurs in individuals who drink alcohol excessively and for a long time. The mechanisms of gland damage are as follows:

  1. Chronic toxic damage to liver cells - hepatocytes. Cells weakened by prolonged intoxication do not have time to absorb fats entering the liver, and their excess gradually accumulates in its cells.
  2. Dysfunction of transport proteins necessary to remove excess lipids from hepatocytes. This occurs due to protein deficiency in chronic alcoholics.

Fatty hepatosis in alcoholics is considered the first, reversible stage of toxic liver damage, followed by alcoholic hepatitis, and then alcoholic cirrhosis, in which changes in the organ are irreversible and fatal.

Non-alcoholic fatty hepatosis

Includes many causes and mechanisms of development, namely:

  1. Chronic liver intoxication. Occurs with long-term use of medications, especially antibiotics, hormones, chemotherapy drugs, and cytostatics.
  2. Poor nutrition: overeating, consuming large amounts of fats and carbohydrates, as well as fasting, protein deficiency, vegetarianism.
  3. Impaired absorption of food in the gastrointestinal tract due to chronic pathology of the pancreas and intestines.
  4. Metabolic disorders in the body as a result of endocrine diseases: adrenal hyperfunction, obesity, diabetes mellitus, thyroid pathology.
  5. Chronic hypoxia of body tissues in diseases of the cardiovascular system and lungs.

Hepatosis in this form often lasts a long time. With timely treatment and treatment, changes in the liver are reversible.

Rare forms of fatty hepatosis

  1. Fatty liver degeneration in pregnant women. A very rare severe complication of pregnancy. The disease is acute, develops very quickly and can be fatal.
  2. Fatty infiltration of the liver in children. Hereditary predisposition plays a major role in the development of the disease. It may not manifest itself in any way, except for a moderate enlargement of the organ. Hepatocytes retain their functions for a long time. The mechanisms of disease development and treatment approaches are similar to those in adults with non-alcoholic fatty steatosis.
  3. Ziewe syndrome is a rare, special form of fatty steatosis in alcoholics. It is acute and has pronounced symptoms of liver damage.

Stages of fatty liver development

  1. Slight accumulation of lipids in cells. Its quantity is still small, the function of the hepatocyte is not yet affected. Clinically, it is possible that there are no manifestations. Moderate hepatomegaly (an increase in the size of the liver) may be observed, which does not bring any discomfort to the person.
  2. Fat gradually fills the entire hepatocyte, disrupting its function. Clinical manifestations of the disease appear. With further progression, the cells are destroyed and inflammation occurs around them.
  • Irreversible stage. Necrosis develops in the liver tissues, resulting in scars. It is most often impossible to restore liver function.

Symptoms of the disease

The first symptoms of the disease appear only at the second stage of its development. There is general weakness, a feeling of malaise, decreased appetite and aversion to fatty foods. Various dyspeptic disorders are characteristic: nausea, heartburn, bloating, upset stool. In addition, the patient is bothered by heaviness and pain in the right hypochondrium. Objectively, an enlarged liver is determined, the lower edge of which protrudes from under the costal arch. On palpation, the liver is moderately painful.

Symptoms of the third stage indicate a developing jaundice of the sclera and skin, and a rash on the skin. Nausea is accompanied by vomiting. The abdomen increases in size due to an enlarged liver and accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. Pain in the liver area intensifies and is difficult to relieve with painkillers. Symptoms of general intoxication also intensify: weakness, apathy increase, sleep is disturbed, and depression occurs.

In addition, patients experience a decrease in the overall resistance of the body. They often and for a long time suffer from various infectious diseases, which further aggravates the course of the underlying disease.


The main complications are associated with the development of liver cirrhosis in patients. Cicatricial degeneration of the liver is an irreversible process. Symptoms of portal hypertension (increased pressure in the portal vein system) occur. Fluid accumulates in the abdominal and chest cavities, and gastrointestinal bleeding occurs due to varicose veins. Liver cirrhosis leads to liver failure, which is the immediate cause of death.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system also often occur as complications of fatty liver. Severe consequences are associated with the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the coronary vessels.


The main thing in the diagnostic process is to recognize the disease at the stage of reversible changes in the liver and the body as a whole. This often causes difficulties in the sense that in the early stages the symptoms are uninformative and nonspecific.

  1. Anamnesis. Its collection is given great importance. In particular, they determine the presence of risk factors (diabetes mellitus, obesity, thyroid diseases), bad habits, and mention of long-term use of medications.
  2. Objectively assess the general condition of the patient, the color of the skin and mucous membranes, and the size of the abdomen. By palpation, you can determine the size of the liver, as well as indirectly judge the presence of free fluid in the abdominal cavity.
  3. Laboratory testing includes clinical and biochemical blood tests, immunogram, urine and stool tests. When assessing the tests in such patients, leukocytosis is noted against the background of anemia and thrombocytopenia, signs of dysfunction of the liver and pancreas.
  4. Ultrasound of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas is used as instrumental methods; computed and magnetic resonance imaging; endoscopic examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. The most informative method is considered to be a puncture biopsy of the liver, when it is possible to confirm the diagnosis by histological examination of a sample of gland tissue. However, this method is complex and invasive and is not suitable for all categories of patients.

Treatment options

Basic therapy for hepatic steatosis includes measures to eliminate provoking factors, normalize impaired metabolic processes and restore damaged cells of the liver tissue. Hepatocytes have a high regenerative ability, so treatment usually gives positive results if started in a timely manner.

Drug therapy

There are no clear treatment regimens for fatty liver. Traditionally, treatment is carried out with drugs aimed at normalizing metabolic processes, lipid profile, and restoring damaged hepatocytes. Treatment of concomitant pathologies is mandatory.

Treatment is mainly carried out with the following groups of drugs:

  1. Drugs to reduce blood fat levels are statins.
  2. Antioxidants are complexes of vitamins A, C, and E, which prevent the formation of free radicals and increase cell tolerance to hypoxia.
  3. Membrane stabilizers – strengthen cell membranes and prevent their damage.
  4. Essential phospholipids – improve cell metabolic processes and restore damaged hepatocytes.
  5. Choleretic drugs.
  6. Sorbents, preparations for detoxification.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine is widely used in the treatment of hepatosis. In practice, such properties of medicinal herbs as choleretic, antioxidant, sorbent, and immunocorrective are used. Herbal treatment is used in combination with drug treatment under the supervision of a physician.

  1. . Effectively cleanses the intestines and has choleretic properties. It has practically no contraindications and can be taken for a long time. Prepare a decoction of milk thistle seeds by brewing 1 tbsp. 200 ml water. Drink 1/3 – ½ cup 20 minutes before meals. You can also eat crushed seeds in dry form - 1 tsp. in the morning and in the evening.
  2. Turmeric and cinnamon. Spices rich in antioxidants are beneficial to add to food.
  3. Pumpkin and honey. To prepare this tasty medicine, pour honey into the pumpkin cavity, cleared of seeds, leave it in a warm place for 2 weeks, covering it with the cut off top of the pumpkin. Take 1 tbsp honey-pumpkin infusion. three times a day before meals.
  4. An oat decoction can be prepared by brewing 1 cup of unpeeled seeds with 1 liter of boiling water, then simmer for 20-30 minutes over low heat and leave in a thermos for 12 hours. Take a healing decoction of a third of a glass before meals for 2 weeks. The course of treatment can be repeated after a month. .
  5. Decoctions of medicinal herbs with powerful antioxidant, choleretic, and detoxification properties. To prepare decoctions, St. John's wort and tansy flowers, birch, lingonberry, nettle and bearberry leaves, marshmallow, licorice and dandelion roots, as well as rose hips, hawthorn and rowan fruits are used.

Diet food

Treatment for fatty liver will not be effective if you do not follow dietary recommendations. Basically, the diet involves maximum restriction of fats and “fast” carbohydrates in food, and the inclusion of easily digestible proteins, vitamins, and fiber in the diet.

Attention! Fasting and sudden weight loss are prohibited. This will only worsen the general condition of the patient. It is recommended to eat in small portions.

Fatty meats, animal fats, high-fat dairy products, and offal are completely excluded from the diet. Limit eggs, pasta (only durum wheat), sugar and honey in the diet.


The human liver has high regenerative abilities. This means that even a gland damaged by fatty infiltration can restore its function. To keep this organ healthy, it is important to change your lifestyle: move more, spend time in the fresh air, eat right and fight excess weight.

It is imperative to completely eliminate alcohol and uncontrolled use of medications. In the presence of concomitant pathology of the gastrointestinal and endocrine systems, adequate treatment and control of the lipidemic profile.

Is there a connection between liver dystrophy and pancreas?

These two large glands are interconnected structurally and functionally. When the function of the pancreas is impaired, as already mentioned, pathological processes are triggered, leading to fatty liver. And factors such as alcoholism, excess weight, diabetes and intoxication of the body lead not only to fatty degeneration of the liver, but also to fatty degeneration of the pancreas.

Therefore, an integrated approach is required when diagnosing and treating liver pathology. If structural and functional disorders of the pancreas are detected at the diagnostic stage, it is worth including antispasmodics, enzymes and acid-reducing drugs in the treatment complex.

A cure is possible!

The vital organs of the human body are the brain, heart, lungs, liver and kidneys. Of all the organs, only the liver has the ability to repair (regenerate) its damaged tissues. This is why it is possible to cure fatty liver degeneration with virtually no consequences.

However, one should not take this pathology lightly in this regard. Without treatment and without eliminating damaging factors, liver dystrophy progresses and invariably leads to liver cirrhosis. With a completely different forecast.

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