The tax office did not accept the RSV. How to draw up a corrective report if the tax office did not accept the calculation of insurance premiums due to a mismatch in employee data? Accurate calculation of insurance premiums

In particular, if the organization has moved to one of these regions in the current year or the region in which the insured operates has entered the pilot project since July 2018. In this case, as the tax authorities reminded, the annexes should indicate the expenses incurred by the organization before participating in the pilot project. Notification from the Federal Tax Service of errors in the personal data of insured persons For past reporting periods, the Federal Tax Service accepted from policyholders the RSV form with errors in the TIN, SNILS and other data on employees that must be indicated in section 3 of the calculation. At the same time, notifications were sent to all insurers about the need to submit an updated calculation. This scheme changed when sending the calculation for 9 months of 2018. Now, if the IFTS detects false data of insured persons, the tax authorities will not accept the calculation and notify the employer of the need to correct the error.

sbis++ technical support forum

When compiling an updated calculation, this section includes information only about those insured persons in respect of which any changes or additions are made. For each employee for whom discrepancies are identified, in the relevant lines of subsection 3.1 of the calculation, the personal data reflected in the initial calculation are indicated. In this case, in lines 190 - 300 of subsection 3.2 of the calculation, "0" is affixed in all familiarity.
At the same time, subsection 3.1 of the calculation is filled in with the indication of the correct (up-to-date) personal data and lines 190 - 300 of subsection 3.2 of the calculation. If the error does not concern individual information with information about the "forgotten" employee. It is also necessary to make adjustments to section 1 of the calculation.

The tax office did not accept the RSV


From the operator of electronic document management "Taxcom" within 2 hours from the moment of sending, confirmation of the date of sending will be received. Within 1 working day from the date of sending the report (accounting statements) from the IFTS you will receive the following documents:

  • "Receipt Notice" or "Error Message".
  • "Receipt of Acceptance" or "Notice of Refusal".

Within 2 working days from the moment the receipt of admission is generated, you will receive a "Notice of Entry" or "Notice of Clarification". The deadlines for receipt of confirmations for 2-NDFL reports are approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated September 16, 2011 No. ММВ-7-3 / [email protected]

If the IFTS is operational, it is necessary:

  1. Go to the "No Confirmations" section on the Subscriber Support Forum;
  2. Click the "New Theme" button;
  3. In the "Title" line, indicate the name of the topic (for example, "No confirmations");
  4. In the "Message" field, enter:
    • The date the report was sent;
    • The type of report that did not receive a response;
    • Your contact details (full name and telephone / e-mail);
  5. Click the "Create a new topic" button.

We will contact the IFTS and do our best to resolve this situation as soon as possible. Our employees within 2 hours in the topic you created will notify you about the progress of resolving the issue.

Tax explained how to generate corrective reports on insurance premiums


RSV and how to avoid common mistakes. Related content What happened? The Federal Tax Service of Russia issued several letters at once, in which they told how to avoid mistakes when filling out the calculation of insurance premiums. The RSV form was approved by order of the Federal Tax Service dated 10.10.2016 No. ММВ-7-11 / and for the 3rd quarter of 2018 it must be submitted by October 30 by all employers - organizations and individual entrepreneurs with employees. The tax authorities noted that there are four main mistakes that insurers usually make:

  • sign "-" for negative values ​​of the amount of contributions in the calculation;
  • separate billing due to change of address;
  • delivery of two applications by the insurers participating in the pilot project;
  • no adjustments after the notification of the Federal Tax Service about errors in information about employees.

Each of these errors was described in detail by the tax authorities.

If the “Signer” field contains the full name of another employee who has the right to sign reports (for example, an accountant), you must:

  • in the tax declaration on the title page put down the sign "2" - the representative of the taxpayer;
  • fill out an information message about the power of attorney;
  • submit to the tax authority a power of attorney of an authorized person on paper.

3. If the declaration must be signed by the head of the organization and you made sure that the full name of the head is filled out correctly on the title page of the reporting, then this message could come if the information contained in the USRN (Unified State Register of Taxpayers) does not correspond to the data indicated in the reporting. You should contact the IFTS and clarify the spelling of the full name in the USRN resource.


  • No response from the IFTS to the sent report
  • After receiving mail, the messages ended up in the "Problems of incoming mail" folder of the "Referent" program
  • Notice of refusal “The representative does not have the authority to sign and submit tax returns” or “There is no information about the power of attorney”
  • Error message "Could not find certificate and private key to decrypt"
  • Notice of clarification "Incorrect indication of information about the head"
  • Notification of clarification with the text "Incorrectly filled details..."
  • Error code 0200200017 "A file with the same name is already registered"

No response from the IFTS to the sent report Document flow with the IFTS is carried out in accordance with the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated July 31, 2014 No. MMV-7-6 / [email protected]

Answers from FNS

The tax office did not accept the RSV Attention Accountants will have to report on insurance premiums for the 3rd quarter of 2018 by October 30th. The Federal Tax Service of Russia reminded what to pay attention to in the RSV form and how to avoid major mistakes. Related content What happened? The Federal Tax Service of Russia issued several letters at once, in which they told how to avoid mistakes when filling out the calculation of insurance premiums.
The RSV form was approved by order of the Federal Tax Service dated 10.10.2016 No. MMV-7-11 / and for the 3rd quarter of 2018 it must be submitted by October 30 by all employers - organizations and individual entrepreneurs with employees. Announcement Important Error - section 3 did not include employees who are on maternity leave and receive child care allowance until they reach 1.5 years of age. This error must be corrected.

Error code 0200200017 "A file with the same name is already registered" This message occurs if you have previously sent a document or attachments to it with the same name. The "Error Message" or "Clarification Notice" lists the name of the file that caused the message. If you re-sent a previously submitted document or attachments to the IFTS:

  1. Re-create the document (including application files) in the accounting program.
  2. Indicate the same correction number as in the previously sent document (if you submitted the document as primary, then you need to resubmit it as primary).
  3. Send the document to the IFTS.

Important! If you are resending a scanned document, you will need to rename it.

If you are sending a document or attachments to it for the first time, such a message means that the report has been re-processed at the IFTS.

In sbis errors in RSV no tax does not accept

In such a situation, the accountant needs to fill out and submit an updated calculation with the adjustment number "001". It will include section No. 1 and annexes to it, which were contained in the original calculation. The information in the revised section No. 1 and the annexes must be exactly the same as in the original calculation, that is, total for all employees. In addition, the revised calculation will include section No. 3 in relation to "maternity leave" with the adjustment number "000" and the completed line 210 subsection 3.2.
Please note that the updated section No. 3 in relation to other employees does not need to be handed over. The tax authorities explained how to generate corrective reports on insurance premiums. Similarly, data is corrected if the company did not include employees on unpaid leave in section No. 3.

This material will help you understand how the calculation of insurance premiums is adjusted. You will learn what are the features of the adjustment, as well as learn about the responsibility for making mistakes in filling out reports. From January 1, 2017, control over the payment of insurance premiums (except for premiums for "injuries") will be carried out by the tax authorities. Therefore, we provide a report on RSV-1 contributions to the territorial tax inspectorates. The deadline for submitting this report is quarterly - no later than the 30th day of the month following the billing period. This term is the same for everyone, regardless of the form - on paper or in electronic form. If the reporting day falls on a weekend or holiday, then the well-known rule applies - we hand over on the first business day following it.

The tax office did not accept the RSV

The Pension Fund of information on individual (personalized) accounting for the third quarter of 2012. In February 2013, during a scheduled audit, the FIU found that incomplete information was provided by the insured regarding 10 insured persons. It is necessary to determine the amount of the fine to be recovered from the insured, if known that during the reporting period the policyholder paid insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance for all insured persons in the amount of 4,451,200 rubles, for 10 people - 52,000 rubles. Decision. The territorial body of the PFR will calculate the amount of the fine not from the amount of payments to the PFR for all insured persons due for the reporting year, but from the amounts of payments for those insured persons in respect of which incomplete information on individual (personalized) accounting was submitted.

When compiling an adjustment to the unified Calculation of insurance premiums, you must use the form of the form that was in force in the corrected period (clause 5, article 81 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Calculation of insurance premiums: filling out an adjustment Information on how to fill out and how to submit an adjustment to the Calculation of insurance premiums can be found in the Order of the Federal Tax Service dated 10.10.2016 No. ММВ-7-11 / This Order approved the Calculation form, as well as the procedure for filling it out.
The fact that the policyholder makes an updated Calculation is reflected on the title page. If, when submitting the initial calculation, “0” is indicated in the “Adjustment number” field, then when submitting a clarification, the adjustment number in the Calculation of insurance premiums is indicated as “1”, “2”, etc. depending on which adjustment is submitted for the account (clause 3.5 of the Procedure for filling out, approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service dated 10.10.2016 No. ММВ-7-11 /).

RSV-1 deadlines and responsibility for their non-fulfillment

An electronic report is requiredAccording to the procedure established in Part 10 of Art. 15 of Law N 212-FZ, insurers are required to submit a calculation in the form RSV-1 PFR in electronic form: reorganized) organizations in which the number of these individuals exceeds 50 people. If the number is 50 people or less, the policyholder can submit the calculation in any form - paper or electronic. Penalty for violations when submitting individual information As follows from Part 3 of Art.

Penalties for violations of reporting to the PFR

Previously, the reporting period was longer, as it was determined by the norms of Law No. 212FZ of July 24, 2009. According to Art. 28 of the law it was 6 years. The deadline set by the tax authorities is often questioned. The arguments are based on the order of the Ministry of Culture No. 558 of 25.08.2010.


Art. 395 of this order states that the calculations of contributions to the OPS must be kept for 5 years. But if the organization does not maintain payroll records and personal accounts of employees, the period is extended to 75 years. This implies that the document may be needed to calculate the pension of employees, and its destruction will be considered a violation of their pension rights.

Online journal for an accountant


However, the penalty is subject to certain limits on the amount:

  • the amount of the fine cannot exceed 30% of the amount of charges;
  • penalties cannot be less than 1000 rubles.

That is, even if contributions are paid in full, for failure to provide the calculation on time, you still face a fine in the minimum amount. Moreover, the penalty is paid for each overdue month. Penalties also apply to a zero RSV-1, which must be submitted to the Federal Tax Service in the absence of payments in favor of employees. And also for the corrective calculation, which is submitted when errors are found in the primary reporting.

Penalty for late submission of adjustments is charged only in cases where the identified errors lead to an underestimation of the amount accrued.

RSV - calculation of insurance premiums for 2017

Federal Law of 01.04.1996 N 27-FZ "On individual (personalized) accounting in the system of compulsory pension insurance" (hereinafter - Law N 27-FZ), regarding the provision of information necessary for the implementation of individual (personalized) accounting, Law N 27 -FZ distinguishes as offenses:

  • failure to provide information within the prescribed period;
  • submission of incomplete and inaccurate information;
  • inaccurate information.

Note. Who does not face a fineSince January 1, 2012, individuals who independently pay insurance premiums in the amount determined based on the cost of the insurance year are exempted from the need to submit annual reports to the FIU. This category of payers includes individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries and other persons engaged in private practice.

Adjustment of the calculation of insurance premiums 2018

What amount of the fine will the Pension Fund indicate in the demand for its payment, if it is known that the amount of the insured's payments due to the Pension Fund for 2012 amounted to 543,210 rubles? Decision. The demand for the payment of a fine to the Pension Fund for the delay in submitting information on individual (personalized) accounting for 2012 will indicate the amount of 54,321 rubles. (543,210 rubles x 10% x 1 month). In the presence of extenuating circumstances, the amount of the fine can be reduced if the organization goes to court and the court makes such a decision. Note. Correction of the fine after its appointment If, based on the results of the audit, the territorial body of the PFR drew up an act on the organization’s failure to provide individual information and made a decision to hold it accountable in the form of a fine, it is not entitled to subsequently correct either the act or the decision.

The provisions of Art. Art.
Check again all the amounts of assessed contributions and enter them in Section 1, in Appendix 2, recheck the amount of accrued wages. Frequently Asked Questions Question No. 1. Where do I need to submit a new RSV-1 report? Answer: The report is submitted to the IFTS at the place of registration of the legal entity Question No. 2. Who needs to take the RSV-1? Answer: All organizations, regardless of the number of employees and the availability of accruals Question No. 3.
Is it necessary to take RSV-1 if we have a Director, who is also the only founder and does not receive salary? Answer: Yes, it is necessary to provide a zero report, for total indicators, put 0, for all other dashes Question No. 4. Does the tax account block for errors in RSV-1? Answer: The Tax Service agreed with the opinion of the Ministry of Finance and recognized that the Federal Tax Service has no right to block the current account for late delivery.

The amount of the fine will be equal to 10% of the amount of insurance premiums payable for these persons, namely 5200 rubles. (52,000 rubles x 10%). Penalty for providing inaccurate information What information of individual (personalized) accounting is considered unreliable, the legislation of the Russian Federation is not defined. The judges consider that the information cannot be recognized as unreliable only on the basis that:

  • there are discrepancies in the forms presented.

The territorial authority of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation compared the amount of accrued insurance premiums indicated in the statement of payment in the form ADV-11 with the amount of contributions indicated in the form RSV-1 of the Pension Fund for the disputed period in the file of the institution and the database of the Pension Fund (Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Urals District of 03.07. 2012 N F09-5462/12 in case N A60-50871/2011).

Primary RSV was not accepted by the due date calculation was accepted after the reporting date fine

The arbitrators considered that the presence of technical problems beyond the control of the insured organization does not lead to an offense (Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Far Eastern District of July 27, 2012 N F03-3121 / 2012 in case N A59-4407 / 2011);

  • due to the lack of an agreement between the PFR department and the applicant on the exchange of electronic documents, in connection with which the organization’s emails that arrived on time were not opened and studied by the fund’s employees, although the Pension Fund had the technical ability to access them (Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District dated 12/28/2012 in case N A41-16318 / 12).

Penalty for failure to submit a calculation in the form RSV-1 PFR in electronic form For non-compliance with the procedure for submitting a calculation in electronic form, the insured may be held liable in the form of a fine of 200 rubles. (part 2 of article 46 of Law N 212-FZ). Note.

If there are extenuating circumstances, the amount of the fine can be reduced if the organization goes to court and the court makes such a decision. Note. How to calculate a full or incomplete month The penalty is charged for each full or incomplete month from the day set for submitting the calculation (part 1 of article 46 of Law N 212-FZ). 2013, which means that he delayed the delivery of the calculation by 38 days (one full and one incomplete month). When calculating the amount of the fine, the indicator “2 months” should be used.

Circumstances of violation and liability of the insured As a rule, circumstances excluding guilt, mitigating or aggravating liability for committing an offense are established by the court or the Pension Fund and taken into account when holding the insured liable (clause 4, part 6, article 39 and part 4, article 44 Law N 212-FZ).

The payer is obliged to submit the corrected calculation within five days from the date of sending the above notification in electronic form (ten days from the date of sending such notification on paper). The submission date, in this case, of the specified calculation shall be the date of submission of the calculation recognized initially as not submitted. Rate the usefulness of the article! For policyholders Zero calculation of insurance premiums for 9 months of 2017 Is it necessary to submit a calculation of insurance premiums for 9 months of 2017 if the organization did not conduct economic activities for this period? employee in 2016.

Cases when the calculation of insurance premiums in the tax is considered not submitted

Personalized information about the insured persons" calculation, based on the Notification received from the tax authority on the clarification of the tax declaration (calculation) / Notification on the refusal to accept the tax declaration (calculation) and (or) that the calculation is considered not submitted (if the calculation is submitted electronically) form) or a Notification on clarification of a tax document submitted on paper / Notification on refusal to accept a tax document submitted on paper and (or) that the calculation is considered not submitted (if the calculation is submitted on paper), or on the basis of the received from the tax authority to submit clarifications, payers of insurance premiums must complete section 3 of the revised calculation as follows: 1.1.

Why can not accept a single calculation of insurance premiums?

Now the employer is obliged to submit to the Federal Tax Service a single calculation of insurance premiums on a quarterly basis. It combined the previously existing forms: RSV-1, 4-FSS, RSV-2, RV-3.

The employer must pay insurance premiums no later than the 15th day of the next calendar month in which payments are made in favor of individuals. Penalties are charged for late transfer of insurance premiums.
In what cases will the federal tax service consider the calculation of insurance premiums not submitted? There are two main reasons why the Federal Tax Service may refuse to accept reports: - If information on the total amount of insurance premiums for mandatory pension insurance does not correspond to information on the amount of calculated insurance premiums for each insured person for the specified period.

FTS does not accept the calculation of insurance premiums

If any insured individuals are not reflected in the initial calculation, then section 3 containing information regarding these individuals is to be included in the revised calculation, and at the same time, the indicators of section 1 of the calculation are adjusted; 2.2. In the event of an erroneous presentation of information about the insured persons in the initial calculation, section 3 containing information regarding such individuals, in which in lines 190 - 300 of subsection 3.2.

calculation in all familiarity places "0" is indicated, and at the same time the indicators of section 1 of the calculation are adjusted; 2.3. If necessary, changes for individual insured persons of the indicators reflected in subsection 3.2.

Letter dated 03.07.2017 No. bs-4-11/ [email protected]

  • Themes:
  • Calculation of insurance premiums

What to do if you received a negative report from the IFTS. The tax authorities have begun accepting a new report Calculation of insurance premiums.

As of today, 04/06/2017, many users who sent the Calculation to the tax office received a negative protocol and a message with the following content: “We inform you that in the process of receiving the report on insurance premiums, there were technical problems with the identification of SNILS and TIN of taxpayers. The developers are fixing the issue. If you received a notification of refusal, do not worry, after the errors are eliminated, the reporting will be processed again and you will be sent notifications of input and the status will change to green. The solution of the technical problem within 2 days.» Due to the current situation, we recommend that you refrain from sending a report until the beginning of next week.

The tax office does not accept the calculation of insurance premiums

Where to submit updated calculations for insurance premiums - to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, or to the Insured [email protected] dated March 15, 2017 “On amendments to the balance of insurance premium settlements transferred to the PFR and the FSS to Insureds Penalties on insurance premiums from 2017 From January 1, 2017, the function of administering insurance premiums was transferred to the Federal Tax Service. Now employees of the Federal Tax Service, to the Policyholders Payment of contributions and submission of reports to the Federal Tax Service if there are departments The Federal Tax Service (FTS) in its letter N BS-4-11 / [email protected] from 23.01.2017

Now it is clear: the tax authorities believe that either incorrect information is indicated, or there is no data. Last year, when the Pension Fund took care of everything, everything was in order with the employees.


Insurance reports went through without problems. The pension fund did not have time to transfer all the data to the tax office, or something broke at the tax office. By the way, 6-personal income tax for the same employees goes well.


Who is to blame We called the Federal Tax Service, they say it's all the Pension Fund. We need to wait, the problem has been identified, it is being solved in Moscow.

But if you do not turn in the reports by May 2, you will be fined. So, you are to blame. Inspections have different bases. Someone Pension did not give the TIN and SNILS, someone gave the wrong ones. Or they messed up, it doesn't matter. It is important that errors cannot be corrected promptly, and you need to submit a report on time. What to do If your report returned with errors, stick to the plan:

  1. Fight panic.
  2. Find out what the errors are.

What to do if the tax office does not accept the calculation of insurance premiums

Perhaps you really made a mistake somewhere.

  • If all the data is correct, but the report is returned, call the tax inspector.
  • Wait, send the report again.
  • If the report does not pass, and the deadline is close, turn in the report on paper. This is possible if you have up to 25 employees (p.

    Tax Code of the Russian Federation). And if more - believe in the best with a vengeance and remind the tax inspector of your integrity as often as possible. Send registered letters with notifications, call the Federal Tax Service.

    Persistence will win!

  • Even if you decide to submit a paper version, send a letter to the tax office asking you to clarify the details of employees. Attach a scan of the pension card and TIN to the letter. Based on this letter, the tax authorities will make a request to the FIU.
    The Fund will provide the correct information, the tax authorities will update the bases, and there will be more order in the world. While all.

RSV will not be accepted if it contains errors in section 3 along the lines:

  • Materials on topic 210 - the amount of payments and other remuneration for each of the last three months of the reporting or settlement period;
  • 220 - the basis for calculating pension contributions within the limit for the same months;
  • 240 - the amount of calculated pension contributions within the limits for the same months;
  • 250 - totals for columns 210, 220 and 240;
  • 280 - the basis for calculating pension contributions at the additional rate for each of the last three months of the reporting or settlement period;
  • 290 - the amount of calculated pension contributions for the additional tariff for the same months;
  • 300 - totals for columns 280, 290.

At the same time, the tax authorities emphasize that the summary data in the listed indicators for all employees must correspond to the summary data in subsections 1.1 and 1.3 of the RSV form.

The tax office does not accept the calculation of insurance premiums snils not found

That is, line 061 in columns 3, 4, 5 of Appendix 1 of Section 1 does not match the amounts of lines 240 of Section 3 of the Calculation for each month, respectively; — The reporting contains false personal data of insured individuals: full name, SNILS and TIN (if any). Unlike previously submitted reports on insurance premiums, in the new calculation it is not necessary to indicate information about paid insurance premiums - only about accrued ones. In addition, the new reporting does not contain lines about the balance at the beginning and end of the reporting (calculation) period. If the report is not accepted, the tax authority sends the appropriate notification to the payer: no later than the day following the day of receipt of the calculation in electronic form and no later than 10 days following the day of receipt of the calculation on paper.

It should be recalled that RSV 1 for the previous quarter should be submitted before the 15th day of the second month, which follows after the end of the quarter for which the report is being made. This procedure is clearly spelled out in Federal Law No. 212-FZ, Art. 15 of July 24, 2009. If the RSV-1 PFR is submitted after the deadline, the company will be fined 5% of the insurance premiums that must be paid for the reporting quarter (Law No. 212-FZ, part 1, art. 46). This amount will need to be recovered for all months of delay, whether complete or incomplete.

The amount of the fine in the aggregate cannot exceed 30% of the amount of quarterly contributions, at least 1000 rubles.

If RSV-1 is submitted in electronic form, the company must receive a notification from the FIU about the acceptance and registration of the document (Law No. 212-FZ, part 10, article 15). After that, within 1 day, the FIU must carry out format-logical control of RSV 1 in electronic form. If it is not passed, the accountant is informed that the report cannot be accepted, and also for what reason. (Administrative regulations approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 329n, p50 of October 22, 2012). As a result, there is no formal violation of the reporting deadlines, and therefore there are no grounds for a fine.

Thus, if you file a PCV-1 report on the last day, and later it turns out that it contains an error and the local branch of the pension fund wants to impose a penalty, then show them this letter:

Hidden text



About acceptance of reports

The Department for Consideration of Appeals and Complaints of Payers of Insurance Contributions has considered the appeal received by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, and reports the following.

In accordance with Article 15 of Federal Law No. 212-FZ dated July 24, 2009 “On insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund” (hereinafter - Law No. 212-FZ), calculation of accrued and paid insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and for compulsory health insurance to the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (hereinafter referred to as the Calculation) are submitted by payers of insurance premiums no later than the 15th day of the second calendar month following the reporting period to the territorial authority Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 46 of Law No. 212-FZ, the failure by the payer of insurance premiums to submit the Calculation to the body controlling the payment of insurance premiums at the place of registration within the period established by the Federal Law, in the absence of signs of an offense provided for in Part 2 of this Article, entails a fine in the amount of 5 % of the amount of insurance premiums payable (surcharge) on the basis of this calculation, for each full or incomplete month from the date set for its submission, but not more than 30 percent of the specified amount and not less than 1000 rubles.

According to part 10 of article 15 of Law No. 212-FZ, when submitting Settlements in the form of electronic documents, the body controlling the payment of insurance premiums is obliged to send the payer confirmation of acceptance of these Settlements in the form of electronic documents using information and telecommunication networks, access to which is not limited to a certain circle of persons, including a single portal of state and municipal services.

The result of the acceptance and registration of the Calculation submitted in the form of an electronic document is the formation by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of a notification confirming the acceptance of the Calculation in the form of an electronic document.

In accordance with paragraph 50 of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of the state service for receiving from payers of insurance contributions settlements on accrued and paid insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance and compulsory health insurance, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 22, 2012 No. 329n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 09.04.2013 Lg9 28050), if during the check the Calculation file did not pass the format-logical control, no later than one business day after the receipt and registration of the Calculation in the territorial body of the PFR, the applicant is sent a notification about the impossibility of accepting the Calculation and its reasons.

Thus, if the payer submits the Calculation within the period established by Law No. 212-FZ, the presence of errors during the format-logical control cannot be the basis for the application of penalties.

According to the Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for Moscow and the Moscow Region, the payer of insurance premiums is registered with the Main Directorate of the PFR No. 10 for Moscow and the Moscow Region to the present.

Head of Department
G.Ya. Shitov

In this case, the sign of the insured person is indicated, including for dismissed persons, "1" - is the insured person, and the corresponding category code of the insured person, for example, "HP". Section No. 3 of the calculation is filled in by payers for all insured persons for the last three months of the settlement (reporting) period, including in favor of which payments and other remunerations were accrued in the reporting period. Errors in the calculation of insurance premiums: how to file an adjustment? If the error does not concern individual information If, for some reason, the employee's data was not included in the initial calculation, then section 3 with information about the "forgotten" employee is included in the revised calculation. It is also necessary to make adjustments to section 1 of the calculation. In case of erroneous submission of information about the employee in the revised calculation, you must fill out section 3 for this individual.

sbis++ technical support forum

In response to the report, you will receive:

  • "Confirmation of the operator" - within 2 hours from the moment the report was sent;
  • “Notice of receipt of the 2-NDFL report” comes from the IFTS within the next day from the date the report was sent;

The result of processing the report - the documents "Register of information on the income of individuals" and "Protocol for receiving information" of the report are received from the Federal Tax Service within ten calendar days from the date of sending the report. The submitted information is considered to be the information that has passed the format control and recorded in the "Register of information on the income of individuals".
If, after a working day after sending the report, you have not received any of the confirmations, you need to check the performance of the IFTS on the Subscriber Support Forum.

The tax office did not accept the RSV

Contour.Extern. In sbis errors in rsv no tax yt accepts This applies to all organizations that were registered before January 1, 2018 in the following regions:

  • Astrakhan region,
  • Belgorod region,
  • Bryansk region,
  • Kaliningrad region,
  • Kaluga region,
  • Kurgan region,
  • Lipetsk region,
  • Nizhny Novgorod Region,
  • Novgorod region,
  • Novosibirsk region,
  • Rostov region,
  • Samara Region,
  • Tambov Region,
  • Ulyanovsk region,
  • Khabarovsk region,
  • The Republic of Mordovia,
  • Republic of Tatarstan,

After receiving the mail, the messages ended up in the "Problems of incoming mail" folder of the "Referent" program. A letter that got into the "Problems of incoming mail" must first be decrypted: right-click on the letter and select "Process again" in the drop-down list. If the letter could not be decrypted, then you must:

  • Check if a key medium (floppy disk, flash drive, Token, etc.)
  • Reinstall a personal certificate: in the CryptoPro CSP program, open the “Service” tab → click the “View certificates in container” button → “Browse” → select the required container → “Next” → “Install”;

  • Check if the CryptoPro program is working.
  • In the "Referent" program, open the drop-down menu "Service" → "Diagnostics of the workplace". In the window that opens, open the "Cryptography check" tab, "Crypto operations check" field.

    Tax explained how to generate corrective reports on insurance premiums

    RSV. This applies to all organizations that were registered before January 1, 2018 in the following regions:

    • Astrakhan region,
    • Belgorod region,
    • Bryansk region,
    • Kaliningrad region,
    • Kaluga region,
    • Kurgan region,
    • Lipetsk region,
    • Nizhny Novgorod Region,
    • Novgorod region,
    • Novosibirsk region,
    • Rostov region,
    • Samara Region,
    • Tambov Region,
    • Ulyanovsk region,
    • Khabarovsk region,
    • Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia,
    • The Republic of Mordovia,
    • Republic of Tatarstan,
    • Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

    However, in some cases, employers from these regions still need to complete these applications to the PCA.
    The tax office did not accept RSV Hello, Soul cry. We have become hostages of a crooked system of communication between representatives of the tax authorities and taxpayers. The situation is as follows. I submit RSV, and it comes back red, they did not accept it. The refusal says that the conditions of equality are not met, taking into account data from previous reporting periods.


    I thought, for a penny or two, but no - for all the amounts from the 1st quarter. In the 2nd quarter they changed the tax office. It turns out that the new tax office has not yet scratched its head to introduce our old declarations.

    For some of them, by the way, we have already submitted explanations, because. also, the inspectors did not have leftovers, but then the CCs were applied, as I understand it, after the report was submitted and accepted. Now there are 2 days left before the submission of the RSV, and the automatic verification system will not allow my report to be accepted. I'm just in despair, I already wrote a letter and sent it via TKS, because



    If there is an error in the personal data of the insured person Personalized information about the insured persons is indicated in the section 3 of the calculation of the same name. When compiling an updated calculation, this section includes information only about those insured persons in respect of which any changes or additions are made.

    For each employee for whom discrepancies are identified, in the relevant lines of subsection 3.1 of the calculation, the personal data reflected in the initial calculation are indicated. In this case, in lines 190 - 300 of subsection 3.2 of the calculation, "0" is affixed in all familiarity.

    At the same time, subsection 3.1 of the calculation is filled in with the correct (up-to-date) personal data and lines 190 - 300 of subsection 3.2 of the calculation.

    Answers from FNS

    A copy of the power of attorney was not provided to the tax office. In this case, you must provide it in person. 2. A copy of the power of attorney was provided to the IFTS, but information about it was not included in the inspection database. 3.

    The data of the completed power of attorney in the "Referent" do not match the data on the power of attorney stored in the Federal Tax Service. In these cases, you need to contact the inspectorate to resolve the situation.

    If you are denied assistance when contacting the IFTS, you should contact our Contact Center: We will contact the IFTS and do our best to help you resolve this issue as soon as possible. Error message "Unable to find certificate and private key for decryption" This message occurs if the sent report is encrypted using an outdated IFTS certificate.
    You need: 1.
    One of the most “popular” mistakes is the discrepancy between the SNILS number that the taxpayer has and the data that the tax authorities have 05/18/2017 Russian tax portal received notifications of allegedly erroneous data. The calculation itself was accepted, but a notification was sent to the companies about the error found, which should be corrected and clarified. Accountants, after checking the data, realized that the error was not on the side of the enterprise, but on the side of the tax authorities. This, to put it mildly, strange situation is caused by the fact that technical failures occurred during the transfer of data from the Pension Fund to the tax service. As a result, there are no specific SNILS numbers for employees in the tax base. There are some inspections left, where this problem has not been solved yet.

    In sbis errors in RSV no tax does not accept

    In case of erroneous submission of information about the employee in the revised calculation, you must fill out section 3 for this individual. In this case, in lines 190 - 300 of subsection 3.2, "0" is affixed in all familiarity. In addition, appropriate amendments are made to section 1 of the calculation. If for individual employees it is necessary to change the indicators in subsection 3.2 of the calculation, then section 3 is included in the “clarification” containing information about these persons with the correct indicators in subsection 3.2 of the calculation. Plus, if necessary (if the total amount of calculated insurance premiums changes), the indicators of section 1 of the calculation are adjusted. Let us remind you that if an error is independently identified, clarifications are mandatory if this error led to an underestimation of the amount of contributions. In addition, clarifications are required if any information is missing in the submitted calculation or they are completely absent.

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