Improve cognitive abilities. News of health, medicine and longevity. II. Additional signs

Today, there are many medications designed to improve the intellectual side of brain function, learning ability, concentration and focus, memory, etc. Sometimes, under stress (for example, before exams), they can help out, but taking such synthesized formulas that “stimulate” the brain on an ongoing basis is still not the best solution. The thing is that most of them “require payment” for help in cognition, namely, they have pronounced side effects, sometimes leading to various nervous and even heart diseases.
To avoid such troubles, but stay focused, the best solution would be to turn to drugs based on herbal nootropics. They also lift your mood, improve concentration and focus, but in a much more gentle manner, without any side effects or addiction. This effect of plant nootropics is explained by the fact that they are able to improve blood microcirculation in the brain, optimize the amount of mediators or transmitters between nerve cells, reduce existing inflammatory processes in the brain, stimulate the growth of new brain cells, protecting them from free radicals.

Let's now look at what plant substances can help support the intellectual functioning of the brain and prevent it from “drying up”!

1 - Huperzine A
This highly purified and concentrated extract is obtained from the serrated ram growing in the Far East (the Latin name is Huperzia serrata, and the English name is Chinese club moss plant). The plant has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine for memory problems. Huperzine A is the main active ingredient that is widely used today to improve memory and learning abilities. Studies have shown that the substance can improve brain health by promoting rapid healing of brain injuries. The most recent studies of this concentrate have also found its positive effect on the early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and overall improvement of brain function in older people. Recommended dose is 50-100 mcg twice daily. It is recommended to consult a doctor about the possibility of taking medications based on this substance.

2 - Rhodiola Rosea
It is an adaptogen used in folk medicine in different countries for centuries. Rhodiola has proven itself to be an excellent remedy for relieving fatigue (even chronic fatigue), reducing stress, dispelling brain fog and improving mental functioning. In addition, it enhances the ability to concentrate (when necessary) and reduces cortisol release in the body during stress. Studies have also shown its functionality for the treatment of mild and moderate forms of depression. A typical dose of Rhodiola is up to 340 mg twice a day (we are talking about a plant extract containing 2-3% of the active component rosavin and 1-2.5% of the other active component salidroside).

3 - Bacopa Monnieri
An extract from the Indian Brahmi plant is traditionally used in Ayurveda to treat a number of problems, including brain problems. Today's research shows that bacopa can improve memory, elevate mood, while relieving depression and anxiety, and generally have a positive effect on the cognitive function of the brain. In addition to all this, bacopa has been noted to have an anti-aging effect on brain activity, preventing degeneration and a decrease in intellectual activity. The recommended dose is 150-300 mg of bacopa extract containing 50% of the active substances bacosides per day.

4 - Lion's Mane
Popular in traditional Chinese medicine, this mushroom has already proven itself to be a safe and effective nootropic. It contains components such as hericenones and erinacines (I couldn’t find a Russian transcription), which have a neuroprotective and cognitive-enhancing effect. Blackberry enhances nerve growth factor (NGF), a protein essential for the growth, support and survival of neurons. Recommended dose is 500 - 750 mg per day.

5 - Tyrosine
An amino acid found in eggs, turkey, beef, seaweed, soybeans and Swiss cheese (why Swiss?) and essential for the production of norepinephrine and dopamine, transmitters important in regulating mood. Low levels of these transmitters are directly linked to depression, apathy, fatigue and low concentration. Tyrosine is also very effective in preventing stress-related cognitive disorders. The recommended dose is 500-1,000 mg per day, divided into 2-3 doses.

6 - Citicoline
The chemical, produced naturally in the brain, is used today to treat Alzheimer's and various forms of dementia, as well as various head injuries, age-related memory problems, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Studies have shown that citicoline can significantly improve cognitive damage associated with vascular diseases (such as mini-stroke or vascular sclerosis), as well as improve memory and prevent senile dementia. It acts by improving microcirculation in the vessels of the brain and improving the natural ability of the brain itself to recover and rehabilitate. Taking citicoline before exams or important tests significantly increases concentration, attention and reduces the percentage of incorrect answers. Recommended dose is 250-500 mg per day.

7 - Acetyl-l-carnitine
A form of the amino acid carnitine that is found in high protein foods and is a major factor influencing the production of acetylcholine, a very important transmitter when it comes to memory, learning and cognition. Enhancing natural acetylcholine production with acetyl-l-carnitine improves focus and concentration, attention, quick comprehension and memory. Studies have shown significant improvements in the performance of a variety of mental activities in patients suffering from Alzheimer's immediately after they took drugs with acetyl-l-carnitine. Based on this, this supplement is also recommended for those suffering from dementia and other cognitive impairments, especially those associated with alcoholism and degenerative diseases. The positive effect of such a supplement also affects the general mood of healthy people and enhances their ability to resist depression. Recommended dose is 300-1,000 mg per day. It is best not to take acetyl-l-carnitine with other protein foods.

8 - L-theanine
And this component, found in teas of all types (green, black and white), has an excellent effect on concentration, attentiveness and can create a feeling of calm focus or observation, which is somewhat akin to meditation. L-theanine works by increasing levels of seratonin, dopamine and gaba - nerve transmitters that affect mood, memory and learning abilities. When combined with caffeine, theanine has been shown to be effective in increasing the speed and accuracy of performing cognitive (intellectual) tasks, and the time for doubts and reflections about information stored in memory has been significantly reduced. L-theanine can also prevent neurodegeneration (death or inactivity of neurons).

9 - Tryptophan
The amino acid I, found in various types of foods, is necessary for the production of seratonin, which affects our mood. A lack of tryptophan in the body can lead to memory problems and even depression. Studies have shown that a diet rich in this element and supplements that include it have a significant effect on strengthening memory and increasing concentration. In addition, tryptophan helps avoid depression, anxiety and irritability, as well as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Recommended dose is 1,000-2,000 mg 3-4 times daily.

10 - Vinpocetine
This chemical component was first extracted from periwinkle and has long been used as a brain enhancer. It is able to optimize blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, and therefore the access of oxygen to brain cells, reduce inflammatory processes and balance the level of nerve transmitters. Vinpocetine enhances attention, concentration, and improves memory. The effects on cognitive function and long- and short-term memory were particularly noticeable in patients with cerebrovascular problems. Recommended dose is 5-15 mg per day. Side effects when taken may include weakness, dizziness, and discomfort, so before taking a drug containing vinpocetne, you should consult with your doctor.

And another interesting nootropic!
It's called Cera-Q (silk protein hydrolyzate complex) and is extracted from fibroin, a protein found in the silkworm cocoon. In research, Cera-Q has discovered the amazing ability to reduce ameloid plaques on neuronal cells, which are one of the most important causes of memory loss and Alzheimer's disease. This nootropic also increases the dose of glucose entering the brain and necessary for its normal functioning. Silk protein is also important for good memory, the ability to learn and learn something new, for cognitive function and short-term memory. In addition, it is safe for both adults and children.

In order for the head to work well and mental work to be effective, several important conditions must be met. One of the main things is healthy food.

Activating cerebral circulation, keeping blood vessels clean, nourishing the cells of the cerebral cortex - all this depends on what substances will enter the blood during the digestion of food.

In this article, we will look at 5 key areas for enhancing cognitive abilities through nutritional advice and specific foods.

1. Improved memory

For good memory function, the diet must contain a sufficient amount of protein food, since protein is broken down into amino acids necessary for normal memory.

Fats serve as building materials for brain cells, but among them must be unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9.

Carbohydrates are a source of glucose necessary for mental work, and preference should be given to slow carbohydrates, which are not broken down quickly, but provide energy for a long time. And without minerals, vitamins, organic acids and other substances, full long-term memory is simply impossible.

  1. Fruits, berries and vegetables. The positive has long been known. Among them, tomatoes are especially valuable, as they contain lycopene, which protects neurons from destruction, onions, garlic and all green vegetables, because they contain B vitamins, folic acid and zinc. Among the fruits, it is worth highlighting bananas, which supply glucose and B vitamins to the blood, lemons, as they contain a large amount of vitamin C, and red apples, rich in anthocyanins. Among the berries to improve memory, you should choose blueberries, blueberries, grapes and black currants.
  2. Oily fish and seafood. If you need to remember a lot and for a long time, you need to eat sea oily fish at least 2 times a week, and preferably more often. The healthiest fish are herring, trout, tuna, salmon, mackerel and salmon, and seafood - mussels, shrimp and oysters.
  3. Coffee. The main active ingredient is caffeine. Numerous studies have shown that, and not short-term, but long-term. That is, in order to remember information well, it is not enough to drink coffee immediately before study or work: this will not help. It is necessary that coffee be included in the diet of those engaged in mental work in small quantities, but constantly.
  4. Tea. Tea, especially green tea, also contains caffeine, which improves memory properties. But tea also contains the enzyme epigallocatechin gallate, which is not found in other products and is so useful for improving memory. See a separate article for more details.
  5. Nuts. Extremely. Vitamin E, Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, vegetable protein, lecithin - all this is extremely necessary if you have to remember a lot. The amino acid tryptophan, which is also found in abundance in nuts, helps the production of serotonin, which also promotes high-quality memory.
  6. Bitter chocolate. Caffeine, theobromine, and phenethylamine contained in chocolate promote good absorption of information. And although milk chocolate is not so healthy, it even improves visual and verbal memory. - also has the ability to increase the speed of memorizing information of any complexity.
  7. Rosemary. Rosemary essential oil, taken internally or used for aromatherapy,. In addition, the chemical compounds of this plant protect brain cells from free radicals.

2. Focus

Improving concentration is possible not only through willpower. Eating the following foods noticeably helps boost this mental ability.

  1. Fatty sea fish. The positive has been known for a long time. People who complain of inability to concentrate usually do not have enough fatty seafood in their diet. The situation can be corrected by eating salmon, mackerel, trout, herring 3 times to begin with, and after normalizing brain function, 2 times a week.
  2. Green tea. The caffeine and L-theanine it contains help enhance alertness and the ability to concentrate for a long time. There is a hypothesis that if you drink this drink with high-fat milk, the concentration effect will increase.
  3. Blueberry. This berry is useful in many cases. But as an attention stimulant, it is invaluable: antioxidants, proanthocyanidins, resveratrol and tannins allow you to work focused and attentively for 5 hours.
  4. Nuts. Almost any nuts should be added to meals or snacks on their own in the diet of those people who need the ability to maintain attention.

3. Energy and vivacity

The positive effect of many beneficial substances on the brain allows you to maintain energy and alertness. These are primarily natural plant products.

  1. Fruits and vegetables. Bananas, figs, avocados, spinach and carrots are those plant foods that should definitely be on the menu of a person who needs a lot of energy. They contain the optimal ratio of vitamins, minerals, fiber and carbohydrates. And nutritionists do not even recommend consuming a fruit like orange in the evening, its power is so great that it can even disturb sleep.
  2. Coffee. This is a famous energy drink. But its secret is that 25 minutes after drinking it, you must drink plain water: this will prevent loss of strength, normalize kidney function and restore water balance in the body, preventing dehydration and subsequent drowsiness and fatigue. Others, including energy ones, can be effectively used.
  3. Tea. A large amount of vitamins, minerals, caffeine, essential oils and other specific substances makes green and black tea drinks indispensable for restoring and maintaining strength. see separate article.
  4. Ginger. By improving blood circulation in the brain, activating metabolic processes, and supplying the body with a large amount of stimulating substances, ginger is rightfully considered a plant for people of mental work.
  5. Essential oils. The aroma of bergamot, orange, lime, lemon and grapefruit improves brain function.

4. Increased performance

Physical and mental performance will be increased by a special one, in which carbohydrates and proteins are well balanced. Such a menu should contain products of different composition.

  1. Bananas. These fruits are necessary for athletes who spend a lot of muscle energy, and for everyone who is engaged in mental work, as tryptophan helps maintain tone and vigor. Bananas are a must for children and teenagers, whose development requires a lot of strength.
  2. Oats. The optimal ratio of minerals and slow carbohydrates makes dishes from this cereal indispensable in the first half of the day, so that the energy lasts for a long time.
  3. Beet. The root vegetable contains many vitamins, carbohydrates and minerals that help nourish the body and maintain its stamina. Athletes even specifically drink beetroot juice before training and competitions for this purpose.
  4. Pomegranate. Potassium, magnesium, especially iron, organic acids and sugars are very useful for restoring strength after heavy exertion. Also .

5. Fight chronic fatigue

If you have chronic fatigue syndrome, you should never resort to energy drinks such as coffee, tea, sweets, chocolate, etc. This will give a temporary burst of energy, which will only worsen your poor health later.

For chronic fatigue, it is necessary to increase the amount of energy-rich foods in the menu that are slowly absorbed, but provide energy for a long time, and also contain all the necessary substances to support the central nervous system.

  1. Chicken meat. This is one of the most useful animal products for chronic fatigue, since, in addition to valuable protein, it contains selenium and B vitamins.
  2. Cereals. Porridge and bread should be made from whole grains: in this case, thanks to them, the body will receive a large amount of minerals, the required level of sugar will be maintained in the blood, and there will be enough energy for a long time.
  3. Fruits. Pomegranates and oranges contain a mineral without which it is impossible to overcome a disease such as chronic fatigue syndrome: iron is involved in hematopoietic processes and maintains well-being at the proper level.
  4. Seeds and nuts. Flax seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and all types of nuts supply the body with healthy unsaturated fatty acids, without which there can be no normal body tone. This is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that are found in this product in concentrated form. In addition, they contain a fairly large amount of vegetable protein, which is also important for maintaining strength and relieving chronic fatigue.

Thus, the efficiency of the brain is influenced by many factors. And properly selected nutrition is the basis for normalizing its work and maintaining performance.

“This is how a tattered man goes out,” I thought, “there’s nothing you can do about it...”

But suddenly he said sternly, not recognizing his voice:


Then Anna Nikolaevna leaned towards my ear and whispered:

Why, doctor? Don't torture. Why else inject? Now he’ll move away... You can’t save him.

I looked back at her angrily and gloomily and said:

I'll ask for camphor...

M.A. Bulgakov "Towel with roosters"

CNS stimulants are drugs whose primary effect is associated with an increase in the activity of the central nervous system and improvement of specific brain functions, both in patients and healthy individuals.

Many of the drugs in high doses can stimulate the central nervous system, which is regarded as their negative effect. CNS stimulants primarily activate the activity of the central nervous system organs, having minimal direct effect on other systems and organs.

CNS stimulants can, quite roughly, be divided into three groups:

    Convulsants (convulsants) are drugs that increase the activity of primarily the motor areas of the brain and the cortical parts of the analyzers (visual, auditory and others), when introduced into the human body, they easily provoke seizures.

    Analeptics are drugs that increase the activity of predominantly brain stem structures (medulla oblongata and pons).

    Psychostimulants are drugs that increase the activity of predominantly associative zones of the cerebral cortex, ascending sections of the reticular formation and emotiogenic systems, stimulate a person’s mental and physical activity.

Classification of central nervous system stimulants and cognitive functions of the brain

    CNS stimulants:

    1. Convulsants (convulsant agents): strychnine, picrotoxin, bicuculline, pentylenetetrazole;

      Analeptics: niketamide, bemegride, camphor;


      1. Amphetamine and amphetamine-like: amphetamine, methylphenidate, mesocarb;

        Purine derivatives: caffeine.

    Drugs that increase cognitive functions of the brain:

    1. Actually nootropic drugs:

      1. GABA analogues (racetams): piracetam, aniracetam, oxiracetam, pramiracetam;

        Nootropic peptides: Semax;

        Vasoactive cerebroprotectors: pyritinol, vinpocetine, ginkgo biloba.

    2. Medicines for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease:

      1. Central M1-cholinergic agonists: talsaclidine, xanameline, choline alfoscerate;

        Neuronal acetylcholinesterase inhibitors: rivastigmine, eptastigmine, donepezil, tacrine, velnacrine;

        NMDA glutamate receptor antagonists: memantine;

        Centrally acting serotonergic agents: idebenone, indeloxazine, bifemelan.


Strychnine (Strychnine) The main alkaloid of chilibuja seeds or "vomit nut" ( Strychnos nux vomica), native to the Philippine Islands, India and Australia. South American species Strychnos spp. do not contain strychnine, and the alkaloids they contain are part of curare. In addition to strychnine, chilibuha seeds contain brucine (dimethoxystrychnine), which is close to strychnine in action, but inferior to it in activity. Other chilibucha alkaloids (vomycin, pseudostrychnine, - and -colubrines) are of no practical importance. The total alkaloid content in chilibukha is about 2.5%.

Strychnine first appeared in Germany in the 16th century, where it was used as rat poison. Strychnine was introduced into medical practice in the 18th century. Currently, strychnine is practically not used for medicinal purposes and is only of toxicological interest.

MD: Strychnine acts as a competitive antagonist of glycine receptors. It is currently believed that glycine acts as a cotransmitter at CNS synapses. There are 2 types of glycine receptors:

    GluA receptor – is a receptor site coupled to the GABA A receptor and Cl - channel. It is directly associated with the Cl - channel protein and, under the influence of glycine, can open the channel bypassing the GABA A receptor.

    GluB receptor is a receptor site coupled to the NMDA receptor and Ca 2+ channel. Under the influence of glycine, the NMDA receptor is activated by excitatory amino acids (aspartate and glutamate). In the absence of glycine, the NMDA receptor is unable to perceive the action of its agonist mediators.

Strychnine is an antagonist only of the GluA type of glycine receptors. When introduced into the body, it occupies the active site of the receptor and glycine is no longer able to activate it and open the chloride channel. At the same time, the response of the chloride channel to the activation of GABA A receptors sharply decreases. Ultimately, the supply of chloride ions into the cell is reduced, which leads to depolarization of the membrane under the influence of Na + and Ca 2+ currents. The excitability of the neuron increases.

FE: Strychnine affects the spinal cord, some of the centers of the medulla oblongata and the cortical parts of the analyzers.

    Effect on segmental structures of the spinal cord. Strychnine blocks the effect of glycine on GluA receptors located on Renshaw cells. These cells perform the function of reciprocal inhibition of antagonist muscles in the spinal cord, i.e. they provide relaxation of the extensor muscles if the flexors are activated and vice versa. It is thanks to Renshaw cells that we are able to carry out all our movements smoothly, without jerking or effort. Turning off glycine-mediated inhibition of motor neurons by Renshaw cells leads to their hyperactivity. Any afferent impulse arriving at the input of motor neurons becomes generalized, causing simultaneous contraction of antagonistic muscle groups, and in severe cases, generalized tetanic convulsions (contraction of all skeletal muscles).

    Effect on stem structures (medulla oblongata). Strychnine increases the excitability of the respiratory center, vasomotor center and vagus nerve center. This effect manifests itself in a clear form only with the introduction of relatively large doses of strychnine and against the background of an initial decrease in the activity of the mentioned centers. Breathing increases, blood pressure rises and heart rate slows.

    Effect on the senses. By stimulating the activity of the cortex in the field of analyzers, strychnine improves vision, sharpens the sense of smell, taste, hearing, and increases tactile sensitivity in general. The most pronounced effect of strychnine is on the visual analyzer. It is realized not only at the level of the cerebral cortex, but also at the level of retinal photoreceptors (GluA sites of GABA C receptors). Under the influence of strychnine, visual acuity increases, the field of vision increases, and color perception increases.

Indications for use and dosage regimen. In the 19th century, the use of strychnine reached its maximum; in popularity it was second, perhaps, only to cocaine. Echoes of the popularization of the use of strychnine can be found in the novels of A. Dumas, the stories of H. Wells, and the detective stories of A. Christie. The main area of ​​application of strychnine was the treatment of diseases of the nervous system accompanied by paralysis and paresis. Strychnine, like cocaine, was included in some tonic drinks that were used to improve performance.

Currently, the inclusion of strychnine in tonic drinks is prohibited, and its practical use is limited to experimental medicine.

The therapeutic dose of strychnine was 0.5-1.0 mg orally or subcutaneously, the highest single dose was 2 mg, the daily dose was 5 mg.

NE: The difference between the therapeutic and toxic dose of strychnine is so small, and its elimination from the body is so slow that taking doses of strychnine, even slightly exceeding the maximum, can lead to acute poisoning. The first signs of strychnine poisoning are increased tone of the occipital muscles (“proud look”), trismus of the masticatory muscles, and difficulty breathing. In severe poisoning, paroxysms of tetanic convulsions, opisthotonus, and respiratory arrest develop. Seizure attacks last about 1 minute and occur every 5-10 minutes in response to any stimulus (light, sound, touch of a sheet). As a rule, until the last moment a person maintains a clear consciousness, while he experiences terrible pain in the joints due to the simultaneous contraction of antagonist muscles. Death occurs from asphyxia during the 3rd-5th attack.

Measures to help in case of poisoning:

    If the poison has been taken orally, the stomach should be rinsed with a solution of potassium permanganate (1:1,000) and activated charcoal should be administered at the end of the rinsing.

    At the same time, to relieve seizures, the patient is administered intravenously 1000 mg of sodium thiopental or 10-20 mg of diazepam. In severe cases, they resort to the administration of muscle relaxants (succinylcholine) and transfer the patient to mechanical ventilation.

    To speed up the elimination of the poison, they resort to forced diuresis, intravenously administering glucose-saline solutions with ascorbic acid against the background of furosemide to ensure acidification of the urine.

FV: powder, solution 0.1% in ampoules of 1 ml.

P icrotoxin (Picrotoxin) Obtained from “fish berry” or kukulvan - a creeping plant Anamirta cocculus- which is common in East India and the Philippines. It is believed that picrotoxin is a non-competitive antagonist of the barbituric site of the GABA A receptor of the Cl - ionophore complex. In the presence of picrotoxin, the sensitivity of the GABA A receptor to its transmitter drops sharply and the Cl - channel remains closed for a long time, not providing the process of neuron inhibition.

The administration of picrotoxin is accompanied by the development of clonic convulsions, which are sudden and asymmetrical in nature. Convulsions are accompanied by vomiting, increased breathing, and increased blood pressure due to activation of the vomiting, respiratory and vasomotor centers of the medulla oblongata by picrotoxin.

Picrotoxin has no practical significance. Its main area of ​​use is experimental medicine. Until the end of the 19th century, kukulvan was imported to Russia and used to intoxicate fish when catching it (hence the name “fish berry”). In addition, it was widely practiced to add fruits to beer, where, under the influence of alcohol, picrotoxin was extracted into the solution, which gave the beer stimulating properties. In the Soviet Union, until 1988, an analeptic injection mixture of the following composition was approved for use:

Rp.: Coffeini natrio- benzoatis 10 mg

Pentylenetetrazoli 10 mg

Strychnini nitrici 0.05 mg

Picrotoxini 0,05 mg

Currently, picrotoxin is sometimes used in homeopathic medicine.

Table 1. Comparative characteristics of convulsants.







Strychnos nux vomica

Anamirta cocculus

Dicentra cucullaria

Synthesis product

Mechanism of action

GluA site antagonist of GABA A receptor Cl - channel

Cl - channel antagonist

Antagonist of K+ channel repolarization.

Antagonist of the barbituric site of GABA A receptor Cl - channel

Direct activation of Na+ channels

Spinal effect

Tetanic rhythmic seizures

Clonic sudden asymmetrical seizures

Clonic sudden asymmetrical seizures

Stem effects:



  • vagal


Experimental medicine

Experimental medicine.


Experimental medicine

Experimental medicine.

Sports doping

B ikukulin (Bicuculline) Is an alkaloid Dicentra cucullaria. Its effects are similar to picrotoxin, differing from it only in the mechanism of action. Bicuculline is a direct blocker of the Cl - channel, which is part of the GABA A receptor Cl - ionophore complex. Under the influence of bicuculline, the channel is unable to pass Cl - ions, even in the presence of GABA A receptor ligands. In addition, bicuculline directly blocks K + channels, which ensure repolarization of the neuron after its activation.

Pentylenetetrazole (Pentylenetetrazol, Corazolum, Metrazol, Leptazol, Cordiazol) The mechanism of action of this proconvulsant is not completely clear. It is believed that 2 processes take part in its implementation:

    direct depolarizing effect of pentylenetetrazol on the neuron membrane upon contact with it;

    non-competitive antagonism of pentylenetetrazole towards the barbituric site of the GABA A receptor Cl - ionophore complex (picrotoxin-like mechanism).

In small doses pentylenetetrazole causes general agitation, but in large doses it causes convulsions that resemble the effect of picrotoxin. Unlike picrotoxin, pentylenetetrazole has a greater effect on the centers of the midbrain than on the spinal cord. Unlike strychnine, which enhances the influence of afferent neurons on motor neurons of the spinal cord, pentylenetetrazole activates predominantly descending influences of the cortex and cerebellum on these neurons.

Unlike strychnine, pentylenetetrazole is characterized by a wider therapeutic index (pentylenetetrazole has a therapeutic index of 40, while strychnine has a therapeutic index of 8). This feature makes pentylenetetrazole less dangerous to handle than strychnine.

In the past, pentylenetetrazole was used as a stimulant to eliminate respiratory and cardiovascular failure and increase mental and physical activity in elderly people with senile dementia. It was sometimes used for convulsive therapy of psychoses. It was usually administered orally, subcutaneously or intravenously at 100 mg 2-3 times a day.

Currently, pentylenetetrazole is used in experimental medicine in the search for anticonvulsants. In speed sports, drugs based on pentylenetetrazole are used as doping, so it is included in the list of substances prohibited for use in sports by the IOC and WADA.

FV: powder, 100 mg tablets, 10% solution in 1 ml ampoules.

Useful information that will teach you how to properly increase the cognitive functions of your brain and improve mental abilities at times when you simply need it. Let's read.

Drink coffee

Of course, constant lack of sleep and excessive coffee consumption have never benefited anyone, but the short-term positive effects of caffeine have once again been confirmed by recent studies: coffee does not just improve your tone, it helps you concentrate on time-consuming tasks and improves almost all indicators of intelligence, such as logical thinking or time. reactions.
Scientists emphasize that you shouldn’t think that caffeine makes you smarter, it simply forces the brain to work in a more efficient “emergency” mode, but constant overload will definitely result in rapid fatigue in the future.

Allow yourself some wine

Over the long history of drinking, humanity has discovered many positive and negative effects of alcohol. Recent experiments by Norwegian scientists prove that people who regularly drink wine (in moderation) on average show better cognitive function in tests than those who abstain from alcohol, this pattern was especially pronounced in women.
Most researchers have recently talked about the beneficial effects of a small amount of wine on thinking, speech coherence, attention and other higher mental processes. It is believed that fermented grape juice contains antioxidants that prevent brain aging, so, as our ancestors said, in vino veritas!

“Recharge” from the Sun

Excess sunlight is harmful to the skin, but you don't have to avoid the sun completely - vitamin D is good for the brain.
Scientists conducted an experiment and found that sunbathing enthusiasts performed better on test tasks than volunteers with low levels of vitamin D.
As some researchers suggest, vitamin D has the ability to slow down the aging process of the brain, so if you are not a vampire, you can safely “recharge” with the sun’s rays. But remember: moderation is good in everything, otherwise you risk getting sunburn.

Let the thought flow

In order for your head to work with maximum efficiency, you need to be able to focus on a specific task: the brain is most effective when it is busy solving a single problem, unless, of course, you are Julius Caesar.
But, as recent research has shown, sometimes it is better to actually “let go” of your thoughts and think about something abstract - such a small “change” will then allow you to better perform tasks that require the participation of memory and improve overall thinking performance. Constantly focusing on one or more things slows down the processing of information and “tires” the brain.

By talking to yourself, you can find the “missing” item at home

When a person begins to communicate with himself, many people usually twirl their finger at their temple, suspecting problems with their head. After studying this phenomenon, scientists came to the conclusion that thinking out loud actually improves intelligence.
Participants in the experiment were required to find an object, and the influence of their remarks on the search efficiency was recorded. Volunteers who spoke out loud a description of the search goal completed the task faster than those who were silent. Moreover, statements not related to the desired object did not give a pronounced effect, that is, there is no point in loudly repeating “refrigerator” if you can’t find the keys at home.

The thought process and the process of perception are two sides of the same “coin”. And they are not only something that is inherent in absolutely each of us, but also represent one of the main components of our life.

Any person from time to time encounters situations when, for one reason or another, it is necessary to do something at the most accelerated pace, for example, to develop a project in all details, to understand what is being discussed in the material being studied, etc. But not everyone has the ability to do this in a way that is both quick and effective at the same time. And the main point here is that everyone has different cognitive abilities, i.e. ability to perceive.

But the very good news is that no matter what a person's cognitive abilities are, he can improve them. And if you thought that for this you need to pass a lot of different tests, understand yourself and use all kinds of developmental techniques, then here we want to please you: although this is useful and, of course, effective, it is not at all necessary. you can, living your usual life, and, perhaps, making very minor changes to it.

And in this article we will tell you how you can do this.

10 Unusual Ways to Boost Your Cognitive Abilities

So, we can name several rather unusual ways to increase your cognitive abilities.

Method number 1: Watch your diet

First of all, you must understand for yourself that any products that have status or are simply called by someone as “the best” are not enough. If we approach this issue in more detail and take into account the long-term perspective, then you must provide your main organ - the brain - with the necessary amount of vitamins and microelements. Particular attention should be paid to adequate amounts of sugar, antioxidants, amino acids and Omega-3 fatty acids. And the most beneficial foods for the brain include seafood, grains, eggs, berries, nuts, leafy green vegetables and chocolate.

Method #2: Drink coffee

Of course, we have all heard that coffee can be called a product harmful to the body. However, it is harmful only when we are talking about a large amount of it, because if a lot of coffee enters the body, it negatively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive systems. But moderate consumption does not just keep a person in a state of vigor. Coffee helps you focus on difficult tasks, activates mental activity and improves your reaction time. Naturally, it will not be able to make a person smarter, but at the moment of loss of strength or decrease in brain activity it will be an excellent support.

Method number 3: Stop eating for a while

Yes, we have already said that it is indispensable for long-term brain productivity. But, despite this fact, in some cases, a short refusal to eat can help improve brain performance in the shortest possible time. According to a fairly large number of experts in the field of nutrition and performance, this state of affairs has developed in the evolutionary process - a person is able to work more efficiently if his body sends signals to the brain that he does not have enough nutrition. The brain responds by sending back impulses, indicating to the body that it is time to use reserve reserves.

Method #4: Drink wine

Do not under any circumstances think that we are on the side of alcohol abuse. But, you see, drunkenness and periodic consumption of the “Drink of the Gods” are two different things. According to scientists from Norway, people who regularly drink a little wine perform significantly better on cognitive tasks than those who drink alcohol once and for all, which is presumably due to the presence of antioxidants in wine. It is especially interesting that this trend is most pronounced among the fair sex. But every person, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, must understand that wine can only be beneficial when it is consumed only occasionally.

Method #5: Sunbathe

The effects of sunlight on the human body have been studied for a long time, and each time the results of these studies provide interesting results. For example, according to the most recent data, people whose bodies had high levels of vitamin D performed better on control tests than those people whose bodies were deficient in this vitamin. Given that vitamin D is formed through exposure to sunlight, we recommend that you go to the beach as often as possible or, if there is none nearby, go on vacation to resorts. At the same time, you’ll have a great time (maybe even )!

Method #6: Rest

We live in a world of constant work and worries, stress and pressure. For this reason, in many situations a person faces the need to work without rest. This, of course, allows you to perform large amounts of work from time to time, but without rest, a person’s performance and cognitive abilities are greatly reduced. People who take at least short breaks in the work process perceive information better, remember more and better, and solve assigned tasks better. Remember: if you can’t arrange a busy time and a day off, allow yourself to be periodically distracted and rest a little - the result will be much higher than if you work without breaks.

Method number 7: Have an active rest

Method number 8: Play sports

Continuing the theme of active recreation, we cannot help but mention sports. Yes, some people do not see themselves in sports at all; they prefer intellectual development or cultural and educational types of leisure time. But there should always be physical activity. You don’t have to be professional at all - here we mean even small loads, such as gymnastics, push-ups and pull-ups, jogging and walks in the fresh air. If you intend to go to the gym or fitness, it will be even better, because athletes perform cognitive tasks more effectively than those who do not play sports. By the way, even an hour-long walk in the park will increase your performance by 10%.

Method #9: Play logic games

Using MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), it was found that a simple game of Tetris has a beneficial effect on the activity of gray matter (the main component of the central nervous system). But, in addition to Tetris, there is also a huge number of intellectual games: object search games, puzzles, the same crosswords and scanword puzzles - all this develops the brain and improves cognitive abilities. In addition, another beauty of them is that such activities help people distract from bad events and problems.

Method #10: Talk to yourself

According to the results of experiments on searching for things, it turned out that people who are busy searching for an object or thing find it much faster if they say out loud the name of what they are looking for. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. If you talk to yourself from time to time, you can quickly find answers to the necessary questions, better concentrate on the tasks at hand, make decisions faster, etc. In addition, talking to yourself often helps.

You probably noticed that all the methods considered not only do not create uncomfortable feelings in life, but are also associated with positive emotions. Therefore, take them into your arsenal and improve your cognitive abilities.

OUR WAY: But we also have our own way of increasing cognitive abilities, and it can not only increase and improve a person’s brain activity, but also tell him a lot of unique and very important information about himself. This method is our self-development course, which includes both a powerful theoretical base and many tests and exercises, the purpose of which is to know and develop yourself. Hurry up to get acquainted with our course - you can find it at.

Learn and live wisely!

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