Diet for kidney disease: what you can eat and what you can’t? Diet for kidney disease, prohibited and permitted foods, menu What to eat for kidney disease

For inflammatory diseases of the urinary system, patients should adhere to a special low-protein diet that excludes irritating foods. A diet for kidney disease and a split diet reduce the load on damaged tissues and normalize water-salt metabolism. And in combination with drug treatment, this approach helps speed up recovery.

Basic principles

Inflammatory processes in the kidneys are accompanied by impaired blood filtration. Protein gets into the urine, and the body accumulates a lot of waste and toxins that appear during the life of the person himself and pathogenic microorganisms. Excretion of excess fluid becomes difficult, swelling of the limbs and face appears.

To speed up the elimination of toxic substances by the kidneys and normalize the passage of urine, you need to eat. It is important to limit the amount of table salt, avoid fried, too fatty foods, hot spices and smoked meats, onions, garlic, and herbs.

Alcohol, coffee, strong tea, sweet, carbonated and low-alcohol drinks are prohibited. Mineral water is also consumed with caution, given the acidity of urine. It is important to maintain a drinking regime. You should drink at least 1 liter of clean water per day.

With inflammation in the kidneys, patients adhere to the rules of fractional nutrition. Throughout the day you need to eat allowed foods in small portions, 5-6 times at the same time.

The contents of the plate are distributed in such a way that 1/3 consists of side dishes from various cereals, potatoes, and pasta. Another 1/3 – fresh or stewed vegetables and fruits. The rest is boiled fish, dietary meat or fermented milk products.

Dietary table No. 7

Therapeutic nutrition for kidney disease in men and women limits fats, simple carbohydrates and, especially, protein in the diet. You need to cook without adding table salt. Its daily dose should not exceed 6 g.

Energy value of diet number 7 for exacerbation of nephritis:

  • vegetable proteins – 30–35 g;
  • carbohydrates – no more than 450 g, of which 85 g are sugar;
  • animal proteins 30–35 g;
  • free liquid – 1–1.2 l;
  • total calorie content – ​​2500 kcal.

Compliance with nutritional rules helps relieve inflammation in the kidneys and get rid of the symptoms of the disease. Reducing the load on the affected organ can reduce peripheral edema, lower blood pressure, accelerate the excretion of salts and nitrogenous substances and normalize metabolic processes.

What can you eat if you have bad kidneys?

Doctors prescribe diet No. 7 after acute symptoms of inflammation have been relieved (from 4 weeks of remission). Nutritional therapy is also necessary for the chronic form of nephritis without functional deficiency.

Authorized products:

  • vegetable soups without frying;
  • lean meat (turkey, rabbit, veal, chicken fillet, beef tongue);
  • fermented milk products with a low fat content (kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, curd and vegetable puddings, fresh butter without salt);
  • yesterday's bread made from unsalted dough, pancakes and pancakes with whey, crispbread;
  • River fish;
  • any vegetables, fresh herbs (except sorrel);
  • eggs without yolk, maximum quantity – 2 pieces per day;
  • rosehip decoction, herbal, green, weakly brewed black tea, chicory drink, freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices;
  • fruits, berries;
  • any cereals and pasta;
  • creamy ice cream, preserves, jams, honey, caramel;
  • olive, sunflower oil.

In case of kidney pathologies, meat products and fish must be boiled, baked with vegetables, or cooked in a double boiler with the addition of vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, flaxseed). If eggs and dairy products are added to the daily menu, it is necessary to reduce the meat content.

In case of exacerbation of pathology, acute pain in the kidneys, the diet should include a lot of vegetables and fresh fruits. It is useful to eat cucumbers, beets, lettuce, dried apricots, prunes, bananas, and watermelon.

What foods should you avoid?

A low-protein diet for kidney disease excludes the consumption of irritating foods. They increase the acidity of urine, intensify the inflammatory process, and cause relapses of the disease in chronic pathology.

Prohibited products:

  • fatty, salted, smoked, marinated and canned fish, salted caviar;
  • fresh white bread, pastries;
  • rich broths made from meat, fish, legumes, mushrooms;
  • any sausages;
  • frozen semi-finished meat products;
  • hard cheeses with high fat content, feta cheese;
  • pickles, any marinades;
  • fatty dairy products (sour cream, cream, cottage cheese, yogurt);
  • hot spices;
  • sorrel, radishes, onions, garlic, spinach;
  • chocolate;
  • fast food menu items;
  • coffee, sweet carbonated drinks, alcoholic drinks, cocoa, alkaline mineral water, kvass;
  • fatty meat (pork, lamb, duck, goose, lard, lard).

If you have pain in the kidneys or liver during an exacerbation of the pathology, you should not eat fried foods, smoked meats or fish, or add spices to your food. Sausages, frankfurters, pickled cucumbers and tomatoes increase the load on the damaged organ. Doctors do not recommend cooking soups with meat or mushroom broths.

How to create a menu for a week with jade

A protein-free diet for kidney disease should be varied so that the body does not lack vitamins and minerals. A patient can eat no more than 0.55 g of protein per day. It is necessary to maintain bed rest and limit physical activity as much as possible.

It’s easy to create a sample menu for the week and possible daily diet options for people with kidney disease using our tips. Recipes should not contain animal fats. Kissel and compote must be prepared from natural fruits; store-bought semi-finished products cannot be used. Pancakes are baked with yeast without adding salt; dried apricots, nuts, cinnamon, and vanilla can be added to the dough.

If you have kidney disease, you need to eat in such a way that when you leave the table, you feel a slight feeling of hunger.


  • first breakfast - 1 egg omelette with milk, tea;
  • lunch – baked apple;
  • lunch meal - buckwheat soup, steamed fish cutlet, unsweetened prune compote;
  • afternoon snack – fruit jelly with pancakes;
  • dinner – rice pudding with carrots and green tea.

Tuesday's diet for kidney disease:

  • first breakfast - oatmeal with skim milk with dried fruits and nuts, coffee drink;
  • lunch – fresh fruits or berries without sugar;
  • lunch – vegetable stew, boiled chicken fillet, black tea;
  • afternoon snack – baked pear;
  • dinner – cranberry juice with biscuits.

If your kidneys hurt badly, then it is better to completely avoid meat for a while. Doctors recommend replacing it with fresh vegetables and salads made from them. It is useful to pay attention to recipes for fruit casseroles with cottage cheese, and to prepare porridge from whole grain cereals (millet, buckwheat, pearl barley, lentils).

Menu for Wednesday:

  • first breakfast – buckwheat porridge with vegetable oil, a glass of warm milk;
  • lunch – pancakes with honey;
  • lunch – pasta with vegetables, steamed veal, fruit juice;
  • afternoon snack – yogurt with an unsalted bun;
  • dinner: cottage cheese.

Menu for Thursday for kidney inflammation:

  • first breakfast – oatmeal with raisins, coffee drink;
  • lunch – bread with butter, green tea;
  • lunch – dietary borscht, fish baked with vegetables, compote;
  • afternoon snack – vegetable cutlet with bread, tea;
  • dinner – 200 ml of kefir.

In case of exacerbation of kidney disease or the appearance of edema, you need to stock up. Watermelons, apricots, pumpkin, dried apricots, raisins, prunes, and fresh cucumbers are very useful.

List of dishes for Friday:

  • first breakfast – boiled egg, a piece of boiled rabbit meat, black tea;
  • lunch – 100 g of fresh cherries;
  • lunch - mashed potatoes with parsnips and butter, boiled shrimp, fruit jelly;
  • afternoon snack – fresh vegetable salad, jelly;
  • dinner - curd pudding.

Menu for Saturday:

  • first breakfast - sweet millet porridge with added dried fruits or nuts, compote;
  • lunch – a bun and a glass of kefir;
  • lunch – buckwheat soup, steamed cutlet, fruit drink;
  • afternoon snack – yogurt with biscuits, juice;
  • dinner – green tea with bread.

Diet for Sunday:

  • first breakfast - egg white omelet, sandwich with butter;
  • lunch – tofu cheese with tea;
  • Diet recipes for vegetable casserole with boiled turkey will help you prepare lunch;
  • afternoon snack – bun with strawberry jelly;
  • dinner – cottage cheese with honey and cinnamon.

Therapeutic nutrition for inflammatory kidney diseases allows you to restore the functioning of the damaged organ, normalize the water-salt balance, and eliminate swelling. Adhering to a strict diet with a minimum amount of protein is necessary in the acute stage of the disease. Later, more meat and dairy products are allowed to be introduced into the diet.

Kidney disease is a very serious health problem that most people simply ignore. About ten percent of patients become ill after drinking alcohol, overwork and extreme cold, overdose of medications and other important factors. According to statistics, many women suffer from kidney diseases, which is explained by the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the body.

One of the main questions that patients ask the specialists of our medical center is the question: what is allowed? Doctors will be able to answer this only after conducting numerous studies to accurately verify the diagnosis. Using modern equipment, doctors can perform all procedures quickly enough. By reducing the time of examinations, it will be possible to begin therapy sooner.


The main symptoms of kidney disease are:


Back discomfort and nervousness;

Chills and pale skin;

Lack of desire to eat anything;

Frequent desire to empty the bladder. If an infection occurs, you must consult a specialist to receive timely treatment, which also includes a diet. Many people think that taking care of a proper diet is not an important point.

Proper diet

Just like any disease, infection can harm internal organs and the basic metabolic process (metabolism - accumulation and inability to renew blood). Each patient who has been diagnosed with a disease is initially provided with a list of what not to do if you have kidney disease. Partially, patients are asked to limit some menu items and get rid of salt, various seasonings and spices, as well as alcohol.

The advantages in the diet are products containing the required amount of carbohydrates, but proteins and fats in small quantities. For patients with a progressive disease, strict adherence to the diet is required (table No. 7). It is prescribed to patients with persistent renal failure and glomerulonephritis.

Diet for glomerulonephritis

General dietary rules are:

You need to eat in portions, at least five times a day. The serving size should be small, and the frequency of their intake is explained by replenishing lost energy and supporting the immune system.

The amount of liquid daily should be up to one and a half liters, including soups and tea.

Following a certain eating regimen.

It is strictly forbidden to add salt to dishes, so you should replace them with salt, vinegar, lemon juice and similar mild additives.

Meat is allowed to be consumed no more than twice a week, so mostly plant foods are eaten.

You should completely give up alcoholic beverages.

What foods are allowed for kidney disease?

Many people have the misconception that the diet involves taking only water and bread. However, this is not true because everything must be consumed, but in moderation! To quickly restore kidney function, doctors advise consuming the following foods:

Milk, cottage cheese and low-fat yogurt.

Bran and white bread, as well as biscuits without salt.

Vegetable soups with the addition of pasta and cereals.

Lenten food and vegetables.

Cooked meat.

Butter and vegetable oil without salt.

Tea, not strong brewing.

Kissel, honey, dried fruit compote.

Steamed cutlets and meatballs.

Forbidden foods for kidney problems

It is very important to understand that harmful substances are not able to be eliminated, and some accumulate and lead to destruction of the body. It is for this reason that they exclude from the diet:

Mushrooms, fish and meat.

Soups made from broths.

Hot herbs and spices.

Garlic and onion.

Smoked meats.

Chocolate and coffee.

Soybeans and legumes.

With any illness, it is necessary to remember that one should not go to extremes. To do this, a specialist will create a balanced menu for you, which allows for some liberties. This method will make it possible to balance and increase the protective function of the body.

The kidneys are an organ in the body that is responsible for urine formation, urination, regulation of ion and salt balance, as well as the metabolism of certain substances. Accordingly, with kidney disease, these body functions are disrupted. Some people, having experienced various diseases, are forced to live with only one kidney.

Disruption of the normal functioning of even one of these organs requires a revision of the patient’s lifestyle, especially nutrition. A healthy person can eat salty and fatty foods, and the meat of various animals - the metabolism of his body will allow him to digest the food without consequences. However, the metabolism of a kidney patient is not capable of this, and the diet must be changed to suit the current condition of the kidneys.

General principles of the renal diet

Nutrition for kidney disease is built on several principles. The first and main one is limited consumption of protein and fat. A low-protein diet for kidney disease mainly consists of carbohydrate-containing foods. Its severity is adjusted depending on the current condition of the patient - protein products can be left in small quantities, or can be completely excluded.

In addition, a diet for the kidneys involves reducing salt intake or eliminating it completely. This will help fight edema and hypertension. If you have sick kidneys, you should also drink as little as possible. Along with liquid in foods, the amount of water consumed should be no more than 1.5-2 liters per day. In other words, there should be no more than 0.8-0.9 liters of clean water, tea or other drinks per day.

In addition, 1-2 days a week for kidney diseases should be fasting, i.e. include the consumption of only one product. To do this, you should choose some carbohydrate product - for example, oatmeal, cabbage, cucumber or other cereal or vegetable. Such fasting days allow the kidneys to stabilize their work and “rest”, especially if the patient still consumes protein in small quantities.

Meals should be divided into several parts. Nutrition for kidney disease should consist of 4-6 small meals. It is better not to drink food with any liquids; take water or other drinks an hour or two after eating. The total calorie content per day should be quite high - about 3500 kcal. This is associated with large weight loss due to kidney problems.

Also, the patient’s well-being can be improved by products that have a diuretic effect. These include zucchini, pumpkin, beets, cucumbers and leafy lettuces. For kidney diseases, eating raw vegetables and fruits has a positive effect, but not all diseases require a diuretic effect. You need to find out the desired tactics for creating a diet from your attending physician - he will tell you the right amount and proportions of foods to eat, based on the patient’s condition, weight and concomitant diseases.

Permitted and prohibited products

The diet for kidney disease includes the following products (recommended for consumption):

At first, many patients find it difficult to eat food completely devoid of salt. In order to smooth out the bland taste of dishes, it is recommended to season them with lemon juice, spices - coriander, cumin, herbs. You can also add chopped seaweed to your food - it can be purchased at large pharmacy chains. Sea kale has a peculiar salty taste, which makes it possible to use it as a spice.

In addition, the kidney diet should avoid all foods with hidden salt - many industrially produced foods contain salt for longer shelf life and richer flavor.

This is especially true for store-bought dough, baked goods, pasta, and all cheeses (even those passed off as homemade). Therefore, these products should either be completely excluded from the diet, or prepared independently without adding salt.

Thus, a diet for kidney disease involves consuming large amounts of carbohydrates, sweet foods, and allows limited amounts of dairy and fermented milk products and boiled meat. All products containing large amounts of protein and fat, salt and preservatives are prohibited. Sick kidneys are unable to remove the products of their metabolism.

Sample menu for the day

Despite its apparent harshness, diet No. 7 for kidney disease allows for a fairly wide variety of dishes that can be prepared from permitted products. A sample patient menu might look like this:

To diversify the menu, you can introduce various dishes from recommended products into your diet. These include, for example, a salad of boiled shrimp. It is prepared from shrimp, potatoes, finely chopped apple and sour cream. You can add permitted products or experiment with spices and proportions of ingredients.

A good addition to your daily diet is potato and vegetable casserole. It is made from potatoes, carrots and cabbage, which must first be chopped, and then laid out in layers and baked. For adhesion of ingredients and juiciness between layers, you can add sour cream mixed with flour and a small amount of butter.

You can make sweet pancakes or balls from potatoes or various types of dough, with yeast or not. The main condition is that they should not be too fatty and should not contain salt. Such dishes can be seasoned with milk sauce, sour cream, fruit sauce, and served with honey or jam.

For dessert, you can prepare apples Kiev - these are baked apples with fruit jam or confiture in the center. You can serve this dessert with sour cream. During the cooking process, apples can be poured with lemon juice - it will add sourness and reveal the taste of the fruit.

The diet for kidney and urinary tract diseases can be quite varied and tasty. It will take some time for the patient to wean off salt, but diet therapy has a positive healing effect on the entire body. In addition, people with chronic kidney disease should stick to it for life.

According to specialized experts, diet for kidney and urinary tract diseases is a direct path to a quick recovery. Kidney failure, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis and other diseases of the urinary system require a special diet. A therapeutic diet is prescribed by a doctor individually for each person. Failure to comply with nutritional rules can negate all the efforts made by the patient in the treatment of kidney diseases.

What are the basic rules for treating a person?

After a diagnosis is made, a patient with kidney problems is prescribed treatment, which is based on a special diet. Low protein is considered the most effective. The diet for kidney disease is based on consuming a minimum amount of protein and salt. The latter product can retain fluid in the body and provoke the appearance of sand in the kidneys. When following a diet, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations from doctors:

  • eat food in small portions, eat at least 5 times a day;
  • eat according to the time schedule of meals;
  • drink 1.5 liters of liquid per day (tea, juice, decoctions, etc.);
  • salt food not during the cooking process, but in portions, in a plate;
  • increase consumption of vegetables and fruits;
  • do not use spices, herbs, garlic and onions in recipes;
  • do not eat foods that are fatty or difficult for the kidneys to work with.

By following these rules, you can avoid taking medications and speed up the healing process. The diet for sick kidneys should be regular; indulgences in medical nutrition can only do harm. However, if during treatment and following diet therapy the kidneys do not stop hurting, doctors prescribe painkillers. Medicines such as Tramadol, Diclofenac, Ketorol can relieve pain. When the kidney hurts, nephrologists recommend, in addition to taking medications, applying warm compresses.

For kidney problems, a decoction of lemon balm, mint and chamomile helps.

Traditional healers believe that it is better to drink decoctions and infusions of medicine. But which plant to choose? A patient with one kidney and with various diseases of the urinary organs will benefit from drinking a decoction of cumin fruits, marshmallow root, mint leaves and buckthorn bark. A decoction of lemon balm, mint and chamomile inflorescences helps with kidney problems. You will need 1 tbsp. l. herbs brewed in 250 ml of water.

Specialized diet for kidney disease

When treating kidney problems, the patient is required to follow a therapeutic diet, which nutritionists call table No. 7. This diet will relieve pain and improve well-being. Before prescribing a diet for kidney disease, a person needs to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms, because each disease individually has its own symptoms. Most pathologies do not require strict dietary restrictions; only the consumption of salt, pepper and alcohol is reduced. Therapeutic dishes of table No. 7 for kidney diseases are the same for both women and men.

If you have pain in the kidneys, you need a menu that will reduce irritation and relieve inflammation. Food should be balanced, with a proportional ratio of fats, proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates and microelements. However, when the kidneys hurt, protein is included in the recipes of table No. 7 in limited quantities. You should drink no more than 1.5 liters of liquid per 24 hours.

It is important to consider the calorie content of food.

Compliance with diet therapy for kidney disease requires taking into account the calorie content of food. In this regard, most people ask the question: how many calories can you consume per day so as not to complicate the work of the kidneys and liver? Nutritionists say that for people with pathologies of these organs, the daily caloric intake should not exceed 3000 kcal. The chemical composition of the food consumed cannot be neglected. Per day you need to eat 70 g of proteins, 90 g of fats and 400 g of carbohydrates (of which 80 g are sugars). As can be seen from the presented figures, carbohydrates predominate, due to their ability to increase the effectiveness of treatment.

Water and salt regime

What diet is preferable for salts in the kidneys, pyelonephritis, renal failure and other similar diseases of the urinary system? According to doctors, with these pathologies it is important to regulate the amount of fluid and salt consumed. If it is beneficial for healthy people to drink more than 2 liters of juices and compotes a day, then how much should a person with kidney pain or with one kidney drink? You can drink no more than 1.5 liters of liquid per day, this also includes juices, teas, infusions, etc. If you neglect this recommendation, the patient faces additional stress on the organ, which is not able to work at full capacity. How much water is it permissible to drink with one kidney? In this case, you can drink up to one liter, otherwise there will be a risk of water intoxication.

When the kidney hurts, dietary recipes exclude the addition of salt, since the load from this product can lead to serious disruptions to the functioning of the organ. Dishes are added with minimal amounts of salt immediately before consumption. In case of exacerbation of kidney diseases, nephrologists recommend completely avoiding salted foods.

Restrictions on protein foods

You should reduce your intake of protein foods.

Dietary table No. 7 is primarily based on reducing the number of foods that contain predominantly protein. In this regard, a protein-free diet for kidney disease consists of eating the smallest amount of fish, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, legumes and meat. Do not forget that protein is a building material for cells, therefore, despite the limitations, it is wrong to completely cross it off the menu. With a low-protein diet, it is prohibited to consume fatty fish and meats, as well as fry them and supplement them with various spices (garlic, onions, pepper, etc.).

The diet for renal failure differs from the diet for other pathologies of the urinary system, and requires reducing the consumption of protein foods to 30-40 g per 24 hours. A low-protein diet significantly improves the general condition and alleviates the course of the disease. If the patient’s renal function is slightly impaired, then with proper treatment it is not necessary to follow a low-protein diet; it is enough to do cleansing days 1-2 times a week.

Diet and pregnancy

What kind of nutrition should pregnant women have for kidney pain? During pregnancy, it is important for expectant mothers to be especially careful with various types of diseases of the urinary system. Exacerbation of kidney diseases can cause miscarriage or fetal death. The difficulty of treatment during pregnancy is the ban on many medications. Therefore, a diet for the kidneys during pregnancy is especially important. Dietary tables exclude fatty, fried, salted and peppered foods. Healthy food is steamed, boiled or baked.

Pregnant women need to drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

The diet for renal failure, pyelonephritis and other problems of the urinary system in pregnant women is the same as for other patients. The menu should not include foods such as onions, mushrooms, garlic, sorrel, fresh pastries, coffee, cocoa and strong tea. You need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day and eat at least 4 times. It is allowed to consume cereals and pasta of all types, milk, kefir, yogurt, fruits and vegetables, as well as brown bread and pancakes without baking. During pregnancy, it is useful to drink pomegranate juice and cranberry broth for pain in the kidneys; rosehip infusion and dried fruit compotes will also not be superfluous.

Allowed and prohibited foods

Kidneys can hurt as a result of non-compliance with the requirements of the treatment table. A healthy menu for exacerbation of pain in the urinary organs implies a complete abstinence from alcohol; as an exception, red wine is allowed, but no more than a glass 1-2 times a month. The following foods should not be eaten:

  • chocolate;
  • cocoa;
  • mushrooms;
  • spices,
  • kvass;
  • garlic;
  • legumes;
  • fat milk, cottage cheese;
  • sea ​​fish, as it is considered fatty.

Despite the fact that the beneficial properties of garlic help boost immunity, and many are accustomed to eating it to prevent acute respiratory infections, this vegetable should not be consumed if there is pain in the kidneys. Garlic is not allowed to be used in diet menu recipes, as it irritates the kidneys. If kidney disease worsens, it is better to avoid radishes, sorrel, parsley and asparagus. You should not eat fatty meats, namely goose, pork, lamb, duck.

If you have kidney pain, you should not eat garlic.

Nutrition for kidney disease is based on the following healthy foods and dishes that help improve the patient’s condition:

  • cereals;
  • potato;
  • lean meat;
  • milk;
  • River fish;
  • vegetarian soups;
  • cauliflower;
  • jelly, juice, compote;
  • fruits;
  • jam.

Kidney disease is a fairly serious illness. Serious in order not only to be treated with medication, but also to carefully follow specially designed diets.

Therapeutic diet No. 7 is indicated

  • at the recovery stage after 3-4 weeks of treatment for acute nephritis;
  • in chronic nephritis without exacerbation without concomitant renal failure.

Therapeutic diet No. 7 is prescribed for the purpose of

  • moderate sparing of renal function;
  • reducing hypertension;
  • reducing swelling;
  • improving the excretion of metabolic products from the body.

With therapeutic diet No. 7, protein intake is somewhat limited. The content of fats and carbohydrates remains within the physiological norm. Food is prepared without salt. Salt is given to the patient in the amount of 3-6 g as prescribed by the doctor. You are allowed to drink approximately 1 liter of liquid per day. Extractive substances contained in meat, fish, and mushrooms are prohibited. Products containing oxalic acid and essential oils are not allowed. Food is prepared under conditions of moderate chemical sparing. Meat and fish should be boiled before consumption. Regular food temperature is recommended.

Chemical composition of therapeutic diet No. 7

  • 60-70 g of proteins, 50-60% of which are animal;
  • 80-90 g of fats, 25% of which are of vegetable origin;
  • 350-400 g of carbohydrates, of which 80-90 g are sugar;
  • 0.9-1.1 liters of liquid.

The energy value of therapeutic diet No. 7 is 2500-2600 calories.


Bread without salt, yeast pancakes, pancakes without salt are allowed.

It is prohibited to eat regular bread and flour products with added salt.


It is recommended to consume vegetarian soups with vegetables, cereals, fruit soups, and milk soups in limited quantities. Dressing with butter, sour cream, dill, parsley, citric acid, vinegar, onion after boiling and sautéing is allowed.

Soups based on meat, fish and mushroom broths, with the addition of legumes, are prohibited.


Therapeutic diet No. 7 allows the consumption of lean beef, veal, meat and trimmed pork, lamb, rabbit, chicken, turkey, boiled, baked or slightly fried after boiling. Food is served in pieces or chopped. Boiled tongue is allowed.

Fatty meats and poultry are prohibited. Fried and stewed foods without prior boiling, sausages, sausages, smoked products, and canned food are not allowed.


You can eat lean, boiled or lightly fried fish, baked after boiling, in pieces or chopped. Stuffed, jellied fish is allowed after preliminary boiling.

Fatty fish, salted and smoked fish, caviar, and canned fish are prohibited.


You can consume milk, sour cream, cream, various fermented milk drinks, as well as cottage cheese and dishes made from it with the addition of carrots, apples, and rice.

Cheeses are prohibited.


A variety of grains are allowed, including pearl barley, corn, rice, sago and pasta, prepared in any way.

Consumption of legumes is prohibited.

Legumes, onions, garlic, radishes, radishes, spinach, sorrel, salted, pickled and pickled vegetables, and all mushrooms are not allowed.


A variety of vinaigrettes without adding pickles and salads made from fresh vegetables and fruits are allowed.


Dessert made from various fruits and berries, raw, boiled, in the form of jelly, jelly, is allowed. Honey, jam, various sweets and fruit ice cream are allowed in food.

Chocolate is prohibited.


Consumption of tomato, milk, sour cream, fruit and vegetable sweet and sour sauces, and onion sauce made from boiled and then fried onions is allowed. Vanillin, cinnamon, citric acid, and vinegar can be added to dishes.

Meat, fish, and mushroom sauces are prohibited. It is not allowed to add pepper, mustard and horseradish to food.


You can drink tea, weak coffee, a variety of juices, and rosehip decoction.

Strong coffee, cocoa, and mineral water with a high sodium content are prohibited.


You can consume unsalted butter, cow's ghee and refined vegetable oils. Pork lard is allowed in limited quantities.

Example of a therapeutic diet menu No. 7

First breakfast includes, crumbly buckwheat porridge, tea.

For second breakfast You can eat baked apples.

Dinner consists of half a serving of vegetarian borscht with sour cream, boiled meat with fried potatoes, dried fruit compote.

For afternoon tea You can drink rosehip decoction.

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