Urban legends reality and myths. Slavic horror: the most terrible creatures of myths and legends. Maggots in kvass

Urban legends are often compelling stories with a lot of folkloric elements, and they spread quite quickly in society. The stories are told in a dramatic way, as if they were true stories related to real people- although in fact they may be 100% fictional.

Local touches are often added to the legend, so it is rather strange to hear the same story in different versions in different countries. Urban legends often carry a warning or some sort of meaning that motivates society to keep and spread them. One thing is certain - some of these creepy urban legends have kept a lot of people awake. Below are ten of the best urban legends:

10 Choking Doberman

This urban legend comes from Sydney, Australia and tells the story of a Doberman who choked on something. One night, a married couple went out for a walk and sat in a restaurant, when they returned home, they saw their dog suffocating in the living room. The man panicked and fainted, and the wife decided to call her old friend, the vet, and arranged to bring the dog to the veterinary clinic.

After she took the dog to the clinic, she decided to return home and help her husband go to bed. It takes her a while to do this, and in the meantime, the phone rang. The vet screams hysterically into the phone that they need to get out of their house quickly. Without realizing what's going on, the couple leaves the house as soon as possible.

As they descend the stairs, several policemen run towards them. When the woman asks what happened, one of the policemen replies that their dog choked on the man's finger. In their house, most likely there is still a robber. Soon, the former owner of the finger was found unconscious in the couple's bedroom.

9 Suicidal Guy

This story, also known as "The Death of a Boyfriend", is told in many ways and is considered a generalized warning not to stray too far from the safety of your home. Our version will focus on Paris in the 1960s. A girl and her boyfriend (both college students) kiss in his car. They parked near the forest of Rambouillet so that no one could see them. When they're done, the guy gets out of the car to get some fresh air and smoke a cigarette, while the girl waits for him in the safety of the car.

After she waited five minutes, the girl got out of the car to find her boyfriend. Suddenly she sees a man hiding in the shade of a tree. Frightened, she gets back into the car to leave as soon as possible - but as she got in, she heard a very soft creak, followed by several more creaks.

This goes on for a few seconds, but the girl eventually decides that she has no other choice and decides to leave. She presses the gas pedal, but cannot go anywhere - someone has tied a cable from the bumper of the car to a tree growing nearby.

As a result, the girl presses the gas pedal again and hears a loud scream. She gets out of the car and finds her boyfriend hanging from a tree. As it turned out, the creaking sounds were made by his shoes dragging along the roof of the car.

8. Woman with a torn mouth

In Japan and China, there is a legend about the girl Kuchisake-Onna, also known as the woman with the torn mouth. Some say she was the wife of a samurai. One day, she cheated on her husband with a young and handsome man. When her husband returned, he discovered her betrayal, and in a rage, he took his sword and cut her mouth from ear to ear.

Some say that the woman was cursed - she will never die, and still walks the world so that people can see the terrible scar on her face and pity her. Some claim that they saw a beautiful young girl who asked them: "Am I beautiful?" And when they answered positively, she tore off her mask and showed a terrible wound. Then she repeated her question - and anyone who stopped considering her beautiful was waiting for a tragic death.

There are two morals in this story: it costs nothing to give a compliment, and honesty is not the best approach in all situations.

7. Bridge of the crying child

According to this legend, a couple was driving home from church with their child and arguing about something. It was raining heavily, and soon they had to cross a flooded bridge. As soon as they entered the bridge, it turned out that there was much more water than they thought, and the car got stuck - they decided that they needed to go for help. The woman waited, but got out of the car for a reason that can only be guessed at.

As she turned away from the car, she suddenly heard her baby crying loudly. She returned to the car to find that her child had been swept away by the water. According to the same legend, if you are on the same bridge, you can still hear the cry of a child there (the location of the bridge, of course, is unknown).

6Zanfretta Alien Abduction

The story of the kidnapping of Fortunato Zanfretta has become one of Italy's most famous urban legends over the past few decades.

According to his own stories (originally made under hypnosis), Zanfretta was abducted by aliens Dragos (Dragos) from the planet Teetonia (Teetonia), and for several years (1978-1981) he was repeatedly abducted several times by the same group from another planet. No matter how terrifying and creepy this story may sound, given the words of Zanfretta, uttered by him during a hypnosis session, one can regard the intentions of the aliens from an optimistic point of view:

“I know that you want to fly more often… no, you can't fly to Earth, people will be scared of how you look. You cannot become our friends. Please fly away."

Zahnfretta has arguably provided more details about his alien abduction than any other person in history - his detailed accounts may make even the most ardent skeptic wonder if there is some truth to it. To this day, the Zanfretta case remains one of the most interesting and mysterious X-Files.

5. White Death

This story is about a little girl from Scotland who hated life so much that she wanted to destroy everything connected with it. Finally, she decided to commit suicide, and her family soon discovered what she had done.

By a terrible coincidence, all members of her family died a few days later, and their limbs were torn off. Legend says that when you learn about the White Death, the ghost of a little girl may find you and knock on your door many times. Each knock gets louder until the man opens the door, at which point she kills him so that he won't tell anyone else about her existence. Her main task is to make sure that no one knows about her.

Like most urban legends, this story is most likely the product of the wild imagination of modern Aesop.

4. Black Volga

According to rumors, on the streets of Warsaw in the 1960s, a black Volga was often noticed - in which people who abducted children sat. According to the legend (which was no doubt aided by Western propaganda) Soviet officers rode the black Volga around Moscow in the mid-1930s, kidnapping young, pretty girls to satisfy the sexual needs of high-ranking Soviet comrades. According to other versions of this legend, vampires, mystical priests, satanists, human traffickers, and even Satan himself sat in the Volga.

According to various versions of the legend, children were kidnapped in order to use their blood as a treatment for rich people from all over the world suffering from leukemia. Naturally, none of these versions has not been confirmed.

3. Greek soldier

This lesser-known legend tells of a soldier from Greece who, after World War II, returned home to marry his fiancee. Unfortunately for him, he was captured by his compatriots with enemy political opinions, he was tortured for five weeks, after which he was killed. In the early 1950s, mostly in northern and central Greece, stories were circulating about an attractive uniformed Greek soldier who would appear and disappear quickly, seducing beautiful widows and virgins with the sole purpose of giving them a child.

Five weeks after the child was born, the man disappeared forever - leaving a note on the table in which he explained that he was returning from the world of the dead so that he would have sons who could avenge his murder.

2 Elisa Day

In medieval Europe, there lived a young girl named Eliza Day, whose beauty was like wild roses growing by the river - bloody and red. One day a young man came to town and instantly fell in love with Eliza. They met for three days. On the first day he came to her house. On the second day, he brought her one red rose and asked her to meet where wild roses grow. On the third day, he took her to the river, where he killed her. The terrible man waited until she turned away from him, then took a stone and, whispering "All beauty must die", killed her with one blow to the head. He put a rose in her teeth and pushed the body into the river. Some people claim to have seen her ghost wandering along the riverbank, with a single rose in her hand, and blood streaming from her head.

Kylie Minogue and Nick Cave have a very beautiful song about this legend - "Where The Wild Roses Grow":

1. Well to hell

In 1989, Russian scientists drilled a well in Siberia about 14.5 kilometers deep. The drill fell into a cavity in the earth's crust, and scientists lowered several devices into it to figure out what was the matter. The temperature there exceeded 1000 degrees Celsius, but the real shock was what they heard on the tape.

Before the microphone melted, only 17 terrifying seconds of sound were recorded. Many of the scientists, convinced that they had heard the cries of the damned from hell, quit their jobs - or at least that's what the story says. Those who remained were shocked even more that same night. A jet of luminescent gas shot out from the well, turning into the form of a giant winged demon, and then the words "I won" could be read in the lights. Although the story is currently considered fiction, there are many people who believe that this actually happened - the urban legend "The Well to Hell" is told to this day.

As we have said before, reality is much worse than fiction. Therefore, we unearthed a few more horror stories for you, which we would definitely tell you at the campfire at night if you suddenly decided to leave your cozy hole. All of the stories below are true.
1. Photos of the dead

So, a grocery store boy brings groceries home to an eccentric old woman and suddenly notices an old photograph on one of the shelves, from which his hair suddenly stands on end wherever possible. The picture shows a little boy in his best party suit; the photo seems quite normal, but at the same time there is something frightening about it. The messenger asks the old woman about the picture, and the old woman answers innocently, stuffing the cat into washing machine: “Oh, really handsome? Like it's alive."

Today, most people are too pampered and prefer not to look into the coffins of the dead, but in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, someone's death usually meant that it was time for a family photo. Back then it was called memorial photography.

And although this practice looks like someone's evil prank, there is a practical explanation for this. The fact is that the filming process was then so expensive that family photos could only be taken once in a lifetime. At the same time, people had to sit still for a couple of minutes in order for everything to work out perfectly. And what the dead are good at is sitting still.

Therefore, the bodies of the dead were dressed up and seated in front of the camera with their eyes open. And in case they suddenly didn’t look like living people enough, a little color was added to the picture later. And just look what people could do in those days with the help of the simplest special effects!

Over time, the practice of memorial photography has become obsolete. Perhaps because taking pictures has become much easier and more accessible. Or someone just wondered about the sanity of what is happening.

2. A corpse wrapped in a carpet

According to legend, someone found a beautiful old carpet on the street, brought it home and found a dead man wrapped inside. At the same time, there are different variations, and the corpse is sometimes found in a discarded refrigerator or an old wardrobe, but the essence in all stories is the same: it’s not good to drag all sorts of rubbish from the street.

In 1984, three students from Columbia University found a rolled carpet on the sidewalk and decided to take it to their dorm.

Having dragged the find to the house, they unrolled the carpet and found inside the rotting corpse of an unknown man with two bullet holes in the skull. Three students from a prestigious university carried a carpet for several meters and during all this time they never paid attention to a 90-kilogram decomposing corpse!

3. Poison woman

A sick woman is taken to the hospital, and when the nurses take a blood sample from her, it turns out to be so poisonous that everyone near her falls ill. Realizing that they were dealing with a monster from Alien in human form, the nurses ran away in fear.

On the evening of February 19, 1994, Gloria Ramirez, suffering from an extremely severe form of cancer, was admitted to the California emergency room.

When the nurse bled her, she caught an unpleasant smell that was so disgusting that the staff began to feel sick, and some who were next to the patient even lost consciousness. Ultimately, 23 people were infected then. The emergency department was evacuated, after which a group of disinfectors entered the business.

This case was described as mass hysteria, but given that one of the victims spent two weeks in the intensive care unit with hepatitis, pancreatitis and necrosis (necrosis, death of cells and tissues in a living organism under the influence of pathogenic factors), we can say that either it was a damn serious hysteria, or the person who made this diagnosis got his degree from the University of Idiots.

As for Gloria, she died 40 minutes after being admitted to the hospital. Her autopsy was performed by people in protective suits, but despite one of the most thorough investigations conducted in history, the reason for the all-time high levels of toxins in the blood of this woman remained unknown.

4 Headless Lover


A pregnant woman admits to her husband that the child she is carrying is not his. The husband, as a rational and prudent person, cuts off his lover's head and brings it to his wife in the hospital wing. The story has many versions, but the essence of them all boils down to one thing: stay away from appetizing boys, married ladies.

In 1993, Sgt. Stephen Schap and Diane Schap, who were living in Germany, discovered that their family would soon be replenished, which would certainly have been great news if Stephen had not performed a vasectomy a year earlier. Oops. In the studio of the American talk show Jerry Springer (something like the Russian "Windows" with Nagiyev), Diana was forced to admit that she had an affair with her husband's best friend Gregory Glover (Gregory Glover) and, unfortunately, Steven's reaction to this the message was not limited to throwing furniture around the room.

On a cold December day, a pregnant Diana was lying in a hospital bed talking on the phone with Gregory when suddenly the phone line went dead. The woman did not have to wait long to find out what had happened, because half an hour later her husband burst into the ward and pulled the freshly severed head of his former friend from a sports bag.

“Look, Diana, Glover is here! Now he will sleep with you every night. But you won’t be able to sleep, because you will see it” - with these words, Stephen plopped his bloody head on the bedside table facing his wife. You can say what you want about Sergeant Shap's mental state, but this guy definitely has a penchant for the dramatic.

5. Failed Escapist Escape


The escapist fails the deadly trick and dies in front of the audience. Often such rumors are spread by the magicians themselves to add an element of risk to their number.

Despite the illusion of danger, escapists rarely die or even get injured while performing this stunt. Most sane people take all possible safety precautions when they are about to dive bound into a tank of water. But Joseph Barrus was not one of them.

Ironically, Barrus had to climb out of his own grave. He was chained and placed in a transparent plastic box, which was lowered into the grave to a depth of 2 meters. From above, the box was covered with a half-meter layer of earth, and the empty openings were filled with wet concrete. Everything seemed to be going great, but it turned out that the plastic box cracked and crushed the escapist.

6Saw-Style Murder


All these intricate puzzles and carefully planned traps, organized by the killer nicknamed Jigsaw, are nothing more than fiction and are unlikely to have taken place in reality.

But suddenly someone appears on the Internet who claims that he heard real story about how a guy broke into a bank with a booby collar, which, according to him, was supposed to blow his head if he did not rob the bank on behalf of a criminal genius ...

On a fine August day in 2003 that was no different than any other, pizza delivery boy Brian Wells was just about to finish his shift when he received an unfortunate call. Following directions, Brian drove down a dirt, winding road and reached an abandoned TV tower. Most people in this place young man just throw the pizza in the ditch and drive away. But not Brian Wells. This fellow gave himself without a trace to his low-paid work.

No one really knows exactly what happened there, but it is known that about an hour later a young man showed up at the aforementioned bank with a sophisticated collar, holding a homemade gun that looked more like a cane, and a note demanding a quarter of a million dollars in cash.

Unfortunately, Brian was just as good at robbing banks as he was at avoiding obvious horror movie traps, so he was quickly pulled over in the parking lot. The police noticed the collar, but mistook it for a fashion accessory and did not consider it necessary to call the sappers. When they did call them and they arrived at the place, the “fashion accessory” had already exploded, and Wells had a hole the size of a postcard in his chest.

After searching Wells, the police found a sheet with a list of tasks, each of which had to be completed in a certain time so that the bomb did not explode. But in any case, poor Brian was doomed from the very beginning, as it later turned out that it was simply impossible to complete these tasks, even if you strictly followed the instructions. He just didn't have enough time.

Presumably, all the organizers of this lawlessness were caught and convicted. But still, there is a possibility that somewhere along the streets another pervert with a sick imagination, who did not have time to bring to justice, is snooping around.

7. Call from the other world


This story looks like an old tale, adapted to modern realities, that is told by the fire: someone receives calls on the phone from a friend or relative, who, as it turns out later, has been dead all this time.

On September 12, 2008, a California suburban train ran through a red traffic light and crashed into a freight train. 25 people then died.

The family of Charles Peck, who was on the same train, were watching the news, dreading the news of their relative's fate...when the phone rang. And then again and again.

The calls came from Charles' cell phone to each member of the family in turn. A total of 35 were made.
The police managed to find Charles's body among the wreckage by tracing the signal of his mobile phone, but this reunion cannot be called happy. Charles was dead, and who and how called from his phone remains a mystery to this day.

Now guess what distracted the driver from the road and because of what he drove through a red light.

Yes, it was mobile.

8 Elevator Killer


The metal doors close, trapping the defenseless victim, who can do little more than scream in terror as the elevator car rises, and eventually sever their head and limbs. This scene can be seen in a number of cheap horror movies, including one whose story revolves entirely around an elevator.

But in real life there are safety precautions and things like that can't happen.

There are safety precautions, of course, but they did not help Dr. Hitoshi Nikaidoh August 16, 2003. To this day, no one knows exactly why the elevator doors didn't open again when the doctor got stuck between them. The inspectors suggested that the tragedy occurred due to one cable that had come loose.

How much damage can one such cable cause? Well…

As the doors clamped down on Dr. Nikaido like a vise, the elevator began to rise until it cut the man's head at the level of the mouth, leaving only the left ear and lower jaw attached to the torso. Pretty creepy picture, don't you think? Now imagine what it was like for a nurse who spent about an hour sitting in a blood-drenched cabin with a cut off head of a good doctor.

9 Chainsaw Suicide


This story has existed for several decades, and during this time it has managed to acquire many different details. Some say that the guy cut off his head on a bet, others that it was an accident, and still others claim that it was suicide.

But to be honest, is it physically possible?

It looks like yes.

50-year-old Briton David Phyall (David Phyall) very much did not want to leave the apartment building, which was supposed to be demolished. The man was offered eleven alternative housing options, but he flatly refused to accept even one. One by one, the neighbors moved, leaving him alone in the old house.

Something had to be sacrificed, and that something, as it turned out, was David's spine. The plan he came up with no doubt put the man at risk of death and, on top of everything else, overburdened the cleaning lady with work. Tying a chainsaw to the table leg, David lay down on the floor, arranging himself so that his neck was against the chain. Then he set a timer for 15 minutes and filled himself with alcohol.

David's plan went as smoothly as his head left his torso.

The police chief asked the sergeant who discovered David's body if what he saw was a shock to him. "In a sense, yes, sir," the sergeant replied, and immediately got a reprimand for showing emotions and lacking composure while on duty.

10 Shriveled Heads


For many years, cowering human heads have been the subject of all kinds of legends and anecdotes, but all this is fiction and nothing like this has ever really happened.

In fact, this is not a myth, and the practice of creating such shriveled human heads was common mainly in the tribes living in the Amazon River region.

To make one such head, an incision was made at the back of a normal-sized human head, after which the skin and flesh were carefully removed from the skull. The eyelids and mouth were sewn together, the meat was thoroughly boiled, then boiled out on hot stones, after which they molded a head out of it. But although the creation of such heads actually took place, this was done extremely rarely even in those tribes where this practice was common. Everything changed at the end of the 19th century, when the collection of such unusual and creepy accessories became very popular. Things got to the point that numerous South American and Polynesian tribes (most of which never did this at all) fought with each other, just to get the heads.

In exchange for shrunken heads, the whites gave the natives weapons and thus, one might say, guaranteed themselves a constant supply of new goods.

In the United States, trade in these oddities continued for many years, until the 1940s, when they were officially outlawed.

11. Corpse Farm


There are stories of isolated patches of land where unburied corpses decompose in the midday sun. What's the matter? The killer got away? Or have the gravediggers gone on strike again?

Corpse farms are real and completely legal in the United States.

The TV series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation doesn't talk about this, but body farms are actually increasingly important to forensic scientists, as they allow scientists to study how the human body decomposes under different conditions.

Three of these unusual farms are located near Knoxville, Tennessee, San Marcos, Texas, and Callow, North Carolina.

The one in Knoxville is the oldest and most improved; it occupies 2.5 acres of land, and there are 40 to 50 bodies on it at a time.

In the English-language video below, you can see how a man shows his collection of corpses and talks about gloves made of human skin.

12. Live severed head


The head continues to function for some time after it has been separated from the body. According to legend, severed heads blinked, reacted to stimuli, and even tried to speak.

Death by decapitation has always been considered quick and painless (the guillotine was invented as a method of humane execution), but there is plenty of evidence that the human brain continues to work for several seconds, or even a minute, after it has been separated from the body.

One of the earliest and most famous evidence of this is the experiment of Dr. Boryo. After the execution of the French murderer Languile, his eyes and mouth moved for another 5-6 seconds before calming down. But when Boryo called out his name, the criminal's eyes immediately opened.

“Langil's eyes were definitely looking at me,” Boryo said. “The look was focused.” After that, the good doctor continued to receive similar results for another 30 seconds.

There are a lot of stories related to the guillotine, but what about the modern era? We can assure you that such cases still occur today. One of these was told to us by a participant in a terrible car accident in which one of his friends, who were in the car, lost his head.

“My friend’s head was upside down. I have seen his mouth open and close at least twice. The face expressed shock and bewilderment, which was replaced by horror and bitterness.<…>He looked from me to his body and back to me."

A spooky story, so we'll end this article on a lighter note.

In Africa, in some tribes, before cutting off a person’s head, they first tied it to an elastic branch of a tree, so that after execution it was catapulted into the sky. Thus, for the last seconds before oblivion, the severed head floated serenely across the sky. If you had to die, then this method would probably be in the top five.

Incredible Facts

People have been making up legends and legends ever since they discovered communication. Despite some true facts, most of the terrible legends still remain fiction. However, chilling urban legends can often turn out to be true.

Sometimes turning a tragic event into a legend helps people cope with grief, as well as protect the younger generation from realizing the reality of what is happening.

In this article, we have collected for you the creepiest urban legends based on real events.

City's legends

Faceless Charlie


Children living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania love to tell the story of Faceless Charlie, also known as Green Man. Charlie is believed to have been a factory worker disfigured in a horrific accident, some claiming it was the acid, others the power line.

Some versions of the story claim that this incident caused his skin to turn green, but all versions have in common that Charlie's face was so disfigured that it lost all features. According to legend, he wanders in the dark through oppressive places, such as, for example, the old abandoned railway tunnel in South Park, also known as the Green Man Tunnel.

Over the years, curious teenagers have visited this tunnel looking for signs of Faceless Charlie. Many claimed that they felt a slight electric shock and had trouble starting the car after calling Faceless. Others said they saw a slight glow of his green skin in a tunnel or at night by a country road.


Unfortunately, in this tragic story lies the lion's share of truth. The legend of Faceless Charlie appeared due to the fact that he had quite real prototype— Raymond Robinson. In 1919, Robinson, who was 8 years old at the time, was playing with a friend near a bridge with high voltage tram tracks.

Raymond suffered horrific injuries after he accidentally touched a power line. As a result of the impact, he lost his nose, both eyes and an arm, but survived. He spent the rest of his long life - 74 years - withdrawing into himself, and went out for a walk only at night, but he reciprocated the friendly appeals of people to him.

killer in the attic


This chilling story appeared many years ago. It tells about a family unaware that a dangerous intruder has settled in their house, secretly living in their attic for weeks. They lose or move things, suspicious objects appear in the garbage. They joke sweetly about the brownie until a cruel killer living near them kills them in their sleep.

The worst thing about this legend is that, it would seem, it is quite possible - and it really is.


This story began in March 1922 on a German farm called Hinterkaifeck. The owner, Andreas Gruber, began to notice that things were periodically disappearing in the house, lying in the wrong places. His family heard footsteps in the house at night, and Andreas himself, on the eve of the tragedy, noticed other people's footprints in the snow, but after examining the house and territory, he did not find anyone.

At the end of March, the man who left these traces came down from the attic and brutally dealt with six inhabitants of the farm - the owner, his wife, their daughter, her two children 2 and 7 years old and their maid with the help of a hoe. Their bodies were found only 4 days later, and it turned out that at that time someone was looking after the livestock. The identity of the offender has not yet been established.


night doctors


Stories of night doctors in the past were often heard from slave owners who used them to intimidate their slaves so they wouldn't run away. The essence of the legend is that there were some doctors who operated at night, kidnapping black workers to use them in their terrible experiments.

Night doctors caught people on the streets and took them to their medical facilities to torture, kill, dismember and cut out their organs.


This creepy story has a very real continuation. Throughout the 19th century, grave robbery was a big problem, and the African American population could not protect either their deceased relatives or themselves. In addition, medical students did perform operations on living members of the African American community.

In 1932, the Alabama State Health Service and Tuskegee University launched a program to study syphilis. As terrible as it sounds, 600 African-American men were taken to perform the experiment. Of these, 399 already had syphilis and 201 did not.

They were given free food and a guarantee to protect their grave after death, but the program lost funding, but the participants were not told about their terrible illness. Researchers sought to study the mechanisms of the disease and continued to monitor patients. They were told that they were being treated for a non-serious blood disease.

The patients did not know they had syphilis or that they needed penicillin to treat it. The scientists refused to give any information about the drugs or the condition of their patients.

This story, spiced up with slave owners riding horses in white clothes at night, has long instilled fear and awe of the legend in black people.

Alice murders


This is a fairly young urban legend from Japan. It says that in the period from 1999 to 2005 in Japan there was a series of brutal murders. The bodies of the victims were mutilated, their limbs were torn off, and a distinctive feature of all the murders was that next to each corpse, the name "Alice" was written in the blood of the victim.

The police also found one playing card at each of the creepy crime scenes. The first victim was found in the forest, and parts of her body were strung on the branches of various trees. The second victim had his vocal cords torn out. The third victim, a teenage girl, had her skin severely burned, her mouth cut open, her eyes torn out, and a crown sewn to her head. The last victims of the killer were two little twins - they were given lethal injections while they slept.

Police allegedly arrested a man in 2005 who was found wearing a jacket from one of the victims, but they were unable to link him to any of the murders. The man claimed that the jacket had been given to him.


In fact, there have never been such murders in Japan. However, shortly before the appearance of this legend, a maniac was operating in Spain, who was called the Card Killer. In 2003, the entire police force in Madrid was sent to capture the man responsible for 6 brutal murders and 3 assassinations. Each time he left on the body of the murdered playing card. The authorities were at a loss - there was no connection between the victims or an obvious motive.

All that was known was that they were dealing with a psychopath who chose his victims at random. He would never have been caught if one day he himself had not come to the police with a confession. The card killer turned out to be Alfredo Galan Sotillo. During the trial, Alfredo changed his testimony several times, retracting his confession and claiming that the Nazis forced him to confess to the murders. Despite this, the killer was sentenced to 142 years in prison.

scary urban legends

The Legend of Cropsy


Among the people of Staten Island, the legend of Corpsi has been around for decades. It tells the story of a crazed axe-wielding killer who escaped from an old hospital and hides in the tunnels beneath the abandoned Willbrook Public School. He comes out of hiding at night and preys on children: some say that he has a hook for a hand, and some that he wields an ax. The weapon does not matter to him, the result is important to him - to lure the child into the ruins of the old school and cut him to pieces.


As it turned out, the crazy killer was quite real. Andre Rand was directly responsible for the kidnapping of two children. He worked as a janitor at this very school until it closed. There, children with disabilities were kept in terrible conditions: they were beaten, insulted, they had neither normal food nor clothes. The homeless Rand returned to the tunnels under the school to continue the atrocities that had previously reigned in this school.

Children began to go missing, and the body of 12-year-old Jennifer Schweiger was found in the woods near Rand's camp. He was charged with her murder of Jennifer and another missing child. It has not been fully proven that these murders were his doing, but the police managed to prove that he was involved in the abductions of children. He was sentenced to 50 years in prison. The whereabouts of the other missing children have not yet been disclosed.

Babysitter and killer on the second floor


The story of the babysitter and the killer hiding upstairs is undoubtedly an urban horror classic. According to this legend, a girl who works as a nanny for a wealthy family gets a creepy call. In almost all versions of the story, the caller asks the babysitter if she has checked on the children. The nanny calls the police, where it turns out that they are calling from the house where she is with the children. According to most versions, all three are found brutally murdered.


The reason for the spread of this creepy story was the very real murder of a 12-year-old girl, Janet Christman, who looked after three-year-old Gregory Romak. In March 1950, when this brutal crime took place, there was a terrible thunderstorm in Columbia, Missouri. Janet had just put the child to bed when an unknown person entered the house and brutally raped and killed the girl.

The main suspects for a long time included a certain Robert Muller, who is also accused of another murder. Unfortunately, the evidence against Mueller was only circumstantial, but he was nevertheless accused of killing Janet. Some time later, he sued for wrongful detention, the charges were dropped, and he left town for good. After his departure, such crimes ceased.

Legends based on real events

rabbit man


The story about the rabbit man appeared around the 70s of the last century and, like many urban legends, has several versions. The most common of these speaks of events that occurred in 1904, when the local psychiatric institution in Clifton, Virginia, closes and it becomes necessary to transfer patients to a new building. According to the classics of the genre, transport with patients gets into a serious accident, most of them die, and the survivors break free. They are all successfully brought back... except for one - Douglas Griffin, sent to a psychiatric hospital for killing his family on Easter Sunday.

Shortly after his escape, exhausted and mutilated carcasses of rabbits appear in the trees in the area. a little while later locals find the body of Marcus Wallster hanging from the ceiling of an underpass under a railroad track in the same terrible state as the rabbits before it. The police tried to drive the madman into a corner, but he, while running away, was hit by a train. Now his restless ghost roams the area and still hangs the carcasses of rabbits on the trees.

Some even claim to have seen the rabbit-man in person, standing in the shadow of the underpass. The locals believe that whoever dares to enter the crossing on Halloween night will be found dead the next morning.


Luckily, this creepy legend is just a legend, and there really was no crazy killer. There was no Douglas Griffin, no Marcus Wallster. However, in Fairfax County, there lived a man who was unhealthy obsessed with rabbits and terrorized the locals in the 70s of the last century.

He rushed at passers-by and pursued them with a small ax in his hands. Some claimed that he once threw a hatchet through the window of a passing car. One incident occurred in the house of one of the local residents. The madman took an ax with a long handle and began to chop down the porch of the unfortunate man's house. He escaped before the arrival of the police and no one still knows who he is and what motivated him.



The legend of the Hook is perhaps the most common of all urban horror stories. It has several versions, each scarier than the previous one, and the most famous one is about a couple making love in a parked car. The radio is suddenly interrupted to tell the listeners terrible news - a cruel killer has escaped, wielding a hook, and now he is hiding in the very park where the lovers are.

The girl, having heard the news, asks her beloved to leave from there as soon as possible. The guy is annoyed, but they are going, and he takes her home. When they arrive, they find a bloody hook hanging from the door handle on the passenger side.


Whether the couple makes it home without incident, or the girl is horrified to hear her lover's fingers touch the roof of the car as his bloodied body hangs from a tree, the story didn't come about by accident. In the late 1940s, a small and peaceful town was rocked by a series of horrific murders. The culprit was dubbed the Moonlight Killer, but was never found.

At night, he killed young people in parked cars. Frightened residents were returning home long before the curfew announced by the authorities. The bloody crimes stopped as quickly as they started, and the Moon Slayer vanished into the night.

dog boy


In the city of Quitman, Arkansas, the legend of the Dog Boy has long circulated. Locals claimed that it tells the story of an evil and very cruel little boy who loved to torture defenseless animals, and then completely switched to his parents. After the death of the boy, his ghost lived in the house where he killed his parents, in the form of a half-man, half-dog, instilling horror and fear in people. People often notice his outline in the room where he kept the animals he abused.

Witnesses describe him as a large furry creature resembling a dog with glowing cat eyes. Those who pass by his house notice that he is watching them closely from the window of the house, and some even claim that an incomprehensible creature on all fours was chasing them down the street.


Once upon a time, an angry and cruel boy named Gerald Bettis lived in an old house at 65 Mulberry Street. His favorite pastime was catching neighbor's animals. He had a separate room where he brought the unfortunate. There he tortured them and brutally killed them. Over time, his cruelty began to manifest itself in relation to elderly parents. He was huge and overweight.

They say that it was he who killed his father, but no one has ever been able to prove that he provoked him to fall down the stairs. After his father's death, he continued to abuse his mother, keeping her locked up and starved to the sea. Law enforcement agencies intervened and they managed to save the unfortunate mother. Some time later, she testified against him for growing and using marijuana. He was sent to prison, where he died of an overdose.

Legends that turned out to be true

Black water


This pretty famous history starts with an ordinary family buying a new house. They are doing great until they turn on the faucet, which pours black, muddy, foul-smelling water. After checking the water tank, they discover a rotting body. It is not known when this legend was born, but a similar story really took place.


Eliza Lam's body was found in a water tank at the Cecile Hotel in Los Angeles, California in 2013. Her death is still a mystery, and the killer has not been found. By the time the guests complained about the tainted water and her body was found, it had been decomposing in the tank for a week.

The creepiest legends

Bloody Mary


According to an eerie folk belief about Bloody Mary, in order to summon her evil spirit, it is necessary to light candles, turn off the light and whisper her name, gazing intently into the mirror. When she arrives, she can do a range of harmless things, as well as terrible things.


According to psychologists, if you stare in the mirror for a long time, you can see how someone else is looking at you in response, so most likely the legend of Bloody Mary did not appear out of nowhere. The Italian psychologist Giovanni Caputo calls this phenomenon "the illusion of an alien face."

According to Caputo, if you stare long and hard at your reflection in a mirror, your field of vision will begin to distort, and the outlines and boundaries will become blurred - your face will no longer look the same. The same illusion manifests itself when a person sees images and silhouettes in inanimate objects.

Halloween is ahead of us all, and most recently Friday the 13th took place, so get ready for a new batch of creepy horror stories that have been scaring residents of very different cities of the world for many years.

Urban legends are passed down from generation to generation, just like good books or family traditions, so don't be surprised if your children tell each other scary stories about black people and a coffin on wheels. And if on the eve of Halloween you do not have enough inspiration for a new costume, read this collection of horror movies right now!

10. El Silbon (El Silbon) or Whistler

In Venezuela and Colombia, there is a terrible tale about a creature cursed to roam the Earth for all eternity with a bag of bones on its back.

The mystical creature was once a young boy who lived with his parents in Venezuela. El Silbon was the only child in the family, and his parents spoiled him very much. As a result, the boy became a spoiled, capricious and harmful young man.

One day the child requested that his parents cook him venison for dinner. The father could not get such meat, which made the demanding son very angry. El Silbon stabbed his own father with a knife, pulled out his insides and brought them to his mother to cook supper from the offal.

The unsuspecting woman used the meat for cooking, although it seemed suspicious to her. Finally realizing what had happened, the mother was horrified and was so overwhelmed with grief that she allowed her grandfather to punish the evil boy on his own.

The grandfather beat the child to a pulp, and he poured lemon juice into his wounds and rubbed chili peppers. Then he handed his grandson a sack full of his father's bones and set a pack of dogs on the little villain. Right before the beasts tore the boy apart, his grandfather cursed him to wander forever. Thus, a creature named El Silbon was born.

It is said that he still wanders through the forests, fields and villages, whistling a simple melody under his breath, and sneaking into other people's houses. There he throws a bag of bones on the floor and counts them right in the house. If no one notices the monster's presence, one member of that family will die. However, if the household catches the Whistler (the second nickname of the cursed creature), no one will suffer, and the inhabitants of the house, on the contrary, will be lucky.

9 Suicide Drawing From Japan

Photo: urbanlegendsonline.com

The most disturbing and scary urban legends often appear in Asian countries, and many of them even become the basis for famous horror films.

According to one such legend, a young Japanese woman painted a colored portrait of a young girl who seemed to look straight into the eyes of the viewer. A talented artist published a drawing on the Internet and, for an unknown reason, soon committed suicide.

After the incident, netizens began to write comments on this drawing, and many said that they see sadness and even anger in the eyes of the drawn girl. Others wrote that if you look at this portrait for too long, the stranger's lips begin to curl into a smirk, and a strange ring appears around her image. Some went even further - people began to spread rumors about the poor fellows who looked at the picture for more than 5 minutes in a row and then also committed suicide.

8. Nixies (Nykur)

Photo: kickassfacts.com

We are used to the fact that in films and pictures horses are portrayed as beautiful creatures and noble animals. However, if you ever find yourself in Iceland and notice a gray horse there, standing on the shore of the sea or lake, do yourself a favor and get accustomed to the hooves of the beast. If they look into reverse side, then you are in trouble - it looks like you met a nyx ...

Nyxes are said to be monsters that live in the water, but sometimes come to the coast to lure unsuspecting people to the bottom of the reservoir. The skin of such a horse is sticky, so if a person, fascinated by a wild horse, wants to saddle an animal, he will no longer be able to get off it and will be doomed to certain death, because the nyx will drag the rider to the bottom. There is a belief that if you call out the name of the mystical horse, it will get scared and run back into the water without harming anyone.

7. Child in a high chair

This city walks all over the world, but it most likely appeared in Norway. For many years, a Norwegian couple could not afford to go on vacation. Finally, everything fell into place - the couple found a reliable nanny for their grown-up baby and planned a trip.

When the day of departure came, the nanny still did not appear. She called and said that she had problems with the car. However, the woman also said that she could call a mechanic and be there in 15 minutes because she had almost reached the couple's house and was ready to walk.

Taking the nanny's word for it, the parents put their son in a high chair, fastened the child with special belts, kissed him goodbye and left the house. The couple was in a hurry to get on the plane. They left one of the doors open so that the nanny could go inside.

One version of the legend says that the nurse could not get into the house because all the doors were closed (they were slammed by the wind), and she decided that the parents took the child with them. The woman went home without being sure if this was true.

According to another version, the nanny was hit by a truck on the way to the house, and according to the third scenario, the nurse was actually an elderly relative of the family, and on the way she had a heart attack. In any case, she never made it to the house, where a little boy was waiting for her in a high chair.

In all versions, the couple return home to find the child dead and still strapped into his child seat...

6 Studley Road Girl

The scariest urban legends are the horror stories that take place closer to our own cities and homes, or when the mention of them pops up again and more recently. Three years ago, a user of the social platform Reddit told a horror story that terrified him all his childhood and all his youthful years. The man lives in Mechanicsville, Virginia (Mechanicsville, Virginia), and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis town lies a winding road called Studley Road.

Several years ago, a family with an alcoholic father lived in a small house near this road. One evening the man went berserk and beat his wife and child to death and then killed himself. The girl had a broken jaw, but she did not die immediately. In search of help, she managed to get to the road, where she fell dead, blood all over her pajamas.

Since then, on the winding curves of Studley Road in the middle of woodland, some drivers have seen the luminous figure of a little girl, walking along the curb with her back to passing cars. Unsuspecting motorists, unaware of the creepy legend, stop to help a child in pajamas. The girl turns around and lets out an inhuman scream, showing her dangling bloodied jaw to the stunned travelers. Sometimes she even tries to say something, but because of the blood flowing from her mouth, she manages to make only gurgling sounds.

5 Ghost Wagon

South Africa also has its own urban myths, and the most famous among them are the story of the Flying Dutchman and the ghostly fellow traveler from Uniondale. However, the most terrible legend originated here in 1887. Major Alfred Ellis told this terrible tale in his South African Sketches, and since then the legend has terrified all the locals.

Four men - Lutterodt, Serurier, Anthony de Heer (Lutterodt, Seururier, Anthony de Heer) and an unnamed visitor from Cape Town - boarded a wagon and set off on a joint trip from Ceres to Beaufort West (Ceres, Beaufort West). This area has long been famous for being haunted, which was even indicated on old South African maps. During the trip, one of the wheels of the wagon suddenly broke, and its repair lasted until 3 o'clock in the morning. The company returned to the road again, but their horse suddenly rebelled, froze in place and refused to go further.

Out of nowhere, the men heard the sound of another wagon approaching at high speed. When the travelers finally saw her, they realized that a team of 14 horses was rushing straight at them, whipped by the coachman with all his might. Frightened, Latterodt, Serurii and a stranger from the capital jumped out of their wagon, and de Heer grabbed the reins and managed to remove their transport from the road. An angry de Heer shouted at the hurrying coachman: “Where are you going?”, To which he replied: “To hell.” With these words, the wagon vanished into thin air, as if it had never existed.

Later, Lutterodt learned that anyone who dared to talk to the ghostly coachman ended up very badly. A week after this incident, de Heer's body was found at the bottom of a rocky gorge, and the wreckage of his wagon and the corpses of horses lay right there next to their master.

4. Blue baby

Photo: urbanlegendsonline.com

Like Bloody Mary, the Blue Baby is a legend associated with a mirror, except in the case of a little boy, there is also an insane mother in the story who killed her child with a piece of that same mirror. Naturally, after the birth of a terrible story, there were also those who are trying to call on an innocent victim, nicknamed the blue child. The ritual for meeting the other world includes going to the bathroom at night. Make-up mirror needs to be fogged up so that you can write "blue baby" on it. The light at this time should be turned off, and the one who made the inscription should fold his hands as if a real child were lying on them. Belief says that the spirit of the boy will certainly appear in the hands of the person calling him. If for some reason you drop this baby on the floor, your mirror will break and you will die.

According to another version, the boy appears if you go into a dark bathroom, repeat “blue baby” 13 times, and all this time move your arms, as if you were rocking a child. The ghost will not only make itself felt, but also scratch you. However, this time, do not be afraid to drop the baby, because escaping from the bathroom will be the best way to survive. They say that during such a seance, a distraught mother may appear in the mirror, and she will definitely want to kill you.

3. The woman who hanged herself on a delonix royal

Photo: abc.net.au

One of the most terrible urban myths in Australia is the story of a young woman from the town of Darwin (Darwin), who was raped by a Japanese fisherman in the East Point area. When the girl realized that she was pregnant, she was horrified and hanged herself on the nearest tree, which turned out to be the royal delonix.

The restless spirit of the victim began to haunt all the men who appeared in East Point. The girl appeared in the form of an alluring figure in white. However, as soon as the man succumbed to the charms of the beauty, she turned into a terrible witch with long claws, tore her prey apart and ate the insides of unfortunate men.

The most intrepid adventurers can try to evoke a suicidal spirit by visiting the local park on a moonless night. Turn around yourself three times and call the woman by name. An eerie scream will notify you that the séance was a success. Although in this case it is better not to hesitate and run without looking back if you value your own guts.

2. Devil's toy box

Photo: thoughtcatalog.com

The Hellraiser series of mystical films is said to have been inspired by a terrifying urban legend buzzing across America. According to rumors in Louisiana (Louisiana, USA) there is a one-room house, the walls of which are covered with mirrors from the floor to the ceiling. The place got the creepy name "Devil's Toy Box" (Devil's Toy Box), and according to the myth, if you go into this house and linger there for too long, the devil appears in the room and takes the soul of the unfortunate.

Specialists in the field of supernatural phenomena have found that the mirrors facing the inside of the house form a hexagon, and according to rumors, it is almost impossible to stay in this room for more than 5 minutes. One person stood there for more than 4 minutes and went out into the street completely dumb. Since then, he never spoke again. One woman in this room completely survived a cardiac arrest, and a teenager who entered the "devil's box" was hardly taken out of there - he screamed and fought like a madman. Two weeks later, the guy committed suicide.

1. Tsok-tsok

Photo: yokai.com

One terrible Japanese legend says that a few years after the Second World War in Hokkaido, American soldiers raped and beat a local girl. The scolded Japanese woman jumped off the bridge over the railroad tracks that same evening, and was immediately hit by a train. The unfortunate body was cut in half at the waist. The weather that evening was very frosty, and therefore the girl did not die immediately. Slowly bleeding, she (her upper half) crawled to the station, where a shocked station employee threw a piece of tarpaulin over the terrible remains. The suicide died in terrible agony.

According to Japanese legend, 3 days after you heard or read this sad story, the ghost of a young woman will find you, and you will know about her approach by a characteristic clatter. If you think that escaping a legless girl is easy, you are wrong, because she is able to move at a speed of 150 kilometers per hour. No wonder it's a ghost...

After the death of the suicide, she set herself the goal of capturing as many people as possible. The ghost chases its victims to cut them in half, and takes the lower part of the body for itself. The only way to avoid a terrible fate is to answer the monster's questions correctly. The girl will ask if you need your legs. The answer is that you need them right now. And if the ghost asks who told you this story, feel free to say: "Kashima Reiko (Kashima Reiko)".

Surely in every city, local residents can remember at least one terrible legend associated with this locality. Many of these legends turn out to be fiction, but there are also quite truthful stories based on real cases.

The girl who was killed in the library without anyone noticing


Libraries, with their unnerving silence and musty, forgotten corners, are often the setting for urban legends. Of course, most of these stories are dark and scary. Have you ever heard the creepy legend of the ghost of a dead woman who allegedly haunted the New York Public Library in the 1980s?


Pennsylvania State University student Betsy Ardsma was beautiful, bright, popular and outgoing. November 28, 1969 Betsy went to the library to find information for the report. Instead, the girl received a fatal stab wound to the chest. The strangest thing is that no one saw when and by whom the crime was committed. Even though there were many students in the library, none of them heard the sounds of struggle.
Betsy was discovered a few minutes after the incident. At first, no one could understand what had happened to her, since there were no traces of blood on her red dress. To this day, the circumstances of Betsy Ardsma's death remain a mystery.

Cause of death - "atomic cowards"


There are a lot of urban legends that describe the dangers that are fraught with seemingly innocent jokes and pranks. Potatoes in the exhaust pipe can cause a car to explode. For such a prank as throwing toilet paper at home, you risk paying with your life. And once a child died from "atomic shorts" (approx. joke, the essence of which is to grab the trousers or underpants from behind and with a sharp movement pull them up so that they crash between the buttocks)!


The latter is not entirely true, since the victim of this stupid joke was not a child. Once a thirty-four-year-old man, who was in a state of intoxication, quarreled with his fifty-eight-year-old stepfather and decided to make him “atomic underpants”. He pulled his stepfather's underwear over his head, unaware that his prank would end fatally. The elastic band hit the stepfather in the throat, and the man died of suffocation. After the "joker" was arrested, he said that he did not regret what had happened. This was a kind of revenge for all those years of bullying that he endured from his stepfather.

The killer secretly lived in the house of his future victims for several weeks


The family begins to notice that something is wrong in their house: things disappear, various objects appear out of nowhere, and terrible steps are heard at night ... And after all its members are found dead, and this is where the legend ends.


A similar horror story happened almost a hundred years ago on a small farm called Hiterkaifeck, located between the cities of Ingolstadt and Schrobenhausen (Germany). In mid-March 1922, the owner of the farm, Andreas Gruber, began to notice that many strange things were happening on his farm. He constantly found unfamiliar footprints, his keys disappeared, unknown objects mysteriously appeared, someone's steps were heard in the attic at night. Despite this, the Grubers did not take any action, continuing to go about their daily business.
On the evening of March 31, 1922, Andreas, his wife, daughter, two grandchildren and a maid were brutally murdered with a hoe. Whoever did this was not an accidental visitor, as the animals were well fed when the bodies of the Gruber family members were discovered four days after the murder. The identity of the perpetrator has not yet been established. The case featured a suspect - German John McClain, but his guilt was not proven.

The Man Trapped in a Faulty Furnace


There are many stories of unfortunate people caught in the fatal trap of running stoves; they serve as a reminder to children that fire is not to be trifled with. However, this never happened outside the plot of the cartoon "Merry Melodies", right?


A large industrial furnace has broken down in a British kayak factory. One of the workers decided to look inside her to see what the problem was, but did not warn anyone about this. While he was inside the oven, another worker managed to fix the problem. He, unaware that someone might be inside the oven, simply turned it on. The oven door then automatically slammed shut. The trapped worker screamed with all his strength, but no one heard him. He tried to open the door with a crowbar, but in vain. His body was only discovered when people noticed smoke rising from the furnace.

Pigsty of death


Horror movie thugs and killers love to tie their victims to a chair and threaten to feed them to pigs. But pigs don't eat people, right?


It turns out that pigs eat us, just like we eat them. A Vietnam War veteran from Oregon started raising pigs to treat his post-traumatic stress disorder. His family called the farm a "life saver," but it's not a good idea to use animals as therapy that love to roll in the mud and their own sewage.
In 2012, the veteran went to feed his pigs and was never seen again. What exactly happened in the pigsty is unclear. Apparently, the pigs ate him whole and completely, leaving only dentures and shreds of clothing.

A woman who suffered from constant headaches found intruders in her brain


According to this urban legend, a man returns from a vacation on some tropical island and finds that terrible worms have wound up in his brain. Lesson: never leave the house without a hat. Or don't leave the house at all.


Never let your ex cook dinner for you.


After the release of the movie "Fatal Attraction", a whole generation of guys appeared who took revenge in their former very strange and cruel way: they killed their pet rabbits and cooked dinner from them, which they then treated their ex-girlfriends, who did not suspect anything.


After Ryan's girlfriend Eddie Watenpoe of Palo Cedro, California broke up with him, the young man took her Pomeranian and left the house, saying that the dog was lost. A month later, they got back together, and Ryan, as a sign of reconciliation, arranged a romantic dinner for his beloved, after which he told where the Pomeranian had actually gone. As proof, the next day he sent the girl the severed paws of her beloved pet.

SMS from under the bed


A teenage girl becomes terribly scared when she begins to receive threats and strange phone calls. However, she manages to convince herself that there is nothing to worry about. As it usually happens, her teenage intuition fails her, and the one who scares her is much closer than she thinks ...


In July 2014, a sixteen-year-old girl from Chester (England) began to receive strange messages from eighteen-year-old Kyle Ravenscroft. He wrote that he was watching her every minute. The girl did not take his words seriously. One day at midnight, Kyle sent her a text message saying "I'm in your house."
The girl thought it was a joke and did not call the police. That night she slept in her mother's bed. In the morning, when the girl returned to her room, she noticed that the shoe boxes, neatly lying near her bed, were scattered and dented. She looked under the bed and found Kyle under it. Fortunately, he did nothing wrong to her, but now every time she goes to bed, she looks under her bed with a flashlight.

Faceless Charlie


If you grew up in Pittsburgh, you must have heard the story of the Green Man (or Faceless Charlie) who roams dark alleys and lonely country roads at night, scaring belated passers-by and drivers.


Faceless Charlie really existed. His name was Raymond Robinson. His face was disfigured to the point of horror. The fact is that in the summer of 1919, at the request of his friends, he climbed onto a high-voltage pole for a bird's nest. He accidentally caught the wires and got electrocuted. The boy survived, but suffered severe burns to his face and left arm.
After this incident, Raymond pulled away from people, because his disfigured appearance frightened both children and adults. He only left the house at night.

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