Cup interpretation of the dream book. Why is the cup dreaming? Dream Interpretation Cup Dream broken coffee cup

Find out from the online dream book what the Cup is dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreters.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why is the Cup dreaming and what does it mean:

Drinking from a tea cup in a dream is an unexpected visit. Breaking a cup in a dream is a happy coincidence.

Miller's dream book

Why is the Cup dreaming in a dream?

If you dream of cups, then you will spend most of your time on pleasure.

For a woman, breaking a cup in a dream is a sign that her happiness will be destroyed by an unexpected disaster.

If in a dream you drink wine from a cup, then in the near future you will combine business with pleasure.

World of Images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the Mug dreamed

Why is the Cup dreaming - a Vessel, which is a vaginal symbol (see vessel).

Small Velesov dream book

What is the dream of a cup?

Cup - Be a guest, wait for guests; break - a quarrel in the family; full - profit.

Intimate dream book

If you had a dream about a Cup

In a dream, hold a cup in your hand and slowly drink liquid from it - to a hidden desire for possession; this interpretation is the same for both men and women. Filling a cup with a drink and offering it to someone indicates your desire to offer yourself, to be with the person you like and sexually attractive to you. To break a bowl in a dream for a woman means the loss of her femininity and sexuality in the eyes of her partner and other men and the suffering caused by this phenomenon. For a man, this dream portends a loss of attractiveness in the eyes of one of his fans. If in a dream a man pours a drink into a cup and drinks it, this indicates that he is trying to give his partner the highest pleasure.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

If you dream of Cups

Wash it - go to visit.

Culinary dream book

Features of a dream about Piala

A porcelain cup, gilded, offered as a gift to you in a dream, is a sign of someone's cordial, kind and simple-hearted disposition towards you.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

What did Cups dream of according to spiritual sources

A cup - to noisy guests, to break - a quarrel in the family.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

See a cup in a dream:

Broken - a quarrel; to see is an invitation; clay - a modest life; to buy is a fright in the family.

Esoteric dream book

Cup in a dream:

Empty - empty chores, the acquisition of unnecessary or unsuccessful things. Full - see what: this will be more than enough.

Simone Kananita dream book

A cup of what dreams of the saint:

Broken - quarrel - see - invitation - clay - modest life - buy - fear in the family - full - profit.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

The Cup is dreaming, what does it mean?

Cup (goblet) - The cup is a symbol of energy, the possibility of nourishing the dreamer's forces. To hold a cup or goblet in your hands means to control your destiny. According to Freud, the cup (cup) is a female vaginal symbol. A cup of water is a more auspicious sign than an empty one. A cup is a cup in miniature. All the prophecies for her are the same, taking into account the decrease in the scale of joy. Break - start a new period of life.

Modern dream book

Cups what do the dreamer mean

A cup filled - a blow, a nuisance.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Meet the Cups:

Tea cups - With tea - to unexpected joy (see Tea). Empty - you spend too much time on pleasure. It harms the cause. Imagine that you are pouring strong tea into cups, putting them on the table and treating your friends.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

What is the dream of the Cup

The tea cups you dreamed about indicate that you will spend most of your time on pleasure. Breaking a cup in a dream is an unexpected disaster. Drinking wine from a tea cup - in the near future you will combine business with pleasure.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

How does the Cup interpret the dream book?

Cups - Guests.

New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand what the Cup is for?

Means - receiving information; waiting for guests. Filled - profit; break - an unexpected misfortune; drinking wine from a teacup - combining pleasure with useful deeds.

Modern dream book for 365 days

What is the dream of the Cup on the days of the week?

Break a cup On Monday night - to a damaged relationship with a good person; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to a small unfortunate incident that has significant consequences; seen on the night of Saturday or Sunday - this dream means that the great danger that threatened you has passed.

Big modern dream book

Cup - why does the dreamer dream?

You saw cups in a dream - you spend too much time on pleasure. It is as if you are drinking wine from a tea cup - the pleasant in your life will be useful, and the useful will become pleasant. A woman dreams that she broke a cup - happiness will soon be replaced by misfortune.

Universal dream book for the whole family

Interpretation of the Cup

Cup - noisy guests; full - profit; break - to a quarrel.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Cup from your dream

Full - depending on the drink; empty - uncertainty of relations; girlfriend. To break is a lucky break.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

To noisy guests; break a cup - to a quarrel in the family.

For those born in May, June, July and August

To break a cup in a dream - to mental patience.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Break a cup - to intrigue and deceit.

Kitchen utensils are rare in dreams, but aptly. Especially when it comes to a cup. Why is the cup dreaming? A broken cup in a dream, seeing a cup of tea or coffee in a dream, even with blood - there are many variations. And only our combined, most complete dream book will give you a lot of interpretations to match each specific dream. For a complete understanding of sleep, we will consider a cup for a drink and a bowl for fruit / bread as identical concepts.

Idiomatic dream book

Such a dream book does not interpret the dream itself, but the circumstances in which you dreamed of a cup.

  • An overflowing bowl of patience: you are clearly exceeding the measure in some way. In a dream, it may look like a cup into which you pour liquid without stopping.
  • There is a full bowl in the house: to be in abundance and prosperity in the house. In a dream, it looks like a big bowl (exactly like a dish) full of fruits, bread, and some other treats.
  • Drink a full cup to the bottom: you are destined to survive all the bad weather and suffering, or you have already experienced it, but it seems to you that there will be no end to the torment. Such a dream says that peace and tranquility will soon return to your life. In a dream, it may look like a cup without a bottom, from which you all cannot get drunk or from which the drink never ends.
  • Invitation to: it could be a phrase thrown by a participant in your dream, or the fact that you came to visit someone in a dream and sat down at the table to drink tea / coffee. This means that guests will soon visit you or you will go to see old acquaintances.
  • Dream Interpretation: a cup is primarily a vessel that represents your ego. Depending on the size of the cup, what is inside it, you should understand the state of your "I". A full cup - something is enough for you in full; a broken cup - unfortunately, difficulties, because you need to bend down, collect all the pieces. But any bowl in a dream, let's say a kind of large dish for dishes, is a reflection of the situation in the house: peace and tranquility, prosperity, family relationships.

Autumn dream book

  • Why dream of a cup: you have a face-to-face conversation at the table.
  • Why dream of an empty cup: disappointment and indignation due to changed circumstances.
  • Why dream of breaking a cup: a little shock awaits you. And why a small one is a cup, and not a whole service, which, due to your negligence, shattered into small pieces that have yet to be collected and not hurt.
  • Why dream of cups and saucers: for communication, a feast, a light, idle atmosphere at home or at a party.
  • Why do dirty cups dream: at home there is clearly no place for order or family relationships There has been a breakdown. Sometimes such a dream suggests that it is time to take on more responsibility in terms of housekeeping. (cm. )

Spring dream book

The spring dream book interprets almost all dreams more positively. This is explained primarily by the position of the Sun, which is the main element of astral mechanics and is of decisive importance for the fate of each person. In addition, nature is blooming all around, those feelings and expectations that dormant in the cold winter come to life.

  • A cup in a dream is a generally positive sign, but you need to remember more details, which will add specifics.
  • Dream Interpretation: the cup is empty. In general, things are going positively for you and it is likely that the cup will soon be filled - allegorically, your affairs will improve even more and events will occur that will positively affect your destiny.
  • Dream Interpretation: a cup of tea / coffee. This is for prosperity, permanent, but no more. You already have enough of what you have now.
  • Dream Interpretation: break a cup. It’s not a big problem, think a cup ... In fact, this is your carelessness, which at one fine moment will poke what is called a face into a problem that you have created for yourself. But the lesson will be clear and you will remember it for a long time.
  • Dream Interpretation: a cup without a handle. Do not worry, because this is a symbol of prosperity, but with a small caveat: there is no pen - you will have to make an effort to maintain prosperity. But after all, who today gets the good and happiness on a saucer with a blue border?
  • Dream Interpretation: white cup. Here interesting fact opens - almost all cups in a dream are either white or bright. Blacks are caught as often as people win the lottery. So don't worry too much about color. Better look at its contents.

Summer dream book

A dream book for those who are full of optimism, but understand that the world around is built on pragmatism and sober calculation. This dream book can be described approximately as: “I am positive, but I know that bad things happen and we all have to live with this.” So:

  • Dream Interpretation: a bowl is a symbol of the fact that a freeloader will appear in the house or there will be someone in your environment who does not appreciate your efforts and takes everything for granted.
  • Dream Interpretation: a bowl of blood. You don't have to worry about what you see. This is a reminder that you are as small in the world order as any other being, object, phenomenon, which are transient in their essence. And only the natural course of things is immortal. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: wash cups. And how do you manage the household, with your responsibilities in the family?
  • Dream Interpretation: cup and saucer. A complete set, only a spoon is missing, tea, sugar, dishes. But not all at once! The point is that you are slowly but surely getting from life what you so desire and what you really need.
  • Dream Interpretation: break a cup in a dream. There may be discord or a temporary deterioration in living conditions in the family.
  • Dream Interpretation: buy a cup. There is not enough comfort in your life, and you are used to rejoicing at every opportunity that will improve the quality of life, you also willingly help others, and the realization of the successful completion of any business is the best reward for you.

Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo - White Magician

Interpretation of dreams: a cup is a very multifaceted sign, which sometimes has diametrically opposed interpretations. A fairly illustrative example is the expression "full bowl". It means that there is prosperity in the house, but it is also a metaphor for the fact that a couple more drops, and the cup of patience will be full, which will lead to anger and rage. Another vivid metaphor: the cup of life, which is either full (your life is full) or empty (you only exist, but do not live). Speaking of bowls, one cannot fail to mention the Holy Grail, the carpenter's bowl, which symbolizes purification and redemption.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation for ascetics - modern people who can be content with little and at the forefront of the house put health, friendly atmosphere and prosperity, which is necessary exactly for a comfortable life without frills.

  • A cup in a dream is your spiritual development. But the bowl in a dream can be large, which must be held with two hands. It speaks volumes about your development. If the bowl is small, then you need to continue working on yourself.
  • The “cup and saucer” dream means that in life, in comfort, everything suits you perfectly and there is no need to rush into the embrasure in pursuit of ephemeral wealth.
  • Why dream of a cup filled to the brim with a drink? This is for prosperity, profit. If you give a drink from a cup to another, then you are ready to share your modest wealth.
  • Why dream of washing someone else's cup? This is your share, which depends on the success of the other person. However, everything is temporary and you can free yourself from the shackles of addiction, but you will have to go through a strip of need and deprivation.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Antonio Meneghetti

  • Dream Interpretation: a cup is your attitude to your share. It reflects how you feel about what you have. It may seem to you that fate has deprived you of something, but when you look from the outside and compare yourself with others, you will understand that everything is not so bad and could be even worse and you even won something.
  • Dream Interpretation: broken cup. You are too light on what you have. But as soon as you lose part of your fortune (even if it's just a house, family, car and job), you will immediately realize that life has become empty and meaningless.

Velesov dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: new cups are on the table. You will be invited to visit or guests will come to you.
  • The cup broke in a dream: is it fortunate ?! Not! This is for quarrels in the family and banal superstition has nothing to do with dreams.
  • In a dream, to see cups full of tea, coffee, water - to profit and prosperity.

Erotic dream book

  • A bowl / cup in a dream is a desire for power, to possess someone. The interpretation of dreams will be the same for both women and men.
  • Fill a cup and pass it to someone: you want to be with the person you like.
  • Dream Interpretation: breaking a cup in a dream means that a woman has lost her femininity in the eyes of a man, however, as for a man - to lose masculinity in the eyes of his admirer.

Ukrainian dream book

  • Why dream of washing a cup: you have to go on a visit.
  • Why dream of a cup of tea: prosperity and order at home.
  • Why dream of a broken cup: a lucky break, but only if it was broken before you. If they broke it themselves, then the case will be, on the contrary, unfortunate.
  • Dream Interpretation: drinking water from a cup means a reward for your work.

Culinary dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: a cracked cup is the atmosphere in the house bursting at the seams. People tolerate each other, do not concede in anything, make contact only when necessary.
  • To dream of a porcelain cup, beautifully painted or given to you - they treat you with a kind heart, with cordiality.
  • The dream book calls dirty cups the need to be more responsible and responsible for one's actions and words.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

  • Why dream of a beautiful cup? To noisy guests or you will be invited to some kind of celebration.
  • Seeing a broken cup in a dream - to family troubles.
  • A cup of coffee in a dream means contentment with your current life.
  • Dream Interpretation: the handle broke off the cup. This means that some kind of trouble will soon happen in life, which will slightly spoil the course of events, but will be fleeting and you can quickly return to your usual track. After all, if the handle of the cup broke off, this does not mean that it is now impossible to drink from it. It's just uncomfortable and can sometimes get burned.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

A broken cup in a dream is a symbol of quarrels; to see just a cup in a dream - to an imminent invitation to a reception; clay cup - your life is modest and you can be content with little; buy a cup - fear, fear in the family.

Esoteric dream book

An empty cup dreams of equally empty efforts and unnecessary troubles that do not promise any benefit; perhaps you will acquire something and only after that you will understand how much you really did not need this thing. A full cup on the contrary speaks of prosperity, abundance at home and your complete contentment.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

A broken cup promises only quarrels and unnecessary squabbles in the family; a simple cup, say made of clay, is a symbol of your modesty and the same modest life; buy a cup in a dream - to unexpected news that will take the family by surprise; a cup full of tea / coffee / water is a symbol of profit and financial well-being.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

The bowl / cup nourishes the strength of the one to whom she dreamed in a dream. To hold a cup in your hands means to completely control your life and destiny. A full cup is a favorable sign in all respects. Breaking a cup is also a positive sign that promises changes in life, the beginning of a new period.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

A bowl in a dream is a sacred sign. Especially if it is a church thicket or the Grail itself. It is the turn of spiritual enlightenment in your life, and in addition to work, hobbies, communication, travel, you need to devote time to spiritual self-improvement, which will open your eyes to many things. A full cup, as in most dream books, means prosperity. An incomplete cup is a slight dissatisfaction with one's arrangement in life. A broken cup - again, alas, ah, to family quarrels. Buying a cup is a change in life. If you wash other people's cups in a dream, then most likely it will be so in reality when you are invited to visit.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

According to tradition, the enlightened Indians of the New World give two interpretations.

  • Bad meaning: a full bowl means that you are taking on responsibilities beyond your capabilities. To keep up with all the affairs, the following ritual is proposed: put a wooden bowl in the center of the room and fill it with 10 stones from the river and sand.
  • Good meaning: an empty bowl dreams, oddly enough, of love! To make the feelings mutual, fill the notorious wooden bowl with water, crumble bread into it and take it to the tree in the cemetery.

Noble dream book Grishina N.

  • Cups in a dream dream of fortunately, as a symbol of a well-drawn lot.
  • The dream "a cup of wine" prophesies you peace at home, harmony in the family. (cm. )
  • The dream "a cup of bitter drink" says that you are not destined to be happy yet.
  • They gave you a cup in a dream - your fate is in your own hands.
  • Throw a cup and break - you have abandoned the chance and an unknown fate lies ahead.
  • Pass the cup to another - you trust the person with your happiness.
  • To see an overturned cup - a certain period expires, important changes are coming.
  • To drink together from one cup - there will be a division on an equal footing.
  • Drinking from a cup in a dream is an unexpected visit from someone.
  • The dream of "breaking a cup" is a dream only of an accident.

Russian dream book

A tea cup in a dream is a short joy that you did not expect.

Family dream book

  • A cup of tea in a dream means that you spend a lot of time on pleasure, instead of working and changing your life for the better.
  • If a woman broke a cup in a dream, then her happiness will be under the threat of some unpleasant news.
  • If in a dream you drink wine from a cup, then in reality you will combine business with pleasure.

Miller's dream book

  • Tea cups in a dream dream about your craving for pleasures, to which you will devote a lot of time.
  • As soon as a woman breaks a cup in a dream, failures and misfortunes will befall her in reality, moreover, regarding only personally family happiness.
  • If in a dream you drink wine from a bowl, then your waking activity will be both useful and pleasant at the same time.

Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

  • Buying a bowl of valuable material (porcelain, jade, jasper) is a great happiness.
  • Simple cups on the table, cutlery nearby - all this leads to a good feast.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The dream book calls the cups an indication that it is time to gather for a visit or to prepare for their visit. Circumstances will decide.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

The most detailed and detailed dream book that reveals the meaning of sleep, not as a guide to action or instruction, but decomposes it into its component parts so that you can understand the full depth of symbolism.

  • The primary elements of the bowl in a dream are earth, fire, water, metal, wood.
  • The elements of the sign are humidity, heat, dryness, wind and cold.
  • Emotions - anger, sadness, thoughtfulness, fear.
  • Organs - stomach, bladder, small and large intestines, spleen, kidneys, liver, lungs and heart.
  • Planets - Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Saturn.

The bowl is one of the main objects in the rituals, cults and beliefs of many peoples around the world. Any containers for drinking are evidence that a person cannot do without water, so you need to pay attention to the contents of the cup. Water is the most important liquid, the basis of all things and other drinks. It takes the form of a vessel in which it is poured, absorbs and stores information and emotions. Unlike a mirror, water releases its energy only after being synchronized with the recipient through resonance, or it must be consumed internally. Therefore, the opinion is so vivid that before drinking a liquid, a container with it must be warmed in the hands. Water starts life. A very good habit is to start the morning with a glass of warm water, which awakens the whole body. Therefore, any dream involving a cup cannot be just an accident ...

  • Seeing a cup in a dream or any other drinking utensils means fullness of information that is looking for ways out in the form of specific actions.
  • Seeing a cup in a dream and drinking from it - you consciously assume the obligation to do something. If you think for a long time before drinking, then this sign is even better, since thoughtless actions do not benefit anyone.
  • Seeing a cup in a dream, but hesitating whether to drink or not to drink has the following meaning: you do not have enough willpower to influence your life. If you refuse to drink, push the cup away, then in reality you can commit unseemly acts, up to betrayal, which can be directed at yourself. Simply put, you can change your principles, although you have successfully lived by them until now.
  • Drinking from the same cup with someone means that you exchange energy, provide mutual support and are responsible for each other.
  • Break a cup or spill from it - things are falling out of your hands, and energy has waned.

Dream Interpretation of Health

A cup of water dreams of the need to cleanse the body; an empty cup speaks of psychological problems; breaking a cup in a dream is tantamount to inviting stress and conflict into your life.


A bowl in a dream is a very strong symbol that has the most direct influence on fate. The interpretation can be positive, negative, neutral, but know one proven truth - your fate is in your hands and you, with your willpower and great desire, can change life at your own discretion and no signs will change and can not interfere with you.

If you dream of tea cups, it means that you will spend most of your time on pleasure.

If a woman breaks a cup in a dream, this is a sign that her happiness will be broken by an unexpected disaster.

If in a dream you drink wine from a tea cup, this portends a combination of business with pleasure in the near future.

Cup according to Hasse's dream book

Broken cup - quarrel; to see is an invitation; clay - a modest life; to buy is a fright in the family.

Cup according to the Family dream book

The tea cup you saw in a dream means that you spend too much time on pleasure.

If a woman dreamed that she broke a cup - and her happiness would be broken by some unpleasant event.

The dream in which you drink wine from a tea cup portends the combination of business with pleasure.

Cup according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Cups in a dream - symbolize well-being and fullness of life.

If you see beautiful porcelain cups in your house, it doesn’t matter if they are full or empty - such a dream speaks of the good course of your affairs.

Dirty, ugly cups are a sign of domestic troubles.

Cracked cup - warns of a possible quarrel with loved ones. If you want to avoid breaking off relations, you should be more careful in communication and not give rise to conflict. More fully, the meaning of this dream can be suggested by the contents of the cup and the material from which it is made.

Cup according to the Spring dream book

Cup - to noisy guests; break a cup - to a quarrel in the family.

Cup according to the Summer dream book

Break a cup in a dream - to mental patience.

Cup according to the Autumn dream book

Break a cup - to intrigue and deceit.

Cup according to the dream book from A to Z

Drinking in a dream from a porcelain cup - marks the rise of positive emotions and increased efficiency.

A glass cup is a sign that you will make an irresistible impression on your future chosen one at the first meeting and acquaintance with him.

A small cup indicates high demands, but modest demands, you should be more determined to achieve what should be yours by right.

Broken cup - portends misfortune with loved ones.

Cup according to the dream book of Simon Kananit

Broken cup - quarrel; to see is an invitation; clay - a modest life; to buy - a fright in the family; full - profit.

Cup according to Fedorovskaya's dream book

I dreamed of a cup - which means you will certainly make peace with the person with whom you quarreled because of some stupidity.

If you dreamed that you were washing a cup, in the near future you will make a lot of efforts to make peace with one of your enemies, but all your efforts will be in vain.

You dreamed that you bought a cup - you will make friends with a person about whom you used to have a very bad opinion.

Receive as a gift - to an unpleasant acquaintance.

If you dreamed that you sold a cup, you will successfully avoid meeting an unpleasant person.

If you dreamed that you gave someone a cup, you will reconcile your two friends.

In a dream, you broke a cup - to a quarrel with a person who has been stuffing himself into your friends for a long time.

Cup according to the Esoteric dream book

Cup - empty empty chores, the acquisition of unnecessary or unsuccessful things.

A cup according to the dream book of a modern woman

The tea cups you dreamed about indicate that you will spend most of your time on pleasure.

Break a cup in a dream - to an unexpected disaster.

Drinking wine from a tea cup - in the near future you will combine business with pleasure.

A cup according to Azar's dream book

Cup - to noisy guests; break - a quarrel in the family

Cup according to the dream book of Evgeny Tsvetkov

Cups are guests.

Cup according to the Modern dream book

If you dream of cups - in reality all your thoughts will be directed to pleasure.

Breaking cups in a dream for a woman is a sign that unexpected obstacles will stand in her way to pleasure and happiness.

Drinking wine from tea cups - predicts that in the near future, luck and pleasure will combine to bring you joy.

Cup according to the dream book of Catherine the Great

What do Cups mean in a dream - You see cups in a dream - you spend too much time on pleasure. It is as if you are drinking wine from a tea cup - the pleasant in your life will be useful, and the useful will become pleasant. A woman dreams that she broke a cup - happiness will soon be replaced by misfortune.

Cup according to the Noble dream book of N. Grishina

A tea cup, to drink from it - an unexpected visit to you by someone.

To break is an accident.

Porcelain to see - great happiness awaits.

Faience is good news.

Finding porcelain shards is all good.

Cup according to the Modern dream book

Cup filled - Blow, trouble

Cup according to the Christian dream book

Tea cups - With tea - to unexpected joy (see Tea). Empty - you spend too much time on pleasure. It harms the cause. Imagine that you are pouring strong tea into cups, putting them on the table and treating your friends.

Cup according to the dream book of the sorceress Medea

Cup (goblet) - The cup is a symbol of energy, the possibility of nourishing the dreamer's forces. To hold a cup or goblet in your hands means to control your destiny. According to Freud, the cup (cup) is a female vaginal symbol. A cup of water is a more auspicious sign than an empty one. A cup is a cup in miniature. All prophecies for the cup are the same, with the scale of joy reduced. Break a cup - start a new period of life.

Cup according to the Home dream book

You dreamed of a Cup - getting information; waiting for guests. Filled - profit; breaking a cup is an unexpected misfortune; drinking wine from a teacup - combining pleasure with useful deeds.

Cup according to Russian dream book

What does a Cup mean in a dream - noisy guests; full - profit; break - to a quarrel.

Cup according to the Jewish dream book

What does a Cup mean in a dream - Break a cup On Monday night - to a damaged relationship with a good person; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to a small unfortunate incident that can have significant consequences; seen on the night of Saturday or Sunday, this dream means that the great danger that threatened you has passed.

Cup according to the Women's dream book

What does it mean to see Cups in a dream - The tea cups that you dreamed about indicate that you will spend most of your time on pleasure. Break a cup in a dream - to an unexpected disaster. Drinking wine from a tea cup - in the near future you will combine business with pleasure.

Cup according to the Italian dream book Meneghetti

Why is the Cup dreaming - a Vessel, which is a vaginal symbol (see vessel)

Cup according to the Old Russian dream book

Cup according to the Explanatory Dictionary of Dreams

Soup bowl filled - making a profit; eat out of it with others - an amicable section.

Cup according to the dream book of the future

Cup - to noisy guests; cup filled - profit; break a cup - a quarrel in the family.

Cup according to the Italian psychoanalytic dream book of A. Roberti

The cup is a vessel that is a vaginal symbol.

A cup according to the online dream book

Cup - symbolizes that at this stage you want to have more fun.

If it is broken, something unpleasant will happen in your family.

We washed it in a dream - you will try very hard to restore ties with those who have not been seen for a long time.

Buying a cup - says that you will become closer to someone who has long been an unpleasant person for you.

They gave it to you - you will start a new relationship that will turn out to be pleasant and promising.

I dreamed that they sold it - do not rush to open up to a little-known person.

If you dreamed of a broken cup - your idyll may soon end soon, some major troubles, experiences await you, a break in relations with loved ones is possible.

If you dreamed that you were washing cups, you will soon have to spend time in the company of nice people at the festive table or at a dinner party.

Cup according to the dream book of Health

Seeing a cup of water - to the need to cleanse the body; an empty cup - to psychological problems; break a cup - to conflict and stress.

Cup according to the Russian dream book

Tea - an unexpected short-lived joy

Cup according to the dream book of the Yellow Emperor

Primary elements - metal, water, wood, fire, earth. Elements - dryness, cold, wind, heat, humidity. Emotions - thoughtfulness, sadness, fear, anger, joy. Organs - lungs, kidneys, liver, heart, spleen, pancreas , large and small intestines, stomach, bladder, gallbladder. Planets - Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn. Explanation and interpretation In the history of mankind, the bowl is one of the most important mystical, symbolic and ritual objects. Household options for a bowl (a cup, a glass and any container for drinking) are not symbolic in themselves, but they are clear evidence of the impossibility of a person to live without water, therefore, when interpreting dreams, not only the bowl is important, but also the contents. Water is the fundamental principle of all liquids that can be poured into a bowl. Water is amphora and easily takes any form, easily absorbs and keeps the information of the fundamental principles of creation for an unlimited time. The mirror gives information immediately, while water must resonate with the recipient or penetrate inside it to give back. No wonder in ancient times a bowl of stone, giving water or wine healing properties , it was supposed to be heated with the warmth of the hands and only then to drink the contents. Sacred, magical actions are not only part of a cult ritual: our life is also a ritual, and we constantly, without hesitation, perform magical actions, programming a certain course of events for the correct exchange of energy, which ensures our luck, health, or transfers the energy of ancestors to descendants. This is a kind of spell of reality. A glass of water, drunk early in the morning, also has a magical effect on the body: it gives the body a signal to start daytime life, the daily flow of energy in the body. And any dream with a cup or a cup cannot be accidental. In ancient times, drawings and sacred signs were carved on bowls made of stones and precious metals to facilitate the development of the situation in the right direction. And in a dream on the bowl you can see signs symbolizing the future, but such dreams rarely come and only to the elect. Seeing a bowl in a dream/other drinking utensils/drinking from a bowl or not drinking - the bowl symbolizes the fullness of yin-information, striving for realization in actions. To see and drink a cup filled with something in a dream means to consciously assume any obligations to do something. Preliminary reflections before the chalice, resolved by a timely act, weighing all the pros and cons, do not detract from the significance of the action, for thoughtless obligations bring no benefit to anyone. See the cup, feel the need to drink, but the cup is empty - there is no energy for the deed, or the deed in the form presented will not bring results, or the information was transferred / arbitrarily taken by someone else. It is necessary to change the course of action and adjust the goal. To see the cup and know its necessity, but to hesitate means not to have a stable worldview and willpower. Not drinking, leaving, and even pushing the cup away means taking the path of betrayal. Betrayal is possible not only in relation to others, but also in relation to oneself. In the latter case, the dream portends misfortune and illness. In other cases, punishment is also inevitable. Swap bowls with someone / drink from the same bowl - fraternization, energy exchange, support and responsibility for another as for oneself. Break / spill the cup - let go of the matter, lose energy. With a mother or father to drink a cup / they give to drink - this means the transfer of the energy of the family. An empty bowl is the absence of kind energy. All everyday versions of the bowl - a cup, a glass, a glass - reduce the symbolism from the general to the personal, but no less significant level. The interpretations will be the same, but other details of the dream will become much more important: objects, people, what was poured into the bowl where the dream took place, and so on.

Cup according to the Chinese dream book of Zhou-gun

Porcelain cups - portend a drink and a snack.

You buy cups, dishes made of jade and jasper - fortunately.

Cup according to the Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Cup, glass. Vagina, woman. Holistic personality.

If she cracked. Weakness I.

Two cups. Contrast between Mother and Terrible Mother.

A cup according to the dream book for a bitch

Tea cups - profit, benefit.

Drinking from a cup - you like to have fun sometimes to the detriment of other things.

Breaking a cup is unexpected trouble.

Buying or receiving tea cups as a gift is a pleasant and useful hobby.

Cup according to the dream book Veles

A cup - to be a guest, to wait for guests; break - a quarrel in the family; full - profit.

Cup according to Danilova's Erotic dream book

In a dream, hold a cup in your hand and slowly drink liquid from it - to a hidden desire for possession; this interpretation is the same for both men and women.

Filling a cup with a drink and offering it to someone indicates your desire to offer yourself, to be with the person you like and sexually attractive to you.

To break a cup in a dream for a woman means the loss of one's femininity and sexuality in the eyes of a partner and other men and the suffering caused by this phenomenon. For a man, this dream portends a loss of attractiveness in the eyes of one of his fans.

If in a dream a man pours a drink into a cup and drinks it, this indicates that he is trying to give his partner the highest pleasure.

A cup according to the Ukrainian dream book

A cup, wash it - go to visit.

Cup according to the Culinary dream book

A porcelain cup, gilded, presented to you in a dream as a gift - a sign of someone's cordial, kind and simple-hearted disposition towards you.

Cup according to the ABC of the interpretation of dreams

The bowl is a symbol of energy, the possibility of nourishing the dreamer's forces.

To hold a cup or goblet in your hands means to control your destiny.

According to Freud, a cup, a cup is a female vaginal symbol.

A cup of water is a more auspicious sign than an empty one.

A cup is a cup in miniature. All prophecies for the cup are the same, with the scale of joy reduced.

Break a cup - start a new period of life.

Today we have prepared a complete description of the topic: the "broken cup" dream: what is the dream and a complete interpretation from various points of view.

A whole vessel filled to the brim in a dream testifies to prosperity, well-being, mutual understanding between family members and others. What the broken cup is dreaming of is interpreted by the dream book as a dysfunctional period in the dreamer's life, squabbles, strife and turmoil. However, there are also positive interpretations of the dream.

In the Wanderer's dream book there is a positive interpretation of what a cracked container is dreaming of. According to the interpreter, such manipulations in a dream symbolize an unexpected happy event that will help the dreamer achieve what he wants.

The degree of fullness of the vessel

Seeing in a dream a broken cup, which was originally empty, according to the interpreter of dreams, Miss Hasse, is the final ending to all life's obstacles and troubles. The medium believes that an empty container in a dream symbolizes hard times, a thorny path for a sleeping person and his environment. Having defeated the bowl, the dreamer thereby put an end to all manifestations of negativity.

Such a gesture may not always mean maintaining the integrity of the union. For example, if the negative manifested itself directly in the family of a sleeping person, then perhaps the final ending will be a complete break in family relations.

What dreams of seeing a broken cup that was filled with something indicates a loss of harmony in the environment of the dreamer. The dream interpretation warns of a difficult period in life, which will be an excellent test of the strength of the marriage union and friendships.

Woman broke a mug

If a married lady dreamed of a broken cup, which she herself dropped, then, according to dream books, she should take a closer look at her household. Quarrels, conflicts and misfortunes promised by the interpreters can be minimized through the manifestation of patience, attention and care.

Freud's dream book describes why such a dream is dreamed of from the position of an erotic relationship. So, for a woman to see such a plot means parting with a love partner who does not suit her intimately, or is simply tired of it.

In some cases, a broken container in a dream warns of women's health problems, since Freud's mug is a vaginal symbol.

The man broke the bowl

If a man dreamed of a broken cup, it means that soon he will face difficulties not only in the family sphere, but also in the labor field. At this time, it is important to show all your skills and insight in order to avoid dirty tricks.

Erotically, a broken vessel with his own hand predicts the occurrence of problems in bed with a beloved and desired girl in Freud's dream book. Perhaps, at this stage, the young man has ceased to be interesting to his passion in intimate relationships.

For married young people, a dreaming vision may be a harbinger of betrayal of the chosen one. Only a calm heart-to-heart conversation initiated by the dreamer will help prevent an intimate conflict between a couple in love.

A full vessel in a dream predicts profit, financial well-being, understanding in the whole family and between strangers. What the broken cup is dreaming of is explained by the dream book as an unfavorable stage in the life of the sleeping person, scandals, misunderstandings and disagreements. But there are also good interpretations of the dream.
According to the Wanderer's dream book, a favorable explanation is given of why a broken cup is dreamed of. According to the interpreter, these actions in a dream indicate an unexpected joyful event that will enable the dreamer to translate his goals into reality.

Filling level of the vessel

Seeing in a dream a broken mug that was not previously filled with anything, according to Miss Hasse's dream interpreter, is considered the final completion of the existing troubles in life. According to the explanations of the Medium, an empty container in a dream indicates difficult times, full of difficulties both for the dreamer himself and for his relatives. Having broken the cup - the dreamer, thus, decided to complete with any manifestations of something bad.
Such a gesture may not in all cases indicate the safety of the family union. So, if there was evil in the dreamer's family, then the divorce process will probably be the end of everything.
What you dream of looking at a broken cup full of liquid means losing balance among the dreamer's environment. The dream book warns of a difficult life stage, which will become a kind of test of your soulmate or close friend.

Woman broke a mug

When a married person dreamed of a broken cup, dropped by her, then, on the advice of dream books, she needs to take a closer look at her family members. Disagreements and troubles predicted by dream books can be reduced by maintaining patience, showing attention and affection.
Freud's dream book explains what a similar dream vision is dreaming of, from the position intimate relationships. For example, a dream with a broken cup for a woman predicts a break in communication with a lover who is not yet satisfied in sex, or simply mentally tortured.
Sometimes, a broken container in a dream warns of the appearance of difficulties with a woman’s health, because Freud considers a mug a sign of female diseases.

The man broke the bowl

When a broken cup was dreamed of by a male dreamer, this means that in the near future troubles await him in the family and at work. At this point, you need to rely on your own experience in order to prevent traps.
In sexual terms, a broken vessel promises you the interpreter of Freud, the emergence of trouble in intimate life with a lover. Probably, in reality the guy became uninteresting in his chosen one in bed.
For young guys, being married, the interpretation of a dream with a broken cup can become a sign of betrayal of a loved one. Only a quiet heart-to-heart contact, initiated by the dreamer, can avoid the intimate disagreement of the lovers.

We all see dreams. They are varied. But often people want to understand why they had this or that dream, they want to see a secret meaning in it. Consider today what it means if you dream of a cup.

What is the dream of a cup according to Miller's dream book?

According to Miller's dream book, to see the image of a cup in a dream means the following: you spend or will spend a lot of time in pleasures, however, perhaps these pleasures are not useful to you at all.

Cup - Vanga's dream book

According to this dream book, a cup broken in a dream can bring good luck. Also, to see a cup in a dream means you will soon receive an unexpected invitation from someone. In general, in this dream book, the image of a cup does not carry a negative meaning (as, for example, the image of a watch, the appearance of which in a dream predicts some tragic events in a person’s life).

Cup in a dream - interpretation according to Freud

According to Freud's works, the image of a cup is of great importance in human life, it denotes the feminine, the very image of a round cup is similar to the appearance of the female genital organs. In addition, the cup is filled with water, and water is the female element. Therefore, if a man dreams of a cup, for him it is a harbinger of future sexual contact with a woman, and if a woman dreams of a cup, then, according to Freud, she herself seeks to realize her female sexuality.

Italian dream books - what did the cup dream about

These dream books interpret the image of a cup in a Freudian way, according to their understanding - to see a cup in a dream is a prediction of future love relationships, perhaps completely unexpected.

Cup - Velesov dream book

The so-called Veles dream book, believes that if you saw a whole cup in a dream - wait for the guests, if you broke the cup - there will be a quarrel at home or at work.

Why dream about a cup - Azar's dream book

This dream book believes that a broken cup is a harbinger of a future quarrel, and a full and whole cup seen in a dream indicates the arrival of unexpected and noisy guests.

Why else dream of a cup?

  • If you saw a broken cup in a dream

If you dreamed that you broke a cup in a dream, this means sad omens: your happiness can be broken by unforeseen circumstances.

  • If you saw tea cups in a dream

If you see such cups, rejoice, soon some significant profit awaits you.

  • I dreamed about how you wash a cup

Such a dream means that you will soon make peace with those people whom you knowingly or unconsciously offended.

  • Why dream of a cup of tea

A dream about a cup of tea, as a rule, promises future joy to the brim.

  • A cup of coffee

A cup filled with aromatic coffee seen in a dream vision promises wealth in the future.

  • If you saw in a dream a cup with a saucer

Dream Interpretations believe that those people who see a cup and saucer in a dream will soon meet a large number of guests who come to them unexpectedly.

  • Why dream of an empty cup

An empty cup is a prototype of future empty chores that will take your time and mental strength, but will not lead to a positive result.

  • In a dream, a cup full of wine

If you dream that you are drinking wine from a cup, this may mean that you will spend time usefully, which will bring you both pleasure and a sense of satisfaction from your behavior.

So, as we can see, the image of a cup in a dream has many interpretations: from joyful to sad. But still, I would like to hope that the image of a cup you saw in a dream will be positive.

Kitchen utensils are rare in dreams, but aptly. Especially when it comes to a cup. Why is the cup dreaming? A broken cup in a dream, seeing a cup of tea or coffee in a dream, even with blood - there are many variations. And only our combined, most complete dream book will give you a lot of interpretations to match each specific dream. For a complete understanding of sleep, we will consider a cup for a drink and a bowl for fruit / bread as identical concepts.

Idiomatic dream book

Such a dream book does not interpret the dream itself, but the circumstances in which you dreamed of a cup.

  • An overflowing bowl of patience: you are clearly exceeding the measure in some way. In a dream, it may look like a cup into which you pour liquid without stopping.
  • There is a full bowl in the house: to be in abundance and prosperity in the house. In a dream, it looks like a big bowl (exactly like a dish) full of fruits, bread, and some other treats.
  • Drink a full cup to the bottom: you are destined to survive all the bad weather and suffering, or you have already experienced it, but it seems to you that there will be no end to the torment. Such a dream says that peace and tranquility will soon return to your life. In a dream, it may look like a cup without a bottom, from which you all cannot get drunk or from which the drink never ends.
  • An invitation to a cup of tea in a dream: this could be a phrase thrown by a participant in your dream, or the fact that you came to visit someone in a dream and sat down at the table to drink tea / coffee. This means that guests will soon visit you or you will go to see old acquaintances.
  • Dream Interpretation: a cup is primarily a vessel that represents your ego. Depending on the size of the cup, what is inside it, you should understand the state of your "I". A full cup - something is enough for you in full; a broken cup - unfortunately, difficulties, because you need to bend down, collect all the pieces. But any bowl in a dream, let's say a kind of large dish for dishes, is a reflection of the situation in the house: peace and tranquility, prosperity, family relationships.

Autumn dream book

  • Why dream of a cup: you have a face-to-face conversation at the table.
  • Why dream of an empty cup: disappointment and indignation due to changed circumstances.
  • Why dream of breaking a cup: a little shock awaits you. And why a small one is a cup, and not a whole service, which, due to your negligence, shattered into small pieces that have yet to be collected and not hurt.
  • Why dream of cups and saucers: for communication, a feast, a light, idle atmosphere at home or at a party.
  • Why do dirty cups dream: there is clearly no place for order at home, or there has been a failure in family relationships. Sometimes such a dream suggests that it is time to take on more responsibility in terms of housekeeping. (see sleep Dirt)

Spring dream book

The spring dream book interprets almost all dreams more positively. This is explained primarily by the position of the Sun, which is the main element of astral mechanics and is of decisive importance for the fate of each person. In addition, nature is blooming all around, those feelings and expectations that dormant in the cold winter come to life.

  • A cup in a dream is a generally positive sign, but you need to remember more details, which will add specifics.
  • Dream Interpretation: the cup is empty. In general, things are going positively for you and it is likely that the cup will soon be filled - allegorically, your affairs will improve even more and events will occur that will positively affect your destiny.
  • Dream Interpretation: a cup of tea / coffee. This is for prosperity, permanent, but no more. You already have enough of what you have now.
  • Dream Interpretation: break a cup. It’s not a big problem, think a cup ... In fact, this is your carelessness, which at one fine moment will poke what is called a face into a problem that you have created for yourself. But the lesson will be clear and you will remember it for a long time.
  • Dream Interpretation: a cup without a handle. Do not worry, because this is a symbol of prosperity, but with a small caveat: there is no pen - you will have to make an effort to maintain prosperity. But after all, who today gets the good and happiness on a saucer with a blue border?
  • Dream Interpretation: white cup. Here an interesting fact is revealed - almost all cups in a dream are either white or bright. Blacks are caught as often as people win the lottery. So don't worry too much about color. Better look at its contents.

Summer dream book

A dream book for those who are full of optimism, but understand that the world around is built on pragmatism and sober calculation. This dream book can be described approximately as: “I am positive, but I know that bad things happen and we all have to live with this.” So:

  • Dream Interpretation: a bowl is a symbol of the fact that a freeloader will appear in the house or there will be someone in your environment who does not appreciate your efforts and takes everything for granted.
  • Dream Interpretation: a bowl of blood. You don't have to worry about what you see. This is a reminder that you are as small in the world order as any other being, object, phenomenon, which are transient in their essence. And only the natural course of things is immortal. (see sleep Blood)
  • Dream Interpretation: wash cups. And how do you manage the household, with your responsibilities in the family?
  • Dream Interpretation: cup and saucer. A complete set, only a spoon is missing, tea, sugar, dishes. But not all at once! The point is that you are slowly but surely getting from life what you so desire and what you really need.
  • Dream Interpretation: break a cup in a dream. There may be discord or a temporary deterioration in living conditions in the family.
  • Dream Interpretation: buy a cup. There is not enough comfort in your life, and you are used to rejoicing at every opportunity that will improve the quality of life, you also willingly help others, and the realization of the successful completion of any business is the best reward for you.

Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo - White Magician

Interpretation of dreams: a cup is a very multifaceted sign, which sometimes has diametrically opposed interpretations. A fairly illustrative example is the expression "full bowl". It means that there is prosperity in the house, but it is also a metaphor for the fact that a couple more drops, and the cup of patience will be full, which will lead to anger and rage. Another vivid metaphor: the cup of life, which is either full (your life is full) or empty (you only exist, but do not live). Speaking of bowls, one cannot fail to mention the Holy Grail, the carpenter's bowl, which symbolizes purification and redemption.

  • The “full bowl” dream says that you needlessly worry about your future. Life will be full of bright and positive events, it will be long and happy, but with one condition - you will never deviate from the path of virtue.
  • Dream Interpretation: a cup of water. Life-giving moisture means that having gone a long way of temptations, you have kept the purity of your soul and thoughts. Therefore, your cup in a dream is full, like your life. (see dream Water)
  • Dream Interpretation: the cup is half empty. Your life will be full of ups and downs, circumstances will actively influence your life and you will hardly be able to do anything about it. However, both of them will be on a par, so that there will always be a balance in life, so that happiness does not unsettle, and troubles do not lead to unbridled despondency.
  • Dream Interpretation: an empty cup. Your life is not rich in events. You are overcome by boredom and you want to completely change your way of life. One has only to start filling the cup in a dream, or it will magically begin to fill up by itself, then it should be understood unambiguously - life will get better.
  • Dream Interpretation: church cup or Holy Grail. It's time for you to atone for sins, ask for forgiveness and embark on the path of correction. It will take a strong will to overcome all temptations and especially your nature, which seems to many to be an integral part of your "I", although a strong mind is capable of more. If you have not been able to take the sacred cup in your hands, then you do not yet have the spirit and will to embark on this path, which will require a complete change in yourself in all respects. This is a very difficult path, but it is guaranteed to bring peace, tranquility and true happiness into your life. If you took the cup in your hands and drink from it, then you will soon atone for your sins, and circumstances will help you in all your undertakings.
  • Dream Interpretation: a tea cup without a handle. But you can take it and drink tea without a pen, right? This means that you will always find a way out in any situation, although the risk of getting burned is always present. Yes, you'll probably get burned, but you'll get yours. This is a kind of payment for the fact that you get everything without much difficulty.
  • Why dream of a broken cup: there will be disorder in the house, both in housework and in relationships. But one has only to get rid of the fragments - stop stirring up past grievances, reproach because of all sorts of nonsense and read notations, as the atmosphere in the family will become friendly and calm.
  • Why dream of a cracked cup: your confidence in yourself, your strengths, in the righteousness of deeds gives slack. You do not have enough faith and it's time to fully believe in your strength and the power of the mind, which allows you to create your life and the reality that you like.
  • Why do new cups dream: in life there will be renewal, replenishment. It can be comfort, relationships - in a word, such intangible categories that improve the quality of life and your attitude.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

A dream book for ascetics - modern people who can be content with little and put health, a friendly atmosphere and prosperity at the forefront of the house, which is necessary for a comfortable life without frills.

  • A cup in a dream is your spiritual development. But the bowl in a dream can be large, which must be held with two hands. It speaks volumes about your development. If the bowl is small, then you need to continue working on yourself.
  • The “cup and saucer” dream means that in life, in comfort, everything suits you perfectly and there is no need to rush into the embrasure in pursuit of ephemeral wealth.
  • Why dream of a cup filled to the brim with a drink? This is for prosperity, profit. If you give a drink from a cup to another, then you are ready to share your modest wealth.
  • Why dream of washing someone else's cup? This is your share, which depends on the success of the other person. However, everything is temporary and you can free yourself from the shackles of addiction, but you will have to go through a strip of need and deprivation.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Antonio Meneghetti

  • Dream Interpretation: a cup is your attitude to your share. It reflects how you feel about what you have. It may seem to you that fate has deprived you of something, but when you look from the outside and compare yourself with others, you will understand that everything is not so bad and could be even worse and you even won something.
  • Dream Interpretation: broken cup. You are too light on what you have. But as soon as you lose part of your fortune (even if it's just a house, family, car and job), you will immediately realize that life has become empty and meaningless.

Velesov dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: new cups are on the table. You will be invited to visit or guests will come to you.
  • The cup broke in a dream: is it fortunate ?! Not! This is for quarrels in the family and banal superstition has nothing to do with dreams.
  • In a dream, to see cups full of tea, coffee, water - to profit and prosperity.

Erotic dream book

  • A bowl / cup in a dream is a desire for power, to possess someone. The interpretation of dreams will be the same for both women and men.
  • Fill a cup and pass it to someone: you want to be with the person you like.
  • Dream Interpretation: breaking a cup in a dream means that a woman has lost her femininity in the eyes of a man, however, as for a man - to lose masculinity in the eyes of his admirer.

Ukrainian dream book

  • Why dream of washing a cup: you have to go on a visit.
  • Why dream of a cup of tea: prosperity and order at home.
  • Why dream of a broken cup: a lucky break, but only if it was broken before you. If they broke it themselves, then the case will be, on the contrary, unfortunate.
  • Dream Interpretation: drinking water from a cup means a reward for your work.

Culinary dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: a cracked cup is the atmosphere in the house bursting at the seams. People tolerate each other, do not concede in anything, make contact only when necessary.
  • To dream of a porcelain cup, beautifully painted or given to you - they treat you with a kind heart, with cordiality.
  • The dream book calls dirty cups the need to be more responsible and responsible for one's actions and words.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

  • Why dream of a beautiful cup? To noisy guests or you will be invited to some kind of celebration.
  • Seeing a broken cup in a dream - to family troubles.
  • A cup of coffee in a dream means contentment with your current life.
  • Dream Interpretation: the handle broke off the cup. This means that some kind of trouble will soon happen in life, which will slightly spoil the course of events, but will be fleeting and you can quickly return to your usual track. After all, if the handle of the cup broke off, this does not mean that it is now impossible to drink from it. It's just uncomfortable and can sometimes get burned.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

A broken cup in a dream is a symbol of quarrels; to see just a cup in a dream - to an imminent invitation to a reception; clay cup - your life is modest and you can be content with little; buy a cup - fear, fear in the family.

Esoteric dream book

An empty cup dreams of equally empty efforts and unnecessary troubles that do not promise any benefit; perhaps you will acquire something and only after that you will understand how much you really did not need this thing. A full cup on the contrary speaks of prosperity, abundance at home and your complete contentment.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

A broken cup promises only quarrels and unnecessary squabbles in the family; a simple cup, say made of clay, is a symbol of your modesty and the same modest life; buy a cup in a dream - to unexpected news that will take the family by surprise; a cup full of tea / coffee / water is a symbol of profit and financial well-being.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

The bowl / cup nourishes the strength of the one to whom she dreamed in a dream. To hold a cup in your hands means to completely control your life and destiny. A full cup is a favorable sign in all respects. Breaking a cup is also a positive sign that promises changes in life, the beginning of a new period.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

A bowl in a dream is a sacred sign. Especially if it is a church thicket or the Grail itself. It is the turn of spiritual enlightenment in your life, and in addition to work, hobbies, communication, travel, you need to devote time to spiritual self-improvement, which will open your eyes to many things. A full cup, as in most dream books, means prosperity. An incomplete cup is a slight dissatisfaction with one's arrangement in life. A broken cup - again, alas, ah, to family quarrels. Buying a cup is a change in life. If you wash other people's cups in a dream, then most likely it will be so in reality when you are invited to visit.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

According to tradition, the enlightened Indians of the New World give two interpretations.

  • Bad meaning: a full bowl means that you are taking on responsibilities beyond your capabilities. To keep up with all the affairs, the following ritual is proposed: put a wooden bowl in the center of the room and fill it with 10 stones from the river and sand.
  • Good meaning: an empty bowl dreams, oddly enough, of love! To make the feelings mutual, fill the notorious wooden bowl with water, crumble bread into it and take it to the tree in the cemetery.

Noble dream book Grishina N.

  • Cups in a dream dream of fortunately, as a symbol of a well-drawn lot.
  • The dream “a cup of wine” prophesies you peace at home, harmony in the family. (see dream Wine)
  • The dream “a cup of bitter drink” says that you are not destined to be happy yet.
  • They gave you a cup in a dream - your fate is in your own hands.
  • Throw a cup and break - you have abandoned the chance and an unknown fate lies ahead.
  • Pass the cup to another - you trust the person with your happiness.
  • To see an overturned cup - a certain period expires, important changes are coming.
  • To drink together from one cup - there will be a division on an equal footing.
  • Drinking from a cup in a dream is an unexpected visit from someone.
  • The dream of “breaking a cup” is a dream only of an accident.

Russian dream book

A tea cup in a dream is a short joy that you did not expect.

Family dream book

  • A cup of tea in a dream means that you spend a lot of time on pleasure, instead of working and changing your life for the better.
  • If a woman broke a cup in a dream, then her happiness will be under the threat of some unpleasant news.
  • If in a dream you drink wine from a cup, then in reality you will combine business with pleasure.

Miller's dream book

  • Tea cups in a dream dream about your craving for pleasures, to which you will devote a lot of time.
  • As soon as a woman breaks a cup in a dream, failures and misfortunes will befall her in reality, moreover, regarding only personally family happiness.
  • If in a dream you drink wine from a bowl, then your waking activity will be both useful and pleasant at the same time.

Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

  • Buying a bowl of valuable material (porcelain, jade, jasper) is a great happiness.
  • Simple cups on the table, cutlery nearby - all this leads to a good feast.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The dream book calls the cups an indication that it is time to gather for a visit or to prepare for their visit. Circumstances will decide.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

The most detailed and detailed dream book that reveals the meaning of sleep, not as a guide to action or instruction, but decomposes it into its component parts so that you can understand the full depth of symbolism.

  • The primary elements of the bowl in a dream are earth, fire, water, metal, wood.
  • The elements of the sign are humidity, heat, dryness, wind and cold.
  • Emotions - anger, sadness, thoughtfulness, fear.
  • Organs - stomach, bladder, small and large intestines, spleen, kidneys, liver, lungs and heart.
  • Planets - Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Saturn.

The bowl is one of the main objects in the rituals, cults and beliefs of many peoples around the world. Any containers for drinking are evidence that a person cannot do without water, so you need to pay attention to the contents of the cup. Water is the most important liquid, the basis of all things and other drinks. It takes the form of a vessel in which it is poured, absorbs and stores information and emotions. Unlike a mirror, water releases its energy only after being synchronized with the recipient through resonance, or it must be consumed internally. Therefore, the opinion is so vivid that before drinking a liquid, a container with it must be warmed in the hands. Water starts life. A very good habit is to start the morning with a glass of warm water, which awakens the whole body. Therefore, any dream involving a cup cannot be just an accident ...

  • Seeing a cup in a dream or any other drinking utensils means fullness of information that is looking for ways out in the form of specific actions.
  • Seeing a cup in a dream and drinking from it - you consciously assume the obligation to do something. If you think for a long time before drinking, then this sign is even better, since thoughtless actions do not benefit anyone.
  • Seeing a cup in a dream, but hesitating whether to drink or not to drink has the following meaning: you do not have enough willpower to influence your life. If you refuse to drink, push the cup away, then in reality you can commit unseemly acts, up to betrayal, which can be directed at yourself. Simply put, you can change your principles, although you have successfully lived by them until now.
  • Drinking from the same cup with someone means that you exchange energy, provide mutual support and are responsible for each other.
  • Break a cup or spill from it - things are falling out of your hands, and energy has waned.

Dream Interpretation of Health

A cup of water dreams of the need to cleanse the body; an empty cup speaks of psychological problems; breaking a cup in a dream is tantamount to inviting stress and conflict into your life.


A bowl in a dream is a very strong symbol that has the most direct influence on fate. The interpretation can be positive, negative, neutral, but know one proven truth - your fate is in your hands and you, with your willpower and great desire, can change life at your own discretion and no signs will change and can not interfere with you.

Miller's dream book

If you dream of tea cups This means that most of your time will be spent on pleasure.

If a woman breaks a cup in a dream- this is a sign that her happiness will be broken by an unexpected disaster.

If in a dream you drink wine from a teacup- this portends in the near future the combination of business with pleasure.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Bowl- a symbol of energy, the possibility of nourishing the dreamer's forces.

Holding a bowl or goblet means to be in control of your own destiny.

According to Freud, cup, cup- female vaginal symbol.

cup of water- a more favorable sign than empty.

Cup This is a miniature cup. All prophecies for the cup are the same, with the scale of joy reduced.

Break a cup- start a new period of life.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Cups in a dream -

If you see beautiful porcelain cups in your home, it doesn't matter if they are full or empty.- such a dream speaks of the good course of your affairs.

Dirty, ugly cups- a sign of domestic troubles.

cracked cup- warns of a possible quarrel with loved ones. If you want to avoid breaking off relations, you should be more careful in communication and not give rise to conflict. More fully, the meaning of this dream can be suggested by the contents of the cup and the material from which it is made.

Jewish dream book

Cup- to noisy guests; smash- family quarrel

Dream interpretation for a bitch

tea cups- profit, benefit.

Drink from a cup- you like to have fun sometimes to the detriment of other things.

Break a cup- unexpected troubles.

Buy or receive tea cups as a gift- passion for pleasant and useful work.

New family dream book

The tea cup you saw in your dream- means that you spend too much time on pleasure.

If a woman dreamed that she broke a cup- and her happiness will be broken by some unpleasant event.

A dream in which you drink wine from a teacup- portends a combination of business with pleasure.

Modern combined dream book

If you dream of cups- in reality, all your thoughts will be directed to pleasure.

Woman breaking cups in a dream- a sign that unexpected obstacles will stand in her way to pleasure and happiness.

Drink wine from tea cups- predicts that in the near future, luck and pleasure will combine to bring you joy.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Break a cup in a dream- to mental patience.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Break a cup- to intrigue and deceit.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Cup- to noisy guests; break a cup- to a quarrel in the family.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

broken cup- argument; see- invitation; earthenware- modest life; buy- fear in the family.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Drink in a dream from a porcelain cup- marks the rise of positive emotions and increased performance.

glass cup- a sign that you will make an irresistible impression on your future chosen one at the first meeting and acquaintance with him.

small cup- indicates high demands, but modest demands, you should be more determined to achieve what should be yours by right.

shattered cup- portends misfortune with loved ones.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

broken cup- argument; see- invitation; earthenware- modest life; buy- fear in the family; complete- profit.

Women's dream book

The tea cups you dreamed about- indicate that you will spend most of your time on pleasure.

Break a cup in a dream- to unexpected trouble.

Drink wine from a tea cup- in the near future you will combine business with pleasure.

General dream book

Dreamed of a cup- it means that you will certainly make peace with the person with whom you quarreled because of some stupidity.

If you dreamed that you were washing a cup- in the near future you will make a lot of efforts to make peace with one of your enemies, but all your efforts will be in vain.

You dreamed that you bought a cup- you will make friends with a person about whom you used to have a very bad opinion.

Receive as a gift- to an unpleasant acquaintance.

If you dreamed that you sold a cup- you will successfully avoid meeting an unpleasant person.

If you dreamed that you gave someone a cup- you reconcile two of your friends.

In a dream you broke a cup- to a quarrel with a person who has been stuffed into your buddies for a long time.

Italian dream book

Cup- a vessel, which is a vaginal symbol.

Chinese dream book

porcelain cups- portend a drink and a snack.

You buy cups, crockery made of jade and jasper- Fortunately.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Cup full- depending on the drink; empty- uncertainty of relations; girlfriend.

smash- Lucky case.

Culinary dream book

Porcelain cup, gilded, offered in a dream to you as a gift- a sign of someone's cordial, kind and simple-hearted disposition towards you.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Cup- to be a guest, to wait for guests; smash- quarrel in the family; complete- profit.

Soup bowl filled with- Receiving a profit; eat out of it with others - an amicable section.

Erotic dream book Danilova

Hold a cup in your hand in a dream and slowly drink liquid from it- to the hidden desire of possession; this interpretation is the same for both men and women.

Fill a cup with a drink and offer it to someone- testifies to your desire to offer yourself, to be together with a person you like and sexually attractive to you.

Break a cup for a woman in a dream- means the loss of one's femininity and sexuality in the eyes of a partner and other men and the suffering caused by this phenomenon. For a man this dream- portends a loss of attractiveness in the eyes of one of his fans.

If in a dream a man pours a drink into a cup and drinks it- this suggests that he is trying to deliver the highest pleasure to his partner.

Esoteric dream book

Cup- empty empty chores, the acquisition of unnecessary or unsuccessful things.

Ukrainian dream book

Cup, wash it- to visit.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

cups- guests.

Collection of dream books

Cup- to noisy guests; cup filled- profit; break a cup- a quarrel in the family.

see a cup of water- the need to cleanse the body; empty cup- to psychological problems; break a cup- to conflict and stress.

Why dream of a broken cup?

Basically, as many authoritative dream books interpret, the cup symbolizes general well-being. If in a dream it is filled to the brim with something, then life is supposed to be comfortable and boring. If it is empty, then you will have to “spin” in order to ensure a normal existence.

A broken cup in a dream is an unpleasant omen from all sides. Regardless of who broke it, for a dreaming person, this sign will not bring any comforting consequences.

But still, you should find out some details of the interpretation of sleep, so as not to get lost in your own guesses.

For a woman who breaks a cup in a dream, such negligence can turn into either misfortune after unexpected happiness, or a major quarrel with a loved one or other loved ones. And if you believe Freud's sexual dream book, then the culprit in his soul has a desire to change his annoying lover.

However, waking up, a woman who wants to change her partner should not immediately hang up her gentleman, who has perched nearby. If you believe the majority of erotic interpretations, then perhaps he himself is already going to “set off” from the lady of the heart who has lost her attractiveness.

A woman who broke a cup in a dream, according to some interpretations, has every chance of being completely alone soon. Her subconscious gives a warning that she is losing her external sexuality, and this circumstance will reduce the interest of men in her to almost zero.

Nothing good in this regard promises a dream with a broken cup for men either. If the dreamer himself breaks the cup, then he will also become of little interest, at least for one, but, unfortunately, his most beloved passion.

It seems that in the above story with lovers sleeping next to each other, there was a rare case - they both broke dishes in their sleep!

For other people who are not burdened with the concern for the periodic change of life partners, it is more important to know what a broken cup dreams of, which portends such a dream in the future for themselves and their families.

For the most part, such a dream warns of possible quarrels, troubles, broken destinies, misfortunes. In reality, you need to take a closer look at the surrounding close people, worry about their health, plans (an accident is possible). It would be useful to look after the children for some period, not to leave them alone, not to give them complete freedom and stop them from rash acts.

In the family, you need to show patience, do not offend (do not be offended) once again your household members.

However, you should not completely indulge in thoughts about a bad dream and possible consequences, since dreams do not always come true. Moreover, there are such dream books in which a cup broken in a dream promises prosperity and success in real life the dreamer and his family.

Dreaming is one of the ways to manifest human nature on a subconscious level. Sometimes the benefits of dreams are obvious: we remember someone or something that already seemed to be forgotten forever. And some people in dreams come with tips on how to act in difficult situations. Dreams need to be appreciated and tried to solve.

A broken cup in a dream warns of upcoming unpleasant events. If a woman sees her in her dream, especially if she breaks the cup herself, then the dream suggests that her seemingly strong happiness may crack due to an unusual reason. Often a dream portends quarrels, injuries and accidents. There is a danger and quarrels with loved ones due to the incontinence of one of the conflicting people.

This dream also has an erotic interpretation. In this case, for a man, a dream predicts that he may lose attractiveness for his beloved. After this dream, a woman has a risk of ceasing to be sexually interesting for her partner and worrying a lot about this.
Some dream books interpret a broken cup in a dream as a lucky break.

cracked cup

Dream Interpretation Cracked Cup dreamed of why in a dream Cracked a cup? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a cracked cup in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cup. cup

Dream Interpretation - Cup

Dream Interpretation - Cup

Dream Interpretation - Cup

They symbolize prosperity and fullness of life.

Dream Interpretation - Cup

Dream Interpretation - Cup

See also Drink, Wine.

Dream Interpretation - Cup

Dream Interpretation - Cups

Dream Interpretation - Cups

Dream Interpretation - Cup

Cup burst

Dream Interpretation Cup burst dreamed of why in a dream a burst cup? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Cup burst in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cup. cup

The bowl is a symbol of energy, the possibility of nourishing the dreamer's forces.

To hold a cup or goblet in your hands means to control your destiny.

According to Freud, the Cup, the Cup is a female vaginal symbol.

A cup of water is a more auspicious sign than an empty one.

A cup is a cup in miniature.

All prophecies for the cup are the same, with the scale of joy reduced.

Break a cup - start a new period of life.

Dream Interpretation - Cup

In a dream, hold a cup in your hand and slowly drink liquid from it - to a hidden desire for possession; this interpretation is the same for both men and women.

Filling a cup with a drink and offering it to someone indicates your desire to offer yourself, to be with the person you like and sexually attractive to you.

To break a cup in a dream for a woman means the loss of her femininity and sexuality in the eyes of her partner and other men and the suffering caused by this phenomenon. For a man, this dream portends a loss of attractiveness in the eyes of one of his fans. If in a dream a man pours a drink into a cup and drinks it, this indicates that he is trying to give his partner the highest pleasure.

Dream Interpretation - Cup

The tea cup you saw in a dream means that you spend too much time on pleasure.

If a woman dreamed that she broke a cup, then her happiness would be broken by some unpleasant event.

A dream in which you drink wine from a teacup portends a combination of business and pleasure.

If in a dream you were presented with a gilded porcelain cup, someone will show affection and sympathy towards you.

Dream Interpretation - Cup

They symbolize prosperity and fullness of life.

If you see beautiful porcelain cups in your house, it doesn’t matter if they are full or empty: such a dream speaks of the good course of your affairs.

Dirty, ugly cups: a sign of domestic troubles.

Cracked cup: warns of a possible quarrel with loved ones.

If you want to avoid breaking off relations, you should be more careful in communication and not give rise to conflict.

More fully, the meaning of this dream can be suggested by the contents of the cup and the material from which it is made.

Dream Interpretation - Cup

To dream of coffee or tea cups - spend time in pleasure or wait for guests to arrive.

A filled cup is for profit.

Break a cup - survive grief.

Drinking wine from a cup - soon combine business with pleasure, so things will turn around.

Dream Interpretation - Cup

Seeing tea cups - you will spend most of your time on pleasure;
for a woman - to break a cup - your happiness will be broken by an unexpected disaster;
drinking wine from a teacup - combining business with pleasure.
See also Drink, Wine.

Dream Interpretation - Cup

(See interpretation: promise, porcelain, milk, tea, coffee, kettle)

Putting cups on the table in a dream means that you are ready to receive guests.

To dream that you are pouring something into it and the liquid overflows, then look at the name of the liquid. Depending on the symbols that the liquids carry, such a dream can mean either unexpected profits that you will immediately spend, or the limit of tolerance, overstepping which you will become literally uncontrollable in the eyes of others. Empty cups in a dream are a sign of disappointment and deceived hopes.

Filled cups in a dream portend some events. See interpretation: what they are filled with.

Dream Interpretation - Cups

If you dream of tea cups, it means that you will spend most of your time on pleasure.

If a woman breaks a cup in a dream, this is a sign that her happiness will be broken by an unexpected disaster.

If in a dream you drink wine from a tea cup, this portends a combination of business with pleasure in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Cups

The tea cups you dreamed about indicate that you will spend most of your time on pleasure. Breaking a cup in a dream is an unexpected disaster. Drinking wine from a tea cup - in the near future you will combine business with pleasure.

Dream Interpretation - Cup

Drinking in a dream from a porcelain cup marks the rise of positive emotions and increased efficiency. A glass cup is a sign that you will make an irresistible impression on your future chosen one at the first meeting and getting to know him.

A small cup indicates high demands, but modest demands, you should be more determined to achieve what should be yours by right. A broken cup portends misfortune with loved ones.

dirty cup

Dream Interpretation Dirty Cup had a dream about why a dirty cup is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Dirty Cup in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cup. cup

The bowl is a symbol of energy, the possibility of nourishing the dreamer's forces.

To hold a cup or goblet in your hands means to control your destiny.

According to Freud, the Cup, the Cup is a female vaginal symbol.

A cup of water is a more auspicious sign than an empty one.

A cup is a cup in miniature.

All prophecies for the cup are the same, with the scale of joy reduced.

Break a cup - start a new period of life.

Dream Interpretation - Cup

In a dream, hold a cup in your hand and slowly drink liquid from it - to a hidden desire for possession; this interpretation is the same for both men and women.

Filling a cup with a drink and offering it to someone indicates your desire to offer yourself, to be with the person you like and sexually attractive to you.

To break a cup in a dream for a woman means the loss of her femininity and sexuality in the eyes of her partner and other men and the suffering caused by this phenomenon. For a man, this dream portends a loss of attractiveness in the eyes of one of his fans. If in a dream a man pours a drink into a cup and drinks it, this indicates that he is trying to give his partner the highest pleasure.

Dream Interpretation - Cup

The tea cup you saw in a dream means that you spend too much time on pleasure.

If a woman dreamed that she broke a cup, then her happiness would be broken by some unpleasant event.

A dream in which you drink wine from a teacup portends a combination of business and pleasure.

If in a dream you were presented with a gilded porcelain cup, someone will show affection and sympathy towards you.

Dream Interpretation - Cup

They symbolize prosperity and fullness of life.

If you see beautiful porcelain cups in your house, it doesn’t matter if they are full or empty: such a dream speaks of the good course of your affairs.

Dirty, ugly cups: a sign of domestic troubles.

Cracked cup: warns of a possible quarrel with loved ones.

If you want to avoid breaking off relations, you should be more careful in communication and not give rise to conflict.

More fully, the meaning of this dream can be suggested by the contents of the cup and the material from which it is made.

Dream Interpretation - Cup

To dream of coffee or tea cups - spend time in pleasure or wait for guests to arrive.

A filled cup is for profit.

Break a cup - survive grief.

Drinking wine from a cup - soon combine business with pleasure, so things will turn around.

Dream Interpretation - Cup

Seeing tea cups - you will spend most of your time on pleasure;
for a woman - to break a cup - your happiness will be broken by an unexpected disaster;
drinking wine from a teacup - combining business with pleasure.
See also Drink, Wine.

Dream Interpretation - Cup

(See interpretation: promise, porcelain, milk, tea, coffee, kettle)

Putting cups on the table in a dream means that you are ready to receive guests.

To dream that you are pouring something into it and the liquid overflows, then look at the name of the liquid. Depending on the symbols that the liquids carry, such a dream can mean either unexpected profits that you will immediately spend, or the limit of tolerance, overstepping which you will become literally uncontrollable in the eyes of others. Empty cups in a dream are a sign of disappointment and deceived hopes.

Filled cups in a dream portend some events. See interpretation: what they are filled with.

Dream Interpretation - Cups

If you dream of tea cups, it means that you will spend most of your time on pleasure.

If a woman breaks a cup in a dream, this is a sign that her happiness will be broken by an unexpected disaster.

If in a dream you drink wine from a tea cup, this portends a combination of business with pleasure in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Cups

The tea cups you dreamed about indicate that you will spend most of your time on pleasure. Breaking a cup in a dream is an unexpected disaster. Drinking wine from a tea cup - in the near future you will combine business with pleasure.

Dream Interpretation - Cup

Drinking in a dream from a porcelain cup marks the rise of positive emotions and increased efficiency. A glass cup is a sign that you will make an irresistible impression on your future chosen one at the first meeting and getting to know him.

A small cup indicates high demands, but modest demands, you should be more determined to achieve what should be yours by right. A broken cup portends misfortune with loved ones.



Please help me uncover the meaning of sleep. Yesterday I had a dream that I was standing at the well and drinking water, a cup fell out of my hands and fell into the well, but did not break. I look at the bottom, and there is my cup and another and another rubbish, but the water is clear. And today I had a dream that I was walking through the supermarket with a cup in my hands (not very new) and chose 4 more cups, very beautiful and left without paying for them.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The fact that you dropped a cup in this dream most likely warns you that something will surprise you very soon.


hello! see a lot of different cups on the shelf. what does it mean? thank.


I dreamed that the cups broke .. And I look, my favorite cup broke (well, more precisely, a fragment broke off), presented by a friend and at that moment when she broke, that friend was nearby and also saw it .. I run up to her with this cup and showing fragments.. What can this mean?


please help me to reveal my dream))) I dreamed that somewhere on the street where there is a lot of water that is not quite clean and it’s as if I jump from the ship into this water and swim and catch all sorts of different cups, and then I caught such a big white beautiful cup, what could it be??


in the hands of my friend's boyfriend there is a cracked cup and ash at the bottom of the cup, and my friend waved her hand and I saw a large gold wedding ring on her hand


I bought a golden cup and showed it to my girlfriend .... saying that if we drink from this cup, then our marriage will be happy


I dream of a light-colored cup glued in pieces, it was glued together by a friend I know!!! I took it in my hands and hold it, wondering who broke it. It is empty, clean. EVERYTHING!!!


a friend gave me two coffee cups, one green, the other brown, it so happened that my friend pushed me and I accidentally dropped one of the cups and it broke, what can this mean


I dreamed that I was holding a cup (mug) with a handle already chopped off in half, I take it by this place and the handle breaks completely.


My partner washed our cups and brought them to the workplace, only mine was orange and it turned white and the shape was different.


Many years ago I bought myself a cup, and last winter it broke.
Dream dreamed:
"This cup appeared as new, whole and unharmed., I was very surprised because I considered it broken and thrown away for a long time."


Hello, Tatyana! I dreamed of one of my cups, the one from which I usually drink, that a piece of the bottom broke off from it, but the cup itself did not leak, but it remained with the whole bottom, just a piece fell off on the side. Painted clay cup.


I dreamed that I was shoveling a broken cup from my house, then I inadvertently knocked a cup, as a gift I gave to a kohan, with our photograph, and it’s also beaten ...


i saw in a dream a lot of books in good old bindings and I had to choose books because they were blown out and I took one in leather binding and a few in a regular one. I put them in a bag and some things, then I went and saw plumbing thrown into the trash and there was a beautiful set of beautiful cups and I took one to look, wondering why they threw good plumbing and beautiful cups into the trash, and there were cockerels on the cup, and I saw when I was choosing books they repeated a set of even numbers many times, I remembered them_what does it mean?


At first I was driving a car and saw two acquaintances who were walking one with a full bucket of cement, the other with a full bucket of water. Then we arrived at the car service and my friends were sitting there together, they gave me a cup of coffee on a saucer (in a dream I saw a cup and a saucer from which I always drink), but there was a chip on the cup, I freaked out at them and threw a cup with a saucer with all my might on the floor .. I even felt the coffee splashed on my feet. My close friend, who came with me, began to explain to the others that it is important for me that no one touches my things, then we went into the bathroom and began to wash off the coffee from the pantyhose and I was surprised that he immediately washed off without leaving stains and my legs immediately became dry, when we left I was already given a new cup of coffee on a saucer and it was the same color only without chips


Hello Tatiana! I had a dream like this: I was holding a porcelain cup on a saucer in my hand and, as if by chance, turned around, my hand trembled and the cup and spoon slipped and broke, but the saucer remained intact. Thank you.


I went down the stairs where there were cups for sale, there was nowhere to step. and accidentally threw off the cup and it cracked. then she fought with a fist with a saleswoman.


I had a dream that I had a glass in my hands from which I drink tea and the bottom of this glass was pure white, as if I had washed it well, I would like to know what this means, Thank you in advance.


Hello! I dreamed that I was collecting my things. Relatives were nearby, but no one helped. And when I started packing the dishes, a piece broke off from a glass mug ... Help me solve the dream. Thank you in advance


A pair of service pale pink cups and saucers. Nothing happened to them.


i dreamed that I won a huge cup of tea, and tea that I adore. and after that I dreamed that my beloved distant relatives arrived and I wanted to cook food for them, went shopping.


Hello Tatiana! Today I had a dream where I am very nervous and break two empty red cups with the inscription Nescafe, the cups in my dream are not mine, and in return I give someone else's cup to the one whose cup I broke. Everything in a dream happens at work.


I was driving a car with a guy I didn’t know! We arrived somewhere, got out of the car, gave me a box with the words “this is from my son-in-law to my mother,” I opened it, there were two cups, and one of them was broken! I didn’t say anything to him because I didn’t wanted to offend!


I dreamed that in the corridor at work I broke my favorite dark blue mug. My work colleague, with whom we communicate very closely, went to meet me. What could this mean?


Hello Tatiana. I dreamed the guests arrived, and I had broken furniture, a table and could not find the cups, all dirty and broken.


I don’t like this developed online nonsense consultation. I don’t want my son in twenty years to ask in this way, secretly from me, his questions and the problem you have full of idiots, those who care about my son everything except money. I hope the Internet will be closed and you will also disappear.


i dreamed from Thursday to Friday that in my buffet, where the cups are, there are 2 new beautiful large cups. I also thought that my wife bought a pair for herself and me, I took one in my hands and was very pleased that it was big and beautiful.


I dreamed of a cup, we have one at home, ceramic, a friend gave me this set of cups, there are only 2 left. And this cup is on the countertop in my mother’s house, I pour water into it, and I see that the water is flowing, they examine the cup and I see a few cracks, then I don’t remember what .... it seems I am trying to pour water into it again and then I sort of worry about it in another ... ..


Mom put gold-plated cups in the dishwasher, which I washed and put something heavy on one of them. As a result, a crack went on one cup.


I saw in a dream how my mother-in-law offered to drink coffee, but the small transparent cups were dirty, I tried to wash them and their handles broke off. and so with two cups, and the handle of the third cup was already broken. what does that mean.
the dream was today. thank.


hello ... the dream was that my young man brought purchases and gave me two beautiful cups with pink peonies ... I liked them


dirty teacups, had to be washed to pour tea. Several times in a dream, the number 14 or 17 (the number of people to pour tea) was uttered. They all came to the house. Like I rented a house (on Airbnb) and they came to visit. Hut type house. Then some bearded man came and said that he rented a room in this house. I was surprised because I kind of rented a house. I remember the feeling that I was going through, where is my bag, and is everything ok with the money. I distinctly remember two men, bearded, who were driving somewhere, truckers (?). They were traveling from the American South on the north side, skirting those states where supposedly everything is bad with booze and women. Whoops, I thought.
The men are big and bearded. Everyone there is bearded.
I remember a girl helping me with cups.
There was no tea party in the dream.

I don’t remember at what point I look out the window and see how the sky turns black sharply. I see lightning, I hear thunder. Very pretty, but a little scary. I feel safe in the house, but I worry if the roof will be blown off.
Feeling like I'm with an ex young man in the country.

In what order everything happened, I do not remember.


Hello ?, I would be very grateful if I could interpret my strange dream. The dream was very long and consisted of small parts. At first I dreamed that I came into some room, and there were guys from my university, I saw a place where a guy I knew was lying and I wanted to fight him, and started to rage with him, then he asked: “Aren’t you tired of ", I said:" well, I'm still a girl, "while I remember that in a dream we were in love with each other (although in reality this is not so), then I lay down next to him and we hugged. I don’t remember how another dream came, but I was looking for something there with the number 26, it was supposed to give some kind of ability, sort of like a super ability, but I wasn’t the only one looking for it and therefore we had a type of competition, who find it faster, I remember that I was crossing the road and entered some kind of puddle, I don’t remember, but I think it was a little muddy because of the cars, I went through it and found a sign, but I thought it was the wrong sign although everyone thought that I won. Then I ended up in some poorly lit building where there were a lot of people, again from my university, I went into some bright room and something was happening there, there were a lot of shelves but few people, my friends approached me, we went to some a closet with glass doors, there were a lot of old things on the glass shelves, we took 3 white cups, one of them was broken, then we went to some kind of counter (as they happen in libraries) I was worried that the cup was broken and didn’t understand why do we need it, then it turned out that a friend stole something and there were some kind of showdown about this. I don't remember anything after that.


The cup was presented by a young man with whom we have been friends for a long time. Giving it, he seemed to be talking about his feelings for me (in any case, such were the sensations in a dream). Then he invited me to the cinema, and when my husband came, he disappeared somewhere. In reality, I haven’t seen him for a long time, I have a family, I don’t have enough time, he has a job.


I dreamed of my favorite coffee cup, I pick it up, and it is with the remnants of coffee (dirty) and the handle is beaten off. I washed it and decided that I would not throw it away (I always throw away broken dishes). I go from the kitchen to the house, and there my dog ​​brought 8 puppies , but I didn’t know, the puppies are already grown up sitting under my bed for about a month


New, porcelain, huge cups, very beautiful gray-pink color, beautiful shape, bought by my husband. very beautiful.


They gave me a red cup from which they had already drunk tea or coffee and it had a gap on the edge


I was presented with many large and pure white tea mugs, and among them was one very beautiful small cup with a chipped


I entered the room and saw broken cups that I use every day. Not upset, but immediately fussed and climbed onto the shelf for other cups. The cups were clean.


I'm coming somewhere. Looks like a super market or something like that. And they gave me a white mug with a bear pattern. And kicked out of the supermarket. On this ends my dream. Eyo was just one of my dreams.


a friend came to us and gave me 2 beautiful blue cups with a painted dog and a small black puppy with a white tie and long curly ears for my husband, and I didn’t seem to be allowed to have dogs anymore in the house, but when I saw this puppy, she allowed me to leave him to us because he was very beautiful .


in a dream, my house was flooded, and I drew water with a red cup. what is it for?

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