Recipes for the Maggi diet 2 week menu. Diet Maggi: the secret of harmony "iron lady. Maggi's four-week nutrition system

Diet Maggi menu for 4 weeks and for every day is the most effective way to lose weight at home. The basic principles of the diet should be based on the correct menu for the week, which is rigidly fixed and unchanged. She received such a “bouillon” name by the name of her creator, and not because she is based on the use of the famous bouillon cubes.

The Maggi diet has already fallen in love with many Russian overweight women: its observance guarantees very good results. The Maggi diet has nothing to do with the bouillon cubes of the same name. Looking like a queen is every woman's dream. But it’s one thing to dream while lying on the couch, and another, having undergone theoretical training, to start practicing called the Maggi diet.

Diet Maggi - features of a diet for weight loss

Food lovers and those who are negative about fasting will love the low-carb eating strategy. Protein diet involves individual nutrition with egg products. How does the body usually react with such a diet? How exactly should you eat? How long and what results can be expected? In this article, we will understand the nuances and get rid of extra pounds with the help of eggs and cottage cheese.

Most of those who were on such a diet enthusiastically claim that extra pounds melt very quickly, and the figure changes its contours before our eyes. During such a diet, according to reviews, you can lose weight by 10-12 kg. Such a run is associated with a different initial weight of losing weight. But such nutrition also has pitfalls - a decent burden on the body.

For 4 decades now, the Maggi protein diet has been listed in the TOPs of the best weight loss systems, presented in two versions - egg (classic) and cottage cheese. The duration of the Maggi protein diet is four weeks, during which time you can significantly lose weight.

This is one of the few diets, sitting on which, you do not have to starve and dream of an extra piece of meat. Her diet includes a sufficient amount of meat, fruits, vegetables and eggs. The Maggi diet menu is designed in such a way as to force the body to burn accumulated fats on its own using active chemical processes.

It is composed in a special way, from products for the digestion of which the body spends more energy and begins to burn its excess fat as a result of a switch in metabolism. The diet is well tolerated, food is easy to prepare. There are no age restrictions.

Maggi diet - effectiveness and results

When deciding on any diet, a woman should see the end result she is striving for. The specific figure promised by nutritionists and other beauties who have lost weight in this way is an excellent incentive that makes you go to the bitter end, no matter how hard the path is.

If this is a real diet (cottage cheese or egg, and not other pseudo-options with the addition of shrimp, vinegar and other obscure foods), then the results can be most promising:

  • 1 week - loss of 2-3 kg .;
  • 2 weeks - 3-5 kg ​​go away;
  • 3 weeks - up to 8 kg.;
  • The Maggi diet at week 4 can give a result of 10-12 kg.

There is something to strive for! And if the weight does not go away, contrary to this schedule, although you follow all the rules and diet, the problem may lie in a more serious reason for excess weight. This may be heredity, a failure in the hormonal system, or a metabolic disorder. In these cases, you need to contact the doctors, who will first put your health in order, and only then you will resume the fight against excess weight.

Previously, it was believed that eating several eggs a day is not healthy and even harmful, as this leads to an increase in blood cholesterol levels. It has now been proven that there will be no harm if oil and other fats are not consumed along with eggs.

You need to drink more water. In addition to regular water, you can drink a glass of soda, or 1-2 cans of diet soda. You can also drink coffee and tea without milk and sugar at any time. Substitutes can be used instead of sugar.

There is also an effective Dukan diet, in which weight goes away quickly, the most important thing is not to overdo it. Maggi - the diet is more balanced, the effect of it is good, the products are affordable, especially in the summer-spring period.

Diet Maggi - weight loss according to the rules of the menu

This diet involves a strict menu and a number of other rules:

  • We adhere to the specified amount of food. If there is no strict indication - you can eat at your discretion;
  • Any meat should be lean, lamb is not allowed. Among vegetables we do not use potatoes;
  • Physical activity is desirable. If health allows, they are always desirable - you want to lose weight, but do not gain weight;
  • Enhanced drinking regime. We drink about 2 liters a day. It's about water;
  • Drinks include tea and coffee. Only not a gram of sugar;
  • Do not make adjustments to the product list! If you are allergic to something from the proposed menu, we simply cross out the product without replacing it with anything;
  • Banned fruits are ripe mango, banana, grapes, as well as dates and figs. The rest can;
  • Snacking is allowed, but only two hours after the main meal. You can crunch carrots, cucumbers or lettuce;
  • We strictly follow the menu. You can not swap days and meals;
  • If you break or mix up the diet - back to the start, by the first day.

There is a version that the name of the diet comes from a diminutive version of the name Margaret. The dietary menu was specially designed on the eve of the parliamentary elections, which Margaret Thatcher intended to win, which she actually did.

This legend was invented by journalists, or it took place, it is difficult to say. And not some simple Margaret, but the famous iron lady Margaret Thatcher. Back in the late 1970s, a journalistic tale appeared that a leaflet was found in the diary of a woman politician, where the diet was painted - the menu, however, was initially designed for two weeks.

Diet Maggi - list of allowed foods on the menu

  • Fruits. The diet must contain tangerines, grapefruit, oranges, kiwi, persimmon, apples, cherries, kiwi, etc. Eat any berries and fruits, excluding prohibited ones (see below). Cook them the same way you would vegetables;
  • Fish, seafood. Low-fat varieties (pollock, sole, haddock), shrimp;
  • Drink. Tea and coffee without sugar and milk. 1 glass diet cola;
  • Vegetables/greens. You can eat any vegetables: carrots, zucchini, broccoli, green beans etc. In addition, the consumption of frozen vegetable mixtures is allowed. You can steam, boil, bake, crunch raw, make smoothies and stew in a slow cooker. The main thing - without frying and the use of oil. Cook on the water. You can add allowed seasonings;
  • Sweet. Sugar-free lollipops (rare). Sugar substitutes (stevia, agave syrup);
  • Bread. Toasted rye, whole grain bread. Or replace with bread or bran (only no more than 30 g per day);
  • sour milk. Low-fat cottage cheese (maximum up to 9%). Cheese (up to 20% fat). Curdled milk and kefir (introduced into the diet starting from 4 weeks);
  • Meat. Low-fat (boiled, baked), a couple of pieces of barbecue (rarely). You can eat by-products. It is allowed to cook, bake, stew on water, in a double boiler or in a slow cooker;
  • bird, egg. Low-fat poultry, eggs. If you bake meat, then eat without the skin. It is allowed to use by-products;
  • condiments. Salt, pepper, garlic, onion, seasonings (no sugar or starch), soy sauce(only without sugar), lemon, gelatin, balsamic vinegar, ginger.

Today, those who want to lose weight using the iron lady method must ironically hold out for 28 days - 4 weeks. An effective result and provided this diet with wide world fame. On this strict low-carb diet, volumes are actually melting before our eyes.

Diet Maggi - a list of prohibited foods on the menu

Vegetables for the diet are boiled in water, but broths should not be consumed. The same goes for chicken, meat products. You can not use:

  • Sweet fruits (grapes, bananas, dates);
  • Potatoes, legumes;
  • Oil and any other fats;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Sugar and its derivatives.

The use of any alcoholic beverages is contraindicated. They not only have a high calorie content, but also whet the appetite. At the time of the diet, it is also recommended to stop smoking, as nicotine inhibits all processes in the body.

A diet for weight loss, in a modern interpretation, represented by an egg and cottage cheese diet, is a very effective method of freeing the human body from excess volume and fat mass. At the slightest deviation, you will need to start all over again. If you want to repeat the regimen again, it is better to repeat 2 times 1 and 4 weeks.

It is advisable to go in for sports to achieve a greater effect. But for those who have reached the victorious end, stunning results await. You will need to change your wardrobe, perhaps not even by one size. The diet is based not on limiting the calorie content of food, but on those chemical reactions that occur in the body.

Diet Maggi - contraindications for diet

Eggs are very allergenic, they often cause a reaction. If you are intolerant to this product, you should abandon the diet. Main contraindications:

  • Liver disease;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Childhood.

If the diet is completed to the end, but there is a desire to repeat it, then it is recommended to immediately switch to the fourth after the first week. Longer adherence to the system is not recommended.

If you monitor your weight every day, then you need to weigh yourself once a day after going to the toilet. This method of weight loss refers to protein and low-carbohydrate diets with a strictly prescribed daily menu and clear rules for its observance. In the modern classification it goes like protein.

An abundant menu containing protein foods, boiled vegetables and citrus fruits, curd dishes and cheese - all contain a rich concentration of fiber and special substances - flavonoids, which burn fat and release stagnant fluid, harmful excesses from the body.

The mechanism of action of the Maggi diet is not based on a "hard" calorie restriction of food intake, but on the activation of some biochemical reactions that take place in the body when a certain combination of foods is consumed. If a specific amount of the product is not indicated, then it can be consumed in any quantity.

Diet Maggi - a smooth exit from the diet

The finish should be done carefully without overloading with fatty and sweet foods. The menu should be diversified, but gradually. During the week, you can afford only 2 - 3 eggs. Leave the grapefruit for tomorrow and its total amount will have to be reduced. A few teaspoons of honey will come in handy.

For mood, you should add a little sugar to coffee and tea. The number of vegetables can also not be reduced. It is impossible to delay a protein diet for a period longer than 4 weeks. In the process of following a protein diet and after leaving it, listen to yourself. Maybe the diet isn't right for you. The solution can be sports for fun and a menu that includes balanced healthy food. After all, everyone has the right to choose the best for themselves.

The diet is suitable for all ages. If you follow it, you do not need to take any vitamin complexes. You can not swap dinner and lunch, and vice versa. If you feel a strong feeling of hunger, then it is allowed to eat carrots, cucumbers or lettuce, but only 2 hours after the recommended food.

According to many nutritionists, it is thanks to such natural chemical processes that the metabolism is restructured, which begins to work to burn excess accumulated fats and cleanse the body of various toxins and toxins.

Diet Maggi - diet recipes

The diet allows you to consume a very large number of products from which you can make many dishes, both meat and vegetable. With this diet, you can lose weight without fitness, eating, as before, quite fully. Consider delicious and healthy Maggi diet recipes:

Recipe 1: Vegetable soup.

  1. With the help of slicing maceduan, chop the onion, garlic and celery;
  2. We rub the carrots on a grater or chop them by hand (slicing julienne or jardinière);
  3. The same cut as carrots (for symmetry) - chop the cabbage;
  4. We blanch or cut off the peel from bell peppers with a knife;
  5. We cut peppers and tomatoes using the concasse method;
  6. Transfer the prepared vegetable mix to a bowl. Fill with water. We put on the stove;
  7. Add bay leaf and dill;
  8. Bring everything to a boil over high heat and reduce it. Cook over low heat for about 30 minutes;
  9. 15 minutes before the end of the time - add red pepper to taste. After - remove from the fire and proceed to the meal. Bon appetit!

Recipe 2: Fish baked in foil.

Cooking method:

  1. We take the fillet of any low-fat fish (for example, cod) and cut it in portions. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and leave to soak;
  2. We disassemble the grapefruit (we only need the pulp with juice, without peel and veins);
  3. Finely chop the onion and thyme;
  4. We spread the fish on foil, wrap and bake in the oven for 15 - 20 minutes (depending on the type of fish and the size of the pieces);
  5. Put a slice of fish with a cushion of grapefruit salsa on a serving plate. Bon appetit!

Recipe 3: Steam cutlets.

Cooking method:

  1. We interrupt the chicken fillet for minced meat or buy ready-made;
  2. Finely chop or press the onion, garlic and herbs (optional);
  3. Add all this to the minced meat along with spices (salt / pepper);
  4. We form cutlets and steam them until fully cooked in a double boiler / slow cooker / in a water bath. If there is nothing like this, wrap it in foil, add a little water and cook in the oven or simmer in a pan with water, but without oil. Bon appetit!

Recipe 4: Vegetable omelet.

Cooking method:

  1. Steaming vegetables: green beans, broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower (all at once or one thing, to choose from);
  2. We mix in a separate container a couple of raw eggs, spices (salt / pepper), 1 tbsp. water;
  3. Pour over cooked vegetables with egg mixture. Steam until fully cooked (about 15 minutes). Bon appetit!

Recipe 5: Diet Pie.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely rub boiled carrots;
  2. Mix it in a container with cottage cheese and egg yolks;
  3. Optionally, you can add spices: ginger / cinnamon;
  4. Beat the whites until a thick high foam and add to our finished mass;
  5. Mix thoroughly. Pour everything into your favorite baking dish;
  6. We cook in the oven or slow cooker for about half an hour. Serve hot. You can decorate with cinnamon on top. Bon appetit!

Recipe 6: Curd.

Cooking method:

  1. With the help of a press we press 1 clove of garlic;
  2. Finely chop the onion and herbs;
  3. We mix all this in a container along with low-fat cottage cheese;
  4. It can be served in portions on bread, unleavened tartlets or with fresh vegetables. Bon appetit!

Also cook fragrant and satisfying cheesecakes from cottage cheese according to an old grandmother's recipe - this is a delicious and very simple dish.

Recipe 7: Vegetable salad.

Cooking method:

  1. It is necessary to chop bell peppers using the concasse method (you can use yellow and red for color), tomatoes and cucumbers;
  2. Finely chop lettuce leaves;
  3. Using a press, squeeze out a couple of cloves of garlic;
  4. Mix all ingredients in a container. Add lemon juice;
  5. Mix well. Salt to taste. The salad is ready. Bon appetit!

Before you start eating according to this scheme, you need to weigh yourself. The diet contributes to a noticeable reduction in volume. Vegetables should be boiled in ordinary water without various additions of broths. It is allowed to add pepper, seasonings, salt, onion, garlic to vegetables. Fats and oils must not be added.

Dieting is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. We have compiled a menu in the table for a diet for 4 weeks, but it can be used every day. Only the most persistent women can sit on such a diet, but according to many, the result is worth it. Losing weight love this diet, which is actively shared in their reviews online and on forums. After all, the result can be colossal - after a full course of 4 weeks.

Diet Maggi - diet menu for 4 weeks, table

Cooking for a diet for 4 weeks is carried out by boiling, baking or stewing. It is recommended to lead an active lifestyle. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. The egg diet is one of the most effective ways to lose weight at home, which will help you lose 8 to 25 kg. in just 28 days.

First week


  • Breakfast
  • Dinner
  • Dinner: Lean boiled meat (any, except lamb), minced meat is acceptable.


  • Breakfast: 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, half a grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: Boiled chicken (can be fried, be sure to remove the skin!).
  • Dinner: 2 hard-boiled eggs, 1 grapefruit (you can orange), salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, peppers, no dressing), 1 toast.


  • Breakfast: 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, half a grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: 1 low-fat cheese toast, tomatoes.
  • Dinner: lean boiled meat (any, except lamb), let's say minced meat.


  • Breakfast: 1-2 hard-boiled eggs and half a grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: One of the following fruits in any quantity: apple, orange, watermelon, apricot, pear, melon, kiwi.
  • Dinner: Salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, peppers, no dressing), lean boiled meat (any, except lamb), minced meat is acceptable.


  • Breakfast: 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, half a grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: 2 soft-boiled eggs, steamed or boiled vegetables (carrots + green peas or beans + zucchini).
  • Dinner: 1 whole grapefruit (you can use an orange), salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, peppers, without dressing), a piece of boiled or fried fish.


  • Breakfast: 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, half a grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: One of the following fruits in any quantity: apple, orange, watermelon, apricot, pear, melon, kiwi.
  • Dinner: Salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, peppers, without dressing), low-fat boiled meat (any, except lamb), minced meat is acceptable.


  • Breakfast: 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, half a grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: Boiled chicken (you can fried, be sure to remove the skin!), Steamed tomatoes or boiled vegetables (carrots + green peas or zucchini + beans), 1 whole grapefruit (you can orange).
  • Dinner: Boiled or steamed vegetables (carrots + green peas or zucchini + beans).

Second week


  • Breakfast: 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, half a grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner
  • Dinner: 1 whole grapefruit (you can use an orange), 2 soft-boiled eggs, salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, peppers, no dressing).


  • Breakfast: 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, half a grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: Salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, peppers, no dressing), boiled lean meat.
  • Dinner


  • Breakfast: 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, half a grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: Cucumbers boiled or fried meat.
  • Dinner: 1 whole grapefruit (you can orange), 2 soft-boiled eggs.


  • Breakfast: 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, half a grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: 2 soft-boiled eggs, low-fat salted cheese, steamed or boiled vegetables (carrots + green peas).
  • Dinner: 2 hard-boiled eggs.


  • Breakfast: 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, half a grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: Boiled fish (in any quantity).
  • Dinner: 2 soft-boiled eggs.


  • Breakfast: 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, half a grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: Boiled lean meat, 1 whole grapefruit (you can orange), tomatoes.
  • Dinner: Fruit salad (melon, tangerine, peach, orange-apple).


  • Breakfast: 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, half a grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: Tomatoes, steamed or boiled vegetables (zucchini + beans), boiled chicken (you can fried, be sure to remove the skin!), 1 whole grapefruit (you can orange).
  • Dinner: Steamed tomatoes or boiled vegetables (beans + zucchini), boiled chicken (you can fried, be sure to remove the skin!) 1 whole grapefruit (you can orange).

Third week



  • During the day, eat raw or boiled vegetables (except potatoes) in any quantity.


  • During the day, eat fruits (except prohibited ones) and vegetables (except potatoes) in any quantity.


  • During the day, eat boiled fish (can be steamed) in any quantity, green salad or cabbage, boiled vegetables (except potatoes).


  • During the day, eat lean boiled or fried meat (except lamb) or chicken, boiled vegetables (except potatoes) in any quantity.


  • During the day, eat fruits (except banana, mango, grapes, dates, figs) in any quantity.


  • During the day, eat fruits (except banana, mango, grapes, dates, figs) in any quantity.

Fourth week


  • During the day, eat: a quarter of boiled chicken (remove the skin!) or 4 slices of lean meat (fried or boiled, about 200 g), 1 can of tuna (without oil!), 4 cucumbers 2-4 tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 whole grapefruit or orange.


  • During the day, eat: 4 slices of lean meat (fried or boiled, about 200 g) 4 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, 1 toast, to choose from: a piece of melon, 1 grapefruit or 1 orange, apple or pear to choose from: 1 apple or 1 pear.


  • During the day, consume: 1 tbsp. low-fat cottage cheese, 200 g low-fat cheese, boiled vegetables (except potatoes), 1 toast, 2-3 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 whole grapefruit or orange.


  • During the day, eat: half a boiled chicken (remove the skin!), 1 cucumber, 3 tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 whole grapefruit or orange.


  • During the day, eat: 2 hard-boiled eggs, 3 tomatoes, lettuce (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, peppers, without dressing), 1 whole grapefruit (you can orange).


  • During the day, consume: 2 boiled chicken breasts, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese or cheese, 2-3 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 glass of curdled milk, 1 whole grapefruit or orange.


  • During the day, use: 2 tbsp. low-fat cottage cheese, 1 can of canned tuna (no oil!), 2-3 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 toast, boiled vegetables (except potatoes), 1 whole grapefruit or orange.

After a short period of time, the mark on the scales will decrease from 8 to 25 kg. depending on how much they showed initially. In this case, you will not have to feel hungry, and counting calories can be left for others. The result obtained at the finish line will not disappear after some time, but will remain if the initial principles are observed.

Diet Maggi - reviews and results

  1. Shelly.I didn't believe it, but it worked. After the birth of 2 children, she began to weigh 61 kg. I really wanted to lose 5 kg. I never sat on diets, and in principle I didn’t believe it. A friend told about her friend, decided to try. I sat for 5 days and broke down, well, I really wanted something sweet. A week later I resumed my attempt, I wanted to prove to myself that I could, 4 weeks passed, the weight became 54.5 kg, the volumes noticeably decreased. Now it’s only 1 week after the diet, I try not to eat up, but I think that in a week I’ll sit down again, I really want to lose another 4 kg. Try it, it really works;
  2. Elena.Sidela on this diet just a year ago. Gained courage, willpower and sat down. The first days of the transition from my messy diet to regular meals were difficult, and the refusal of sweet, bakery, fried foods was depressing, but I managed. There was a huge surprise when, after the first week of the diet, I got on the scales and noticed that the weight was literally melting before my eyes, 4 kilograms were gone in 7 days, in the following days the weight began to go off less intensively, but I did not stop and went to my dream of a slender body, and you know, I reached it. that all my things have become quite large for me, but when I got on the scales, I gasped when I saw that I had lost 10 kilograms. I am very pleased with this diet, because after it I have not gained a single kilogram for a whole year. And also, dear girls and women, do plus to this sport and the result will not keep you waiting. Good luck;
  3. Asya. The diet for every day is simply excellent, as close as possible to proper nutrition, serves as a kind of impetus for the transition to proper nutrition as a way of life, because if we want to remain beautiful, after any weight loss system we must come to healthy food. So, about the diet. It is designed for 4 weeks, I will tell you my impression of each of the weeks. The first and second weeks of the diet are similar in many ways, but on the 2nd week the number of eggs is added, if you are worried that such consumption of eggs can adversely affect your body, then either eat one egg, where 1 or 2 eggs are indicated, or eat only proteins, in large quantities only yolks are not useful. The third week is a mono-diet, it is the most difficult, but it is necessary to endure it, it is in the third week that the body volume decreases. The fourth week after 3 weeks seemed like a fairy tale to me, quite full, and this time we are offered a set of products for the day, and we already choose how to distribute them, which is also very convenient). About the results. I started the diet with a weight of as much as 80 kg. with a height of 160 cm, during these 4 weeks I lost about 10 kg. and about 2 sizes in clothes. It was easy to stay on a diet, it is satisfying, it is desirable to add sports. For me it was an elementary exercise for 20-30 minutes. I advise this diet to people who need to lose a large number of kilograms. And of course, after a diet, do not forget to limit portions, eat healthy food and, if possible, play sports, at least at home, following these simple rules you will lose weight further and it becomes more and more beautiful!;
  4. Svetlana.They advised me the “maggi” diet or, as it is also called “chemical” or “maggi egg diet”. I’ll say right away that I didn’t sit on it strictly: I lasted the first 2 weeks, and then Monday-Friday on a diet, Saturday-Sunday I ate what I wanted (without any frills). The diet consists in following the menu personally every day of the diet. What unites them is that every day your breakfast should consist of half an orange or grapefruit and two eggs. If the diet was broken, then you need to start over. As a result, in a month I lost 3 kilograms (53-50). Of course, I get tired of eating eggs every morning, but I’m happy with the diet, because there was no feeling of hunger, and I didn’t want to break ( weekends I allowed myself to eat my grandmother’s favorite pies), as well as what was prescribed in the diet, I got very tasty cooked;
  5. Ksyusha.I sat on this diet with my girlfriend, but it was a long time ago, even before the birth. At the institute, I had many complexes about the figure and I tortured myself with all sorts of means in order to somehow increase my self-esteem! This diet is quite long - 4 weeks. It promises weight loss from 10 to 20 kg., But I didn’t have so much extra. it is not recommended to retreat. During the diet, it is advisable to consume a large amount of water (2-3 liters), it is allowed to drink coffee or tea in any quantity, cook vegetables without oil, but it is possible to add seasonings and salt. And, of course, it would be nice to add physical activity. I stayed on this diet for all the prescribed 28 days, and very easily, without breakdowns and nerves. My result: minus 7 kg. For my physique at that time, it was very good, I was pleased and received a bunch of compliments. I had to update my wardrobe.

Diet Maggi - nutritionist on the Maggi diet

People who are trying to get rid of extra pounds do not stop looking for a reliable and effective method of losing weight. The most popular method lately is the Maggi diet (which is egg and cottage cheese). What is its effectiveness, and why are more and more people choosing this option?

Protein nutrition allows the body to actively use fat reserves to maintain life. Maggi's diet for 2 weeks is the very case when protein food is the basis of the menu. The diet with this method of losing weight is distinguished by a balanced product and a variety of menus.

Where did the diet come from?

The debate over who was the ancestor of the Maggi diet does not subside. Some believe that it was invented by a woman who passionately wanted to lose weight, others are sure that this is the work of dietitians. Leaning towards a more plausible version, we can say that this diet was developed in America by scientists at the Mayo Clinic. Moreover, the developments were strictly classified, because this system was intended for the Iron Lady (Margaret Thatcher). In the future, this food system was recognized as hazardous to health. However, Madame Thatcher was delighted! The diet is fully consistent with her eating habits.

A lot of time has passed since 1979, and the diet has undergone significant changes. In place of a hard two-week course came sparing four-week. In addition, the diet has become much more varied, and the menu is more balanced.

Features of the power system

The features of the Maggi diet include the following:

  • This nutrition system does not imply hunger strikes and long unloading periods.
  • The menu includes products that you are accustomed to often see on your table.
  • The diet is developed on the basis of the processes occurring in the human body.
  • By eating a balanced diet, you may almost never feel hungry.
  • The products included in the menu and recipes are selected in such a way as to speed up the process of burning accumulated fat reserves as much as possible. It is on these results that the diet is aimed.

Diet Benefits

The benefits of the Maggi diet are as follows:

  • Reliability. In any case, adhering to the diet, you will definitely lose up to 25 kilograms of excess weight. The number of kilograms lost directly depends on the degree of obesity of a person and his initial weight.
  • Availability . The diet includes menus and recipes that include products that are well known to everyone. In addition, they are not so expensive, and everyone can buy them in any store. At the same time, the options for dishes are so simple and affordable that it will not be difficult to cook them.
  • Age restrictions. Until the age of 18, no weight loss diets can be used. The same applies to ages 55 and over. However, if doctors have not found serious contraindications, then the Maggi diet can be an ideal option for losing weight for older people.
  • Gentle regimen and rational nutrition. Most diets limit the amount of food you eat in a given amount of time. There are no clear restrictions here. At the same time, the complete absence of unloading days is an indisputable advantage.
  • Few banned foods. Unlike some diets, there are not so big restrictions. You can not eat fats, oils, broths (first cooking), drink alcohol. From fruits banned bananas, dates and figs.
  • Any meat can be eaten except lamb. However, salt, sugar and seasonings are excluded unconditionally.
  • Persistent effect. If you get out of the diet correctly, the results will last for a long time. For reliability, the session should be repeated after 3-4 months. However, in this case, the Maggi diet is used in a truncated version. You just need to repeat the diet from the diet of the 1st week of the diet for 2 weeks, and the last 2 - the menu from the 4th week.
  • Few calories. Since the products on the menu are low-calorie foods, there is no need to count calories every day.

Diet Disadvantages

The negative aspects of the Maggi diet include the following:

  • allergic reactions. In fact, the main products that the Maggi diet promotes are eggs and citrus fruits. According to statistics, this is the food that causes the most allergic reactions.
  • . A large amount of liquid, indicated for use throughout the diet, makes the kidneys work with a vengeance.
  • Contraindications. For people with chronic diseases of the internal organs, it is advisable to abandon this system in favor of lighter diets. The Maggi diet is especially contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Rules . In the recommendations for the diet, there are some items that require mandatory implementation.
  • Do not change foods on the menu, even if they do not suit your taste.
  • Relentlessly follow all the points and schedule of the diet. Invent recipes yourself or look for the right ones on the Internet. You can not change the sequence of meals and menus by day of the week. If you feel very hungry, you can have a snack, but only some time after the main meal and 4 hours before going to bed.
  • If you miss or break one day, start all over again.
  • During the Maggi diet, it is recommended to drink plenty of water, drinks (non-carbonated) without sugar and sweeteners, natural (unsweetened) juices. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water a day.
  • You should eat your daily meal before 6 pm.
  • Physical exercise during this period are very welcome.
  • Women are advised to coincide with the first day of the diet to coincide with the last day of menstruation. Ideally, you need to start working on yourself on Monday. Choose a time when significant events and holidays are not expected.
  • If you can't give up sugar in any way, replace it with sorbitol or any other sweetener (preferably natural - for example, stevia).
  • Watch your own psyche. You must constantly be in control emotional condition and well-being. If you feel unwell that does not go away during the day, stop the diet.
  • For the duration of the diet, give up ketchup and mayonnaise. Follow all recipes for preparing dishes that are suitable for the ingredients, excluding dressings and sauces.

Monitor daily weight loss by weighing and recording the results in a special diary.

Maggi: Protein Egg Diet

The diet is divided into two stages:

  • For the first two weeks, you must strictly follow the food schedule and menu, taking into account breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • The final two weeks are less rigorous. Schedule, recipes and diet can be chosen based on personal preferences and wishes for food.

Diet menu (table)

Breakfast for 14 days of the diet consists of the same type of products - hard-boiled eggs (10-minute boil), ½ grapefruit (orange). It is allowed to drink a small cup of coffee or tea (preferably green) without sugar.

1 Week

Dinner Any fruit of your choice, except for those listed in the prohibited group. Eat as much as you need.
Dinner Meat (any way of cooking).
Dinner Chicken breasts cooked the way you like.
Dinner Vegetable mix, toast, any citrus (1 pc.), 2 hard boiled eggs.
Dinner Hard cheese, tomatoes and 1 toast.
Dinner Any dish of minced meat (meat) or finely chopped meat.
Dinner All varieties of fruits.
Dinner Dinner last night with salad.
Dinner Vegetables, stewed beans, 2 eggs.
Dinner Vegetable mix, 1 lemon (orange, tangerine, grapefruit), a piece of any fish (steamed, fried, boiled).
Dinner Any fruit and juice (made by yourself).
Dinner A dish made from any meat and vegetable salad.
Dinner Citrus (1 pc.), chicken stew with vegetables.
Dinner Ragout of vegetables without meat, butter, sour cream and mayonnaise.

2 weeks

Dinner Meat in any form and watercress.
Dinner Vegetable mix, 2 hard-boiled eggs, 1 citrus.
Dinner Lunch from the previous day.
Dinner Citrus, 2 eggs.
Dinner Meat dish with cucumbers. Focus on fresh cucumbers.
Dinner Dinner of the previous day.
Dinner Hard cheese, eggs, vegetables (can be raw).
Dinner 2 boiled eggs.
Dinner Fish dish (any).
Dinner 2 eggs.
Dinner Tomatoes, meat and any citrus.
Dinner Those fruits that you choose to your taste.
Dinner Stewed vegetables in any quantity, chicken (boiled), tomatoes, citrus.
Dinner You can choose food from the lunch menu.

3 week

4 week

Day 1
  • 1 citrus;
  • Canned fish in own juice;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 4 cucumbers;
  • Meat or chicken.
Day 2
  • Toast (1 per day);
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 4 cucumbers;
  • One type of fruit in any quantity;
  • A dish of minced meat or finely chopped meat (≈1 cup).
Day 3
  • Vegetables prepared in any way;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 10% fat cottage cheese (20 g);
  • Hard cheese (2 slices);
  • Citrus.
Day 4
  • Toast (1 per day);
  • Citrus;
  • Chicken meat (without skin);
  • Fruit;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 3 cucumbers.
Day 5
  • 2 eggs (hard boiled);
  • Citrus;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • Watercress (leaf).
Day 6
  • Toast (1 pc.);
  • Any fermented milk product with a low percentage of fat;
  • Cheese (you can hard cheese);
  • Boiled chicken breast;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 2 cucumbers.
Day 7
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • Canned fish without oil;
  • Toast (1 pc.);
  • Citrus;
  • Steamed vegetables;
  • Cottage cheese (20 g.).

Maggi: protein cottage cheese diet

The Maggi diet, the curd version of which we want to offer you, is different in that the main component of the diet here is cottage cheese. This is the same egg diet, only it is designed for those who suffer from allergic reactions to eggs.

  • The fat content of the curd mass, which is eaten, should not exceed 10%.
  • The calculation of replacing eggs with cottage cheese is very simple. For breakfast in the egg diet, it is recommended to eat 2 hard-boiled eggs. This is equivalent to 200 grams of cottage cheese.
  • The cottage cheese version is in no way inferior in terms of effectiveness to the egg diet. At the same time, the diet and menu are completely the same. Only on those days when you need to eat eggs, they need to be replaced with cottage cheese.
  • Additionally, you can drink 1% kefir. For example, instead of freshly squeezed juice.
  • Exiting a cottage cheese diet is no different from completing an egg diet.

Several recipes for the protein diet menu

There are no complex multi-component dishes in the Maggi diet. Reviews of those who have lost weight claim that you can cook to your taste, you just need to strictly follow the instructions. For example, dishes cannot be salted, peppered, seasoned with butter, mayonnaise, sour cream, ketchup. For example, you can give simple and interesting recipes.

Eggplant with garlic

Take 2 large vegetables and some garlic. Cut the eggplants lengthwise, place them in the oven (200˚C). Arrange vegetables cut side up. Bake "blue" for at least 1 hour. Then you should take them out of the oven and coat with crushed garlic.

vegetable mix

For cooking, take onion feathers, bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers. Cut all the vegetables into equal-sized slices, mix.

Breast in the oven

Take half the chicken breast, onion (bulb), garlic. You will need foil for baking. Rinse the fillet, dry and rub with crushed garlic. Put the meat on a piece of foil, place a couple of onion rings on top. Wrap the meat tightly with foil, put in the oven (250˚C). Bake for 40-45 minutes. After that, turn the breast in foil on the other side and cook for another 10-15 minutes.

The right way out of the diet

Getting out of the Maggi diet implies certain rules:

  • Despite the fact that this diet is considered sparing, you can’t “pounce” on your favorite fried potatoes the very next day! The habitual abstinence from junk food should be maintained for a while. Otherwise, you may feel unwell caused by excess fat. You will immediately provoke a failure in the metabolic processes of the body, which will lead to the first stage of accumulation of even more extra pounds.
  • In the first 10 days of leaving, do not give up vegetables, fruits and drink plenty of water (1.5 liters per day). Then you can gradually accustom the body to your usual food.
  • Monitor your own weight daily and try not to eat foods high in carbohydrates so as not to negate the results achieved.

Love boiled eggs? Dreaming of getting rid of excess weight? Do not know which weight loss method to choose so as not to harm your health? If you answered yes to all these questions, Maggi's egg diet is what you need so much. It is based mainly on protein foods and a minimum of carbohydrates. You can choose a two- or four-week hunger strike with strict adherence to the menu.

Such a long test in time will eventually turn into a slender and embossed figure, noticeably thinner, but at the same time acquiring beautiful outlines. So, if you are not allergic to eggs and you can eat them in any quantity without disgust, this system will seem to you ideal for getting rid of excess weight.

This makes it work in a completely different way:

  • biotin (vitamin H) in the yolk is the main catalyst for the Maggi egg diet, controlling the metabolism and burning of carbohydrates and fats at all stages;
  • it starts the mechanism of decomposition of fatty acids;
  • interacting with proteins, ensures their 100% absorption, due to which the process of losing weight becomes very effective;
  • egg diet Maggi - low-carbohydrate protein;
  • getting into the stomach, the egg instantly causes a feeling of long-term saturation;
  • it is digested for a long time in the stomach (3-4 hours), so the body has to spend a lot of energy on this process;
  • it is possible to prolong the feeling of satiety by 1.5 times if, along with the egg, there are citrus fruits (primarily grapefruits, as well as lemons, tangerines and oranges);
  • the combination of egg carotene and grapefruit active substances, according to research, contributes to rapid weight loss;
  • with the daily inclusion of 1 orange in the menu of the Maggi egg diet, you can, in addition to the main result, lose 0.5 extra kg.

So Maggi's egg diet is a weight loss system aimed at achieving natural beauty and preserving youth. All of the above processes become possible due to the rich chemical composition of the egg. After all, with it, a full-fledged complex of all essential amino acids, a lot of minerals (iodine, phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, copper, magnesium), a large amount of vitamins (almost the entire group B, calciferol, choline, tocopherol, phylloquinones) enter the body every day.

Of particular benefit is lutein, which is valued by nutritionists as a unique powerful antioxidant. Thanks to him, following this diet, you will feel how resistance to physical exertion increases, mood improves, skin condition improves. Coenzyme R, which is abundant in egg yolk, gives the muscles unprecedented elasticity, so that at the end you will get not only a slender, but also a relief body.

Origin of name. The word "egg" goes back to the Indo-European language (*aje). Researchers believe that it has a common root with the Latin "avis", which means "bird". Literally, "egg" is translated as "bird embryo".

Grocery list

To correctly compose a detailed menu for every day for Maggi's egg diet, you should always have two very useful lists at hand. These are foods that can be safely consumed throughout the hunger strike and that will contribute to weight loss. And products that can ruin the whole thing and will interfere with getting rid of extra pounds.

Allowed products:

  • milk products: hard cheese up to 20% fat content, cottage cheese 1-5%, eggs (yogurt and kefir are introduced in limited quantities from the 4th week of the Maggi egg diet);
  • fruits: citrus fruits (grapefruit is the main product), apples, peaches, pears, apricots, persimmons, pineapples, watermelons, melons, kiwi, plums (as well as unsweetened berries);
  • lean meat or minced meat: beef, rabbit, partridge, turkey, chicken (poultry must be skinned before eating);
  • vegetables: zucchini, broccoli, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, greens;
  • bread products: dry toast, cereal bread (no more than 1 slice per day), diet crackers, bran;
  • low-fat varieties of river and sea fish, as well as seafood: pollock, haddock, sole, shrimp;
  • drinks: herbal decoctions, tea, coffee, chicory (all this is allowed to drink without milk and sugar);
  • salad dressings: olive oil (limited), lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, ginger (spices in the Maggi egg diet are not prohibited, but can cause heartburn).

Prohibited products:

  • dairy products: fat-free cottage cheese and more than 5%, cheese over 20% fat, milk;
  • fruits: bananas, dates, grapes, cherries, mangoes, figs, avocados, dried fruits;
  • fatty meats: lamb, pork, duck, geese;
  • vegetables: potatoes, corn, beans, legumes, carrots, beets, any canned vegetables;
  • pasta, pastries, confectionery, bread;
  • mushrooms;
  • sugar;
  • drinks: juices, cocktails, lemonade, alcohol;
  • seasonings: mayonnaise, ketchup, soy sauce.

Allowed and prohibited foods for Maggi's egg diet are the foundation for compiling a daily diet for weight loss. Even if you use sample menus, there is always a risk of some kind of replacement (the indicated product was not found, you are allergic to it, there are contraindications for use). And so that it does not become erroneous, always be guided by these lists. One wrong dish - and all the results can go down the drain.

It will be even worse if you go on this diet without taking into account the contraindications for it.

Keep in mind! Amino acids in the egg are stored for a week. Starting from day 8, this product seems to “dry out”, losing these beneficial substances. So eggs are considered dietary and medicinal only for 7 days. And then they can be used exclusively for culinary purposes.


Some sources erroneously indicate that Maggi's egg diet has no contraindications, which is good. However, one must take into account the fact that eggs are a difficult product for digestion. In large quantities, they can provoke rotting processes in the stomach, heartburn, cause unpleasant belching and a rotten taste in the mouth.

Therefore, it is so important to know those conditions and diseases in which this weight loss system is contraindicated:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • allergic to citrus fruits or eggs;
  • hypertension;
  • digestive problems;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • pathology of the liver or kidneys.

Maggi's egg diet will give an excellent result only if all contraindications are met.

If there is the slightest doubt about its safety for health, it is better to either find some other weight loss system, or first be completely treated and only then return to it. If there are no obstacles to using just such a method of getting rid of hated kilograms, study the basic rules of the diet - and carve out a figure.

It is interesting! The smaller the egg, the more useful calcium is contained in its shell, the stronger it is.

Fundamental rules

The basic principles of the Maggi egg diet are not only the exact observance of the daily menu. This is a systemic change in the entire lifestyle for 2 or 4 weeks. Only in this way will you be able to rebuild your body and force it to burn the deposits that prevent you from living. And for this, you will have to adhere to the following rules throughout the hunger strike.

  1. Drink up to 2 liters of water per day (depending on weight).
  2. Some nutritionists recommend reducing salt intake, others argue that its role is not so important here. Although, if you adhere to the well-known principles of healthy, proper nutrition, you should not abuse it.
  3. Fresh air is what a losing weight body needs. It is advisable to be outside every day for at least half an hour.
  4. Walking 1-1.5 hour walks will benefit.
  5. Want to get the most out of Maggi's egg diet? Do fitness, strength training in the gym. Going to the pool, horse riding or cycling, even a half-hour morning exercise will allow you to lose weight several times faster.
  6. After each meal, you should remain a little hungry. If this feeling grows, it is better to drink a glass of water, but do not rush lunch or dinner.
  7. The last time you need to eat 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  8. Products should be steamed, boiled or stewed. Frying is allowed in extreme cases and without oil, in containers with a non-stick coating.
  9. Of the drinks for breakfast, coffee is recommended, for lunch - tea, in the evening - herbal decoctions.

All these basic rules of the Maggi egg diet are nothing complicated. They promote a healthy lifestyle and the principles of proper nutrition. If you succeed in stepping on this path, you will feel lightness throughout your body, not only due to the loss of extra pounds, but also due to a significant improvement in your well-being and health. In many ways, the results will depend on the menu you choose.

From the world of stars. Ovophobia is the fear of any oval-shaped object, especially eggs. She was subject to Alfred Hitchcock, the famous director. When he saw the eggs, he fell into a panic: his hands instantly sweated, he was seized by terrible horror. Therefore, he could not calmly see the line "omelet" in the menu of restaurants and never approached the shelves with egg racks in the store.

sample menu

On the network you can find a menu for Maggi's egg diet for 4 weeks or 2. The first one will require some perseverance because of its duration. But she has two undeniable advantages: in the end she will give much better results and in the last days she does not require a strict adherence to the schedule of meals, which gives a certain freedom within the framework of such a hunger strike.

If you choose a menu for 2 weeks, it will be stricter, but the effect will not be so amazing.

Menu for 4 weeks

For the strongest and most persistent - an egg diet for 4 weeks, the menu of which is presented by the following table, conveniently divided into blocks.

First week

During the first week of the egg version of the Maggi diet, the body will have to seriously rebuild due to a change and restriction of the diet.

Second week

During the second week of the Maggi diet in the egg version, the body begins to get used to the changes that you have prepared for it. Therefore, eggs are introduced into the diet even more actively.

Third week

The diet for the third week of Maggi's egg diet is designed in such a way that the losing weight body has adopted the rules of starvation and reacts to this by losing kilograms. And here a new test awaits him: products are signed not by time, but by day. Eat in any quantity and when it is convenient for you.

Fourth week

Maggi's egg diet is coming to an end, so it's time to preview the achievements. The rules of nutrition are very reminiscent of the third week, but more lenient. It is necessary to prepare the body for the imminent exit from the diet.

This menu in the table for the Maggi egg diet can be adjusted in accordance with your inherent taste preferences and individual characteristics of the body. But this must be done without fail, taking into account the lists of prohibited and permitted products.

With the world - on a string. Oddly enough, but the Chinese have learned to make eggs ... by hand. They make the shell from calcium carbonate, which gives it a much greater roughness and luster than the real product. For yolks and proteins, ordinary food colors and gelatin are taken. There is no benefit from such "fakes" for the body.

Menu for 2 weeks

The same rules apply to the preparation of the menu as part of the Maggi egg diet for a shorter period - for 2 weeks. An approximate power supply scheme is presented in the table below.

When adjusting and compiling the menu for the famous Maggi egg diet, be guided by the advice of nutritionists. Throughout the fast, listen to your body. If any discomfort, health problems begin, it is better to leave weight loss until other times and seek help from doctors.

If everything was done correctly, a four-week egg diet can show a result of minus 10 kg, a two-week - minus 4-5 kg. Of course, all these figures are very individual, but there is always something to strive for.

Every girl dreams of a slim figure. In pursuit of thinness, women use various diets, go in for sports. But not always the expended efforts lead to the achievement of the desired result. Sometimes the weight stands still, despite strict dietary restrictions. In this case, you can recommend the Maggi diet, in which you will not need to starve and count calories. The diet, designed for two weeks, allows you to get rid of the hated weight.

The essence of weight loss

There is an opinion that the Maggi diet was developed by nutritionists from the USA specifically for the "iron" lady Margaret Thatcher. Among her papers, in 1979, a diary was found with a leaflet enclosed in it, on which a menu based on the use of a large number of eggs was painted. This technique became the basis of the current diet, which has undergone some changes over the years.

It is believed that the Maggi diet was developed specifically for Margaret Thatcher.

The Maggi diet is not based on starvation, but on the biochemical processes that occur in the body with a certain diet. This method of losing weight involves the use of a large amount of protein products, while the intake of carbohydrates and fats is practically reduced to zero.

Carbohydrates are known to be a source of energy. With their lack, the body begins to make up for the energy deficit using glycogen. This substance is a peculiar form of storage of excess glucose. Glycogen is stored in the liver, muscles and fat cells. During the first 2-3 days of the diet, the body uses all the glycogen stores, and then begins to break down fat accumulation, while receiving ketones - new sources of energy. By reducing the fat layer, weight loss occurs.

The Maggi diet allows you to lose 8-12 kg of excess weight in 2 weeks (the higher the initial body weight, the more kilograms you can lose).

Protein Sources

This method of losing weight refers to protein diets. The main sources of protein during the Maggi diet are eggs and cottage cheese. Why are these products chosen?

Egg protein among experts is accepted as the standard against which other proteins are compared, since it is absorbed by 98%. When using the product, the body receives a lot of vitamins (A, E, D, K, group B), minerals (iron, phosphorus, copper, iodine, calcium, potassium) and other biologically active components. Eggs satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time, while their calorie content is only 157 kcal per 100 g.

Chicken eggs contain essential amino acids

Another version of the diet uses cottage cheese, which contains many nutritious proteins (for example, casein). In addition, the product contains the essential amino acid methionine, which contributes to the efficient breakdown of fats and prevents the accumulation of fatty deposits in the liver. Methionine is not synthesized in the body, so it must be supplied with food.

The composition of cottage cheese also contains vitamins (A, B1, B2, PP, K) and minerals (calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron). The product is well absorbed and has practically no contraindications. The calorie content of cottage cheese is 110 kcal per 100 g.

Curd contains the valuable protein casein.


Since the consumption of carbohydrate foods and fats is limited for two weeks, not everyone can apply this technique. The Maggi diet is contraindicated in:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, gastritis);
  • disorder in the work of the liver and pancreas;
  • kidney disease;
  • violations in the activity of the cardiovascular system;
  • exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • taking medications that lower blood pressure;
  • high cholesterol in the blood;
  • individual intolerance to eggs or cottage cheese.

Fundamental rules

The Maggi diet differs from many diets in that during the weight loss period, the following rules must be strictly observed. Only then will the natural processes for burning fat deposits start. Otherwise, there may be deep disappointment as a result.

  1. It is strictly forbidden to interchange breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  2. It is forbidden to interrupt the diet, otherwise the whole process will have to start over.
  3. The Maggi diet is three meals a day, while it is forbidden to snack between meals.
  4. If the diet does not specify a specific amount of the product, then you can eat it as much as you like. However, single portions are best measured with the volume of an ordinary glass.
  5. Eat dinner no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  6. Be sure to drink plenty of water and / or unsweetened green tea - up to 2 liters per day.
  7. Sleep at least 7 hours a day.
  8. Foods allowed for consumption should be boiled, steamed or baked.
  9. During the period of weight loss, you should go in for sports - give preference to moderate physical activity. During the Maggi diet, you can go for walks (3–5 km), morning runs, etc.

If all rules are followed, the weight lost will not be refunded.

Prohibited Products

During the diet period, the following foods should be excluded:

  • sugar;
  • confectionery;
  • bread and other pastries;
  • vegetable and animal fats;
  • sweet fruits (bananas, grapes, dates, etc.);
  • meat and fish of fatty varieties;
  • vegetables with a high content of starch (potatoes, corn);
  • alcohol;
  • carbonated drinks.

What products are allowed

Eggs and cottage cheese are staples, but not the only ones. The Maggi diet menu is quite diverse, so it is easily tolerated.

So, during weight loss it is allowed to use:

  • chicken eggs;
  • skim cheese;
  • poultry (chicken, turkey);
  • lean meat (veal and beef);
  • lean fish with white meat;
  • vegetables other than starchy ones;
  • fruits, except for prohibited ones. A special place in the diet is occupied by citrus fruits - grapefruit, orange;
  • low-fat cheese;
  • coffee, tea with lemon;
  • greens, onions, garlic;
  • seasonings for dressing vegetable salads;
  • sweetener.

Gallery: what products can be used

Sample Maggi diet menu for 2 weeks

This method of losing weight at first was only in the egg version. However, eggs are an allergenic product, so a curd diet later appeared. Both variants are identical and differ only in the main protein source.

The diet provides for the use of meat products, while they cannot be replaced. Therefore, the Maggi diet is not suitable for vegetarians. A special vegetarian protein diet has been developed for them.

Vegetarian version of the Maggi diet: pros and cons - video

Eggs are best boiled soft-boiled, because in this form they are better absorbed, which prevents flatulence.

The two-week Maggi diet can be repeated after three months.

A characteristic feature of the technique is that breakfasts during the first week remain unchanged: grapefruit or orange and 2 eggs (100 g of cottage cheese).

Eggs and grapefruit - the same breakfast in the first week in the egg version

In the second week, a different set of products is offered every day, which is distributed over 3-4 doses. During these 7 days, other protein foods are consumed.

Sample menu for 2 weeks - table

Diet Maggi for 2 weeks - video

Dish recipes

From the permitted products, you can prepare a variety of dietary dishes.

Chicken baked in the oven with vegetables


  • chicken (legs and wings) - 500 g;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • medium onion - 1 pc.;
  • pumpkin - 100 g;
  • zucchini - 200 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the onion into half rings, carrots and zucchini into slices, and pumpkin and bell pepper into cubes.
  2. Pour water at the bottom of the baking sheet (1 cm), put the chicken pieces and prepared vegetables.
  3. Salt and pepper on top.
  4. Put the dish in the oven, preheated to 180 ° C, for 35-40 minutes.
  5. During the baking process, periodically water the chicken and vegetables with the juice that stands out (2-3 times).

Chicken with vegetables satisfies hunger well and saturates the body with protein

Menu for 4 days: original recipes - video

Tomatoes stuffed with cottage cheese


  • cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • chopped greens - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sea ​​salt - to taste.

Pass the garlic through a press, mix with cottage cheese and herbs and add salt. Cut off the top of the tomatoes, take out the pulp and fill them with the prepared curd mixture.

Tomatoes stuffed with cottage cheese will appeal to both adults and children

Salad with Beijing cabbage and fruits


  • Chinese cabbage medium - ½ pcs.;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • orange or grapefruit - 1 pc.;
  • green onions - 2 arrows;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel an orange or grapefruit (cut the pulp from the walls of the grapefruit, as they are very bitter).
  2. Cut all fruits into cubes and combine with chopped cabbage.
  3. Add chopped green onions, salt and lemon juice to the salad.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly.

Salad from Chinese cabbage with fruit has a spicy taste

Lunch option - video

Getting out of the diet

After the end of the diet, you must also follow some rules so that the lost kilograms do not return:

  • the menu should contain as many raw vegetables and fruits as possible;
  • products are not recommended to be fried;
  • it is better to refrain from flour products;
  • water or green tea should be consumed in a volume of 2 liters per day;
  • portion size should not be increased, it is better to add an additional meal;
  • before going to bed you should not eat up - the last snack should be 2 hours before rest;
  • do not forget about physical activity.

The right way out of the diet - video

Possible side effects

As with any dietary restriction, side effects are possible with the Maggi diet:

  • the formation of harmful toxins during protein breakdown. The body is cleared of them through the liver and kidneys. If there is a lot of protein, then the amount of toxic secretions increases. Consequently, the load on the liver and kidneys also increases, which can cause the development of pathologies in these organs;
  • an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood, which means that there is a risk of coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack;
  • the likelihood of constipation, the consequence of which may be hemorrhoids;
  • the occurrence of headaches, irritability and nervousness caused by a lack of carbohydrates;
  • the development of vascular fragility caused by a lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • deterioration of the skin condition, decreased immunity, malfunctions of the central nervous system due to lack of fat.

The opinion of nutritionists

Any diet in which the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is disturbed is not approved by nutritionists, since such eating behavior can lead to serious health problems. Since during the Maggi diet the body is oversaturated with proteins and at the same time experiences carbohydrate starvation, doctors are in no hurry to recommend it to their patients.

Nutritionist on the Maggi diet - video

Reviews of losing weight

The Maggi diet helps to effectively lose weight in 2 weeks, as evidenced by the reviews. However, nutritionists criticize this technique because of its imbalance. Therefore, before using a nutrition plan, you should consult a specialist.

Hello! My name is Svetlana. Most of all I like to write articles on the topic of beauty and health, because without health there is no joy in life, and beauty is an integral part of this joy. I would like to suggest in my articles how to maintain healthy beauty.

Maggi's low-carbohydrate protein diet allows you to lose 10-15 kg in two weeks. If you need to part with a lot of excess weight, you should choose the Maggi diet option for a month.

The benefits of eggs

Chicken eggs contain vitamins, amino acids and trace elements that are important for normal life. Among the latter - phosphorus and iron, selenium and iodine. So, with a lack of iron, anemia, or anemia, can develop. If the body lacks selenium, immunity decreases.

In addition, eggs contain niacin- this substance is not found in any other products. It has unique properties: with its help, brain function is stimulated, and, accordingly, memory and coordination are improved, attention is enhanced.

Only one egg, eaten per day, is able to provide the body with almost 14% of the protein that he needs to get during the day.

Fundamental rules

The Maggi egg diet was developed by American nutritionists who offer several basic rules to those who choose it:

  1. Sitting on a diet, we must remember: the body must receive the required amount of fluid. And not just liquids, but still water - at least one and a half liters. From other drinks, tea / coffee is acceptable, but without the addition of sugar, milk (cream).
  2. It is forbidden to use sugar, honey and other sweets.
  3. During the egg diet, you can not additionally consume fats.
  4. It is forbidden to eat raw eggs.
  5. The main feature of this diet is the strict observance of the developed menu for every day.
  6. You can’t change products at your discretion, just as you can’t swap breakfast with dinner.
  7. Vegetables are boiled in plain water, not in broth. The use of spices, onions, garlic is welcome. (Many are interested in whether salt is possible. You can boil with salt, but do not abuse it, since salt retains water. And eggs and salads are consumed without salt).
  8. If you are hungry after breakfast, then you can have a light snack at lunch - gnaw cucumber, carrot, lettuce.
  9. Keep physical activity. If there is no way to do some kind of sport, then at least walk for half an hour on foot.


Like any other diet, Maggi has several undoubted advantages, in addition to the effect of losing weight:

  • Eggs are an extremely nutritious product, even one can be satiated for a long time.
  • Because eggs in all forms cook quickly, this diet does not take much time to prepare dishes. In the second half of the four-week diet option, when other products are “connected”, you can also pick up recipes that are simple in technology.
  • Egg white protein and trace elements contained in this product for the better will affect the appearance and structure of your hair and nails, have a beneficial effect on the skin.
  • The Maggi diet is by and large a protein diet, so it is especially good for fitness enthusiasts.


There are no diets with some advantages. Maggi also has two significant disadvantages:

  1. Since it involves almost a complete 2- or 4-week rejection of fats and fast-burning carbohydrates, such a nutritious regime can hardly be called balanced and complete.
  2. Carbohydrates are not enough, but with proteins "bust"- this situation can cause some unintended consequences - from bad breath to migraines. Then it is better to stop the diet.

Video: Nutritionist on the benefits of eggs

Maggi Egg Diet Options

This diet comes in two varieties - egg version and cottage cheese. The menu of both is built in such a way that the products, as it were, stimulate the body to break down and burn fats.

If in the first variety the “highlight” of the diet is eggs, then in the second they are replaced by low-fat cottage cheese. Both options can be calculated for two or four weeks.

For 4 weeks

This diet is quite strict, and its recommendations must be followed strictly. After all, its basis is not low-calorie foods, but a chemical reaction that occurs in the body.

Maggi diet menu for 4 weeks.

1 Week

1st day
2nd day Skinless chicken. It is boiled or grilled.
3rd day Greek type vegetable salad (plus carrots and lettuce). On top of that, two eggs and some citrus. You can have a toast. Boiled lean meat. Possibly a grill.
4th day The same type of fruit (can be consumed in any quantity). Boiled lean meat. Possibly a grill.
5th day Lightly salted fat-free cheese (as much as you want) and a tomato with toast. Boiled lean meat. Possibly a grill.
6th day The same type of fruit (can be consumed in any quantity). Boiled lean meat. Possibly a grill.
7th day Chicken, any steam vegetables, citrus and tomato.

2 weeks

1st day Boiled eggs (1-2) and 0.5 orange (grapefruit).
2nd day Boiled meat with green salad. Two eggs, green salad and grapefruit.
3rd day Boiled meat, cucumber salad. Important - the salad must be without salt! Two eggs, grapefruit.
4th day Two eggs, boiled vegetables, cottage cheese. Two eggs.
5th day Meat, 2-3 tomatoes. Two eggs.
6th day Meat, 2-3 tomatoes. Fruit salad.
7th day Boiled chicken with vegetables, grapefruit.

3 week

The peculiarity of this week is that the products that are allowed to be consumed on any given day can be eaten in whatever volumes you want and at any hour.

1st day Fruits (with the exception of sweet ones, for example, banana and figs, mangoes and grapes).
2nd day Vegetables of your choice (except potatoes), cooked in any way you like, or fresh.
3rd day Products offered in the first two days, in any combination.
4th day Boiled fish (or grilled) with cabbage garnish.
5th day Meat / chicken according to the method described above with a side dish of vegetables (boiled or steamed).
6th day Any kind of fruit.
7th day Any kind of fruit.

4 week

The menu of the final week involves leaving the diet and eating the prescribed products at a time convenient for you, without breaking it into breakfast-lunch-dinner, but strictly adhering to the recommended amount. Note that tomatoes, cucumbers and grapefruits are consumed every day, however, vegetables in different quantities.

At all meals, toast or a slice of bread is allowed. We do not indicate all daily repeated products in the above menu, the number of cucumber-tomatoes is marked only with numbers.

1st day 4 grilled beef steaks (75 g each), or a quarter of boiled chicken (without skin); can of tuna (in its own juice); 4, 3.
2nd day Boiled meat can be eaten 200 g, cucumbers and tomatoes - as the day before; apple or pear.
3rd day Boiled vegetables (300 g); 2; a tablespoon of grained cottage cheese.
4th day Half boiled chicken; thirteen.
5th day Two eggs, 3 tomatoes, 10 lettuce leaves.
6th day Two boiled chicken breasts; 2; cottage cheese (120 g); a glass of kefir.
7th day a can of canned tuna (without adding oil), boiled vegetables - 200 g; 2; a tablespoon of grained cottage cheese.

For 2 week

Feature of the diet: the second week contains a diet similar to the first. The first breakfasts are the same every day. Is it possible to replace meat with something? If the recipe says "meat", then the meat should be.

It is convenient if there is a menu in front of your eyes as a kind - for greater clarity - a table.

1st day Two eggs, toast, a glass of green tea. 2 eggs, tomato, tea. Vinaigrette without dressing, grapefruit. You can drink tea again.
2nd day 2 eggs, grapefruit, tea. Lean meat with vegetables: cucumber, tomato, lettuce, celery.
3rd day Two eggs. You can eat them with spinach. A cup of herbal (or green) tea. Eggs, fat-free cottage cheese (or cheese with a fat content of not more than 17%). The menu is slightly diversified with beets and cabbage. Tea.
4th day Boiled eggs, spinach, black coffee. Boil the fish. Prepare a vinaigrette without vegetable oil; coffee.
5th day Boil the fish, serve with fresh cabbage salad. Prepare a vinaigrette without vegetable oil; coffee.
6th day Fruit salad. Veal steak, cucumber, tomato, lettuce, celery, coffee.
7th day Boiled chicken, grapefruit, tomato. Chicken, plus vegetables: carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, coffee.


Maggi's cottage cheese diet, as the name implies, made cottage cheese its basis. It is for four weeks. The first two seven-day days are built according to the three-time system - breakfast, lunch, dinner - meals, the second two - as in the egg one, suggest only a list of necessary products.

The breakfasts of the first two weeks are identical and consist of 200 g of cottage cheese and fruit. The second and fourth weeks actively include cottage cheese for lunch or dinner.

Video: How to choose the right eggs


So, diets are safely experienced. What is the result? It is realistic to lose 5-10 kg of weight, especially if the diet is combined with easy physical exercises.

I must say that the reviews of doctors regarding the egg diet are ambiguous. Some believe that this regimen is extremely strict, pointing out metabolic disorders as one of the serious drawbacks, which cannot but harm the body.

Your feedback

Is it possible to eat salted fish while losing weight?

Therefore, I want to ask you, people who know, whether it is possible for me to eat salted fish on a diet and, if possible, in what quantity and how often. Maybe there are some norms or criteria for salty foods.

Valentina (Mytyshchi)

Best Answers

Svetlana Igorevna

Diet Maggi

The Maggi diet is a protein food system lasting from 2 to 4 weeks, with which you can safely lose up to 20 kg of excess weight without counting calories and feeling hungry.

The history of the emergence of this technique goes back to 1979 and is associated with the famous British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Until recently, the recipes and the principle of the Maggi diet were kept secret, and only after the death of the Baroness, the low-carbohydrate weight loss system saw the world.

According to research, in the process of parsing the Iron Lady archive, historians found a leaflet that described in detail the dietary scheme developed by the Mayo Clinic (USA). As a result, the published technique was named after the most influential woman of the twentieth century - Margaret Thatcher, whose name was reduced beyond recognition to 4 letters.

The original Maggi diet is designed for 14 days, while all its other modifications are derivatives of the prototype, improved by modern scientists.

The principle of the technique is based on the chemical reactions taking place in the body, which contribute to the gradual burning of fat and weight loss. Unlike most techniques, it is not based on limiting the number of calories consumed per day, such as the Malysheva diet. That is why the people often call the “iron lady” protein weight loss method the Maggi chemical diet.

  • Benefit and harm
  • Types of Maggi diet
  • Features of the Maggi diet
  • Frequently asked Questions
  • Recipes

Benefit and harm

In pursuit of a slender body, the number of losing weight is rapidly increasing every year. As a result, the number of diets that contribute to effective weight loss is also increasing.

Currently, all weight loss methods can be divided into:

  • protein (Dukan, Maggi, Atkins, kefir);
  • vegetable (buckwheat, rice, oat, juice, fruit, vegetable).

Humanity has not yet invented an ideal system for dropping extra pounds, which is why each of them has advantages and disadvantages, and also has a beneficial and harmful effect on the functioning of human internal organs.

The principle of the Maggi diet is based on a sharp decrease in the amount of incoming fats and carbohydrates in the body, due to the predominance of animal protein in the diet. Numerous reviews of those who have lost weight testify to the benefits of a protein food system, which contributes to the preservation muscle mass, satisfying the feeling of hunger, and also prevents sagging skin.

Previously, it was believed that eating 2 or more eggs daily is unsafe, because they increase cholesterol levels, but today it has been proven that oils and fats neutralize the negative effects of the product. That is why people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels are recommended to take them at the same time.

Despite the benefits of a protein diet, doctors' reviews say the opposite: a diet oversaturated with proteins only harms the functioning of internal organs, in particular, the kidneys. In addition, digestion of protein requires digestive enzymes, which are produced in the body in limited quantities, as a result, an excess of the “unprocessed” product rots in the intestines, which causes constipation, diarrhea, bloating, fermentation and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Types of Maggi diet

The Maggi diet differs from most mono-diets in the following ways:

  • strong weight loss (up to 20 kg) in four weeks;
  • a noticeable decrease in volume (up to 10 sizes);
  • strict diet;
  • a modest list of contraindications (see below in the section “Dignities, disadvantages and contraindications”);
  • body weight stabilization;
  • preservation of the result for a long time.

After completing a full four-week course of weight loss, you can repeat the Maggi method no earlier than 12 months later. Otherwise, the “second round” of the protein cycle will put a heavy burden on the body, namely, on the work of the heart and kidneys.

Depending on the main ingredient, Margaret Thatcher's diet is:

  • egg;
  • cottage cheese, cheese.

Maggi's classic egg diet is based on the use of a significant amount of eggs per day, which are the main source of protein. This product is a storehouse of important amino acids and trace elements. Namely, iodine, niacin, selenium, iron and phosphorus, which are vital for the flow of chemical processes in the body and the normal functioning of internal organs.

Regular consumption of eggs prevents the development of anemia, anemia, improves immunity, improves memory, stimulates the brain and enhances attention.

Considering the reviews of nutritionists, in order to get a quick result and compensate for calcium deficiency, it is recommended to use cottage cheese with a fat content in the range of 3-5% as the main ingredient of the Magga diet. The fermented milk product is the main source of methionine and tryptophan, which are actively involved in the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems. As well as calcium, phosphorus, iron - for the full development of bones, teeth, well-coordinated work of the heart muscle, normalization of hemoglobin levels.

Maggi's curd diet leads to increased breakdown of fats, accelerates the removal of toxins, and improves skin condition.

If desired, instead of eggs and cottage cheese, you can use low-fat cheese (up to 25%). This product has a positive effect on blood pressure, promotes the active removal of decay products from the kidneys, improves the intestinal microflora, strengthens bones, and slows down the absorption of carbohydrates.

The Maggi cheese diet allows the use of any low-fat varieties of lactic acid products (including cheese 9%, feta-light up to 13%, tofu 1.5%, ricotta 8%, goudette 7%, mozzarella 17%, brie 23%, Adyghe 14%). The optimal fat content in the product is 9%.

Advantages, disadvantages and contraindications

The positive aspects of a protein diet include:

  • lack of feeling of hunger, which makes the process of losing weight easy and painless;
  • there are no restrictions on the rate of consumed product;
  • ease of cooking;
  • no need for daily calorie counting;
  • balanced diet;
  • a noticeable decrease in volumes;
  • high efficiency;
  • long-term preservation of the result (from 1.5 years).

However, egg and curd methods have negative reviews. The need to strictly adhere to the menu, the nutrition schedule significantly reduces the circle of people who can withstand the full course of weight loss, since in the event of a breakdown, unlike the Dukan scheme, it is not advisable to continue the Maggi diet. To obtain the desired result, the process of dropping excess kilograms will have to start over.

Often among those who lose weight on the 18-20th day, the question arises: “Why does the weight not go away?”. The reason for this "trouble" is the body's addiction to a protein diet and an intensive decrease in volume.

Given the feedback from nutritionists, when choosing a diet, it is important to remember that no weight loss technique should have a negative impact on human health.

That is why, before practicing Margaret Thatcher's diet, the following contraindications must be taken into account:

  • diseases of the digestive system, as well as the heart, kidneys;
  • pregnancy;
  • allergy to eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, citrus fruits;
  • the period of breastfeeding;
  • high cholesterol levels that are higher than normal.

In the absence of the above risk factors, you can practice the Maggi diet without fear. However, before starting weight loss, you should consult your doctor.

Features of the Maggi diet

In the classic version, the original diet of Margaret Thatcher is designed for 14 days. Due to the predominance of eggs in the diet, this weight loss technique is often called "egg", despite the fact that the menu includes fruits, vegetables, cottage cheese and meat. The daily intake of protein and citrus products makes up for the lack of vitamins and minerals, which occurs as a result of the predominance of protein foods.

Instructions for proper weight loss using Maggi technology

  1. Drink 2 liters of water daily.
  2. Exclude rich meat broths, oils, sugar, mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces, confectionery from the menu.
  3. It is forbidden to make adjustments to the menu, namely, to swap dishes, increase portions.
  4. The diet cannot be interrupted. In case of violation of the rules of losing weight, the entire procedure should be repeated from the beginning.
  5. Starving is strictly prohibited. During the day, you should eat everything that is listed on the menu.
  6. Daily walks in the fresh air for at least an hour, this contributes to the activation of metabolism.
  7. Get enough sleep (at least 8 hours of healthy sleep per day). Failure to comply with this condition is fraught with an increase in appetite.
  8. It is allowed to take green tea without sugar in any quantity throughout the entire period of weight loss.
  9. Weigh yourself daily after waking up. Firstly, it will allow you to track the dynamics of changes in body weight, and secondly, it will be an excellent incentive to continue.
  10. It is necessary to cook vegetables in ordinary water without salt, spices, flavor enhancers. At the same time, in the cooking process it is allowed to use garlic, onion, pepper.
  11. Cucumber, carrots, lettuce will help dull the acute feeling of hunger. However, they can be consumed only after the recommended food, after 2 hours.
  12. If the menu does not mention the allowable amount of the product to be consumed, it can be eaten without restrictions, until a feeling of satiety appears.

If it is necessary to increase the duration of the protein diet, it is not advisable to repeat all the steps of the methodology again. It is enough to limit ourselves to spending 14 days on the nutrition system of the first week and 14 days on the fourth (the so-called 1 4 1 4 scheme).

At the same time, the Maggi diet for two weeks allows a full cycle of repeating the technique.

The results of the protein nutrition system

Regardless of the type of diet (egg, cottage cheese or cheese), the results of losing weight will be the same.

The first week is protein, it is well tolerated and has large plumb lines. On average, weight loss during this period is 0.8-2kg per day and will reach a total of 5-7kg. At the same time, weight loss occurs due to the removal of excess water from the body.

During the second week, fat begins to burn, which is why the plumb line per day will be no more than 0.3 kg.

After 14 days of the diet, the weight will go even more slowly, however, the volumes will rapidly decrease, and the skin will tighten.

Due to the fact that the Maggi protein diet helps to reduce the volume of the stomach, hunger is practically not felt during the entire period of weight loss. That is why "egg" and "curd" diets are in great demand among many women.

In the middle of the diet (on day 15), the question often arises among those who are losing weight: “why the weight does not go away.” The reason for this phenomenon is the adaptation of the body to a new body weight and nutrition system. In addition, the rate of weight loss is directly affected by biorhythms, intestinal condition, physiological fluid retention, and the MC phase. Stabilization of the mass at a certain point should not be the reason for the completion of the process of losing weight, since after a few days the process of losing kilograms will resume.

Maggi's two-week nutrition system

The effectiveness of the protein weight loss technique directly depends on the strict adherence to its rules.

If one of the conditions is violated, for example, when replacing one product with another or rearranging lunch and dinner dishes, it will not bring the desired result.

Maggi's egg diet for 2 weeks provides for 3 meals a day. Dinner must be no later than 18-00. During the day, you need to drink purified non-carbonated water without restrictions, and also exclude all kinds of snacks in between meals.

Consider in more detail the menu for each day.

Every day for breakfast you need to eat grapefruit - 1 piece, boiled eggs - 2 pieces and drink a cup of coffee.

Day #1

  • lunch - herbal tea, 2 boiled eggs, tomato;
  • dinner - grapefruit - 1pc, green tea, 2 boiled eggs, vinaigrette without oil.

Day #2

  • lunch - grapefruit - 1pc, 2 boiled eggs;
  • dinner - a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, baked lean meat (chicken or turkey).

Day #3

  • lunch - spinach, herbal tea, 2 boiled eggs;
  • dinner - cabbage, beets, green tea, 2 boiled eggs, cottage cheese.

Day #4

  • lunch - spinach, coffee, 2 boiled eggs;
  • dinner - coffee, vinaigrette, low-fat fish (hake, pollock) -150g.

Day #5

  • lunch - 2 boiled eggs, herbal tea, spinach;
  • dinner - cauliflower, coffee, fish, vinaigrette.

Day #6

  • lunch - fruit salad (grapefruit, pineapple, kiwi, tangerine);
  • dinner - coffee, steak, vegetable mix of cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, onions.

Day #7

  • lunch - boiled chicken fillet (chilled), tomato, grapefruit;
  • dinner - carrot, cabbage, tomato salad, baked turkey, coffee.

Maggi's two-week diet is based on the diet of the first week, which should be repeated 2 times in a row for 14 days.

Summing up the reviews and results of those who have lost weight, it is safe to say that the classic version of Margaret Thatcher's technique allows you to become 10-12 kg lighter.

Maggi's four-week nutrition system

The Maggi protein diet for 4 weeks has the same requirements as the fourteen-day diet. However, due to the increased duration, it is much more effective and allows you to lose up to 20 kg of excess weight.

Consider the most common type of technique - Maggi's egg diet. In case of intolerance or allergy to the main ingredient, it can be replaced with cheese up to 25% (the lower the percentage of fat, the better) or cottage cheese 3-5% (one portion - 200g.).

Despite the strict adherence to the diet, the protein-citrus method ensures the preservation of muscle mass, provokes accelerated fat burning, and does not cause hunger.

Margaret Thatcher's curd version of weight loss carries the same amount of protein as the egg nutrition system, however, this modification of the Maggi diet is more useful, since the fermented milk product is easier to digest, lowers cholesterol and strengthens bones. However, the main contraindication to its use is hypersecretion of gastric juice. Frequent intake of a lactic acid product exacerbates gastritis, which can lead to aggravation of the state of health of a person who is losing weight and the occurrence of erosions (ulcers) on the mucous membrane of the organ.

Maggi's diet for 28 days is divided into four weeks ("the beginning of the journey", "addictive mode", "method as a way of life", "evaluation of results"), each of which has a strictly developed diet.

Consider a detailed menu of each period, which is recommended for convenience and hang in the kitchen.

Diet Maggi 1 week - "the beginning of the journey"

In the period from the 1st to the 14th day, the daily breakfast for losing weight consists of 2 boiled chicken eggs, half a grapefruit / orange.

Day #1

  • lunch - consumption during the day, in unlimited quantities, one of the following allowed fruits: apricot, watermelon, melon, orange, apples, pears, pineapples;
  • dinner - boiled chicken fillet or meatballs.

Day #2

  • lunch - boiled turkey without skin;
  • dinner - bran bread - 1pc, boiled eggs - 2pcs, orange - 1pc, vegetable salad of carrots, sweet peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes.

Day #3

  • lunch - red tomatoes, fat-free cheese, toast - no more than 1 piece;
  • dinner - boiled fillet or chicken cutlet, steamed, without adding salt, spices, onions.

Day #4

  • lunch - apples;
  • dinner - lettuce, spinach, carrots, boiled lean meat.

Day #5

  • lunch - beans, boiled eggs - 2 pieces;
  • dinner - grapefruit - 1pc, steamed hake fillet-150g., cucumbers, onions.

Day #6

  • lunch - apricots;
  • dinner - a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, spinach, boiled rabbit fillet.

Day #7

  • lunch - boiled zucchini and carrot puree, tomato - 1 pc, orange - 1 pc, steamed turkey without skin;
  • dinner - boiled vegetables: green peas, eggplant, onions, tomatoes.

The second week of Maggi - "addictive mode"

Day #1

  • lunch - cucumber and carrot salad, boiled rabbit meat;
  • dinner - tomatoes, boiled eggs - 2 pcs, onions, grapefruit - 1 pc.

Day #2

  • lunch - stewed zucchini and eggplant, boiled chicken breast;
  • dinner - orange - 1pc, boiled eggs - 2pcs;

Day #3

  • lunch - steamed turkey, spinach, cucumbers;
  • dinner - soft-boiled eggs - 2 pcs, tangerines.

Day #4

  • lunch - low-fat white cheese (Adyghe, feta), boiled green peas, 2 soft-boiled eggs;
  • dinner - a slice of watermelon, 2 boiled eggs.

Day #5

  • lunch - a dietary fish cutlet from low-fat varieties, without the addition of spices or boiled pike perch / cod fillet;
  • dinner - boiled chicken eggs - 2 pcs.

Day #6

  • lunch - tomato juice, "steam" rabbit, pears;
  • dinner - fruit salad of melon, peach, orange and apples.

Day #7

  • lunch - boiled green beans, squash, skinless chicken, tangerines-2 pieces;
  • dinner - tomatoes, carrot and zucchini puree, grapefruit - 1 pc, boiled turkey.

Meat on the Maggi diet can only be used in low-fat varieties. The optimal solution is a dietary, easily digestible chicken, turkey and rabbit fillet, with a low fat content (up to 5.5%).

It is strictly forbidden to use high-calorie pork (53%) and lamb (18%) during the period of adherence to the protein weight loss method, as they slow down the process of losing weight and contribute to a worse result.

"Methodology as a way of life" - menu for 3 weeks

Day #1

During the day, you need to eat any fruit in any quantity, with the exception of dates, mangoes, figs, bananas, grapes.

Day #2

From 08-30 to 18-00 you can eat a variety of salads from fresh and boiled vegetables, while it is important not to combine them with dry cereals, as well as potatoes.

Day #3

During the day, it is allowed to eat vegetables, fruits in an unlimited amount. In addition to satisfying the feeling of hunger, they have a beneficial effect on the body, saturating it with nutrients. It is preferable to use boiled vegetables on the 17th day of the Maggi diet.

Frequently Asked Questions for the third week
  • What vegetables can be eaten?
    Carrots, zucchini, zucchini, squash, beans, eggplant, green peas, cucumbers, tomatoes, lentils.
  • What fruits can you eat?
    Peaches, apricots, pears, apples, tangerines, oranges, grapefruit, kiwi, melon, plums, watermelon, pamela, pineapple.

Day #4

During the day, only boiled vegetables are allowed, except for white cabbage and lettuce, as well as boiled or steamed fish (pollock, hake, pike, pike perch, haddock, cod, perch).

Day #5

The diet of this day is boiled meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit meat, lean veal) and boiled vegetables.

Day number 6.7

On the 20th and 21st days of Margaret Thatcher's egg diet, one type of fruit (for example, peaches and apricots) should be singled out, which must be consumed separately during the 6th and 7th days of the third week.

Proper weight loss according to the Maggi system allows you to gradually reduce body weight without harm to health, which is especially important for people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system.

Considering the reviews of those who have lost weight with a lot of weight, the third week is characterized by a slowdown in the process of dropping extra pounds and a sharp decrease in volumes. At the same time, at the end of it, as a rule, losing weight begins to experience a feeling of rapid filling of the stomach. This will make it much easier to maintain your new weight after you quit the diet.

The fourth week of the Maggi diet - "evaluating the results"

All foods that are acceptable for consumption during the day must be proportionally divided into three meals.

Consider detailed description menu for the period from 22 to 28 days.

Day #1

  • boiled chicken fillet without skin - 200g;
  • cucumbers - 4 pcs.;
  • orange or grapefruit - 1 pc;
  • tuna (without oil) - 1 can;
  • tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • toast - 1 pc.

Day #2

  • one type of fruit from the list of acceptable - in any quantity;
  • cucumbers, tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • boiled turkey meat - 200g;
  • toast - 1 pc.

Day #3

  • boiled vegetables with the exception of potatoes;
  • fat-free cottage cheese - 1 tbsp;
  • cucumbers - 2 pieces;
  • grapefruit - 1 pc or tangerines - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • cheese up to 17% - 200g.

Day #4

  • grapefruit, toast, cucumber, tomato - 1 pc each;
  • chicken breast - 500g.

Day #5

  • vegetable mix without dressing from sweet peppers, carrots, cucumbers (1 pc each) and 3 tomatoes;
  • hard-boiled eggs - 2 pcs;
  • orange - 1 pc.

Day #6

  • fat-free cottage cheese - 100g;
  • toast - 1 piece;
  • tangerines, tomatoes, cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • curdled milk - 1 glass;
  • steamed chicken breasts - 2 pcs.

Day #7

  • tuna without oil - 1 can;
  • toast - 1 piece;
  • orange - 1 pc;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 2 tablespoons;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • cucumbers - 3 pcs.

Thus, the Maggi egg diet for 4 weeks is a low-carbohydrate complex, with an emphasis on protein-citrus nutrition. Each stage (7 days) has a strictly selected diet, which must be impeccably observed with the utmost accuracy. Spontaneous change of products, violation of diet, change of lunch and dinner in places, increase in allowable portions, are the most common causes of poor weight loss, and sometimes gain, after 28 days.

Consolidation of the result

The way out of the Maggi diet should be gradual. In order to avoid putting a heavy burden on the body, the number of calories consumed per day must be increased slowly so that it “remembers” the new nutrition system in detail. It is strictly forbidden to overeat.

Due to the fact that protein foods, vegetables, fruits are the basis of the menu for 4 weeks, the Maggi diet helps the gastrointestinal tract adapt to the systematic use of plant foods, which cleanses the intestines, restores its microflora and acts as a source of nutrients.

When dropping 15kg or more, it is worth taking the most responsibly to consolidate the result. Nutrition after the diet should be balanced, non-caloric and easily digestible. That is why, in order to exclude the possibility of returning lost kilograms, it is important to limit the intake of confectionery, carbonated, alcoholic drinks, sugar, fatty, fried, spicy foods, both on the first day after the end of the weight loss cycle, and throughout the subsequent period (during life) .

It will help to consolidate the result correct menu an additional fifth week, a distinctive feature of which is light dietary conditions.

Consider the exact menu by day on how to get out of the Maggi diet correctly.
Daily breakfast for 5 weeks is an orange or grapefruit - 1 pc., Eggs - 2 pcs.

Day #1

  • lunch - tomatoes, boiled eggs - 2 pieces;
  • dinner - tangerines - 2 pcs, vinaigrette without oil - 1 serving (200g.), Soft-boiled eggs - 2 pcs.

Day #2

  • lunch - kiwi - 3 pcs., soft-boiled eggs - 2 pcs;
  • dinner - vegetable salad of white cabbage, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, boiled rabbit fillet - 180g.

Day #3

  • lunch - spinach, two-egg steam omelet;
  • dinner - cabbage, beets, cottage cheese 5% or cheese 9%, soft-boiled eggs - 2 pcs.

Day #4

  • lunch - boiled eggs - 2 pcs., lettuce leaves;
  • dinner - stewed carrots, zucchini, eggplant, steam fish - 150g. (preferably pike or cod).

Day #5

  • lunch - spinach, soft-boiled eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • dinner - boiled green peas, steam hake fillet - 150g.

Day #6

  • lunch - any fruit from the list of permitted in unlimited quantities;
  • dinner - tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, steak.

Day #7

  • lunch - baked chicken with tomatoes and zucchini - 250g;
  • dinner - stewed cabbage with carrots, boiled rabbit fillet - 180g.

Maggi's diet for 5 weeks allows not only to achieve the desired result, without loss of health and the occurrence of "hunger pangs", but also to consolidate it. A protein-citrus diet specially developed by the American Mayo Clinic allows you to lose from 5 to 20 kg, depending on excess weight. If you need a minimal adjustment of body weight (up to 5-8 kg), the best solution is the Maggi diet for 2 weeks, 10-20 or more - for 28-35 days.

Frequently asked Questions

  1. What does one serving mean in the Maggi diet?
    This designation determines the allowable size of the consumed product without compromising the process of losing weight. As a rule, during one meal, the allowable portion is: eggs - 2 pieces, cottage cheese - 200g, fish - 150g, meat - 200g, stewed vegetables- 100g.
  2. Why does the Maggi diet lose weight badly?
    As a rule, after 10-14 days, the process of losing weight slows down. The reason for this phenomenon is the body getting used to the new mass. Often, after 3-4 days of a “dead” arrow on the scales, the process of dropping extra pounds resumes.
  3. Is alcohol allowed on the Maggi diet?
    Alcoholic drinks, like bananas, grapes, dates, potatoes, pork, lamb, figs, are classified as prohibited foods.
  4. Are Margaret Thatcher's diet and Maggie's hot mug compatible?
    No. In view of chemical composition"Quick" broth, the lack of nutrients in it, it is unsafe to use dehydrated foods not only during the period of weight loss, but also after leaving the diet.
  5. What can you drink?
    Purified water (from 2 l / day), green or herbal tea, unsweetened coffee in moderation without the addition of milk (no more than 1 cup / day).
  6. Diet Maggi during pregnancy: can I do it or not?
    Due to the meager diet, doctors do not recommend practicing the protein-citrus weight loss system for women in an “interesting” position. In rare cases, Maggi's curd diet is allowed for 2 weeks, while during this period the expectant mother should be under the strict supervision of specialists.
  7. How do volumes go on the Maggi diet?
    During the period of small plumb, as a rule, volumes begin to rapidly disappear (3 weeks), especially in the hips and abdomen. According to the reviews of those who are losing weight, when dropping 20 kg in four weeks, you can switch from the 54th size to the 44th. The network contains a large number of photos before and after losing weight, which clearly show how volumes have gone.
  8. Why does diarrhea occur after the Maggi diet?
    Frequent bowel movements are a natural reaction to the “glut” of the body with protein products, a deficiency of fats and carbohydrates, as well as a change in diet. As a rule, if the diet is followed after 2-3 days, the problem is solved independently.
  9. Can meat be substituted for chicken?
    In the process of following the Maggi diet, you can only eat lean meats. These include: chicken, turkey (breast without skin or fillet), rabbit, veal or beef.
  10. What do doctors say about the Maggi diet?
    Before practicing the protein method of losing weight, all experts agree in one opinion: it is necessary to conduct an examination of the body for the presence of diseases of the liver, heart, kidneys, stomach, pancreas. In order to avoid aggravating the state of health, if an ailment is detected, it is strictly forbidden to practice this system. In addition, you should not adhere to the “barley”, “cheese”, “cottage cheese” diet if you are allergic to these products or the woman is expecting a baby.
  11. How to replace eggs in the Maggi diet?
    For cottage cheese (with fat content up to 5%) or cheese (up to 25%, preferably 9%).
  12. Is there an application for the iPhone "Maggi's weight loss method"?
    Yes. Currently, iPhone developers increase the functionality of the device every year by adding additional programs to the standard set of options. One of the new products is the application for weight loss according to the method of Margaret Thatcher.
    The essence of its development lies in the maximum satisfaction of the needs of the user. This application not only reminds you of the right diet (menu in the table), but also calculates the required amount of food that should be purchased for the coming weight loss week.
  13. Is it possible honey?
    Allowed, but not more than 1 tsp. in a day.
  14. What is toast?
    This is a toasted slice of black or white bread (at the discretion of losing weight).
  15. What to dress the salad with?
    Better vegetable juice, sometimes it is allowed to sprinkle with lemon, rarely - apple cider vinegar.
    It is strictly forbidden to dress salads with mayonnaise, sauces, oil and fat.
  16. Can I chew gum while losing weight?
    Not recommended as it stimulates the appetite. It is better to replace chewing gum with sugar-free lollipops.
  17. What are the cons of the Maggi diet?
    The main disadvantage of this technique is the impossibility of its continuation in violation of the diet. In case of failure, it is not advisable to continue the diet, since it will not bring the desired effect. To achieve the cherished figure on the scales, the weight loss cycle should be started again.
  18. Is it possible to spend fasting days every Thursday during the “iron lady” protein-citrus diet?
    No. This method of losing weight eliminates the unloading of the body.
  19. How comparable are Maggi's diet and sports?
    Physical activity (running, brisk walking, fitness, water aerobics, gymnastics, swimming, shaping, cycling) has a positive effect on the human body, especially during weight loss.
    Proper nutrition and sports allow you to lose extra pounds much faster and tone your muscles.
  20. What is more effective Maggi diet for 14 days or 28?
    The longer the duration of the technique, the better the result of losing weight. On average, in two weeks, weight loss is 5-8 kg, in four - 10-20 kg.


Maggi's egg, cheese and cottage cheese diet for 4 weeks is a difficult test not only for the body, but also for the nervous system. In view of the monotonous-meager diet, not everyone can withstand the protein-vegetable system.

Consider the most common dishes prepared from permitted products, which will diversify the menu and not only facilitate the process of losing weight, but also give real pleasure from eating low-calorie healthy food.

Recipes for the Maggi diet 1 week

Minced meat roll

You must first prepare the following ingredients:

  • rabbit meat - 500g;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • parsley dill.

The cooking process is as follows: first of all, you need to chop the meat and onion with a meat grinder or blender. Then add a raw egg to the minced meat, mix well and put on cling film, 2 cm layer, sprinkle with chopped herbs and garlic. After that, roll the minced meat into a roll, wrap in foil paper and transfer to a baking sheet.

The oven must be preheated to 200°C, then the dish must be placed in the baking chamber for 20 minutes. After the set time has elapsed, slightly open the foil and put the dish in the oven for another 10 minutes to brown.

vegetable pie


  • boiled carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh green peas - 250g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • parsley, spinach.

The principle of preparing a vegetable pie: pre-grate the carrots (preferably on a coarse grater), if desired, it can be finely chopped. Lay the chopped product and green peas in layers in a non-stick container with high sides, then pour over the beaten egg. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 180°. Decorate the finished cake with greens.

Boiled beans and zucchini can be used as the main ingredients instead of carrots and green peas.

You can consume a vegetable pie during the week no more than 250g / day.

Homemade cottage cheese

Currently, Margaret Thatcher's curd weight loss method is gaining more and more popularity every year. Considering the fact that in milk protein, in comparison with an animal, the content of amino acids is much higher, the number of adherents of such a nutrition system, in contrast to the egg one, is noticeably increasing. And the presence of calcium and phosphorus determine its high value.

The Maggi diet with cottage cheese involves the daily use of a low-fat fermented milk product, which you can easily make yourself at home.

First of all, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • milk - up to 1.5% - 2 liters;
  • vinegar - 2 tablespoons

The essence of cooking homemade cottage cheese is as follows: heat the milk to 120 °, remove from heat, gradually adding vinegar. In the process of connecting the components, the mixture must be constantly stirred. To separate the cottage cheese and whey, it is recommended to leave the prepared mass for 30 minutes, then drain the liquid using a colander.

To avoid "leakage" of small particles of the product, it is better to put gauze on the bottom of the container. After separating the curd and whey, the first, in turn, must be washed under cold water, squeezed well, separated with a fork. After completing this procedure, the fermented milk product is ready for use.

"The Golden Cockerel"

The Maggi diet for 1 week is especially difficult to tolerate, since it is during this period that the body adapts to a new diet. To facilitate this process and diversify the menu, the dietary salad "Golden Cockerel" will help.


  • chicken breast (without skin) - 400g;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • apple - 1 pc;
  • soy sauce - 1 tsp

The process of preparing the dish is as follows: boil the chicken breast until half cooked, at the same time chop an orange, an apple in a blender. Season the resulting fruit puree with soy sauce, then add to the meat and simmer for 10 minutes. After the specified time, sprinkle the chicken breast with 1 tbsp. lemon juice.

You can use this dish in 1-2 days for 28 days.

Cottage cheese casserole


  • cottage cheese 3% - 1 kg;
  • sweet apples - 0.5 kg;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.

To prepare the dish, it is necessary to peel the apples, grate them on a coarse grater, squeeze out the juice, then combine the cottage cheese with the fruit. In the resulting mixture, add pre-beaten eggs to a foamy state, mix everything thoroughly. If necessary, a sweetener (fructose) can be added to the dough - 4 tbsp. and pears, kiwi. Put the curd-fruit mass in a silicone mold/bowl, previously sprinkled with breadcrumbs (20 g.) And bake in the oven or double boiler at a temperature of 200 ° for 30-40 minutes.

If desired, to form a cheese crust 3-5 minutes before readiness, the casserole should be pulled out of the oven, sprinkled with grated cheese (150-200g.) With a minimum percentage of fat content (up to 9%) and placed back in the oven.

Subject to the curd diet, it is recommended to use a casserole 2 times a week in the amount of 150 g / day. In case of compliance with the egg or cheese food system, you should refrain from taking it.

Other recipes by which you can cook diet meals during the weight loss period using the Maggi method can be found on culinary sites.

Thus, in order to avoid causing irreparable harm to human health, the fight against overweight should be started immediately. A safe way to solve the problem - Maggi diet for weight loss.

The effectiveness of Margaret Thatcher's protein-citrus technique directly depends on the efforts of the person who is losing weight. Unquestioning observance of the menu and daily physical activity contribute to the effective dropping of kilograms, as well as a rapid decrease in volumes in just 2-4 weeks.


Basic principles of the Maggi diet

Cottage cheese, like egg, Maggi diets are one of the varieties of protein diets. Their peculiarity is that the menu for each day of the week is compiled in such a way that a person does not have to severely limit himself in food and starve, struggling with his desires and risking breaking loose.

Maggi curd diet allows you to eat a large amount of meat, cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits. This type of diet was developed specifically for Margaret Thatcher. It is suitable for losing a lot of weight, as it implies a uniform loss of 7-15 kilograms over several weeks. If you are not obese, then there is no point in using this diet to lose 2-3 kilograms.

Let's learn about its features, in particular, how to make a menu for each day of the week, what general rules to adhere to, and to whom this type of food restrictions is contraindicated.

Menu by day

The main principle on which the menu is compiled is to stimulate the body to break down and burn fats. Food for each day is selected and combined in such a way as to maximize metabolism. Therefore, Maggi's protein diet is strict: you cannot skip meals or swap lunch and dinner menus.

In addition, to get the maximum result, while following such a diet, you must:

  1. To drink a lot of water. The daily norm is at least 2 liters.
  2. Sleep well and soundly (ideally 7-8 hours).
  3. In no case do not allow feelings of hunger and do not skip meals on schedule.
  4. Eat only foods from the list of allowed foods and do not include other foods in your diet, even if it seems low-calorie and healthy to you.
  5. Lead an active lifestyle, go to the gym regularly.

The table below contains a detailed menu of the curd diet. Using it, you can make your diet for every day of the week. This eating schedule is designed for 1 month, if necessary, after 4 weeks it can be repeated.

1 Week
1 day 2 day 3 day Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Breakfast No more than 250 grams of cottage cheese (preferably homemade), also eat fruit
Dinner or lunch Only fruits Cooked meat Rusk, cottage cheese, fresh tomatoes unsweetened fruit Salad, 2 boiled eggs unsweetened fruit Steamed or fresh carrots or beets, boiled chicken
Early dinner Beef, vegetables Rusk, vegetables, fish, grapefruit Proteins, lettuce Proteins, lettuce Vegetables, fish, 1 grapefruit Proteins, vegetables boiled vegetables
2 weeks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Breakfast No more than 250 grams of cottage cheese (preferably homemade), a small amount of fruit
Dinner or lunch Cottage cheese and salad Vegetable salad and proteins Vegetable salad and proteins Cottage cheese and salad Fish + salad Vegetables, proteins, orange or grapefruit Proteins, steamed vegetables, fresh tomatoes, 1 grapefruit
Early dinner Vegetables, fish, 1 cracker, 1 grapefruit Unsweetened fruits + low-fat cottage cheese Protein + vegetables Unsweetened fruits + low-fat cottage cheese Fruits Boiled chicken, steamed vegetables, fresh tomatoes, 1 grapefruit
3 week
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Breakfast Eat only unsweetened fruits throughout the day Boiled and fresh vegetables Boiled vegetables and fresh + fruits Fish + fresh or boiled vegetables Proteins + fresh or boiled vegetables Any fruit Any fruit
Dinner or lunch
Early dinner
4 week
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Breakfast 2 cucumbers and tomatoes, 150 g of boiled chicken and canned tuna, croutons 150 g of meat, 2 cucumbers and tomatoes, croutons 400 g low-fat cottage cheese, boiled vegetables, 2 cucumbers and tomatoes, croutons, fruits 400-500 g boiled chicken, 2 cucumbers and tomatoes, croutons, fruits 2 hard boiled eggs, fruits, vegetables Proteins, 200 g cottage cheese, 1 cracker, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, curdled milk, fruit 400 grams of cottage cheese, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 cracker, 150 grams of canned tuna
Dinner or lunch
Early dinner

As you can see, the menu for each day of the week is quite diverse, allowing you not to feel a lack of some kind of product. This makes this diet easy enough to follow.

One of the variations of this diet is egg, when cottage cheese is replaced with boiled eggs. But most nutritionists are of the opinion that the curd version of the Maggi diet is healthier, as it is more saturated with vitamins, and, importantly, it is not full of bad cholesterol and fats, which are found in abundance in eggs.

Eating according to the above menu for every day, try to adhere to the following recommendations in parallel:

  1. You can eat any meat (choose low-fat varieties). The exception is lamb, this meat is not recommended for weight loss.
  2. Eggs should be used only boiled or baked. Fried foods are prohibited!
  3. Cottage cheese should be low-fat, it is best to choose 5-7% fat for breakfast in the first week every day for breakfast, in the following days - with zero.
  4. Eat any fruit, except for those that contain an increased dose of sugar. These are, for example, bananas, dates, grapes, mangoes.
  5. It is forbidden to include starchy foods in the menu, in particular, potatoes should be excluded.
  6. You can not eat liquid food, in particular soups.
  7. For the duration of the diet, forget about alcohol. As a last resort, choose 1 day a week when you allow yourself a glass of dry wine.

Remember that even such a sparing menu is still stressful for the body, since every day it will not have certain familiar foods. Therefore, try to give up any of your bad habits while losing weight, in particular, minimize the doses of coffee you drink, stop smoking and drinking.

If you strictly follow the daily menu, play sports, follow the recommendations, then in the first month you can easily lose 5-7 kilograms.

A feature of the Maggi diet is that its results are not temporary, as a rule, with a moderate diet and a healthy lifestyle, the effect of it persists for a long time.

Contraindications for a protein diet

With all the benefits for the body that it receives from a protein diet, there are a number of contraindications when such a diet is unacceptable.

Among them are:

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as pancreatitis, cholecystitis, stomach or duodenal ulcers.
  3. Any kidney disease, including kidney failure. Protein foods put a lot of stress on this organ, so if there is the slightest deviation in the functioning of the kidneys, such a diet is prohibited.
  4. Liver disease. It plays a major role in the breakdown of adipose tissue, and in the presence of any pathologies, infectious or chronic diseases, they can be aggravated, and the general condition of a person will deteriorate dramatically within a few days after the start of the diet.
  5. Pregnancy and lactation.
  6. Having an allergy to protein foods, eggs or citrus fruits.

In general, it is strongly recommended that you undergo a general examination of the body and consult with your doctor before adhering to any kind of Maggi diet.

I revealed the essence of this nutrition system and showed what results can be achieved. Today we again have a Maggi diet menu for every day we will consider. I will tell you which foods are allowed and which are prohibited. And I will share my recipes with you.

You can choose an egg or cottage cheese option for 4 weeks. Download and print the detailed menu. Hang it in a prominent place so you can see what needs to be cooked the next day. The food system is strict and does not allow changes.

Maggi's nutritional system is a protein diet with a very low carbohydrate content. It lasts exactly 4 weeks. During this time, you can get rid of 10 to 25 kg of excess weight.

Maggi's basic rule: to lose weight, you must unconditionally follow the chosen diet

If for one reason or another you interrupted the diet, you will have to follow it from the very beginning. Such a “zeroing” will have to be done even if you mixed up the products. Judging by the reviews, many losing weight were able to evaluate the effectiveness of this nutrition system. And in general, such a diet disciplines well.

Basic nutrition rules

There are 2 options for the Maggi nutrition system - egg and curd. But the rules for both options are the same. Curd modification is the best solution for those who are losing weight, who will “feel bad” from endless eating of eggs 🙂

So, the rules of nutrition on the Maggi diet are as follows:

  • Three meals a day. At the same time, try to eat every day at the same time. Snacks are allowed. For example, you can eat fresh cucumber, carrot, lettuce or slimming cocktail. But I recommend such a snack not earlier than 2-3 hours after a meal.
  • You can also eat after 18.00. The main thing is to have dinner, no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  • It is important to observe the drinking regimen. Drink 2 or even 3 liters of clean water a day. You can also drink tea and coffee, but without sugar and milk. More details I have a separate .
  • Do not swap breakfast or lunch menus. And yet, do not replace one product with another. If you have, you need to eat it in the morning, not for lunch.
  • If you decide to exclude one of the products from the menu, you cannot put another in its place.
  • Cook meals in a dry frying pan, in a slow cooker or in the oven. Fats, oils and seasonings with flavors and preservatives must not be used! Food can be salted, peppered and garlic or onions can be added to it.
  • Do not forget about moderate physical activity. Start with a simple walk in the morning or before bed. Many write that.

But, friends, if your diet has a small amount of fruits, fresh herbs and vegetables, do not rush to sit on Maggi. First you need to prepare the body for a new diet. If you suddenly begin to intensively eat vegetables and fruits, problems in the digestive tract are inevitable. Flatulence or intestinal upset may occur.

I collected all the information on what you can eat on the Maggi diet in a convenient plate:

Vegetables/greens You can eat any vegetables: carrots, zucchini, broccoli, green beans, etc. In addition, the consumption of frozen vegetable mixtures is allowed.

You can steam, boil, bake, crunch raw, and stew in a slow cooker. The main thing - without frying and the use of oil.

Cook on the water. You can add permitted seasonings.

Fruits The diet must contain tangerines, grapefruit, oranges, kiwi, persimmon, apples, cherries, kiwi, etc. For a complete list of products, see the article "".

Eat any berries and fruits, excluding prohibited ones (see below). Cook them the same way you would vegetables.

sour milk Low-fat cottage cheese (maximum up to 9%)

Cheese (up to 20% fat)

Curdled milk and kefir (introduced into the diet starting from 4 weeks)

Fish, seafood Low-fat varieties (pollock, sole, haddock), shrimp. See detailed list.
bird, egg Low-fat poultry, eggs. If you bake meat, then eat without the skin. It is allowed to use by-products
Meat Low-fat (boiled, baked), a couple of pieces of barbecue (rarely). You can eat by-products.

It is allowed to cook, bake, stew on water, in a double boiler or in a slow cooker

Bread Toasted rye, whole grain bread. Or replace with bread or bran (only no more than 30 g per day).
condiments Salt, pepper, garlic, onion, seasonings (no sugar or starch), soy sauce (only sugar free), lemon, gelatin, balsamic vinegar,
Drink Tea and coffee without sugar and milk (even dry)

1 glass of diet cola

Sweet Sugar-free lollipops (rare)

Sugar substitutes (stevia, agave syrup)

Prohibited Products

  • Canned vegetables (peas, corn, etc.)
  • Roast
  • Sweet - honey, jam, fructose, sorbitol. Why honey is not better than sugar for weight loss
  • Milk
  • Potatoes, legumes (lentils, beans)
  • Fruits - avocados, bananas, grapes, figs, mangoes,
  • Mushrooms
  • Any oils and fats
  • Alcohol

During Maggi, do not chew gum - it stimulates the appetite.

Menu for 4 weeks: egg option

This weight loss system is not based on reducing the calorie content of the diet. Its secret is that the consumed set of products stimulates the chemical processes occurring in the body.

One of the main components of such a diet is a chicken egg. Skeptics believe that consuming so many eggs is dangerous. After all, this product increases the level of "bad" cholesterol in the body. But I hasten to reassure you: such cholesterol is the least harmful. It enters the body simultaneously with lecithin.

In addition, during a recent study, scientists at the University of Surrey made an amazing discovery. It turns out that the consumption of chicken eggs does not affect the level of cholesterol in the blood.

After all, this product contains a unique set of valuable substances that are vital for each of us. At the same time, most of the calories of a chicken egg fall on the yolk: 352 kcal per 100 g. The digestibility of this product largely depends on the time of its heat treatment. Soft-boiled eggs are digested in a few hours. And in order to digest hard-boiled eggs, it will take an hour more.

Of course, eggs are one of the staples of this weight loss system. But the diet of egg Maggi is based not only on them. During Egg Maggi, you need to stick to a four-step weight loss plan. Each week is a new step with its own results and victories over excess weight. I have prepared for you a 4-week egg diet meal plan with a detailed menu, where the recommended foods are listed by day and what, when and how to eat.

First week- This is a period of restructuring of the body. He will have to get acquainted with the new diet. The detailed table that I give you below describes the menu of the first week.

Second seven days: the body begins to get used to the new diet. It's time to act! Eggs are actively introduced into the menu of every day. Detailed menu for 2 weeks. This week, many notice that the weight begins to decline not so quickly. This is logical, because in the 1st week, excess fluid leaves.

Third week- a new "surprise" for the body. For 2 weeks he got used to the diet. Now it's time for shock therapy. No, no, don't be scared, they won't torture you with electric shock 🙂 It's just time to make drastic changes in your nutrition plan.

Fourth step: at the end of this stage, the achieved result is evaluated. The table below lists and amounts of foods to consume on certain days of the week. In fact, this is the daily norm. Any additions are prohibited! I recommend dividing the mentioned products into 4 or even 5 meals. The interval between individual meals can be 2-3 hours.

All tablets, print and use on health.

Curd variant

Maggi's cottage cheese nutrition system is a great alternative to the egg diet. Especially when it’s already sickening to look at eggs 🙂 Although the curd diet is not the best way with increased acidity of the stomach.

This Maggi meal plan is not particularly different from the egg diet. The main difference is that instead of eggs, low-fat cottage cheese is eaten.

In the cottage cheese version of the Maggi diet, you can alternate cottage cheese with eggs

Be sure to weigh yourself before losing weight. This will be the point of reference. The result will be calculated based on this figure. By the way, I recommend carrying out each subsequent weighing once a day in the morning after the toilet.

Breakfast for 1 and 2 weeks does not please with a special variety. Every day it is allowed to eat fruits and 150-200 g of cottage cheese. There are more variations for lunch and dinner. Recommended foods for 3 and 4 weeks are given not by meal, but by day. Distribute them yourself, breaking up into 4-5 meals.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Below in the comments I get asked a lot of questions. Many are repeated. In order not to write the same answers, I decided to answer all the questions in a separate article -.

Simple recipes

And I have prepared delicious recipes for you. Catch.

Appetizing salad "Red Trio"

For the salad you will need: large red pepper, 20 cherry tomatoes, red onion, pomegranate. You also need some parsley and as much cilantro as possible.

For dressing, you need the following ingredients: salt, ground black pepper, lemon juice or wine vinegar. Optionally, you can take granular mustard. Mix all these components thoroughly.

Bake peppers in the oven: black skin should appear. Remove the skin from the pepper and cut it into strips or cubes. Peel the skin off the onion. Cut it into half rings. Cut the cherry in half. Finely chop the greens. Mix all ingredients. Pour dressing over them and mix well. Serve salad after 15-20 minutes. During this time, it will soak in the sauce and will be much tastier 🙂

is popular with Hollywood beauties, housewives, and business women who strive to achieve perfect body shapes.

This is an effective weight loss system that will help to effortlessly remove extra pounds and acquire a slender and seductive figure. If you follow all the recommendations impeccably, you can achieve an amazing effect quickly and for a long time.


A feature of protein diets is the use for a certain time of products, which include a large amount of protein. At the same time, carbohydrates should be absent in the diet. With such a diet in the human body, there is a deficiency of carbohydrates.

Physiological hunger sets in, and the body begins to break down its own fats, resulting in a rapid loss of body weight. There is also an active removal of fluid from the body, and the body becomes slim and toned.

Methodology rules

The Maggi curd diet is a low-calorie, low-carbohydrate diet for 2 weeks. With its help, you can lose from 5 to 10 kg.

During weight loss on the Maggi curd diet, it is important to strictly monitor the diet, not allowing yourself to eat foods that are not on the menu. Only in this way can positive results be achieved.

It is forbidden in the menu for each day of the Maggi curd diet to exclude or replace the product with any other. Dinners and breakfasts cannot be interchanged. All products should be consumed in the quantity indicated on the menu.

If you feel hungry while fasting, after the main meal, after 2 hours, you can include raw carrots or cucumbers in the menu options. Any disruption in the diet will not lead to the desired effect. In this case, you will have to start fasting from the beginning.

Important! During the diet, you can drink water in unlimited quantities.


The menu is designed in such a way that during weight loss, the body burns its own fats. There are practically no carbohydrates in the products. They are present in small amounts in bread and fruits. They are necessary for the qualitative functioning of the body during fasting.

During weight loss on the Maggi curd diet, it is recommended to use cottage cheese with a maximum fat content of 5%. Fat-free cottage cheese should not be bought, as it will not be able to provide the body with the necessary amount of calcium. If the fat content of the product is higher, the body will not break down its own fats.

AT cottage cheese diet "Maggi" lasting 2-4 weeks a combination of products has been selected that will contribute to high-quality weight loss with minimal side effects. Dishes are recommended to cook, stew or bake. It is desirable to subject them to minimal heat treatment.


Below you can find a detailed menu for the Maggi curd diet.

First option

During the first week, they have breakfast with cottage cheese (200 g) and half a grapefruit.

Day 1:

  • They dine with any one type of fruit, fresh or baked.
  • Dinner is boiled meat or 2 cutlets.

Day 2:

  • Dine on boiled or baked chicken.
  • For dinner, boil 2 eggs, eat 150 g of cottage cheese and grapefruit. Fresh vegetables are allowed.

Day 3:

  • For lunch, prepare toast with tomato and cheese no higher than 17% fat.
  • Boiled or baked meat is allowed for dinner.

Day 4:

  • They dine with one kind of fruit.
  • For dinner, make with baked meat.

Day 5:

  • Stew vegetables for lunch, eat 200 g of cottage cheese.
  • Dinner is poultry meat with vegetables.

Day 6:

  • For lunch, eat any kind of fruit.
  • Dinner is stewed vegetables with meat.

Day 7:

  • Eat boiled chicken meat and grapefruit for lunch.
  • For dinner, cook boiled vegetables.

Important! If the proportions of products are not indicated, they can be eaten in unlimited quantities. A portion of meat dishes should not exceed 200 g.

Day 8:

  • For lunch, eat boiled beef and cucumber and tomato salad.
  • Dine 200 g of cottage cheese, grapefruit and.

Day 9:

  • Dine on baked chicken and stewed zucchini with carrots.
  • Dinner is allowed 200 g of cottage cheese and grapefruit.

Day 10:

  • It is allowed to dine with baked meat or cutlets with fresh cucumbers.

Day 11:

  • It is allowed to dine with cheese and boiled vegetables: carrots, cabbage, zucchini.
  • For dinner, eat a pack of cottage cheese and grapefruit.

Day 12:

  • Dine boiled, steamed or stewed.
  • Supper with cottage cheese with parsley or dill.

Day 13:

  • They dine with fresh tomatoes with meat, eat grapefruit.
  • They dine on fruits.

Day 14:

  • They have lunch with chicken, boiled vegetables or fresh tomatoes, eat grapefruit.
  • For dinner, you can choose any products that were for lunch.

Second option

Day 1:

  • Breakfast is cottage cheese with the addition of an orange.
  • Dine with fruit salad.
  • Dinner stewed beef with boiled vegetables.

Day 2:

  • Breakfast is cottage cheese with the addition of grapefruit slices.
  • During the day they eat boiled chicken.
  • They have dinner with boiled fish, fresh tomato salad and cucumber with toast, you can eat an orange.

Day 3:

  • For breakfast, apple slices are added to 200 g of cottage cheese.
  • For lunch, they eat fresh tomatoes with bread and cottage cheese.
  • Dinner boiled beef with herbs.

Day 4:

  • For breakfast, add pear slices to 200 g of cottage cheese.
  • They are having lunch.
  • Dinner is vegetable salad with boiled chicken.

Day 5:

  • For breakfast, peach pieces are added to 200 g of cottage cheese.
  • Dine with boiled vegetables and 2 hard-boiled eggs.
  • For dinner, they eat grapefruit, vegetable salad and boiled fish.

Day 6:

  • Melon is added to 200 g of cottage cheese for breakfast.
  • Lunch is a fruit salad.
  • For dinner, make a salad of tomatoes with herbs and boil the chicken breast.

Day 7:

  • Kiwi slices are added to 200 g of cottage cheese for breakfast.
  • During the day, boil the chicken, eat a salad of tomatoes and grapefruit.
  • Stewed vegetables are eaten in the evening.

Day 8:

  • Breakfast is the same as Monday of the first week.
  • For lunch, they eat boiled vegetables and 200 g of cottage cheese.
  • Dinner is baked carp, vegetable salad and grapefruit.

Day 9:

  • Breakfast is the same as Tuesday of the first week.
  • They dine with boiled veal and fresh vegetable salad.
  • In the evening, eat a pack of cottage cheese with any fruit.

Day 10:

  • Breakfast is the same as the Wednesday of the first week.
  • Repeat lunch and dinner as on Tuesday.

Day 11:

  • Breakfast is the same as Thursday of the first week.
  • During the day they eat cottage cheese and stewed vegetables.
  • For dinner, boil a hake and make it.

Day 12:

  • Breakfast is the same as Friday of the first week.
  • For lunch, pollock is boiled, and a green salad is made.
  • Dine on cottage cheese with fruit.

Day 13:

  • Breakfast is the same as Saturday of the first week.
  • For lunch, they cook baked beef with salad.
  • In the evening they eat fruit salad.

Day 14:

  • Breakfast is the same as Sunday of the first week.
  • In the afternoon, make a tomato salad, boil a chicken, eat an orange.
  • They have dinner with the same products as for lunch.


The cottage cheese version of the Maggi diet can cause side effects and complications in some categories of people. It is not recommended to resort to this method of losing weight:

  • during pregnancy;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • during lactation;
  • with citrus immunity;
  • with increased acidity of the stomach;
  • if there is hypertension;
  • in diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys.

Allowed and prohibited products


  1. Large selection of products.
  2. Meat is allowed.
  3. There is no feeling of hunger.
  4. Variety of dishes.
  5. Available and inexpensive products.
  6. Possibility to create your own menu.
  7. Qualitative saturation of the body with calcium, proteins, trace elements.
  8. Diet has a beneficial effect on the body.
  9. Maintained muscle mass.
  10. Favorably affects the nervous system.
  11. The metabolism is accelerated.


Weight goes away faster in people who have 1 or 2 degrees of obesity. Adhering to the menu, in 2-4 weeks on the Maggi curd diet, you can lose up to 15 kg.

People prone to fullness, get rid of up to 10 kg of excess weight. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the developed menu. If the menu options on cottage cheese diet "Maggi" included at least one prohibited product, the result may be negative.

In this case, they take a break for 2 weeks and again begin to starve according to the scheme.

  1. You can not swap days and meals.
  2. It is necessary to drink up to 2 liters of water per day.
  3. After cooking meat, broths are not consumed.
  4. You can use salt in a small amount.
  5. Spices are allowed.
  6. If desired, grapefruit can be replaced with oranges.
  7. If it appears, you can make a snack from boiled or baked vegetables.
  8. Dine no later than 19.00.
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