Increased hemoglobin than to treat. Symptoms of elevated hemoglobin and methods of treatment. Symptoms and signs

Hemoglobin is a protein involved in the transport of oxygen and other blood gases. With various diseases, its level deviates significantly from normal values. In women, high hemoglobin is rarely observed in blood tests, more often this figure is reduced. But the state of hyperhemoglobinemia may indicate the presence of diseases, so timely diagnosis is necessary.


An increase in the level of hemoglobin (Hb) in the blood of a woman is observed with increased formation of red blood cells. In this way, the body compensates for the lack of oxygen in the tissues. There are a number of situations in which an increase in hemoglobin is the norm or a compensatory mechanism for adapting to certain environmental conditions. Normally, a woman's hemoglobin should be 120-140 g / l. With age, this indicator practically does not change.

Physiological causes

In some non-disease situations, a woman's blood hemoglobin levels may temporarily or permanently increase. Sometimes such an increase can be considered normal.

Intense physical activityWith intense physical activity associated with a profession or sports, blood tests indicate high level hemoglobin. Taking anabolic steroids can also temporarily increase it. Professional athletes and people of hard physical labor need more oxygen in the tissues. The body's need for oxygen increases dramatically, which is associated with intense oxidative processes in the muscles. That is why increased hemoglobin in female athletes is considered a necessary condition for the reactions that occur in myocytes (muscle cells).
Alpine conditionsAn increase in hemoglobin in the blood is considered the norm in people living in high altitude conditions or climbing to high altitudes. In this case, the body adapts to oxygen deficiency. Thus, the female body compensates for the load. This is typical for flight attendants and climbers.
SmokingA critical level of hemoglobin is observed in the blood of women who have been abusing smoking for many years. The lung tissue is richly supplied with blood, and cigarette smoke becomes a factor preventing its normal functioning. When a woman does not smoke, red blood cells deliver the right amount of oxygen to the lung cells. Smoking causes vasoconstriction and a deficit in blood flow to the lungs, which is why the body starts a compensatory process in the form of an increase in hemoglobin to 140 g / l and above.
burnsAfter a burn, the Hb value in the tests will increase for a short time, and then begin to slowly decrease. This condition is observed with massive burns, when the liquid part of the blood (plasma) leaves the vessels. At the same time, the blood thickens, which causes an increase in the number of formed elements in the analyzes. After replenishing the lost fluid, the Hb index gradually decreases. Reduced hemoglobin (80-90 g / l) can last for several days so that the body adapts to the changed conditions.
DehydrationDehydration during vomiting, severe diarrhea (more than 10 times a day), excessive sweating leads to thickening of the blood. Hemoglobin 150 g/l is the result of these conditions. If left untreated, blood clotting is life-threatening, because. increased risk of thrombosis.
Taking iron supplementsOften the level of hemoglobin in women increases with the uncontrolled intake of vitamin-mineral complexes containing iron. After completion of the course of treatment, the level of Hb gradually begins to fall and returns to normal.
PregnancyThe norm is considered to be an increase in Hb in pregnant women in the first trimester to 160 g / l, in the second - up to 142 g / l, in the third - up to 148 g / l.
StressStressful situations cause short-term jumps in blood counts. In some women, hemoglobin increases to 150 g / l and above. After a few hours, he returns to normal. During stress, the body experiences oxygen starvation and sends a signal to the red bone marrow. Cells begin to overproduce red blood cells containing hemoglobin.

Pathological causes

If hyperhemoglobinemia is caused by pathological causes, it is necessary to treat the disease, accompanied by an increase in Hb.

  • Tumors

With tumors of a benign and malignant nature, there is a change in all blood sprouts (white and red). In the first stages of tumor growth, hemoglobin rises to 157 g/l. When the process is running, the Hb level drops to 57 g/l and below.

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs

Diseases of the cardiovascular system with simultaneous damage to the lung tissue cause an increase in hemoglobin in red blood cells. The red bone marrow tries to compensate for the lack of oxygen by producing red blood cells. This condition is most common in people over 50 years of age. With timely treatment, the patient's condition stabilizes, and hemoglobin should gradually fall to normal values.

  • Genetic disorders

In addition to acquired diseases, an increase in Hb levels can cause genetic abnormalities. These include hemochromatosis, when the exchange of iron in the body is disturbed, and its excess is deposited in the tissues. The hemoglobin index in patients with hemochromatosis never falls below 150 g / l.

  • Diabetes

People suffering diabetes, must control not only their daily glucose levels, but also glycated hemoglobin. Its amount is directly dependent on blood sugar spikes.

  • Erythremia or Wakez's disease

With increased hemoglobin in women, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis to exclude Wakez's disease. It has a chronic course and is characterized by excessive production of red blood cells by the bone marrow. For a long time, the symptoms of the disease may not bother, and therefore most often erythremia is diagnosed after 40 years. Women seek help when pains appear in the left hypochondrium, blood pressure rises, nasal or uterine bleeding occurs. Simultaneously with the growth of hemoglobin, an increase in the number of red blood cells and other blood cells is noted.


High levels of hemoglobin are considered a signal of changes in the body that you need to pay attention to. Therefore, timely diagnosis and consultation with a doctor is important. High hemoglobin in women requires a special approach.

After establishing the cause of hyperhemoglobinemia, the following treatment is prescribed:

  • diet therapy;
  • reception medicines;
  • hirudotherapy,
  • erythrocytopheresis.

The main focus of treatment is proper nutrition. It is necessary to limit the consumption of red meat (beef, lamb), wine, buckwheat, red fish (but dishes from river fish are allowed no more than once a week). We need to make food as diverse as possible. Should be included green tea, poultry meat, dairy products, citrus fruits. In addition to juices and other drinks, you should drink at least 2.5 liters of clean water per day.

To reduce hemoglobin levels, blood thinners are prescribed. They are especially necessary for women after 50-56 years of age, who are prone to thrombosis. The drugs are taken under the control of blood tests.

The most effective drugs:

  • Curantyl;
  • Aspirin;
  • Cardiomagnyl;
  • Trental.

In addition, drugs are prescribed to treat the underlying disease, if any.

In rare cases, such a complex procedure as erythrocytopheresis is used. It consists in removing part of the red blood cells from the patient's blood using a special apparatus.

Hemoglobin is the main component of red blood cells and is responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. The concentration of this element is considered one of the most important biochemical indicators of blood. Depending on how high or low the level of hemoglobin in a woman is, one can judge the causes of internal trouble in her body.

What is the normal level of hemoglobin in women?

According to a separate scale, doctors evaluate the level of hemoglobin in the blood of pregnant women. The lower limit of the norm in the I and III trimester of pregnancy is 110 g / l, in the II - 105 g / l. The upper value throughout the entire period of expectation of the child should not exceed 120 g / l.

The significant difference in normal parameters in pregnant and non-pregnant women is explained by the physiological changes that occur in the body of the expectant mother. During gestation, the volume of circulating blood increases by 50%, so it becomes increasingly difficult for the bone marrow to supply hemoglobin in sufficient quantities. In addition, additional iron consumption is required for the formation of the placenta and the growing embryo.

The reasons for the increase in hemoglobin in women can be both physiological and pathological. The former include intense physical activity and prolonged exposure to hypoxia (for example, living in a high mountainous area). At the same time, the body begins to experience an acute lack of oxygen, which it compensates for by the “overproduction” of red blood cells. Such deviations from the norm, as a rule, are always insignificant - within 10-20 g / l. They do not alarm doctors and do not require medical intervention.

The situation is much more serious if hemoglobin rises for no apparent reason. This can be a sign of dangerous pathologies, in particular, intestinal obstruction or cardiopulmonary insufficiency.

The most dangerous is when the hemoglobin concentration reaches 180-190 g/L. At the same time, an increase in blood viscosity is observed, microcirculation processes are disrupted, and delivery of oxygen to organs becomes more difficult. Such patients are diagnosed with blue fingertips and toes, fatigue, loss of appetite, absent-mindedness and irritability.

Prolonged circulatory disorders lead to the development of thromboembolism (blockage of blood vessels). Therefore, an excessively high level of hemoglobin is a condition that requires immediate treatment.

How to lower hemoglobin in women?

To reduce hemoglobin, the following measures can be used:

    Diet therapy. The patient is asked not to abuse foods high in iron: red meat, animal by-products (liver, kidneys, etc.). The consumption of foods that increase cholesterol levels and blood viscosity (butter, pork, caviar, confectionery) is limited. The diet is recommended to be filled with protein foods: legumes, white meat, fish. Fast food, carbonated drinks, canned food and semi-finished products are completely excluded. Also, during the period of treatment, it is forbidden to take vitamin-mineral complexes containing Vit. B12, folic acid and iron.

    taking antiplatelet agents. These drugs thin the blood and reduce the risk of blood clots. However, you should not use them yourself without the appointment of a specialist - you can harm your health. The reasonableness of the use of antiplatelet agents should be consulted with your doctor.

    Search for the underlying disease. An increase in hemoglobin indicates a malfunction in the body. To identify the cause of the problem, the doctor must prescribe a comprehensive medical examination.

The condition in which hemoglobin drops below normal is called iron deficiency anemia(or anemia). An experienced doctor is able to detect pathology even before passing laboratory tests, barely looking at the patient who turned to him. Pale face, dry skin, "seizures" in the corners of the mouth, dull hair and sluggish movements are the main symptoms of low hemoglobin. And if, in addition to this, a woman complains of increased fatigue, “flies” in her eyes and frequent dizziness, then the diagnosis does not raise any doubts at all.

In pregnant women, anemia is often accompanied by eating and smell disorders. The desire to eat chalk, coal, sand, sniff whitewash or gasoline is by no means a “cute whim” of a future mother, but a reason to see a doctor.

The danger of anemia lies in the insufficient supply of oxygen to the tissues. At the initial stages of the disease, the body tries to cope with the lack of a vital element, depriving it of the least significant organs from its point of view (hair, nails, teeth). However, over time, oxygen deficiency increases and everyone has to “starve”, including the brain and heart. In order to prevent serious complications, it is important to identify and eliminate the cause of the disease at an early stage of its development.

Causes of low hemoglobin in women

Anemia can be caused by:

    Wrong nutrition. In order for hemoglobin to be synthesized in the right amount, a sufficient amount of iron must be supplied to the woman's body with food. Its main source is animal products: meat, liver, kidneys. Plants also contain iron, but in a form that is absorbed much worse. This is why vegetarianism and low-meat diets are one of the most common causes of anemia. Excess consumption of foods that inhibit iron absorption can also lead to a decrease in hemoglobin: coffee, tea, chocolate, cereals.

    Flaw folic acid, vit. C or vit. B12 in the body. All these elements play an important role in the formation of hemoglobin. Deficiency of vit. B12 is most often caused by helminthic invasion, and a lack of vit. C and folic acid - an unbalanced nutritional diet.

    Loss of blood. They can be both obvious (with systematic donation, heavy prolonged menstruation, uterine bleeding), and hidden (blood loss associated with hemorrhoids, ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract, polyps in the large intestine, etc.).

    Hypothyroidism. Thyroid hormone - thyroxine - regulates the absorption of iron in the intestine. Its deficiency entails a lack of hemoglobin.

    Diseases of the digestive system. , or intestines lead to thinning of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, as a result of which iron practically ceases to be absorbed.

    Premature death of red blood cells. This condition can be caused by long-term infectious diseases (, etc.) or immune disorders (for example, rheumatoid).

    Sedentary lifestyle. Physical activity- one of the factors affecting the synthesis of red blood cells. If the blood is not accelerated intensively enough throughout the body, the brain receives signals that there are “enough” erythrocytes and their additional synthesis is not required.

    Stress. They can cause a decrease in appetite and, as a result, insufficient intake of iron from food.

What to do if the hemoglobin is 60-80 in a woman?

A hemoglobin level below 80 g/l is considered severe anemia. Correction of the state is carried out taking into account the factor that caused it. To find out the cause of the pathology, a woman is asked to take a series of tests and go through specialists: a gynecologist, a gastroenterologist, an endocrinologist, a nutritionist. After identifying the underlying disease, the patient is selected a set of therapeutic measures aimed at combating it.

These include:

    beef, lamb, white rabbit meat,

    liver, tongue, kidneys,

    egg yolk,

    dried apricots, raisins, prunes, figs,

    apple and pomegranate juice,

    buckwheat soups and cereals,

  • sprouted grains of wheat,

    plums, green apples,

The body itself is able to regulate the amount of iron absorbed from food - with a shortage, it increases and vice versa.

It is very useful for low hemoglobin to drink plenty of water. Doctors advise taking plain water and juices 1/4 cup every 30 minutes.

Sample menu for patients with anemia:

1st breakfast

Millet porridge with dried apricots, prunes and nuts, 1 tbsp. apple juice, wheat bun.

2nd breakfast

sandwich from white bread with cheese, 1 tbsp. rosehip decoction.

Fresh vegetable salad with pieces of meat, vegetable soup on beef broth, dried fruit compote.

Fruit or fruit and berry salad, croutons, fresh

Education: In 2013, he graduated from the Kursk State Medical University and received a diploma in General Medicine. After 2 years, the residency in the specialty "Oncology" was completed. In 2016, she completed postgraduate studies at the Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center.


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Hemoglobin is a complex protein compound, which includes globin and heme (an iron compound). It is heme (iron atoms) that makes our blood red. Hemoglobin is responsible for the process of transporting oxygen or carbon dioxide from the lungs to other organs, maintains the pH level of the blood. Due to the lack of hemoglobin, the oxygen process may be disrupted, as a result of which the cells of the organs will not receive the necessary amount of oxygen and metabolic functions may be impaired. In the human body, hemoglobin occurs in three forms:

In combination with oxygen - scarlet, contained in the arteries;
- restored, after the transfer of oxygen to the tissues;
- in combination with carbon dioxide - dark cherry color, contained in the veins.

The main functions of hemoglobin are:
- transfer of oxygen from the lungs to tissue cells;
- transfer of carbon dioxide and protons from tissues to the lungs;
- maintaining the pH level of the blood.

Meaning hemoglobin very important in diagnosing the early stages of many serious diseases, for example. It should be noted that for male and female organisms, the norm of hemoglobin is different. Men are characterized by a higher amount of hemoglobin, approximately 130-160 g / l, and for women, the norm will be at 120-140 g / l. In children's organisms, as a rule, the level of hemoglobin is slightly lower than normal, which is quite normal.

High hemoglobin as normal

High content hemoglobin characteristic of the blood of people living in highlands or professional climbers. This is a natural compensation reaction - thus, the human body is struggling with an insufficient amount of oxygen in the air. An increase in hemoglobin levels can be observed after prolonged physical exertion and walks in nature in the fresh air. However, remember that high hemoglobin is not normal in all cases.

Complete blood count is normal

High hemoglobin as a manifestation of the disease

The reasons for the high indicators hemoglobin can become a variety of diseases. The most common are erythrocytosis, increased blood clotting, the presence of heart disease, intestinal obstruction, heart failure, diabetes mellitus.

Level up hemoglobin associated with the following conditions:
- diseases associated with an increase in the level of red blood cells;
- an increase in oxygen capacity caused by hypoxia in cardiovascular pathologies;
- dehydration of the body;
- stress and physical activity;
- benign and malignant neoplasms in the liver, kidneys, central nervous system;
- violation of the level of hormones;
- chemical poisoning;
- burns;
- intestinal obstruction.

pernicious anemia

One of most common causes of increased hemoglobin levels in the blood are insufficient amounts of folic acid and vitamin B12. Pernicious (pernicious anemia) or Addison-Birmer disease is an example of such a disease.

pernicious anemia occurs against the background of a generic predisposition, diseases of the stomach (for example, atrophic gastritis) in combination with impaired immune processes. These processes reduce the body's ability to absorb vitamin B12. The most sensitive to vitamin B12 deficiency is the bone marrow, as well as tissues and cells of the nervous system.

In a person suffering pernicious anemia, increased fatigue and, lack of appetite, frequent pain in the oral cavity, discomfort on the arms or legs appear. A person begins to lose weight, there is a violation of gait, visual impairment or problems with the genitourinary system may occur. Examination often reveals a bright red tongue, pale skin, some jaundice, and signs of neurological disease.

Laboratory research show a reduced content of altered erythrocytes (red blood cells) with a high content of hemoglobin. For the treatment of pernicious anemia, vitamin B12 is prescribed, which, if the disease is detected in time, gives favorable results. However, signs of disorders of the nervous system of the body persist longer if the course of treatment of the patient was started six months after the onset of the first symptoms of the disease. For pernicious anemia, as with many other diseases, timely diagnosis is important.


Erythrocytosis- a condition in which the level of erythrocytes and hemoglobin in human blood increases. The disease erythrocytosis can be hereditary, and also develop as a result of various disorders of internal organs.

Increasing quantity erythrocytes may occur as a result of kidney disease, as well as after a kidney transplant operation.
Hereditary erythrocytosis- a genetically occurring disease in which there is an increase in the content of red blood cells. Such a disease can pass absolutely without characteristic symptoms, and may be accompanied by sudden fatigue, a sharp headache, or blockage of the vessels of the circulatory system caused by high blood viscosity. During the course of treatment of erythrocytosis, excess red blood cells are removed and viscosity is reduced with the help of various therapeutic and medicinal products. With erythrocytosis caused by a lung or heart disease, the underlying disease is treated first.

What to do if hemoglobin is above normal?

In some situations arises question - how to lower hemoglobin in the blood? In order to answer it, you need to know the cause of the occurrence. elevated state, and most importantly eliminate this cause. But all this is only after laboratory diagnosis and consultation with a doctor.

Folk methods of treatment come down to a certain vegetable diet, the use of leeches and drinking decoctions of medicinal herbs that will help the body restore a normal level of hemoglobin. You can also become a donor and donate blood, as there will be a natural replacement with young blood. To liquefy, it is recommended to drink plain water with the addition of lemon three months. In the daily diet, while undergoing a course to normalize the level of hemoglobin, buckwheat, pearl barley and oats should be present.

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The qualitative level of blood composition is constantly changing over the course of life. A special table of hemoglobin norms in women by age will help prevent the appearance of pathological indicators in the analysis results.

Controlling changes in the blood count is one of the simplest and most affordable ways to prevent the development of many diseases in the female body.

Hemoglobin is an iron-containing blood pigment found in red blood cells that transports oxygen to tissues. By structure, hemoglobin is classified as a complex protein, the core of which contains iron, which binds oxygen molecules. It is hemoglobin that colors blood red.

After transferring oxygen to tissues, hemoglobin attaches carbon dioxide and transports it to the lungs. Thus, this blood particle should be regarded as an element that provides the main transport functions of blood - nutrition and respiration.

Changes in hemoglobin indicators indicate a violation of the oxygen-transporting function, which leads to the development of various diseases - anemia, renal failure, hypoxemia and ischemia.

Under the influence of chemicals, carbon monoxide and an increase in blood sugar levels, hemoglobin acquires pathological forms that can only be detected through analysis.

How to determine the level of hemoglobin

To find out the level of hemoglobin, laboratory tests of blood samples taken from a finger are used. During the procedure, the number of red blood cells and the presence of abnormal cells are determined.

Blood sampling is performed on an empty stomach and not earlier than 8 hours after the last meal.

The norm of hemoglobin in the blood in women by age: table

Due to the specifics of the body, the standard indicators of iron in the blood in women are lower than in men, but higher than in children, and is 112-150 g / l.

In special periods of life - during pregnancy or menstruation, the composition of the blood changes, but this is not considered a sign of abnormalities if the test results correspond to the accepted norm.

Hemoglobin norm after 30 years

Blood composition indicators change with age. In women under the age of 30, the norm of hemoglobin in the blood reaches the maximum possible level. Whereas after overcoming the 30-year milestone, a gradual decline in indicators begins.

Norm after 40 years

The process of reducing hemoglobin is observed throughout a woman's life. Therefore, after 40 years, the hemoglobin norm in women is already 5 g / l lower than in thirty-year-olds. Changes in the composition of the blood become especially noticeable closer to the age of 50, when women begin the stage of menopausal restructuring of the body.

Hemoglobin after 50 years

In women after 50 years, the level of hemoglobin, as a rule, falls below the established norm. This is due to the instability of the hormonal balance characteristic of menopause. A woman becomes more emotional, and her stress resistance is noticeably reduced, which affects the composition of the blood.

During menopause, in order to raise the level of hemoglobin to normal, doctors recommend taking drugs that normalize hormonal levels and adjust the diet with an emphasis on healthy vitamin and iron-containing foods.

The exceptions are products that inhibit the absorption of iron:

  • milk;
  • chicken protein;
  • bread, pasta, cereals;
  • hard drinks, including coffee and tea.

In addition, you should increase your water intake.

Hemoglobin norm after 60 years

For the female body after 60 years, the completion of hormonal changes and a slowdown in metabolic processes are characteristic. Since the need for nutrients is no longer as high as before, the level of iron in the body gradually drops.

To normalize the blood composition of the elderly, it is necessary to follow a special diet aimed at increasing iron-containing foods in the daily diet.

Signs of a low hemoglobin level

A decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in plasma indicates a violation of metabolic processes and the development of anemia. Such conditions are considered pathological and require correction.

A decrease in the number of blood cells is accompanied by a deterioration in well-being.

Most often, pathological changes indicate:

  • sleep disturbances, insomnia;
  • pale skin;
  • dry mouth;
  • dizziness;
  • arrhythmia;
  • migraine;
  • exfoliating nails;
  • abundantly falling out, brittle and dry hair;
  • increased fatigue;
  • caries;
  • dyspnea;
  • dry lips and cracks at the corners of the mouth.

Often, anemic processes are manifested by a loss of smell and taste, especially in pregnant women.

If deviations from the norm are insignificant, special drug treatment is not required, it is enough to observe the regime of work and rest, ensure good sleep and reconsider the attitude to nutrition and bad habits.

Causes of low hemoglobin

Despite the fact that anemia is an independent disease, doctors tend to regard its appearance as a signal of the presence of other health problems.

Among the main causes of deficiency of blood cells:

  • lack of B vitamins and iron-containing foods in the diet;
  • bleeding, including ulcerative, menstrual, postpartum, postoperative, and donation;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • infectious, autoimmune and hereditary diseases;
  • release of insulin during tumor processes in the pancreas;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • hepatitis;
  • stress;
  • drug abuse.

In addition, a decrease in the number of red blood particles is typical for women who follow diets for weight loss.

Treatment for low hemoglobin

It is possible to improve the blood formula with low hemoglobin, thanks to an integrated approach to treatment. Along with drug treatment, it is necessary to change the diet and lifestyle.

Drug treatment involves taking iron-containing drugs - Aktiferrin capsules, Ferri syrup, as well as the combined Ferrofolgamma and Irovit products. The choice and prescription of drugs can only be carried out by the attending physician. The average course of medication is two weeks.

Therapeutic diet involves the introduction into the diet of foods that increase the level of iron in the body, or improve its absorption. All types of vegetables deserve special attention, as well as apples, apricots, pumpkins, seaweed, pomegranates, herbs, nuts and citrus fruits.

The list of the most useful animal products includes all types of meat and seafood, liver, kidneys and chicken yolks.

In addition, the amount of spices such as cinnamon, mint, thyme and anise should be increased in the daily menu.

Lifestyle change involves regular physical activity, a good night's rest, and the rejection of bad habits.

High hemoglobin in women

An increase in hemoglobin levels is fraught with no less serious health consequences than its decrease. Excess iron in the body is manifested in drowsiness, fatigue, difficulty urinating, the appearance of bright areas against the background of pale skin, an enlarged liver, a decrease in vision, little or no appetite, and the appearance of age spots.

Such violations may indicate the development of:

  • erythrocytosis;
  • bone marrow pathologies;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • oncological diseases;
  • cardiac pathologies;
  • diseases of the respiratory system.

A temporary increase in red blood cell counts is possible after a blood transfusion. Also, a high level of red blood cells is inherent in people living in high mountainous areas or working at height - pilots, crane operators, climbers.

Other non-specific causes of increased hemoglobin include smoking, dehydration due to diuretics, burns, and old age.

Signs of changes in plasma hemoglobin in one direction or another often coincide. To determine the exact cause of the violations, a complete medical examination is necessary.

How to lower hemoglobin in the blood?

To normalize increased performance red blood cells in plasma, doctors recommend taking medications that thin the blood. The list of the most effective drugs includes Curantil, Acecardol, Cardiomagnyl, Vasonite. Additionally, hepatoprotective drugs are used, as well as products containing zinc, calcium, phosphorus and manganese.

In particularly difficult situations, doctors can use erythrophoresis or gastrotomy to remove excess red blood cells.

Dietary nutrition provides for the use of foods that inhibit the absorption of iron - all types of dairy products, pasta and bakery products, cereals.

The norm of hemoglobin in the blood during pregnancy

The changes that occur in the body of the expectant mother are also reflected in the level of hemoglobin. First of all, pregnancy is characterized by the accumulation of fluid, resulting in physiological dilution of blood and a decrease in the concentration of red blood cells.

The normal level of hemoglobin in pregnant women is 110-155 g / l.

A pathological decrease in indicators in pregnant women is possible against the background of iron and folic acid deficiency. As the fetus grows, these substances are consumed in the first place, and their gradually growing shortage leads to anemia.

Low hemoglobin levels during pregnancy can adversely affect the development of the fetus, or provoke premature birth.

Hemoglobin level in women during menstruation

Even the smallest bleeding affects the level of iron in the body, reducing it and causing a feeling of drowsiness and weakness. This process is natural, because during menstruation the body loses some blood, and its replacement is slow.

Moreover, a delay in menstruation can provoke a slowdown in the maturation of red blood cells and, as a result, a drop in blood viscosity. As a result, with the onset of the menstrual period, blood loss increases, further reducing hemoglobin levels.

If the discharge is too small, this may be a sign of an increase in the level of iron in the blood and an increase in its viscosity. Similar symptoms are characteristic of a number of diseases of the cardiovascular system and diabetes.

What is hemoglobin

Hemoglobin is found in red blood cells (erythrocytes). It delivers oxygen (O 2) from the lungs to the tissues and organs of our body, being the main component of red blood cells. Oxygen generates energy by participating in the process of burning food, as a result, carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide) molecules are formed, which are delivered to the lungs and excreted.

Hemoglobin consists of both heme and globin. Heme is a chemical compound of an iron ion surrounded by a porphyrin. The iron ion in the heme is responsible for bonding with oxygen molecules, while the globin (protein) is responsible for bonding with carbon dioxide.

The level of hemoglobin can change under the influence of various natural processes or certain disorders in the human body. The purpose of this publication: to show why this happens, what the consequences can be and how to avoid them, as well as treatment from the standpoint of an elevated hemoglobin level.

The structure of hemoglobin. Each red blood cell contains approximately 270 million hemoglobin molecules.

Elevated hemoglobin level

Elevated hemoglobin reflects the concentration of red blood cells (RBCs) in the blood that carry oxygen. The hemoglobin level is an indicator of the amount of oxygen carried.

Elevated hemoglobin cannot be an indication of high blood levels of CCP, since the level of protein in each cell can vary. Therefore, a hemoglobin test with a normal red blood cell count may show a high hemoglobin level.

The level of elevated hemoglobin may vary depending on the tests used. But in general, for men, the value should be more than 17.6 grams / 1 deciliter (g / dl), for women - 15.5 g / dl. In children, the level of elevated hemoglobin depends on gender and age. The following table shows the results of hemoglobin tests in 450 perfectly healthy children aged 3 to 24 months (the table shows the average values):

Age (months)Male g/dl (1 gram / 100 milliliters)female g/dlDifferences between mean values ​​by gender
3 11,44 11,55 0,11
6 11,69 11,94 0,25
9 11,58 11,55 -0,03
12 11,67 11,84 0,17
15 11,69 12,23 0,54
18 12,08 12,45 0,37
21 11,71 11,97 0,26
24 11,83 12,08 12,08

The results of the analyzes carried out at the "Bristol Royal Hospital" by Dr. David Burman.

This is what red blood cells look like.

How is a hemoglobin test performed?

Blood collection procedure.

The hemoglobin test is the most common and is usually included in the complete blood count. The analysis itself is very simple. Blood is taken from a vein inside elbow or the back of the hand, the puncture site is cleaned with alcohol. Usually a standard syringe with a needle is used. Before the procedure, a tourniquet is applied to the arm to facilitate blood sampling. During the procedure, the tourniquet is removed in order to restore blood circulation, when a sufficient amount of blood has been collected, the needle is removed.

Symptoms and possible complications

Elevated hemoglobin is usually an indicator of certain diseases, which can manifest itself in the following symptoms:

Mental retardation: cognitive dysfunction, dizziness, confusion are due to circulatory disorders in the cerebral region.

Peripheral cyanosis: blue discoloration of the skin on the lips and fingertips.

Impaired blood circulation and blood clotting: blood circulation is disturbed throughout the body, which contributes to the formation of blood clots - thromboembolism. In some cases, tumors, temporary loss of vision and hearing, spontaneous numbness of body parts may appear.

High hemoglobin can also change the shape of red blood cells, leading to sickle cell anemia, in which the cells take the shape of a crescent.

Red blood cells under a microscope: a clear demonstration of sickle cell anemia. On the left is a deformed erythrocyte, on the right is a normal one.

Elevated hemoglobin is usually a symptom of some disease, so doctors are always trying to establish the root cause and not reduce hemoglobin, but cure the underlying disease, which will lead to the normalization of its level. It is necessary to monitor the level of hemoglobin from time to time in order to start the correct treatment in time.

Causes of increased hemoglobin

Natural deviations of hemoglobin levels

So, for example, in the case of pregnancy, the level of hemoglobin can increase or decrease naturally, without signaling any disorders. Below we provide a list of reasons that can increase the level of hemoglobin without being any disease:

  • Times of Day.

    The level of hemoglobin in each person can change during the day. As a rule, it is always higher in the morning and decreases in the evening. The highest level of hemoglobin can be observed around 8 am, and the lowest at 8 pm. The difference between high and low levels fluctuates throughout the day and can vary by as much as 1 gram/dL.

  • Hydration.

    The concentration of hemoglobin usually depends on hydration (the interaction of solutes with water). Hydration increases blood plasma and as a result red blood cells, hematocrit, and hemoglobin.

  • Smoking.

    Elevated hemoglobin in smokers is the norm. This level of hemoglobin is not a disorder, as it is a normal reaction to the small amount of oxygen that a smoker inhales. The smoker inhales more smoke and very little oxygen. This goes into the system, as a result of which tissues and organs do not receive enough oxygen to burn food and convert it into energy, which disrupts the life process of the body. In response, our body increases the production of CCP in order to extract more oxygen to maintain tissue nutrition and create conditions for the normal interaction of hemoglobin molecules and oxygen.

  • Life at high altitude.

    People living at high altitudes also have increased hemoglobin, since the air there is more rarefied and it contains little oxygen. Such a process is a normal reaction of the body to a small amount of oxygen, since it is not enough to nourish tissues and fully interact with hemoglobin molecules with oxygen, which causes an increase in the production of CCP and, accordingly, hemoglobin for the normal functioning of the body.

Specific disorders leading to an increase in hemoglobin levels

  1. COPD

    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - occurs due to the systematic narrowing of the airways of the respiratory system, leading to a lack of oxygen supply to the organs. When the disease is advanced, a large number of red blood cells are produced, which increases the level of hemoglobin.

  2. Dehydration

    Severe dehydration increases plasma levels and as a result increases circulating blood volume. The dehydration process itself does not increase the level of red blood cells, however, the consequences expressed in an increase in blood volume increase their concentration in general, which is also expressed in an increased level of hemoglobin.

  3. Emphysema
  4. Heart failure

    Congenital heart disease of the blue type, which is part of the group of cognitive heart disorders, causes the patient's skin to become bluish or bluish due to the fact that the blood passing through the lungs and entering the systemic circulation to nourish the organs is deoxygenated (deoxygenation occurs). In response to the reduced oxygen content, the human body produces a large number of red blood cells, which is why there is an increased hemoglobin.

  5. kidney cancer
  6. Liver cancer
  7. Other types of heart disorders
  8. Other types of respiratory disorders
  9. Wakez-Osler disease

    The disease belongs to a type of myeloproliferative disorder, when the bone tissue produces an excessive amount of red blood cells, which increases hemoglobin.


Elevated hemoglobin is very rare and cannot be treated as a separate disease, although it is often treated as a separate symptom of the underlying disease. Therefore, for treatment, you need to consult a doctor so that he can make a diagnosis and draw up a plan and recommendations for your treatment to normalize hemoglobin levels.

However, there are a number of tips for lowering hemoglobin, we at ddhealth have done a study and have selected a few for you effective methods based on reviews (still, before using them, consult a therapist, as they can lead to negative consequences for certain diseases, surgeries):

  1. Become a blood donor. This technique is a time-honored technique and is commonly used in testosterone therapy to lower hemoglobin levels. Feedback from one of the donors:
    My hematocrit level was 40, after I went through TTT (approx. from ddhealth - testosterone replacement therapy) the level increased to 51. I went to donate blood, the level was already 45 at the last test. Of course, donating blood is not the most pleasant procedure, but keeping the hematocrit for a long time can't be high either. This example shows that in one blood donation, the patient has reduced the content of red blood cells by 12%, which is impressive.
  2. Drink water. It is very important to remember that the level of hemoglobin is very dependent on the amount of fluid in the body. Drink plenty of water, but remember that water should be consumed in moderation, as an excess of water puts an additional burden on the heart. The daily rate of water consumption is 30-40 ml per 1 kg of body weight.
  3. Become a smart vegetarian. In favor of vegetables is the fact that they contain a large amount of substances that slow down the absorption of iron by the body. For example, an organization like Watson Price likes to criticize vegetarians for consuming phytic acid, which is found in vegetables. With its excessive consumption, a violation of the absorption of nutrients by the body occurs. However, Dr. Bernard points out that phytic acid is still worth protecting human health, since minerals such as zinc and iron are, based on studies, neurotoxic even when they are slightly absorbed by body tissues. A study shows that high iron intake affects heart health and may be a cause of cancer.
    Therefore, avoiding meat, especially red, can reduce hemoglobin levels and prolong your life. But you should not give it up completely, as it contains useful amino acids that the body can only get from meat.
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