Grated fat. Lard is a real delicacy from a simple product. Video: Grated lard with garlic is a cool appetizer

Salo through a meat grinder skipped so that later we can cook a very tender and unusual snack. Even more than that, as a result you will get a pate of lard (fat) with greens and a set of the most suitable spices and seasonings. Step by step recipe cooking delicious lard with garlic passed through a meat grinder thanks to detailed photo will provide you with a quick and easy cooking of this dish. This is especially true for those who like to carry out unusual recipes at home.

As greens, you can take dill, parsley or even mint leaves: it all depends on your personal gastronomic preferences. Garlic plays one of the main roles and its amount determines how spicy your rolled lard pate will be. Such a simple snack is suitable even for holiday table, because a neat roll interspersed with herbs and spices looks very attractive and appetizing. Let's start creating snacks from lard scrolled through a meat grinder.


Pork bacon (Salo)

(3-4 cloves)

Ground red pepper

  • Ground black pepper


  • Cooking steps

    You can take absolutely any fat to your taste to prepare such an unusual snack. Carefully cut off the dense skin and pass the selected piece of fat through a meat grinder, then again.

    In a bowl with lard ground in a meat grinder, add salt to your taste along with ground black pepper.

    The amount of garlic, however, like all other spices, you can adjust yourself. Peel the garlic cloves and run them through a press directly into the bowl of lard.

    Get a fresh bunch of greens to prepare this snack. Rinse it, chop the leaves and add them to the rest of the ingredients.

    At this stage, add red pepper to the dish and thereby give it a little spiciness. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients until a homogeneous mass.

    Unfold a piece of cling film on a dry and flat surface, put the entire mixture in the center and carefully wrap the roll as shown in the photo. Carefully tie the edges of the film, then send the fat to the refrigerator. After 2-3 hours it will be possible to unfold the fat, cut it and serve it to the table. A magnificent and simple appetizer of lard twisted in a meat grinder with garlic is ready.

  • A popular Ukrainian appetizer, or sandwich fat.

    Salo twisted with garlic is a traditional Ukrainian snack served for dinner not only in ordinary families, but also in many expensive restaurants: chefs offer visitors a small plate with spicy spread on bread as a compliment. The treat is always popular - often bacon twisted with garlic is eaten even before the waiters serve the main course.

    Such an appetizer is often prepared for the most popular Ukrainian first course - there is nothing better than rich red borscht with a chunk rye bread, on which twisted lard is smeared with a generous layer. However, even without borscht - as a regular snack - such a sandwich is very good. Let's figure out together how to cook it.

    a piece of lard weighing about 500 g;
    5-8 garlic cloves;
    2/3 tsp salt;
    1/2 tsp black pepper.

    Question number one - where to buy fat. Let shops and supermarkets rest on the sidelines, you go to the market, and without options. Look for a seller who does not sell meat every day, but brought home-grown brisket, ham and neck to sell. Well, fat, of course. This is where you stop.

    How to cook lard with garlic

    Many mistakenly believe that in order to cook lard twisted with garlic, it is quite possible to buy a cheaper product - all the same, they say, it will not be visible what it was originally. It won’t be seen, that’s for sure, but don’t expect the taste of such an appetizer to be special: to get a wonderful dish, you need to buy wonderful products. Do not save money: winning three kopecks, you will get a lot of disappointment and a bunch of vain expectations.

    Salo for preparing such a snack should be soft, tender and, oddly enough, should not smell of anything. Well, except that the skin can smell a little bit of burnt straw, with the help of which they burn pork skin. By the way, its thickness and density are also directly related to the quality of fat: it is believed that the skin should be thin, soft and easily pierced with a knife.

    When choosing lard, give preference to pieces of medium thickness: too thick a layer of this product may well belong to an overgrown "piggy" - who knows how sinewy and dense it has become over many pig lives?

    There is an old grandmother’s way of checking fat in the markets: they run a fingernail over the surface of the product being sold, after which the amount of “removed” fat is estimated. If the fat is soft and of high quality, there will be a lot of it. Old, wiry, hard - not enough.

    So, you are at home - along with bacon, of course. Mine, wipe with disposable towels to dry a little.

    Carefully cut off the skin - it is in our this case absolutely not needed. In general, if you are a special fan of this delicacy, you can leave it, but still the appetizer twisted with garlic should be soft, tender and homogeneous, so it’s better to remove the skin.

    Sometimes, by slightly prying it with a knife, you can gently pull it - and remove the skin without much effort. If this does not work out, lift it up with one hand, and with the other, using a knife, carefully separate it from the fat, trying not to leave the second on the first, and the first on the second.

    After the skin is removed, cut the fat into medium-sized pieces - the shape is not important, this is done solely for the convenience of further work.

    Garlic. Divide into cloves, clean. Determine the quantity yourself - there are no and cannot be any recommendations. Someone likes it spicier, someone does not like a pronounced garlic flavor, someone strives for the golden mean, and everyone has their own - so be guided by your taste.

    Black pepper is a must. The main secret is that the spice must be freshly ground. If you don't have a special mortar, use a pepper grinder. No grinder - put the peas between two layers of a clean linen towel and work hard with a rolling pin. Pay attention to the degree of grinding - you should not grind the pepper into fine dust, for this it is quite possible to use a ready-made industrial ground product. It will be much tastier and more aromatic if quite tangible pieces of pepper are found in the appetizer - spicy, fragrant, dizzyingly delicious. However, this issue can also be attributed to the competence of the taste preferences of a particular individual, so decide for yourself when to stop by chopping black pepper.

    Put lard, pepper, garlic in a blender cup. Salt.
    If you don’t have a blender, you can use a meat grinder (as, indeed, our grandparents did for many decades).

    Turn on, grind, check. If the mass has become homogeneous, a tasty and savory snack is ready.
    If not, we chop a little more, check - and then you can definitely get a piece of rye bread, spread bacon twisted with garlic on it, cut a ripe pink tomato in half and enjoy the sky, life, breeze, freedom and ... and fragrant spread on sandwiches !

    It is necessary to store lard with garlic in a glass dish under a tightly closed lid. However, it is better not to store it - garlic loses its aroma over time, so such a spread should be done immediately before everyone sits down at the table.

    Butterbrot lard, also popularly known as lard spread with garlic, is a popular snack in Ukraine. Butterbrot bacon has long migrated from Ukrainian cuisine to Russian and Belarusian and has become popular throughout the post-Soviet space.

    Salo twisted with garlic is often used as a compliment in Slavic cuisine restaurants. It is also served with Borodino bread with borscht. Sandwich fat is used not only as a spread for sandwiches, but also as a dressing for borscht and other vegetable soups.

    Spreads can be prepared from salted or fresh fat. The only difference is that when you cook with fresh lard, you have to let the lard infuse in the refrigerator and soak in the salt and spice flavors for several hours.

    Salo spread in Ukrainian


    • Salted lard - 300g.
    • Ground black pepper - half a teaspoon
    • Paprika - half a teaspoon
    • Garlic - 4 cloves
    • Fresh herbs - dill and/or parsley

    How to cook lard spread in Ukrainian style?

    Trim the skins and scroll the fat in a meat grinder twice. Add crushed garlic, pepper, paprika and finely chopped fresh herbs. Spread on black bread. You can put fresh or pickled cucumber on top.

    Spread of bacon and garlic in Ukrainian - great way satisfy hunger. Try it yourself!

    Salo sandwich diner

    This lard spread is very spicy and fragrant.


    • Salo fresh - 300 g
    • Salt - 1 teaspoon
    • Garlic - 3 cloves
    • Coriander (ground) - half a teaspoon
    • pepper mixture - half a teaspoon
    • paprika - a third of a teaspoon
    • Seasoning "Mexico" - 1 teaspoon
    • green basil
    • green onion
    • dill greens

    Preparation of lard spread:

    We cut off the skin. We pass fresh fat twice through a meat grinder. Add all spices and crushed garlic. Stir and add chopped fresh herbs. Mix again. The spread is not ready - the fat needs time to absorb the flavors. To do this, cover the container with the spread. cling film and put in the fridge for a day.

    Salt and garlic spread

    This lard spread recipe is extremely simple. Cooking will not take you much time, and the result will certainly please.


    • Fresh fat - 500 g;
    • garlic - 1 head;
    • black peppercorns - to taste;
    • salt - to taste;
    • dill - 0.5 bunch;
    • hot pepper - 1 pod.


    Remove the skin and cut the fat into pieces. Pass through the meat grinder twice. Add ground pepper, garlic passed through a press, salt, finely chopped dill and bitter pepper crushed in a combine. We mix everything thoroughly. We put the finished spread of bacon and garlic in a sealed container for a day in the refrigerator.

    A spread of bacon and garlic is ideal not only for making sandwiches, but also as a dressing for soups for those who love spicy food. lard spread on bread with garlic is a classic of Ukrainian cuisine, and it is good!

    Salad spread with herbs and spices

    This sandwich fat contains a large amount of spices. Add spices to taste. The combination itself is very successful, regardless of the proportions. This salted bacon spread is the most fragrant of the recipes presented.


    • salted fat,
    • dill,
    • parsley,
    • caraway,
    • coriander,
    • paprika,
    • basil,
    • red ground pepper,
    • garlic

    How to make lard spread?

    Remove the skin from the fat and pass the fat twice through a meat grinder. Add garlic, passed through a press, all spices and finely chopped greens. Mix everything thoroughly.

    Now you know how to make bread spread from lard. Pork lard spread with garlic - what could be better for a quick snack. By making a lard sandwich with garlic and putting it in the refrigerator, you will provide yourself with a delicious snack for quick hand Anytime.

    People are divided into 2 categories: those who love fat, and those who do not perceive it. At the same time, the ranks of the former are much larger and are constantly replenished. Replenishment occurs at the expense of those who allow themselves to be persuaded to simply try lard, in any form: salted, baked ... After all, most of those who claim that they do not like lard have actually never tried to eat it. One has only to serve beautifully appetizing pieces sprinkled with red pepper, with a slice of soft bread, with onion rings, so that there is a desire to find out what this beauty tastes like - and the situation will change.
    Another way to cook tasty and lard is to make a fragrant garlic appetizer out of it. This recipe is quite simple, but the result is so good that so many cook it this way: in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and all over the world. Be sure to try cooking lard through a meat grinder with garlic, and I'm sure you'll like it!

    Taste Info Meat Snacks


    • 200 g of fresh fat;
    • 2-3 medium cloves of garlic;
    • salt, pepper to taste.

    How to cook lard twisted in a meat grinder with garlic and spices

    The most important thing is to choose a good piece of lard for this snack. Forget about shops and supermarkets - you will definitely not find the right fat there. It is best to go to the market - this is where the freshest fat will be sold. If you are already offered lard with salt, then most likely this is an old piece - this does not suit us categorically. There is lard with meat veins, it is very tasty, but it is not suitable for this recipe, so do not buy it, no matter how appetizing it looks.

    There may be a skin on the fat - it must be removed. Some people like to eat it separately - great, so you don’t have to just throw it away.

    My piece (it’s not really necessary, but I still prefer to do it - how do I know if the seller dropped it on the floor, and in general, how and where was it stored?) and dry it with paper napkins or towels.

    Cut the fat into chunks. The size of the slices should be such that it is convenient to work with a meat grinder. Large pieces do not fit into the serving bowl of my meat grinder (I dare to assume that it is the same story with your meat grinder).

    And we twist the fat in a meat grinder. Just a couple of minutes and you're done! You will spend more time cleaning up your equipment afterwards.

    We clean the garlic and pass through the garlic press. If you want, you can just cut it into small pieces with a knife - then it will be better felt in the finished snack.

    Add garlic to lard. Salo in a meat grinder with garlic is almost ready.

    Then add salt and pepper. I usually use just black pepper, but you can use paprika, for example. Some generally add Provencal herbs or dried basil - it turns out a kind of mixture of culinary cultures: Slavic and Mediterranean (very successful, by the way).

    We mix everything thoroughly and be sure to try: is it necessary to add spices.

    That's all: we put the snack in a convenient container and we can serve it on the table. By the way, lard with garlic is perfectly stored in the refrigerator if necessary. Just do not forget to cover the container with a lid or cling film - then the fat will not absorb excess odors, and will not share its garlic flavor with anyone.

    Such an appetizer with fresh black bread and green onions is especially good, as an addition to a plate of hot and fragrant red borscht.

    teaser network

    Recipe number 2. Sandwich fat "Cossack Snack"

    There are countless recipes for salting and cooking lard. Yes, don't try to do that. It's best to try each one. Salo is a useful product and is simply necessary for the human body. Since ancient times, men have been especially fond of him. And if the fat is cooked with garlic, with hot pepper or dill, then it will be difficult to find a dish that is equivalent in taste. In this recipe, we propose to prepare two options for snack lard, twisted in a meat grinder with paprika and herbs. Who refuses to enjoy a fragrant brown bread sandwich with a chilled strong drink?

    The list of necessary products for preparing snacks:

    • 400 grams of fat,
    • 4-5 garlic cloves,
    • 1 teaspoon of salt without a slide,
    • additives to taste: ground pepper, dill, paprika.

    How to make sandwich fat

    First you need to go to the market and buy the right fat. When choosing, be careful, do not take hard fat. It should be soft and tender, that is, it should be easy to pierce with a knife. The softness of the skin does not play a role, since we will not cook it. Let the selected fat be without meat layers. It would be nice if you found bacon streaked with straw, then the taste of the finished product will be even brighter.
    The next step is cooking. Wash the fat, cut off the skin from it.

    Chop into small pieces and grind in a meat grinder on a fine wire rack.
    Add salt, pepper and minced garlic, mix well.

    Then peel the garlic and prepare whatever spices you want to add. In our case, it is dill and spicy paprika.

    Divide your meal in two.
    Pour finely chopped dill into one of them.

    Those who love lard will certainly like this version of its preparation, in which the lard is twisted through a meat grinder. It turns out such a "spread" - very tender, satisfying and tasty. The most delicious is lard, twisted through a meat grinder, with garlic and herbs. That's what our recipe is about. The amount of salt, pepper, garlic and herbs in it is indicated approximately: if desired, put more or less according to your taste.
    Salo with greens is stored in the refrigerator for a short time, 2-3 days. Therefore, it is worth preparing a small portion with greens. You can twist more fat, and add greens later, as needed.
    If you decide, then be sure to serve such fat to it: these two dishes are very suitable for each other.
    - 0.5 kg of fresh lard;
    - 0.5 - 1 teaspoon of salt;
    - 1 coffee spoon of black ground pepper;
    - 2 cloves of garlic;
    - 5-6 sprigs of parsley.

    Recipe with photo step by step:

    Fat for twisting can be chosen and hard, from the head. Well, if the fat has meat streaks - it will turn out tastier. It is best to buy lard on the market, choosing tarred one - then the twisted lard will have a wonderful taste and aroma. Rinse fresh unsalted bacon thoroughly with running water and dry with a paper towel.

    We remove the skin. Cut the fat into small pieces that will go into the hole in the meat grinder.

    We twist the fat through a meat grinder.

    Add salt, freshly ground black pepper and minced garlic. Mix thoroughly to distribute all ingredients evenly.

    Wash the parsley and dry it. We separate the leaves, and remove the branches. We finely chop the greens.

    We separate a small amount of fat (2-3 three-day amount), add chopped greens.

    Mix thoroughly.

    We transfer the finished twisted fat to a container or jar, tightly close the lid and store in the refrigerator. And if necessary, we take it out, spread it on black bread and enjoy!
    See also,

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