State Unitary Enterprise Belgorod Regional Fund for Support of Izhs Telephone. Illegal extortions BIC and the Regional Fund for the Support of IZhS - Black List. Control over the intended use of the loan


Please add the Belgorod Mortgage Corporation and Mr. Popkov personally to the black list. I would like to know on what basis and what is the legal basis for sticking 23 requirements on the doors of private houses in Streletsky within 10 days to conclude a contract for water supply and sanitation in the amount of 3000 rubles. for each item, otherwise they threaten to eliminate the connection of people to the water supply and sanitation networks, although almost all people are connected legally with the appropriate seals in the projects. Not only does the BIC not fulfill its obligations under the contract in terms of providing the microdistrict with drinking water, they also want to cash in on people. The water is disgusting red and with the smell of a swamp, the iron removal station was launched last fall and worked for exactly a month. All residents are ready to pay for water supply and sanitation, but legally according to meters, after the transfer of networks to the water utility. But the networks are not going to be transmitted, because. this will lead to the loss of a source of additional income. I ask all developers and owners of private houses to support my words. Thank you.

October 25, 2016, 13:44

Olesya2012 , Belgorod

I fully support, the water is disgusting, the filter can not cope! 8 years have passed, is it really impossible to put the networks in order and transfer them to a certified organization so that people can pay by the meters! And the annual payment for technical water is illegal! The insert is paid 1 time.

ALEX 31, Belgorod

What a boorish and untrue answer from BIK. In fact, they themselves wrote, we will knock out money, but we will not do anything.


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“In your home and on your land…” - this centuries-old way of life perfectly reflects the basis of the concept of individual housing construction in the Belgorod region.

On the territory of the Novooskolsky district, active work is underway to implement targeted housing construction programs. The essence of these programs is to give every person a real opportunity to build their own house in the current situation.

The key role in the comprehensive support of individual developers is played by the State Unitary Enterprise "Belgorod Regional Fund for Support of Individual Housing Construction" and the construction and savings cooperative "Svoi Dom".

During the years of activity of the Novooskolsky branch of the IZHS fund, the appearance of the district has changed radically. There is not a single settlement, wherever there is a borrower of the Fund. From year to year, the volumes of material resources provided to developers are systematically expanding and increasing. financial assistance, implementing various programs of individual housing construction.

The priority direction of the Fund's activity is to increase the volume of housing construction in rural areas. Loans for these purposes are provided at a preferential interest rate of 5% per annum. The maximum loan amount issued for the construction of a residential building is 1 million rubles. rub. with a repayment period of up to 15 years, for the completion of construction and the construction of an extension to a residential building - 500 thousand rubles. and a repayment period of up to 8 years. For residents living in farms and settlements with a decreasing population, a loan is issued at 3% per annum.

For urban residents, loans are issued at 10% per annum. The maximum loan amount for the construction of a residential building is 1 million rubles. repayment period up to 15 years; for the completion of construction and the construction of an extension to a residential building - up to 500 thousand rubles. and a repayment period of up to 8 years.

Families with many children in need of better housing conditions and who have expressed a desire to build their own housing are provided by the Fund with a loan for the construction of a residential building up to 1 million rubles. for 15 years at 5% per annum, regardless of the place of construction.

Financial support for individual developers is also provided through Svoy Dom. Only here, in order to obtain a loan, it is necessary to make a share savings contribution from 50 to 300 thousand rubles. Depending on the amount of the share contribution, you can get a loan of up to 600 thousand rubles. at 1% per annum, for a period of 7 years.

Families that have maternity capital can apply for a loan for the construction of a house or extension, with its further repayment with maternity capital, regardless of the age of the child.

In total, six IZHS microdistricts have been developed in the district. Distribution is currently underway land plots on a newly allocated array on an area of ​​180 hectares. (expansion of the microdistrict "At the traffic police post") it is planned to build 930 residential buildings here. According to the developed project, it is planned to build a house of culture, a kindergarten, trade and consumer services enterprises on this site. Plots for individual housing construction are provided for rent. Currently, there are no problems with the allocation of plots for individual housing construction in the district.

The IZHS Support Fund is the customer for the construction of water supply networks in the IZHS microdistricts, as well as the coordinator of the implementation of the electricity supply, gas supply and road construction program. According to the program of engineering arrangement of microdistricts of mass development on the terms of co-financing by the Fund, the construction of water supply networks and facilities for them was carried out in the Vostochny microdistrict. At the expense of energy supply organizations, electric and gas networks were built in the microdistricts Vostochny, Raduzhny, At the traffic police post, Molodezhny in the village of Ninovka. Hard-surfaced roads are under construction. Design and estimate documentation for the construction of water supply networks and facilities for them in the Raduzhny microdistrict has been prepared. In 2017, it is planned to build water supply networks and facilities for them within the boundaries of the Molodezhny microdistrict in the village of Ninovka.

Own home is the key to family well-being, raising a healthy and morally and physically generation. Because housing built with one's own hands makes a person a true patriot of a small Motherland.

The services of the IZHS Fund are in demand, and taking into account the fact that in the district there are land plots for construction and allocated to everyone and loans are provided on preferential terms, the number of Novooskol families who decide to build their own house will continue to grow steadily.

In five or seven years, Russians should receive a million mortgage loans annually - such a task in the field of creating an affordable housing market was set by Vladimir Putin at a recent meeting of the State Council Presidium. And although a whole package of laws has recently been adopted for this, there are still a lot of unresolved problems here (inflation alone is worth something!), which was also discussed at the presidium of the State Council. Of course, they need to be addressed. But at the same time, one should not discount what has been developed at the local level. For example, workers in the public sector of the Belgorod region and young people under 30 are given the opportunity to build their own housing - on credit, and only at 1 percent per annum. To do this, a credit consumer cooperative was created here.

Pleasure for the Few

Why, however, it was necessary to invent something new, if there is already a system of mortgage lending? Yes, it exists, and it is in the Belgorod region that it is developing even more successfully than anywhere else. The head of the regional mortgage corporation, Stanislav Litvinov (who is also the chairman of the credit cooperative), claims that recently there has been a more intensive increase in the number of concluded agreements.

He believes that this is the result of a set of measures taken to increase the availability of mortgage loans. Enterprises, for example, help their employees pay interest on a mortgage loan when it comes to buying an apartment, and provide their developers with cheaper building materials, provide additional holidays in the summer, etc.

Yet mortgages remain "the pleasure of the few." First, 30 percent of the cost of purchased housing must be paid immediately. In addition, when assessing the "capacity" of the client, criteria such as age, income level, etc. are applied. In reality, Litvinov believes, mortgage lending is suitable for those whose family income is at least 15,000 rubles per person.

Unfortunately, there are very few such families, and there is nothing to look for in the public sector. But the credit cooperative gives this category of the population a real chance to acquire their own housing. Sergey Kulabukhov, deputy chairman of the cooperative, told me how a new form of lending for housing construction is organized.

It has been established, for example, that the minimum funded contribution for each individual member of the cooperative is 50,000 rubles, and the maximum is 300,000. The loan is issued in the amount of double the amount of the contribution, that is, to your 50 thousand you can get another 100 thousand borrowed funds, and to 300 - another 600 thousand credit. The fee for using the loan - 1 percent per annum - of course, no bank will offer such a cheap loan. Maturity - 7 years.

Borrowed money is issued to developers not immediately, but in several steps - for each next stage of construction. So, firstly, a 100% guarantee is achieved that the money is used by the borrower strictly for its intended purpose. Yes, and it is easier for people to repay a loan issued in stages.

How to protect yourself from inflation

An essential detail: the cooperative only stimulates new housing construction, but does not secondary market. In other words, borrowed money, for example, will not be given here for the purchase of an apartment - a loan can be obtained either for building a house from scratch, or for completing previously begun construction.

A mechanism was immediately devised to protect people's funds transferred to the cooperative in the form of an individual funded contribution. Suppose a person joins a cooperative today, but it is not yet ready to be built - work will begin in a year, in three years. So, a bonus is accrued on his funded contribution: for the first year - in the amount of the inflation rate, for the second - the inflation rate plus 5 percent, for the third - plus 10 percent. It turns out that it is more profitable to keep money in a cooperative than in a bank. So won't it turn out that Belgorod residents will bring their savings here not for the purpose of building, but simply as a bank? - I ask. No, Kulabukhov assures, it will not work. The premium is accrued only in the first three years, but that is the point. In the future, not a penny is charged, and in general it is determined that five years is the maximum period for the formation of a funded contribution. That is, "this is not a bank for you" - take your money, take a loan and, please, line up.

As in many other cases, the Belgorod authorities once again clearly demonstrate that each of its undertakings is not "work from scratch" - a new one will certainly grow on the basis of some already existing models. It is interesting, for example, even that the cooperative is headed by the leaders of other organizations that have been operating for a long time, having their own experience, their own infrastructure, and their own specialists. The chairman of the cooperative, I repeat, is the head of the Belgorod Mortgage Corporation and, at the same time, the regional property fund, Stanislav Litvinov, and the director, again, is the general director of the regional fund for supporting individual housing construction, Anatoly Popkov. Well, Sergey Kulabukhov is, so to speak, a "buffer" figure: in the cooperative he is Litvinov's deputy, and in the IZHS support fund he is Popkov's deputy ... Even this shows that the new structure is based on two old ones, in its becoming uses their potential, and in some way develops it, goes further.

The successful development of the construction of cottages, Litvinov and Kulabukhov repeat for the correspondent the truisms of Belgorod, depends on the presence of three main factors: land, engineering networks and lending. There is land, thousands of hectares are the property of the region and municipalities in the authorized capital of the mortgage corporation. And, by the way, the Belgorod version was found again, how to make the acquisition of a land plot for development, on the one hand, affordable for poor people, and on the other hand, so that these plots do not turn into a subject of speculation. The Belgorod Mortgage Corporation is an open joint-stock company, that is, a private enterprise that is not obliged by law to put up land plots for auction - this, it turns out, is the guarantee of a socially low price. Well, so that the land is not taken for the purpose of resale, it is transferred to people as property, but, so to speak, with an encumbrance: if you want to resell, pay the corporation the difference between the 10 thousand rubles you paid "for the land" (about them a little later) and the market value area amounting to hundreds of thousands.

Not in an open field

When joining a cooperative, a Belgorod state employee must either already own a building plot or purchase it during the time of accumulating the entire amount of his contribution. In practice, things look like this. A "landless" person writes an application with a request to be accepted into a cooperative, and he is immediately sent to a mortgage corporation. The corporation offers a choice of land (15 acres) in a particular array. All survey work (geodesic and so on) on this site has already been carried out by the corporation, so a person only has to pay her 10 thousand rubles and receive a ready-made land survey along with the land.

The future developer must pay the same corporation (mortgage) for the arrangement of engineering networks. In total - 60 thousand (I note that the actual cost of networks is more than 3 times higher, the regional authorities again took care of reducing the cost of the fee, including by redistributing the burden on the budget, but this is a separate issue). At once, however, "for engineering networks" it is necessary to pay only 10 thousand. Then three years (estimated time for construction) - nothing, and then for five years again 10 thousand a year.

That is, in this case the mortgage corporation participates in the implementation of the housing program of the Belgorod authorities also by the fact that it clearly resolves issues, firstly, on land plots for building and, secondly, on engineering networks - it will bring them to any new residential area no later than three years .

As for the role of the regional fund for supporting individual housing construction as another supporting structure of the cooperative, everything is logical here too. Relying on the fund's network of branches in rural areas, the cooperative was immediately able to work with clients directly on the ground. Of course, such ready-made potential of the fund is also used, such as the proven mechanisms for issuing loans, selling them with building materials, and so on.

Someone loses and someone finds

Thus, on the two existing pillars (mortgage corporation and the IZHS support fund), a third structure has been created that makes it possible to more successfully solve the most important social task - to help public sector employees and young people entering life to acquire their own comfortable housing. Since we are talking about state employees, then the credit resources are formed (at least at an early stage) by the regional budget. This year, the cooperative has been allocated about 100 million rubles. Kulabukhov believes that this is not enough and that, of course, an "addition" will be required.

This is for sure - it will be required ... The credit consumer cooperative, about which the story is, was registered only on January 13 of this year. It can be said that he is still "in diapers", but, according to Kulabukhov, by the beginning of April, about 20 million rubles of share contributions had already been received. Public sector sectors (for example, education and health departments) have submitted to the cooperative the lists of workers in need of housing, that is, potential participants in the program - for a total of more than 1,200 people. Hundreds of people from these lists came and wrote applications for membership, and by April 270 people had already made share contributions.

In general, the popularity of the cooperative from the very moment of its birth is high. Of course, it will not solve all problems. But still, serious additional opportunities open up.

And one moment. Naturally, with such lending, "someone finds" (state employees and young families), "and someone loses." And, of course, it loses the budget, from which the cooperative's credit resources are formed in order to issue loans to people at 1 percent per annum. In any case, this 1 percent does not at all protect the budget money from "drying out" due to inflation.

But these are just quite normal, socially justified losses. Budget money through the cooperative is used specifically to solve the housing problems of doctors, teachers, and officials. No matter what they say about stopping the construction of free housing, the budget would still be spent one way or another on state employees.



On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for the issuance and return of funds provided by the state unitary enterprise "Belgorod Regional Fund for Support of Individual Housing Construction"

In accordance with paragraph 2 of the resolution of the regional governor dated October 20, 2003 N 147 "On bringing the Charter of the state unitary enterprise "Belgorod Regional Fund for Support of Individual Housing Construction" into line with the current legislation" I decide:

1. Approve the Regulations on the procedure for the issuance and return of funds provided by the state unitary enterprise "Belgorod Regional Fund for Support of Individual Housing Construction" (attached).

(as amended by the Resolution of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated 05.03.2008 N 26)

2. Recognize as invalid the resolutions of the head of the regional administration:

dated June 5, 1996 N 334 "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for issuing and repaying loans provided by the regional Fund for the support of individual housing construction in rural areas";

dated July 14, 1997 N 333 "On amendments and additions to the resolution of the head of the regional administration dated June 5, 1996 N 334";

of October 31, 1997 N 489 "On Amendments to the Resolution of the Head of the Regional Administration of June 5, 1996 N 334";

dated February 9, 1999 N 66 "On amendments and additions to the resolution of the head of the regional administration dated June 5, 1996 N 334";

dated April 26, 2001 N 272 "On amendments to the resolution of the head of the regional administration dated June 5, 1996 N 334";

dated October 18, 2001 N 660 "On amendments to the resolution of the head of the regional administration dated June 5, 1996 N 334";

of November 12, 2001 N 706 "On Amendments to the Resolution of the Head of the Regional Administration of June 5, 1996 N 334";

paragraph 3 of clause 4 of the resolution of the head of the regional administration dated April 2, 1999 N 198 "On the repayment of part of the debt of borrowers of the state unitary enterprise" Belgorod Regional Fund for Support of Individual Housing Construction ".

3. To impose control over the execution of the resolution on the Department of Construction and Transport of the Belgorod Region (Glagolev E.S.).

(As amended by the Decree of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated June 3, 2016 N 56)

Governor of the Belgorod Region

Regulations on the procedure for issuing and returning funds provided by the state unitary enterprise "Belgorod Regional Fund for Support of Individual Housing Construction"

Governor of the Belgorod Region
February 20, 2004 No. 51

1. General Provisions

1.1. Cash in the form of loans is provided to residents of the region in order to provide support in individual housing construction and improvement of living conditions in accordance with the current federal and regional targeted programs on a reimbursable preferential basis in compliance with the requirements of current legislation Russian Federation and the following basic principles: intended use, security, urgency, payment, repayment.

(As amended, dated 01.11.2008 N 134)

1.2. The loan is provided by the state unitary enterprise "Belgorod Regional Fund for Support of Individual Housing Construction" (hereinafter - the Fund) at its own expense and other funds provided for by targeted programs operating in the region, on the basis of concluded agreements.

(As amended by the resolutions of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated 05.03.2008 N 26, dated 01.11.2008 N 134)

1.3. Excluded. - Decree of the Governor of the Belgorod Region of 05.03.2008 N 26.

1.3. Loans are provided to individuals who are citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing in the Belgorod Region.

(clause 1.3 as amended)

1.4. Loan funds provided by the Fund are targeted and are used strictly in accordance with the purposes and purpose determined at the conclusion of the agreement.

(Clause 1.4 as amended by the Decree of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated November 1, 2008 N 134)

1.5. The amount of the loan, its purpose, terms of repayment, the recommended term for commissioning and the area of ​​the building under construction are determined by the Fund according to the following table:

Purpose of the loan

Loan limit

Loan repayment period

The area of ​​the object under construction

Individual housing construction of a house

up to 1,000,000 rubles

up to 4 years

80 or more square meters

Completion of construction, completion of the house (provided that the loan was not received earlier)

up to 500,000 rubles

up to 2 years

80 or more square meters

Construction of an extension, superstructure to a residential building

up to 500,000 rubles

up to 2 years

30 or more square meters

(Clause 1.5 as amended by the Decree of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated November 1, 2008 N 134)

1.6. For public sector employees who are participants in the regional program - the construction of a box house with a roof, loans for individual housing construction are issued in the amount of up to 1,200,000 (one million two hundred thousand) rubles for a period of 15 years at 5 percent per annum, regardless of the place of construction and residence.

(Clause 1.6 as amended by the Decree of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated December 29, 2012 N 110)

1.7. For families with many children (families with three or more children, of which at least two are minors), the Fund builds a box with a roof without finishing or allocates loans for the construction of an individual residential house in the amount of up to 1 million rubles for a period of 17 years at 5 percent per annum, regardless of the place of construction and residence on the territory of the Belgorod region, with the provision of a deferral for repayment of the principal debt and interest payments for a period of two years.

(Clause 1.7 was introduced by the Decree of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated June 30, 2011 N 71)

1.8. Enterprises and organizations at their own expense for their employees have the right to issue loans to improve housing conditions (construction of individual residential buildings, equity participation in construction, purchase of apartments, residential buildings, etc.) on the terms and through the structures of the State Unitary Enterprise "Belgorod Regional Support Fund IZHS". At the same time, the annual interest rate, which should not exceed 5 percent per annum, is determined by the enterprise in agreement with the fund.

(the item was introduced by the Decree of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated 10.12.2009 N 112)

1.9. To stimulate individual housing construction in rural settlements of the Belgorod Region with a declining population, specified in the attached List, the Fund provides a loan in the amount of up to 3 million rubles for a period of up to 30 years at a preferential interest rate of 3 percent per annum, while a loan in the amount of up to 2 million rubles is provided for a period of up to 20 years, in the amount of up to 1 million rubles - for a period of up to 10 years, in an amount of up to 500 thousand rubles - for a period of up to 5 years. From the moment of birth (adoption) of each child, the Fund reduces the balance of the debt on the principal debt by 1/3 of the loan amount for each born (adopted) child, while the debt decreases in stages (by 1/3 of the amount issued) and cannot be reduced by more than , which is the balance of the debt on the principal debt.

(Clause 1.9 was introduced by the Decree of the Governor of the Belgorod Region of December 29, 2012 N 110; as amended by the Decree of the Governor of the Belgorod Region of March 19, 2013 N 30)

1.9.1. To stimulate individual housing construction in settlements of particular historical and cultural significance for the region, the Fund provides a loan in the amount of up to 3 million rubles for a period of up to 15 years at a preferential interest rate of 1 percent per annum, with a deferral of repayment of principal and interest on 3 years. From the moment of the birth of each child, the Fund reduces the debt on the principal debt by 1/3 of the loan amount for each child born, while the debt decreases in stages (by 1/3 of the amount issued) and cannot be reduced by more than the balance of the debt on the principal debt.

Funds are allocated under the following conditions:

For the construction of an individual residential building by the borrower independently on the terms of the Fund on land plots acquired from Belgorod Mortgage Corporation JSC and (or) provided by state authorities or local authorities of the Belgorod Region;

For the construction of an individual residential building in a contractual way under a trilateral agreement concluded between the Fund, the contractor and the developer, including on the terms of co-financing, on land plots acquired from Belgorod Mortgage Corporation JSC and (or) provided by state authorities or local authorities Belgorod region.

(clause 1.9.1 was introduced by the Decree of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated 03.06.2019 N 36)

1.10. When making a decision to grant a loan, the Fund takes into account the following circumstances:

(As amended by the resolution of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated November 1, 2008 N 134)

Possibility of loan repayment;

(As amended by the resolution of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated November 1, 2008 N 134)

Availability of reliable security for the repayment of the loan;

Age, legal capacity, as well as the state of health of an individual;

Availability of immovable and movable property;

paragraph is excluded. - .

1.11. The Fund has the right to refuse to grant a loan to a person who, in its opinion, is not able to properly fulfill its obligations to repay it.

(As amended by the resolutions of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated 05.03.2008 N 26, dated 01.11.2008 N 134)

2. The procedure for regulating relations related to the issuance and repayment of a loan

2.1. Relations between the Fund and individuals regarding the procedure and conditions for the provision and return of borrowed funds are governed by the agreement concluded between them.

(As amended by the resolutions of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated 05.03.2008 N 26, dated 01.11.2008 N 134)

2.2. To conclude a loan agreement, as well as a guarantee or pledge agreement, the following main documents must be submitted:

(As amended by the resolutions of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated 05.03.2008 N 26, dated 01.11.2008 N 134)



Title documents for real estate;

Information about the composition of the family;

Certificate from the place of work on wages.

(As amended by the resolution of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated November 1, 2008 N 134)

If necessary, the Foundation may require the submission of additional documents:

Certificate of absence of debt on issued bank loans, as well as on executive documents issued in the manner prescribed by law;

Certificate of absence of encumbrance on real estate owned;

Certificate of readiness of the residential building;

Architectural and construction project and a certificate of the estimated cost of housing;

paragraph is excluded. - Decree of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated November 1, 2008 N 134.

2.3. Loan repayment is provided:

(As amended by the resolutions of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated 05.03.2008 N 26, dated 01.11.2008 N 134)

Contract of guarantee of an individual or legal entity;

Agreement of pledge of movable property;

Mortgage agreement (mortgage of real estate).

2.4. The sufficiency of the collateral is determined by the Fund in each case.

2.5 - 2.6. Excluded. - Decree of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated November 1, 2008 N 134.

2.5. To stimulate individual housing construction in rural areas and create the most favorable conditions for developers who build directly in villages and farms of the region and live there, a loan for these purposes is provided at a preferential interest rate of five percent per annum. The same conditions apply to the settlements of the region related to rural settlements, with the exception of the villages of Dubove, Komsomolsky, Maisky, Novosadovy, Politotdelsky, Severny-First of the Belgorod region and the villages of Belovskoye, Belomestnoye, Near Igumenka, Veselaya Lopan, Gryaznoye, Dragunskoye, Zelenaya Polyana, Steep Log, Karnaukhovka, Nizhny Olshanets, Novaya Derevnya, Nikolskoye, Novaya Nelidovka, Staraya Nelidovka, Pushkarnoye, Repnoye, Streletskoye, Solomino, Sevryukovo, Tavrovo, Khokhlovo, Shagarovka, Shishino, Belgorod region;

the villages of Ilyinka, Koltunovka, the farms of Ignatov, Alekseevsky district;

the villages of Agoshevka, Novaya Simonovka, the Kuznetsovka farms of the Valuysky district;

the village of Kozlovka, Volokonovsky district;

the villages of Gora-Podol, Zamostye, Golovchino, Graivoronsky district;

the village of Troitsky, the village of Teply Kolodez, Averino, Gubkinsky urban district;

the village of Fedchevka, Ivnyansky district;

the villages of Alekseevka, Bekhteevka, Dalnyaya Igumenka, Kazanka, Melikhovo, Pogorelovka, Podkopaevka, Popovka, Pogorely farms of the Korochansky district;

the villages of Zasosna, Livenka, Krasnogvardeisky district;

the village of Pribrezhny, Novooskolsky district;

farmsteads Grushki-First, Grushki-Second, Lipovka, Prokhorovsky district;

the villages of Kiselevo, Krinichnoye, Tsibulevka, Rakityansky district;

the villages of Lapygino, Fedoseevka, Novokladovoe, Neznamovo, Ozerki of the Stary Oskol urban district;

Krasny Ostrov village, Raevka farm, Chernyansky district;

the villages of Novaya Tavolzhanka, Grafovka, Bezlyudovka, Shebekinsky district;

farms Zhdanov, Zhuravlinoe, Glushinsky, Redina Dvory, Krapivensky Dvory, Yakovlevsky district, where loans are issued at ten percent per annum. In other cases, the loan is provided at ten percent per annum. Scroll settlements determined by the resolutions of the Belgorod Regional Duma in accordance with the law of the Belgorod Region dated December 15, 2008 N 248 "On the Administrative and Territorial Structure of the Belgorod Region" .

(Clause 2.5 as amended by the Decree of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated March 17, 2015 N 23)

2.6. The loan agreement is concluded at the first disbursement of funds to the borrower. Funds are issued by the Fund to the borrower in tranches after checking the intended use of funds received earlier. The number of tranches is determined by the Fund in agreement with the borrower.

(Clause 2.6 as amended by the Decree of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated November 1, 2008 N 134)

2.7. The amount of the loan and the terms of repayment in each specific case are determined by the Fund in proportion to the area of ​​the building being erected.

(Clause 2.7 was introduced; as amended by the Decree of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated December 10, 2009 N 112)

2.8. In accordance with the norms of the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, the Fund has the right to change the initial terms of the loan agreement (changing the interest rate, accepting compensation, debt forgiveness, etc.).

(Clause 2.8 was introduced by the Decree of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated November 1, 2008 N 134)

2.9. Excluded. - Decree of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated December 27, 2010 N 99.

3. Control over the intended use of the loan

3.1. Control over the targeted use of the allocated loan funds is carried out by the Fund's structures throughout the entire term of the agreement.

(As amended by the resolution of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated November 1, 2008 N 134)

In case of detection of misuse of loan funds, as well as unreasonable delay in the construction (completion) of housing, an appropriate act is drawn up, which is the basis for suspending the further allocation of loan funds or terminating the contract and making a decision on foreclosure on the mortgaged property.

(As amended by the resolutions of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated 05.03.2008 N 26, dated 01.11.2008 N 134)

4. Benefits for granting a loan and the procedure for their provision

4.1. Loan benefits are:

(As amended by the resolutions of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated 05.03.2008 N 26, dated 01.11.2008 N 134)

Persons living in rural areas;

Representatives of socially significant professions - doctors and teachers living in rural areas;

Persons who need funds to complete the construction of a residential building;

(As amended by the resolution of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated November 1, 2008 N 134)

paragraph is excluded. - Decree of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated November 1, 2008 N 134;

paragraph is excluded. - Decree of the Governor of the Belgorod Region of 01.04.2005 N 56;

paragraphs seven - eight are excluded. - Decree of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated November 1, 2008 N 134.

4.2 - 4.3. Excluded. - Decree of the Governor of the Belgorod Region of December 10, 2009 N 112.

Appendix. List of settlements of the Belgorod region, not related to rural settlements. - Excluded

to the Regulations "On the order
issuance and return of funds and
building materials provided
state unitary enterprise
"Belgorod Regional Support Fund
individual housing construction

List of settlements of the Belgorod region that are not related to rural settlements

Excluded. - Decree of the Governor of the Belgorod Region dated November 1, 2008 N 134.

Appendix. The list of rural settlements of the Belgorod region, which are subject to clause 1.9 of section 1 of the Regulations on the procedure for issuing and returning funds provided by a state unitary enterprise ...

to the Regulations on the procedure for issuing and
money back,
provided by the state
unitary enterprise "Belgorodsky
regional fund for support of individual
housing construction"

List of rural settlements of the Belgorod region, which are subject to paragraph 1.9 of section 1 of the Regulations on the procedure for issuing and returning funds provided by the state unitary enterprise "Belgorod Regional Fund for Support of Individual Housing Construction"

Alekseevskiy district:

Aleinikovskoe rural settlement: x. Volkov, h. Novoselovka;

Varvarovskoe rural settlement: with. Kalitva, p. Nikolaevka, s. Osadchee, p. Chuprinino;

Glukhovskoye rural settlement: x. Settlement;

Zhukovsky rural settlement: with. Zhukovo, p. Bublikovo, x. Rybalkin;

Ivashchenko rural settlement: with. Ivashchenkovo, x. Birches, x. Vasilchenkov, p. Nadezhdovka, h. Osmakov, p. Pirogovo, x. Redkodub, p. Tyutyunikovo;

Krasnenskoye rural settlement: Golubinsky settlement;

Kushinsky rural settlement: x. Orlov, p. Teplika, x. Shelushin;

Lutsenkovsky rural settlement: h. Babichev, x. Kopanets, h. Kukarechin;

Matrenogezovskoe rural settlement: x. Batlukov, x. Berezhnoy, p. Bozhkovo, p. Vorobyevo, x. Kuleshov, h. Unchanging, x. Reznikov;

Menyailovskoye rural settlement: x. Dudchin, h. Pyshnograev, x. Seroshtanov, x. Tarakanov, x. Shaposhnikov;

Repensky rural settlement: with. Cold Well;

Soviet rural settlement: with. Zapolnoye, Nikolaevka settlement, with. Shaporevo;

Khlevishchenskoye rural settlement: h. Grechanikov, h. Kupriyanov, x. Solomakhin;

Khreschevatovskoe rural settlement: h. Bereznyaga-Second, p. Zvarykino, x. Klimov, h. Papushin, h. Popov, p. Stationary, x. Syrovatsky.

Borisovsky district:

Akulinovskoye rural settlement: with. Nikitskoe;

Berezovsky rural settlement: x. Klimovoe, x. Lozovaya Rudka;

Georgian rural settlement: with. Cossack-Rudchenskoye, with. Tsapovka;

Kryukovskoye rural settlement: with. Zybino;

Oktyabrsko-Gotnyanskoe rural settlement: with. October Gotnya, x. Basov, Art. Kulinovka;

Krasnokutsk rural settlement: x. Vakovshchina;

Strigunovskoye rural settlement: with. Novoaleksandrovka, x. Stanovoe, p. Warm;

Khotmyzhskoye rural settlement: with. Pokrovka.

Valuysky district:

Urban settlement "Village Urazovo": with. Togobievka, x. Lobkovka;

Biryuchany rural settlement: with. Biryuch, s. Butyrki, p. Verigovka, x. Dubrovka, h. Pavlovka;

Borchansk rural settlement: x. grandmother, s. Karabanovo, x. Kurgashki;

Gerasimovskoe rural settlement: h. Dolgalovka, x. Konotopovka;

Dvuluchenskoye rural settlement: x. Dubrovki, x. Zherdevka, s. Logachevka, x. Mironov, h. Lower Mills, x. Suburban Poplars;

Kazinsky rural settlement: with. Arkatovo, x. Barvinok, x. Bogomolovo, p. Kaznacheevka, s. Konoplyanovka, x. Leonovka, x. Mikhailovka, x. Wet Log, p. Pominovo, x. Scilla;

Koloskovskoye rural settlement: with. Posokhovo, p. Startsevo;

Kukuevskoe rural settlement: with. Kukuevka, s. long, h. Gerbil;

Nasonovsky rural settlement: with. Bezgodovka, p. Ivanovka;

Prince's rural settlement: with. Terehovo, s. Angular, p. Khokhlovo;

Christmas rural settlement: with. Upper Moses, p. Selivanovo, s. Filippov, p. Shushpanovo;

Timonovskoe rural settlement: with. Basovo, p. Dronovo, s. New Izrog, p. Khmelevets;

Shelaevsky rural settlement: with. Urayevo;

Yablonovsky rural settlement: x. Orekhovo, s. Pristen, s. Old Simonovka, with. Khrapovo.

Veydelevsky district:

Belokolodezskoye rural settlement: x. Pleso;

Bolshelipyagovskoe rural settlement: with. Kulikovy Lipyagi;

Viktoropolskoye rural settlement: x. Golubtsov, x. Kapisevka, x. Laptiev, p. Oleyniki, x. Yakimenkov;

Dolzhanskoye rural settlement: x. Artemenkov, p. Lugovoe, x. Pogrebitsky, p. Ceiling, x. Romakhovo, x. Rossosh, x. Ryashchin;

Zakutchanskoe rural settlement: with. White Ples, x. Cheerful, h. Novoslov, x. Hello, x. Shevtsov;

Zeninsky rural settlement: x. Bryansk Lipyagi, x. Kandabarovo, x. Nekhaevka, s. Salovka;

Klimenkovskoye rural settlement: with. Yaropoltsy;

Kubrakovskoe rural settlement: with. Bankino, p. Galushki, x. Kalinovka, x. Kolesnikov, h. placer;

Malakeevsky rural settlement: x. Gamayunov, x. Gvozdikov, h. Gricinin, p. Degtyarnoe, x. Derkunsky, x. Kolotov, h. Kulkin, h. springs;

Nikolaev rural settlement: h. Kovalev, h. Nogin, h. Popasny, p. Rovny, x. Yasenov;

Solontsinsky rural settlement: x. Wolf, x. Popov, h. Stanovoe.

Volokonovsky district:

Volchie-Aleksandrovskoye rural settlement: x. Wolf-Second, x. Gaevka, x. Krinichnoe, x. Pervomaisky;

Golofeevsky rural settlement: with. Aleksandrovka, Rai settlement;

Grushevskoe rural settlement: with. Verkhneyablonovo, p. Grushevsky, x. Gusev, p. Staroseltsevo;

Pogromskoye rural settlement: x. Blessed, p. Konovalovo;

Pokrovskoye rural settlement: with. Red Settlement, with. Azure, x. Torture, x. Shchepkin;

Repevskoe rural settlement: with. Repevka, p. Shenshinovka;

Staroivanovskoye rural settlement: with. Novoivanovka, s. Novorozhdestvenka, x. Oleinitsky, x. Olkhov, x. Roach;

Tishanskoye rural settlement: x. Bochanka, h. Faithful, h. Wolf-First, x. Grigorievka, x. Zayarovka, p. new x. Old, x. Shakhovka;

Foshchevatovskoye rural settlement: x. Eagle;

Shidlovsky rural settlement: x. Abalmasov, p. Novaya Dolina, p. Novy, x. Odintsov, p. Otradnoe;

Yutanovskoye rural settlement: with. Upper Lubyanki, x. Evdokimov, p. Krasny Pakhar, p. Malinovo, p. Chapelnoye.

Grayvoronsky district:

Gorky rural settlement: Dobropolye settlement, Sovkhozny settlement, Chapaevsky settlement;

Danube rural settlement: with. Paved, with. Porosis;

Ivano-Lisichansk rural settlement: with. Cossack Fox;

Kozinskoye rural settlement: with. District-First, x. Ponury;

Mokroorlovsky rural settlement: with. Spodaryushino;

Novostroyevsky rural settlement: h. Bairak.

Ivnyansky district:

Dragoon rural settlement: with. leaving;

Kurasovskoye rural settlement: x. Kalinovka;

Novenskoye rural settlement: with. New Village;

Pokrovskoye rural settlement: x. Coastal, x. Krasnaya Polyana, x. Luchki, p. Rozhdestvenka;

Syrtsevskoe rural settlement: with. Berezovka;

Khomutchanskoe rural settlement: with. Samarino;

Cherenovskoye rural settlement: x. Steppe, x. Cherenovskie Vyselki.

Korochansky district:

Alekseevskoe rural settlement: h. Koshmanovka, p. Mazikino, p. Safonovka;

Annovskoye rural settlement: with. Maltsevka, s. Pavlovka;

Afanasovskoe rural settlement: x. Nikolsky;

Bekhteevsky rural settlement: x. Kolesnikov, h. Kosukhin, h. Marchenko, h. Ostapenko-Second, x. Polivanov;

Bubnovskoye rural settlement: x. Red Steppe;

Zhigailovsky rural settlement: x. Gorozhennoe, s. Zalomnoe, x. Kostevka, x. Work;

Korotkovsky rural settlement: x. Friendly-First, x. Friendly-Second, x. the name of Lenin;

Koshcheevskoe rural settlement: x. long, h. Emelyanovka, x. Coupling, x. Thin, x. Khmelevoe, x. Chernyshevka;

Lomovskoye rural settlement: x. Sandy, x. Polyanskoye, x. cartilaginous;

Melikhovsky rural settlement: x. Postnikov;

Novoslobodskoye rural settlement: with. Aleksandrovka, x. Kolomytsevo, x. Sviridovo, x. cold, h. Shutovo;

Ploskovskoye rural settlement: x. Baytsurovo, x. Ionovka, x. Red May, x. Mukhanovka;

Plotava rural settlement: x. Oak Balka, x. Ivanovka, x. Way;

Popovskoye rural settlement: x. Golevka, p. Iskra, x. New Village;

Prokhodenskoye rural settlement: with. Settlement, x. Reznikovo;

Sokolovskoe rural settlement: x. Cheerful, h. Green Guy, x. Commune, h. Red, x. Red Plowman, x. Mindolovka, p. Michurinsky, x. Ovcharovka, p. Foschevatoe, x. Bristle;

Sheinsk rural settlement: with. Ushakovo;

Shlyakhovsky rural settlement: x. Olkhovatka, x. Raevka;

Yablonovsky rural settlement: x. Green Dubrava, x. Round, p. Small Sandy, x. Controversial.

Krasnensky district:

Bolshovskoe rural settlement: x. Near Rossoshki, x. Far Rossoshki, x. Kalinin, h. Old Redkodub, x. Yapryntsev;

Gorkinskoye rural settlement: with. Theology, x. Brotherhood;

Gotovskoe rural settlement: with. Verbnoe, p. Kamyshenka;

Krasnenskoye rural settlement: with. Kiselevka, with. Raspberry, p. whistle;

Kruglovskoye rural settlement: with. Zalomnoe, x. Karaeshny, p. Novosoldatka, x. New way;

Lesnoukolovskoye rural settlement: x. Goncharovka, x. New way;

Novoukolovskoe rural settlement: with. Kalitva, p. Flugovka, p. Wide, x. Shidlovka;

Raskhovets rural settlement: x. Bychkovo, x. Cheerful, h. Korobovo, x. Novogeorgievka, x. Cheremukhovo.

Krasnogvardeisky district:

Urban settlement "City of Biryuch": with. cages;

Valuychanskoye rural settlement: with. Starokozhevo;

Veselovskoye rural settlement: settlement Vyselki, settlement Dubki, with. Red, s. Raspberry, p. Nikolaevsky, with. Podgorskoe, with. Plow, p. Redkodub;

Verkhnepokrovskoye rural settlement: with. Babkino, x. Ezdotsky, x. Petrov, p. Prudki, s. Chermenevka;

Verkhososensky rural settlement: Zavalye village, s. Zavalskoe, p. Maloleninsky, with. Ostroukhovo, s. Ryashinovo;

Zasosenskoe rural settlement: x. Endovitsky, p. Marynychev;

Kalinovskoe rural settlement: x. tall, h. Gorbunov, p. Mirny, p. Palatovka-Second, x. Popasnoe, x. Yasenev;

Kolomytsevo rural settlement: Biryuch settlement, s. Value, h. Ilyinsky, x. Kovalev, h. Filkino;

Livenskoye rural settlement: x. Apukhtin, x. Evseev, x. Tereshkov, h. Foschy;

Maryevsky rural settlement: with. Attachments, p. Repenka;

Nikitovskoe rural settlement: x. Expanse;

Novokhutornoe rural settlement: with. Gorovoe;

Palatovskoye rural settlement: x. Antoshkin, h. Kislinsky, p. Lazarenovo, x. Podles, x. Yurkov;

Sagittarius rural settlement: with. Maloalekseevka, x. pits;

Utenskoye rural settlement: with. Duck, h. tall, h. Korobkin, p. Plyukhino, p. Soldier, h. Urakovo.

Krasnoyaruzhsky district:

Vyazovskoye rural settlement: x. tall, h. subhigh;

Grafovsky rural settlement: with. Nadezhevka, h. Podolovsky, p. Popovka, p. Romanovka;

Repyakhovsky rural settlement: h. Bondarev;

Sergievsky rural settlement: p. Korytnoe, x. Savchenko;

Terebrenskoye rural settlement: with. Staroselie.

Novooskolsky district:

Belomestnenskoye rural settlement: x. Endovino, x. Zhilin, h. Kulma, p. Slonovka;

Bogorodsk rural settlement: with. Mozhayskoye;

Bolsheivanovskoye rural settlement: with. Borovoe, x. Kolodezny, x. Reddub;

Borovogrinevskoe rural settlement: with. Borovki, x. Bondarev, p. Grinevo, x. Mazepin, p. Nemtsevo, x. Skrynnikov, x. Shevtsov;

Glinnovsky rural settlement: x. Arinkin, h. Birches, x. Bolshaya Yaruga, p. Ivanovka, x. Costin, h. Prudky, x. Sevalny, x. Simonovka, x. Shuvaevka;

Nikolaev rural settlement: h. Berezov, h. Vasilpole, s. Gushchenko, p. Makeshkino, x. Murentsev, p. Silver, p. Tavolzhanka;

Ninovsky rural settlement: with. Kositsyno, p. Peschanka, x. Desert;

Novobezginskoye rural settlement: x. Cheerful, h. Reliable, h. Saber;

Oskol rural settlement: x. Keys x. Withers;

Starobezginskoye rural settlement: x. Kalinovka;

Sharapovskoye rural settlement: x. Krinichny, p. Majorshchina;

Yakovlevsky rural settlement: h. Big Yaruga, x. Yelets, s. Hook, p. Kulevka, x. Makhotynka, x. Flowing, x. pits;

Yarskoye rural settlement: with. Badger, p. Bogdanovka, x. Vasilievka, x. Rotten, s. Ostapovka, x. Chausovka.

Prokhorovsky district:

Belenikhinsky rural settlement: x. Kalinin, p. Lesky, h. Ozerovsky;

Beregovo rural settlement: x. Upper Olshanka, Komsomolsky settlement, Politotdelsky settlement, x. Hillocks, x. Middle Olshanka;

Vyazovskoye rural settlement: x. Yasnaya Polyana;

Zhuravskoye rural settlement: x. Dumnoe, p. Zhuravka-Second, x. Pereleski, x. Skorovka, x. Khimichev;

Kolomytsevo rural settlement: with. Gagarino, h. Silences, p. Donets, x. Kugutki, x. Chanterelles, x. Novoselovka, with. Setnoe, x. Taranov, x. Tsyguli, x. Wide;

Krivosheevsky rural settlement: with. Kondrovka, p. Curved Beams, p. Maslovka, s. Raisovka, p. Khrapochevka, x. Wide;

Luchkovo rural settlement: h. Petrovsky;

Malomayachinsky rural settlement: with. Dirty;

Petrovsky rural settlement: with. Petrovka, s. Vasilievka, x. Rattler, p. Sergievka;

Plotava rural settlement: x. Verin, p. Honeysuckle, x. Lvov, s. Maloyablonovo, s. Novoselovka;

Podleshenskoye rural settlement: with. big, x. Vasiliev, p. Gnezdilovka, x. Long, p. Domanovka, x. Klinovy, s. Kosminka, x. Mochaki, x. Flat, s. Podyarugi, x. good x. Chernovka;

Prelestnenskoye rural settlement: with. Andreevka, s. Vasilievka, x. Cheerful, p. Kartashevka, s. Kostroma, s. Mikhailovka, s. Petrovka, s. Suvorovo, s. Yudinka;

Priznachenskoye rural settlement: x. Basenkov, x. Bereznik, h. Bekhteevka, s. Bobrovo, x. Borisov, h. top, x. tall, h. Vysypnoy, x. Gayury, x. Gorelinka, p. Gusek-Pogorelovka, Kh. Oak, x. Green, p. Kamyshevka, x. Kozhanov, p. Red, x. Kudrin, h. Niva, p. Sagaidachnoe, x. Sokolovka, x. Tsygulev;

Radkovskoye rural settlement: h. Lower Goose;

Rzhavetskoye rural settlement: with. Cossack, x. Red Banner, x. Kurakovka, x. Reddub;

Kholodnyanskoye rural settlement: with. Andreevka, x. Zhilin, h. Zarnitsy, x. Mochaki-First, p. Plushina, x. Studeny, x. Tsarkov;

Shakhovskoye rural settlement: with. Shakhovo, x. Ryndinka, with. Shchelokovo.

Rakityansky district:

Bobravskoye rural settlement: with. Novozakharovka;

Introduced-Gotnyanskoe rural settlement: x. Vvedensky;

Vengerovsky rural settlement: with. Aleksandrovka, x. Bolshaya Khrushchevka, x. Novozinaidinsky, x. Pervomaisky, x. Razdol;

Dmitrievskoe rural settlement: p. Gertsevsky, p. Korovino, x. Krasnokrestyansky;

Zinaidinsky rural settlement: x. Red, x. Niva, h. Nizhnepensky;

Ilek-Kosharskoye rural settlement: x. Khorkov;

Nizhnepensky rural settlement: h. Nikolsky.

Rivne region:

Aidar rural settlement: with. New Ivanovka, x. New Raygorodok, x. Salovka, x. Old Ivanovka, x. Fomin;

Ladomirovskoye rural settlement: x. Limarev, x. Sidorov, h. Chufinov;

Lozovsky rural settlement: x. Shirokon;

Nagolenskoye rural settlement: x. Berezhny;

Nagoryevsk rural settlement: with. Badger, p. All Saints, x. Solonetsy, x. Steep;

Rzhev rural settlement: with. Kopanki, p. Martins, x. Nikitin;

Svistovskoe rural settlement: x. Kuchugury;

Kharkov rural settlement: with. Maslovka, x. Maksimenkovo.

Chernyansky district:

Andreevskoe rural settlement: with. Andreevka, s. Aleksandrovka, x. Babanino, x. Raspberry, x. Shlyakhovoye;

Bolshanskoye rural settlement: x. Borodin, h. Small;

Volokonovskoe rural settlement: with. Overwhelmed, p. Perch;

Ezdochenskoye rural settlement: Nekrasovka settlement;

Kochegurenskoe rural settlement: p. Krasnaya Zvezda, p. Krasnaya Polyana, p. Flowing, p. Dry Olshanka;

Lubyanka rural settlement: h. Bear, p. Stanovoe;

Malotroitskoye rural settlement: with. Baklanovka, x. Petrovsky, x. Slavyanka, p. Khitrovo;

Novorechenskoye rural settlement: with. Larisovka;

Ogibnyanskoye rural settlement: with. Volkovo;

Olshanskoye rural settlement: with. Petropavlovka;

Orlikovskoe rural settlement: x. Alpeevka, with. Resurrection, p. Pavlovka, p. Old hop, x. Yablonovo;

Prilepensky rural settlement: x. Water, p. Kovyleno.

Shebekinskiy district:

Belokolodezyanskoye rural settlement: x. Aleksandrovka, s. Artel, x. Ivanovka, s. Karaichenaya, x. Red, x. New Way, x. Petrovka, x. Wide;

Belyansk rural settlement: h. Bondarenkov, p. Lower Berezovo-Second, with. Ognishchevo, s. Starovshchina;

Bershakovsky rural settlement: with. Aleksandrovka, x. Bessarab, x. Dubovenka;

Bolshegorodishchenskoye rural settlement: x. Alexandrovsky, p. Protopopovka, p. Tyurino, h. Fakovka, p. Tseplyaevo-Second;

Bolshetroitskoye rural settlement: x. Pristen, s. Titovka;

Voznesenovskoe rural settlement: x. Belokrinichny, p. Leninsky, x. Maryino, h. Mukhin, h. Pankov, p. Pervomaisky, with. Shchigorevka;

Grafovsky rural settlement: with. Ivanovka;

Kupinsky rural settlement: with. Factory, s. Winter, x. New Dawn;

Maksimovskoe rural settlement: x. Groove, x. Krepatsky, h. Savvin, h. Stadnikov, h. Shemraevka;

Maslovo-Pristanskoye rural settlement: h. Gremyachiy, Polyana settlement;

Murom rural settlement: with. Ziborovka, s. Wednesday;

Novotavolzhanskoye rural settlement: with. Korovino;

Pervotseplyaevskoe rural settlement: x. Balki, x. Gordyushkin, h. District, x. Znamenka;

Churaevskoe rural settlement: with. Borovskoe.

Yakovlevsky district:

Urban settlement "Tomarovka Village": x. Volokhov, h. Kislenko, h. Makhnov, x. Horny, x. Semin, h. Fedorenkov, h. Tsykhmanov;

Alekseevskoe rural settlement: with. Red, x. Shepelevka;

Butovo rural settlement: with. Pit;

Bykovsky rural settlement: x. Cheerful, h. Mordovinka;

Gostishchevskoe rural settlement: x. Friendly, p. New Lozy, p. Rozhdestvenka;

Dmitrievskoe rural settlement: x. Dubrova, h. Syrtsevo;

Zavidovskoe rural settlement: with. Marinovka, h. Trubetskoy;

Cossack rural settlement: x. Krestov, h. Novokazatsky, x. Novocherkassky;

Krivtsovskoe rural settlement: with. Upper Olshanets, with. Novooskochnoe, x. Strelnikov;

Kustovskoye rural settlement: with. Kalinino, p. Kozychevo;

Moschenskoye rural settlement: with. Loknya, p. Unknown Well, x. Fastov;

Sazhenskoye rural settlement: with. Volobuevka, with. Kleymenovo, s. Chursino;

Smorodino rural settlement: with. Nepkhaevo;

Streltsy rural settlement: x. Domnino.

On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for issuing and returning funds provided by the state unitary enterprise "Belgorod Regional Fund for Support of Individual Housing Construction" (as amended as of June 3, 2019)

Document's name: On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for issuing and returning funds provided by the state unitary enterprise "Belgorod Regional Fund for Support of Individual Housing Construction" (as amended as of June 3, 2019)
Document Number: 51
Document type: Decree of the Governor of the Belgorod Region
Host body: Governor of the Belgorod Region
Status: current
Published: "Belgorod News", N 39-40, 10.03.2004.
Acceptance date: February 20, 2004
Revision date: 03 June 2019
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