Dream Interpretation Why do you dream of apples in a dream: pick them, tear them, or eat them? Dream interpretation of pickled apples Why do you dream of eating pickled apples?

Dream books give dozens of explanations for apples seen in dreams, because there are a great many stories associated with them. The fruits look appetizing or disgusting, and sometimes are intricately woven into the fabric of a dream. It is well known why one dreams of gnawing them, stealing, donating, boiling or throwing them away - seers find an exact explanation for each event.

Comparison of dream book interpretations

In the interpretations of dreams about apples, four types of prophecies are clearly visible - personal from Miller, instructive from Vanga, erotic from Freud, global from Nostradamus.

For example, the main meaning according to Miller is that fate favors a person. Vanga sees the image as a reward for wisdom. Freud is looking for sexual implications, and Nostradamus is looking for great discoveries.

The interpretations of Muslim dream books, which are based on Eastern traditions, stand apart. Each direction is interesting in its own way and they all complement each other.

The meaning of a dream according to Miller

Miller's prophecies regarding biblical fruit depend on its availability and attractiveness. Why do you dream of an apple tree that bends under the weight of the harvest? It's time to make your dreams come true. We need to plan and act.

If the apples are hanging too high, then the dream book suggests that your ambitions have become disconnected from your real possibilities. I dreamed of plucking them from lush green branches - dreams are destined to come true. But picking up those that have fallen in a dream is a sign that there are deceitful flatterers among your friends. Picking up or picking up rotten stuff - all your efforts will be in vain.

Freud's predictions for a girl and a guy

Freud associates white apples with a lush female bust and personifies attraction to the fair sex. In this regard, the interpretations of the dream book take on a piquant coloring.

Why does a young man dream of round fruits? Attempts to get closer to the woman you desire will be unsuccessful. The dream book suggests that she is a lesbian. The same thing is said in a dream in which a girl I know bit off a juicy pulp.

Large apples betray a passion for busty ladies, and wormy apples predict the pangs of jealousy. Even if there are reasons for this, do not rush to make a scandal. Everything will settle down by itself, and intimacy will only become more sensual.

Vanga's instructions

Harvesting represents comprehension of the essence of natural laws. You will learn them through communication with experts, but this will be only a small part of the secrets of the universe, the harmony of which is God’s great sacrament.

Finding a wormhole in the pulp means false news. But it’s worse to eat a worm in a dream; it entails deception and serious consequences of your wrong actions.

In a dream, gnawing on a sweet, ripe, clean apple means in reality communicating with a wise old man. Be kind to him so that you don’t regret your rash speeches later.

Nostradamus: the apocalypse is canceled

It is great luck to see a ripe apple in a dream. This is a harbinger of respect, fame, which will come as a reward for a discovery or invention. If there were a lot of them, the dream book prophesies - this is a sign that people will find a cure for old age and will come closer to immortality.

Eating something fresh and aromatic means the patronage of a sweet, influential lady. Perhaps an extraordinary woman will take a key position in the government and return the state to greatness. Rotten fruit foretells the failure of the project to which your energies are now devoted.

Labor and reward

According to Eastern tradition, apples symbolize work, crafts, and conscientious labor. Taking a bite of something sour means trying to cheat, snatching dishonest earnings.

In light of this belief, why do you dream about planting an apple tree seedling? You have to raise your own assistant. This will most likely not be your own child, but an orphan from an orphanage.

For a woman, the Muslim dream book prophesies the fulfillment of desires. If in a dream she was collecting crops in a basket, her labors will be adequately rewarded, but this will not happen right away. If she ate green apples - unripe, with teeth on edge, then her health would weaken.

Why do you dream of treating and being treated?

Since biblical times, the apple has been associated with temptation and the fall. It is noteworthy that many peoples have legends telling about its magical healing power. Ancient ideas are transformed in dream books that bring us predictions of the future. So, what awaits a person who dreamed of tasting an apple:

  • They tried to treat you - you will come under pressure from scammers.
  • They treated you and you took it - allow yourself to be deceived.
  • If you forcefully give an apple into your hands, you will sin.
  • Giving it yourself will inflame rivalry.
  • If you gave him gold, you will become famous.
  • Eat unripe - visit a doctor.
  • Bite something sweet and you will get better.

Seeing the harvest on the ground and in boxes

Collecting apples that have fallen to the ground is interpreted by dream books as a desire for the inaccessible, but if in the dream they were black with rot, then your comrades will obstruct you. Harvesting unripe fruits in a dream is a warning against haste. Sometimes it is better to wait a pause than to rush things.

A whole bag of beautiful apples predicts success and prosperity. A box of white filling gives hope for a rich sex life. Biting everything and throwing bits in a dream means that in reality you are trying to show up in all projects, but have an insignificant share of participation in everything.

What does it mean to see a market in a dream?

Buying apples at the market is accompanied by bright pictures. The Enigma dream book regards the opportunity to bargain as a readiness to make informed decisions, but the main semantic load is borne by the product itself.

  1. It takes a long time to choose - restrain your instincts.
  2. Buy small ones - you will lose interest in sex.
  3. Get dried apples - you will get bored with your old personal life.
  4. Seeing oranges and plums nearby means you need to make a decision.
  5. In winter, fruits are covered with snow - stable income.
  6. Wash them with water at the market - you will catch your partner cheating.
  7. Picking up something that has fallen to the floor means treason.

Dreamed about apple treats

Why dream of fussing around in the kitchen? Dream books report that baking apples brings joy, and tasting baked apples brings pleasure. Making jam means unexpected luck and restoration of your good name.

A girl dreams of frying pies with apple filling and eating two - in reality she will expect two guys to visit. You'll have to make a choice.

The image of a large pie with grated apples appears in a dream to someone who is far from asceticism. The subtle eroticism of pleasure distracts the adventurer from business, which requires constant attention.

Apples... The source of health and longevity. The forbidden fruit, because of which, according to biblical legend, man was expelled from paradise.

You will learn further how to interpret a dream in which you saw apples.

Dream Interpretation Antonovka apples, large red, white filling, green, white, on a tree, take, pregnant, sort out

Dreaming of Antonovka apples foreshadows illness and failure.

Large and red apples symbolize your integrity and dream of fulfilling your cherished desires.

Apples of the White filling variety - for a fleeting romance.

Green apples are a dream warning. In real life, you risk incurring the wrath of your parents or people close to you.

White apples foretell success for the dreamer.

A dream in which you see apples hanging on a tree - in real life you should thoroughly think through all possible scenarios before making a final decision.

Taking apples is a favorable dream. You are able to “tempt” any person you like. The only caution is not to take the word “any” literally, but to be selective in your connections.

A pregnant woman dreams of apples for the birth of a baby endowed with good health.

Picking apples in a dream is a sign that you are a strong person and are able to learn useful lessons for yourself, even if circumstances are unfavorable for you.

Dream interpretation of apples in a dream, in a basket, stealing, in a bag, in water, boxes, bucket, rotten, collecting, cooking, giant, giving, donating, donating

If you dreamed of a full basket of apples, with patience and hard work, you can achieve what you want in reality.

Stealing apples is an event that will have a disastrous outcome. In the near future, avoid dating and do not get involved in dubious activities.

Apples in a bag - get ready to hear stunning news.

Apples in water are a sign of purity of intentions.

Apples placed in a box - you are overflowing with vital energy, but cannot find a worthy use for it.

If you dreamed of a bucket of apples, monetary profit awaits you.

Rotten apples are a sign that you have ill-wishers and envious people.

Picking apples from the ground is a disappointment. There is a high probability of family quarrels and conflicts.

Cooking apples is for an upcoming joyful event. You are closer than ever to realizing your hopes and aspirations.

Giant apples dream of abundance. The same dream predicts extraordinary events and great discoveries.

If you were given an apple, it means that in real life you are expected to do something extraordinary.

A dream in which you are given an apple is a sign of your inexperience. In real life, you still have a lot to learn.

If you had a dream in which you are giving apples, then in reality you are generously sharing your experience and knowledge with others.

Why dream of eating apples, holding them in your hand, dividing them, sweet, ripe, on the ground, in winter, selling

Eating apples is a dream that predicts an exciting pastime.

Holding apples in your hands is a test of strength. You will be tempted.

Dividing apples is a dream that predicts separation for lovers.

Sweet apples dream of sensual pleasures.

Seeing ripe apples in a dream means your wishes are feasible and will soon come true.

Apples on the ground - you are surrounded by imaginary friends. Don't give in to their flattering persuasion.

Apples in winter are a dream, meaning that you will have to postpone the implementation of your plans for some time.

A dream in which apples are sold in real life is fraught with trouble for someone close to you.

If you dreamed of apples, eat, wash, soaked

Eating apples is a sign of prosperity. You are in anticipation of love and will experience this feeling in reality.

Washing apples is a dream warning. They are deceiving you or trying to deceive you.

Pickled apples are a dream that predicts that you will find yourself in an ambivalent situation, characterized by the saying: “We wanted the best, but it turned out as always.”

Miller's apples dream book

According to Miller's dream book, apples are a symbol of friendship and love.

Dream Interpretation: small apples, on the table, in the snow, plucked, from a deceased person, cores, peeled, bitten, fall on the head (into the hands)

To dream about small apples means to endure undeserved insults.

Apples on the table - love and prosperity in the house.

If in a dream you see apples in the snow, then in real life you should slightly cool down your love fervor.

Picking apples is a dream that predicts pleasure and the fall from grace.

Taking apples from a deceased person is a sign of insincerity or fading of your feelings for your loved one.

Peeled apples are an unfavorable symbol for the dreamer. No matter how much you regret what you did.

A bitten or bitten apple is a sign that you are being misled. This same dream is a harbinger of quarrels with a loved one.

Apples falling on your head or directly into your hands is a favorable sign. You are on the threshold, if not of great discoveries, then of knowledge of the truth.

Dream Interpretation apples cut, distribute, different varieties, dried, throw

Cutting or distributing, giving, giving away apples in a dream means parting with a loved one in real life.

Seeing apples of different varieties in a dream means instability in love relationships.

Dried apples - a meeting with a selfish person.

Throwing apples means getting into trouble.

Dream interpretation apple tree blossoming (blooming), tall

Seeing a tall apple tree in bloom in a dream is a very favorable dream. You are full of hopes and grandiose plans that you can bring to life. A happy period of prosperity and love is coming for you.

Dream Interpretation Juno apples

According to Juno's dream book, anyone who sees apples in a dream will have a happy life. Luck will help you not only in love, but also at work.

Apples according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

In this dream book, apples are associated with various kinds of troubles.

Eating apples means disappointment, seeing them means trouble, picking them means illness.

The meaning of the dream of looking for golden apples

Golden apples are a symbol that you are destined for an enviable future. However, on the path to success and fame, you will have to change internally and externally - find yourself.

Islamic dream book apples

Apples in the Islamic dream book symbolize a craft that generates income. Dreaming of large and sweet apples is a sign of stable and high profits.

Muslim dream book apples

The one who saw and felt the aroma of (fragrant) apples in a dream will have a child who will glorify the name given to him at birth, says the Muslim dream book.

Apples in a dream according to Freud

Apples in Freud's dream book are interpreted as a sign of satiety in love.

Seeing a wormy apple is a dream that predicts bitter disappointment in your sexual partner.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena apples

According to Felomena’s dream book, dreaming of apples is a sign of a prosperous life filled with love and happiness.

Apples Vanga's dream book

According to Vanga's dream book, an apple is a sign of wisdom.

Eating an apple means successfully comprehending various sciences.

If they crumble and have worms, after which they become broken and you have to see a lot of these apples in a box or put them in your pocket, you should not plan anything for the near future, because the plans are not destined to come true.

Green pears, mountains of apples and they are yellow or you ate others, then interpretation of the dream online for free will promise you hope for success in your endeavors.

Picking yellow and green spoiled very large and beautiful apples on an apple tree in a dream means prosperity.

If they are visible and grapes, oranges, plums, worms, tomatoes, pomegranates, peaches are on the trees, or you are treated to them under the tree, then expect trouble at work or school.

Receiving or giving baked, grated or cut apples of paradise is a sign of receiving good news. If you have to break them, you can expect a rich harvest. Coward from a tree or steal to lead to family squabbles. If you have stolen fruit, berries or an Adam's apple, it is recommended not to make hasty decisions.

Wanting to peel black (black) or wormy, blue small apples, with which the garden is dotted in a dream, is a sign of pregnancy.

Seeing three (2-3) apples bitten, cut, fresh, rotten on a plate, grass, floor and biting into them is a sign of illness.

A core, one pink or purple apple means bright changes in your life. Eating (I eat) or drawing, folding, dropping, keeping in a bag, sack (bag), mesh apples is a sign of a change of place of residence. Shaking an apple tree, like seeing eyeballs, means unpleasant news.

Seeing slices (slices) of apples with a worm, the smell of which is extremely unpleasant, promises material problems.

As the dream book says, apples seen in a dream have many interpretations from famous oneirologists, most of them evaluate the dream about the fragrant fruits of apple trees positively, but there are many nuances. Who has the dream, on what day of the week, with what plot - all this plays a role. After all, not only the symbol is important, but also the actions of the dreamer.

Why do you dream of apples on a tree?

A blooming apple orchard is a very beautiful sight; such a dream leaves a feeling of celebration and future pleasant events. It is believed to foretell pregnancy for women. Seeing apples in the snow is a sign that your well-being is not in danger, and a sun-drenched winter garden promises. In his dream book, Vanga calls this fruit a symbol of wisdom and reward. But why do you dream of an apple tree with apples? The interpretation depends on the plot:

  1. The tree bends from the abundance of fruits - to great income.
  2. For a girl, such a dream means marriage.
  3. Picking apples from a tree in a dream means losses due to one’s own inattention and unnecessary haste; a quarrel with a patron is possible.
  4. Apples under a tree on the grass - you can expect dirty tricks from a person from your close circle; it wouldn’t hurt to take a closer look at your friends.

Why do you dream about red apples?

The dream book “Apples” warns that you need to take into account the color of this fruit; depending on the color, the dream is interpreted. Seeing red apples in a dream means bright emotions and good mood, good prospects for the future and good news. It is important to use your chance, and your plans can come true. There is a sign that a red apple in a dream is a favorable sign, expressing the dreamer’s readiness to overcome obstacles. And the person who comes to the house will help with this.

But there are other, not so rosy predictions; it is worth noting that the interpretation of dreams about red apples is somewhat contradictory:

  1. Seeing it on a tree means a meeting with a suitable life partner.
  2. Buying such apples is a sign of successful completion of affairs.
  3. Finding fruit means illness and long treatment, disappointment in work matters.
  4. Does a beautiful apple turn rotten? There will be a tempting offer that you should refuse so as not to get into a difficult financial situation.
  5. There are a lot of fruits on the table or on the ground - you are surrounded by reliable friends who are always ready to help.
  6. The dreamer rolls a red apple on the table - an interesting secret will soon be revealed.
  7. Treating someone with such fruit means it’s time to look for a serious relationship for marriage.
  8. The fruits were stolen from the dreamer - to failures in business.

Why do you dream of green apples?

What does it mean if you dream about green apples? This sign is good for women, it symbolizes vitality and good health. If a man had such a dream, then he will meet with an old friend or a beautiful lady. The color green is believed to predict something pleasant:

  1. Ripe, beautiful fruit - cherished wishes will come true, respect from many people will appear.
  2. Eating such apples means very important events will happen soon.
  3. A woman dreams that she picked an unripe green apple - she will meet an interesting man.
  4. The girl cuts the fruit - k.
  5. Green fruits on the ground mean danger looming from relatives or friends.
  6. To pick such fruits means you need to spend more time studying, learning new things.

Why do you dream of yellow apples?

If you dreamed of yellow apples, astrologers advise paying attention to relationships with loved ones. For a woman, they portend well-being and prosperity, a successful marriage, and the birth of a baby. The sunny shade of the fruit brings together more pleasant signs, although there are also exceptions. Seeing yellow apples in a dream means:

  • successful marriage, good income;
  • a fun party, a visit from close friends;
  • for a woman - possible betrayal of a loved one;
  • picking such fruits means attacks of jealousy;
  • baking a pie from them means news from distant relatives;
  • wormy yellow apples - to discord in the family, but the conflicts will not be serious, it will be possible to find a compromise;
  • spoiled small fruits of a sunny shade - to changes in life;
  • sorting through such apples means falling in love soon.

Why do you dream of a white apple?

Any dream book considers white apples to be a positive image, because it is associated with divine signs and a wonderful future. This meaning also applies to fruits, but taking into account the plot of the dream. I dreamed of white apples in a dream:

  1. Good events that have been awaited for so long will happen.
  2. For a girl - the promise of a wedding.
  3. For business people - to a successful deal.
  4. The fruits float on the water - you need to be more active in achieving your goal, otherwise you may miss your chance.
  5. Burying white apples in the ground means your well-being will be at risk and you may lose money.
  6. Fruits rolled between the spouses - discord may occur.

Why do you dream about picking apples?

In many cultures, apples are considered a symbol of life, so dreams of ripe, beautiful fruit are considered a good sign. Especially if you pick them from a tree. Picking apples in a dream means pleasant changes:

  1. There will be a reward for your work; you can expect both material and moral satisfaction.
  2. Picking up fruits from the ground means success in work; perhaps your superiors will reward you for your efforts.
  3. Collecting fruits in a basket - others will appreciate your efforts, but not immediately, but after some time.
  4. There are a lot of apples, but they hang high, and it’s impossible to pick them - it’s unlikely that your immediate plans will be realized.

Why do you dream about buying apples?

If you had to buy apples in a dream, this means that outbursts of emotions can cause complex problems. At the same time, dream books about apples call vision a promise of success, a search for interesting communication, and opportunities to realize the most daring ideas. The interpretation also depends on the actions of the dreamer and the location of events:

  1. Buying fruit at a noisy market means a pleasant acquaintance; a new, devoted friend may appear.
  2. If you purchased fruits in a store and took away the last apples, and there is a long line behind you, good luck will come to you very soon.

There are several more interpretations of dreams about these fruits, depending on the actions of the participants in the dream:

Why do you dream about big apples? Considering that seeing this fruit in a dream is considered a good sign, the plot about huge fruits is interpreted very positively. Our ancestors believed that fame, health, prosperity and great respect awaited the dreamer. Astrologers predict even more interesting events in life and great discoveries in various sciences. Such a dream can also be considered as a promise of stability in business.

Why do you dream about a wormy apple?

As the dream book explains, bitter and tasteless apples in a dream are considered a sign of imminent troubles, so it is important to remember where this fruit came from. Was it given as a gift? You should stay away from this person. Did you pick it yourself? Difficulties will arise due to the fault of the dreamer. There is a risk of receiving incorrect information or not implementing your plans. What does it mean when you dream of wormy fruits? Dream Interpretations present the following interpretations about spoiled apples:

  1. Someone close to him harbored a grudge against the dreamer.
  2. Health problems may arise.
  3. A strong temptation will arise, which you should not succumb to; the results will be extremely unpleasant.
  4. Out of a bunch of apples, one is wormy - relatives will create trouble.

The color of the fruit also plays a role, depending on the color, the predictions vary somewhat:

  • wormy red apples - a faithful friend will support you in difficult times.
  • yellow fruits with worms - to, but if the fruits lie on the ground, then the swara will be short and not very significant.

Why do you dream about rotten apples?

Rotten apples in a dream are not a good sign, although some dream books interpret it positively. Considering that in reality picking up such a fruit is extremely unpleasant, the negativity is transferred to the explanation of the dream. Dream about fruits with rotten rot:

  1. To failure in actions and plans, all efforts will be in vain.
  2. Someone is preparing false information for the dreamer.
  3. To anger and envy on the part of loved ones or colleagues.

If you had to buy rotten fruits for a lot of money in a dream, then in reality you should be afraid of failure. Astrologers advise paying attention to official matters and commerce in order to avoid troubles with documents. There are also positive predictions in some dream books that are based on the color of fruits:

  • yellow - to important, pleasant changes;
  • red - profitable trip, unexpected profit.

Why dream of stealing apples?

What does it mean when you dream of stolen apples, although in reality the dreamer has never done anything like this? Psychologists explain this vision by depression and imbalance, the inability to make an important decision, and the desire to rely on others. Astrologers interpret the plot as a possible situation where one will have to lie a lot and act dishonestly. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to reconsider your behavior and reassess your values.

Why do you dream of an apple core?

If a dream about apples more often promises positive changes, then a vision about a core is interpreted as pitiful remnants of the prosperity that they could have had. This is a kind of warning about possible troubles that can be avoided if you do not engage in self-criticism, but take time to resolve complex issues. Such a dream is also explained by the need to acquire new knowledge, experience, connections, perhaps change jobs or close circle.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations and assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Apples in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Apples?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what do Apples mean?

According to the dream book, see Apples - Apples are a symbol of fertility, one of the symbols of Mother Earth. A blossoming apple tree symbolizes eternal youth, and in China - peace and beauty. The apple is a symbol of bliss, especially sexual; The symbolism may be due to the fact that the core of the apple in a longitudinal section resembles a vulva.

The apple is also a symbol of restoration of potential, integrity, health and vitality (“An apple for lunch - and all diseases are gone”). The apple represents love, marriage, spring, youth, fertility, longevity or immortality, therefore in the Christian tradition it is associated with temptation, the fall of man and his salvation. Greek, Celtic and Norse mythologies describe the apple as a miraculous fruit that gives the gods their power.

Despite the fact that the fruit with which the Serpent tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden is not named in the Bible, the apple was the first fruit chosen by later interpreters of the Holy Scriptures. A bitten apple, all in the colors of the rainbow in the wrong order, is a symbol of sin, knowledge, hope and anarchy. Alchemists noticed that the core of an apple cut across looked like a five-pointed star, which reminded them of the sought-after fifth element. They also used this fruit as a symbol of knowledge. In art, the apple symbolizes original sin when depicted in the mouth of a monkey or snake. All these symbolic characteristics underlie the interpretation of this dream symbol.

If you dreamed of green apples, which in a dream are perceived as unripe or sour, then this is a sign of tears and approaching sorrows, which will be partially caused by your own capriciousness. If you dream of sweet and ripe apples, then this is a sign of sexual pleasures, temptations and the satisfaction of your deepest desires. If you dreamed that you were biting off or simply eating apples, then this dream may indicate your great interest in the material side of the things that you are busy with in real life.

If you are picking apples in a dream, then this is a sign that you will soon reap the abundant fruits of your recent efforts. If in your dream there is only a blooming apple tree, then this is a sign of strength, health, power and prosperity; for more details, if you dream about Apples, see below.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about Apples?

Interpretation of the dream book: Apples can mean temptation, as in the Garden of Eden. Also associated with sexual experience and knowledge (see the “Food” symbol), this is how this dream in which Apples are dreamed is interpreted.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about Apples in your dreams?

Seeing Apples in a dream means Apples. Immature - to illness, weakness, mature ^ - to love affairs, marriage; lying on the ground - to trouble; picking apples - domestic conflicts, quarrels. Eating apples - to disappointment, anger, eating bitter apples - to coercion, sadness, tasty apples - to well-being; eating boiled, baked, soaked ones, as well as picking ripe and sweet ones from the tree is a sign of fun.

Grandma's old dream book

Why do you dream about Apples, what does this mean?

We saw raw apples in a dream - to physical and moral weakness; mature - marriage; there are bitter ones - compulsion and sadness; immature - fear someone's harm; eating delicious apples means prosperity; eating boiled ones or picking sweet, ripe ones means fun.

Summer Dream Interpreter

Why do you dream about Apples?

Pickled apples - Eating pickled apples in a dream means pleasure.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Pickled apples - Seeing soaked apples in a tub is a sign of an impossible dream.

Spring Dream Interpreter

Pickled apples. Unfortunately.

Jewish dream book

What does it mean if you dreamed about Apples:

You dreamed of Apples - Picking apples from a tree. For a woman - a dream in the spring on Wednesday night - to illness; a dream in the spring on any other night - to failures and losses; dreamed in the summer, this dream warns of the great danger of the evil eye; and in the fall - to domestic troubles; a dream in winter means difficult and lengthy efforts to achieve your goal. For a man - a dream in the spring on Wednesday night is a sign of damage; a dream you had on any other night in the spring means that you will miss a lot of opportunities to improve your affairs; a dream seen in the summer - to heart disease, as well as to rejected love; and in the fall - to a successful purchase or luck in business; a dream in winter means careless, ill-considered actions. There is an unripe apple. A dream you had in the spring on Wednesday night - foretells trouble that your good friend or relative will get into; a dream you had in the spring on any other night - to stomach or heart diseases that threaten one of your family members; a dream seen in the summer - to unpleasant experiences associated with your friends; and in the fall - to bad news; a dream in winter warns that due to your haste you may miss luck. There is a ripe apple. A dream you had in the spring on Wednesday night - for pleasure, marriage or marriage; a dream you had in the spring on any other night - to prosperity; in summer - to joy; in the fall - to pleasant surprises; a dream in winter means improved mood and well-being.

Magic dream book

I dreamed about Apples - what does it mean?

What do Apples mean in a dream - temptations. Eating an apple means becoming wiser. For young people, eating large red ripe apples means a happy marriage. A wormy apple is fake love. Cutting apples into slices means having a lot of fans (or fans). Rolling an apple or playing with it is enchanting. Sour apple - to be disappointed in your love. Peeling an apple means separation from friends. Drinking apple juice means taking care of your health. Rotten apple - suspicion of infidelity.

Dream book of healer Akulina

I dreamed about Apples - what does the dream mean?

You dreamed of Apples - The dream promises good health for you and your children. Imagine a whole basket of juicy, ripe, beautiful apples. You treat them to all your household members.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

What is the Apples dream about?

What do Apples mean in a dream - You see red apples in the crown of a tree in a dream - the dream promises you favorable circumstances in the present and future. You dream of a ripe apple at the very top of the apple tree - your arrogance will not bring you any good; Of the many masks, for some reason you prefer the mask of stupidity. You see apples lying on the ground in a dream - flatterers will please you in small ways, but harm you in big ways. You are holding a wormy apple in your hand - your efforts will not lead to success.

Home dream book

What does it mean if you dream about Apples:

You dreamed of Apples - temptation; symbol of wisdom and reward. Red apples on trees in green foliage - confidence in the fulfillment of hopes; eating spoiled apples - experiences associated with the fact that hopes will not come true; ripe apples on the tree - it’s time to boldly move on; rotten apples - fruitless efforts; ripe apples at the top of the tree - inflated claims to life.

British dream book

I dreamed about Apples - what does it mean?

Apple – The apple has been considered a magical fruit for thousands of years, but in addition, it symbolizes health, a quality lifestyle and a loving, cozy home. Why the dream: Giving or receiving an apple may indicate a desire for a strong, healthy, pragmatic relationship based on family and family values, as opposed to a passionate love affair. It happens that an apple in a dream also symbolizes temptation. Did you take the apple because you were persuaded? Or were you strong enough to resist temptation? See also Apple tree

Creative dream book

What does it mean if you dreamed of Apples:

You dreamed of an Apple - see also Food and Fruits 1. In dreams, an apple can mean fertility, love and temptation. 2. Eating an apple means a desire to accept information or knowledge. The apple has a direct connection with the temptation that Eve subjected Adam to. 3. Apple blossom is a Chinese symbol of peace and beauty. In a spiritual sense, the apple suggests a new beginning and a fresh approach.

Russian dream book

I dreamed about Apples in a dream, why:

What does an Apple mean in a dream - temptation, discord, tears.

Everyday dream book

What does Apples mean in a dream?

You dreamed of an Apple Core - Business partners can deceive you. Imagine that you, threatening with a firearm, force someone to eat an Apple core.

Why do you dream of apples on a tree? First, remember whether you were just watching the fruit or picking it. Were there any people nearby? What time of year and weather surrounded you? What emotions did you experience in your dream? Remember, or better yet, write down the plot of the dream in great detail as soon as you wake up. This will help interpret the dream as accurately as possible.

Don’t forget that in a dream, your subconscious often “downloads” pictures of events that happened in real life. Perhaps you recently ate or picked apples, which is why you dreamed about them. It is not necessary to interpret such a dream - it does not mean anything.

Dreaming of apples - allegorical image of temptation, pleasure, love languor. All popular interpretations are based on this fact. Even without knowing the meanings, you can figure out for yourself what such a dream could mean. For example, if you collected juicy, ripe fruits, and then tasted them with pleasure - a bright and pleasant love adventure awaits you. If fruits are unripe, bitter, eaten by caterpillars - your partner will disappoint you sexually. But these are not the only meanings.

Brief interpretations of the dream:

  • Picking the fruits in a dream - expect colossal success from the opposite sex, you will soon be surrounded by attention, many fans will appear
  • There are a lot of apples, they are heavy, falling to the ground - you are unable to control your emotions and desires, slow down
  • Catch fruits falling from a tree, and then greedily eat them - expect success in all your endeavors, any business will be easy and effortless
  • Collect from a tree unripe, still green and apples unsuitable for eating - expect failures of a sexual nature. If you are a man, you will make a mistake with a new partner. If you are a woman, you will stop wanting your chosen one. You need to figure out what is the cause of problems with libido
  • Fruit eaten away by insects or rotten - soon your partner will decide to cheat. Be vigilant and don’t miss the appearance of your opponent/rival

These are generalized meanings, knowing which you can independently interpret almost any “apple” dream.

Meanings from Miller's dream book

The author of Miller's dream book believes: apples in a dream- a symbol of a harmonious sex life with your partner. You are full of love and sexually satisfied, you have an extremely wonderful union that is not afraid of life’s troubles.

And if you also see apples in your dream pick it and then eat it- it's a sign. It's time to get involved and start realizing your goals. If there are no plans yet, now is the time to formulate and define them.

If the fruits very small, the size of a large berry, your self-esteem is inflated. You tend to exalt yourself above other people.

Fruit color

The interpretation of the dream may be different, depending on the color of the fruits you dreamed about:

  • Reds apples foretell a happy family life filled with passion and love. If the apples are small (Ranetki, Antonovka) - you are in excellent health, according to the authors of Aesop’s dream book
  • Yellow apples promise spiritual uplift and a surge of physical strength. There is no place for fatigue in your life
  • Golden the fruits predict public recognition. You will become an authority for many people, your opinion will be listened to, and your talents will be worshiped.
  • Greens dreamed of unripe apples - start thinking through your actions, stop acting spontaneously, making rash decisions

The brighter the color of the apples, the more favorable the meaning of the dream.


If you are collecting fruits in your own garden y, this guarantees you good luck in matters of the heart. Your chosen one will sincerely love you, and the relationship will be filled with passion and positive emotions. The larger the fruit, the more happiness your couple will have. But if the fruit is overripe, it’s time to think about it - you’re spending too much time on your partner, and you’re in danger of becoming fed up. Sometimes take a break from each other, giving time to yearn.

If apples It’s impossible to collect from a tree by hand, you start shaking the trunk or climbing up the stepladder, which means your partner is bored with your sex life. You will have to show miracles of ingenuity to bring passion back into the relationship. The more you strive to harvest the fruits, the more effort you will need to put in.

Take it as a fact that apples are a symbol of love relationships, a reflection of sexual life, an allegorical image of a relationship with a current or future partner. Keep this in mind, and interpreting the dream will be easy!

Apples... The source of health and longevity. The forbidden fruit, because of which, according to biblical legend, man was expelled from paradise.

You will learn further how to interpret a dream in which you saw apples.

Dream Interpretation Antonovka apples, large red, white filling, green, white, on a tree, take, pregnant, sort out

Dreaming of Antonovka apples foreshadows illness and failure.

Large and red apples symbolize your integrity and dream of fulfilling your cherished desires.

Apples of the White filling variety - for a fleeting romance.

Green apples are a dream warning. In real life, you risk incurring the wrath of your parents or people close to you.

White apples foretell success for the dreamer.

A dream in which you see apples hanging on a tree - in real life you should thoroughly think through all possible scenarios before making a final decision.

Taking apples is a favorable dream. You are able to “tempt” any person you like. The only caution is not to take the word “any” literally, but to be selective in your connections.

A pregnant woman dreams of apples for the birth of a baby endowed with good health.

Picking apples in a dream is a sign that you are a strong person and are able to learn useful lessons for yourself, even if circumstances are unfavorable for you.

Dream interpretation of apples in a dream, in a basket, stealing, in a bag, in water, boxes, bucket, rotten, collecting, cooking, giant, giving, donating, donating

If you dreamed of a full basket of apples, with patience and hard work, you can achieve what you want in reality.

Stealing apples is an event that will have a disastrous outcome. In the near future, avoid dating and do not get involved in dubious activities.

Apples in a bag - get ready to hear stunning news.

Apples in water are a sign of purity of intentions.

Apples placed in a box - you are overflowing with vital energy, but cannot find a worthy use for it.

If you dreamed of a bucket of apples, monetary profit awaits you.

Rotten apples are a sign that you have ill-wishers and envious people.

Picking apples from the ground is a disappointment. There is a high probability of family quarrels and conflicts.

Cooking apples is for an upcoming joyful event. You are closer than ever to realizing your hopes and aspirations.

Giant apples dream of abundance. The same dream predicts extraordinary events and great discoveries.

If you were given an apple, it means that in real life you are expected to do something extraordinary.

A dream in which you are given an apple is a sign of your inexperience. In real life, you still have a lot to learn.

If you had a dream in which you are giving apples, then in reality you are generously sharing your experience and knowledge with others.

Why dream of eating apples, holding them in your hand, dividing them, sweet, ripe, on the ground, in winter, selling

Eating apples is a dream that predicts an exciting pastime.

Holding apples in your hands is a test of strength. You will be tempted.

Dividing apples is a dream that predicts separation for lovers.

Sweet apples dream of sensual pleasures.

Seeing ripe apples in a dream means your wishes are feasible and will soon come true.

Apples on the ground - you are surrounded by imaginary friends. Don't give in to their flattering persuasion.

Apples in winter are a dream, meaning that you will have to postpone the implementation of your plans for some time.

A dream in which apples are sold in real life is fraught with trouble for someone close to you.

If you dreamed of apples, eat, wash, soaked

Eating apples is a sign of prosperity. You are in anticipation of love and will experience this feeling in reality.

Washing apples is a dream warning. They are deceiving you or trying to deceive you.

Pickled apples are a dream that predicts that you will find yourself in an ambivalent situation, characterized by the saying: “We wanted the best, but it turned out as always.”

Miller's apples dream book

According to Miller's dream book, apples are a symbol of friendship and love.

Dream Interpretation: small apples, on the table, in the snow, plucked, from a deceased person, cores, peeled, bitten, fall on the head (into the hands)

To dream about small apples means to endure undeserved insults.

Apples on the table - love and prosperity in the house.

If in a dream you see apples in the snow, then in real life you should slightly cool down your love fervor.

Picking apples is a dream that predicts pleasure and the fall from grace.

Taking apples from a deceased person is a sign of insincerity or fading of your feelings for your loved one.

Peeled apples are an unfavorable symbol for the dreamer. No matter how much you regret what you did.

A bitten or bitten apple is a sign that you are being misled. This same dream is a harbinger of quarrels with a loved one.

Apples falling on your head or directly into your hands is a favorable sign. You are on the threshold, if not of great discoveries, then of knowledge of the truth.

Dream Interpretation apples cut, distribute, different varieties, dried, throw

Cutting or distributing, giving, giving away apples in a dream means parting with a loved one in real life.

Seeing apples of different varieties in a dream means instability in love relationships.

Dried apples - a meeting with a selfish person.

Throwing apples means getting into trouble.

Dream interpretation apple tree blossoming (blooming), tall

Seeing a tall apple tree in bloom in a dream is a very favorable dream. You are full of hopes and grandiose plans that you can bring to life. A happy period of prosperity and love is coming for you.

Dream Interpretation Juno apples

According to Juno's dream book, anyone who sees apples in a dream will have a happy life. Luck will help you not only in love, but also at work.

Apples according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

In this dream book, apples are associated with various kinds of troubles.

Eating apples means disappointment, seeing them means trouble, picking them means illness.

The meaning of the dream of looking for golden apples

Golden apples are a symbol that you are destined for an enviable future. However, on the path to success and fame, you will have to change internally and externally - find yourself.

Islamic dream book apples

Apples in the Islamic dream book symbolize a craft that generates income. Dreaming of large and sweet apples is a sign of stable and high profits.

Muslim dream book apples

The one who saw and felt the aroma of (fragrant) apples in a dream will have a child who will glorify the name given to him at birth, says the Muslim dream book.

Apples in a dream according to Freud

Apples in Freud's dream book are interpreted as a sign of satiety in love.

Seeing a wormy apple is a dream that predicts bitter disappointment in your sexual partner.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena apples

According to Felomena’s dream book, dreaming of apples is a sign of a prosperous life filled with love and happiness.

Apples Vanga's dream book

According to Vanga's dream book, an apple is a sign of wisdom.

Eating an apple means successfully comprehending various sciences.

If they crumble and have worms, after which they become broken and you have to see a lot of these apples in a box or put them in your pocket, you should not plan anything for the near future, because the plans are not destined to come true.

Green pears, mountains of apples and they are yellow or you ate others, then interpretation of the dream online for free will promise you hope for success in your endeavors.

Picking yellow and green spoiled very large and beautiful apples on an apple tree in a dream means prosperity.

If they are visible and grapes, oranges, plums, worms, tomatoes, pomegranates, peaches are on the trees, or you are treated to them under the tree, then expect trouble at work or school.

Receiving or giving baked, grated or cut apples of paradise is a sign of receiving good news. If you have to break them, you can expect a rich harvest. Coward from a tree or steal to lead to family squabbles. If you have stolen fruit, berries or an Adam's apple, it is recommended not to make hasty decisions.

Wanting to peel black (black) or wormy, blue small apples, with which the garden is dotted in a dream, is a sign of pregnancy.

Seeing three (2-3) apples bitten, cut, fresh, rotten on a plate, grass, floor and biting into them is a sign of illness.

A core, one pink or purple apple means bright changes in your life. Eating (I eat) or drawing, folding, dropping, keeping in a bag, sack (bag), mesh apples is a sign of a change of place of residence. Shaking an apple tree, like seeing eyeballs, means unpleasant news.

Seeing slices (slices) of apples with a worm, the smell of which is extremely unpleasant, promises material problems.

What apples mean in dreams can be interpreted based on their basic meanings. In general, apples in a dream are a favorable sign of wealth, fertility and wisdom. Apples also have a second meaning - the attraction of secret feelings, a sweet forbidden fruit. The apple of discord played an important role in ancient mythology. The beautiful fruit becomes an instrument of seduction, temptation, and evil practical joke.

Another interpretation of the apple is deception. If an ill-wisher in a dream hands you an apple, even a ripe and beautiful one, beware of gifts, brilliant ideas and other delightful gifts given as if from the heart. The tragic fate of Snow White should serve in this case as an example of dangerous gullibility.

Sigmund Freud sees apples in his dream interpretation solely as a sign of secret eros. Miller, on the contrary, believes the apple to be a symbol of knowledge, discoveries, and scientific achievements. People believe that seeing a lot of apples in a dream means a happy and rich carefree life. Sharing apples means receiving dear guests. The interpretation of sleep depends on living conditions and cultural environment.

Apples do not grow in southern latitudes and are considered a sign of luxury. In the middle zone, apples can be in abundance; everyone shares apples, charlottes, and jam with each other.

If a housewife who has prepared a lot of jam and has been preparing compotes for several days dreams of apples, this is not surprising. In this case, the meaning of apples in a dream as a sign of abundance is absolutely justified and determined by facts. The meanings of the dream are direct and factual.

From a psychological point of view, seeing apples in a dream is a good and kind sign for women. This is a sign of fertility, health, tranquility. Blooming apple trees and ripened fruits at the same time are a hint of a possible happy pregnancy. Eating apples in a dream means enjoying life. Admiring apples, stroking them, putting them on your cheeks - dreaming about love pleasures.

If there is a defect on the apples, this is an alarming sign. Possible health problems. First of all, you need to check the kidneys and liver. If the apple is limp and wrinkled, you may have skin problems. Apples pecked by birds - someone is trying to steal the results of your work or harm you.

Meanings of apples in a dream

  • White, light apples - everything will be fine. Your fears will not be confirmed, the road will be successful, minor difficulties are possible.
  • Seeing large apples in a pile or in a basket in a dream means that you are rightfully proud of your home.
  • Just an apple on the table - great success awaits you in any endeavor. If the fruit is rotten, you are busy with something other than your own business. Review your work plan.
  • Apples that roll down a mountain or across a table - a provocation awaits you. It will take a lot of patience to prevent possible consequences and not pay attention to attempts to piss you off.
  • Green apples - you are concerned about your own appearance. You should not decide on extreme cosmetic procedures. Traditional care and spa will better help you maintain your youth.
  • Wormy apple. They will try to fool you stupidly. If you are not careless, you will easily reveal the deception.
  • Ranetki, small apples - there may be a visit from relatives, friends or neighbors who will bother you with their problems and overload you with emotions.
  • An apple on a plate or a beautiful saucer is dangerous. Honey apples, in which the grains are visible through the light, have the same meaning. Be vigilant, a subtle and well-thought-out treachery awaits you.
  • Lots of apples lying on the ground - you may miss a good opportunity that is right in front of you.
  • If giving apples in a dream is a good sign, then selling apples is a sign that you are surrounded by greedy people.

Dream interpretation apples

  • Vanga's dream book considers apples as a sign of wisdom. Picking apples from a tree in a dream means a search for wisdom and the discovery of truths. Distributing picked apples means sharing wisdom and experience with other people. If you dream that you are picking green apples, you may be too hasty and selfish. You may be making rash decisions.
  • Miller considers apples, especially red and ripe ones, to be an exceptionally good sign. If apples are on the tree and coquettishly peeking out from the leaves, you are in excellent health. High-hanging apples signal that you are overly ambitious and do not have a goal that is too high. It's OK. Even tall apples will ripen and fall at your feet.
  • The lunar dream book says that seeing apples in a dream for men means a happy marriage.
  • Apples in someone else's garden - you are looking at someone else's. Maybe you dream of seducing someone else’s boss or an appetizing and fresh young man. If branches with apples hang over the fence and simply ask to be picked up, your desire has a basis and can be mutual. Beware of rash actions. It is better for a woman to be a delicious apple herself than a petty apple thief.

A delicious fruit is a sign of endless life, love, fullness. On a subconscious level, an apple garden reflects the process of renewal, denotes cyclicality and variable success. The seeds germinate and after a few years the young trees enjoy a new harvest.
Apple - dream book apples are the most complex symbol in the art of dream interpretation. The apple, as a symbol, relates to the sphere of love and relationships.

This is not necessarily an erotic or love relationship, but also a family, everyday, friendly or work relationship.
Apples in a dream can promise enticements and temptations, or even become an “apple of discord” between people.

Cutting apples - to the division of property, family discord, expansive emission. Emotions and the situation are not controlled. You do not yet understand that crises and conflicts are sent to develop the soul and pacify pride. Draw conclusions and accept troubles, because it is time to learn a concrete lesson. It is possible that the drama of life is a need for karmic processing.

Eating apples in a dream

Eating juicy apples means comprehending the information. It is possible that the job (project) offer was taken by surprise and you will have to work hard to replenish your knowledge. Prospects for study are opening up. Time to gain experience, gifts, love confessions. In all cases, you should count on success and support from above.

Sweet apples promise sensual pleasures, the opportunity to be proud of yourself, relationships, friends, and prosperity. But you are not a hostage to your passions and understand the meaning of what is happening. It will happen as you wished. Try to maintain a comfortable state to extend your lucky streak. If you took a bite of the fruit and didn’t like the taste of sour apples, expect disappointment from your loved ones who may let you down, upset you, or slander you. Do not give in to any temptations - you need to wait out the turbid wave. Dividends from life will be temporarily meager, but over time events will correct themselves.

Apple food

Apple jam - for the sweet life, good news, honeymoon, traveling together.

Apple pie - a surprise, unexpected joy. In both cases, expect bonuses from fate.

Baked apples are dreamed of by those who are satisfied with everything and strive to live in a freeze frame. Distrust of the world and fate is provoked by internal fears of change and the desire to avoid responsibility.

Soaked apples in life foreshadow delays in business and an unpredictable outcome of protracted decisions. The reason lies in the low energy level. This condition could be provoked by: physical fatigue, vampirism, serious problems, negative thoughts. The dream talks about the sequence of actions in resolving conflicts. To begin with, it is better to accumulate the potential for a breakthrough on the physical plane.

Dried apples are a good reason to worry about success in all endeavors. These may be fruitless attempts at conception, obstacles in material and social life, loss of inspiration, poor health. You should not focus on failures, so as not to aggravate the energy loss. We need to wait out the cyclical downturn.

Apple tree according to the dream book

If at present the financial sphere is most relevant for the sleeper, then “apple dreams” promise an improvement in their financial situation. For a businessman or a person who has been working very hard lately, picking apples in a dream or admiring an apple tree - what does an apple tree mean in a dream - literally count on tangible profits or reap the fruits of your efforts.

Why dream of a blooming apple tree when you are frozen in anticipation of good news? A beautiful picture is a rare occurrence in everyday life and comes to those who are waiting for fateful changes. Signifies triumph, prosperity, success.

According to the dream book, an apple tree with apples represents ancestral strength. The root system is the energy of the ancestors, ripe fruits are the energy of the cosmos. The strength of the tree and the harvest on the branches indicate what kind of support should be counted on from the symbiosis of the upper and lower flows. Large and plump apples on a tree, according to the dream book, are a sign of good health, goodness, and connection with the Guardian Angel.

Apple dreams and pregnancy

Do apples dream of pregnancy if the fruit of paradise is initially identified with sin? It symbolizes temptation, although the Bible mentioned the fruit without a specific name. However, the unconfirmed fact is forever deposited in the genetic memory, and at a certain moment information about physiological changes in the body comes from the subtle plane.

Continuing the theme of the birth of a new life, it should be said about why a pregnant woman dreams of apples. The allegorical interpretation is based on a comparison of a sprouted grain and a formed fruit. Fruits represent blossoming, abundance, high potential required to be passed on to the next generation.

Dream Interpretation on another topic:

Since ancient times, the apple has been considered a symbol of temptation and pleasure. Seeing apples on a tree in a dream is a good sign, but only if they were ripe and fragrant. It’s not difficult to guess why you dream of spoiled fruits, but we won’t guess, but let’s remember all the details of our vision and look into dream books. They already know everything about such dreams!

Brief interpretations

Are you not a fan of thoughtfully and thoroughly figuring out what the dream plot warns about? Take advantage of the short explanations! Dream books literally explain the meaning of a dream in a couple of lines. Here, for example, is a brief description of why you dream of apples on a tree:

  • Picking an apple in a dream means success with the opposite sex.
  • To see that there are so many fruits that they fall - control the extent of your desires.
  • Catching falling apples and eating them means you will get what you have in mind very easily.
  • Picked unripe ones are a symbol of sexual failures or problems with libido.
  • Wormy apples on a tree are a sign of the existing possibility that your partner is not faithful to you.

Miller's Dream Book

Gustav Miller equated dreaming apples with sensual pleasures and relationships in a couple. So, for example, if you see scarlet fruits in emerald green foliage in a dream, you can rejoice, since such a picture means love and harmony.

And if you dreamed that you were eating the plucked gifts of the garden, the interpretation of the dream will be as follows: the time has come to realize everything that you have in mind. The dream that you cannot reach the high-growing “Antonovka” means an inflated sense of your own importance.

The color will indicate luck: should you wait for it or not?

Red fruits are considered an excellent sign. Red "renet" symbolizes sensual passion and predicts happiness in marriage. In addition, red “Ranetki” predict an improvement in health, according to Aesop’s dream book.

Yellow “Jonathan” promises a period of physical and mental recovery. But golden color predicts recognition of your authority and admiration for your talents.

The Lunar Dream Book will tell you why you dream of green apples on a tree. If the fruit is green and ripe, then this is a “green light” for your endeavors. An unripe apple warns of possible failures due to ill-considered actions.

Harvesting, or What's the best way to proceed?

Do you want to know why you dream about collecting gifts from an apple tree? Nothing could be simpler. For example, Medea's dream book says that you are guaranteed good luck in love if in a dream you pick fruit in your garden.

Pastor Loff's dream book comments in his own way on the vision where you pick apples from a tree. Picking big ones is a sign that you are not influenced by the situation that is developing around you now. Picking apples that are small or not ripe - having planned something, start acting small.

Your actions as a symbol of aspiration

Did you dream that you couldn’t pick apples on a tree, so you shook it? The most “interesting” interpretation is given by Freud’s dream book: if you want to please your partner, then you will have to show miracles of ingenuity. According to other interpreters, tearing the “spawn” of an apple tree is a sign of a diligent attitude to the matter.

Why do you have a dream in which you spray apples on a tree? If the apple tree gifts in the dream were large and ripe, your efforts will not go unnoticed. And if they are rotten or have a wormhole, no one will appreciate your intentions.

To see in a dream how a large and ripe “pepka” has fallen and is rolling towards you - expect welcome guests. The rotten one has arrived - visitors will not please you.

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