Turkey liver pate. The Ideal Wife's Blog Turkey Pate Recipe

– it is often prepared both on weekdays and on holidays. At the same time, other options for pate base are completely undeservedly bypassed. Meanwhile, chicken fillet pate and turkey pate also turn out to be very tasty. By the way, I cook the latter even more often than the liver one - everyone in my family really likes it.

In addition to its excellent taste, homemade turkey pate has a pleasant texture and appetizing appearance. And preparing it is not at all difficult and relatively quick. So if you’ve never made turkey fillet pate before, you need to fix that urgently: I’m sure you’ll really like the result.

By the way, this dish can be a hearty appetizer for a holiday table, an option for a nutritious sandwich, and an excellent breakfast: there are a lot of options. I will be happy to share with you how to make turkey pate.


  • 300 g prepared turkey fillet;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of the juice released during roasting of the turkey (or meat broth) - optional;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 1 medium-sized carrot;
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil;
  • salt, ground black pepper, nutmeg - to taste.

How to make homemade turkey pate:

For this pate we need ready-made turkey fillet - boiled or baked in the oven. I prefer to cook from baked turkey fillet, the recipe for which I told you about earlier.

Wash the carrots, peel them and grate them on a coarse grater. Peel the onion, rinse and cut into thin half rings.

Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, add the onions and carrots, mix and sauté under the lid for 8 - 10 minutes, until soft.

Cut the turkey into small pieces that will easily fit into the hole in the meat grinder.

We twist the turkey three times along with the sauteed vegetables until a homogeneous structure is obtained.

Since the resulting mass is too dense for pate, add melted butter (melt the butter in a microwave oven or in a water bath).

Mix. If necessary, add little by little the juice released during roasting of the turkey, stirring the pate all the time until you obtain a soft, tender consistency that allows you to spread the pate on bread.

That's all, a very tasty turkey pate is ready.

Made from turkey, it is very healthy and especially effective are those options that are made with the addition of aromatic herbs: rosemary, marjoram, cilantro, thyme, etc. It is usually served with a piece of fresh bread or toaster. We invite you to learn in more detail how to prepare a delicious and tender turkey pate.

Turkey Pate Recipe


  • turkey fillet – 400 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • white bread – 3 slices;
  • cream – 100 ml;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • capers – 1 teaspoon;
  • spices;
  • zucchini – 0.5 pcs.


So, to prepare the pate, wash the turkey meat thoroughly in cool water, dry it and cut it into small cubes. Then add the finely chopped onion, add salt and pepper to taste, mix and put in the freezer for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, cut off the crusts from the bread, chop them into cubes, pour in cream and set aside for a while.

Wash parsley, zucchini and capers, process and finely chop. Grind the meat in a meat grinder until it becomes a homogeneous puree, gradually add eggs, soaked bread, capers and zucchini. Beat everything thoroughly with a blender, add salt to taste and place the minced meat in a greased form. Cover it with a lid and bake for 60 minutes at 200 degrees.

Turkey pate with arugula


  • smoked turkey breast – 200 g;
  • pork ham – 30 g;
  • orange juice – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • fat cottage cheese – 100 g;
  • cream – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • olive oil – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • thyme – 1 sprig;
  • arugula – 1 bunch;
  • lemon juice – 1 teaspoon;
  • balsamic vinegar – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • lemon zest - to taste;
  • spices.


Remove all fat from the turkey and ham, cut the meat into cubes and place in a saucepan along with the cottage cheese. Pour in and beat with a mixer until a creamy mass forms. We wash the thyme, shake off the water from the leaves and chop them together with the lemon zest. Whip the cream into a strong foam and put it together with the herbs in the meat “puree”.

Add salt to taste, add pepper and put the pate in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Wash the arugula, dry it with a paper towel and place it on plates. Mix lemon juice with vinegar and olive oil, pour this sauce over the salad, lay out the prepared pate and serve the dish.

Turkey liver pate recipe


  • turkey liver – 300 g;
  • turkey heart – 200 g;
  • onion – 2 pcs.;
  • butter – 300 g;
  • rosemary – 3 sprigs;
  • spices;
  • cognac – 30 ml;
  • lingonberries - for decoration;
  • spices.


Boil the turkey hearts, simmer the liver along with chopped onions and rosemary sprigs in butter until cooked. Then carefully pour in the cognac, add salt and allspice. Next, grind the entire mass using a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Place the pate into the molds and set aside for now.

Meanwhile, melt all the remaining butter, throw in a few rosemary leaves and pink pepper. Mix everything and pour the aromatic butter over the entire surface of the pate. Decorate the turkey liver pate with lingonberries, cool and serve on any bread.

A long time ago, when I was a child, my mother made pate. And this was one of my favorite dishes. Pate is breakfast, lunch and dinner. A fairy tale, a song, and generally a marvelous thing. The pate was very, very tasty. The whole family loved it, so we always made a paste (and if you seal it in jars, it stays in the refrigerator for quite a long time. We never used it for the whole winter, but for a month, for sure.

I wrote about pate from my childhood a long time ago. The pate from childhood was always made from beef liver. In general, I used to think that pate was a must-have liver dish.

At some point, I grew up and started cooking myself (and I won’t say how many millions of years ago this happened). In short, it turned out that the pate is very tasty not only from the liver, but from something else too. And, by the way, I taught both my children and my husband to eat pate.
But they prefer not liver pate, but turkey pate.

Son Anton ordered the pate. He asked every day for a week in a row: “Are you tired again today and won’t be able to cook pate?” And he looked with such eyes that it was absolutely impossible to refuse the child. Fortunately, to be honest, there’s nothing to cook there)))

I marinate the meat (we marinate in any non-vinegar barbecue marinade that you like. I marinate in a few spoons of soy sauce + a few drops of Tabasco + a little more seasoning).
Then we put it in a baking bag and bake.

The baking bag allows us to save all the juice from the meat, and then add it to the pate. The pate will become juicier and more tender. If you cook the meat, the juice will dissolve in the water. And adding water to the pate (even if it’s not water, but broth) is not so tasty.
That's why we bake it in a bag. You can also cook it in a bag - it’s not important for this dish.

When you bake meat, you need to add vegetables to it. This time I just absent-mindedly forgot. But in general, you need to throw a couple of carrots and a couple of onions with the meat (peel it, you can chop it coarsely). You can throw an apple here - it’s also very tasty.
The total weight of raw vegetables is the same or at least 2/3 of the weight of meat.

If you are a fool like me and forgot to add vegetables to the meat, you can chop them coarsely and fry them. This will affect the taste, but it’s delicious either way. I have carrots, onions, bell peppers here.

Clarification: add bell pepper with caution - its taste is exactly what you feel. Carrots, for example, are completely dissolved in the taste of meat and there is no separate taste of carrots. It can be used as a filler, to make the pate more vegetable, if someone needs it for a diet or something else. It’s the same with onions: except for individual onion-phobes who smell onions everywhere, you can’t smell onions here. Pepper begins to pull the blanket over himself.

So, the vegetables are fried until soft. The meat is still warm. While everything is warm or even hot, we pass it through a meat grinder. Mix. All the juice that has formed in the bag is poured here. Stir in, it gives homogeneity to our pate. We pass it through the meat grinder again - it’s more gentle, but it’s not necessary a second time.
Let's try a little. Usually at this moment the pate is a little “dry”. To remove this effect, add butter, cream or just milk. Many people think it tastes better with butter. But it’s also very tasty with milk (and less fatty). Cream is an intermediate option. And be sure to add some salt. Usually at this moment the pate still lacks salt. Now is the time to add it before adding the milk.

The pate turns out beautiful and homogeneous. I used to think that only butter glues the pate into a homogeneous mass. But no - milk pate also holds and molds very well)

Turkey meat is much lighter than beef liver, so the carrots are noticeable purely visually. But that just gives it a little more of an orange feel, doesn't it?

Serve on toast or bread. You can make a sandwich from two pieces of bread or from a bun. The kids prefer a sandwich, the husband prefers a sandwich. With sweet tea, with coffee - perfect!

Homemade turkey liver pate is delicious and tender. If you cook according to this recipe, it turns out very juicy. And you don’t need to spend a lot of time and ingredients for this. And as everyone has known for a long time, homemade food is much tastier and healthier than store-bought food. Therefore, cook with love and please your loved ones and loved ones, and, of course, yourself.


To prepare turkey liver pate at home you will need:

turkey liver - 400 g;

carrots (medium size) - 1 pc.;

onion (medium size) - 1 pc.;

ground allspice - 1/3 tsp;

salt - 1/3 tsp;

butter - 30 g + 20 g;

black peppercorns - 3-4 pcs.;

bay leaf - 2 leaves.

Cooking steps

Wash the liver under running water. We remove the veins and film. We remove excess moisture from the liver with napkins.

Peel the onions and carrots and cut them into large strips.

Heat the frying pan, add 30 grams of oil, add turkey liver and start frying. When the liver releases juice, add vegetables, salt, pepper and bay leaves to the frying pan. Fry over low heat with the lid closed, stirring occasionally. When the liquid has evaporated, remove from heat.

Place the liver and vegetables into a blender bowl (remove and discard the bay leaf), beat until smooth.

Transfer to the pan, level the top with a fork, pour in melted butter and place peppercorns on top, put in the refrigerator until completely cooled.

Delicious, juicy homemade turkey liver pate is ready.

Bon appetit!

Do you love snacking, but think it's not healthy? A dish called “Turkey Pate” will help dispel this myth. By spreading this pate in a thin layer on a piece of toast, bread or diet bread, you will receive that necessary charge of useful energy that is so necessary.

This dish is a kind of lifesaver, as it is quite universal, easy to prepare and can fill some gaps in the menu. It can be consumed not only as a snack, but also as one of the breakfast options or as an addition to the main course.

Let's find out how to cook turkey pate at home and choose the right one in the store.

What is turkey pate?

The homeland of the pate is still unknown, since two countries are fighting for this right: France and Germany. It is also known that the first pate was made from goose liver, and it was invented in the 18th century. Initially, the dish was served only to royal families, but later this delicacy became available to ordinary people.

Pate is a substance made from ground meat or offal. Adding vegetables or herbs enriches the taste. In post-Soviet countries, liver pate is considered the most popular, and absolutely any liver is used.

Turkey pate is prepared in three ways: from meat, from liver, or a mixture of these two components. In addition to the main ingredient, carrots, onions, zucchini, herbs, milk or butter are used. For a homogeneous mass, it is twisted several times in a meat grinder or whipped with a blender. To make the taste of the pate more refined, you can add wine or nuts to it.

Store-bought turkey pate may contain turkey liver and meat, as well as a host of other completely unhealthy ingredients, including: stabilizers, starch, dyes, soy and flavor enhancers.

Useful and harmful properties of turkey pate

Turkey meat is considered a very healthy and dietary product. Nutritionists especially recommend it to people suffering from various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and diabetics. Turkey meat is also useful for small children as a first complementary food and during periods of active growth.

The liver also contains amino acids, a large group of vitamins and collagen, which are so necessary for the full functioning of the body.

Unfortunately, industrial pates, which stores offer us in a wide range, cannot be called healthy. It is quite difficult for an ordinary person to determine the composition of turkey pate by eye, so there are special laboratories to determine the quality of the product and, unfortunately, the results are mostly disappointing. They sometimes contain ingredients that are not listed on the package.

Some pate recipes contain lard. Manufacturers argue that real pate should be fatty. People with gastroenterology problems should use this pate especially carefully. Fatty foods, even in small quantities, can cause discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.

Eating pate with baked goods may not have a very good effect on your figure. Using black bread or bread made from whole grain flour will help to minimize the calorie content of this dish; diet bread is also suitable.

How to choose turkey pate in the store

When you don’t have time to cook at home or have difficulty purchasing high-quality raw materials for making turkey pate, this dish can easily be bought in any store or large supermarket.

When choosing such an industrial product, you need to be extremely careful. Experts in the field of consumer protection recommend paying special attention to 3 things:

  • compound;
  • best before date;
  • color and consistency.

Depending on which turkey pate is purchased, meat or liver, meat or liver should always come first, and their share should be at least 50%. Next comes fat; in a good and high-quality product its content should not exceed 25%. The remaining quarter comes from vegetables, root vegetables, grains and seasonings. If the composition contains other ingredients in the form of soy and starch, such a pate should be avoided.

It is also worth paying attention to the manufacturing rules. It is better to give preference to those brands that are manufactured in accordance with GOST, as there is less chance of running into solid fat in the composition.

The expiration date for turkey pate varies from person to person. The packaged pate by weight will not be stored for very long. Its optimal shelf life is no more than 30 days. If the expiration date on such a pate is more than 1 month, then you should not purchase it. This indicates the presence of a huge amount of preservatives.

Turkey meat or liver pate, which is sold in tin or glass containers, has a longer shelf life: 1 year for glass and 2 years for tin. As with loose pate, if the shelf life exceeds the standards, it is better to discard such pate.

When purchasing a product in a tin or closed package, it is difficult to determine its color and consistency. Therefore, the control check will take place directly at home. A good quality pate should always have a grayish tint, whether it is made from meat or liver; if its color is too pink or brown, this indicates the presence of dyes in it. The consistency of industrial pate in a jar is always uniform, without separation or fatty layers.

Making a classic turkey liver pate

No matter how delicious store-bought pate is, homemade pate is always tastier, and besides, you choose its ingredients. The simplest and most budget-friendly option for turkey pate is the classic liver pate. It's quite simple to prepare and you only need a few ingredients:

  • turkey liver - 500 g;
  • carrots - 2 large root vegetables;
  • onion - 3 large heads.


  1. First, wash the liver and cut it into medium-sized pieces. To give the offal a more delicate texture or taste, you can soak it in milk for several hours.
  2. Meanwhile, cut the onion and carrots into cubes.
  3. Fry one at a time in a small amount of vegetable oil. It is better to take oil without a pronounced taste.
  4. Add the liver to the vegetables fried until half cooked, cover with a lid and simmer until cooked. Halfway through the process, salt and pepper the dish to taste.
  5. Cool the finished liver and vegetables slightly and puree using a blender bowl or grind several times in a meat grinder.
  6. Pour 50 grams of melted butter into the prepared mass.

Storing and eating ready-made pate

Homemade turkey pate does not last long. No more than 7 days. But, as a rule, the dish is very tasty and is eaten much faster.

If you want to prepare homemade pate for future use, then this can be easily done. Place the pate into pre-sterilized jars and refrigerate. The shelf life of this pate is up to a month.

Opened store-bought pate can be stored for no more than 3 days in the refrigerator.

The finished pate can be eaten as a spread on a sandwich, or as a filling for various tartlets, pies and pancakes. You can stuff mushroom caps with turkey meat pate and bake them with cheese in the oven or use them as a filling for eggs or vegetable rolls made from eggplant and zucchini.

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