The ideal marriage of twins with which zodiac sign. Who is suitable for a Gemini woman? Which zodiac sign suits Gemini


Like most signs of the Zodiac, an ideal union for Gemini can develop with the constellation located opposite in the astrological circle. This is Sagittarius, representative of the element of Fire. Sagittarians are very integral individuals, but at the same time they are quite calm and non-conflicting. They somewhat pacify the frivolous Gemini, compensating for some of their carelessness with their reliability and responsibility. They are ready to take care of Gemini and can come to terms with their inconstancy. Gemini values ​​love of life and energy in representatives of this fire sign. These qualities are also present in Gemini, in which the signs - opposites are very similar. Therefore, the union can turn out very successfully. The same as with other representatives of the fire element - Leos and Aries.

Gemini gets along well with the earth signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. The union can be strong if Gemini comes to terms with the excessive secrecy and mystery of Capricorns, the stubbornness of Taurus and the pedantry of Virgos. All these qualities are little known to the representative of the element of Air and can irritate if they are expressed too clearly in earth signs. If Capricorns, Virgos and Taurus are not too typical, the listed qualities are represented in them, but do not dominate, the relationship can be very successful.

Relationships in which two air signs are present, such as Gemini and Aquarius, Gemini and the Twins, Gemini and Libra, start off very brightly. Representatives of the Air element are energetic and easy-going. They love to learn new things that make them similar to their partner. They go on extreme trips together, skydive, and have fun with friends. They have a lot in common, which at the first stage allows them to create a strong couple. But then, when the time comes for one of the partners to be responsible for the family, disagreements begin. Air signs are too frivolous to constantly solve everyday issues, raise children, etc. Therefore, marriages often break up, Geminis go in search of more responsible partners who can take on all everyday problems.

Unions of Gemini with the signs of the water element - Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio - rarely turn out well. These signs are too focused on themselves and their goals. They cannot forgive Gemini for their varied hobbies. They don’t understand why waste time if you can direct all your energy to achieve success in one thing. In addition, Cancers and Scorpios have rather complex characters and are very easy to offend. And Geminis rarely follow their words, constantly saying something that displeases water signs. Successful relationships can only develop in those couples where Gemini builds an alliance with Scorpio, born at the end of November. He already has enough qualities from Sagittarius, the ideal partner for an air sign.

The Gemini woman is mysterious, charming and seductive. As soon as she joins the conversation, all interlocutors immediately succumb to her charm. She knows how not only to speak, but also to listen to other people. Therefore, the topic of concern to the interlocutor will not slip through the attention of this girl, while representatives of other signs will happily ignore it. In addition, she does not enter into arguments, but seeks to avoid them, which makes her truly feminine.

Light, flighty and changeable, the Gemini woman lives as if fluttering like a lovely butterfly. Cheerful, playful and friendly, she is full of energy and optimism at different ages.

This is an eternal girl who is able to charm everyone around her.

Features of the sign in relationships with men

Considering all of the above, it is not surprising that a Gemini woman always has many friends and admirers. She is distinguished by curiosity, and therefore has a comprehensive development, which helps to find a common language with any new acquaintance. When communicating with men, I am used to flirting, with everyone without exception. This creates the impression of frivolity, but at such moments the girl is not interested in men for relationships as such, but in attention to her person and the feeling that she is welcome.

Due to her wayward character, she cannot belong to any man without a trace. Despite her gentleness and friendliness, as soon as a daredevil tries to encroach on freedom, the Gemini woman will show considerable toughness and fight back against the failed owner, fighting for her rights to the bitter end. Not everyone will agree to tolerate a lady who wants to lead a “bachelor” lifestyle after marriage.

However, no one will be able to lock her at home near the stove. Because of this, it may be difficult to build serious relationships. She has several relationships at the same time, in which the twin breaks the hearts of her gentlemen, not wanting to burden herself with obligations. In addition, this woman does not always understand who is most suitable for her, and therefore often chooses the wrong partner. She can hesitate for a long time, but in the end choose the best of the worst.

Which men are best suited to their zodiac sign?

Despite the fact that Geminis are not known for their reliability, they expect this quality from their partner. A woman is happy to hear romantic declarations of love addressed to her, although she herself demonstrates a skeptical attitude towards such behavior. Judging by her character and the demands she places on her partner, the zodiac sign has the best relationships with representatives of the fire and air elements. The following 4 signs are great for a Gemini, both for love and marriage.

a lion. An alliance with a Leo will be excellent. The powerful king of beasts loves to patronize his sweet companion. If the twins find the right key to a man’s heart, they will be able to become an eminence grise with a majestic person. And this is not at all difficult to do. You just need to use flattery and show your partner that the decisions the woman pushed him to make are his own.

In response, the lion will forgive his beloved one a lot. She can be so sweet that it is impossible to react differently to small pranks.

The only difficulty that may arise is related to the desire for professional fulfillment of the Gemini woman. The partner will not take such aspiration seriously, but in vain. Although twins are children, sometimes remaining so throughout their lives, they can be very talented.

And having wished to prove themselves in the professional field, they can be very persistent, unless they change their mind and decide to do something else.

Aries– another man who suits a Gemini woman very well. Despite the twin's charm, he will be able to understand from the very beginning that she does not quite meet his criteria for an ideal partner. After all, she may have a rather impressive trail of past connections trailing behind her, which does not suit a jealous Aries. A woman is burdened by the excessive traditionalism of Aries. Therefore, at the initial stage, not everything is as rosy for them as they would like.

However, a strong attraction to each other allows us to overcome all obstacles in order to be together. Gemini will appreciate constructivism, prudence and a serious approach in Aries. And he will be disarmed by the openness, charm and childishness of his partner. These two will learn to solve pressing problems at the negotiating table. Mutual compromises will help maintain a strong relationship for a long time.

Sagittarius. Geminis can find unexpected happiness with Sagittarius. Since childhood, she has been nurturing the ideal of her future beloved. When he meets an easy-going twin who behaves at ease and loves to flirt with all the representatives of the stronger sex, he takes it seriously. The dual nature of the twin is able from the very beginning to demonstrate such qualities that are inherent in the Sagittarius ideal. Therefore, it may seem that she is the most suitable zodiac sign for him.

But soon he will have to get acquainted with the polar traits of his girlfriend, which can be discouraging. If she falls madly in love with a Sagittarius, then the full force of female love will fall on the latter, in which the twin will begin to take care of the chosen one, sometimes even in an exaggerated form.

He may have accumulated complaints that one day will be expressed at lightning speed. After this, the chosen one is given the opportunity to think about her behavior. Even if she makes a scene, Sagittarius will remain unshaken. Eventually she will calm down and the dispute will be considered settled.

Aquarius. High horoscope compatibility for a twin occurs with Aquarius. They understand each other perfectly on a mental level. This becomes the foundation for building a joint future for a long time.

If she previously felt that her energy was perceived by other men as excessive, this will not confuse Aquarius. He is ready for various experiments, even to remain friends for a while in order to sort out his feelings. And it works magically on her.

If Aquarius manages to join her social circle and not show the jealousy that a twin can cause in anyone, everything will be fine. True, a woman may not say something, perceiving it as an innocent prank. But it won’t seem that way to an Aquarius. If his jealousy becomes pathological, it will become difficult to live with.

Other men matching your zodiac sign

Scales. There is a chance to create a good union with Libra. From the very beginning they have mutual understanding. The Libra man perceives his girlfriend’s variability as a feature, and not an oddity (as, for example, earthly zodiac signs do). He even likes to watch the twin’s emotionality, and he does not try to “crush” her under himself. The couple will always find something to talk about. They both love society and have the same interests. In fact, this could be a perfect union. However, they need to learn to plan a future together.

Friction may also arise due to Libra’s desire for a stable life, on the one hand, and the twin’s ambition, on the other hand. Having achieved his goal, he can relax. At such moments, it seems to the partner that he does not want to do anything. But she shouldn’t reproach him for this, as Libra might be seriously offended.

Men and women of the same zodiac sign will have plenty of passions. These two can quarrel noisily and pack their things to leave many times, but only a serious reason, such as betrayal, will force them to truly separate. A woman easily flirts and makes advances with other men, without seeing anything reprehensible in this. But she goes crazy at the mere thought that her man might cheat on her.

Oddly enough, these passions make the relationship even stronger. However, life together will be comfortable for both only if the couple has a good financial situation.

Taurus. Most earth and water zodiac signs are not suitable for Geminis either for family or love. But there are exceptions among them. Thus, harmonious relationships will develop with Taurus, thanks to the latter’s persistence. Sedate and reasonable, he is literally infected by the eccentric character of his twin. The lady is a fan of throwing tantrums, during which Taurus every time thinks about ending the relationship.

But after that she behaves so quietly and docilely that he again reaches out to the “bad girl.” Taurus needs to learn to live with his girlfriend's variability. Then everything can work out for them.

Capricorn. Despite the fact that the couple is quite rare, there is a chance to build a strong relationship between Gemini and Capricorn. Then both will experience bright and unforgettable moments in life. It is not difficult for Gemini to win a Capricorn man, since a representative of this zodiac sign will immediately be attracted by her independence, determination and active position in life. They will find a common language and will be able to support each other, complementing each other with the missing qualities. For a couple to work out, Geminis need to learn to give up leadership to Capricorn, and also try not to make him feel jealous.

Male signs that are not suitable

There are several zodiac constellations with representatives of which it is better for a twin not to even start a relationship. These include the following.

  • Fish. A love affair rarely occurs between a Pisces man and a Gemini woman. Both signs are different in character and worldview. From the outside, relationships look like matriarchal ones, even if the man earns several times more than the woman. It may seem to the twin that she can mold him into whatever she wants, but as soon as she crosses the line (for example, starts flirting), she learns about the unbending core that is hiding in Pisces;
  • Cancer. Gemini with cancer is a strange and, most often, short-lived union. Winning a girl is not difficult for a Cancer man. Physical intimacy between them will be at the highest level, which cannot be said about emotional intimacy or about building a common life. They have such different rhythms of life that they even speak at different speeds. However, this can become the basis on which harmony in sex will be based;
  • Virgo. Gemini will also have an ambiguous relationship with Virgo. If this couple decides to get married, everyone around will be sincerely surprised by this. It is very difficult for them to achieve mutual understanding due to different life guidelines. Things are no better in bed. It is unlikely that they are destined to achieve an idyll. Rather, a strong friendship or business partnership is possible between them;
  • Scorpion. A pair of twins with Scorpios looks even worse. This water sign is clearly not the one who suits the Gemini girl even satisfactorily. Their relationship always remains strained. The woman will not agree to the concessions that Scorpio will demand from her and will begin to lie. As soon as Scorpio finds out about this, he will be very disappointed in his partner, and may even take revenge. A couple will not be able to achieve harmony either in love or in marriage.
Other useful information

Despite the apparent frivolity, Gemini girls often from a young age imagine a handsome prince who will always be with her. Over time, the demands on him increase, and disappointments in love leave the twins with less and less trust in men.

To find a suitable life partner, she should look at men more realistically. For example, figure out which zodiac sign suits you best. Then, having started another relationship, she will not have to run away, noticing qualities that she does not like in her partner.

A twin would like a man who can accept her easy, carefree disposition. For example, if she returns home in the morning, he will greet his beloved with a smile and offer a cup of coffee. Therefore, before starting a relationship with this unpredictable woman, you should think about whether a man will be satisfied with such a situation.

Video on the topic:

A very chaotic relationship awaits this couple. At first, they will be connected by physical attraction, but a compromise is unlikely to be reached - when both partners are impulsive, emotional, and easily bored, then a long relationship is hardly possible. If this does happen, then one thing can be said with a guarantee: an unusually eccentric couple will appear.

We hope our compatibility horoscope between the zodiac signs Gemini and the Twins will help many men and women improve their personal lives, find their soul mates or avoid problems. Please note that there are practically no cases when a Gemini guy and a Gemini girl are completely unsuitable for each other or, on the contrary, should immediately get married. Often, we only draw your attention to those features and possible pitfalls in relationships, knowing which, you can improve them and even make Gemini and Gemini a happy husband and wife in marriage.

Daily compatibility horoscope

Zodiac Signs -> Gemini -> Compatibility of Gemini and Gemini

Is the person you like so much right for you? How to win his sympathy? It will help to answer these questions


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More detailed compatibility
Gemini sign with his partner,
including horoscope analysis,
chakras and square of Pythagoras

Typical Geminis in relationships

The character of Gemini is largely determined by their patron planet Mercury and the element of Air. Mercury sets the priority of intelligence and communication in the Gemini personality. And the air element spreads interests, hobbies and ideas across the entire visible horizon, constantly changing their directions, like the wind.

Representatives of the Gemini sign are, to put it mildly, not boring. What in business, what in friendship, what in relationships. They have sharp humor, self-irony, a share of attractive self-confidence, and a store of knowledge about various facts that they can apply at any moment. That is why they attract many different people, being able to establish contact with literally everyone. Being naturally endowed with intelligence, Geminis seek the same in those around them: the breadth of interests and ideas of their interlocutor is important to them. Even if they do not coincide with their own, Gemini's erudition allows them to maintain conversations on any topic. And curiosity for everything new, incl. to new people, leaves a pleasant impression on the latter.

More often than not, Gemini relationships are born from friendships built on common interests. If you have something to talk about with a Gemini and you keep up with their minds, then your chances of success are high. And if you share their constant head in the clouds, then the chances double.

Hint 1: in addition to emotions, look for intellectual and creative compatibility with Gemini in
Hint 2: A feature of the dominance of the intellectual principle in Gemini is a certain coldness in emotional terms. If they and their partner have at least half the emotional compatibility, then this coldness will most likely be smoothed out. If not, then the emotional dissonance will only intensify.

It seems that nothing is easier than starting a relationship with a Gemini: they are always in the center of attention, open to communication, positive and cheerful. However, here lies the first trap: we see only one side of the personality of the dual Gemini. Interesting and varied communication is, like almost everything with Gemini, superficial. And they won’t immediately allow someone into their personal space, revealing the other side of their complex personality. And the other side has many surprises in store for unprepared partner candidates.

Checklist of Gemini's shortcomings

  • Are you ready to accept Gemini's ever-changing decisions?
  • Can you sacrifice established comfort for a change of scenery and new experiences?
  • Are you ready to do a dozen different things with them at the same time?
  • Do I need to explain that hardly half of these cases will be completed?
  • How do you like talking about spaceships when the nail hasn’t been hammered in and the laundry hasn’t been washed?
  • And they will always flirt with new representatives of the opposite sex.
  • They also know how to quickly “merge” when real problems arise.
  • Violent emotionality will strain them and sharpen the foundation of the relationship.

Natural compatibility of Gemini within its element Air:
with Gemini, Libra and Aquarius

It is generally not difficult for Geminis to cross the threshold of friendship and start a relationship with someone from their wide circle of acquaintances. And doing this with the same airy Gemini, Libra and Aquarius is even easier. With partners of their element, Geminis are more friends or creative allies than lovers. Traveling, hanging out, discovering something new inspires both equally. And unpredictability and spontaneity do not strain each other at all. These relationships are suitable for partners of any age and experience.

The most successful pairs of the Air element:

  • Gemini man and Libra woman
  • Gemini woman and Aquarius man

Favorable compatibility of Gemini with Fire signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

The fiery sparks of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are ready to flare up into a real fire under the breath of Gemini. The premonition of this fire excites Gemini and the Fire sign partner equally. The fact that this connection will be remembered by both is absolutely certain. But how big the fire gets and how long it can be maintained depends on the circumstances. Young and inexperienced partners rarely manage to successfully develop this relationship. Whereas an experienced and wise couple, if available, has a great chance of success. What awaits them at the same time is passion, spiritual interpenetration and an exciting, adventure-like joint experience - everything that does not allow the fire of the relationship to die out.

An important circumstance: despite the gender, strong or weak character, and, accordingly, the dominant or second role of Gemini in a relationship, the most important part of the work of “kindling” the fire sign lies with them. Therefore, the initiative, both explicit and implicit, should not leave them throughout the relationship with the partner.

The most successful pairs of the elements of Air and Fire:

  • Gemini woman and Aries man
  • Gemini man and Leo woman
  • In a Gemini-Sagittarius pair, gender does not play a role.

Unfavorable compatibility of Gemini with the signs of Earth and Water: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces

It is difficult to imagine non-conflict Gemini in a confrontation with someone. And, fortunately, there is no violent confrontation with even signs. There is gradually increasing boredom and irritation.

Earth signs are too straightforward, clumsy, and narrow-minded, while water signs are sickeningly emotional, vulnerable and demanding. Moreover, all of them together are also terrible jealous owners. Where can freedom-loving Geminis go?

Oddly enough, at first everything can turn out quite well. Gemini's developed communication skills contribute to this. In affairs and business, Gemini will meet with representatives of the Earth - someone must filter their crazy ideas, weed out what is worthwhile and then bring it to life. And in communication and physical terms, Gemini will be quite satisfied with romantic water signs.

Even stranger is the fact that many couples in this category manage to last quite a long time. But it most often looks depressing: Geminis live in their “high” world, flirting and having fun with new partners, while their partner lives at home in a “low” way of life, turning a blind eye to the adventures of Gemini.

Compatibility of Gemini with 12 Zodiac signs

Favorable compatibility with a sign of a friendly element. If the spark slips from the first contact, you need to try to ignite it further. It is recommended that the Aries partner have a Pythagorean character of 111 and above; decisions will be better given to him. Everything is harmonious when Aries is the elder, and Gemini is a source of energy and inspiration. Quarrels happen, but they usually die out quickly. Aries should learn to listen to Gemini and be attentive to them. For Gemini, the main thing is to be able to light up Aries.

Like all neighboring signs from different elements, Gemini and Taurus are both similar in many ways, but also different in many ways. The similarity of Taurus helps Gemini to recognize them among other participants in a noisy party or work group. Usually it is the sociable Gemini who takes the first step in this pair. They are attracted to Taurus by what they do not have and will never have - calmness, stability, reliability. Alas, over time, it is these “three pillars” of Taurus that begin to block the air of Gemini’s love of freedom and changeability.

A typical pair of young lovers. An energy charge, an air flow, an explosion of ideas and aspirations - but all without a single guiding vector. So, no goals. It is not at all suitable for mature relationships also because the role of Gemini in communication is always of the foreground. Even if not the first in fact, then the first in the self-confident opinion of Gemini. How can there be two main roles in a novel at once? Gemini cannot put up with this for long.

Gemini's neighbor ahead, Cancer, captivates with its romanticism, dreaminess and soulfulness. After the first meeting, which instilled optimism in both, the couple discovers excellent physical compatibility in each other. And it would be better to end here, leaving fleeting but pleasant impressions in everyone’s heart. But it is precisely the discrepancy in hearts that subsequently draws the line: the vulnerable, anxious and deeply worried heart of Cancer will be broken by the superficial and fickle feelings of Gemini.

These relationships have quite good prospects for fairly mature partners. It will be difficult for young partners due to their inability to restrain their ambitions and cooperate rather than compete. In general, as far as cooperation is concerned, Air and Fire together always have a chance of success. With similar physical temperaments, this couple will also be quite happy with each other without the desire to look for someone on the side. The most successful role of Gemini in the union is not so much a supporting role, but rather an eminence grise or a think tank.

If exaggerated, then Gemini usually considers Virgos too boring, petty and serious. Whereas Virgos of Gemini are too frivolous, uncollected and empty talkers. Even with all this, under certain conditions, Gemini can breathe a fresh breath into Virgo, thanks to which mutual interest will arise. The intellectual approach of both can even develop this interest into a series of exciting meetings that threaten to develop into something more. But this more is unlikely to bring both of them the realization of each person’s dreams of an ideal partner and family. Therefore, it is better not to get carried away and realize the union in friendship and business.

Problems, perhaps, should be expected only in material, household and financial-savings plans. In other areas, Libra and Gemini are perfectly compatible, interesting and, most importantly, understandable to each other. Suddenly generated ideas by one partner are immediately supported and developed by the other. If during the development of one idea something else suddenly arises, changing direction is not a problem. But someone still has to be the “elder” in this irresponsible couple. And the horoscope suggests that Gemini is better suited for this role.

Somewhere during a noisy party or just passing by, Gemini suddenly fixes their gaze on the charming Scorpio. Scorpio rarely leaves anyone indifferent, but Gemini finds something special in him. Could it be that Scorpio, almost without hiding, immediately succumbs to their attraction? And then a small competition in wit and erudition, then a test of endurance with an unblinking gaze - and it’s done. Scorpio is under the spell of his Gemini Boa Constrictor. Of course, this is a short-lived romance. And Scorpio will thrust its sting into Gemini as a farewell. Question: where will it go?

These signs were created in order to meet each other sooner or later. More precisely, it will even attract like two poles of a magnet - after all, they are located just as polar on the zodiac circle. The principle of relationship success here is this: the more the partners have matured as individuals, the more mature and wise they are, the more they will find in each other what they have been looking for all their lives. Accordingly, 99% of young partners will exhaust this relationship at the initial stage. This couple is either all or nothing.

Twins! Avoid Capricorn! This is your "Boa Constrictor". If, paired with Scorpio, the role of the “Boa Constrictor” belongs to you and you can play with him as you want, then in the case of Capricorn, the “Rabbit” will be yours. But this is unlikely to stop you. There is something hypnotic about Capricorn, his actions and words directed towards you. And now you have already drowned in his eyes and are ready to do whatever he wants from you. It won't end well except for your broken heart.

The eternally young Gemini will really like the more mature and sensible Aquarius, who at the same time retains the same audacity, curiosity and breadth of thought. Gemini is a little more active, Aquarius is a little more specific, Gemini is looking for himself everywhere, and Aquarius already knows which direction is best to go. What else these partners will undoubtedly agree on is that they both want to live their lives in an interesting and rich way. It’s good if the material side of the relationship is strong and both, and especially Aquarius, do not take it lightly. Then it makes sense to talk about good chances in the long term.

It is difficult to imagine where and how Gemini and Pisces can come into contact, except in work or business. There is a recipe for success here: Gemini, who thinks steps and horizons ahead, should be responsible for strategy, and material and hardworking Pisces for tactics. In other cases, they can hardly stand each other’s proximity. The love version of the relationship is seen no further than the candy-bouquet period with the romanticism inherent in both. Pisces can get carried away much more than their lovers. But while they are planning a family home, building a life and erecting a fence around Gemini, they will step over the foundation to finally take a breath of freedom again.

Popular calculations on In-contri:

Reviews and stories about couples with the Gemini sign |


I read your recommendations and characteristics of the signs, quite accurately, very much about Sagittarius. I would like to know how our relationship will end. They are in very critical condition. Don’t you have a column “I left my partner”? I filed for divorce, my dates are 05/25/1950 and 12/16/1963. I also found an article about the 13th sign - right about it. Unbearable.

If you write me a review that is close to reality, then I will describe the whole story to you - Brazilian TV series are on vacation. Why am I not calm? Because here in Italy, if one spouse does not agree, a divorce may not be granted. I apologize for my conditions, mille grazie.

So, something immediately tells you that according to Sagittarius, you chose all the most negative comments from the comments and focused your attention on precisely those things that you personally know firsthand. And this is your truth. However, in a particular couple there is always subjectivity in the relationship, while in the general objective picture the sign of Sagittarius, like any other, cannot be classified as good or bad. The signs are different and the people are different. Everyone's qualities manifest themselves differently. Moreover, it is sometimes amazing how “bad” a person of a certain sign can be when paired with a partner with problematic compatibility, and how he transforms into “good” in a harmonious couple.

Let me refrain from commenting on the “13th” sign, because... This term has nothing to do with astrology.

Let's see your calculation with your partner:

Compatibility average 53%
Physical: 82% - compatible
Emotional: 52% - crossing
Intelligent: 30% - intersection
Cardiac: 36% - not compatible
Creative: 68% - compatible
Intuitive: 9% - close to maximum
Highest: 92% - crossing

Characters: you 1 - he 5
Family: you 6 - he 3
Temperament: you are 6 - he is 2

According to the signs, everything seems to be fine at first - a pair of your element of Air and his element of Fire in the combination “Opposites attract.” But the successful continuation of this novel is based on periodic overcoming of crises. Moreover, their strength, as a rule, is directly proportional to the force with which the partners were attracted at one time, just as the positive and negative poles of a magnet are attracted. Formally speaking, then yes - a pair of opposite signs on the circle of the Zodiac is considered compatible. Both are odd, the elements interact favorably and help in revealing each other. But the whole philosophy of these relationships is that partners must steadily, tirelessly and in spite of everything strengthen their connection, and not be wasted on the zigzags of fate. And such ups and downs as in this couple, perhaps, are not found in any other. Except for "Boa Constrictor and Rabbit". But there everything is usually predetermined, whereas in “Opposites” the happy ending is in their own hands. And heads. By the way, about heads: surely you and other pairs of “Opposites” will confirm that as much experience, wisdom and understanding as is given in these relationships is not given anywhere else. Literally, if a person had experience in such a couple, then he went through fire, water and copper pipes of the relationship.

At first glance, the most obvious discrepancy in this couple for most will seem to be the age difference with a significant advantage of 13 years in your favor and, at the same time, it was your initiative in the divorce. At the same time, you have doubts about the confirmation of the process by your husband. And here, once again, I would like to note that calculations do not care about age and, even despite the fact that the partner is 13 years older, this did not push the man away at the beginning of the relationship and continues to hold him back now.

Here I would like to make a small digression: many girls ask questions regarding the forecast of interaction with a potential suitor in the spirit, but how will he react to the fact that I have a child, because all men want their children? How will he react to the fact that I’m older, since all men want a younger partner next to them? So there is no generalized “all men want.” There is an individual calculation for each couple and each partner.

And, Flora, in particular with regard to you, we see several strong points of compatibility for your man, manifesting themselves regardless of age/children/position, etc.:
- you and Air, allowing its Fire to burn stronger
- you aroused in him a strong physical passion
- you even inspired him and contributed to the emergence of goals in life
- with you he thought that he was walking along the same path in life (highest compatibility affecting both)

With all this, your Sagittarius man is a born leader with character 11111 and is free to decide his own destiny. By connecting her, by the way, with you.

Alas, from your female side (emotions-heart-intuition) such attraction is not fully observed. There is a swaying scale in emotions and somehow difficult in the rest. But your family background, it seems, once told you that in this man, so different from you, but a real man, you would find strong support. And the inevitable attraction of character 1 to 11111, on the one hand, as well as the seeming willfulness and rebelliousness of character 1 to 11111, which arouses his interest, also played a role.

Why it happened that you were on the verge of divorce, I cannot predict. We still don’t have a Battle of Psychics here. But, judging by the calculations, I am inclined to believe that this sine wave of relationships in a pair of two “Opposites” has completely undermined the emotional background on which, in theory, relationships are best built. And this is precisely the most tense and irritable side for you personally, Flora. This is also not easy for a man, but it’s more difficult for you - you, as a carrier, first of all, of the 2-4-6 chakras, get much more tired of these relationships. In connection with this and the above-mentioned things about your man’s attraction to you, we conclude that your suspicions that he may not consent to a divorce are very well founded.

I very much doubt that people your age just throw around such decisions, so the only advice that can help you get a divorce would be to try to make an attempt to provoke a spontaneous, impulsive and at the same time angry desire of your husband to sign the cherished piece of paper. Don't forget that he is a Sagittarius and 11111 at the same time. It is by really angering him and depriving him of common sense and any other feelings for a short time that you will get what you want. I wish you good luck, although this arrangement can hardly be called successful. One way or another, let everything work out in the best way for you, Flora. And you decide for yourself what advice is appropriate to the situation.

We are both adults (he is 41, I am 31) of the same zodiac sign (Gemini) with 71% general chakra compatibility, and we have
at the physical level - 100%
intellectual - 100%
intuitive - 100%:
highest - 100%.
Emotions - 33%,
heart - 50%,
creativity - 11%

Characters: 2-2, family 3-3, temperament I 5 - he 6.

As you can see, it’s all the same and even the temperaments are equally high, which in the past often played against me, since it’s not so easy to meet a man with the same or at least similar temperament. Calculation of rights and this partner really copes with me;)

But something else is interesting, which is why I decided to write. I suspect that the physical level of identical signs is mostly characterized by high physical compatibility, and at least for the sake of excellent sex (since calculation usually does not really believe in long-term relationships of identical signs), I advise you to try. No, I’ll say it differently. Guys who have 100% - this MUST be experienced.

Don’t think, I’m not a nymphomaniac or preoccupied, I’m an ordinary woman, quite attractive, but at the same time, I never engage in sexual relations without feelings, prior recognition of the person, etc. I've never had a one-night stand and I'm not interested in it. There were always feelings and there was corresponding sex. Therefore, by the age of 31, I have only positive (but also a little varied; I won’t lie) sexual experience.

So, I declare with full responsibility: 100% - on the physical level - is something unimaginably impossible and absolutely different from everything that was not 100% ;). It feels like the universe itself is with you and your partner in bed at this time... I am silent about the fact that he and you absolutely know by instinct what to do, how and where to do... Try THIS if the opportunity arises. Absolute delight!

But speaking in general, our history really corresponds to the calculation. He gently, but for a long time, sought me out (his male interest is represented in the maximum at the physical and intellectual levels), so it is not surprising. I didn’t notice him among other fans for a long time (lack of emotions), although when time took its toll and I gave him a chance, I was very surprised why I didn’t see his intelligence for so long, because intelligence in a man is everything for me (I suspect that due to zodiac sign, Geminis are obsessed with intelligence and are very communicative) and a man who is uninteresting in conversation, even with 100% of emotions, will go home if I don’t understand him. That's how the relationship began. He's crazy about me, which is something any woman can't help but like. My feelings for him are a mixture of love, friendship, understanding, gratitude, interest and happiness of a woman satisfied in bed...

Regarding the highest chakra with 100%... There was one very interesting moment. We were just walking. Park, water, birds... At some point they simply looked at each other, smiling, as happy, peaceful people usually look at each other. And I suddenly felt an absolute deafening silence inside and around me... And a feeling of unity with him and at the same time with everything, everything, everything around. Amazing feeling. It lasted only one moment, but somehow it suddenly made me understand a lot. It’s as if we were given to each other in order to develop through each other and thereby develop this world... Then, already doing the calculation and seeing 100% in the highest chakra, for some reason I immediately remembered that moment.

At the moment we have been together for several months, although we have known each other for 2 years. He talks about marriage, I agree. But we are two identical signs... True, in adulthood. Moreover, both of them had no previous experience of relationships with “their” sign. In general, I always ran as far as possible from twin men as soon as I found out that they were twins. I don't like womanizers ;). And then it suddenly turned out that the most faithful man was my twin. I just know that he will never change. He is not interested and does not need it.

So what do you say?

Thank you for the answer, for your website and of course, for the truthful calculation (I wasn’t too lazy to look at previous relationships and everything is correct “damn it!”) Please publish, I tried really hard :)

Anna, thank you for the fascinating story and valuable experience for our readers.

Hmm, what can I say on behalf of the calculation of indicators and psychology: couples like yours are not that common, but they do occur. And, perhaps, even in my practice there will be a couple of similar relationships. One of these relationships is almost constantly visible and, interestingly, is developing quite well so far.

So, the main feature: the man is already very mature and noticeably older than his partner. That same midlife crisis is already behind us, children do not require as much care as before, life has more or less taken place, relative success has been achieved. And it’s no secret that many men, having crossed their 40s, try to enter a second youth during this period. And a young partner is the best way to remember yourself again in your younger years and extend them for a few more moments (which can, in fact, last for several years). Hence the most popular combinations of signs in this kind of relationship: the attractive, passionate and fatal pair of “Boa Constrictor and Rabbit” and, of course, the youthfully romantic pair of mirror signs.

In no case am I in a hurry to condemn such meetings, but, from an objective point of view, I do not want to make any guesses in such relations. For the man in this couple, the main thing is to prove to himself, his companion and others that he is still great, while the woman is interested in gaining experience, wisdom and care from her loved one, who represents the older generation. And every minute of this relationship is valuable. But, I repeat, you should not count these minutes and plan for a strategic perspective. This can only ruin the whole romantic picture. Although, oddly enough, the couple I spoke about above, having an age gap even greater than yours, also having several strong levels of attraction and also a mirror combination of signs (only the elements of the Earth), has already crossed the “testing” line of 3 of the year.

I think many readers will envy your story. To meet a man with amazing compatibility, at the peak of “second youth” and hence unprecedented efforts, and at the same time the owner of a slightly hotter temperament than yours - isn’t this fate? However, with my characteristic pessimism, I cannot help but note the fact that, alas, men no longer have a “third” youth)) Therefore, Anna, be happy now and enjoy every moment. Although it is possible that your relationship will develop from more than lovers into something deeper due to the influence of higher compatibility. Just keep in mind that by focusing on the physical level of the relationship, you risk completely exhausting it and not getting to know more about each other. One way or another, your analysis is quite competent and accurate, so I’m sure you have already outlined all the conclusions and prospects for yourself.

A very interesting site. Thank you! I counted my parents, it turns out that they are almost an ideal couple: Leo and Gemini

Physical 96% - maximum
Emotional 97% - maximum
Intelligent 69% - compatible
Cardiac 52% - not compatible
Creative 98% - maximum
Intuitive 98% - maximum
Highest 65% - compatible

Characters 3-3
Family 4-5
Temperament 5-4

I can’t say that there are no problems in their life together, but they have been together for 35 years. Disagreements are usually resolved through concessions. Their characters are supposed to be the same, but in fact the role of leader belongs to the mother.
Everything coincides with the heart chakra. On my dad’s side, there really is a certain callousness towards my mother’s experiences. At least he can’t console and sympathize.

I would also really like to check on my grandparents, they celebrated their 64th wedding anniversary the other day. Is it possible to expand the year of birth to 1927?

Oksana, your parents are really a very, very good couple. 1927 added.

I'm amazed how exactly everything coincided with my husband!

Very good site! It’s a pity it wasn’t there earlier, 14 years ago:) My husband and I ended up with a boa constrictor and a rabbit, and I was the boa constrictor... what should we do now? We have children, it’s a pity to leave, but there are constant conflicts, although we really understand each other, there is something to talk about. However, it is important for me that he is happy, I myself also want to live in joy :(

We got married very young, physics took its toll))) Dates of birth: 01/01/1982 and 06/16/1982. It seems like you have some kind of compatibility, but the issue of creative implementation is stuck, as if we are interfering with each other - accused, claims, grievances.

Ainura, it seems to me that with a marriage of 14 years and children, it would not be entirely correct on my part to push you to separate. Therefore, I will be brief, trying not to say too much.

You probably already know that Boa Constrictor and Rabbit are the most difficult couple of all. And everything stays here exactly as long as Boa Constrictor is ready to endure this relationship, or perhaps it is beneficial to him, or if he has not yet decided on a new partner. In any case: Boa constrictor allowed the relationship to begin in due time and it is Boa constrictor’s will to complete it.

Hello! You say that the physical chakra does not last long. Approximately what time? And will we succeed? Partner 08/20/85, me 06/06/1988, no higher compatibility. I look forward to your answer with great impatience.


Dina, it seems to me that you are already being a little picky, paying attention to physical compatibility, which at the same time you have 80%. Most would envy the results of your settlement with your partner (whose overall percentage of 61% is above average):

Date of Birth 06.06.1988 20.08.1985
Physical 80%
Emotional 84%
Intellectual 57%
Cordial 88%
Creative 89%
Intuitive 10%
Higher 18%
Zodiac signs Gemini - Air Leo - Fire
Pythagorean square
Character 3 3
Family 5 5
Temperament 1 3

Here I would like to make a digression from your particular couple, in which, of course, everything is ok. One detail that is of interest is that you, a woman with temperament 1, chose the physical connection out of all the calculation parameters and asked a question about it.

In general, as has been discussed more than once, the behavior of people with a deficient temperament 1, especially men, is characterized primarily by the fact that with all their behavior they try to prove to others, including themselves, that their temperament is higher. This, by the way, makes people with temperament 1 more prone to physical infidelity. Because this “one” makes them constantly compensate for their lack of temperament. And, of course, for such people, physical connection often becomes the most exciting, and in advanced cases even painful, topic.

Dina, I’m not hinting at anything, but in your case it’s really, on the one hand, strange, but on the other hand, as it turned out, it’s completely justified to focus on the physical side with excellent compatibility with your partner in all other areas: by signs (Air and Fire are an excellent long-lasting combination in the horoscope), with a good combination of chakras/biorhythms with 4 pronounced strong levels and with complete harmony in the Pythagorean squares. In Pythagoras, which is important, the main emphasis can be placed on mutual strong family qualities, which give another bonus to the longevity of these relationships. The only question is whether both partners with 5s in family life consider each other to be “ideal” spouses. After all, they are both looking for exactly this in their souls.

Well, since the topic of the first chakra is so exciting, it should be said that physical compatibility, if it is high, acts all the time, but its satisfaction occurs, you know, very quickly. And over time, of course, the passion faded away. This is what is meant by “not for long.” It's not 1 or 10 days - it depends on the relationship. And in this sense, relationships where there is strong physical compatibility at first quickly flare up, but over time quickly fade away with not very good feelings in both partners, when at higher levels there is nothing uniting between them. Those. there is no step to move on to. Although there is another option: both partners, even if they have compatibility beyond the physical, are so devoted only to her that they simply reduce the whole essence of the relationship to this. The result is the same as in the first option.

Therefore, Dina, strong physical compatibility is like thirst in a hot desert. Thirst will continue until a source of water is found. After this, like any physical need after satisfaction, it disappears for some time. And the stronger this compatibility, the hotter the desert and the stronger the thirst, if we continue the analogy. But when the source is always nearby, it becomes less and less welcome.

Hello, dear creators of this wonderful site. So I chose the ideal partner for myself using your method. His date of birth is 04/03/1968. Please advise me where I can find this person. I thank you for your understanding and for your response. My date of birth is 06/05/1976

Alena, to begin with, I would like to say that in fact there are quite a few “ideal” partners for each person, so maybe you shouldn’t get hung up on one single date. But that's up to you to decide, of course.

Where to look... Good question. I understand that I cannot advise you the easiest way for the current generation - this is VKontakte, because... the audience there is at least a generation younger. Maybe Odnoklassniki? Although, you probably already know this social network without me. But at least its active audience is still older than VKontakte.

I can also seriously recommend paid dating services. I can’t write the names because I’m not an active user. However, I have repeatedly heard very positive reviews about such services. The reason for them is, of course, a more adequate audience than various mambas, etc. In them, people pay for communication with the same adults, adequate and serious-minded people, for the absence of perverts and outcasts, and for various additional bonuses that are not available in mass services.

By the way, one of my friends, an accomplished and very self-confident woman with character 1111, found her third husband through one of these paid services. True, she does not trust all kinds of astrology and calculations absolutely due to the pragmatism of her mind, calling those similar to this site complete nonsense. Which, by the way, did not stop her from marrying the “Rabbit” man for the third time in a row :)))

So try it - the Internet now provides plenty of opportunities for this. The important thing is to simply find your audience. But, nevertheless, I would recommend that you look at all the men who are interested there and check them here. Objectively, it is not easy to find a free person, exactly 46 years old, who fits all the parameters using a ready-made date of birth.

Good afternoon I looked at several couples, including my past relationships, and saw this pattern - often in couples where there is emotional dissonance in the vampire-donor relationship... That is, someone in the couple has a lot of energy, while someone lacks it... It turns out that for some couples attraction comes precisely due to emotional dissonance? Or maybe I'm wrong... A striking example for me was my relationship. I - 06/18/1986, partner 03/24/1976 - there is practically no compatibility. I don’t understand what the attraction is due to, if this is not a donor-vampire relationship, where I am the vampire, throwing hysterics at the man and trying to get him emotional. If the explanation is correct, then I understand my reasons for falling in love, but why does he return? And the relationships of my friends: partner 06/18/1985, girlfriend - February 11, 85, also emotional dissonance, but then the man throws hysterics and tries to get his wife emotional.

In-contri: Nadezhda, you probably noticed that sometimes, when required, I also look in relationships to see who is the vampire and who is the donor. It happens that this helps to understand the essence of problematic relationships, especially with inconsistencies in the horoscope. However, more and more questions are being asked in connection with the distribution of roles in a couple: who gives energy and who takes it. Therefore, I’ll add it to my list of site upgrades and add it to the calculation in the near future. The indicator is still important.

If we talk about your observation that emotional dissonance is accompanied by a pronounced vampire-donor relationship (and vampirism on the female side, if I understand correctly), then, I admit, I have not made such notes for myself, but now I will definitely do so. A most interesting hypothesis that needs to be tested. Regarding your specific relationship, it is obvious that your specific type of interaction between the signs of Gemini (you) and Aries (men) played no less a role than energy vampirism. This is the most explosive union of Air and Fire. But it’s better when it’s an explosion of passion and emotions, and not scandals and tears. And to the question of why he returns to you, the explanation is this: first - without your Air, his Fire is just a spark, it is the signs of your element that give his sign the most opportunities to open up, and the second is that, oddly enough, the energy the donor needs to transfer excess energy no less than the vampire needs to receive it. And, if you remember, it has been said more than once that energy vampirism by quickly and easily obtaining negative energy is akin to drug addiction. Many couples get hooked on this very seriously. But the consequences of such energy addiction are no better than real ones: each time you need more and more. Until the psyche of one of the partners bursts.

Good day everyone! My name is Natalia. I’m looking through all the reviews, because I’m waiting for the master to respond to me too (I left a review a couple of weeks ago). Thank you. But after reading MUSI’s review... I want to tell you that I recently met a very nice family. Self-sufficient, successful... And, as it may seem (highlighted in-contri), happy (and since I have been suffering from numerology myself for a long time, I am interested in the person himself and his correspondence to the horoscope, sign, date, etc.). Later, I found out their dates of birth: 10/30/1969 - male, 06/07/1971 - female (they already have successful children: an 11-year-old girl and a 13-year-old boy). But here, in terms of chakra compatibility, they are mostly incompatible. I think the blood type and even the presence of religiosity play a role here (an Orthodox man with blood type 3 and a Catholic woman with blood group 1 (hunter-colonialist). They have been married for 15 years (she did not change her last name to her husband’s last name). The Belarusian man - there is no longer any spiritual support from her parents. Her parents live and prosper. Perhaps the woman is too smart, cunning, strong?!

In-contri: Natalia, thank you for the interesting problem. Let's try to find a solution. In general, in this regard, I remember how at the dawn of the site I most liked questions in the spirit of “yes, your site does not count correctly at all, so and so [hereinafter two dates] live and nothing, but with you everything Badly". And then you start looking and people have normal compatibility, everything corresponds to the minimum (minimum, I emphasize!) recommendations, you publish the answer, you are glad that you convinced them. However, some readers seem to accept compatibility only in this form, when everything matches 100% - the chakras, the horoscope, and Pythagoras. But this, naturally, does not happen. Or maybe it happens, I just haven’t come across it yet.

So, Natalia, your case is extremely special. Perhaps even one of the most special ones that have ever come. And, if not for your tips, then, honestly, I would have reached a dead end. Because there are no more clues on the surface, except for the Gemini-Scorpio pair, which is the “Boa Constrictor and the Rabbit”. And yet, it seems to me that I received one logical solution. But first, let's answer the question, what is compatibility between partners?

The author of the calculation says that this is when there are no inconsistencies in the horoscope, when there are common emotions and at least one of the three highest levels in the pair, and Pythagoras does not show dissonance. I read somewhere that when all three lower biorhythms are compatible, this is the best option. And someone claims that the higher the percentage in the higher chakras, the stronger and longer the connection. Perhaps everyone is right in their own way. In general, everyone agrees on one thing: true compatibility is when there is a strong connection between partners in something. Not necessarily all at once. At least in something.

Let's look for her. First: a strong attraction (at least at the initial stage) of signs that form the combination “Boa constrictor and rabbit” with each other. Moreover, this attraction of an incompatible couple is even stronger than the attraction of signs of the same element. It’s not for nothing that most of the cases of infidelity discussed in the reviews happened with one of the partners who was carried away by their “Rabbit” or “Boa.” And in this pair, the Scorpio man acts as the “Rabbit”, and the Gemini woman acts as the “Boa Constrictor”. So your assumption is correct here. "Boa" is undoubtedly too smart, cunning and strong for "Rabbit". It is not for nothing that one is the hunter and the other is the prey. We also know that the attraction in the pair “Rabbit and Boa Constrictor” is fatal in nature. But for some reason, evil fate did not separate this couple earlier and is keeping them together now? I think your mention of religiosity is very helpful here.

It gave me the idea to also look at spiritual diagonals using Pythagorean squares. By the way, yesterday I was reading a contact group and one of the subscribers asked to add just a comparison of the “spirituality” of partners. I thought some more and answered that this should work in very specific cases. It turns out, just like the couple in question. And what do we see: a woman’s spirituality has a maximum of 5 points, and a man’s is as much as 8. 8 is already pure fanaticism, in some places, one might say, a phase shift. Now I don’t even doubt the true religiosity of this couple and for me personally everything is becoming clearer. “The boa constrictor and the rabbit,” having once been close, perhaps even then, on the positive spiritual basis and the negative basis of the attraction of their signs, entered into marriage. Of course, forever and ever. Such people cannot have it any other way. Therefore, finding themselves in a world with no alternative, they live a purely spiritual life, their own values. A man, I suppose, like “Rabbit,” feeling after so many years the energy of this union, perceives it as his spiritual struggle. And, apparently, he is fighting successfully. It’s easier for a woman in this regard. She is a “Boa Constrictor” and her usual scenario is simply to get tired of the boredom and predictability of life with the “Rabbit”. But, also having high spirituality and seeing her husband’s fanaticism, she probably also became involved only in the family-spiritual mission.

It’s not for nothing, Natalia, that I highlighted the phrase “as it may seem, happy” in your story. I think we shouldn’t make hasty conclusions here. In fact, we can only guess what is actually happening in this couple. On the one hand, I would like to wish them good luck and further following the common spiritual path, but on the other hand... I remember more than one review where adult women wrote how glad they were to free themselves from the shackles of the “Boa Constrictor and Rabbit” union years later. In general, a most interesting situation. Thank you, Natalia.

Z.Y.: Regarding your review, I admit that I haven’t seen it yet. But, if it is written just as interestingly and the volume is not one and a half lines, then the likelihood of an answer, as I have said more than once, is very high.

Good afternoon, I accidentally came across it through mutual friends on social media. network for a girl, I really liked it, so to speak, on some other level of perception :) I looked through your website, coincidences for all chakras, it seems like everything is fine for Pythagoras, but your recommendation on the zodiac sign is confusing, you can say something more specific in this situation? Thank you very much in advance :) I am 06/17/1989, girl 06/20/1989.

In-contri: Alexander, alas, the theory of horoscope compatibility gives a chance for a more or less serious relationship to only one couple out of 12 possible pairs of identical signs. This is a pair of Pisces partners. Well, in general, there is an opinion that in some cases water signs converge with each other for a longer time than identical signs of other elements. Well, you can try to refute these statistics :) Nobody forbids it.

However, I had to observe meetings, even marriages, but then sad partings of the same earth and fire signs. Although those others also started quite successfully. Unfortunately, I don’t have any observations of exactly the same air signs as yours. Still, the union of identical signs is not a frequent occurrence. And if we take into account that it is also fleeting, then, as a rule, the matter does not come to the point of debriefing on our website or in other sources.

The coincidences in all chakras in your case are not at all surprising - after all, the difference in birthdays is only 3 days. That is, your starting points of biorhythm periods (aka chakras) are very close, which is why there is intersection everywhere. Perhaps this is another confirmation that people with close dates of birth often become friends. Only here friendship is friendship, but the fact that in a relationship after some time it becomes boring, that all the actions and reactions of a partner are predictable, that there is not in him that very “half” (i.e., a complement to his personality) that many dream of - this is already a problem. Instead, there is only a similar copy, reflected, sometimes, in a distorting mirror.
And I say this not only to attract attention to my review) I have long been interested in astrology, numerology, and your site with reviews and stories is simply a godsend for systematizing knowledge and testing it on the real experience of living people.

My story is that I met a young man on the Internet, but since I wasn’t particularly attracted to him (either externally or through some exciting communication), I kept refusing to meet him. Then I calculated the compatibility, saw a favorable prognosis and decided to take a risk) So what do you think? I moved in with a young man after a week and a half of dating, and we’ve been living happily for 2 months now) It feels like we’ve always been together.

My question is - all our infrequent (pah-pah) quarrels occur on his initiative and look something like this - HE: “It seems to me that you are dry towards me, your feelings are not sincere,” and everything like that. This of course really offends me, I explain to him that everything is fine, it’s not like that and we put up with it. In general, even I, a girl, feel an intellectual incompatibility, I can’t imagine what it’s like for him, since this is, in general, a male level of perception. How to soften its manifestations, because our couple meets the author’s minimum recommendations for compatibility. And in general about us, your detailed opinion is very interesting.

I 06/05/89, HE 07/29/89

Thank you for everything!

In-contri: Evgenia, thank you. I’m also glad that I found in you a like-minded person in the study of the theory and, importantly, the practice of compatibility.

Let us immediately give our readers your calculation. Signs: Gemini and Leo are an excellent productive combination of the elements of Air and Fire, the type of relationship “Elder brother and younger brother”. “Elder brother” - you, Evgenia.

Chakras - three high compatibility in emotions, intuition and in the higher chakras:
Physical 44% - not compatible
Emotional 80% - almost the same
Intelligent 26% - not compatible
Heart 15% - dissonance
Creative 47% - not compatible
Intuitive 72% - compatible
Highest 93% - maximum

According to Pythagoras: characters 4-2 in your favor, family peak and high 5-4, temperaments in harmony 2-3 in favor of the guy. And here, too, we see that the dominant role is confirmed - “Big Brother” is a leader by nature. It would seem like a pretty good deal, but we, as usual, dig deeper.

So, regarding “your feelings are not sincere”, etc. What is this? Taking into account intellectual dissonance, we can assume that a guy, specifically at the level of reason, sometimes cannot appreciate the reciprocal feelings on your part. And looking at his full Pythagorean square, we see the following: 55 (developed logic) and 9999 (naturally powerful “computer”: memory and mind). All this suggests that the intellectual channel dominates in the guy. He passes everything that happens through his computer and logic. In principle, in ordinary life this works effectively in his favor. However, in relationships that are more emotional, sensual, joyful and also take place on a subtle intuitive channel, this approach fails. His computer does not digest the stream of data in an alien programming language from your side, so to speak. In general, there is a peculiarity of such people with 9999 (I have only seen three of them in my life - a rare sign) that they are sometimes a bit like terminators in interpersonal relationships in those around them and in the couple. They run everything through their multiprocessing brain, analyze data, generate reports... while often remaining cold. Therefore, Evgenia, I immediately recommend that you abandon any, in your opinion, logical arguments or arguments in such conflicts with a guy. His logic and cold mind, alas, are tuned to accept other data (intellectual dissonance - that’s it). So, it is better to use the strengths of your couple and just hug him in such a situation or in any other emotional way knock on the heart of your “tin man”. This will work with much greater effect.

Another hypothesis about your boyfriend initiating conflicts. It consists in the fact that this may not be initiation at all. And not even a conflict. Those. How do you rate it? And this is actually something like begging for signs and confirmation of love on your part. In general, such behavior is certainly not logical for a man. Because it’s not for nothing that even competent psychologists say that a girl should be raised with high self-esteem, instill in her that she should be loved just like that, because she is. A boy, on the contrary, must be raised so that from childhood he knows that no one will love him just like that, but authority, good attitude towards oneself and, of course, the love of a woman must be earned, earned, achieved. In general, in nature, where there is a dominant male and, accordingly, a non-dominant female, this is very justified and, as a rule, this is what happens. Your situation is different: your female partner dominates both in signs and in character. Therefore, a man is ready to be a little “little brother” next to you and sometimes allow himself to show even such weakness in the spirit of “you don’t love me,” pouting his lips. Be taller, “grow up”, as the stars tell you in this relationship. Just accept this as whims, and try to build mutual understanding more on the intellectual-intuitive channel.

You have an interesting couple, Evgenia. Take into account all the points - everything will be fine. Moreover, family and the union of elements provide an excellent chance for this. Thanks for the story.

p.s.: the programmer who helped with the script agreed to help implement a script for selecting partners in the next month. And most of all, I’m afraid that people, having received favorable dates in their hands, will then immediately begin to evaluate potential partners based on photographs and turn their noses up. Just like you did in the beginning, you didn’t like the guy at first sight. And only then the intersections in the chakras made themselves felt. But the majority want to immediately have both a 100% forecast and a photo of Brad Pitt on VKontakte under the received date. I don’t even know whether to launch or not to launch...

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Compatibility horoscope for the zodiac sign Gemini. Which Gemini union is considered ideal and successful? With which zodiac sign will Gemini find true happiness, harmony and love?

Are you a match?

Compatibility of Gemini and the Twins

You can share many wonderful days and years with each other if you promise not to exhaust your partner's physical, emotional and mental resources to the limit. And believe me, there is a great danger of a meeting of four similar souls who have found shelter in two bodies - when one pair of “twins”, embodying the positive and negative sides of personalities, treats the other pair too freely. It gets quite tedious, to say the least. However, any of the four such personalities involved in such relationships will be very pleased to find among the other three a soul similar to itself, looking for similar truths and trying to solve the same difficulties and mysteries, trying to find out - what are these people really like? This is potentially an extremely useful combination, but both of you (or you could say the four of you) need to develop a clear view of things, choose a specific purpose in life; You also need to remember that words alone will never be enough. Both of you need to be more practical, not so careless - otherwise you will just “float on the surface” or fuss around aimlessly.

Compatibility Gemini and Cancer

This is a relationship of love and hate with the possibility of an exceptionally successful combination. If the “Cancer” conveys his intuition and strength of character to the “Gemini”, and the “Gemini” lifts the “Cancer” to the great heights of their creative ideas, then yes, things are definitely on the way to success. “Gemini” and “Cancer” are similar to each other in more than one way. Both of them love to talk - they are able to tell long, entertaining stories, decorated with many details and marked by depth and humor. Another similarity is that they are both unpredictably changeable and capable of momentary fluctuations from high to low and from pink to black without much difficulty! Both of them are dreamers and both love to be the center of someone's worries. However, Cancer is secretive and will almost never reveal its inner feelings or fears. Geminis are very open and express their fears, feelings, dreams and motivations without the slightest hesitation. In addition, we note that “twins” are independent souls, love freedom and cannot stand coercion. This may cause them to conflict with the possessiveness-prone Cancer.

Compatibility Gemini and Leo

This is a great relationship. “Gemini” is smart and charming enough to make “Leo” happy, but “Leo” has an extraordinary sense of humor and acting skills that do not allow “Gemini” to get bored. A perfect couple! And both of them know or guess about the game that the other is playing. Furiously rushing about in a whirlwind of various affairs, the “twins” can really get completely lost in this world, and the “leo” feels it. The fearlessly roaring “lion” may actually harbor a little insecurity, and this touches the “twins”. A stable and constant “Leo” is able to easily prevail over the “Gemini”, making them the spokesman of his feelings and the mouthpiece of his interests. “Gemini” should remember that for the success of this relationship, they should allow the “Leo” to feel their strength and leadership role. Leo requires significant public recognition and absolute adoration from the masses, while Geminis hate being the center of attention of the crowd. Of course, this fundamentally harmonious combination may have its pros and cons.

Compatibility Gemini and Virgo

These two zodiac signs, both ruled by Mercury, are very different from each other. In temporary, fleeting relationships, the "Virgo" finds the "Gemini" very pleasant and resourceful, and the wit of the "Gemini" can give real relaxation to the more serious "Virgo". But with more than one brief stroll, their fundamental incompatibility surfaces closer to the surface. “Virgos” are serious-minded people who are incapable of believing in fables, while “Gemini” spend most of their time in the world of illusions. Sober-minded "Virgos" do not strive for special revolutions and changes, but for the "airy" "Gemini" life is not complete without constant changes - changes in attachments and mindsets. Virgo loves orderliness and neatness - two qualities that are least likely to be found in Geminis. “Virgins” tend to quickly take offense, and for a long time they cannot forget the wounds inflicted on them; “Gemini”, when excited, are distinguished by their caustic and critical manner of speech. Gemini may find Virgo's influence too relaxing to allow her to get involved with them - at least for any significant time.

Compatibility Gemini and Libra

The meeting of Libra and Gemini makes for a wonderful relationship. The constant flow of energy from Gemini, mingling with the legendary charm of Libra, produces a fantastic combination. “Libra” gives the “Gemini” the missing rival in terms of mental acuity. “Libra” has the delicacy and diplomacy necessary to successfully deal with “Gemini”. "Gemini" is inspired by acting according to the plan or plan of "Libra". This is definitely a rare pairing. Both representatives of these zodiac signs are good for each other. "Gemini" and "Libra" are both dreamy "air" signs and their owners will have lengthy discussions about anything under the sun. Representatives of these "air" signs are not easy to identify if they are next to each other. But they differ in the way they make decisions. “Libra”, constantly weighing and calculating, carefully considering all the pros and cons, are much more prudent people; It may take them a long time to make a decision. "Gemini" decide instantly, in a flash - of course, a moment later the "Gemini" may decide to change their previous decision...

Compatibility Gemini and Scorpio

The power-seeking Scorpio and the fun-seeking, childish Gemini can be a bit of a burden to each other. "Scorpio" may consider the "Gemini" too fickle, and the "Gemini" may be genuinely frightened by the indomitable feelings of the "Scorpio". “Scorpio” is by nature inclined to suppress others and is extremely jealous in everything he undertakes. He never does anything halfway and always finishes what he starts. “Gemini,” on the other hand, love freedom and are never interested in anything long enough to bring it to its logical conclusion. It's too boring for them. They are also not particularly famous for their loyalty. Let us add that the “Scorpio” is very secretive and will never reveal his awareness of what he knows - this is part of his game for power. It is difficult for a Gemini to remain calm; he will never learn to count to ten before uttering the first words of his speech. It is known that "twins" are capable of spreading gossip. These two solar signs, so different in all respects, are sometimes able to form a magnificent couple - if they manage to combine the tenacity and fortitude of the “Scorpio” with the enthusiasm of the “Gemini”.

Compatibility Gemini and Sagittarius

A perfect couple. "Gemini" are quick to rise and easily accept what happens. "Sagittarius" is easy-going and quickly accepts what is happening. Both of them love fun, are very smart, fast and perky. This is a great combination, especially for short-term relationships. Over a period of time, it can become explosive if the partners do not respect each other’s abilities and talents. Each of the representatives of these signs has qualities that the other strives for. Sagittarius has warmth, sincerity, idealism and high aspirations - and Gemini may secretly desire to acquire these qualities. Geminis have tact and flair, poise and charm, as well as the gift of equanimity in tense situations—all these qualities that Sagittarius strives for. Both of these people are highly artistic and both are capable of loving poetry, painting and other forms of art. In these relationships, Geminis should refrain from being sarcastic, since Sagittarius does not accept sarcasm and cannot bear insults. This duet can undoubtedly be beneficial for both of its participants, since both of them are able to learn a lot from each other.

Compatibility Gemini and Capricorn

The union of these air and earth signs cannot be considered a particularly good idea. “Capricorn” needs more material things and will consider the “Gemini” too lightweight and fickle, remaining indifferent to their interests. "Gemini" will consider "Capricorn" to be too slow and serious - not a match for the fast walking and seething energy of the "Gemini". One of them is too slow to keep up with the fast pace of the other. However, "Gemini" can find some peace and tranquility in friendship with "Capricorn" - however, not for long. “Capricorn” is completely unable to understand the “twins” and unravel their secret - this serious earthly creature cannot understand a creature freely soaring - especially since it is not soaring alone: ​​in fact, there are always two of them. Capricorn is calm and reserved, while Gemini loves to talk. "Gemini" lives in an imaginary world, and "Capricorn" stands firmly on the ground. They are too different for a long-term relationship - but if they solve this problem, it will be great - a wonderfully rewarding and enriching relationship.

Compatibility Gemini and Aquarius

Without a doubt, this can be the most exciting and exciting relationship. "Aquarius" dances to inaudible music, and the "geminis" are undoubtedly intrigued by what is happening. “Aquarius” is a way beyond everyday life: it is able to hold the attention of “twins” as long as necessary. Representatives of both of these signs are capricious and a little eccentric. In the areas of hobbies, love and games, they will get along without difficulty. This is an amazing combination. Representatives of both signs are dreamers, constantly wandering in worlds different from ours. And both of them are in awe of the pictures that open before their eyes. However, sometimes they touch the ground... looking into each other's eyes, and again upward, to some new planet! It's true that both of them may be as similar as two peas in a pod - but there are also some significant differences between them. Aquarius is stubborn, and sometimes this can cause problems. At the same time, both of them are unusually changeable. Two people born under these signs, in alliance with each other, can easily make money and immediately lose it.

Compatibility Gemini and Pisces

Pisces will inevitably find Geminis too restless for their watery lifestyle, while Geminis may find Pisces completely insensitive. It cannot be said that this was the greatest union of two souls. Of course, the “Gemini” is a sociable creature, and the “Pisces” gravitate towards the solitude of cool, deep and serene waters. Both of them are capable of getting on each other’s nerves. Both of them tend to go with the flow and both are consummate experts at dodging tough questions. Perhaps they will establish this relationship on the same wavelength, but a collapse in the future is almost inevitable. “Gemini” is able to quickly and completely disappoint “Pisces”, trying to analyze and understand their motives, which may turn out to be completely impossible. Both owners of these signs, however, share a sense of beauty and appreciate the beautiful things of the world, and this often attracts them to each other. It is important for “Pisces” to feel the need for themselves, and “Gemini” needs someone to shift their burden onto him - and who could be better suited for this than the compassionate “Pisces”, always ready to offer the “Gemini” their vest and ear? In general, however, this is not very reliable soil for building a castle on - it is better to try to find a better one.

Compatibility Gemini and Aries

Both Aries and Gemini are very creative. Both of them are creative personalities, both are great idealists. "Aries" is full of charm, "Gemini" is brave and courageous. Their union is wonderful! Both of them share the desire to gain great wealth and take on the burden of fame.

However, having achieved their goal, they spend all their energy and enthusiasm on what captured their attention for a minute. They light up for two or perhaps three minutes, then the craze passes. For this reason, they rarely make significant progress in their area of ​​interest. They often look, act, and behave like children—whether together or alone. Honesty is their hallmark, but sometimes they lose where honesty ends and self-deception begins. Overall, however, they are sailing towards the lost land of milk rivers and jelly banks - and together they will reach the shore of their dreams faster than if they sailed separately.

Compatibility Gemini and Taurus

The "Taurus" - the person who is happy to be left alone to watch the grass grow - finds it extremely difficult to keep up with the "twins" who want to keep the party going all night long; and don’t forget that they are two in one - cheerful, tireless, enthusiastic Geminis, whom you need to keep up with. For a Taurus this is almost impossible. "Gemini" loves to talk and argue - and "Taurus" almost always prefers silence to words. “Gemini” are completely independent and soar in the air, transferring from one cloud to the next with amazing dexterity and ease. This is not at all easy for the “bull”, who hates change and wants only tenderness - and here a brief hug is possible, perhaps even a warm handshake... but the “twins” are already far away, overwhelmed by some new thought that has just come to their mind. For the success of this relationship, it is necessary, at a minimum, that the “Gemini” is ready to hug, and the “Taurus” is ready to think.

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