Tarot power health. Card "Strength" in Tarot - meaning and interpretation of the card. Tarot card Strength and its meaning in relationships

A large field covered with green, fresh grass on the Arcana of Strength, as a symbol of life, prosperity and rebirth. Sunrise– this is the beginning of something new. Against this background we see a girl taming a lion. The girl is dressed in blue dress, denotes wisdom and cool reason. Golden hair color girls are the color of sun and energy. Above her head - Infinity sign, showing the great unlimited power that this seemingly defenseless and weak girl possesses.

a lion often appears in the guise of the king of beasts, and therefore means a formidable opponent. But even the lion doesn't try to resist the girl, which means that she truly has enormous strength, capable of overcoming any life situation. Everything we see on the map speaks not only of a strength capable of defeating any external enemy, it is also a self-confident force capable of defeating the inner beast within itself. This is a symbol of our passions and fears, those qualities that make us their slaves and force us to turn away from the path of spiritual growth. It can be much more difficult to defeat your vicious desires and animal instincts than any external enemies.

Meaning 11 Arcana Tarot Strength in the upright position:

Key meanings of the Arcana Tarot Strength in the upright position: strength, willpower, determination, courage. Purposefulness, perseverance. Love of life. The person who received this card will have the strength not only to make plans, but also to carry them out.

Arcana Tarot Strength on Relationships in the upright position: passion, pressure, liveliness, hot temperament. Stormy, exciting relationship. Dedicate yourself entirely to your loved one and new joyful sensations.

Arcana Tarot Power for Work in an upright position: an upsurge in business, a desire to work and devote a lot of effort to work. Success and goal achievement, which only increases strength and enthusiasm. Creative inspiration.

Arcana Tarot Strength on Health in the upright position: good health. Fast recovery. Cheerfulness, energy.

Arcana Strength advice in the upright position: use all available opportunities to achieve your goal. Don't resist your desires, don't hesitate, go forward. Don't waste yourself and your time on unpleasant and uninteresting people. Don't give up on your dreams. And if circumstances require it, be wild and indomitable. Get down to business with passion and enthusiasm, fight for it.

Meaning 11 Arcana Tarot Strength in reversed position:

Key meanings of the Arcana Tarot Strength in reversed position: self-doubt, weakness, or vice versa, abuse of power. Overestimation of one's strengths, indulgence in one's base desires and improper use of internal energy. Unnecessary disruption in business and relationships.

Arcana Tarot Strength on Relationships in reversed position: indecision, compliance, or, on the contrary, aggression, anger, rage. Quarrels and conflicts. Animal passion, violence. Unnecessary interference of others in your life. Doubts.

Arcana Tarot Power for Work in an inverted position: lack of self-discipline. The task you have planned is beyond your capabilities. Misuse of opportunities. Lack of will, weak character, missed chances due to fear or uncertainty. Or, on the contrary, excessive pressure and aggressiveness harm the business.

Arcana Tarot Strength on Health in an inverted position: deterioration of health, exacerbation of chronic diseases. Depression. Decreased immunity.

Arcana Strength advice in reversed position: Don’t “beat your head against the wall”, don’t waste your energy on something that doesn’t work out. Restore the balance between the spiritual and physical spheres of life (alternate physical exercise and intellectual pursuits, a strict diet and a “belly feast”). Perhaps in some situation you need to show weakness in order to win, or perhaps use your animal instincts? See the Arcana located nearby to understand how to behave, or make an auxiliary layout.


Other names for the eleventh arcana of the tarot: Lust, Desire, C - The Tamed Lion, Vis Divina, Divine Strength, Vis Humana, Human Strength, Vis Naturalis, Natural Strength, Leo Dominatus, Vis, The Subdued Lion, La Force, Strength, la Fortezza, Fortress

The Strength card is in a certain sense similar to the Magician card. Just like in her, the extraordinary power of this Arcanum is based on deep inner harmony. If the power of the Magician is the result of the harmonious interaction of consciousness and subconscious, then the vitality, courage and passion of this card is an expression of the balance that civilized man finds with his animal nature. This is also reflected in myths, for example, about the friendship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu, who was at first his irreconcilable enemy. This card clearly shows that our goal is not to learn to hide our instincts under the cover of pale virtue, the archaic, scary forces that sometimes live within us, but to learn to tame them with love, gentleness and perseverance. In this way, we will gain control not only over these wild natural forces, but also over those reserves of energy that we have until now had to spend on suppressing these forces.

Relationships and love

It is, first of all, passion. It manifests itself in relationships characterized by liveliness, hot temperament, and sometimes dramatic clashes. Such unions are an inexhaustible source of energy and strength that we need in everyday life, although there are cases when these clashes have tragic consequences - take Carmen and Don Jose from the famous opera by J. Bizet.


At this level, the card indicates the onset of significant changes, which the alchemical symbolism depicted on it helps to understand. The red lion in alchemy signifies the means by which various lower substances are converted into gold. When applied to humans, this means the task facing us: not to reject or suppress the forces in ourselves, so often called “lower instincts,” but to “remove” the hostility between our civilized consciousness and animal nature. Moreover, “remove” in a threefold sense: 1) remove this enmity as a problem from the agenda; 2) “remove” these forces in the sense of “hiring” them, making them your workers; and, 3) as dialectics teaches, to “remove” them as opposites at this level in order to transfer them to another, higher level, where they will no longer fight each other, but will unite into a new, irresistible force.


This card means that we give our all to the cause and work “not out of fear, but out of conscience.” When we are in good physical shape, we take on a task with courage and enthusiasm, and, having achieved success, we are happy to discover that we have only gained more strength. Thus, the Strength card corresponds to a period of the highest creative enthusiasm, an ardent desire to work, and thereby joy and success.

Inner meaning of the card

This is an endurance test. If your will is stronger than your opponent's, you will survive and win. If not, your dreams are over. Mental strength is your key to victory. Don't give in to despair. The battle will not be easy, but you can win if you persevere. You will only lose if you decide to give up.

The Strength Tarot card signifies the inner strength needed to overcome obstacles that stand in your way. It is not brute force that defeats brute force, but rather mental strength overpowers physical strength. In almost all legends about people who defeated a formidable monster, be it a lion, a dragon or someone else, victory was won by righteousness, inner fortitude and faith in God, and not by power.

The beast on the Strength tarot card symbolizes external obstacles that stand in the way of your spiritual development. Perhaps this is a symbol of the beast within you, a symbol of your own fears, passions and other qualities that may be stronger than you. But you can change and tame them if you firmly believe that you are stronger. Leo symbolizes a strong enemy who can be defeated if you have self-confidence and the will to win. (Only one Grimer: everyone who quit smoking or went on a strict diet has already defeated such a beast). The allegory here, as already said, is in the struggle between the physical and the spiritual. You are following the path of spiritual improvement. To reach the distance, you must overcome or pacify base passions and force them to surrender.

Combinations with tarot cards:


4 of Wands: Waiting

5 of Wands: Search for Reserves

9 of Wands: vitality, growth of strength

Hanged Man: gaining time, patience


Chariot: Tight Control

6 of Swords: apathy, heartlessness

8 of Cups: fatigue, lack of strength

5 of Pentacles: ill health, weakness


Passion. Lust.
A lion. Rich creative potential, generosity and often lack of control in self-expression. The state of consciousness is sensationalism.

Letter Tet. Hieroglyph Snake. Hearing. Left kidney. Color green-yellow. Corresponds to the name Tekhor. The ninth order of angels (Cherubim), ruling at the birth of people. Through their ministry, Shadai Eloa sends guardian angels to people. The attribute of Yesod is Foundation. Number 9.

Soft energy born of love; however, it must be an all-consuming love. Worship the names of God to the point of exhaustion, mystically, beautifully, and the names of his houses 418.

Courage, energy, activity, firmness, vigor, “one great passion,” turning to magic, attracting magical powers. Courage. Strength of mind. Power. Control over emotions and desires.

Reversed: Weakness. Pettiness. Impotence. Disease.


Hayo Bantzhava and Brigitte Theler “Aleister Crowley's Tarot of Thoth. Keywords".

Description of the lasso

This card depicts a small wildflower that has met the challenge of rocks and stones on its way into the light of day. Surrounded by a halo of bright golden light, he reveals the greatness of his tiny being. Devoid of shame, he is like the brightest sun.

Straight position

When we are faced with a very difficult situation, we have a choice: we can either become resentful and try to find someone or something to blame for our difficulties, or we can meet the challenge and grow. The flower shows us how his passion for life leads him out of the darkness and into the light. There is no need to fight life's challenges or try to avoid or deny them. They are there, and we must go through them, like a seed that must become a flower. Be brave to grow into the flower you need to be.

The meaning of the card

The seed cannot know what is going to happen; the seed has never known the flower. And the seed may not even believe that it has the ability to turn into a beautiful flower. The path is long and it is always safer not to embark on it, because the path is unknown, nothing is guaranteed. Nothing can be guaranteed. A thousand and one dangers, pitfalls along the way - but the grain is safe, hidden under the hard kernel. But the grain tries, it makes efforts, it sheds the shell that gives it security, it begins to move. And immediately the struggle begins: the struggle with the soil, stones, rocks. The grain was hard, but the shoot will be very soft and many dangers await it. There was no threat to the grain; it could be stored for thousands of years, but many things were dangerous for escape. Escape strives towards the unknown, towards the sun, towards the source of light, not knowing where and not knowing why. The great is a cross that must be borne, but the seed is engulfed by a dream, and it moves. Such is the way of man. It's difficult. It takes a lot of courage. (Osho)

Matter is nothing else
like forces filling space,


Description of the card and its internal meaning
The morning sun brightly illuminates the green meadow. There, on the horizon, the peaks of the mountains are visible, and here, in the foreground, a girl is depicted (on some decks the girl is indoors). A lion reclines next to her. And, looking at it, one can hardly believe that this animal is the king of beasts, because the once formidable predator now behaves like a small kitten.

The lion rises on its hind legs, its head is pulled back, and the girl playfully opens its mouth. Perhaps the lion does not really like this treatment - his body is tense and his tail hits the ground, but he completely submits to the girl, knowing full well that no struggle will help him. And the girl, as if jokingly, opens the animal’s mouth, without thinking about the consequences. She doesn't even seem to pay attention to it - her gaze is directed to the side.

Thus, we can conclude that the eighth Arcana (in some decks it is number eleven) is a reflection of infinite strength and power. From this point of view, it can be compared with the first Arcana. Just as the Magician card represents the doctrine of the Divine, whose Strength and Power govern reality, so the Strength card is the doctrine of cosmic energy as the basis of the Universe. Just as the pose of the Magician expresses independence, so the figure of the girl demonstrates the greatness of the Cosmos. Look at these cards - both show the infinity symbol, which is the main attribute of the Higher Power.

The Eighth Arcana symbolizes the inner strength necessary to overcome obstacles that stand in the way of life. The girl who controls the lion is the personification of willpower, inner power, Higher energy, which does not require activity on the lower plane for its manifestation.

The beast symbolizes the external manifestation of power that stands in the way of spiritual development. Leo can also represent the contradictions within us. These may be fears and passions... But there is a chance to change and tame them.

Basically, this card speaks of the struggle between the spiritual and the physical. If you are following the path of spiritual self-improvement, it is necessary to overcome or pacify base passions and various kinds of temptations that will try to force you to deviate from this path.

Connection of the card with other occult sciences
(kaf) - Rich in mercy and strong, if it is necessary to punish,
Letter - L, number - 8,
Ruled by the zodiac sign - Leo,
Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 21 hexagrams (“Peace”),
Correspondence to runes - rune Uruz (Uruz),
Time of day - morning,
Weather conditions - sunny,
The corresponding color is yellow,
The corresponding chakra is Manipura Svar (solar plexus chakra),
According to Kabbalah, it connects the Sephira Geburah with the Sephira Hesed.
Card meaning
Straight position
The card talks about a person who is capable of leading the masses of people, about a person who is confident in his rightness. This will most likely be a hidden, informal leader. The Eighth Arcana often describes a woman rather than a man.

If we are talking about a situation, and not about a person, then the Strength card has the following meanings: energy, ambition, any manifestation of strength, will, success, ambition, optimism, achieving a goal, respect from others. Sometimes the eighth Arcana has the following interpretations: artistry, good health.

Inverted position
If a card in an inverted position describes a person, then the Questioner will face a dangerous competitor, an ill-wisher who, relying on his like-minded people, can deal a crushing blow.

The situation described by this Arcanum can be characterized by the words: selfishness, complacency, despotism and abuse of one’s position or, conversely, weakness, self-doubt.

The time of testing has come for the Questioner. If he can go to the end and not deviate from his path, then he is guaranteed complete victory. Difficult times are expected, but the willpower of the Questioner will provide him with a path to success.

On this card, Leo symbolizes passion, but in order for passion to be effective, it must be tamed, pacified, aimed in the right direction and not allowed to deviate from it. Your energy must be converted into strength. Sometimes you need to follow your emotions. Suppressing feelings too harshly leads to unhappiness. However, here, as in any matter, the main thing is moderation. The woman in the picture made friends with the lion. You can control your passions only by understanding them. You see a halo above the woman’s head in the form of the number 8. This symbol means that all battles in life are temporary. Years later, you won’t even remember what’s bothering you now. This card primarily denotes willpower, that is, the ability to take the necessary actions to achieve the desired goal. If something seems like an overwhelming task, don't let it scare you. The path may not be easy and thorny, but you should remain steadfast until you achieve what you are striving for. Remember: a loser is someone who doesn't try.

Questions to ask yourself if you've pulled the Force
  • What is your strength? How and where do you send it?
  • Do you (or someone you know) need some tough love right now?
  • Do you feel like you're losing - or winning?
  • What is the best way to tame a wild animal?
  • When does your strength become a weakness? When does weakness become strength?
  • Are you a hero or a victim?
Key Ideas

You have enough internal strength to understand the situation and resolutely confront difficulties. Believe in yourself. Get started today.


Direct Card: You have difficulties in your relationships with some friends. The reason is that life takes you forward, you grow up, but they don’t. Let them go from you, and yourself from them. Your paths are different.

Reversed Card: Your unbridled behavior alienates those closest to you. Treat your friends more carefully, otherwise you may lose them.


Upright Card: Your hard work is now being repaid in spades and bringing excellent academic results. You did a great job! Always remember that success is 5% talent and 95% effort.

Reversed card: If it doesn't work out right away, don't give up. The result now depends on concentration and amount of effort.


Direct card: If you have been seriously hurt by someone you care about, this card shows that your strength is returning to you and the time is not far off when you will completely recover from the shock.

Reversed Card: You may lack self-confidence and feel that meeting new people is simply impossible. The card says that you will find the strength to overcome shyness. You will be able to go somewhere and find pleasure in an unusual environment.


Upright Card: You are wise beyond your years. You immediately see the best sides in every person and every situation. Thanks to you, disputes and quarrels in the family are minimized.

Reversed: You enjoy the ugly scenes you create at home. You're not very happy right now. Talk about how you feel with someone you trust.


Direct Card: You channel your energy into positive activities, perhaps playing sports. This will help you develop both your body and mind.

Reversed card: You won't succeed if you don't do anything. Sitting and waiting for something good to happen to you is a way of self-expression suitable for losers. Don't become a failure. Be a winner. To do this, you just need to go out to where you have only looked out until now, and determine what exactly interests you there.


Upright Card: Spiritual powers make you a charming and beautiful person.

Reversed Card: You may need to tone down your style a little. People may sense a hidden threat in your piercings and makeup. If this is what you need, admit it to yourself honestly. Determine why you want to look so extraordinary. There is a good saying (although hackneyed, but true): only the internal difference matters. It's not the changes that are outside that are important, but those that are inside you.


Direct card: Money will appear soon. Be determined to spend it usefully. Perhaps you will be offered a job.

Reversed Card: You must learn to value money and use it wisely. Until you know how to do this, that’s why you don’t have money.

Fortune telling in half a minute

Renata suffered greatly from acne. In the evenings, she mostly sat at home, because she was terribly embarrassed by her inflamed face and could not bring herself to see anyone - she was ashamed. What could be done here? The Power Card showed that Renata would be able to overcome her embarrassment and return to a full life. This card shows the strength to face difficulties. Renata will do everything possible to get rid of her acne (and after a while it will disappear), but she must know that people will not react to her shortcomings, but to her embarrassment. If Renata stops worrying about acne, those around her won’t pay attention to them either.

The Strength card symbolizes the inner strength needed to overcome obstacles in your path.

Strength corresponds to the number eleven and the Hebrew letter kaf.

Comment. Waite and Gray place this card at number 8, and Justice at number 11. In most old decks, this card goes at number 11.


Overcoming obstacles. Spiritual strength and willpower. Victory over unforeseen circumstances.


Most decks depict a young woman fighting a lion; she fights with her bare hands and wins. In some decks, she squeezes the lion's jaws or rips his mouth apart. One way or another, she forces the lion to act according to her will, and not his own. In such decks, an infinity symbol is depicted above the woman’s head; sometimes it is depicted on her headdress.

Few decks depict a strong young man fighting a lion with his bare hands; perhaps this is the figure of Hercules or Samson. In such cases the man's club lies at his feet; whether it is lost or thrown away, he defeats the lion with his bare hands. Sometimes he tears the lion's mouth apart.

Where a man fights a lion, the battle is in full swing; it can end in victory or death. Where a woman is depicted, it often seems that she is not so much fighting as taming him with the fierce force of her will.

Either way, it's an image of a loner defeating a much more powerful opponent without any weapons other than his own resilience and determination.

Inner meaning

This card symbolizes the inner strength needed to overcome obstacles that stand in your way. It is not brute force that defeats brute force, but rather mental strength overpowers physical strength. In almost all legends about people who defeated a formidable monster, be it a lion, a dragon or someone else, victory was won by righteousness, inner fortitude and faith in God, and not by power.

Apparently, in this case, the beast symbolizes external obstacles that stand in the way of your spiritual development. Perhaps this is a symbol of the beast within you, a symbol of your own fears, passions and other qualities that may be stronger than you. But you can change and tame them if you firmly believe that you are stronger. Leo symbolizes a strong enemy who can be defeated if you have self-confidence and the will to win. (Just one example: anyone who has quit smoking or gone on a strict diet has already defeated such a beast.)

The allegory here, as already said, is in the struggle between the physical and the spiritual. You are following the path of spiritual improvement. To achieve your goal, you must overcome or pacify base passions and force them to surrender.

Value in the layout

Direct or positive: willpower, moral strength. Life force. Courage, triumph. Resilience, determination, energy, fearlessness. The ability to overcome difficulties. Success.

Reversed or negative: abuse of power, despotism. Failure, shame. Weakness (physical and spiritual), discord, lack of harmony.

This is an endurance test. If your will is stronger than your opponent's, you will survive and win. If not, your dreams are over. Mental strength is your key to victory. Don't give in to despair. If this card represents the Questioner, then this person will have to test his own will and determination. The battle will not be easy, but you can win if you persevere. You will only lose if you decide to give up.

Astrological meaning:
Goddesses depicted naked, riding a lion: Hebe, wife of the Hittite storm god; Hebe, wife of Hercules; the Babylonian goddess Ishtar, putting a celestial monster on a leash to release it against Urduk, the city of Gilgamesh; Greek nymph Cyrene taming lions without weapons.
The Strength card is in a certain sense similar to the Magician card. Just like in her, the extraordinary power of this Arcanum is based on deep inner harmony. If the power of the Magician is the result of the harmonious interaction of consciousness and subconscious, then the vitality, courage and passion of this card is an expression of the balance that civilized man finds with his animal nature. This is also reflected in myths, for example, about the friendship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu, who was at first his irreconcilable enemy. This card clearly shows that our goal is not to learn to hide our instincts under the cover of pale virtue, the archaic, scary forces that sometimes live within us, but to learn to tame them with love, gentleness and perseverance. In this way, we will gain control not only over these wild natural forces, but also over those reserves of energy that we have until now had to spend on suppressing these forces.

11th Arcana - Strength

The Eleventh Major Arcana of the Tarot presents an extremely interesting image. By tradition, he is given the name "Strength" (also "Justice", "Daughter of the Flaming Sword"). In Greek mythology, this image corresponds to the goddess Demeter, who bestows the power of fertility on the earth.

In the picture we see a girl who, without difficulty, one might say reluctantly, conquers a huge lion. The girl is still very young, but in her appearance one can feel enormous mental and spiritual strength. She is, as it were, the personification of the idea that gave its name to the eleventh Arcana.

And this idea lies precisely in a person’s awareness of his moral strength and ability to resist even the most unfavorable phenomena of life. Be confident in the purity of your thoughts and try to trust your intuition more - this way you will reach such heights that any logic of reason is powerless!

In a personal scenario, the Arcana “Strength” is a sign that at this stage you are the master of your destiny, but only if you really have that inner strength and awareness of your own rightness, which were mentioned above.

This same card is an impartial witness to the “immoderation” of your nature: you are so life-loving, so captured by your own emotions and thirst for pleasure, that these qualities willy-nilly set you apart from your environment, making some admire you and others envy you.

Learn to understand the various forces that make up a large part of your nature. In its own way, this is also a lion, which simply needs to be tamed!

In a reading of the situation, this card is evidence that so far you have followed the right path. Whether you stay on this path or turn aside is also at your discretion. If you like, the Arcanum “Strength” is always a test of you and your mentality.

So fate seems to be trying to understand whether you have the right to act at your own peril and risk, or are you a simple “imposter”?

10th Arcana - Wheel of Fate | >>

The magic of Tarot cards is very strong and interesting; it will allow everyone who turns to it for help to receive answers to questions that trouble their souls. But for this, it is important to correctly interpret the meaning inherent in each card in order to make a forecast of future events. In this article we will cover in detail the eleventh arcana of the Tarot - Strength.

The Strength Tarot card speaks of a person’s strong will and will indicate a passion that can be controlled by the will or remain in constant resistance to it. It makes the effect of all neighboring arcana more pronounced, brings it to the boiling point, and if it lands in the opposite position, the person is in the grip of passion.

In career

The lasso means that a person puts too much energy into work. You are in good physical shape, actively take on new endeavors, and when you achieve success, you notice that your energy has not decreased, but rather increased. Strength indicates a period of the highest creative enthusiasm, an ardent desire to work to achieve success.

At the level of consciousness

Here the Arcana Strength will tell you that changes are breaking into your life, this is evidenced by the symbolic images of the card. Alchemists personified the red lion with a means to obtain gold from various lower substances. If we apply this comparison to a person, it turns out that now there is no need to try to suppress your carnal desires, try to achieve harmony between the mental and physical spheres.

In addition, we invite you to watch the following video, which covers in detail all the characteristics of the Tarot Arcana Strength

Other interpretations of the meaning of the card

There are other interpretations of this lasso. We invite you to familiarize yourself with all of them.

In the upright position, the appearance of the Power of the Tarot lasso indicates:

  • a pronounced feminine principle as a source of energy;
  • the spiritual takes precedence over the physical;
  • a person is distinguished by courage and perseverance;
  • is at the peak of creative growth;
  • devotes himself completely to work;
  • characterized by passion and hot temperament;
  • believes in his abilities, has inner strength;
  • knows how to wait, shows wisdom;
  • influences others;
  • in some cases may indicate the presence of healing abilities;
  • a person trusts himself.

In reverse position

  • a person is well versed in life, but he lacks love, his intuition is poorly developed;
  • doubts his abilities, is timid;
  • there is a feeling of fear, danger;
  • a person cannot discipline himself;
  • worries, blames himself;
  • dependent on something or someone;
  • distinguished by ignorance, arrogance;
  • abuses power, is prone to despotism;
  • also in the reverse position, the card indicates vanity, rebellion, fanaticism;
  • fatigue, a person is physically weakened, sick;
  • inability to perform diplomatic actions.

How are combinations of the Strength card with different arcana interpreted?

  • With the “Jester” lasso - you are wasting your life energy
  • With the “Magician” lasso – force yourself to take actions.
  • With the “High Priestess” lasso, control what is said so as not to inadvertently give away your secrets.
  • With the lasso “Empress” - indicates the energy necessary to achieve some goal.
  • With the lasso “Emperor” - the forces that are expended to restore order or open your own business.
  • With the lasso “Hierophant” - forces spent on restoring unity.
  • With the “Lovers” lasso, you need a partner.
  • With the “Chariot” lasso - its appearance indicates an unstable psycho-emotional state.
  • With the “Hermit” lasso, a person has a weak will and suffers from depression.
  • With the “Wheel of Fortune” lasso, you will grab luck by the tail.
  • With the lasso “Justice” - you should be objective when making decisions.
  • With the Hanged Man lasso, a person is trying to gain a certain amount of time.
  • With the lasso “Death” - a devastated state.
  • With the lasso “Moderation” - activation of internal energy potential.
  • With the lasso “Devil” - the card speaks of inhuman incontinence, a person indulges his vices, uses power not for good, but to indulge his bad intentions, is an energy vampire
  • With the “Tower” lasso - internal aggression hits with enormous force, a person loses all self-control
  • With the “Star” lasso - the desire to get rid of a harmful addiction.
  • With the “Moon” lasso - the desire to appear better than you really are.
  • With the “Sun” lasso, you tame your inner “beast”.
  • With the lasso “Judgment” - restoration of energy balance, getting rid of the fear of speaking in public.
  • With the lasso “Peace” - you will conquer yourself, gaining inner integrity.
  • With the Ace of Wands lasso - restraining your energy.
  • With the lasso “Two of Wands” - slowing down something.
  • With the Three of Wands lasso, you hide your true reactions to what is happening.
  • With the Four of Wands lasso - cope with your laziness.
  • With the Five of Wands lasso, a person ignores criticism of himself.
  • With the Six of Wands lasso - grab luck by the tail.
  • With the Seven of Wands lasso - confronting difficulties.
  • With the Eight of Wands lasso, a reasonable distribution of energy is necessary.
  • With the Nine of Wands lasso, you are driven by jealousy, you are very suspicious.
  • With the Ten of Wands lasso, the person inside “breaks.”
  • With the “Page of Wands” lasso, it is important to adhere to the rule of the golden mean.
  • With the lasso “Knight of Wands” - getting rid of increased shyness.
  • With the lasso “Queen of Wands” - faith in one’s own strength.
  • With the lasso “King of Wands” - gather your will into a fist.

Now you know all the meanings of the Tarot Power and can successfully apply them in practice in readings. We also advise you to familiarize yourself with the rules of working with Tarot cards, which you can read about in the following publications.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "Yes-No" layout

– the answer is “yes”.

The card symbolizes superiority, power, excellent health, external and internal strength, perseverance, and the ability to overcome difficulties.

Strength means that you have the mental strength to face difficult challenges and overcome them without trying to work around them. May also show improved health.

The card testifies to the courage with which a person solves his problems, control over emotions and passions, and the desire to help others. She advises restraining negative impulses, such as anger, malice, jealousy, and trying to direct destructive energy towards creation.

✚ "One card" layout

General value

This is self-confidence, energy, fearlessness. The card indicates that it is time to show patience and compassion. This is the only way to achieve success. In addition, the lasso indicates a harmonious combination of the spiritual and material spheres of life, work and rest, soul and spirit. This is the only way to find harmony with yourself or the world around you.


Arcanum means passion, strong sexual attraction. The card also warns that it is best not to give in to jealousy and to get rid of possessive feelings. Arcana Strength is the best love card. This card indicates that partners are intimately suited to each other, and there is also spiritual unity. However, the lasso does not foretell the legalization of relations.


This card promises good health. In addition, the lasso says that you will be cheerful and energetic.


The card promises success in any endeavor. The major arcan Strength says that a stable income awaits you. There comes a time when you can look for new partners and make profitable deals.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the future

The map acquired its name due to the meaning it carries. It shows how strong the person for whom the alignment is drawn up is. He is very determined and persistent, and has a champion's character. This helps to achieve action, in your work you give yourself completely and try to achieve perfection. In personal life, passion and sensuality are expected, which are characteristic of the Arcana Strength. Old relationships can flare up with renewed vigor, and you will receive emotional returns from your loved one. Give in to your feelings and you won't regret it.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On relationships

Tarot card Power, which fell during fortune telling for a romantic relationship, means that a person pays a lot of attention to the sexual side of the relationship.

It turns out that immediate relationships can be built successfully only if the partners are completely satisfied with each other in bed.

If the card falls on an existing relationship, then lovers should pay attention to this issue. Otherwise, separation is not expected, but a disagreement and some cooling on the part of one of the participants in the relationship is possible.

A full description of the map is available at

✚ For today

You are a person of a hot temperament with developed intuition and good physical health, who invests a lot of his own energy in his work and career, for whom one of the most important components of a relationship is its sexual part, passion (but be careful - you are capable of betrayal). Circumstances are expected to improve in all aspects of your life, and big changes are creeping up on you.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

Map of energy, vitality and struggle. It can mean victories that were not easy, the appearance in life of a questioning, strong and strong-willed person who influences the current life situation.

In plans for the future, it speaks of a period of struggle, application of all internal resources to achieve what is desired.

For people who are sick, it can mean complete recovery or a period of remission.

In layouts for work and business, the Strength card speaks of competition, maximum workload and the possibility of conflicts. The time is not right for a vacation; it’s better to fight for a place in the sun now.

In matters of love, the card means passion, vivid sensual experiences, mutual attraction. But it can also talk about the need to fight for love, about the emergence of a rival or rival.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think about me

The card suggests that your love life is based solely on passion. This is wonderful because intimate life is a guide to understanding each other's desires. She allows you to open up to your partner, to feel him with every cell of your body. The passion between you will not disappear, but will only intensify, which will make you dependent on each other. Try to completely surrender to the surging feelings that will result in passion in a sexual relationship.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On request

Now the whole situation depends entirely on your desire. You must passionately want to fulfill it, believe in yourself. Don't be afraid of anything or anyone, don't give up. But still, you should not forget, following the principle of “do no harm.” You also shouldn’t rush; most likely, you are too absorbed in events that are pointing you in the right direction. Trust yourself and your inner strengths more - now intuition and feelings are on your side. If you have been haunted by any internal fears throughout your journey, now is the time to overcome them. You need to go to the next stage of fulfilling your desire confident in yourself and your dreams.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

A thirst for more or unforeseen circumstances brought you to this situation. Resolute confrontation of difficulties is necessary. A dangerous situation awaits you, where you need to face problems head-on, but you can choose the right path.

You feel self-confident, the need to take decisive action. In a negative situation, bitterness and even violence are possible. Don't give in to fear. Be determined and persistent! Everything will end well!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

Strength is an indicator of passion, sexual activity and energy in a relationship. Such a couple will not suffer from the dullness and ordinariness of everyday life - constant drive and activity in the relationship are guaranteed. The important thing is that you should pay attention to the person with whom you are walking hand in hand, because an outburst of feelings can be temporary. You obviously won’t confuse your person. Don’t be afraid to be yourself, because such a union most often leads to a passionate and long-term relationship, especially after marriage, which is just around the corner!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

An angel who protects from a fierce enemy.

Trust your Guardian Angel - this is the only way you will receive unconditional protection. The material world is not able to overcome the power and strength of an Angel.

Believing in yourself and in your own strengths is your feasible help to the heavenly intercessor, who protects you from the evil and insidious. The situation does not tolerate brute force or aggression; act calmly and thoughtfully.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

Next to you is a man who absolutely does not accept violence, physical and moral, and is also a moral and spiritually developed man. If you dreamed of meeting a Personality, then you have to be considered. Be patient and be soft and feminine. You shouldn't take on men's responsibilities. You may need to learn inner strength and wisdom from your partner.

A full description of the map is available at

Tarot card interpretation: power in upright position

Strength, energy, goal achievement. Success and happiness found with drive and courage. Good health, spiritual strength, clairvoyance. Even if there are problems, you will definitely win in the future. Show willpower and you will achieve success.

  • power, willpower, action, courage, triumph, resilience, determination, energy, fearlessness, ability to overcome difficulties, success
  • patience, spiritual love, moral strength, vitality, generosity, poise, justice, balance

A very strong card. The power of the Tarot means a person’s ability to cope with tasks, to overcome all difficulties without trying to get around them. The questioner has to restrain negative impulses - jealousy, anger, ill will, and try to direct his emotional energy in a positive direction, overcoming obstacles on the path to happiness. The power of the Tarot also indicates improved health and well-being.

The Tarot card Strength is a symbol of superiority, strength, but not only physical strength, but also willpower and intentions. In general, this card speaks of the courage with which a person fights the vicissitudes of fate, of creative efforts and the interaction of mental and emotional forces, of the ability to curb passions, of good health and well-being, and of an optimistic psychological attitude. This is the desire to quickly offer your help, respect from others and achieve a long-awaited goal. The Tarot card Strength recommends not to be afraid of obstacles, and to face the difficulties that arise boldly, without fear of anything, because there is enough strength to cope with any situation.

Interpretation of tarot card power in reversed position

Destructive force, tyranny, crime. Powerlessness, illness, perversion. Failure, deception, quarrel. Resign yourself, if you get into trouble and run into trouble, you will lose even more.

  • loss of self-control, internal discord, abuse of power, imbalance, misdirection of internal energy
  • abuse of power, despotism, failure, disgrace, weakness (physical and spiritual), discord, lack of harmony

The reversed power tarot card means capitulation to base feelings, self-indulgence and misuse of internal energy. All this weakens a person's ability to cope with a difficult situation. The card indicates a lack of self-discipline and a loss of self-confidence.

Reversed Tarot Strength symbolizes weakness, imbalance, spinelessness, self-doubt, poor health, fear, anxiety. It says that strangers often interfere in your destiny. An indication that obstacles will not be overcome due to a lack of physical or spiritual strength.

Description of the map

Most tarot decks depict a young woman fighting a lion; she fights with her bare hands and wins. In some decks, she squeezes the lion's jaws or rips his mouth apart. One way or another, she forces the lion to act according to her will, and not his own. In such decks, an infinity symbol is depicted above the woman’s head, and sometimes it is depicted on her headdress.

Few tarot decks depict a strong young man fighting a lion with his bare hands; perhaps this is the figure of Hercules or Samson. In such cases the man's club lies at his feet; whether it is lost or thrown away, he defeats the lion with his bare hands. Sometimes he tears the lion's mouth apart.

Where a man fights a lion, the battle is in full swing; it can end in victory or death. Where a woman is depicted, it often seems that she is not so much fighting as taming him with the fierce force of her will.

Either way, it's an image of a loner defeating a much more powerful opponent without any weapons other than his own resilience and determination.

Inner meaning. Given to understand the straight position of the map

This is an endurance test. If your will is stronger than your opponent's, you will survive and win. If not, your dreams are over. Mental strength is your key to victory. Don't give in to despair. The battle will not be easy, but you can win if you persevere. You will only lose if you decide to give up.

The Strength Tarot card signifies the inner strength needed to overcome obstacles that stand in your way. It is not brute force that defeats brute force, but rather mental strength overpowers physical strength. In almost all legends about people who defeated a formidable monster, be it a lion, a dragon or someone else, victory was won by righteousness, inner fortitude and faith in God, and not by power.

The beast on the Strength tarot card symbolizes external obstacles that stand in the way of your spiritual development. Perhaps this is a symbol of the beast within you, a symbol of your own fears, passions and other qualities that may be stronger than you. But you can change and tame them if you firmly believe that you are stronger. Leo symbolizes a strong enemy who can be defeated if you have self-confidence and the will to win. (Only one Grimer: everyone who quit smoking or went on a strict diet has already defeated such a beast). The allegory here, as already said, is in the struggle between the physical and the spiritual. You are following the path of spiritual improvement. To reach the distance, you must overcome or pacify base passions and force them to surrender.

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