Why do you dream about the Koran? Dream Interpretation Koran dreamed, why do you dream about seeing the Koran in a dream? Interpretation of dreams in Islam: A mistake when reading the Koran is seen in a dream

Koran: to a blessing on the work started, if it is not illegal.

Muslim dream book Quran

If anyone sees in a dream that he is reading the Koran: then he will show evidence of wisdom.

If anyone sees that the muezzin is calling to prayer at the wrong time:
will experience harsh treatment, and if he hears the muezzin's voice

If someone sees in a dream that the muezzin is calling for prayer, and he goes:
This means that the one who saw the dream will perform the Hajj.

Islamic dream book Quran

To have a dream in which the sleeper reads the Koran at noon:
means that this person is on the right path, heading towards the shore of calm and tranquility. This also means that he adheres to the truth, making sure that he does not commit anything sinful and does away with evil.

To have a dream in which the sleeper seems to be reading a handwritten copy of the Koran:
means that this person absorbs the wisdom contained in him, and also that he acquires greatness, nobility and the truth of faith.

Handwritten Quran: it is a guide to wisdom in dream interpretation.

If in a dream someone sees that he is buying a scroll of the Koran:
this means: his knowledge in matters of religion and in the affairs of people will expand, and they will benefit from this.

If someone sees in a dream that he is selling a scroll of the Koran:
means that such a person undermines his faith.

Stealing a scroll of the Koran in a dream: means forgetting prayer.

If the sleeper sees himself with the Koran in his hands, and opening it, he does not see the written lines:
this means that his appearance does not correspond to his inner content.

Whoever sees in a dream that he has memorized the Koran, although in reality he did not do this:
he will receive the property according to the saying of the Almighty: “Verily I am their keeper.”

If someone sees in a dream that he is listening to the recitation of the Koran:
his power will become stronger, and the crown of his life will become better.

Anyone who sees in a dream how a scroll of the Koran is taken away from him:
he will lose his religious knowledge and will be deprived of knowledge about this world.

The one who sees in a dream how the Koran is read to him, but he does not understand anything about it:
he will be reprimanded. Expects the fulfillment of desires and an increase in the good of the one who sees in a dream, which completely completes the reading of the Koran.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations and assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about the Koran in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about the Koran?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why does a woman dream about the Koran:

Seeing the Koran in a dream means that a harsh, ascetic life awaits you. Reading the Koran means moving decisively through life, and the trials that befall you will not make you turn away from your path. Scolding what is written in the Koran is a warning that you are on the verge of temptation, and if you give in, returning to your previous life will become impossible, which you will greatly regret later

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Be interested in the Koran when dealing with a Muslim.

Egyptian dream book

To see how someone reads it - you will be convinced in reality of his wisdom.

Adaskin's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Koran according to the dream book:

The Koran is being read by someone, someone close to you will deceive you.

Why do you dream about the Koran?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

The Koran is a blessing for the work started, if it is not illegal.

Why do you dream about the Koran?

Why do you dream about the Koran?

Why do you dream about the Koran?

Autumn dream book

Being interested in the Koran in a dream means dealing with a Muslim.

Why do you dream about the Koran?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Bible, Koran - acquisition of new spiritual knowledge, spiritual breakthrough in consciousness; meeting a mentor.

Why do you dream about the Koran?

Why do you dream about the Koran?

Muslim dream book

If someone sees in a dream that he is reading the Koran, he will show evidence of wisdom.

If anyone sees that the muezzin is calling for prayer at the wrong time, he will experience harsh treatment, and if he hears the muezzin’s voice, then he will be suspected of some crime without guilt.

If someone sees in a dream that a muezzin is calling for prayer and goes himself, it means that the one who saw the dream will perform the Hajj.

Why do you dream about the Koran?

Islamic dream book

To see a dream in which the sleeper reads the Koran at noon means that this person is walking on the right path, heading towards the shore of calm and tranquility. This also means that he adheres to the truth, making sure that he does not commit anything sinful and does away with evil.

To see a dream in which the sleeper seems to be reading a handwritten copy of the Koran means that this person is absorbing the wisdom contained in it, and also that he is acquiring greatness, nobility and the truth of the faith.

The handwritten Qur'an is a guide to wisdom in the interpretation of dreams.

If in a dream someone sees that he is buying a scroll of the Koran, this means: his knowledge in matters of religion and in the affairs of people will expand, and they will benefit from it.

If someone sees in a dream that he is selling a scroll of the Koran, it means that such a person is undermining his faith.

Stealing a scroll of the Koran in a dream means forgetting one’s prayers.

If a sleeper sees himself with the Koran in his hands, and when opening it, he does not see the written lines, this means that his appearance does not correspond to his inner content.

Whoever sees in a dream that he has memorized the Koran, although in fact he did not do this, will receive property according to the saying of the Almighty: “Truly I am their keeper.”

If someone sees in a dream that he is listening to the reading of the Koran, his power will become stronger, and the crown of his life will become better.

Anyone who sees in a dream how a scroll of the Koran is taken away from him will lose his religious knowledge and will be deprived of knowledge about this world.

Anyone who sees in a dream how the Koran is read to him, but he does not understand anything about it, will be condemned. Expects the fulfillment of desires and an increase in the good of the one who sees in a dream, which completely completes the reading of the Koran.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday

A dream with pleasant images is considered a good sign. It promises joy from successful changes in life and travel. A monotonous dream that could not be remembered in detail indicates the low social activity of the sleeper. Predictions come true on the coming Friday or Saturday.

Why does a woman dream about the Koran:

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

2 Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing the Koran in a dream means:

3 The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

A dream with the Koran in the dream book is interpreted as:

The Koran is a blessing for the work started, if it is not illegal.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


4 Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Dreaming with the Koran means:

Being interested in the Koran in a dream means dealing with a Muslim.

5 Islamic dream book on the Koran and Sunnah

Quran dream meaning:

To see a dream in which the sleeper reads the Koran at noon means that this person is walking on the right path, heading towards the shore of calm and tranquility. This also means that he adheres to the truth, making sure that he does not commit anything sinful and does away with evil.
To see a dream in which the sleeper seems to be reading a handwritten copy of the Koran means that this person is absorbing the wisdom contained in it, and also that he is acquiring greatness, nobility and the truth of the faith.
The handwritten Qur'an is a guide to wisdom in the interpretation of dreams.
If in a dream someone sees that he is buying a scroll of the Koran, this means: his knowledge in matters of religion and in the affairs of people will expand, and they will benefit from it.
If someone sees in a dream that he is selling a scroll of the Koran, it means that such a person is undermining his faith.
Stealing a scroll of the Koran in a dream means forgetting one’s prayers.
If a sleeper sees himself with the Koran in his hands, and when opening it, he does not see the written lines, this means that his appearance does not correspond to his inner content.
Whoever sees in a dream that he has memorized the Koran, although in fact he did not do this, will receive property according to the saying of the Almighty: “Truly I am their keeper.”
If someone sees in a dream that he is listening to the reading of the Koran, his power will become stronger, and the crown of his life will become better.
Anyone who sees in a dream how a scroll of the Koran is taken away from him will lose his religious knowledge and will be deprived of knowledge about this world.
Anyone who sees in a dream how the Koran is read to him, but he does not understand anything about it, will be condemned. Expects the fulfillment of desires and an increase in the good of the one who sees in a dream, which completely completes the reading of the Koran.

6 Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

What does it mean if a woman dreams of the Koran:

7 Wanderer's Dream Book - Terenty Smirnov

What can the Koran mean in a dream:

Bible, Koran - acquisition of new spiritual knowledge, spiritual breakthrough in consciousness; meeting a mentor.

After sleeping, we must wash our hands immediately, because when we fall asleep, the unclean spirit is applied to our hands and it is still there. You should wash your face without touching your eyes.

8 Muslim dream book

The Koran in a dream means:

If someone sees in a dream that he is reading the Koran, he will show evidence of wisdom. If anyone sees that the muezzin is calling for prayer at the wrong time, he will experience harsh treatment, and if he hears the muezzin’s voice, he will be suspected of some crime without guilt. If someone sees in a dream that a muezzin is calling for prayer and goes himself, it means that the one who saw the dream will perform the Hajj.

9 Historical women's dream book

If a girl dreams of the Koran, it means:

Ayats of the Koran - if these are verses that speak of mercy, and the one who reads them has already left this world, then his soul rests under the mercy of Allah. But if these verses contain a direct or indirect meaning of punishment, then his soul is under the punishment of Allah. If they are verses of admonition, then they warn the one who saw them from committing a sin, and if they are verses announcing something, then they foretell goodness and blessings for him.
If the verse of the Koran that you are reading is about mercy, in reality you will receive good news, peace and tranquility await you. If you read a verse about punishment in a dream, the dream means that you have committed a sin for which you must be punished. The dream calls on you to cleanse yourself. A person who reads a verse of the Quran aloud, loudly and expressively, will be happy.

Being interested in the Koran in a dream means dealing with a Muslim.

What does it mean to dream about the Bible or the Koran?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The meaning of a dream about the Bible, the Koran (religious paraphernalia)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Acquisition of new spiritual knowledge, spiritual breakthrough in consciousness. Meet the mentor.

Decoding and interpretation of the Quran dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

What does a dream portend: Koran

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A blessing for the work started, if it is not illegal.

Interpretation of dreams in Islam: Quran reciters gathered in a certain place in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

It means that statesmen from among the sultans, merchants and ulemas gather in this place.

Interpretation of dreams in Islam: They saw themselves leading people in prayer, but at the same time unable to read the Koran well in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

In real life, you covet what you cannot find.

Interpretation of dreams in Islam: A mistake when reading the Koran is seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The dream will not come true.

Interpretation of dreams in Islam: The prayer is not performed in the direction of Mecca, but the dreamer performs it in a white robe, reading the Koran as it should be in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Such a dream suggests that the dreamer will have to perform Hajj in accordance with the saying of the Almighty: “And wherever you turn, there is the face of Allah.”

Interpretation of dreams in Islam: Dhikr and recitation of the Koran is performed in some place and prayers are said and pious verses are recited in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The building built on this site will be as strong as the reading was correct.

Interpretation of dreams in Islam: Teach the jinn the Koran or they listen to the Koran in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You will gain supremacy and power, according to the words of the Almighty: “Say: “It is revealed to me that a host of jinn has heard…”.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Koran?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If someone sees in a dream that he is reading the Koran, he will show evidence of wisdom. If anyone sees that the muezzin is calling for prayer at the wrong time, he will experience harsh treatment, and if he hears the muezzin’s voice, he will be suspected of some kind of crime without...

Dream Interpretation: Why the Prophet dreams

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If anyone sees prophets, saints and sages in a dream, then the brief interpretation of this dream is as follows: if you see them in good condition in complete beauty and contentment, then the deeds of the one who saw them will be directed towards good and he will receive a place of honor. And if he sees...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Pearls?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Pearl means Quran, science or child. If someone sees in a dream that he is drilling pearls, he will give an interpretation to some part of the Koran, in accordance with the truth. If someone sees that the pearl has become his property, then people will take advantage of the fruits of that person’s learning.

Dream Interpretation: Why Turkey Dreams

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you feed a turkey on your own plot, then such a dream promises a large profit in the summer, and in the fall - harvesting a rich harvest, which simply will have nowhere to go due to its excess. If you dreamed of being skinny, sick, or...

Interpretation of dreams in Islam: Walking in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Walking with dignity and sedately means that a person strives to observe the true laws of Islam, and there will be luck and God's help in life. Walking around the market means that a will has been written for the person who saw this dream, and he will receive it. If …

Interpretation of dreams in Islam: Dates in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

There are many varieties of dates, and, as a rule, dates are a sign of rain. If the dreamer did not eat them. For someone who saw that he was eating dates, such a dream foreshadows wealth obtained legally. They also say that such a dream indicates...

Interpretation of dreams in Islam: Blind, blindness in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

It is a symbol of error in religion. It also means that the one who sees such a dream will acquire benefits at the expense of some group of villains. However, they say that for a poor person such a dream means enrichment. It can also mean forgetting the Koran according to the words of the Almighty - “he ...

Interpretation of dreams in Islam: Fish in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dreams associated with fish make us remember a story told to Ibn Sirin by one person, in which he told the following - “I dreamed that my servant and I were sitting at the table, and there was a fish in front of us, and we were eating its meat and ...

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