Karmic nodes: signs. How to untie karmic knots? Lunar nodes, or a guide to life How a node arises

Alexander Kolesnikov

Abstract of a lecture given on July 12, 1995 at the Company of Astrologers Summer School and at the Astrological Association of Great Britain

Astronomically, the Lunar Nodes are the points at which the Moon's orbit intersects the ecliptic, or the path along which the Sun moves relative to the stars. These are truly unique nodes that connect together the two most important cosmic principles - solar and lunar.

The sun is often associated with a monad, a spark of God, a certain spiritual center of human essence, which travels, reincarnating, from life to life, accumulating some experience in each life. And the Moon can be compared with a material, mortal shell, built from earthly matter and playing the role of a temporary shelter for the monad - the Sun in this particular life.

And if we talk about the Lunar nodes as a connecting link between the principles of the Sun and the Moon, then they symbolize in the most general sense the chain of incarnations through which the human soul passes. It is no coincidence that the Lunar Nodes are often called the “karmic factor” and are used to judge past and future incarnations. It is also no coincidence that the Lunar Nodes are associated with near-death experiences - that is, a state when a person finds himself on the border between two successive incarnations.

However, in astrology I am not interested in past lives, but in the current one (although I do not deny the benefits of the “karmic” approach). On the scale of one life, the Sun and Moon are also the most important astrological factors. If a person is born to find his unique creative essence in this life, to understand what happiness is, to find it, then we can say that the global task of human life is to find his Sun. This task will not necessarily be completed, but the Sun illuminates life and gives it meaning.

The Moon, on the scale of one life, represents what is given to a person, what he is provided with. The moon is the physical body, the seat of the spirit, it is the mother who gave birth and nurtured a person, a family that plays the role of a protective shell between a person and the hostile outside world. In other words, the Moon symbolizes the circumstances and environment into which a person finds himself in a given life. A person cannot achieve the task of the Sun otherwise than by mastering the circumstances of the Moon, achieving mastery in their use.

What role do the Lunar Nodes play here? How do they integrate the principles of the Sun and Moon within a single life? We can say that the Lunar Nodes symbolize the lunisolar process or the path along which a person masters the circumstances of the Moon and approaches the goal of the Sun. The line (axis) of the Lunar nodes in the horoscope can be compared to the river of life along which each of us floats.

The flow of the river is directed from the South Node to the North Node. In other words, the North Node leads us in the direction of achieving a life goal, although we can hardly talk about a goal that will be achieved sooner or later. The longer we move towards the North Node, the greater the likelihood that an even more tempting prospect will open around the next new turn.

The south node is the path taken along the river. It becomes more significant, increasing as we move towards the North Node. The path traveled is something familiar, and although not always pleasant, it is more or less mastered. Past experience associated with the South Node forms the basis, the foundation for moving forward, but it can also be a burden.

How to practically understand the position of the Lunar nodes in the chart? To do this, it is useful to remember the key words that Francis Sakoyan gives to the Lunar Nodes: North Node - inclusion in the general flow; The South Node is an exception to the general flow.

The “stream” or “river of life” in real circumstances can be represented by a certain direction set by the circumstances of life, sometimes by a social trend, by a group of people with which a person relates himself. Sometimes a person calmly and steadily floats with the flow, sometimes he rushes from one stream to another - and all these features of human life are shown to us by the Lunar Nodes.

The North Node is a goal, and goals in our lives are usually collective in nature. Imagine how many people in any country dream of buying an apartment, a car, a garage... Even there are probably more than a dozen who want to become President. Hence the keywords “inclusion in the general flow” for the North Node, the factor of integration.

And vice versa, the accumulated life experience separates us, since it is individual for everyone. It is difficult to find two people whose past lives were not only absolutely identical, but even at least repeated in general terms. We are all very different - and this is exactly what the South Node is talking about, the factor of accumulated experience, the factor of disintegration.

The isolating, separating quality of the South Node often manifests itself vividly in practice. Moreover, the South Node is more noticeable than the North Node. And this is not surprising, because the South Node is the accumulated life experience that distinguishes us from other people; this experience is associated not only with useful accumulations, but also with problems, the main meaning of which can be expressed by the words “not like others,” “something not this way".

To understand what exactly is wrong, you need to look at the position of the Nodes in the houses of the horoscope. I once had to work with a person whose time of birth was known very inaccurately, and therefore the birth horoscope was only a hypothesis obtained as a result of a long and difficult process of rectification. To test the validity of this hypothesis, I took some of the most prominent factors from the resulting horoscope and met with the client, intending to find out how characteristic these factors were in his life. One of the most notable configurations was the precise connection of the South Node to the IC. Of course, there was also a connection between the North Node and the MC, but for the reasons stated above, I preferred to ask the question specifically about the South Node.

What question could I ask? The 4th house is roots, origin, family, most likely the parents, and of the 2 parents, most likely the father. The cusp of a house is the point at which the qualities of the house are most pronounced, and if this is indeed the location of the South Node, then there could be something special associated with my client's parental family. The question sounded something like this: “Was there something connected with your parental family that would set them, and therefore you, apart from the general environment, as if removing you from the general course of affairs?”

The answer sounded amazing: “My father was a prisoner and died in prison.” Is it possible to illustrate more clearly the position of the isolating, disconnecting South Node on 1C? In another similar case, a woman had her South Node in the middle of the 4th house. Not on the cusp, so the situation is not so bright, but still interesting. Her grandfather was a Hindu, although all her other ancestors were entirely Russian; she lived in Russia all her life. An exception to the general flow sounds again.

It is interesting that keywords for the Lunar Nodes (Munkasey) often include tunnels, ducts, pipes and other similar objects. A pair of Lunar nodes describes the pipe very well: after all, the pipe gives a certain general flow (North Node), but only due to the separation of its internal cavity from the external environment (South Node). It is also interesting that many people who have had near-death experiences recall moving through a certain tunnel. Was this not a direct perception of the theme of the Lunar Nodes?

The South Node is inseparable from the North Node. They form a complementary pair, and in a horoscope one can imagine a vector or arrow resting on the south node and pointing to the north node. A pair of lunar nodes in a horoscope sets the vector of a person’s individual evolution, indicating which path is best for him to follow in order to turn collective goals into individual experience, so that, living in the circumstances of his current life, he gradually approaches the goal of his existence.

It remains to understand what this vector says. Here I would like to move from theory to practice and offer the key to interpreting the Lunar Nodes. If we strive for brevity, we can say this: go where the North Node points, and then the problems of the South Node will be solved themselves.

Trying to solve the problems of the South Node directly will only make them worse. Remember the image of the “river of life”. You don’t have to sail to an unknown goal, but return back to already developed lands. You will immediately feel that you are wrong - because you will have to go against the flow. You will not solve the North Node problem this way because you will not be moving towards the goal. But the problem of the South Node will also remain unresolved, it will freeze in place - after all, the distance traveled will stop increasing.

At one of the seminars in Moscow, we looked at the map of a woman present in the audience. A curious feature of this map was that the axis of the Lunar nodes in it coincided with the horizon line. The North Node was exactly on Аsc, and the South Node, accordingly, on Dsc. The position of the south node on Dsc may be associated with problems in partnerships. A partner, in particular a husband, is not like everyone else, and this can be disturbing. Maybe it's better to find another partner? But it turns out that the problem cannot be solved this way, since the new partner brings almost the same difficulties as the old one. It happens that the more we deal with the affairs of the South Node, the more problematic they become.

How to be? Using the proposed approach, we can formulate the following advice: “Find yourself (North Node on Asc), and you will find your partner (South Node on Dsc).” In other words, you need to pay more attention to yourself, your place in life, and then the problem in relationships will be solved itself, as if automatically, only as a result of the desire for self-determination.

The owner of the horoscope was asked to speak out. And she confirmed that she had significant difficulties in her relationship with her first husband. But then she became interested in astrology, found her way in life, and made new friends. And her partnerships really changed as if by themselves. She married a second time, and her second marriage turned out to be much more successful than the first, although she did not strive at all costs to leave her first husband and find someone better. We see how the proposed rule works here: “Find yourself and you will find your partner.”

Another time my client was a young man, awkward and shy. In his chart, the axis of the lunar nodes also coincided with the horizon line, but the South Node was on Asc. Based on this fact, I assumed that my client was one of the loners who stood aloof from everything social and collective, striving to follow his own path in everything, and not the beaten path. The young man admitted that he has his own opinion on all issues and that he fundamentally does not act as everyone else does.

But we can further assume that the South Node on Asc gives a person significant psychological difficulties. A person thinks: I’m not like everyone else - that means I’m either better than everyone else (an unrecognized genius) or worse than everyone else (a notorious loser). One way or another, he erects barriers around himself, isolates himself, and thereby further aggravates all his difficulties. What advice do the Lunar Nodes give in this case? Find your partner and you will find yourself. Don’t try to prove that they are not like everyone else, but don’t be discouraged by it either. Just step towards people and you will understand that together it is always better and easier than alone.

At the same time, I do not want to say that by learning relationships, the owner of the South Node on Asc will lose his isolation. He will simply understand that isolation turns from a disadvantage into an advantage when you know how to interact with other people.

Another client of mine became a very successful businessman within a few years. Having the South Node on Asc, and avoiding any “crowd scenes”, he nevertheless always learned to interact with others, to find a common language with them. It was in business partnerships that he achieved the greatest success (North Node on Dsc), although he continues to live very solitary, even isolated, and in choosing the direction of activity is guided only by his own understanding.

Everything said will be more or less significant for all people who have lunar nodes in the natal chart in the 1st and 7th houses, and not just on the horizon line. In addition, the Lunar nodes more than once manage to transit through all the houses of our horoscope, no matter where they were located at birth. At one time or another in your life, for example, the North Node will pass through your Asc, making the topic of “finding yourself” relevant in your life.

So far I have only spoken about houses. What is the significance of the signs in which the Lunar nodes are located? It seems to me that the signs in the horoscope play the role of decorations, coloring the action of other factors with various details, giving them volume.

Let's say, in the case of the last client, the South Node was in Aries, and he came from a military family, he served in the army for a long time and, perhaps, it was the experience of this service that gave him the energy and courage to seek his own path. The northern node, accordingly, is located in Libra, and he began his business as an art guide, taking foreigners to the most beautiful places in Moscow. Now, as far as I know, he has become a business partner in the sale of expensive, beautiful clothes.

Let us now consider another position of the nodes: the North Node in the 2nd house, the South Node in the 8th. How can one read the arrow, or the river of life, directed from the 8th to the 2nd house? I would suggest this interpretation: don’t rely too much on what others give you. You can rely on their support, but be sure to find something of your own that is valuable to you personally and that belongs only to you. The axis of the 2nd - 8th houses is traditionally associated with finances, but we are talking not only about money, and not even so much about money. There are things more valuable than money.

Consider, for example, Young's chart. In it we see just such a configuration: the North Node in Aries in the 2nd house, the South Node in Libra in the 8th house. It seems to me that it is the axis of the Lunar Nodes in Jung’s chart that figuratively describes the problem that arose in his relationship with Freud. At the beginning of his journey, Jung relied on what belonged to another person - Freud's psychoanalysis, his sexual theory. But then I began to look for my own understanding, my own path. The signs here are also informative: he relied on cooperation, started with it (Libra), but at the same time always strived to be a pioneer (Aries). In Jung's 8th house there is Jupiter in Libra. Isn’t this Freud, a teacher who enriches him with his knowledge and at the same time a friend (Jupiter rules the 11th house)?

Looking at Freud's chart, we see that Freud's South Node is in exact conjunction with Jung's Jupiter. The teacher strives to give the student what he himself has learned. If the Lunar Nodes in Jung's chart truly speak to his relationship with Freud and Jung's desire to find his own path, then they should somehow manifest themselves in the development of the chart during periods of important changes in the relationship between these people.

Let's take 1909. According to Maggie Hyde's research, this is a major turning point in Jung's life in general and in his relationship with Freud in particular. In March of this year, Jung visited Freud in Vienna and received an offer to become the “crown prince” of the psychoanalytic movement. And at the same time, a supernatural episode with a bookshelf occurred, marking significant differences between Freud and Jung in their views on the occult. Using the simplest symbolic direction, we will see that in 1909 the direct axis of the Lunar nodes passed through the square of Uranus in the 7th house - is this a strange incident that became the beginning of the end of the relationship?

But let's also consider transits. In March 1909, the transit South Node is conjunct Mars, which can be understood both as Jung’s departure from the theory of sexuality, and as the renunciation of friendship and the honors associated with it (Mars at 11, exercise 10) for the sake of individual creativity (transit North Node - in the 5th house). Transit Mars in March forms a square to the axis of the lunar nodes from the 12th house of the chart. The occult, breaking out with force, changes the path of a person’s life.

Finally, the Asc Ruler Saturn in the same March connects with the natal North Node - the person firmly takes his own path.

The theme of the Lunar nodes in aspects with the planets has already arisen here. I will not separate natal aspects and, say, transit ones, since they manifest themselves in the same way, but on different time scales. It is only important when studying the transits of the Lunar nodes not to forget the theme that they carried in the natal chart. This theme will continue to sound, only refracted through other areas of life.

The most interesting case is the connection of one of the nodes with the planet. Only in this aspect can the qualities of the planet be associated primarily with one of the nodes. The planet in conjunction with the South Node is the support of a person, the wealth that is given to him in order to overcome the upcoming path, but also the load that must be carried with him. A planet on the South Node pushes a person in the back and is at its best if you use its qualities to move forward. If you stand still or move backwards, the backpack you took on the road becomes very heavy.

A planet conjunct the North Node is a landmark that beckons us. We have not yet achieved what this planet symbolizes, but we strive to achieve it. And the longer and more confidently we move towards our North Node, the better we master the qualities of the reference planet. Otherwise, this planet may symbolize unfulfilled dreams, missed opportunities.

Other aspects to the line of the Lunar Nodes, when the planet is away from this line, signify a turn in the life path, as we have already seen in the case of Jung. If such an aspect is present in the natal chart, then the whole life can be one continuous turn, the person constantly changes the direction of activity, as if trying to hit a moving target.

Another thing is that the rotation can be different. Sometimes we have to fully mobilize our strength, overcome internal and external obstacles (squares to the line of nodes), and sometimes we just see a new path and calmly choose it (sextiles and trines).

For example, in Freud’s chart, Venus is in conjunction with the North Node in Aries in the 6th house, and he was driven through life by the desire to heal people (6th house) with the help of sexual (a combination of the energies of Venus and Mars) theory (Venus in exile) . Freud's South Node is in the 12th house, and in his approach he seems to extract from the unconscious (12th house) the traumatic consequences of relationships (12th house, Libra, Venus in exile).

Another example related to the axis 2 - 8th houses is Winston Churchill. His North Node is located in the 8th house in Aries conjunct Neptune and his South Node is in the 2nd house in Libra conjunct Jupiter. The advice that could be given if the North Node is in the 8th house is - don’t stop with what you have, find a use for your wealth. Give what you have to other people and your true wealth will increase. How does this theoretical advice fit with what we know about Winston Churchill?

I refer to the book "Eclipses" by Derek Appleby and Maurice McCann for facts and quotes. From his birth, Churchill became virtually a member of the privileged ruling class. Wealth has always been his support in life - the South Node conjunct Jupiter in the second house (what was given initially). But he was not satisfied with contemplating his wealth, but always strove to get into politics, strove to influence the affairs of the world. Churchill achieved his greatest influence and fame during the wars.

“He was a magician of words, an orator who charmed his audience, whose radio messages to a nation on the verge of defeat, on the verge of invasion, struck a chord of defiance and optimism in every heart, inspired everyone to stand to the last until the war was won, because never once did he didn’t even hint that victory would not go to us.”

If we translate this quote into the language of astrological configurations taken from Churchill's chart, we get the following: "North node in Aries in the 8th house conjunct Neptune, Venus trine Sagittarius in the 3rd house and sextile Fortune in Gemini in the 9th house m house."

I want to finish this topic with brief formulations for the positions of the Lunar nodes in different houses of the horoscope. There is no need to take them too literally. As always in astrological interpretation, everything depends on the card as a whole, and on who this card belongs to. In some cases, the axis of the Lunar nodes can be a very important factor in the horoscope; in other horoscopes it is of little information. However, it is always useful to think about where and where the river of our life flows.

North Node: What is to be achieved. A guideline for moving forward. Getting Out of South Node Difficulties
South Node: What is given. Basis for promotion. Mistakes of the past that are useful to learn from
1st house: Self-awareness. Perception of oneself as an individual, one and only
2nd House: Understanding and mastering personal resources - material, intellectual, spiritual
3rd House: The ability to use knowledge and experience for the specific needs of current life
4th house: The ability to find your own, and only your own place in life, stand on your own two feet, organize your own way of life
5th house: The ability to rejoice and love. Unlocking creativity regardless of surrounding circumstances
6th House: Efficiency and effectiveness. Health as the basis for normal life activities
7th house: Experience of partnerships. The ability to take into account the interests of another person
8th House: Experience of being supported by others and at the same time dependent on them. Using your resources to influence the situation
9th House: A generalized understanding of life and the world that transcends the needs of daily practice
10th house: Desire to achieve a high position. Participation in the life of society, understanding its needs
11th House: Experience of group activities. The ability to perceive personal goals as elements of a higher level goal
12th house: Disinterest in the results of one's actions. Isolation from concrete reality in favor of larger-scale experiences

Often people want, but cannot, change a life situation that does not suit them.

  • When a woman loves someone who doesn’t pay any attention to her, and understands that she needs to move on without this person, but it doesn’t work out.
  • When there is a painful, emotionally difficult relationship between relatives, but they are forced to live under the same roof and can’t seem to separate.
  • Spouses who have been brought together by some strange situation in life, but they constantly conflict and literally hate each other, but still cannot separate.

Difficult relationships are usually a karmic connection that is given to us to learn some important lesson. In these relationships, it is a powerful resource for the development and experience of the soul. However, due to pain or confusion within the relationship, we do not dare to plunge into it, and so year after year (and sometimes life after life) we are left with an unresolved situation and with unprocessed relationships. Fate binds people in the next incarnation so that they can complete what they started, that is, forgive and let go.

A karmic knot is an energetic connection with another person, burdened by some kind of negativity or an unlearned life lesson together.

The lesson can also be positive. Often the task of one is to learn to give something, for example love, care, support. And the task of the other is to learn to accept. In the modern world, acceptance is not easy for women, and an inherently positive lesson for them often turns into a debilitating karmic connection.

How does a knot appear?

#1. Negative emotions

Karmic knots usually come to us from past incarnations. They begin at the moment the soul leaves the body if a person experiences a strong negative feeling. It is not for nothing that many spiritual traditions advise to forgive and let go of everyone before death. The task of the soul is to return to God, and the negativity remaining in the subtle bodies does not allow us to move on.

And in new incarnations, these souls meet again, and complex relationships arise between them, similar to those that existed in a past life. Moreover, if in this incarnation the conflict is not resolved, then the karmic knot becomes denser, and in the next life the situation takes on a more severe form, more stringent conditions come.

People can meet again in other roles. For example, in the past it was a relationship between a man and a woman, but now it is a mother and son. However, the essence of the relationship will remain the same: for example, if in the past a woman was very jealous of her husband for another woman, then in this incarnation the mother will be jealous of her son for his wife.

#2. Affections

The second option for tying a karmic knot when leaving the body is if a person experiences a strong feeling of attachment to another and does not want to let him go. This strong connection at the energetic level ensures that they meet in the next incarnation.

Often this is how the situation of unrequited love, familiar to many, arises, and most often this is the very first feeling in life, complex, unrequited, emotionally overloaded. The main lesson in such relationships is to learn to let go, because that is what you have failed to do in the past. Often, until a woman lets go, she does not have other relationships. And it happens that it is after letting go that the relationship begins anew, without the same tension and pain.

When it exists on an energetic level towards another person, we begin to energetically destroy him. And a person, feeling this, strives to move away from us. If there is a harmonious attitude towards him inside, then he begins to allow us closer and open up.

An exception is a ritual that binds several incarnations, such as a wedding or vivaha. In this case, people can meet again in the next incarnation, they will have “instant recognition”, and they will continue to develop in unison. However, if one of them moves ahead, the relationship may also become complicated.

#3. Promises

The third option for tying a karmic knot is leaving the body with a feeling of unfulfilled promise towards another. He didn’t have time to do something - for example, he promised to raise the children on their feet, but died earlier. Or, conversely, if the other person owes you something and you haven’t let it go.

When a person becomes fixated on one of these feelings towards someone, he is tying a karmic knot.

Relatively speaking, a karmic knot in modern psychology is often called an incomplete gestalt, only the knot is more global - at the level of the soul. By untying such knots, you can move on and go into another experience.

Signs of a karmic knot

  • Emotionally overloaded relationships from which you can’t find a way out
  • Constantly tense relationships
  • Prejudicial attitude towards someone, claims for no apparent reason
  • “Unreasonable” negative feelings towards a person, unreasonable irritation or hostility, inexplicable fear
  • Strange and unpredictable relationships, illogical behavior within this relationship
  • Feeling like a vicious circle in relationships
  • Painful attachment to a person
  • Constant repetition of similar difficult situations in relationships

Some are afraid to work with karmic knots and think that this means the loss of loved ones. However, untying a karmic knot is the cleansing of the energy connection from negativity, and not its breaking. The relationship ends only if you were connected only by the lesson of the past, and nothing more. And often after this the relationship moves to a new level, the tension disappears.

The danger of karmic knots for health

If a being does not solve one problem for several incarnations in a row, it begins to manifest physically from the subtle body so that we definitely pay attention to it. And then in the areas where we are connected with a person on a subtle level, physiological diseases arise. Each emotion has a connection with some energy center and with certain organs in the body, and the karmic knot manifests itself there.

One woman was silent for several lives in a row about her grievances towards a man, did not speak of them. A karmic knot sank into the throat area; they could not diagnose her, much less cure her, until she realized the subtle causes of the pain.

Often there are knots “wrapped” around the thighs at the level of the second chakra, when women experienced sexual problems with a partner or, conversely, were attached to a man with their passion.

The heart often suffers from karmic knots - these are echoes of our unforgiveness, disappointment, mental pain, wounded femininity. People are wrapped in their karmic knots, like in a cocoon.

The size of the “wound” knot is directly proportional to the size of the feeling that forms it.

After untying karmic knots, relationships between people change for the better. And sometimes they part on good terms if their relationship has run its course and they have learned their lessons. Some women, after such work, come out of a well-worn relationship scenario that has not let them go for many years, meet other men and build relationships completely differently.

To untie a karmic knot, it is important to find its root cause, that is, to realize a feeling that you cannot harmonize in any way.

At a deep level, it all comes down to “forgive and let go,” you just need to see what exactly? Anger, regret, debt, illusion?

And the next stage is not to tie knots now, to learn in this life to track tensions and free yourself. A free life, unencumbered by the weight of old lessons, fills you with joy.

Karmic knots in a person’s fate have become a serious object of attention for psychologists, esotericists, and magicians.

This is what professional mystics call problems that cannot be solved, complex crises, the way out of which is very difficult to find.

“Knots” prevent the soul from developing and learning new layers of reality.

They evoke the strongest negative emotions in the “victim”, and if you still manage to “untie” them, life becomes much happier and more fulfilling.

There are good reasons for serious difficulties to arise.

We solve many tasks quite easily and quickly, perceiving them as ordinary items on a to-do list. But every person, as a rule, has at least one significant problem that he considers difficult and insoluble.

This could be a repulsive appearance, illness, misunderstanding in relationships with loved ones, the inability to earn money in the desired quantities, fear, a feeling of “lack of success.”

Such confusing negative situations take colossal amounts of internal energy from a person. It seems that to overcome them you need to become different: change your way of thinking or give up the benefits that have already been acquired.

Astrologers and esotericists call such problems “karmic knots.” “Tricky” life circumstances, as experts in Eastern philosophies say, are sent to us from above as “lessons of fate.”

If the situation from the point of view of outside observers looks difficult, but does not cause negative emotions to the main participant, this is not a karmic knot.

For example, there is most likely nothing special about being fired from a job for a person if he perceives this event calmly and even rejoices at the newfound freedom.

How do you understand that the “loop” is tied?

If the unwanted situation that you are trying to resolve is causing a lot of anxiety, pay attention to the signs of a karmic knot:

  1. Achieving the desired goal is hampered by “insurmountable” circumstances. You have too little time, energy, money, rights or other resources to move towards your dream.
  2. Similar difficulties arise at different age stages. You are deceived again and again, betrayed, deprived of a source of income or unfairly accused.
  3. Already from childhood, a feeling appears in the soul that causes severe discomfort. This may be dissatisfaction with life, a feeling of inferiority or “uselessness.” Sometimes this “personal nightmare” is the feeling that people around you despise you, consider you stupid, or don’t take you seriously.
  4. A difficult relationship develops with a person with whom you cannot part ways. These may be unresolvable conflicts with parents, children, or other half.

Problems from past lives

In the Western world, they became interested in the “law of karma” and, as a result, “knots” thanks to soothsayers. They, like Eastern philosophers, in their worldview proceeded from the fact that a person lives many lives, incarnating each time after death in a new body.

Entering a state of sleepy trance, spiritual mentors observed the past incarnations of their “patients.”

After such sessions, people who turned to the diviners understood that their problems and the negative emotions associated with them did not arise by chance, that difficult situations were given for rethinking and working on mistakes.

Many desperate “losers”, having turned to a hypnotherapist for help, are now gaining experience of traveling to past incarnations.

Current problems help change false beliefs

Experts recognize karmic knots. How to untie them is suggested by fate, which offers a person to follow a certain path.

Some people, extremely troubled by recurring problems, equate untangling karmic knots with the meaning of life. Most often they are not wrong.

Also create an imaginary “mentor” for yourself. This may be a famous person or an abstract person. You must be convinced that this person knows exactly the answers to the questions that concern you.

Together is bad - apart is boring

Another question that worries many: how to cut a karmic knot in a relationship?

Quite often, a man and a woman are attracted to each other “by the dictates of fate,” but their connection does not at all resemble a romantic fairy tale. Two souls feel a craving for each other and a need to be together, but the relationship is complex and brings more negative emotions than positive ones.

In such connections, one or more essential “ingredients” of happy communication are missing: understanding, trust, agreement on important issues, common interests.

Personal question

How to untie a knot? In other words, how can you make your relationship with your other half prosperous or end, giving way to happiness with another man or woman?

Karma includes a person’s debts exclusively to himself and there cannot be any obligations to other individuals, including family members. However, people enter into relationships of various kinds in order to fulfill their karmic tasks.

For example, if the goal of the soul in the current incarnation is to learn to forgive, fate will again and again confront it with people who will need to be “excused” and accepted as they are.

A karmic knot between a man and a woman occurs when two souls enter into a close relationship in order to work off old debts.

Fate unites people of the opposite sex into pairs not randomly, but for the purpose of change and spiritual improvement. A person receives a spouse who destroys his “idealization.”

If, for example, such a value as “a quiet home life” is extremely important for a woman, then her husband, with a high degree of probability, will be a man with whom it is impossible to build a “quiet” relationship.

To untie a karmic love knot, it is important to go through several stages:

  1. Understand that there are no uniform rules of behavior. Another person can and has the right to be guided by thoughts and principles that are different from yours.
  2. Recognize your own and other people's imperfections - everyone has the right to make mistakes.
  3. Realize that if we condemn another person, we will subsequently find ourselves in a situation in which we ourselves will be forced to behave in the same way as the one we criticize.

Turning to a Higher Power, to mentors, and gratitude also helps to unravel the “knot” with the other half.


If you feel that your fate is burdened by karmic knots, do not rush to consider yourself a failure. Consider that a situation may only seem bad from the perspective of one finite life.

We can only guess about what we did in past incarnations and what we will do in future ones.

The more severe the crisis a person goes through, the stronger and wiser he becomes as a result.

Probably, the tests that you are now going through are a necessary step on the path to realizing your deepest desires.

Rahu and Ketu (North and South, ascending and descending nodes) are “fictitious” points of the celestial sphere, they are also called shadow planets. In fact, Rahu and Ketu are not planets from an astronomical point of view; in astronomy, these are the points of the celestial sphere at which the Moon’s orbit intersects with the plane of the ecliptic - the path of the Sun. Eclipses of the Sun and Moon occur near these two points. In Vedic astrology, Rahu and Ketu are equated in their significance and influence on the fate of a person with existing planets. The lunar nodes are given great importance when studying and interpreting any horoscope.

Lunar Nodes Rahu and Ketu are extremely important points in the natal chart. The lunar nodes determine the capabilities and potential of a person. I also call the Northern and Southern Lunar nodes karmic, since their position in the house and the sign of the natal chart determines the main sphere of a person’s activity, his worldview, his physical and spiritual health.

Rahu and Ketu are represented mythologically by the Dragon.

Rahu and Ketu are always opposite to each other; the “head” of the Dragon (Rahu) determines a person’s life path - what he will achieve in the current incarnation, and the “tail” (Ketu) - what a person needs to use only as experience in achieving a goal, but not as a goal.

The Dragon's head and tail represent the Yin-Yang principle; one is impossible without the other. These lunar points teach us balance in those areas of life that correspond to the houses and signs of Rahu and Ketu.

In the life of each person, Rahu and Ketu manifest themselves differently, each is individual. However, in certain periods of life, every person, regardless of where Rahu and Ketu are located at the time of his birth, finds himself in a situation of choice. Sometimes very difficult.

The most important periods in life are the periods of “return” of the Lunar nodes: 18-19 years, 37-38. During these periods of life, a person is given the opportunity to change something in his life, to look at many things from a different angle. At this time, events most often occur, people meet who one way or another push a person to make the right choice. However, during periods of the return of the Moon nodes, it is very important not to miss the opportunity to change your life for the better! To do this you need to become more receptive; try not to reject what comes into your life. This is not easy, especially if a person experiences fear of the future, fear of losing any attachment, habitual way of life, etc. The fact is that if you miss the opportunity to constructively change your life at the age of 37-38, you can miss out on a lot.

For example, the North Node of your birth chart is in the 7th house and the South Node is in the 1st house. This is one of the most difficult positions of the Lunar nodes. A person is faced with a choice - to save his family, marriage (seventh house) or remain himself, remain free (first house). In many cases, with this position of the Nodes, divorces occur. But, if a person looked deeper into himself (Ketu in the first house), he would see that in order to maintain and improve relationships with the other half (Rahu in the seventh house), one must first love oneself! And this is the most difficult, although achievable, means of maintaining relationships. Instead of being torn between yourself and someone, choosing between freedom and relationships, you need to learn to live in harmony with yourself, find balance within yourself - only then will balance in relationships come. But this is only possible if a person works on himself. And in this case, a person can come to fulfill his karmic task in the seventh house, using the experience of the first house. Cases vary; sometimes at this age people get married for the first time, sometimes for the second time, sometimes something radically changes in family relationships.

The influence of the lunar nodes on health

By the position of Ruhu and Ketu in the houses and signs of the Zodiac, one can determine the general energy potential of a person, the supply of vitality, and the tendency to certain diseases. Ideally, the energies of Rahu and Ketu should be balanced, but such balance in the birth chart can be observed very rarely - it is possible only if a person works on himself, his consciousness.

Why are Rahu and Ketu given such great importance in influencing human life and health?

A person receives energy through two main channels - through the interfoot and parietal chakras. The flow of yin energy rises through the interfoot chakra, and the flow of yang energy descends through the parietal chakra. These two channels of energy - ascending and descending - are called Ida and Pingala. These are two vertical flows of energy that we receive from the Universe.

The ascending and descending Lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu, correspond to the channels for the flow of energy Ida and Pingala. Ida (Rahu) runs along the left side of the body and is associated with the sympathetic nervous system. Pingala (Ketu) - runs along the right side of the body and belongs to the parasympathetic nervous system.

If Rahu is located harmoniously in the horoscope, then it helps regulate energy consumption, mobilizes forces in extreme situations, and gives control over emotions.

If Ketu is harmoniously located in the horoscope, then it helps a person to quickly restore and accumulate energy, and benefit from rest and relaxation.

Rahu and Ketu always complement each other, they always act inextricably; the principle of Rahu and Ketu is harmony and balance.

The influence of Rahu and Ketu on human health cannot be overestimated. These two streams of energy are the basis for good health and a happy life. By the position of Rahu and Ketu in the houses, one can see what was initially given to a person - how the ascending and descending energy channel works in his body and how the manifestation of diseases to which there is a predisposition can be prevented. If Rahu and Ketu are disharmonious in the birth chart, this usually manifests itself as disorders in the nervous system, weakened immunity and difficult-to-diagnose diseases.

A person who has favorably placed Rahu and Ketu in his birth chart has the opportunity to achieve harmony with himself and the world around him, and this means: to be healthy physically and spiritually.

Considering the location of the Lunar Nodes in your birth chart, you can see where and in what areas of life you most often have difficulties, why you lack energy to implement plans, why you spend too much energy on things that you consider unimportant and why fate constantly returns you to the same situations, events, people.

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“The Human Brain” - 10 facts about the human brain. Reflection. “The brain is the center of all centers and the main organ of the mind” Hippocrates. Humans have three forms of memory: sensory, long-term and short-term. 1. Our short-term memory can only remember seven objects at a time. Causes of brain dysfunction: Today in class it was difficult for me...

“What our brain is capable of” - But if you look carefully, then no. Look carefully at the picture..What do you see? Read the explanation below! Children see nine dolphins! Just look at the point. Look only at the cross. Is everything spinning again? After some time, the running circle will turn green! Otlsnoe mzheot be ernuoday and you will be able to spoil it.

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“Human Brain” - The average person is capable of holding seven objects in memory simultaneously. The human brain performs the highest function - thinking. Circulation. Most of the subjects completed the task instantly. The brain is enclosed in a secure shell of the skull (with the exception of simple organisms). Communication between neurons occurs through synaptic transmission.

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There are 9 presentations in total

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