How to cook Lenten dumplings with mushrooms. Lenten dumplings. How to cook Lenten dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms - recipe

Dear cooks and guests! I offer you a recipe for dumplings with potatoes and pickled honey mushrooms. I hope you enjoy this combination of ingredients. The dough does not contain eggs and dumplings can be considered a lean food. For young housewives, I will show how to make dumplings with an openwork and strong edge. Prehistory. I started getting interested in cooking while still in elementary school. One day I went to my neighbors and saw Aunt Tasya making dumplings, ran home and started cooking... I ended up with something between a sole and rubber. Two years later, while visiting a Ukrainian friend, I was offered dumplings. I politely agreed, remembering that it was not tasty. Having taken the first bite, I was delighted! And Aunt Lida, seeing my facial expression, said: “Bachish, yaki have mene varenyychki?!” Indeed, the dumpling dough was amazingly tender and tasty. Of course, she asked me to teach how to make such a delicious dish. And Aunt Lida patiently showed and told me everything. I haven't spoiled any more dumplings. Since then I have not been shy about asking for the recipe and learning! Today I will share my experience.

  • For the test:

  • 2 cups of flour

    0.5 tsp salt

    2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil

    1 cup boiling water

  • For filling:

  • champignons – about 600 g

    2 onions

    vegetable oil for frying


This recipe requires nothing at all - mushrooms, onions, flour and a little work and time, but the result is SOOO delicious! Of course, everyone has different tastes, but for me this is exactly what it is - with a capital letter and an exclamation mark (I would give them a full 5, but I was embarrassed...). In my family, these are dumplings No. 1. Try them, and maybe you’ll like them too!


Sift flour into a bowl, add salt and stir. Make a well in the center of the flour mound, add vegetable oil and boiling water.

Stir. The result should be flour lumps of different sizes.

Let cool slightly until the dough is no longer scalding hot and knead thoroughly until the dough is uniformly smooth. First, knead in a bowl, and when the lumps gather into a single mass, put it on the table and remember well, rub until it has a pleasant smooth consistency. If it sticks, dust the work table with flour, but, as a rule, no flour is required at all, or literally 1 tablespoon, because... the dough is not sticky.

Cover the bowl with the dough with a plate and let rest for 15-20 minutes. For the filling, finely chop the mushrooms and onions. Heat a little vegetable oil in a frying pan and first fry the chopped onion until transparent, then add the chopped mushrooms and fry everything together until the mushrooms are ready and the minced meat is dry.

During the frying process, the mushrooms will release juice; fry until the juice has completely evaporated; if desired, you can even do it a little longer so that the mushrooms are slightly fried. Add salt to taste. Remove the pan from the heat and let cool completely (to room temperature). Well, then you need to make the dumplings. This can be done in different ways. This time I just rolled out the dough, cut it, spread out the filling and molded the edges.

Boil the dumplings in lightly salted water. They cook very quickly (literally 3–5 minutes), because... The filling inside is already ready and you just need to finish the dough.

Remove the finished dumplings with a slotted spoon, place them in a bowl and be sure to grease them with vegetable or butter so that they do not stick together. Personally, I do it this way: I add a little oil to a bowl of dumplings, cover the bowl with a plate and shake well but gently so that the oil is evenly distributed throughout the entire volume. Personally, I like boiled dumplings and fry them. To do this, in a frying pan, I first fry the onion until golden brown, then add dumplings to the onion and, with gentle stirring, fry until golden brown, but you can do without frying.

It’s very tasty with sour cream, or you can do it just like that.
Enjoy your meal!

From this amount of ingredients you can make about 50 fairly large lean dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms.

First of all, prepare the filling. Pour dried mushrooms into a saucepan and pour boiling water so that the water covers the mushrooms with a reserve. Boil the mushrooms over low heat for 30 minutes.

If desired, instead of dried wild mushrooms, you can use fresh champignons, which need to be cleaned with a brush, chopped and fried with onions.

Pour water over peeled and cut into large pieces potatoes, add a little salt and boil until soft.

When the mushrooms are almost ready, peel and chop the onion.

Heat a frying pan, add oil, add onion cubes and fry over low heat, stirring, until soft (about 10 minutes).

Finely chop the cooked mushrooms with a knife (the mushroom broth that remains can be used to make soups). Add them to the onions. Also add garlic cloves passed through a press or chopped with a knife into the pan (fresh garlic can be replaced with dried garlic or not used at all). Lightly season the contents of the pan with salt, pepper and dried dill.

Fry everything together over medium/high heat, stirring constantly, for 3-4 minutes until the mushrooms are lightly browned.

Mash the finished potatoes into a puree.

Add the contents of the pan to the potatoes. Mix. Add a little more salt and pepper if necessary.

Place the filling on a plate and let it cool completely.

Prepare the dough. Sift 400 g of flour into a bowl (it is better to put 50 g aside for now, since the quality of flour can vary greatly and in your case you may need a little less or more flour). Make a “well” in the center of the flour slide, pour boiling water (300 g), butter (2 tbsp.), and also add a pinch of salt.

Mix all the ingredients first with a spoon, and when the temperature of the dough becomes comfortable for work, start kneading it with your hands until a lump of dough forms. If the dough is too sticky, add the reserved flour.

Knead the dough on the workbench for about 6-7 minutes. The dough should be smooth, not sticky at all, but still soft to the touch. Wrap it in film (by this point the dough must have cooled, otherwise condensation will form) and leave it on the work table to rest for 15 minutes or until the filling has cooled.

Divide the dough into several parts (this will make it easier to roll out). Roll out each part to a thickness of a couple of millimeters and cut out circles of suitable diameter from the dough.

Hello, dear readers!

Now is Lent, for believers this is a time of renunciation of evil thoughts and food of animal origin. If everyone must cope with the first task on their own, then the second often lies on the fragile women’s shoulders, on which the family menu depends every day. Therefore, I want to make the life a little easier for every housewife who is constantly faced with the question of what to cook today or what to feed her family, and I offer you a recipe for Lenten dumplings with mushrooms. This dish is not only very tasty and aromatic, but also satisfying - after eating it, you won’t feel like eating for a long time.

The main credit for this goes to the mushroom filling. It is in them that a high content of easily digestible proteins and nutrients is concentrated, which saturate the body with energy, but at the same time do not provoke the deposition of fat reserves in the cells. Therefore, this product can be confidently called dietary and low-calorie. Also, this plant material contains a large amount of dietary fiber, which helps satisfy hunger and at the same time accelerates metabolism.

A less healthy and dietary, but no less satisfying component of dumplings is the dough - an invariable component of this dish. I try to cook it myself, especially since this process does not take much time and effort.

Now let's move on to creating this Lenten dish...

PS: By the way, mushroom dumplings can be included in your diet not only for those who are fasting - it is also an indispensable food for vegetarians and other people who want to diversify their menu and saturate their body with tasty and healthy food.

Ukrainian dumplings, a flour dish made from dough with filling, have conquered the whole world! And every housewife has her own secret of delicious filling and soft fluffy dough.

Dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms are good because they can be included in the menu on fasting days, making it varied and nutritious. We suggest you prepare lean dumplings with mushrooms or potatoes. Recipes are given for fasting days when vegetable oil is allowed.

Dumpling dough

Ingredients: water - 0.2 l, salt - 1/2 teaspoon, flour - as much as kneaded.

Add salt to the water, whisking, add flour in small portions, knead the dough, let it rest for one hour, cover with a damp towel or cloth.

Fillings for dumplings

Sort the fresh champignons, rinse, finely chop and fry in vegetable oil. Peel the onion, chop and sauté in vegetable oil. Wash the potatoes, peel them, pour boiling water over them, boil until tender and rub them hot through a sieve. Add sauteed mushrooms and onions, stir, salt to taste.

Wash the potatoes, peel them, pour boiling water over them, add salt and boil until tender. Drain the broth and rub the hot potatoes through a sieve. Peel the onion, chop finely, sauté in vegetable oil. Mix mashed potatoes with sautéed onions, adding salt to taste. It is recommended to use potato broth for kneading dough.

How to cook dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms:

Divide the dough into several parts and roll sausages from each, which then need to be cut into pieces. Each piece is rolled out into a flat cake, with the filling placed in the middle. Then the edges of the cake are pulled together and pinched.

You can prepare dumplings in another way: roll out the dough into a flat pancake, cut out a mug with a notch, put the filling in the middle and pinch.

Boil dumplings in plenty of salted water. Bring the water to a boil and place the dumplings in boiling water, remembering to stir them so that the dumplings do not stick to the bottom of the pan. After the dumplings float to the surface, let them boil for another 3-5 minutes, and then remove with a slotted spoon or drain the water in a colander.

Ready dumplings can be poured with onions fried in vegetable oil and sprinkled with herbs. Serve hot.

Bon appetit!

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