The story of the "stolen" ending. The Walking Dead: The Final Season - it's time to say goodbye. Review Endings The Walking Dead Season 2

Meet our Guide and walkthrough of The Walking Dead The Final Season - what to choose in the dialogues, the impact on the endings of the game. Where we will tell you about all the choices that will change the ending or have an important decision on the path of the player. Naturally, we advise you not to use this guide for the first passage, so as not to deprive yourself of intrigue and pleasure from the plot crossroads of the game. Well now, let's go!

Each of the following options is "binary" - you can only choose one of the two:

At the train station, you have to decide if AJ jumps out the window, or if you kill the mutants in the building and take their key.

Go hunting with Louie and Aasim or go fishing with Violet and Brody.

Convince AJ not to sleep under the bed, or let the boy do as he pleases.

When the group returns to the train station, decide if you want to attack the person or give him some food.

During the conflict with Marlon in the courtyard, choose either Louis or Violet to side with you.
The following options are related to the attitude towards the characters and their mental state at the end of the chapter:

Louis - lost or heartbroken: the result depends on whether you ask him for help during the conflict with Marlon (lost). Also, it's important that if you go hunting with him you should join him to chase zombies instead of helping Aasim in the hunt.

Violet - guilty or horrified. Like above, her condition depends on whether you asked her for help during the conflict with Marlon. If you do, she will feel guilty. In addition, it is important how you acted during the conversation with the girl in your room (give her the Tenn pencils and be polite to her), as well as how you acted during the conversation after returning from hunting during the first chapter, when Luis is flirting With girl. Praise Violet and her skills to get a positive status.

Alvin Jr. - there are three states here: ruthless, hardened or pragmatic. This is influenced by the answer you gave at the beginning of the game, during the dialogue in which you give the boy "advice for life". "Keep the last bullet for yourself" - ruthlessly; "Always aim for the head" - hardened; "Never be shy" - pragmatically. Additional notes appearing at the end of the chapter are decisions about whether you let AJ sleep under the bed, let Abel escape with provisions, or attacked him at the train station.

Tennessee - like the aforementioned, has four different states: hurtful - "He had to sacrifice himself", bitter - "Because he is a coward", helpless - "He made a mistake", powerless - say nothing". .. ". The above dialogues are selected during the last conversation with Marlon in the courtyard, when Tenn speaks to Marlon. The additional notes available at the end of the chapter depend on whether you attacked the boy during the first meeting (in the hallway, freeing yourself), and if you let him draw you.

Other, less important characters will also have an opinion about you at the end of the game:

Omar is the chef, he will be happy if you decide to talk to him while walking with AJ through the courtyard.

Mitch - As above: Talk to him while walking around the yard with AJ.

Aasim - he will be happy if you help him with hunting (during the choice whether you want to go hunting or fishing, and later, whether you want to catch rabbits with Aasim or chase zombies with Luis).

Ruby - she will be happy if you say AJ during lunch (the option "Eat slowly" is the correct answer).

Willy - his state will depend on the dialogue option you chose after meeting him: whether you were friendly or hostile (he is the first character you meet after leaving school with Marlon).

Rosie is a dog. You meet Rosie in Marlon's room. If you refuse Marlon's request to be friends with Rosie, the dog will be neutral towards you.

Minimum Requirements Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz / Athlon XP 1700+ 1.46 GHz, 3 GB RAM, 512 MB graphics card with DirectX 9 support, such as NVIDIA GeForce 205 / ATI Radeon HD 4200, 2 GB hard drive, Internet connection and account on Steam or Epic Games Store Recommended Requirements Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 2.0 GHz/Athlon 5050e Dual Core 2.6 GHz, 3 GB RAM, 768 MB/1 GB video card, such as NVIDIA GeForce GT 130/AMD Radeon HD 4650 release date August 14, 2018 - March 26, 2019 age limit from 18 years old Platforms PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch

Game tested on PC

Telltale Games got so bogged down in The Walking Dead swamp and messed around with the formula that made the game a success that it eventually sank. The fate of the final season of the game variation of The Walking Dead after the dramatic events with the closure of the studio and the dismissal of a bunch of employees was unknown for some time, but in the end it was Robert Kirkman's Skybound Games, which sheltered part of the storytellers. Although it would be better if Clementine's story ended in mid-sentence than received such a slurred ending.

Final, get out

The Final Season raised concerns even when, instead of at least some interesting situations and twisting the drama to the maximum, the scriptwriters again decided to go in circles, offering the next camp and the next survivors with problems both in the team and in relations with their neighbors. From replacing teenagers with adults, nothing really changed, and the need to introduce a dozen new characters into the narrative greatly affected the pace of the story. As a result, of the four episodes of the final season, three are set aside for a hasty acquaintance and participation in rare action scenes. Then suddenly comes the finale, which needs to sum up everything in a little over an hour. And this is the climax?!

Finally, "whisperers" appeared in the game. Well, as they appeared, there is a whole one

In general, one of the biggest problems with the seven-year epic with the virtual The Walking Dead is that every damn time everything starts anew, from scratch. If in the debut issue the idea was really fresh, and I was worried about the characters as if they were my own, then the second season was already going in all directions. The partners were for the most part unknown people, you need to get used to them, the concept of “He will remember this” really didn’t really work, and the characters around were still dying because it was necessary. There were more and more games, and less engagement. Was this one shot? Yes, okay. Another kidnapped, need to organize an operation to save him? Uh-uh, remind me what his name is?

All this leapfrog does not allow you to become attached to the characters, so during their "sudden" death you do not experience any emotions. The Final Season follows the same rake. You do not have time to meet the guys, as they begin to die in an hour. Thank you, otherwise we didn’t know that in the world of The Walking Ones, a person is a wolf to a person, and zombies here can devour anyone.

Technically, there is a bridge to the past - in the form of Clementine and AJ, but instead of developing characters, they are forced to do everything that has already happened dozens of times before. Again, listen to boring speeches about the injustice and complexity of the new world from characters who are perceived as virtual blanks. Survive again, killing either zombies or people. Again someone there to save. Aw-o-o-o! We have the finale here, and you do two-hour episodes in which an hour and a half is devoted to useless conversations and getting food?

The Walking Dead, in all its variations, has been unable to offer anything new for years and continues to rely on rotten plot twists. Even though AJ learns from your actions, and the harder you treat others, the more angry and heartless the kid will become. And the references to the first season look too helpless.

Due to the dullness of what is happening, game conventions and logical inconsistencies climb into the eyes, which, with an exciting narrative, could not be noticed. Clem, for example, carries a million arrows with her, and as soon as a bow falls into her hands, she can shoot in all directions, even until the second coming. A person in a crowd of zombies is not bitten until it is required to show his "tragic" eating at the right time. Finally, why does chopping off a limb suddenly help a hero who has almost stretched out his legs? Probably because the writers wanted it that way.

The Final Season failed to offer a decent ending to Clementine's story, or even a good ending to the season. For four episodes, the developers did not even try to put some points, but chatted as if they had a few more years left. It’s like what’s happening is just the beginning of something bigger. Yes, there are much more interactive elements in the game, and the locations are more spacious in some places, but this does not help at all. The steam in the boiler has long since ended.


  • finally it's all over.


  • the plot goes around in circles again, and there is nothing to do with the next new characters;
  • instead of a grand finale, you have to fish or hunt rabbits;
  • flagrant game conventions are pulled out of the virtual world.

Graphic arts

It's funny that this is the only aspect of the season that is pretty hard to find fault with. The picture does not shine with technological frills, but it looks stylish and pleasant.

In this walkthrough, only one of the options for passing the game is considered! + Described finding all collectibles.

Episode 1: Stop Running

At the beginning of the game, we watch a video in which Clementine and AJ are driving in a car. Use the WASD keys to point the mirror at the boy. It is played with a pistol drum. After a short conversation, it turns out that the kid is hungry. You can try to keep him busy with some things, but in the end it will not help much and you will have to offer him the last meal.

After a while, they drive up to some abandoned place. Clem equips the little asshole with a knife and they go out to look around. We pick up a mount and a flask of water from the trunk. We approach the table next to the fence and read. When we see a red icon, it means that these actions will have consequences and it is worth thinking before doing them. It would be nice to ring the bell so as not to run into something. The ringing attracted the lurking dead nearby. I'm going to the fence. We are told which buttons to use: [E] to stun, [Q] to kill. The kid notices the suspended wheel and asks if it's a trap, Clem explains that it's for swinging, for fun. Having cleared the territory, we approach the house. Behind the house on the left side you can find a deer skull, it is used as a decoration for something, for example, on the hood of a car. On the terrace near the house there is a barrel of water, you should not drink it. The door to the inside will be locked, so try to use the crowbar by pressing + [Q]. Clem teaches his little companion little by little how to survive and tests his knowledge in a sequence of actions. Here you can remain silent so that he answers himself.

Inside, the guys find a couple of monsters tied to a chair. The door to the other room is closed and it is worth finding a way to open it. We examine the monsters and read the note under their feet. It says to leave them alone. Nearby lies a bottle of poison. The key to the door can be found on the belt of one of the infected. But getting close to him is dangerous. There is another way, but then you have to let AJ through the window. Better still get the keys. We kill two zombies and take what we want.

The next room is pretty cozy. AJ asks to stay. He also finds a couple of handgun shells. He shoots great. We remind him of the most important rule - always aim for the head. We examine the room until AJ notices something under the mattress. Clem pushes it away and finds a secret door. With a little effort, we open it. Inside, they find a bunch of edible supplies. But suddenly a grenade rolls out to the hatch, quickly close the hatch with the key. Just a little more and... The explosion attracted crowds of walkers to the building. It's time to do the legs.

To eliminate the walkers in the crowd, you should carefully stun one of them, at this time, deal with the second. Having dealt with two zombies, we finish off the last one, which the kid rolled with a metal sheet. The heroes get into the car, but the adventure doesn't end there. We use the keys to destroy the walker, but they get stuck in his head. We repel it with a door and close it. Next, you need to quickly remove the car from the handbrake and change gear. The car will go on knurled. We chop the zombies trying to get inside. Soon the keys are at the zombie crushed by the car, Clem decided to break the glass and get them. Having started the car, after a while the guys find themselves in an overturned car. Clem watches as AJ is picked up and carried away...

Welcome to the first episode of Walking Dead: The Final Season!

After recovering, Clem finds himself strapped into a room. We use a slight movement to get rid of the Velcro on the arm. After looking around the room, you can find a couple of things, such as a first aid kit, a photo album in the table, and a drawer in the closet on the top shelf. Clem herself will not be able to reach, so we put a chair and get it in no time. Inside she will come across a sharp object. Perfect for defense. Time to get out of here. Using a spatula, leave the room.

Having reached the turn, someone came out of the door in the corridor, and he follows the campaign in our direction. This is a boy. We try to disarm him, you never know. Someone else emerges from the shadows and says that AJ is safe. It looks like they are peaceful people. To see him, Clem must drop her weapon. Clem agrees on mutual disarmament. The archer introduces himself as Marlon, and the boy's name is Tennessee. Having met, Marlon decides to take Clem to the boy and along the way tells about the situation around. There are no adults in this place, only children are left. Clem's car turned out to be completely inoperative and they can't get away from here anywhere. Soon someone at the gate reports that walkers have appeared at the gate. Marlon leaves us and tells us where to find the boy. You just have to go to the music.

Inside we go towards the stairs and go behind it. There you can find artificial flowers. We return back to the door and go to the left. A woman runs out to meet Clem, who says that she was bitten by AJ. We go further and find a boy next to a musical instrument. Clem, making sure that everything is in order with him, starts a conversation about biting that woman. It's better not to sneak up on him from behind. The kid realized that he couldn't do that anymore. We are also introduced to another hero - Louis. We pick up our briefcase, which Marlon left here. Louis' expression changed dramatically when he saw Clem handing the gun to AJ. We reassure Louis by saying that the kid is a good shooter.

Here Clem was already tired of the melody that Louis constantly played and she asked to change the record. Well, it's already better. Louis invites AJ to play, go kid.

The music-making is interrupted by Marlon. They had some problem, Rosie disappeared. Clem agrees to help in the search.

Going out to the gate, Marlon is convinced that we have returned the weapon. Clem also hears the girl's dissatisfied exclamations about her presence here. Luis helps to defuse the situation and introduces the girl to Violet. Clem decided to leave the baby behind the gate on the safe side to "cover her back". Our task is to kill the walkers. We remember about the ungrouping of large clusters into separate individuals. After killing the first two, Luis shows a master class in using traps. They are marked with bright ribbons on the trees. We try to repeat when the monsters are in the affected area. We finish off the rest and return with the group to the gate. Suddenly, one of the group members is attacked from behind. We help him survive in the fight against evil spirits. Then the second walker attacks Clem and the dog comes to the rescue. Here is Rosie.

On the way back, the guys discussed their skill at killing zombies. Before they could step outside the gate, Marlon had already received balls from AJ. He did not know that it was better not to approach the boy from behind. Worth going and talking to him. This is the second such case. After talking with him, we explain that he needs to apologize to Marlon. But before that, he wants to talk to the other members of the camp. For starters, you can approach the girl that AJ bit. Next, we go to Ten and Violet to the left of the building and try to exchange a couple of phrases with them. They stand near the graves of his sisters. Then to Aasim, who writes something in his diary. He chronicles what is happening. After a short conversation, he asks to be left alone. And it remains to talk with Chief Omar and Luis.

Now, after talking to all the heroes, AJ is ready to apologize to Marlon. A minute later the chef called everyone to dinner. The kid quickly devoured everything and wanted more, Louis handed him his plate of refills. After the meal, Louis takes out his cards and everyone decides to play Drunkard. Whoever has the highest card will be able to ask any question. As the game progresses, everyone will win in turn. And Clem will also try his luck to ask the audience a question. After an awkward question from Louis, Clem ends the game and takes AJ to bed. Arriving in the room, AJ finds a box of pencils and begins to draw. Later, Violet appears in the room and says that Ten needs the pencils. Clem asks the boy to return the pencils. But Violet lets me finish the drawing. While they are having a small conversation with Clem, the boy finishes the drawing. After praising his work, Violet takes the crate and leaves.

All items obtained in the game world can be placed in the room. We hang AJ's drawing on the wall, put the flowers in a vase and you can hang the antlers over the door.

While Clem was hanging the drawing, the baby disappeared somewhere. It turns out that he had already gone to bed ... under the bed. We persuade him to return to the bed, saying that the door is strong and it is more comfortable on the bed.

In the morning, Clem and AJ went up to Ten's room. He shows the boy his toys and tells which service is responsible for what. Ten decided to take the toy back, but Clem judged them, allowing AJ to play a little. Clem asked Ten where Marlon could be. While he went to look for him, a dog burst into the room. He is clearly hostile, but at the right moment the owner appears and reins in the dog. Now Marlon asks him to trust and give a hand. Well, maybe now the dog will remember us by the smell. Wow, we can even take orders.

Marlon showed a plan to get food. We can help. The map shows places within the safe zone, he sent people to two points, given the choice of who to go with. Clem decided to choose Aasim and Luis.

Here Clem in the company of guys went hunting. Walking down the path, Clem hears a sound. It turned out to be a hanging walker. Aasim told Luis to cut down the walker, but the walker fools around with him with a stick. We choose who to help: hunting Aasima or restoring a trap on a tree with Luis. Since we are good shots, I think it would be better to help in the hunt. Aasim trusts Clem with the bow, while he himself will lure the prey. We make well-aimed shots, one or two and dinner is ready. From afar, AJ's screams are heard, he found a rabbit hanging on a trap. He is very small for food, so we let him go, let him grow up. They shot food, but it won't be enough for everyone. We need to find Brody and Violet and find out how they coped with their fishing task. Aasim will take the prey to the camp for now.

On the way to the building, they notice a dead walker, one of our spears is planted in it. So friends are around. After examining the lock on the door, Louis says that we are not alone here. Getting ready to storm the door. Clem kicks the door open, but no one is there. Clementine finds a cigarette on the fireplace. A minute later, Brody and Violet come up. The guys did not find the fish, all the nets are empty. Clem has a plan to get food, but this place is outside the safe zone. On the map we mark one single place - the station. After the explosion, there should have been at least something left.

It was already dark outside when the guys got to the place. There are clearly more walkers here than last time. But there is no particular choice, either to die here or from hunger. It is worth getting closer and assessing the situation, which Clem does. The plan is this: Louis gets on the train and calls the walkers with the noise of the bell, and Vi goes with us. We move forward, cracking down on one by one with the walkers. We hide at the barrels and wait until Louis lures the walkers further. We give a sign to Louis and wait. We pass to the building, not ignoring the zombies on the ground, he lies here for a reason.

Inside, Clem finds bags and AJ finds a flashlight. The kid climbed inside the basement and drags cans, and we collect them in a bag. Soon a man appears with a gun and a cigar in his mouth. The guy wants to take our supplies. AJ emerges from the basement and points a gun at him. Already more interesting. We will not endanger the boy and attack Abel, sending his body straight to the walkers. The guys quickly pick up the bags and roll off with the acquired good.

Arriving at the camp, they bring a whole bunch of food and everyone is happy. It was worth it to get out of the safe zone. Enough food for a couple of weeks. They also mentioned that they stumbled upon a man who prevented them from bringing more. Brody was a bit nervous. Maybe she knows him? Or worried about surveillance? Brody raises a scandal and gets very angry. She also blames Clem if anything happens after that. Marlon joins the conversation and says that he will talk to Brody about this.

The boys deserved dinner, so Clem and AJ headed over to the table. After dinner and a conversation with Ten, he will give a painted drawing that can be hung in the room. We arrange objects and extinguish the candle.

Clem wakes up after hearing a sound. Gotta go and check. Voices are heard through the pipe. We go left along the corridor. Having reached the door where the noise comes from, we are looking for another way, since it is closed. We go outside, there should be a passage to the basement. Turning left, we find the door. She is closed. We pick up a brick nearby and break the castle with it. Going downstairs, Clem finds Marlon and Brody there, arguing about something. They spot her right away and make her show up. Marlon is clearly acting strange and trying to hide something. But Brody still talks. The fact is that they had seen earlier the person with whom we crossed paths at the station. From Brody's words, it was they who took the twins, which means they were not killed by walkers ... Brody's last thrown phrase was really the last for her. With the strongest blow, Marlon kills Brody without realizing it. After that, Marlon is still trying to save Brody, starting to look for ways to help. Brody's last words were that Clem and AJ were in danger. If those people come back, Marlon will want to give the newbies to them.

Marlon decides to escape and lock Clem inside to be devoured by the converted Brody. We need to find something thin to pry the handle on the door. We raise the flashlight from the floor and find a ruler nearby. Fine. But it looks like Brody has already applied. We throw off the rack on it and crawl under it to the exit. We open the door and ... Clem is grabbed from behind by Brody. Well, you have to save your life and kill the monster.

On the surface, a worried A.J. had already trained his cannon on Marlon. He told everyone that it was Clem who killed Brody, but now the whole truth will be revealed. Clem tells what really happened. At this moment, Marlon takes the gun from the kid and threatens Clem. Marlon will not kill Clem, since the raiders do not need her dead. Next, we turn to Louis for help, so that he intervenes. Not immediately, but Louis takes Clem's side. In the end, we try to take the gun from Marlon. The group agreed that he would leave their camp and never return. But it was too we taught AJ, he aimed for the head...

This is where the first episode ends.

Episode 2: Dispossessed Children

Waking up in the morning, Clem discovers AJ, who made her coffee. They discuss the events that happened at the end of the last episode. We tell AJ that he did wrong. Marlon was no longer dangerous at the moment when the boy decided to shoot him. Heroes remember events. We defend the boy and answer that Marlon himself was to blame. One of the members of the group begins to threaten with a knife, we answer that there are enough deaths for today, first Brody, then Marlon ... The action returns to the present. Ten appears in the room and gives AJ a firefighter toy. The boy does not accept her, because he considers himself unworthy and calls himself a "murderer". Ten says that the funeral will begin soon. The bodies are already in the ground.

We get up and look around the room. You can have a cup of coffee in the morning. As soon as we're ready, we'll go to the funeral. However, there is nothing more to do here, so we take AJ and go.

Attention! AJ grows with the lessons he learns from us.

We approach the boy and go along the path to the place of burial. Clem and AJ stand a little apart. Group members take turns saying a few words. Mitch runs into the small one again, we stand up for him, saying that he should be easier. Violet also comes to the defense. The group decides to vote whether to keep them or kick them out. We are sent to wait in the bedroom.

The guys are waiting in their room for the decision of the group. AJ kicks the wall in anger, but Clem calms him down.

Well, now the moment has come. The doors open and Violet and Louis enter the room. The votes were distributed so that the heroes would have to leave. Vi and Luis offer to take us outside the safe zone. Despite Clem's refusal, Louis still insisted. He also asked to give him the pistol from which Marlon was shot, but it’s not worth giving anything, otherwise how will we defend ourselves in an open area. They bring our heroes to the place and say goodbye there.

A little deeper into the forest, Clem and AJ are already opening fire. They barely manage to hide. We look out from behind the tree with the help of the left key and we see that guy from the station there. He still survived. We attack him from behind cover. After knocking him to the ground, you can choose what to do with him. But this will not allow us to his friend, who crept up behind. They look for Marlon and ask him to take them to school. Suddenly it turns out that the second friend is our friend Lilly, who was in Clem's first group. Abel and Lilly want us to persuade the group at school to come with them, they say they have a shelter with thick walls, food and electricity. The guys have already crept up nearby, so we shout to Violet to shoot at Lilly.

The chase begins. We dodge shots with help and jump over obstacles if necessary. The guys with the pursuers run up to the strip of the walkers. This stops the latter a little. But along the way, Clem runs into zombies. We call the key [Q] and finish it with the help of [E]. AJ is found to have a wound in the abdomen. But time is short. Walkers are attacking around and you will have to fight them off, protecting the small one. He turns out to have a knife, which he gladly shares. Walkers are more dangerous when they are in groups, so press [E] to separate them. Suddenly, there is one speaker among the walkers. Someone has disguised themselves and is trying to distract the walkers from Clem and AJ. The stranger says to follow him. We take the wounded AJ in our arms and follow. After passing a little, we examine AJ. His wound is quite large. The stranger instructs Clem to pull out the pieces so that he can cauterize the wound later. Press [F] and move to get, only three wounds. But the stranger only sticks tape on the wound. It's already getting colder and AJ starts shaking. The guys, along with a stranger, sit down by the fire. He says he's from a squad that calls itself the Whisperers. They learned to move with the walkers, merging with them. He takes off his mask and introduces himself as James. According to him, he did not use the name for a long time. He also says that these people who steal children take them to their squads and train them so that they can then fight against the same groups.

After a while, a walker appears on the horizon, James suggests a new tactic - to divert him to something else and not kill him. Let's try his method. We choose to throw a stone.

AJ gets a fever. He urgently needs medication. But the nearest place is a school. It is worth trying, at the same time and warn the guys about the danger. James agrees to help us. When he left the group, he wandered all this time alone. But they decide to go to school in a couple of hours. Clem and AJ decide to take a break while James watches.

In the morning they went through the woods to the school. At the gate, the boy on the wall almost shot the masked James. After seeing us off, he decides to go back. Louis soon shows up and helps carry AJ inside. There, Ruby decides to look after the baby, at which time Violet calls Clem to the office for a conversation. She is interested to know who is the woman from the forest who recognized Clem.

Clem decides to try and reinforce the fortress's defenses. She shows Wai card. We note that we need to strengthen the walls, then divide the yard and finally set the traps. Clem decides to go to the greenhouse to get some barbed wire, which will come in handy later, Violet sends Mitch and Ruby with it.

On the spot we find a trophy skull. Then you need to figure out how to get inside. You can look through the misted glass, there is also a ladder to the roof. Clem sneaks in. A couple of walkers are scattered across the ground. One of them is even alive. We grab a knife on the table and stab the carrion. Behind him rises the other two. We get rid of them and let the guys in. We came here for the wire, but besides it, you can find some more useful weapons. We take the mount and open the cabinet with it.

There they find a bunch of wire and some bags of fertilizer. Mitch planned to make bombs out of them, but for this he would need something. Clem finds a door that is closed by a closet. There must be something there. We move the closet and look inside. A zombie peeks around the corner and grabs Clem's arm. She manages to escape. Ruby recognizes her as her school nurse. She asks Clem to "take care of her" as she can't do it herself. We plant the blade in the head and get rid of the danger. Now we need to help Mitch find everything for the bombs. We select a flint and a propane tank from the floor.

Everything, you can go back, but in the end, Ruby wants to bury her teacher, or rather what is left of her. We agree with her and help with the funeral.

Back at school, it was already evening. AJ was already asleep in his room. Louis came into the room and brought a couple of Ten's old things that would have been just right for him. He said that the group didn't mind if they stayed...

Now that Louis is gone, you can see what he brought from the clothes. But first, you can furnish the room with items that were collected from the outside. We approach the closet where you can place items. Then we choose clothes for AJ from three options. To end this day, blow out the candle and go to bed.

Clem wakes up early in the morning and begins to think over a plan of action to defend the fortress. It's been two weeks already.

Clem wakes up dreaming of some kind of horror. AJ is not on the bed. Could this be a dream? That is how it is. We leave the door from the room. A horse is walking along the corridor. We follow her, as the task says. The cry of a baby is heard from afar. We go out the door ... and then Clem wakes up. AJ is already on guard sitting on the table with a knife. Suddenly he decides to go on patrol. We dissuade him by asking if he can still try to sleep. As a result, the heroes fall asleep together on the same bed.

In the morning, the guys go out into the yard. AJ takes over from Ten on the wall, while Clem goes to check on the people at Violet's request. The attack should happen soon, and everyone is waiting for the attack. First, let's go check on the kids. We approach the tower and talk with AJ and Ten. Then we approach Mitch, sitting at the table. We help him check the effect of his bombs, but in a reduced size. We hammer on the key [Q]. But nothing happens. Let Mitch be alone and figure out what's going on. Then we go to Louis. He gives us the bow of Marlon, as he himself is not very good at it. Find yourself something better, boy. After finishing training with a bow, we go to Violet and talk to her. Also here you can still look like a couple of things, for example, at the local cemetery.

Aasim and Ruby come out of the building, arguing about which trap is better: with bricks or with a log. We resolve their dispute. To defuse the situation and get some distraction, Louis offers to play. They are joined by AJ with Ten. We play the game by answering questions and asking our own.

After finishing the game, we go to help one of the two members of the group. Help Luis play the piano or Vi check the fortifications on the wall. Let's go hear Louis play. But first you need to help him tune the instrument. Press the key on the signal, then move the leg. At the end we blow on the strings. Ha ha, very funny Louis. The guy is trying to talk about his feelings, but it’s better not to build anything with him, he’s somehow fickle. James is another matter. Now let's go help on the wall with the watch. We play rock-paper-scissors with AJ on who gets Abel. Clem, fortunately, wins and AJ will not be in danger. The little one discovers something in the distance. We look through binoculars ourselves and see enemies there. Gather advice and decide what to do. We say parting words and go to battle.

Not having time to finish, one of the members of the group is shot. We drag the poor fellow into the shelter and grab the bow. We take a comfortable position for shooting. The fighters break through the gates and it is time for negotiations. We distract Lilly while our "soldiers" set traps. Lilly begins to blackmail the group, talking about how one of the former members of the group and at the same time Ten's sister lives. The explosion distracts everyone and the mess begins. The case moves into the building. We cut off the rope that holds the trap with bricks. Minus one. Next, we move the sofa and press down the woman. Now it remains to deal with Abel. Together with AJ, we strike blow after blow, after which we throw him out of the window, falling after him. Below we are met by Lilly, who is not confident in her abilities ... but still, if not for Violet, maybe Clem would be dead. We grab the bow and fight off the walkers already. We are faced with a choice: save Violet or Louis.

The attackers decided to leave the school. But we have another problem, no one ordered fiery walkers. We take a bow and shoot back from them. We've had casualties, Micht has been shot, Aasim and Omar have been taken away, but what about Violet? She was also taken away. We must save them, it's good that we still have someone who knows where their shelter is.

This episode ends and the continuation promises to be cruel.

Episode 3: Broken Toys

Interrogation of Abel

After the opening cutscene, Clem will visit the captive Abel in the basement. Below we remove the collectible item - triangular red pennant (1/6). We also take scotch tape from the table. We examine the blood stain on the floor. After petting Rosie, she will go as a pet to Clementine, provided that you have befriended her before. Also here you can find drawing pad (2/6). Abel is already guarded by AJ. We choose what to do to bring him to his senses.

Next, we decide to give Abel a drink or stop AJ. Let's let him take a sip. Further, after his refusal to speak, we set Rosie on him. After that, we take out a cigarette from Abel's pocket. We decide what to do. You can let him smoke, put out or burn his face. We burn his face so that he is more talkative. Subsequently, he agrees to tell where Lilly went, in exchange for the fact that we will not let him turn. We shoot at him or beat him with a knife.

old barge

The heroes find a boat near the pier on the beach. They decide to split up to have a look around. Before going to Louis, we turn around and go to the lying log, there we pick up from the ground horseshoe (3/6). Using binoculars, inspect the boat. We find the raiders on the deck, find the pier and the entrance to the boat, the wheelhouse at the top right and the road to the left of the barge. We will find two types of data: walkers, with which you can distract the bandits and a gap above the entrance, where AJ can crawl through.

Now we come to Willy. To the right of it, near a tree in the grass, we find another item - rabbit foot (4/6). We talk with the boy and inspect the boats through binoculars. Supplies can be burned or unhooked. A little to the right there is a pier with other supplies and a torch.

AJ sits on the rocks to Louis's left. We talk with him, then we find more torches and horses. They will help as a distraction.

Having scouted the situation, we gather with the team and decide how to proceed. There are guards on the pier and on board the barge, both sides cannot be overpowered, so the first ones need to be distracted and get on board. The team decided to set fire to the hay, and supplies can always be stolen, which is what Willy will do. Walkers will help us get to the barge, among which we will disguise ourselves. Following the path to our masked friend, the team will stumble upon a raider in the forest. We sneak up on him. It turns out that this is Minerva, one of Ten's sisters. The second sister died. Bandits will soon appear and the heroes will have to hide. Luckily, Minerva won't give us up.

Meeting with James

The heroes go in search of James to get their own walkers. On the way, we talk to him about what happened at school. After meeting with James, he asks to distract the walkers without killing them. He can help us by taking his mask from the camp. We only press the [E] button to stun the walkers without killing them. Remember that the dead rise to their feet after a while and can attack again. Masks are not found in the camp. It's in the bag next to it. Walkers prevent her from going to her. The guys decide to distract the dead by pushing the cart down. Along the way, we stun another walker. James will remember our choice and remember that we spared the walkers.


Having reached the stables with the guys, we examine it and turn to James. If you go a little further and look behind the haystacks, you can find figurine Beet-Nika (5/6). Then we move to AJ and on the wall further from him we remove wind chime (6/6). You can also play a joke on him and tell him to try licking a salty animal lick.

After having fun with the small ones, we approach James and talk with him. Behind the door to the stable there is a bunch of walkers, this is a kind of corral, in case of a sharp need for a tame animal. James suggests putting on a mask and walking past them. We agree with him and get through the carrion to the bell. Returning to the guys, we think what to answer to James about the walkers. We say that maybe they are not just monsters. We continue to ask James for help to our friends. Then we tell AJ whether we told James the truth about the walkers or whether we lied so that he would help us. Based on the answer, AJ learns new things.

boarding school

Once in the room, you can place the collected items in the interior. We pick up the coffee maker from the table and talk to AJ. After we talk with Louis and play ball with AJ.

We follow the party to the music room. We look at possible items. We choose a picture and invite AJ to come up with a motto for stretching. Next, we approach the gramophone and select the music, let it be country music. At the end, choose one of the colored cans for the light.

Ruby says that Willy has a surprise, but he wanted to show it to Clem first. We talk with him. He suggested blowing up the boat to keep the bandits away from the school forever. You can agree with his idea or say that this is not the best idea. We return to the party. Willie is already talking to Ten with the bomb ready. In a conversation with the boys, it will be possible to choose what name to give the bomb.

Next, Ruby suggests playing a game where she will read out excerpts from the dossier on each child in the school, and Clem will have to guess who it is. The first dossier will be about Ruby. Then it will be possible to change the plate with music at will. After the census of all the dead, we listen to the story of Louis / Violet about his appearance at the boarding school. Later, Louis will play the piano, if Violet is left, she will sing.

In a dream, Clem communicates with Lee on the train. He encourages her and tells her that she will succeed. Clementine confesses that she misses Lee very much. After a while, Clem wakes up, after which we are transferred to an old barge.

barge attack

The boys gather to discuss their plan of action one last time while they wait for James. Clem and James then step aside to have a private conversation. He reports that the walkers will soon be at the shore. He also tells his story, it turns out that he is gay. After talking, they return and James agrees to take us to the boat.

Before the attack, Louis/Violet lacks courage and is very nervous. Luis can be given a slap to cheer him up and bring him to his senses or hug. You can only kiss Violet if you had a relationship with her before.

The guys are smeared with the guts of a dead walker so that the rest of the ghouls do not smell them. We help Louis / Violet with this.

The zombie invasion has begun. We merge with the crowd and gradually move forward. When the spotlight shines on Clem, use the [Q] key to hide behind them from the shots. Once in the water, we carefully move along the pier, quickly take cover so as not to be noticed by the raider. Under water, Clem will be grabbed by a walker, use [Q] to fight him off. Having climbed onto the pier, we run from cover to cover, without falling into the spotlight. At the gate we shoot back from a group of walkers and penetrate the boat.

On the barge it will be necessary to operate covertly. We dodge to the wall from the raider. We go to the right door. You will have to perform all QTE inserts in time to go unnoticed. Thus, we get to the boiler, where we need to plant the bomb. It remains to find friends. We go up the stairs and meet Minerva on the way. She will help us find friends. We go into Violet's cell and get on the head from Minerva. She betrays us.

Waking up in a cell, Clem is with Violet. She will be unhappy that Clem didn't save her then. She will not want to help us in further actions. In the case of Luis, it turns out that he was tortured and his tongue was cut out, he will be scared and will also refuse to cooperate.

Well, we examine the room and the grate. On the contrary, we talk with friends and inspect the lock on the opposite door. After that, AJ will give Clem a knife. We take it and try to open the door. Security interrupts the escape process. Soon we meet Lilly herself. She enters the cell and talks about what happened to the Ten sisters. Minerva confesses that she herself killed her sister to prove loyalty to her new home. Everyone present was simply shocked by what they heard. Louis/Violet starts making death threats against Lilly, after which the guards pull him/her and the cameras out and are about to cut off the finger. AJ sets out to stop this. You can let him or tell him not to. If you do not interfere with the boy, then he will bite off the woman's ear, if you stop him, then she will cut off Louis's fingers. In both scenarios, she will leave and take AJ with her.

Guys pounce on Minerva and ask for help. Clem at this time is trying to open the door with a knife. Violet tries to stop her. If Louis is in the room, he won't mind. Opening the door, Clem disarms Minerva and frees her friends. A fight breaks out between Clem and Minerva. Louis, grabbing a crossbow, accidentally kills a female guard. If Violet turns out to be Louis instead, then she will seriously injure Minerva.

Clem goes after AJ. Climbing up to the upper deck, Clem discovers that Ten and James have been captured by the Raiders. Lilly orders James to be killed, but Ten draws his weapon and is about to kill Lilly. He can't do it and a fight starts. Clementine intervenes. After a long fight using QTE scenes, AJ ends up with the weapon. He targets Lilly and waits for Clem's approval. Lilly starts begging for mercy. Here you have to make an important choice: let Lilly shoot or ask him to stop.

In the case of mercy, AJ gives the weapon to James and himself becomes a victim of a knife in the back from Lilly, eventually dying. Soon there is an explosion.

In the second case, if the murder is approved, the boy releases the entire store in Lilly. James is upset by what happened. Soon a raider comes running and aims a weapon at the children, but does not have time to make a shot, because the bomb explodes.

This episode ends.

Episode 4: Take Us Back

We are waiting for the last episode of the season, completing the entire story of Clementine.

Escape from the barge

After the introductory video, we are shown the events that ended the third episode. We are on a sinking, falling apart ship. We get to AJ, who needs help. Use the mouse to aim and click inside the circle [LMB]. We catch the kid and get into the lifeboat.

From it you need to get to another part of the ship, AJ manages to do it, and under Clem the boat sags over a crowd of walkers. We use movement, press the buttons in time in the scenes, get to the pier near the water. One of the enemies remained and shoots in the back. We take out an arrow stuck in a piece of wood and put it in his leg. Near the pier, Clem notices Lilly leaving on a raft. The ship crashes into the pier and hits the heroes.

Waking up, Clem and AJ meet Louis, nearby we save Violet from the walking ones. It looks like she is blind. And on the way a whole horde of zombies. Nearby we meet other friends. Clementine sends everyone to break through, and she will cover the rear. AJ decides to stay with her.

We shoot walkers. As a result, after Minnie is bitten off half of her cheek, she will throw a grenade and summon even more walkers with an explosion, they will climb from everywhere. We run forward, bypassing the danger.


Once in the cave, we need to make ourselves a torch. To begin with, we select a stick near a pile of wet wood. You can also find a collectible here - toy Flower from Kapustia. We select a rag from the corpse. We inspect the cave wall to get flint and another collectible nearby - crystal. Having built a torch, you need to think about how to get over the water. We examine the log on the left. If it is released, it will get stuck on the rocks and it will be possible to cross the water. While friends are moving across the water, we are repelling the invasion of walkers, including our former friend James, who has become a zombie.

Friends are faced with a choice. On the way there are several passages to the caves. Clem has a serious conversation with AJ. At the end of the conversation, you have to choose:

This is a very important choice.

The heroes still decide which way they will go - to where the wind comes from.

Clem, along with AJ and Ten, exit the cave and follow the path. Louis appears from behind a tree. He came back to help us. On the way to safety, Luis shares his impressions of the first murder of a man and just chats in vain.


They get to the bridge. It looks rather old. But it is necessary to cross over to the other side. In the middle, press the key combination to climb over the truck. There is a cliff ahead and a couple of meters to the next solid ground. Someone's angelic voice is heard behind, someone is singing... Minnie appears on the horizon. And a crowd of walkers behind her. But how? The guys still have to get over, and we, in the role of Clem, will cover them. We kill the approaching walkers, then we confront Minnie. Clem gets a leg injury from an axe. We jump over the cliff, AJ will be forced to cover Louis and Ten in trouble, but he will do as we taught him.

The remaining team in the person of Clem, AJ and Ten continue the rescue from the walkers. They are separated. We help AJ to climb the hill. Clem manages to bite on the leg. Well, it's either amputation or it's over.

James stable

AJ and a bitten Clem make their way through the woods to James' stable. Now it's safe and no one is here. As soon as they reach the stable, they still manage to climb inside and not get caught by the walkers. We put the pitchfork in the door handles to close the door.

Clem is tired and can no longer walk. Now we cover the kid in the role of Clem while he closes all the doors. We will be given control of it. We run and close them, but one of them will be blocked. We cut the rope on the door. Clem's pistol runs out of ammo. We'll have to protect her with a knife. We kill suitable zombies. First we stun and then we finish. We close the last door.

Clem can't go any further. She tells AJ to get out of here and reminds them of the rules. The kid butchers a fresh walker and smears himself with it. The last rule will be the one we taught AJ earlier. Namely, to kill Clem if something happens to her. But there are two options to choose from:


We are transported to a scene where Clem is riding a horse, but soon the horse is shot. We interrogate the enemy at the entrance to the fort. You can either kill him later or leave him to die. We go inside. There we will meet a fighter with a machine gun. We hide behind the boxes. We kill him and move on. We open the door and go into the room. We examine the body of a woman who was shot dead. We select things near it, take the key to the locker and open the door. Little AJ is sitting there. We pick up the boy and leave the place by car.


We are returning now. AJ tries to get himself lunch. We catch fish. Rosie is with us. The boy found himself some kind of shelter. We remove the spear to the wall. We examine the room. You can find a collectible in the form skulls on the floor, and scratch out a heart on the wall. we go outside to the street. Rosie reacted to something. She found Ten.

In a conversation, Ten gives Clementine's cap, which he found down the river. Ten asks him to teach him everything he knows. A little later, Ruby comes up, she is surprised only by Ten, it looks like she and AJ have been living together for a long time.

Back to school

Returning home, he meets Clem with an amputated leg, she still survived. She gives her cap to AJ. Clem takes the kid to a surprise - a swing from the wheel, about which AJ in the first episode thought it was a monster trap.

All the guys gather at the table and everyone is happy. AJ teaches Ten how to shoot, and then talks to Clem before going to bed, discussing all the choices made in this episode. Then, together with Rosie, we go along the corridor, watching the credits written on the walls. We go into our room, arrange all the items found that we have lying around. We put Clementine's cap on the table and finish our business.

Congratulations, the game is over!

In disputes with myself, I always lose

Well, the new year has already arrived, which means that postponing this record further is somehow indecent. So I'll get to work.

ATTENTION! If you haven't played "The Walking Dead" yet, but you're going to - read no further!! Absolutely impossible!!! Everything written below consists of solid spoilers, because this is the LAST episode of the second season !!! Down there are endings and tragedies!!! Be careful and watch your step~~~
Well, the comments are now, of course, open to any spoilers.

[Season 2] Episode 5 - No turning back

It just so happens that TailTails released the last episode almost exactly on my birthday, so instead of playing the game at home alone and in tears, I played it at a friend's house. Naturally, there was no question of any tears, and the game choices now depended not only on me, but also on my friends. No, the joystick, of course, was in my hands, but the answers in conversations, as far as I remember, were still chosen by one of us who managed to translate them into Russian faster. However, we were quite united in our views on how Clementine should behave, so there were no special problems. Well, apart from the fact that my friend Nikitka in the third episode still made a little girl watch Carver die. (and I finished his game), and the characters reminded me of this from time to time. =_=

Protect a child?
What I still don't understand is how the child at the beginning of the fifth episode ended up so far from Clementine, and even on the ground. I mean, we shot Rebecca, but AJ, as far as I remember, didn't fall off her feet. It was also unlikely that anyone grabbed him in his arms to then drop him - everyone was too busy shooting. And yes, that shootout! At the end of the fourth episode, everyone is almost nose to nose with each other, and at the beginning of the fifth, they magically teleport, distributing over the territory, and only a Russian girl is killed?! Well, I mean, seriously? =_= Buriko fired first! Or, what, the Russo terrorists are so stupid that they cannot hit a person standing a step away from them? And what then was the logic of the actions of the attackers? If from the very beginning they were going to end their conversations with a shootout, why not immediately silently kill everyone, and then calmly pick up all the things?

In general, this moment looked too tense. As, however, and the return of Jane at the end of the shootout. This is where TailTails definitely overdid it. No, Jane, of course, was an interesting character and all that. But she reminded too much of Molly from the first season, so the girl should have been given the same role: she appeared for one episode, left a good impression and that's enough. However, the Tailtails wanted to make Jane an important character for the story, and they brought her back into the group, completely confusing me. (and a little disappointing).

But back to the choice: protect the child or not? Well, I didn't have much of a problem with that. I wasn't afraid to shoot Rebecca (and thereby start a shootout ==") for the sake of AJ, so naturally I selflessly crawled under the bullets for the baby. I assume that only those of the players who wanted to see "what will happen if not?" abandoned the child. Well, or the option "the child will die soon without food, and we have one Clementine, we need to take care of her" is possible.

Be that as it may, this choice did not make any special difference in the plot. If the player preferred to immediately hide Clementine behind the wall, it was Luke who saved the child. At the same time, the guy, however, was injured in the leg, but he would have received it in an alternative version (leaning over the wall to shoot one of the Russians).
However, perhaps the choice affects further conversations. Like "Clementine, why didn't you protect AJ? Ai-yay-yay!". But I can't say for sure.

Try to help Luke?
This choice will affect many things, except for the most important thing: no matter how hard you try, you won't be able to save Luke. Another great "choice without choice" from our favorite Tails Tails. =_=

So what do we have? The hatch is half submerged on this fucking lake. (and I knew that someone would drown there ==") and due to a wounded leg, he cannot get out on his own. With all this, panic does not prevent Luke from thinking sensibly, and the guy clearly asks NOT to come close, otherwise the ice will fail completely. Obviously for Bonnie, this argument is not very logical, and on the contrary, she begs Clementine to go to Luke's aid. Like a girl weighs little, under her the ice will not crack.

Here we have three options to choose from: 1) listen to Bonnie and still go to help the guy; 2) listen to Luke, stay standing still and shoot zombies coming out onto the ice; 3) freeze in indecision and do nothing.

Honestly, I'll tell you, I don't understand why the first option in the statistics is called help. The hatch wasn't completely submerged, and all that had to be done was not to panic and wait for the kid to control himself and crawl forward onto a firmer patch of ice. So in this case, it was more correct to shoot the walkers than to run out onto thin ice, stupidly hoping that it could withstand two.
Therefore, I believe that the number of players who chose the second option was originally much more than half. The relative equality in statistics is explained by the fact that the people replayed this moment of the game, making a different choice in the hope of saving Luke. At least I've seen quite a few playthroughs that did just that.
But, as I said, whichever option you choose, we can’t influence Luke’s fate - the guy will drown anyway. But then Bonnie's further actions will directly depend on our decision.

So, the first option: you nevertheless obeyed the girl and heroically went to save Luke. Naturally, the ice under Clementine will crack completely (she is a child, but still not a feather), and Clem and Luke will fall into the water. And as if it’s not enough to drown, walkers will also come out of nowhere. Here, our friend Luke will show heroism for the last time, help Clem fight off the zombies, but at the same time he will be dragged to the bottom by them.
Clementine is then fished out of the water by Jane. Well, Bonnie, having appreciated the girl’s heroism that no one needs, will be imbued with even more sympathy for her. Later, in the shack, it will be possible to have a heart-to-heart talk with Bonnie and even smoke on the occasion of mourning. Well, after a failed escape attempt (when Arvo shoots Clem), the girl will bend over the wounded Clementine for a long time, sincerely worrying about what happened and even at first refusing to run away with Mike.

With the second and third choices, events will develop in the same way. That stupid fool Bonnie will regard Clem's reluctance to go forward as cowardice, and decide that she herself can pull the person out without falling through the ice. Such a rash act will lead to what it was supposed to: Bonnie and Luke will be under water and they will be carried away by the current. (I don’t know where the current in the lake comes from =_=) towards Clementine. And now the life of the girl will depend on us directly.
If you don't try to break the ice, Bonnie and Luke will drown together. Not a very good option from the moral side, but Clementine will not have to get wet. And you don't have to listen to any bullshit from Bonnie afterwards. =_= And there will be a lot of bullshit if you save the girl. Although, I do not know if this can be called salvation. If Clementine breaks the ice, she will simply fall into the water, catch a glimpse of Luke's face and realize that he is already dead, and then immediately pull the girl to the surface of Jane. And only somewhere in the background will it be visible that through the hole that we made, Bonnie gets out of the water.
And then the bullshit starts. =_= While the "baths" are warming themselves by the fire, Bonnie will start asking "Why didn't you try to help him, Clementine?? How could you??". Then, smoking on the steps, the girl will repeat this phrase in an even harsher tone. (to smoke and talk heart to heart, of course, it will not be possible). Well, during the escape this time, Mike will worry about the wounded Clementine for a long time, and Bonnie will convince him to run away.

Well, my opinion of Bonnie was mixed from the very first time we met. I was hoping that at least by the end of the game I would be able to treat the girl really well, but no. I preferred logic to thoughtless heroism, and only because of this, Bonnie suddenly decided that she could not stand Clementine. And as a result, we lost Luke, and parted practically as enemies. It's a shame, whatever you say.

Ask to join Mike?
Here we have a question of loyalty and, as statistics show, the players at this moment were loyal to the point of impossibility. Well, that is, 94 percent! In no other choice in all two seasons have people been so in solidarity with anything.

There are many reasons for this. First, Mike did a very, very bad thing when he decided to steal a car in the middle of the night. Yes, he's tired of Kenny (everyone is tired of Kenny, what can I say =_=), he tried to save Arvo's life, etc. etc. But he also left us without a car and with virtually no food! For a man who had been acting pretty cool all the previous time, it was very not cool act.
Secondly, do not forget about devotion. Kenny started to go crazy, and it was annoying and scary, but we couldn't leave the guy to his fate just for that reason. He is still our old friend, which means it was worth making an effort to pull him out of the abyss of despair and anger. In addition, there were also Jane and the baby. Throw them too? Well, that's not human at all.

Well, another reason not to go with Mike (which became the most important in my choice) were Arvo and Bonnie. Mike good guy, I knew this, but with his companions there was an overlay. In my playthrough, Bonnie didn't treat Clementine very well after the incident with Luke, and Arvo generally believed that Clem killed his sister (although we only shot her walking corpse, but the boy did not understand this). So, as you can imagine, asking for a trip with three people, two of whom hate you, was not a very good idea.

Be that as it may, those few players who still wanted to go with Mike were in for a severe disappointment. In any case, Arvo shot Clementine out of anger, and then the whole trio fled. And here even the mini choice "to lower the weapon or give it to Mike" did not affect the situation in any way. (Clem, whatever you choose, lowered the gun).
And then the unconscious Clementine dreamed that everything that happened was a dream, and Lee was there again. And the players banged their heads against the walls, asking "WHAT *&%@#$% IS HAPPENING???". Well, I almost broke the joystick from surprise. =_=

Shoot Kenny?
Well, here it is - the moment of truth. Throughout the season, the developers stubbornly deprived us of characters, did not give us the opportunity to do as we wanted, in general, they angered and annoyed us to the fullest. But in the end, the TailTales suddenly became utterly generous and, starting from this choice, they gave us almost complete freedom. And on the one hand it was very cool (oh gods, is there more than one ending??!!!), but on the other hand, it looked like a kind of handout. =="
But the move was still good, no doubt. I expected that the conflicts between the characters would divide the group, and in the end we would be given a choice of whom to save in trouble (from walkers, for example)- new friends or old ones. In principle, this happened, only it was necessary to save friends not from external troubles, but from internal ones. Jane (to show Clementine "what Kenny really is") deliberately created a situation in which Kenny completely lost his temper, and now he was raking the consequences. Well, we had to urgently decide whether we were ready to shoot one friend in order to save the life of another.

Quite a few players did decide to shoot Kenny, but I don't think that this choice was made based on sympathy for one character or another. It's just that in this case, it was Kenny who was the "source of danger." The man completely lost all idea of ​​what is right and what is not, and seriously intended to kill Jane. My guess is that if the knife had ended up in Jane's hands, statistically most would have shot Jane. After all, in fact, during the fight, both Jane and Kenny were both a danger to Clem. =_=
Although, of course, the developers could have given us the choice to shoot in the air or, for example, Kenny in the hand, but, apparently, TailTails felt that the wounded Clementine could not be so accurate. And we only had the following options: 1) shoot Kenny (and save Jane with it); 2) turn away (and hear Kenny kill a girl); 3) do not turn away, but do not shoot (Jane is dying but now we can see it).

It's hard for me to guess for what reasons the players preferred to turn away or do nothing. Perhaps out of dislike for Jane, perhaps out of the hope that she could handle it herself. Perhaps someone thought that, as always, nothing would depend on the choice.
But this time the choice affected all. Decide to kill Kenny - he will die, and Jane will remain alive. Decide not to help the girl - she will die, but Kenny will live. In general, in the end there will be only one.
Although there is another very hard option: when Kenny kills Jane, and Clem approaches him, "Shoot Kenny" appears among the options. And you can actually shoot him. The man will even be almost happy about it. Only doomed, but with some strange readiness, will answer "Do it."
Unfortunately, there are no statistics that would show how many players shot Kenny before Jane's death, and how many after. And it would be interesting to know.

Who did you end up with?
Here we come to the most interesting. Five endings. FIVE fucking ENDINGS in a game that kept all our choices in the same direction!! Now the only hope is that TailTails won't make a third season. And then, after all, bastards, at the very beginning of the season they will reduce all the endings into one continuous murder of unnecessary characters and finally finish off a good impression of their game. =_=

So, endings. I believe that all of them have already managed to see, so I don’t see the point in describing them here. As they say, if anything - YouTube to help you, gentlemen. My business is statistics, and it turns out next.
The leading choice is "Together with Jane and family" - 36.8%. It is quite logical, because most of the players shot Kenny. Besides, this ending is the most practical, in my opinion. Clem, Jane and their new acquaintances will create their own commune, gather people and live in peace and protection. Perhaps as a result they will even revive the totalitarian regime of Carver ... But this, probably, will not be very good. =="

Another version of the ending with Jane, when Clementine drives the family away, on the contrary, is at the very end of the list - 10.4%. I think that these percentages were accumulated by people who want to open all the endings, as well as by those who did not particularly trust new faces. Although, the incredulous would hardly have gone with Jane after what she had done in the previous choice. However, who knows.

Second-oldest choice: "Only with AJ" - 22.7%. This ending can be obtained in three ways: by killing Kenny after he killed Jane, and by not forgiving Kenny and Jane after finding AJ in the car. Here, I think, they proceeded from the following reasons: you can not forgive Jane because she deliberately pushed Kenny to the limit. Yes, the girl did it with the best of intentions, but still, she could stop the fight at any moment by saying that AJ was alive. However, the girl herself lost control of herself during the fight. Why not a reason to send her after everything that happened to hell?
It's the same with Kenny: if he killed his fellow traveler, who knows what to expect from him next? Kenny's hot temper has gotten us into trouble many times already, so is it worth the risk any longer?
Unfortunately, here we are not allowed to find out who was forgiven more often - Kenny or Jane. And I don't have any guesses either. All I can say is that the "lonely" ending looks really cool, although Clem has very little chance of surviving alone with a baby. ==

This is followed by endings with Kenny. And if in the case of Jane there is practicality, then here we have the purest tear washer. And then the heart breaks in any of the choices. It seems to be more correct to stay in Wellington, because then Kenny will finally be calm about the fate of the children. He will even give his cap to AJ. But somehow I don’t want to leave a friend alone, because we have experienced so much together. So what is most likely chosen here is what breaks the heart less. Or whatever seems right. To me, personally, both endings are heartbreaking and both feel right. But I still stayed with Jane, so why worry.
The players preferred the option to stay in Wellington: 16.6%. However, the option to leave with Kenny still got its 13.5% and even turned out to be higher than the option "to be with Jane, but kick the family out."

As for me, I still forgave Jane and got the most common ending. Although, I remember, I first had to put the game on pause. Maybe I wouldn't even forgive Jane, but then Nikita turned around and said something like "Well, you'll forgive her, right?" And I thought, yes, why not. Clem can always leave her later...

And on this second season safely (or not so much) ended. It turned out not as strong as the first, but still good. Although many plot twists and caused pure hatred for the creators. == But that doesn't matter anymore. The game is over, I finished the reviews, which means that you can, with a clear conscience, put The Walking Ones on the shelf of memories, and hope that the third season will not come out.

As a bonus, I'm leaving this here. Super Secret Best Ending to set the mood.)

Happy New Year everyone.)

Crazy, completely abnormal ideas come to mind sometimes. Most often they are safely forgotten, and remain unfulfilled. But miracles happen, and some crazy thing still lives up to its hour and results in some unusual post, like this.

It all started with the fact that I finished my walkthrough of the second season of The Walking Dead. The ending of the game, of course, was impressive: there was a heat of passion and unexpected twists and turns. Just in case, I immediately went through the season one more time, again, to see everything that I had not seen before. And, in fact, the second passage was not enough: at least there was one more ending that I never saw. I didn’t have the strength left for the third passage, and therefore YouTube came to my rescue, where I watched all the remaining endings. And then something bothered me. Out of nowhere, an annoying feeling of deja vu appeared, as if I had already seen all these endings somewhere ...

It didn't take long to remember. It just so happened that a couple of months ago I nevertheless finished the passage of a not painfully successful game in one very well-known universe. This is about role play Game of Thrones, which only the most devoted fans of the A Song of Ice and Fire universe series defeated to the end. It was difficult to break through the monotony and boredom that this game was distinguished by, and only a good plot of Game of Thrones did not let go until the very end. But, as it turned out in the end, it was worth it, because in the final I had as many as five different endings, and they really differed from each other, giving completely different sensations and feelings from this or that ending.

The story of the "stolen" ending

The story of the "stolen" ending

Five endings in Game Of Thrones. Five endings in The Walking Dead: Season Two. Then, at the very beginning of my reflections, it seemed to me that the similarities between the finals of the two games are minimal. But the longer I developed this topic in my head, the more and more I found evidence that this simply could not be a coincidence - one of the writers of The Walking Dead definitely played Game of Thrones. And I even know for what purpose he did it: the Telltale Games studio, the creators of The Walking Dead, last year announced a new game in the A Song of Ice and Fire universe, which, by the way, will also be called Game of Thrones. And in the place of the developers, it would be extremely stupid to ignore the last game released in this universe - it was necessary to look at what the predecessors had already thought up and draw the appropriate conclusions from this. Well, we looked, and even borrowed a couple of ideas for our future games ...



It’s worth starting with the most important thing - the mechanics of the ending. As noted earlier, both Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead Season 2 each have five endings. Of course, this by no means proves the fact that the finals of the two games are "common". But it is worth paying attention to where these five different endings come from.

The story of the "stolen" ending

The story of the "stolen" ending

In both games, in the finale, there is a climactic conflict between two heroes pursuing completely different goals and having different outlooks on life. In The Walking Dead, the player watches the confrontation between Jane and Kenny, and in Game of Thrones, Alester and Morse. Whose point of view is more correct and who will generally win this final battle - in both cases, everything is decided by the player. Two endings are intended for each side of the conflict, but there is also a fifth one, in which the player acts “against everyone” and does not choose between two warring heroes.

The story of the "stolen" ending

The story of the "stolen" ending

Here I want to immediately draw parallels between the heroes of the two games. Jane from The Walking Dead in Game of Thrones will be Alester, and Kenny, respectively, will get Morse. Such connections are made for a reason: the fact is that these pairs of heroes are very similar to each other. To show the similarities between Jane and Alester and Kenny and Morse, let's make a small comparison.

Here someone can say that, they say, a game that tells about a zombie apocalypse simply cannot have anything to do with the A Song of Ice and Fire universe. But here it is immediately worth making a reservation and introducing one rule - to discard all unnecessary. No zombies, no Seven Kingdoms, no political intrigues and no Clementine - we are left with only two heroes and their destinies, their beliefs and goals. Everything else will only interfere and distract us from the main thing.


Hero Comparison

Alester and Jane

Alester Sarvik

The story of the "stolen" ending

The story of the "stolen" ending


The story of the "stolen" ending

The story of the "stolen" ending

Priest of the Red God, who arrived from across the ocean. Almost an outcast in their own lands. Heir to a large noble family.

A girl who survives alone in a dangerous zombie world. She is not used to communicating with people - she keeps her distance from the rest of the survivors. People around her do not understand and try to avoid her.

Because of his ambitions, he lost his entire family - his father, younger brother and beloved sister.

For the sake of her own salvation, she threw her own sister to be eaten by the walking dead.

In fact, he "goes over the heads" of others - in order to achieve his own goals, he is ready to make serious sacrifices, and innocent people suffer because of this.

Willing to do anything to stay alive. She abandons and betrays other survivors if she thinks she will be better off without them.

Saved Mors's life during Valarr's attack.

Saved Kenny's life during a shootout with the Russians.

Goal by the end of the game: to revive your kind.

Goal by the end of the game: survive.

The main feature that unites Jane and Alester is their unscrupulousness. In fact, both of them are still those egoists who live only for themselves. Although they try to do the “right”, good deeds (and both sometimes succeed), but the methods they resort to cannot be called correct. Alester kills an innocent boy on the Queen's orders just to prove his loyalty. Jane persuades Clementine to leave the girl from their group, as she is a "burden" for everyone else. Both Alester and Jane do similar things in order to achieve their personal goals. Others don't care much.

And these two characters have their opposites - let's now look at two other characters, Morse and Kenny.


Morse and Kenny

Morse Westford

The story of the "stolen" ending

The story of the "stolen" ending


The story of the "stolen" ending

The story of the "stolen" ending

Scout of the Night's Watch, an ancient organization that protects Westeros from threats coming from the North. Severe, gloomy, cruel.

An inveterate survivor who has gone through many troubles and misfortunes. Cruel and brutal.

He was captured by the savages Wildlings and for a long time was considered missing. Unexpectedly for everyone, he “came back from the dead” (look for details in the Beyond the Wall add-on).

Disappeared in the crowd of the walking dead and for a long time was considered dead. At the beginning of the second season, he suddenly "came back from the dead".

He returned from captivity with a regrown beard (later shaved off).

During his disappearance, he grew a beard.

Under tragic circumstances, he lost his wife and daughter.

Under tragic circumstances, he lost his wife and son.

Captured by Lord Arwood Harlton. He endured numerous tortures, during which he lost an eye.

He was captured by the ego-maniac William Carver. Was severely beaten. He lost his eye (or didn’t lose it, but seriously damaged it - he definitely won’t be able to see with it).

He lost everything in his life that he only had, including the meaning of existence as such. The only thing that makes him live is the newborn child of the girl Jaina, whom Morse was supposed to protect.

He believed that the most important thing in the world is family. After the death of all loved ones, he lost the meaning of life. "The Broken Man", as the other survivors call him. After the birth of Rebecca's child, Kenny's life is rekindled, and the safety of the child becomes a paramount concern for him.

Goal by the end of the game: save Jaina's baby.

The goal towards the end of the game is to save Rebecca's baby.

Kenny and Morse are real twin brothers. Both have experienced so much, gone through so much - they have absolutely nothing left in life. The impetus for their spiritual "awakening" is the birth of a child, which becomes a symbol of hope for both heroes. It is important to note that both Morse and Kenny do not live for themselves, unlike Alester and Jane: both heroes give themselves completely to their loved ones (first to the family, then to the child).

I think the similarities between the characters of the two games are visible to the naked eye. Jane and Alester are on the "Survival" path, Kenny and Morse are on the "Humanity" path. These two characters have too much in common for it to be a coincidence. But the matter is not limited to this. Now let's analyze the storyline of the two games and find even more similarities.

Plot basis

In both games, I have identified two common points that almost completely quote each other.

First moment: Morse and Alester first meet at Lord Harlton's castle. Alester is in the castle as a guest, while Morse immediately finds himself in the dungeons, where he is subjected to numerous tortures. Kenny and Jane meet under similar conditions: both are held captive by the Carver community. Kenny, as the most zealous prisoner, is severely beaten by Carver. Although the heroes pursue different goals, in the face of a common enemy they unite: Morse with Alester, and Kenny with Jane.

second moment: a pregnant woman plays a significant role in the plot of both games. In Game of Thrones, this is Jaina, who is protected by Morse with all her might. In The Walking Dead, Rebecca is on the same team as Kenny. Morse and Kenny give birth. The birth of a child is a miracle for both heroes. After him, both Morse and Kenny have at least some meaning in life.

From these events, the action flows smoothly into the ending itself ...


The final

In fact, it was all about this place. Last Choice: Morse or Alester? Kenny or Jane? Or will it not come to a choice? It is worth noting that in both games it is not so much the fate of these heroes that is decided, but the fate of the child around whom the conflict has been brewing for so long. In The Walking Dead, the child is hidden by Jane, and in Game of Thrones, Varys takes him away - at the time of the final duel, the baby does not play any role, but the one who wins the last battle will decide the fate of the baby. It's time to choose your ending...

The story of the "stolen" ending

The story of the "stolen" ending

And it is worth noting important point: the player chooses not between one or another development of events (he cannot predict at all what his actions will lead to), but decides which of the characters he likes more, whose point of view is more sweet to him. Who is right: Alester, trying to revive his family, or Morse, sacrificing everything for the sake of one baby? Should we continue with the cautious and cunning Jane, or should we rely on the unpredictable Kenny?

In The Walking Dead, any option accepted by the player has the right to life and, in general, is "correct", but in Game of Thrones Alester's endings are clearly "bad", since nothing joyful happens in them. The developers of Game of Thrones are kind of saying that being selfish like Alester is bad. It's better to be like Morse. But the creators of The Walking Dead think differently - the endings for Jane are not as bad as they could be. That is why the endings of Alester and Jane practically do not converge: the developers of the two games hold different views about these heroes.

Another ending, in which all the heroes are left behind, leaving behind only a child, does not converge in games either. Again, there are no “bad” endings in The Walking Dead - the child will live under any conditions. And if in

Second: Morse decides that the child will be better with him and takes him with him, dooming both himself and him to a life in constant danger.

Second: Kenny, under the persuasion of Clementine, decides to keep the child and raise him on his own. He and the child go away, dooming himself to a dangerous life among the walking dead.

That is, the essence of both endings is approximately the same: either Kenny and Morse complete their mission to save the child and leave him safe, while they themselves remain alone; or they take the child under their care and go into the sunset, dooming themselves to a life in constant fear of danger.



After a detailed analysis of the two games, which I conducted, I was even more convinced of the fact I was proving: yes, the endings of The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones clearly have a lot in common. Of course, there can be no talk of direct plagiarism: the developers from Telltale themselves may not have known that they were accidentally inspired by the story told in Game of Thrones and transferred it to their game.

It's just that two studios had one goal, one idea. Both the developers of Game of Thrones and the creators of The Walking Dead wanted to create a complex story with very complex characters. Both games present a conflict between two very different perspectives: living for yourself (Alester and Jane) or living for others (Morse and Kenny). Each side of the conflict has its own truth, and the final decision always remains with the player who adheres to one view or another.

Finally, let's deduce an effective formula for creating a cool character that the player will empathize with and love with all their hearts. Use it to your health!

That's all, I think. I hope you enjoyed reading this article. I would like Telltale to create their own Game of Thrones with great responsibility, so that later no one complains that the endings, they say, have already been somewhere like this.

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