Induction two-tariff electricity meter. We take control of accounting or which electricity meter is better to put in an apartment. Video: Neva multi-tariff meters

The choice of an electric meter is a responsible event, because, having bought a device, it is no longer possible to return it back with the words “did not fit”. This is due to the fact that when selling metering devices, a corresponding mark is necessarily put in the passport containing the seal of the state verifier and the serial number. The only reason for allowing the return of the electricity meter is the discovery of a manufacturing defect.

You can go to the grocery store and decide what you want to buy, what you need and what you don't. But in a metering store, this approach to shopping will not work. Personally, you may like anything, but only the meter whose parameters strictly match the parameters of your electrical wiring can count the electricity in your house.

Before choosing an electricity meter for an apartment, get acquainted with the criteria and determine the characteristics of the device that is right for you:

  • Construction type;
  • Number of phases;
  • Class of the device in terms of current strength;
  • Number of tariffs;
  • Accuracy of indications;
  • Mounting method;
  • Working conditions;
  • Date of manufacture;
  • Date of last check and interval between checks.

The most important criteria are the first 4 of the list. The rest are secondary. If you don't count them, you can still connect the meter and it will count. But he can count with a large error, or he may soon require mandatory verification, which you must pay.

Construction type

If we talk about what kind of electric meters are according to the principle of operation, then two types can be distinguished:

  • induction. These are reliable counters of the old type with a spinning disk. Their advantage is durability and low cost. The disadvantage is the inaccuracy of the readings. This means that the device can wind up more than you actually spent. Therefore, when paying for electricity, you will be charged more than it should be. Although with the same probability the counter can wind up less, and you underpay, which benefits your budget. But there is no way to guess which counter saves money, and which one heavily winds up the expense. Induction meters are always single-tariff;
  • Electronic. Let's start with the advantages: these are meters that allow you to account for electricity in two or more modes (single-tariff, two-tariff and multi-tariff). The accuracy of electronic metering devices is the highest, and their dimensions are small. The main disadvantage is a shorter service life. In combination with high cost, it can discourage the buyer from buying it.

If you are still thinking about which electricity meter is better to put in an apartment, then focus on electricity consumption. If you almost do not spend it, then you do not need high accuracy and multi-tariff. Feel free to take an induction device. If the apartment has a lot of powerful electrical appliances that work every day or without a break, and in your region the tariffs for night and daytime use of electricity vary greatly, then it makes sense to buy an electronic analogue. You will spend more on its purchase, but it will pay off in a few months with a smaller “for light” fee.

Number of phases

Counters can be calculated for:

  1. One phase (single phase);
  2. Three phases (three-phase).

Everything is simple here: if your wiring is single-phase, then you need to take a meter designed for 1 phase, if three-phase - for 3 phases.

Advice! In city apartments, there are always single-phase metering devices, and which electric meter is better to put in private house? After all, there can be both one and three phases? Then look at the power line you are connected to. If there are only 2 wires, then take a single-phase device. If the line consists of 4 wires, then choose a three-phase meter.

Each meter has terminals for connecting conductive wires, in which the amount of energy passed is read. A single-phase meter has only 4 terminals: 2 for the input of the phase and neutral wires and so many for their output. Therefore, it will no longer be possible to connect a single-phase meter to a three-phase line. And if you made such a mistake with the number of phases when buying a device, you will have to buy a new one - for three phases. At the same time, it will no longer be possible to return a single-phase device.

A three-phase meter has at least 8 terminals (there may be additional ones for different connection methods). 4 of them are designed to input three phase and one neutral wire, and the other 4 - to output them. Therefore, if you accidentally bought a three-phase meter with a single-phase line, then it is quite possible to use it. Only in this case 4 terminals will remain empty.

Important! A single-phase meter for a three-phase line is not suitable. But a three-phase meter is allowed for installation with single-phase wiring.

Current class of the device

Single-phase devices are designed to account for the consumption of electrical energy in circuits with a current strength in the range of 5-80 Amperes. Three-phase - in 50-100 Amperes. We indicated the range with minimum and maximum currents, and some models are designed to operate in a smaller range: the smaller the range, the lower the cost of the device. But how do you know which electric meter is better to put in an apartment?

You need to focus on the thickness of the cable suitable for your house / apartment. Below is a table that shows the maximum current strength for copper and aluminum conductors of various thicknesses. More than this value, the current in the meter is not needed. But take into account that the PUE sets its own framework depending on the type of wiring (open or closed) and the number of phases (1 or 3).

Example . You have a single-phase open wiring with a copper wire with a cross section of 6 square meters. mm. Then you need an electric meter with a maximum current of 50A. Although with the same parameters, but with aluminum wiring, the current strength will not exceed 39A. Why overpay for a larger range if the power will automatically turn off if the current starts to exceed 39 Amps? Please note that if the wiring is closed, then the current strength for copper is 34A, and for aluminum it is 38A.

In the figure, the electric meter operates at a current strength in the circuit from 5A to 50A.

Number of tariffs

Counters can be:

  • One-rate;
  • two-tariff;
  • Multi-tariff.

Payment for electricity consumption for a single-tariff meter is calculated as follows: all energy spent in one month is multiplied by the cost of 1 kilowatt * hour.

For example: consumed 100 kWh. And 1 kWh costs 3.5 rubles. Then the payment is: 3.5 * 100 = 350 rubles.

In two-tariff metering devices, the cost of a unit of energy depends on the time of day:

  • Day (07.00-23.00) - the cost of a unit of electricity is 1-20% higher than the nominal value (which is taken into account in the single-tariff calculation);
  • Night (23.00-07.00) - the cost of 1 kWh is 20-60% lower than the nominal one.

Attention! There is no exact formula for determining the cost of energy day and night, because each region has its own numbers. You need to check with your electricity supplier.

For example: The daily rate is 3.6 rubles per 1 kWh. At night - 1.8. They spent the same 100 kWh. But 60 of them - during the day, and 40 - at night. Then you have to pay: 3.6 * 60 + 40 * 1.8 = 288 rubles. This is 62 rubles less than with a one-tariff plan.

With a multi-tariff plan, the day is divided into three zones:

  • Night (23.00-07.00) - the price of a unit of energy is 20-60% lower than the nominal value;
  • Half peak (09.00-17.00 and 20.00-23.00) - the price of 1 kWh is equal to the nominal;
  • Peak (07.00-09.00 and 17.00-20.00) - the price of a unit of electricity is 5-30% higher than the nominal one.

Example: Night tariff - 1.8 rubles, semi-peak - 3.5, and peak - 3.8. The consumption of 100 kWh over time was: 40 at night, 50 at half peak and 10 at peak. We calculate the monthly payment: 1.8*40+3.5*50+3.8*10=285 rubles. This is 65 rubles lower than with a one-tariff plan and 3 rubles less than with a two-tariff plan.

It is not necessary at all when installing a meter, taking into account the consumption of electricity at 2 or 3 tariffs. Benefits depend on factors:

  • Difference between night and day or peak rate. The larger it is, the greater the benefit when using electrical appliances at night;
  • The ratio of nighttime electricity consumption to daytime. The more you use electrical appliances at night, the more you can save.

If you are not ready to use powerful electrical appliances in the night or at least the semi-peak zone, then buying a two-tariff or multi-tariff meter will be a mistake for you - it will not reduce the payment, but increase it, since the daily and peak tariff is an order of magnitude higher than the nominal one. Although in Moscow and the Moscow region, the benefits are felt even in those families in which only the refrigerator is turned on at night.

Attention! Two-tariff or multi-tariff meters can only be of electronic type.

Indication accuracy

Which electric meter to choose: more or less accurate? According to the PUE, today it is possible to install metering devices with an accuracy class of at least 2.0 (previously they were allowed to be installed with an accuracy of 2.5). You can also bet with an accuracy of 1.0, 0.7 or 0.5, but their cost will be higher.

Attention! The accuracy class is indicated in a circle on the case of the accounting device and indicates the measurement error in percent.

The accuracy class shows how accurately the device calculates the power consumption. You can hear that in order for the counter to wind up less, you need to take a less accurate class. But then there is a risk that you will not save a certain amount, but overpay it.

For example: real consumption is 100 kWh per month. Meter accuracy - 2.0 (measurement error - 2% up or down). If the meter measures in your favor, then it will show 98 kWh, and if in favor of the electricity supplier, then 102. With a single-tariff calculation with a cost of 3.5 rubles, the difference is 14 rubles. And with an accuracy class of 1% - 99 and 101 kWh, respectively. Then the difference is 7 rubles. With a class of 0.7 - 4.9 rubles. And at 0.5 - 3.5.

It can be seen from the calculations that at low electricity consumption, the difference in payment for different accuracy classes does not change much. Therefore, you can safely take the counter with the lowest class - 2.0. But if your electric meter winds up about 1000 kWh per month, then you should think about buying a more accurate device. Because it will save up to 140 rubles. And the overpayment for the purchase of a more accurate device will pay off in a few months.

Mounting method

Types of electric meters for an apartment according to the method of attachment:

  • Devices mounted on a din-rail;
  • Devices attached to a plastic, metal or wooden shield with bolts.

There are no selection rules here. You just need to take into account your personal desire: if you bought a device with a bolt-on mount, but you wanted it on a DIN rail, you will have to look for a new installation location.

Working conditions

Electric meters can be designed for installation:

  • Inside the apartment / house (in any heated room);
  • Outdoors (such devices are not afraid of heat, frost and precipitation).

Keep in mind that everyone will have access to the street electricity meter. But to verify the evidence, you do not have to let civil servants into the house. What is more important to you, then choose.

date of manufacture

The rules for the installation of electrical installations define the "age" of unused electricity meters that are allowed for installation without verification (checking the accuracy of readings in a special organization at the expense of the energy consumer):

  • Single-phase network - 2 years;
  • Three-phase network - 1 year.

Attention! All electric meters after production are sent for state verification. If the device has successfully passed it, then a seal with a date is installed on it. When buying, inspect it: it must be intact! If there is even minor damage on it, you may be denied electricity supply to your home.

If you do not take this point into account when choosing an electrical energy meter, then the seller can take advantage of your inattention and sell you a product that was released 2 years ago or more. Then you will not be allowed to install without verification, which you will have to pay for.

Example. You came to the store on May 10, 2016, and you plan to install the meter during the same month (until May 31). Then, with single-phase wiring, you can buy a device that was released no earlier than June 2014, and with single-phase wiring, no earlier than June 2015. But it is always better to take electricity meters made recently.

When was the last check?

If you decide to install a meter that has already been used once, then the checking company will definitely specify when the last verification was. It should be evidenced by a seal indicating the date. Used devices are allowed for installation according to the PUE, with a last inspection period of not more than 2 years for single-phase models and 1 year for three-phase ones.

Interverification interval (MPI)

This is the time after which it is necessary to perform the next verification of the electric meter after the last one. For induction meters, the MPI is 16 years, and for electronic meters - from 3 or more. The more MPI, the better for you, because for verification the meter is removed, and the power supply is temporarily interrupted.

Attention! You can make a premature (unscheduled) verification if you doubt the accuracy of the instrument readings. You will have to pay for the procedure, but in the event of a conclusion that the electric meter is in good condition, a new countdown will begin for the MPI - from the date indicated on the new seal.

Other factors influencing the choice of an electric meter

These moments can be decided in advance, or you can choose in the store, because little depends on them:

  • Automated electricity metering. Attractive for those who do not like to take readings on their own. But you have to pay extra for this opportunity. And it is more convenient for the electric company than for you;
  • Country of Origin. Russian electricity meters are practically not inferior in quality to foreign ones. And what difference does it make which counter to take, if the accuracy of the readings is checked anyway on Russian equipment? But on Russian products you can save a pretty penny. The manufacturing firms Intkotext and Concern Energomera have proven themselves well;
  • Repair cost. Usually repairs do not cost more than buying and installing new equipment. But still, it is useful to clarify the cost of repairing a specific model: if it turns out to be much less than the price of a new device, then you should pay attention to it;
  • Noise level. Sometimes meters buzz, which is very unpleasant when they are mounted in a residential area. Ask if the meter you like is noisy during operation.

Attention! Sometimes an induction meter is chosen only because it can be used to “rewind” the flow using a magnet. Yes, it was possible before, but now metering devices have an indication of magnetization. And if the indicator worked, then you can be accused of stealing electricity. Be careful.

Now, having come to the store of metering devices, you can confidently declare which model you need. For example: “I need an electronic and two-tariff single-phase electric meter for installation in a heated room for 5-50 Amperes with DIN rail mounting and accuracy class 1 with verification not later than 1 year ago, and an inter-calibration interval of at least 5 years.”

It is difficult even to imagine the life of a modern person without electricity. At the same time, there is a steady trend towards an increase in the saturation of the life of even an average family with electrical appliances. Therefore, bills for consumed energy always occupy one of the important expenditure items of the household budget.

In order not to have problems with the company - the supplier of electricity, and at the same time not to pay too much, that is, to give your "hard money" exclusively for real consumption, you must have an accurate and reliable meter. Moreover, some devices also allow you to hope for a certain gain when using preferential rates. That is, the purchase of a meter should be treated with the utmost responsibility.

Therefore, let's consider the question of which electricity meter is better to put in an apartment.

What circumstances may force you to choose a new electric meter?

Electric meters are devices with a very long service life. They can serve faithfully for decades. However, sooner or later the moment comes when this energy meter needs to be replaced.

Let's make a disclaimer right now. Unfortunately, the existing legislation does not give a completely clear idea of ​​who should be entrusted with the material side in an apartment in a multi-storey building. There are many interpretations, with various manifestations of legal casuistry. Many cases are proposed for consideration when the purchase obligation was assigned either to the tenants, or to the management company, or to the electricity supplier. Sometimes these issues are regulated by local legislative acts, specifically stipulated in contracts or other documents. In any case, before purchasing a meter on your own, it would be wise to clarify this issue directly on the spot.

Our post is not about that. Below we will talk about those cases when the purchase of a meter is required by the owners of the apartment.

So, in what cases may it be necessary to replace an electric meter?

  • No matter how reliable and accurate the metering device may seem, and no matter how it suits the owners, it will have to be replaced with a new one if its service life established by the manufacturer has expired. These terms are considerable - they reach thirty years or more, but they still end sooner or later. Usually, the date of manufacture is indicated both in the passport and on the body of the electric meter.

The counter may seem perfectly serviceable, but if its service life has exceeded the allowable rate, the device must be replaced
  • The counter is out of order - of course, an immediate replacement is required. True, if the warranty period for the device has not expired, it must be replaced with a serviceable one, or the costs of acquiring a new one must be reimbursed.
  • For one reason or another, the meter has mechanical damage to the case or glass, traces of hacking or other vandalism. Proceedings for reasons, most likely, cannot be avoided, but the replacement will have to be done unambiguously.
  • Exceeded by more than two years the interval between checks set by the manufacturer or the local energy supplier. Even if the meter gives no reason to doubt the correctness of the readings, it will most likely be forced to be replaced.

  • The technical characteristics of the device ceased to meet either modern requirements or real conditions of use. For example, devices with an accuracy class of 2.5 and worse are completely decommissioned. According to the current legislation, replacement is mandatory during scheduled inspections - before the expiration of the inter-check interval, it is allowed to use the old ones. Another option for the discrepancy between the characteristics - the indicators of the old meter for permissible current cease to suit the owners due to the increased load.
  • The owners want to switch to a system of differentiated metering of energy consumption and, accordingly, install a meter with such functions.
  • A planned general replacement of all metering devices in this apartment building is also possible. True, in this case, all costs, most likely, will be borne by either the management company or the energy supplier. And the possibility of self-selection of the counter, most likely, will not be provided to the owners.

What criteria must an electricity meter meet?

So, you need to purchase a new meter. Even before going to the store, you should determine the range of criteria by which the device will be selected.

These include the following:

  • The principle of operation of the counter, that is, the type of its design.
  • Number of phases.
  • Permissible current strength indicators.
  • The absence or availability of the possibility of differentiated accounting for energy consumption.
  • Instrument accuracy class.
  • Layout and method of attachment.
  • Date of manufacture of the device.
  • Set check interval.

Each of these parameters is important in its own way. Below will be discussed in more detail about each of them.

Evaluation of the meter when choosing

Meter construction type

There are only two types, differing in the principle of operation.

  • Induction mechanical meters once stood everywhere, and are familiar to everyone. The electric current passing through the meter induces an electromagnetic field, which causes the disk to rotate, so familiar, probably, to everyone. Each revolution of the disk corresponds to a certain amount of current consumed. The rotation of the disc is mechanically transmitted to the counting device, from which the owners read the readings.

Such devices are highly reliable - they serve for decades without requiring repair. Their cost is also low, which often becomes the decisive selection criterion. The disadvantages include a large measurement error. However, modern models of such metering devices fit well into the established accuracy standards.

  • In electronic meters, "information processing" is carried out by a special processor circuit. The passage of current generates a pulse signal, which is transmitted to the counting and summing device. This allows you to significantly increase the accuracy of measurements and reduce the dimensions of the device itself. However, in terms of size, many electronic counters are in no way inferior to induction.

Indication indications may be different. In many models, the usual mechanical type scheme is retained, with a set of “wheel” scales, by analogy with induction devices. In others, almost similar in other characteristics, a digital display is installed.

With the choice of the display system, everyone decides for himself (unless, of course, we are talking about a single-rate device) - as it is more convenient for him. For example, it is believed that for outdoor panels, it is better to purchase a model with an electromechanical indication. For devices that will stand indoors, there is no difference, but it is more convenient to read the readings from the digital display.

The disadvantages of electronic meters are their shorter service life, and this is against the background of a higher price for the device itself. However, judging by the technical characteristics of popular models, this accusation is completely unfounded, and high-quality electronic meters serve no less than induction meters.

There is no need to wait for unequivocal recommendations. But if the load in the apartment is low, and the average monthly consumption is low, then it is quite possible to purchase an ordinary inexpensive induction device. With a fairly large consumption and, of course, if you want to switch to differentiated tariffs, an electronic one is purchased.

Number of phases

Devices can be designed for operation in a single-phase network of 220 V, or in a three-phase network - 380 V. As a rule, since we are talking about apartments, three-phase options are not considered.

True, the apartment can be in a "house on the ground." In this case, you will have to specify which network is being used.

By the way, a three-phase meter is quite capable of working in a 220 volt network. But the reverse replacement is impossible.

Current class of the device

Here we must proceed from real needs and from the diameter of the wiring that fits the meter. Many old models of metering devices were designed for a low simultaneous load, and often this circumstance becomes the reason for the need for replacement.

They can be produced with permissible current ranges from 5 to 80 amperes. For three-phase, this figure can reach up to 100.

As a rule, for an apartment with a fairly serious equipment of household appliances the best option it becomes the acquisition of a meter with current ranges from 5 to 50 amperes. This corresponds to a copper wire with a diameter of 6 mm. It is very difficult to imagine a situation where a simultaneous load in an apartment will require more than 10 kW (and 50 amperes at 220 volts is even about 11 kW of power).

No one bothers to purchase a meter with higher rates of permissible current. The question is how justified it will be, since the cost of the device will become much higher.

Possibility of differentiated accounting of consumption

This is also one of the frequent reasons for purchasing a new meter. The owners of the apartment come to the conclusion that it would be more profitable for them to switch to a differentiated payment scheme for consumed energy. Therefore, the device itself must have a similar function.

Such meters can be two-tariff and multi-tariff. What is the difference?

It is clear that it is able to keep records of consumption only for two periods - night and day. A more complex option also provides, for example, the division of the daily segment into peak and semi-peak consumption zones. That is, in such devices it is possible to use three or even more (in some models - up to eight) separate accounting periods, both by hours of the day and by days of the week.

The possibilities of such a model are wider - it is able to calculate the consumed energy at four rates

It is clear that electric meters with differentiated consumption accounting will cost much more than usual ones. How justified is such an acquisition and the transition to a similar type of payment for electricity? It would seem that the money spent on the purchase should soon pay off.

It is not possible to give universal recommendations in this regard. The owners of the apartment must make their own decision, but before that, carefully analyze the normal way of life that has developed in the family. Think about which devices they use give the maximum energy consumption, how you can change their mode of operation in order to achieve savings due to lower tariffs. The fact is that in some regions tariff plans are drawn up in such a way that a decrease in the "night" cost of a kilowatt is accompanied by an increase in the "day" cost, which becomes more than the usual tariff with a "flat scale". It is possible that you can not only not benefit from such a transition, but also get more serious bills to pay.

For example, look at the tariffs of one of the central regions of Russia for 2018:

Electricity consumption timeCost of 1 kWh
Regular tariff plan, without gradation by time of day
Single tariff, regardless of the time of dayRUB 3.53
Two-price differentiated plan
Daily rate, from 7.00 to 23.00RUB 4.06
1.46 RUB
Three-rate differentiated plan
Peak consumption period tariff, from 7.00 to 10.00 and from 17.00 to 21.004.59 RUB
Semi-peak tariff, from 10.00 to 17.00 and from 21.00 to 23.00RUB 3.53
Night rate, from 23.00 to 07.001.46 RUB

Note: Electricity tariffs by region of the country may vary significantly. The table above is provided as an example only.

Look here. If you do not actively use the most powerful electrical appliances in terms of energy consumption at night, then there is no benefit at all, and you can even work at a loss.

For example, modern ones have a very low consumption class. It makes no sense to drive electric heaters at full power at night - the heat does not contribute to healthy sleep. That is, tangible savings can only be made if washing is postponed overnight (if possible), heating a large volume of water in the boiler, and the operation of the dishwasher.

Electric meter accuracy class

This parameter is regulated by Chapter X of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05/04/2012 in the last edition of 12/30/2017. In particular, Article 138 states that consumption metering devices by citizens must have an accuracy class of at least “2”. Collective accounting meters in multi-apartment buildings (in the section of the areas of competence of the network economy and intra-house networks) - a class of at least "1", but this is no longer related to a particular apartment.

If at the time of entry into force of the specified legislative act, a meter with a lower accuracy class (for example, “2.5”) was installed, then it is allowed to operate it until the end of the intertest interval, the full expiration of the service life, or until failure (whichever comes first) . And then - you still need to replace it with a class of at least 2.

By the way, meters with a lower accuracy class have already been discontinued, and it is still impossible to purchase and install them.

Is it worth chasing a higher class for "1" or even "0.5"? To be honest, this does not make much sense if the average level of consumption is low. The accuracy class shows the possible error of the device, expressed as a percentage. That is, for example, when consuming 120 kW, the error can be only 2.4 kW per month - completely insignificant. Moreover, the discrepancy can even be in favor of the consumer.

It is a different matter if you have to operate with more significant indicators of consumption. For example, with 1000 kW, an error not in favor of the owners can already amount to all 20 kW. And so - there is something to think about.

One more nuance. The Government Decree mentioned above is the main document. That is, no one has the right to force the owner of the apartment to purchase a meter of a higher accuracy class, if it seems to him unprofitable for reasons of the cost of the device. He has every right to limit himself to "two".

The layout of the meter and the method of its installation in a shield or cabinet

Almost all of the old image had a common characteristic shape. This is a cylindrical block placed on a trapezoidal platform. Many models have retained this layout - it is convenient if the device has to be installed in an old-style electrical panel.

Such devices are fastened with three screws located at the vertices of a triangle, the dimensions of which are established by the standard. Reciprocal holes are provided in the shield, and installation is carried out without much difficulty.

Another option is meters designed for installation in more modern electrical panels on a DIN rail. Such devices are usually rectangular box-shaped, and at the back they have a special groove with a latch. Installation of such models is even easier.

By the way, many instrument manufacturers practice the production of meters that are completely identical in their operational parameters, but differ precisely in the layout and installation method in the shield (cabinet).

Almost the same model in terms of its characteristics, but with a difference in layout and installation method

The desired option, of course, is selected taking into account the specific place where the meter will be installed.

Date of issue of the meter and intertest interval

In accordance with the current rules, any electricity meter after assembly at the factory undergoes a mandatory state test of measurement accuracy. After that, the device is sealed with a seal indicating the date of verification. When buying, without fail, you should pay attention to the integrity of this seal. Otherwise, the employees of the energy supplier company have the right to refuse to install and register the meter.

The next important point. The terms have been established during which the issued meters can be installed without additional verification. For single-phase metering devices, it is two years, for three-phase meters - one year.

That is, when buying a meter, the date of its release is necessarily checked. If the device is “expired”, then it will either be refused installation, or you will have to give it for an unscheduled check, of course, at your own expense.

It does not hurt to clarify the interval between checks established by the manufacturer. For some electronic type meters, it is relatively small, that is, scheduled checks will be carried out more often. Induction models are more convenient in this regard, since they can have this interval up to 16 years.

Additional meter selection criteria

It is clear that such devices should be purchased exclusively in specialized stores. Often, an energy supplier company offers a certain range of devices - this can be clarified, for example, on its website. If there is no such information resource, then you should still ask the employees of the company which devices they recommend for installation, and which ones they simply will not deal with.

  • It is mandatory to check the completeness of the device. Any counter is accompanied by a passport (form) with a mark on passing control. The document must be completed and certified in the prescribed manner. The form must specify both the maximum service life of the device and the value of the check interval.

The technical documentation accompanying the meter must be completed and certified accordingly
  • Any energy meter, whether domestic or foreign, must be listed in the State Register, that is, it must be certified and approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • When choosing a device, you can pay attention to some additional points:

The meter can be designed for any operating temperature or only for installation in a heated room.

Some devices show a rather sensitive noise level. If this is important, that is, the meter will be installed in a residential area, then this point should be clarified when choosing.

It is possible that the energy supplier company has implemented or is going to implement an automatic consumption metering system in the near future. And this means that you will need to purchase a meter with built-in feedback channels (GSM, IP or PLS). This point should also be clarified in advance so that you do not have to purchase a more advanced device in the near future.

Modern models of counters can be equipped with additional functions. This includes the ability to take instant current readings of voltage, current, active and reactive power. The built-in memory of the device can store information about the energy consumption by months - this option is sometimes useful for resolving conflicts. The so-called “event log” can also be kept in the memory, in which, for example, the date and time of peak load, power surges or a complete shutdown, the time the device was opened or unauthorized attempts to interfere with the operation of the device, etc. will be recorded.

It should be correctly understood that any additional option is an “appendage” to the cost of the meter. And as practice shows, most of these "bells and whistles" remain unclaimed by the consumer, and, therefore, do not justify these extra costs.

  • And one moment. The purchase of an electric meter for an apartment is just that pleasant case when there is no need to look for an imported model. Devices produced by Russian companies are highly reliable and durable, and at the same time they have a very affordable price.

A small overview of popular models of electric meters for an apartment

Single rate devices

Induction counter SO-EU-10 10-40A

A model that has stood the test of time and is still mass-produced, despite the development of new technologies. The classic scheme of a conventional induction meter. Produced by several domestic companies.

The device keeps records of consumption in a single-phase network, of course, only with a single-tariff plan. It has a sufficient accuracy class - "2".

Rated current - from 10 to 40 A. Enclosure protection class - IP51. Temperature mode of operation - from - 20 to + 55 degrees.

Designed for conventional panel mounting with three screws. The mass of the device is no more than 1.2 kg.

The manufacturer gives a 24-month warranty for the device. The established service life is 32 years. Intertest interval - 16 years.

Such characteristics, along with a low price, are often quite sufficient for installing the device in an apartment.

CE2726 - SOLO(5-60A)

The layout is very similar to the previous model, but this is an electronic impulse device with an electromechanical indication of readings.

The meter is single-tariff, with an accuracy class of "1". Permissible current - up to 60 A.

Extended temperature mode of operation - from - 40 to + 60 degrees. Case protection class – IP52. Standard dimensions for installation in a shield on screw fasteners. The mass of the device is no more than 1.3 kg.

The manufacturer provides a 36 month warranty. The established service life is at least 30 years, with a check interval of 16 years.

Neva 103 1SO

One-tariff electronic device with electromechanical seven-digit indicators of indications. A very compact, easy-to-use model that has gained wide popularity among consumers.

The accuracy class of the device is “1”, the maximum current is up to 60 A. It is allowed to be installed outdoors or in unheated rooms. Good degree of protection of the case - IP52

The device is designed for installation in a cabinet on a DIN rail. Professionals note the reliability of the latch, which simplifies the installation work, the convenience of the location of the terminal connections.

The warranty period of the meter is 24 months, the service life is up to 30 years, the check interval is 16 years.

Among the shortcomings, some users indicate quite audible clicks during operation of the device.

Mercury 201.8

Also a single-rate meter, but with a liquid crystal display. Characterized by excellent performance.

Accuracy class - "1". Permissible maximum current - 80 A.

It is distinguished by increased resistance to adverse operating conditions - temperature range from -45 to + 70 degrees, humidity - up to 90%. Taking readings is facilitated by the presence of a special LED display backlight, which is switched on when necessary.

Compact body, convenient screw terminals for wiring. The device is designed for mounting on a DIN rail.

Service life is estimated at 30 years or more. Intertest interval - 16 years.

Of the shortcomings, one can only note the lack of the ability to connect to the telemetric metering system for energy consumption.

Multi-tariff meters

Line of ESR counters - 55

It was not in vain that the line was said about, since it includes several models (8 in total), similar in their performance characteristics, but differing in layout and installation method. All this is the products of the well-known company MZEP (Moscow plant of electrical measuring instruments).

SOE-55 devices of models 50T have the ability to keep records at four rates. The maximum current for them is set to 50 A, but the 60Sh-T devices have advanced capabilities. This also applies to the maximum current - up to 60 A, and the number of separate readings - up to eight.

All devices of the line have an accuracy class of "1", equipped with an LCD display. Differences may be in the body design. So, cases No. 1 and No. 4 are for installation on shields with screw fastening. Cases No. 3 and No. 2 - for mounting in cabinets on a DIN rail. The mass of devices is small - depending on the design of the case - from 0.6 to 0.8 kg.

The manufacturer gives a very "weighty" warranty for soybean devices - 3.5 years. The service life of the meters is 321 years with a check interval of 16 years.

Energy meter CE102M S7 145-JV

Modern metering device with additional functions. It has proven itself well in networks with multi-tariff payment for consumption.

The model differs in the increased universality, is capable to work in the most adverse conditions. Temperature mode of operation: from - 45 to + 70 degrees. The permissible level of air humidity is up to 98%.

The device is able to keep separate accounting for eight tariffs with a host of other interesting features that are available with individual programming. In addition, it is equipped with a non-volatile memory that stores monthly and daily consumption levels, limit balances (if it is set). Readings can be taken even with a completely de-energized network. An LED backlight is provided for easy reading of data. The meter is initially equipped with a feedback interface for connecting to an automatic data accounting system. A built-in protective voltage relay is provided.

The warranty period of the device is 5 years. The established service life is at least 32 years, with a check interval of 16 years.

Installation - screw on the shield.

Mercury 200

A very popular line that allows you to keep separate records of energy consumption at four rates. Three models (02, 04 and 05) are on sale, identical in all their main characteristics and differing only in the type of feedback interface. That is, any of them can work in the automatic consumption accounting system.

The accuracy class of the device is "1". Permissible maximum current - up to 60 A. Built-in protection system.

Temperature mode of operation: from - 40 to + 55 degrees.

There is a non-volatile memory with a record of readings for the last 11 months. The possibility of individual programming of the device is provided, taking into account possible "subtleties" of tariff plans.

The service life is estimated at 30 years, the manufacturer's warranty is provided for the first three years. Intertest interval - 16 years.

The meter is designed for installation in a cabinet on a DIN rail. The mass of the device is only 600 grams.

Among the shortcomings, the lack of display backlight is noted, which, under certain conditions, makes it somewhat difficult to take readings.

So, the main issues regarding the choice of the optimal electricity meter for an apartment were considered. We hope that the information received will be useful in acquiring the most suitable model.

The information of the article will be supplemented by a video about the electronic multi-tariff meter "Neva"

Video: Electronic multi-tariff electricity consumption meter NEVA MT113

With this material, we begin a series of articles under the general title "I want to buy." Often people come to the store to buy some product, but do not know what they specifically need. So they say to the seller: "I want to buy, but I don't know what to choose." These articles will be, in a way, a detailed response of the seller to such a buyer.

So, let's begin. In the first article, we will answer the buyer's question: "I want to buy an electric meter, but I don't know which one to choose. Which one do I need?" After reading this article, you will know which electric meter to buy for you:,,,,, and. And when you come to the store, you can proudly say, for example, like this: "I need a single-tariff single-phase electric meter, for a current of up to 50 amperes, an accuracy class of at least 2.0, with a din-rail mount, from the date of verification of which no more than two years!"

If you have not yet decided which shield or box you will install, then buy a meter with a din-rail mount. Such an electric meter is more versatile: you can always buy either a rail or an adapter plate for it and install it on a flat surface (for example, the mounting plate of the ShMP shield) or on three screws.

For what current should I buy an electric meter?

As a rule, single-phase electronic electricity meters are produced for currents from 5A to 50-60A. Three-phase electronic electricity meters are produced directly for a maximum current of up to 50A and up to 100A and transformer connection - for currents up to 10 amperes. In residential construction and in the reconstruction of apartments, transformer connection meters are practically not used, since loads rarely exceed 100 amperes.

But there are exceptions. For example, there is a single-phase electronic electricity meter Neva 103, which is designed for a maximum current of 80A. But as a rule, in apartments and houses connected to a single-phase circuit, current consumption is much less.

If you have a new house, then there should be a project for it, in which it is prescribed for what current the electric meter needs to be installed, how much power is allocated to the house and which introductory circuit breaker you need to choose. If you are making repairs in an apartment and changing the wiring there, you can determine the required current according to the wire cross section that fits the meter. That is, if an aluminum cable with a cross section of 6 sq. mm is suitable for the apartment, which can withstand up to 39A, then it makes no sense to put Neva 103 on 5-80A.

What accuracy class should I buy an electric meter?

The accuracy class is indicated on the front panel in a circle and indicates how accurately it will count the consumed electricity. Sometimes you can hear the phrase: "You need to buy a less accurate meter and then you will pay less for electricity." But it is worth recalling that the phrase "less accurate" does not mean that he will count in your favor!

According to chapter 1.5 of the Electrical Installation Rules (PUE) for the population, the accuracy of active energy meters must be no worse than class 2.0. That is, you can install metering devices of classes 2.0; 1.0; 0.7 and 0.5. And metering devices with an accuracy class of 2.5 and below are no longer produced, since they can no longer be installed.

When should the counter be released?

In fact, it is not the date of issue that is more important, but the date of verification. All metering devices before they go on sale must go through state verification (checking for performance and measurement accuracy) at the factory. Based on the results of a successful verification, if the metering device has passed it, a state verification seal is placed on the meter case, and a seal is affixed to the passport. The date is also indicated in the passport, and the quarter and year of state verification are placed on the seal.

According to the PUE (clause 1.5.13), "each installed settlement meter must have on the screws securing the meter casing, seals with the stamp of the state verifier, and on the clamping cover - the seal of the energy supply organization. Newly installed three-phase meters must have state verification seals with prescription not more than 12 months, and on single-phase meters - with a prescription of no more than 2 years.

That is, your single-phase meter must be installed and sealed by the power supply organization no later than two years after verification, and a three-phase meter no later than 1 year.

Periodic checks of meter performance and measurement accuracy are also required. Therefore, for each type of metering device there is also an inter-calibration interval, which for electronic meters is usually 10-16 years from the date of production.

Something else?

There are meters of active and active-reactive energy. Reactive electricity metering is mainly used in enterprises with meters connected via current transformers.

There are also meters for work in automated control systems and electricity metering (ASKUE). But we did not consider this issue here, since the requirements for installing such meters are usually prescribed in the requirements for installing metering devices or in the connection project. These documents usually indicate a specific model, which depends on the type of ASKUE used in the region. But it is still worth remembering that you can install any electric meter yourself, which is certified and included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments.

All of the above applies to a greater extent to electronic electricity meters. We did not consider induction meters separately, since they are produced and used less and less every year: they are more expensive, less accurate, larger in size, have a shorter calibration interval (usually 8 years).

We deal with the types and capabilities of electric meters and choose which one you can and should buy.

Increasingly, energy companies by hook or by crook force their customers to change old electric meters. Formally, this is due to the fact that the old electricity meters had an accuracy class of 2.5 and could not take into account the energy consumption of small powers. For example, this is the power consumption of electronic equipment in standby mode. New electric meters have an accuracy class of at least 2 (2; 1; 0.5).

Induction meters

According to the principle of operation, electric meters are divided into induction and electronic. Induction meters have two coils: a current coil and a voltage coil. The magnetic field of these coils causes the disk to rotate, setting in motion the mechanism for counting the energy consumed. The higher the current and voltage in the mains, the faster the disk rotates and the meter readings increase.

The problem with this type of meters is that it is very difficult and expensive to provide them with an accuracy class above 2. Their main advantage is the highest reliability and a service life of more than 15 years. To date, only in the Russian Federation there are about 50 million such meters.

Electronic counters

They work by directly measuring current and voltage and transmitting data in digital form to the indicator and to the meter's memory. Electronic meters have many advantages. These are compact dimensions, the possibility of multi-tariff accounting, the ability to integrate into automated commercial accounting systems due to the presence of standard interfaces, easy transition to a higher accuracy class due to the use of specialized microcircuits, ease of reading due to the use of a digital indicator, increased resistance to attempts to steal electricity for meter reading correction account, etc. The main disadvantages of electronic meters are higher price and lower reliability.

GOSTs and established traditions

The first electronic counter was made in our country back in 1996 (earlier in the west, our lag is at least 15 years). On January 1, 1996, GOST 6570-96 came into force, making meters with an accuracy class of 2.5 and a current of less than 30A illegal. These changes are long overdue. our apartments are full of appliances with a current consumption of 1-2 kW (electric kettles, microwave ovens, washing machines and dishwashers, heaters, water heaters, etc.). In 2000 An order of RAO "UES of Russia" is issued, prescribing the equipping of housing and communal services with modern meters with an accuracy class of at least 2.0 and with a working current of more than 30A.

Modern tendencies

Foreign manufacturers and operators faced the problem of replacing the old fleet of meters before us. At first, they also enthusiastically rushed to replace induction meters with electronic ones, which became 95%, but faced with the problem of lower reliability, the need for quick service, they changed their views somewhat. Now the ratio of induction and electronic meters, for example, in England is approximately 40/60.

We also have both types of counters in our stores. Both organizations and individuals buy both. Regarding reliability, the following can be said: in the passport for an electronic meter, a resource of 15 years of continuous operation is often given, but not one has actually worked that much yet. Fifteen years ago, they were not released yet. The resource of the induction counter is such that even after 50 years, many samples fit into the specified accuracy class! This has been verified experimentally.

Which electric meter to choose

The alternative of induction and electronic meters should be decided by the buyer based on the necessary consumer properties of the meter. Before choosing an electric meter, you need to determine whether it is possible and necessary to take advantage of all the advantages of electronic meters and not pay attention to their shortcomings. It is clear that the advantages of electronic meters are not so important everywhere and often the disadvantages of induction meters are absolutely uncritical.

Problems of choosing electric meters. Let's figure it out together

1. The cost of meters with accuracy class 1-0.5 is significantly higher than meters with class 2.0. For an apartment meter class 2.0 is enough. The advertising slogan immediately comes to mind: “If there is no difference, why pay more?”.

2. Preservation of a high class of accuracy under conditions of rapidly changing loads is an important property of an electronic meter, but it can only be realized in an industrial enterprise.

3. This is a good addition to the functions of a conventional counter. But not in all cities and even regions such a service is implemented. The planned replacement of the meter in 90% of cases is carried out with single-tariff ones.

4. Opportunity, this is a very good feature, but it helps energy companies, and you will overpay for the meter.

5. In order to reduce the cost and ensure a competitive advantage, some manufacturers put the cheapest components in electronic meters. Their expiration date has not been determined. How can such a counter work for 15 years? Imagine now that you have to remove such a meter and look for a service center for it. At this time, your loved ones will sit in the dark, without a TV and a refrigerator?! What do they tell you about this...

6. Is it good to have a counter with as many functions as a modern cell phone, instead of one that works reliably like a Swiss watch? How many of your friends have fully mastered all the functions of even their own phone and use them 100%?

7. In our country, it is not profitable for the state and energy companies, because a decrease in consumption is a decrease in their profits. With the constant growth of electricity tariffs, no one wants to introduce modern equipment, because. these are unplanned risks and opportunities for loss of profit.


Based on all of the above, we can conclude that at present it is better for an apartment to buy an induction electric meter with an accuracy class of 2.0 and a working current of at least 50A from a well-known manufacturer.

There is a large selection of such counters in stores. Among them, choose with a long warranty period and a service center in your city. When buying, make sure that the seals are present and intact. Ask the seller to indicate in the passport and certify with a seal the initial meter readings. Make sure that there are factory stamps in the certificate of verification of the electric meter.

Fully read the passport for the electric meter. Ask the seller to compare several types of meters in terms of consumer properties. The choice is yours.

A household electricity meter keeps records of electricity consumed during the reporting period. Electricity meters are installed at all electrified facilities. Why buy a new household electronic electricity meter if the previously installed one correctly counts the amount of consumed electrical energy?


Buying a new electric meter allows you to:

  • to receive electricity 2 times cheaper during the period of its lowest or total consumption - multi-tariff;
  • setting up multi-tariff - is inexpensive compared to the annual overpayment for the consumed electrics.
  • the interval between verifications is 16 years for single-phase, 10 years for three-phase (Mercury line);
  • electronic devices have a built-in protocol for copying information to third-party media, for consumed energy;
  • electronic meters have a built-in modem for transmitting indicators to the dispatcher - electrical energy is taken into account without the participation of the user, visits of controllers;
  • 100% guarantee that electricity will not be consumed by a third-party user at the expense of the customer, thanks to the polarity reversal system;
  • New devices have an increased accuracy class.

The price of household electric meters depends on the technical characteristics of the model, its additional functionality. The online store of Mosenergosbyt JSC offers an inexpensive purchase of an electric meter. How much electricity meters cost can be found in the price list in the "catalog" section.

Wholesale buyers can inexpensively purchase a batch of accounting devices, saving on delivery within Moscow. If the total amount of the order exceeds 100,000 rubles. - delivery within the city is free. We also provide installation, debugging service. We take care of the preparation of the relevant documentation. So - from the customer only a written order. You can contact us using the free callback service or other methods indicated on the site.

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