Home loan child protection policy. Home Credit Bank. Incorrect provision of information. Cancellation of insurance after loan repayment


Home Credit Bank Limited Liability Company is a subsidiary bank of the Czech Home Credit Group. It is in the top 50 in terms of assets and is one of the most representative retail banks.

In 1990, the Technopolis bank appeared in Zelenograd, NPO Zenit, NTTM Doka, the Zelenogradsky state farm, the Zelenogradsky PSMO, the Elpa Research Institute, and the Zelenograd Canteen Trust were established.


In March 2002, the organization changed its owner - 100% of the shares were transferred to Home Credit Finance A. S. (Czech Republic), which is part of the Home Credit Group. After the sale, the bank changed its course of work to the development of consumer lending.

Home Credit Group is one of the leaders in consumer lending in the European market. Home Credit Group is part of the international PPF group, which also includes the Czech Insurance Company, PPF Banka and Air Bank (Czech Republic), Piraeus Bank (Greece), RAV Agro-Pro (Russia), the Eldorado electronics store chain, etc. The total assets of the PPF Group will exceed 21.3 billion euros.


In 2003, the organization received a new name - Home Credit and Finance Bank LLC ("HKF Bank").


At the end of 2015, at the National Banking Prize, the bank was awarded a special award in the nomination "Bank of People's Trust". The high degree of reliability of the organization is also evidenced by the ratings of international agencies: Moody's assesses the bank's work at B2, Fitch - B +.


The current shareholder structure is represented by Home Credit B. V. (88.62% of shares) and Emma Omega LTD (11.38%).

The head office of the company is located in Moscow. Also, seven branches, two representative offices, ten credit and cash offices, 70 additional and 286 operating offices have been opened in more than two hundred settlements of Russia. The list of employees at the beginning of 2016 was just over 14,000 people. Own ATM network includes 830 ATMs and payment terminals. Customers can also repay their debts at 40,000 branches of the Russian Post.

The bank specializes in consumer lending, contracts for which are concluded directly at the bank's offices, as well as at consumer goods retail outlets (more than 92,000 stores act as partners). Home Credit Bank also works with corporate clients, mainly within the framework of consumer lending and payroll projects.

According to its own estimates, the bank is the leader among Russian credit institutions in terms of the size of the POS loan portfolio, and is in the top ten in terms of the size of the portfolio of card loans and cash loans.

The bank pays considerable attention to childhood: for several years now, the project for the fulfillment of educational desires "The Blue Bird" and the drawing competition have been operating. For active participation in the All-Russian Week of Financial Literacy for Children and Youth, Home Credit Bank was awarded a diploma.

The client base includes over 32,600,000 retail clients, including borrowers, savers and cardholders.

For 12 months, from March 2015 to March 2016, the assets of Home Credit Bank decreased by a third, to 225.65 billion rubles. The main source of funding is funds from retail clients. 80% of assets are formed by loans.

The total size of the portfolio for the period under review decreased by 24.79%, or in absolute terms by 59.7 billion rubles. The drop was demonstrated by the portfolio of retail loans, which occupies 72% of the total volume, to 162.19 billion rubles (-27.41%). At the same time, in terms of corporate lending, a slight increase was observed: + 8.89%, to 18.91 billion rubles.


In 2017, the bank carried out a large-scale rebranding - updated the logo and corporate identity.


In 2018, Home Credit continued to develop its product line and online business:

  • one of the first to start accepting biometric data of customers and register them in the Unified Biometric System as part of the Digital Economy of the Russian Federation program;
  • HKB was the first in Russia to issue a loan, fully remotely identifying the client, thanks to the work of the Unified Biometric System;
  • launched the issuance of cash loans to the card of any Russian bank;
  • launched a Homebot, a virtual assistant that answers customers via chat on the bank's website and in the My Credit service.

Temporary financial difficulties should not prevent fruitful cooperation between banking organizations and individuals. When serious financial problems arise, many borrowers begin to hide from creditors, do not pay debts and interest, spoil their credit history, and ignore the appeals of bank managers. But there is a way out of this situation. If you do not hush up your difficult financial situation, you can count on the provision of loan restructuring, one of the forms of which are "holidays", that is, a temporary deferral of debt repayment. During this period, the client of the bank must improve his financial situation and continue payments. Depending on individual conditions, there are different options for granting a loan deferment.

Contacting the bank: details about restructuring

If you are a client of Home Credit Bank, you can count on a loyal attitude from the institution. Back in August 2014, the management of this company formed a special program called "Credit Rehabilitation". It was developed specifically for clients who are recipients of loans, but now, for serious reasons, they cannot temporarily pay the next amount of debt with interest. A serious violation is the lack of payment for a certain period of time - you can spoil and finally lose a trusting relationship with a banking organization. Therefore, Home Credit invites citizens to contact one of the branches in a timely manner and explain their life situation, tell representatives of the credit committee about problems.

To restructure debt at Home Credit Bank, you will need to provide evidence that:

  • The borrower is not going to evade payment and plans to deposit every month the amount that is available to him at the moment.
  • The client is in a difficult financial situation (certificate of income, birth certificate of a child, divorce, documents from a medical institution, etc.).
  • The borrower is actively looking for additional income to pay off the existing loan.

The recipient of funds can use the bank service:

  • If there is an overdue loan.
  • In a difficult financial situation, but so far without delays.
  • In case of minor violation of the terms of payment on the loan - no more than three days.

Rest from a loan, or an investor's demanded service

They are one of the forms of restructuring provided by Home Credit Bank. There are also other options for borrowers. This is a replacement for the currency, for the accrual of penalties for delays within a certain period of time, lowering the amount of the monthly installment by extending the total term of financing.

Clients of this organization can count on the following vacation options:

  • Deferral of payment of interest - while the main debt is paid in the usual manner.
  • Postponement of principal repayment terms - the accrued interest must continue to be paid every month.
  • Full suspension of payments for a certain period.

The main advantage of a loan holiday at Home Credit Bank is the ability of the borrower to choose the date for resuming the deposit of funds. At the same time, the service is completely free, while many financial institutions charge a certain percentage of contributions.

According to the rules of this company, a deferment can be granted for periods of one to six months. But in each individual case, a decision is made. Much depends on the severity of the financial situation in which the citizen finds himself. They are more loyal to borrowers who have repeatedly taken loans from this bank and closed them without any delays.

Design rules

Many citizens are interested in how to arrange credit holidays in Home Credit? To do this, you will need to prove that your financial situation is so difficult.

Those who wish can apply on the official Internet portal of the institution or contact the bank manager by phone. But there is another option, which includes several stages:

  1. Visit the online service "Credit Rehabilitation".
  2. Go to the application form page.
  3. Fill it out (full name, date of birth, email address, contact phone number).
  4. Confirm your identity using the code received in the form of an SMS message.
  5. Check the box to indicate that you cannot pay in the same amount.
  6. Specify the repayment amount and payment date that is convenient for you.
  7. Send a request to the operator and wait for a phone call.

If you decide to visit the bank office and write an application there, the document must include:

  • Bank name, branch address.
  • Full name of the borrower, passport data, information about the repayment schedule.
  • request for restructuring.

Be sure to attach certificates to the application confirming the occurrence of serious problems with money. Wait for the decision of the bank.

When applying for a loan for goods, services or cash, a bank representative may offer the client to conclude an additional insurance contract. Is it possible to refuse it before signing the main agreement and what to do if the desire to return the insurance arose after receiving the money?

Registration of insurance in Home Credit

According to the rules of consumer lending of the bank, the client can voluntarily insure himself in case of:

  • job loss - while leaving "on one's own" does not apply to insurance risks, the client is protected only in case of forced dismissal, liquidation of the enterprise and in some other situations;
  • disability or death (personal protection).

Upon the occurrence of an insured event, the debt to the bank will be fully or partially repaid for the borrower. At the choice of the client, the policy can be either Home Credit Insurance.

Any policy can be concluded only with the consent of the client. But employees of a credit institution often impose an insurance service on a borrower - they say that otherwise the application will be refused, or they refer to the fact that the program itself included insurance in the body of the loan. It must be understood that these words do not correspond to reality.

Important! Each policy contains a wording according to which the client confirms with his signature on the document that he draws it up voluntarily and is familiar with all the conditions. In this case, it will be almost impossible to prove the fact of imposition even through the court.

If the insurance was still issued, then the borrower can turn off the service at any time. The conditions for a refund depend on the chosen insurance company and the moment when the client applied for termination of the agreement.

Termination of the contract in Home Credit Insurance

The conditions for canceling the agreement depend on the type of policy concluded with the bank.

When insuring against job loss, the client can return the funds only in the "cooling off period" specified by law - a period equal to 5 business days from the date of signing the agreement. Moreover, if the contract has time to enter into force, then the costs for the number of days the agreement was in effect will be deducted from the returned amount. After the expiration of the specified period, upon termination of the contract, there will be no return of the premium paid.

Important! The contract comes into force on the day following the payment of the insurance premium.

If the borrower has issued a personal insurance policy, then 14 days (calendar) from the date of its entry into force are given to terminate the contract. If the insurer is notified within this period, the amount will be returned in full 10 days after the company receives a written request from the client. If the application is submitted later, then part of the insurance premium can only be returned.

Termination of the contract in Renaissance Life

The conditions for canceling an agreement that protects against job loss in Renaissance Life are similar to Home Credit Insurance - you can cancel only in the first 5 working days.

With personal insurance, the conditions for terminating the agreement are as follows:

  • when applying within the first 14 calendar days - the amount paid is returned in full;
  • after a two-week period - the redemption amount for the remaining period will be calculated, taking into account the costs of the insurer.

Important! The agreement contains a clause providing for the possibility of the insurer to withhold up to 98% of the amount paid for costs.

If the insurance contract is drawn up in the form of a collective agreement (the borrower joins the terms of the contract concluded between the bank and the insurance company), then the “cooling off period” does not apply, and upon termination (including early termination of obligations to the bank), the amount paid is not returned.

Cancellation of insurance after loan repayment

If the borrower closes the loan ahead of time, then for almost all the insurance policies described above, he is entitled to receive a refund of part of the premium paid. In this case, the redemption amount for the unused period will be calculated, including the costs of the insurance company in the amount of 23%.

If, due to the full early repayment of the loan, the personal insurance contract issued by Home Credit Insurance is terminated within the first 30 days after registration, the amount paid will be returned in full.

To receive a refund, you will need to attach to the application a certificate issued and certified by the bank, according to which the client's credit obligations have been fully fulfilled.

Important! Exclusion from the list of policies for which a refund is possible - protection against loss of work in SC Home Credit Insurance. According to the policy conditions, if the loan is repaid ahead of time, under such an agreement, even a part of the amount paid is not returned.

It is legally determined that if the policy states that the insurance premium is not returned upon early termination of the loan contract, then it will not be possible to achieve payment even through the courts.

About the features of obtaining insurance in other credit organizations:

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Credit rehabilitation from Home Credit Bank is a special service that will allow existing borrowers to restructure the resulting debt due to an extended term, credit holidays or another option. To receive a positive decision on credit rehabilitation, the client must fill out a questionnaire. In it you need to indicate your full name, date of birth, contact details, the reasons for the occurrence of a difficult financial situation, possible solutions to the problem, your plan of action.

What is Credit Rehab at Home Credit Bank?

In the wake of the 2014 crisis and the increased percentage of delinquencies on current loans, Home Credit Bank decided to offer its customers a brand new service - credit rehabilitation. It will allow you to maintain a good credit history of the borrower and a positive relationship with the bank without delays.

The essence of credit rehabilitation from Home Credit is simple. The bank provides the client with the restructuring of the current debt due to an extended loan term and a reduced monthly payment, a reduced interest rate, the provision of "credit holidays", etc. Depending on the current situation, the bank will independently select the most convenient option for the borrower, based on the data provided to them.

Let us consider in detail each option of a possible offer of the bank. Credit holidays— this is a deferral of making monthly payments for 2-4 months without fines, sanctions or damaged credit history. The client is simply given a temporary “breather” from monthly payments. This is a real lifeline for borrowers who are temporarily unemployed and are looking for a suitable place. They just lack 2-3 months to “get back on their feet” and continue loan payments without delay.

Extending the loan term and, accordingly, reducing the amount of monthly payments. To make it easier for the client to pay, the bank may reduce the amount of the monthly installment by extending the loan term. In this case, an additional agreement is concluded on the same terms, only with an extended period of 1-2 years. Due to this, it is possible to achieve a significant reduction in the amount of the monthly payment by 1.5-2 times from the original amount. This credit rehabilitation option is suitable for highly leveraged clients who have many other debts and loans.

Reduction in interest rates and, as a result, a decrease in the amount of monthly payments. If the borrower regularly paid the loan, but unforeseen financial difficulties arose in his life, the bank can meet halfway and offer a significant reduction in the interest rate. Usually this decrease is 10-15% of points, or even more. Due to this, the monthly installment on the loan is reduced and it is easier for the client to pay it, but the other conditions of the loan remain the same.

Credit rehabilitation Home Credit may include a set of measures aimed at reducing the risk of default. For example, a client may immediately be offered a slight reduction in the interest rate, an increase in the term of the loan and the provision of credit holidays for 1-2 months. The complex method is the most effective and suitable for most borrowers. The bank will choose the final version of debt restructuring on its own, based on the background of the borrower, which he must describe in detail in the application for rehabilitation.

Who can get rehabilitation?

Only existing customers who have an outstanding loan or credit card will be able to receive credit rehabilitation at Home Credit Bank. This is not an ordinary refinancing, so customers of other banks will not be able to get it.

You can apply for restructuring:

  1. Clients with already overdue payments or multiple installments
  2. Borrowers who have not yet been in arrears, but they understand that they will not be able to pay the next installment on time.

If the current delay is small or not, a separate agreement is concluded between the bank and the client to the current loan agreement. According to it, the client can receive a reduction in payment due to an increase in the loan term.

If the client has a large delay (over 90-120 days), then the bank gives him a 6-month period, during which he undertakes not to apply recovery measures and not to charge penalties. In return for this, the bank requires timely payment by the client of any amounts available to him.

For example, a borrower has a large delay of 6 months. Every month, he needs to pay 4,000 rubles on a loan by the 20th day of each current month. By concluding an additional agreement, the client can pay any amount, even 500 rubles, as a monthly installment until the 20th day of each month, and the bank promises not to charge late fees, not sell debt to collectors and not collect overdue payments.

After 6 months, the client must return to the payment schedule and pay all the same 4,000 thousand rubles. every month, and the underpaid money during those 6 months will need to be returned at the end of the loan term.

How to get rehabilitation?

To receive rehabilitation, the client must fill out an application via the Internet, at a bank branch or by calling a hotline. Which of these options to choose is up to the borrower, but one of the fastest and most convenient is to remotely fill out the questionnaire via the Internet. Consider how you can fill out an application for credit rehabilitation yourself.

On the bank's page at: homecredit.ru/dolg, the client needs to fill out an application for rehabilitation. First, the borrower needs to introduce himself, indicating his full name, date of birth and contact email address.

Further, the bank offers to describe in detail the current situation and the reason that led to financial difficulties in the family. Here, the borrower needs to essentially talk about the reasons for the lack of money (loss of a job, illness, dismissal, decision to change jobs, long sick leave, childbirth, maternity leave, a new loan and a high credit burden that does not allow paying all current loans, etc. ) There is no need to lie and invent. It is better for the client to describe the real situation, current opportunities, all income and expenses.

Be sure to write that you will pay the loan and do not refuse it, but you just need a little time to "get in line." It is important to convince the bank that there will be positive changes, for example, to indicate that you are waiting for your resume to be considered and that you have a high chance of getting this job, etc.

Further, the bank offers the borrower to form their own debt repayment schedule indicating specific dates and amounts. Also, the client will need to name the nearest planned payment date and a convenient amount.

After that, you can click the "Submit" button. An application for credit rehabilitation is considered by the bank on an individual basis within 1-2 business days. If questions arise, the client can be called from the department of work with overdue debts, discuss an acceptable option, etc. The bank will send the final decision by e-mail.

The procedure for obtaining and who can be denied?

Credit rehabilitation is not provided to clients whose case was sent to court, or is with collectors and there are some agreements with them. Malicious non-payers who avoid any communication with the bank / collectors (do not answer the phone, blacklist numbers, etc.) the bank is unlikely to agree to provide restructuring.

The procedure for obtaining credit rehabilitation is simple and consists of several steps. First, the client needs to fill out an application via the Internet and wait for a positive decision from the bank.

If the credit institution approves the application and agrees with the borrower's repayment schedule, or offers its own option, the client will need to come to the selected Home Credit branch in his city to conclude an additional agreement.

At the office of the borrower, they will familiarize themselves with the new conditions, present a new repayment schedule and related documents. They will need to be signed and the debt paid in strict accordance with the papers.

Pros and Cons of Home Credit Credit Rehab

Benefits of the rehabilitation program include:

  • The ability to reduce the credit burden on a borrower who has many other loans and payments, financial difficulties, etc.
  • Many convenient remote ways to apply for rehabilitation
  • Rehabilitation is formalized in the form of an additional agreement to the contract, and not in words, as is often the case in banks
  • Home Credit offers a lot of different options that are sure to suit the client.
  • The service is available to customers with current arrears over 120 days, and not only borrowers with 3-5 day delays
  • The borrower's credit history will be preserved, and relations with the bank will remain positive

The negative aspects of restructuring include:

  • Possible refusal of the bank to provide this service.
  • You cannot receive a service if the debt is transferred or sold to collectors
  1. If the bank for some reason refused to provide credit rehabilitation, the borrower can always get a loan to refinance the current debt in any other bank. This option has a lot of positive nuances from a guaranteed reduction in the interest rate on the loan and the amount of the monthly installment to the complete termination of any obligations to the former lender.
  2. If you have lost your job or become seriously ill, do not rush to apply for restructuring. It is better to carefully read your loan agreement with Home Credit Bank. Perhaps the credit institution has connected you to life and health insurance, or to insurance for the loss of a job. In this case, you will only need to prove the insured event that has arisen and the insurance company will pay your monthly premiums until you "get back on your feet."
  3. Upon dismissal, immediately register with the municipal employment service. Such a certificate will be a guaranteed confirmation of the difficult financial situation of the client, indicating the exact date.
  4. If you have already received a restructuring and repaid a loan from a bank under the new conditions, be sure to ask for a certificate of absence of debt and claims. Keep it for at least 3-5 years.
  5. It is better to write an application with a request for restructuring to the official e-mail of the bank, through a special form on the website, by registered mail by Russian Post.

What do Home Credit Bank credit rehabilitation reviews say?

The opinions of ordinary borrowers of the credit organization were divided. Some argue that this is a very important and necessary program that saved them from the oppression of debt collectors, litigation and other troubles, allowed them to return to the debt repayment schedule and maintain their credit reputation.

Clients note that the bank follows the stated condition of the restructuring and does not pester with calls, does not charge fines and does not transfer the debt to collectors for collection. At least as long as the client fulfills the terms of the additional agreement properly.

Others say that Home Credit Bank often “cheats” when granting the declared restructuring, asking for interest, then another payment according to the schedule, then something else, and only after that it will be ready to approve the restructuring. Many clients say that the consideration of the application takes a very long time, and if you do not pick up the phone when calling in a timely manner, then such an application is immediately denied.

It all started optimistically with a proposal to issue an approved loan. As a result of a conversation with bank employees, she turned to the branch to sign documents for a loan. I’ll clarify that I applied on June 23, 2017. Instead of the amount that we discussed, I found out that I would receive less in my hands and that the total loan amount was larger, because. be sure to take out insurance. The specialist asked why I sign two documents for insurance? To which he answered me, and that one program is family protection (and according to the employee, “financial protection”), and the second is “asset plus”. The manager of the office said that you can't refuse the insurance program.

On June 26, I wrote an application for exclusion from the list of insured persons at the department, but they did not give my copies of the applications. The next day, I again turned to the department for copies of the documents, but they were already sent to the insurance company, according to the employee. I insisted on re-application, because. it was important for me to have documents confirming my actions to guarantee the return of the amount of insurance. The bank employee said that their printer did not work and it was pointless to write a statement. I left a claim for the whole situation, but they didn’t tell me the claim number and the response time. Leaving the bank, I called the call center of the insurance company and found out that the documents had not been received by them.

On June 29, I came to re-write the application (the printer started working), but now they refused me. She left an application for providing me with copies of the documents, they promised to provide an answer within 5 working days. The next day, completely desperate, she turned to the insurance company itself and left applications there, because. they did not receive any documents from the bank. I was very surprised to learn that under the asset plus program the contract was concluded on June 21 (I remind you that I first contacted the bank on June 23). The bank was negligent in its obligations (both sending applications to the insurance company, and providing copies of documents and responding to the claim). I believe that if a bank values ​​its reputation, then it is necessary to train employees with high quality! Starting from the correct provision of information to the expression of employees' faces. Following from the above, I concluded that the bank deliberately violates the rights of consumers and the law!

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