The bot is pleased and who is the bot. Let's see what a bot is? Examples of modern use of bot programs

Often the owners of VKontakte groups and publics turn to me with the question: “How can I quickly and cheaply recruit subscribers to a group?” They also ask about who the bots and VKontakte offers are. I answer that about “quickly and cheaply” this is not for me, since I work with groups of my customers using exclusively white methods using paid promotion methods.

Who are bots?

Working in social networks and in particular VKontakte is a lot of work that requires a serious investment of time, effort and money. Often, entrepreneurs go to social networks without understanding how everything works here. That is why people "peck" on dubious offers, where they are offered "real live subscribers" for very modest money. Let's try to figure out what kind of "live" subscribers are and where they come from.

Do you know what bots are and how they differ from offers?

Bots are such personal VKontakte pages filled with false information and performing automatic tasks. Who creates these same bots? There are special programs that either create such pages or hack the pages of real people.

Who are the offers?

A few years ago, bots were actively used by Vkontakte, but today they have been almost completely replaced by offers. The social network Vkontakte has a negative attitude towards non-living accounts, and if you manage to fill your group with bots, then it will simply be blocked. You will then communicate long and hard with the administration and explain where you got these very bots.

Offers, unlike bots, are real people who are ready to join a certain VKontakte group and perform certain actions in it, for example, like, repost, or write some kind of comment. Why do they do it? Of course, for a fee.

Before you is just a screen from a site where people are invited to make money on VKontakte by performing certain targeted actions.

How much do offers cost

Offer prices vary. To be honest, I myself have never used services for recruiting offers into a group, but finding them on the net is not difficult at all. Go to the search engine and set the search query "Buy VKontakte offers" and get acquainted with the prices. Here is a screen that I made by looking at one of the sites that provide such services.

But I want to warn you right away, when ordering offers, you are drawing to be in the same situation as the author of this post in the discussion thread on the forum. That is, after joining your community, people will hang there as an absolutely dead audience, and this is even at best. And at worst, they will begin to unsubscribe en masse and turn into "dogs".

Why bots and offers are useless for business

Why is this happening? The answer is simple - these people are absolutely not interested in your group and your business. They got their reward and happily forgot about you. And even if the cost of one such subscriber is much cheaper than the target one received when launching paid advertising, the question arises: why do you need these offers at all?

Some authors of VKontakte projects believe that they join a group with several thousand subscribers much better than an empty one. But the whole problem is that in order to powder people's brains, you will also have to imitate at least minimal, but activity in your group. And you will also have to pay for this ... And again, this activity will be fake. That's why I never buy offers anywhere and I do not advise you.

Why buy offers

If you want your Vkontakte business to develop and make a profit, you need to learn not to buy offers, but to work competently in this social network. Make your group interesting to your subscribers and learn how to attract a real live target audience.

Some owners of VKontakte groups want to buy offers in order to get into the TOP of results in the internal search of VKontakte. On this occasion, I will say the following. If in order to reach the TOP you need to recruit up to 10 thousand subscribers to the group, then it is quite possible to cope with this task without any offers, and in a fairly short time (if, of course, you have a certain budget).

For example, the group "SECRETS OF CHINESE MEDICINE" is in the top three in the search results for the internal search of VKontakte among 410 communities. And they recruited this group exclusively by white methods.

If, in order to get into the TOP, you need to gain 100 thousand subscribers or more, recruiting offers is generally a thankless task. Why? Yes, because the lack of activity in a group with such a serious number of subscribers will rather work against you.

People will have a question: why in such a large group no one is interested in the product, does not ask questions, does not leave reviews. Will you imitate the “movement” in your group yourself? Maybe then you will buy from yourself?

Yes, and such a picture in the subscribers of your community will also not work to build trust in you and your business:

So, my friends, I want to warn you against unnecessary and senseless spending. Do not believe the promises of recruiting a target and solvent audience for little money.
It's all a divorce.

If you really want to develop your VKontakte business, then study paid advertising. And don't expect instant results! If you study and work, then the results will be sure, but not immediately.

If you have any questions, then ask, do not hesitate! I will gladly answer.

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Find out how your comment data is processed.

Few people know that many processes on the Internet are performed by bots and not by real people. The bot helps to send hundreds of e-mails in a short time, plays online games with us and even helps to earn money! What is this "beast" - a bot? And how does it make life easier for users?

What is a bot on the Internet

Bot - the abbreviated name of the robot program (robot - bot). There are thousands of such programs, and each is aimed at certain actions that are difficult and time consuming for a person to do manually due to the monotony and repetition of the action. For example, there are bots only for downloading movies or responding to messages on social networks. The bot has a built-in program for performing an infinite number of times the same actions according to the scenario needed by the person. And he never gets tired.

Social networks use bots to promote accounts and groups, creating the illusion of a huge audience: one bot writes comments - the other answers them, one bot is added to the group - the other puts “likes”, etc. Usually, entrepreneurs use bots to make money on the Internet, increasing subscribers and views, because from a promoted group with tens of thousands of subscribers you can get a lot of passive income.

Bots in games imitate an opponent. Many beginners do not even realize that it is not a person who is playing a computer game with them, but a program.

Why is a bot needed and what can it do

It is undeniable that bots help people. They are everywhere. Programs of the 21st century bring more benefits than sometimes 1000 people cannot. The bot is necessary to perform entertaining, commercial, educational, actions. Without a chat bot, for example, it is impossible to imagine a modern business: the program “talks” with an opponent in his language, answers customer questions, and informs about new products. Online stores, insurance companies, online banks all use bots.

The tasks of artificial intelligence are different. What will be programmed is what the bot will do. Most, of course, are aimed at making business easier: to find customers, send letters and advertisements, track payments, increase traffic. Every online entrepreneur knows what a bot is on the Internet and why one is needed.

But there are entertaining and educational bots that help learn foreign languages ​​(andyrobot), convert files (topdf_bot), find songs on the Internet by excerpt from the text (auddbot), download movies (iVideoBot), answer legal questions (pravorubot), earn money on the Internet (Skinve - when you start Skype, the bot shows ads to all friends).

Bots translate texts, "sit" in the support service, make Internet life more interesting, time is spent with benefit. In general, they do everything that people need at the moment.

Is it possible to make a bot yourself

In order to make a bot yourself, it is not necessary to get acquainted with the programming language, it is enough to use a constructor, for example - Chatfuel (even Forbes uses bots created on the basis of this constructor), and get to know the concept of "what is a bot on the Internet" in more detail.

If you need something cool, something that is not there yet, then you have to learn programming, starting with learning Python and Javascript. After testing the bot and eliminating all errors, you can upload it to the general directory of all bots - on or

Bot examples

This list is far from complete, but here are the most popular bots that make it easier to make money on the Internet, entertain in your spare time and help you perform any action quickly and efficiently:

  1. SuperHRBot will allow you to pass a virtual interview.
  2. Utubebot only downloads videos from YouTube.
  3. SaveVideoBot will download videos from anywhere, even from Instagram.
  4. ImageSearchBot will find the desired image by word.
  5. MyTeleCloudBot will save the necessary files in Telegram, i.e. the electronic cloud.
  6. Temp_mail_bot will create a temporary mailbox that will be valid for 10 minutes.
  7. Voicybot will type the message read aloud.
  8. Storebot will pick up an assistant.
  9. Chess_Bot will play chess.
  10. Saytextbot converts texts into an audio file.
  11. Strangerbot will find a random interlocutor (quite a real person).
  12. PandaQuizBot allows you to pass the time by participating in an entertaining quiz.
  13. Zodiac_bot - for lovers of horoscopes.
  14. ‎PokerBot will play poker with the user.
  15. Delorean_bot sends reminders of things to do.
  16. Flibustafreebookbot downloads e-books for free.
  17. Phistory introduces history through photography.
  18. Science_pop will allow you to study scientific articles, watch thematic videos and photos.
  19. ProgrammingFAbot is filled with guides and programming codes.
  20. Chgk_bot - for fans of the game "What? Where? When?".
  21. Xrumer sends emails to blogs and social networks.
  22. Cyberboard distributes messages to message boards.
  23. - bot for autosurfing (viewing ads for money).
  24. Power_Money_RoBot attracts subscribers to the channel and earns by completing tasks.
  25. Icheatbot winds up followers on Instagram, Twitter, Vkontakte, Telegram.
  26. Buddy_the_bot helps Instagram account holders find advertisers, and those, in turn, look for publics where they can place ads.

These sample programs are just a small drop in the ocean of bots. And every day the number of robots is increasing. What it will eventually lead to is unknown, but let's hope that people will watch the uprising of the machines only in the movies, and not in real life! What is a bot on the Internet? Of course, a very useful, even indispensable assistant.

Bots are third-party utilities that run inside the Telegram app. In fact, these are accounts that are not managed by people, but by software.

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Such entries often have advanced functionality that goes beyond regular profiles. They can do everything: play with you, educate, search for information, broadcast and live stream, remind you of dates and events, connect to encrypted networks, integrate with other services, or even send commands to smart home appliances.

One of the latest innovations is bots. The platform itself is most interesting precisely because its bots have a richer user interface (compared to the Facebook or Vkontakte platform).

Today's updates to the app make interacting with it even easier. In most cases, you won't even have to enter text, because the bot's interface will provide you with a set of custom buttons.

How do they work

The algorithm of bot-utilities is quite simple. Messages, commands and requests sent by users are transmitted to the software running on the developers' servers. The intermediary anonymous Telegram server handles encryption and provides feedback between the utility and the user.

You communicate with servers using a simple HTTPS interface, which is a simplified version of Telegram. In another way, this interface can be called a program catalog or a bot algorithm. You can learn more about how a telegram bot works by becoming a software developer. New bot utilities are created using the special @BotFather utility, which greatly simplifies the development process.

What are they needed for

You can communicate with them by sending them messages and built-in commands. All your messages are encoded into specialized HTTPS requests that are sent to the Telegram application interface and processed by the bot algorithm program.

Such programs make it easier for the user to interact interactively, so there is no need to leave the current application to search for content on the Internet. This allows you to stay up to date with the latest news, translate text, shop, check the weather, and much more without interrupting your Telegram conversation.

Thousands of different bots have been created for Telegram to make it easier to surf the net. Their functionality is still rather limited, but this does not prevent them from being useful in a wide variety of situations. Telegram @bot is a rapidly developing and daily updated technology of the future.

What are Telegram bots used for?

What bots are there in the telegram, and how can you simplify your life with their help? Initially, they were used as smart magazines that send you relevant content. Thanks to individual notifications and news, you will always be up to date.

Conventionally, all bot utilities can be divided into several functional subgroups, each of which has its own application:

  • Integration with other services. The bot can enrich Telegram chats with content from external services (@Gmail, @GIF, @IMDB, @YouTube).
  • Accepting payments from Telegram users. Embedded programs have the ability to offer paid services or act as a virtual store (@DemoShopBot).
  • Creating your own tools. The bot may provide you with notifications, weather forecasts, translations, document formatting, or other services (@Markdownbot, @Stickerbot, @Votebot, @Likebot).
  • Creation of games. The bot utility can offer a rich HTML5 interface, from simple arcade and puzzle games to 3D shooters and real-time games (@GameBot, @Gamee).
  • Building social networks inside Telegram. Artificial intelligence can connect people looking for conversation partners based on common interests (@HotOrBot).

With so many uses for bot utilities, you can basically do whatever you want with them.

How and where to find a bot in a telegram

  • To search, you can use the official Telegram website, on which there is a special section "". The most useful and interesting utilities of the application are listed there.
  • Use other information resources to find interesting and unique bots. Numerous collections on YouTube can help with this.
  • You can also use @Storebot, which searches for a telegram bot right in the app. Its functionality includes interesting and useful commands that facilitate the search.

How to use and communicate with the bot in the telegram.

Users can interact with programs by sending them messages, commands, and built-in prompts. These may include pre-specified keywords, voice messages, geolocations. There are two ways to start chatting with a bot:

  1. Send messages to team members by opening a chat with them or adding them to groups. This is useful for chat bots or news bots like the official @TechCrunch bot.
  2. Submit requests directly from the input field by entering @bot username and request. This allows you to send content from built-in bots directly to any chat, group or channel.

Today, there is hardly a bot that will cause difficulties even for the most inexperienced users of the application. They become simpler, more accessible and faster. You can also create your own bot if you know how.
Here are some of the more useful ones:


Enter @youtube, leave a space and enter the name of the video if you want to send the video you are interested in without leaving Telegram.

Search GIFs @GIF

GIFs work inline, so all you have to do is type @GIF, leave a space, and type in the reaction you want to see. For example, when you type in an angry emoticon, a series of gif animations will appear illustrating that emotion. Scroll down the page to find the best one.

@Weatherman bot

Just add him to your contact list and you will always be aware of what is happening with the weather in your city.


Stickers are without a doubt the coolest thing about messengers, and there are nowhere better and more diverse stickers than Telegram. Until now, the process of accumulating your own collection of stickers has been difficult. All you have to do is enter @Stickers in the field and then search through your , which you want to turn into a sticker.

The development of Telegram does not stand still, the bot-sharing technology is developing and gaining more and more popularity. This is the most convenient and massive way to perform a wide range of tasks - from PR to managing home appliances. Already, the range of tasks that is impossible for a bot is rapidly narrowing, and in the near future there will be no such “impossible” tasks at all.

With the current trend in the development of information technology, there are more and more ways to manipulate human consciousness. There are many tools and various platforms, but it is social networks that have become the main springboard for such actions. Now we will talk about the so-called social bots - special programs created to imitate the behavior of people in social networks. The purpose of these programs can be different, but most often they are used by Internet marketers and cybercriminals.

Not so long ago, a group of scientists from the University of British Columbia, led by Professor Yazan Bushmaf, conducted a large-scale experiment to identify vulnerabilities in large social networks. The experimental part of the study lasted two months. During this time, only from one Facebook network, scientists were able to obtain more than 250 GB of personal information of users. For these purposes, about a hundred bots were developed with a certain array of scripts, due to which they could pretend to be real people.

Programs instantly created pages with photos and personal information. Also, bots could participate in dialogues, periodically change statuses and send messages with invites. As a result, in two months they were able to send 5053 messages to request personal data, of which 80% had a positive result. To prevent Facebook's anti-spam protection from working, bots sent no more than 25 messages per day. To increase user confidence, the programs used a social engineering technique called the “triadic closure principle,” which involves making mutual friends.

As a result, the experiment showed that the protection of most social networks is not ready for large-scale data theft attacks. 8 out of 10 users fall for the tricks of social bots without knowing it. However, Facebook management said that the results of the experiment are greatly exaggerated, and their Facebook Immune protection system is constantly being improved to detect fake profiles and new types of cyber attacks.

Main types and tasks of social bots

Technical bots. In their structure, there are almost always specially prescribed programs. Their main tasks include accumulating likes and one-word comments under the desired entry, creating a large mass of friends to increase trust in the bot, and distributing publications through reposts. This is the most popular type of bot that is used in any social networks, be it Facebook, VKontakte or Instagram.

Combat bots. They are required primarily to reduce the reputation or block a certain page on a social network by sending a large number of complaints and negative comments.

Drain boots. Sometimes special bots are used to distribute this or that information, which at first behave like real users, but at a certain point they begin to distribute insider information. Subsequently, many online publications and the media will refer to this fake source.

Hyperbole bots. This is perhaps the most subtle and sophisticated type of social bots, which is designed to gain confidence in the customers of a customer competitor with the further creation of anti-advertising. At first glance, the fake user fully supports the ideology and views of the opponent. But at a certain point, it begins to spread hyperbolic (exaggerated) information. For example, a bot infiltrates a group of fans of a certain car brand and reports that all car owners of other companies are stupid people with no taste. It is supported by other bots. As a result, many potential buyers will begin to be very skeptical of all owners of these cars and, accordingly, of the entire brand as a whole.

Intelligent combat bots or just "trolls". These bots are interesting because they use their own nested intellectual resource. That is, the program, with the necessary embedded data, is sent to the information war to promote third-party opinions. The main task of such a bot is to communicate on a highly specialized topic in a specific topic or message thread. In addition, such a bot can often switch to insults or provocative statements about other users, thereby diverting attention from the main topic of the conversation. This type of bot is most popular when discussing political and social phenomena.

Website bots. Usually, little-known companies resort to help by creating an account for a virtual person. Typically, these bots are inactive and easy to spot.

How to recognize a bot?

To protect yourself and not be attacked by bots, you need to know the main points that you should pay special attention to.

  • The account was created recently, but it actively posts meaningless photos, links and posts;
  • The account was created recently, it is maintained by an unknown person, but it already has a large number of friends with pages almost identical to this profile;
  • The account was recently registered. It does not have any information and photos, but it actively communicates with other users and in groups;
  • The account owner never responds to comments under their own posts. Most often these are bots from sites. They can be easily calculated when trying to enter a simple dialogue with them;
  • The account has been created for a long time. For a long time he was inactive, after which he abruptly begins to publish dozens of entries a day. Often this happens if the account has been hacked.

Therefore, if you are convinced that you have stumbled upon a bot, do not be lazy and send a complaint about it to the administration of the social network. It is known that today more than 60% of Internet traffic is generated by bots and it is quite a feasible task to mislead even an intelligent person. The most interesting thing is that the services of social bots are used by thousands of people around the world, sometimes for very bad purposes. It is possible to fight them, but most likely it is useless, since new and more sophisticated ways of deceiving people will always appear.

, instant messaging services and other chats.


How it works: the bot receives incoming messages, analyzes them and sends the result of the execution and / or executes the command.


  • Chat logging
  • Accounting for the rights of participants. For example, the ChanServ IRC service on IRC servers allows you to register a channel, and removes the operator status from incoming unregistered users, automatically issuing statuses to those who are allowed by special commands by the creator of the channel or users authorized by him.
  • Chat security. For example, “throws out” users if they repeat the same thing many times (flood protection), or by some parameters (for example, the name consists of several capital letters, or is an obscene expression) they look like an “undesirable” participant .
  • Providing the possibility of a conference between more than two users, in protocols without such a function.
  • Reference - an interface to a database that stores words and answers to them ("factoids", eng. factoids). There can be several answers, then a random one can be selected from them. One of these bots is the Infobot IRC bot ( English). Factoids can be created both directly by users and automatically, by "eavesdropping" on their conversations with each other (for example, from messages with the line "- this").
    • Special case - dictionary
  • Virtual interlocutor - imitates communication.
    • Simplified version: the bot remembers everything said by the chat participants (see logging), and replies to messages with an arbitrary phrase built from it using Markov chains.
  • Games (see IRC game)
  • Interpreter
  • Calculator
  • Commentator - comments on what was said for the convenience of working with him. For example, when the expression "bug 123456" is mentioned, it displays a URI in chat - a link to the corresponding entry in the bug tracking system related to this IRC channel or Jabber conference.
  • Searching for the specified string in a search engine and returning, for example, the address and page title of the topmost result.


  • IRC bots in the Open Directory Project (dmoz) links directory.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Bot (Internet)" is in other dictionaries:

    The term "robot" has other meanings. The term "bot" has other meanings. Robot or bot, as well as Internet bot, www bot, etc. (English bot, short for English robot) a special program that performs automatically and / or according to ... ... Wikipedia

    Not to be confused with target bot (Aimbot) a type of software for cheating in online games. This term has other meanings, see Robot (program). This term has other meanings, see Bot. ... ... Wikipedia

    Not to be confused with Target Bot. (eng. Aimbot) a type of software for cheating in online games A bot is a computer-controlled robot program that imitates partners in an online game, in online duels, team battles, etc. ... Wikipedia

    A botnet is a computer network consisting of a number of hosts running bots running autonomous software. Most often, a bot as part of a botnet is secretly installed on the victim's computer and ... ... Wikipedia

    A search engine is a website that provides the ability to search for information on the Internet. Most search engines look for information on World Wide Web sites, but there are also systems that can search for files on ftp servers, goods on ... ... Wikipedia

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