The Sverdlovsk journalist deceived the audience. “Just for PR”: journalist Rumyantsev explained why he testified in the Sokolovsky case But a person changes

Maxim Rumyantsev promised the whole country, addressing Russian President Vladimir Putin, that he "will give an answer to God and society for every word, because he is a journalist."

However, in fact, the "journalist" Maxim Rumyantsev does not give an answer for his words, but lies, juggles, is silent, cannot give answers to questions on the merits.

The head of the village of Atig, Vladimir Morozov, invites Maxim Moiseevich Rumyantsev to fulfill his promise to Putin and the people.

"Auto-setting" Putin by Maxim Rumyantsev. How the "truth-lover" deceived President Putin and General Zadorin. DOCUMENTATION

"Burned for the truth" bath "journalist" Maxim Rumyantsev: anatomy of deception

P. S. Some of my friends think that perhaps I have encountered a schizophrenic and that I will mock a madman if I start telling the facts and my conclusions, but I am not a doctor and I do not know whether this person is sick or not. If, after all, Maxim Moiseevich Rumyantsev is actually mentally ill, let him show me a certificate and I will behave taking this circumstance into account. Until M.M. Rumyantsev will not show me a certificate of his mental illness, I will consider him healthy, sane, and therefore subject to discussion.

Morozov Vladimir Sergeevich,
The head of the village of Atig,
email mail [email protected]

Claims of Rumyantsev Maxim Moiseevich Rumyantsev Maxim Moiseevich against GAUPSO “Editorial office of the newspaper “New time. Nizhneserginsk regional newspaper”, Vladimir Sergeevich Morozov on the protection of business reputation, compensation for moral damage - partially satisfied. Recognize as untrue and discrediting the business reputation of Rumyantsev Maxim Moiseevich the information posted on September 02, 2016 in the newspaper Novoye Vremya. Nizhneserginsk regional newspaper" 09/02/2016. No. (9998) pp. 1, 13-14, in an article entitled “Slander as a way to make money. Sverdlovsk journalist Maxim Rumyantsev deceived the president”, namely: The headline “Slander as a way to make money. Sverdlovsk journalist Maxim Rumyantsev deceived the president”, In paragraph 1 “Instead of arranging a family corner, the newly-minted resident began to mock the local authorities, and also received grants for this.” In paragraph 5 “Surely - for the plot with a fake run-in, he will subsequently receive a grant in the form of 300 thousand rubles”, In Abs. 8 “At the general’s reception, the “limping” journalist managed to cancel the refusal to initiate a criminal case, while he was clearly not embarrassed by the fact that he had to dissemble, looking into the eyes of a high-ranking security official.” Abs. 13 Having had plenty of publicity at a bathhouse allegedly burned “for the truth” and a fake ramming by an SUV, Maxim Rumyantsev got to the media forum of the All-Russian Popular Front and even to a meeting with the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. "honest journalist". For which he received, as we wrote above, a grant of 300 thousand rubles. Oblige the State Autonomous Press Office of the Sverdlovsk Region “Editorial Office of the Newspaper Novoe Vremya. Nizhneserginskaya District Newspaper” within 10 (ten days) from the date of entry into force of the court decision to refute information discrediting the plaintiff’s business reputation by publishing it in the newspaper Novoye Vremya. Nizhneserginskaya District Newspaper » with a circulation of at least 4150 copies, in the same font, on the same pages (pp. 1,13-14), in the same volume and in the same heading of the above operative part of the court decision. Collect from the state autonomous institution of the press of the Sverdlovsk region “Editorial office of the newspaper“ Novoe vremya. Nizhneserginsk regional newspaper” in favor of Maxim Moiseevich Rumyantsev compensation for non-pecuniary damage in the amount of 5,000 (five thousand) rubles, the cost of paying the state fee in the amount of 300 (three hundred) rubles. To recognize as untrue and discrediting the business reputation of Rumyantsev Maxim Moiseevich information in publications: In a publication dated 16. 08.2016 "Hard worker against a buffoon with a camera. Monday, 16 08 2016 "Journalist" Maxim Rumyantsev's bathhouse "burned for the truth: anatomy of deceit", published on the website html , Paragraph 3 turns out to be Rumyantsev’s “auto-setup”, who “jumped” onto my car in order to create the image of a victim for himself and try to falsify evidence for the criminal case against me, was rehearsed by these figures on me and then played again on their neighbor Kislitsyn ". Paragraph 4 And only the professionalism of investigators and forensic doctors did not allow the members of the Rumyantsev-Nikolaev group to bring their illegal plan to the end. Paragraph 5 But Rumyantsev, with his self-set-up in relation to me, was brought to light by the forensic doctors. Paragraph 12 “It is appropriate to recall here that later the experts found out that Rumyantsev was lying, but by that time they had already managed to deprive me of my license for a non-existent accident. Maxim Moiseevich Rumyantsev knows that the truth became known and I was found not guilty, and the accident was declared non-existent, but Rumyantsev hides this and continues to slander me, despite official documents ”Abz. 17 Then there was Rumyantsev’s hysteria, his insults to experts, the courts he lost and my letter to Putin, who was among the people deceived by Rumyantsev with the help of a video about a fake accident.” Paragraph 29. The same false battering ram, on the basis of which Rumyantsev tried to fabricate a criminal case against me - about an allegedly injured knee. “caption under the photograph A still from the shooting of the Rezonans TV company, which ultimately was held liable in court for slandering Rumyantsev in his reports. In a post dated August 20, 2016 "A hard worker against a buffoon with a camera. Monday, 16 08 2016. "Journalist" Maxim Rumyantsev's bathhouse burned for the truth: anatomy of deceit", published on the website html In paragraph 2, Rumyantsev Maxim Moiseevich repeatedly publicly slandered me, inventing a non-existent “ram of journalist Rumyantsev” for the truth, Paragraph 14 “Second conclusion. It is not necessary to communicate with “mutual witnesses” who did not disdain an attempt to falsify a criminal case, as with ordinary adequate fellow villagers.” Paragraph 27 “However, their antics are not one-time events, but systematic harassment, accompanied by slander, provocations, and attempts to falsify the criminal case against me on their part. In a post dated August 24, 2016 “Hard worker against a buffoon with a camera. Wednesday, DD. MM.YYYYy. How the Rumyantsev-Nikolaev group encroaches on the interests of the inhabitants of Atig. The ostrich position of the traffic police as a breeding ground for the machinations of the “Atig schemers”, published on the website Paragraph 42 tried to falsify a criminal case against me for a non-existent “ramming a journalist car”, accused me of setting fire to his bathhouse, which, as proven by the examination, caught fire due to the “crookedness” of its owner, and then he also lied about all this, as about his achievements, to Putin, inflating his own worth. Oblige Morozov Vladimir Sergeevich within ten working days from the date of entry into force of this court decision to publish the above operative part of the decision on the same Internet pages for a period of one year from the date of publication. To recover from Vladimir Sergeyevich Morozov in favor of Maxim Moiseevich Rumyantsev compensation for non-pecuniary damage in the amount of 10,000 (ten thousand) rubles, the cost of paying the state fee in the amount of 600 (six hundred) rubles. In the rest of the claims - to refuse. The decision can be appealed on appeal to the Sverdlovsk regional court within a month from the date of the decision in the final form through the Nizhneserginsky District Court. Judge (signature) True copy: Judge Yu.G. Shtorkh

And why a resident of Yekaterinburg is so fanatically standing up for the Sverdlovsk "Russian Copper Company" - we absolutely understand. His insulting escapade, however, is a huge gift for "foreign agents" from "Stop GOK", more precisely - for all normal Chelyabinsk citizens

Journalist from Yekaterinburg Maxim Rumyantsev, presenter popular blog"Russian Patriot", dedicated his professional activities to exposing foreign agents working in the interests of Russia's external enemies to weaken our state. This is more good than bad. In fact, it's even great. But not in the case of Maxim Rumyantsev.

Because the "Russian patriot" sometimes gets carried away, and he sees foreign agents where they are not - just like, for example, a homegrown ufologist obsessed with contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations sees different little green men everywhere.

Details - in the material "website".

So, for example, in the “Stop GOK” movement, which is protesting in Chelyabinsk against the construction of the Tominsky GOK, the “Sverdlovsk patriot” (let's call Maxim that) sees some of these same agents, and tirelessly exposes them.

It is possible that the “Sverdlovsk patriot” sees foreign agents in the patriots of Chelyabinsk because he is a patriot in this case not so much Russian and not even just Sverdlovsk, but he is a “patriot of the RMK” - the “Russian Copper Company”, as they say, associated with an offshore company in Cyprus, registered in Yekaterinburg.

That is, it is possible that Maxim Rumyantsev is not just a “patriot of the RMK”, an “agent of the RMK”, but the most agent of Cyprus, a Cypriot agent, that is, an ordinary foreign agent.

Be that as it may, but obviously working in the interests of the Russian Copper Company from Yekaterinburg (it is possible that even for a grant), foreign agent Maxim Rumyantsev deliberately insulted and mocked the governor Chelyabinsk region Boris Dubrovsky.

And how much now patriots, I wonder? Wholesale or retail are they sold to the oligarchs?

Judge for yourself. Maxim Rumyantsev, a foreign agent of Sverdlovsk "marauders" (quote by Sumin!) and Cypriot offshore companies (so they say!) mockingly (a value judgment, it seemed to us!) congratulates Boris Dubrovsky on the upcoming New Year and continues:

“We see how you work out on the occasion of foreign agents from NGOs, we would like to see your tough position as a metallurgist, but we see that the whole area of ​​metallurgy is collapsing ... We see how you appeal to senior officials and one gets the impression that you cannot restore order in the region yourself ... "

Dubrovsky was offended, and it can be seen: “Is that how you congratulated me now?”, Turns around and enters the elevator. In the governor's back, Maxim Rumyantsev says something about a "patriotic position", although it is precisely this, as we are convinced, that was laid down in the speech of the head of the Southern Urals to the ZVU activists.

The position of the patriot of Chelyabinsk and the Chelyabinsk region, Governor Dubrovsky Boris Alexandrovich. To which Maxim Rumyantsev is like the moon.

“In this regard, let me quote the words of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, said by him at the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol in Paris: “I urge to discuss problems related not only to climate change, but also to the depletion of natural resources, the degradation of human habitats.”

The fact that the President of Russia equates global climate problems and the threat to the human environment speaks volumes. At our level, in the region, we are obliged to calculate the consequences of technogenic impact on nature for decades to come.”.

Any objections, Maxim? Do you want to challenge the words of Vladimir Putin?

Who, it seems to me, loves nature, life, animals - more than the oligarchs, and even more than copper.

In general, Maxim Rumyanev is frankly blessed:

“For a long time, the Chelyabinsk governor considered the South Ural opposition, lured by the West, to be moderate and unpolite. Even listened to their opinion and calls. In a way, I followed them. Since he himself is a metallurgist, and NPO-foreign agents and their followers (Andrey Talevlin, Yuri Cherkasov, Vasily Moskovets, Evgenia Chirikova) called for the destruction of metallurgy, Dubrovsky thought - is he doing everything right for the development of the region? If not, what and how will he report next time to the President, - “Vladimir Vladimirovich, for the sake of the future of our children, we have destroyed or closed all factories, because the environment is more important! Did I do everything right, Vladimir Vladimirovich?! I was advised by NPO-foreign agents. In fact, these environmental NGOs are independent from Russia. Therefore, their point of view is not biased by Russian patriots or the opposition, and, it must be, a lot is seen at a distance - from the non-polite West.

And since the ecology is the most important thing, it is possible to donate the factories!”. Of course, let everyone be fine: both for us today and for future generations.

And it's okay that the Chelyabinsk fighters for the environment use the symbol of the color revolutions and neo-Nazis - a clenched fist. Exactly the same was in Ukraine, Egypt, Serbia ... "

Here, of course, lies sit on lies and drive stupidity. Talevlin - yes, officially recognized as a foreign agent. I used "Stop-GOK" for the elections to the ZSO, for my native "Yabloko" and the nose does not seem to have been for half a year.

Now the movement is used by the communists - already for elections to the State Duma. And to present Zyuganov as a foreign agent is, excuse me, nonsense. As well as the parliamentary party - the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, which is generally loyal to the Kremlin.

The “Russian patriot” Rumyantsev loves everything Soviet-patriotic: the KGB, the Cheka, the CPSU, the Kalashnikov, Gagarin, etc. So what's the point, really.

Patriots to the marrow of their bones, communists who hate the non-polite West more than United Russia and the ONF put together do not like the Sverdlovsk looters from the non-polite Cayman Islands, but for some reason, foreign agent and patriot of the Cayman Islands Maxim Rumyantsev attacks the governor appointed by the president and chosen by the Russian people.

Which side did Chirikova lean against Stop GOK? Dreamed of Chirikova, Maxim? Maybe you dreamed about Chirikova's boobs in an erotic dream?

Her bare tummy and navel and the late Nemtsov? How did Nemtsov launch a playful little hand to Chirikova's sis? Did you envy Nemtsov, Maxim?

Who recognized as foreign agents, which court - Cherkasov and Moskovets?

What a whim about Maxim's dream about Dubrovsky's appeal to Putin "we destroyed and closed all the factories"?

What are you smoking zaboristoe, Maxim? Weed from the Cayman Islands, or what? Tominsky GOK is not a plant, it has not yet been built, Dubrovsky has not destroyed or closed a single plant.

Are you hallucinating?

What remains is the Stop-GOK emblem, a clenched fist and the similarity of this emblem supposedly with the “symbols of color revolutions”.

In general, I suggest that the “stop-gokovites” draw a new emblem - “two pistols” of the Chelyabinsk governor, aimed at the chest of an “independent journalist”.

But the fist is a working sketch, the emblem is different - a skull, it is most often used at rallies.

And the skull is a very respectable patriotic symbol.

And even Orthodox.

For example, the Serbian Chetniks, our brothers, used the skull as an emblem of the struggle against the Croatian Ustaše fascists.

Orthodox gonfalon bearers next to the skull write: "Orthodoxy or death."

And this is not to mention the fact that a skull is often painted on the electrical panel with the words “high voltage, don’t get in, it will kill you!”.

I have never seen a clenched fist at any Stop GOK rally.

But let's look at the emblem of the RCC. This is a pyramid.

Masonic symbol of the world behind the scenes, dreaming to enslave the world!

It is also depicted on the dollar bill.

And on the emblem of Yukos, and where is Yukos -

there is a Russophobe, a foreign agent and a dishonorable prisoner of conscience Khodorkovsky.

And in America's most dubious financial institutions, evil empires

there is a pyramid.

This ominous symbol of world globalism, world behind the scenes and purebred.

And in British intelligence, the Mi-5 is also a pyramid!

Like RMC.

And this pyramid- the emblem of the initiative "Total Information Awareness", under the auspices of the US Department of Defense.

And in general, the hell are those where the pyramid is used, this nightmarish symbol of Freemasonry, Templarism and God knows what else, which turns out to be served by Maxim Rumyantsev.

Maybe he even serves the Reptilians and the Anunnaki? Scary to think!

What a twist! How did we expose you, Maxim? You turn out to be a Masonic agent, an agent of Yukos, Open Russia, MI-5, and who the hell else!

Tell me, am I exaggerating? Well, no more than you.

Let's now talk about the non-polite opposition.

You know, Maxim, that the deputy of the State Duma from " Just Russia» Valery Gartung, - also, like you, secretly sympathizes with RCC? They are Anatoly Eremin, adviser to the RMK, as they say, for the money of Igor Altushkin.

Oh, and what does the white ribbon do, the symbol of the "swamp" opposition on Valery Karlovich's jacket?

Who is that next to him? Did you know? Ilya Ponomarev...

Down fingers! Down with Putin?

Are you with them, Maxim?

Ex-Socialist-Revolutionary Bolotnik, foreign agent Ilya Ponomarev, former party member of the like-minded owner of the RMK Igor Altushkin, the conductor of his mercantile interests in the Chelyabinsk region Gartung Valery Karlovich.

Oh, who is this? Gudkov father and son, ex-Socialist-Revolutionaries, Belolentochniki.

They are for Russia, Without Putin.

You too, Max?

Where is your white ribbon?

And who, you know, Maxim? This is Chelyabinsk blogger Alexander Podoprigora. Wow, how he is for RMK!

Mountain, sorry for the pun.

A supporter at various times of these people:

Liberal economist Kudrin.

Liberal oligarch Prokhorov.

So you are their supporter, Russian patriot Maxim Rumyantsev?

And this is Oleg Grachev, PR curator of the RMK and specifically the Tominsky Mining and Processing Plant.

Are you also against the Russian justice system, Maxim?

Yes, you are an oppositionist, my friend! The most stubborn!

Advisor to the President of the RMK Grachev, vice president, by the way - right hand former governor Yurevich.

Here he is, next to Altushkin, at the opening of the Mikheevsky GOK.

The former Chelyabinsk governor Yurevich, who was dismissed after criticizing the ONF, at whose media forum you, Maxim, were present - for squandering budget funds.

Fired by President Putin, with whom you spoke once.

And after that, Putin appointed Governor Dubrovsky, whom you, Maxim, got nasty and humiliated.

Thus, the circle is closed. Thank you, Maxim Rumyantsev, for your trolling of our governor. Fig, after that, he will say something good about RMK. When RMK has such boors as you in its agents.

And now that we have found out everything about you, Maxim Rumyantsev, what kind of bird you are and who you serve - let me offer you an exciting walking sexual tour straight to the Cayman Islands.

Go there, Maxim!

Andrey Koretsky, illustrations from open sources, including LiveJournal and VK by Maxim Rumyantsev

At first I didn't want to answer stupid stupid text about me and my participation against Tominsky GOK performed by the self-appointed "Russian patriot", a popular blogger Maxim Rumyantsev with a patronymic Moiseevich. I used to think about Maxim, perhaps that's good. I didn’t delve into his work, but I heard that he respects President Putin, he said something to him at the ONF media forum, the president laughed. Heard that he tirelessly exposes foreign agents - well done guy, I thought.

“Chelyabinsk residents, run for popcorn and seeds - we have a new, export analogue of Andryushka Koretsky: the Yekaterinburg infokiller Maxim Moiseevich Rumyantsev aka “Russian Patriot” strayed to us ...”- and in the end: “Of course, stock up on popcorn, I'll see how the Sverdlovsk version of Andryusha Koretsky will frolic here in Chelyaba. With the illegibility of journalists and... the snake of the inhabitants, very interesting stories can develop here ... "

I remember that the comparison with this Moiseevich performed by Max Bodyagin offended me incredibly, because all the vile background of the appearance of this creature is too obvious, and the boy writes too stupidly and behaves impudently.

However, the following fragment is interesting in Bodyagin's investigation regarding Rumyantsev:

“Most recently, the above-mentioned journalist (if you can call him that) decided to interview me. So, he came along with another journalist-cameraman, a certain Andrei Vyacheslavovich Romanov, an employee of Spetszakaz LLC. The latter acted as a witness in a libel case against former vice-governor Grachev Oleg Nikolaevich, now vice-president of the same RCC. It was Romanov who participated in the preparation of the scandalous report shown in the program “Man and the Law”, which became the basis for initiating a criminal case.”

Here, in fact, we got to the truth. The trouble with professional patriots is hypocrisy. Maxim "Patriot" Rumyantsev first calls Putin the "Great Poo", then publicly "privatizes" him. He fights against the "foreign agent" Talevlin, but for some reason does not notice that RMK is actually an offshore company.

According to rumors, its head Igor Altushkin spends more time in London than in Yekaterinburg. Look, Norman Foster did the company's headquarters building for him. And nothing. The Patriot somehow ignores this aspect.- writes Bodyagin.

No matter how much evidence is already needed that the guy with the schnobel works for the RCC, for Grachev, and the Chelyabinsk counterintelligence officers were conducting a criminal case for slandering Deputy Yurevich against the head of the judicial branch of power in the Southern Urals. And this Moiseevich works for two oligarchs - for Yurevich and Altushkin - together with a cameraman who concocted a foul slanderous plot in Pimenov's program.

Wow - whistleblower of foreign agents - pulls on the FSB and the Russian court ...

I have two claims to you, Maxim Moiseevich. The first claim - you, as is typical of a coward, deleted your boorish post about Dubrovsky. Well, the one where you, like a dog, followed on the heels of a governor who did not want to talk to such a ...... governor, whined about foreign agents, and then wrote that Dubrovsky "pointed pistol fingers at you":

“Boris Dubrovsky’s reaction was lightning-fast patriotic - he showed a gesture in the form of fingers folded into two pistols and directed them at the journalist ...”

Why the governor didn't damage your beautiful Semitic nose, or why he didn't pinch it on you with the elevator, is a big mystery to me.

Well, you deleted it, this post. What scared. Who advised you to remove it, why didn’t you explain it in any way, and why didn’t you shoot yourself from such a shame. At least their same fingers-pistols.

Why do you continue to talk nonsense about the "anti-Putin movement" "Stop GOK" and foreign agents allegedly entrenched in it, when 73% of Chelyabinsk residents are against, and the governor appointed by Putin is also clearly not in favor.

In other words, why are you lying and why are you so stupid?

This is my second claim to you, "Russian patriot" Maxim Moiseevich.

No, it is clear that you chose such a social elevator for yourself - exposing foreign agents and basement with this to the president. But why don't you follow the trends? Agents have long been no longer a trend, but a fossil of a city ... but a mammoth.

Take an example from MGER - how cleverly the boys keep their nose in the wind. After all, you need to at least monitor the news, or something. Bandera, Americans, Turks. You have to evolve somehow.

Take an example from our BINH. A State Duma deputy, he constantly came up with something new, he did not get hung up on one topic.

Come on, Maxim, my dear, is Moses your dad?! Jews are smart people. What is so dumb?

Fuck you, not a social elevator.

And finally, of course, the Jewish accent in this gloomy story. Jews can certainly be Russian patriots. But Russians? This is some kind of nonsense, paradoxes of being, mind games, something beyond good and evil.

Why not choose a social lift along the line of Zionism, how can one betray the blood of one's ancestors - I do not understand this. A very good kosher lift - to interpret the Talmud and the Torah, let go of the sidelocks and put on a kippah.

And here you are not sincere, and here you are lying.

I understand that the "Russian patriot" is always poked into his schnobel and remembered by his father Moses. The Jewish boy is offended. To a Jewish renegade (Maxim Bodyagin also wrote something about the tricks of the “Russian patriot” with Orthodoxy - well, this is generally a complete scribe, my dears, everyone despised the “converts” - both Jews and Christians), who wants to make a career by exposing foreign funds with their Jewish predominantly with the capital of the Rodschilds and Rockefellers and their carriers - liberals, who also often have Semitic roots - Pope Moses completely closes the possibilities of climbing the career ladder.

And from here complexes arise: I want to follow the governor with a Russian name, Russian patronymic and Russian noble surname like a dog, write various nasty things about him, about pistols, “anti-Putin movements”, “street liberals”, etc.

And Pope Moses - closes any opportunities for a brilliant career.

Finally, Maxim Moiseevich, I - after your second post (about Dubrovsky, which you deleted, and about me) - got acquainted with your work. In addition to the culture shock from the wretched writings of the "patriotic journalist" - well, really, read it, friends, Rumyantsev's LJ is a quiet horror - I was interested in your post about foreigners in the service of Russia. This.

In which you write that, they say, Catherine the Great was a German, and Bagration was a Georgian, and Barclay de Tolly was a Scot. And they were all Russian patriots. I agree.

But where are the examples of selfless service to the Russian people of the Jews? Russia - yes. But not the Russian people. Why? Not because I am an anti-Semite, but because I just insist on God's chosen people, the features of the wisest and most ancient biblical people, which stands apart from other ethnic groups and is so hermetic that it does not involve serving the goyim.

Examples of something else are renegacy, opportunism, double-dealing, betrayal, deceit.

Or - the cunning opportunism of a secret talmudist who wants to pretend to be "his own" and harm the goyim, yes.

Well, for example, if the goyim dig a hole as deep as the Ostankino television tower and an area the size of a municipal district directly with a million-plus city, and the goyim die from this, then you can be known as a hero in the promised land, perhaps.

Maybe behind the “Russian patriot” project are the same foreign funds with Jewish puppeteers, whom Maxim Moiseevich tirelessly denounces? I probably won't be surprised.

About the same, probably, but adjusted for the era, the famous Jewish historian and theologian Joseph, the son of Mattathia, a priest of the first line from the Hasmonean-Maccabean clan, known as Josephus Flavius, acted. It was he who planned to destroy the hated Rome from the inside, insinuating himself into the confidence of the emperor Vespasian - he, a Jewish priest, who took the surname of a princeps, formally betrayed his people, but secretly wished to decompose the Roman elites with Jewish cunning.

In this post by Maxim Moiseevich, dictated by the deep complexes of a Jewish boy who, no matter how hard he tries, cannot make his way to a place under the sun, knocking a Semitic schnobel against an impenetrable wall of the traditionally anti-Semitic Russian elite, the "Russian patriot" mentions the Chelyabinsk people:

“Gentlemen of the opposition and my haters, you can still consider me not a Russian patriot - this is your right, but once again this does not paint you. Especially your comrades who care for human rights: Aivar Valeev (nothing Russian in the name at all, but he cares about the environment in Russia), Andrey Talevlin and Andrey Koretsky (the name Andrey is Greek), Vasily Moskovets, Fyodor Maryasov, but zealously screaming and writing that democracy and equality of all before the law is most important.

Unfortunately, so far only your hatred is obvious, directed at those who for some reason disagree with you. Because for some reason only you can be "dissenting". But despite all this, Aivar Valeev, I'm ready to pay the bar bill for you again, really. I am Russian in spirit. And Russians are a generous soul. You seemed to me a more worthy person and journalist until you stood on the same line with those who reproach a person for his origin and patronymic. Well, which of us is more Russian patriot, time will tell".

You are bad, Maksimka, I even felt sorry for you.

Do not renounce father Moses, do not renounce your Jewishness, what is there to be ashamed of, Jews are worthy people.

But what kind of "Russian patriot" are you with such a middle name. Sign up urgently for Torah study courses and make a career in the kosher line.

The only thing is, as I see it, you are a lot of lying, and you get from the oligarchic structure - RMK - probably more than 500 rubles per picket, and if you really have a "cunning Jewish plan" to rot the goyim of the GOK, then of course I I apologize and, so to speak, take off my kippah in front of your skunk.

Then you definitely have a road to Ben Kolomoisky as an assistant. You will get into big people.

And in the end, Maxim Moiseevich, I will tell you about my ancestors. I myself am Alexandrovich, father Alexander Ivanovich, mother - Valentina Ivanovna - pensioners, Soviet engineers, my father worked for the defense industry all his working life, but my mother worked at the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant.

My two grandfathers Ivan Semyonovich and Ivan Nikiforovich (which means that my great-grandfathers were Semyon and Nikifor) - they fought, and one of the grandfathers also fought in Finnish, survived the blockade, like his wife, my grandmother Galina Konstantinovna (you know that another great-grandfather - Konstantin?). The second grandfather - a pilot, a major in the Soviet Air Force - was not an ace, but he shot down the Nazis, served as an instructor, trained young cadets-pilots, including aces.

Grandmother on the father's side - Elena Zakharovna Koretskaya (fourth great-grandfather - Zakhar) - regimental wife-housewife, all her life - in garrisons with her husband, keeper of the hearth.

Top down:

1) the coat of arms of the princes Koretsky, a variant of the famous"Pursuits" of the dynasty of the rulers of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Gedeminoviches.

2) The founder of the clan, Prince Samuil Koretsky, the portrait resemblance to my grandfather, an aviation major, is amazing!

And the Koretsky family, however, Ukrainian-Polish-Lithuanian origin. Either we are Gademinovichi, or from the serfs of the princes Koretsky. The genus begins in the Rivne region of Western Ukraine - from the town of Korets, where the monument of that era is located - the Koretsky Orthodox Convent.

The site "" has entered its seventh year. And all these years, not considering myself a “Russian patriot”, although I have more rights to do so, I fought the oligarch Yurevich and his corrupt team, which you, Maxim, as well as the oligarch Altushkin, serve.

The conviction you mentioned was earned by me because of a commissioned, politically motivated criminal case on the direct orders of Yurevich, and it was supervised by Oleg Grachev, now a PR manager at RMK, whose instructions you are following.

And Yurevich, by the way, was removed from office by Putin, and you lie that you respect the president.

Here is such a schedule.

I'm sorry that I wrote harsh and probably rude words to you, but you yourself noticed in the blog that I can only swear. That's my style.

Russian people - they are like you yourself write - a broad soul, they say what they think - directly and frankly.

You, Maxim, take care of your mind. Do something useful. Without you, foreign agents will be identified, exposed and banned. That is why there are specially trained state services.

Stop grabbing someone else's governor by the button. And then you won’t end up with “pistols”. Understand - foul it looks from the outside. Everyone understands that you are a careerist, that you are selfless in your “struggle”.

Behave yourself, as befits any Moiseevich.

Read good books, not outdated manuals.

Eat mama.

No offense. I wish you well.

Listen to beautiful Jewish songs.

Go back to your roots, Jewish boy with black eyes, and there is such Russian sadness in them.

In September 2016, MK-Ural published an article entitled “Slander as a Way to Make Money” dedicated to Sverdlovsk resident Maxim Rumyantsev, who made a number of scandals around his alleged journalistic activities. A year after the article was published and reprinted in other media, Rumyantsev decided to file a lawsuit.
The process for Maxim Moiseevich ended with a devastating score, which strengthened his status as a liar.
But the main thing is not even that. The Rumyantsev case showed how professionally illiterate and simply dishonest people sometimes hide under the guise of anti-corruption fighters, patriots and “truth-tellers”.

The material “Slander as a way to make money” told about the conflict between the representative of the Rezonans TV company (later the editor-in-chief of the Center for Free Journalism) Maxim Rumyantsev and the head of the village of Atig Vladimir Morozov. In particular, they described the circumstances of the dispute between Rumyantsev and Morozov in November 2013 over the creation of ditches for water flow along the road.

According to Rumyantsev, during a conversation about road problems, the head of the village allegedly injured him as a result of a car collision and fled the scene of an accident. Complaining of pain in his knee, Rumyantsev tried to initiate a criminal case. At the same time, the knee in the testimony of the “victim” turned out to be either right or left, and then an old injury surfaced, which the journalist attributed to the consequences of an accident, but in fact could have been received as a result of playing sports or running around various authorities.

According to the results of the investigation and the forensic medical examination, the damage to the knee in the accident was not confirmed, and the initiation of a criminal case was denied. This did not stop Rumyantsev from promoting the story of the run-in as an example of a violation of the rights of a journalist by a government official.

Another episode that Rumyantsev managed to connect with journalism concerned a small fire in his personal bathhouse in the summer of 2014. Despite the conclusions of experts that the fire (there are traces of fire inside the building next to the pipe in the pictures) may be associated with construction errors or poor-quality operation of the facility, Maxim Moiseevich stated that this incident was the result of the activities of intruders associated with certain officials, of course the same, based on the persecution of Rumyantsev on the basis of his activity in the media.

Rumyantsev is no stranger to making a fuss about his private Wishlist. The activity of this “journalist” in covering really serious problems for the territory (there is no bathhouse, a club, a cinema in the village, which the district authorities sold out, treatment facilities have not been working for more than twenty years, etc.) is not noticeable. But a simple household trifle can be inflated to the scale of a criminal blockbuster, if there is a personal interest of Maxim Moiseevich in this. At the same time, everything will be presented as a unique journalistic investigation, which is not even ashamed to be announced at the all-Russian level.

Having made plenty of noise about the suffering from a car accident and a fictional bath sabotage in the region, Rumyantsev continued to spread his conspiracy theories at the media forum of the All-Russian Popular Front, which was attended by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Rumyantsev at the forum so skillfully presented himself as a patriotic journalist and fighter against corruption that he even received a grant of 300 thousand rubles.

In addition to the conflict with the head of Atig, Rumyantsev proved himself to be a not entirely successful litigator in other matters. Disputing the territory turned out to be unconvincing and unfounded suburban area UGGU Rector Nikolai Kosarev, an attempt to sue the press secretary of the Sverdlovsk Region Prosecutor's Office Marina Kanatova failed.

Talking about the strange, from the point of view of journalistic ethics, behavior of Maxim Rumyantsev, MK-Ural also drew attention to the fact that this active Sverdlovsk resident was ambiguous in his work in the media. For example, Rumyantsev had problems with his employer at the time when he made accusations against a policeman from Nizhniye Seryogi on television, the groundlessness and discrediting nature of which were confirmed in court.

Rumyantsev goes to court

After publication in MK-Ural, this article was reprinted by the Nizhneserginskaya newspaper Novoye Vremya. In 2017, Rumyantsev filed a lawsuit for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation against this publication, as well as against the already former head of the village of Atig Vladimir Morozov. Rumyantsev estimated his ambitions not cheap: from both defendants he demanded payments in his favor of 250 thousand rubles, a total of half a million. In 2018, these cases were merged into one.

It may seem strange that Rumyantsev decided to "arouse" against the local media, which only reprinted the MK-Ural article and, under the Mass Media Law, is not responsible for verbatim quoting of another publication. Perhaps Maxim Moiseevich simply does not quite adequately understand the provisions of the law "On Mass Media". There is another option. Rumyantsev could count on luck or chance in trying to prove a violation of the quoting media in order to make it easier for himself to fight in court against MK-Ural.

However, this scheme did not work. At the request of the defendant's representative, the editorial office of MK-Ural was brought to court as a third party. It can be said that we met citizen Rumyantsev halfway in order to immediately sort out all the questions that alarmed him.

The process was fun and sometimes funny. Having filed a lawsuit against the defendants over the entire text of the article, Rumyantsev himself renounced almost all claims during the trial. As a result, the court, in fact, satisfied his claim on only one fact. And, of course, Rumyantsev will not receive the desired money. It is extremely difficult to consider such a result as a successful claim. For the most part, Rumyantsev lost miserably, and even exposed himself to ridicule.

Ridiculous and helpless lawsuit

They say that a talented person is talented in everything. In the case of Rumyantsev, the opposite statement is rather true. His so-called journalistic activity is so extravagant and far from professional standards that it has long been, to put it mildly, bewildered by representatives of the mainstream media. Rumyantsev's actions in court can also hardly be called competent, logical and correct from the point of view of Russian legislation.

Difficulties began at the preliminary hearing. The quality of the plaintiff's preparation for the process turned out to be so low that it is impossible to watch the recordings of this part of the process, available in the editorial office of MK-Ural, without laughing. In some places, Rumyantsev looks so ridiculous that he is even a little sorry. As they say in such cases, "hug and cry."

The absurdities and difficulties of translating from Rumyantsev into legal and journalistic languages ​​began almost immediately - as soon as the plaintiff was asked to clarify what exactly did not suit him in the text of the MK-Ural article reprinted by Novoye Vremya. The plaintiff and his representative unanimously stated that they insist on the requirement set forth in the claim.

Required in a lawsuit (drawn up with gross stylistic errors), in particular, a rather ridiculous thing. The plaintiff wanted the editors of the media to admit that "the material was prepared unprofessionally." Such a requirement, in fact, is nonsense, since the law cannot oblige the defendant to characterize himself using derogatory, defamatory epithets.

In addition, the lawsuit contained a demand to refute the information regarding the “editor-in-chief of the Rumyantsev Case” program, although there was not a word about such a program in the article. Later, after an educational program conducted by the judge and the defendant's representative, these opuses were removed from the lawsuit, although Rumyantsev showed enviable perseverance in defending his positions.

Plaintiff's illiteracy

The most daring and absurd, from the point of view of the Code of Civil Procedure (CPC), Rumyantsev's trick was the demand to refute the entire published article, as well as to recognize the complete lack of evidence from the defendants. Rumyantsev and his representative repeatedly refused the legitimate requests of the defendant's representative to clarify their claims, to name the specific facts set forth in the article, which are untrue, and also discrediting the honor, dignity and business reputation of the plaintiff.

Rumyantsev insisted that “the entire content of the article creates a negative impression among readers regarding the plaintiff”, there are allegedly so many specific facts with which he is dissatisfied that it makes no sense to list them, but the entire article must be refuted. I'm sorry, but that's just baby talk. It is not the text that is refuted, it is not the letters and sentences written in Russian that are refuted. Facts are being refuted. How can a person who calls himself a journalist not understand this? It seems that in the case of Rumyantsev this question is rhetorical.

In addition, in his claims, Rumyantsev relied on the opinion of a certain expert, who concluded that there were statements in the article that discredited the honor, dignity and business reputation of the plaintiff. Rumyantsev believed that it was on the basis of this expertise that the defendants should be judged.

There are two serious flaws in the position of the supposedly journalist Rumyantsev. Firstly, as the representative of the defendant and the judge repeatedly explained to him, the examination is evidence, not a claim, the expert is not a plaintiff and is not obliged and cannot formulate the pleading part of the statement of claim for Rumyantsev. Secondly, the words and sentences indicated in the examination, which the expert considered discrediting, and Rumyantsev can at least consider offensive all his life, do not matter without fulfilling the key condition prescribed in the law.

According to the law, the media should be held responsible for more than just publishing defamatory information. This information must also be untrue. A simple example. A certain citizen in the article is called a thief. It's a shame? And how! However, if there is evidence of the fact of the theft committed by him, the information, although discrediting, is reliable. The hero of the material has the right to continue to be offended, but it would be better - at himself.

This basic legal position did not seem to bother Rumyantsev and his representative at all. Rumyantsev even repeatedly stated that, to begin with, he would ask the newspaper and Morozov for discrediting information, and then, when he wanted, for unreliable information. There was even a ridiculous argument. Rumyantsev tried to teach the judge how to properly conduct the process: at the stage of the preliminary hearing, he is not obliged to clarify the claim in terms of claims of misrepresentation of facts, since he supposedly has the right to keep his “arguments” secret from the defendant. It was like some theater of the absurd. The plaintiff argues with the judge about the rules of the court, like a gambler choosing to play the fool. Yes, and confuses arguments with theses.

The representative of the defendant even had to read to the side of the plaintiff the provisions of the Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Court concerning the rules for filing the pleading part of the claim. But that didn't help either. Rumyantsev and his side stubbornly argued with the defendant and the judge, not wanting to clarify their demands. Simply put, the plaintiff demanded some kind of abstract repentance from the defendant, but refused to indicate the subject of the conflict, as required by law and simple logic. A huge amount of time has passed in such meaningless and addictive conversations.

As a result, the judge still managed to convey to Rumyantsev the basics of legal proceedings: without specific requirements in a lawsuit, there can be no trial on the merits. This was followed by rather clumsy (the plaintiff and his representative forgot the wording, got confused in the text, vaguely formulated thoughts) attempts to list the controversial lines from the text of the article. This process ate another couple of hours, but did not bring a clear result. The plaintiff had to take this work "home".

After much suffering, Rumyantsev finally deigned to state his 16-point claims to the court after two attempts. After that, it was not difficult for the representative of the defendant to present evidence. As a result, Rumyantsev was forced to withdraw a significant part of the demands himself. Only one of his insignificant claims remained satisfied. In fact, during this process, Rumyantsev once again demonstrated incompetence, as well as disdain for the court, for the defendant, for experts, and even for colleagues represented by the Sverdlovsk Creative Union of Journalists.

arrogance, arrogance, arrogance

In court, Rumyantsev's attempt to refute published information about his incomplete higher education at USU failed. In the lawsuit, Rumyantsev explicitly stated that the following statement was not true and should be refuted: “According to some reports, Rumyantsev could not master the journalism program at the Ural State University. Gorky (now Ural Federal University).

Have we already said that Rumyantsev's actions look ridiculous? Unfortunately, we have to repeat it again. After the representative of the defendant filed a petition for obtaining a certificate of higher education from Rumyantsev from UrFU, Maxim Moiseevich unexpectedly withdrew his demand to refute this fact! Also, an extract from the protocol in the case of blogger Ruslan Sokolovsky was attached to the materials of the proceedings, in which Rumyantsev reports only about his unfinished higher education from St. Tikhvin Orthodox University for the Humanities. There is not a word about the education received at UrFU. Be that as it may, Rumyantsev, who reproached MK-Ural for lying, backtracked.

Separate claims of Rumyantsev can be attributed to his dilettantism and forgiven. However, in some cases, the plaintiff has clearly crossed the line.

In particular, this concerns Rumyantsev's claim to refute information related to his participation in the ONF forum. As reported in the publication of MK-Ural, Maxim Rumyantsev at the forum, in which Vladimir Putin participated, presented facts that had long been refuted during inspections, trials and investigative actions and passed them off as the truth, continuing to slander the head of the village of Atig, baiting stories about his a traumatic collision with his knee and a fictitious arson bath. Numerous confirmations were presented in court that citizen Rumyantsev at the ONF forum, led by Vladimir Putin, reported false information.

What happens? A certain Maxim Moiseevich, the owner of a poorly laid and accidentally burnt private bath, goes to the federal level with lies against officials of various levels, and then retells his fantasies with confidence and aplomb even in court on his own claim? What then is the price of his "journalistic" statements in the media space? This price, unfortunately, has long been known to many.

"Throw on the fan"

Rumyantsev could not refute the statements of MK-Ural and Novoye Vremya about lies at the ONF forum. However, this did not prevent him from throwing old accusations against Morozov at the trial.

In addition, as the journalists say, he "thrown at the fan", forcing the judge to listen to new stories about Morozov, completely irrelevant to the case. During the process, Rumyantsev tried to slander Morozov: he voiced information that was not relevant to the case about a certain decision of the Arbitration Court and asked that this decision be attached to the case. “This is as a characteristic of an official,” Rumyantsev tried to justify his initiative. The plaintiff and his representative may not have known that the characterization in this category of cases is not a circumstance relevant to the case. Perhaps they guessed, but they really wanted to create some kind of “white noise” in the courtroom. Not surprisingly, the court denied this request.

However, the "fan" propaganda did not end there. In one of the breaks between meetings, Rumyantsev "sat on the ears" of the representatives of the Novoye Vremya newspaper with new fantasies about Morozov's biography.

Disrespect for colleagues

Rumyantsev behaved very freely when considering the defendant's evidence. Speaking of printouts from publicly available sites, he strangely called them "just pieces of paper." Here again it came to the comedy of the absurd. The court accepts the evidence for consideration, and Rumyantsev tirelessly repeats: “You can bring here several cubic meters of documents, and this does not prove anything!”

Neither Rumyantsev nor his defender could voice the norms of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, which would not allow attaching printouts from the site that were not certified by a notary, to the case. For a simple reason: there are no such rules. A notary's seal can be useful to the party presenting evidence in the event that the opposite party destroys files posted on the Internet. When a court can verify that the printout matches the content of the site, a notary is not needed. Therefore, Rumyantsev's numerous fiery remarks about "papers" and "leaflets" in practice turned out to be another manifestation of incompetence.

In Rumyantsev's comic performances, one sketch was followed by another. Having received another sheet of evidence, Maxim Moiseevich played a scene with glasses. Looking at the sheet of paper for a long time, Rumyantsev said: “I can’t make it out. My vision does not allow even through glasses to read what is written here. For some reason, Rumyantsev's representative did not want to come to the aid of the visually impaired plaintiff.

Clownery and rudeness

It is difficult to call Rumyantsev's behavior in the courtroom adequate. He spent a significant part of the speeches, buried in a tablet and flipping through the pages of the Yandex Zen entertainment online magazine. In moments of bright insight, he jumped up and gave portions of rude demagogy to those present in the hall. And he even turned his moments of silence into an absurd demarche, suddenly starting to laugh for no apparent reason.

Sometimes it seemed that Rumyantsev in the courtroom was provoking, if not a fight, then an unpleasant scandal. He insulted almost everyone: the representative of the defendant, the linguistic expert and even the judge, and those who were not present in the hall, for example, the leadership of the Union of Journalists, also got it.

“It turns out that if the defendant’s representatives are lying now, then they are lying to both Putin and Trump,” Rumyantsev gave out and immediately attacked the representative of Novoye Vremya with accusations that she “when the President speaks, she sits and works at the computer” . Rudeness towards the regional press was not limited to this. According to Rumyantsev, the editors of Novoye Vremya allegedly “did not understand what they were doing, in the person of the editor-in-chief, publishing what they published on their website ... It is clear that this is a village, there is not enough money ...”

“If we say that ... (name and surname of the expert. - Note) - an alcoholic, drunkard, fornicator, adulterer. That he lies, he rapes, commits crimes…” Rumyantsev provoked the linguist who conducted the examination of the MK-Ural article.

“They can hire a plumber, that's their right,” Rumyantsev sneered at the defendant's representatives. And this one had flowers. In one of his speeches, he completely dispersed, allowing himself crude theories about the personal life of the defendant's representative. We will not quote this rudeness, we will only say that in a decent society, scumbags are sometimes beaten in the face for such antics.

“Then you need to ask everyone for certificates: both the secretary and the chairman of the court: show a certificate that you are not bad and not crazy!” - Rumyantsev spoke fieryly, not realizing that such attacks are offensive to representatives of justice, or deliberately rude.

One of the two representatives of Rumyantsev behaved rather nonchalantly at the trial, periodically interrupting the speech of the representative of MK-Ural with mocking remarks, which, after being asked to explain himself, he called "just remarks."

“And now, dear colleague, please explain to the court: who is still lying: the regional court or you?” - in this manner, the representative of Rumyantsev preferred to talk with the representative of the defendant. The representative of the defendant, not paying attention to the rudeness, began to answer on the merits of the case, however, the representative of the plaintiff continued to be impudent in the same format, and even with an emphatically mannered throwing of papers on the table. Recall that this was not a conversation with a drunken guest from a nearby table in a restaurant. The dialogue took place in the courtroom.

The representative of the defendant refused to speak in such a tone and respond to provocations, which she told the court. But the representative of the plaintiff did not calm down on this, continuing to ask incorrect “formative” questions.

Insults of the Union of Journalists

The court presented an audio recording of a conversation between the editor of the website of the Sverdlovsk Creative Union of Journalists, Sergei Plotnikov, and the head of Krik TV, Sergei Gubko, as well as a letter from Sergei Plotnikov, conveying the details of this conversation. The speech in these documents was about the victory (we already know at what cost) of Maxim Rumyantsev in the competition of the ONF forum.

Having familiarized himself with these documents, Rumyantsev lashed out with insults at the address of the entire HOA. Probably also addressed to the head of this union, Alexander Levin, a veteran of Sverdlovsk journalism.

“There is no trust in such conversations. They testify to the unprofessionalism of the Union of Journalists, on behalf of which Sergei Plotnikov spoke, - Rumyantsev dispersed. “If they don’t know the basic rules of a journalist’s work and pretend to be journalists… Ignorance, unwillingness, inability.”

On the Urapatriotic podium

One of the hot spots of the brainstorming session can be considered Rumyantsev’s speech, in which he, a self-named “Orthodox patriot”, tried to present the Novoye Vremya newspaper as a publication that was carrying out some activity that was probably not useful for the state: “Our Nizhneserginsky newspaper published liberal material newspaper that conducts opposition activities...”

As we can see, the already toxic rhetoric in this place has reached the level of vulgar urapatriotic speculations. This, however, did not surprise us. But trying to justify your own lies with such wild statements about big politics ... This is already too much. Of course, this ridiculous "rally" did not affect the decision of the court. And the decision, as we have already said, on many positions was not in favor of Rumyantsev.

Is there a limit to "Rumyantsevism"?

Why did we devote so much space in the newspaper to Rumyantsev's legal failures? The fact is that the self-named patriot journalist has repeatedly shown himself to be a harmful and dangerous media figure for respectable and law-abiding citizens and organizations. Not the fact that it will remain in the past.

It is quite likely that Rumyantsev's provocative activity, mixed with a very extravagant understanding of the principles of journalism, political and social activity, the legal sphere and ordinary decency, will be carried out even after he has lost in all courts.

Why is this considered dangerous? The fact is that such "journalism" is not always recognized as the author's fantasies, as an attempt at a dangerous manipulation of facts. Often the materials of such figures who have penetrated the media formally look balanced, created in good Russian, and the untruth in them is so qualitatively mixed with reliable and even respectable information that it no longer looks like a untruth. Particularly effective are the ideological devices used by Rumyantsev to dull the vigilance of the audience: call yourself a patriot, participate in ONF congresses, talk to Vladimir Putin, and so on. The true essence of Rumyantsev's materials was not always recognized even by the editors of some media outlets who put his articles into print. What to say about ordinary readers and viewers? Of course, now fellow journalists have become more vigilant when dealing with Rumyantsev. Vigilance and all the rest would not interfere.

We believe that these court chronicles create a fairly voluminous human and professional portrait of this "patriot". Is it possible to trust at least some media opuses of Maxim Rumyantsev in the future? Does such a “specialist” deserve a job in a self-respecting media? Does the activity of such persons harm the entire Sverdlovsk journalism? Do such individuals not discredit the concepts of citizenship, freedom of speech, patriotism? It seems to us that the answers to these questions are quite simple.

The very successful career paths of many talented Kaliningrad journalists are proof of the fact that one can enter this profession even without the “cherished” crust of a journalist. Much more important is your own versatile inner world and the desire to get to know the outer world even better. To tell the audience every day about what they saw, setting out the facts meaningfully and with soul ...

Maxim RUMYANTSEV, Kaliningrad journalist
1994 - graduated from the A. S. Popov Higher Naval School of Radio Electronics (St. Petersburg), majoring in mathematician.
1994 - Baltic Fleet, service in the programming group of the Information and Computing Center.
2004 - head of the 77th television center of the Baltic Fleet.
2011 - transferred to the reserve with the rank of captain II rank.
2012 - graduated from the IKBFU Kant, Faculty of Slavic Philology and Journalism.
Since January 2012 - own correspondent of the Zvezda TV channel in Kaliningrad.
He was awarded the medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For Service in the Armed Forces" I, II, III degrees, the medal "300 Years of the Baltic Fleet".


Maxim RUMYANTSEV:- I studied at a school with a physics and mathematics bias, I got fives in physics, mathematics and English. In Russian and literature, they gave me fours, so as not to spoil the certificate.

It's not that I wrote illiterately, but I was a pure mathematician, not at all a humanist. Of course, there were already all sorts of KVNs, I composed something - jokes, skits, but I didn’t even think about going to the Faculty of Philology.

Corr.: - As a result, you chose not the humanities and not mathematical, but the military. Why?

Maxim RUMYANTSEV:- I have a military father. For his part, he did not push me, thanks to him. I still remember. He supported me in choosing a military career. Well, plus before my eyes - my father, a military sailor. Who else to be if not a military sailor? And then it turns out that there is such a wonderful school named after Popov in St. Petersburg.

Most important point: in this university there is a faculty of applied mathematics, and this is exactly what I was very fond of at that time - programming, radio electronics, soldering something all the time. Here is what I chose. So the issue with my admission was resolved.

After graduating from high school, I came to serve as a lieutenant in Kaliningrad at the Information and Computing Center of the Baltic Fleet Headquarters. For the position of senior officer of the department, system programmer. I really liked the service, it was work in a good, friendly team, we didn’t have a hard drill.

Corr.: - How did journalism appear in your life?

Maxim RUMYANTSEV:- From the availability of free time. In the service, everything worked out well for me, if something broke, I could sit for days, but if nothing broke, it means that I had a little more free time. I was responsible for making sure everything worked. There were no strict time frames, there was a very democratic atmosphere in the team.

And then one day I heard on the radio in the car (then I had the Baltic Wave radio station working all the time), advertisements for jobs on the radio. And somewhere inside me, something always “itched” like that, I wanted to try myself in this area. Well, I went to the casting.

How ashamed I was, I was 25 or 26 years old at that time. It seemed to me that everyone was looking at me, showing me with their fingers. After all, very young guys came to the casting, 15-16 years old. I had a task just to pass this casting, for the sake of interest.

And suddenly they take me! I tell them that I'm actually a military man. But they asked me if I could come to the broadcasts in the morning. I promised to talk to management.

My bosses thought it was funny, they knew that I did not quit my job, I could handle everything. So they gave me the go-ahead. This is how my work in radio began. I myself took the airs on weekends and in the evenings. And after some time, the whole headquarters already knew me, everyone listened to me on the radio.


Maxim RUMYANTSEV:- Work on television began for me by chance and unexpectedly. One evening, Natalya Sovetkina came to the radio to record a promotional video for the Yantar State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (today Kaliningrad State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company - ed.), but she could not record, she constantly lost her way.

I decided to help and directed the text intonation for her. Natalya drew my attention to us and offered to try on television.

Corr.: - And how did it all start?

Maxim RUMYANTSEV:- We came up with the program "What?". In fact, there was only one edition. How it was, now even remember scary.

It was just about New Years. They put me in a large pavilion, put up a Christmas tree, next to the TV. I was a commentator, DJ and presenter all rolled into one.

For almost three hours on air we showed the best episodes of the programs of the Kaliningrad State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, and I commented. It was terribly scary, but in the end, for some reason, everyone liked it. It was decided to make some project about Kaliningrad television.

I proposed to make “TV Kitchen with Max”. At the same time, the word “relish” will be highlighted in red, as a reference to the then popular TV program “Relish” with Andrei Makarevich, but my name was meant - “With Max”. Such a pun. We talked about TV kitchen, cooked something. It turned out interesting, in my opinion.

Corr.: - Did you have to leave the military service?

Maxim RUMYANTSEV:- No, I continued to serve. In the evenings and weekends he worked on the radio, once a week he filmed for television. So I worked for some time, but then a misfortune happened, Valentin Adolfovich Egorov, who was then leading the program of the Baltic Fleet "I have the honor", fell seriously ill. I was offered to work on the project. I couldn't refuse.

I was assigned to television. I completely immersed myself in this filming process, I didn’t know how and didn’t take it and didn’t make plots, so I had to learn everything myself, I learned to write.

Then Valentin Adolfovich returned and he himself began to teach me the secrets of the journalist's craft, began to explain how and what to do correctly, and so I began to work slowly.

Corr.: - What was the television of those years in your opinion?

Maxim RUMYANTSEV:- It was completely different than now. It used to be somehow more sincere, at home, there were a lot of thematic projects, plots. The feeling was different, people worked with desire.

Corr.: - What, in your opinion, has changed?

Maxim RUMYANTSEV:- Now there is a strong bias in the information plane. The main thing is information, everything is in a short line, everything is very fast. Because of this, sometimes it turns out that a lot is captured "on top". Everything became very tough and in places even somehow inhuman, cynical.

I don’t know why this happens, life is like that, I guess. And the Internet is also to blame, which forces us to be in touch all the time, to work 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There are new means of communication, information is distributed instantly.
The material must be issued today, now, tomorrow it will be too late!

Sometimes you think - why is it too late? Because of this rush, there is simply no time to get to the bottom of the truth. This is a sin, in my opinion, all channels - all with such pressure, pressure. The theme is pure pessimism!

After all, you can tell how to solve problems, and not zombify that everything is bad and peck the audience with this pessimism. You can not only play on emotions and human feelings.

Corr.: - Maybe demand dictates supply?

Maxim RUMYANTSEV:- Maybe. If so, it is sad that we have such people and they need it so much. Of course, news is news, but you can also tell in detail and interestingly within the framework of a thematic program. Emotions have always been there.

For example, in the program “I have the honor!” we recorded songs: in the cockpit the fighters performed songs of their own composition, very talented guys came across. We said hello to our parents, told about everything, and not just about what happened, how hard it was, and how we got out of the situation. You should always try to find a reason for optimism.

Corr.: - Is it difficult to do?

Maxim RUMYANTSEV:- If you believe in something better, you will always find it.



Maxim RUMYANTSEV:- "The transfer should" stink "with boots" - this is what Valentin Adolfovich Egorov always said. It was meant that the different comments of the commanders about the service and work are important, but this is not all, it is necessary to show the life of a soldier from the inside.

You have to show him how he lives. Even if it's hard, you need to find a reason for optimism. The army is a part of our life, even if you have never served, it is a structure that concerns every family.

Corr.: - Among the civilian population, especially ten years ago, there was a rather biased attitude towards the military, has something changed now?

Maxim RUMYANTSEV:- These are all opinions, to a greater extent, false stereotypes. Yes, there was a time when everyone “dismissed” the army, only those who could not do anything else got there.

Now many people understand that if you didn’t serve in the army today, then it can greatly interfere with you tomorrow. There are a lot of structures, when hiring in which, in the absence of a military ID, there may be problems.

Corr.: - Has something changed in the structure and work of the army? What exactly?

Maxim RUMYANTSEV:- First of all, funding has increased and this is very important. Today, the military has a decent salary, uniforms and, of course, training.

If in the early 2000s we filmed stories about how good it is that they finally began to give live ammunition and shells for firing, now they do not spare money for combat training. Full equipment in action, people are constantly in the field, the workload is colossal.

The form was made comfortable, beautiful, they give out a whole wardrobe. Even the berets are special - these shoes have the Gore-tex system (membrane fabric, used for the manufacture of special clothes and shoes, a patented ventilation system - ed.)

Corr.: - You have been working on the Zvezda TV channel in Kaliningrad since 2005. Was your job choice related to your own profession?

Maxim RUMYANTSEV:- In Moscow at that time there was the Central Television and Radio Broadcasting Studio of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation with a branch in Kaliningrad. With the help of my commanders and superiors, I managed to introduce a staff unit in the fleet - the Television Center of the Baltic Fleet. That's when this new structure came into being.

The commander of the fleet made a strong-willed decision, everything was in order, they provided us with equipment, brought in staff, and I was appointed chief. Through the Ministry of Defense, contacts began to be established, business trips to Moscow.

At that time, the television studio of the Ministry of Defense was making the program “Serving Russia!” on Channel One and they began to take our stories for themselves with pleasure.

At that time, the idea of ​​​​creating a thematic TV channel. And on April 22, 2005, the grand opening of the Zvezda channel took place at the Theater of the Russian Army. It is my birthday on this day and I turned 33 that year. This beginning seemed terribly symbolic to me.



Maxim RUMYANTSEV:- Thanks to the work, I was lucky, in September 2013 I participated in a trip to Franz Josef Land. It was very interesting, there was not as much work there as I wanted, but I remember this trip.

It was the work of the hydrographic service, sounding the depths (the vessel measured the depths and checked the fairway). We landed several times, for example, on Rudolf Island. This is the place where the polar station was located. Now she is abandoned. It was from here that Ivan Papanin left on a sleigh. The polar station itself, the barracks, dried up in the cold right up to the ringing, simply amazed me. You open the door, and there the glacier sprouted ... The place is very interesting.

I climbed into the attic in one of these houses, risking breaking my legs. Found a metal box with chess pieces. It is quite possible that Papanin also played with them. And maybe I didn’t play it, but I kept it for myself as a keepsake.

Corr.: - Do you have to travel a lot for work?

Maxim RUMYANTSEV:- Now the specifics of the news work is such that I have to be there. In the past, I often went on business trips. We went to London with Putin when he went there for the first time after a long cold relationship.

Vladimir Putin met with the Prince of Wales, and we stood on the Neustrashimy. In 2004. in the year of the centenary of the submarine forces in Stockholm, participated in a campaign in Sweden.

Corr.: - If you had a chance to change your life, what would you do?

Maxim RUMYANTSEV:- I might not have gone into journalism. I don’t regret anything, it’s just that a person changes during his life.

I had a wonderful specialty, I achieved success. But it was interesting to try something new. I've been like this since childhood - everything is interesting to me. Maybe I grew up too late...

When a person changes, against the background of these changes, he always needs something new. Time is changing very quickly. What I once studied, mastered, now with these skills, it seems to me, they are born.

My daughter and I, she is two years old with a little, the main toy is a tablet. We each have two of them, in case one suddenly runs out of power. The daughter, in her incomplete three years, knows what an adult needs to be taught.

Corr.: - Maxim Rumyantsev after many years - what kind of person is he?

Maxim RUMYANTSEV:- In Western journalism, if you look closely, there are a lot of presenters of precisely advanced age. Such grown-up guys with beards. In my opinion, in journalism, you need some life experience, first of all, if you really want to tell people something. So I have more work to do in that regard.

I do not like to be intrusive and do not accept unethical actions, if you understand the essence of things. Sharing experiences and conclusions with the viewer is my thing. To be the first to run, to make material, to be in time, because some channel has already filmed it - this is not really my thing. News today is a high-speed pipeline, but sometimes it gets in the way where you want to understand the essence of things. So far so, but I would like something to change.

Corr.: - In your opinion, are changes possible in the media system?

Maxim RUMYANTSEV:- People should remain people, this is the most important thing. I think, over time, television will die and everything will go to the Internet.

Today, a person obtains information for himself, he is selective. If you really need news, then during the day you can find out everything yourself.

After all, how was it before? At 9 pm - watching the program "Time", it was necessary to watch the news, find out what happened during the day. Now you already immediately know everything, throughout the day you are constantly aware of events.

Maybe that's a good thing, I didn't think about it. I'm just trying to see the positive in everything.

Corr.: - Maxim, thanks for the conversation!

"New caravan"

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