Palm oil, benefits and harms. Health Benefits or Harms of Using Palm Oil? Palm oil effect on the body

Why is palm oil added to all foods? Properties of palm oil, what causes its harm to humans. What causes the harm of palm oil to humans?

In Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia, a plant such as oil palm is very common. This is a very cheap product, while palm oil is very close to butter in its composition. Both palm oil and butter contain the same amount of saturated fatty acids, but palm oil has twice the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. There is also a difference in texture, palm oil remains creamy at 45 degrees, so it is convenient to use for the manufacture of dairy products and confectionery.

Palm oil for domestic use in producing countries differs from what is exported, including for our country. In order to obtain high-quality palm oil, fresh fruits are needed, the pressing process takes place no later than within 24 hours after harvesting the fruits from the palm. Raw materials undergo multi-level preparation and cleaning, then packed in sealed containers for sale. Processing and packaging must take place very quickly, the tightness of the packaging must not be broken, otherwise the oil will undergo oxidation processes. Oxidized palm oil poses a huge health hazard, this product is toxic and can provoke the onset of cancer. In Russia, there is a regulation on the food industry, according to the document, only high-quality palm oil should be allowed into production, but despite this, manufacturers often use oxidized palm oil.

There is an opinion that palm oil cannot be broken down in the human body due to its high melting point, but this is not true. A special lipase enzyme works in the human intestine, it performs the function of splitting fats and will cope with palm oil, as well as with other oils. However, the high melting temperature will affect the duration of digestion, the process will take longer.

Why is palm oil dangerous?

Palm oil, like many other common foods, contains saturated fatty acids, their excessive consumption leads to violations of the integrity of the walls of blood vessels. This is just one of the reasons leading to such consequences, but it is very common. The American Heart Association does not recommend exceeding the daily allowance of saturated fat - this is 7% of the total daily caloric intake, and if you use palm oil, it will be very easy to exceed the norm.

By using palm oil, the manufacturer is misleading the consumer. It is beneficial to add a low-cost product to dairy products and confectionery products instead of butter, fry chips and other snacks on it, and besides, it can be omitted from the composition. According to the rules of the current legislation, cheese using palm oil should be a cheese product, cottage cheese - a curd product, but this recommendation is constantly violated.

There are several criteria by which you can determine the content of palm oil in products. The first and main one is the cost, palm oil products are significantly cheaper. Cheese at a cost of 250-300 rubles per kilogram and cottage cheese at a price of 100 rubles per kilogram cannot be natural, they have been reduced in price due to palm oil. If we are talking about dairy products, then they should not contain vegetable fats, so if you find such a component in the composition, you should know that this is how palm oil is veiled.

Palm oil becomes even more dangerous when it undergoes hydrogenation, that is, when it is made into a solid fat. In the process, trans fats are formed, they are disconnected in structure from those fats that a person needs.

The body uses fats to build cell membranes, it is very difficult to build them from trans fats, and if it does, the cell will become unviable.

Cells begin to break down before reaching the end of their biological cycle, this accelerates aging and contributes to the development of age-related diseases.

Most often, palm oil is present in those products that have enough harmful additives without it - these are chips and crackers, cookies and sweets, yogurts and processed cheeses with a lot of dyes, flavors, stabilizers, salt and sugar. Palm oil is also used for frying, it is cooked in inexpensive fast food establishments, the frying process is the most harmful food processing, even more so with low-quality oil. If you choose the most natural products for your diet, then protect your body from the harmful effects of palm oil.

The world's population is constantly increasing, and at the same time, people's need for food is increasing. One of the integral modern products is vegetable oil, obtained, among other things, from the fruits of the African oil palm. The rapid growth of plants and the warm climate allow for huge harvests several times a year. This makes the palm the most cost-effective source of vegetable oil.

The problem is that palm oil is considered more harmful than any other oil. There are a lot of myths around this product. Some media even published statements in which vegetable oil from palm fruits was compared to poison. But is it really so, and is it worth believing the stories about the dangers of palm oil?

What is palm oil made of

Previously, the product was practically not used in the food industry due to the high content of fatty acids in the free state. This resulted in an unpleasant taste. Technological development has made it possible to create methods to reduce the concentration of fatty acids, resulting in the taste of palm oil becoming close to neutral. Processing does not lead to the appearance of trans fats, and therefore the product does not pose any carcinogenic hazard.

The basis of palm oil is triglycerides of fatty acids, it also contains carotenoids, vitamin E and many other components. All this leads to the use of the product as a substitute for milk fat. An alternative to conventional dairy production is being created, and the opposition is largely coming from the traditional producers of milk products, who are facing serious competition.


Due to a number of outstanding chemical and physical properties, the product has become widespread as a vegetable fat. There are many uses for palm oil:

The original product was widely used due to its cheapness and availability. The production of food and even technical fluids is becoming more economical.

Useful Features

This plant substance contains in its composition a large number of strong antioxidants that have a positive effect on the state of the body. All this is actively used for medical and cosmetic purposes. The presence of tocotrienols in the consumed product reduces the number of free radicals, and therefore is an effective means of preventing cancer.

The triglycerins in the product are easily and quickly digested, and when they enter the liver, they become a source of additional energy. They are not fixed in the bloodstream.

If the human digestive system does not cope well with the digestion of fats, then only products with palm oil will be indicated for consumption. The presence of oleic and linoleic acids helps to lower the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. In addition, bones, joints are strengthened, skin is healed.

In a global sense, the main useful property of the substance in question is the simplicity of its preparation, as well as its low cost. As a result, food production costs are reduced. The manufacturability of the product also becomes an advantage - in its original form it is solid, and very convenient for use in baking and confectionery purposes.

What harm can it do?

The likely harm of a product may depend on the purpose for which and in what form it is used. If it has not been rectified, it cannot be used for food production. Only properly purified, refined and fractionated material can enter the food industry.

Despite all the advantages of the product, it also has enough disadvantages:

Also, the production of palm oil is harmful to nature, because in order to increase the production of the product, it is necessary to reduce the area of ​​​​tropical forests. Ordinary vegetation is simply replaced with oil palms. In the long term, this reduces biodiversity and threatens the existence of many rare species.

Can you eat palm oil products?

Food products containing a refined and deodorized substance are completely suitable for consumption, and in terms of effects on the body are no different from analogues with other oils. Palm oil contains many useful substances and vitamins; in terms of calories, it also coincides with other vegetable analogues.

In a purified form, the product loses a certain amount of useful components, but does not acquire harmful ones. Accordingly, food of this type can be eaten without any fear. The main thing is not to overeat, because the daily intake is less than 2 grams. At the same time, great lovers of confectionery due to excessive nutrition can bring the daily consumed dose to 10 grams, which already has certain negative consequences for the body.

Can I buy baby food with palm oil?

One of the main disadvantages of the product is its bad effect on the growing children's body, and therefore it is categorically not recommended to buy baby food with palm oil. The fact is that the child's body is not yet sufficiently developed - it cannot fully extract useful substances from the product, which means that it is far from being fully absorbed. Children should be protected as much as possible from food with the addition of palm oil.

However, there is a special modification of the product, called beta-palminate, or structured oil. In it, by artificial means, the content of harmful substances is minimized. Infant formulas with beta-palminate are much more expensive than usual, but are easily absorbed by the child's body. They do not have a carcinogenic effect, they do not disrupt the digestive tract and do not adversely affect bone growth.


Several types of palm oil are used in the food and technical industries. Here are the most common ones:

  • Red. The most natural thanks to a special production technology that preserves the maximum of useful substances. According to some researchers, the benefits of the product may be comparable to its olive counterpart.
  • Refined and deodorized product. Recycled and purified, colorless and odorless. It is he who is supplied to the food industry. Useful properties are the same as those of the original red oil, but less pronounced.
  • Technical oil. It is used for the production of cosmetics, soaps, lubricants and other products. Due to insufficient purification, the substance contains a large amount of oxidized fats that can harm the body. The use of such a product for food production is prohibited.

In the global food industry, there have been cases when manufacturers used technical oil instead of refined and deodorized oil - in order to further save money. This fact explains most of the fears about palm oil.

Common myths

For a number of reasons, a real hysteria in the media began around palm oil. It is quite possible that it was provoked by the actions of companies that do not use this product in their products. If so, then the hype is largely due to simply unfair competition. Be that as it may, many absurd myths were born:

There are several other myths, but they are also based on inferences that have no real basis. All myths are completely broken by the results of authoritative scientific research.

You will find interesting information about palm oil in the following video:

Should we be afraid of palm oil?

Summing up, we can conclude that there is nothing wrong with the product. Like any other food, it can be both harmful and beneficial. It all depends on compliance with the technology of production, transportation, cooking. The palm oil used in the food industry is refined and deodorized, the content of harmful substances in it is scanty, and does not exceed the values ​​allowed by GOSTs. This means that the distribution of this product does not pose any danger to human health.

In contact with

Most of the cheap dairy products in the Russian Federation have nothing to do with milk: expensive animal fat in supposedly butter and pseudo-cottage cheese has been replaced with cheap vegetable fat - palm fat.

Recently, officials have attended to this problem. There are a lot of proposals: to mark all goods with “palm”, to sharply increase import duties on tropical oils, to quota the import of palm oil into the country or to ban it altogether. Only things are still there.

On a tropical needle

Palm oil has been used in the food industry since the Soviet times, for example, in the icing of eclair cakes. But the palm boom fell on the crisis of 1998: cheap products for impoverished Russians began to be massively cooked on the “palm tree”. “If in 1997 100 tons of “palms” were imported into Russia, then in a year - 390 tons,” the Federal Customs Service explained to AiF.

By the end of the 2000s the problem escalated to the limit: manufacturers, without hesitation, made milk without milk, without indicating it on the labels. “There was a real battle in the industry,” recalls Larisa Abdullaeva, Executive Secretary of the Dairy Union of Russia. “The technical regulation for dairy products in 2008, for example, was lobbied in such a way that it allowed naming palm products with terms close to dairy (cheese, sour cream, etc.).” It was only in 2012 that the concept of “dairy-vegetable” (more than 50% milk) and “vegetable-milk” (less than 50% milk) products were legalized to fool customers.

However, this was clearly not enough. The shady business has climbed onto the “palm” long ago and is not going to get off it: the artisanal replacement of milk fat with vegetable fat gives super profits. “Palm oil helps make a phenomenally cheap product: it costs about $570 a tonne – five times less than butterfat ($2,900),” says Roman Gaidashov, independent food quality expert. Passing off cottage cheese or butter as high-quality dairy, but adding from 60 to 100% palm substitute there, the manufacturer turns into a millionaire in six months. No wonder they say in Asia: it is more profitable to have an oil palm plantation than an oil well.

Palm collusion

Different countries are trying in their own way to deal with exotic fat, but their efforts are virtually in vain. “For example, India and Thailand have imposed additional fees on palm oil imports. In France, the issue of increasing the tax on products using palm oil by 300% is being discussed. Pavel Shapkin, Chairman of the National Union for the Protection of Consumer Rights. - Over the past two years, palm oil supplies to Russia from abroad have grown significantly. At the beginning of 2015, imports grew by 37% compared to the same period last year.” After the imposition of sanctions, domestic producers began to actively "chemize".

In fact, the real level of food falsification in the country is unknown to anyone: most of the accredited laboratories are engaged by dishonest manufacturers. “The heads of laboratories are fed by manufacturers and make false protocols that the products are clean,” one of the market participants told AiF on condition of anonymity. Even in courts between the state and businessmen, such "experts" turn out to be on the side of business! It is curious that within the framework of the WTO, Russia had to reduce the import duty on the "palm tree" - from 15 to 5%. But she did not do this: WTO arbitration is currently underway. And, most likely, we will have to pay the WTO for the “palm tree” and reduce the duty.

5 dangers of palm oil

Producers pursue their own benefit - palm oil greatly reduces the cost of production and prolongs the shelf life of the product. But we, the consumers, suffer from this:

1. It is unhealthy. Leads to atherosclerosis, heart disease and can provoke oncology. A number of experts argue that palm oil is healthier than an animal: it cannot contain harmful cholesterol. In Europe, they actively make dietary products based on "palms". “But in the EU countries it is allowed to use palm oil with a peroxide value of 0.5 in the food industry. For Russia, the allowable indicator is 10. The higher the peroxide number, the worse the oil. All over the world, such oil is considered technical, and we eat it!” - says P. Shapkin.

2. It deprives us of useful substances. Today, palm oil is everywhere (see info-graphic). "Vegetable fat", "confectionery fat", "vegetable fat substitute" - it's all about him. They are replaced by good and healthy components of food products, and as a result, a person receives less nutrients and vitamins of the same dairy products - neither calcium nor microelements. The diet on one "palm tree" is extremely scarce.

3. It helps us to deceive. Used for falsification, it is not processed properly and is not at all suitable for food. For legal palm oil, GOST clearly prescribes the permissible content of pesticides, toxic elements and radionuclides, says that it must be deodorized and refined. For example, GOST requires storing edible palm oil in stainless steel cans. But the raw materials for counterfeit are most often poured into plastic tanks that are not intended for this. The left oil usually contains heavy metals: arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury, as well as non-food chemicals.

4. It helps us to rob. In fact, products with palm oil are many times cheaper than natural ones.

5. It destroys nature. Asia is groaning from the popularity of palm oil: centuries-old forests are being cut down for plantations, animals living there are dying.

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Palm oil is a fairly new product in our consumer market. According to manufacturers, the oil can be widely used not only for baking, but also in cosmetology, industry, and also for the treatment of various ailments. However, more and more nutritionists agree that this product is the strongest carcinogen, and, therefore, not only harmful, but also dangerous to human health. So is palm oil useful for humans, or is it still harmful?

Palm oil is extracted from the oil-bearing type of palm trees (namely, the pulp of the fruit, which is first boiled and then squeezed), which grow mainly in tropical countries, in particular in West Africa. In its natural form, the product is a liquid substance, has an orange-yellow color and has a rather pleasant aroma and sweet aftertaste. At temperatures below thirty degrees, the oil becomes solid, resembling margarine in structure. Palm oil is the only one in the world that is called solid vegetable oil, similar in composition to animal fats.

In its composition, the oil contains palmitic acid in large quantities, but despite this, it also contains other saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, in particular, stearic, oleic, arachidic, linoleic, myristic, lauric, etc. In addition, the oil contains vitamins E, D, K, lecithin, phytosterols, squalene, coenzyme Q10, magnesium, phosphorus, etc. This product is quite high in calories, the energy value is about 900 kcal per 100 g of product.

The benefits and properties of palm oil.
The use of palm oil has a positive effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels, so doctors often recommend it as a preventive measure to prevent heart attacks, strokes, inflammatory vascular diseases, cardiomyopathy - irreversible damage to the heart muscle, coronary artery disease, hypertension, heart failure, atherosclerosis and other diseases. .

This product is able to compensate for the lack of vitamin A in our body, so it is often recommended to use it for various eye diseases. In addition, its properties are the normalization of intraocular pressure, the improvement of blood supply to the eyes, as well as the protection of the lens, retina and cornea of ​​​​the eyes. It is often recommended to include it in your daily diet as a prophylactic and treatment for tired eye syndrome, cataracts, conjunctivitis, night blindness, and glaucoma.

The use of palm oil also has a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, it prevents inflammation, helps to accelerate the healing process in case of damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, prevents the accumulation of excess fat in the liver, and has a stimulating effect on the formation and secretion of bile. Experts often recommend palm oil for the treatment of diseases such as biliary dyskinesia, gastric and duodenal ulcers, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, colitis and enterocolitis, gastritis and many others.

Palm oil is also useful for obesity and diabetes, with frequent colds and respiratory diseases, as well as with a tendency to them, in the presence of bronchial asthma and tuberculosis.

Separately, it is worth talking about the benefits of palm oil for the female body. It contains vitamins A and E, unsaturated fatty acids and phytosterols that have a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system, since they have the ability to regulate hormonal balance (namely estrogen hormones), maintain it in balance, and also have an anti-inflammatory effect in the presence of uterine diseases, breasts or ovaries. In addition, these substances and vitamins contribute to the full development of the fetus during pregnancy, and during lactation they improve the quality and improve the composition and taste of breast milk. It can be used both for preventive and therapeutic purposes, in particular for anemia and diseases of the female genital area, PMS and menopause.

Those suffering from diseases such as vaginitis, colpitis, cervical erosion are advised to insert palm oil tampons into the vagina.

Palm oil is an effective treatment for cracked nipples in mothers during breastfeeding. The oil is an excellent means of protection against the penetration of infections and a means of accelerating the healing process.

The benefits of this product can be appreciated by women. Regular inclusion of palm oil in their diet, starting at the age of thirty, will help to avoid osteoporosis in the future (during menopause). Similar properties of this product make it possible to use it in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Palm oil is especially useful for children, because its constituent substances are actively involved in the formation of bones, joints and teeth, as well as organs of vision, brain and nervous tissue. In addition, its use increases the level of the body's defenses and contributes to its normal growth.

The benefits of palm oil in the daily human diet are also great. It should be used more often in the presence of chronic fatigue syndrome, psycho-emotional disorders, as well as to strengthen memory, attention, and improve mental abilities. It is also recommended for nervous and mental diseases, to strengthen the body's immune defenses, in order to prevent cancer. Palm oil is very useful to include in your diet for residents in places with unfavorable environmental conditions, as well as for patients who have survived radiation and chemotherapy.

This product has found its application in the treatment of dental problems, in particular, in case of gum disease, it is recommended to apply gauze wipes pre-soaked with this oil to the affected areas.

Microclysters are also made with this oil or tampons are administered rectally in the presence of anal fissures, hemorrhoids and constipation. In addition, palm oil is applied topically in the presence of psoriasis, burns, cuts, trophic ulcers, bedsores, neurodermatitis, acne and other skin problems. In this case, the oil lubricates the affected areas of the skin. To increase efficiency, the oil is taken orally.

In the field of cosmetology, palm oil has also found wide application. It is added as an ingredient in various cosmetics. For example, this product is often added to tanning products. Thanks to such products, the skin not only acquires an even and beautiful tan, but also remains protected from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, keeping youth and freshness.

In the field of cooking, palm oil can be compared with coconut oil in terms of use. Confectioners unanimously claim that this product is simply indispensable in the production of their products, especially those that are intended for long-term storage. It is used in the production of margarine, other substitutes for natural butter, is an ingredient in the manufacture of condensed milk, crackers, crackers.

Harm of palm oil.
Despite the many positive properties cited, nutritionists insist that palm oil has minimal benefits for our body. With its excess, the work of the organs of the digestive system is disrupted. Saturated fatty acids (palmitic acid) significantly increase the level of cholesterol in the blood, which further leads to the emergence and development of dangerous diseases - vascular thrombosis, atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In addition, this oil is the strongest carcinogen. In many countries, a ban on the use of this product in their food industry has long been introduced, and if it is present in any product, a note about this fact must be put on the packaging!

Despite the useful composition of the oil, the body will not be able to process these substances and assimilate them due to the melting point (40 degrees, while the temperature of our body is 36.6 degrees). Palm oil is poorly excreted from our body, most of it settles in it in the form of toxins and clogs blood vessels, intestines and other vital organs. Fatty acids, gradually sticking together blood cells, contribute to the development of oncology of various organs, provoke a heart attack, infertility and impotence.

Palmitic acid, which is the basis of palm oil, is an essential component of infant formulas. According to the latest research by scientists, when this acid enters the body of an infant, it combines with calcium, as a result of which insoluble compounds are formed, which, when excreted from the body, take with them most of the calcium. As a result, the child does not receive the necessary amount of healthy fats and calcium, despite the remaining amount of nutrition, which are so important during the growth and development of the baby. In addition, it has been proven that mixtures with palmitic acid in the composition lead to bloating and belching in infants, cause bone mineralization and colic.

Despite all the negative aspects, palm oil is ubiquitous and is used in the production of products so beloved by our beloved children (chocolate, condensed milk, chips, etc.). Of course, it is quite difficult to refuse a request to buy a child, but before buying another treat, read the composition, and if you find palm oil in it, think a hundred times before buying it.

Good day, my dear readers! Today we'll talk about palm oil and find out what is harm of palm oil to the human body, and why next to the phrase " harm of palm oil» you can hear the opposite opinion about benefits of palm oil? Who is right anyway? Let's figure it out.

So, when it comes to palm oil, then you need to understand what kind of palm oil is meant.

There are several of them:

- raw;

- refined and deodorized;

- technical.

And depending on which oil contains a particular product, the degree of its usefulness and harmfulness depends.

And now let's take a brief look at each type of palm oil and its beneficial and harmful properties.

Raw palm oil

This oil has a number of positive characteristics, but there are also plenty of negative ones.


I won’t talk about the benefits for a long time, since palm oil is one of the few oils that does not have super useful and healing properties. Let me just say that palm oil is the champion in the content of vitamin E, which gives this oil antioxidant properties in the fight against free radicals that provoke the development of cancer.

It is also rich in carotenoids, which are also antioxidants and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

Still unprocessed palm oil contains a sufficient amount of provitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on vision.

Most Helpful raw palm oil considered red. In its production, sparing technologies are used that allow you to save the maximum amount of vitamins and beneficial properties of this oil.

Well, this is where the beneficial properties of palm oil end, and we move on to its negative sides.


First place among harmful properties of palm oil takes high content of SATURATED FAT, the use of which in large quantities leads to diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

The second place of honor that positions palm oil as harmful is its refractoriness. Palm oil due to its high melting point (40 degrees), it is poorly processed and not completely excreted from the body. Its main part remains in the human body in the form of slags that clog up the vessels, stomach and intestines, preventing them from performing their basic functions. This sticky mass envelops the vital organs and thereby disrupts the normal functioning of the whole organism as a whole.

The third place is palm oil carcinogenicity which increases the risk of cancer.

Also in palm oil linoleic acid content is very low. This is more likely not harm, but a lack of this oil. But it is the presence and amount of this acid in vegetable oils that indicates how much this or that oil is valued in the market. On average, vegetable oils contain 70-75% of this acid, and the more it is in the composition, the more expensive and healthier the oil is considered. And palm oil contains about 5% of it. This figure speaks for itself.

We are done with raw palm oil, now we are moving on to other types of it.

Refined and deodorized palm oil

This type of oil is already much more widely used in the food industry than unprocessed. I would even say that it has become almost impossible to find unprocessed palm oil in our modern food industry, it is too expensive ... And it is simply unprofitable for manufacturers to use it in the production of their products.

And refined palm oil is already much cheaper, but at the same time, there are at least 2 times less useful substances in such processed oil. And it was not so dense, and now there was nothing to see there at all.

Therefore, about the benefits refined palm oil, I think everything is clear: it is approaching zero.

The dangers of this palm oil remains somewhere at the same level as the raw one, so we move on. And next in line is technical palm oil. Get ready to be shocked here.

Technical palm oil

I must say right away that this type of palm oil does not have any useful properties, except for its cheapness (it is 5 times cheaper than all other oils) and a long shelf life, but this positive fact remains such only for manufacturers, so we immediately proceed to consider all harmfulness, which is so rich in this oil.

Technical palm oil in general, it should be used exclusively in the production of soaps, cosmetics and other household chemicals, but nowadays almost all manufacturers (with the exception of the most conscientious, the percentage of which in most countries is no more than 5-7%) use this type of oil in the FOOD INDUSTRY!!! Yes, technical oil, which is absolutely unsuitable for ingestion, is on the shelves of supermarkets in those products that we used to buy from childhood. These include:

- mayonnaise, margarine, butter;

- sausages;

- fast food products that have a long shelf life, etc.

This is only a small part of the products in which manufacturers like to add palm oil, and all because it:

  1. Extends the shelf life of this product.
  2. Gives products a “special” taste, after which the hand reaches out again and again for this yummy.
  3. It is a very cheap raw material.


This type of palm oil has all the same harmful properties as its predecessors, but with significant amendments, not for the better. It is different from its counterparts. completely different acid-fat composition. Due to its poor purification, it contains a lot of harmful oxidized saturated fats. That is, you understand that saturated fats in themselves already belong to the item " harmful properties of palm oil”, and here they are OXIDIZED! This fact leads to the fact that in the body of a person who regularly uses products containing technical palm oil, free radicals accumulate, which destroy the body from the inside, causing cancer, as well as the formation of cholesterol plaques.

When talking about the dangers of palm oil, then first of all they mean technical palm oil, which is very dangerous for the human body. And if you see palm oil in the composition of the product, then do not risk your health and put this product back, since with 99% probability it was used in the composition technical palm oil, and not refined, I'm not talking about raw.

Sad as it sounds, but the personal benefit of the manufacturer in our time is in the first place ... In order to extend the shelf life of products and save on their costs, they are ready to do anything, even such a terrible strategic move as use of industrial palm oil in food production!

I hope now you will carefully study the composition of the products you buy and choose only those where there is no inscription "Palm oil". The most recognizable characteristic by which you can immediately determine whether palm oil is in the composition or not is the price of the product. For example, a lower price for hard varieties of cheese from a Ukrainian manufacturer (less than 65 UAH) indicates that the composition definitely contains Palm oil, and this is most likely technical palm oil. Therefore, be careful when choosing food and do not be fooled by too low a price. As the saying goes: “It’s better not to save on health, otherwise it will be more expensive.”

All useful shopping without a "palm tree" and good health!

Sincerely yours, Yaneliya Skripnik!

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