What helps with tuberculosis. Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis with folk remedies: recommendations and advice. Wax moth treatment

Pulmonary tuberculosis is an infectious disease that was discovered at the end of the 19th century by a scientist from Germany, Robert Koch. And the world-famous Koch bacillus is a bacterium that passes from person to person when sneezing and causes tuberculosis. Every year, this disease claims the lives of about ten million inhabitants of our planet. And its biggest danger is that it can spread not only to the lungs, but also to other organs, such as the larynx, bones, intestines, and genitourinary system.

Patients with tuberculosis should be under the constant supervision of pulmonologists and take antibiotics. However, patients of tuberculosis dispensaries often ask themselves the question: is it possible to resort to the help of folk remedies and how to cure tuberculosis at home?

What causes tuberculosis?

Before answering the question of how to cure pulmonary tuberculosis with folk remedies, let's figure out where this dangerous disease comes from. As practice shows, most often such a diagnosis is made to marginalized groups of the population, for example, people serving sentences in prisons, or the homeless.

And all because the causes of tuberculosis are most often bad habits, poor nutrition, prolonged stay in poorly ventilated rooms and other poor living conditions.

After some time, a person infected with tuberculosis begins to feel weakness, malaise, he is tormented by bouts of excruciating cough, pain in the chest, his body temperature constantly rises and he begins to rapidly lose weight.

There are two forms of this disease. The primary form most often does not manifest itself. And what is most interesting, in such cases, self-healing often occurs. That is, a person may not know and never know that he had tuberculosis. A more dangerous form is the secondary one. It occurs in people who have previously been diagnosed with this infectious disease. And it requires the mandatory intervention of traditional, and if desired, also traditional medicine.

How to cure tuberculosis?

To relieve symptoms and successfully heal, a comprehensive approach to solving the problem is needed. In other words, it is important to combine drug treatment, which the doctor will tell you about in detail, the right lifestyle and folk remedies.

Let's take a closer look at the second and third points.


So, in order to cure tuberculosis at home, you need to change your habits and start leading a correct and healthy lifestyle. First of all, you need to give up smoking and other activities that are not beneficial, and direct all your energy to strengthening your own immunity. Do not neglect regular walks in the fresh air, travel less by transport and walk more often, avoid stressful situations, ensure yourself proper rest and sleep. It is important to regularly do special breathing exercises. Its essence lies in the alternation of deep breaths with intermittent exhalations through the nose.

How to cure pulmonary tuberculosis? Follow dietary recommendations. Remember that patients with tuberculosis experience malfunctions in the digestive system and metabolic disorders. The body loses phosphorus, calcium and a whole complex of vitamins. That is why patients of TB dispensaries are recommended a certain diet. Sick people should include protein foods, healthy fats (such as dairy products and vegetable oils), and complex carbohydrates in their diet. In some cases, when, for example, bone damage is detected, patients should limit their intake of salty foods and liquids.


Is it possible to cure tuberculosis with the help of alternative medicine recommendations? Doctors advise not to neglect folk methods of destroying Koch's wand. First of all, we are talking about treatment with herbs. Unfortunately, there is no unequivocal answer to the question of whether pulmonary tuberculosis can be cured with herbs, but one thing is for sure - they help to heal the body, saturate it with useful substances and strengthen the immune system.

So, how to cure tuberculosis with natural remedies and which herbs are best?

Birch buds. They make alcohol tincture. For one liter of liquid, 2 tablespoons of kidneys are required. The balm should be infused until it turns brown. After that, the remedy can be taken 1 spoon before each meal for a long time.

Pine buds. Take a tablespoon of kidneys in a glass of boiling water and let it brew for two hours. Then take the medicine three times a day.

Aloe. This plant is famous for its antibacterial properties and is actively used in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. A special mixture is prepared from aloe leaves and some other components. You will need 300 grams of honey, an aloe leaf and 100 ml of water. All ingredients must be put in a saucepan and boiled for a couple of hours. Then cool, strain and take a spoonful three times a day.

Gooseberry leaves. This plant has a beneficial effect on the human respiratory system. For the treatment of tuberculosis, you will also need to prepare a special tincture. To do this, take a glass of boiling water and add 40 grams of dried gooseberry leaves to it. Let the product brew and then drink about 70 ml in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Garlic. He is considered the most dangerous enemy of Koch's wand. It does not allow them to grow and multiply, and therefore must be present in the diet of a patient with tuberculosis. You can use garlic in its pure form or make a special tincture. Grind a couple of cloves thoroughly and pour a glass of clean water. The next day, you can drink the medicine and make a new portion. And you can prepare a more complex mixture. You will need 200 grams of garlic and horseradish, a kilogram of butter and five kilos of honey. All ingredients must be mixed and sent for a few minutes in a water bath. And then use the mixture every day for 60 grams before you are going to have breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Badger fat. If you add honey and walnuts to it, you will get a good folk remedy for the fight against tuberculosis. It should be taken one teaspoon five times a day.

Celandine. This plant has expectorant bactericidal properties, relieves spasms and accelerates wound healing. It is actively used in the treatment of tuberculosis. But remember that you can take it in small doses. It is best to insist celandine on alcohol.

Can tuberculosis be completely cured?

Previously, consumption was considered an incurable disease. But modern medicine assures that it is possible to cure pulmonary tuberculosis. The combination of anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy with hygiene, proper nutrition, breathing exercises, treatment in sanatoriums and the use of traditional medicine gives its positive results. Also, in many respects, the effectiveness of treatment depends on how quickly you seek medical help, because Koch's wand multiplies very quickly. And, lastly, be prepared for the fact that it will not be possible to cure tuberculosis quickly, this path is not easy and it may take a very long time to heal. With active therapy, it can take about a year to completely cure tuberculosis.

Tuberculosis is a serious disease that necessarily requires medical treatment and observation by a doctor. But folk remedies also have quite effective supporting properties.

Tuberculosis is an acute infectious disease that can affect patients of any age. The most common routes of infection are airborne and airborne. The contact route of infection is much less common - in cases of a large release of mycobacteria by an infected person. As a rule, a person with an open form of tuberculosis becomes a source of infection.

Is it possible to cure tuberculosis with folk remedies?

dried bear

This folk method of treating this disease is considered the most effective. Medvedka is a large insect that lives in the ground and floodplains. The peoples of Asia and Africa have been eating it with pleasure since ancient times. Medvedka is considered a delicacy among them, in addition, they claim that this delicacy strengthens the immune system, treats tuberculosis and prevents oncological problems.

Chinese healers believe that the bear loses its healing properties as a result of heat treatment, so it is used in dried form to prepare a medicine. One course of treatment requires about 40 g of the product, ground in a mortar. The resulting powder should be mixed with chilled porridge, honey or sweet syrup. Take the medicine before meals in the amount of 3 tbsp. l.

Usually, the effect of such treatment becomes noticeable after a few days: the patient's health improves, he gains strength and appetite, he gains weight. Why is Medvedka so effective in fighting tuberculosis? It turns out that the leukocytes of her blood dissolve the waxy shell of the causative agent of tuberculosis - Koch's bacillus - regardless of localization in the body. Often in the initial stages of the disease, only one course of such treatment is sufficient.


When using this remedy, there is a high probability of a complete cure, but this method is far from affordable for everyone. The method requires daily slaughtering of the pig. She should cut out the lard and melt it on the fire, add an equal amount of milk and boil for several minutes. Treatment begins with the use of 1/8 glass of solution per day, by the end of the course, the amount of medication used should be one whole glass per day. Treatment lasts 8 weeks. Another recipe using lard involves using the product as a tea snack. On a grater, grate 400 g of suet and 5 green apples, place in a saucepan and simmer over low heat. At this time, grind a glass of sugar until white with 12 egg yolks and add 400 g of grated dark chocolate. Remove fat from heat, strain and mix with egg-chocolate mass. When the mixture has cooled, it must be spread on bread and eaten during tea drinking.

Grate horseradish roots and place them in a three-liter jar, without tamping, and pour cow's milk whey. Close the lid and leave to infuse in a warm place for 4 days. The medicine is taken half a glass before meals. The course of treatment lasts until the onset of recovery.

Grind 5 lemons and 5 heads of garlic in a meat grinder, mix with 0.5 l of clover or linden honey and leave to infuse for a week. The tool is taken for 1 hour. l. on an empty stomach in the morning for 2 months.

Badger fat, walnut and honey

To prepare the product, you will need an equal amount of honey, badger fat and walnut. Grind the walnut in a meat grinder and mix with melted fat and honey. The remedy should be taken 5-6 times a day for 1 hour. l., dissolving, and not swallowing, until complete healing. In addition, in the morning, half an hour before meals, eat a teaspoon of honey and 2 cm from an aloe leaf - chew and spit out the skin.

Aloe tincture with herbs and honey

Melt 1.5 kg of linden honey in an enameled container, add a glass of finely chopped aloe leaves and boil over low heat for about 10 minutes. At this time, pour 10 grams of lime blossom and 25 grams of birch buds in separate containers with two glasses of water, cook for three minutes. Wrap the decoctions and leave for 20 minutes, then strain and squeeze, add them to the mixture of honey and aloe, mix well and pour into dark half-liter bottles, adding 50 ml of olive oil to each. Take the medicine for 1 hour. l. three times a day, shaking before use.

Dissolve 2g of the drug in 10 tbsp. l. water and take 1s. l. 3 hours after dinner with milk or tea. You can also use the product in solid form - for this you need to divide 2g into 10 equal parts. The course lasts 10 days, followed by a 10-day break and the course is repeated if necessary.

Ointment from propolis

Melt 100 g of butter in a clean enamel bowl, bring it to a boil and cool to 50 degrees. Then add 10 g of propolis to the oil, heat to 80 degrees, stirring constantly, and cook for 10 minutes. The resulting mixture is hot filtered through gauze. The remedy should be taken with warm milk for 1 hour. l. one hour before meals. The course is 2 months with breaks of several weeks.

Eggs, lemons, honey, cocoa, aloe and cognac

Wash 10 eggs well and put on the bottom of a glass dish whole, not broken. Grate 20 lemons and put them on top of the eggs, then put them in a warm place for 2 days. In a separate bowl, mix 1.2 kg of honey, 200 ml of aloe juice, 500 ml of cognac and 2 tbsp. l. cocoa. The mass should be slightly heated and poured into a container with lemons and eggs, without stirring. After 2 weeks, the eggs must be carefully removed, and the remaining mass should be filtered and taken 1 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals. The finished mixture is stored in the refrigerator.

Nutrition for tuberculosis

This serious disease causes disturbances in the functioning of the stomach and liver, so overloading these organs with a large amount of food, especially fatty foods, can provoke various disorders. The daily norm of fats for a patient with tuberculosis is about 120 g, and only 20% are vegetable fats. For example, 400 ml of milk, 50-80 g of butter, 100 g of cream or sour cream and only 20 g of any vegetable oil. It is also not recommended to get involved in carbohydrates. You can eat daily 200g of black and white bread, about 70g of cereals, 200g of onions, beets, carrots and other vegetables, 300g of potatoes, 100-200g of sugar or jam. Proteins increase resistance to infection, so the patient's body needs about 120g per day, and during an exacerbation - up to 150g. This amount can be obtained by eating 150 g of cottage cheese, 50 g of cheese, 120 g of meat or fish, 2 eggs per day. In addition, with tuberculosis, the amount of table salt consumed should be increased to 20-25g per day. It helps with hemoptysis and pulmonary bleeding.

You need to eat 4-5 times a day.


Treatment of tuberculosis at home in adults: how to cure tuberculosis at home

Modern methods of treatment of tuberculosis are in the complex therapy of this disease. But at the same time as taking medicines, folk methods of treatment that are used at home can bring considerable benefits. Also, one of the methods of treatment is preventive measures aimed at preventing the development of severe forms of the disease that may occur with delayed or ineffective therapy. Despite the fact that many doctors treat the treatment of tuberculosis with folk remedies rather dismissively, this tactic is bearing fruit.

Causes of tuberculosis and methods of infection

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that occurs after Koch's bacillus enters the body of a healthy person. The source of mycobacteria is a sick person - a carrier of an open form of tuberculosis.

The causative agents of the disease can be transmitted in a variety of ways, but the main one is the airborne method of spreading the infection. It lies in the fact that a sick person during a conversation, coughing or sneezing releases bacteria from the respiratory tract that can remain suspended for a long time. Since Mycobacterium tuberculosis is very resistant to environmental conditions, they can remain viable for a long time, which only increases the likelihood of infection.

Most of all, this disease affects young children under the age of 3 years, as well as the elderly, after 60 years.

The main factors that contribute to the development of tuberculosis are:

  • long stay in a poorly ventilated room;
  • negative living conditions;
  • poor quality food;
  • weak immunity;
  • lung disease;
  • chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, gastrointestinal ulcers, etc.;
  • alcohol abuse, drugs and smoking;
  • bad ecological situation.

Types and symptoms of the disease

There are two forms of this disease:

  1. Primary - occurs for the first time.
  2. Secondary - appears in patients who have previously had the disease.

The primary form of lung pathology at the initial (uncomplicated) stage of development is difficult to identify and recognize, since it proceeds without characteristic symptoms, so it can easily be confused with colds. This disease can be of an open and closed type, and if the treatment of the first must be carried out only in stationary conditions, then traditional methods of treating tuberculosis in combination with drugs will successfully cope with the closed type of the disease.

It is worth knowing that after a certain time after the start of the spread of primary tuberculosis in the body, the patient has the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • weakness and feeling tired;
  • bad sleep;
  • heavy sweating;
  • poor appetite;
  • unreasonable weight loss;
  • body temperature reaches 37.5 degrees;
  • dizziness.

With the further development of the disease, the patient complains of chest pain and a persistent cough, in which blood clots and sputum are noticeable.

If a person who has been infected with mycobacterium tuberculosis has strong immunity, he can easily cope with the causative agent of the disease and prevent it from spreading throughout the body. But it is worth knowing that in some cases, the treatment of the disease with the help of modern drugs is not very successful, and then folk methods of treating tuberculosis come to the rescue, which have successfully proven themselves.

Most often, the primary form of the disease occurs in patients under 25 years of age, but sometimes it occurs later. In some cases, it may self-heal.

The secondary form of the disease occurs in patients who have previously had this disease. In this case, the course will be much harder and most often the disease occurs in the open stage, which is very dangerous for others.

Is it possible to cure tuberculosis folk remedies

Since this is one of the most dangerous diseases, the prevention of tuberculosis is of great importance, since any disease is much easier to prevent than to treat.

It is also worth using the following tips to help get rid of pulmonary tuberculosis faster:

  • constant long walks on the street are necessary, especially in the forests, where the air is clean and fresh;
  • be sure to use grapes - while it can be eaten not only fresh, but also prepare juices and compotes from berries;
  • eat young white cabbage daily;
  • drink about 2 liters of milk per day, which should be natural;
  • use infusion or tea from marshmallow roots, which contribute to sputum discharge;
  • drink or add fish oil to food.

Nowadays, there are a large number of a wide variety of folk recipes that help cure any form of tuberculosis at home.

These include:

  • Aloe. The healing properties of this plant primarily consist in strengthening the immune system, which is especially necessary when an illness occurs. Thanks to its use, the effectiveness of the drugs taken is improved, and the affected areas of the lungs are healed. There are several recipes for using aloe, the most useful and effective of which is the following - you need to grind a leaf of aloe, and then place the gruel in a saucepan. Then put 300 grams of honey into it (it is desirable that it be liquid) and pour half a glass of water. After that, it is necessary to let the mixture boil, and then insist it for 2 hours, having previously wrapped it. After the allotted time, it is required to strain everything and pour the resulting product into a glass container. The resulting infusion should be taken 3 times a day for a spoon - this should be done before meals. This treatment for tuberculosis is important to carry out within 2 months.
  • Pine pollen. Pines are able to release a large amount of phytoncides and essential oils, which are considered detrimental to harmful microorganisms. Many folk recipes based on pollen for tuberculosis have been created so that people living far from nature can also benefit from its healing power. We mix in a bowl convenient for you 150 g of linden honey and a spoonful of pine pollen. Take this gruel is half a spoonful before meals. Do not increase the dose, as this may adversely affect the patient's condition. Such treatment lasts 60 days, after which a break is made for 2 weeks.
  • Medvedka. A powder made from a well-dried bear is an effective remedy for tuberculosis, since the leukocytes of these insects have the ability to dissolve Koch's bacillus. Many believe that with their help you can quickly overcome the disease without the use of expensive and not always effective drugs. To do this, you must first dry the bear well in the shade, and then take 5-7 pieces and make powder out of them. The treatment is quite easy - you need to take 2-3 tablespoons of the powder before meals for 3 days in a row - if desired, it can be mixed with honey. The results of this remedy will be noticeable in a day, as the patient will begin to have an appetite, energy will be restored, and well-being will improve significantly. And after a week, the patient will get rid of sputum, in which mycobacterium had previously actively multiplied.
  • Garlic. This is an effective and proven method of treatment, since garlic has a detrimental effect on mycobacteria, quickly destroying them. That is why every patient must eat garlic every day - at least 1-2 cloves. The easiest and simplest treatment for tuberculosis using garlic is to use an infusion - you need to grind 2 cloves and pour them with a glass of water, and then leave to infuse for a day. After that, the liquid is drunk (in the morning) and a new portion is made. The course of treatment lasts at least 2 months.

But before you check the effectiveness of these and other recipes, you must always consult with your doctor and do not self-medicate. A successful combination of folk methods and traditional medicine for tuberculosis will make it possible to cope even with a severe stage of the disease in an open form and prevent the recurrence of the disease.

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Is it possible to treat tuberculosis with folk remedies at home?

Tuberculosis is a dangerous and difficult to treat disease that requires an integrated approach to solving the problem. In addition to anti-tuberculosis antibiotic treatment and dispensary observation, strict adherence to the regimen and appropriate nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis are required.

How long the disease will progress will depend only on strict adherence to all the doctor's recommendations. Therefore, if in search of a method of how to cure tuberculosis completely, you have found and decided to try the most effective methods of treatment with folk remedies at home, consult your treating pulmonologist.

Doctors are well aware of how to treat pulmonary tuberculosis at home, and are familiar with effective folk remedies for pulmonary tuberculosis in adults and children. Let's try to figure out how to treat, and how much pulmonary tuberculosis is treated with non-traditional means.

Behavioral Therapy

Tuberculosis has always been associated with social and economic well-being. But the insidiousness of the disease lies, to a greater extent, in the method of transmission and the presence of a latent period. Even ordinary communication with a patient who has an open form can cause infection.

And finding a person in a risk group only increases the likelihood of injury. Moreover, without characteristic symptoms, the patient may not begin adequate therapy for a long time. Therefore, in order not to ask questions in the future, what to do, whether tuberculosis is curable, it is necessary to immediately undergo an examination at the slightest suspicion and immediately begin treatment when the diagnosis is confirmed.


Tuberculosis is curable only with a combination of drug, behavioral and alternative therapy. The doctor will prescribe the necessary medicines, and the patient himself must begin treatment of tuberculosis at home with a change in lifestyle. Giving advice to patients who lead an asocial lifestyle does not make sense.

Those who are really interested in whether pulmonary tuberculosis can be cured should start by strengthening the immune system. A weakened body is unable to fight infection.

Even the suspicion of tuberculosis should be a reason to analyze your habits, regimen.


  1. On the schedule of rest and work. With a rational alternation of loads with periods of recovery, the vitality necessary to fight the disease will not be spent on unnecessary work during this period.
  2. In stressful situations that also undermine health.
  3. On foot walks. Try to take daily walks, preferably away from highways. Walk in parks, forests, where the air for breathing is much cleaner, and the phytoncides present have a detrimental effect on the microbes that have affected the lungs.
  4. At special gymnastics. Respiratory gymnastics has been developed for tuberculosis patients. Exercises are performed at an easy pace, alternating deep breaths through the nose with short exhalations through the nose.

Such simple methods will help strengthen the immune system and speed up recovery.


When developing dietary rations for patients with tuberculosis, it is necessary to take into account that, against the background of general intoxication, the patient’s normal functioning of the digestive system is disturbed, metabolic failures and excessive loss of phosphorus, calcium and sodium chloride, and vitamins occur.

Diet for pulmonary tuberculosis should include:

  • simple protein products that are easily digested and help accelerate the scarring of affected tissues;
  • healthy fats - it is better to focus on milk fats, as well as vegetable oils, excluding heavy fats, of animal origin;
  • complex carbohydrates to support the work of the pancreas, intestines.

The proportion of foods with calcium, vitamins C, B, A and D is increasing. It is necessary to monitor the level of such elements. If the products fail to fill the norm, synthetic analogues should be taken in tablet or injectable form.

With damage to bone tissue, the heart is limited to the use of salt and fluid.

herbal medicine

Doctors recommend supplementing the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis with folk remedies, which enhances the effectiveness of drugs. Choosing the right remedy, you can start with the treatment of tuberculosis with herbs. Just remember that all plants have their own pharmacological properties, which may be incompatible with the drugs taken.

It is difficult to say whether tuberculosis is treated with herbs, but in this way you can well strengthen the immune system, saturate the body with useful substances.

Among the useful plants and herbs for tuberculosis, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Knotweed. The tool has expectorant, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic properties. Due to the content of silicic acid, it perfectly strengthens the lung tissue. A decoction is prepared from dry raw materials at the rate of 1 tablespoon of powder per glass of boiling water. After 10 minutes of aging in a water bath and 3 hours of infusion, they drink herbal decoction three times a day in a spoon.
  2. Birch buds. An alcohol-based remedy is being prepared. 2 tablespoons of kidneys are added to a liter of liquid, and kept until a cognac color is obtained. The treatment is long-term, involving daily intake of a spoonful of medicine before each meal.
  3. Aloe. This folk remedy is a real storehouse of useful elements, moreover, it has antibacterial properties. The disease is cured by strengthening the immune system. To do this, prepare a composition of 300 gr. honey, a large aloe leaf and half a glass of water. The resulting mixture is boiled for about 2 hours and allowed to cool completely. Strain the liquid and drink it three times a day in a spoon for 2 months.
  4. Gooseberry. Apply the leaves of the plant, which have a beneficial effect on the entire respiratory system. You can insist 2 tablespoons of dry powder in a glass of boiling water or boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Drink a decoction or tincture of a third of a glass three times a day.

Any herbal remedy is taken in courses of 1.5 - 2 months with short breaks.

bee products

Honey and other bee products will help to overcome tuberculosis infection. Patients are advised to include several tablespoons of honey in their daily diet, as it contains an extensive range of useful vitamins and substances. Honey is also used to protect against infection.

  • Patients take royal jelly half a small spoon twice a day. The course of therapy lasts at least two weeks, but it can be repeated after a break.
  • Propolis in tuberculosis is used to prepare healing oil. Melt 400 gr. propolis and a kilogram of good butter. Store such a composition in the cold and take a spoonful before each meal.

You can be treated with the gifts of bees for a long time without fear of complications.

Important! Honey and other bee products are strong allergens. Therefore, it is worth starting honey treatment if you have previously done an allergy test.

Animal Products

In the reviews on thematic forums, you can read that the patient was cured or cured using various animal fats. Indeed, such facts are recorded even by official medicine. Most often, home therapy is carried out using eggs, full-fat milk, badger, bear, dog fat, internal nutria fat.

Milk and eggs

Milk and eggs should be present in the diet of every person.

But for therapeutic purposes, such products are used in large quantities and according to certain patterns:

  • During the day you need to drink a liter of fresh fresh milk. Drink it in small sips, dividing the entire volume for the whole day.
  • Every day they drink 7 glasses of warm milk and immediately eat the same amount of soft-boiled eggs. You need to start treatment with 2 doses, gradually bringing them up to seven.
  • They drink koumiss in unlimited quantities.
  • Introduce fractional nutrition - take food every two hours. After each meal, drink one yolk mixed with lemon juice.

Badger and bear fat

Bear and badger fat for tuberculosis has been used for a long time. Such raw materials can be purchased at a pharmacy. But most often it is sold diluted or of dubious quality. Therefore, it is better to find an opportunity to purchase fresh fat from hunters who know how to properly prepare such raw materials for tuberculosis patients. But you need to be sure that the skinned carcass has received laboratory approval for sale. Otherwise, other no less dangerous bacteria will be added to the tuberculosis infection.

Tuberculosis is a serious disease that necessarily requires medical treatment and observation by a doctor ...

Tuberculosis is a serious disease that necessarily requires medical treatment and observation by a doctor. But folk remedies also have quite effective supporting properties.

Tuberculosis is an acute infectious disease that can affect patients of any age. The most common routes of infection are airborne and airborne. The contact route of infection is much less common - in cases of a large release of mycobacteria by an infected person. As a rule, a person with an open form of tuberculosis becomes a source of infection.

Is it possible to cure tuberculosis with folk remedies?

dried bear

This folk method of treating this disease is considered the most effective.
Medvedka is a large insect that lives in the ground and floodplains. The peoples of Asia and Africa have been eating it with pleasure since ancient times. Medvedka is considered a delicacy among them, in addition, they claim that this delicacy strengthens the immune system, treats tuberculosis and prevents oncological problems.
Chinese healers believe that the bear loses its healing properties as a result of heat treatment, so it is used in dried form to prepare a medicine. One course of treatment requires about 40 g of the product, ground in a mortar. The resulting powder should be mixed with chilled porridge, honey or sweet syrup. Take the medicine before meals in the amount of 3 tbsp. l.

Usually, the effect of such treatment becomes noticeable after a few days: the patient's health improves, he gains strength and appetite, he gains weight.
Why is Medvedka so effective in fighting tuberculosis? It turns out that the leukocytes of her blood dissolve the waxy shell of the causative agent of tuberculosis - Koch's bacillus - regardless of localization in the body. Often in the initial stages of the disease, only one course of such treatment is sufficient.


When using this remedy, there is a high probability of a complete cure, but this method is far from affordable for everyone. The method requires daily slaughtering of the pig. She should cut out the lard and melt it on the fire, add an equal amount of milk and boil for several minutes. Treatment begins with the use of 1/8 glass of solution per day, by the end of the course, the amount of medication used should be one whole glass per day. Treatment lasts 8 weeks.
Another recipe using lard involves using the product as a tea snack. On a grater, grate 400 g of suet and 5 green apples, place in a saucepan and simmer over low heat. At this time, grind a glass of sugar until white with 12 egg yolks and add 400 g of grated dark chocolate. Remove fat from heat, strain and mix with egg-chocolate mass. When the mixture has cooled, it must be spread on bread and eaten during tea drinking.


Grate horseradish roots and place them in a three-liter jar, without tamping, and pour cow's milk whey. Close the lid and leave to infuse in a warm place for 4 days. The medicine is taken half a glass before meals. The course of treatment lasts until the onset of recovery.


Grind 5 lemons and 5 heads of garlic in a meat grinder, mix with 0.5 l of clover or linden honey and leave to infuse for a week. The tool is taken for 1 hour. l. on an empty stomach in the morning for 2 months.

Badger fat, walnut and honey

To prepare the product, you will need an equal amount of honey, badger fat and walnut. Grind the walnut in a meat grinder and mix with melted fat and honey. The remedy should be taken 5-6 times a day for 1 hour. l., dissolving, and not swallowing, until complete healing. In addition, in the morning, half an hour before meals, eat a teaspoon of honey and 2 cm from an aloe leaf - chew and spit out the skin.

Aloe tincture with herbs and honey

Melt 1.5 kg of linden honey in an enameled container, add a glass of finely chopped aloe leaves and boil over low heat for about 10 minutes. At this time, pour 10 grams of lime blossom and 25 grams of birch buds in separate containers with two glasses of water, cook for three minutes. Wrap the decoctions and leave for 20 minutes, then strain and squeeze, add them to the mixture of honey and aloe, mix well and pour into dark half-liter bottles, adding 50 ml of olive oil to each. Take the medicine for 1 hour. l. three times a day, shaking before use.


Dissolve 2g of the drug in 10 tbsp. l. water and take 1s. l. 3 hours after dinner with milk or tea. You can also use the product in solid form - for this you need to divide 2g into 10 equal parts. The course lasts 10 days, followed by a 10-day break and the course is repeated if necessary.

Ointment from propolis

Melt 100 g of butter in a clean enamel bowl, bring it to a boil and cool to 50 degrees. Then add 10 g of propolis to the oil, heat to 80 degrees, stirring constantly, and cook for 10 minutes. The resulting mixture is hot filtered through gauze. The remedy should be taken with warm milk for 1 hour. l. one hour before meals. The course is 2 months with breaks of several weeks.

Eggs, lemons, honey, cocoa, aloe and cognac

Wash 10 eggs well and put on the bottom of a glass dish whole, not broken. Grate 20 lemons and put them on top of the eggs, then put them in a warm place for 2 days. In a separate bowl, mix 1.2 kg of honey, 200 ml of aloe juice, 500 ml of cognac and 2 tbsp. l. cocoa. The mass should be slightly heated and poured into a container with lemons and eggs, without stirring. After 2 weeks, the eggs must be carefully removed, and the remaining mass should be filtered and taken 1 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals. The finished mixture is stored in the refrigerator.

Nutrition for tuberculosis

This serious disease causes disturbances in the functioning of the stomach and liver, so overloading these organs with a large amount of food, especially fatty foods, can provoke various disorders. The daily norm of fats for a patient with tuberculosis is about 120 g, and only 20% are vegetable fats. For example, 400 ml of milk, 50-80 g of butter, 100 g of cream or sour cream and only 20 g of any vegetable oil.
It is also not recommended to get involved in carbohydrates. You can eat daily 200g of black and white bread, about 70g of cereals, 200g of onions, beets, carrots and other vegetables, 300g of potatoes, 100-200g of sugar or jam.
Proteins increase resistance to infection, so the patient's body needs about 120g per day, and during an exacerbation - up to 150g. This amount can be obtained by eating 150 g of cottage cheese, 50 g of cheese, 120 g of meat or fish, 2 eggs per day.
In addition, with tuberculosis, the amount of table salt consumed should be increased to 20-25g per day. It helps with hemoptysis and pulmonary bleeding.
You need to eat 4-5 times a day.

Tuberculosis is a very dangerous disease that is not always well diagnosed and requires long-term treatment. To neutralize the impact of infection, doctors select complex therapies. They include taking antibacterial drugs, physiotherapy and strengthening the immune system.

Much depends on the patient himself. To speed up the healing process, he must follow all the recommendations of the attending physician, monitor nutrition and lead a healthy lifestyle. Also, many experts recommend treating tuberculosis with folk remedies and at home, but only as an additional therapy. There are a number of proven recipes that contribute to a speedy recovery.

Despite the fact that doctors approve of some methods of traditional medicine, you should not experiment on yourself and try all kinds of recipes. First of all, this issue should be discussed with the attending physician. He will be able to advise and suggest how to treat tuberculosis at home. It is possible to start non-drug therapy only after determining the exact diagnosis and severity of the pathology.

Folk methods of combating tuberculosis infection cannot completely stop the development of pathology on their own. They are only a general strengthening addition to the main therapy.

Indications for treatment at home:

  • diagnosing the disease in the initial stages, when the tubercle bacillus did not cause total harm to the body;
  • closed form of TB;
  • the absence of acute inflammatory processes that can pose a danger to the patient's life;
  • undergoing a full course of treatment in a hospital. In this case, folk remedies are used to strengthen and restore the patient.

In addition to indications, alternative methods of treatment have a number of contraindications:

  • chronic form of pathology;
  • the transition of the disease to an open form. In such cases, a person is dangerous to others and should be in a dispensary;
  • severe lesions of the internal organs, which are the site of localization of the tubercle bacillus;
  • manifestation of complications;
  • hemoptysis or pulmonary hemorrhage.

If the doctor allows treatment at home, the patient still needs to be periodically examined to determine the general condition and control the stage of development of the disease.

Common Treatments

To date, a large number of traditional medicine recipes are known that strengthen the body and help in the fight against Koch's wand. Some of them are not effective enough. But there are also proven methods that have already proven themselves well.

Milk and koumiss

Since ancient times, there has been a claim that milk from tuberculosis is an effective way to get rid of shortness of breath and alleviate the general condition of a person. To do this, it is recommended to drink one liter of fresh milk daily. Reception should be divided into several times.

It can be drunk in its pure form or prepared on the basis of various decoctions. For example, with pulmonary tuberculosis, milk can be combined with sage (200 ml / 1 tablespoon). The mixture is put on fire and brought to a boil. Then it should be carefully strained and boiled again. This milk is taken hot. After taking the patient, you need to immediately lie down and wrap yourself in a blanket. Thus, sputum from the lungs will be removed faster, and coughing fits will become a little softer.

Kumis is a powerful tool that inhibits the activity of infection. It is very important to take it regularly. The drink is prepared on the basis of mare's milk. It has a sour taste and smell. For the treatment of TB, the dosage is made on an individual basis. On average - 100 ml / 6 times a day for the first 2-3 days. Later the dose is increased to 250 ml. If the body absorbs the drink well, the dosage can be increased by 50 ml every 2-3 days. Sour-milk drink increases appetite, improves the process of assimilation of food and gastric secretion.

garlic treatment

Garlic juice has high antimicrobial properties and is considered a good antibiotic. It is recommended to eat about 5-6 cloves per day. Since garlic has a pronounced taste and smell, not everyone can just chew on so many cloves. Therefore, you can prepare a tincture.

3 cloves are enough for a glass of water. Take the tincture once a day for 1 tbsp. spoon. The course of treatment lasts about three months.

Garlic for tuberculosis must be taken with caution, as it can have a negative effect on the stomach. Before starting the reception, you should consult with a specialist.

Aloe with honey

Aloe can be safely called a universal first aid kit. The plant has a huge number of medicinal properties. It has anti-burn, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antimicrobial and choleretic effects. It helps to restore the affected internal organs, improves appetite and strengthens the immune system.

For the treatment of tuberculosis, it is recommended to take a flower with honey. To prepare the tincture, you need to take 150 g of honey, 2-3 chopped aloe leaves (medium size). The ingredients must be mixed in a saucepan or saucepan and pour 120 ml of clean water. Put on the stove, bring to a boil. After you need to make a small fire and simmer for about 2 hours. The prepared mixture is taken before meals, one tablespoon (tablespoon).

Vinegar treatment

Traditional healers have known about the bactericidal properties of vinegar for a long time. In anti-tuberculosis therapy, it has a destructive effect on the causative agent of pathology and contributes to the restoration of the body. It cannot be taken internally in its pure form. But vinegar is the main ingredient in the most effective recipes presented in the table.

Components Method of preparation / use
1 cup boiling water; 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar With severe attacks of dry cough, inhalation is recommended. Vinegar must be mixed with boiling water and breathe over the mixture for 15-20 minutes. It is best to do this procedure shortly before bedtime.
Grated horseradish (100 g), 9% vinegar (2 tablespoons), honey (1 tablespoon) The ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The mixture is placed in a glass dish. You need to take the remedy 20-30 minutes before meals, 1 teaspoon.
Vinegar and water (1:1) Patients with tuberculosis are often tormented by increased sweating. To alleviate the condition of a person, you need to make a compress of water and vinegar. It is necessary to wet the sheet with the solution and cover the patient for 5 minutes.

Also, with excessive sweating, you can do wiping with vinegar diluted with water in equal proportions.

Medicinal properties of plants and recipes

In addition to food, medicinal plants will help in the fight against tuberculosis bacillus. They are used in the form of tinctures or decoctions. They have general strengthening, antimicrobial and hemostatic effects.

Herbal therapy is also an effective addition to medical methods of treating pathology.


The plant has an antitussive effect. To prepare the tincture, you will need 1 cup of dried roots or 2 cups of fresh leaves and a bottle of alcoholic beverage (regular vodka is often used). The plant is filled with vodka and placed in a dark place for 9-10 days. Within 3 months, the drink is taken 1 tbsp. l. before the main meal. Since it contains alcohol, children are not recommended to give tincture.

Moss contains cetrarin, which has a positive effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and improves appetite in patients with tuberculosis.

The plant is taken as a tincture or decoction:

  1. The tincture is prepared on the basis of 250 ml of medical alcohol (60%), dried and crushed moss (50 mg). The plant is mixed with alcohol in a glass jar or bottle and infused for 7-10 days. Reception is carried out three times a day for 15-20 drops.
  2. For a decoction, two tablespoons of moss should be placed in a saucepan and pour 500 ml of water. After boiling, cook for 10 minutes over low heat. Strain. The resulting broth the patient needs to drink in one day, divided into several doses. If the disease has passed into a neglected form, the course of treatment can last up to 5 months.

pine pollen

Pollen, which is considered the sex cell of a plant, contains an incredible amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements, amino acids, carbohydrates and biologically active substances.

The most effective recipes:

  • tea. Helps to improve the process of removing sputum from the lungs. For cooking, you need to take two tablespoons of pollen, linden, marshmallow root, chamomile. Herbs are poured with half a liter of boiling water. Take 100 ml 4 times a day;
  • a tablespoon of pollen is mixed with 150 g of honey (preferably lime). The mixture must be stored in a cold place. Take half a tablespoon three times a day. If a person is allergic to honey, pollen is used in its pure form;
  • alcohol tincture is made for 250 ml of vodka and five tbsp. l. pollen. The mixture is infused for about 2 weeks. Take before meals 1 tbsp. l.

Other methods and predictions

Plants and foodstuffs are by no means a complete list of effective methods of combating tuberculosis infection. For this purpose, insects have been used for a long time. Such home remedies for tuberculosis can be used only after consulting a doctor. The most popular insects in this case are the bear and the wax moth. The rules for their use are as follows:

Particular attention during the fight against TB should be given to nutrition. The patient must follow a diet that involves the use of proteins (eggs, milk), fish, dairy products, soups, cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables. You also need to give up bad habits.

Tuberculosis is accompanied by bouts of coughing. To alleviate them and improve the process of sputum removal, inhalations can be done. For this use:

  • Isoniazid solution (10%), water-based;
  • propolis solution;
  • essential oils;
  • sage.

In most cases, folk remedies for TB are well tolerated by the body.

Side effects include allergic reactions to a plant or product. In such situations, the reception must be stopped.

It is also necessary to visit your doctor regularly to prevent complications of the condition and the progression of the infection. Relying completely on non-pharmacological medicine is not worth it. The patient must continue to take prescribed medications. Otherwise, bacteria can begin to multiply actively, and the disease will become more severe.

Treatment with folk methods is carried out only in combination with medication. They contribute to a speedy recovery and restore the affected areas of the body. If the pathology was detected in the initial stages, and the patient followed the recommendations of the attending physician, the prognosis will be positive. Self-medication can adversely affect a person's condition. Therefore, each action must be discussed with the doctor.

Pulmonary tuberculosis can be cured with the help of folk remedies. For the treatment of tuberculosis at home, the following traditional medicine recipes are recommended:

  • Wash up 10 eggs and whole, not broken, put on the bottom of enameled glassware. 20 lemons grated, put on top of the eggs and put for 2 days in a warm place. Pour 500 ml into a separate bowl cognac, 200 g aloe juice, add 2 tbsp. powder cocoa, 1.2 kg of any honey. Heat this mass a little and pour it into a container with eggs and lemons. Do not stir. The composition should stand in a dark warm place. After 2 weeks, carefully remove the eggs, and strain the remaining mass. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals. Keep refrigerated. This effective remedy can even cure tuberculosis in an open form.
  • Infusion of birch buds from pulmonary tuberculosis. Pour 1 tbsp. birch buds two glasses of vodka. Leave to infuse until the liquid becomes the color of cognac. Drink 1 tbsp. l. before meals 3 p. a day until recovery.
  • A decoction of reeds. 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons chopped leaves reeds pour two glasses of water, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. Leave to infuse for 2 hours, then strain. Take a decoction - 3 times a day, 100 g each: in the morning (on an empty stomach), afternoon and evening (before meals)
  • Knotweed decoction for pulmonary tuberculosis. 1 st. a spoonful of grass knotweed pour 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 5-10 minutes in a water bath. Then insist for one to two hours. Strain. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day. Knotweed has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, diaphoretic, antipyretic, emollient and expectorant effects. Knotweed grass contains soluble silicic acid, which helps to strengthen lung tissue. Knotweed is also used for colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchial asthma.
  • Infusion of plantain leaves. 1 st. l. dry leaves plantain pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, then strain. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 20 minutes before meals 4 times a day.
  • Juice from fresh cucumbers for tuberculosis. Mix fresh juice cucumbers with honey. Take 2 times a day for 2-3 tbsp. spoons.
  • A decoction of oats in milk. Fall asleep oats 2/3 saucepan, pour in the milk, without filling the container 2 cm from the top edge, add lard one finger thick, close the lid and place in the oven. Top up milk until the oats are cooked through. Drink the cooled liquid mixture 3 times a day for 50 g.
  • Lungwort infusion:4 teaspoons herb lungwort pour 400 ml of boiling water. Wrap and insist for two hours, then strain. Take half a glass 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals.
  • Aloe tincture with honey. 250 g each aloe, butter, vodka and honey mix thoroughly, transfer to a jar and put in a warm place. After 3-4 days, put the mixture in the refrigerator. After 10 days, take out, squeeze the juice with gauze and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. This recipe is effective even with an old disease.
  • Aloe tincture with honey and herbs. Melt (but do not boil) one and a half kilograms in an enameled container lime honey. Add 1 cup finely chopped leaves aloe and boil over low heat for 5-10 minutes. In separate containers, pour two glasses of water 25 g birch buds and 10 g linden blossoms and cook for 3 minutes. Wrap and leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes, then strain and squeeze. After the mixture of honey and aloe has cooled down, add decoctions of buds and lime blossom to it, mix, pour into dark half-liter bottles, adding 50 g of olive oil to each. Take 3 times a day for 1 teaspoon, shaking before use.
  • Honey, badger fat and walnut. Take in proportions 1:1:1 honey, Walnut and badger zhi R. Mix the walnut ground in a meat grinder with melted honey and fat. Take this remedy 1 tsp. 5-6 times a day. Do not swallow the mixture, but keep it in your mouth until completely absorbed. If you take all the components of 1 kg, the medicine will last for 3 months. Prepare and take this medicine until complete healing. Together with this morning, before eating, 20-30 minutes before eating, eat a teaspoon of honey and 1.5-2 cm from an aloe leaf, chew it, and spit out the skin.
  • propolis oil. Bring 1 kg to a boil in an enamel pot butter. Remove from heat, add 150 g of crushed propolis. Mix everything thoroughly, achieving a homogeneous state, and then, while the mixture is still warm, strain through 1 layer of gauze, pour into a container with a lid and refrigerate. For pulmonary tuberculosis, take 2 teaspoons 3 times a day for an hour and a half before meals. The course of treatment is from 4 to 10 months.
  • Treatment of tuberculosis with wax moth tincture. one piece wax moth larvae (moths) pour four parts of 40% vodka. Leave to infuse for 20 days, then strain through a cotton filter. In severe cases of tuberculosis, drink 50 drops 2 r. per day before breakfast and dinner. If tuberculosis is not severely advanced, take 15-20 drops twice a day with water. Simultaneously with the tincture of moth, it is necessary to take decoctions from the crude oats, infusion wild rose rich in vitamin C, and honey, royal jelly (apilac), tincture propolis, pollen. In this method of treating tuberculosis, the extract from the larvae of the wax moth is the main shock anti-tuberculosis force, which Koch's sticks cannot yet resist. Auxiliary means also play a rather significant role in restoring strength and immunity. It should be noted that moth extract is compatible with chemotherapy drugs. In parallel with the treatment with wax moth tincture for tuberculosis, it is recommended to drink juice from burdock leaves(1 tablespoon 3 times a day), as well as a decoction of wheatgrass roots:1 tbsp. a spoonful of roots pour a glass of milk, cook for 5 minutes. Drink hot up to 3 glasses a day.
  • Chocolate butter treats pulmonary tuberculosis, as well as flu and colds. Take 500 g honey and rustic butter, 800 g pork interior fat, 9 domestic chicken eggs, 100 g cocoa, 100 g cognac(not vodka). Cut the fat into pieces no more than 1 cm, put it in a bowl and put it in a water bath. Pour the melted lard into a half-liter jar, cool to the temperature of fresh milk and gradually pour it into the melted butter (not vice versa), stirring constantly and intensively. Then you need to melt honey in a water bath, pour cocoa into it in small portions, stir. After the honey has cooled down a bit, you need to combine both compositions. Separate the yolks from the proteins and beat them. Pour the beaten yolks into the prepared mixture. At the very end, you need to introduce brandy in small portions. In this case, stir only in the right direction. Chocolate butter is ready. Pour it into glass containers and store in the refrigerator. Take oil only after meals 2 or 3 times a day. You can spread it on bread and drink tea or milk. Adults and children 13-15 years old should take 1 dessert spoon, children 6-13 years old - 1 teaspoon and the smallest children - 0.5 teaspoon per dose.
  • If a patient with tuberculosis often sweats at night, wipe it at night with cold water with the addition of a few spoons vinegar or alcohol.
  • Treatment of tuberculosis with leaves (feathers) of garlic. In summer (June-July), you need to cut 1-2 leaves from each plant and dry them so that they can crumble into powder. Received powder garlic feathers take at the tip of a knife 3-4 times daily before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month. After a two-week break, the treatment must be repeated.
Decoctions and infusions of gooseberry leaves are useful for tuberculosis, to strengthen the respiratory system.
  • Decoction: take 2 tbsp. dry spoons gooseberry leaves for 1 cup boiling water, heat over low heat in a sealed container for 8-10 minutes. Insist 30 minutes, strain. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.
  • Infusion: dosage is the same. Bay with boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours, wrapped in a towel, strain and add boiling water to the original capacity of the glass. Drink in the same way as a decoction.

Nutrition for tuberculosis

With tuberculosis, the work of the liver and stomach is disturbed, therefore, overloading them with a large amount of food, and even more fatty food, can lead to disorders, nausea, and vomiting. The daily norm of fats for a patient with tuberculosis is 100-120 g, and only 20% is vegetable. For example, 50-80 g of butter, 400 ml of milk, 100 g of sour cream or cream and 15-20 g of vegetable oil.
Don't get carried away with carbohydrates. On the day you can eat 200 g of white and 200 g of black bread, 60-80 g of cereals, 250-300 g of potatoes, 200-250 g of carrots, beets, onions and other vegetables, 100-200 g of sugar (jam). Protein enhances resistance to infection. His patient's body needs about 120 g per day. In case of an exacerbation of the disease, severe weight loss - up to 140-150 g. Such a daily amount of protein can be obtained from 120 g of meat (or 120 g of fish), 100-150 g of cottage cheese, 40-50 g of cheese and 2 eggs. In the treatment of tuberculosis, it is necessary to increase the amount of table salt consumed. If we usually consume 10-15 g of salt, then in the treatment of tuberculosis, its amount should be increased to 20-25 g. This will help with pulmonary bleeding and hemoptysis. You need to eat 4-5 times a day.

Reference .

Tuberculosis is an acute infectious disease that affects both adults and children. The causative agent - Mycobacterium tuberculosis, exists in four species, the most infectious of which are human mycobacteria. In addition, a person can become infected with bovine tuberculosis, which happens much less frequently. The remaining two types of tuberculosis are not contagious to humans.

The pathogenesis of the disease is based on the entry of Mycobacterium tuberculosis into the upper respiratory tract, where they penetrate into the cells, and then into the lymph nodes.

The most common routes of infection are airborne and airborne. Much less often, with a large release of mycobacteria by an infectious person, the contact route of infection plays a role.

The source of infection is a person who releases mycobacteria into the environment. As a rule, this is a patient with an open form of tuberculosis.

There are two main groups of tuberculosis:

  • primary;
  • secondary.

Primary form of tuberculosis usually occurs in children and adolescents or young people under 25 years of age. But it can also occur in older people. Most often, the intrathoracic lymph nodes are affected. The flow is benign. Can pass on its own.

Secondary form of tuberculosis occurs in people who have already had it before. The course is more severe, various complications can develop. Secondary tuberculosis is protracted and in most cases proceeds in an open form.

Tuberculosis symptoms.

Among the symptoms of the disease are cough with sputum, subfebrile body temperature, not exceeding 37.5 0 C and hemoptysis. But these signs appear only in severe cases of tuberculosis infection.

Most often, tuberculosis patients are not bothered by anything, and the disease is detected during the passage of a fluorographic study. Sometimes there may be coughing.

Treatment of tuberculosis.

Treatment is carried out in a hospital. The patient is given antibiotics according to a specific scheme, which includes inpatient treatment and outpatient treatment. Antibiotics are taken for a long time, with the mildest course of the disease - 6 months.

At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to undergo an X-ray examination. And for the prevention of tuberculosis, annually undergo fluorography for adults and tuberculin diagnostics, or the Mantoux test, for children.

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