Treatment of a runny nose with a Montenegrin recipe with black pepper. Salt, pepper and lemon are a powerful remedy for runny nose, gallstones, bleeding, flu and colds! Amazing effect! Black pepper for colds

Black pepper has long been famous as a cure for colds. After all, it has an anti-inflammatory, expectorant, anti-edematous effect. It easily dilates blood vessels and helps liquefy the mucous membrane. Pepper has been proven to strengthen the immune system. There is an old recipe in which black pepper was used to treat a runny nose.

Peppercorns are made from the fruit of a vine. Originally from warm countries. Its beneficial properties are known even to doctors.

Black pepper quickly stops cold symptoms. If you dilute the spice, you can prepare something healthy. It also copes well with dry coughs.

Various folk remedies, together with pepper, cleanse the body of toxins, make memory clearer, and the nervous system stronger. Pepper has a deadly effect on various microbes. It is a natural antiseptic. It is also used against spasms and pain. It is capable of diluting phlegm and mucus. Or have a diuretic effect.

The fruits of the plant contain an alkaloid. This substance sends signals to the human body to the central nervous system.

How to cook during treatment

Chronic runny nose can be easily treated with black pepper. Decoctions, solutions, and tinctures are prepared from it. At the same time, you can add some other products to consolidate the result: honey, milk, vodka, salt.

Traditional medicine is such that its recipes are passed down from generation to generation. You need to learn how to cook pepper so that it effectively helps and strengthens the immune system.

Ground pepper is usually heated in a water bath for several minutes, without bringing to a boil. It can be diluted in milk or water. This medicine should be taken orally or instilled into the nose while it is warm.

You can also gargle with this decoction. It will have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Sometimes it’s enough to just take a peppercorn, grind it in your hand, and inhale. This procedure will make breathing easier and relieve nasal congestion.

There are a lot of recipes, everyone chooses exactly what suits him. You shouldn’t use this seasoning too much or too often; you should know moderation in everything.

Recipe Description

Recipe 1. Take a bag of ground black pepper and pour a teaspoon into a glass. Pour in a little more than half of boiled water. Then heat in a water bath. Let it sit for a bit. Then add salt to taste. When the small grains settle, you can drink the medicine. It is especially good to be treated before going to bed. Excellent treatment results will be noticeable in the morning.

Recipe 2. Take a glass of warm milk, add a pinch of pepper to it, stir. Drink throughout the day after meals. The next day the runny nose will disappear. The use of this tincture for instillation into the nose is widely known.

It is very well known that colds or flu are treated with cognac or vodka with pepper. Instead of black pepper, you can add red pepper, a slice of lemon, stir, and drink about 30 grams. Treatment will be more effective if you follow bed rest. A person must sweat properly, the mucus will liquefy and inflammation will be relieved.

Honey with black pepper perfectly thins mucus and helps clear nasal breathing. You need to heat the honey, melt it, add a pinch of pepper, and eat a spoonful a day.

How to use

A decoction of pepper for rhinitis must be used correctly to avoid side effects. It is important to know that in the first minutes there may be a profuse increase in nasal discharge, and a runny nose may worsen even more. That's how it should be. Relief will come later, sometimes only the next day. It is very common for an antiviral drug to have this result. Therefore, there is no need to be scared and think that it did not help.

If you take it unwisely or increase the dose, it may get worse. Before use, be sure to inform your doctor about this, he will adjust the dose amount. Treatment of a runny nose is possible without modern nasal sprays.

To avoid any disturbances from the nervous system, stomach or intestines, dosages should be strictly observed. It is advisable to use throughout the day in small portions. And instill three to four times a day. Frequent instillation or rinsing can lead to burns of the mucous membrane. It should also be remembered that these medications are used warm. They have a warming effect, so it is best to treat yourself at home, do not open the windows at this time, and wrap yourself in a blanket.

It is also important to know that not everyone can enjoy this spicy seasoning. Especially careful when treating children.

Who shouldn't

Before you start treatment with folk remedies, you should consult your doctor. He will give detailed advice on whether to prohibit or allow the use of these funds.

  • Couples planning to have a child, as it greatly affects the reproductive system;
  • Patients with stomach or intestinal ulcers;
  • With kidney or genitourinary system diseases;
  • With low hemoglobin;
  • Patients with injuries or operations on the stomach;
  • Since pepper thins the blood, take it carefully if there is a risk of internal bleeding;
  • People who suffer from hemorrhoids;
  • People with possible allergies.

Children and pregnant women are prohibited from using this seasoning to treat a runny nose. Their body is too sensitive to acute, and complications may arise.

And if the body temperature is elevated, there is no need to use folk remedies for treatment. The temperature should first be brought down completely, and then treated with hot seasoning.

Knowing the details of the Montenegrin recipe for a runny nose with black pepper, you can use it to eliminate cold symptoms. It can be combined with medications prescribed by the doctor. It is simple and accessible. Get well!

Treatment of colds with vodka and pepper- an effective traditional medicine that helps relieve pain, signs of illness, or prevent the development of a serious disease. Today we’ll talk in more detail about how to properly prepare and take such an unusual, useful remedy.

As a rule, the first signs of colds begin to torment a person several times a year: in spring, autumn and in rare cases. cases in winter. It is this time period that is considered ideal for the development of pathogenic microflora, which adversely affects the immune system.

The first signs for treatment with vodka are:

  • manifestation of severe weakness;
  • sharp or aching pain in the head;
  • malaise;
  • the appearance of discharge from the nasal passages;
  • congestion in the ears.

They appear mainly after severe hypothermia of the body: a long walk in the cold, wet shoes or out-of-season clothing.

In this case, vodka with pepper, both internally and for external use, will help instantly warm and prevent development of a cold.

But despite the positive properties of the infusion, like any medicine, it has contraindications in which use should be limited or stopped altogether:

  1. Childhood. Cannot be used externally or internally due to the high risk of poisoning by a toxic substance.
  2. The period of bearing a child. Alcohol is a toxic substance that negatively affects the formation and development of the fetus.
  3. During breastfeeding, as it is transmitted through mother's milk.
  4. Allergic reaction or individual intolerance to the components of the infusion.
  5. Cannot be used in the treatment of sore throat, pharyngitis with severe inflammation in the pharynx and tonsils. The effect of vodka in this case will only worsen the patient’s condition.
  6. High blood pressure.
  7. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Why is vodka with pepper considered an effective remedy for the treatment of colds?

Even in ancient times, healers and healers used hot and hot peppers to treat colds.

In modern world plant product officially recognized by medicine and has the following beneficial properties:

  • Dilates blood vessels.
  • The antibiotic capsacin included in the composition has a detrimental effect on viruses and bacteria. This is why pepper has a characteristic bitter taste.
  • Vitamin C contained in the pods removes harmful and toxic substances from the body, strengthening the immune system.

Taken together, all of the above properties help not only alleviate the condition, but also eliminate the infection, at the initial stage of entry into the body.

Now let’s look in more detail at what beneficial properties vodka has for colds:

  1. Acts as an antiseptic. Smoothes out the specific unpleasant taste of the herbal ingredient, while eliminating the sharp burning sensation.
  2. Dilates blood vessels, improving blood flow to vital organs.

Does vodka with pepper help with colds? The answer to this question is unequivocal - yes. The main thing is to know some rules of admission and strictly follow them.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of colds

There are two options for using vodka with pepper:

  • Orally as an infusion;
  • Externally - rubbing, compress.

Let's take a closer look at how to properly prepare, take and use each type.

Options for preparing a medicine based on vodka and hot pepper

You can prepare a pepper infusion using red and black pepper and adding honey. We invite you to consider detailed recipes for colds. Each step-by-step description will also provide some guidelines for use.

Classic version of tincture


  • vodka - 500 ml;
  • red hot pepper - 3 pcs.

Wash the plant product, remove the seeds and finely chop into cubes. Pour alcohol into a glass jar with a lid and add finely chopped ingredients. Close tightly and leave in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks. After filtering, consume 50 ml three times a day with meals.

Cocktail for colds

An effective medicine when the first signs of a cold appear. To prepare, you need to purchase the following components:

  • clean water - 1 glass;
  • cloves - 3 buds;
  • hot pepper - 1 pc.;
  • high-quality vodka - 550 ml.

Pour the required amount of liquid into the pan and boil. Meanwhile, finely chop the cloves and red pepper. Pour into boiling water, stir and leave for 40 minutes. Then add an alcoholic drink, cover and leave for 2-4 hours. Strain the finished infusion into a suitable container. Take pepper vodka for colds, 25 ml with meals three times a day.

Cinnamon, black pepper, vodka

The tincture effectively helps eliminate colds, sore throats and cure coughs. Let's look at the step-by-step recipe preparing medicine.

  • ground black pepper - 1/4 tbsp;
  • vodka - 100 ml;
  • ground cinnamon - 1/2 tsp.

Combine all components in a glass container and mix. Cover, refrigerate and leave for 24 hours. Strain and drink 2 tablespoons 2 times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed more than 3 days.

Radish tincture

The recipe for making the drink is easy and does not take much time. The cocktail helps relieve cough, sore throat, signs of colds.

  • vodka - 1 glass;
  • radish juice - 10 drops;
  • red pepper (juice) - 5 drops.

Combine the above ingredients in one container and mix thoroughly. Take 1 glass 2 times a day 30 minutes after meals.

Important! The drink should only be drunk fresh and cannot be stored.

Vodka with a mixture of peppers

An effective cocktail for the treatment of colds. You should drink 1 glass of pepper twice a day.

  • vodka - 200 ml;
  • ground black pepper - 1 tsp;
  • red pod — 1/2 pcs.

Combine prepared ingredients in a small bowl. Mix thoroughly and close. Place in a cool place and leave for 24 hours. After time, filter the infusion and pour into a convenient container.

Warming drink with honey

Consider a recipe for making vodka with pepper and honey. It’s quite simple to do, and the resulting product helps replenish the lack of vitamins and strengthen the immune system.

  • vodka - 0.5 l;
  • natural honey - 3 tbsp;
  • hot pepper - 1 pod;
  • cloves - 3 inflorescences;
  • black peppercorns - 8 pcs.

Combine in a glass jar all of the above ingredients. Mix well, cover and refrigerate for 3-5 days. Shake contents daily. Then filter the resulting infusion and take 2 tablespoons 2 times a day, preferably with meals.

The anti-inflammatory properties of honey allow you to quickly and effectively clear up infections in the body. In addition, the substance is taken for sore throat, cough and runny nose.

External use of pepper tincture

Vodka with pepper for cough is recommended for use in in the form of a compress. To do this, the infusion must be diluted in a small container with plain water in a ratio of 1 to 1.

Moisten a small piece of cotton cloth in the prepared solution and apply it to the throat, making a small layer of medical cotton wool on top. Secure the compress with a bandage and leave for 2-3 hours. The procedure is carried out once a day. It is recommended to drink hot tea with honey at night to achieve maximum effect.

Second option external use - rubbing. The main condition is to follow the rules, especially if the patient has a fever.

For rubbing, you need to prepare a solution by combining vodka with water and vinegar in equal proportions. Place the patient on his back. Take a napkin or a small piece of natural fabric, moisten it and wipe the body with light movements. Using a hair dryer, lightly blow with warm air for 2 minutes. Afterwards, cover the patient with a blanket and place a cold compress on the head. The primary task of the caregiver is to change the dressing so that it is cool, but not warm. 30 minutes after the procedure, you should measure your body temperature and repeat again if necessary.

We looked at whether pepper tincture can effectively eliminate viral diseases. Do not overcool, but in the summer, harden yourself, then colds will bypass you.

Good afternoon, cold homebodies. Today we will talk about treating a runny nose with folk remedies. The cold season often brings with it various health problems. Cold weakens the body's defenses, and as a result, it becomes especially susceptible to various viruses and infections.

One of the most common diseases during cold weather is a runny nose. Viruses or bacteria enter the nasal cavity along with the flow of inhaled air, and as a result affect the mucous membrane.

This leads to swelling, which is accompanied by difficulty breathing, as well as increased mucus production.

How to stop a runny nose and eliminate other problems with nasal breathing? You will find the answer to this question below.

Let's look at the 10 safest and most effective folk methods for treating a runny nose.

Treatment of runny nose with mustard powder

Since ancient times, mustard powder has been used to treat various diseases. It can also be used to treat a runny nose.

In the evening, before going to bed, you need to steam your feet a little in hot water, and then quickly wipe them dry, and put on warm, natural socks, into which you must first add a tablespoon of mustard powder.

This method can only be used by those who have not previously experienced an allergic reaction to this product.

Treatment of runny nose Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe has been actively used in folk medicine for centuries. In our latitudes, this plant can only grow in a room or special greenhouse conditions. They mainly use fresh Kalanchoe juice, and in rare cases, an alcohol infusion of the leaves.

But, to treat a runny nose, you only need fresh juice from the leaves of this plant. It must be dropped into the nose. Repeat the procedure no more than 2 times a day, for 3-5 days.

Treating a runny nose with sea salt

Sea salt in folk medicine also has a wide spectrum of action. But even in traditional medicine it finds its use, and specifically in nasal drops, although not only.

A weak solution of ordinary sea salt can be purchased at a pharmacy under the guise of well-known nasal drops, which many people who use them are not even aware of.

But why overpay if you can prepare such a solution for rinsing your nose.

You need to take a teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of warm boiled water and dissolve it. Be sure to rinse with a warm solution.

Treating a runny nose with red pepper

Even modern doctors have recognized red pepper as a rich source of immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory substances.

In order to benefit from red pepper in the fight against a runny nose, you need to use it in food and for rubbing.

A paste of red pepper, a tablespoon of alcohol and two tablespoons of sunflower oil will help with a runny nose. It must be rubbed into the wrists and feet 2 times a day.

Treating a runny nose with chamomile flowers

Treatment of a runny nose with folk remedies using chamomile. The anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile flowers have long been known, which, in addition to everything, also have the ability to relieve swelling and dry out the mucous membrane.

All this is extremely important when treating a runny nose. How to use chamomile flowers to treat nasal problems? It’s very simple - rinse the nasal cavity with a syringe with a strong chamomile decoction 3-5 times a day. It can also be used as a tea to help with colds.

Treating a runny nose with onion juice and beet juice

In folk medicine, onion and beet juice are widely used, both separately and together.

But, to treat a runny nose, it will be necessary to mix the juice of these two root vegetables in equal quantities and instill them into both nostrils 3-5 times a day after thorough rinsing.

You can feel relief in breathing after the first use.

Treating a runny nose with eucalyptus oil

This product has also been widely used for a very long time in both folk and traditional medicine.

Even in some modern medications for the treatment of respiratory diseases, you can find eucalyptus oil as one of the main components.

How to use it to treat a runny nose? There are several options, but the most effective is inhalation. You can even do them up to 5 times a day.

If you don't have a special inhaler, you can use a regular enamel bowl. Pour a glass of water into a container, bring to a boil, then remove from heat, add 10 drops of eucalyptus oil, lean over the bowl, cover with a towel and breathe for about 5 minutes.

You can buy a pencil based on eucalyptus essential oil at the pharmacy; it helps ease your breathing when you are unable to inhale.

Treatment of a runny nose with a decoction of string

Chamomile, like chamomile, can relieve inflammation, dry out the mucous membrane and reduce swelling. All this together helps with a cold nose.

It is very convenient to prepare a decoction from packaged paper bags with dried, crushed plants sold in pharmacies today. One such bag contains 200 ml of water. Be sure to rinse warm.

Treatment of a runny nose with horseradish

One of the most effective folk remedies for combating various cold symptoms.

The fact is that horseradish root is rich in natural antioxidants and also contains huge amounts of ascorbic acid, which, together with the essential oils of this root, has an immune-stimulating effect.

To improve the condition of a cold, you need to eat a tablespoon of grated horseradish 2 times a day, and you can also inhale its vapors through your nose throughout the day - this instantly makes breathing easier and helps the body cope with the infection.

Treating a runny nose with soda

Gargling with soda solution is used for various purposes, both in traditional and folk medicine, and they are quite effective.

In the case of inflammation of the nasal mucosa, you can also use soda rinsing to relieve inflammation and prevent infection from entering and spreading further along the respiratory tract.

To use soda for rinsing, you need to prepare a solution - pour a teaspoon of soda with a glass of boiling water and let it cool to 40 degrees.

We talked about treating a runny nose with folk remedies at home, be healthy!

– And don’t sneeze!

One of the effective and time-tested folk ways to get rid of colds is vodka with pepper. Often, people who are caught off guard by ARVI do not rush to the doctor, but use the most accessible methods at hand to quickly combat the disease. Vodka with pepper helps very well against colds in the initial stages, when there is no high fever yet. When it’s hot, it’s better to abstain from alcohol so as not to harm your health. It is used in the form of compresses, rubbing, and also in the form of tinctures with the addition of hot spices or honey.

Does vodka with pepper help with colds?

Many people are skeptical about drinking alcohol when they have a cold. However, when there were no pills or established science of pharmacology, this alcoholic drink established itself as an assistant in the fight against acute respiratory infections. Modern scientists have found that intoxicating drinks act as an anesthetic, and pepper helps dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow, which enhances the healing effect. The hot seasoning also contains a considerable amount of vitamin C, which is necessary for the immune system weakened by the disease.

Folk recipes for colds based on vodka and pepper

There are many recipes based on vodka and pepper with the addition of various healthy ingredients. Methods of use can be different - from ingestion to rubbing at high temperatures. The main thing is not to forget that treatment is effective at the onset of a cold, that is, when the first symptoms appear. Indications: stuffy nose, heaviness of the head, aching limbs or watery eyes. A reliable way to get rid of an incipient disease is to prepare a tincture of vodka and hot pepper according to one of the recipes.

Pepper tincture for oral administration

Treatment of colds with a folk remedy, such as vodka with pepper, is more effective when taken orally in the form of infusions. This is the fastest way to deliver all the necessary substances through the internal processing organs into the blood. It will distribute beneficial substances throughout the body and warm the body. The ingredients may be different, but the basis of everything is the most useful products - pepper, honey.

Recipe with red pepper. A particularly “hot” option. Using red hot pepper, you can prepare the following medicinal mixtures:

  1. With radish. Add a little radish juice or mustard to a glass of vodka (50 grams). Squeeze a quarter of the red chili pepper and stir the whole infusion well. Consume no more than 40 grams 2-3 times a day before meals.
  2. With cloves. Before preparing the cocktail, crush three buds of cloves and one pod of red chili pepper. Leave to infuse in boiled water (200 ml) for an hour. Afterwards, pour 500 ml of vodka into the ingredients and close the lid tightly. Let the cocktail sit for several hours. Strain the resulting drink through cheesecloth. Take 30 grams three times a day with meals. This infusion will easily relieve the first signs of a cold.
  3. With dry paprika. To make a medicinal infusion, before cooking, apply several longitudinal cuts to a couple of chili pods and place in a jar. Pour in 0.5 liters of vodka. Stir the mixture periodically for three hours. As soon as the infusion turns brownish, add two tablespoons of ground paprika. After an hour, strain the cocktail. After this, you can already drink the drink (twice/day, no more than 50 grams) - it helps well with a sore throat.

Recipe with black pepper. This treatment of colds with folk remedies is effective. Use vodka and black pepper like this:

  1. Cinnamon. Spices have always helped in the fight for health. This recipe will help you quickly overcome an incipient cold. Combine 100 grams of vodka, a quarter tablespoon of black pepper and half a teaspoon of cinnamon. Mix well, then strain. Drink 50 grams twice a day, but no more than 3 days.
  2. Pepper mixture. The most effective healing cocktail will be obtained by mixing red and black pepper at once. To do this, take a 200-gram glass, place a teaspoon of black pepper, half a pod of red pepper and fill it with vodka. Let it brew for a couple of hours, strain, consume 50 grams twice a day.

Recipe with the addition of honey from vodka and pepper for colds. It has long been considered a good healing product and was often used to treat diseases by our ancestors. Several variations:

  1. With ginger and cumin. Mix honey and vodka (60 grams each). Add a slice of lemon, a spoonful of cumin and a pinch of ginger. While stirring, heat the mixture in a water bath, but do not bring to a boil. Take several sips, not exceeding a dose of 50 grams several times a day.
  2. With aloe. The recipe helps get rid of cough. Twist 200 grams of aloe leaves in a meat grinder, add 4 tbsp to the porridge. honey and 3 tbsp. vodka. Mix thoroughly. Directions for use: one tablespoon three times a day before meals.

Warm compress recipe

For a sore throat, a vodka compress helps:

  1. Mix vodka and water in proportions of one to two.
  2. Dampen a small towel with the resulting solution. Fold in half.
  3. Apply the compress to your sore throat.
  4. Make a cotton layer. Apply a compress on top.
  5. Wrap your throat loosely with a bandage.
  6. Leave the compress on for a couple of hours. You will definitely feel the positive effect.

Vodka-pepper rubbing at elevated temperatures

Proper rubbing with vodka:

  1. Prepare a solution for rubbing: dilute vodka with water and vinegar (in equal parts).
  2. Lie on your back with your outer clothing removed.
  3. Apply the solution to a soft cloth and wipe the body with light movements.
  4. Blow your body with a hairdryer with warm, but not hot air for 1.5 minutes.
  5. Lie under a blanket and place a cool compress on your head, changing the water periodically to keep the towel cool.
  6. Check the temperature every half hour. If it remains high, it is advisable to repeat the rubbing again. This is the only method that will be effective for both adults and children. Children are treated with similar rubbing from the age of three.

Are there any contraindications

For natural reasons, a remedy based on Russian vodka with pepper is contraindicated for children and pregnant women. A cocktail of vodka and pepper is not suitable for those adults who have problems with the stomach, intestines, liver or heart. Diabetics should not use alcohol tinctures with honey. Hypertensive patients are prohibited from adding vodka to raspberry decoctions. For any chronic diseases, it is not recommended to self-medicate. As soon as the first signs of a cold appear, consult a doctor immediately.

Botanical description. Black pepper is a perennial climbing plant with a flexible, thin stem up to 15 m long and with aerial roots formed at the nodes. The leaves of the plant are alternate, leathery, ovoid and heart-shaped. The flowers are small, white or gray-yellow in color. The flowers of the plant are collected in small inflorescences 7 - 10 cm long. The fruit of pepper is a single-seeded drupe of spherical shape. At first the drupe is green in color, as it ripens it becomes red, and when dried it turns black. Ears 80 -140 mm long contain 20 - 30 drupes.

Bears fruit 2 times a year for 25 - 30 years.

Chemical composition.

The composition of the essential oil includes dipentene, fella.

Any pepper has a spicy aroma. But the brightest aroma and taste is that of black pepper. White pepper is slightly less spicy. But green peppers have a fairly mild, fresh aroma.

Black pepper: beneficial properties.

Black pepper has diuretic, bactericidal, expectorant and analgesic properties.

Black pepper:

- can thin the blood.

- stimulates appetite and increases saliva production.

- cleanses the body, dissolves lymph and has an antidote effect.

Uses of black pepper

Due to the composition of black pepper, it is used as a means to strengthen the nervous system, improve digestion, memory, and strengthen the liver and stomach.

Black pepper is used:

- in the treatment of cough, respiratory diseases.

- for the treatment of hemorrhoids, stomach diseases, fever.

- For snake or scorpion bites, use a decoction of black pepper.

- for chest pain.

When taken orally, black pepper removes mucus, warms the digestive organs, improves appetite, treats sour belching, thins thick blood in melancholic and phlegmatic people, and expels winds from the intestines.

Black pepper treatment:

- 1 tbsp. A spoonful of crushed pepper is mixed with 1 glass of honey. Take 1 teaspoon for the treatment of sore throat, bronchitis, cough with phlegm, delayed or absent menstruation, as a diuretic for edema and heart disease.

- Grind black pepper, add 100 g of butter to the powder, melted for 10-15 minutes and filtered through 2-3 layers of gauze. The product is instilled into the nose in a warm state to treat a runny nose.

- black pepper tincture: dry 5 ripe pepper pods, chop, put in a jar and pour 1 glass of vodka. Leave in a dark place for 5 days. Shake the tincture daily. After the time has passed, add 1 teaspoon of iodine tincture to it and leave for another 7 days, then add 1 teaspoon of salt and leave to leave again for 1 day. Use the tincture for back pain as a rub. Store the tincture in a cool place.

- if there is an increase in brain moisture (edema, increased intracranial pressure), you need to chew peppercorns and raisins. In this case, the saliva must be spat out. Excess moisture will come out along with saliva. This procedure must be carried out daily, for a month, for 5–10 minutes.

- 1 bay leaf (medium size) - grind into powder, 1 peppercorn (grind into powder) - mix. Take the powder for gas in the intestines (flatulence) and wash it down with warm tea.

- Mix crushed pepper into powder with sugar (proportions 1:1). Take 0.5 teaspoons of the solution, previously dissolved in 1 glass of milk, to increase body tone and potency.

- treatment with black peppercorns: remove the seeds from black raisins, and place 1 black peppercorn in their place. Take this remedy 1 piece per day for 7 days before lunch to remove kidney stones. The stones are crushed and excreted along with urine.

- 1 tbsp. Mix a spoonful of black pepper powder with 1 cup of olive oil, put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil for 5 – 10 minutes, then cool and strain. The resulting oil is used as a rub for weakened muscles with paralysis, neuritis of the facial nerve, aches, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, and joint pain.

Contraindications for the use of black pepper.

Black pepper is contraindicated and can be harmful to people who have the following diseases: acute inflammation of the bladder, kidneys; anemia, allergic diseases, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Pepper damage

Black pepper dries out the chest and makes the tissues of the throat and lungs rougher.

Excessive consumption of black pepper may cause irritation and overstimulation.

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