What is chifir (chifir) in the zone? How to brew? Chifir How to make chifir

Strong tea, almost concentrated brew, is called chifir.

The drink first appeared in Kolyma in prison camps. They brewed it in order to give the body strength and vigor, to fight drowsiness, because prisoners do hard physical labor - felling wood in the taiga.

In everyday life, chifir is useful during periods of sleepless nights, when you need to prepare for exams or have urgent work to do. The drink helps sharpen attention and reaction, increases the speed of thinking and adds strength and vigor to the body.

If you don’t have time for a long sleep, and you only have 3-4 hours of rest, you need to brew a strong drink, you can add a little sugar or honey to hot tea, drink a small portion in small sips and immediately go to bed. During sleep, the work of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) slows down, the theine in the composition will be slowly absorbed, entering the blood, and when you wake up, you will feel cheerful and full of strength and energy.

If you have heart problems, drinking chifir is strictly prohibited; this way to cheer up will only cause you additional health problems and a call to the doctor, and possible hospitalization in a hospital.

Chifir is capable of having a mild narcotic effect on the body - swagger in behavior and talkativeness appears, mood improves, breathing becomes deep. This happens due to the tonic properties of tea. During normal brewing, only a portion of the body's invigorating substances are released into the drink, but during prolonged brewing, a large amount of theanine is released. This is an amino acid that can have different effects on the brain, stimulating it without having a hypnotic effect.

In addition to its invigorating properties, consumption can be harmful, for example, negatively affecting the gastrointestinal tract and triggering the development of gastritis, which can lead to peptic ulcers if use is not stopped. In addition, headaches, tremors and twitching in the limbs, and increased blood pressure are possible.

Over time, dependence also develops - ailments appear if you do not consume a cup of chifir in a timely manner, weakness and apathy. But in general, everything depends on the body; some may escape this fate.

The invigorating effect will appear after 15-18 minutes and last approximately a couple of hours, in some cases, depending on the body, it may last longer. After the drink ceases to have an invigorating effect on the body, irritability, depression and drowsiness may appear. Sometimes headaches begin, which go away after taking the next “dose”.

Those who want to try the drink for the first time should be aware that severe nausea and vomiting may occur, because the body is not prepared for such a load. Additional unpleasant aspects will be tachycardia, pain in the heart, diaphragm and stomach, and increased pressure.

As for caffeine, there is exactly as much of it in strong tea as there is in the same mug of freshly brewed coffee. And it is not he who has a destructive effect on the body and nervous system, but the alkaloids contained in chifir, namely the same theine. It is released due to the fact that the drink is brewed and heated for a long time.

Prison usage traditions

The use of the drink is associated, first of all, with prison traditions and customs, imposed by the system and the behavior of prisoners while serving their sentences. As a rule, they are as follows:

  • For preparation, only fine-grained tea leaves are used, and it must certainly be regular black tea without additives;
  • The brewing calculation is made using a matchbox; about 2 tablespoons are placed in it;
  • Taste the drink hot, in small sips, with salted fish, or by placing a little coarse table salt on the tongue.

Inside the zone, the drink is prepared in a special way

  1. To prepare, take a metal mug or a small ladle in which water is brought to a boil.
  2. The tea leaves are poured into it, without stirring it, trying to make sure that the tea leaves remain floating on the surface.
  3. The mug is removed from the heat, covered with a lid and the chifir is infused for about 15-18 minutes, until all the tea leaves have settled to the bottom.
  4. They drink strong tea, without filtering, straight from the container in which it was prepared.

To increase the strength of the drink, it is further heated, bringing it to a boil again, and the procedure can be repeated several times, making sure that the liquid does not boil away too much. The result is a strong and bitter drink that perfectly warms and invigorates.

How to properly prepare chifir at home

For preparation you will need loose leaf black tea, although you can also use a mixture of loose leaf tea along with a granulated product. It is not recommended to use the latter separately; it will be very bitter.

Ready-made teas packaged in bags, green and flavored tea varieties will not work either, and large-leaf tea will need to be slightly crushed before brewing, for example in a blender or coffee grinder.

To prepare you will need

  • Glass jar with a plastic lid, 0.5 liter capacity;
  • 450 ml. drinking water;
  • 6-7 tbsp. spoons of leaf tea;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of granulated tea.


  1. Boil water, pour it into a jar and add the tea leaves. When brewing chifir, the actions take place in reverse; water is not added to the brew, but the tea is poured into already hot water in a cup.
  2. Close the jar with a plastic lid and wrap it in a warm blanket so that the drink infuses for 15-18 minutes. At home, the drink can be strained through a strainer and poured into coffee cups.

You need to drink in small portions, no more than 50-60 grams. in one go, otherwise you can harm the body. A pinch of salt will help relieve nausea. If the discomfort does not go away, do not return to drinking the drink again.

Recipe 1. My recipe.

IMPORTANT! It should be remembered that real chifir is made, oddly enough, from cheap Georgian tea, it produces less bitterness, has a mild stimulating effect and creates a unique “Kolyma bouquet”. However, it is not sold now, so I advise you to use “May” black leaf and granulated tea from the same manufacturer. No “bags” or flavored teas will do.

Heat the water to 80 degrees (C). (To determine the temperature, open the lid and wait for air bubbles to appear. When the transparency of the water changes due to the abundance of bubbles and the surface begins to ripple, you can remove the kettle.). Pour boiling water over the teapot and heat it to 60 degrees (put your hand to the kettle - if it is impossible to tolerate the heat, it means it is already over 60 degrees), after which we pour out the water. Pour 6 tablespoons of loose leaf tea and 2 tablespoons of granulated tea into a teapot, pour 0.3 liters of boiling water, close the lid, wrap the teapot in a tea mitten and leave to steep for 15 minutes. Pour chifir into 50 grams. (I don’t recommend it anymore - it’s dangerous for the heart) and enjoy the bitterness of the magic drink.

Step 2

Recipe 2. Kolyma recipe. Kolyma chifir, as I already said, is traditionally made from cheap Georgian tea (old people remember it by the name “36”), but you can’t find it now, so we will make it from leaf tea with the addition of granulated tea, just don’t overdo it with granulated tea - it gives a strong bitterness. I want to immediately warn you that, from the point of view of tea connoisseurs and lovers, this is a barbaric method of brewing and has nothing to do with the real art of drinking tea. You will need: tea leaves used once (or twice), aluminum mug 250 g. (Usually it is called “army”, but there are such in the “zones”), 2-3 old newspapers and a glass of water chilled in the refrigerator (about 5 degrees C). Pour water into the old tea leaves and bring the water to a boil (100 degrees C). We drain the liquid into another container, empty the mug from the “silo” (they are also called “secondary”, “tertiary” - depending on the amount of use). Pour 50 gr. leaf and 25 gr. granulated tea into a mug, fill with boiled “secondary” only 2/3 of the total volume, cover with something (you can use a piece of old newspaper). We take 3-4 newspapers torn to A4 size (210x297) and roll them into a tube. We take the mug with a tea “mitten” and heat the bottom with a lighted “torch” made of newspapers (in prisons and zones there are no “mittens”, so the mug is held in a special way with a spoon (in prison jargon - “paddle”), inserting it between the handle and the curved edge of the mug) . The “torch” must have a hole in the center large enough to allow air to flow through. When the “cap” begins to rise in the mug, extinguish the “torch”. You will need to pour in a little chilled water (this process is called “beating”, but, from the point of view of physics and chemistry, this stage of preparation makes no sense, just a tribute to tradition). Again we heat with a “torch” until the “cap” rises again. We extinguish the “torch”, cover the mug with a small dish so as not to touch the “hat”, and carefully wrap the mug with a towel. Leave for 10-15 minutes. The “hat” should fall (This process is called “mooring” the chifir and at this time the smoker better take care of the cigarette: you can crush it for now and put it behind your ear -)). Pour the chifir from the mug into another container 2 times to dissolve the foam (this process is called “quelification”), after which you can pour it into a glass. You should drink in the company of at least two people, 2 sips each, then pass it to the next person clockwise. You can “present” it to someone who will chat while slurping chifir, saying: “Land, hand over the container according to the “stage”” or “Brother, don’t freeze the chifir”, while you can curl your lip and bend your fingers -)))…
The main thing is to observe fire safety measures: it is better to cook chifir in a well-ventilated area (street, courtyard, balcony, entrance) and make sure that the “mitten” does not catch fire; you can extinguish the “torch” with suitable shoes, but do not “overheat” - house slippers can be ruined ... Well, for added romance, you can turn on chanson... “Don’t get sick, tramps!”

Step 3

If you feel nauseous, put a pinch of salt on your tongue or eat 2-3 cubes of Kirieshki crackers. Do not under any circumstances consume sugar-containing products (sweets, etc.) and do not add sugar to chifir - sugar absorption occurs slowly, the effect of chifir as a doping is prolonged, which can affect the functioning of the heart...

Step 4

You can feel the particular effectiveness of chifir in the morning if you take 3-4 sips of a cold drink before going to bed. You should drink it just before falling asleep, when your eyes are drooping. Once you fall asleep, your stomach will slow down. And upon waking up, theine (a component in tea) will immediately begin to be absorbed into the blood, causing vigor. It should be remembered that the first recipe (mine), in contrast to the second (Kolyma), is more beneficial, since it does not allow a large amount of “blue film” to get into the water. This is some kind of nitrogen-containing substance that kills the liver.

Chifir or chifir has a controversial reputation. Some consider it a kind of drug that affects consciousness and causes addiction. Others praise the unique properties of the drink and declare its complete harmlessness. Who's Really Right? Should I try to cook chifir or forget about it?

Is chifir harmless?

Adding to doubt is the fact that chifir is especially popular in prisons. It is among prisoners that it is customary to brew the drink: they turned the preparation of chifir into a kind of ritual that is held in high esteem. And since the drink itself turns out to be quite strong and has a rough taste, it is unlikely to suit refined people.

And yet chifir has its advantages:

  1. When cooking, a large amount of caffeine enters the water, which has a tonic effect on the body.
  2. L-theanine, which is part of tea, is released only after prolonged cooking. Thanks to it, concentration increases and mood improves. At the same time, L-theanine is absolutely harmless and does not cause addiction.
  3. Chifir has a calming effect, but does not cause a hypnotic effect.

However, chifir has a number of significant disadvantages:

  • with constant consumption of the drink, the risk of gastritis and stomach ulcers increases, since its components act on the smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines;
  • It has been proven that chifir causes addiction in some people, which manifests itself in the form of weakness, general malaise, apathy and headaches;
  • Excessive consumption of strong tea infusion has a negative effect on the nervous system: tachycardia, general overexcitation and even tremor appear.
The danger appears with frequent and regular use of chifir. Therefore, if you have a predisposition to gastrointestinal diseases or are afraid of becoming a victim of drink addiction, it is better to try something else.

Chifir recipe

Have you decided to cook chifir? Then take any good black tea. Experts do not recommend using green, as the decoction from it turns out to be too bitter. It is better to take small tea: it will steam better in a mug and will “give up” all the beneficial substances faster.

The classic recipe involves using a 0.5 liter metal mug. However, you can take a kettle or any other container.

Chifir is cooked on fire:

  • fill the mug halfway or two-thirds;
  • bring water to a boil;
  • pour in 4 to 6 tablespoons of dry tea leaves;
  • cover with a lid and boil the infusion for a couple of minutes;
  • remove the container with the drink from the heat and wrap it up;
  • leave for 5 minutes;
  • strain the infusion.

Some recipes advise not to boil the tea leaves, but to immediately remove it from the heat. You can try several options and choose the one you like. Please note that due to the high concentration of tea, chifir turns out to be a little bitter. However, connoisseurs do not recommend adding sugar or honey: it is customary to drink chifir as a snack with sweets.

To experience the maximum effect of the drink, you need to drink it hot. You shouldn't do this in the evening: you simply won't fall asleep. Drink slowly, carefully monitoring your body's reaction. The effect of the drink appears immediately: the main thing here is not to overdo it. If at any time you feel nauseous, set the cup aside and place some salt on your tongue.

How to make chifir correctly?

The issue is resolved and closed.

    I know a place where they teach this...

    The effect occurs 10-15 minutes after use and can last for several hours. It is expressed in a change in mental state: the onset of excitement, thirst for activity, a surge of energy, a change in consciousness. The effect is similar to that of other mild psychostimulants.

    In order for the effect of chifir to be complete, you can eat food only half an hour after drinking tea, or better yet, after 40-50 minutes. If this rule is not followed, you can seriously damage your health, for example, suffer from constipation for a long time. Chifir causes contractions of the smooth muscles of the intestines, which leads to the urge to defecate. In addition, headache, tachycardia, heart pain, increased pulse and blood pressure are often observed. Also, chifir, especially for beginners, can cause nausea, gagging and even vomiting.

    Like other stimulants, chifir is characterized by the so-called. "paradoxical action" It is expressed in the fact that instead of a surge of vigor, depression, weakness, and drowsiness sets in. The paradoxical effect is not so frequent as to be decisive, but nevertheless its possibility cannot be excluded. The direction and strength of the physiological action of chifir depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, as well as on its condition.

    It is believed that without tea in prison it is impossible to have full communication without chifir. All important issues are resolved with a mug passed around the circle to all participants in the conversation. Usually twice a day, sometimes three times, but this is considered an exorbitant luxury, and if you consume chifir too often, it is easy to get an overdose, and as a result, headache, intestinal spasms, vomiting, overexcitation or apathy.

    yes, I was sick all day

    Chifir = very very very strong tea. Place 3 tea bags in a mug and pour boiling water over it. and voila you have a chifir.

    Chifir (chifir) is a drink obtained by boiling highly concentrated tea leaves. It has a psychoactive effect and is in some way a narcotic substance that is highly addictive. Sometimes “chifirem” in a figurative sense is simply called very strongly brewed tea to emphasize its strength

    Chifir is no longer tea, in the usual sense, and certainly not coffee. A simple exercise: drink a cup of very strong tea at night/in the morning on an empty stomach and compare it with a cup of coffee under equal conditions. A lot of unpleasant pleasures inside the stomach are guaranteed! Chifir is much stronger than tea, but they also drink it in smaller doses. I suspect that the main harm will be to the stomach. I also heard that the teeth become ice-cold.

    Let it brew for a couple of hours while listening to the songs of the band Vorovayki

    I think coffee (although I don’t know) ... I drank chefir) purely out of interest... it’s stupidly bitter, but the coffee (strong) gives more than the chefir)

There are many ways to brew tea, each giving a different strength, taste and aroma. Perhaps the most aggressive version of the drink is the so-called chifir, or chifir. Its harm, perhaps, outweighs its benefits, nevertheless, it has many fans. To avoid causing harm to your health, you should follow several rules and recommendations.

Cooking methods

The quality and strength of the finished product is influenced by the ratio of brewing to water and heating technology. Typically the procedure looks like this:

  • Take a container with a volume of 0.5 liters and fill it two-thirds or half with water. Bring to a boil on maximum heat.
  • Place 4-6 tablespoons of dry tea leaves into boiling water. For this purpose, only black tea is taken; green tea gives an unbearable bitterness. In addition, it is better to give preference to small-leaf or granular: it will give greater strength.

Interesting fact
Today chifir is considered exclusively a prison drink. Initially, its tonic properties were used by drivers and truckers. The extremely strong tea made it possible to stay awake for a long time and make fewer stops along the way.

  • Next, you can proceed in two ways: either cover with a lid, boil for 2 minutes and leave for another 5 minutes, or remove from heat and leave under the lid for 5-10 minutes.
  • All that remains is to strain and cool the drink slightly. Don't drink it scalding hot.

The finished chifir is extremely strong and very bitter. You can add a little sugar to it, but it’s better to eat it with sweets.
If the first cup causes severe nausea, you need to put a little salt on your tongue to relieve the attack. When even this does not help, you need to rinse your stomach and refuse such tastings in the future.

Effect on the body

It is customary to drink chifir to increase tone and restore vigor. Research has also confirmed the mild narcotic effect of the tea drink. It slightly changes perception and consciousness, improves mood, and gives a feeling of relaxation. The person becomes more talkative and active. There is a heightened awareness of your capabilities, you want to immediately engage in at least some activity.

Intoxication usually begins to appear 15-20 minutes after drinking chifir, and its duration depends on the strength of the drink and the individual characteristics of the body and can last several hours. Narcologists often draw an analogy between the effects of psychostimulant tablets and a tea drink. Coming out of this state is accompanied by a hangover and is subjectively perceived as extremely unpleasant: drowsiness appears, the head becomes heavier, all senses become dull, and dyspeptic disorders are possible. The transition to sobering up is noticeably more difficult if chifir was drunk on an empty stomach.

This effect of seemingly ordinary tea is explained by two factors. Firstly, when preparing chifir, those substances that normally remain in tea leaves are boiled into it. Secondly, the concentration of all chemical elements in the tea drink is off scale. This leads to temporary activation of brain activity, relief of tension without a hypnotic effect, stimulation of intestinal motility or, conversely, relaxation of smooth muscles.

Beneficial features

Chifir is a strong stimulant that can be consumed occasionally and in small quantities. If you add sugar to the drink, this specific effect will increase many times over. Nutritionists and narcologists recommend using chifir in diluted form to reduce its negative effects.

No less effective, but much safer for the body, is simply strong tea with sugar. And if you add a slice to it, it will help normalize low blood pressure.

True, this approach also has several negative aspects. During boiling or prolonged infusion of tea leaves, few useful substances in its composition are destroyed. At the same time, harmful alkaloids are formed in the liquid. They can accumulate in tissues, provoking pathological processes.

The harm and danger of chifir

Doctors identify several consequences of drinking the drink, each of which poses a danger to human health and even life:

  • The nervous system is depressed, which over time results in neuroses, depression, and disorders of consciousness.
  • Heart function deteriorates, vascular spasms occur, including in the brain. This increases the risk of emergency conditions even at a young age.
  • Drinking the drink is often accompanied by digestive disorders. This manifests itself in the form of constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Long-term consumption of even not the strongest chifir leads to gastritis, which can develop into a peptic ulcer.
  • Fans of the tea drink often suffer from excessive sweating, tremors of the limbs, rapid heartbeat and constant headaches.
  • The aggressive composition worsens the condition of the teeth and causes the development of inflammatory processes in the oral mucosa.

Digital addiction is an established fact. It is inherent in both regular tea and its derivative drink. In addition, chifir can be addictive: the body adapts to the effects of the energy drink and requires constantly increasing the strength. As in the case of drugs, abrupt withdrawal from chifir causes withdrawal syndrome, or withdrawal. It manifests itself in general weakness, malaise, and an irresistible craving for a drink. The symptoms go away after taking chifir, but get worse each time. Therefore, drinking chifir constantly is dangerous to health.

There are people whose body does not react to drinking an aggressive drink. True, this does not mean that they are immune from the negative consequences of its use. Today there are many stimulants that are not as dangerous to health as strong tea leaves, so it is better not to take unnecessary risks for the sake of new sensations.

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