Ethical conversation about politeness. Synopsis of direct educational activities. The field of communication. Synopsis of an ethical conversation in the senior group "Polite words Conversation polite words for elementary school

Ethical conversations on the topic "Politeness"

Purpose: the child should be able to use polite words, develop appropriate skills of cultural behavior, follow the rules of etiquette, using the example of literary characters, stimulate positive forms of behavior and inhibit negative ones.

Lesson No. 1 Topic: “Why do they say “hello” (5-6 years).

Purpose: during the conversation, remind the children of polite words, explain that they express a good attitude towards other people.

Questions for children:

What do you say when guests or other adults come to our orphanage in the morning?

Who else do you say hello to?

What do you say in the evening when they go home?

Do everyone know these words and whether they are always remembered - we learn this from a short story about Winnie the Pooh and the Rabbit.

Winnie the Pooh decided to visit his friend Rabbit. He knew that Rabbit went to the school of polite sciences and wanted to know what it was.

Going to the Rabbit's house, Pooh opened the door, entered and shouted loudly: "I came to find out what school you went to." Rabbit loved Pooh, but he didn't like those who were impolite.

Pooh, why didn't you say hello to me?

But we're friends, - Pooh was surprised.

Don't you want to wish your friend good health? - Rabbit was offended.

Rabbit told Pooh everything he had learned in courtesy school. Now, when Winnie the Pooh and Rabbit met, they always said "hello" to each other, that is, they wished each other health, and when they parted, they said "goodbye."

Concluding the conversation, clarify with the children: saying “hello”, we express our friendly disposition, good attitude towards the interlocutor;

the word "goodbye" indicates that friends want to see each other again, this indicates their good attitude towards each other.

Lesson number 2 Topic: "Courtesy holiday" (5-6 years).

Purpose: during the conversation, draw the attention of children to the fact that polite words help people maintain good relations.

Conversation with children: Imagine that people suddenly forgot the words of politeness. What happens when people stop being polite, you will learn from the fairy tale "Courtesy Festival".

One evil sorceress decided to quarrel people. She bewitched them, and they forgot all polite words. The neighbors met in the morning and did not say anything to each other, did not say hello. “How impolite! I won’t talk to him anymore,” each of them thought. So people stopped talking to each other, stopped helping each other, stopped being friends with each other. It became bad for everyone to live, lonely, boring. And one day a traveler from another country came to this city. He met the first inhabitant and said: "Hello", met another and greeted him, and also said to the third: "Hello." People remembered the main polite word and again began to greet each other every day. They also remembered other words: “goodbye”, “thank you”. Residents of the city arranged a holiday, fireworks, prepared refreshments. One evil sorceress was not happy, but she could not do anything and left the city forever for a dense forest.

Need kind words? They are really magical, kind and very, very necessary. Let's repeat polite words together: "hello", "goodbye", "thank you".

The teacher reads to the children a poem by G. Ladonshchikov:

Peter is good at fishing

Can make a raft.

Just "hello" and "thank you"

Can't speak!

What did Peter learn?

What should Petya learn?

Now you know that it is necessary not only to know polite words,
but also to be able to say them when necessary.
In their free time, invite the children to stage the following situation: a doll with a bear cub comes to visit a bunny; the bunny treats his friends, then they say goodbye and leave. During the dramatization game, children use polite words.

Lesson number 3 Topic: “What the sparrows did not know” (5-6 years).

Purpose: in a conversation to remind children of the rules of polite treatment.

Magic words have many secrets of their own, which are not always known to us. One of them we now know.

It's dawn. The sun was shining in the sky. Waking up, young sparrows rejoiced at him. They jumped, shouted to the sun: “Hello! Hello!" "Hello!" - they said to each other, meeting on the fly. The old sparrow looked lovingly at the sparrows, sitting on a high branch of a tree. She was pleased that one could already say about them, such small ones: polite children. One of the sparrows flew up to the sparrow and chirped: "Hello." Sparrow was upset: “You know one rule. This is good. But you don't know another rule." “What? - the sparrow was surprised. - I know everything".

What rule does the little sparrow not yet know? How should a sparrow address a sparrow? (Hello). Invite children to remember how they greet adults, how they address them. From the answers of the children it follows that the elders should be addressed to “you” and say “hello” to them.

Lesson number 4 Topic: "Polite request" (5-6 years).

Goal: During this conversation, help the children realize the meaning of polite words when addressing someone with a request.

The course of the conversation: from the story about Pavlik (V. Oseeva "The Magic Word", you can read this work).

Once upon a time there was a boy Pavlik. He was offended by everyone, because no one fulfilled his requests. Once Pavlik was sitting on a park bench and thought with resentment that his sister had not given him paint, his grandmother had driven him out of the kitchen, and his brother had not taken him to go boating. Suddenly he saw an old man who was heading towards the bench. The old man sat down next to him and asked Pavlik why he was so sad. The boy told about his sorrows, that no one pities him. The old man smiled slyly and promised that he would reveal one secret to him: he would tell him a magic word that would make his requests come true.

Who guessed what the magic word is? (You are welcome.)

Yes, the word "please" helps to fulfill the desired. But is this enough? (Children's answers.)

The word "please" might not help Pavlik. The old man warned the boy that this word should be pronounced quietly, looking into the eyes of the one to whom you are asking. Only then will it become magical. Therefore, Pavlik, looking into his sister's eyes, asked in a low voice: "Lena, give me one paint, please." (The teacher asks the children to repeat what and how Pavlik said to his sister (2-3 individual answers).) Then he turned to his grandmother: “Grandma, give me a piece of pie, please.” Pavlik received paints and tried the pie. The magic word and the way Pavlik said it had an effect even on his brother. He took Pavlik for a boat ride.

In their free time, organize games for children in which they use polite words when addressing each other.

Lesson number 5 Topic: "The fairy teaches politeness" (5-6 years).

Purpose: in the process of talking with children, remember the rules of polite treatment.

The course of the conversation: Some children do not know the rules of politeness (like Pavlik from the story "The Magic Word" by V. Oseeva). And some know these rules, but do not follow them, it can be very insulting when children are called ill-mannered.

Invite the children to listen to I. Tokmakova's poem and come up with a name for it.

Masha knew a lot of words,

But one of them is gone

And it's like a sin

Most often spoken.

This word follows

For a gift, for dinner,

This word is said

If you are thanked.

And all day long her mother

He says stubbornly about him:

Why such a waste

Don't you remember?

But she is silent like a fish,

Instead of everyone... (thank you)

Do I need to teach Masha to say "thank you"? What for?

Parents do everything to teach their children politeness. But
not everyone succeeds. Hear what the parents decide to do
to teach your children politeness.
One day, the parents decided to turn to the old man, who helped Pavlik become polite. This old man was familiar with one good Fairy. She promised to help poor moms and dads. The fairy invited all the impolite children to the fairy town. But she warned that she could only help those who really want to learn the rules of courtesy and who will follow them.
When the children entered the fairy-tale city, the Fairy touched everyone with her magic wand. At the touch of the wand, the children's cheeks turned red with shame at their impoliteness. In the fairy-tale city, children had to listen carefully and watch how very polite fairy-tale residents communicate. When meeting, the residents smiled and said "hello", and saying goodbye - "goodbye." If they made a request, they didn't forget to say "please." For help, treats were thanked with the word “thank you”. When all the children learned politeness, their cheeks returned to their normal color. The happy parents wanted to thank the Fairy with something, but she refused: “Thank the inhabitants of this city, from whom the children studied. And my reward is your joy.”

What is another word for polite words? (Necessary, magical...)

Let's repeat the polite words we know.

In his free time, organize the game "City of Polite".

Lesson number 6 Topic: "Another secret of politeness" (5-6 years).

Purpose: during this conversation, to remind the children that they need to communicate with others calmly, without shouting, that they should express their requests in a polite tone.

The course of the conversation: Remember what magic word Pavlik learned and how it helped him? (V. Oseeva. "Magic Word".) And how was it necessary to pronounce this word? (Quietly, looking into the eyes of the person you are addressing).

And here is how Pinocchio behaved when he came to a lesson with Malvina. (Scenes from A. Tolstoy's play "The Golden Key").

Malvina (friendly). Hello children!

Pinocchio (mutters under his breath, stands half-turned to the class). Hello! Malvina. Why are you so sad, Pinocchio? Pinocchio. Unhappy and all. And what do you want from me?

Malvina (with offense). Why are you answering me like that? Because I want to know what happened to you. Maybe you need help? Pinocchio. What did I say to you?

Malvina. You didn’t say anything special to me, but you talk to me in such a way that it’s unpleasant even to listen and answer.

Pinocchio. Here's another one who doesn't want to, don't talk to me!

Malvina. I noticed that you often speak in this tone not only with the guys, but even with dad Carlo!

Pinocchio. Think tone! Maybe I sometimes speak a little loudly or capriciously. But I like to make everyone laugh. Some people just don't get jokes. For example, yesterday I was walking and I saw: Pierrot slipped and how he flopped to the ground. Of course, I laughed and asked him: “Well, how was the landing?” And he got offended and left. What bad thing did I say to him? Am I the only one talking and joking like that? There are guys who even call each other rude words, tease. Let's not think about who behaves worse, but just become better. Well, I thought, Malvina?

Malvina. Very good, Pinocchio.

Then the teacher asks the children to answer the following questions:

How did Pinocchio justify his behavior? (Others are also rude.)

What did Pinocchio come up with to improve? (Just getting better.)

What words are used to say when they want to apologize for rudeness, prank? (I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.) The answer to this question can be found in the poem.

The teacher reads an excerpt from A. Shibaev’s poem “Kind Words” and invites the children to guess the word that the hero wanted to hear from Vitya:

I met Vitya, a neighbor

The meeting was sad.

On me he is like a torpedo

Came in from around the corner!

What did Vitya have to say to the neighbor?

But - imagine - in vain from Viti I waited for the word ... (sorry).

Vitya did not apologize? What shall we call it? (Rude.)

Now listen to the poem “I don’t cry” (G. Ladonshchikov) and think about what the boy wanted to say to his mother.

Mom was very angry

She went to the cinema without me.

I'm sorry that this happened

But I don't cry anyway.

I'm punished for pranks

Fair enough maybe

Only I'm sorry right away

I didn't dare to ask.

And now I would say to my mother:

"Well, sorry for the last time!"

I don't cry, the tears themselves

They roll out of their eyes.

Why is the boy crying? (He is punished for pranks. Mom is angry, she did not take him to the cinema.)

What is the boy's regret? (The boy did not immediately ask his mother for forgiveness.)

We must always remember that a kind word makes people feel
warmth in the heart, and an evil word can hurt a person. No wonder people say: "The word heals, the word hurts."

Lesson number 7 Topic: "Good manners and politeness" (5-6 years).

Purpose: to remember the rules of politeness, during the conversation to find out that a polite person not only uses polite words, but also expresses his attitude towards others with their help, that the ability to treat others well and show respect for them is called good breeding.
The course of the conversation: invite the children to listen to an excerpt from the work of G. Auster "Charging for the tail":

Education, what is it? - asked the monkey.

That's a lot," Grandma said. - You can't say it in two words. Well, here you are, monkey. If I now pick and give you a banana, what will you do?

Ripe banana? - said the monkey.

Very ripe, - nodded grandmother.

Eat! - said the monkey.

Grandmother shook her head disapprovingly.

First I will say “thank you,” the monkey corrected. - And then eat!

Well, you will act like a polite monkey! - said the grandmother.

But politeness is not all education! A well-bred monkey will first offer a banana to a friend!

What if he takes it? - scared monkey.

The baby elephant did not say anything, but he also thought to himself that if you offer a banana to a friend, then no friend will refuse a banana, unless, of course, he is smart, this friend.

Not! Being educated is not interesting! - said the monkey.

And you try! - Grandma picked a ripe and juicy banana and handed it to the monkey: - Try it!

What to try? - asked the monkey. - Banana? Or be educated?

Grandma didn't answer. The monkey looked at the banana, then at the grandmother. Then back to the banana. The banana was very ripe and amazingly tasty.

Thanks a lot! - said the monkey and had already opened her mouth to eat a banana, when she suddenly noticed that the baby elephant was looking at her very carefully. Or rather, not on her, but on her banana. The monkey was confused. You don't really like bananas, do you? she asked the baby elephant.

You really don't like them at all, do you?

No, why not? - objected the elephant. - I love them quite a lot.

Questions about the reading:

Why didn't the monkey like being raised? (We must share a banana.)

Why did the monkey ask the baby elephant if he likes bananas? What did the baby elephant answer to the monkey's question?

How should a monkey have acted in order to be called “educated”?

Let's finish reading this tale and find out how the monkey did.

And the monkey gave the baby elephant her banana. The baby elephant said "thank you" and began to peel the banana. A parrot approached the elephant. The baby elephant sighed and put a peeled banana in front of the parrot. Take it! This is for you! - said the elephant.

The parrot thanked the baby elephant, took a banana and carried it to the boa constrictor.

Boa constrictor, - said the parrot. - Take this beautiful banana from me!

I accept it from you with deep gratitude! - said the boa constrictor, took a banana and handed it to the monkey. At first the monkey was very surprised, and then very happy. I realized! Understood! Being educated is very interesting!

In your free time, do a dramatization of this fairy tale.

Conversation with children: "What is politeness?" senior group

Prepared the rest

MBDOU d / s No. 68


Lyulina T.V.

Target : tell the children about what politeness is, polite words. Learn to speak polite words to each other. Cultivate respect for adults and peers.

The course of the conversation : (questions to children)

Children, what polite words do you know?

What do you think, who is called a polite person? Why do you consider yourself polite?

Are adults polite to you? Why?

Think and tell me why polite words are called magic?

(Children's answers are heard)

Yes, a polite word, like a kind magician, gives mood, pleases and even heals people.

Today we will talk about simple things that we encounter daily and sometimes do not attach due importance.

For many years, rules of conduct and etiquette were created by people - the purpose of which was, in addition to the moral qualities of kindness, sensitivity, cordiality, to instill a sense of proportion and beauty in manners. In clothes, conversation, receiving guests and table setting - in a word, in everything with which we enter society.

How important it was to comply with these rules is evidenced by the fact that 200-300 years ago certain norms of behavior were equated with laws and citizens who did not comply with them were punished. Are there secrets of cultivating a culture of behavior in our time? This is what will be discussed today. And we hope that together we will find answers to many questions.

Listen to the basic rules of cultural behavior that should be formed in you and consider whether you comply with these rules:

Regularly participate in work, in the ability to prepare tables for breakfast, lunch.

Compliance with the rules of cultural behavior on the bus, in public places.

You must always tell the truth.

Politely attentive to adults, the ability to play together with children, to protect the weak, offended.

It is necessary to maintain order in the room. In the play corner. Rule: "Everything has its place."

Contest "Praise a friend?"

"Let's talk about good things", where each child receives praise in the presence of all children. (the toy is passed in a circle)

Listen to a few more rules about politeness.

Should you say "Bless you" if someone sneezes? (It turns out that if someone sneezes or has some other similar awkwardness, it's best not to pay attention to it).

In what cases should you say "you", in which "you"? (If a two-year-old kid says “you” to an adult, it even sounds cute in his mouth, then from the age of four, children should already, turning to an adult, say “you” and call him by name and patronymic, except for close relatives).

How should gifts be received? (A wrapped gift needs to be unwrapped, examined and thanked by the one who brought it: he, too, is interested in whether the gift was liked).

When should you say "I'm sorry" and "I'm sorry"? It turns out that if the fault is insignificant, you need to say “sorry”, but if you are very guilty, then “sorry”. Take advantage of the advice you've heard today.

Our lesson is over, well done everyone.

1. Introduction by the librarian.

Everyone - both adults and children - likes to be praised. Most likely, you already know exactly when you will be praised and when you will be scolded.

The boy pushed the girl, the girl showed her tongue to her grandmother, the guys painted the elevator cabin or the walls in the entrance ...

Do you think the guys are doing well?

Children's answers.

You are right, for such cases they will not pat on the head! But there are times when you don't know whether to stand up or sit down, say something or remain silent, leave or stay. And that's when help comes science courtesy.

It would be good if politeness was born along with a person. But politeness is achieved only as a result of mastering the rules of behavior and the desire of the person himself to behave decently in any situation.

In all public places that you visit: at school, transport, in places of mass recreation and others, as well as at home (in the family), people behave in accordance with certain rules.

How many of you know what these rules are called?

Children's answers.

Absolutely right - these are the rules of etiquette. These rules determine the culture of behavior of each person, the norms of morality. These norms are the result of a long process of establishing relationships between people. Without observance of these norms, political, economic, cultural relations are impossible, because it is impossible to exist without respecting each other, without imposing certain restrictions on oneself.

Etiquette- a word of French origin, meaning a manner of behavior. It includes courtesy and courtesy rules accepted in society.

Modern etiquette inherits the customs of almost all peoples from hoary antiquity to the present day.

Basically, these rules of conduct are universal for all people.

The peoples of each country make their own amendments and additions to etiquette, due to the social system of the country, the specifics of its historical structure, national traditions and customs.

There are several types of etiquette, the main of which are:

- court etiquette

- diplomatic etiquette

- military etiquette

- civil etiquette - a set of rules, traditions and conventions observed by citizens when communicating with each other.

Already by the way a person enters the room, how he greets, what first words he utters, how he sits down, eats, how he holds his hands, they judge the level of his culture, his moral and mental merits.

Every cultured person should not only know and observe the basic norms of etiquette, but also understand the need for certain rules and relationships.

Mannersin many respects they reflect the internal culture of a person, his moral and intellectual qualities.

Nothing is valued by the people around us as dearly as politeness and delicacy. But in life we ​​often have to deal with rudeness, harshness, disrespect for the personality of another person.

The ability to behave correctly in society is very important: it facilitates the establishment of contacts, contributes to the achievement of mutual understanding, creates good, stable relationships.

Good manners:

way to keep yourself

outward behavior,

dealing with other people

expressions used in speech, tone, intonation,

gait, gestures and even facial expressions characteristic of a person.

In society good manners modesty and restraint of a person, the ability to control one's actions, to communicate attentively and tactfully with other people are also considered.

bad manners it is customary to consider the habits of speaking loudly, not embarrassed in expressions, swagger in gestures and behavior, slovenliness in clothes, rudeness, manifested in frank hostility to others, in disregard for other people's interests and requests, in shamelessly imposing one's will and desires on other people, in the inability to to restrain his irritation, in deliberate insult to the dignity of the surrounding people, in tactlessness, foul language, the use of humiliating nicknames nicknames.

Manners refer to the culture of human behavior and are regulated by etiquette.

Etiquette implies a benevolent and respectful attitude towards all people, regardless of their position and social status. It includes courteous treatment of a woman, respectful attitude towards elders, forms of addressing elders, forms of address and greetings, rules of conversation, table manners. In general, etiquette in a civilized society coincides with the general requirements courtesy based on the principles of humanism.

A prerequisite for communication is delicacy. Delicacy should not be excessive, turn into flattery, lead to unjustified praise of what is seen or heard. It is not necessary to hide hard that you are seeing something for the first time, listening to it, tasting it, fearing that otherwise you will be considered ignorant.

It should be noted that a tactful and well-mannered person behaves in accordance with the norms of etiquette not only at official ceremonies, but also at home. Genuine politeness, which is based on benevolence, is determined by tact, a sense of proportion, suggesting what can and cannot be done under certain circumstances. Such a person will never violate public order, will not offend another by word or deed, will not offend his dignity.

Unfortunately, there are people with a double standard of behavior: one - in public, the other - at home. At work, with acquaintances and friends, they are polite, helpful, but at home, with loved ones, they do not stand on ceremony, are rude and not tactful. This speaks of a low culture of a person and a bad upbringing.

Listen to a short story and tell me which of the friends did the right thing, like a well-mannered person, and who was wrong?

... Ira tells Polina about her, as she says, ex-girlfriend Masha: “You know, Fields, this Masha is so taciturn, she doesn’t go anywhere, she doesn’t communicate with anyone - everything learns its lessons! I won't be friends with her. I'm tired of her with her studies, tomorrow I'll sit down from her! At this moment, Polina recalls: “By the way, Ira! Have you prepared for tomorrow's math test?” Ira’s face changes, her face takes on the expression of a fox Patrikeevna: “Oh! I completely forgot… See you tomorrow!” "Where are you going?" Polina asks the girl. “I need to call Mashenka, she is such a smart girl. I'll ask how the preparation for the test is going. I won’t sit down with you tomorrow!”

Student responses.

Now we are going to play a game "Magic Chair"

Target: develop interest in a person, form positive personality traits, teach to see good in a person

Now, naming only positive qualities, you will have to characterize the student sitting on the chair.

One of the participants in the game is invited to the "magic chair". Participants describe what they see with their eyes:

called quality (smart, kind, attentive ...);

give behavioral characteristics (he always helps, you can make a request ...);

talk about outward virtues (beautiful hair, beautiful eyes…).

If each of you look in the mirror, you will be able to evaluate your appearance, clothes, posture.

Do you eat properly and beautifully?

How do you walk, sit?

Are you chewing or drinking silently, do you put a large chunk of bread into your mouth, do you slurp? Opening and holding the door, waiting for a woman, an old man, a baby to come through?

It will be difficult for you to answer all these questions if you do not know the rules of etiquette, manners and good manners.


It is no secret that not only children, but also very many adults want all their friends, and all their neighbors, and even completely unfamiliar passers-by to always treat them carefully, kindly, always love and respect them. So that no one, no one would make comments to them.

And for this to be so, you need to be polite, because only a polite, well-mannered and kind person is always treated kindly by people around him. Only such a person is loved and respected by everyone. And he has faithful and reliable friends with whom he is always interested and reliable.

And who is called a polite person?

A person who knows the rules of behavior, and - most importantly - who follows these rules.

Or maybe we do not need generally accepted rules of conduct? It may be easier to live by your own rules: “I want it so much!”, “I like it so much!”, “I want and will do what I want, regardless of anyone!”.

Recently, scientists were surprised to discover that there are naughty children in the world who do everything the other way around. Scientists came up with the idea that such children should be given not useful, but harmful advice. They will do the opposite, and it will turn out just right.

Here are G. Auster's tips for naughty children ...

If you come to someone

Don't say hello to anyone.

The words "please", "thank you"

Do not tell anybody.

Turn around and ask questions

Don't answer anyone.

And then no one will say

About you, that you are a talker.

The writer's advice confirms another important rule that must be followed:

"Do to others as you would like,

to act towards you"

Word "politeness" comes from the Old Slavonic "vezhe", i.e. "expert". Being polite means knowing how to behave. The dictionary says about a polite person as follows: "Polite - observing the rule of decency, well-mannered, courteous."

Politeness is something that cannot be dispensed with, like without air. Never answer abuse with abuse, rudeness with rudeness. Remember! Politeness is the best cure for anger, rudeness, lack of culture. Remember Doctor Aibolit! What was he like? (Kind.) And what was Bramaley like? (Evil.)

Unfortunately, the beautiful statement of Cervantes has been completely forgotten:

"Nothing costs so little and is not valued so dearly as politeness"

True politeness can only be benevolent, since it is one of the manifestations of sincere, disinterested benevolence in relation to all other people with whom a person has to meet at work, in the house where he lives, in public places. With workmates, with many acquaintances in everyday life, politeness can turn into friendship, but organic benevolence towards people in general is an obligatory basis for politeness. A true culture of behavior is where a person's actions in all situations, their content and external manifestation follow from the moral principles of morality and correspond to them.

One of the main elements of politeness is the ability to remember names. Here is how D. Carnegie says about it: “Most people don’t remember names because they don’t want to spend time and energy focusing, solidifying, indelibly imprinting these names in their memory. They make excuses for themselves that they are too busy. However, they are hardly more busy than Franklin Roosevelt, and he found time to remember and, on occasion, even recall the names of mechanics with whom he had come into contact ... F. Roosevelt knew that one of the simplest, most intelligible and most effective ways to win the favor of others is to remember their names and instill in them the consciousness of their own significance ".

And what do you think the word “polite” means (observing the rules of decency).

I suggest that you do the following work in groups: within 5 minutes, come up with, accurately, briefly and expressively play scenes of typical situations of compliance with or violation of the norms of a culture of behavior and communication in various situations.

For example: “How we greet each other, adults at school, on the street”, “How we object to adults, parents”, “How do you call on the phone”, “How do you buy groceries in the store”

Listen to S. Marshak's poem about politeness

If you
And not deaf to conscience
You are the place
without protest
give way
Old woman.

If you
In the soul, not for the mind
To the trolleybus
You will help

And if you
That, sitting in the classroom,
You won't
With a friend
To crackle like two magpies.

And if you
you mom
And offer her help
without asking -
That is, themselves.

And if you
That in a conversation with my aunt,
And with grandfather
And with grandma
You won't beat them.

And if you
That's what you need, comrade
Always without delay
Go to the gathering of the squad:
Do not spend
Appearing in advance
Minutes for the meeting
Time to wait!

And if you
then you are in the library
Nekrasov and Gogol
Take not forever.
And if you
Will you return the book?
In neat, not smeared
And the whole binding.

And if you
For those who are weaker
You will be the protector
Do not be shy before the strong.

You are often told: “You need to be educated students.” What does this mean? What is education?

Good manners is manifested, first of all, in the polite behavior of a person. The manifestation of politeness is not only words, but also the behavior of a person as a whole, when he is guided by the desire to show respect and kindness to a person, to be tactful and attentive to him.

I love it when we meet

We are friends and relatives:

"Good morning", "Good evening",

"Good night" - we say.

If for tea or for dinner

Let's go into the house - it's not nice, or something,

Bowing, say to the neighbors:

“Tea and sugar”, “Bread and salt”!

Not from craving for vanity

And it didn't happen yesterday

It's brotherly, with love

health wishes,

Good wishes.

And life seems to be better

And more cheerful in the heart

Kohl others well-being

Wish on earth

Alexander Yashin

An even friendly tone, attention to each other, mutual support strengthen relations. And vice versa, arrogance or rough treatment, tactlessness, offensive nicknames, nicknames hurt painfully, sharply worsen your well-being. Some believe that all this is trifles, trifles. However, harsh words are not harmless. It is not for nothing that people have put together wise sayings about the role of words in human relationships: “From one word to forever a quarrel”, “A razor scratches, but a word hurts”, “Affectionate word is a spring day”.

The poem contains unusual words. They are called "magic". Let's remember them

(Children call the magic words:

hello, please be kind, thank you, have a good trip, sorry)

And today we will talk about greetings.

It is believed that greeting is the first rule of etiquette. Greetings - after all, they can also be different: obligatory, alienated. Correct, full of feelings of sympathy and goodwill.

Game in progress: “Auction of greetings”

(the one whose greeting is the last will win

“Good morning”, “Hello”, “Great”, “Hallowe”. “Hello”, “Salute”, “Hi ”)

Hello! - so, be healthy, you do not need to spare the wishes of health when meeting with relatives, friends, acquaintances and complete strangers.

The word “Hello” means: “I see you, man, you are pleasant to me. I respect you and want you to treat me the same.” To deviate from the greeting, not to answer it, is the height of indecency.

Now listen to how different nations greeted each other.

The Mongols asked: “Are your cattle healthy?” After all, the herd for the Mongol nomad is the basis of his life. Healthy animals mean that there is enough food, respectively, everything is safe in the family. So it turns out: wishing health to the four-legged breadwinner is the same as wishing health to the cattle breeder himself. According to the old Mongolian custom, the welcoming person wiped his hand, stained with blood or mud, on the clothes of the person being greeted. The meaning of this action is philosophical and wise: "The thing is short-lived, the owner is eternal."

Greeting, the Jew will say: "Peace be with you, Persian." As a sign of greeting, the Arabs cross their arms over their chest (an actor in an Arab costume demonstrates this greeting). The Turkmen put their hands in their long sleeves, while the Chinese bow with their arms stretched out along the body. Tajiks fold both hands just below the chest and approach a little to the welcomed: “Assolom alaikum” - and stretch out both hands.

The Egyptians were interested: “Do you sweat well?”, and the Papuans said: “Let me sniff you!” In some Indian tribes, it is customary to squat at the sight of a stranger until he approaches and notices this peaceful posture. Sometimes they take off their shoes to greet. The Tibetans, when greeting, take off their headdress with their right hand, put their left hand behind their ear and still stick out their tongues.

The Greenlanders do not have a formal greeting, but when they meet they will definitely say: “Good weather”. A young American greets a friend by patting him on the back. Latinos embrace. The French kiss each other on the cheek. Samoans sniff each other. Indians fold their palms in a boat and bow their heads. The Japanese prefer to bow.

The most amusing to this day are the greetings of African tribes. The words "I see you" are exchanged at the meeting of the Zulus.

Akomba in Kenya, as a sign of deep respect, spits on the oncoming one. To represent the Masoi tribe at the meeting, first spits. And then he spits on his own hand and only then allows you to shake his hand. The Zambezi is clapped and curtseyed.

Understanding, interest in various greetings, not imposing one's own - this is the culture of relationships. Respect everyone even if you are different. You're not like me, but you're not to blame, and neither am I. Let's respect each other. The main thing is to learn to notice each other, to give warmth and joy at a meeting.

And now let's dream up a little how people of different professions could say hello: miners, builders, drivers, railway workers.

Ethical conversation on the topic: "Polite words"

If we are polite
Every day and hour
The world will become happier
Millions of times!

Target: the formation of moral and ethical standards in children, the upbringing of the desire to be polite.


1. What is politeness.

Politeness is one of the most important qualities of a well-mannered person. Until the 16th century, the word "vezha" meant "expert" - one who knows the rules of decency, a form of expressing a good attitude towards people. The rules of courtesy are familiar to all of us. They are simple, and each person can and should fulfill them. What do you think, guys, what is politeness?

2. Politeness is a very important quality for every person. In order to show politeness, there are special polite words. Sometimes such words are even called magical, because every word contains great power, they can perform miracles! What do you think polite words are?

3. Let's look at the blackboard and read the poem:

Words: "Goodbye!", "Thank you", "Sorry",
"Please", "Hello" -
Donate generously!
Give to passers-by
Friends and acquaintances.
In the trolleybus, in the park.

At school and at home.
These words are very, very important.
They are necessary for a person like air.
Without them it is impossible to live in the world.
These words should be given with a smile.

What polite words did you find in the poem? What other polite words do you know?

4. It is very important and correct to say polite words, but at the same time, it is necessary to know why and in what situation this or that word is used.

Now we need to complete the following task. Look back at the board. Here are some polite words (good morning, hello, please, thank you). You need to reason and say what these words mean and when, in what situation we can use them.

5. Do you guys think it is important to use polite words when communicating? Why do you think so? How often do you use polite words?

6. And now let's check how many polite words you know. I will throw the ball to one of you, and whoever has it in his hands will have to say one polite word. Words should not be repeated.

Guys, I made sure that you know a lot of kind, polite words. Give them more often to your loved ones, relatives, comrades!

6. - Let's sum up our conversation. What did you learn new? Why do we need to know polite words? What kind of person do you consider polite?

Guys, in the everyday life of a polite, well-mannered person, there should always be words that we call “magic”. With these words, you can open any door, help restore a good mood. Do good, learn to do good deeds! And at the end of our conversation, listen to V. Soloukhin's poem "Hello!":

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