Exercises for the development of emotions. "Emotions and Feelings". A practical lesson for class teachers of younger teenagers. Learning to track your condition

Children's yoga Andrey Ivanovich Bokatov

4.21. Emotional development of children (games and exercises)

We train emotions (for children from 4 years old)

Ask your child:


Like an autumn cloud;

Like an angry person;

Like an evil sorceress;


Like a cat in the sun;

Like the sun itself;

Like Pinocchio;

Like a cunning fox;

Like a joyful person;

As if he saw a miracle;

get angry

Like a child whose ice cream was taken away;

Like two sheep on a bridge;

Like a man who has been hit;

get scared

Like a child lost in the forest;

Like a hare that sees a wolf;

Like a kitten that a dog barks at;

get tired

Like dad after work;

Like a man who has lifted a heavy load;

Like an ant dragging a big fly;


Like a tourist taking off a heavy backpack;

Like a child who worked hard but helped his mother;

Like a tired warrior after a victory.

Ring (for children from 4 years old)

Children sit in a circle. The leader hides a ring in his palms. The child is invited to look carefully at the faces of the neighbors and try to guess which of them received a ring from the leader in their hands. The one who guesses becomes the leader.

Dance of five movements (according to Gabriela Roth, for children from 5 years old)

To complete the exercise, you need to record with music of different tempos, the duration of each tempo is one minute.

1. "The flow of water." Smooth music, fluid, rounded, soft, flowing movements.

2. "Crossing through the thicket." Impulsive music, sharp, strong, clear, chopping movements, drumming.

3. "Broken Doll". Unstructured music, a chaotic set of sounds, shaking out, unfinished movements (like a "broken doll").

4. "Flight of butterflies." Lyrical, flowing music, subtle, graceful, gentle movements.

5. "Peace." Calm, quiet music or a set of sounds that imitate the sound of water, the surf, the sounds of the forest - standing without moving, listening to your body.

Note, after the end of the exercise, talk with the children about which movements they liked best, what was easy and what was difficult.

Body Jazz (by Gabriele Roth, for children from 5 years old)

The dancers stand in a circle. Rhythmic music plays. The leader shows the order of the movements. At first, only movements of the head and neck in different directions, forward and backward in a different rhythm. Then only the shoulders move, then together, then alternately, then forward, then back, then up, then down. Further movements of the arms in the elbows, then in the hands. The following movements are with the hips, then with the knees, then with the feet.

And now you need to gradually add each practiced movement in order: head + shoulders + elbows + hands + hips + knees + feet. At the end of the exercise, you should try to move all these parts of the body at the same time.

Gait and mood (for children from 4 years old)

The rider shows movements and asks to portray the mood: “We are dripping like a fine and frequent rain, and now heavy large drops are falling from the sky. We fly like a sparrow, and now - like a seagull, like an eagle. We walk like an old grandmother, we jump like a cheerful clown. Let's walk like a small child learning to walk. Sneak carefully, like a cat to a bird. Let's feel the bumps in the swamp. Let us walk thoughtfully, like an absent-minded person. Let’s run towards our mother, jump on her neck and hug her.”

Dance of fire (for children 5 years old)

The dancers squeeze tightly into a circle, raise their hands up and gradually lower and raise their hands to the beat of vigorous music, depicting flames. The bonfire rhythmically sways in one direction or the other, it becomes either higher (dancing on tiptoe), then lower (squatting and swaying). A strong wind blows, and the fire breaks up into small sparks, which fly freely, spin, connect with each other (hold hands) two, three, four together. Sparks glow with joy and kindness. Mirror dance (for children from 5 years old)

Participants are divided into pairs. Any music sounds. One of the pair is a mirror, he tries to repeat the dance movements of the other with the greatest accuracy. Then the children in pairs switch roles.

Dance of the sea waves (for children from 6 years old)

Participants line up in one line and split into first and second. The leader - "wind" - turns on calm music and "conducts" the waves. When the hand is raised, the first numbers squat, when the hand is lowered, the second. The sea can be calm - a hand at chest level. The waves can be small, they can be large - when the leader smoothly shows with his hand who to sit down, who to stand up. It is even more difficult when the waves roll over: in turn they rise higher and fall lower.

Note: the beauty of the dance of the sea waves largely depends on the conductor-wind.

Etude "Pump and inflatable doll" (for children from 5 years old)

Children are divided into pairs. One - an inflatable doll from which air has been released - lies on the floor in a relaxed position (knees and arms are bent, head is down). Another - "pumping" the doll with air with the help of a pump - rhythmically leans forward, exhales: "S-s-s." The doll slowly fills with air, straightens, hardens - it is inflated. Then the doll is “blown away”, slightly pressing on her stomach, the air gradually comes out of it with the sound: “Ssss”. She falls off again. Children in a couple change roles.

Forest (for children from 5 years old)

Presenter: “A birch, a fir-tree, an oak, a weeping willow, a pine, a blade of grass, a flower, a mushroom, a berry, bushes grow in our forest. Choose your own plant that you like. On my command, we will turn into a forest. How does your plant react:

On a quiet, gentle breeze;

On a strong cold wind;

To the hurricane;

On a fine mushroom rain;

On a downpour;

In extreme heat;

In the gentle sun;

For the night;

On hail;


Etude "Concerted actions" (for children from 5 years old)

Children are divided into pairs or choose one of the parents. They are invited to show paired actions:

sawing firewood;

Rowing in a boat;

Rewinding threads;

Tug of war;

Crystal glass transfer;

Pair dance.

"Fire-ice" (for children from 4 years old).

At the leader's command: "Fire!" - standing in a circle, children begin to move with all parts of the body.

On command: "Ice!" - the children freeze in the position in which the team found them. The leader alternates commands several times, changing the execution time of one and the other.

Etudes for muscle relaxation (according to M. I. Chistyakova)

Barbell (for children 5–6 years old)

The child lifts a "heavy barbell". Then he throws it away, relaxing as much as possible. Resting. Everyone sleeps (for children 5–6 years old) The host enters the hall and sees ... In the courtyard he meets the Darkness of people and everyone sleeps: The one, as if rooted to the spot, sits, The one, not moving, walks, The one stands with his mouth open. (V. A. Zhukovsky)

The host approaches the figures of children, frozen in different poses. He tries to wake them up by taking their hands. He raises someone's hand, but the hand goes down.

Icicle (for children 4 years old)

The host reads poetry: We have a white nail hanging under our roof, the sun will rise, the nail will fall. (V. Seliverstov)

When pronouncing the first and second lines, the children hold their hands above their heads, and when they pronounce the third and fourth, they should drop their relaxed hands and sit down.

Humpty Dumpty (for children 4–5 years old)

The host reads poetry: Humpty Dumpty Sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty Fell in a dream. (S. Marshak)

The child turns the body to the right and left, the arms dangle freely, like a rag doll. To the words “fell down in a dream”, the child must sharply tilt the body down.

Sleeping kitten (for children 3-4 years old)

The child plays the role of a kitten, which lies on the rug and falls asleep. The kitten's tummy rises and falls.

It is advisable to carry out this study to the music of R. Pauls “The day will melt, the night will come” (lullaby).

Lazy Contest (for children aged 5-6)

The host reads a poem by V. Viktorov "Lazy Contest":

Even though it's hot

Even though the heat

Busy all

Forest people.

Only badger -

Fairly lazy -

Sleep sweetly

In a hole cool.

Couch potato sees a dream

It's like he's busy.

At dawn and sunset

Don't get him out of bed.

Then the children take turns pretending to be a lazy badger. They lie down on the floor (on a mat or rug) and try to relax as deeply as possible. For relaxation, it is advisable to use the music of D. Kabalevsky "Lazy".

Vacuum cleaner and dust particles (for children 6-7 years old)

Motes of dust dance merrily in a ray of sunshine. The vacuum cleaner worked. The dust particles swirled around themselves and, spinning more and more slowly, settled on the floor. The vacuum cleaner collects dust particles; whoever he touches gets up and leaves.

When a dusty child sits on the floor, his back and shoulders relax and bend forward - down, his arms drop, his head bends, he seems to go limp all over.

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Card file of games for the development of the emotional sphere of children

Card file of games

on the development of the emotional sphere of children

Emotions play an important role in children's lives, helping them perceive reality and respond to it. Feelings dominate all aspects of a preschooler's life, giving them a special color and expressiveness, so the emotions that he experiences are easily read on his face, in posture, gestures, in all behavior.

Entering kindergarten, the child finds himself in new, unusual conditions, surrounded by unfamiliar adults and children with whom he has to build relationships. In this situation, teachers and parents need to join forces to ensure the emotional comfort of the child, develop the ability to communicate with peers.

Game "Kindergarten"

Two participants in the game are selected, the rest of the children are spectators. Participants are invited to act out the following situation - parents came to kindergarten for a child. The child comes out to them with an expression of a certain emotional state. The audience must guess what state the participant in the game is depicting, the parents must find out what happened to their child, and the child must tell the reason for his condition.

Game "Artists"

Purpose: to develop the ability and express various emotions on paper.

The participants of the game are presented with five cards depicting children with different emotional states and feelings. You need to choose one card and draw a story in which the selected emotional state is the main plot. At the end of the work, an exhibition of drawings is held. Children guess who is the hero of the story, and the author of the work tells the depicted story.

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Purpose: development of attention, perception, memory, recognition of various emotions.

The teacher shows the children four pictograms of emotional states. The child must highlight one condition that does not fit the others:

Joy, good nature, responsiveness, greed;

Sadness, resentment, guilt, joy;

Diligence, laziness, greed, envy;

Greed, anger, envy, responsiveness.

In another version of the game, the teacher reads out tasks without relying on picture material.

Be sad, upset, have fun, be sad;

Rejoices, has fun, admires, gets angry;

Joy, fun, happiness, anger;

The game "Who - where"

Purpose: to develop the ability to recognize various emotions.

The teacher exposes portraits of children with various expressions of emotional feelings, states. The child needs to choose those children who:

Can be planted at the festive table;

Need to calm down, pick up;

offended the educator;

The child must explain his choice, naming the signs by which he understood the mood of each child depicted in the picture.

The game "What would happen if."

Purpose: to develop the ability to recognize and express various emotions.

An adult shows the children a plot picture, the hero (s) of which is missing (yut) face (s). Children are invited to name what emotion they consider appropriate for this occasion and why. After that, the adult invites the children to change the emotion on the hero's face. What would happen if he became cheerful (sad, angry, etc.?

You can divide the children into groups according to the number of emotions and offer each group to play the situation. For example, one group comes up with and plays out a situation in which the characters are angry, the other - a situation in which the characters laugh.

Game "What happened?"

Purpose: to teach children to recognize various emotional states, to develop empathy.

The teacher exposes portraits of children with various expressions of emotional states and feelings. The participants in the game alternately choose any state, name it and come up with a reason why it arose: "Once I am very strong," because ... "For example," Once I was very offended, because my friend .... "

Game "Expression of emotions"

Purpose: To develop the ability to express facial expressions of surprise, delight, fear, joy, sadness. To consolidate knowledge of Russian folk tales. To evoke positive emotions in children.

The teacher reads an excerpt from the Russian fairy tale "Baba Yaga":

“Baba Yaga rushed into the hut, saw that the girl had left, and let’s beat the cat and scold why he didn’t scratch out the girl’s eyes.”

Children express pity

An excerpt from the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka":

“Alyonushka tied him with a silk belt and took him with her, but she herself was crying, crying bitterly ...”

Children express sadness (sadness).

The teacher reads out an excerpt from the fairy tale "Geese-swans":

“And they ran home, and then the father and mother came, they brought gifts.”

Children express their facial expressions - joy.

An excerpt from the fairy tale "The Snake Princess":

“The Cossack looked around, looked - a haystack was on fire, and a red maiden stood in the fire and said in a loud voice: - Cossack, good man! Deliver me from death."

Children express surprise.

The teacher reads an excerpt from the fairy tale "Turnip":

"Pull - pull, pulled out a turnip."

The children are excited.

An excerpt from the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids":

“The goats opened the door, the wolf rushed into the hut ...”

Children express fear.

An excerpt from the Russian folk tale "Tereshechka":

“The old man came out, saw Tereshechka, brought him to the old woman - a hug started!”

Children express joy.

An excerpt from the Russian folk tale "Ryaba the Hen":

“The mouse ran, waved its tail, the testicle fell and broke. Grandfather and grandmother are crying.

Children express sadness with facial expressions.

At the end of the game, mark those children who were more emotional.

"Little Raccoon"

Purpose: to develop the ability to recognize and express various emotions.

One child is Little Raccoon, and the rest are his reflection (“The one that lives in the river.”) They sit freely on the carpet or stand in a line. The raccoon approaches the “river” and depicts different feelings (fear, interest, joy, and the children accurately reflect them with the help of gestures and facial expressions. Then other children alternately choose the role of the Raccoon. The game ends with the song “From a smile, everyone will become warmer.”

Card file of games and exercises


Anger, anger

Anger is one of the most important human emotions, and at the same time one of the most unpleasant.

An angry, aggressive child, a fighter and a bully is a great parental chagrin, a threat to the well-being of the children's team, a "thunderstorm" of the yards, but at the same time an unhappy creature that no one understands, does not want to caress and pity. Children's aggressiveness is a sign of internal emotional distress, a bunch of negative experiences, one of the inadequate methods of psychological protection. Therefore, our task is to help the child get rid of the accumulated anger by constructive methods, that is, we must teach the preschooler accessible ways of expressing anger that do not harm others.

Game "Tender Paws"

Purpose: relieving tension, muscle clamps, reducing aggressiveness, developing sensory perception.

Game progress: an adult picks up 6-7 small items of various textures: a piece of fur, a brush, a glass bottle, beads, cotton wool, etc. All this is laid out on the table. The child is invited to bare his arm to the elbow: the adult explains that the animal will walk on the arm and touch it with gentle paws. It is necessary to guess with closed eyes which animal touched the hand - to guess the object. Touches should be stroking, pleasant.

Variant of the game: the "animal" will touch the cheek, knee, palm. You can switch places with your child.

Exercise "Evil".

Purpose: to develop the ability to recognize mi different emotions with the help of facial expressions and pantomime.

Children are invited to imagine that anger and anger have “infused” one of the children and turned him into Zlyuka. Children become in a circle, in the center of which stands Zlyuka. All together read a short poem:

There lived (a) - there was (a) a little (th) boy (girl).

A small (th) boy (girl) is angry (a) was (a).

The child playing the role of Zlyuka must convey the appropriate emotional state with the help of facial expressions and pantomimics (shifts his eyebrows, pouts his lips, waves his arms). When repeating the exercise, all children are invited to repeat the movements and facial expressions of an angry child.

Game "Magic bags"

Purpose: to relieve the psycho-stress of children.

Children are invited to put all negative emotions into the first magic bag: anger, anger, resentment, etc. You can even scream into the bag. After the children have spoken out, the bag is tied and hidden. Then the children are offered a second bag, from which children can take the positive emotions they want: joy, fun, kindness, etc.

Exercise "Finish the sentence"

Anger is when...

"I get angry when..."

Mom gets mad when...

The teacher gets angry when...

“Now let's close our eyes and find on the body a place where anger lives in you. What is this feeling? What color is it? There are glasses of water and paints in front of you, paint the water in the color of anger. Next, on the contour of a person, find a place where anger lives, and paint over this place with the color of anger.

Exercise "Go away, anger, go away!"

Goal: Removal of aggressiveness.

The players lie on the carpet in a circle. There are pillows between them. Closing their eyes, they begin with all their might to be with their feet on the floor, and with their hands on the pillows, with a loud cry of "Go away, anger, go away!" The exercise lasts 3 minutes, then the participants, at the command of an adult, lie down in the “star” position, spreading their legs and arms wide, lie quietly, listening to calm music, for another 3 minutes.

Card file of games and exercises

Emote of Surprise

Surprise is the shortest lasting emotion. Surprise comes suddenly. If you have time to think about the event and speculate about whether it surprised you or not, then you were not surprised. You cannot be surprised for long, unless the event that struck you opens up for you with its new unexpected facets. Surprise never stretches. When you stop experiencing surprise, it often disappears as quickly as it appeared.

Exercise "Finish the sentence."

Surprise is when...

"I'm surprised when..."

Mom is surprised when...

The teacher is surprised when...

Exercise "Mirror".

Invite the children to look in the mirror, imagine that something fabulous is reflected there, and be surprised. Draw the children's attention to the fact that each person is surprised in his own way, but, despite the difference, there is always something similar in expressions of surprise. Question:

What do you have in common with how you portrayed surprise?

Fantasy game.

Children are invited to continue the start of amazing adventures:

An elephant has come to us.

We ended up on another planet.

All of the adults suddenly disappeared.

The wizard changed all the signs on the shops at night.

Etude Focus on the expression of surprise

The boy was very surprised: he saw how the magician put a cat in an empty suitcase and closed it, and when he opened the suitcase, the cat was not there. The dog jumped out of the suitcase.

Etude "The weather has changed".

Children are invited to imagine how suddenly, unexpectedly for everyone, the rain ended and the bright sun came out. And it happened so fast that even the sparrows were surprised.

What happened to you when you imagined such unexpected changes in the weather?

h4]]Card file of games and exercises

Emotion Fear

This is one of the first emotions that a newborn baby experiences; associated with a sense of danger. Already in the first months of life, the child begins to be frightened, first by sharp sounds, then by unfamiliar surroundings, strangers. As a child grows, their fears often grow with them. The more the knowledge of the baby expands, and the fantasy develops, the more he notices the dangers that lie in wait for each person. The line between normal, protective fear and pathological fear is often blurred, but in any case, fears prevent the child from living. They disturb him and can cause neurotic disorders, which manifest themselves in the form of tics, obsessive movements, enuresis, stuttering, poor sleep, irritability, aggressiveness, poor contact with others, lack of attention. This is not a complete list of unpleasant consequences that unsurmounted children's fear leads to.

Vulnerable, sensitive, overly proud children are especially susceptible to fear. The most common fears among preschoolers are the fear of the dark, nightmares, loneliness, fairy-tale hooligans, bandits, war, disasters, injections, pain, and doctors.

Adults, and first of all, parents, should help the child overcome the fears that have appeared.

Exercise "Dress the scarecrow."

Purpose: to give children the opportunity to work with the subject of fear.

The teacher prepares in advance black and white drawings of a scary character: Babu Yaga. He must "dress him" with plasticine. The child chooses plasticine of the color he needs, tears off a small piece and smears it inside the horror story. When the children “dress up” a horror story, they tell the group about it, what this character likes and dislikes, who is afraid of him, who is afraid of him?

Exercise "Draw scary."

Purpose: to help children in the manifestation of feelings in relation to the subject of fear.

The host prepares in advance unfinished black and white drawings of a scary character: a skeleton ... He distributes it to the children and asks to finish it. Then the children show the drawings and tell stories about them.

Exercise "ABC of moods".

Purpose: to teach children to find a constructive way out of the situation, to feel the emotional state of their character.

“Look what pictures I brought you (cat, dog, frog). They all experience a sense of fear. Think and decide which of the characters you can show each of you. At the same time, it is necessary to say about what your hero is afraid of and what needs to be done so that his fear disappears.

Exercise "Competition boyusek."

Purpose: to give children the opportunity to actualize their fear of talking about it.

Children quickly pass the ball in a circle and complete the sentence: "The children are afraid of ...". Whoever can't come up with fear is out of the game. You can't repeat. At the end, the winner of the "boyusek" contest is determined.

Exercise "Fishermen and fish."

Purpose: removal of psychomuscular tension, fear of touch.

Choose two fish. The rest of the participants stand in pairs facing each other in two lines, take each other's hands - forming a "network". The host explains to the children that a small fish accidentally got into the net and really wants to get out. Rybka knows that this is dangerous, but freedom lies ahead of her. She should crawl on her stomach under clasped hands, which at the same time touch her on the back, lightly stroke, tickle. Crawling out of the net, the fish waits for its mate crawling after it, they join hands together and become a net.

The game "Bee in the dark"

Purpose: correction of fear of the dark, confined space, heights.

Game progress: the bee flew from flower to flower (children's benches, high chairs, cabinets of different heights, soft modules are used). When the bee flew to the most beautiful flower with large petals, she ate nectar, drank dew and fell asleep inside the flower. A children's table or high chair is used (a stool under which a child climbs. Night fell imperceptibly, and the petals began to close (tables and chairs are covered with cloth). The bee woke up, opened her eyes and saw that it was dark around. Then she remembered that she had remained inside the flower and decided to sleep until the morning. The sun rose, the morning came (the matter was removed, and the bee again began to have fun, flying from flower to flower. The game can be repeated, increasing the density of the fabric, thereby increasing the degree of darkness. The game can be played with one child or with a group children.

Exercise "Cultivate your fear."

Purpose: correction of the emotion of fear.

Children, together with the teacher, figure out how to instill fear in order to make the horror story kind, add balloons to it, draw a smile, or make the horror story funny. If the child is afraid of the dark, draw a candle, etc.

Exercise "Trash can".

Goal: Removal of fears.

The host offers to tear the drawings of fears into small pieces and throw them in the trash, thereby getting rid of their fears.

Card file of games and exercises

Emotion Joy

The factor that reflects the emotional well-being of the child is the state of pleasure and joy. Joy is characterized as a pleasant, desirable, positive feeling. When experiencing this emotion, the child does not experience any psychological or physical discomfort, he is carefree, feels light and free, even his movements become easier, bringing him joy in themselves.

In childhood, the emotion of joy can be caused by well-defined types of stimulation. Its source for the child is daily communication with close adults who show attention and care, in playful interaction with parents and peers. The emotion of joy performs an important function in the formation of feelings of affection and mutual trust between people.

To get acquainted with the emotion of joy, various exercises are used.

Storytelling exercise.

Purpose: development of expressive movements, the ability to understand the emotional state of another person and adequately express one's own.

“Now I will tell you some stories and we will try to act them out like real actors.”

Story 1 "Good mood"

“Mom sent her son to the store: “Please buy cookies and sweets,” she said, “we will drink tea and go to the zoo.” The boy took the money from his mother and skipped to the store. He was in a very good mood."

Expressive movements: gait - a quick step, sometimes skipping, a smile.

Story 2 "Umka".

“Once upon a time there was a friendly bear family: father bear, mother bear and their little son Umka bear cub. Every evening mom and dad put Umka to bed. The bear gently hugged him and sang a lullaby with a smile, swaying to the beat of the melody. Dad stood nearby and smiled, and then, starting to sing a melody to mom.

Expressive movements: smile, smooth swaying.

Mirror game.

“Today we will try to meet our smile in the mirror. Take a mirror, smile, find her in the mirror and complete the sentence in turn: “When I am happy, my smile is like ...”

Etude "Meeting a friend"

The boy had a friend. But then summer came, and they had to part. The boy stayed in the city, and his friend went south with his parents. Bored in the city without a friend. A month has passed. One day a boy is walking down the street and suddenly sees his friend getting off the trolley bus at a bus stop. How happy they were for each other!

Exercise "Picture ..."

Purpose: to consolidate in children the knowledge gained about the feeling of joy. “Let’s play a game, I’ll call one of you by name, throw a ball to him and ask, for example, “... draw a happy bunny.”

The one of you whom I will name should catch the ball, depicting a bunny, says the following words: “I am a bunny. I rejoice when…”

Compiled by: Soboleva M. Yu., Sushkova V. S.

We bring to your attention a selection of games and exercises for the formation and development of the emotional sphere of preschoolers.

These games are best used in joint activities, since it is during the game with peers that the baby learns to establish contact with peers, express emotions in a socially acceptable way, and adapt to society. Another important point of joint lessons on the development of the emotional sphere is the child's understanding that self-expression is possible not only when you scream and act up, but also when you show your desires through gestures, facial expressions, and voice.

The game "Bee in the dark"

Purpose: correction of fear of the dark, confined space, heights.

The bee flew from flower to flower (children's benches, high chairs, cabinets of different heights, soft modules are used). When the bee flew to the most beautiful flower with large petals, she ate nectar, drank dew and fell asleep inside the flower. A children's table or high chair (stool) is used, under which the child climbs. Night fell imperceptibly and the petals began to close (tables and chairs are covered with cloth). The bee woke up, opened her eyes and saw that it was dark all around. Then she remembered that she had remained inside the flower and decided to sleep until morning. The sun rose, the morning came (matter is removed), and the bee again began to have fun, flying from flower to flower. The game can be repeated by increasing the density of the fabric, thereby increasing the degree of darkness. The game can be played with one child or a group of children.

Exercise "Cultivate your fear"

Purpose: correction of the emotion of fear.

A preliminary conversation is held, and the child is invited to draw his fear. After the drawing is ready, the psychologist offers the child to re-educate the horror story (for this you need to make him kind). Together they figure out how to do it. Options are possible: draw balloons, sweets in the hands of a horror story; correct the evil expression on the face to a kind, smiling one; dress the horror story in an elegant, cheerful costume - and other funny attributes.

Game "Fishermen and fish"

Purpose: removal of psychomuscular tension, fear of touch, timidity.

From the total number of children, two "fish" are selected. The rest of the participants stand in pairs facing each other in two lines, take each other's hands - and form a "network". The host explains to the children that a small fish accidentally got tangled in the net and really wants to get out. Rybka knows that it is very dangerous, but freedom awaits her ahead. She should crawl on her stomach under clasped hands, which at the same time touch her on the back, lightly stroke, tickle. Crawling out of the net, the fish waits for its mate crawling after it, they join hands together and become a net. Note: The more participants in the game, the more useful and interesting it is. Make sure that the network movements are not aggressive.

The game "Sneaky and Angry"

Purpose: development of the ability to recognize emotional states.

The psychologist offers the children to look at two portraits: one shows a cheerful expression, the other is angry. Children are asked questions: “What is the mood of the children shown in the picture? How did you know? Let's see how the eyebrows, mouth are located. The children are watching closely. "Now let's go to the mirror and try to portray first a cheerful, then an angry expression." Children depict different moods with the help of facial expressions and compare them with portraits.

Exercise "Rug of Anger"

Purpose: removal of negative emotional states.

In the presence of a psychologist or in a kindergarten group, in a specially designated corner, there is a “rug of anger” (an ordinary small rug with a rough surface). If you see that a child has come to kindergarten aggressive towards others or has lost control of his actions, invite him to visit the magic rug. To do this, the child needs to take off their shoes, go on the mat and wipe their feet until the baby wants to smile.

Exercise "Kind animal"

Purpose: relieving psychomuscular tension, teaching children to understand the feelings of others, to empathize, to unite the children's team.

The psychologist (teacher) says in a quiet, mysterious voice: “Please stand in a circle and hold hands. We are one big, kind animal. Let's hear how it breathes! Now let's breathe together! On the inhale we take a step forward, on the exhale we take a step back. And now on the inhale we take two steps forward, on the exhale - 2 steps back. Inhale - 2 steps forward. Exhale - two steps back. So not only does the animal breathe, its big kind heart beats just as clearly and evenly. A knock is a step forward, a knock is a step back, etc. we all take the breath and the beating of the heart of this animal to ourselves.”

Game "Tender Paws"

Purpose: relieving tension, muscle clamps, reducing aggressiveness, developing sensory perception.

An adult picks up 6-7 small items of various textures: a piece of fur, a brush, a glass bottle, beads, cotton wool, etc. puts it all on the table. The child is invited to bare his arm to the elbow; the adult explains that the animal will walk on the hand and touch it with gentle paws. It is necessary to guess with closed eyes which animal touched the hand - guess the object. Touches should be stroking, pleasant.

Variants of the game: the "animal" will touch the cheek, knee, palm. You can switch places with your child.

Game "Treasure hunter"

Purpose: activation of positive emotions to eliminate or reduce the intensity of experienced sadness, sadness.

To play, you will need a basin of sand, a “surprise” (a small plastic toy, a rubber ball), and a route map. The teacher invites a sad, sad child to play the game "Treasure hunter". Then a conversation is held: “I have a basin in which a treasure is buried. But only a brave child who understands (reads) the map-scheme can find this treasure. In advance, conditional landmarks are set on the sand, which are reflected in the map-scheme. To get to the treasure, you need to study the map very carefully and move sequentially with your fingers from pointer to pointer.” If the child is having difficulty, show him how to do it. Having reached the finish line, the child is invited to dig out the treasure with his hands. The toy remains with the child.

Game "Portrait"

Purpose: to teach a child to recognize emotions - his own and those around him, to develop the ability to depict them schematically, to relieve psychomuscular tension.

The child sits opposite the adult. Adult - as an artist. “Now I will draw your portrait. But for this I need your help. I will name the parts of the face, and you will tell me how to draw them. For example, what size to draw a face? Bigger or smaller than yours? The child answers. What will be the eyes - large or small, or will we leave what we have? In this case, the adult outlines the contour of the eyes in the figure. "What color will they be?" The child calls. Then, in the same order, draw the nose, cheeks, ears, hair. Eyebrows and lips are prepared in advance (drawn on paper and cut out), and they express various emotions: joy, sadness, anger. Next, the child is asked to decide what mood this portrait will have. If the child identifies himself with the portrait, then he will reflect his mood. If he does not reflect his true mood, it means that it has either moved from negative to positive, or the child is dissatisfied with himself and wants to change.

Most parents, paying much attention to the development of thinking and speech in children, forget about the importance of the formation of the emotional aspect of a young personality. Exercises and games for emotions already at preschool age make it possible to identify and correct in time possible problems in the child's ability to express their feelings, as well as adequately respond to the feelings of others.

Why is it important?

A person begins to experience emotions much earlier than to speak and think. If the baby is dissatisfied with something, he screams, sometimes reaching hysterics, and when he is happy, he laughs and waves his arms. This behavior can also be observed in adults, provided that the emotions are too strong - so much so that a person, like a child, is not able to control them. But this does not mean that the main task of teachers and parents is to teach children external restraint worthy of a Soviet intelligence officer.

It is necessary to engage in the development of the emotional sphere of preschoolers in order to:

  • to teach to better understand oneself and others, to cultivate social susceptibility, empathy;
  • give the right direction to the emerging system of generally recognized values ​​(kindness, responsiveness and compassion should coexist harmoniously with the development of such qualities that are in demand today, such as leadership, perseverance, stress resistance);
  • make the process of mastering any other skills and abilities more productive by adapting to the learning conditions.

In addition, scientists have revealed a direct relationship between the level of emotional intelligence of a person, that is, the ability to correctly understand the feelings, desires, intentions of other people and one's own, with his success and even income level.

If possible, avoid restrictions in the child's natural behavior: do not forbid him to laugh out loud, scream or cry, if external conditions allow. The habit of suppressing emotions leads to mental disorders.

Examples of games for the study of basic emotions

The world is colored for a person by emotions from birth, and the older the child becomes, the more vivid and diverse feelings he is able to experience. Speaking about the need to develop the emotional sphere, they usually mean work with the expression of negative feelings:

  • anger
  • resentment
  • disappointment
  • envy
  • fear.

It is really important to be able to cope with them not only for preschoolers, but also for adults, and the sooner a person learns this, the more stable his psyche will be. At the same time, one should not forget about positive, bright emotions - joy for oneself and for others, gratitude, sympathy. They must be in balance with the negative ones or even prevail over them, it depends on whether the personality will be whole, and the person will be happy.

Kaleidoscope of moods

It is best to start your acquaintance with psychological games with an overview of basic emotions. The facilitator invites preschoolers to consider several cards with photographs of children: smiling, laughing, crying, angry, surprised, puzzled, and so on. Let the kids try to figure it out, discuss what the hero feels in each photo, suggest what his mood can be caused by.

Try on yourself

The game continues the previous one. An adult asks the children which of the presented emotions they themselves experienced and in what situations, which card best conveys their mood now. Preschoolers are alternately given the opportunity to speak, first at will, then at the request of the facilitator. The example of more active guys has a contagious effect on the rest, so the exercise not only teaches you to recognize emotions, but also helps to overcome shyness.

If one of the children is silent and does not want to answer, there is no need to insist. Most likely, he mentally participates in the game and tries on different emotions for himself, but is embarrassed to speak out loud.


Throwing out anger for a baby is sometimes more important than for an adult. Psychologists recommend that a person tired of pent-up discontent beat a punching bag. A similar exercise is also useful for children starting from the younger or middle group. A newspaper acts as a pear: two children stretch a wide sheet and hold it tightly, and the third hits the center with all his might. At the same time, it is allowed to shout out phrases, for example: "Angry, go away!" or "Here, get it!". If the child just wants to scream, without words, this is also allowed. All the children take turns in the role of holding the newspaper and boxers.

If the newspaper tears too easily, increase the number of layers. Most likely, this will be required when the children play in the second circle.

Lock chest

This is a peaceful alternative to the violent manifestation of the negative energy accumulated inside, described in the previous game. The children sit in a circle, and the leader takes turns approaching each of them with a chest (a small box, preferably decorated accordingly), so that the kids whisper all their possible troubles and insults into the ajar lid. So that the participants are not embarrassed by the silence, you need to turn on calm music. When all the experiences are collected, the host announces that the magic circle has closed, and the lock has closed, and all the bad remains inside. The chest has spent all its energy and is sent for recharging, after which it will be ready for work again.

TV set

A creative game that is suitable for children in the preparatory or even in the older group. For her, you need a cardboard frame, which will depict the TV. One of the participants stands in front of the others and points the screen at his face, while depicting some emotion: fear, joy, sadness, surprise, delight. The rest must determine what is shown on TV today. Depending on the number of children, you need to set a certain mood limit. For example, if there are many participants, let everyone show only one emotion, trying not to repeat. If an adult plays with one child, then at first he shows several moods himself, and then provides such an opportunity to the baby.

Older preschoolers, if desired, can turn the TV into a theater stage and play small scenes, and the audience will discuss what emotions the characters had and why.


The game is similar to the previous one, but the task here is more complicated: now the intended feelings are allowed to be transmitted only with the help of hands and body, without the participation of the face. The lead contestant is announced as a humanoid robot whose facial muscles have been disabled, and now his mood can only be determined by his posture and movements. The exercise will help children learn to better understand body language.

It is curious to try two versions of the game: with a box on the head, depicting a robot and covering the face, and without it. In the first case, participants will be able to imperceptibly frown or smile, and then it will be easier for them to synchronize the desired emotion with movements. Without a box, the child will have to keep a neutral expression on his face, this will make it difficult for both the presenter and the guessers.

Invite viewers not just to name the emotion they see, but to “sign the picture” - that is, to come up with a caption for the photo: “Hooray, they bought me a bike!” or “My car was broken, how angry I am!”

Masks for a little man

Exercise develops empathy. You need to schematically draw a funny little man with an empty circle instead of a face and prepare for him several masks in size with a variety of expressions. The host tells what is happening to the hero, and the children change his masks depending on what emotions, in their opinion, he is experiencing.

For example: “The man looked out the window and saw that the sun was shining! (smile mask). Suddenly he heard someone crying (surprise, confusion). It turned out that it was a girl crying, she lost her doll (sadness). The little man ran out of the house and helped her find the doll (joy). It is important that children realize that people experience sadness when someone is sad and joy when their help leads to a positive outcome.


The ability to endure disappointment for the psyche is the same as hardening for the physical health of a person. This game teaches you to find positive moments even in unpleasant situations and is suitable for preschoolers of all ages.

The host shows the kids a card with a picture of a sad character (for example, a bunny) and says that the bunny is sad because all his brothers and sisters went for a walk, and he was left at home. The task of the children is to “comfort” the hero, to find several reasons for joy, starting with the word “but”: “But now no one bothers you to watch TV” or “But now you will eat all the sweets alone.” When the presenter considers that there are enough reasons for a good mood, instead of a card with a sad bunny, an image of a cheerful one appears.

With older children, it is convenient to use the drawn little man described above with a set of prepared emotions. If there are not enough masks, the guys can finish them themselves and change them at their discretion.

Musical mood

Even infants who cannot speak rejoice at cheerful music and are able to burst into tears from sad music. These are unconscious emotions that cannot be controlled. And how do preschoolers understand the mood of music? Have them listen to a short passage and share what feelings it evokes: fun, sadness, fear, a sense of celebration, playfulness, solemnity, tension, coldness. Exercise contributes not only to the enrichment of emotional experience, but also to the development of imaginative thinking.

The magic of intonation

The leader in a neutral tone pronounces a word or a short phrase, for example: “Yeah”, “Well, that's it”, “A gray top will come” or any other. Children take turns repeating the phrase, using different intonations denoting joy, sadness, fear, surprise, threat, and the like. The rest must understand what kind of emotion the speaker had in mind and evaluate how correctly he portrayed it. The game develops the ability to convey and recognize emotions, and also teaches to master the expressive means of voice.

Are you going to the ball?

The increased emotionality of preschoolers is explained by the fact that they are childishly impulsive and still do not know how to restrain the outward expression of their feelings. This old game teaches you to control impulsive actions, keeping your attention on the task at hand as much as possible.

The host announces the rules: “Do not wear black, white, do not say yes and no,” after which he asks the first question: “Will you go to the ball?” The participant must answer: "I will go." Next, the host asks various questions, trying to provoke the players to say forbidden words: “Will you wear a white dress or a black one?”, “Will you eat ice cream at the ball?”, “What pieces will you play chess with?” The guys should get out, quickly finding substitute words or avoiding the answer. Gradually, their vigilance is weakened, and the player who made a mistake becomes the leader.

A few decades ago, children easily managed without special games - they were helped to understand the emotions of other people and their own by a rich experience of live communication. Today's preschoolers, teenagers and, importantly, their parents are increasingly moving into the virtual world, the whole gamut of their moods fits into a standard set of emoticons. That is why it is necessary to pay attention to the development of the emotional sphere in preschool age, otherwise the problems will begin when children turn into teenagers. Moreover, the key role here should be played not by teachers and educators, but by parents and families.

Icons allow you to pin representation of children about human emotions. Children should consider pictograms and drawings depicting various facial expressions, compare them. It is worth paying attention to the expression of the eyes, the location of the corners of the lips, the chin, and the like. An adult must explain that, despite the dissimilarity of people among themselves in age, appearance, expression of their faces, they are sometimes similar. This happens under certain circumstances: at the moment when people are happy, sad, scared, angry. When demonstrating pictograms, children should pay attention to the fact that the face is drawn on paper using geometric shapes (square, circle), dots, lines. Such a drawing is a conditional image. A more accurate image of a person's face is conveyed by photographs. In addition, you can see yourself in the mirror, in the ponds. Before there were still cameras, people drew pictures, which also depicted their own face or the face of their relatives.

Gradually, preschoolers will learn to use pictograms to determine their own mood, the mood of their parents, relatives, adults who are not indifferent to them..

Exercise "Choose the right"

The child (children) examines cards with images of emotions. An adult conducts a conversation with her (him) and offers to complete the task.

Task: listen carefully to the adult’s message and use it to determine which card is most appropriate for the situation:

What happens to a bear that gets bitten by bees?

How do you feel when others affectionately address you, smile, say nice words?

How does a boy feel when he breaks his favorite toy?

How does a girl feel when she sees a sick cat on the street?

How does a grandmother feel when her grandchildren give her a bouquet of flowers?

How do you feel when children call you "bad" words?

What does a bunny feel when a fox is chasing it?

What does a boy feel if his socks are soiled by other children?

How does the boy who got lost feel?

How does the boy who was treated to something tasty feel?

How will a person who was attacked by an angry dog ​​feel?

What does it feel like for a boy who can't fasten a button?

How do you feel when other kids don't take you to play?

How does a girl feel when she sees that other children have destroyed the sand house she made?

What do you feel when you managed to draw a beautiful drawing?

Conversations of a psychologist with children on the topic of emotions

Explanations and conversations should be carried out systematically by adults. When informing a child, information should be repeated, consolidated and consistently disseminated. For children of younger preschool age, the duration of the conversation is indefinite. In kindergarten, conversations should be conducted individually or in small groups. Targeted preventive conversations with those children who constantly violate the rules of interaction with peers who are aggressive and prone to manifestations of violence will also come in handy.

In educational work, it is desirable to systematically use conversations about the basic emotions of a person, their characteristics, and the events that caused them. Talking with a child about the feelings of an adult will allow him to realize that there are things in the world that do not leave indifferent - through them a person is happy, sad, surprised. It should be emphasized that joy, surprise, sadness and anger are natural sensations of a person at any age, and it should be emphasized that it is not the emotions themselves that are condemned, but the actions that accompany them.

During the conversation, the child is not only enriched with knowledge. Conversations become an integral part of relationships and relationships with an adult: the child realizes that he is understood, he is not indifferent to another person, his feelings are significant.

We emphasize the importance of explaining to a younger preschooler the features of a person's emotional response. The child must realize that an adult, just like him, is upset, angry, offended, happy.

He may be in a good or bad mood. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the mood is transmitted to other people: sadness or anger from one person passes to another. Therefore, it is better to share pleasant impressions, joy, smiles than to “infect” each other with sadness and rage. It is equally important to explain why different people react differently to the same events. For example, if a toy is lost, it will cause despair and sadness in one child, anger and rage in another.

It is worth paying the attention of preschoolers to how people react to various events. Choose moments when peers most clearly show emotions, and give the opportunity to observe their emotional expression.

When should the interview be held?

It is definitely impossible to answer this question. The guideline should be the situation and the needs of the child himself: his desire to expand his own ideas, get clarifications, advice, help.

The only thing that should not be done is to have conversations with one child every day at a strictly defined time. In addition, it is important to prevent the conversation from becoming instructive notation.

Indicative topics of conversation:

- "Affectionate name",

- “Different people - different faces”,

- human movements

- "Pleasant - unpleasant" and others.

Exercise "Affectionate name"

Children are around the adult, forming a circle, and in turn say their name. Repeating it together with others, the adult pays attention to what the child who named himself has: appearance (color of hair, eyes, lips, etc.), clothes, mood. Other children greet the child, sincerely smile, gently touch him, looking into his eyes. An adult asks the pupils how to address the child in a different way without changing his (her) name (Elena - Alena - Lenochka). After listening to peers, the child tells how close adults address him, how his family members call him (Sun, Bunny, Asterisk).

An adult asks who in the family is called the same, if there is such a child in the circle, then both children go to the center of the circle: other preschoolers must find similarities between them.

Exercise "Different people, different faces"

An adult offers to carry out an extremely important “research”: close your eyes, touch your own nose, forehead, cheeks, hair with your fingertips, turn your head to the side, open and look at your neighbor, first with the right, then with the left eye. An adult focuses on the fact that different people have different faces. Looking closely at those who surround you, you can see that some have big eyes, others have small ones, some have plump lips, others have narrow ones. There is similarity and dissimilarity in the size and color of the eyes, cheeks, lips, their location. These features distinguish one person from another and make it possible to remember him.

Also, people have different facial expressions. Facial expression, like a New Year's mask, a person can change at will. Everyone decides for himself what expression he likes, he will have a joyful face or dissatisfied. The child should be explained that the feeling affects the appearance of a person: a joyful person is calm, his eyes “shine”, his voice is quiet, his movements are balanced, his shoulders are straightened, his lips are “stretched” into a wide smile. Feeling joy, a person claps his hands, sings, dances. A sad person is restless, lethargic, has eyes half-closed, wet from tears, a quiet voice, pursed lips. Sad, he tries to avoid communication with others, remains alone.

A special facial expression occurs in a person when there is discontent, resentment. The fact that a person feels anger is evidenced by his frowning eyebrows, narrowed eyes, clenched teeth, lowered corners of the lips. Anger causes tension not only in the muscles of the face, but also in the body: the arms are bent at the elbows, the fingers are clenched into a fist.

Inviting the children to carefully look at each other's faces, the adult pays attention to the facial expression of the neighbor (s) on the left, on the right, on the contrary. On the count of three, each child shows a different facial expression.

Exercise "Pleasant - unpleasant"

During the conversation, it should be clarified what each person is capable of experiencing. His feelings are both pleasant and unpleasant. It is interesting to know what is pleasant for you, your loved one, your parents. Pleasant and unpleasant can be people, animals, objects, events.

If you gently touch another, it causes pleasant sensations (an adult gently touches, strokes each child), if you behave rudely, for example, tightly squeeze a person’s hand, this is unpleasant and can even cause pain. Under such conditions, the facial expression of a person shows what he feels and whether he likes it. It is imperative to explain to younger preschoolers that, in addition to touching, a person reacts to the words of others, the tone of conversation and their behavior. Unpleasant words, offensive comparisons also cause discontent, indignation. And yet - each person is quite sensitive to the strength of the voice of another person, the chirping and singing of birds, the cries of animals, the sound of musical instruments.

Exercise "Human Movement"

An adult draws attention to the need for a person to change the position of the body. Emphasizes that every child loves to play, jump, run, dance. Since it is very difficult to stand or sit in one position for a long time, you have to constantly change the position of body parts (arms, legs, head, torso, neck). Children are invited to stand on one leg and freeze (feel how comfortable / uncomfortable it is), jump, dance, stomp, spin (circle around a chair, toys), in pairs.

It is appropriate to pose the question: “do other children see nothing, like you, at the time when you close your eyes?”

You should definitely pay attention to the fact that it is possible to move without colliding. Sometimes a person gets into the crowd. Among a large number of strangers, it is extremely important to be observant, attentive. If you do not take into account the direction of movement of people around, you can harm yourself and another person. An adult notes that pushing, touching another, even accidentally, can cause inconvenience, cause pain, which, in turn, causes irritation, indignation, anger. Of course, this can be avoided if you pay more attention to your own movements, develop body flexibility, receptivity.

It should be noted that a person moves not only for his own pleasure. Movements of hands, fingers, tilt of the head, torso help people nearby understand his well-being.

The age of a person also affects his movements. A small child, an adult and an elderly person move differently. Thus, the gestures of an adult who feels well are clear and expressive. Children should think about why older people are not as skillful as little children.

You should also pay attention to the fact that the gestures of boys and girls differ from each other. The latter move with ease, smoothly. Boys' movements are sharper. It is worth comparing the movements of people and animals. A person who feels threatened, scared, unsure - closes his eyes, trying to hide his face. This is exactly what a huge bird does - an ostrich, hiding its head in the sand, or a monkey that climbs high on a tree and closes its eyes with its paws. If a person is joyful and contented, he claps, bounces, spins. And in this case, his behavior, postures, gestures resemble the actions of representatives of the animal world. For example, a swan dances on the water, a dog bounces in place.

When conducting conversations, it is necessary to help the child find answers to the following questions:

When is a person happy?

When is it scary?

When does a person cry?

What makes people smile?

When does a smile appear on your face?

Who do you enjoy talking to?

Who in the family always makes you happy, and who upsets you?


Can an evil person be beautiful?

What was the most pleasant thing in life?

Which of your friends has a beautiful voice?

How can you please others?

How can you upset a loved one?

Approximate options for a conversation between a psychologist and children

Conversation "MOOD"

1. What does it mean to “feel good”?

2. How do you know what mood you are in?

3. When do you have a good mood?

4. Who spoils your mood?

5. How do you feel now? Why?

6. Can you help improve mood? How exactly?

Conversation "WISHES"

1. What do you want the most?

2. Is this wish feasible? Why?

3. How will you feel if it actually comes true? Why?

4. On whom does the fulfillment of this desire depend?

5. What do you most dislike? Why?

6. What can you do to prevent unwanted things from happening?

Conversation "Love"

1. What does it mean to "love"?

2. How to recognize a person who loves?

3. Who do you love? Why?

4. Who loves you? Why?

5. How do you know that you are loved?

6. Do you love yourself? For what exactly?

7. What do you dislike about yourself?

8. Who do you not love? Why?

9. Who doesn't love you? Why?

10. Is it possible to live without love?

11. What is the difference between the feeling of attachment, sympathy, camaraderie, falling in love, love?

Conversation "TIME OF HUMAN LIFE"

1. How old do you think you will live?

2. What important thing happened to you when you were little?

3. What interesting thing happened to you today?

4. What pleasant - unpleasant events can happen to you:

a) soon?

b) When will you finish school?

c) When will you be an adult?

d) when will you turn into an old man?

Conversation "VALUE OF LIFE"

1. Are you satisfied with your life? Why?

2. What is the most precious thing in life for you?

3. Do you have personal plans? What?

4. What in life depends on you?

5. What have you achieved on your own?

6. What is needed to win?

7. Are you a good person? Why do you think so?

8. Why are you special?

9. How is it similar to others?

10. What did you do according to your conscience?

Organize from time to time individual thematic conversations aimed at helping the child become aware of his experiences and eventually learn to regulate them. This is necessary because it gives an understanding of the inner world of each child (topics: "Mood", "Desire", "Fears", "Joy", "Respect", "Love", "Resentment", "Duty" ...)

To enable the child to free himself from fear, tension, negative experiences by drawing (with paints, pencils, crayons...)

To expand the idea of ​​the world of human feelings - joy, interest, grief, sadness, suffering, contempt, fear, shame, guilt, envy, chagrin, anger, conscience.

Pantomimic studies at work

Performing pantomimic etudes allows you to freely express your own feelings, contributes to the development of expressiveness of movements. You should not focus on the angularity of the child, the lack of expressiveness, the dissimilarity of his movements with the movements of the character she has chosen. An adult must understand that a younger preschooler is only learning to focus on himself, weaken his muscles, and show flexibility. It is important to notice shifts in a positive direction, to highlight and emphasize the positive points “yesterday you were not able to do it, but today you succeeded, you are great”, “it used to be not as similar as it is now”, “today is much better than yesterday” , "you tried, and it became more convincing, I'm sure next time it will be even better." Observation, flexibility, perseverance, diligence of the child should be emphasized.

Using pantomimic etudes, it is advisable to conduct an introductory conversation and use fragments of musical works by children's composers, enhance the expressiveness of movements, and provide an opportunity for liberation. Performing pantomimic studies will help develop the child's emotional susceptibility, imagination, body flexibility.

In working with younger preschoolers, you can use pantomime studies: “Slender birch”, “Music”, “Builders”, “Balloons”, “Butterflies”.

Exercise "My favorites"

Before performing a pantomimic study, you should find out if the child has a pet and provide an opportunity to tell how he looks, in what conditions he lives, what he loves the most. Attention is paid to whether the animal always feels and behaves in the same way in different conditions; how he perceives hosts and strangers, how he reacts to water, how he relates to his favorite food; How does he express his displeasure? Find out if the child has the language of animals and how he communicates with his pet. After listening to the baby, remember those animals that are the main characters of fairy tales and children's stories ("Three Bears", etc.). Find out which of them is a favorite hero, who is not, what exactly children like about some animals, and others they do not like.

Invite the child to portray his pet (when he sleeps, walks around the apartment, plays with the child, asks for food, communicates, bathes, etc.) or portray any fairy-tale character that parents, educator, psychologist, other children, etc. .

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4.3 / 5 ( 30 votes ) Of all the existing signs of the zodiac, the most mysterious is Cancer. If a guy is passionate, then he changes ...

A childhood memory - the song *White Roses* and the super-popular group *Tender May*, which blew up the post-Soviet stage and collected ...

No one wants to grow old and see ugly wrinkles on their face, indicating that age is inexorably increasing, ...
A Russian prison is not the most rosy place, where strict local rules and the provisions of the criminal code apply. But not...
Live a century, learn a century Live a century, learn a century - completely the phrase of the Roman philosopher and statesman Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4 BC -...
I present to you the TOP 15 female bodybuilders Brooke Holladay, a blonde with blue eyes, was also involved in dancing and ...
A cat is a real member of the family, so it must have a name. How to choose nicknames from cartoons for cats, what names are the most ...
For most of us, childhood is still associated with the heroes of these cartoons ... Only here is the insidious censorship and the imagination of translators ...