Cervical biopsy - “One of the few reviews of mine in which I will not add photographs, although I could. A procedure about which there are terrible legends. Cervical biopsy. What is it for? How much does it hurt and how to behave after? Is sexual intercourse possible?

The cervical biopsy procedure is prescribed by the attending gynecologist, based on the patient’s complaints and detected problems with the female reproductive system. A biopsy is a small and painless surgical procedure that is performed without anesthesia or pain relief and takes no more than 15 minutes. The main indicators for this procedure are conization, the presence of erosion, and suspicion of cervical cancer.

A biopsy requires the woman to comply with certain conditions several days before the scheduled procedure, as well as for some time after it. One of the mandatory instructions is complete rest.

Is it possible to have sex before the biopsy?

Since during a biopsy tissue is taken from the cervix, the procedure is prescribed 2-3 days after the end of menstruation. Sex a few days before the biopsy is strictly contraindicated.

Such preventive measures help to avoid complications that are possible during the procedure itself. Sexual intercourse should be completely excluded, regardless of whether you use a barrier method or not.

Sex after a cervical biopsy procedure

During a biopsy, the integrity of the tissue is compromised. This is typical for any type of procedure, including radio wave and laser tissue sampling. In the latter case, the tissue is injured a little less, since the capillaries and vessels are “washed down” with the laser immediately, due to which the volume of bloody discharge is reduced to a minimum.

When tissue is collected with forceps or a scalpel, the resulting small wound may still bleed for 1-2 days.

The video talks about radio wave biopsy:

Despite the fact that bleeding during this period is scanty, the very presence of a wound is the main reason why you cannot have sex after a cervical biopsy.

Despite the fact that the tissue of the cervix is ​​treated with drugs and antiseptics before and after collection, sexual intercourse is fraught with the introduction of various infections into the woman’s vagina.

In addition to the latter, fungal cells can enter the usual microflora through the penis, to which a healthy woman’s body might not normally react. But, since there is microtrauma, they become dangerous.

Sex after a biopsy is prohibited and provided condoms are used. Despite the seemingly absence of infections, there are a number of other risks that can also result in subsequent protracted treatment for a woman. The head of the penis can cause even greater trauma to already injured tissues due to mechanical stress during sexual intercourse. The area of ​​the wound will increase, and with it the risk of infections getting into it will increase.

The time period for which you should completely exclude sexual activity is 2 weeks. During this time, the wound will heal completely, and the discharge of the genitourinary system will normalize. This period of abstinence is relevant for those women whose biopsy procedure was completed without complications.

Consequences of violation of sexual abstinence

If during a cervical biopsy other vessels were touched, bleeding began, or increased discharge uncharacteristic of a healthy body is observed, you should definitely consult a doctor. Only after examination and taking smears will the doctor be able to make a verdict. You need to ask him: is additional treatment needed and for how long will sex be excluded?

Usually, if complications arise, the period of abstinence from intimate relations is extended by another 2 weeks.

The consequences of having intimate life after taking tissue from the cervix during the period of prohibition indicated by the doctor are:

  • Increased wound healing time;
  • Bleeding;
  • Inflammatory process;
  • Drawing pain.

Before returning to full sexual activity after a biopsy, you need to go for an examination with your doctor. During it, the doctor will be able to reliably say whether the wound surface has healed and whether this procedure has passed without consequences for the body.

Cervical biopsy is an invasive diagnostic method that requires tissue sampling from the pathological focus. Currently, the procedure has become a common practice and is performed by any gynecologist in his office. A sample of the obtained material is sent to the laboratory for testing. The procedure leads to injury on the surface of the cervix, so doctors recommend adjusting your lifestyle to reduce the risk of developing consequences. What rules must be followed? Can I have sex after a biopsy? What are the consequences of the procedure? Answers to all of the above questions are presented to the attention of readers.

Indications for biopsy

Cervical biopsy is an invasive procedure. The principle of the method is to collect a microscopic fragment of suspicious tissue by plucking. The resulting tissue is placed in a special container and sent to a diagnostic laboratory. The duration of the procedure depends on its goals. A biopsy is not only diagnostic, but also therapeutic. During a therapeutic biopsy, areas of ectopia are removed. In this case, the process is lengthy and is often performed under anesthesia.

Attention! After a cervical biopsy, the patient can return to her normal life on the same day, but gynecologists recommend remembering certain prohibitions.

Indications for biopsy:

  • Cervical dysplasia. It is considered a precancerous condition and is diagnosed when atypical ones are found among the epithelial cells. Dysplasia is not cancer, but the cells have a predisposition to degenerate into malignant ones.
  • Ectopia or erosion of the cervix. Pathological changes in the mucous membranes of the vaginal part of the cervix.
  • Leukoplakia. It is presented in the form of a thickening, has the appearance of a white spot with pronounced boundaries.
  • Cervical polyps. Benign neoplasms. A biopsy is performed to clarify their nature and eliminate the risk of degeneration into malignant ones. In some cases, the procedure ensures their removal.
  • Genital warts. The formation of cone-shaped protrusions indicates the presence of a sexually transmitted infection.
  • Suspicion of cervical cancer. A piece of tissue will allow us to establish the cause of their changes, and after assessing the structure, suspicions will be confirmed or refuted.
  • iodine-negative areas;
  • acetowhite epithelium;
  • atypical vessels that do not respond to acetic acid;
  • presence of rough mosaic.

An equally important basis for performing a biopsy is the result of the PAP test.


The list of contraindications for the study includes:

  • inflammatory process localized to the cervix;
  • first and third trimester of pregnancy;
  • acute infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • serious bleeding disorders;
  • defective functioning of the immune system.

A biopsy is a surgical intervention, therefore it is prohibited when acute inflammatory processes are detected on the cervix and vagina. The test is carried out only after receiving the result of a smear on the flora.

Basic rules of preparation

A few days before the study, it is necessary to exclude all effects on the cervix, namely:

  • sexual intercourse;
  • use of sanitary tampons;
  • douching;
  • use of vaginal tablets and suppositories.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to ensure the toilet of the genitals. It is better to limit yourself to a warm shower and not resort to using any detergents. If general anesthesia is required for tissue collection, eating is prohibited for 8 hours. Drinking before anesthesia is also not recommended; this may cause vomiting during the operation.

Biopsy of the cervix on an outpatient basis

If the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, in a city clinic, anesthesia is not used. The patient is injected with an anesthetic drug, like Novocaine, into the cervix and the procedure begins.

The process is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. The patient is positioned in a chair as for a routine gynecological examination.
  2. A speculum is inserted into the vagina and additional light is directed to the cervix.
  3. Provide local anesthesia to minimize possible discomfort. The cervix is ​​treated with local analgesic compounds or given an injection.
  4. Sampling of atypical tissues is ensured. The resulting material is sent for research to the laboratory.
  5. After completing the procedure, the woman can go home.

The process takes about 30 minutes. After the procedure is completed, the doctor sets a date for the next examination and explains some rules to the woman.

If a single lesion is detected, tissue sampling is provided without the introduction of an anesthetic composition. There are no pain receptors on the cervix. Therefore, the woman will not feel pain, but tolerable discomfort is possible. During the manipulation, the woman should relax as much as possible. This measure will help prevent the occurrence of cramping spasms of the uterus.

Attention! If a woman has a fear of invasive procedures, anesthesia is the best solution. This will reduce the risk of psychological trauma.

What not to do after a biopsy

Taking a tissue sample from the surface of the cervix is ​​a simple manipulation that is classified as surgical. That is why a woman is recommended to observe certain restrictions for 2 weeks after the procedure. Their list includes:

  • refusal to douche;
  • using pads instead of tampons;
  • limiting thermal effects on the body, local heating of the pubic area;
  • lifting heavy objects weighing more than 3 kg;
  • sex life;
  • Do not take blood thinning medications.

After tissue collection, the woman feels uterine spasms for 2-3 days. Gynecologists recommend taking antispasmodics to eliminate them. The action of drugs of this group is sufficient to obtain a sustainable effect.

Sex after biopsy

With any biopsy method, the integrity of the mucous membranes of the cervix is ​​noticeably impaired. When performing manipulation with a laser, the injury is minor because the vessels are immediately coagulated. This results in minimal blood loss. When using a scalpel to collect material, the tissues receive noticeable damage, the wound may bleed for 1-2 days, so the patient should be careful about her health.

Blood discharge during this period is scanty, one might say spotting. An obstacle to sexual intercourse is created due to the very damage to the integrity of the tissues. Upon contact, representatives of bacterial and fungal flora can enter the vagina. Due to a decrease in local immunity, the likelihood of their successful suppression is significantly reduced.

Is sex with a condom allowed after a cervical biopsy? Gynecologists also prohibit protected contact, despite the fact that the risk of tissue infection is minimized. The head of the penis can unnecessarily injure the cervix, which will then lead to the development of pathology and require additional treatment.

This limitation is also relevant for women who have undergone a biopsy without consequences for the body. Two weeks is the optimal period required to completely restore the integrity of the mucous membranes.

Failure to abstain can lead to sharp pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen. Such symptoms indicate contraction of the uterus, which may result in bleeding. Failure to follow this recommendation increases the risk of breakthrough bleeding and infection.

Oral and anal sex are prohibited. Penetrative masturbation is not recommended. It is better not to start sexual activity at all after a biopsy, especially in the first 10 days. During oral sex, the risk of infection is also present, because the partner’s oral cavity may contain pathogenic microflora, for example, Candida fungi. Anal sex after a biopsy can provoke uterine tone, in which case the amount of blood released may increase.

Before returning to a full intimate life after a biopsy, gynecologists advise undergoing an examination. You should visit the antenatal clinic in 10-12 days. At this stage, the doctor will be able to assess the course of the recovery period and make a smear on the flora to rule out infection. After receiving the results, you can start having sex. If there are deviations, the doctor will tell you how many more days you need to abstain from PA.

What symptoms indicate the development of complications?

Complications do not always arise due to the patient's failure to comply with the rules described for the recovery period. Their likelihood increases in the absence of a quality examination. You should immediately consult a doctor if you notice the following symptoms:

  • body temperature above 37.5 degrees (an increase on the first day after the intervention is a natural reaction and does not require contacting a specialist);
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • heavy bleeding lasting more than 7 days;
  • massive blood clots;
  • discharge of an atypical color with an unpleasant odor;
  • pain in the uterus;
  • deterioration of general condition.

If you notice these symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Their appearance often indicates the spread of infection.

A biopsy is a routine gynecological procedure that can be performed by a local doctor in a antenatal clinic. When it is performed for diagnostic purposes, general anesthesia is not used; after 15 minutes, the woman can calmly go about her business. It is important to remember all the doctor’s recommendations, for example, sexual activity in the first 2-3 weeks is strictly prohibited. This condition is important, and its compliance is a necessity.

Sexual activity after a biopsy, even with a regular partner, provided that barrier methods of contraception are used, still increases the risk of infection and spread of the inflammatory process to the uterus and other organs of the reproductive system. Certain symptoms indicate the development of the inflammatory process. If they are detected, you should seek medical help.

The topic of sexual contacts after a biopsy worries women in connection with the examination of the cervix, and men - the prostate. In both situations, the procedure has its own characteristics and recommendations regarding the beginning of sexual activity.

Cervical biopsy: sex before and after

The collection of tissue samples (biopsy), which is performed during the diagnosis of cervical cancer, is absolutely painless and takes no more than 15 minutes. An anesthetic gel is used during the procedure, so the woman does not feel any discomfort. The doctor uses a special instrument to cut out a miniature piece of tissue, which is then sent for laboratory testing.

The biopsy is performed on the 10th day after the start of menstruation. At this time, the cervix is ​​in ideal condition for examination. You should not have sex immediately before the biopsy. The last sexual intercourse should be no later than 8-10 days before the procedure, regardless of whether the couple is protected by barrier means or not.

The use of contraceptives in the form of suppositories, which a woman places in the vagina, is strictly contraindicated. They can not only affect the results of the study, but also harm the cervical mucosa. After the biopsy, it is already damaged, so sex is contraindicated for 7-10 days. The penis can become infected with a fungus or cause inflammation through mechanical action (when using a condom).

Prostate biopsy: sex before and after

When taking a biopsy from the prostate, an ultrasound probe is first inserted into the patient's anus. This stage is accompanied by a feeling of pressure, in some cases - a certain soreness. During a biopsy, the doctor uses a special needle to remove 10 to 30 microscopic tissue samples from different parts of the gland. This technology allows you to cover the maximum volume of the organ.

You can have sex before the biopsy as long as the patient is sexually aroused and feels healthy enough to have sex. In some cases, a man partially or completely loses the ability to produce coitus.

After the procedure, a small amount of blood may be present in the patient’s urine for 3-4 days. This is caused by damage to the integrity of the prostate gland. Over time, all unpleasant sensations disappear, and the organ is completely restored. With regard to sexual activity, the patient himself regulates the time of its beginning. This usually happens when health is fully restored and discomfort passes.

What are the consequences of violating the regime?

Women need to know that starting sexual activity too early after a biopsy procedure is fraught with a number of complications. Gynecologists and oncologists most often note the following consequences:

After the recovery period, a woman should definitely visit her gynecologist. The doctor will examine the surface of the cervix and determine at what stage of healing the wound is. The examination is performed using gynecological mirrors and is absolutely painless.

Only a gynecologist can give permission to resume sexual life. The patient must remember: if the gynecologist-oncologist suspected a malignant neoplasm, she should be doubly careful so as not to contribute to the aggravation of an already dangerous situation.

The topic of sexual contacts after a biopsy worries women in connection with the examination of the cervix, and men - the prostate. In both situations, the procedure has its own characteristics and recommendations regarding the beginning of sexual activity.

Cervical biopsy: sex before and after

The collection of tissue samples (biopsy), which is performed during the diagnosis of cervical cancer, is absolutely painless and takes no more than 15 minutes. An anesthetic gel is used during the procedure, so the woman does not feel any discomfort. The doctor uses a special instrument to cut out a miniature piece of tissue, which is then sent for laboratory testing.

Prostate biopsy: sex before and after

When taking a biopsy from the prostate, an ultrasound probe is first inserted into the patient's anus. This stage is accompanied by a feeling of pressure, in some cases - a certain soreness. During a biopsy, the doctor uses a special needle to remove 10 to 30 microscopic tissue samples from different parts of the gland. This technology allows you to cover the maximum volume of the organ.

What are the consequences of violating the regime?

Women need to know that starting sexual activity too early after a biopsy procedure is fraught with a number of complications. Gynecologists and oncologists most often note the following consequences:

Long-term healing of the cervix after tissue sampling;

After the recovery period, a woman should definitely visit her gynecologist. The doctor will examine the surface of the cervix and determine at what stage of healing the wound is. The examination is performed using gynecological mirrors and is absolutely painless.

Pregnancy after pipel biopsy

Pipel endometrial biopsy

An endometrial biopsy is a gynecological operation aimed at diagnosing diseases of the uterus. To carry it out, microscopic tissue cells are taken and sent for examination. This method is used to detect pathological processes in the endometrium, identify the causes of uterine bleeding, diagnose carcinoma, etc.

There are several types of this research:

    incisional biopsy; puncture biopsy; endoscopic biopsy; vacuum aspiration biopsy.

Many women who have undergone this procedure know that endometrial biopsy is a rather painful process. After all, to conduct a classic analysis of the endometrium, it is necessary to widen the passage of the cervix, which causes unpleasant painful sensations. But not so long ago, a more modern research method appeared. This method is called pipell endometrial biopsy.

To collect the material under study, an instrument is used, consisting of a flexible plastic tube with side holes and a piston, like a syringe. The catheter is inserted into the uterine cavity, the piston is pulled halfway, creating pressure in the tube that promotes the absorption of cells from the surface of the uterine glands. The obtained material is studied and the results of a pipel biopsy are issued. The entire procedure lasts no more than 30 seconds. The diameter of the plastic tube is up to 4.5 millimeters, so the uterus does not expand and the patient does not have to undergo anesthesia. Pipelle endometrial biopsy is not as painful as a regular classical examination.

Indications for use:

    identifying the causes of infertility; determining the causes of bleeding during hormonal therapy and contraception; diagnosis of painful bleeding in women over 40 years of age; during a comprehensive study during diagnostic hysteroscopy and transvaginal ultrasound; in case of risk of spread of cancer cells, endometriosis, etc.

A pipel biopsy is performed on days 7-13 of the menstrual cycle. Before the procedure, the microflora of the smear is examined. It is advisable to refrain from drinking alcohol during the preoperative period, avoid thermal procedures and excessive physical activity.

Endometrial biopsy - consequences

The study may lead to some complications:

    development of infection in the area where the biopsy was performed; bleeding from the blood vessels of the cervix; moderate pain in the lower abdomen; bleeding.

The listed consequences of uterine aspiration biopsy are very rare, less than 0.5% of the total number of procedures. Pain and bleeding most often disappear within 3-7 days. In case of heavy bleeding, hemostatic manipulations are performed, including suturing the uterus. And in case of inflammation and infections, it is necessary to undergo a course of antibacterial treatment.

Contraindications to such a study may include inflammatory processes of the cervix and vagina, as well as pregnancy.

Endometrial biopsy and pregnancy

The study is carried out only after confirmation that conception has not occurred. Many doctors prescribe a pregnancy test before performing it. The thing is that a biopsy can provoke termination of pregnancy.

Many reproductive specialists have begun to include endometrial testing in the list of mandatory diagnostic procedures performed to determine the causes of miscarriage. Many women have already increased their chance of pregnancy after a pipel biopsy. Accurate research results and correctly prescribed treatment gave women a chance to feel like mothers.

Pipelle endometrial biopsy: indications and results

Pipelle endometrial biopsy: indications, advantages

Indications for pipell biopsy of the endometrium are: identifying the causes of infertility, diagnosing painful bleeding in women over the age of 40, determining the cause of bleeding, research before prescribing hormonal therapy or oral contraceptives. It is carried out in case of an increased risk of spread of cancer cells, endometriosis. The procedure is prescribed as part of a comprehensive study before transvaginal ultrasound and diagnostic hysteroscopy.

Pipelle biopsy is more preferable than the usual endometrial curettage procedure if there is an increased risk of developing endometriosis, the spread of cancer cells, and some other diseases. The procedure is simple and minimally invasive, and has a lower cost compared to other methods of studying the mucous membrane. It is performed with a disposable sterile instrument; its use eliminates the possibility of infection.

How to do a pipell biopsy of the endometrium

Pipelle biopsy is performed on days 7-13 of the menstrual cycle. Before the procedure, it is necessary to take a smear for microflora. In the preoperative period, it is recommended to avoid unnecessary physical activity and thermal procedures, and refrain from drinking alcohol.

To collect biomaterial, a special catheter is used - an instrument consisting of a flexible plastic tube with side holes and a piston. The catheter is inserted into the uterine cavity, then the piston is pulled out about halfway. At the same time, pressure is created in the tube, cells from the surface of the uterine glands are sucked into it. The procedure lasts no longer than 30 seconds. Since the catheter has a small diameter - up to 4.5 mm, the uterus is not dilated and pain relief is not performed. The resulting material is sent to the laboratory for histological examination.

Under the influence of hormones, the mucous membrane of the uterus changes; the changes that have occurred are revealed when it is studied under a microscope. The results of the study are analyzed by the histologist together with the gynecologist. Then doctors give an opinion on whether there are changes in the structures of the endometrium. Pipelle biopsy is informative in case of menstrual irregularities or suspected precancerous condition, endometrial cancer.

There is a small risk of complications after the procedure. These include: the development of infection, bleeding, bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen. Contraindications to pipel biopsy are: pregnancy, inflammatory processes of the cervix and vagina.

“...I’m 26 years old and I haven’t been able to get pregnant for 2 years. I recently went to see a doctor and he advised me to undergo a pipel biopsy. What kind of procedure is this, is it really necessary in my case, and if so, will it help me get pregnant faster? »

What is a pipel biopsy?

Pipelle biopsy, or aspiration biopsy of the endometrium, is a diagnostic procedure used in gynecology to clarify the diagnosis of infertility and suspected various diseases of the uterus.

This method gets its name from a doctor named Peipel, who invented an instrument for performing endometrial biopsies. The instrument itself also bears the name of its inventor.

A pipel is a long tube with a hole that is inserted into the uterine cavity. Thanks to the piston at the other end of the tube, the doctor creates negative pressure in it, as a result of which Pipel “sucks in” the endometrium of various parts of the uterine cavity (almost like a vacuum cleaner). The resulting material is then sent for histological examination under a microscope.

Why is a pipel biopsy necessary?

Pipel biopsy is currently widely used in reproductive gynecology to diagnose the causes of infertility, as well as before undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF).

With the help of aspiration biopsy, diseases such as adenomyosis (endometriosis of the uterus), endometrial hyperplasia, and chronic endometritis can be detected. endometrial cancer. A pipel biopsy may be recommended to clarify the diagnosis of uterine bleeding (including spotting during menopause).

How to prepare for a pipel biopsy?

Since a pipel biopsy is contraindicated during pregnancy, you will need to make sure that you are not pregnant (you can take a pregnancy test or take a blood test for hCG).

Another contraindication to endometrial aspiration biopsy is inflammation of the vagina or cervix. In order to make sure that there are no inflammatory processes, the doctor will perform a smear on the flora a few days before the procedure.

Pipel biopsy does not require special preparation. It is enough just to follow the basic rules of intimate hygiene. Do not douche or have sex for at least 2 days before the biopsy.

On what day of the menstrual cycle can a pipel biopsy be done?

Pipel biopsy can be performed on different days of the cycle, depending on the preliminary diagnosis and purpose of the procedure. Check with your doctor on which day of the cycle it is advisable to perform a biopsy in your case.

Pipel biopsy: does it hurt?

A pipel biopsy is performed in a clinic under local anesthesia. That is, during the procedure you will be conscious and may experience discomfort.

Some women find this procedure completely painless, while others report significant pain during the biopsy. Apparently, this is due to the pain threshold, individual for each woman. It is noted that for nulliparous women this procedure seems more painful than for those who have already given birth.

What happens after a pipel biopsy?

After the procedure, you may experience pain in your lower abdomen. This is completely normal. To relieve pain, take a Paracetamol or Ibuprofen tablet.

Complications after cervical biopsy

Girls. They did it to me!! This is vikuly08))/. After the biopsy, about 10 days later, I started bleeding and my stomach ached, I went to the doctor, it’s okay, it could be, but it’s always better to go to the doctor and find out, so as not to suffer and not be afraid. After the biopsy, you can exercise in 2 weeks if everything is fine.

And today I had a cauterization done. And it hurts less. than taking a biopsy. I just breathed out, you might say. Here, in a couple of days, we’ll have a look at how everything is going there. Girls, thank you for your support and all the best to you, don’t get sick and don’t be afraid to go to the doctor, go and forget.))))))))

Girls! DON'T SCARY EACH OTHER UNNEEDLY! A biopsy is a very unpleasant procedure, but not painful enough to require painkillers. It will be a bit painful (probably more unpleasant) for only ONE SECOND from the “electric discharge” (it was very similar) and that’s ALL. They will put a tampon in, take it out after 2-n hours, it will stay on for no more than a week.

Qualified specialists for you! 🙂

I support the previous speaker 🙂 don’t be scared! Finally, ask your doctor questions if you have any doubts or are afraid. Or calm down and trust the experts. I had a biopsy done on December 7 at the regional housing complex for free. Without general anesthesia, everything lasted a maximum of 5-7 minutes, it didn’t hurt at all, after childbirth any pain in general seemed like flowers, it was only a little uncomfortable when they dug in there - not the most pleasant sensation. No tampons, just a pad, there was a little blood on the day of the operation, they left it there for a couple of hours, then I came home, the next day I went to work as usual, no pain or bothersome sensations. There has also been no more discharge yet; the standard instructions were not to engage in sports, not to lift heavy objects, etc. for a month. Don't neglect your health because of unknown fears! Good luck everyone!

I had a biopsy 6 days ago, the procedure was not pleasant, but tolerable, there was a little discharge mixed with blood, very scanty, but yesterday morning I went to the toilet, and there was such a squelching scarlet blood, then all day long there was again a small amount of mucus brownish, again scanty, and today I went to the toilet again and again squished scarlet blood and my stomach all this time somehow felt tight, not to say it hurt, but somehow unpleasant. Is this normal or is it time to sound the alarm?

Anna, a biopsy under general anesthesia is the norm, it’s you who are misleading people. Under general anesthesia in a hospital, an extended knife biopsy is performed with curettage of the cervical canal; the method for women who have given birth is the most accurate; during this procedure, the affected part of the neck is also removed. uterus.

Your text Tell me, can this procedure be done exclusively in city clinics or is it also possible for a fee at a medical center? Is the knife method considered the most effective? Even a radio knife is not a help?

Julia, thank you, I will now remember this for the rest of my life) But cauterization of erosion and cauterization when a biopsy is done are different things, right? I'm so worried that I only had three days between the biopsy and my period, it's just terrible

Lena, I actually had a biopsy done on the first day of my period, when it was at its peak. The doctor looked to see if it was pouring too much. I decided that I didn’t do much and did it. Then I read on the Internet that under no circumstances should it be allowed during menstruation, infection, complications, infertility. But when she did the biopsy, she said that it was also better that during menstruation, it would heal faster. Still, sexual rest is 100% guaranteed :))) Today I had my second treatment after the biopsy. I was told to see him again after my next period. So the Internet is the Internet, but I hope that the doctor of the highest category will not do any nonsense :))

Girls, I want to know tomorrow I’m going for a biopsy and my husband will return from a business trip in 6 days, can I have sex?

After the knife biopsy, they told me under no circumstances - a month! It’s better to ask your doctor so that there are no complications later!

I read it and felt bad!

A biopsy was also prescribed.

I had a biopsy done a week ago, the first three days there was decent bleeding, but it still smudges a little bit! And for some reason my lower back hurts, I don’t know if this is normal.

I had a biopsy yesterday. Let's just say: I was more afraid than I needed to be. They sprayed me with lidocaine, waited a couple of minutes and chopped off three pieces with an electric loop (((it smelled like burnt meat. It only hurt a little when the doctor cauterized the vessels to prevent bleeding. There is no discharge yet. Maybe a spotting will start, but I wouldn’t want to.

Hi all! Please answer my question. In general, they took a biopsy from me on January 26, at first there was a viscous yellowish discharge, by the 10th day there was no discharge at all. Today is the 24th day after the biopsy, and I have been having yellow discharge for 3-4 days now, but not in large quantities. This is fine. And yet, when the doctor took a biopsy, she also cauterized my leukoplakia, although I did not give permission and we did not discuss this. Moreover, I tore off 5 pieces for cauterization, but it’s still not clear whether it’s even possible to cauterize something without waiting for the biopsy result. Overall I'm terrified.

I had a biopsy done today and I had sex today, I didn’t know that I shouldn’t, I’m bleeding but not much

And it didn't hurt. Brave!!

And I had sex 4 days after the biopsy, but with a condom and very carefully so as not to hurt my cervix (I felt sorry for my husband, he’s already been waiting a month for me to finish treatment) There was basically no blood, and on the 8th day there was a little went like an ichor. Damn, is there really something wrong with me((You can’t feel sorry for anyone but yourself!

I read it and felt bad!

A biopsy was also prescribed.

Tell me, how can a biopsy affect a subsequent pregnancy?

Maybe someone gave birth after such a procedure?

A biopsy does not affect pregnancy in any way! Ask your gynecologist!

Alina I read and felt bad!

A biopsy was also prescribed.

Tell me, how can a biopsy affect a subsequent pregnancy?

Maybe someone gave birth after such a procedure? A biopsy does not affect pregnancy in any way! Ask your gynecologist!

Yes, I also heard that a biopsy has no effect on pregnancy. It's just a piece of fabric and that's it. The doctor told me that everything will heal completely in 2 months and I can already get pregnant)

I read a lot and still didn’t understand whether to see a doctor or not. I had a biopsy done on Tuesday morning, they put in 4 tampons, they said if it doesn’t flow until the evening, then everything is fine, take it out on Thursday morning. Well, I took them out, they were all covered in blood, but all these days the blood didn’t leak, but when I took them out, it started pouring out. I myself am abroad - and I don’t even know where to go, and how much it will cost. What do you advise? Blood without clots is bright scarlet.

Tatyana, I had a biopsy 5 days ago and they said

Tatyana, I had a biopsy 5 days ago, they also put a tampon in, but they told me to remove it after 4 hours. They say that for 3-4 days there may be a slight “sipping” in the lower abdomen and the blood will flow slightly. So, it’s normal that you have discharge, but if it’s very, very strong and if something bothers you, then it’s probably better to see a doctor. That's what they told me. Nerves, they are more expensive)

We did a biopsy on January 31, 2012, it didn’t hurt at all, the discharge lasted for 3 days and then so-so. After 3 weeks I went for an examination, the wound from the biopsy was healing very poorly. The doctor herself was at a loss, said that there seemed to be no inflammation, and prescribed a course of treatment. Has anyone had anything similar that can cause the biopsy wound to take a long time to heal.

Please tell me, a week has passed since the biopsy and there have been spotting and clots, but no blood! This is fine??

Author... here you are a little wrong... this is for you as a last resort, as an exception, taking into account individual characteristics and medical history, they told you to take it out after a day... but in general, the tampon is taken out after a couple of hours - that’s correct... within a day in some women, if there is an inflammatory process, it generally begins to rot... so it is not advisable to keep it for so long. These are standards in medicine.

We had a biopsy yesterday, the lower abdomen is a little tighter and there is a little discharge. But I’m more interested and worried about my current tour on the second day 37.2 - 37.5, please tell me WHAT TO DO?

Girls, how long should I wait for the biopsy results?

The results take 2 weeks.

I also had a biopsy done and was given an injection of Ultracaine. In general, it doesn't hurt at all. A week has already passed, but I am worried about watery discharge with an unpleasant smell, please tell me has anyone had this? What am I supposed to do?

Please advise what to do!?

Today, March 6, I did a cervical biopsy at 10 am in the gynecologist’s office, my doctor herself took a sample for the biopsy. It didn’t hurt, you could feel the pinch and that’s it. She warned that she might bleed and take a pad, but in 20 minutes the pad was filled with 4 drops, and she didn’t even have time to get home. 8 hours have passed since the procedure and it is still bleeding, not as profusely as immediately, 1 pad for 5 hours. and now a huge clot came out, really big, I was very scared.

I don’t know the doctor’s phone number, I think he can call an ambulance. tell me what to do? or wait?

Good afternoon Today I need to take an ABE (endometrial biopsy with pipel) and in 3 days my husband will arrive from a business trip. How soon can you have sex after a biopsy, given that we are not using protection? please advise

Believe me, a doctor’s advice is much more valuable than ours, so ask him! and take care of yourself, sex won’t run away, but it can ruin your health.

I had a biopsy 9 days ago. At first there was just a brownish discharge - just a little, but yesterday there was thick, brown blood. also a little, but more than before. So the doctor told me that on the 9-10th day the threads with which the neck is sewn up will dissolve (they cut out 2 pieces of me and sewed them up later), so since the tissue on the neck is unhealthy, it is possible that it will not heal and the blood will flow more :) That's probably what happened. So I need to go to the doctor again now. In general, this is all unpleasant. conization is still to come. I've been walking around bleeding for a month again.

Hello, after a routine examination, I was diagnosed with cervical erosion. I also passed all the tests and a biopsy (a biopsy is done due to the fact that the doctor does not have the right to do cauterization according to the law! Without biopsy tests, there is nothing wrong with this). The biopsy takes 3 minutes, of course, unless you consider that the doctor is simply preparing for it. The procedure is painless and does not require pain medication. It’s just unpleasant and more scary before the procedure due to not knowing how it happens. The doctor prescribes the treatment of erosion itself immediately after menstruation (after 2-4 days). This is due to the fact that after treatment everything must heal before the start of other periods, so that the discharge does not reach the treated area. I chose the treatment method myself - I liked Radiovolnova the most, since this method is used to treat girls who have not given birth (it does not leave scars and is less damaging to the cervix). The treatment itself lasts 8-10 minutes. Without painkillers, it didn’t hurt! Radio waves work without touching the neck - they evaporate the damaged areas. Sexual relations after treatment are not advisable (on the recommendation of a doctor). Dear girls, don’t be afraid of anything, all these procedures are done for your benefit and good health.

4 days ago I had a colposcopy and they took 3 pieces of tissue from me for a biopsy. The procedure itself is unpleasant, but can be tolerated. The areas from which tissue samples were taken were cauterized with silver nitrate.

I immediately went to work after that. They talked about sex life, but about lifting weights and physical exercise. no load.

On the first day I had nagging pain in the lower abdomen, and on the second day there was practically nothing - a little brownish discharge and that’s it. On the third day in the morning I woke up in a pool of blood - bright scarlet. I went to the clinic and one of the three places was bleeding. They cauterized it for me again with silver nitrate, inserted a tampon and sent me home. At home, the tampon fell out after an hour because it was completely soaked in blood. Today I went to the doctor again - he treated my cervix again. He said that it was an artery that was damaged, which is why the blood is so bright scarlet. For about 15 minutes he held the artery pinched to stop the bleeding. A pool of blood dripped from me, even onto the floor, not to mention the chair. At the moment I am with a tampon, and in the evening I am going to the doctor again so that he can take it out and see how things are going. He said that if the bleeding does not stop, then the artery will need to be sutured. Has anyone else had this happen?

Hello! I am 20 years old. Some time ago I went to the gynecologist just for the sake of prevention. There were no complaints. The gynecologist prescribed all sorts of tests, including a biopsy, with the words “I don’t like your neck.” I had a biopsy today. What I’m most afraid of is not the smearing effect for a whole week, but why I was prescribed such a procedure. Please tell me in what cases a biopsy is prescribed, except for oncological ones. I really don't want something like that to happen there. For example, erosion, is it common? What other sores could there be that require a biopsy?

Every second girl now has erosion, it’s normal

It is either congenital or formed (from infections, after childbirth, etc.). The doctor takes a biopsy to determine what is causing the erosion. So they took it from me and found out that it was cervicitis, and they are now treating it for it.

My story: during pregnancy, I was diagnosed with dysplasia 3 + HPV 16 and 18, the pregnancy was terminated and a biopsy was performed at the same time - this all happened on March 6th. There was almost no blood or discharge for 10 days - on the 10th day black blood with clots began to appear (not very much, really), the doctor said that everything was fine - the threads had dissolved, but the cervix had not healed yet. Then on March 20, I had a colposcopy, and after it, by the evening, some kind of terrible black mucus with clots poured out of me, and my stomach hurt terribly. There is still brown-black discharge with clots, the stomach does not hurt and there is no fever. Doctors say that this happens, there are simply too many procedures almost simultaneously. But I'm still terribly scared. Has anyone had this happen?

Hello girls everyone! I did a knife biopsy 12 days ago, there is a slight yellowish discharge, another concern is that the threads do not come out. They stitched it up very painfully; they couldn’t pierce the fabric, because... an old scar was sewn on the neck after childbirth. Can anyone tell me when the threads came out? Maybe I need to see a doctor to remove them myself? I’m terrified to go to them, I’ve been through so much pain.

Girls, tell me is it paid or is it still free? I have been going to doctors in circles for 8 months now. What haven’t you done? Money. What remains is a circular biopsy. Afraid.

You know, I had a colnoscopy for free and a biopsy too

A day after the biopsy, the doctor prescribed Terzhinan, but I read that no suppositories are allowed, so I don’t know what to do.

Or maybe after cauterization, erosion will appear again. I’ll just have to do this soon too, so I’m getting ready. and there was a smell of burnt meat.

I'm reading here. Many people had a biopsy and had something stitched up. and what were they sewing? They didn't do anything like that to me.

But I had a biopsy done 5 days ago. All the days it somehow smeared a little, but today it became smoother: (Maybe anyone knows if this is normal at all?

In general, after this analysis it is always either smearing or bleeding - this is normal, for many people this is the case.

Girls, please tell me, I had a biopsy done on April 5, a week before my period started, it didn’t hurt and there was no blood. a week later - on April 13, spotting dark brown discharge began, but definitely not menstruation, sometimes the lower abdomen pulls, what is it? And could it be that my period was delayed due to the biopsy?

Hello, I had a biopsy done this morning, it was completely painless, within 10 minutes I was already free, I went to work, a little blood was smeared, but the doctor said that there should be little blood. Sexual life was not prohibited. A week later the result.

We had a biopsy and today the doctor called and said that the tests were bad and I need to come urgently, I probably won’t sleep today, I’ve already made myself feel really bad

I had a biopsy on April 14th. It didn’t hurt at all, no painkillers were used. There was no blood, but now it has been smeared for a week. So nothing seems to hurt. What could it be. The discharge is bloody, but very insignificant. go to the hospital or wait a little longer. Today it turns out that it has been smeared for 6 days already.

Yesterday I had a cervical biopsy. I was horrified after reading the reviews here. someone writes that this procedure cannot be carried out without sanitation, that it is impossible before menstruation. She did it for me a week before my period and the doctor knew it. She did a colposcopy for me and at the same time said let’s do a biopsy. Well, I agreed. because I trust her completely. and now I’m reading it and I’m scared. What if it doesn’t heal before your period starts? There were no particularly catastrophic discharges on the same day, 2-3 hours covered a little and that was all. and now I just smear a little café au lait. At night, the doctor prescribed betadine suppositories to avoid infection

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http://vovremiaberemennosti. ru/beremennost-posle/beremennost-posle-pajpel-biopsii. html

http://www. woman. ru/health/woman-health/thread/3883742/5/

Cervical biopsy– a method for diagnosing diseases of the internal female genital organs, its main goal is to identify cancer of the cervix. During the procedure, a piece of tissue is taken from a suspicious area of ​​the mucosa. The sample is delivered to the laboratory, where the structural features of the epithelial cells and underlying layers are studied. The procedure allows you to clarify the diagnosis and answer whether these changes are signs of a malignant tumor. Thanks to this study, cervical cancer can be detected in its early stages, when it can be successfully treated.

A cervical biopsy is performed from the 7th to the 13th day of the menstrual cycle (the first day of menstrual bleeding is considered the first day of the cycle). Experts recommend carrying out the procedure immediately after menstruation. In this case, the cervix has time to fully recover before the next critical days, which reduces the likelihood of inflammation.


Cervix is the lower part of the uterus, connecting the body of the uterus to the vagina. Its dimensions: length 3.5-4 cm, width about 3 cm.

The cervix penetrates cervical canal or cervical canal. In its walls there are branching tubular glands that produce cervical mucus. This secret is capable of changing its properties depending on the phase of the cycle. So, during the period of ovulation, the mucus becomes more liquid, which facilitates the penetration of sperm into the uterus. Externally, this manifests itself as a “pupil symptom”, revealed during a gynecological examination. The rest of the time, the mucus thickens and clogs the canal, preventing the penetration of microorganisms. During pregnancy, mucus forms a dense plug that protects the fetus from infections.

The cervix has a large number connective tissue with collagen fibers, which allows it to stretch as much as possible during childbirth. It also contains a layer smooth muscle cells, which allow it to contract and relax. When the cervix contracts, the secretion of the glands of the cervical canal is squeezed into the vagina; when the muscle layer relaxes, sperm are retracted after sexual intercourse.

There are several segments in the cervix:

  • Vaginal part– the section of the cervix, which protrudes into the vaginal cavity and is accessible during a gynecological examination;
  • Supravaginal part– the section of the cervix, which is located above the vagina and opens into the uterine cavity;
  • Cervical canal- a through hole, a canal that connects the vagina and the cavity inside the body of the uterus. The mucous membrane in it is collected in folds - crypts and contains a large number of glands;
  • External os– opening from the vagina into the cervical canal;
  • Internal os- the opening of the cervical canal into the uterine cavity.

The structure of the mucous membranes of the cervix:

  • Basal- large prismatic cells attached to the basement membrane.
  • spinous (spiny) – large cells with spiny projections. Together with the basal one it forms sprout layer, ensuring constant renewal of the epithelium.
  • Surface– formed by flat cells that have a short lifespan and are quickly replaced by new ones.

The cellular composition of the stratified epithelium depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

Indications for cervical biopsy

  • Cervical dysplasia– a precancerous condition in which atypical ones are found among the epithelial cells. They are not yet cancerous, but have a tendency to malignant degeneration;
  • Ectopic cervix– pathological changes in the mucous membrane of the vaginal part of the cervix. Erosion that bleeds or crumbles when touching an inhomogeneous surface always requires a biopsy;
  • Leukoplakia– thickening, coarsening and increased keratinization of the squamous epithelium of the cervix. It looks like a white spot with clear boundaries;
  • Cervical polyps– local benign growths of the mucous membrane of the cervix and cervical canal;
  • Condylomas acuminata(genital warts) is an infectious viral disease that is sexually transmitted. Manifests itself as cone-shaped growths on the mucous membrane;
  • Changes identified during colposcopy – visual examination of the cervix:
  • Iodine-negative areas– are not stained with iodine solution. Light areas may indicate dysplasia, atrophy or leukoplakia;
  • Acetowhite epithelium– areas that have turned white after treatment with acetic acid. Indicates leukoplakia, dysplasia and infection papillomavirus;
  • Atypical vessels, not responsive to acetic acid, vascular proliferation, abnormally tortuous capillaries, small arteries and veins;
  • Presence of rough mosaic, deep damage to the epithelium. May indicate dysplasia or oncological changes.
  • Suspicious cells identified as a result of a cytology smear(Pap smear):

  • Koilocytes– cells that appear when infected with the human papillomavirus (HPV);
  • ASC-US(atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance) atypical squamous epithelial cells, the cause of which has not been established;
  • ASC-H(atypical squamous cells, cannot exclude HSIL) atypical squamous epithelial cells, which may indicate a precancerous condition or oncological changes;
  • A.G.C.(atypical glandular cells) - atypical cells of cylindrical epithelium;
  • HSIL(high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion) precancerous changes in squamous epithelium;
  • AIS(adenocarcinoma in situ) - precancerous changes in the cervical canal.
Contraindications to cervical biopsy are:
  • Inflammatory process of the uterus or cervix;
  • First and last trimesters of pregnancy;
  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • Bleeding disorders;
  • Significant weakening of the body.
Since a biopsy is a surgical procedure, performing it against the background of an inflammatory process or infectious disease can cause complications and also distort the results of the study.

Biopsy technique

The first step is preparation for a cervical biopsy. It includes treatment of the inflammatory process(if available) and taking tests:
  • Blood clotting test;
  • Flora smear;
  • PAP smear (cytology smear);
  • Colposcopy – examination of the cervix with a colposcope;
  • Analysis for hidden infections (chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis);
  • HIV test;
  • Analysis for viral hepatitis;
  • Wasserman reaction (test for syphilis).
If inflammation or a sexually transmitted infection is detected, a cervical biopsy is performed after treatment of this disease.

What awaits the patient during the targeted biopsy procedure?

Targeted biopsy
– tissue sampling from suspicious areas of the cervix using a biopsy needle under control colposcope. This procedure is the most common and least traumatic.
  • Preparation. The patient is located in a gynecological chair;
  • Providing access to the cervix. To do this, the doctor will use a speculum.
  • Surface preparation. The doctor clears the mucus from the cervix with a swab soaked in saline solution. A 3% solution of acetic acid is applied to the mucous membrane, after which the abnormal areas turn white and their boundaries can be clearly established. Then the cervix is ​​lubricated with iodine solution. Healthy areas are evenly colored brown. Areas with altered epithelium are stained abnormally. They are subject to in-depth examination - biopsy. This part of the procedure is painless, but some women may experience a slight burning sensation.
  • Colposcopy – examination of the cervix using special equipment. A colposcope is an optical device equipped with a light source that magnifies the image of the cervix from 2 to 40 times. The device allows you to examine the condition of the mucous membrane in detail. During the study, the doctor determines the areas from which samples need to be taken.
  • Tissue collection from suspicious areas. The doctor uses a biopsy needle or other devices with which he separates a piece of tissue for examination. If there are several foci where the structure of the mucous membrane is changed, then samples are taken from all of them. The resulting tissue samples are placed in a labeled container with formaldehyde and sent to the laboratory for histological examination.
  • Antiseptic treatment. The sampling site is treated with an antiseptic. The vagina and external genitalia are also treated. No stitches are required. The patient is asked to rest for 20 minutes, then she can return home.
  • The final stage. Your doctor will schedule your next appointment to assess the healing of your uterus and discuss the results of the biopsy. The waiting time for results takes up to 2 weeks. The doctor will inform you what to do to speed up healing and prevent inflammation after the biopsy.
The whole procedure takes about half an hour. In most cases, it is performed on an outpatient basis. However, some types of biopsies require extensive tissue sampling. In this case, the patient may be asked to go to the hospital for 1-2 days.

Types of cervical biopsy

Type of biopsy What tool is used to perform this? Type of anesthesia Possible sensations Notes
during the procedure after the procedure
Sighting or puncture Biopsy needle - similar to an injection needle, but has a slightly larger diameter. Without anesthesia or irrigation with anesthetic. Feeling of pressure or short-term stabbing pain. Slight nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Bloody, watery pink discharge can last up to 5 days. After treating the cervix with antiseptics, the first days of discharge may be dirty green. The most common procedure. Often performed during colposcopy. Rarely causes complications.
Does not require hospitalization.
Conchotomic biopsy Conchotome is a medical instrument resembling wire cutters or curved scissors. With its help, polyps and mucosal fragments are excised. Local anesthesia is an injection of an anesthetic into the cervical area. Feeling of pressure. Pain in the lower abdomen and upper vagina. Scanty bleeding for 4-7 days. Further yellowish or pinkish ichorous discharge. Used to collect larger fragments and remove polyps and condylomas. There is a risk of scarring.
Does not require hospitalization
Loop biopsy – electrical excision Electrosurgical device – “Electric knife”. A wire that is heated by an electric current. Local injection of anesthetic. Slight soreness Minor or moderate pain in the cervix. Bloody discharge may last for about a month. The method allows you to remove suspicious areas. There is a risk of scarring. Not recommended for women planning pregnancy.
Performed on an outpatient basis.
Wedge or knife biopsy - conization of the cervix Using a scalpel, the doctor removes a wedge-shaped piece of the cervix containing suspicious and healthy tissue. General anesthesia, spinal or epidural anesthesia. For several weeks after the biopsy, pain in the cervix and discharge of varying degrees of intensity are felt. The healing process can take up to one and a half months. Prescribed when the results of a smear for cytology and a puncture biopsy are significantly different.
Conization of the cervix can be a method of diagnosis and treatment.
The procedure is performed in a hospital.
Radio wave biopsy Cold “radio knife” - the “Surgitron” device. It is a wire loop through which an electric current passes, which is converted into high-frequency radio waves. Using this instrument, the doctor removes the superficial layer of tissue. Irrigation with an anesthetic or local anesthesia - injections of lidocaine into several areas of the cervix. Minor discomfort, as during a routine gynecological examination. Discomfort after the procedure is minimal. There are practically no discharges. During the healing process of 7-10 days, light pink discharge may be smeared. Radio waves evaporate fluid in cells and coagulate small vessels. The cut surface remains clean and dry. Recommended for girls and women planning pregnancy due to the low risk of scar development.
Does not require hospitalization.
Laser biopsy Laser knife. The laser beam cuts off the top layer of the mucous membrane. Short-term general anesthesia (anesthesia). There is no sensation during anesthesia. Spotting and spotting for 2-3 days. During the healing process, slight bleeding may occur throughout the month. Can be used to remove polyps and condylomas with further cytological examination.
Low risk of inflammation and scarring.
Requires hospitalization.
Circular (circular) biopsy A scalpel, radio wave knife or electrosurgical device is used. For study, a large area of ​​the vaginal part of the cervix and the mouth of the cervical canal is taken. General anesthesia or epidural anesthesia. There is no sensation during the procedure. Nagging pain for 7-10 days, bleeding for up to 6 weeks. Performed in a hospital.
Endocervical curettage A small curette is an instrument that resembles a small spoon. It is used to scrape the mucous membrane of the cervical canal. Brushes of different hardness are also used, which are inserted into the canal and rotated there 5-7 times, collecting material. Local anesthesia is an injection of an anesthetic (lidocaine) into the cervix. Sometimes short-term intravenous anesthesia. There is no pain. The patient may feel pressure. Drawing or cramping pain in the pubic and vaginal area. Discharge mixed with blood for 5-10 days. There is a risk of formation of adhesions in the cervical canal.
During the procedure, it is possible to obtain a small amount of material, which makes diagnosis difficult.
The method is considered insufficiently informative.

How to prepare for a cervical biopsy?

2 days before the study, you must avoid any impact on the cervix.
  • Refrain from sexual contact;
  • Do not use tampons;
  • Do not douche;
  • Do not introduce medications into the vagina that are not prescribed by the gynecologist;
  • In agreement with the doctor, Terzhinan is injected into the vagina at night;
  • If you are undergoing anesthesia (general anesthesia), you should not eat or drink 8 hours before the biopsy;
  • Before the procedure, you must take a shower and thoroughly wash the external genitalia. The inside of the vagina should not be washed.

What can be the results of biopath histology?

The laboratory carries out cytological and pathomorphological examination of biopath - tissue samples obtained during biopsy. Live or fixed dead cells are examined under a microscope. Particular attention is paid to the shape of the cells, the stage of their maturation, the size and number of nuclei, and intracellular inclusions.

Terms you may encounter in conclusion:

Results of histological examination of the biopath

1. Negative result of biopath analysis - means that the woman is healthy. “Good” biopsy results are:
  • Without pathology– examination of the biopath revealed unchanged cells of columnar and multilayered epithelium. There are no precancerous changes, signs of cervical cancer or other diseases.
  • Minor cellular changes– minor changes in cell shape, which may be a consequence of the inflammatory process. They do not pose a threat to a woman's health.
2. Benign background changes – conditions that require treatment, but do not pose a threat to the life and health of a woman .

3. Precancerous conditions– pathologies requiring treatment. If appropriate measures are not taken, cancer may develop against their background.
  • Signs of proliferation - small cells with a thin membrane;
  • Atypical cells with enlarged or reduced nuclei;
  • Perinuclear vacuolization - vacuoles are not located in the cytoplasm, but between the outer and inner shells of the nucleus.
  • Dysplasia I (weak CIN-I) – atypical cells are found only in the superficial layer;
  • Dysplasia II (moderate CIN-II) – atypical cells in the superficial and intermediate layers;
  • Dysplasia III (pronounced CIN-III) – atypical cells in all layers of the epithelium in large numbers.
Dysplasia is manifested by the following cytological signs:
  • Violation of layers of stratified squamous epithelium;
  • Small immature cells with thin membranes;
  • Cells with different types of nuclei;
  • Cells with several nuclei;
  • Large nuclei occupying most of the cell volume;
  • An increase in the number of spiny cells – acanthosis;
  • Improper keratinization of the epithelium - parakeratosis;
  • Disruption of mitotic activity is an atypical division of epithelial cells.

Remember, a precancerous condition is not cancer. This phrase indicates that without treatment this disease occurs in 40-65% may turn into cancer, after a certain time (months, years).

4. Cervical cancer – malignant neoplasm on the cervix.

  • Proliferating leukoplakia– thickening and keratinization of the epithelium covering the vaginal part of the cervix. Malignant cells are found in the sample.
  • Fields of atypical epithelium– foci of proliferation with clear boundaries and a concave surface. Among the atypical cells, cancer cells are found.
  • Papillary zone of atypical epithelium– white-yellow foci of epithelial growth near the external pharynx, containing cancer cells.
  • Zone of atypical transformation in the zone of transformation of columnar epithelium into multilayer epithelium, malignant cells with abnormal nuclei, impaired maturation, atypical vessels, and keratinized glands are found. More than 1/3 of the cells of multilayered squamous epithelium show signs of proliferation - active pathological cell division.
  • Zone of atypical vascularization– atypical growths of blood vessels that do not contract under the influence of acetic acid and vasoconstrictors. The capillaries are short, tortuous, unevenly dilated. The vessels have an unusual shape (corkscrew, comma), they lack anastomoses - places where vessels join. Such changes in the capillaries are caused by a malignant process.
  • Preinvasive cervical cancer(intraepithelial carcinoma). The initial stage of uterine cancer, when the tumor does not extend beyond the basement membrane. Malignant cells are not yet capable of infiltrative growth - they do not penetrate deep into the tissue and do not disrupt its structure and functions. Appears in the area of ​​the external pharynx, in the transformation zone at the border between the cylindrical and multilayered epithelium. In women over 50 years of age, it can be localized in the cervical canal. Does not form metastases. It responds well to treatment; it is necessary to remove the mucosal area. Depending on the structure of atypical cells, 2 forms of intraepithelial carcinoma are distinguished:
  • Differentiated form - malignant cells retain the ability to differentiate and are similar to the epithelium of the cervix.
  • Undifferentiated form - cells lose the ability to mature and differentiate. Because of this, there is no layering in the squamous epithelium.
  • Microinvasive cervical cancer(microcarcinoma). A slightly aggressive form of cervical cancer. The primary focus of the tumor grows in the depth of the mucosa up to 5 mm and in length up to 7 mm. Treatment is removal of the uterus, upper third of the vagina, pelvic and other regional lymph nodes.
  • Invasive cervical cancer. Malignant tumor of the cervix of different sizes. At this stage, there are metastases to the surrounding tissue and lymph nodes. Treatment: removal of the uterus and appendages and chemoradiotherapy (chemotherapy and irradiation of the pelvic organs). In later stages, only chemotherapy is used.
A confirmed cancer diagnosis is not a death sentence. Cervical cancer is treated quite successfully. And if the disease is detected in the early stages, a woman can even retain the ability to have children.
Your doctor should interpret the biopsy results. At the same time, he takes into account age, hormonal levels, number of births, results of colposcopy and cytology smear, and the woman’s complaints. Based on these data, the gynecologist makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment or refers you for a consultation with an oncologist.

What diseases can be detected by cervical biopsy?

Diseases Definition Signs revealed by biopsy Treatment tactics
Chronic cervicitis Inflammation of the vaginal segment of the cervix. Proliferation is accelerated cell division.
Leukocyte infiltration – high content of leukocytes in the tissue.
There may be signs of cell dystrophy and degeneration.
Anti-inflammatory treatment is necessary: ​​vaginal tablets and capsules Terzhinan, Polizhinaks, Klion-D.
Squamous metaplasia The normal healing process of cervical erosion during which the columnar epithelium is replaced by stratified squamous epithelium. Metaplastic epithelium in large quantities.
Columnar and squamous epithelial cells are unchanged.
No treatment required.
Ectopia or pseudoerosion A pathological process accompanied by the release of the cylindrical epithelium beyond the boundaries of the external pharynx onto the vaginal part of the cervix. Cells of metaplastic (transitional) epithelium with a large nucleus.
Cells of normal columnar and squamous epithelium.
Deformed cells of irregular shape.
Hormonal and anti-inflammatory therapy. Restoration of vaginal microflora. If necessary, laser or cryodestruction or cauterization with drugs (solkvagin).
Cervical polyps Growths in the cervical canal. Usually these tumors are benign, but in some cases their cells transform into cancer. Cylindrical or stratified squamous epithelium.
Deformed, irregularly shaped cells indicate inflammation.
Atypical cells with abnormal cytoplasm, altered nuclei, etc. are possible.
Removal of polyps by scraping the mucous membrane of the cervical canal.
Flat condyloma A sexually transmitted viral disease of the cervical cells. Often accompanied by dysplasia. Koilocytes in different layers of the epithelium.
Atypical cells with enlarged, irregularly shaped nuclei.
Epithelial cells of varying degrees of keratinization with impaired maturation.
Enlarged cells of the basal layer of squamous epithelium.
Signs of proliferation - small cells with a thin membrane.
Perinuclear vacuolation - vacuoles between the outer and inner shells of the nucleus.
Antiviral treatment. If it turns out to be ineffective, surgical removal of the condyloma is necessary.
Leukoplakia with atypia
Increased keratinization of stratified squamous epithelium on the vaginal part of the cervix. Cells of stratified squamous epithelium with impaired maturation.
Numerous scales of squamous epithelium in the cytoplasm, lacking a nucleus.
Characteristic grains within epithelial cells, similar to inclusions found in malignant cells.
There is no glycogen in the cells.
Disorderly arrangement of basal cells in the thickness of the epithelium.
Atypical cells may appear.
Surgery. Removal of the changed area with a surgical instrument, laser or radio knife.
Cervical dysplasia A disease accompanied by a violation of the structure of the epithelium of the cervix. Often caused by human papillomavirus. Disruption of layers of stratified squamous epithelium.
Spine cells in large numbers.
Anomaly of cell structure - atypical size, shape, structure of the nucleus and features of the cytoplasm.
Cells with impaired keratinization.
The result of the biopsy depends on the degree of dysplasia:
  • Weak degree– atypical cells are found only in the upper layers of the epithelium.
  • Average degree – atypical cells in the superficial and intermediate layers of the epithelium.
  • Expressed degree– atypical cells in all layers of the mucosa. There is a high risk of progression to cervical cancer.
Antiviral and anti-inflammatory treatment. Stages 2 and 3 require surgical treatment, cauterization or cryodestruction.
Cervical cancer The appearance of malignant cells in the cervical mucosa. Atypical cells with thin membranes and a large number of nuclei are identified.
The nuclei are large, have a spongy structure and a deformed nuclear membrane.
The shapes and sizes of malignant cells vary significantly.
Treatment by an oncologist. Depending on the form and stage of cervical cancer, it is necessary to remove a section of the mucous membrane, the uterus, the uterus with appendages and lymph nodes.
At the same time, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are carried out to destroy malignant cells that may have spread from the primary cancer site and caused metastases.

What to do after taking a biopsy

2 weeks after the biopsy you will have to follow a number of rules. They are aimed at reducing the risk of bleeding and preventing wound infection.
  • For bleeding, you can use pads. Tampons injure the cervical mucosa and prevent healing, so they are prohibited during this period;
  • To reduce pain, you can take medications based on ibuprofen or paracetamol ;
  • Avoid sexual intercourse for 2-3 weeks;
  • Refuse to visit the bathhouse, sauna, or take a hot bath;
  • Do not visit the pool, beach, or swim in open water;
  • Do not take blood thinning medications that can cause excessive bleeding - aspirin, heparin, warfarin;
  • Limit physical activity. Temporarily exclude sports activities and lifting weights of more than 3 kg;
  • Limit your sitting position. In this case, the pressure on the cervix increases;
  • Do not use vaginal forms of medications (suppositories, tablets, douching solutions) without a doctor’s prescription.

To speed up the healing of the cervix after a biopsy, use:

  • Ornidazole 500 2 times a day for 5 days to prevent infections after the intervention;
  • Genferon 1,000,000 units rectal suppositories at night for 10 days. An immunomodulatory drug that accelerates regeneration and improves immunity;
  • Terzhinan – vaginal tablets. Antibacterial and antifungal drug for the prevention of inflammatory complications. Inserted into the vagina at night for 6 days.
  • Betadine suppositories. Antimicrobial agent effective against bacteria, fungi and viruses. Once a day for 7 days.
After 10-14 days, the scab at the site of the wound after the biopsy begins to dissolve. At this stage the following is prescribed:
  • Depanthol candles. Accelerates regeneration and has an antimicrobial effect. Insert 1 suppository into the vagina at night for 10 days;
  • After 10 days, Galavit is an immunomodulator with an anti-inflammatory effect. 1 suppository vaginally at night. The first 5 days every day, then every other day.
We remind you that any medications, especially those inserted into the vagina, can only be used in consultation with your doctor!

Symptoms that may indicate complications after a biopsy:

  • Increased body temperature above 37.5 degrees;
  • Severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Heavy bleeding lasting more than 7 days;
  • Copious bleeding after scanty discharge;
  • Dark discharge with blood clots;
  • Yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • Increased pain in the uterine area, worsening general condition.
If these symptoms appear, you should consult a gynecologist.
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