What is zinc ointment used for? Zinc ointment. Instructions for use in cosmetology, gynecology, medicine, price, reviews. Dosage and duration of treatment

The medicine is sold in jars of 10-25 g.

pharmachologic effect

This medication has anti-inflammatory , antiviral And wound healing action.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug has anti-inflammatory , softening and protective properties, and also relieves symptoms diaper rash And . In addition, he provides astringent , disinfectant And adsorbent action, when used topically dries and softens the skin.

When applied externally, the drug is not absorbed into the systemic circulation.

Indications for use of Zinc ointment

Indications for the use of Zinc ointment may be as follows:

  • small solar and thermal burns ;
  • dermatitis ;
  • diaper rash ;
  • scratches;
  • cuts.

Since the drug is active against viruses , it is also often used for viral skin diseases. If the patient has any doubts about the use of this remedy, which Zinc ointment helps with in each specific case, it is better to consult a specialist. He will tell you in detail what the ointment is for and how to use it. For example, some use this remedy against acne , for which Zinc ointment is applied to a cleansed face without makeup, otherwise there will be no result.


The use of Zinc ointment is contraindicated in hypersensitivity body to the components of the drug, as well as purulent-inflammatory diseases skin and adjacent tissues.

Side effects

The following side effects may occur when using this medicine: , rash, hyperemia etc. With prolonged use of the product, skin irritation may occur.

Instructions for use of Zinc ointment (Method and dosage)

The instructions for Zinc ointment indicate that the product is used externally. It must be applied to damaged areas of the skin 2-3 times every day. Sometimes the scheme may change depending on what Zinc ointment is applied to.

For those who use diaper rash Zinc ointment, the instructions for use indicate that this should be done several times a day, and after each application, lubricate the skin with baby cream.

When diathesis the product is used 5-6 times daily. At night, the skin is washed with a chamomile solution, and if it begins to peel, baby cream is used.

At the medicine is combined with . On the first day of appearance virus they are used alternately every hour, and then every 4 hours.

In case of deprivation, the drug is combined with treatment prescribed by a specialist. The medicine is applied daily 5-6 times.

At the product helps to remove. It should be used 4 times a day.

In addition, Zinc anti-wrinkle ointment is used. It helps even out the complexion and get rid of . To do this, use the product once before bedtime.

Zinc ointment from acne applied up to 6 times/day. During treatment, the use of cosmetics, including makeup base or foundation, is prohibited, as they make the product ineffective. Reviews indicate that to achieve a positive result, the drug must be used regularly. If you can’t give up makeup, Zinc ointment acne Can be applied before bed to clean skin. In order not to dry out the dermis, it is advisable to mix the medicine with regular cream 1 to 1.


When used topically, an overdose is considered unlikely. If the drug is ingested in large dosages, vomiting may occur, , convulsions .


Significant interactions with other medications have not been established.

Terms of sale

The drug is sold without a prescription.

Storage conditions

The product should be stored at temperatures up to 25°C, but not in the refrigerator. The medicine should be kept away from children.

Best before date

Four years.

For children

The medication can be used for children. Side effects are extremely rare. It is often used for dermatitis for children. In this case, the drug is applied to dry skin, especially at night. It is advisable to use the product when the first redness, irritation or diaper rash appears.

Zinc ointment for newborns

Zinc ointment for newborns is applied under diapers in a thin layer in case of dermatitis . This should be done during every diaper change. The product helps relieve skin irritation, which often occurs with frequent contact with wet diapers.

Zinc ointment during pregnancy and lactation

Zinc ointment is not contraindicated for And . It contains only safe components that do not cause harm to the fetus and baby. This is a universal and safe medicine that helps against many skin diseases.

Reviews of Zinc ointment

Reviews about Zinc ointment are mostly positive. They contain almost no reports of side effects, but do include stories of miraculous relief from, diaper rash , inflammation etc.

As a rule, you can find reviews of Zinc ointment from acne . They describe the quick effect that occurs after you start using the product. Reviews about the use of ointment against acne Mostly girls leave. They also note the availability and low cost of the medicine, due to which it is very popular.

According to reviews, Zinc facial ointment practically does not dry out the skin, especially if used in combination with regular cream. The main thing is to use it in accordance with the recommendations of specialists, and a positive result is guaranteed.

Some also use Zinc ointment for , reviews in this case are also mostly laudatory. The disease goes away after a course of treatment. Only some patients complain about the unpleasant odor of the product. But given that the drug is one of the cheapest, people easily forgive it for this shortcoming.

Zinc ointment price, where to buy

The price of the drug is considered very affordable among similar remedies for acne and other skin diseases. Its cost is approximately 35-50 rubles. And the average price of Zinc ointment in Ukraine is 11 hryvnia. You can buy the medicine in almost every pharmacy. When compared with how much any imported drug costs, this drug undoubtedly wins. That is why it is so popular.

  • Online pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Online pharmacies in Ukraine Ukraine

is an inexpensive universal remedy used to treat a large number of skin diseases. The main active component of the drug is the chemical element zinc oxide, which is characterized by a pronounced antiviral, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect.

Zinc ointment: properties and method of use

Composition of zinc ointmentsimple enough. It is made on the basis of the main active component zinc oxide. Lanolin or petroleum jelly are included as additional components in the drug.Ointments with zincfrom different manufacturers may also contain menthol or salicylic acid.

Despite its simple composition, zinc ointment copes well with many problems associated with various defects and skin diseases. The main properties of zinc ointment:

  • protection against penetration and spread of infection;
  • wound healing and acceleration of skin regenerative processes;
  • antiseptic effect;
  • protection from ultraviolet rays.

Despite the fact that the drug belongs to the category of weak antiseptics, it copes quite well with its protective function. And its anti-inflammatory effect helps relieve the symptoms of many skin diseases.

Features of the use of zinc ointment

Instructions for use of zinc ointmentprescribes:

  1. Apply the ointment in an even thin layer over the entire surface of the damaged skin area. The application site must first be cleaned and dried.
  2. You should not use zinc ointment instead of a makeup base.
  3. Treat problem areas with the drug up to 5 times a day.
  4. Use zinc ointment only for external use.

The duration of use of zinc ointment can be quite long. It can range from several days to several weeks, depending on the complexity of the problem.

Preparations with zinc during pregnancy

Changes in the hormonal balance of a pregnant woman often provoke the appearance of age spots and acne on the face. Zinc ointment does not contain toxic compounds, so it is classified as a safe product. Doctors recommend that pregnant women use this particular drug if they experience skin problems during pregnancy. For more information about the problem of acne during pregnancy -.

Experts believe that it is almost impossible to cause an overdose when using zinc ointment. However, we should not forget that each individual’s body is individual and may react differently to the drug. Therefore, you should not use the ointment unless absolutely necessary during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Side effects and contraindications of zinc ointment

BeforeHowbeginuse zinc ointment, despite all its simplicity and relative safety, it is important to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications for this medicine, as well as possible side effects from its use.

Zinc ointment is contraindicated:

  • if you have an allergic reaction to any of its components;
  • people who have acute purulent processes;
  • for the treatment of problems in the eye area and mucous membranes.

Zinc ointment is generally well tolerated. However, in particularly sensitive people it can sometimes cause the following side reactions:

  • burning;
  • itching;
  • tingling;
  • darkening of the skin.

If you have these symptoms, you should stop using the drug and consult a doctor.

Where to buy and how much does zinc ointment cost?

You can purchase zinc ointment at any pharmacy without a prescription.

For those who are concerned about the question:how much does zinc ointment cost?, you will be pleased to know that the drug is inexpensive. Buying one jar of the product at a pharmacy will cost approximately from 20 to 65 rubles. The amount of ointment is usually enough for several months.

Analogues of zinc ointment

The modern pharmaceutical market also offers a large number of analogue drugs made on the basis of zinc oxide. The most popular of them:

  1. Desitin. Made in Canada or USA. Available in the form of ointment and cream. In addition to petroleum jelly and lanolin, it contains cod liver oil, talc, hydroxyanisole, methylparaben, water, flavored oil and other components. It is recommended to use for the prevention and relief of diaper rash in children, starting from infancy, as well as for minor skin lesions (cuts, scratches, burns). The cost of Desitin creams and ointments in pharmacies ranges from 200 to 400 rubles.
  1. Diaderm. Produced in Russia. The drug can be purchased in the form of a paste or ointment, in various dosages. The cost can range from 70 to 250 rubles.
  2. Tsindol (Russia). Available in the form of a suspension in bottles. As additional components it contains ethyl alcohol, medical talc, distilled water, starch and glycerin. The affected areas of the skin can be treated with the suspension in the same way as with zinc ointment, or it can be used for severe skin lesions in the form of masks. The approximate cost of the drug in Russian pharmacies is 100-150 rubles.
  3. Zinc paste (Russia). Contains salicylic acid, wax, mineral oils, fish oil. The presence of salicylic acid in the drug enhances the antiseptic properties.Zinc paste during pregnancycan also be used like ointment. The drug is not recommended for use on burns if a large area of ​​skin is damaged or there are signs of deep tissue damage (blisters, ruptured blisters). In Russian pharmacies the drug costs from 30 to 50 rubles.
  4. Zinc oxide. Produced in Russia in various forms: ointment, paste, liniment, suspension. The cost of zinc oxide preparations varies widely, sometimes reaching 600 rubles.

All these drugs have the same properties as zinc ointment.

What diseases can zinc ointment help with?

A drug calledtraditionallyappliesphysicians for the treatment and prevention of skin diseases in adults and children. It is considered safe, as it does not contain toxic components, and has a minimum number of contraindications and possible side effects.

In addition, zinc ointment and similar preparations are used to treat burns, dermatitis, ulcers on the surface of the skin, and even to prevent tissue necrosis.

Answer to the question:what is zinc ointment for?– simple. It is needed to maintain healthy skin and eliminate a number of different defects. Preparations based on zinc oxide are very effective, and, what is especially important, can be used even for small children, pregnant and nursing mothers.

You can learn more about zinc ointment and its main component from the video.

Zinc ointment has become widespread in medicine due to its unique, harmless composition and effectiveness.

There are many skin and other diseases that zinc ointment can help with.

Description of the drug

Zinc ointment has an international name - zinc oxide and is used externally.

Zinc ointment is a topical preparation and is available without a prescription.

The drug is produced in special jars or tubes and in appearance it is a thick mass of a homogeneous structure, from white to yellowish in color.

Store the ointment in a dry place, protected from the sun, at a temperature from 0°C to 25°C. Subject to storage rules, the shelf life is 2-4 years; after this period has expired, Zinc ointment cannot be used.

Composition and pharmacological properties

The active ingredient of Zinc Ointment is zinc oxide, it makes up 10 grams, the remaining 90 grams is Vaseline.

Zinc ointment relieves inflammation, has a drying effect, helps relieve irritation, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which the oiliness of the skin decreases, and the ointment also helps to increase the regenerative functions of the epidermis.

The indications and method of using the ointment in medicine are varied.

Most often it is used in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • skin rashes;
  • 1st degree burns;
  • baby diaper rash;
  • herpes;
  • acne and acne;
  • eczema and dermatitis;
  • chicken pox;
  • psoriasis;
  • diathesis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • prostatitis.


The ointment is absolutely harmless, as a result of which it can be used not only by newborns, but also by pregnant women, as well as during lactation, after consulting a doctor.

In addition, zinc is an immunomodulator; it takes part in the maturation of lymphocytes and immune reactions at the cellular level. In this regard, zinc is recommended to be actively used during the cold season, when viral infections are actively widespread. Zinc is able to stop the development of a viral infection, depriving viruses of the ability to reproduce, and is an effective remedy in the case of some eye diseases, in particular xerophthalmia.

Use of Zinc ointment for the treatment of prostatitis

Treatment with zinc for prostatitis is very effective and gives positive results in any form and complexity of the disease.

Scientists have found that zinc is an essential substance for the male reproductive system; it plays a significant role in maintaining cell integrity, improves libido and the immune system as a whole.

Its maximum concentration is found in sperm. The effectiveness of zinc in the treatment of prostatitis is that it reduces the size of the prostate, relieving inflammation, improves regenerative functions, and also reduces the severity of prostate adenoma.

A large number of patients who took zinc in the treatment of prostatitis, even its chronic form, give positive feedback. Zinc can be taken in the form of supplements, ointments, or by eating foods rich in it.

There are a number of foods high in zinc that are recommended for use as a comprehensive treatment for prostatitis. These are sunflower seeds, nuts, brewer's yeast, lentils, wheat bran, beans.

Zinc is also used in the form of ointments, suppositories and tablets.. One of the safe recommended drugs is the drug Prostatilen-zinc, which is highly effective in the treatment of chronic prostatitis, as it has a complex effect on the links of the pathological process. This drug is available in the form of rectal suppositories, which is most effective in the treatment of prostatitis, since the drug is not absorbed into the general bloodstream.

Another equally effective remedy is Zinc ointment containing 10% zinc. It is used in the process of prostate massage, rubbing into the walls of the rectum. Zinc ointment eliminates pain and improves tissue regeneration.

What does Zinc ointment help with in cosmetology?

It has been established that Zinc ointment is a safe product for the skin, as a result of which it is widely used in cosmetology.

Despite the widespread use of Zinc ointment for medical purposes, many people do not know why and how the ointment is used in cosmetology.

Zinc ointment gained its popularity in cosmetology due to the presence of many positive properties that affect the skin:

  • Zinc ointment practically does not cause allergies or side effects; this occurs in extremely rare cases.
  • The ointment does not clog pores and is actively used in the treatment of acne and acne. Zinc reduces the increased functionality of the sebaceous glands, reduces the inflammatory process, increases the regenerative functions of the skin, and removes toxins.
  • Zinc ointment is one of the few substances that are officially approved and recommended for use as sunscreens. The ointment absorbs the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation and helps reduce redness and irritation of the skin after prolonged sunbathing. Experts have also proven that zinc ointment is effective in combating premature aging and significantly reduces the risk of skin cancer.
  • Due to the safe properties of Zinc ointment, it is often used to relieve diaper rash in infants, relieving inflammation and redness of the skin.
  • Zinc ointment significantly relieves the symptoms of dermatitis.
  • The ointment is also used to treat minor scratches and burns.

To treat acne, acne and diaper rash in children, it is not necessary to receive a doctor’s prescription; zinc ointment can be used independently. Before applying the ointment, the skin must be thoroughly cleansed, then a thin layer of ointment should be applied and allowed to be absorbed into the skin. It is advisable to apply the Zinc ointment mask at night. In addition, if tetracycline ointments are used along with zinc ointment, the effectiveness of treatment increases significantly.

Since Zinc Ointment often dries out the skin and causes slight flaking, it is recommended to use it in combination with additional moisturizers.

Its effectiveness and the result of treatment depend on how correctly to use Zinc ointment:

Contraindications for use

Zinc ointment is a safe product and has no contraindications. The main contraindication is increased individual sensitivity to zinc oxide or other components of the ointment. However, this phenomenon can be found extremely rarely. However, if peeling, rash and itching begin at the site of application of the ointment, its use should be discontinued.

Zinc ointment should be used with caution and under medical supervision in the presence of pathologies such as:

  • seborrhea;
  • viral and bacterial diseases of the skin;
  • neoplasms of the skin;
  • chicken pox;
  • lupus;
  • herpes;
  • pyoderma;
  • syphilis of the skin.

In addition, Zinc ointment is contraindicated for use in the presence of bedsores and deep wounds, as well as in purulent diseases of the subcutaneous tissues.

During pregnancy, Zinc ointment should be used with caution, after consulting with your doctor.

Side effects when using Zinc ointment occur extremely rarely and are individual in nature. The main side effects indicate individual intolerance to one of the components of the ointment and manifest themselves in the form of rash, itching and redness of the skin. Most often, side effects appear a couple of hours after the first use of the ointment. If side effects occur, you should stop using the ointment and consult your doctor about selecting similar products.

It is forbidden to use Zinc ointment after its expiration date, as this may cause side effects, even if there is no individual intolerance to the components.


One of the most common analogues of Zinc ointment is the drug Desitin, having identical composition. Desitin is produced by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, and has a higher cost. The average price of the drug in pharmacies across the country is about 300 rubles, while the average cost of zinc paste is up to 20 rubles.

However, Desitin has a stronger effect due to the fact that it contains 40% zinc oxide. In the composition of Zinc ointment, the concentration of this substance is 10%. Also, the increased effectiveness of Desitin is due to the presence of talc in the composition, which enhances the drying effect, and cod liver oil, which provides the necessary hydration.

Another well-known and effective analogue of Zinc ointment is Tsindol suspension. This product is slightly more expensive than Zinc ointment, but much cheaper than Desitin, its average price is about 100 rubles. Tsindol has a liquid form, sometimes called “chatter”, and is a solid medicinal particle that exists in a liquid without dissolving in it. This medication must be shaken thoroughly before use.

The composition of Tsindol is slightly different from zinc ointment. The concentration of zinc oxide in this drug is 12.5%. The therapeutic effect is enhanced by the fact that the composition contains medical talc, as well as starch. The liquid part of the drug Tsindol consists of medical alcohol, distilled water and glycerin. Indications for use of the drug are the same as for Zinc ointment.

Also often used along with Zinc ointment Zinc paste, which has a denser consistency and identical composition. However, zinc oxide in it is 25%, and therefore it is more effective than Zinc ointment. The cost on average is up to 50 rubles.

Another effective analogue of Zinc ointment is Lassara pasta, or as it is called: Zinc-salicylic paste. This drug contains 25% zinc oxide, 25% starch, 48% petrolatum and 2% salicylic acid. In addition to the same indications as Zinc ointment, this remedy is used for bedsores and ulcers with a weeping process. The average price of Lassara paste ranges from 30 to 50 rubles.

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Zinc ointment (in Latin Unguentum Zinci): recipe and summary

Zinc ointment is, as they say in medicine, a soft (that is, semi-liquid) dosage form, the active ingredient of which is zinc oxide.

As a base for zinc ointment, Vaseline is used in a ratio of 9:1 to the active substance (9 parts of Vaseline per one part of the active substance).

It should be noted that Vaseline is a standard base and therefore is not indicated in pharmacy prescriptions.

Rp.:Ung. Zinci 10%15,0
D.S. External.

This entry is deciphered as follows: Take 10% zinc ointment with a volume of 15.0 milliliters. Give out and label: external remedy.

Effect of zinc ointment

Zinc oxide, the active ingredient of zinc ointment, has the following pharmacological effects:
  • antiseptic;
  • astringent;
  • anti-inflammatory.
In medicine, the antiseptic (literally disinfecting) effect is understood as the ability of a medicinal substance to destroy a fairly wide range of microorganisms on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes.

The disinfecting effect of zinc oxide is associated with the ability of metal ions to negatively affect the proteins of microbial cells, which leads to the death of microorganisms.

It should be noted that the bactericidal effect of zinc ointment is not so strong as to suppress a vigorous infectious process, so the drug is not used to treat infected wounds and erosions.

The astringent effect of zinc ointment is due to the ability of zinc oxide to denature proteins, that is, to destroy the structure of these complex organic compounds with the formation of a film on the damaged surface of the skin or mucous membrane.

The anti-inflammatory effect of zinc ointment, in fact, is a derivative of the first two effects: the surface of a wound or erosion, free of microbes, is covered with a film, which plays the role of a kind of dressing that protects the inner layers from irritation and damage.

Vaseline has an additional softening effect, protecting the wound and surrounding tissues from drying out and tension, so that the film formed on the wound remains stable for a long time.

Zinc ointment and paste: difference. Adsorbing effect of zinc paste

Zinc ointment and paste differ in the type of dosage form. Any paste is much thicker than ointment, since a fairly large volume of powdery substances (from 25 to 65%) is used to make the paste.

An increased concentration of powdery substances slows down the flow of active components of the paste into the inner layers of the skin or mucous membrane. This significantly reduces the risk of active substances entering the bloodstream and developing adverse side effects.

Therefore, pastes are traditionally prescribed for acute processes, when the permeability of tissues and blood vessels affected by inflammation is increased, and ointments are prescribed for chronic processes, when it is necessary to supply active substances to deep-lying pathological foci.

In addition, due to the significant amount of powdery substances, pastes have an adsorbing effect. Neutral powdery components absorb toxic products of inflammatory reactions from the damaged surface of the skin or mucous membrane and have a pronounced drying effect.

Zinc paste (in Latin Pastae Zinci): recipe

Since zinc paste is an official drug, it is prescribed in a short form without specifying any excipients.


Rp.:Pastae Zinci25,0
D.S. External.

The pharmaceutical prescription is deciphered as follows. Take 25 milliliters of zinc paste. Give. Label: external agent.

As you can see, unlike zinc ointment, the recipe for zinc paste does not indicate the concentration of the active substance, which is standard (25%).

The amount of powdery substances (50%) in this medicinal product is also standard. As a rule, ordinary potato starch, which has a pronounced adsorbing effect, is used as an additional powdery substance.

Like zinc ointment, zinc paste is made on a vaseline base (it should be noted that this is the most commonly used base for soft dosage forms in pharmacology).

Zinc ointment: description and photo

Zinc ointment is a semi-liquid substance of a homogeneous white or yellowish color, placed in dark glass jars or aluminum tubes with a capacity of 25, 30 and 50 g.

As a rule, jars and tubes with zinc ointment have additional cardboard packaging in which the manufacturer places instructions for using the drug.

Zinc paste: description and photo

Zinc paste is thicker than ointment, so that the substance placed in a dark glass jar does not spread. This dosage form is also characterized by uniformity and has a white or light yellow color.

Zinc paste is produced in aluminum tubes and dark glass jars with a capacity of 25, 30 and 40 g, placed in cardboard packaging along with instructions for use of the drug.

Zinc ointment and paste: indications for use

According to the instructions, zinc ointment and paste are used for inflammatory skin lesions, such as:
  • eczema (skin lesion of an infectious-allergic nature, characterized by heterogeneous rashes);
  • dermatitis (skin inflammation);
  • bedsores;
  • diaper rash;
  • burns, including sunburn.
In this case, zinc paste is used in the acute phase of the process (acute eczema, acute dermatitis, burns), and ointment - in the chronic phase. In addition, it is better to use the paste in cases where it is necessary to “dry the skin” (diaper dermatitis and other types of diaper rash).

Does zinc ointment and paste have contraindications?

As medications intended for external use, zinc ointment and zinc paste do not have a general effect on the body.

So the only contraindication to the use of these dosage forms is increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drugs, which is not common.

Zinc ointment and paste during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding)

Pregnancy and lactation are not a contraindication to the use of drugs such as zinc ointment and zinc paste.

Where can I buy?

Preparations such as zinc ointment and zinc paste are available in almost any pharmacy. They can be purchased without a doctor's recommendation (without a prescription).

How much does zinc ointment and zinc paste cost?

Zinc ointment and paste are inexpensive preparations. The average price of a package containing 25 g of zinc ointment is 14 rubles, the average price of the same package of zinc paste is 15 rubles. Moreover, the cost of these drugs depends on the pricing policy of the distributor, and can range from 9 to 62 rubles (for ointment) and from 12 to 83 rubles (for paste).

Application (brief instructions)

How to apply zinc ointment

Zinc ointment is applied in a thin layer to previously cleansed skin. You can repeat this procedure up to 6 times a day (on average 2-3 times a day).

If the ointment is used to treat lesions located on the face, applying cosmetics over the drug is not recommended.

The duration of treatment depends on the nature of the pathology and the general condition of the patient. If there are no other indications, the drug is discontinued after the pathology symptoms have completely disappeared.

How to apply zinc paste

Since zinc paste is used in the acute phase of inflammatory processes, and the antiseptic effect of this drug is not high enough, if a secondary bacterial infection is suspected, it is best to pre-treat the affected surface with an antiseptic (fucorcin, etc.).

As a rule, zinc paste is used 2-4 times a day. The duration of the treatment course is determined by the dynamics of the disease.

How to wash off zinc ointment

In cases where the lesions are located on the face, problems often arise with removing the ointment, since the drug is quite resistant to cosmetic washes common to women, such as foam or gel.

Many women are advised to wash off the zinc ointment using tar soap, which, moreover, will create an additional healing effect. However, patients with dry skin need to be very careful and, for prevention, additionally use moisturizing creams after washing.

How to wash off zinc paste

Thick zinc paste is used for acute inflammatory processes characterized by more or less deep skin damage.

The paste remains on the surface of the damage for a long time, forming a kind of bandage that dries the eroded surface and protects it from adverse environmental factors.

Since the film of zinc paste promotes rapid wound healing, doctors recommend completely washing off the paste only once every two to three days. During this time, a fairly dense layer is formed, since new layers of paste are applied directly to the old ones.

To easily and painlessly wash off such a thick layer of zinc paste, it is first softened with ordinary vegetable oil.

Does zinc ointment (zinc paste) have side effects?

When using zinc ointment, side effects associated with increased individual sensitivity to the drug are possible, such as:
  • the appearance of skin rashes;
  • feeling of itching and discomfort;
  • redness of the skin.
Such side effects indicate increased sensitivity to the drug. As a rule, they appear in the very first days of using the ointment or paste in the area where the drug is applied.

According to the instructions, suspicion of hypersensitivity to a particular drug is an indication for its discontinuation. Consult your doctor about prescribing a drug that has a similar effect.


Zinc ointment and zinc paste should be stored in a dry, dark place, since the drug decomposes in light. The temperature range is 12-25 degrees Celsius. At a lower temperature, problems will arise with applying the drug to the skin, and at a higher temperature, the ointment or paste will quickly become unusable.

Best before date

If all necessary storage conditions are properly observed, the shelf life of zinc ointment ranges from two to eight years, and that of zinc paste from five to ten years, depending on the quality of the container.

It is strongly recommended not to use the ointment or paste after the expiration date stated on the package, as adverse side effects (redness, itching, rash) may occur even in non-susceptible individuals.

Treatment with zinc ointment and paste

Zinc ointment and paste for facial skin for seborrheic dermatitis. Application for acne (acne): brief instructions and reviews

Zinc ointment and zinc paste are very popular remedies for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis, a disease characterized by inflammation of the sebaceous glands of the skin. Externally, this pathology is manifested by the appearance of acne (pimples) and acne (blackheads) on the facial skin.

As a rule, seborrheic dermatitis is prone to a chronically relapsing course. At the same time, acne with a pronounced inflammatory reaction is best treated with a paste, and deep subcutaneous pimples with an ointment, the active components of which penetrate more easily into the underlying tissue.

An analysis of numerous online reviews showed that women are attracted to the following features of zinc ointment and zinc paste:

  • low cost of drugs;
  • ease of use;
  • health safety.
Patients consider the ban on the use of these medications in combination with cosmetics as the main disadvantage of zinc ointment and zinc paste.

It should be noted that most women cannot afford to give up the use of concealing cosmetics because they lead an active lifestyle and want to look decent. So the advice of dermatologists not to use decorative cosmetics until acne is completely healed most often goes unheeded.

As a rule, patients who have successfully gotten rid of acne on their face advise their unfortunate friends to use zinc ointment or paste at night. Typical short instructions:
1. Before using the drug, cleanse your face with tar soap, which has an additional therapeutic effect.
2. Apply thickly to the affected areas of the skin.
3. In the morning, wash off the ointment or paste with tar soap.

The second serious disadvantage of zinc ointment and paste is the high fat content of the preparations, so that when they get on bed linen, they leave very unsightly stains that are not easy to remove.

To avoid such consequences of using zinc ointment or paste, some women seal the areas lubricated with the drug with a special plaster or napkins.

And finally, the third, very significant drawback of zinc ointment and paste is a side effect in the form of severe drying of the skin. Those with dry, sensitive skin should be especially wary of this unpleasant effect.

Such patients should avoid tar soap. At the same time, special cosmetics (cosmetic soap or foam) are used for evening preliminary cleansing of the skin.

In the morning, to make it easier to wash off the zinc ointment or paste, turn to regular sunflower oil for help. Oil-softened drug deposits can be easily washed off with regular foam cleanser.

If you cannot get rid of acne with zinc ointment or paste, seek medical help. It should be borne in mind that acne on the face can be a symptom of serious disorders in the body. Thus, acne occurs with lesions of the nervous system, hormonal imbalances, diseases of the digestive tract, pathologies of the immune system, etc.

Zinc ointment and paste for burns

Light burns, including sunburn, are another area of ​​application for zinc ointment and zinc paste. Zinc-based preparations will effectively relieve inflammation, create a kind of film on the surface of damaged skin and promote the rapid restoration of the epithelial cover.

It should be noted that such treatment is only suitable for first-degree burns, which are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • skin redness;
  • swelling;
  • burning and pain.
If, after a burn, blisters filled with serous (light) or hemorrhagic (pinkish) fluid appear on the surface of the skin, then we are talking about a moderate burn, which requires seeking medical help.

The doctor will treat the burn surface (under no circumstances should you open the blisters yourself) and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Does zinc ointment and paste help with herpes?

There are a large number of positive patient reviews on the Internet about the treatment of herpes with zinc ointment or paste.

It should be noted that, unlike special antiviral agents for external use, such as 3% oxolinic ointment or 3-5% tebrofen ointment (Zovirax), zinc ointment and zinc paste do not affect the herpes virus that causes pathology.

However, zinc-based preparations relieve the inflammatory reaction well, dry out the erosions formed at the site of herpes blisters and promote their speedy healing.

Zinc ointment and paste for ringworm (pityriasis rosea)

Pityriasis rosea is a disease of an infectious-allergic nature, the causes and mechanisms of development of which are not fully understood today. This pathology most often occurs in adolescents, while children under 2 years of age practically do not get sick.

As a rule, the disease begins with the appearance of the so-called maternal plaque - a round formation with raised, swollen, clearly defined edges and a sunken center with slightly wrinkled skin.

This lesion most often appears in the chest, back, abdomen or thighs, although it can occur anywhere. Smaller lesions then spread throughout the body. Dissemination of the process is facilitated by water procedures, especially taking a bath, so many doctors advise avoiding wetting the primary lesion.

As a rule, pityriasis rosea is persistent, but benign. So, despite the significant spread of the process, all symptoms disappear without a trace after one and a half to two months without any treatment.

With a similar course of the disease, the use of zinc ointment or paste is indicated. Zinc-based preparations protect the damaged skin surface from adverse effects and promote rapid healing. However, their use does not affect the appearance of new lesions and the overall duration of the disease.

In cases where pityriasis rosea is severe (increased body temperature, a large total area of ​​the affected skin surface, the addition of a secondary bacterial infection), doctors, as a rule, prescribe additional treatment - both local (ointments with hormones and antibiotics) and general ( antiallergic drugs).

What else does zinc ointment (zinc paste) help with if used in combination with other drugs?

Erythromycin, zinc and hormonal ointment (paste) for eczema: use for face and body skin

The name of the chronically relapsing skin disease eczema comes from a Greek word that literally means “boiling.”

So the term itself illustrates the most characteristic symptom of eczema - the appearance of many quickly opening blisters, leaving behind a weeping, eroded surface.

As a rule, the primary pathological process is located on the face or hands, and later spreads, covering large areas of the body.

If signs of eczema appear (redness of the skin with the appearance of characteristic blisters), you should seek help from a dermatologist.

Treatment of eczema includes a number of measures, both general (diet, proper daily routine, prescription of detoxification, restorative and anti-allergic drugs) and local (lotions, ointments and pastes with antimicrobial, hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs).

However, there is no general treatment regimen, since much depends on the severity of the process, the severity of the disease, the area of ​​the affected surface and the general condition of the patient. Antimicrobial drugs are prescribed in accordance with the sensitivity of the microflora (for this, as a rule, a special laboratory test is carried out).

As one of the components of local therapy, the doctor may prescribe zinc ointment or paste. Applying these drugs to the affected surfaces will relieve painful symptoms of inflammation (redness, pain, burning, itching), create a kind of bandage on the eroded surface and promote the speedy healing of pathological elements.

Zinc ointment or zinc paste with chloramphenicol for bedsores

Bedsores are ulcerative necrotic tissue lesions that occur in severely bedridden patients. The reasons for the appearance of long-term non-healing ulcers are constant pressure on a certain area of ​​the body surface, combined with disruption of normal tissue nutrition as a result of general exhaustion of the patient.

So bedsores form in areas of bony protrusions, such as the sacrum, shoulder blades, trochanter of the femur, protrusion of the elbow, etc., and even patients who are cared for very carefully and carefully are susceptible to this pathology.

Zinc ointment and paste can be used as a prophylactic against bedsores (as an ointment for diapers in infants) in cases where there is excessive moisture in the skin covering an area with an increased risk of bedsore formation.

In this case, you should be very careful, since the development of bedsores is promoted by both excessive moisture and excessive dryness of the skin. So such preventive measures should be carried out under the supervision of specialists (doctor, paramedic or nurse).

In addition, zinc-based preparations will help in the early stages of bedsores, when there are no signs of a pronounced infectious process. The fact is that the antimicrobial activity of drugs such as zinc ointment and paste is rather weakly expressed.

Therefore, in cases where there are signs of a secondary infection, along with zinc preparations it is necessary to use ointments with broad-spectrum antibiotics (chloramphenicol, syntomycin, erythromycin).

In this case, it is recommended to apply ointments 6-8 times a day, alternating (once zinc ointment as a drying, healing and anti-inflammatory agent, next time - ointment with an antibiotic).

With a long course of the disease, antibacterial drugs should be alternated from time to time, since the microbial flora can “get used” to a specific antibiotic.

It should be remembered that bedsores can lead to the development of extremely dangerous complications, such as contact osteomyelitis of the underlying bone, massive bleeding when the pressure ulcer “corrodes” a vessel, the development of a malignant tumor, and blood poisoning. Therefore, treatment of bedsores should be carried out by a surgical specialist.

Syntomycin and zinc ointment for trophic ulcers

As follows from the term itself (trophism - nutrition), trophic ulcers are formed as a result of disruption of the normal supply of tissues with nutrients. Most often, this pathology develops with serious vascular pathologies (thrombophlebitis and varicose veins, atherosclerosis, damage to arterial trunks due to diabetes, etc.) or with severe damage to the nervous system (syringomyelia, damage to the spinal cord and peripheral nerves).

Regardless of the cause, trophic ulcers are prone to chronic recurrent course. In this case, the skin surrounding the ulcer is exposed to the irritating effects of wound fluid and medications, so that weeping often occurs.

In such cases, in addition to the treatment of a trophic ulcer prescribed by a doctor, the surrounding tissues are alternately lubricated with zinc ointment and an ointment with an antimicrobial effect (synthomycin, chloramphenicol, erythromycin ointment, etc.).

Great care should be taken not to dry out the skin. Therefore, such treatment is carried out as prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor.

Zinc ointment and fucorcin: use for streptoderma in children and adults

Streptoderma is a purulent-infectious skin lesion caused by a pathogenic bacterium - streptococcus. As a rule, infection occurs through contact, with an incubation period of about one week.

A characteristic feature of streptodermia is that this pathology most often develops on the affected skin (scratching with scabies or allergic dermatitis, skin irritation with discharge from the nose with rhinitis, from the ear with otitis, from an open wound).

A predisposing factor to the development of streptococcal skin lesions is general exhaustion of the body, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and vitamin deficiency.

In children, streptoderma develops more often than in adults, which is associated both with the tenderness of the skin and with more frequent cases of poor hygiene. Infants most often suffer from streptoderma, especially those prone to allergic (exudative) diathesis.

As a rule, the disease begins with the appearance on the surface of the skin of a vesicle filled with a colorless or reddish liquid. The blister, surrounded by a rim of inflamed skin, becomes flabby over time, its contents become cloudy and acquire a purulent character. Then the bubbles subside, a crust forms on top, after which it falls off to reveal clean skin.

Most often, this type of rash is found on the face, side surfaces of the torso and limbs. Sick children pose a danger to others, so in children's groups streptococcal infection can spread at lightning speed.

In cases where the pathology occurs without complications, the disease completely resolves after 3-4 weeks. At the site of the rash, pockets of depigmentation still remain for some time, which subsequently disappear without a trace.

In mild cases, streptoderma does not require general treatment. It is necessary to isolate the patient at home and regularly cleanse the rash with antiseptic medications (iodine, brilliant green solution, fucorcin) followed by lubrication with ointments with adsorbent properties, such as zinc ointment and zinc paste.

However, even with a mild course of the disease, complications may develop (transition to a chronic form, development of eczema, and in weakened patients - blood poisoning). Therefore, treatment of streptoderma should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Zinc ointment for hemorrhoids: instructions, patient reviews and doctor’s recommendations

Some patients successfully use zinc ointment as a remedy against external hemorrhoids; they recommend that their fellow sufferers lubricate hemorrhoidal cones two to three times a day until the unpleasant symptoms of the disease are eliminated.

Doctors agree that zinc ointment and paste can really have a positive effect on external hemorrhoids, since they have anti-inflammatory, drying and mild antiseptic properties.

However, today in the arsenal of medicine there are drugs specifically designed for the treatment of hemorrhoids, which are much more effective than zinc ointment and zinc paste.

It should be borne in mind that “harmless” hemorrhoids, if treated inadequately, can lead to serious complications, such as bleeding and inflammation of the fatty tissue surrounding the rectum (paraproctitis). So treatment of hemorrhoids should be carried out according to the recommendations and under the supervision of the attending physician - a proctologist surgeon.

Analogues of zinc ointment and paste: composition, application, price

Composition, use and cost of drugs Desitin, zinc ointment and zinc paste

The most well-known analogues of zinc ointment and zinc ointment are the preparations Tsindol and Desitin, the main active ingredient of which is also zinc oxide.

Desitin ointment, also called cream, is produced by the famous pharmaceutical concern Pfizer (USA). The cost of this drug is tens of times higher than zinc ointment (paste). So the average price of Desitin ointment in Moscow pharmacies is about 226 rubles, and zinc ointment is only 14 rubles.

However, it should be noted that Desitin is not a complete analogue of zinc ointment and zinc paste. The main active ingredient (zinc oxide) in zinc ointment is contained in a concentration of 10%, in zinc paste - in a concentration of 25%, and in Desitin ointment - in a concentration of 40%.

And this is not the only difference. Desitin is a multicomponent drug. In particular, the American drug contains talc, which enhances the adsorbing properties of the ointment, and cod liver oil, which protects the skin from drying out and gives the drug a unique smell.

However, the scope of application of Desitin ointment is the same as that of zinc ointment (paste) - mild skin lesions (diaper rash in children, dermatitis, sunburn, skin rashes with an inflammatory element (acne), etc.).

Based on the composition of the drug, Desitin seems to be a more effective remedy, but whether it is worth buying the drug for the treatment of ailments that can be treated with cheaper zinc ointment and zinc paste is, of course, up to the buyer to decide.

Tsindol suspension or zinc ointment?

Compared to Desitin ointment, Tsindol suspension (manufactured in the Russian Federation) has a fairly affordable price (the average cost in Moscow pharmacies is about 56 rubles), which, however, is almost four times higher than the price of zinc ointment or paste.

The dosage form of the drug Tsindol is popularly called mash - it is a suspension of insoluble small particles of solid medicinal substances in a liquid enclosed in a container. So, in accordance with the popular name, the medicinal suspension must be shaken before use.

The drug Tsindol cannot be called a complete analogue of zinc ointment and paste, not only in dosage form, but also in composition. The suspension contains 12.5% ​​zinc oxide, the adsorbing properties of which are enhanced by the presence of medical talc (12.5%) and starch (12.5%).

Thus, in terms of adsorbing (drying) properties, Tsindol is superior to zinc ointment (10% dry matter), but inferior to zinc paste (50% dry matter - 25% zinc oxide and 25% starch).

The liquid part of the Tsindol suspension is represented by medical alcohol, glycerin and distilled water. So, based on the composition of the drug, Tsindol is somewhat superior to zinc ointment and paste in its antiseptic properties (due to the presence of alcohol).

In this case, the indications for the use of Tsindol suspension are the same as zinc ointment and zinc paste (diaper rash, dermatitis, mild burns, herpetic rashes, etc.).

So if you find the therapeutic effect obtained from zinc ointment or paste unsatisfactory, you can try Tsindol. Perhaps this more expensive, but still quite affordable drug will suit you better.

Answers to the most popular questions about how to use zinc ointment (paste)

Is it possible to use zinc ointment to whiten the skin around the eyes?

No you can not. The skin around the eyes is very thin and sensitive, so using zinc ointment can have an extremely negative impact on its condition.

Dark circles under the eyes occur with many serious diseases, so it is better to undergo an examination and find out the cause of the aesthetic defect.

If the reason lies in the individual structure of the skin around the eyes, contact a specialist cosmetologist who will select the right cream or ointment.

In any case, special products are required to care for the skin around the eyes, so when choosing a cosmetic cream, pay attention to the mark “passed ophthalmological control.”

How to apply zinc ointment for scabies?

Zinc ointment is not used to treat scabies, since it is absolutely powerless in the fight against scabies mites.

On the other hand, the zinc ointment included in the mask will dry out the skin in places where it is not particularly oily.

To treat problem skin, it is better to seek advice from a cosmetologist. If you suffer from seborrheic dermatitis (as doctors call acne vulgaris), consult a dermatologist.

Self-medication can only make your problems worse.

Where can I buy zinc baby ointment for a newborn? I read reviews about successful use for diaper rash, but there is no ointment for children in the pharmacy

There is no such drug as children's zinc ointment. For newborns, use the same concentration of zinc ointment as for adults (10%).

This ointment is absolutely harmless and helps well with diaper rash in newborns and infants.

They recommended another way to use zinc ointment. Reviews indicate that it helps very well against acne: mix zinc ointment with crushed streptocide tablets

You should not experiment and mix medications yourself. If an ointment made from a combination of zinc oxide and streptocide was effective enough, it would still be on the pharmaceutical market.

In cases where an infection is associated with acne and signs of suppuration appear, consult a doctor who will prescribe a drug with an antibacterial effect (synthomycin ointment, levomekol, etc.).

If the rash is accompanied by a severe inflammatory reaction, you may need to use salicylic-zinc paste, which has a stronger anti-inflammatory effect.

Modern medicine has a rich arsenal of means to combat acne, so there is no need to “reinvent the wheel.” For the optimal choice of a drug that will help in your particular case, consult a dermatologist.

  • Zinc-based pastes and ointments (Lassara paste, boron-sulfur, zinc-ichthyol, salicylic-sulfur-zinc) - composition, action, scope of application, reviews
  • Zinc ointment is used to improve the condition of the skin of the face and body. It effectively eliminates minor rashes and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The drug is characterized by anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, drying and regenerating effects. Women use a pharmaceutical product to combat the first wrinkles on the forehead and in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.

    Cosmetologists are skeptical about this method of using Zinc ointment. It does not contain components that can enhance the production of collagen and elastin. It is these compounds that are responsible for the formation of wrinkles. But the drug can restore the skin to a healthy appearance and prevent premature aging.

    Cosmetologists use Zinc ointment to remove unsightly age spots from the skin of patients. Light brown or red-brown local darkening occurs in women after 40 years of age. But often these cosmetic defects occur during pregnancy or prolonged exposure to the sun. When applied to a spot, the drug quickly and effectively whitens the epidermis. Cosmetologists recommend using it for skin care if it often appears:

    • acne;
    • blackheads (acne).

    Use with caution on facial skin. If the recommendations of cosmetologists are not followed, it can become very dry. Loss of moisture necessary for cells will lead to the formation of wrinkles and severe irritation of the dermis.

    Beneficial features

    The therapeutic effect of the drug is based on the content of a large amount of zinc. This trace element is included in many cosmetic products for oily skin care. Manufacturers add it to creams, tonics, masks, and gels intended for the treatment of acne. Zinc regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands and prevents increased secretion production. The external agent forms a durable film on the surface of the epidermis that prevents pathogenic bacteria from penetrating into the pores. What else is Zinc ointment good for facial skin:

    • protects the dermis from exposure to sunlight, prevents excessive melatonin production;
    • retains the moisture they need in cells and prevents water molecules from evaporating from the surface of the skin;
    • sanitizes pathological foci, removes toxins and toxic compounds.

    Proper use of the drug promotes gradual, moderate exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis. In place of the fallen keratinized scales, new, young tissues are formed. The skin texture is evened out, a healthy color returns, and the greasy shine disappears. It is especially important to use the drug in the form of an anti-aging mask.

    Opinions of cosmetologists and doctors

    Dermatologists consider Zinc ointment an effective remedy for the treatment of dermatitis of various etiologies.

    In the absence of an infectious inflammatory process, the drug quickly copes with scratches, cracks, and wounds. By preventing suppuration, it accelerates the healing of damaged tissues. But dermatologists and cosmetologists do not recommend using Zinc ointment to combat wrinkles for the following reasons:

    • After 25 years, collagen production gradually decreases. This leads to the formation of “voids” in the intercellular space. The skin becomes more flabby and begins to sag. Zinc oxide is not able to stimulate collagen biosynthesis;
    • the drug does not have moisturizing properties, but only retains water molecules. To prevent the formation of wrinkles, products are needed that saturate the dermis with additional moisture.

    It is dangerous to use Zinc ointment on the skin around the eyes. This method of rejuvenation will provoke not only the formation of premature wrinkles, but also conjunctivitis.

    Description of the drug

    Zinc ointment is a homogeneous white substance with a specific odor of petroleum jelly. Some manufacturers improve its composition by adding additional ingredients. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the pharmacist that it is the ointment that is needed. The therapeutic line also includes Zinc paste. It is very thick, viscous and is used only to treat weeping eczema and ulcers.

    If a woman nevertheless decides to use the drug for rejuvenation, then precautions must be taken. It is better to add zinc ointment in a minimal amount to a balm or cream. Dermatologists categorically prohibit using it to eliminate wrinkles under the eyes.

    pharmachologic effect

    The active ingredient of the drug is zinc oxide. After applying the ointment to the skin or wound surfaces, proteins begin to denature. The resulting albuminates are removed from the tissues, promoting their regeneration. The drug significantly reduces the intensity of exudation and stops inflammatory processes. In cosmetology, Zinc ointment is used due to its antiseptic and whitening effect. What does it help with:

    • pigment spots of various locations, shapes and colors;
    • acne and its consequences - scars, cicatrices, pits;
    • decreased functional activity of the sebaceous glands.

    Zinc oxide is a powerful adsorbent. The chemical compound attracts waste and toxins to its surface. It helps to quickly remove microorganisms and their waste products from skin pores.

    Release form and composition

    Domestic manufacturers produce the drug in dark glass bottles or aluminum tubes. The primary package may contain 20.0 or 30.0 g of Zinc ointment. Tubes and bottles are enclosed in cardboard boxes along with instructions for use. The external product contains the following ingredients:

    • zinc oxide;
    • medical Vaseline.

    Sometimes manufacturers use other auxiliary components to form an ointment base. This can be lanolin, white paraffin, or a combination of both with petroleum jelly. Zinc anti-wrinkle ointment will work more effectively if it contains propylene glycol. This connection ensures the penetration of the ingredient into the deepest layers of the epidermis. It creates a pH level that matches the acidity of human skin.

    The medicine should be stored at room temperature in a place protected from sunlight. Shelf life - 4 years. After uncorking the bottle or opening the aluminum tube, it is reduced to 2-3 months. The drug should not be used if it separates, changes color or smell. Its cost in pharmacies is from 20 rubles.

    Instructions for use for the face

    The instructions for use of Zinc ointment do not specify its use against wrinkles. Therefore, during the procedures, you should follow all the recommendations of cosmetologists. Do not apply the drug to uncleaned skin. How long to keep gel or cream with Zinc ointment on your face:

    • for those with normal skin - 1-1.5 hours;
    • For people with problematic and oily dermis, it is advisable to leave the product for 4-5 hours.

    After the procedure, be sure to apply a moisturizer to your face.

    During treatment, scrubs with large abrasive particles should not be used.

    Indications and contraindications

    Zinc ointment is an effective drug for the treatment of thermal and sunburns of the 1st degree. In dermatological practice, it is also used in the treatment of the following diseases:

    • dermatitis;
    • diaper rash;
    • microtraumas - cracks, scratches, cuts;
    • weeping eczema.

    According to recent clinical trials, the drug exhibits weak antiviral activity. Therefore, it is used to treat herpes infection during the period of opening of painful blisters. In cosmetology, Zinc ointment is used for acne, pimples, wrinkles, and post-acne. It is suitable only for people with normal and combination skin. The external agent dries out the pores and normalizes the production of sebaceous secretions. Dry skin is one of the contraindications to its use. Zinc ointment is also not prescribed to patients with hypersensitivity to the components. It is contraindicated in pathologies occurring against the background of an infectious-inflammatory process.

    Directions for use and doses

    First you need to wash your face with any hygiene product and pat your face dry with a towel. To increase the therapeutic effect it is necessary to “open the pores”. You can apply a cloth soaked in hot water to the skin, or wipe it with infusion of chamomile or sage. There are several ways to apply Zinc ointment to your face:

    • add 10 g of the drug to 100 ml of cream;
    • Apply a thin layer to the entire face for 30-40 minutes.

    In its pure form, Zinc ointment should not be left on the face overnight. It is enough to carry out the rejuvenating procedure once a day for a month. After a 2-3 week break, treatment can be continued.

    Pregnancy and lactation

    The therapeutic properties of the drug allow it to be used on the face during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But you should consult your doctor about the advisability of medical procedures.

    Side effects and special instructions

    The use of Zinc anti-wrinkle ointment may cause a local allergic reaction. It manifests itself in the form of a rash, redness and swelling of the dermis. The drug does not penetrate the bloodstream and does not cause systemic adverse reactions.

    In women with dry skin, the use of an external product will provoke an increase in the depth of existing wrinkles. The reason for this negative effect is its ability to exfoliate the upper layer of the epidermis. It becomes thinner and loses elasticity.

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