Fabric larks abstract senior group. Synopsis of a role-playing game in the senior group “Arrive larks, Bring spring - bring red! Finger gymnastics "Larks"


Introduce children to the crested lark (appearance, lifestyle, behavior).
To consolidate knowledge about spring changes in wildlife and inanimate nature, about migratory birds, about the features of the Crimean climate.
To acquaint children with a riddle, a poem, signs about larks.
Vocabulary: lark, baking sheet, farmers, suidka (Ukrainian), “feathered friends”, “excellent flyers”, idioms “in full swing”, “spring is red”.
Exercise children in onomatopoeia, drawing and coloring techniques.
Develop thinking, fine motor skills of the hands. To educate in children the ability to see the beauty of nature and treat it with care.


Photograph of a crested lark, silhouette of a lark on a string; didactic game "Seasons" (in the form of a typesetting canvas); “birds” woven from dough, a baking sheet greased with oil, almonds, raisins, table knives; audio recording of the singing of the lark, the romance "The Lark" by M. I. Glinka, the play "The Song of the Lark" by P. I. Tchaikovsky; bell.

crested lark

Skylark in flight

Dough lark

Lesson progress:

Spring is coming!
Spring is coming!
With the sun warm
With abundant rain.
Spring will bring the harvest
To our happy land!

One of the main spring events is that our feathered friends fly to us. You, of course, guessed what we are talking about? Why do we call birds "feathered" and "friends"? (Answers of children). True, “feathered” because the body of birds is covered with feathers, and “friends” because birds delight us with their singing, spread the seeds of various plants on the ground and eat a huge number of insects, thereby saving parks, gardens, forests, fields and orchards .

And what are the names of the birds that fly away to warmer climes for the winter, and fly back in the spring? (Answers of children). That's right, flights. Name some migratory birds you know. (Answers of children). Swallows, starlings, rooks, robins, quails, kinglets, cranes, swans.

Today we will get acquainted with a migratory bird. Her name is the lark, the singer of spring. And here he is. (An audio recording of the singing of a lark sounds and the silhouette of a lark on a thread rises up).

Did you like the song of the lark? Do you understand why the lark is called the “singer of spring”? For what? (Answers of children). The larks come in the spring and sing their wonderful bird songs.

In the old days there was such a custom: the children became in a round dance and all together called the larks.

You are little birds, larks,
Fly to us.
Spring is clear, spring is red
Bring us.

And mothers baked buns from dough, buns that looked like birds. We have already braided the dough since morning. Now it has come up and it remains for us to make beaks and eyes. What are we going to make the eyes out of? From raisins. What is a raisin? That's right, dried seedless grapes. And what do we use as a beak? Almond nut. And now it remains for us to cut the tails of our birds with a knife like this. (The teacher accompanies the explanation with a demonstration). Plant the finished larks on a greased baking sheet - this is the name of the baking board. Are you familiar with this word? If not, then repeat it again and try to remember. Let's ask Tatyana Vladimirovna to take the baking sheet with larks to the kitchen and put it to bake ... where? Into the oven. (Children work to the sounds of "The Song of the Lark" by P. I. Tchaikovsky. The teacher explains that the composer liked the singing of the lark and he tried to convey it with the sounds of music).

In the meantime, our birds are baking, let's get to know the lark better.

Larks fly to the Crimea in small flocks, they do not like noisy companies. And they try to fly when it is already warm. In this regard, there is a sign: "The lark flies to the heat."

In spring, larks, like all birds, have many worries. What are these worries, please tell me. (Answers of children). Find a mate, build a nest, lay eggs, hatch chicks. Weddings at larks take place in the air. Flying higher, the males sing beautiful, melodic songs to their brides, something like this: “Cir-lir-lir-lu, cir-lu-lu-lyuyuyuyuyu”.

Finger gymnastics "Larks"

Let's play a little. Interlace your thumbs, as if hooking on each other. This will be the lark's head. Close the rest of your fingers. These will be the wings. (The teacher accompanies the words with a show). Are your larks ready? Then we take off and sing: “tsir-lir-lir-lyu, tsir-lu-lu-lyuyuyuyuyu”.

Wants to fly straight
Wants - hangs in the air,
Stone falls from heights
And sing, sing, sing.

(Children perform hand movements in accordance with the text).

Larks are famous for their singing. And what bird is considered an excellent singer? (Answers of children). That's right, nightingale.

Larks fly away from the Crimea in the middle of autumn, at night, when their feathered predators do not disturb them. Flying larks are excellent. How do you understand this expression? (Answers of children). Indeed, larks can fly quickly and for a long time. True, in bad weather they get tired and, together with other feathered travelers, board ships. And the sailors do not touch them, as there is a sea sign: "Misfortune threatens the ship on which the bird that asked for shelter was offended."

The nests of the lark are arranged on the ground, in pits. They line it with grass, horsehair, feathers. Why do larks do this? (Answers of children). A soft bedding in the nest is needed so that the eggs laid there are not damaged, and it is more convenient for the chicks on the soft one. The female lays three to five eggs. They are reddish gray in color.

We have already drawn nests, and now we will finish drawing eggs in them. How many eggs can there be in a lark's nest? (Answers of children). You can draw at least three, but no more than five eggs in the nest. And how do we achieve a reddish-gray color of eggs? (Answers of children). First, with a slight pressure of the pencil, paint over the eggs with an orange pencil, and then paint over the orange with a black pencil, barely pressing on it. This is how the eggs will have a reddish-gray color. (Children work to the sounds of M. I. Glinka's romance "The Lark").

Mobile game "Lark"

It's time to play. Children stand in a circle and sing:

The lark sang in the sky,
He rang the bell.
frolic in silence,
Hid the song in the grass.

The "lark" (leading child) with a bell moves in leaps inside the circle. At the end of the song, he stops and puts the bell on the floor between the two children. These children turn their backs to each other. Everyone says: “He who finds a song will be happy for a whole year!” The two run around the circle, moving in opposite directions. Whoever grabs the bell first becomes the Lark. The game is repeated.

We live on a wonderful peninsula, which is called ... what? (Answers of children). That's right, Crimea. We have a special lark in the Crimea. Take a look at it. (Photo display). Nowhere else on the entire vast planet Earth will you meet this bird. She lives only in the Crimea. Her name is crested lark. Why do you think this lark is called crested? (Answers of children). Well done, you noticed the tuft on the head of this lark and guessed that he got his name precisely for his tuft. But don’t you remember another bird, which, like the crested lark, lives only in the Crimea and is also called crested? (Answers of children). This is a crested cormorant.

Our crested lark does not often rise into the air. He tirelessly runs on the ground, sometimes flying over short distances. For this, he received the nickname "earth lark". He stays in the Crimea for the winter and does not fly away. If the winter is snowy, then it is hard for him. Why do you think? (Answers of children). Under the snow you can not find food for the bird. So the crested lark has to wander along roads, near houses and dig in garbage heaps in search of food. The crested lark has another name-name - susidka. This is a Ukrainian word. Do you know how it is translated into Russian? (Answers of children). Neighbor. And the lark is called so because in a hungry winter it settles and feeds in the neighborhood with a person. Repeat the Ukrainian word "susidka" and try to remember.
The crested lark sings even in winter, and also knows how to mimic other birds. He chooses a bride for himself once in a lifetime.

The crested lark arranges its nest in the steppe, in wastelands, even in suburban dumps. Chicks are born blind, without feathers. The parents feed them. What do you think? (Answers of children). Like other birds, larks feed their young with insects. The chicks have an excellent appetite, they grow so fast that the parents are overjoyed. Grown up chicks get out of the nest and roam near it, chirping with barely audible children's voices. If you happen to meet such bird babies, do not touch them, do not disturb them. And do not think that the chicks have fallen out of the nest or are lost. Their parents are nearby. They teach the chicks to hide, look for food, distinguish between edible and inedible. Soon the chicks become like their parents, switch to grain feed, but they do not refuse insects either. Eating insects and pecking out the seeds of wild weed grasses, larks have long been considered friends of farmers. Who are the farmers? (Answers of children). People who work the land and grow plants. As for the grains of wheat, the birds do not touch the grains in the ear, but pick up the wheat grains that have fallen to the ground.

Well, let's remember what we learned today.


1. What is the name of the lark that lives only in the Crimea?
2. Why is it called the earth lark?
3. Does the crested lark fly to warmer climes for the winter? Why?
4. What is the Ukrainian word for the crested lark and why?
5. How do larks make nests?
6. How are chicks raised?
7. Why are larks called friends of farmers?
8. What signs are associated with larks? (About warmth, among sailors).
9. Why are larks considered songbirds?

(The door opens, the teacher's assistant enters with ready-made "lark" buns and hands them over to the teacher).

Got your dough in a hot place.
It's gone - it's not gone! It became larks.

Guys, take the "larks" in your hands and go to the carpet. (Each child gets a lark bun in a napkin.) Before we eat the larks, let's play with them a little. Remember the song from the game "Lark". (Children perform movements according to the text, holding lark buns in their hands).
Our lesson is over, put your larks on the tables, wash your hands and taste them.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 83 of the combined type of the city of Tyumen
Author: deputy head
MADOU d / s No. 83
Nikitina Svetlana Vladimirovna,
Tyumen, 2014
Synopsis of a plot-role-playing game in the senior group on the topic:
“Larks arrive, Spring - bring red!”
Software content of the game:
To acquaint children with Russian folk traditions of meeting spring - the holiday of the arrival of birds - Magpies.
To teach children to create expressive images of larks based on folk modeling techniques: sculpt birds from a whole piece of salt dough, rolling it into a thick flagellum, make wings and a tail using dough cuts in a stack.

Strengthen the ability to decorate your products using the method of in-depth relief, use additional natural material for decoration.
Develop fine motor skills of hands, aesthetic taste and a desire to experiment with materials.
Raise interest in folk traditions, customs, love and respect for the birds of their native land.
Equipment and materials:
Salt dough, grains of various cereals (buckwheat, peas, lentils), stacks, seals, modeling boards, napkins, migratory bird masks, a picture of a lark and other birds, 4 snowballs, a “magic” wand.
Musical accompaniment: "Sounds of the Spring Forest", "Spring Birdsong", "Song of the Lark" P.I. Tchaikovsky, E. Grieg "Spring".
Preliminary work:
Conversations, looking at illustrations, guessing riddles, learning proverbs about migratory birds, memorizing incantations, observing birds while walking.
Group form:
The group is framed in the form of a spring forest.
Note: The game is played on March 22
Game progress:
Educator: “Guys, today a letter from Spring came to kindergarten. Let's read it: “Hello, dear guys! So the cold winter is over, and it's time to say goodbye to it and welcome me together - Spring-Krasna. But Winter liked it so much in your area that she was in no hurry to leave, and she bewitched me, so that I would not interfere with her. Guys, help, disenchant me, otherwise I won’t be able to come to you!
Educator: "Guys, do you want to become Spring's helpers?"
Children: Yes!!!
Having received consent from the children, the teacher attaches an emblem to the children's chest with the inscription "Helper of Spring".
Educator: “But how can we be? How to disenchant Spring?
Children express their opinion.
Educator: “I think I know what to do! Let's go to a forest full of secrets and wonders, where we will definitely find the answer to our question. But can we go to the forest like this, dressed only in light clothes?
Children: No! It's still cold in the forest right now. Although March has come, there are a lot of snowdrifts in the forest.
Educator: “That's right, it's still cool outside, we can freeze. Let's get dressed first and then we can hit the road."
Children with a teacher imitate dressing.
Educator: "Well done! Are you all ready?"

I raise my magic wand
I rotate it over you.
Children, quickly swirled
And they found themselves in the spring forest.

The phonogram of the spring forest sounds.

Educator: “Well, we ended up in the forest. Let's go, guys, quietly, on tiptoes, so that the insidious WINTER does not hear us. Carefully, the branches of the trees have broken in front, lean lower, go under them. Further in front of us is a deep hole - let's jump over it. Be careful, there is a large snowdrift ahead, we will go around it.

Children go with the teacher, overcoming invisible obstacles, and find themselves in a forest clearing. There is snow on the meadow. The kids notice him.

Educator: “We ended up in a forest clearing. Interesting, what is it? Yes, it's magic snow! Well, let's see, yes, he is with a riddle!

The teacher gives the children a riddle:

"If the snow melts everywhere
The day is getting longer
If everything is green
And in the fields the stream is ringing,
If the sun shines brighter
If the birds are not up to sleep,
If the wind gets warmer
So, came to us ...?

Children: Spring.

Educator: “Why did you decide that this is spring?” (Answers of children).

Educator: “It seems that I guessed how we can disenchant Spring - red. Did you guess?

Educator: “Let's go, guys, further through the forest. Let's go over the stump. Here is one stump, here is the second, the third, we stepped over a lot of stumps. We go, pushing the branches with our hands carefully so as not to break. And here a thick branch hung above the ground, we will have to bend over.

Children find the next snowball.

Educator: “Guys, this is a very unusual snowball. On it is written the strange word "CHALLS". I wonder what it means? (listens to children's responses).

Educator: “In the old days, people were waiting for spring, they sang stonefly songs for her, so that she would hurry up, so that the birds would return from the south as soon as possible. Let's remember the spring calls. Get in a circle."

"Spring, red spring!
Come, spring, with joy,
Come, spring, with mercy!”
"Spring, red spring!
Come, spring, with joy,
With great joy
With rich mercy.
With tall flax,
With a deep root
With a deep root
With abundant bread"

Children walk along the path and at the end of it they find the third snowball.

Educator: “People rejoiced at the arrival of spring, they spoke kind words about it. “Mother-spring is red to all people”, “Spring will revive everything”. And they also said about spring: “Forty and forty birds arrive from overseas countries, they bring spring.” Why did they say that, do you think?

Children: "In spring, birds return home from warm countries."

Educator: “Guys, let's turn into migratory birds that return from warm lands in the spring. I have masks with the image of birds, choose any one for yourself, put it on your head.

Educator: “Tell me, guys, who chose which bird for themselves?”

Children name their migratory birds and remember folk signs associated with their arrival:

"Rook on the mountain - spring in the yard",
"How many thawed patches, so many larks",
“I saw a starling - know that spring is at the porch.”

I raise my magic wand
I rotate it over you.
Children, quickly swirled,
All have become migratory birds.

I raise my magic wand
I rotate it over you.
The birds swirled quickly
And they all turned into children.

Educator: "We, guys, need to get out to the clearing as soon as possible."

Children find a clearing with a snowball, the number 22 is written on it. The teacher invites the children to sit down, relax a little in the clearing.

Educator: “This task is difficult, but I guessed what this number 22 means. I will help you a little. Today is March 22nd on the calendar. This day was considered a great holiday among the Russian people. According to legend, it is on this day that migratory birds return home, carrying spring on their wings. And this day was called "Magpie". According to folk custom, on this day, the hostesses baked spring birds - larks - from dough. The birds were delicious, with a crispy fried crust.
Children ran down the street with baked birds, threw them up, scattered crumbs everywhere and shouted: “Larks fly in, bring red summer, winter is tired, I ate all the bread.” Soft buns were hung from a window on strings, attached to tree branches, and given to loved ones.

Educator: “Think, children, why did people bake larks?”

Children: "They baked larks, because they were the first to return from warm lands."

Educator: “Yes, larks are songbirds that first arrive from the south, birds that rise above all other birds in the air and are closest to the sun and announce the arrival of spring with their sonorous trills.”

Educator: "You guys now need to choose from several illustrations of birds the image of a lark."

Educator: "How did you guess that it was a lark?"

Children: "This is a lark, because it is small, gray."

Educator: “Yes, larks are outwardly inconspicuous: gray with dark mottles, with a small round head, a small tail.”

Educator: “Guys, you are great, you coped with all the tasks, passed all the tests. And this means that the witching charms of Winter have disappeared, and Spring - red will definitely come to our land!

A gentle spring melody sounds.

Educator: “Listen, it seems that she is walking on the ground with her weightless steps. And so that spring will hurry up and bring warm, fine days to our city as soon as possible, let's meet it the way we used to meet spring in Russia. Let's "bake" larks from dough. And for this we need to return to our group and turn into the one who bakes bread. In whom?"

Children: To the bakers!

I raise my magic wand
I rotate it over you.
The children in the group found themselves
Everyone has become a baker.

The teacher invites the children to his table.

Teacher: Divide a piece of dough into two parts. From a large part we will sculpt a bird. Let's leave the little one. What do you think for what?

Children: "Let's leave a small part to decorate the bird."

Educator: “We roll out a roller from a large piece. On the one hand, we will form the head with our fingers. Make a beak with your fingertips. Flatten the rest into a cake. On the opposite side of the head, make one incision. One part will be a tail, the other a wing. We cut the tail and wing with a fan, lift the wing up and press it to the body (the teacher accompanies his words with a show).

Educator: “Larks are nondescript birds. But people loved these birds, so they decorated them, sculpted a crest on their heads, and made beautiful patterns. Instead of eyes, they inserted peas, buckwheat grains ”(the teacher shows options for decorating with larks).

The teacher suggests stretching the fingers before starting work:

Finger gymnastics "Lark"

Interlace your thumbs and hook each other well. For us, it will be the head of a lark. Put the rest of your fingers together, close. These will be the wings. (The teacher accompanies the words with a show). Are your larks ready? Then we take off and do the movements together.

“He wants to fly straight,
Wants - hangs in the air,
Stone falls from heights
And sing, sing, sing.

Children perform hand movements in accordance with the spoken text.

Educator: “The beautiful music of the composer P.I. will help you create the image of a lark. Tchaikovsky, which is called "Song of the Lark". In this ringing joyful melody you will hear both the murmur of the brook and the chime of the bells.

The teacher offers to start sculpting birds. During independent work, if necessary, he provides assistance, encourages children if they seek to decorate the birds in different ways.

Educator: "Look what wonderful larks we got."

The teacher, together with the children, examines the molded birds, discusses who has the most elegant lark, the most vociferous, whose lark has the most original crest, etc.

Educator: “What do you think, children, what can we do with our larks?”

Children: We can give them to our parents, we can leave them to decorate the group, we can take them outside and sing incantations!

The teacher offers the children to take several larks out into the street in order, according to the ancient custom, to call Spring - red for a visit. If the children want to give a lark to their parents, then you can invite the children from the remaining dough in the evening to make birds as a gift to their loved ones.

Children go to wash their hands and get dressed outside.
While walking

The teacher with the children put the larks on a high snowdrift, and they themselves stand around them and read the incantations:

"Larks, fly in,
Take away the cold winter.
Winter is tired of us
She ate all the bread."

"Oh, you larks,
Fly into the field
Bring health.
The first is cow
The second is sheep
The third is human.

Fly over the sea
Bring us health
We are your pie
And you give us a bag of money.

Then the game "Lark" is played with the children.

Game "Lark"

Children stand in a circle and sing:

"A lark sang in the sky,
He rang the bell.
frolic in silence,
Hid the song in the grass.

The "lark" (leading child) with a bell moves in leaps inside the circle. At the end of the song, he stops and puts the bell on the floor between the two children. These children turn their backs to each other. Everyone says: “He who finds a song will be happy for a whole year!” The two run around the circle, moving in opposite directions. Whoever grabs the bell first becomes the Lark. The game is repeated.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
"Kindergarten of combined type No. 25 of the city of Orel"
Synopsis of ODD
In the senior speech therapy group
(organized in the PPRS "Mini-Museum")
On the topic: "Larks arrive, spring - bring red"

Yashina E.S.
Eagle, 2015
Educational area: cognitive development, social and communicative development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.
Program tasks:
1. To give children an idea about the celebration of the meeting of spring.
2. Continue to acquaint children with chants, rituals, riddles.
3. Cause in children an emotional upsurge, a joyful mood.
Corrective tasks:
1. To consolidate children's ideas about spring phenomena, about the life of migratory birds.
2. Enrich the dictionary on the topic: “Spring. Migratory birds".
3. Develop general speech skills:
- monitor the correct speech breathing when telling invocations;
-continue to develop intonation expressiveness of speech;
- improve the clarity of diction.
Preliminary work:
- a conversation about spring, looking at illustrations, pictures depicting the seasons, migratory birds;
-learning invocations, Russian folk games, round dances.
Materials for the lesson:
flannelgraph, pictures of migratory birds; tables, modeling boards, napkins, stacks, dough plates, raisins; tape recorder, recordings with "voices of the spring forest". Lesson plan:
1. Introductory part.
1.1 Organizational moment.
2. The main part.
2.1. Conversation about spring.
2.2. Reading spring calls.
2.3. Game "Sun" (coordination of speech with movement).
2.4. Guessing riddles about birds.
2.5. Conversation about birds.
2.6. Finger gymnastics "Lark".
2.7. Making cookies from dough - larks.
2.8. Reading calls.
3. The final part.
3.1. Round dance "Vesnyanka" (coordination of speech with movement).
The hostess meets the children in the hut:
- Hello, children and adults. I am glad to see guests as good news. We have gathered today in our hut to talk about spring and its holidays.
-When does spring come? (after winter).
- Do you want real spring to come? But how do we recognize it, by what signs? (children name signs and signs of spring).
-Let's tell what spring? (selection of definitions).
-Do you know the spring months? What is the first month? That's right, March is the first month of spring. In the people it is called "the morning of spring", "sunflower", "winter forest", "water flow", "wind-bearer", "rookery". That's how many names it has. Why do you think it is called that?
With an increase in sunlight, abundant snowmelt begins, streams flow, and with the arrival of rooks, winter completely recedes. In March, the sun rises higher and shines brighter, the days become longer. March fights winter and brings warm winds.
What holiday did we celebrate recently? (carnival).
-After Maslenitsa, people believed, spring is already on the threshold. Spring was not just expected, it was called out, called out with songs-chants, songs-springs and met with bread, as the dearest guest. Let's call you, let's call spring. How many of you know the spells?
1. Spring, spring, red!
Come, spring, with joy,
With joy, with joy
With great mercy.
With tall flax,
With a deep root
With abundant bread.
2. Spring, come! Bring three lands!
The first land - floods in the rivers!
Another land - the sun in the courtyard!
The third land is a green expanse!
3. Oh, spring is red!
From dark forests
Come from the blue seas
Shine on us with the sun!
4.Ay, ay, auk,
Let's call spring.
March, March - happy with the sun.
April, April - open the door.
May, May - walk as much as you want!
Hostess: -Ay, ay, aukem! We call, we call spring, but she is in no hurry. Looks like it got stuck somewhere. And I want warmth. Let's call the sun. It will warm the earth with its rays, melt the snow - spring will come faster.
The game "Sun" is being played (coordination of speech with movements)
Sunny, (children stand in a small circle, step back, Bell, expanding the circle, holding hands). You get up early, (hands up, stretch on toes)
Wake us up early. (drop hands)
We run in the field, (run in a circle, holding hands)
We welcome spring.
It seems to be getting warmer, the sun warms up. The birds will be coming soon. What is the first bird to appear in our area? (rook).
People say: "Rook on the mountain - spring in the yard."
Didn't the rook come? (they are looking for a rook on a flannelograph)
Following the rooks, other birds gather. What try to guess.
There is a trunk, a stake on the trunk,
On the stake of the palace, in the palace of the singer.
What is his name? (starling)
-Look, is there a starling among the birds?
-And it will become warmer, such a bird will fly:
Guess what kind of bird, dark little one,
White from the belly. The tail is spread into two tails.
She flies faster than anyone, there are enough midges on the go.
If she flies to us, then spring has begun. (martin)
-What is this bird?
Wants to fly straight
Wants - hangs in the air,
Stone falls from heights
And in the fields he sings, sings, sings. (lark)
What birds are left? (wintering)
How can you name all these birds in one word? (migratory)
-Let's play a game. I will say the sentence and you will add the word.
- A flock of ... (sparrows) flew into our yard.
There were a lot of red-breasted ones sitting on the mountain ash ... (bullfinches).
A little one flew up to the feeder ... (titmouse).
Returned to our lands ... (starlings).
- In the old days, peasants met the arrival of birds from distant lands with calls and songs. Very soon, on March 22, there will be another national holiday - Magpies. According to signs, it is from this time that the magpie begins to build a nest and puts 40 sticks in it, 40 different birds return to their native lands from the south and spring comes. They also baked cookies from dough - larks. Their shape could be different, depending on the taste and skill of the hostess. But it was considered important - spread wings - birds were always depicted flying. To make the cookies tasty, the eyes of the birds were made from raisins, nuts or other berries. Then baked larks were given to children. The children ran out into the street, threw them high up to the sky, and asked the birds to fly in, and bring spring with them. Let's try to mold larks from dough and call spring again.
The children are seated at the tables.
-As I already told you, the figurines of larks could be of different shapes: a flying lark, a lark with a chick, curled in a spiral, tied in a knot.
(pictures are shown).
-We will try to make such a lark - tied in a knot. First, let's stretch our fingers.
Finger gymnastics is carried out:
Skylark, skylark, (thumbs up for each line)
Where have you been? finger, starting with what did you come with? index, first
-Been overseas, right, then on the left hand). I mined spring.
I carry, I carry
-What is it? (dough), what is it? Touch, remember. (soft, supple).
We roll the sausage, the sausage is tied with a knot. On one side of the sausage sticking out of the knot, we pull out the lark's beak, on the other, the end is flattened and cuts are made that resemble feathers on the tail. Eyes are highlights.
(Children repeat the sequence in a chain).
We plant the birds on a baking sheet.
- These are the larks baked in the old days. And while you were visiting me, I also baked larks for you. Let us, according to the custom of our ancestors, call spring. We take in the palms, folded like a boat, a lark, raise it up to the sun and try to call.
1. Larks, fly in,
Spring - bring red,
We are tired of winter
Let spring come to us.
bring spring
On your tail.
2. The sandpiper flew from the sea,
Sandpiper brought nine locks.
- Sandpiper, sandpiper,
Close the winter
Unlock spring -
Warm summer.
3.Larks, larks,
Fly over the sea
Bring a piece of health
We are helping you
And you give us money - a bag!
4. Larks flew in,
Spring - they opened the red.
Sulfur snows rolled down
Water appeared in the rivers.
Don't touch the sand
Don't blunt your sock.
Your sock will come in handy
On an oatmeal.
- Hear, guys? (Voices of the Spring Forest)
- Spring, spring, red, spring has come clear.
The birds are singing loudly. They don't sleep for a long time.
The spring sun peeked through the window,
The hut was lit up, everyone was amused.
- Let's have fun, lead a round dance, and treat guests.
Round dance "Vesnyanka"
And the sun is already clear (children walk in a circle, holding hands, It's hot, it's hot. Slowly raise their hands)
And gold is everywhere
Streams along the street (running in a circle, in the opposite direction. Everyone murmurs, everyone murmurs to the side on their toes, hands on their belts)
waving his hands.)

Attached files

Municipal preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 6 "Child Development Center"

Synopsis of an open lesson for the senior group


Prepared and conducted

teacher of the first qualification category

Parfentyeva Ludmila Ivanovna


Program content:to cultivate a love for folk art, to give children an idea of ​​​​the folk holiday (“Magpies”), to promote the development of interest in folk customs, games through folk incantations.

Music used:

  1. "Russian round dance" Spanish. Orchestra of folk musical instruments, conductor V. Krasnoyartsev.
  2. "Lark" music. P. I. Tchaikovsky.
  3. "Red sundress" music. A. Varlamova
  4. "Vesnyanka" music. T. Potapenko.

Lesson progress:

The children enter the music room. Sounds "Russian round dance".

1 child: March 22 (March 9, old style) in Orthodox Russia celebrates the holiday of "magpies". There is a belief that on this day 40 different birds arrive from warm countries. And the first of them is a lark. On this day, housewives baked “larks” from a simple dough.

2 child: The lark is one of the pure birds of God. There is a legend about the origin of the lark: God threw a lump of earth high up and turned it into a bird gray as the earth - the Lark.

3 child: Like a bird of God, the lark was forbidden to be eaten, and killing was considered a great sin. The lark was called the singer of the Mother of God.

4 child: The dark forest glowed in the sun,

In the valley of steam, thin whitens,

And sang an early song

In azure the lark is sonorous.

Sings, sparkling in the sun:

Spring came to us young,

Here I sing the arrival of spring ... (Vasily Zhukovsky)

5 child: Under the sun most soared

And in the bright sky

The invisible lark sings

A salutary hymn to spring ... (Evgeny Baratynsky)

6 child: According to legend, larks took out thorns from the crown of thorns of the crucified Christ. Not only poets, but also composers dedicated their works to this inconspicuous gray bird. Listen to one of them.

Sounds "Lark" P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Leading: The arrival of the lark in all countries was associated with the arrival of spring. On this day, women baked larks from dough and first gave them to cows - in gratitude for milk and butter; then to the sheep - for warm boots, mittens and sheepskin coats, and then to the children. And she said:

(the girl holds a plate of baked larks in her hands)

Oh, you larks, larks

Fly into the field, bring health

The first is cow

The second is sheep

The third is human.

And the children ran into the street and shouted:

6 child: Larks, larks!

Fly to us

Bring us summer warm!

Take away the cold winter from us,

We got bored with the cold winter,

Hands, feet frostbitten.

Leading: In many places, cookies were baked in the shape of crosses. The cross-shaped biscuits were believed to have miraculous powers. Therefore, the crumbs remaining on the table were not thrown away, but collected and stored. In the spring, during sowing, they were thrown into a special sieve (network), from which grain was sown. A special method of divination was also associated with cross-shaped cookies. Seeds, hop flakes or a coin were placed in individual cookies. Grain for wealth, a scale of hops or a coin - for fun.

Often "crosses" were given to the guys who ran with them from house to house and shouted out special songs-chants:

1 child: Crosses, crosses, larks,

2 child: The cross is served and poured over with water,

3 child: Half of the "govin" will roll over,

4 child: The milk tub will roll over

Leading: The girls also made their invocations, looking to the east:

Boy: Spring, red spring!

Come spring with joy

With great mercy

With tall flax,

With a deep root

With abundant bread.

Round dance "It became clear to bake the sun."

Leading: If, after inviting spring, frosts continued, then they performed a special ceremony addressed to Frost (they put oatmeal jelly in bowls, on the edge of the field or on the porch) and invited to taste the food:

Frost-Frost, don't touch my oats.

Come eat kissel.

Spring enters to the music. Sounds like a red dress.

Spring: I am spring - red!

I wake the earth from sleep.

I fill the kidneys with juice

Growing flowers in the fields

I drive ice from the rivers.

I make the sunrise bright.

Everywhere: in the field and in the forest -

I bring joy to people.

7 child: Hello hello,

Beauty, Spring!

Bird house at our window

Soon there will be fun in the house,

The winged tenants have a housewarming party!

The game "Birds", r.s.m.

Leading: Spring, and our guys know a lot of proverbs, sayings, signs about you.


Proverbs, sayings:

Winter scares spring, but it still melts.

Spring is red during the day, and even then not completely.

In the spring, the shafts overgrow with grass overnight.


Early arrival of rooks and larks - to a friendly spring.

Long icicles - for a long spring.

Friendly spring - wait for big water.

I saw a starling - spring is at the porch.

Round dance "Vesnyanka".

Spring gives treats to children.

Thematic lesson in the senior group "Magpie-larks".

Goals and objectives:
expand and enrich children's knowledge about the traditions of the Russian people;
develop interest in Russian folklore through Russian spring calls;
to consolidate children's knowledge of migratory birds; create an atmosphere of Russian hospitality at the table and in the group; caregiver: Hello, dear guests! I have been waiting for you for a long time, the holiday does not start!
- The winter season is long. Happy holidays have already swept by: Christmas and Maslenitsa, already tired of listening to the howling of blizzards and snowstorms, everyone dreams that the heat will drive away the fierce cold. And so, in order to bring the joyful time of spring renewal closer, people came up with another rite - the invocation of spring. People used to say this about the day:
- When the water overflows, when the forest turns green
- When the birds arrive, then spring comes.
Round dance: "Vesnyanka"
Children read poetry
1. Bless, mother, call spring!
2. Spring, spring wake up from sleep!
And you, winter, go beyond the seas!
Let the winter go for good!
Spring is on the doorstep!
3. We, winter, are tired of you
And we ate all the bread,
Burned all our firewood
She took the straw off the roof! Game "Two frosts", "Burn clear"
4. Spring, spring, wake up from sleep!
We are tired of winter
Exhausted by the cold!
Educator: In March, the housewives baked small balls from the remnants of wheat flour and threw them out one by one into the street every day, persuading the frost to taste the treat.
Children: Frost red nose, here's bread and oats for you!
Now get out of here and head north!
Educator: Let's guys help winter to leave until next year, sing a spring call:
Spring, spring, spring day,
Spring day, where is it born?
In valleys, ravines is born,
Spring appears between two mountains!
Teacher: Spring! Blessed spring! Spring is long awaited! Poems were composed about spring, songs were sung, folk festivals were held, and the red sun was called upon to melt the winter snow as soon as possible.
Children read poetry.
1. Sunshine, look out red light!
Come to us for a holiday, but wake up spring!

2. Burn the sun, brighter! Summer will be hotter
And winter is warmer, and spring is nicer.

3. Sunshine, sunshine, red bucket!
Look out from behind the mountain, but until springtime! (A girl comes out, the sun is on her chest)
I am the radiant sun, I bring warmth and light,
I return smiles to you, and I give joy to everyone!
Educator: Thank you, the sun, for visiting us for the holiday. Be our dear guest. And we meet spring, call the birds! No wonder the people said: "Forty forty fly, they bring spring."
- Guys, let's play the folk game "Brook."

caregiver: Come on, guess what birds are the messengers of spring? Listen to riddles:
1. Black, agile, screaming "crack", the enemy of worms! (Rook)
2. In front of the bird is a schilze, behind the bird is a wilze
The bird is small, but it was overseas! (Martin)
3. There is a trunk, a stake on the trunk.
On a stake - a palace, in a palace - a singer! Who is it? (Starling)
4. When the spring forest solemnly welcomes spring,
The gray sorceress diligently counts the years for us ... (Cuckoo)
5. He is also gray in appearance, but very famous for his singing.
He sang solo among the branches, the singer was called ... (Nightingale)
caregiver: But most of all, people loved the sonorous singer - the lark, who, with his iridescent trills, forced nature to wake up from its winter sleep. On March 22, when the day became equal in length to the night, in every house they baked birds - larks from dough, smeared them with sweet fragrant honey. Children sculpted birds from clay, made from rags. Festively dressed girls and children walked around the village and sang songs - invocations.
- Guys, I also baked larks for you. Hold them.
- Let's sing spring calls with you. Raise your larks up.
1. Larks, fly in!
Call red spring.
For the snow to roll
Water appeared in the river.
2. Bring spring on your tail,
On a plow, on a harrow, on an oat sheaf.
3. Birds come!
Twist nests
Fly, fly
Praise spring!

Educator: Guys, today we spent the winter and the frost.
- We met the red spring and the clear sun, called the spring birds.
Round dance "Winter is already passing."
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