List of necessary medications in a home medicine cabinet. Home first aid kit: a list of what everyone should have. Cardiac and sedatives

Every family has a first aid kit. Separate cabinets and shelves with boxes are provided for storing medications for various purposes. Some people store essential medications in a regular bag. At the same time, everything is mixed: medications left over after an illness, vials and blisters with an expired date, medications without packaging... the list is endless.

It is worth finding out what should be in a home medicine cabinet.

A logically selected set of medications in an unpredictable situation will become a “lifeline” for any family member. It should be in one place inaccessible to children. A painful attack, a cut or burn, a dislocation, a fracture - no one is immune from such cases. Providing first aid with the use of the necessary devices often plays a decisive role in subsequent treatment.

Pain of various etiologies is the most common ailment. The sensitivity of each person is strictly individual; accordingly, one drug that relieves pain has a different effect on different people. It is also worth remembering that there is no “miracle pill” that will eliminate any type of pain in a matter of seconds. Therefore, the home medicine cabinet should contain painkillers based on active substances that differ in action. The most commonly consumed painkillers are:

  1. Paracetamol and its derivatives, Efferalgan, Panadol are its analogues.
  2. Citramon contains caffeine, acetylsalicylic acid and paracetamol, and has proven itself in lowering blood pressure and frequent headaches.
  3. Spasmalgon and no-spa are applicable for pain syndrome accompanied by cramps (menstruation).
  4. Ketanov, Buskopan - applicable during menstruation, attacks of radiculitis. They belong to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  5. Baralgin, Tempalgin, Analgin contain the substance metamizole, which is relevant for toothache.

It is advisable to have painkillers with different active ingredients on hand. In some cases, they are taken alternately or in parallel to achieve a positive result and improve the general condition of a person.

The list of your home first aid kit should include ointments and gels, for example, Final-gel, Fastum gel, Apizartron. They are applicable for joint or back pain. Ear drops (Otinum, Otipax) and eye drops (Levomycetin) will be appropriate to relieve inflammation and, accordingly, pain.

For colds

In the autumn-spring period, colds become more active. To ensure timely treatment, it is worth stocking up on certain protective medications.

Medicines for treating burns and wounds

Domestic injuries are common. , abrasions happen regularly. Among the medications in your home medicine cabinet there should always be well-known and familiar drugs:

  • Miramistin or Chlorhexidine - according to their intended purpose, they replace brilliant green or iodine, that is, they have an antiseptic effect. Their advantage is the absence of skin staining and burning.
  • Hydrogen peroxide 3% is intended for treating wounds and stopping bleeding.
  • Potassium permanganate – treatment of wound surfaces, also applicable for gastric lavage in case of poisoning.
  • Panthenol is an excellent product that provides rapid skin restoration. Helps with 1-2 degree burns of various origins without compromising the integrity of the skin.
  • Special eye drops that are used to wash the eyes if foreign substances or caustic liquids get into them. An excellent replacement for this is regular saline solution.

About additional materials

Analyze the contents of your home medicine cabinet to see what else you might need. These are dressings and auxiliary devices. It is necessary to have a bandage and cotton wool, dressing bags, and a simple adhesive plaster (sometimes also bactericidal). For convenient application of medication to the wound, cotton swabs are suitable; for dressing, sterile gauze dressings are appropriate, which prevent infection of damaged skin. An elastic bandage will be needed in case of sprain or dislocation when falling from a certain height. When this occurs, you cannot do without a hemostatic sponge that stops the flow of blood.

Equally important additional items that should be included in a home first aid kit include:

  • Mustard plasters (colds).
  • Rubber gloves for sterile treatment of abrasions, medical alcohol.
  • Ammonia, under the influence of which a person quickly regains consciousness.
  • Thermometer and tonometer – these items are a MUST to have at home.
  • A set of disposable syringes for emergency administration of medications.
  • Rubber heating pad and ice pack.
  • Important devices are such as syringes, pipettes, measuring cups, etc., without which it is difficult to carry out minor manipulations.

What else do you need to know

If someone in the family is diagnosed with a chronic illness, the home first aid kit container is supplemented with the medications needed to treat it. This is especially important if the disease is associated with unexpected and frequent seizures, such as epilepsy.

When planning a vacation trip or a walk in nature, it is necessary to prepare in advance the necessary set of medications that may be needed in an emergency. As for children's medications, they are stored separately. It is important to regularly check the contents of the first aid kit; all drugs that have expired must be disposed of.

A home homeopathic medicine cabinet, accordingly, should contain all medications suitable for solving the health problems indicated above.

Every person wants to protect themselves and their family from undesirable consequences in the event of any disease. Timely provision of first aid reduces the risk of complications, and properly treated wounds and fixed dislocations/fractures can be treated more easily. It is important to understand what requirements a good home first aid kit meets. It should contain drugs and devices that will help provide emergency care and alleviate the condition of a loved one.

Home first aid kit. Instructions for configuration and use.

  1. Thermometer (colloquial thermometer). Mercury or electronic, as you prefer.

    Important! Traditionally, axillary (axillary) temperature is measured, the norm is 36.2° - 36.9°, the norm for oral (in the mouth) temperature is 36.6° - 37.2°, anal 36.8° - 37.6°

  2. Tonometer shoulder electronic. It is convenient, accurate, measures pulse, shows arrhythmia, and keeps in memory the latest tonometry results.

    Important! Wrist or finger blood pressure monitors distort blood pressure readings and are not a medical standard.

  3. Scissors direct medical. To cut clothing, cut off a bandage or plaster.

You can supplement this section with other tools. They are required less frequently or are replaced with improvised means: tweezers, syringe, pipette, enema, heating pad, disposable syringes, tourniquet to stop bleeding.

Dressing materials

  1. cotton wool in sterile packaging and plain. Cotton wool is hygroscopic and therefore more suitable than synthetic wool for medical purposes.
  2. Bandages sterile widths: 5 cm, 10 cm, 14 cm
  3. Patch. Bactericidal for minor scratches and roll-on for fixing the bandage. I like the wide plasters from URGO. Waterproof, breathable, antiseptic.


  1. Iodine (colloquial iodine) or brilliant green (cold. zelenka) for treating small scratches on the skin. Iodine is used to treat the skin around the wound.
  2. Chlorhexidine (Miramistin) for treating large scratches and wounds on the skin and mucous membranes.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide 3% is used to treat small wounds and scratches. It is used for deep puncture wounds.
  4. Panthenol for burns.
  5. Potassium permanganate (colloquial potassium permanganate). Very convenient for disinfecting water, to wash a contaminated large wound or stomach in case of poisoning.
  6. Alcohol is used to disinfect instruments or skin during injections.


Painkillers. Antipyretic. Anti-inflammatory.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs) are drugs that have analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects.

They reduce pain, fever and inflammation. In the first aid kit you need Tempalgin (an analogue of analgin), Paracetamol (or Panadol, it's the same thing) and Aspirin. When and which of them to use can be seen from the table:

There is a large group of strong anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Indomethacin, etc.) But it is important to understand that they are used mainly for chronic inflammatory diseases of the joints - arthritis and osteochondrosis.


  1. Activated carbon or Polysorb for poisoning.
  2. No-shpa (or Drotaverine) for spasmodic pain.
  3. Mezim, Festal. Enzyme preparations.
  4. Additionally: Almagel, Phosphalugel, Regidron, Smecta or Imodium


  1. Nitroglycerin for
  2. Additionally: Atenolol for

For allergic diseases

Antihistamines (Zyrtec, Claritin)

Home first aid kit for newborns and children

Essential items in a first aid kit for newborns:

  • Cotton pads
  • Wet wipes
  • Cotton swabs for ears and nose
  • Powder
  • Baby cream, oil or ointment for treating diaper rash or scratches on the skin
  • Water thermometer
  • Herbal mixtures (chamomile and chamomile) for bathing a child
  • Bathing products
  • Manicure nail scissors

For older children, medications are used with a dosage appropriate for their weight and age. Preference is given to dosage forms in syrup.

Home first aid kit for chronic diseases

Medicines for chronic use should be stored separately from the first aid kit. A very convenient pill organizer:

The need to have a first aid kit at your dacha is beyond doubt.

What should be included in its composition, what medications and accessories, so that it has everything you need and nothing extra? Let's find out together.

When we go to the dacha, we do not expect to get sick there, but to relax. But life is unpredictable, and anything can happen - a burn, food poisoning, allergies. The purpose of a country first aid kit is not to replace medicine. It is intended only to cope with minor problems, and in more serious cases, to provide first aid supplies and help to wait for the doctor.

Therefore, there is no point in buying up the entire pharmacy, collecting a stock of drugs that would be enough for the first couple of years after the explosion of the Yellowstone volcano, the onset of a zombie apocalypse or an attack by alien aggressors. Our motto is “Everything you need, nothing superfluous!”

In what cases may medications from the first aid kit be needed?

  • for various types of digestive disorders;
  • to get rid of pain;
  • for colds;
  • in case of allergies;
  • if poisoning occurs;
  • when receiving injuries: cuts, abrasions, burns, dislocations and fractures. Some injuries can be treated at home; for others, you will need to go to a traumatologist, after first providing first aid to the victim.

In addition, it is useful to store some aids in the country first aid kit.

The most convenient way to organize a first aid kit is in a special plastic organizer with compartments in which it is convenient to store medications. You can organize the help tools into separate cells, indicating each with a list of contents. The organizer or bag of medications should be stored in a dry, dark, not too warm place. Some medications must be stored at lower temperatures. They are placed in a separate small container, and then on the door or bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

The first aid kit should be kept out of the reach of children and pets.

Once every 6 months it is necessary to carry out an audit, checking the expiration dates of each medicine and promptly replacing them with fresh ones.

What should you put in your country first aid kit?

Dressing material in case of injuries and burns

  • Cotton wool. May be needed for compresses.
  • Sterile gauze wipes and individual dressing bag.
  • Bandage, sterile and non-sterile, of different widths.
  • The bandage is elastic. May be needed in case of sprain, dislocation or fracture to ensure immobility of the injured limb.
  • Plaster of different sizes, roll of adhesive plaster of medium width.
  • Packaging of cotton swabs.
  • Hemostatic sponge. It may never be needed, but will be there in case of injury that causes heavy bleeding.

It's time to forget about the green stuff. And not only because it is difficult to wash. Today we have at our disposal much more modern means that are not dirty and effective. Actually, this also applies to iodine, which often causes chemical burns. However, iodine can be useful for drawing an iodine mesh on injection sites so that painful bumps will resolve faster, so let it remain.

  • Miramistin and/or chlorhexidine solution - for disinfection.
  • Hydrogen peroxide 3% - for treating wounds and stopping minor bleeding.
  • Panthenol spray - for the treatment of 1st degree burns.
  • Levomekol - for treating wounds and accelerating healing.
  • Solcoseryl - to accelerate healing.
  • Medical alcohol - for disinfection and compresses.

Painkillers and antipyretics

  • Paracetamol, Nimesulide: for fever, headache.
  • Tsefekon-D candles, if children under 3 years old will be vacationing at the dacha.
  • Spasmalgon: will help relieve the condition during menstrual pain, relieve headaches. There are contraindications, don’t get carried away!
  • Drotaverine: antispasmodic. It will help with intestinal colic, menstrual pain, and an attack of cholecystitis. Not suitable for pregnant women!
  • Coldrex, Terraflu, Gripcold or their analogues - at the first signs of a cold. Does not replace the need to see a doctor and treatment!
  • Fastum-gel - for pain in muscles and bones.
  • Sports freezing in the form of a spray helps reduce pain from bruises and sprains, prevents swelling and hematomas from developing. Use exclusively as a first aid remedy and only on intact skin!

Heart and antihypertensive medications

As a rule, hypertensive patients and those who suffer from heart disease use medications prescribed by a doctor. But just in case, it’s still worth having first aid supplies for heart disease or hypertension in your country first aid kit. And this is not validol or valocordin, which belong in the cabinet of curiosities. Better stock up:

  • Captopril, which can reduce blood pressure during a hypertensive crisis.
  • Nitroglycerin, which is given under the tongue during an attack of angina or severe pain in the heart.

Poisoning, gastrointestinal problems

  • Senade, Duphalac, Regulax, lactulose syrup, optional - for constipation
  • Enterosgel, Smecta, activated carbon - for poisoning. Activated carbon is not taken in 1-2 tablets, but at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of live weight, and you can crush them, dilute them in water and drink them. Enterosgel is easier to take, and it also works more effectively.
  • Regidron will help restore the water-salt balance in case of dehydration caused by severe diarrhea or vomiting.
  • Enterofuril - for intestinal disorders.
  • Maalox, Rennie will help with heartburn, but you cannot constantly extinguish the fire in your chest with these remedies. Heartburn is only a symptom, and a doctor and systematic treatment will help to cope with the cause.


Allergy sufferers usually have a supply of the necessary remedies on hand, but an insidious allergy may one day appear for the first time in anyone. Therefore, it is better to have a small supply in your first aid kit in case of an allergic reaction.

  • Loratadine, Cetirizine or their analogues. You can also buy the usual allergy medications - Suprastin or Tavegil, but they are somewhat outdated. More modern remedies act faster and more effectively and do not have the drowsing effect of first-generation allergy medications.
  • Naphthyzin, Galazolin - vasoconstrictor nasal drops that relieve swelling of the mucous membrane. They are addictive, do not use for more than 5 days! By the way, the vasoconstrictor effect helps stop minor bleeding, so naphthyzine can be used for nosebleeds and minor cuts.
  • Eye drops and nasal spray based on cromoglycic acid: Cromohexal, Lecrolin, etc. Not suitable for children under 5 years of age and pregnant women!
  • Fenistil gel will help relieve itching and swelling from insect bites. Not suitable for pregnant women in the first trimester; there are other contraindications.
  • Visine or "Artificial tear". These drops will help flush out the eye if a foreign particle gets into it and relieve dryness and irritation.

The first aid kit should have a thermometer and a blood pressure monitor. A mechanical tonometer has a number of advantages - for example, it does not depend on the battery life. But to use a mechanical tonometer you need to have some experience and good hearing. Automatic blood pressure monitors require timely replacement of batteries, just like an electronic thermometer. If you have a choice, preference should be given to a tonometer whose cuff is placed on the forearm rather than on the wrist; it gives more accurate results.

It’s worth putting in the corner of your first aid kit:

  • Latex gloves
  • Several medical masks
  • Fingertips
  • Shoe covers for a doctor who comes to a call
  • Tweezers
  • Medium rubber syringe
  • Scissors
  • Inhaler
  • Syringes of different sizes.

It is also useful to have an electric or rubber heating pad in your household, but it does not have to be stored together with medications.

Why are antibiotics and cough medicines not on the list?

You may have noticed that some familiar remedies are missing from the list - for example, for coughs and sore throats. This is not an accidental omission. Cough can be a symptom of many diseases, including very dangerous ones. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis and prescribe correct and adequate treatment for the disease causing cough. Therefore, there is absolutely no need to constantly keep cough remedies in your home medicine cabinet.

Antibiotics should never be used without a doctor's prescription. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics is the problem of our time. Minor problems can be resolved without them, but more serious cases should still be treated by a doctor. Which will prescribe the most appropriate antibiotics if necessary.

Be healthy and may you never need your first aid kit!


Health 09/05/2016

Dear readers, the topic of our conversation today will be very important. We will talk about such a necessary thing as a home first aid kit, as well as what should be in a home first aid kit.

Every person probably has a first aid kit in their home. For some it is a special cabinet or box, for others it is just a plastic bag with medicines. There are also those people who store everything anywhere, I hope you are not one of them.

The composition of the first aid kit usually also leaves much to be desired: a lot of medicines are stored there that are left over from past diseases, and it’s a pity to throw away the leftovers, there are many drugs with an expired expiration date, there are tablets without packaging, etc.

But if you think seriously, a properly stocked home first aid kit is a lifeline, a safety net for you and your family, which in special cases can save the life of you or your loved ones.

Even if you are a proponent of natural medicine, you still need a certain set of emergency medicines in the house, and this set should be in a certain place so that in case of an emergency everything you need can be easily found. And before we move on to the list of medications in the home medicine cabinet, I would like to draw your attention to two points.

List of medications in a home medicine cabinet

What should be in a home medicine cabinet, what medications should be present without fail? Let's talk about this in more detail.


Probably the most common ailments that happen to us are various pains. It should be remembered that we are all different and have different sensitivity to pain, therefore, for example, with menstrual pain, the same drug helps one person, but not another. Also, there is probably no drug that would help with all types of pain. Therefore, it is necessary to have several types of painkillers in your home medicine cabinet.

The most common and familiar painkillers for many are analgin and aspirin , which also have anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. But these drugs are old-generation drugs and have a lot of negative side effects, so it’s better to use paracetamol or him analogue of efferalgan , which contains a loading dose of paracetamol.

In addition to these drugs:

  • Spasmalgon are used for various pain caused by cramps, including headaches and menstrual pain.
  • Citramon and other caffeine medications help with headaches and low blood pressure.
  • Smecta and espumisan used for abdominal pain.
    But we should remember that we can use painkillers for abdominal pain only when we know exactly the cause of the pain. What if it’s appendicitis or other similar disorders? Then you cannot do without surgical intervention and you cannot take painkillers.
  • No-shpa is an old drug with complex action and is used for spasms in the intestines, liver, and kidneys.
  • Ketanov, buskopan helps with menstrual pain.
  • Tempalgin, baralgin - for toothache.
  • The drugs have a comprehensive analgesic effect Wobenzym and No-Spa Forte .

Experts advise having painkillers with different active ingredients in your home medicine cabinet, since sometimes it becomes necessary to use them together or alternately to achieve a better effect.

In addition to the medications listed, it is good to have in your home medicine cabinet pain-relieving ointments and anti-inflammatory drops :

  • Apizartron, viprosal (with bee and snake venom), as well as finalgon, fastum gel, final-gel, etc. in the form of ointments and gels alleviate pain in the back and joints, and are used for bruises and sprains.
  • Otinum, otofa is used for inflammation of the middle ear and ear pain.

Cold and flu remedies

Another group of diseases that occur quite often in families are various colds, flu, sore throat, bronchitis, etc. Here it is also necessary to have a number of drugs of various types in your home medicine cabinet.

  • Paracetamol (Panadol, Efferalgan, Coldrex), analgin with aspirin (Upsarin Upsa, Askofen p) are antipyretics.
  • Ibuprofen and nimesulide have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects.
  • Pinosol is the least harmful remedy for a runny nose. Also, the already known naphthyzine, sanorin, etc. are widely used for these purposes. By the way, the last two drugs are also used for allergic rhinitis.
  • Stoptussin, bromhexine, zedex, ambrobene help with various types of cough. You can also buy a breast mixture for these purposes, which includes herbs.
  • Mucaltin and ambroxol are used for better sputum discharge; in severe cases, ACC can be used.
  • Lollipops Faringosept, Strepsils relieve sore throat.
  • Theraflu and antigrippin are drugs that relieve symptoms of colds and flu. Of course, it’s great when you get such relief and the painful cold symptoms go away. But we should not forget that only the symptoms have passed, and only temporarily, and not the disease itself. Therefore, if your condition improves, you should never run to work.

In addition to all of the above, you should put in your first aid kit:

  • several gauze masks to avoid infection when caring for the sick,
  • inhaler for inhalation,
  • influenza or oxolinic ointment to avoid contracting the flu during an epidemic.

Cardiac and sedatives

Your home medicine cabinet must contain sedatives. Usually this:

  • corvalol/valocordin – can also be used as a sleeping pill,
  • tincture of motherwort or valerian,
  • novo-passit is a modern drug that relieves anxiety.

By the way, Valocordin or its analogue Corvalol is not a cardiac drug, as many people think, its effect is rather sedative, although the heart and nerves, as is known, are often interconnected.

In case of heart pain, you should put in your first aid kit:

  • validol,
  • valerian tincture,
  • tincture of lily of the valley,
  • nitroglycerine.

Nitroglycerin, cardio aspirin, etc. are also used to relieve an attack of angina.

Although many criticize validol that it is already outdated and does not help at all, from my own experience I can say that it relieves spasms of blood vessels in the head well, and also helps to better tolerate extreme heat and high humidity.

Many even quite healthy people can have high blood pressure. The most harmless and mild remedy is raunatin. Stronger drugs for stopping hypertensive crises are captopril and nifedipine. But if you are worried about blood pressure, your doctor should choose the pills for you!

Remedies for the stomach and intestines

To prevent indigestion or heartburn from being taken by surprise, it is also necessary to stock your first aid kit with some medications for the most common ailments of the stomach and intestines.

  • Festal, enzistal or mezim forte - after a heavy meal to improve digestion.
  • Smecta, enterodes, ultra adsorb or activated carbon are adsorbent preparations used for various poisonings, as well as for indigestion.
  • Cerucal or rehydron eliminate nausea and vomiting and help with severe diarrhea.
  • Phosphalugel, Maalox, Reni, Gastal, etc. - for heartburn. You can read about traditional medicine that can be used to relieve heartburn attacks in my article Treating heartburn at home. Folk remedies for heartburn.
  • Acelact, espumizan help with disorders, as well as with bloating, rumbling in the stomach and gas.
  • Ersefuril or Intetrix - for bacterial infection.
  • Senade, bisacodyl, regulax - for constipation.
  • Linex, Linex bio or Hilak forte help improve the condition of the intestinal microflora.

Antiallergic drugs

You should also have anti-allergy remedies in your home medicine cabinet, even in cases where there are no allergy sufferers in the family, because the situations can be very different. These are medications such as:

  • suprastin,
  • tavegil,
  • Diazolin.

Remedies for wounds and burns

A home first aid kit requires a set of products to use for various injuries, wounds, burns, etc., which always happen unexpectedly.

  • Iodine (5% alcohol solution) or 1-2% alcohol solution of brilliant green is used to treat the edges of wounds and minor scratches. Can be replaced with an iodine pencil.
  • Chlorhexidine and miramistin can serve as a more modern replacement for iodine and brilliant green; they do not stain the skin or cause a burning sensation.
  • Hydrogen peroxide 3% is used to stop bleeding, in the form of a solution for various rinses and washes.
  • Boric acid, baking soda (0.5-2% aqueous solution), potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) are also used in the form of a solution for various rinses and washes. In addition, potassium permanganate is used for gastric lavage in case of poisoning.
  • Panthenol (D-Panthenol, dexpanthenol) is used to heal various wounds and burns. You can supplement it with acerbine in the form of a spray or sulfargin.
  • Set of callus plasters.
  • Eye drops of the “artificial tear” type are used in case of dryness, as well as when a foreign body gets into the eye.
  • Sulfacyl sodium (30% solution) is used for infections, eye injuries, and when a foreign body gets into the eye.
  • Saline solution is a universal remedy that can be used for various washes, including eye washes.

In addition, complete the kit with the following required components:

  • cotton wool (sterile and non-sterile),
  • bandages of various widths (sterile and non-sterile),
  • individual dressing packages,
  • sterile gauze wipes,
  • bactericidal and simple adhesive plaster,
  • cotton swabs for treating wounds with antiseptics,
  • greasing spatulas,
  • hemostatic tourniquet,
  • hemostatic sponge to stop bleeding,
  • elastic bandages,
  • rubber fingertips.

Additional funds

The home first aid kit can be supplemented with the following medications:

  • Traxevasin gel, hirudoven, detralex relieve fatigue and swelling of the legs. The drug hirudoven contains an extract of leech saliva. You can read about the benefits of leeches in my article Hirudotherapy. Treatment with leeches.
  • Teymurov's paste is used for sweating feet.
  • Clenzit C ointment is used to eliminate acne and pimples.

In addition, your home first aid kit should include the following components:

  • mustard plasters - used not only for colds, but also for angina pectoris;
  • compress paper or polyethylene - used for compresses;
  • latex gloves,
  • medical alcohol (96%),
  • ammonia - used for fainting,
  • It is recommended that everyone over 40 years old have a tonometer (a device for measuring blood pressure),
  • thermometer, including one for the bathroom (if necessary),
  • various disposable syringes,
  • pipettes (including eye pipettes),
  • medical banks,
  • syringes of various sizes,
  • measuring cups for taking medications of various sizes,
  • petrolatum,
  • heating pad with rubber tubes and tips,
  • oilcloth bedding,
  • ice bubble,
  • medical tweezers,
  • blunt scissors.

First aid kit for medicines. What else should you pay attention to?

If one of the family members suffers from any chronic disease, then the composition of the home first aid kit must be supplemented with appropriate medications.

When planning a trip or creating a first aid kit for a vacation or summer cottage, pay close attention to the availability of a pharmacy and include additional medications in your home first aid kit.

For children you need to have a special children's first aid kit.

Do not forget to audit your first aid kit from time to time and check the expiration date of the drugs in it.

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    Olga Smirnova
    08 Sep 2016 at 13:16

Glad you came to visit))

Today I bring to your attention a useful article on “near-medical” topics.

No matter how hard we try to keep our body in good shape, sooner or later some disease will definitely find a gap in the immune system, and, according to the law of meanness, it will do this at a time when the necessary doctor is on vacation and pharmacies are closed.

At such moments, a home first aid kit comes in very handy.

Basically, the medicine cabinet (it’s good if it’s a cabinet or a large box designed for storing medications) contains medications for past diseases, purchased only for their treatment (and which it would be a pity to dispose of).

Unnamed pills without packaging, expired medications, and related paraphernalia such as bandages and plasters are also waiting in the wings. And that's wrong. The first aid kit should be in close to ideal order) and should contain at least the necessary minimum of medicines for all occasions.

Even if the family prefers to be treated with folk remedies, in this case it is worth asking what medications should be in the home medicine cabinet. The drugs that I will give below may be needed “yesterday”, and there will be no time to run around for them.

The article provides several medication options so that you can choose the most suitable one based on your personal preferences and budget.

In addition, some of the medications can be excluded based on whether your family has this disease, for example, keeping heartburn remedies in the first aid kit, if no one has ever suffered from it, in my opinion there is no need, and when an attack occurs for the first time, it is quite possible to get by with folk remedies means in the form of a soda solution, but drugs from the group of painkillers and antipyretics must be in the first aid kit.

Related trifles

In fact, dressing material is not such a small thing. If a cotton pad for treating a wound can still be found somewhere on a shelf with cosmetics, then problems arise with other essential items - no one knows where everything is.

Therefore, make sure that your first aid kit contains a BANDAGE, GAUZE WIPES, PLASTIC, STERILE WOOL.


We are not talking about complex medical equipment, but about a basic THERMOMETER and TONOMETER. To treat a consequence, you need to establish the cause, and measuring temperature or blood pressure will almost always be the action from which the selection of the necessary medications begins.

Relieve pain

Pain is the most common ailment, be it toothache, headache, or menstrual pain in women. But it is worth remembering that all people are different, and everyone’s pain threshold is also different. Here is what should be in a home medicine cabinet, a list of painkillers for every taste, color and sensation:

  1. ANALGIN and ASPIRIN. Conventional pills are considered old-generation drugs, and rumors persist about their side effects. There are excellent modern analogues like PARACETOMOL or EFFERLAGAN, which, in addition to analgesic properties, act as antipyretic and stop inflammatory processes in the body.
  2. CITRAMON and drugs containing caffeine are good. They are also taken if blood pressure drops below normal. (If you, like me, are worried about migraines, then read more.)
  3. SPASMOLGON, as the name suggests, is used for any spasms. NO-SPA, a complex action drug that can relieve spasms in renal colic, pain in the liver or intestines, has the same effect.
  4. From stomach ache ESPUMIZAN and SMEKTA have proven themselves well. But you need to remember that such pains are of a different nature: it may turn out that instead of taking smecta you will have to go to the hospital and. That is why you can treat abdominal pain yourself only when you know exactly its source.
  5. Menstrual pain- a separate topic. What medications should be in the home medicine cabinet, specifically to alleviate the female problem during the cycle? First of all - KETANOV or BARALGIN. PENTALGIN and CITRAMON relieve pain well.
  6. Toothache can be removed with TEMPALGIN or BARALGIN. Don't delay going to the dentist!

In addition, it is advisable that the first aid kit contains ointments and drops with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. These include APISARTRON, VIPROSAL, FASTUM-GEL: these products are excellent for sprains, bruises, etc. OTOFA and OTINUM will perfectly cope with pain and inflammation in the ears.

Defeat ARVI

Flu, bronchitis, colds are the “standard set” of the autumn-spring period. In this case, the home first aid kit should also be stocked.

  1. No one has canceled the temperature for colds, so there must be a set of antipyretic drugs in the treasured cabinet. These include PRACETOMOL , ASKOFEN , COLDREX , IBUCLIN, IBUPROFEN .
  2. The second symptom accompanying fever is a runny nose. The simplest and most cost-effective remedy is PHYSICAL SOLUTION and PREPARATIONS BASED ON SEA WATER. For the same purpose you can purchase PINOSOL , SANORIN, or NAPHTHYZINE.
  3. Another problem is cough. Breast preparations based on herbs can cope with it. If you don’t want to bother with the teapot, then tablets and sprays will help.
  • get rid of phlegm - MUKALTIN , AMBROXOL;
  • relieve an unpleasant feeling in the throat - any lozenges (from the pharmacy, naturally: FARINGOSEPT , STREPSILS and others);
  • BROMOHEXINE, AMBROBENE, STOPTUSSINE save from different types of cough.
  1. And, of course, soluble powders for oral administration. ARTIGRIPPIN , THERAFLUE and similar drugs perfectly relieve all symptoms of colds and flu , giving the desired relief. But it is worth remembering that a symptom is not a disease, and a rapid improvement in the condition is not a cure.

If someone at home is sick with the flu, then you need to not only treat him, but also try to make sure that the rest of the household does not become infected. For prevention spread of the disease in the first aid kit should be GAUSE MASKS, INHALER , OXOLIN OINTMENT.

Matters of the heart

In the rhythm of modern life, stress, unfortunately, becomes a constant companion. The question arises - what to do? Don’t look like a shepherd at others))

Here, a home first aid kit will also come to the rescue, and what should be there is a list of medications in case of worries and worries, small, but very effective. It includes such sedatives, like VALOKARDIN , CORVALOL , VALERIAN or MOOMORN in the form of tinctures, NOVO-PASSIT.

And you should supplement the medical kit with your “mandatory minimum”.

It should be noted that for people suffering from chronic diseases and for children, the first aid kit should be equipped additionally.

The article lists the required minimum. The home first aid kit should be regularly reviewed, supplemented with necessary medications as they are used, and expired products should be mercilessly disposed of.

Be healthy :)

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