Retri Pala 3.3 macros 5. Caps and characteristics for Rpal

Today we will look at the PVE guide for Retro Pal 3.3.5, show rotation, caps, build and help you improve your DPS for this spec.

  • For the alliance, the most preferable race for Retro Pal will be the Draenei race, since this race has a bonus to accuracy.
  • For a horde without options - a blood elf, because we no longer have a choice.

Build for Retri Pala

Here is the most popular build for retrick:

Mouth guards

Strength – this characteristic has no cap; we gain it to the maximum.

Accuracy is the most important characteristic, our DPS (hitting the enemy) will depend on it, the cap will be 8% - 262 units.

Skill - this characteristic affects whether the enemy will parry our attacks or not, the cap will be 214 units.

Critical hit is also an important characteristic for the Retro Paladin, but we will not improve it with a special, it will be enough in the weight we are wearing.

Speed ​​– we dial from 300 to 600 units, depending on your weight.


Here is a rotation in several variations, it will work if you have a certain gear:


Here are the main large symbols for a paladin, “Symbol of Seal of Vengeance” is placed if you do not have enough skill, and “Symbol of Strike of the Warrior of Light” is placed if we are running low on mana:

Of the small symbols we will use:


  • Head – “Magic sign of suffering”;
  • Shoulders – “Great Mark of the Axe”;
  • Cloak – Scroll of Enchant Cloak Speed ​​II;
  • Breastplate – “Scroll of Enchantment for Breastplate – All Stats”;
  • Bracers – “Scroll of enchantment for Bracers Assault”;
  • Gloves – “Scroll of Enchant Gloves Crusher”;
  • Leggings – “Icescale Leggings”;
  • Shoes – “Scroll of Enchant Shoes Icewalker”;
  • Weapon – “Berserker”;
  • Belt – “Belt buckle”.


PVE macros for replay fire

Great macro for laying on of hands:

#showtooltip Laying on of hands
/cast [@mouseover] Laying on of hands

Macro for the bubble:

#showtooltip Divine Shield
/cast Divine Shield

And a macro for the main hands:

#showtooltip Hand of Sacrifice
/cast [@mouseover] Hand of Sacrifice

#showtooltip Hand of Salvation
/cast [@mouseover] Hand of Salvation

#showtooltip Hand of Protection
/cast [@mouseover] Hand of Protection

#showtooltip Hand of Freedom
/cast [@mouseover] Hand of Freedom


Now we come to addons, here’s what you need to install for retrik:

  • — a required macro that will show our procs in the center of the screen (or where you set it in the settings);
  • — will show aggro on all raid participants;
  • will show the CD of our spells on the command panel in seconds;
  • will notify us when the cooldown for our important spells runs out;
  • and will make our interface much more beautiful;
  • and will help us complete the raid content.


  • Blacksmithing - will give us additional slots for jewelry stones in bracers and gloves;
  • Jewelry making – additional bonus from special stones;
  • Engineering – gives good bombs and spells for gauntlets (hast or damage);
  • Tailoring – you can use a charm on the cloak, which increases attack power to 400 units for 15 seconds;
  • Inscription - the opportunity to receive an enchantment on shoulders that is better than for reputation;
  • Enchanting – you can enchant rings for attack power.


  • The best potion for retrieving a death will be “Infusion of Endless Rage” which will give you 180 units of attack power and is not removed after death;
  • For the burst, drink a “Potion of Speed” - Increases speed rating by 500 for 15 sec;
  • For food, they usually use “Fish Feast”.

DPS example

Here's how Retri fell farmed TsLK 25 Heroic:

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PVP guide for Retri Pal 3.3.5 - build, equipment, arena and subtleties of playing as a paladin

It's no secret that pals are good tanks, whom they want to see in raids always and everywhere. Proto Pals do a good job of holding off large packs of mobs and have good survivability with an excellent set of rescue abilities that can save the lives of many players in a raid. A well-dressed stomp can reduce incoming damage by 15%, and an additional 16% from magic, which is quite good; in addition to all this, the stomp can throw on itself a 30% chance to block a blow, which other classes may envy.

Defense rating - this indicator is the very first and most important when equipping your trample; for heroic dungeons designed for 5 people, this indicator should be at least 535 units. In order to feel more comfortable in raid dungeons, the minimum defense rating threshold should be 540 units. This parameter helps reduce the likelihood of catching a crit, and also increases the main defensive characteristics - parrying, dodging, increases the chance of you missing, and also increases the chance of blocking. Every 25 points of defense are equal to 1% of the defensive characteristics that were described a little earlier.

  • Accuracy Rating— in order for you not to miss with melee attacks, you need to collect an accuracy rating equal to 263 units, in percentage terms it is equal to 8% . In order not to miss anything, this rating should be 17% , but there is no point in concentrating your attention on such a large amount of accuracy rating, this cap is not intended to be collected on purpose.
  • Mastery Rating6.5% or 26 units is a soft cap for the protopaladin. When collecting this characteristic, bosses will not be able to evade your attacks. To prevent your attacks on the boss from being parried, you need to collect skill hardcap, which is equal to 54 units. As with the accuracy rating, do not pay much attention, as you may lose other characteristics.
  • Endurance- your health depends entirely on the stamina you have gained, 1 unit of stamina is equal to 10 units of health.
  • Armor- slightly lower in priority than stamina, but the parameter is also necessary, it is collected by the level of gear and there is no limit to perfection.
  • Force— this characteristic increases the rate of blocked damage according to the formula 20/2 , 1 unit of strength = 2 units of attack power.
  • Dexterity— this stat increases the probability of critical damage, armor indicator, as well as the probability of evading an attack.

In the vastness of the Lich King, such characteristics as evasion, parry, miss chance fade into the background, it is certainly not recommended to forget about them, but you should not insert stones and make glasses for these characteristics. Focus on stamina and armor.

Build for Proto Pal 3.3.5 PvE

In order to use your character to the maximum, you need to pump up your proto spec talents very competently. As a tank, many paladins use this particular set of talents because it combines all the best things needed and does not affect the useless talents in this spec:

Charms for proto paladin 3.3.5 PvE

  • Head - Magic sign of a staunch defender +37 to stamina and +20 to defense rating
  • Shoulders - Greater Inscription of the Apex +20 dodge rating and +15 defense rating
  • Cloak - Enchant Cloak - V Agility / +225 Armor Rating / +16 Defense Rating
  • Chest - +18 stamina / +22 defense rating / +275 HP
  • Wrists - +40 stamina
  • Gloves – +18 stamina / +2% aggro and +10 parry rating
  • Belt - Eternal Belt Buckle
  • Pants - +55 stamina and +22 agility
  • Feet - +15 stamina and +8% running speed / +22 stamina
  • Weapon - Deflection
  • Shield – +18 stamina / +20 defense rating

Sockets for Proto Pal 3.3.5 PvE

In the realities of patch 3.3.5, it is not recommended for a paladin in the Protection branch to place stones in accordance with the color, since in instances such as CLK or RS there is more magical damage, which requires a supply of health, in order to survive it is necessary to place sockets on stamina and do tanka stamobot:

Meta socket - +32 to stamina and an increase in armor by 2% of wearable equipment, it is recommended to use it to activate the meta bonus Changeable Dreadstone And Royal fearstone.
To all other sockets - +30 stamina

There is also a second option for gemming, it is more suitable for other instances, such as Ulduar, IK (IVK), Nax, etc., here you can already insert sockets according to color:

  • Blue stones - Solid Majestic Zircon+30 stamina
  • Red stones - Royal fearstone+10 to dodge rating and +15 to stamina / Changeable Dreadstone+10 to agility and +15 to endurance
  • Yellow stones - The Eye of Zul has hardened+10 to defense rating and +15 to stamina
  • The meta-stone remains the same as in the stamobotism variant - Diamond of a Strict Land Ruler+32 stamina and increase armor by 2% of worn equipment

Symbols for Proto Pal 3.3.5 PvE

Large symbols for proto paladin 3.3.5:

  • Holy oath symbol— under the influence of the “Holy Oath” spell, all damage received is reduced by 3% — this symbol is placed a priori
  • Symbol of the Hammer of the Righteous- useful for heroic dungeons, but its constant use is questionable
  • Glyph of Vengeance Seal- increases your skill by 10 when using seals of vengeance and damage - will be useful in low gear
  • Symbol of Righteous Defense— increases the probability of the “Righteous Defense” and “Hand of Vengeance” abilities triggering on each target by 8%
  • Avenger's Shield Glyph— the “Avenger’s Shield” spell hits 2 fewer targets, but deals 100% more damage, the symbol is well suited for gaining aggro

Small symbols for Proto Paladin 3.3.5:

  • Glyph of Undead Sense— a required symbol, increases damage dealt to undead by 1% when using the “Sense for Undead” ability
  • The remaining small symbols are not important, and you can bet at your own discretion.

Proto Paladin Rotation 3.3.5 PvE

The paladin tank rotation is quite interesting. Most importantly, don't forget to include "Righteous Fury", which increases your aggro.

Before the fight, be sure to buff yourself "Seal of Corruption/Vengeance", this seal is useful for single-target games and will allow you to gain more aggro. For packs with mobs, switch to "Seal of Obedience", which deals additional damage to two more targets. The remaining seals will be useful for solofarm.

After you have checked for yourself "Righteous Fury" and buffed the seal, pay attention to whether there is a Holy Paladin in the raid, if there is not one, we throw it at ourselves "Sacred Shield" and update by CD.

Also, before the start of the battle or immediately after the pool, use the spell "Holy Oath", since it reduces incoming damage to you thanks to the symbol and restores mana. Don't forget that the oath lasts only 15 seconds, and you can renew it with melee attacks. If you have 4t10, do not forget to discard the buff and update it on CD, since when you equip the item, this spell also becomes protective, increasing the chance of dodging by 12% for 10 seconds.

If there are a sufficient number of equipped characters in the raid, press before the pool "Punisher's Wrath" to quickly increase your aggro set.

Now let's look at the rotation itself:

  1. Hammer of the Righteous
  2. Shield of the Righteous
  3. Avenger's Shield
  4. Justice
  5. Consecration

The “Shield of Heaven” should always hang on you. When the boss has less than 20% HP left, the “Hammer of Wrath” takes 3rd position in the rotation.

Bis gear for paladin tank 3.3.5 PvE

In addition to the encore gear, I would like to describe information for newly leveled tanks of the fallen, who will try to chase the GS in order to quickly get into the desired Central Command and RS. I hasten to disappoint you, GS for a tank is the last thing you need to pay attention to, efficiency is the key to success and passing instances, and the best option would be to buy 4t9 for emblems of triumph.

First of all, collect the defense rating cap, then knock out gear that will maximize your stamina. For a fallen tank, the ideal item is considered to be gear that contains blue sockets for stones. Try to wear trinkets for endurance, and the first such trinket should be the “Rusted Bone Key” for 60 ice emblems, as well as the “Black Heart” from the regular Champion Trial mode.

Before it's time to go to the Central Control Center, stock up on items that will resist frost magic, these include: Frostbane Chestguard, Frostbane Belt, and Frostguard Titanium Ring.

Now let's look at the top gear for Proto Pal in patch 3.3.5:

Head - Sanctified Lightsworn Greathelm
Neck - Malachite Loop
Shoulders - Sanctified Lightsworn Shoulderguards
Cloak - Royal Crimson Cloak
Chest - Sanctified Lightsworn Chestguard
Wrists - Bracers of Dark Reckoning
Gloves - Sanctified Lightsworn Handguards
Belt - Belt of Broken Bones
Trousers -

Paladin Tank
6. Mouthguards and characteristics
7. Enchanting, stones
9.Food and Elixirs
10. Equipment
tps - treat per second - agrogeneration per second
DPS - damage per second - damage per second
AoE - ability with area damage (Consecration, for example)
ability - ability
def-ability - protective ability
rotation - the sequence of pressing abilities to obtain maximum efficiency
pack - group of mobs
CD, cooldown - recovery time
kite - driving a boss/mob so that it doesn't hit you
cap - maximum required value. There is a soft cap - the minimum required value and a hard cap - the maximum value, after dialing which the benefit of further dialing is either lost or disappears altogether.
mitigation - passive reduction of incoming damage (resistance to magic, armor from physical attacks)
Diminishing is an effect when the increase in each subsequent rating unit gives a smaller effect than the previous unit. For example, armor (the numbers are arbitrary, for demonstration purposes): 10k armor will reduce the amount of physical damage received. damage by 20%, but 20k armor will reduce physical damage received. damage by only 30% - i.e. doubling armor resulted in an increase in its effectiveness of only one and a half times.
stamina - endurance
ap - attack power
taunt - an ability that instantly provokes an enemy to attack you
sakra - Sacred sacrifice
sofa - Divine Intervention (less commonly Divine Shield)

bubble - Divine shield

2. Introduction

Paladin is now considered one of the best tanks. It's all about paladin survivability, thanks to talent" Zealous Defender" and an almost constant block of 70-90%, The paladin calmly survives blows that are several times greater than his health. While warriors have some problems with mass tanking, paladins feel great fighting crowds of any size and size.
A tank paladin has no problems with mana, and therefore with agro-resources, since talents for replenishing mana from incoming damage and healing make it almost endless. And in addition, only tank paladins have a great buff, in addition to the usual one, which reduces damage taken by 3%.

3. Talents
To use our character as effectively as possible, first of all we need a competent build..
There are two Build options: 1MT (Main Tank) 2OT (Spare Tank)
In principle, they are not much different... I run with the second option.
If there is no Restor druid (healer) in the raid, then take 3 talents from “Reckoning” and pump in “Improved aura of Piety”
Why this way and not another way?

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Divine power is definitely a must-have, this talent has a direct impact on our damage, which means it also affects our aggro generation (all proto-paladin abilities deal damage from light magic, but the damage itself depends on the attack power that the power gives us).
Divinity is a controversial talent, I don’t recommend taking it, since you won’t notice its effect in raids, and even more so in 5-person heroics. In addition, in raids on tanks there are usually holipaladins who press the Light of Heaven on the tanks non-stop and, as a rule, half of the cast goes into overhealing (excessive healing), so - well, what the heck, this talent.
Stoicism is a pronounced pvp talent, but in pve it has almost zero value.
Guardian's help is also a pvp talent, in pve you with a 99% probability will not use the Hand of Protection at all (the boss will immediately lose interest in you and go to beat the raid, and there is little point in throwing it at DD), and the increased time of the Hand of Freedom will not be useful at all - the standard is enough.
Premonition is an important talent, it allows you to evade physical attacks, without a doubt - a must-have, not subject to dimming.
Sacred Sacrifice and Divine Guardian are important defensive abilities for both you and your raid; the increased duration of the Sacred Shield ability will be useful in 5-person instances.
Improved Righteous Fury - reduces the damage incoming to you, of course, be sure to take it!
Strength - reduces physical damage incoming to you, a very tasty talent.
Improved aura of piety is a dubious talent, valuable for its 6% healing efficiency in the first place. If you have RDR, then invest these talents in payback (tps)
Improved Hammer of Justice is a pvp talent, 99% of bosses are immune to effects of this type, so you will have nowhere to use it.
Blessing of Inviolability - here it is, the buff of our dreams, and I won’t lie if I say that it’s HEALTHY! Our mana is number 1.
The payback is a talent with little influence on our agricultural generation. ~80% of your aggro comes from Holy magic under Righteous Fury, and Reckoning increases the physical damage you deal. You can take it, see for yourself..
Sacred duty - 4% stamina is great, because stamina is everything.
Specializing in one-handed weapons - increases our TPS by 10%, this is great.
Spiritual Consonance is our number 2 mana, as practice shows, enough to pump up for 1 talent out of two. Does not work against overhealing.
The Shield of Heaven is both our def and our tps ability. Very tasty, let's take it.
A zealous defender is one of the reasons why tramplers are in demand in a raid; once every 2 minutes we can die (you never know, the healer slacked, or the 2nd tank was supposed to replace, but died/slacker) and no one will notice it. Must have.
Stronghold is a good defensive talent, together with Shield of Heaven we get anti-hit.
Combat prowess is our stamina and our mastery. Amazing.
Touching the light directly increases our TPS, because... increases damage from light magic. Definitely take it.
Avenger's Shield is an aggro pool ability. It's just a very useful thing.
Under the protection of light - mitigation from magic, our mana number 3.
The templar's shield is again our mitigation, but this time from everything. Naturally, be sure to take it.
Justice of the Righteous is a useful talent that slows down enemy attacks against you. But! in 99% of raids there is a dk that will inflict the Chill disease, which has exactly the same effect. Therefore, in my opinion, this is a pointless waste of talent when mastering raid dungeons.
Hammer of the Righteous is the main TPS ability of the Protopaladin.
There are very few tasty talents here, so I will focus only on the useful ones.
Seal of Impeccability - increases our DPS, and therefore TPS from seals. But seals as such do not have a serious impact on TPS, so you can safely not take them.
Aura Master is a useful talent that holy paladins and retri paladins take; it would be useful for us, but there are too many pass-through and useless talents.
Also some tasty talents, just the main ones.
Reflection - increases the likelihood of parrying, definitely worth taking, not subject to dimming.
Impartial justice is an element of agro rotation, and this reduction in CD for one of the rotation abilities is good.
Heart of a knight, Sentence is our crit, our tps.
Vindication is a useful talent that affects the physical damage received, but there is a caveat - you can ask a Var or Feral to keep their demoshouts on the boss. A 2/2 talent pumped in will provide a damage reduction of about 16%.
.Seal of Obedience is a talent whose usefulness ends with tanking packs; it is not needed anywhere else. Because We can hold the pack without him, we won’t take it.
Holy War is a great increase in TPS, more effective than the neighboring crit talent in that it gives a greater impact on TPS than 3% crit.

As for the Symbols, there are different opinions, I always adhere to one way of arrangement:
- The main ones are 3 large symbols:

- "Symbol of the Holy Oath"
- "Symbol of the Hammer of the Righteous"
- "Symbol of the Shield of Righteousness"

- Small:
- "Symbol of Undead Sense" - Required

5. Rotation
The most important thing is to check that Righteous Fury is turned on before each battle.
Our main seal is the Seal of Corruption. Allows you to issue maximum TPS to 1 target. Seal of Obedience- for tanking packs.

  • If there is no khpal in the raid, before the battle you throw a Sacred Shield on yourself and subsequently refresh it.
  • If there is a Khpal in the raid, but for some reason he throws the Holy Shield not at you (but at another tank, for example), then you throw the Holy Shield at yourself and subsequently update it.
Also, before the battle or immediately after the start, you should cast Holy Oath on yourself, because... this is a reduction in damage received (symbol) and our mana. But it’s worth considering that the oath has a CD and lasts only 15 seconds. It refreshes from melee attacks (including justice). If you have 4t10, a nuance appears in the use of the oath - it will need to be outweighed in case of incidents, because it becomes our defensive ability. For a good set of aggro right away, I recommend pressing Punisher’s Wrath before the start of the battle.

Rotation 969, since it is based on the composition of spells with a CD of 6 and 9 seconds. The main idea is to maximize damage by using GCD abilities, i.e. 1.5 seconds apart, and alternate so that you use them on cooldown.

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6. Mouth guards and characteristics

Force - main parameter. Affects the amount of damage dealt and the amount of physical damage blocked by the shield. Due to talents, it also gives an increase of 60% from the amount of strength to speed. It’s a useful thing, but I don’t recommend expanding it using sockets/chants, because they can be used for more useful purposes, and the strength obtained from the gear is quite enough for us.

Dexterity - secondary parameter. For each unit, increases the chance of crit by 0.0192%, armor by 2 and dodge by 0.0192%. There is no point in increasing it, since crits for us are just a tasty addition, and bonuses to armor and dodge are scanty.

Endurance - main parameter. Determines the number of lives, and therefore how long we will live. Cost as much as possible, but without fanaticism.

Intelligence - secondary skill. Responsible for the amount of mana and the chance of inflicting a critical hit on a magician. damage. With the correct use of talents and rotation, we basically have enough mana, so there is no point in increasing our intellectual abilities (yes, paladins are such paladins...)

Spirit - increases the speed of mana and life regeneration outside of combat. Absolutely useless.

Armor - main parameter. Reduces the amount of physical damage dealt to us. A very important characteristic, which, again, I would not recommend maximizing, since more significant bonuses can be installed instead. The armor that we get from plate gear and aura is quite enough. Armor cap 75%.


We, as tanks, are interested in only 2 characteristics in this section.

Accuracy Rating - chance to hit the target. This parameter is important because if we miss the target, we don’t receive enough damage, which means we can’t keep the mob from disrupting aggro with our damage dealers or healers. Also, if there is a lack of hit (from the English hit rating), you can miss with a taunt, which will lead to disastrous consequences. The hard cap hit for the 1-handed weapon + shield setup is 263 hit rating, or 8%.

Mastery - reducing the likelihood that the enemy will evade or parry our attacks. It is important because it increases our damage and partially prevents our attacks from being parried, thereby reducing damage to ourselves (remember the 40% attack acceleration after parrying). The soft cap is 26, the hard cap is unattainable. At 26 mastery, raid dungeon bosses will not be able to dodge attacks, but will still have a reduced chance to parry an attack.


Protection - the most important characteristic. Increases the chance to dodge or parry an attack by 0.04%, reduces the chance of receiving critical damage by 0.04%. The only one

a parameter that increases the chance of missing us with any type of attack by 0.04% per rating unit. The soft cap is 535 for 5man instances and 540 for raids. (In my opinion, 570 defense is not the ceiling, but there is no point in gaining more! It’s better to maximize stamina)
The defense softcap is also called anti-crit, as Cap suggests, because when it is reached, mobs will not be able to crit us. The thing is that any mob always has a 5% chance of inflicting a crit on the target. Each subsequent level this chance increases by 0.2%. Since in calculations the boss of a 5man instance is considered to be 2 levels older than the player, and the raid boss is 3, we are essentially dealing with mobs of 82 and 83 levels with a chance of crit of 5.4% and 5.6%, respectively. The base defense level at lvl 80 is 400, and every 25 ratings reduce the chance of inflicting critical damage by 1%. We consider: in order not to get a crit from lvl 82 we need 400+25*5.4=535 rating; for lvl 83, respectively, we have 400+25*5.6=540.

Evasion - displays the chance to avoid physical damage from an attack. 45.25 rating gives 1% evasion. Hardcap is unattainable.

Parry - displays the chance to avoid physical damage from an attack. After parrying, the next hit is delivered 40% faster. 45.25 rating gives 1% parry. Hardcap is unattainable.

Block - displays the chance to block an attack, thereby reducing the damage received by the block value, which is purchased from the gear and scales based on the amount of strength. Doesn't have a hardcap...

7. Enchanting, stones
Now let's look at what we should wear. In the WotLK addon, the developers leveled all tanking classes in gear, so now we wear the same things as dk and vars. This means that you will not find SPD on any item for the tank. And it’s unnecessary, because we scale our spell power from Strength, which is quite enough to deal good damage. Therefore, you need to concentrate your attention only on the characteristics needed by any tank.

For a young trampler, the highest priority is to increase the defense rating to level 540. In this matter, all methods are good: insert stones, enchantments. Until you have a soft cap of protection, you shouldn’t even meddle with 5man heroes, because any boss will end up in nothingness. For those who have problems with the set of protection, I recommend that you first go to BG and buy a couple of PvP items. They have resiliency, which, although cannot act as an alternative to the def rating, will still slightly reduce the likelihood of you being hit by a critical hit. But even after reaching the coveted 540 defense, you should not neglect this characteristic, because it continues to increase your dodge and parry bonuses and the enemy’s chance of missing.

Next, you should take care of the hit rating, because... because if you miss the target, you won’t gain any threat, which means you won’t be able to keep good damage dealers from disrupting aggro. On gear, a hit is quite rare, so I advise you not to miss a single opportunity to get your hands on such an item.

Basically, your task will be to increase characteristics such as evasion, parry and endurance. Unfortunately, block and block value are only available on low-level items, so increasing it is only possible through the defense rating. Based on the above, I recommend using such sockets

Blue Nest: (+30 stamina).

Yellow Socket: (+10 defense +15 stamina).

Red Socket: Volatile Stratochlite (+10 agility +15 stamina).

Metasocket: Diamond of a Strict Land Ruler(32 stamina and increased armor from wearable equipment by 2%).

Of the enchants we use

Head: Magic sign of a staunch protector(37 stamina 20 defense) for reputation with the Argent Vanguard.

Shoulders: Great summit outline(20 dodge 15 defense) or pvp Charku (30 to stamina 15 to res)

Cloak: Enchant Cloak - Titancloth(16 defense) or (22k ​​agility).

Bib: Enchant Chest - Health IX(275 health). if there is no cap of protection then charimk protection.

Bracers: Enchant Bracer - Stamina VI(40 stamina).

Gloves: Enchant Gloves - Weaponsmith(increasing the level of threat created by 2% and 10 parries).

Trousers: Snowhide Leggings(55 stamina 22 agility).

Shoes: Enchant Boots - Fortitude II(22 stamina).

Weapon: Enchant Weapon - Deflect Strike(gives a chance to increase your parry rating by 200, after which each parried attack deals 600-800 damage. Stacks). or Mongoose


All professions provide similar bonuses similar to the two stones, but there are also especially useful ones:
Jewelry making: three stones for equipment - Solid Eye of the Dragon (in total gives 63 stamina (excluding talents and buffs))
Leatherworking: Fur Lining - Stamina (gives 62 stamina (excluding talents and buffs))
Blacksmithing: Socket in Bracers, Socket in Gloves (gives 60 stamina (excluding talents and buffs))
Mining: Fortress (gives 60 stamina (excluding talents and buffs))
Enchanting: Enchant ring - stamina III (in total gives 60 stamina (excluding talents and buffs))
Alchemy: Mixology + Stone Blood Flask (gives about 600 health)
Engineering: Reinforced Lattice Frame, Nerve Transmitter
Inscription: Master Vertex Inscription

Recommended for tanking: Jewelry and Leatherworking.
Note: the combination Blacksmithing + Jewelcrafting is universal for all specs.

9.Food and Elixirs
Infusion of stone blood - no options, the best jar.
The infusion of the all-color miracle is doubtful, but something is better than nothing.

Elixirs and potions (if infusion is expensive for you):
It’s not as simple as with infusions, there are options:
Powerful Elixir of Fortitude - good when combined with Elixir of Guru
Powerful elixir of protection + Powerful elixir of agility - will give a slight increase in evoidance and TP.

Fish Feast is good, but Dracofin Angelfish Fillet will be more effective.

Scroll of Stamina VIII - definitely the best option
Other scrolls for agility will only slightly increase your TPS.

10. Equipment:

Never chase GS. The main thing is efficiency.
First collect cap def. Then try to look for things that will give the maximum increase in stamina. The ideal item has blue sockets and a socket bonus to stamina (but alas, there are few of these). Always try to look for endurance trinkets. For example, Black Heart is a magnificent trine that you will not change very soon. Trini is boring for triumph.
Now let's talk more about the TsLK.
First, you will need a set of things with ice resistance (the so-called frost gear):
Frostbane Chestguard, Frostbane Girdle, Frostbane Boots, Frostguard Titanium Ring.
Secondly, try to accumulate ice emblems on the Corroded Bone Key or knock out in IV25 Stubborn Scarab of Satrina (Alliance) / Lifeforce of the Lord of the World (Horde).
Thirdly, as I already said, do not chase the GS. You will have the option of either buying a head and shoulders that are higher than the GSM, but going to the deposit, or collecting a full set of 4t9 (Turalyon conquests/Liadrin conquests). Try to collect 4t9, because... his bonus is very useful.

11. Addons
Omen - displays information about agricultural generation.
DedlyBossMods is a collection of timers for boss abilities, very helpful in raiding.
PallyPower - allows you to configure the distribution of buffs.

12. Macros

Throwing on and removing the Divine Shield (dough) (useful on bosses where you need to drop stacks, and the 2nd tank cannot help you (for example, died))
/cast Divine Shield
/cancelaura Divine Shield

Casting the Hand of Sacrifice by hovering the mouse over the target:
#showtooltip Hand of Sacrifice
/cast [@mouseover,harm]Hand of Sacrifice

Instead of “Hand of Sacrifice” you can enter any of our hands - freedom, salvation, protection.

Rotation macro 969
1) from CD 6 sec /castsequence reset=6 Hammer of the Righteous, Shield of Righteousness
2) from CD 9 sec /castsequence=9 Shield of Heaven, Judgment of Wisdom, Consecration

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Hello dear admirers of this class of characters as the retro paladin. Retro fell is an indispensable class in all raid dungeons, as it has a first-class set of buffs for the entire raid, and also has good protection in the form of plate armor and good survivability in the toughest battles against elite bosses.

We will now consider all the characteristics in order of their importance, that is, by priority, with the help of which we can inflict the greatest damage.

  1. "Accuracy"- this characteristic takes first place in the ranking. 32.8 skill rating, increases your accuracy by 1 percent. At level 80, you need to gain 263 accuracy rating points or 8 percent. This is to ensure that you don't miss with special hits, white hits, and justices. I also want to point out that consecrate and exorcism are spells and each of them requires about 17 percent hit point and, for this reason alone, you can still miss with these spells. You must also have a good cap so that you can produce excellent DPS in battle. You should not gain it with stones or enchantments, since it is very easily gained with the help of various bonuses from gear.
  2. "Mastery"– this stat will allow you to completely eliminate the enemy’s ability to evade blows in battle, but you cannot completely eliminate the possibility of parrying when fighting in front of the boss, so always, remember, ALWAYS damage only from behind the enemy, striking in the back. 8.2 you will be given 1 unit of expertise for your rating. In order for you to reach the required cap level, you need to score 26 units or 6.5 percent or 214 units for the examination. If you use a sword or mace, then you need to gain 23 units for expertise, if you use a mace as a Dwarf, then you need to gain 21 units for expertise in order to gain the required amount of cap and your DPS will be just fine. But I don’t recommend spending gems on expertise; let this stat grow naturally with glyphs or gear.
  3. "Force"- is also one of the main stats that you need to gain after you hit the hit cap, because you have many talents that will increase your strength. 1 unit of STR will give you + 2 units to AP, increased by 1.15 from the “Divine Power” spell, which is in the first row - the branch on the proto has fallen. It will also give you 2.3 AP per STR. The entire sum of these numbers rises further due to the applied buffs. STR will also help increase the power of your spells. I will advise you to put all the stones on STR, but only after you reach the required hit cap.
  4. "Critical Strike Rating"- The crit rating will also raise your DPS quite well. This indicator should not be raised to a fairly high level and spend your gems on it. You only need 45.9 crit rating to gain 1 percent crit rating at level 80. This indicator also does not increase due to raid buffs. Therefore, I advise you not to get too carried away with the critical hit rating.
  5. "Speed" or haste is an indicator that has gained popularity among many World of Warcraft players. Speed ​​increases all your white damage, and also increases SoV damage. This gives several new opportunities for the enemy. Increasing your speed will not reduce the AC on your justice abilities, but it will slightly reduce the AC on your spells, which is also a good indicator. You don't need to collect ARP, because most of your damage is dealt using Light magic. ARP increases the damage from spells such as “Strike of the Warrior of Light” and “Divine Storm”. All seals, “Exorcism” and “Consecration” remain, unfortunately, in the air.

2. Rotation of Retro Pal in PVE 3.3.5

8. Bonuses from professions

Basically, each Retri Paladin has several professions that are best suited for this class:

Jewelry making - the ability to place unique stones.
Mining - ingress for jewelry and earning gold.

When you have enough gold and you have accumulated a large number of ingredients in the bank, you can cancel Mining and pump up Blacksmithing. This will give you the opportunity to make three additional socket slots.

Engineering and Jewelry give us 340 haste (per CD on gloves) for 20 seconds and three improved stones, which is not at all bad.

9. Food and Chemistry

For food raids, the best option is Dragonfin Angelfish Fillet. Every hour you need to drink a Tincture of Endless Rage and when using wings, be sure to add a Potion of Speed.
You can take on one of the additional professions “Cooking”; as a result of leveling up, you will get yourself a lot of dishes that will help you quite well raise more necessary characteristics.

10. Retry Paladin Macros

Macro for Righteous Fury

Great for moments when Retri Paladin lacks an outgoing threat. And it is needed when Retrik has to kite running monsters during a boss fight.

#showtooltip Righteous Fury
/cancelaura Righteous Fury
/cast Righteous Fury

Works with the press of just one button, which will both turn your Righteous Fury on and off.

Macros on the Hand

Since the Paladin uses his hands quite often, it is prudent to make macros on them to make use much easier.

#showtooltip Hand of Sacrifice
/cast [@mouseover] Hand of Sacrifice

#showtooltip Hand of Salvation
/cast [@mouseover] Hand of Salvation

#showtooltip Hand of Protection
/cast [@mouseover] Hand of Protection

#showtooltip Hand of Freedom
/cast [@mouseover] Hand of Freedom

The hand will be applied to the target as soon as you hover over it. To ensure that spells are cast without any delay, the /stopcasting line has been added. Usually the delay occurs while casting any other spell.

Macro on “Laying on of Hands”

#showtooltip Laying on of hands
/cast [@mouseover] Laying on of hands

The Paladin's Lay on Hands spell will be applied to any of the allies that fall under your mouse cursor.

Macro on “Bubble”

Sometimes it is necessary to instantly apply the bubble, but there are times when this cannot be done because some other action is in progress.

#showtooltip Divine Shield
/cast Divine Shield

So here it is. The macro interrupts this action and instantly puts money on you. Bubble is one of the main save abilities, so its use must be clearly debugged.

Macro for “Cleansing”

Quite often you have to dispel various poisons, diseases and other disgusting things from both yourself and other raid players. The macro will help you with this.

#showtooltip Cleansing
/cast [@mouseover] Cleansing

Dispell will occur when the cursor is hovering over a raider or partner.

Hi all. Since in the five years of the project’s existence no one has bothered to write a guide for one of the most popular specs in the game, I’ll try to take on this matter myself. I want to say right away that I won’t write anything new here, the guide is intended primarily for beginners; For more experienced people, I strongly recommend studying the excellent guide from Ramerror with PG (http://prestige-gami...8-10-t5489.html).

So, you decided to play pvp and specifically as a retrick. I’ll say right away that if you want to “bend over”, you have chosen the wrong class. Various types of horns, warlocks, etc. are more suitable for this purpose. Of course, in BG it is quite possible to run in a crowd and deal damage with a retrick, but this is far from the simplest class (although not the most difficult to manage) if you want to achieve anything in the arena. What to expect:

1. Huge difficulties in battles against any caster classes, for the simple reason that we have nothing to oppose them. And if such opponents as Destrovarlok or Elem shaman still leave us a chance of victory, then against the frost mage I can say with all responsibility - the chances are zero. If, of course, he has at least some minimal experience in pvp and does not make stupid mistakes.

2. It is quite possible to fight and win against miles of classes, however, you should never underestimate them. The same warrior can take you away in a few seconds, and you won’t even understand what happened.

3. Despite such abilities as the hand of freedom and the hated bubble, we are easy to control and kite (avoid our damage for quite a long time, often causing damage to us) due to the relatively long cooldowns of these abilities and the fact that they are dispelled (then there is an enemy who can remove them from you). Take this into account and do not rush headlong into an attack - in open space the retrik is very vulnerable, especially for ranged DD classes (attacking from afar).

4. Get used to the idea that you can kill a healer only if you catch him with a stun (hammer of justice) + wings + procs, and at the same time his PvP accessory and defensive abilities (such as barkskin for a druid or instant for a shaman) will be on cooldown (almost unrealistic).

4. Despite the above, we also have a number of advantages: fairly high damage output, healing, a huge (perhaps the widest in the game among DD classes) arsenal of support for allies. At the same time, in the arena, sad as it may be, on our own, without outside help, we can kill very few people.

And now in more detail.

A few words about mana. Without mana, you are a walking corpse with virtually no benefit. Almost like a pet hunt. Always monitor the mana level, do not drop it below 1k, this is fraught. Once again: the most important thing is to monitor your mana level.


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Force. Makes our strikes stronger. Forget skin with agility, abilities like healing and holy shield that are unnecessary in pve gain significant weight in pvp. Since they gain bonuses from spell power, which in turn increases based on attack power, strength becomes crucial. The most important stat.

Endurance - HP is never superfluous. It is worth placing stones worth 10 strength and 15 endurance in blue sockets.

Agility is not the most useful stat, even though the paladin receives the most crit from agility of any class. The main reason is that agility, unlike the critical strike rating, does not increase the chance of crit with spells, and this is our heal; at the same time, leather items provide very little attack power, in contrast to plate items with strength. You can put on a thing with dexterity only if it is of a really high level and there is nothing to replace it yet.

Intelligence and spirit are practically useless.

Sustainability. I think that in this case the porridge cannot be spoiled with oil. In no case should you go below 1k; it is advisable to have 1100-1200 res. Do not hesitate to place stones for stability, especially if there is a PVE attack. With low res, you can easily limp up to 1800-1900, but hardly higher, because in every third match you will catch one-shots from everyone. This is not just a fact, but an individual feature of Isengard.

Crit is important and necessary, if you have enough res, it’s better to put strength + crit stones in yellow sockets, but I don’t recommend seriously going into crit. Strength is more important.

Accuracy - cap 164, no more needed. However, some classes and races have abilities that reduce the chance of hitting them, so if you have 180-220 of it, in principle, it’s okay, but there’s still not much point in going through it, it’s better to take more useful stats.

Mastery is a rare, but quite useful stat. Proceed from the principle “if you have it, it’s good, but if you don’t, that’s fine.”

Haste and armor penetration are secondary stats, they are not worth gaining, but they can hang on some pve items. They give quite small bonuses in pvp, it is better to change things with them to things with crit/accuracy/skill first of all.

The charms are standard, except that I prefer to hang 20 resistance on the body.

trinkets - copy-paste from Ramero's guide, you still can't write it any other way.

Heroic Choice/Verdict > Heroic Skull > Heroic Abomination > Choice/Verdict > Skull > Abomination > Battlemasters > The rest are about equal. (Trinkets that ignore armor are highly not recommended for pvp). I would like to add that in my opinion the flask is now greatly underestimated; it is an excellent trinket. I would recommend a flask + sentence to a person, but for other races it’s still a sentence + pvp trinket. Although if you have the opportunity, check it, see what you will be more effective with, it is possible that the flask will often be better than the sentence.

Weapon. In our case, the slower the attack speed, the better. Of course, shm is an ideal option, but not everyone has it. Brintroll, as far as I know, now works by close-like, so Ger Brin is perhaps the best option after shm. If there is neither one nor the other, then they often use it on the principle of “what is”, just remember that weapons for pvp and pve are very different (halberds are very good in pve, but not at all very good for pvp), so in the absence of shma and brintrol I would recommend glor, edge, weapon a8. Why the edge, because there is armor penetration there? - Very simply, attack speed 3.7 gives an increase in damage from every attack, including justice, storm and ks, in addition, it gives a large amount of attack power. While there is none of this, kel-delar will do just fine. Weapons with 10 rpm are in most cases not the best choice due to the attack speed of 3.4-3.5 and not the most successful stats.

Pve abuse - try to wear things that give strength, endurance and crit + accuracy/skill. If it is possible to insert stones into res in a PVE item, that’s great, especially if your res is not much more than 1k. If the res of a pve item becomes less than 1000, don’t equip it, first collect good pvp equipment.


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I will not describe all the symbols in detail, I will only write those that make sense to use.

Symbol of Justice- is always placed with any build.

Glyph of Vengeance Seal- at the moment, the seal of vengeance works much better than literally six months ago, so it makes sense to use it in pvp, especially if you are playing with a healer. But it has a minus - if you lose all your stacks, you will lose a lot of damage, so it only makes sense to use it against targets that cannot get far from you. There are quite a few of these (remember what I said about the lightness of the paladin kite), so I would still recommend the following symbol.

Seal of Righteousness Symbol- the seal of righteousness still remains the most relevant for pvp, therefore, as a rule, it is used as the second symbol.

Symbol of banishing evil - I personally use it, it makes using fir on all sorts of gargoyles much easier.

Glyph of Salvation is an alternative symbol, with it the Hand of Salvation, when used on yourself, will reduce incoming damage by 20%. I’ve never used it, I’m too used to instant fire casting, but I know that many excellent retricks use/have used it, in particular Ramerror.

Small: symbol of the blessing of power, symbol of the wise (we save mana by using the seal of wisdom, the most useful small symbol), symbol of the blessing of kings (we save mana on the buff, which often has to be updated).


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7-11-53 - the most common option

everything you need is taken.

0-19-52 - an alternative option for playing from defense and increasing survivability

Personally, I use this option, mainly because of the large number of pve abuses among players. The main advantages are a strengthened sacred shield and a reduced cooldown of the stun due to small damage damage. At the moment, even if you don't have very good gear and lack damage, I would still recommend this option, since on Isengard the ability to survive often outweighs the ability to deal damage.

Alternative options with the same talent layout, but when instead of righteous revenge, quick retribution is taken, giving 3% hasta to all allies. Used if you are playing with casters.


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/cast Judgment of Light

so that the auto attack is launched when you click on the ability, even if it is on cooldown.

/cast cleanse

Macro for your partner's dispel. I use similar macros for all support abilities: sacred shield, hand of freedom, hand of protection, hand of sacrifice, flash of light, buffs (depending on the class your partner is playing). You can use macros for casting at the mouse pointer, as you prefer:

/cast cleanse

such a macro will apply the spell written into it to the one who is under the mouse pointer.

/target Raven Gargoyle
/cast Banish Evil

casts fir on the gargoyle without changing your current target. If there are no gargoyles around, it will fire at your target, while jumping to the previous target. It’s very convenient - you hit a warlock, select a dog, press fire - the dog is in fire, you have a warlock in your target again.

/cast Divine Shield
/cancelaura Avenger's Wrath

With this macro we replace the bubble on the panel. Since the bubble cannot be used simultaneously with the wings - under normal conditions it will be a bubble, but if you are under the wings - by clicking on this macro you will remove the wings from yourself. This is necessary in a battle against a magician, when you were able to get close, pressed the wings to sell him, and took them off yourself when he broke away, so that the magician would not steal them for himself. A similar macro for the wings:

/cast Avenging Wrath
/cancelaura Divine Shield

under normal conditions, it turns on the wings, or removes the bubble from you when you used it, for example, to remove control from yourself - cancel the bubble and continue to damage.

#showtooltip Repentance
/cast Repentance; Repentance

casts repentance to focus, if there is no focus - to your current target. Controversial macro, but I'm used to it.

/cast Hammer of Justice

brings the camp into focus. Useful for controlling one target while damaging another. In most cases, the stun is given to the healer, and you continue to damage the damage control. Due to this macro, the time required to change the target to the healer, stun him, and change the target back is saved.


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I'm used to playing on the standard interface. I tried to get used to changing frames and interfaces, but it didn’t work out. Otherwise I use the following addons:

Gladius - addon, very necessary for the arena. Right-clicking the gladius frame brings the target into focus. For the rest, look at the settings, it’s not difficult to figure out. Shows a lot of useful information.

Aloft- replaces the standard HP bars above the heads of enemies (turned on with the V button by default). It's beautiful and easier to see.

Icicle- shows enemy cooldowns directly above their heads. Hell of a useful thing.

OmniCC- shows the cooldown directly on the abilities on the skill panels. Convenient and informative.

Qartz- replacement for standard cast bars. All caste bars are customizable.


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Since most casters collect a cap of penetra, that is, the penetrating ability of spells, resistance auras will be useless in most cases. Use the aura of concentration if you are playing with a resto shaman or dc priest, as well as when playing with casters, the aura of retribution in all other cases.


Dealing damage.

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Justice: All three justices must be on your panel without fail. Of course, you will mainly use the justice of light, but at the same time you will ALWAYS hit shamans, horns and druids with the justice of justice, and against teams with a large number of absorptions (absorptions), that is, those where there is a dc priest, frost mage, etc. you'll basically have to attack with wisdom justice. Very important: with the talent “wise justice” we replenish mana, but only when dealing damage justice. That is, if justice is absorbed or misses, then we will not replenish the mana. Try to knock down absorptions (absorptions) with other attacks, and not with justice.

Divine Storm. The strongest melee ability, second in priority after justice. Inflicting damage, slightly heals you and your group.

Strike of the warrior of light. Second priority melee attack. If you use the manuscript of three truths, then maybe the first one to build up the buff and maintain it.

Consecration. AoE spills directly below you. Due to its high mana cost, it is only useful in rare cases, for example, to knock out a rogue from stealth. It is not recommended to use it to cause damage.

Exorcism. Use the art of war talent only for the benefit of the talent; without any benefit, you can cast it only to prevent the fleeing enemy from leaving the battle, although in this case the hand of retribution would be preferable.


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Seal of Righteousness. Our main seal, with which we will deal damage. High damage from justices (which sometimes allows you to break through absorption and therefore replenish mana), and damage from the seal is added to each attack.

Seal of vengeance. An alternative seal for dealing damage, each of your simple melee attacks (only simple attacks - the strike of the warrior of light and the storm do not apply here) places a dot on the target, the effect of which stacks up to 5 times. In fact, you only start doing serious damage when you reach 5 stacks. If the target cannot break away from you for a long time and go into los (line if sight - field of view) - a very useful seal. Another disadvantage is that making sudden switches (a sudden change of target that is a complete surprise to the enemy) is ineffective with it. Use it mainly if you are playing with a healer, especially a shaman, who will help you sit on the target and damage it consistently. If there is a need to suddenly change the goal and sell it heavily (for example, for wings), you will first have to change the seal to the seal of righteousness.

The main mistake of novice paladins is that they only bring these two seals to the panel. If your goal is to achieve at least 4/5 a8, read on.

Seal of wisdom. With every melee attack you regenerate mana. Very useful when your mana tends to zero. Unlike the holy oath, the seal is not dispelled by dispel, so use it when you are burned (mana burn) or you have lost mana due to your own carelessness. Also, unlike the holy oath, you need to think about the seal of wisdom only when mana begins to drop to a critical level - 1-1.5k, or use it in cases where you still cannot cause significant damage to the enemy (for example, if you forced to beat a warrior who used a blind defense).

Seal of light. Replenishes your health with each attack against an enemy. In combination with a sacred shield and wearing a one-handed weapon + shield (the one-handed weapon should of course be a healer) can significantly extend your life. However, it is really useful only if you have not already dropped in HP to a critical level (3-5k) and mostly against a mile of classes. Don't hesitate to beat the enemy pet under this seal if there is no one else nearby. So, if you are pushed through, we retreat behind the column; if there is a pet/copy of a magician/var nearby, we boldly use the seal of light and hit.

Seal of justice. Each melee attack has a chance to stun the enemy. Many people (including myself) forget about this seal. I advise you not to repeat my mistakes, this seal can be of great help in a number of cases - to disrupt the cast (immediately after activation it will stop with 1-2 attacks and so on until dimming occurs) if it is long and unpleasant, for example, calling a pet as a warlock; save your partner (the stun of some dk for 2-3 seconds is quite capable of this), and so on. Just don’t forget about the GCD - the global cooldown of abilities, use the seal only when it’s really beneficial, don’t change the seals for every enemy cast - you won’t cause damage and will lose a lot of mana on the seal cast itself.


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Hand of freedom. A unique ability that removes all effects that impede movement; also, when the talent is taken, divine design removes all stun effects. The main mistake novice players make is using this ability only on themselves. Be sure to use it on your partner, especially (and primarily) to remove stuns. Since the Hand of Freedom falls under the GCD, it will not always be possible to use it immediately after your partner receives a stun, but this does not mean that if you missed the first 2 seconds of the stun, you do not need to use it to remove the remaining four. Get used to using it for such moments as removing the stun from intercepting a warrior or the AoE stun of a warlock (shadowfury - fury of darkness) - believe me, in those short 2-3 seconds it is quite possible to inject 10-15k damage that could have been reduced or not received in general, if you use your hand at the right time. In battles against magicians never do not use to remove the first nova or slowdown, always leave it in deep freeze. Otherwise, you will receive it immediately after using the Hand of Freedom.

Hand of protection. Gives the target immunity to physical damage for 10 seconds and removes all debuffs of a physical nature, such as bleeding or mortal blow. This means that any magical damage will pass through it. Use it on allies to save you; you will rarely use it on yourself. In addition, it can and should often be used to remove physical controls from an ally, such as stun (sap) and blind (blind), as well as the warrior's fire. Only remove the sub from your partner when the battle has already begun and mainly at his request, otherwise you may waste a key cooldown.

The hand of sacrifice. Transfers 30% of the damage taken by the target to you. Used both to save an ally by reducing the damage they receive, and to avoid unwanted control on you. If you understand that now they will throw all sorts of rubbish at you like a thorn (polymorph is a transformation for a magician), which will fly off you when you receive damage - feel free to throw the hand of sacrifice at your partner, with a successful set of circumstances you will receive a thorn, which you will get here it will fly off, and the next one will be shorter in time. Remember that it can be dispelled by the enemy.

Hand of salvation. Useful only if you have a symbol that reduces the damage you take by 20%. The symbol works only when using the hand on yourself. Without a symbol, it can only be useful as an extra magical buff - there is always a chance that when they dispel buffs from you, they will dispel her, and not something needed. True, due to the short duration of action, it is practically useless in this regard.

Hand of Vengeance. Does not waste GCD, which allows you to poke it at any time without affecting other actions. Used to enter battle to avoid getting stunned by Rogowski, or to prevent a fleeing enemy from leaving the battle. In addition, the hand of retribution can and should be used to overaggro enemy pets onto yourself, for example, when your partner is trying to drink mana, when he is almost dying, and the annoying ghoul is ready to finish him off, etc.

Remember that all hands are interchangeable, that is, you cannot use two hands on a target at the same time - the next one will always cancel the previous one. Try not to throw your ally, for example, the hand of sacrifice and the hand of freedom at the same time.

Other abilities.

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Sacred Shield. Our main ability is to increase survivability and support of allies, not only in the arena. Quite expensive in terms of mana, but this does not detract from its value. In the arena he Always should hang on your opponent's target. If they hit you, use it on yourself; if they hit your partner, immediately place the sacred shield on him. This is critical.

Holy oath. Restores 25% of your mana over 15 seconds. It hangs like a buff, so it is susceptible to enemy dispel. As a result, never rely heavily on it and always use it early when your mana pool is close to half.

Sacred Sacrifice. Works on the principle of the hand of sacrifice, but takes damage from all party members within a radius of 30 meters. Unlike the hand of sacrifice, it is not a hand and is not dispelled. If you took a build for less damage but greater survivability (0-19-52), then it will also reduce all the damage your group and you receive by 20%. Use it similarly to Hand of Sacrifice, including to prevent you from gaining control, but in this regard it is better to first use Hand as a less valuable cooldown.

Divine Shield. That's why they call us bablodins, facerolls, and so on. Try to save it for a critical situation, but don’t hesitate to use it as a “second trinket” that removes control from you. But in this case, do this only when it is really necessary - for example, you are 100% sure that you will now finish off the unfortunate warlock, and then you get a fire - we take off the money and finish it off. Or you have been controlled and your partner is about to be killed - it is quite possible to spend the money, give your partner the hand of protection/sacrifice/freedom, heal him and continue the fight. Remember that priest and warrior can take money from you.

Divine protection. Reduces incoming damage by 50%. Can be scattered, in addition, like bubble, it imposes a temperance debuff. It is for these reasons that the scope of this spell is greatly limited.

Punisher's wrath. Those same wings. Increases the damage you deal by 20%, in addition, due to the "Holy Wrath" talent, you ignore half of all damage-reducing properties. It is for this reason that the damage under them increases clearly not by 20%, but by a much greater amount. Use this to finish off a warrior in a defensive position, a spy in a cloud, and so on. Remember that on 99% of your opponents the wings act as a red rag to the bull, since you cannot use the bubble during them. Be prepared that as soon as you turn on your wings, everyone around you will start hitting you. Try not to use them ahead of time, but also not to pull too hard. Also, any mage within a radius of 100 meters will immediately begin pressing the spellsteel (spellstealer) button hard, regardless of the three lines of your buffs.

Repentance. Controls the target for 6 seconds, due to the long cooldown it is quite limited in use. Feel free to use it to get close to an overly fast target (such as a mage or hunt), you can also build a chain of control (stun-repentance) on the enemy healer to gain time to kill his partner.

Cleansing. It's a dispel. Removes negative effects, both magical and various kinds of poisons and diseases. Remember that you can use it not only on yourself, but also on others. Always use it to remove control from your allies if possible. You can invest purification into each free GCD, since in battles there are rare cases where there are no debuffs on you or your partner. Debuffs such as Warlock's Sacrificial Fire or Element's Fire Shock should always be dispelled first, to the detriment of everything else.

Flash Light or just a flash drive. The main healing spell, under the proc of the talent the art of war becomes instantaneous. If you are not busy with dispel and you have a free GCD, throw a flash drive to yourself or a partner, permanent flash drives heal more than it might seem at first glance; In addition, under the proc of the sacred shield, her crit chance increases by 50%. In fact, if you are beaten, you can put on a one-handed weapon and a shield, use the seal of light and hit the enemy, constantly healing with flash cards for the talent’s procs. Often in this case, your total healing exceeds the damage caused by the enemy, allowing you to survive in difficult situations.

Light of heaven. A slow casting spell that restores a large amount of health. In terms of time it turns out to be more profitable than a series of flash drives, but in terms of mana it is not profitable at all. If you have time to cast several flash drives, it is better to use them, especially in combination with a healer's manuscript, which increases healing from flash drives.

Expulsion of evil. It can and definitely should be used primarily against the gargoyle dk - perhaps the most dangerous pet in the game. Also commonly used against succubi and warlock dogs to prevent unwanted control. In other cases, it can be used against a ghoul dk, a warlock demonologist when he is in demon form (one of the most enjoyable moments in playing as a paladin) and dk if he used rebirth. Learn to track this buff on your dk; a sudden fire in the middle of a fight from a paladin can sometimes break the pattern even for experienced dcs.

Heaven's Wrath. Aoe attack on undead and demons, works for the same purposes as driving out evil. Use it in the same cases, especially if you do not have a symbol for banishing evil and casting it is problematic.

General tips.

Remember that your buffs give very large bonuses, so try to update them both on yourself and on your allies.

Get rid of the habit of attacking the enemy at all costs. It is often better to hide and heal, instead of running after someone, catching a couple of his friends and going to the cemetery (regarding BG). In the arena, a runaway loser, for example, a magician, is not necessarily your rating, since such a maneuver may well be performed in order to lure you to the center of the arena and tear you apart. Remember that casters are the most dangerous opponents; running after them throughout the arena can be fatal. A teacher of how to lose, that is, to avoid unwanted damage behind columns and obstacles, especially when their trinkets are damaged. If you are against a cheerful harrypotter like an element and a lock, and even one who has turned on heroism, feel free to extinguish them until he runs out, otherwise you risk dying before you have time to spend the money.

Don’t save your money until the last moment; it’s often better to turn it on at 20k HP, especially if you realize that a chaos arrow and a lava burst are flying at you at the same time. Otherwise, you will still have to turn it on (if you survive), but at the same time you will still spend time and mana on healing.

Feel free to cancel the bubble before it ends, as it reduces the damage you deal by half. Chasing someone in the bubble is often not a good idea, you won't kill anyone most of the time anyway. Bubble is used mainly for healing, interrupting zerg attacks on you and removing control. And even then, a successfully used bubble is when you turned it on and received several innings in immunity, saving time and mana. Especially if some deathcoil flew into it from above. Remember that many classes like Destrowarlock have a series of damage worked out to the point of automaticity, and they may well charge a burst directly into the bubble without immediately understanding what is happening. Especially at low ratings.

If you often have cases where you do not use anything and not a single GCD is spent for several seconds, you are 100% doing something wrong.

You must be clearly aware that a retry paladin is a support fighter, so to speak. Our main advantage is not huge damage; all sorts of elements, dk and other warlocks cope with this better. The whole point of our class is its support abilities. It is through the competent use of hands, dispel and healing, without significant damage to damage, that you can achieve success. Monitor dangerous debuffs on your partner; not everything can be announced on Skype. Try to remove control from him as quickly as possible, this is really important. Do not hesitate to heal both yourself and your partner; in some cases this will play a decisive role in victory. And remember that everything described here is relevant not only in the arena. Retrik, who not only deals damage, but also constantly buffs, heals, saves his own and knows how to survive and retreat back when necessary, is quite capable of playing an important role in winning any battle.

That's all, thanks for your attention. You can start minus and throw poop.

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