Formats for submission of tax and accounting reports in electronic form. Formats for submitting tax and accounting reports in electronic form Reporting through TCS: advantages

All state institutions provide financial statements to their founders, as well as to regulatory authorities. To do this, it is necessary to upload the reports generated in the program "1C: Accounting of a state institution" in the appropriate format, which differs depending on the place where the reports are provided.

1) In order to download the regulated financial statements, you must select the menu "Accounting" - "Regulated reports" - "Accounting statements"

2) On the bookmark "Report Log" form "Regulated financial statements" when you click on the button "Upload" opens the page "Upload Reports":

3) Attention! Only reports that have the status are available for uploading reports. "Prepared" or "Approved".

Before you can change the status from Planned or In Progress to Prepared or Approved, you must complete full cross-formal control.

4) To upload reports, you should install "Exchange format" and "Upload method"(specify the upload path if you select the upload method "Catalog").

5) When you select a value in the "Exchange format" field, a directory opens:

6) In the directory "Upload formats financial statements» at the push of a button"Create" The following window appears:

Fill in the name and indicate external processing file.

Depending on where the reporting will be uploaded in the future, select the desired file(For example, Unloading GRBS in FK format.epf- for state institutions, Unloading AU&BU in FK.epf format - for autonomous and budget institutions, respectively, UnloadingReportingFor the Federal Tax Service.epf- for unloading balance sheet for the FTS).

For example, if we need to connect the format for uploading reports to be sent to the Federal Tax Service, fill in the names nie "Unloading to the Federal Tax Service"and load the file of the corresponding format processingUnloadingReportingFor the Federal Tax Service.epf, which is in the archive in the Cases folder the current release of the program, for example along the path: D:\1c\StateAccounting\1_0_45_6\Cases\extrp\UnloadingReportingFor the Federal Tax Service.epf

And click on the "Open" button. Information about the file and processing version is reflected after the file is loaded:

7) When pressing the button "Record and Close" in the directory"Formats for unloading financial statements" will appear new line with selected format"Unloading to the Federal Tax Service":

Double-click on the line to select the format, and the desired upload appears in the "Exchange format" field.

1. Setting up the BSU 1.0 configuration for the correct unloading of the balance sheet.

For the formation of financial statements of state (municipal) budgetary and autonomous institutions in electronic form processing is applied in formats.

Processing for unloading financial statements "UnloadingReportingFor the Federal Tax Service.epf" you can download , or find in subdirectory " AppData\Roaming\1C\1Cv82\tmplts\1c\StateAccounting\ latest version BGU1.0 configuration \cases\» .

Processing should be added to the program. To do this, go to the menu. Further "Upload log" → "Settings" → "Export formats". In the window that opens, click "Create", and then, in the next window, click "Load from file..." and select the downloaded file.

After that in the window "Upload format (create)" click "Record and Close".

2. Unloading the balance sheet from the BGU1.0 configuration.

Go to menu "Accounting → Regulated reports → Accounting statements". Further " Report log", and click the " Unloading».

In the opened window " Uploading reports» make the following settings:

  1. Mark the reports prepared for uploading, if necessary, using the filters in the left part of the window
  2. In the right part of the window, in the paragraph "Exchange Format" select previously loaded processing "UnloadingReportingFor the Federal Tax Service.epf".
  3. Select "Unloading method" And "Unloading Path"
  4. In field " Correction number" specify the type of document 0 - primary document, from 1 before 999 - correction number for the corrective document).
  5. After that press the button " Upload data»

Attention! By general rule, reports with the status “ Prepared" or " Approved". This status is set for reports that have successfully passed the control of indicator matching.

Upon completion of the download, it will open "Protocol for uploading reports".

  1. Go to menu " Accounting» → « Regulated reports” and select “ Tax and statistical reporting».
  2. In the window that opens, click the " Go' and select ' External Electronic Reporting Submissions».
  3. Click the button Download» and select the desired file.
  4. Check the correctness of filling in the details of the report, click " burn» and send the report by pressing the button « Sending» - « Send».

In the 21st century, it would be very strange if financial statements had to be submitted exclusively during personal visits to the authorities tax service. Now, in order to save time for enterprises and their authorized persons, as well as for more efficient work of employees of the Federal Tax Service, it is possible to submit documents to in electronic format through telecommunications departments. At the same time, there is a certain format for submitting and compiling such reporting documentation, which must be taken into account when submitting documentation. And then we will talk about how the reporting takes place, according to which version; Let's reveal some features of the new version.

Reporting through TCS: advantages

As is clear from the introduction, now most companies use TCS - these are telecommunication channels that allow you to generate reports in a special software environment and then send it to the Federal Tax Service without first visiting the organization. This allows you to save time and, in a sense, money (to submit reports to paper version no need, therefore, no need to spend money on paper, paint, etc.).

  • The risks of misprints and other errors are minimized. The system contains some checkpoints that do not allow, when generating obviously incorrect data, to send them to the system;
  • The accountant himself should not monitor the issue of the emergence of new reporting forms, since companies providing enterprises with such software products ensure timely and prompt updating of the entire system;
  • Guaranteed security of data transmitted via TCS. All software products have a very high degree of protection, which allows you not to worry that the reporting will be used by third parties;
  • Guaranteed delivery and reporting. If the company always has risks when reporting by the postal operator, then when using the TCS, such risks are reduced to 0. The sender always receives some confirmation within 24 hours after sending that the subject has fulfilled his “duty” to the state and has submitted all the accounting reporting;
  • The ability to receive a variety of certificates, statements, etc., which significantly saves the accountant's time. For example, through the TCS it is possible to obtain a certificate of settlements with the budget, acts of reconciliation of debts for certain taxes and fees, etc.

Thus, the benefits are many. But there is main question: who provides TCS services? There are specialized institutions that have a license to carry out their activities, as well as permission from the Federal Tax Service. There are many such companies, in each region they are represented by different entities. Such a list of certified companies is presented on the official website of the Federal Tax Service. And before concluding an agreement with a contractor for the provision of TCS services, it is necessary to check its license on the website.

Accounting statements version 5 07

Now let's go directly to the question, what is accounting version 5.07. This is the same regular form of financial statements, which includes the same five documents (you can read about the composition of financial statements in full form here), only taking into account visual changes. This is a special format for filing reports in electronic form. No more. Form 5.06 was previously used. But since March 2017, there have been some changes.

For the users themselves, there will be no special changes, since all KTS operators had to provide automatic update systems. If this does not happen, then when uploading to the accounting system, the system will generate an error and request a new format.

  • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated February 13, 2014 No. ММВ-7-6/51@ "On approval of the formats for the presentation of accounting (financial) statements of state (municipal) budgetary and autonomous institutions in electronic form"
  • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 03.09.2013 No. ММВ-7-6/313@ "On Approval of the Format for Presenting Accounting (Financial) Statements in Electronic Form"
  • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 03.09.2013 No. ММВ-7-6/312@ "On approval of the format for the presentation of accounting (financial) statements of socially oriented non-profit organizations in electronic form"
  • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 03.09.2013 No. ММВ-7-6/311@ "On Approval of the Format for Presenting Accounting (Financial) Statements of Small Business Entities in Electronic Form"
  • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated May 14, 2013 No. ММВ-7-6/171@ "On approval of the format for presenting the balance sheet of the chief manager, manager, recipient of budgetary funds, chief administrator, administrator of budget deficit financing sources, chief administrator, administrator of budget revenues in electronic form"
  • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated March 21, 2013 No. ММВ-7-6/128@ “On Approval of Formats for Presenting Accounting (Financial) Statements of State (Municipal) Budgetary and Autonomous Institutions in Electronic Form”
  • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 05.02.2013 No. ММВ-7-6/56@ "On Approval of the Format for Presenting Accounting (Financial) Statements of Socially Oriented Non-Commercial Organizations in Electronic Form"
  • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2013 No. ММВ-7-6/35@ “On Approval of the Format for Presenting Financial Statements in Electronic Form”
  • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2013 No. ММВ-7-6/34@
  • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2013 No. ММВ-7-6/33@ "On Approval of Formats for Presenting Accounting Statements of Non-State Pension Funds in Electronic Form"
  • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 18, 2013 No. ММВ-7-6/21@
  • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated November 16, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/881@ “On Approval of the Format for Presenting Accounting Statements of Small Business Entities in Electronic Form”
  • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated October 25, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/801@ "On Approval of Formats for Presenting Accounting (Financial) Statements of Insurers in Electronic Form"
  • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. ММВ-7-6/572@ dated August 23, 2012 “On Approval of the Format for Presenting the Calculation of the Financial Result of an Investment Partnership in Electronic Form”
  • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated February 15, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/87@ "On Approval of the Format for Presenting Financial Statements in Electronic Form"
  • Format for submitting financial statements in electronic form (part CV, version 5.03) (Appendix to the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated February 15, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/87@) Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 23, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/15@ “On Approval of Formats for Presenting Accounting Statements of Credit Institutions in Electronic Form”
  • The format for the presentation of financial statements in electronic form (approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated December 19, 2011 No.
  • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 01.04.2011 No. ММВ-7-6/245@ "On Approval of the Format of Financial Statements"
  • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated February 25, 2011 No. ММВ-7-6/179@ "On Approval of Submission Formats tax returns, accounting reports and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (based on XML) (version 5)" - in accordance with subparagraph 5 of paragraph 1 of Article 23 of the Tax Code Russian Federation and on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2010 No. 63n “On Approval of the Accounting Regulation “Correction of Errors in Accounting and Reporting (PBU 22/10)”
  • Part XLVIII. Composition and structure of non-state balance sheet indicators pension fund(Form No. 1-NPF) (Version 01)
  • Part XLIX. Composition and structure of indicators of the profit and loss statement of a non-state pension fund (form No. 2-NPF) (Version 01) XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
  • Part L. Composition and structure of indicators of the report on the movement of funds of targeted financing, pension reserves and pension savings of a non-state pension fund (form 3-NPF) (Version 01) XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
  • Part LI. Composition and structure of indicators of the traffic report Money non-state pension fund (form 4-NPF) (Version 01) XSD schema of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
  • Part LII. Composition and structure of indicators of the report on the movement of assets constituting pension reserves and pension savings of a non-state pension fund (form 5-NPF) (Version 01) XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
  • Part LIII. Composition and structure of indicators of the report on intended use funds intended to ensure the statutory activities of a non-state pension fund (form 6-NPF) (Version 01) XSD file exchange scheme in electronic form to the format
  • Part LXXXVIII. Composition and structure of balance sheet indicators credit institution(published form) (version 01) XSD schema of the electronic interchange file to the format
  • Part LXXXIX. Composition and structure of indicators of the profit and loss statement of a credit institution (published form) (version 01) XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
  • Part XC. Composition and structure of indicators of the cash flow statement of a credit institution (published form) (version 01) XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
  • Format version 5.00 Part XXIII Composition and structure of balance sheet indicators (form No. 1) (Version 01) XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
  • Version 5.00 format Part XXIV Composition and structure of income statement indicators (form No. 2) (Version 01) XSD schema of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
  • Format version 5.00 Part XXV Composition and structure of indicators of the statement of changes in equity (form No. 3) (Version 01) XSD schema of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
  • Format version 5.00 Part XXVI Composition and structure of indicators of the cash flow statement (form No. 4) (Version 01) XSD schema of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
  • Format version 5.00 Part XXVII Composition and structure of the indicators of the application to the balance sheet (form No. 5) (Version 01) XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
  • Format version 5.00 Part XXVIII Composition and structure of indicators of the report on the intended use of funds received (form No. 6) (Version 01) XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
  • Part XL Composition and structure of indicators of the balance sheet of an insurance organization (Form No. 1-insurer) (Version 01) Format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees, in electronic form (based on XML) (Version 5) XSD schema file interchange electronically to format
  • Part XLI Composition and structure of indicators of the profit and loss statement of an insurance organization (form No. 2-insurer) (Version 01) Format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (based on XML) (Version 5) XSD schema of the electronically interchange file to format
  • Part XLII Composition and structure of indicators of the income statement of an insurance company medical organization on mandatory health insurance(Form No. 2a-Insurer) (Version 01)
    Format of submission of tax declarations, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (XML-based) (Version 5) XSD file scheme for the exchange in electronic form to the format
  • Part XLIII Composition and structure of indicators of the statement of changes in the capital of an insurance company (form No. 3-insurer) (Version 01) XML) (Version 5) XSD schema of the electronically interchange file to format
  • Part XLIV Composition and structure of indicators of the cash flow statement of an insurance organization (form No. 4-insurer) (Version 01) XML-based) (Version 5) XSD schema file interchange electronically to format
  • Part XLV Composition and structure of indicators of the cash flow statement of a medical insurance organization for compulsory health insurance (form No. 4a-insurer) (Version 01) Format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees, electronically (XML-based) (Version 5) XSD schema of the electronically interchange file to format
  • Part XLVI Composition and structure of indicators of the appendix to the balance sheet of an insurance company (form No. 5-insurer) (Version 01) Format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (based on XML) (Version 5) XSD schema of the electronically interchange file to format
  • Part XXXVIII. The composition and structure of indicators of the turnover sheet for accounts accounting credit institution (version 3.00000)
  • Part XXXIX. Composition and structure of indicators in the profit and loss statement of a credit institution (version 3.00000)
  • Part LXXIX. Composition and structure of income statement indicators (version 3.00000)
  • Part LXXX. Composition and structure of indicators of the turnover sheet for the accounts of a credit institution (version 3.00000)
  • Part LXXXI. Composition and structure of indicators of the statement of turnover for the reflection of events after the reporting date (version 3.00000)
  • Information letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated February 21, 2008 No. 13-0-09 / 000203@ On the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (version 2.00)
  • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated February 25, 2011 No. ММВ-7-6/179@ "On approval of the formats for submitting tax declarations, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (based on XML) ( version 5)"

Formats of tax reporting documents

  • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated February 14, 2014 No. ММВ-7-6/52@ "On Approval of the Format for Submitting an Application for a Patent (Form No. 26.5-1) in Electronic Form"
  • xsd-schemes to the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated November 05, 2013 No. ММВ-7-11/478@ "On amendments to the annexes to the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated November 24, 2011 No. ММВ-7-11/895 "On approval of forms and formats of presentation in electronic form of the tax declaration and tax calculation for the advance payment of corporate property tax and the procedures for filling them out"

  • "On amendments to the orders of the Federal Tax Service of Russia"
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 07.02.2013 No. ММВ-7-6/64@ "On approval of formats for submitting documents for the application of the taxation system for agricultural producers in electronic form"
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 18, 2013 No. ММВ-7-6/20@ “On Approval of the Procedure for Information Exchange of Documents Used in the Application of Simplified and Patent Taxation Systems, Unified Agricultural Tax and Tax on Gambling Business, in Electronic Form via Telecommunication Channels”
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated December 24, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/996@ "On approval of the formats for submitting documents for the application of the patent taxation system in electronic form"
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated November 16, 2012 No. MMV-7-6 / 878@ "On approval of the formats for submitting documents for the application of the simplified taxation system in electronic form"
    • Appendix No. 3 and No. 4 to the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 06.14.2012 No. MMV-7-3 / 405 Format for submitting a notice of payment of an advance payment of excise duty on alcoholic and (or) alcohol-containing products in electronic form (XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to format)
    • Format for submitting a notice of exemption from payment of an advance payment of excise duty on alcoholic and (or) alcohol-containing products in electronic form (XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format)
    • Appendix No. 2 to the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated February 20, 2012 No. ММВ-7-11 / 99@ "Format for submitting a tax return for transport tax electronically (version 5.01, part LIV)" (XSD schema of the electronically interchange file to format)
    • Appendix No. 2 to the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 03.22.2012 No. ММВ-7-3 / 174@ Format for submitting a tax declaration for corporate income tax in electronic form (version 5.04, part II) (XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated May 10, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/295@ “On approval of the format for submitting an application for registration of an object (objects) of taxation with a gambling business tax in electronic form”
    • Format for submitting an application for registration of an object (objects) of taxation for gambling business in electronic form
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. ММВ-7-6/244@ dated April 17, 2012 “On Amendments to the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. ММ-7-6/730@ dated December 31, 2009 “On Approval of the Format for Submitting Tax Returns, Accounting Statements and Other Documents , serving as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (based on XML) (version 5)"
    • Format for submitting a tax return for a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities in electronic form (version 5.03, part XXIX) (XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated March 21, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/172@ "On Approval of Formats of Primary Accounting Documents"
    • Format of the unified form of primary accounting documentation for accounting for trade operations TORG-12 (version 5.01, part CMLXXXVI)
    • Format of the Certificate of acceptance and delivery of works (services) (version 5.01, part CMLXXXVII)
    • (XSD schema 1 of the electronically interchange file to format)
    • (XSD schema 2 interchange files electronically to format)
    • Format for submitting a tax declaration on gambling business tax in electronic form (version 5.01, part XXI) (Appendix No. 2 to the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated December 28, 2011 No. ММВ-7-3/985@) format)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 30, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/36@ “On approval of the formats for submitting documents used when issuing and receiving invoices in electronic form via telecommunication channels using an electronic signature”
    • Format for submitting a tax return for a mineral extraction tax in electronic form (version 5.02, part X) (Appendix No. 2 to the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated December 16, 2011 No. ММВ-7-3 / 928@) (XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to format)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated December 30, 2011 No. YaK-7-6 / 1010@ “On approval of the format for presenting information on the share of an organization’s income from educational and (or) medical activities in the total amount of income, on the number of employees in the organization’s staff and on the number of medical personnel with a specialist certificate in the organization's staff in electronic form"
    • Format of certificate of income of an individual for 20____ year (version 5.02, part CCCXCIX) (XSD scheme of the electronic exchange file to the format)
    • Format of notification of the participant of the Skolkovo project in electronic form
    • Format for presenting the calculation of the total profit (loss) of a participant in the Skolkovo project
    • Format of the tax return for personal income tax (form 3-NDFL)
    • Format for submitting a tax return for land tax in electronic form (XSD schema of the electronic exchange file to the format, version 5.02, part LXXV)
    • Format for filing corporate property tax returns in electronic form (version 5.02, part LXXXIV)
    • Format for submitting a tax calculation for an advance payment of corporate property tax in electronic form (version 5.02, part LXXXIV)
    • Format of notification by the bank to the tax authority of the fact of issuing a bank guarantee (XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated July 21, 2011 No. ММВ-7-6/458@ "On amendments to the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated August 24, 2009 No. ШТ-7-6/428@"
    • Appendix No. 2 to Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. ММВ-7-3/369@ dated June 14, 2011 Format of the tax declaration for excises on excisable goods, except for tobacco products
    • Format for submitting a notice of advance payment of excise tax on alcoholic and (or) alcohol-containing products (part CXXI, version 5.01)
    • Format for submitting a notice of exemption from advance payment of excise duty on alcoholic and (or) alcohol-containing products (Part CIX, version 5.01)
    • Annex No. 2 to Order No. ММВ-7-3/253@ of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 07.04.2011 Format of the tax return for the mineral extraction tax (part X, version 5.01)
    • Format of the tax return on the estimated income of an individual (Form 4-NDFL) (Version 5.01)
    • Requirements for the name of the exchange file in the formats for submitting tax declarations (calculations), financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (based on XML) (versions 4 and 5)
    • Version 01) XSD Electronic Interchange File Schema to , (Version 02) XSD Electronic Interchange File Schema to Format
    • version 01 XSD electronic interchange file schema to format
    • version 01) Format for submitting tax declarations, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (XML-based) (version 4) XSD file scheme for the exchange in electronic form to the format
    • Part LXXXII. Format for presenting information about average headcount of employees for the previous calendar year, electronically (XML-based) (Version 4.01) XSD schema of the electronically interchange file to the format
    • version 01) Format of submission of tax declarations, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (based on XML) (version 4) XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format + /html/docs/ NO_ZEMND_1_075_00_04_01_01.xsd
    • Part LXXV. Composition and structure of tax return indicators for land tax(version 01) Format of submission of tax declarations, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (XML-based) (version 5) XSD file exchange scheme in electronic form to the format
    • Version 01) XSD Schema File Interchange Electronically to Format
    • Part LXXXIII. Composition and structure of indicators of the unified (simplified) tax declaration (version 01) Format of presentation of tax declarations, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (based on XML) (version 4) XSD schema of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
    • Part LXXXIV. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax declaration for corporate property tax (Version 01) XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format + XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format (version 02) /html/docs/NO_IMUD_1_084_00_05_01_01.xsd
    • Part LXXXV. The composition and structure of the indicators of the tax return of the tax calculation for the advance payment of corporate property tax (Version 01) XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format + XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format (version 02) /html/docs/NO_IMUR_1_085_00_05_01_01. xsd
    • Part XII. The composition and structure of the indicators of the certificate on the amounts of the unified social tax paid for the past taxable period by a bar association, law office or legal advice for a lawyer (version 01) XSD schema of an electronic exchange file to
    • version 02) XSD file schema for the exchange of information on the tax return on personal income tax , (version 03) , (version 04) XSD file schema for the exchange in electronic form to the format financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated November 24, 2008 No. MM-3-6 / 616@ “On approval of the format information message containing information from the power of attorney submitted to the tax authorities by the applicant, on the empowerment of his representative with the authority to perform duties in the tax authorities and the format of the notification on the clarification of the tax declaration (calculation)"
    • Part LXXXVI. Format of an information message containing information from the power of attorney submitted to the tax authorities by the applicant about empowering his representative to perform duties in the tax authorities (Version 5.01) XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
    • Version 5.01) XSD schema file interchange electronically to format
    • Part LXXXVII. Format of the notification about the clarification of the tax declaration (calculation) (Version 5.02) XSD file scheme of the exchange in electronic form to the format
    • Part XCI. Format for presenting information about the composition of the regional organization of the All-Russian Society of the Disabled, in electronic form (Version 5.01) XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
    • Part XCII Format for submitting form No. 26.2.P-1 "Application for a patent for the right to apply a simplified taxation system based on a patent" in electronic form (version 5.01) XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
    • Version 01) XSD Schema File Interchange Electronically to Format
    • Part XXIX. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax return for a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities (Version 02) XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
    • Version 5.00 Format Part XXX. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax declaration for the tax paid in connection with the application of the simplified taxation system (version 01) XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
    • Version 5.00 format Part XVIII. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax declaration for the unified agricultural tax (version 01) XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
    • Part LXIX. Composition and structure of indicators of information on the obtained permits for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources, the amount of fees for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources payable in the form of one-time and regular contributions (Version 01) XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
    • Version 01) XSD Schema File Interchange Electronically to Format
    • Part XXXVI. Format for submitting an application for the transition to a simplified taxation system (form No. 26.2-1) in electronic form (Version 5.01) XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
    • Part XIV. Format for submitting a message on the loss of the right to apply the simplified taxation system (form No. 26.2-2) in electronic form (Version 5.01) XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
    • Part XIII. Format for submitting a notice of refusal to apply the simplified taxation system (form No. 26.2-3) in electronic form (Version 5.01) XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
    • Part VI. Format for submitting a notice of a change in the object of taxation (form No. 26.2-6) in electronic form (Version 5.01) XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
    • Part CI. Format for submitting an application for the transition to the taxation system for agricultural producers (form No. 26.1-1) in electronic form (Version 5.01)
    • Part III. Format for submitting a message on the loss of the right to apply the taxation system for agricultural producers (form No. 26.1-2) in electronic form (Version 5.01)
    • Part III. Format for submitting a notice of refusal to apply the taxation system for agricultural producers (form No. 26.1-3) in electronic form (Version 5.01)
    • Part IV. Composition and structure of indicators of information on the number of objects of aquatic biological resources subject to removal from their habitat as permitted by-catch, based on a permit for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources and the amount of collection payable in the form of a one-time fee (Version 01) XSD scheme exchange file in electronic form to the format
    • Part VII. Format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (based on XML) (Version 5)
    • Appendix to the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 04.10.2010 No. MMV-7-6 / 476@ Format of the Act of joint reconciliation of calculations for taxes, fees, penalties and fines (Version 5.01) XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
    • Part LXXXVI. Format for presenting the details of the informational message about the power of attorney issued to the representative on empowering him with the authority to perform duties in the tax authorities in electronic form (XML-based) (version 5.03) XSD file scheme of the exchange in electronic form to the format
    • Part LXXXVII. Format for submitting information about the notification of clarification of the tax declaration (calculation) in electronic form (XML-based) (version 5.05) XSD file scheme of the exchange in electronic form to the format
    • Part XCV. Format for presenting information about the receipt of receipt of the tax declaration (calculation) in electronic form (XML-based) (version 5.03) XSD file scheme of the exchange in electronic form to the format
    • Part XVI. Format for submitting information confirming the date of sending by the taxpayer (representative) of the declaration (calculation) in electronic form (XML-based) (version 5.03) XSD scheme of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
    • Part XCVII. Format for presenting information on the notification of refusal to accept a tax declaration (calculation) in electronic form (XML-based) (version 5.03) XSD schema of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
    • Part XVIII. Format for presenting information of the notice on entering the information specified in the tax declaration (calculation) in electronic form (XML-based) (version 5.03) XSD schema of the exchange file in electronic form to the format
    • Part XXIX. Receipt notice information presentation format electronic document(Documents) Electronically (XML Based) (Version 5.03) XSD Schema File Interchange Electronically to Format
    • Corporate income tax return format. XSD schema file exchange electronically to format
    • Part II. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax declaration for corporate income tax (Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001), (Version 3.00002), (Version 3.00003), (Version 3.00004), (Version 3.00005), (Version 3.00006), (Version 3.00007)
    • Part III. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax declaration for value added tax (Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001), (Version 3.00002), (Version 3.00003), (Version 3.0004), (Version 3.00005), (Version 3.00006)
    • Part IV. The composition and structure of the indicators of the tax declaration for value added tax on transactions subject to taxation tax rate 0 percent (Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001), (Version 3.00002), (Version 3.00003)
    • Part V-I. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax declaration for excises on excisable goods, with the exception of alcoholic products sold from excise warehouses of wholesale trade and petroleum products (Version 3.00005)
    • Part V-II. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax declaration for excises on alcoholic products sold from wholesale excise warehouses 3.00006)
    • Part V-III. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax declaration for excises on petroleum products (Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001), (Version 3.00002), (Version 3.00003), (Version 3.00004), (Version 3.00005)
    • Part V-IV. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax declaration for excise tax on excisable mineral raw materials (natural gas) (Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001), (Version 3.00002), (Version 3.00003)
    • Part V - V. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax declaration on excises on tobacco products (Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001), (Version 3.00002)
    • Part V-VI. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax declaration on excises on excisable goods, except for tobacco products (version 3.00000)
    • Part VI. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax declaration for corporate property tax (tax calculation for advance payment) (Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001), (Version 3.00002), (Version 3.00003)
    • Part VIII. The composition and structure of indicators of the tax return according to a single social tax for persons making payments to individuals (Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001), (Version 3.00002), (Version 3.00003)
    • Part IX. The composition and structure of indicators for calculating advance payments for the unified social tax for persons making payments to individuals; organizations; individual entrepreneurs; individuals not recognized by individual entrepreneurs (Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001), (Version 3.00002), (Version 3.00003)
    • Part X. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax return for the tax on extraction of minerals (Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001), (Version 3.00002), (Version 3.00003)
    • Part XI. The composition and structure of indicators for calculating advance payments for insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance for persons making payments to individuals: organizations; individual entrepreneurs; individuals not recognized as individual entrepreneurs (Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001), (Version 3.00002)
    • Part XIII. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax declaration on payment for use water bodies(Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001)
    • Part XIV. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax declaration for income tax of a foreign organization (Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001), (Version 3.00002), (Version 3.00003)
    • Part XVI. The composition and structure of tax calculation indicators (information) on the amounts paid foreign organizations income and withholding taxes (Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001), (Version 3.00002), (Version 3.00003), (Version 3.00004)
    • Part XVII. Composition and structure of indicators for calculating regular payments for subsoil use (Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001), (Version 3.00002)
    • Part XVIII. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax declaration for the unified agricultural tax (Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001) , (Version 3.00002), (Version 3.00003)
    • Part XIX. The composition and structure of the indicators of the tax return on income received Russian organization from sources outside the Russian Federation (Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001), (Version 3.00002), (Version 3.00003)
    • Part XX. Composition and structure of land tax return indicators (Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001)
    • Part XXI. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax declaration for the gambling business tax (Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001), (Version 3.00002), (Version 3.00003), (Version 3.00004)
    • Part XXIX. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax declaration for a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities (Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001), (Version 3.00002), (Version 3.00003), (Version 3.00004), (Version 3.00005)
    • Part XXX. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax return for a single tax paid in connection with the application of the simplified taxation system
    • Part XXXI. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax declaration on the unified social tax for individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries engaged in private practice (version 3.00000)
    • Part XXXII. Composition and structure of the indicators of the application or tax declaration on the estimated income subject to the unified social tax for taxpayers who do not make payments and remuneration in favor of individuals (Version 3.00000)
    • Part XXXIII. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax return for personal income tax (form 3-NDFL) (Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001), (Version 3.00002), (Version 3.00003), (Version 3.00004)
    • Part XXXIV. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax return for personal income tax (form 4-NDFL) (Version 3.00000)
    • Part XXXV. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax declaration on insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance for persons making payments to individuals (Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001) , (Version 3.00002)
    • Part LIV. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax declaration for transport tax (Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001), (Version 3.00002), (Version 3.00003)
    • Part LX. The composition and structure of calculation indicators (declarations) for tax on operations with securities(Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001)
    • Part LXI. Requirements for the composition and structure of information. Format for submitting a declaration on the volumes of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol (version 3.00), (version 3.01), (version 3.02)
    • Part LXII. Requirements for the composition and structure of information. Format for the declaration of the volumes of use of ethyl alcohol (version 3.00), (version 3.01), (version 3.02) Part LXIII. Requirements for the composition and structure of information. Format for submitting a declaration on the volume of production and turnover of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products (version 3.00), (version 3.01), (version 3.02)
    • Part LXIV. Requirements for the composition and structure of information. Format for submitting a declaration on the volumes of use of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products (version 3.00), (version 3.01), (version 3.02)
    • Part LXV. Requirements for the composition and structure of information. Format for submitting a declaration on the volume of turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products (version 3.00), (version 3.01), (version 3.02)
    • Part LXVI. Requirements for the composition and structure of information. Format for submitting a declaration on the volume of supply of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products (version 3.00), (version 3.01), (version 3.02)
    • Part LXVII. Requirements for the composition and structure of information. Format for submitting a declaration on the volume of purchases of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products (version 3.00), (version 3.01), (version 3.02)
    • Part LXIX. Composition and structure of indicators of information on the obtained license (permit) for the use of objects of aquatic biological resources, the amounts of fees for the use of objects of aquatic biological resources payable in the form of one-time and regular contributions (Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001)
    • Part LXX. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax declaration for indirect taxes (value added tax and excises) when goods are imported into the territory of the Russian Federation from the territory of the Republic of Belarus (Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001), (Version 3.00002)
    • Part LXXII Composition and structure of indicators of information on the obtained license (permit) for the use of wildlife objects, the amounts of the fee for the use of wildlife objects to be paid, and the amounts of the fee actually paid (Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001)
    • Part LXXIII. The composition and structure of indicators of the tax return for water tax(Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001), (Version 3.00002)
    • Part LXXIV. Composition and structure of tax calculation indicators for advance payments for land tax (Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001), (Version 3.00002)
    • Part LXXV. Composition and structure of land tax return indicators (Version 3.00000)
    • Part LXXVI. The composition and structure of data indicators on the calculated amounts of the unified social tax on the income of lawyers (Version 3.00000) Information letter dated 04.04.2006 No. payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (version 3.00)"
    • Part LXXVII. Composition and structure of tax calculation indicators for advance payments for transport tax (Version 3.00000)
    • Part LXXVIII. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax declaration for corporate income tax when fulfilling production sharing agreements (Version 3.00000), (Version 3.00001)
    • Part LXXIV Composition and structure of tax calculation indicators for advance payments on land tax (Version 3.00000)
    • Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia dated February 11, 2004 No. BG-3-13 / 94@ "On amendments to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (version 3.00)"
    • Order No. BG-3-13/84@ dated 05.02.2004 "On making additions to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)"
    • Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia dated 05.02.2004 No. BG-3-13 / 85@ "On amendments to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (version 3.00)"
    • Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia dated 05.02.2004 No. BG-3-13 / 81@ "On amendments to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (version 3.00)"
    • Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia dated 05.02.2004 No. BG-3-13/83@ "On amendments to the format for submitting tax and accounting reports in electronic form (version 2.00)"
    • Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia dated 05.02.2004 No. BG-3-13 / 82@ "On amendments to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (version 3.00)"
    • Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia No. BG-3-13/705@ dated December 22, 2003 On approval of the format for submitting tax declarations, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia No. SAE-3-13/365@ dated June 11, 2004 "On amendments to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00) "
    • Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia No. SAE-3-13/364@ dated June 11, 2004 “On Amending the Format for Submitting Tax Declarations, Accounting Statements and Other Documents Used for the Calculation and Payment of Taxes and Duties in Electronic Form (version 3.00) »
    • Order of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia No. SAE-3-13/323@ of May 19, 2004 "On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia of February 12, 2004 No. BG-3-13/108@" other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (version 3.00)"
    • Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia dated May 12, 2004 No. SAE-3-13 / 318@ "On amendments to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (version 3.00) "
    • Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia dated 06.04.2004 No. SAE-3-13 / 269@ "On amendments to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (version 3.00) "
    • Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia dated 05.04.2004 No. SAE-3-13/267@ "On amendments to the format for submitting tax declarations, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00) "
    • Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia dated 05.04.2004 No. SAE-3-13/266@ "On amendments to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00) "
    • Letter of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia No. 13-0-08/000406 dated March 19, 2004 "On the format for submitting in electronic form settlements on advance payments for transport tax"
    • Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia No. BG-3-13/202@ dated March 15, 2004 "On amendments to the format for submitting tax declarations, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)"
    • Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia dated 02.03.2004 No. BG-3-13/173@ "On amendments to the format for submitting tax declarations, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (version 3.00)"
    • Order of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia dated February 16, 2004 No. BG-3-13/126@ "On amendments to the format for submitting tax declarations, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)"
    • Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia No. BG-3-13/125@ dated February 16, 2004 "On amendments to the format for submitting tax declarations, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00) "
    • Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia No. BG-3-13/124@ dated February 16, 2004 "On amendments to the format for submitting tax declarations, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)"
    • INFORMATION LETTER February 17, 2004 No. 13-0-09/000252 "On amendments to the format of submission of tax declarations, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (version 3.00)"
    • Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia dated 12.02.2004 No. BG-3-13 / 108@ "On amendments to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (version 3.00)"
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 13, 2005 No. SAE-3-13/155@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 13, 2005 No. SAE-3-13/154@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated February 16, 2005 No. SAE-3-13 / 41@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 08.02.2005 No. SAE-3-13/34@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 18, 2005 No. SAE-3-13/5@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated December 30, 2004 No. SAE-3-13/195 On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated December 30, 2004 No. SAE-3-13 / 192 On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia dated 25.08.2004 No. No. SAE-3-13/477 "On Amendments to the Format of Submission of Tax Declarations, Accounting Statements and Other Documents Used for the Calculation and Payment of Taxes and Fees in Electronic Form (version 3.00)"
    • Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia dated July 16, 2004 No. SAE-3-13 / 426@ "On amendments to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (version 3.00) »
    • Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia No. SAE-3-13/423@ dated July 14, 2004 "On amendments to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)"
    • Order of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia No. SAE-3-13/420@ dated 12.07.2004 “On amendments to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)”
    • Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia No. SAE-3-13/402@ dated June 30, 2004 "On amendments to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)"
    • Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia No. SAE-3-13/399@ dated June 29, 2004 "On Amendments to the Formats for Submitting Declarations on the Volumes of Production and Turnover of Alcoholic Products (version 2.00)"
    • Order of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia dated June 16, 2004 No. SAE-3-13/371@ “On amendments to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00) »
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated February 17, 2006 No. SAE-3-13/102@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 02.02.2006 No. SAE-3-13/68@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 30, 2006 No. SAE-3-13/60@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 30, 2006 No. SAE-3-13/59@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 27, 2006 No. SAE-3-13/54@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 08.11.2005. No.SAE-3-13/570@ On introduction of additions to the format of submission of tax declarations, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated August 22, 2005 No. MM-3-13 / 399@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated June 20, 2005 No. GI-3-13 / 276@ On introducing additions to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated May 17, 2005 No. MM-3-13/202@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated May 6, 2005 No. № ШС-3-13/196@ "On introduction of amendments and additions to the format of submission of tax declarations, financial statements and other documents serving as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (version 3.00)"
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 29, 2005 No. № ШС-3-13/185@ "On introduction of additions and changes to the format of submission of tax declarations, financial statements and other documents serving as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (version 3.00)"
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 26, 2005 No. SAE-3-13 / 179@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 14, 2005 No. SAE-3-13/158@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 11, 2005 No. No. SAE-3-13/150@ On making additions to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 13, 2005 No. SAE-3-13 / 156@ On introducing an amendment to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated September 27, 2006 No. SAE-3-13/633@ On approval of the formats for submitting declarations on the volumes of production, turnover and use of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products in electronic form (version 3.01)
    • Information letter on the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated June 19, 2006 No. SAE-3-13 / 363@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated May 22, 2006 No. SAE-3-13/291@ “On Amending the Format for Submitting Tax Declarations, Accounting Statements and Other Documents Serving as the Basis for the Calculation and Payment of Taxes and Fees in Electronic Form (version 3.00)”
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated May 23, 2006 No. SAE-3-13/299@ “On Amending the Format for Submitting Tax Declarations, Accounting Statements and Other Documents Serving as the Basis for the Calculation and Payment of Taxes and Fees in Electronic Form (version 3.00)”
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 27, 2006 No. SAE-3-13/261@ On introducing additions to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 10.04.2006 No. ММ-3-13/218@ On amendments to the format for submitting tax declarations, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 07.04.2006 No. ММ-3-13/216@ On approval of the formats for submitting declarations on the volumes of production, turnover and use of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated March 23, 2006 No. SAE-3-13/168@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated March 14, 2006 No. SAE-3-13/146@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. SAE-3-13/140@ dated March 10, 2006 On introducing additions to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used to calculate and pay taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. SAE-3-13/139@ dated March 10, 2006 On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used to calculate and pay taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 09.03.2006 No. SAE-3-13/136@ On introducing additions to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 07.03.2006 No. SAE-3-13/132@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 09.04.2007 No. MM-3-13/208@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 9, 2007 No. MM-3-13/207@ On amending the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 04.04.2007 No. MM-3-13/196@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated March 23, 2007 No. MM-3-13/159@ “On Amendments to the Format for Submitting Tax Declarations, Accounting Statements and Other Documents Serving as the Basis for the Calculation and Payment of Taxes and Fees in Electronic Form (version 3.00 )"
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated February 21, 2007 No. ММ-3-13/76@ “On Amendments to the Format for Submission of Tax Declarations, Accounting Statements and Other Documents Serving as the Basis for the Calculation and Payment of Taxes and Fees in Electronic Form (version 3.00 )"
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated February 27, 2007 No. MM-3-13/90@ “On Amending the Format for Submitting Tax Declarations, Accounting Statements and Other Documents Serving as the Basis for the Calculation and Payment of Taxes and Fees in Electronic Form (version 3.00 )"
    • On the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 09.02.2007 No. MM-3-13/53@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2007 No. SAE-3-13/25@ “On Amending the Format for Submitting Tax Declarations, Accounting Statements and Other Documents Serving as the Basis for the Calculation and Payment of Taxes and Fees in Electronic Form (version 3.00)”
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 11, 2007 No. SAE-3-13/4@ "On Amending the Format for Submitting Tax Declarations, Accounting Statements and Other Documents Serving as the Basis for the Calculation and Payment of Taxes and Fees in Electronic Form (version 3.00)"
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. SAE-3-13/3@ dated January 11, 2007 “On Amendments to the Format for Submitting Tax Declarations, Accounting Statements and Other Documents Serving as the Basis for the Calculation and Payment of Taxes and Fees in Electronic Form (version 3.00)”
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. SAE-3-13/887@ dated December 22, 2006 “On Amendments to the Format for Submitting Tax Declarations, Accounting Statements and Other Documents Serving as the Basis for the Calculation and Payment of Taxes and Fees in Electronic Form (version 3.00)”
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. SAE-3-13/859@ dated December 13, 2006 “On Amending the Format for Submitting Tax Declarations, Accounting Statements and Other Documents Serving as the Basis for the Calculation and Payment of Taxes and Fees in Electronic Form (version 3.00)”
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated December 29, 2007 No. MM-3-13/709@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated December 28, 2007 No. MM-3-13 / 704@ On approval of the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (based on XML) (version 5)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated December 27, 2007 No. MM-3-13 / 699@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated December 26, 2007 No. MM-3-13 / 697@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 08.10.2007 No. MM-3-13/563@ On Amending the Formats for Submitting Tax Declarations, Calculations (Adjusted Tax Declarations, Calculations), Accounting Statements and Other Documents Used to Calculate and Pay Taxes and Fees electronic
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated September 14, 2007 No. MM-3-13/533@ “On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia dated December 22, 2003 No. BG-3-13/705@ “On approval of the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents , serving for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (version 3.00) "
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 08.20.2007 No. ММ-3-13/495@ “On approval of the format for submitting tax declarations, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (based on XML) (version 4 )"
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 10.08.2007 No. MM-3-13/471@ On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia dated 22.12.2003 No. BG-3-13/705@ “On Approval of the Format for Submitting Tax Returns, Accounting Statements and Other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (version 3.00)"
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. BE-3-13/451@ of July 20, 2007 On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia No. BG-3-13/705@ of December 22, 2003 “On Approval of the Format for Submitting Tax Returns, Accounting Statements and Other Documents employees for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (version 3.00)"
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated July 16, 2007 No. MM-3-13 / 440@ “On approval of the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (based on XML) ( version 4)"
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated March 23, 2007 No. MM-3-13 / 421@ On approval of the "Format for submitting information on the average number of employees for the previous calendar year, in electronic form (based on XML) (Version 4.01) Part LXXXII"
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 13, 2007 No. MM-3-13/231@ “On Amending the Format for Submitting Tax Declarations, Accounting Statements and Other Documents Serving as the Basis for the Calculation and Payment of Taxes and Fees in Electronic Form (version 3.00 )" - Part LXXIII. Composition and structure of indicators of the tax declaration for water tax (version 3.00002)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 11, 2007 No. MM-3-13 / 224@ "On approval of the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (based on XML) (version 4 )"
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 11, 2007 No. MM-3-13 / 223@ "On approval of the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (based on XML) (version 4 )"
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 09.04.2007 No. MM-3-13/209@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated June 24, 2008 No. MM-3-6/287@ On approval of the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (based on XML) (version 5 )
    • Information letter "On the format of submission of tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (version 3.00)"
    • Information letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 13-0-09/000416@ dated April 14, 2008 On the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 09.04.2008 No. MM-3-6/148@ On approval of the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (based on XML) (version 5)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated February 28, 2008 No. MM-3-6/80@ On approval of the format for submitting tax declarations, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (on the basis of XML) (version 5)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated February 18, 2008 No. ШТ-3-6/67@ On introducing an amendment to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated February 14, 2008 No. ШТ-3-6/63@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 07.02.2008 No. MM-3-6/52@ On introducing an amendment to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 31, 2008 No. ММ-3-13/36@ “On amendments to the format for submitting tax declarations, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (version 3.00 )"
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 31, 2008 No. ММ-3-13/37@ “On Amendments to the Format for Submission of Tax Declarations, Accounting Statements and Other Documents Serving as the Basis for the Calculation and Payment of Taxes and Fees in Electronic Form (version 3.00 )"
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. MM-3-13/26@ dated January 28, 2008 On Amendments to Order No. MM-3-13/704@ dated December 28, 2007 of the Federal Tax Service of Russia “On Approval of the Format for Submitting Tax Returns, Accounting Statements and Other Documents employees for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (based on XML) (version 5)
    • Letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated May 28, 2009 No. MN-22-6 / 431@ On the application of the rate in the format of a tax return under the simplified tax system
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 28, 2009 No. MM-7-6/266@ On approval of the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (based on XML) (version 5 )
    • Information letter dated 13.03.2009 On the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00). "Part IX. The composition and structure of indicators for calculating advance payments for the unified social tax for persons making payments to individuals (version 3.00002) ”, approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 13, 2005 No. SAE-3-13 / 154@
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 05.02.2009 No. MM-7-6/56@ On approval of the formats for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (based on XML) (version 5 )
    • On the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00). "Part XVII. The composition and structure of indicators for calculating regular payments for the use of subsoil (version 3.00002) ”, approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 18, 2005 No. SAE-3-13 / 5@
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated December 26, 2008 No. MM-3-6 / 690@ "On approval of the format for submitting information about the composition of the regional organization of the All-Russian Society of the Disabled, in electronic form (based on XML) (version 5)"
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated October 23, 2008 No. MM-3-6/481@ On approval of the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (based on XML) (version 5)
    • Information letter “On the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents used for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (based on XML) (Version 5). Part II. The composition and structure of indicators of the tax declaration for corporate income tax (Version 01), approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated June 24, 2008 No. MM-3-6 / 287@ "
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated July 18, 2008 No. ММ-3-6/321@ On approval general requirements to the formats for submitting tax declarations (calculations), financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (based on XML) (version 5)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 07.07.2008 No. ММ-3-6/301@ On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia dated 22.12.2003 No. BG-3-13/705@ "On approval of the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (version 3.00)"
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 05.08.2010 No. YaK-7-6/374@ “On approval of the format for submitting a tax declaration on indirect taxes (value added tax and excises) when importing goods into the territory of the Russian Federation from the territory of the states - members of the customs union, in electronic form (XML-based) (version 5)"
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 15, 2010 No. ММВ-7-6/187@ On approval of the formats used in the registration of participants in electronic document management for the submission of tax returns (calculations) and other documents in electronic form and informing taxpayers via telecommunication channels
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated March 1, 2010 No. MM-7-6/88@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated February 10, 2010 No. MM-7-6/42@ On approval of the formats for submitting tax declarations, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (based on XML) (version 5 )
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 05.02.2009 No. MM-7-6/38@ “On approval of the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (based on XML) (version 5)"
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 12, 2010 No. MM-7-6/4@ “On approval of the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees in electronic form (based on XML) (version 5)"
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated December 31, 2009 No. MM-7-6/730@ On approval of the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (based on XML) (version 5 )
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated September 30, 2009 No. MM-7-6/482@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. ШТ-7-6/428@ dated August 25, 2009 On approval of the format for submitting tax declarations, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (based on XML) (version 5 )
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. ШТ-7-6/429@ dated August 25, 2009 “On approval of the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (based on XML) (version 5)"
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 05.06.2009 No. ШТ-7-6/313@ On introducing changes to the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for calculating and paying taxes and fees in electronic form (version 3.00)
    • Format for submitting an application for registration of changes (reduction) in the number of objects of taxation by the gambling business tax in electronic form
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated December 28, 2010 No. ММВ-7-6/773@ "On approval of the format of documents used by tax authorities in the exercise of their powers in relations regulated by legislation on taxes and fees"
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated November 17, 2010 No. ММВ-7-3/611@ "On approval of the form of information on the income of individuals and recommendations for filling it out, the format of information on the income of individuals in electronic form, directories" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 24.12. 2010 No. 19368) - form for 2010 Download file
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated November 17, 2010 No. ММВ-7-6/610@ On commissioning software, which implements the execution methodological recommendations, approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 02.11.2009 No. ММ-7-6/534@
    • Addendum to Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 09.11.2010 No. ММВ-7-6/534@ "On approval of the formats used in electronic document management when submitting tax returns (calculations) in electronic form (based on XML) (version 5)" Download file
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 04.10.2010 No. ММВ-7-6/476@ “On Approval of the Form of the Act of Joint Reconciliation of Calculations for Taxes, Fees, Penalties and Fines”
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 06.09.2010 No. ММВ-7-6/443@ On approval of the format for submitting information on obtained permits for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources, the amount of the fee for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources payable in the form of a one-time and regular contributions, electronically (XML-based) (version 5)
    • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 06.09.2010 No. MMV-7-6/442@ On approval of the format for submitting information on the number of objects of aquatic biological resources to be removed from their habitat as permitted by-catch, based on a permit for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources and fee amounts payable as a lump sum, electronically (XML-based) (version 5)
    • “On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia No. BG-3-13/705@ dated December 22, 2003 “On approval of the format for submitting tax returns, financial statements and other documents that serve as the basis for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form (version 3.00)"
    • On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia dated March 25, 2002 No. BG-3-13 / 149 "Format for submitting tax and accounting reports in electronic form (version 2.00)"

    • 30.12.2011

      Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated June 22, 2011 No. MMV-7-6 / 381@ "On putting into commercial operation software that implements information services and informing taxpayers in electronic form via telecommunication channels"

Investors and shareholders of companies often need to receive truthful and correctly formed information about the financial condition of the company. The need for this kind of information may arise when it is required to make a forecast financial stability organizations to determine how profitable they will be financial investments into activity and what will be the value of the projected profit. In this case, financial statements come to the rescue, which, being inherently static, that is, characterizing the state of the company on a specific date, allows users to obtain all the necessary data.

What is accounting and who provides it

By implementing professional activity companies and entrepreneurs must form and submit various forms of accounting and tax reporting. Tax reporting is a means of confirming the correctness of the calculation of fiscal payments, as well as compliance with the deadlines for transferring taxes to the treasury.

As for the forms of accounting, its main purpose is to inform authorized bodies, such as the inspection of the Federal Tax Service and Statistics, about the financial condition of the company.

The main forms of accounting of organizations

At present, there are five forms accounting reports, among which there are two basic documents in the form of a balance sheet and a financial results report, as well as three annexes to them. Let's present the current forms of accounting reports in the form of a table:

Depending on the scale of the organization's activities, it is allowed to provide accounting documents in a conventional or simplified, less detailed format.

As business entities, which, by virtue of their existing legal status, are required to compile and submit accounting reports, companies are represented - legal entities.

Terms and methods of providing accounting reports

The authorities interested in receiving the above accounting reports are the inspection of the Federal Tax Service and the statistical authorities. According to the requirements of the current legislation, the deadline for the transfer of the accounting package to the authorized authorities is March 31 of the year following the end of the reporting period.

There are three ways to submit a package of documents:

  1. In person or through a legal representative by visiting tax office. In the event that the document is handed over by a representative, it is necessary to have a power of attorney in the form of a company confirming the authority;
  2. Using telecommunication channels. At the same time, this method of transmission implies the mandatory presence of a qualified digital signature. You will also need to conclude a cooperation agreement with the data operator;
  3. Another alternative option for providing a reporting package is mail. By sending a valuable letter with a notification, the reports will also be transferred to the authorized bodies.

Form 5 of financial statements

Without a doubt, the balance sheet is the basic document of the accounting package. However, the information in it is reflected line by line without the proper level of detail. In this case, for a more detailed display of information about the financial condition of the company, an appendix to the balance sheet (form No. 5) is used.

The relationship between these two documents is direct, since, based on the information presented in the balance sheet, the application is designed to carry out a detailed breakdown of its consolidated indicators.

At present, the appendix to the balance sheet compiled in accordance with form 5 includes the following sections:

The value of the fifth form of the accounting package is quite large, as it allows you to implement in practice in full main function preparation of financial statements, namely, providing each interested user with information about the financial condition of the company.

It is important that the detailing of the balance sheet information is implemented not only in the fifth form, but also in other applications. Depending on what kind of information in question in the balance sheet, a reference is made to one or another form of an explanatory application.

Accounting statements version 5 07

In the spring of 2017, when less than two weeks remained before the submission of a package of accounting reports, the authorized tax authorities approved Order No. ММВ-7-6 / 228 dated 03/20/17, which changed the format for providing accounting reports.

We are talking about sending reports through telecommunication channels. What is the difference between the reporting method under the new rules? The changes affected more the number of the accounting format provided - until 03/20/17, format 5.06 was used, while after the implementation of Order No. ММВ-7-6/228, format 5.07 began to be used.

Due to the fact that taxpayers were not prepared for such changes, there were problems with sending reports through the TCS for 2016.

The order also affected the reporting procedure in a simplified version, changing its format from 5.01 to 5.02.

Thus, accounting reports (format 5 07) were first provided by taxpayers when submitting reports for 2016.

As for the requirements that tax officials impose on reports for 2017, they have remained the same. Accordingly, when unloading accounting reports from the program that generated them, one should be guided by format 5.07.

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