Reporting of insurance companies of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Information message of the Bank of Russia "On the procedure for reporting by non-credit financial institutions (except for subjects of the insurance business)". Department of the insurance market of the Bank of Russia address

— The North-Western Main Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in relation to the activities of organizations located in the North-Western, Southern, Volga, North Caucasian, Crimean federal districts, insurance brokers in accordance with Appendix No. 4 to the Order, as well as newly created the territories of the indicated federal districts of insurance organizations and insurance brokers;

Legislation on technical inspection is about to undergo major changes

4. General Directorate for Combating Unfair Practices of Behavior in the Open Market. The functions of ensuring control over compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on combating the misuse of insider information and market manipulation, as well as identifying cases of insider trading and market manipulation, are carried out by the Main Directorate for Combating Unfair Practices of Behavior on the Open Market. In addition, the functions of the Main Directorate will include monitoring and identifying the activities of organizations that have signs of "financial pyramids".

Telephone department of the insurance market of the Bank of Russia

This Department is part of the Central Bank's Insurance Market Department. Among the main tasks of the expert is the analysis of data in terms of compliance by insurers with the requirements of financial stability and solvency, calculation of insurance rates, preparation of draft regulations of the Central Bank.

Establish that control and supervision over compliance with the requirements of the insurance legislation of the Russian Federation (with the exception of the functions of inspection activities in relation to insurance business entities, issues falling within the competence of the Service for the Protection of the Rights of Consumers of Financial Services and Minority Shareholders, admission to work in the financial market of insurance business entities , as well as countering the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism) by insurance companies and insurance brokers, except for insurance companies and insurance brokers specified in Annexes 1 and 2 to the order, carry out: 2.1. The Main Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for the Central Federal District of Moscow (Polyakova O.V.) in relation to the activities of insurance companies located (at the address) in the territory of the Central Federal District, and insurance brokers in accordance with Appendix 3 to the order, and also newly created (at the location address) in the territory of the Central Federal District of insurance companies and insurance brokers.

Order of the Bank of Russia dated March 28, 2020

2. Establish that control and supervision over compliance with the requirements of the insurance legislation of the Russian Federation (with the exception of the functions of inspection activities in relation to insurance business entities, issues falling within the competence of the Service for the Protection of the Rights of Consumers of Financial Services and Minority Shareholders, admission to work in the financial market of entities insurance business, as well as countering the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism) by insurance companies and insurance brokers, except for insurance companies and insurance brokers specified in Annexes 1 and 2 to the order, carry out:

Department of the insurance market at the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

In her statement, she said that 19 insurers are either under orders or a plan to restore solvency. As of today, the regulator has established a high risk that these insurers will not be able to meet the requirements set by the Bank of Russia.

Insurance supervision in the Russian Federation

During the transition to a market economy in the harsh 90s, when the state structure was being rebuilt, the functions of supervision over insurance agencies and private insurance services since 1996 were performed by the Supervision Department under the Ministry of Finance. Since 2004, all powers of supervision have been transferred to the Federal Service of the Ministry of Finance.

Department of the insurance market of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation hotline

1. Development of the insurance market, including preparation of proposals for improving legislation, preparation of regulations and other acts of the Bank of Russia (development of methods, standards, rules and other documents), preparation of opinions on draft regulations submitted to the Bank of Russia.

Department of the insurance market of the Bank of Russia address

the agency assigns sovereign ratings to countries, as well as ratings to companies, banks, subfederal and municipal borrowers on an international scale. The agency also assigns ratings according to the national scales of the countries in which it has its own representative offices (in Kazakhstan and Belarus).

Izotova Galina Sergeevna - member of the General Council of the All-Russian public organization "Business Russia", Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC "Drobmash"; 23. Yury Pavlovich Kalmykov - Professor of the Federal Antimonopoly Service Department at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 24. Kirillova Nadezhda Viktorovna - Deputy Head of the Department of Insurance Business at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 27.

Insurance Market Department under the Central Bank Contacts

It is concluded that the procedure and timing of inspections, their frequency, the rights and obligations of the insurance supervisory authority, the subjects of the case should be established by federal laws. Insurance plays an important role in modern economic relations.

Bank of Russia Insurance Market Department

The activity of insurance organizations is fundamentally different from the activities carried out by other economic entities, as it is aimed at ensuring the protection of the property interests of individuals and legal entities from unforeseen circumstances, accidents and natural disasters. At the same time, each insured event has its own individual feature both in terms of the nature and magnitude of the damage caused.

Insurance Market Department of the Bank of Russia

“People who decide to act are usually lucky; on the contrary, they rarely succeed in people who are only concerned with weighing and procrastinating.” According to the information of the press service of the Bank of Russia, posted on the official website, from March 3, 2014, the Insurance Market Department of the Bank of Russia will exercise control and supervision over insurance organizations.

Reporting, which, in accordance with the current regulatory legal acts, was submitted to the territorial divisions of the RBRFM, from March 3, 2014, must be submitted to the territorial institutions of the Bank of Russia in accordance with the Scheme for assigning the territories where financial market participants are located to the territorial institutions of the Bank of Russia, to the address which are submitted by financial market participants from 03.03.2014. This scheme is posted on the website of the Bank of Russia in the section “Financial Markets / Contact Information of Regional Branches of the Bank of Russia (for Interaction with Non-Bank Financial Institutions)” changed to "Financial Markets").

Department of the insurance market at the Central Bank of the Russian Federation official website

But there are problems on the market today in terms of the cost of spare parts, and tomorrow there will be even more of them. According to our expert estimates, a possible “hole” as a result of these inflationary processes in the Casco segment can amount to 20-30% of the total volume of this market. Most of the cars that are insured under hull insurance require spare parts, the price of which is not denominated in rubles. In some part, OSAGO insurers will pay for these losses with expensive spare parts. At the same time, for some companies, we see that in fact Casco is insured with underfinancing of the tariff by 3-4 times against the required value.





1. Non-bank financial institutions (excluding insurance business entities) submitting reports to the Bank of Russia in XML (XTDD) format, from February 15, 2018, submit reports through the new Personal Account of an information exchange participant ( .

2. Reporting generated using the XBRL taxonomy in accordance with Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 4623-U dated November 27, 2017 "On the forms, terms and procedure for compiling and submitting activity reports to the Bank of Russia, including reporting requirements for mandatory pension insurance, Non-State Pension Funds" and Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 4621-U dated November 27, 2017 "On the Forms, Terms and Procedure for Compiling and Submitting Reports of Professional Securities Market Participants, Trade Organizers, Clearing Organizations and Persons Acting as a Central Counterparty, as well as other information to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation", is sent through the section of the personal account of the information exchange participant (hereinafter referred to as the LC CIO) "Reporting/By tasks/Reporting in XBRL format".

3. The reporting of non-credit financial organizations, generated in the Program-questionnaire for the preparation of electronic documents in XML format (XTDD), is sent through the section of the LC of the FIS "Reporting" in accordance with paragraph 4.6.8 of the Instructions for working with the Personal Account of the FIM:

for professional participants in the securities market, trade organizers, clearing organizations and persons acting as a central counterparty, as well as non-state pension funds - for reporting periods up to 12/31/2017;

for other non-credit financial organizations (except for subjects of insurance business) - for all reporting periods.

4. To implement the procedure for the correct preparation of the reporting file and fulfill the requirements of the above instructions, it is necessary to use a specialized assembly of the Questionnaire Program for the preparation and sending of electronic documents to the LC of the OIA, published in the section "Programs-questionnaires for the preparation of electronic documents".

5. Reporting, previously certified by two electronic signatures: a specialized depository and a management company or a non-state pension fund, is certified only by the signature of the organization sending the reporting, and is transmitted as part of an XTDD package containing a ZIP archive, inside which there is an XTDD package with reports certified signature of a specialized depository. To submit reports, it is necessary to use the current versions of the Questionnaire Programs for the preparation of electronic documents published in the section "Questionnaire Programs for the preparation of electronic documents".

6. Notifications generated using Questionnaire Programs for the preparation of electronic documents addressed to the Department for Admission and Termination of Activities of Financial Organizations and the Department of Corporate Relations of the Bank of Russia, from February 10, 2018, are sent through the CIO LC ( ) by sending an initiative request (letter) when choosing the "Send request" option, with an additional cover letter attached.


Conditions and formats for submission by insurers of reporting in the order of supervision for July and August 2017 in the form of electronic documents

Supervisory reporting compiled by insurers in accordance with Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 4356-U dated April 21, 2017 "On the Forms, Terms and Procedure for Compiling and Submitting Reports by Insurance Organizations and Mutual Insurance Companies to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation" on a monthly basis (hereinafter - reporting) is submitted to the Bank of Russia in the form of electronic documents signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature through the personal account of the subjects of the insurance business, a link to which is posted on the official website of the Bank of Russia in the Internet information and telecommunication network.

1. General Provisions

1.1. Insurers submit reports in the form of a set of files packed into one archive of the " .zip". Files should provide reading and control of reporting indicators.

The archive file name is formed as follows:

where XXXX is the registration number of the insurer's record in the unified state register of subjects of the insurance business (from one to four digits without leading zeros); - reporting date (day, month, year).

For example:

1.2. The set of files submitted as part of reporting should include:

1.2.1. Named insurer description file "0.xml", containing a description of the insurer.

1.2.2. Named file "150.xml", containing the data of sections 1 and 4 of reporting in accordance with the form 0420150 "General information about the insurer".

1.2.3. Named file "154.xml", form 0420154 "Report on the composition and structure of assets" (only for an insurance organization, with the exception of an insurance medical organization that provides exclusively compulsory medical insurance).

1.2.4. Named file "164.xml", containing reporting data in the form 0420164 "Turnover sheet for the accounting accounts of the insurer".

1.2.5. Named file "165.xml", containing reporting data in accordance with form 0420165 "Report on the financial results of the insurer (by symbols of income and expenses)".

1.2.6. Microsoft Word file (with "doc", "docx", or "rtf" extension) named "comments_opn", containing the full text of the explanatory note to the reporting (if any).

1.2.7. Named file "order.pdf", containing an electronic copy of the administrative document on the appointment of the person who signed the reporting as the acting head (director) of the insurer for the period corresponding to the date of signing the reporting (submitted only if the reporting is signed by the person acting as the head (director) of the insurer).

1.2.8. Named file "cover_letter.xml", containing data from the cover letter on the composition of the reporting submitted by the insurer, the outgoing date of the letter and its registration number, the date and number of the instruction or request of the Bank of Russia (if the reporting is submitted by the insurer in response to the received instruction or request of the Bank of Russia).

1.2.9. Named file "tests_comments.xml", containing explanations to the protocol for checking the control ratios of reporting indicators (hereinafter referred to as the audit protocol), which is submitted only if the audit protocol contains control ratios that are not met or in which it is necessary to provide explanations or interpretation in an explanatory note.

1.2.10. Files containing detached electronic signatures. The names of such files are obtained by adding the extension to the name of the signed file. ".sigl": "0.xml.sig1", "150.xml.sig1", "154.xml.sig1", "164.xml.sig1", "165.xml.sig1", "comments_opn.doc. sig1", "order.pdf.sig1", "cover_letter.xml.sig1", "tests_comments.xml.sig1".

1.3. When submitting reports in the form of electronic documents, the insurer must ensure the following conditions:

compliance with the control ratios of supervisory reporting indicators posted on the official website of the Bank of Russia in the information and telecommunication network "Internet";

compliance of the electronic signature with state standards (GOST) and the requirements provided for in Chapter 3 of this document.

1.4. An archive file containing a set of reporting files is generated by the insurer independently and is attached as an attachment to a message sent to the Bank of Russia through the personal account of insurance business entities.

In the "Subject" line of the sent message, you must indicate "OPN" in Latin letters and, separated by commas, the insurer's registration number in the unified state register of subjects of insurance business (from one to four digits without leading zeros).

Information on registered reporting presented in the form of electronic documents with an electronic signature is published on the information and telecommunications network "Internet" at

2. Requirements for file formats

When preparing files submitted as part of reporting, the following format requirements must be followed.

2.1. Structure xml-files

Everyone xml-file must have the following structure:

period=" period">


where CompanyId- registration number of the insurer's entry in the unified state register of subjects of insurance business (from one to four digits without leading zeros);

period- the last calendar day of the reporting period in the format "".

View record<ххх>hereinafter referred to as opening, and- closing tag xxx. The tag declaration must not contain spaces or tabs. Text block between opening<ххх>and closingtags will be called the xxx section.

Thus, xml-files consist of a header and a single section company. Section company should contain information specific to a particular file. In the future, this information will be referred to as the body of the file.

2.2. Insurer description file (0.xml)

2.2.1. The body of the 0.xml file must consist of one section attributes and one section general and have the following structure:

value 1

Value N

value 1



Value N

2.2.2. Inside the section attributes the following attributes of the insurer are listed (tag names are written exclusively in lowercase Latin letters):

Table 1.

Table 1


Full name of the organization

Full name of the insurer in accordance with its charter

Main state registration number (OGRN)

The main state registration number (OGRN) of a legal entity according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRLE) (the number consists of thirteen digits)

Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)

Taxpayer identification number (TIN) assigned by the tax authority of the Russian Federation in accordance with the established procedure (the number consists of ten digits)

4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3

6, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 6.10, 6.11, 6.12, 6.13

7, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3

12, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.6, 12.7, 12.8, 12.9, 12.10, 12.11, 12.12, 12.13, 12.14, 12.15, 12.16

18, 18.1, 18.2, 18.3, 18.4, 18.5

Partld- section (subsection) identifier according to Table 3;

Relno- number of the control ratio according to the test protocol;

Explanation text- free text explaining a particular control ratio. In the text it is necessary to avoid the use of characters: "&", "<", ">", double quotes, single quotes. If necessary, they can be replaced by the sequences "&", "<", ">", """ and correspondingly.

2.5.2. Inside the section kind contains nested sections test_comment, containing a binding to a specific control ratio and an explanation text. The number of nested sections must match the number of control ratios that are not met or in which it is necessary to provide explanations or explanation in the explanatory note.

3. Requirements for an electronic signature

To submit reports in the form of electronic documents with an electronic signature, the insurer must ensure compliance with the following requirements for an electronic signature.

3.1. An electronic signature must be performed as a separate file, the name of which is obtained by adding the extension " .sig1".

3.2. The signature file format must comply with the RFC3369 specification, the PKCS#7 standard.

3.3. An enhanced qualified electronic signature public key certificate must be issued by a certification center accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

3.4. The signature must contain a chain of certificates, starting from the public key certificate of the person who signed (the head (director) of the insurer or the person acting in his capacity) up to and including the root certificate of the accredited certification authority.

3.5. The name of the person who signed the statements (the head (director) of the insurer or the person acting in his capacity) specified in the public key certificate must match the name specified in the section general 0.xml).

3.6. The taxpayer identification number (TIN) and the main state registration number (PSRN) of the legal entity specified in the public key certificate must match the corresponding attributes specified in the section attributes file containing the description of the insurer ( 0.xml).

3.7. The algorithm for signing certificates and reporting files must comply with state standards (GOST).

3.8. All certificates contained in the signature must be valid at the expected time of verification of the electronic signature of the reporting and must not be present in the current lists of revoked certificates received via the information and telecommunications network "Internet".

3.9. For the root certificate of an accredited certification center included in the electronic signature (if it is present), there must be a cross-certificate issued by the head certification center of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

3.10. To calculate the contraction of the signed document, a hash function must be used in accordance with the requirements of state standards (GOST).

3.11. To generate an electronic signature, certified cryptographic information protection tools (CIPF) legally installed on the insurer's workstation must be used. Recommended brand: "CryptoPro CSP" version not lower than 3.6.

Electronic text of the document
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official website of the Bank of Russia
as of 09/05/2017

Central Bank: the number of insurance market entities decreased by 15% in 2017

In Russia, in 2017, the number of insurance business entities decreased by 15%, according to the annual report of the Bank of Russia.

“The total number of insurance business entities decreased over the year by 15.1% and as of January 1, 2018 amounted to 309. The total capital of insurers (insurance organizations and mutual insurance companies) in 2017 amounted to 605.4 billion rubles, insurance reserves - 1 trillion 448.5 billion rubles, net profit - 84 billion rubles. The total assets of Russian insurers reached 2 trillion 429.7 billion rubles. The ratio of assets to GDP was 2.64%,” the document says.

In 2017, the demand for the services of insurers continued to grow. The volume of collected insurance premiums increased by 8.3% in 2017 and reached RUB 1 trillion 278.8 billion (RUB 1 trillion 180.6 billion in 2016). The share of the 20 largest insurers in terms of premiums collected in 2017 amounted to 79.8% (in 2016 - 78.1%). The growth rate of contracts concluded in 2017 reached 15.1%, the number of insurance contracts concluded increased to 193.1 million units.

Payments in 2017 increased by 3.9 billion to 509.7 billion rubles (plus 0.8%). In general, the payout ratio for the market in 2017 was 39.9%, which is 3 percentage points less than the corresponding value in 2016.

In 2017, the most significant increase in fees (53.7%) was demonstrated by life insurance. The volume of life insurance premiums increased by 115.8 billion rubles and reached 331.5 billion. As a result, the share of life insurance in total premiums increased to 25.9% (18.3% in 2016). The growth rate of payments amounted to 21.7%, the volume reached 36.5 billion rubles.

In 2017, OSAGO revenues decreased by 12.3 billion to 222.1 billion rubles (minus 5.2% for the year). At the same time, the number of contracts concluded under OSAGO increased by 0.1% to 38.2 million units in 2017. As a result, the average premium decreased by 5.3% and amounted to 5.8 thousand rubles. In 2017, the volume of OSAGO payments reached 175.5 billion rubles. The reduction in contributions and the growth of payments led to an increase in the coefficient of payments for OSAGO (up to 79% in 2017).

The volume of contributions for voluntary medical insurance for 2017 amounted to 140 billion rubles. The number of concluded insurance contracts increased by 7.9% to 11.1 million units. The volume of premiums for insurance of land transport, except for railway transport, decreased by 8.2 billion to 162.5 billion rubles (minus 4.8% in 2017).

At the same time, the number of concluded insurance contracts increased by 8.7% and amounted to 3.9 million units. In 2017, there was a decrease in the average insurance premium for insurance of land transport, except for railway transport: from 47.2 thousand rubles in 2016 to 41.3 thousand rubles in 2017. In 2017, the volume of payments for insurance of land transport, except for railway transport, decreased by 14.5% to 83.3 billion rubles.

The volume of insurance premiums under contracts transferred for reinsurance decreased in 2017 by 17.6% to RUB 108.9 billion. As a result, the share of reinsurers in the total volume of insurance premiums decreased by 2.7 percentage points and amounted to 8.5%.

See other articles on this topic:

On the procedure for reporting by subjects of the insurance business

From January 30, 2018, insurance business entities submit reports to the Bank of Russia through a new personal account of an information exchange participant (

Reporting by insurers generated using the XBRL taxonomy in accordance with Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 4584-U dated October 25, 2017 "On the Forms, Terms and Procedure for Compiling and Submitting to the Bank of Russia the Reporting Necessary for Control and Supervision in the Sphere of Insurance Activities and Statistical Reporting insurers, as well as the forms, terms and procedure for submitting the accounting (financial) statements of insurers to the Bank of Russia" , is sent through the section "Reporting/By tasks/Reporting in XBRL format".

Reporting of insurance brokers for all reporting periods is sent through the section "Reporting / In the context of tasks / Subjects of the insurance business / Reporting of insurance brokers".

Reports of insurers for previous reporting periods up to December 31, 2017 inclusive (except for the annual consolidated financial statements of an insurance company) and reports on cash transactions of non-bank financial organizations (OKUD code 0420001), starting from 2018, are sent through the section "Reporting/ In the context of tasks / Subjects of the insurance business / Reporting of insurers for the periods up to 31.12.2017 inclusive and according to OKUD 0420001, starting from 2018".

The annual consolidated financial statements of an insurance company (with the exception of a medical insurance company operating exclusively in the field of compulsory medical insurance) are sent through the section "Reporting / By tasks / Subjects of the insurance business / SCFO".

Insurance entities do not submit reports to the Bank of Russia through the "Requests and Orders" section.

Possibility of forming an actuarial opinion prepared on the basis of the results of the mandatory actuarial evaluation of the activities of insurance companies for previous reporting periods through 2016 with the exception of a medical insurance organization operating exclusively in the field of compulsory medical insurance) for submission to the Bank of Russia, which was previously provided in the personal account of subjects of the insurance business, will now be available in the Package Preparation Program posted on the Bank of Russia website in the "Personal Account / Programs" section. for the formation of reports of subjects of the insurance business". The program installation guide is located in the same section.

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