Call of Duty's ultimate question: Who is Captain Price? Biography of Soap from Call of Duty Macmillan Call of Duty

Mission 9

This mission is in Azerbaijan, where, according to intelligence, the elusive Khaled Al-Assad is located. need to check out a few buildings in the area. The village is located southwest of the landing site. It’s better to immediately climb into the bell tower, you can immediately see it from the landing site, there on the second floor there are a Dragunov sniper rifle and a Javelin FGM-148 - a tank drives around the village. Even from the bell tower it is convenient to call an air strike. In the building northwest of the bell tower on the second floor, there is intelligence. By the way, intel is needed to activate cheats (ESC Settings->Cheats), but they can only be used after you beat the game at least once.

The house we need is located in the very west of the village behind the field. Al-Assad was not involved in a nuclear explosion, but it was possible to find out that it was arranged by Imran Zakhaev, he received a nuclear charge from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (although you cannot make a nuclear explosion from nuclear fuel, but since the Americans do not know this, we continue to play).

Mission 10

In this mission, you will have to play as Captain Price from fifteen years ago, he is on a mission in Pripyat under the guidance of Captain MacMillan. We need to go after Captain McMill. Weapons: USP 45 caliber and silenced M21 sniper rifle.

If you do everything as Captain MacMillan says and do not make noise, then you can pass the posts on the way to the goal quickly and without a fight. We stumble upon the first post, kill one before the other sees it. Further, four people sit in a wooden house and one walks outside. We kill him, move on. After a hundred meters we still remove the guard on the bell tower next to the church. There are three stingers in the church. We pass through the church to the cemetery, where we have to wait out the patrol helicopter. We go out into the open area right in the middle of the field, we notice that a whole crowd of soldiers with a tank is coming towards us, it is necessary that they do not notice us. They pass right a meter away from us and go on. Behind the clearing there is a cemetery of broken armored vehicles, there are about ten terrorists. You can just crawl through them. After 50 meters, a post walks between rusty containers with Captain MacMillan sorting it out. Then you need to get through the terrorist camp, you just need to follow MacMillan.

Pripyat begins behind the terrorist camp, we shoot a sniper on the fire escape. On the last floor of the building where the sniper was, there are 2 stingers and intelligence. We follow MacMillan through several yards to a wild dog that is eating up someone. If you kill a dog, then a whole pack of wild dogs will come running. We follow MacMillan to the hotel, the goal of the hotel is a convenient observation post.

Mission 11

Goal: Eliminate Imran Zakhaev

Weapon: M82 sniper rifle

We took a position on the top floor of the hotel. After the elimination of Zakhaev (he still does not know that Zakhaev survived), we go down the ropes. The helicopter landing site is 600 meters to the north, it takes 20 minutes to get to it. At the bottom we are immediately met by terrorists. If we try to kill everyone, then we will not have time to get to the helicopter, we need to run to the place, if possible shooting back from the terrorists. After we enter the building, the terrorists lag behind for a while. In the yard, a helicopter attacks us, after we shoot it down, it falls directly on MacMillan, so it will travel the rest of the way on my back. While carrying MacMillan, you cannot shoot, so you need to put him in an advantageous position before entering the battle. To get to the place, you need to go through the building, there are two dogs and two terrorists in the rooms on the second floor. We pass through the pool, behind it two. The landing site is at the Ferris wheel, where you need to settle down and hold out until the helicopter lands.

Mission 12

We return to Northern Azerbaijan, we need to hold out until the helicopter arrives. At the very beginning, we climb the hill and from it we hit the enemies with machine guns. After they start hitting the hill with mortars, we retreat. We follow the minigun, which is a little to the west in the crashed helicopter. Minigun clicks 5 incoming helicopters like seeds. After that, you need to activate the planted explosives, the detonators are located in the nearest house on a hill, there are 4 detonators on the second floor opposite the windows.

The next task is to stop the tanks, Javelin lies at the northern end of the village in the barn. The easiest way to crawl there is along the left gutter. It is necessary to destroy four tanks, after that 4 minutes are given to get to the helicopter landing zone, it is on the south side at the foot of the hill. The only way to get there is to crawl back through the gutter, because there are a lot of enemies there. Through a small forest you need to move down to the water, a helicopter is waiting on the shore.

Mission 13

Southern Russia.

Purpose: Find Zakhaev's son and ask where his dad is.

Weapons: Colt 1911 and R700 sniper rifle

We go to the southeast, we need to deal with the checkpoint, while others storm it, we kill 2 guards on the tower. Then we occupy a checkpoint and set up an ambush. An enemy convoy of 3 trucks, 2 tanks and one jeep is approaching. We attack them, Zakhaev's son is sitting in the jeep. During the battle, the tower falls from the explosion, on which we are sitting, shell-shocked, we see where Zakhaev is running away. As soon as we wake up, I immediately run after him. We run through the house, there a dog pounces on us, Zakaev runs away to the north on the way to his own. Right on the road - a fortification of concrete blocks, we storm it, trying not to kill Zakhaev. He runs to the left into the alley, then turns right behind the iron fence, where he is covered by about 8 terrorists. To the right in the building behind the iron fence on the second floor is intelligence. We run from the courtyard to the right, there is another concrete shelter, two more behind it, the alley turns left there, behind the overturned car, two more. Zakhaev runs into the five-story building on the right, machine gunners are sitting on the fifth floor, a helicopter helps to kill them. We chase Zakhaev's son all over the dilapidated five-story building, finally we drive him onto the roof, but he shoots himself in the head.

Mission 14

Altai, Russia.

We need to find Staff Sergeant Griggs. It's half a kilometer to the southwest. Two people in a jeep are coming towards them - they are killed. Another group of soldiers who act like drunken Russian bears. Move on. We go into the building to the right of the road, on the second floor 1, on the third three, Griggs is not here. We go out into the courtyard, check the building opposite. Griggs is sitting on the second floor, there is another terrorist.

The next task is to destroy the power line tower in the southwest, this is not difficult. Then you need to unite with the second group. We go to the northwest and climb through the hole in the fence to the enemy base. About twenty terrorists are distributed around the yard and sit in the building, enemy grenade launchers are on the roof. In the building at the back end of the courtyard, next to the tower, there is intelligence. We pass through the building on the left, an enemy landing is landed there. We go further to the southwest, right along the course of two small buildings, two grenade launchers sit on each, inside there are also several terrorists and two dogs. After we kill them, 3 more trucks with infantry arrive. On the second floor of the building on the left is an RPG, you can load it well on a truck before the terrorists get out. We go to the northwest along the road along which the trucks arrived. Another RPG is lying around the trucks. A little further along the road we meet with the second squad of snipers. And immediately there is a launch of two missiles.

Mission 15

The next task is to capture the missile launch control center while the others try to get the missile launch cancellation code from the Russians. Control center in the southeast. Enemy infantry and a tank are still approaching from the north, the task is to find explosives and heavy weapons, well, this is not a problem here, weapons are lying in every garbage dump. From the northern part of the base, you can knock out a piece of the wall with explosives (it is in the same place), and there are also two RPGs near the jeep. Directly opposite the break in the wall is a hangar, there are G36C rifles and a few more RPGs, and there is also an indestructible UAZ that does not obey any laws of physics.

The left gate to the inside of the base is blocked, you need to go to the right. At this time, Russians are yelling nonsense into a megaphone, which is quite annoying, it’s generally strange that such a game was translated into Russian, and even so well, the script is not just delusional (American special forces in the center of Russia, next to a military facility) it is also makes some idiots out of us. But I digress.

In the northernmost part of the base, in a small building with the number two, there is a Dragunov sniper rifle, which will not hurt at all. To the right of the gate in the passage behind the buildings lies intelligence. We make our way with the fight to the right gate and blow them up. On the territory of the inner base, you need to destroy two armored personnel carriers, there are a lot of grenade launchers in the buildings on the right. After we go down the cables into the ventilation shaft.

Mission 16

We're in the ventilation shaft, making our way to the launch control center. We go downstairs to the shower room. Received codes for self-destruct missiles. The goal is to meet with the second group, before the missiles reach the target, there are 11 minutes left. We leave the shower room, turn left, there is intelligence data from the rooms on the left along the corridor, we storm the base further. We go straight, there will be a ladder down. There it is better to make your way forward along the left or right flank between the boxes. We pass through the warehouse, go to the right and there we attack through the left or right wing. We run straight ahead while the countdown is going on, and close the hatch behind us. Another rocket is being launched. We open the door of the control center, storm it, go down the stairs. We blow up the left wall in the lower room and go through the hole. We get into the control center, a couple of terrorists are sitting here, we kill them and enter the code for the self-destruction of missiles. The next task is to follow Price and get out of the control center. We go up the elevator to the garage with trucks, kill the terrorists and leave on the equipment.

Mission 17

We leave in UAZs and trucks, they catch up with us in trucks, ram them, try to push us off the road, attack from helicopters, in general, full of Action. Mi-24 blows up the bridge, and we move over the wreckage of the bridge. On the other hand, several terrorists attack us (in fact, Russia has never posed a terrorist threat to the United States, however, in the entire history not a single Iranian has killed a single American, but this did not stop them from bombing Iran).

When we got over to the other side, 3 UAZs with infantry drove up. While we are shooting back, the car behind which we have shelter explodes, concusses us, and we watch the enemies advance. Zakhaev appears with two bodyguards, he finishes off our wounded with them. At this time, their helicopter is shot down, and while they are distracted, we kill them with a pistol that one of ours threw to me. Kozlov's people come up and take away the wounded. Next comes the final video.


It is proposed to release the hostage on board the plane, after that we jump with a parachute and the plane explodes.

On this we say goodbye to the passage of the game (or just Code 4) and wait for the next part. Thank you all for your attention, see you soon.

The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare series of games has been imprinted in the memory of the players for a long time. Each character has its own characteristics and character. Among them, in Call of Duty, Captain Macmillan occupies a special place. This is a mysterious soldier from the SAS troops. He appears only in the first and last part of the game.

Beginning of Captain Macmillan's biography

A person's career starts about two decades before the beginning of the development of the plot of game actions. This military commanded a sniper detachment, which consisted of two people. It had one of the main characters - Captain Price. An important task of the detachment is the elimination of the bandit Zakhaev, an illegal dealer in firearms, as well as the leader of the nationalists. It was the very first assassination mission after World War II. Price and Captain Macmillan were sent to Pripyat, which is located in Ukraine.

The military were equipped with special camouflage suits. They had silent M21 rifles and USP 45 pistols in their arsenal. They had USP 45 large-caliber weapons for killing.

The heroes entered the village, which was located not far from Pripyat. They took up a position where they could only wait for the enemy.

After the appearance of Zakhaev, Captain Price fired. He hit the hand, for which he was praised by Macmillan. However, the villain could not be killed.

After the assassination attempt on Zakhaev, the heroes started having problems. They needed to hide from pursuers and professional killers. To do this, they used the nearest UAZ. During the escape, Captain Macmillan suffered a serious leg injury. However, the main characters managed to escape in the last minutes, avoiding death.

The further fate of the character

After Price and Macmillan visited Pripyat, the second hero retired from hostilities. He was not involved in front-line affairs from 1996 to 2011. He was already in command. Nothing was known about Captain Macmillan. However, this character appears with the onset of the Third World War.

Macmillan and Modern Warfare 3

The character, beloved by all players, returns in the third part of the game. His rank is now Commander. This is a person who has the right to dispose of all the military operations of the army. During the gameplay, Captain Macmillan is at headquarters all the time and gives orders. His call sign sounds like "Base".

The very first time he appeared in the task "Do not lean", in which he told the sergeant how to act. The captain works with many organizations to find out about Vladimir Makarov's intentions. According to MI5, the villain smuggled chemical weapons through the port of London. As a consequence, the SAS squad is trying to prevent a catastrophe. However, Makarov managed to blow up weapons in Europe, but the troops of England managed to repulse the attack.

In the midst of hostilities in Europe, Macmillan was contacted by Captain Price, who became a war criminal. As a result, the hero initially refuses to help. However, John Price manages to persuade this character, referring to the events in the village near Pripyat, which took place 20 years ago. Macmillan told him all the information the old friend wanted to know. It concerned the whereabouts of a firearms dealer associated with Vladimir Makarov. Much later, Captain Price consulted Mack a few more times.

When the Third World War ended, there were no mentions or rumors about the character. However, according to one version, Macmillan remained in command of the British army. Also, thanks to the efforts of the captain, Price was cleared of the charge for the murder of General Shepard. Very little attention is paid to this character, but thanks to him, a man like Vladimir Makarov was destroyed. After all, it was Macmillan who prepared the operation on the Arabian Island to destroy the enemy and the ultranationalist regime.

Charisma and personality

This captain is a favorite of the players. After all, Mac is good with a sniper rifle. A photo without a mask of Captain Macmillan cannot be found. It only takes a few moments for this person to make an accurate shot. The hero has a sharp mind and ingenuity, which helps him in serious operations.

Mac is a reserved and calm person, which in some tasks only plays into the hands. Macmillan, even though wounded, is involved in the fighting. He plays a significant role in the war and leads his allies to victory, despite the difficulties, makes the right decisions.

Some gamers still managed to find a photo of Captain Macmillan. According to the assumptions of the players, the hero comes from Scotland. And his real name is Carl.

Doctor Who from the world of video games, Mr. a mustache I'll never have"and simply the coolest character in the entire Call of Duty series is Captain Price. The last time we saw him was Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 when, having pulled up the terrorist Makarov, the old warrior put a cigar into his mouth and lit a victorious cigarette.

And now it's time for a new meeting: a video with the gameplay of the remaster of the first part of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has appeared on the Internet. The same eagle look, the same sideburns, smoothly turning into a mustache. The same ferocity towards the doors. Only more polygons and clearer textures.

Hello Mr Price! Still refuse to grow old?

Our hero is doing this trick with rebirth for the fourth time, which is why it is not easy to understand how old he really is, because even the Fritz were frightened at the sight of the magnificent mustache of a brave officer. That's why we decided to delve into his biography - to understand who Price is. And... isn't he immortal?

Price in reality

Captain Price also has a real prototype. The developers copied it from John Thomas McAleese, a soldier of the SAS special forces. There is no doubt that it was he who served as the prototype of Price. Just look at McAleese's mustache. Do you recognize?

John Thomas McAleese was born in 1949 and died in 2011. He served in the British Army and led the SAS team that freed hostages at the Iranian embassy in London in 1980. Later he fought in the Falklands War. He was a bodyguard for three British prime ministers. He became famous by participating in the reality show "SAS: Are You Cool Enough for Him?", where a group of volunteers went through the same selection as real candidates for a place in the special forces.

What became famous during the Second World War

We don’t know anything about Price’s youth, even his name remains a mystery to the players. It is known that he participated in the North African campaign - the fighting that took place south of the Sahara. They began in June 1940 and ended in May 1943. At that time, North Africa could not yet boast of the extensive development of natural resources, so they fought for it not as a source of oil, but as a “lever” capable of closing land and sea routes to India, Australia and New Zealand. In addition, the routes connecting the Mediterranean and the Atlantic with the Black Sea were also under threat. The Germans fought, the Italians (and also a little French) on the one hand - and the British with the Americans on the other.

According to the plot of Call of Duty 2, Captain Price went into action in 1942 with the 7th Armored Division. In particular, our hero participated in sabotage operations - he blew up enemy warehouses where fuel and ammunition were stored, and also stole enemy documentation from bunkers. But the matter was not limited to covert operations, his detachment had to participate in trench battles.

In November 1942, Captain Price participated in the second battle of El Alamein. The first took place in the middle of summer - then the Allied forces stopped the advance of Italy and Germany on Egypt near El Alamein (a city on the Mediterranean coast).

In the second battle, it was decided whether the Allies could move the front to Cairo and Rome. The battle began on October 23 and ended on November 5. As the Allied forces advanced, Price and his men cleared underground tunnels and bunkers, and destroyed enemy artillery. When the battle was over, Price went to the coastal town of El Daba to destroy the artillery preventing the British ships from entering the docks. The battle ended with the fact that Price and his people found boxes of wine and decided to celebrate the victory.

Where did he finish his military career

In the spring of 1943, Captain Price became a member of the Tunisia campaign. In particular, he covered the retreat of British troops from Toujen. Subsequently, he stormed the city of Matmata, in the south of Tunisia, where subsequently the Allied infantry with the help of anti-aircraft guns entered into battle with German aircraft. This is the final point in Captain Price's North African adventure.

Then the command briefly transferred him to the 6th Airborne Division. Despite the name, there were only two such divisions in those years, and the sixth was in fact the second. She appeared in the middle of 1943, and received her baptism of fire almost a year later - on June 6, 1944, during the opening of the Western Front.

As in real life, in the game, the soldiers of the 6th Airborne Division begin by landing on gliders near a strategically important bridge and capturing it. The very next day the Fritz counterattacked. In a heavy battle involving tanks and artillery, only a few survive, and Price is among them. After that, he returns to the 7th Armored Division and participates in the capture of small settlements and strategically important roads. Somewhere between the assault on the French city of Ameillet-sur-Seul, which took place on June 14, 1944, and August 7, Price was transferred to the SAS, a special forces unit founded in 1941.

The SAS was originally called "Troop L, Special Forces Air Brigade". Such a long name was supposed to misinform the Germans: supposedly a whole parachute regiment was working at the front, but in fact the unit initially consisted of only sixty-five people. In one of the operations, the Germans wounded and captured Price. So he became a prisoner of an estate in the Bavarian Alps, from where he was rescued by American soldiers.

Surprisingly, Captain Price, who, due to his injury, had to be literally carried in his arms, was able to return to duty by the end of the month. Together with the rest of the SAS special forces, he prepared the Eder dam captured by the Nazis for a bomber raid: he destroyed anti-aircraft guns and blew up power generators. After that, Price, driving a stolen truck and fleeing from superior enemy forces, delivered a sabotage group to the airfield, where our heroes destroyed several enemy planes, after which they boarded one of the planes and flew off into the sunset.

And here it is, the last day of Captain Price - October 27, 1944. Under the guise of a German officer, along with two more soldiers, the captain boarded the German battleship Tirpitz. The operation was successful, the Fritz did not suspect that saboteurs had made their way to them. At least for the time being. Then the shooting started, and one of the bullets overtook Price. We were not shown his heroic death. Just at some point, returning to him, we found a corpse.

Could Captain Price have survived?

There is a theory according to which Price did not die on the Tirpitz. The Germans took him prisoner, and the captain again had to be rescued by the Americans. This was done by a sergeant in the 2nd Ranger Battalion, named Randall, in a video that accompanied the end credits of Call of Duty 2.

What became famous in the third world war

If Price during the Second World War did not have not only a past, but also a name, then the second one acquired both. His name was John. Born in 1966 in the UK, he joined the army in the 1980s. Collaborated with the Soviet special forces "Vympel" in the release of hostages in Lebanon. Well, in the 1990s, he ... joined the SAS, that is, he went the same way as his predecessor. The most famous of his early operations was the unsuccessful attempt on the life of terrorist Imran Zakhaev in Pripyat in 1996. Due to the fact that Price's immediate superior, Captain Macmillan, injured his leg during the operation - it was hit by one of the propellers of the fallen Mi-28 helicopter - shortly after returning to the base, John received a promotion and became ... Captain Price.

In 2011, John, along with his people, participated in a series of operations in Russia and Azerbaijan to stop the activities of a group of ultra-nationalists who gained access to nuclear weapons. Our hero managed to stop the nuclear war and kill the enemy leader Imran Zakhaev (in Pripyat, Price only shot off his arm), but he was seriously injured and lost several true friends.

After the events described above, John Price underwent a course of restorative medicine and joined Task Force 141. According to the plot of the game, it was created by NATO countries in 2013 to prevent terrorist attacks. The group was commanded by Herschel von Shepard III. During one of the operations called “Kingfish”, which took place in Ukraine, John Price, as part of the Bravo group, together with the Delta detachment, stormed a militant base in the mountains to capture Imran Zakhaev’s successor, Vladimir Makarov. The operation failed, and, covering the retreat of his comrades, Price was captured. He was sent to a prison for especially dangerous prisoners in the Far East, nicknamed the Gulag. There, John was kept until 2016 under the name "Prisoner No. 627", until the third world war began and his comrades rescued him.

Once free, Price first made his way to the Russian base and launched a rocket towards the States. The explosion of the warhead in the atmosphere created an electromagnetic pulse that disabled all the electronics of the two armies fighting each other on the east coast of the United States. Thus, he stopped the bloody battle for a while. It soon became clear that General Shepard was one of those who provoked the third world, so John Price went on the trail of his commander and killed him.

However, this did not stop the war, and Price and his people began to jump from continent to continent, trying to get on the trail of another culprit of the international conflict - Makarov. Along the way, he lost one of his true friends - "Soup", for whom we played in the first Modern Warfare - helped save the Russian President Vorshevsky and his daughter, and finally, dressed in an armored suit, stormed the hotel in the United Arab Emirates, where Makarov sat down . It all ended with a victorious puff, which we wrote about at the beginning. What happened to John Price after this is not known.

So who is Price?

To put it bluntly, there are two Prices in the series. The first is the one that appeared in the first two parts of the Call of Duty series. The second featured in the Modern Warfare sub-series. Character designer from Infinity Ward Sami Onur mentioned that the second is the grandson of the first, but the rest of the developers did not confirm this theory. Therefore, you can speculate on the topic a lot and in every way.

But the smartest approach seems to be to treat the different Call of Duty series as different universes of Marvel or DC comics. The key characters are the same everywhere, but the story and surroundings are different, so Captain Price, like Spider-Man, can have several versions - from the past, from the present and from the future.

So, there is a chance one day to see him again. And given that military shooters about the near future are now in vogue, the new Price may well have mechanized limbs, augmented eyes and a chic fiber-optic mustache. And he will not know that he once participated in the second and third world wars.

In this article you will learn:

John "Soap" McTavish from Call of Duty, the protagonist of several war games from Activision.

Soap Appearances:

  • Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare;
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2;
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

In 2011, he began his service as a sergeant in the SAS (Special Aviation Service) in the Bravo 6 group, commanded by Captain Price.

The entire composition of the groupPrice, Soap, Gus, Griggs.

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

John's first test was an operation in the Bering Strait. Group " Bravo 6 ”infiltrated the ship in order to find important documents.

The group did not meet much resistance and easily dealt with the enemy. But after a while, Russian planes began to bomb the ship and the crew had to flee. Soap almost fell off the helicopter, but Captain Price managed to grab him. This was the first time John was on the verge of certain death.

The next test of the young soldier was the operation in Russia. MacTavish and Bravo had to rescue a spy named Nikolai. Soap, Gus and Price covered the approaches of the Russian allies led by Komarov (the commander of the Russian special forces who fights terrorists in Russia) to the village where the spy was allegedly kept, from sniper rifles. An allied group of Russians entered the village and Bravo 6 followed them. Nikolai was found, after which a Blackhawk helicopter flew in for them. Almost having managed to escape, the helicopter is knocked out. Price, Gus, Nikolai and Soap survive, after which they manage to escape from enemy territory by destroying an enemy helicopter and several posts.

Next, Soap goes to Azerbaijan, where he must find his son Imran Zakhaeva(the main enemy who created the Russian Ultra-Nationalist Radical Party - a criminal organization that sells weapons and unleashes wars) Victor, Soap almost manages to grab the son of a criminal, but he puts a bullet in his forehead.

After this operation, the Bravo 6 team and the Marines conduct a joint operation to find and disarm a nuclear bomb that could hit the United States. Soap finds the bomb and successfully defuses it, but then Zakhaev's thugs swoop in. "Bravo 6" is driven into a trap. They run across the bridge at the moment when the Russian MiGs destroy it. The badly wounded Soap is protected from bullets by another member of the Griggs group, who dies.

Zakhaev's gang surrounds the wounded SAS. Zakhaev takes out a pistol, ready to take revenge for the fact that once Captain Price shot off his hand. Gus was killed first, shot in the head. When Soup's turn came, the Russian allies, led by the same Komarov, blew up Zakhaev's separatists. This diversion was enough for Captain Price to throw his pistol at Soup and he killed Zakhaev. Komarov takes Price and Soap, barely alive.

After these events, John returns to his native Britain. He also continues to serve in the SAS and is the best fighter in the unit. John is promoted to captain.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

In 2016, he was appointed commander of OTG-141 (an operational tactical group that includes the best fighters - Roach, Ghost, Price, General Shepard, Nikolai).

An experienced soldier nicknamed Ghost and a young Roach are given to help John. Together they need to find Vladimir Makarov(the successor of Zakhaev, the new leader of a terrorist group of ultra-nationalists), who threatens the West with a new war. Soap learns that Makarov hates the man who is currently in prison, a sort of prisoner 627. John is conducting a large-scale operation to rescue the prisoner, surprisingly he turns out to be Captain Price, who disappeared five years ago. John finally manages to return to his old captain the gun from which he shot Zakhaev.

When Price returned to the ranks of OTG-141, Soap relinquished his position as commander. Having prepared, Captain Price begins an operation to capture Makarov. Ghost and Roach go to the Russian-Georgian border, while Soap and Price go to Afghanistan. At this moment, another captain of the OTG-141 group, General Shepard, turns out to be a traitor, on the other end of the line, Price and Soap hear how Shepard brutally kills Ghost and Roach. Shepard's people attack them too, but the eternal savior pilot Nikolai arrives in time.

Price and Soap McTavish track down the general. In a long fight, he stabs Soap with a knife. Price continues the fight alone. Soap yanks the knife out of his leg and throws it at Shepard's eye. Another enemy was defeated by Captain John MacTavish. Nicholas takes away the winners. Wounded John is taken to India in the city of Himachal Pradesh. But even here they are haunted, the city is surrounded by Makarov's people. Nikolai, as usual, manages to sneak away with the team on board. Soup is sewn up and he returns to duty.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

John does not have a moment of peace. His life full of blood, violence and travel (if you can call it that) to exotic places on the planet is not over. Price, Soap, and new squad member Yuri are sent to Africa in Sierra Leone, where they must intercept a shipment from a group of militiamen. The operation fails, the team does not intercept the cargo. They immediately receive a new task to capture the leader of local militants and break into the city, crushing the enemy like seeds. The leader reports Makarov's whereabouts, after which Price kills him in cold blood.

At the same time, World War III begins. New York is attacked by the Russian army. Paris, London, Berlin were chemically attacked. And it's all Makarov's fault, who took hostage the daughter of the President of Russia.


Strings to Makarov bring Price, Soup and Yuri to Prague, where the terrorist is to hold a meeting. An old friend of Mosquitoes is called to help infiltrate the city. Soap and Yuri stay behind to cover Price with their sniper rifles on a nearby rooftop. Price enters the building, but something goes wrong. A bound Komarov appears at the elevator door, a detonator goes off on him, but Price manages to escape. On the neighboring building where Soap and Yuri are sitting, a charge is also triggered. Soap manages to throw Yuri out the window and jump out himself. John is badly injured. It would seem that so many times Soap was on the verge of death, but this time, conjuring on the body, Price could not help his friend in any way. John did not have time to see the end of the third world.

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Today's conversation with the Chairman of the Supreme Court Valentin SUKALO can be called significant without exaggeration - it concerns...
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The world's oceans are home to a wide variety of predators. Some wait for their prey in hiding and surprise attack when...