Types of Pokemon: where to look. Elements of Pokemon Which Pokemon are effective against mental


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You must have read my Journal. So I really liked the idea with the top. Yes, and probably you too. In short, I decided to make the same top, but only about the weakest ones.

I wanted it to be a secret weapon. But don't care, we're behind the Collapses.

But I wanted to do it according to the theme, and our theme is Space. As I said in the Journal, a similar type to Cosmos is Psychic. I don’t know if the Curators or Leaders will accept this as a topic. But if not, I won't be offended. Yet there is no Type Cosmos

And also this is the first part, the places here are from 10 to 6 place.

Okay enough talking, let's go see who's the weakest.


Beldum and Medicham

No, these two are strong on their own. Just because the top is long, here you have to be strong on par with Alakazam or Espeons. I like these two especially Mega Medici. Both are equal in parameters, 19 points


Espur and Wobafet

Wobafet is better known as Team R's STRONGEST Pokémon. Not really. In the 18th movie, it was he who saved the Team from the cannon (if my memory serves me) Giratina, reflecting this blow. And Espur is just a cutie. 18 points both.


Kirlia, Chingling and Unone

8th place is shared by three Pokémon at once. Kirlia is known for her role in the movie The Green Ballerina. Chingling is just two bells....... Aaaaaa, caught you my puns. And Unone. Fuck who is he? Or is she? Or is it? Is he fucking Nota? In general, they are here with 17 points


Drowzy, Exekute, Natu, Smoochum, Elgiem and Wubat

Bitch 6 Pokemon. Let me tell you briefly about each. Drowsy, like I said, he pisses me off. Eksekut - eggs ..... Here again, you are caught by the vulgarity of you Pokemon. Natu - I don't know why he doesn't have Pink hair and he's not a fire type. Smucham - so to speak Lips-Bazookas. Elgiem - I figured out who he is. Wubat is a Chinese copy of Zubat. 16 points.


Abra, Slowpoke, Spoink, Gofita and Baltoy

5 pokemon. ##*#*#*#. Again - BRIEFLY. Abra is a sleeping alien. Slowpoke is a creature that needs a Snickers Kamaz. Spoink is Spoink. Gofita - so to speak African duplicate of Lip-Bazooka. Baltoy - phhhhhhhhhhhhh. 15 points.


Wait for the second part

Well, I will come up with jokes for future posts.

There are currently 17 types of Pokemon in Pokemon GO. Each type, of course, has its own strengths and weaknesses. And each type has its own strongest Pokémon. To clarify, we are not talking about the legendary Pokémon yet - this is another story, and we will definitely tell about them.

In this post, we have collected information about the most powerful Pokemon in each type in Pokemon GO, i.e. about those that you will definitely meet in the game. Or already met. So, in order of priority:

  • type "Normal": the strongest pokemon Snorlax(max CP - 3112)

Gamers deservedly consider him the best defender of the Halls. It is difficult to find it, Snorlaks are extremely rare in the wild. Therefore, players mainly get these Pokémon from Incubators. However, Snorlax can only hatch from 10 km eggs, and even with this one should be lucky to some extent.

  • type "Fire": the most powerful Pokemon - Arcanine (max CP - 2983)

In the TV series, Kanto Arcanine evolved from Growlith after he touched the Firestone. In Pokemon Go, this is somewhat easier: you only need to collect 50 candies to evolve Growlith into Arcanine. And also Arcanines come across in nature, not that often, but it happens.

  • type "Water": the most powerful Pokémon - Lapras (max CP - 2980)

Lapras is actually a dual-type Pokémon - Water/Ice. Well, just cute. But Lapras cannot be developed from another Pokemon. He (or her) can either be caught (if you are very lucky), or raised from a 10-km egg (you also need to get lucky). Moreover, you can find Lapras with a normal CP and pump it to the maximum from about level 25.

  • type "Electric": the strongest pokemon - Jolteon (max CP - 2140)

Jolteon can be obtained by developing Eevee. It can be random, or it can be controlled (the secret of Eevee development in Pokemon Go is here). According to legend, Joleton's fur amplifies the electrical charge that is produced in the cells of his body. In mecha, Jolteon can also generate and store negative ions and constantly crackles, creating a distinctive soundscape around Jolteon. Evies hatch from 10 km eggs, but in nature they can be found very often.

  • type "Vegetable": the strongest Pokemon - Exeggutor (max CP - 2955)

Exeggutor evolves from Exeggut and is also a dual-type Pokémon. He is "vegetative-psychic", and therefore, he also proved himself to be excellent as a defender of pokejims (Halls). Considering that there are quite a lot of wild Exegguts in the game, there are more and more powerful Exeggutors every day.

  • type "Ice": the most powerful Pokémon - Deugong (max CP - 2145)

Another "double" and also "Water / Ice". Deugong evolves from Sil. Thanks to the snow-white fluff, the Dyugong allegedly perfectly camouflages itself in the snow. Forces in the game are common (mostly near water), as in the incubator (grow from 5-km eggs). But Dudong is considered rare, therefore it is most often developed from Sil. Although for this you need to collect 50 sweets, which is not easy.

  • type "Fighting": the most powerful Pokemon - Hitmonchan (max CP - 1516)

The classic Hitmonchan started to evolve from Tyrog (through Hitmonlee and Hitmontop), but only on the condition that Tyrog's Defense was pumped better than Attack. Pokemon Go has simplified things a bit. But Hitmonchan still remained the coolest of the "fighting" Pokémon. In the game, it can be caught, or it can be grown (from 10-km eggs).

  • type "Poisonous": the most powerful Pokemon - Victribell (max CP - 2530)

Victribells are obtained from Vipinbells, they are extremely rare in the wild and you will not find anyone else from all the poisonous CPs. This is probably why, in order to develop Viktribel from Vipinbel, you need as many as 100 Bellsprout candies. In the defense of the Hall, Victribell is also very good.

  • type "Earth": the most powerful Pokemon - Raydon (max CP - 2243)

This classic is a "double" - rock-earth Pokemon and the most powerful of all earth. Raidon from Rhyhorn develops (50 candies). Rhyhorn is advised to look for near the railway, airport and on the beaches.

  • type "Flying and Dragons": the most powerful Pokémon - Dragonite (max CP - 3500)

Finding and capturing a wild Dragonite is a pure gift in Pokemon GO. This cute little dragon has the highest Combat Power. If it was developed and pumped by a Coach of a sufficiently high level, of course. To get Dragonite, you need 100 candies. Or a 10-km egg, but Dragonites hatch from them also extremely rarely. You should look for a wild Dragonite near water bodies.

  • type "Psychic": the most powerful Pokemon - Alakazam (max CP - 1813)

Abra's final form evolves from Kadabra and is the coolest of the Psychic Pokémon. It has a physically weak body and can barely hold its head with a powerful brain. Therefore, it moves thanks to purely psychic strength. However, he is capable of a lot in combat.

  • type "Insects": the strongest Pokemon - Pinsir (max CP - 2121)

Since it is essentially a beetle, it is necessary to look for it in the fields and forests. But in Pokemon Go, Pinseers are found in parks and playgrounds, so you don't have to travel far. This is if you can’t grow one in the Incubator for a long time (10-km eggs).

  • type "Stone": the most powerful Pokemon - Aerodactyl (max CP - 2165)

"Double" - stone-flying - Aerodactyl in Pokemon Go no longer evolves into anyone. Unlike the canonical one, which evolved before the Mega Aerodactyl. According to reviews, Aerodactyl is faster to grow (10-km eggs) than to catch.

  • type "Ghost": the most powerful Pokémon - Gengar (max CP - 2078)

The final form of Gastly and one of the best Ghost Pokémon in the Kanto series. Gengar has the ability to perfectly hide in any shadow. Classical Gengar was also distinguished by an extremely mischievous disposition.

  • type "Steel": the most powerful Pokemon - Magneton (max CP - 1879)

In fact, Magneton is "electric-steel". In Pokemon Go, the "trick" of Magnetons is that you can get it pretty quickly. For the simple reason that there are a lot of previous Magnemites in the game (although it depends on the location, of course), and only 50 candies are needed to develop Magneton. And then you can pump out the top pokemon with the highest CP among all the iron ones.

  • type "Fabulous": the most powerful Pokémon - Mr. Mime (max CP - 1494)

It is a dual-type Pokémon, Fairy-Psychic. In classic Pokémon, Mister Mime evolved from Mime Jr. But since this Pokemon is not in Pokemon Go (yet), you either catch Mr. Mime or grow it. Like other Fairy Pokémon, Mister Mime is only best used to protect the Halls. And then, if you have more or less pumped his CP.

The game Pokemon Go in many ways refers players to the animated series. You can track and capture your favorite monsters, evolve them and send them to battles with other Pokémon. At the same time, the game is completely devoid of the element of fierce rivalry. Even these fights don't stop players from building friendships. To show yourself as effective and strong, you need to know the basics of combat and some useful secrets.

pokemon power

There are many characteristics of Pokémon in the game, but the strength indicator is perhaps the most significant. It is called , and is shown as an arc above the pet image.

Combat Rower

CP determines the strength of the blow and durability in combat. You can catch a Pokémon with a very high CP. They help evolve strong fighters. However, the maximum SR is rather an exception to the rule, and a larger number of Pokémon will have to be “feeded” first, and only then evolve.

If you don't get enough to successfully evolve it, you'll have to build up the power yourself. Its increase is facilitated by a direct build-up of SR (Power Up) and (Evolve).

Types of Pokemon, their combination in battle

An important role in the battle is played by the type of Pokemon. There are 17 of them in the Pokemon Go game. The type depends on the origin of the Pokemon and its physiology. With the calculation of the vulnerability of certain elements in real life, in the game there is an increase or decrease in attack when two opposite elements collide. So, for example, they are effective against, but stronger.

Rules for a successful fight:

  • Fighting Pokémon cannot be blocked by Rock, Steel, Ice, Normal or Dark Pokémon.
  • Flying monsters have no problem crushing insects and grass. Effective against combat.
  • Fiery and ice do not hold defense well against stone ones. Insects and flying Pokémon won't help either.
  • The psychic type is not very powerful and almost everyone can resist it. They just do not include poisonous and combat monsters.
  • It's stupid to put a dragon, dark or fighting Pokemon against magical ones.
  • Water and flying do not hold back electric attacks.
  • Ice with a vengeance attack earth, grass, flying and dragons.
  • Perhaps the least opponents are earth pokemon. They easily break through the protection of poisonous, stone, steel, fire and electric.
  • Water proved to be strong and easy to manage. They are stronger in battle with fire, stone and earth.
  • Earth, Water, and Rock are susceptible to Grass attacks.
  • Steel monsters are ruthless with stone, magic and ice monsters.
  • Fire Pokémon destroy everything in their path. Their flames burn insects and grass Pokémon, melt ice and steel.
  • Dark and Ghosts are the most oppressive of other Ghosts and Psychic Pokémon.
  • Feel free to throw the poisonous ones to capture the hall where the magical and earthen ones stand.
  • Dark, oddly enough, amenable to attack by insects. As well as mental and herbal.
  • Dragons are revealed to their full potential only in battle with a dragon.

Ineffective combinations:

  • ghost > normal;
  • ground > flying;
  • electrical > ground;
  • normal > ghost;
  • combat > ghost;
  • poisonous > steel;
  • psychic > dark;
  • dragon > magic.

Trying to attack the first on the second, you are at great risk of losing. Attacks may not work at all. Otherwise, Not effective will appear. All actions are thought out by the developers even from the point of view of logic, because it is difficult to poison steel and get a flying Pokemon from the ground.

How to make an attack

Each monster can fight quickly and make a super attack. Normal strikes are carried out by periodic short taps on the screen. Super attack is activated by long pressing. It's a control mechanic.

Types of attacks, their impact on the effectiveness of Pokemon

There are many types of attacks in the game. Pokémon of the same species can have completely different attacks in terms of specificity and strength. The most successful combination is considered to be a set of abilities of the same type. For example, the battle monster Machok (the second evolution of Machop) is ideal if it has all the Fighting attacks, and the fire Flareon has collected all the Fire moves.

You can find these parameters by opening the Pokémon menu. The type is listed below the Pokémon on the left. Attack indicators at the bottom of the screen. Each of them has its own power. It is displayed opposite its name. The first line denotes fast strikes. The Pokémon that deals more damage from these attacks is considered stronger. On the second line, you can see a blue line or dotted line. This is the frequency of super attacks that can be made. That is, the more divisions, the less time it takes to recharge, but the blow weakens. One big bar is better even in the sense that the Pokemon remains defenseless if you constantly hold the screen for a super attack.

Types of attacks

Sorting attacks by Pokemon type is not the last thing in the game. There are different quick strikes, for example, for ice and water Pokémon. One monster can get an attack with more damage, the second of the same - another with less. We have collected complete information about them for you. With its help, you can analyze the potential of a Pokemon and correctly distribute forces.

Characteristics of fast attacks

Type Name Damage/Energy/Time (s)
Poisonous acid 10/7/1,05
Poison Jab 15/7/1,05
Poison Sting 6/4/0,575
Dark Bite 6/7/0,5
Feint Attack 12/7/0,04
Sucker Punch 7/4/0,7
Vine Whip 7/7/0,65
Water Bubble 25/15/2,3
Splash 0/7/1,23
water gun 6/7/0,5
Insect Bug Bite 5/7/0,4
Fury Cutter 3/12/0,4
Steel Bullet Punch 10/7/1,2
metal claw 12/7/0,63
steel wing 15/4/1,33
Mental Confusion 15/7/1,51
Psycho Cut 8/7/0,57
Zen Headbutt 12/4/1,05
Normal Cut 12/7/1,13
Pound 7/7/0,54
Quick attack 10/7/1,33
Scratch 6/7/0,5
Tackles 12/7/1,1
The Dragon dragon breath 6/7/0,5
Fiery Ember 10/7/1,05
firefang 10/4/0,84
Ice frost breath 9/7/0,81
Ice Shard 15/7/1,4
Combat Low Kick 5/7/0,6
Karate Chop 6/7/0,8
rock smash 15/7/1,41
Ghost Lick 5/7/0,5
Psycho Cut 8/7/0,57
shadow claw 11/7/0,95
earthy Mud Shot 12/7/0,55
Mud Slap 15/9/1,35
Flying Peck 10/10/1,15
Wing attack 9/7/0,75
Electric Spark 7/4/0,7
Thunder shock 5/7/0,6
Herbal Razor Leaf 15/7/1,45
Stone Rock Throw 12/7/1,36

Characteristics of super attacks

Type Name Damage/percentage/time (s) Number of divisions
Flying Aerial Ace 30/5/2,9
Air Cutter 30/25/3,3
Drill Peck 40/5/2,7
Hurricane 80/5/3,2
Stone ancient power 35/5/3,6
Power Gem 40/5/2,9
rock slide 50/5/3,2
rock tomb 30/25/3,4
stone edge 80/50/3,1
Water Aqua Jet 25/5/2,35
Aqua Tail 45/5/2,35
Brine 15/5/2,4
bubble beam 30/5/2,9
Hydropump 90/5/3,8
Scald 55/5/4
Water Pulse 35/5/3,3
Ice Blizzard 100/5/3,9
ice beam 65/5/3,65
Ice Punch 45/5/3,5
ice wind 25/5/3,8
Normal body slam 40/5/1,56
Horn attack 25/5/2,2
Hyper Beam 120/5/5
Hyper Fang 35/5/2,1
Stomp 30/5/2,1
Struggle 15/0/1,695
Swift 30/5/3
Vice Grip 25/5/2,1
Wrap 25/5/4
earthy Bone Club 25/5/1,6
Drill run 50/25/3/4
bulldoze 35/5/3,4
Dig 70/5/5,8
Earthquake 100/5/4,2
Mud Bomb 30/5/2,6
Combat brick break 30/25/1,6
Cross Chop 60/25/2
Low Sweep 30/5/2,25
Submission 30/5/2,1
Insect Bug buzz 75/5/4,25
Megahorn 80/5/3,2
signal beam 45/5/3,1
X Scissor 35/5/2,1
Poisonous Cross Poison 25/25/1,5
Gunk Shot 65/5/3
Poison Fang 25/5/2,4
Sludge 30/5/2,6
Sludge Bomb 55/5/2,6
Sludge Wave 70/5/3,4
Dark Dark Pulse 45/5/3,5
night slash 30/25/2,7
Magic Dazzling Gleam 55/5/4,2
Disarming Voice 25/5/3,9
Draining Kiss 25/5/2,8
moonblast 85/5/4,1
Play Rough 55/5/2,9
Electric Discharge 35/5/2,5
Thunder 100/5/4,3
Thunder Punch 40/5/2,4
Thunderbolt 55/5/2,7
The Dragon dragon claw 35/25/1,5
Dragon Pulse 65/5/3,6
Twister 25/5/2,7
Mental Psybeam 40/5/3,8
Psychic 55/5/2,8
Psyshock 40/5/2,7
Fiery fire blast 100/5/4,1
fire punch 40/5/2,8
Flameburst 30/5/2,1
Flame Charge 25/5/3,1
Flame Wheel 40/5/4,6
Flamethrower 55/5/2,9
Steel flash cannon 60/6/3,9
heat waves 80/5/3,8
Iron Head 30/5/2
Magnet Bomb 30/5/2,8
Herbal Leaf Blade 55/25/2,
Petal Blizzard 65/5/3,2
Power Whip 70/12/2,8
seed bomb 40/5/2,4
solar beam 120/5/4,9
Ghost Ominous Wind 30/5/3,1
shadow ball 45/5/3,08

Dodge and double attack

In the battles of Pokemon Go, you can not only strike, but also dodge them. Swipe horizontally from one side of the screen to the other quickly enough. This trick doesn't always work, so don't rely on it too much.

A very useful technique in combat is a group attack. If you attack the hall at the same time as another player, you will see each other in the arena and deal damage to the enemy together. Of course, this technique is only suitable for players from one team.

In the first days of July, the latest development of the gaming computer industry appeared - the Pokemon GO game. Fans all over the world took to the streets in search of Pokémon. They spend a lot of money on virtual tricks to catch and train computer monsters (that's how the word Pokemon is translated).

Who are Pokémon?

Pocket monsters (unusual animals) were originally the heroes of games-prestavki, and then an endless animated series. Pokemon has been developed by Japanese game designer Satoshi Tajiri for six years. He practically translated his childhood fantasies and collection of beetles into the virtual world. But now Pokémon can be difficult to collect, but to train, arrange competitions.

Pokemon, thanks to their trainer, begin to grow, develop, turning into real fighters - true monsters. Each Pokemon has not only an original appearance, but also a special character. Some features clearly resemble the player himself, and some of someone you know. There are more than 700 Pokémon in total, and the development of the game is still ongoing. They can be forest, earth, water, fire, electric, etc. To command monsters is to have power over great power. Pokémon have become a cultural phenomenon.

The game was developed by Niantic. Within a few weeks of its existence, the game brought in billions of dollars to both Niantic, the developer of the game, and Nintendo, the owner of the Pokémon brand.

The essence of the game Pokemon GO

So Pokemon GO role-playing multiplayer game created using the latest augmented reality technology. The essence of the game is to find Pokemon, catch them in your collection, make them real fighters through long training, arrange battles, join groups of other trainers and join forces. It is possible that all this will remind you of an ordinary computer game, but the developers bypassed their competitors by using augmented reality technology, the essence of which is that all Pokemon actions take place in the real world.

Pokémon hide, live, frolic, study and fight next to us: at home, in the office, at school, in the playground, in a public place. The game combines reality, the pictures of which it receives with the help of cameras of smartphones and tablets, and virtuality, a product of the game developers.

In the squeaks of Pokemon, people start moving. They come to the most unexpected places where they start catching or training monsters. The game is made in such a way that every time you have to stop at an important interesting place. Naturally, a person does not want to lose the achievements of his game.

You should not assume that the developers gave the world such an interesting activity completely disinterestedly. At certain stages, the player begins to face a lot of obstacles, which become almost impossible to overcome. In this case, a variety of virtual tricks, helper items, baits, which can be purchased for real money, come to the rescue.

Of course, you can not acquire, but at the time of this need, the human consciousness is deeply immersed in the game. Although in this case, it is more accurate to say that the game penetrates deeply into the human mind. There is a burning desire to explore each new place through the prism of the game (tablet screen) in order to discover a new rare Pokémon and replenish your collection. By this period, a person is already ready to spend money on his virtual reality.

Benefits of playing Pokemon GO over other games

  1. Feeling of reality: the action takes place in the real world around.
  2. The opportunity is not easy to be strong, but to command someone else's power. Power versus force.
  3. Accessibility of the game: the ability to play anywhere, away from the computer desk.
  4. Ease of use: the developers have tried to make the game as accessible as possible even for small children, in addition, it does not require high technical parameters.

Pokemon GO Danger

The developers of the game stated about the very positive impact of the game on people:

  • people move as actively as possible;
  • comical situations with heroes evoke positive emotions.

However, a detailed analysis of the game can reveal a number of features that have a negative impact on the psyche. No wonder psychologists have already begun to sound the alarm.

Danger of the game:

  • The superimposition of two realities on top of each other causes a violation of human perception of reality. At first glance, it may seem that it is absolutely controllable. But in the future, it becomes obvious that the overall picture of the environment is formed not through the psyche, but through a computer program. We perceive what the computer dictates to us. And this is fraught with mentality.
  • The game is dangerous to human health and life. Without noticing the real happening, the player follows the path set by the game, bumping into objects and getting injured. It's scary to think what will happen if the game leads to a busy road or dangerous terrain.
  • Pokémon require constant attention. Any distraction from the game brings change and loss of points and bonuses, and possibly even leads to the death of the Pokémon. This is how addiction to the game is formed.
  • Pokemon in the early stages are very cute creatures, but who can guarantee that this will be the case all the time. Ahead of the player are terrible battles, which means a surge
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