How to upload an electronic document in 1s 8.3. In the window that opens we find the processing file

Serves for accounting. It implements standard overall plan accounts accounting, which was approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (Order No. 94n dated October 31, 2000). But its use in the program has its own characteristics. Let's look at them in this article.

The chart of accounts is available in 1C 8.3, located in the “Main” section (subsection “Settings”). The accounts are arranged in the form of a table, which displays the code, name, characteristics of each account, and sections of analytical accounting:

Many accounts have subaccounts subordinate to them. Thus, account 01 (Fixed assets) is subordinated to the following subaccounts: 01.01 (fixed assets in the organization), 01.03 (Leased property) and others. If an account has subaccounts, then it cannot be used in transactions in the program; only subaccounts subordinate to it can be used. If an account does not have subaccounts, then it is used in postings.

Accounts may have the following characteristics:

  • View. The account can be active (A), passive (P) or active-passive (AP).
  • Currency accounting(Val.) The indicator is set for accounts on which accounting is carried out Money in foreign currency.
  • Quantitative accounting(Quantity) The attribute is established for such accounts on which, in addition to total accounting, quantitative accounting is maintained. For example, account 10 (Materials), account 41 (Goods) and others. In standard accounting reports For these accounts the amount and quantity are displayed.
  • Accounting by department(Additional) If this flag is set, account postings are made by department.
  • Sign tax accounting on income tax(WELL). Used when the organization applies PBU 18/02. If this feature is set, account transactions are reflected not only in accounting, but also in.
  • Sign of off-balance sheet accounting(Zab.). Established for off-balance sheet accounts, such as “Leased fixed assets”, “Inventory and materials accepted for safekeeping” and others. Account 001, used for entering initial balances, is also off-balance sheet.

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Subconto - analytical accounting

For analytical accounting of accounts, the so-called subcontos are used. Directories or documents act as subcontos. An account can have no more than three subaccounts. For example, account 01.01 has one sub-account - the directory “Fixed Assets”, all movements on this account are made in the context of fixed assets, accounting reports are also formed by fixed assets.

Setting up a chart of accounts in 1C

You can add a subaccount to the chart of accounts 1C 8.3 from the account card. However, please note that in 1C you cannot add additional subaccounts to all accounts. And the correctness of filling in documents must be additionally monitored.

In version, the program added the “Chart of Accounts Setup” tool (available from the “Chart of Accounts”). Here you can select analytics parameters for accounting for VAT, inventories, retail goods, cash flow, settlements with personnel, costs:

To configure, you need to click the appropriate link. For example, the image shows that inventory is currently accounted for only by item. If you also need to keep records of batches (receipt documents) and/or warehouses, you should click the link and specify the necessary parameters in the window that opens:

At the same time, the subaccounts “Parties” and “Warehouses” will be added to the corresponding accounts in 1C 8.3:

In earlier versions of the program, setting up analytical accounting is available through the “ ” form (section “Main”, subsection “Settings”).

Predefined accounts

By default, the program has already filled in the chart of accounts; all accounts in it are predefined (i.e., installed during configuration). This is displayed on the icons of the accounts - next to the “airplane” there is a “circle”. Predefined accounts cannot be changed (except for adding subaccounts). The user has the ability to create new accounts.

Account settings


How to set up the exchange of invoices between the supplier and the buyer in a standard configuration of 1C: Enterprise Accounting edition 3.0 in order to download invoices from the supplier's invoices in Excel format using standard exchange tools without using third-party processing.

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Quite often, in the daily work of many enterprises, there is a need to load data into the invoice from the supplier’s invoice in Excel format, which the supplier, for example, sent by e-mail.

Automatic data exchange between supplier and buyer is especially relevant when the number of elements that need to be entered is tens, hundreds or even thousands, and manual entry of such a volume of data is quite labor-intensive work.

In such cases, many order appropriate processing from 1C franchisee programmers or third-party developers, but this additional expenses and time.

The new edition 3.0 of the standard configuration "1C: Enterprise Accounting" has a built-in mechanism for loading incoming documents from the TORG-12 invoice, the Work (Services) Acceptance Certificate or the supplier's UPD in excel or mxl format.

This option for exchanging documents between counterparties can be used in the standard configuration of "Enterprise Accounting" edition 3.0, both in the local version installed on the user's computer and in the cloud version of 1C: Accounting.

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Let's consider, as an example, the process of loading data into the document "Invoice" of standard configuration 1C: Enterprise Accounting, edition 3.0 (Interface "Taxi") from the supplier's invoice in excel format (.xlsx). If the supplier saved his invoice in .xlsx format in the standard way from the same standard configuration of 1C: Enterprise Accounting, edition 3.0, then users do not have any problems loading the invoice from this file.

Source data available:

  • Standard configuration "Enterprise Accounting", edition 3.0, which is installed by both the Supplier and the Buyer.
  • Supplier's invoice created in the standard 1C: Enterprise Accounting configuration. ed.3.0. See Figure 1.
  • It is necessary to load data from the supplier’s invoice into the “Receipt of goods and services” document in the standard 1C: Enterprise Accounting configuration. ed.3.0.

Fig.1 Supplier's invoice.

For data exchange to be possible, the following conditions must be met:

  • The card of this supplier should already exist in the directory of counterparties in your information database, and the details should be filled in.
  • All goods that we will load from the supplier’s invoice should already exist in the item directory of your 1C: Enterprise Accounting information base, rev. 3.0. If the invoice contains new items that are not yet in the database, then before loading the invoice you must enter them manually or automatically. Instructions for loading items are described in the previous part of the article series "Loading into 1C from Excel. Part 4. Loading the item reference book into 1C: Enterprise Accounting from the price list in Excel."
  • There should be no duplicate elements with the same names in the nomenclature directory of your database.

Step 1. Saving the invoice in Excel format.

In the invoice, click "Print" and in the drop-down menu select the printed form "Consignment note (TORG-12)".

A printed form of the consignment note is generated.

In the toolbar, click the button with the image of a floppy disk.

A window will open asking you to select the file format in which you want to save the printed form of the invoice. Select "Microsoft Excel 2007 Sheet (.xlsx)".

We save the file on disk and send it to the buyer.

We save the file with the printed consumable form sent by the supplier on our computer.

Open in user mode information base, into which the data needs to be loaded.

Section "Purchases" > "Receipts (acts, invoices).

The receipt document journal will open. In the log toolbar, select “Load” and select “From file” in the drop-down menu.

A standard explorer window will open, with the help of which we select the saved supplier invoice file in the ".xlsx" format to load the data into the receipt invoice.

If you are loading data for the first time, the program will automatically offer to compare the items in your database with the items from the downloaded file, selecting a product item from your item reference book for each item from the supplier's invoice.

If reference books have already been compared previously, the data will be loaded immediately, and both the details of the “header” of the invoice (Supplier, Buyer, number of the supplier’s invoice) and the details of the tabular part (Name, Price, Quantity, Amount, Rate) will be automatically filled in and the amount of VAT, Accounting Accounts, Customs Declaration and Country of Origin).

We check the correctness of the loaded information from the supplier’s invoice and if everything matches, we post the document.

Please note that this exchange option is intended only to simplify and speed up the process of entering documents and documents downloaded from a file in this way are not legally significant, therefore both the buyer and the seller must have properly executed original documents in paper form.
If it is necessary to organize the exchange of legally significant electronic documents between counterparties, which eliminate the need to exchange original documents on paper media, then you need to configure the electronic document management system 1C-EDO/1C: Taxcom.

Set up EDI with counterparties for the exchange of electronic documents

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We wish you success!

To be continued...

Online Company 2017,

Why do you need electronic document management in the 1C program?

Electronic document management – ​​exchange of legally significant documents (and not only) in in electronic format.

Let's give the simplest example of electronic document management - companies exchanging Word documents by email.

Of course, such document flow is not structured, a letter with a file may simply not be noticed in time, and most importantly, it does not have a valid signature and seal.

In addition, in this article we're talking about on the exchange of documents between 1C programs. Therefore, the document must have a certain structure so that the receiving program can correctly recognize it and “sort it out.”

For this purpose, there are certain exchange rules, some of which are approved by law (for example, the form of an electronic invoice).

This article describes the procedure for setting up the transmission and acceptance of an Invoice in electronic form based on the 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 configuration.

Setting up an electronic configuration document 1C: “Enterprise Accounting 3.0”.

For more efficient work With the electronic exchange of documents, 1C decided to enter into cooperation with the long-proven and reliable company Taxcom. As a result of this cooperation, a module appeared that was integrated into most popular 1C configurations.

This made it possible to achieve the organization of not only data exchange, that is, simply transferring it from one counterparty to another, but also to form 1C system objects based on this data. These are just invoices, Acts, receipt and sales documents, warehouse documents And so on.

In addition, it is impossible not to note a number of advantages of this approach:

  • The user does not have to switch to another program, and does not even have to change the familiar interface
  • There is no need to additionally install and monitor updates to the electronic document management operator program

Let's move on to the technical side of setting up the procedure. It consists of four stages:

  1. First, let’s make sure that the 1C: Enterprise system meets the necessary requirements, namely, the program platform must be at least version 2.15 and the release of the configuration used must contain a document flow module. This information can be found on the 1C website or from partners. You can make the necessary updates from partners.
  2. To activate the service, you must submit an application. As already written earlier, the document module is already in the program. But he is not active yet. Its functionality will be activated after reviewing the application (usually this does not take much time). The application must be completed in your “personal account”.
  3. As soon as the application is reviewed and approved, the functionality of the document flow module will be fully available.
  4. Now you can proceed to the “1C: Enterprise” settings.

After these operations, the documents will have a button with a list of operations with electronic document management (as we collected earlier, let’s look at the “Invoice issued” document):

You can try sending an “Invoice” to your counterparty, just don’t forget to warn him about this and make sure that he also has the module configured.

To interact with regulatory authorities, you will also need certificates issued by them.

Based on materials from:

The XML data format according to the CommerceML (CML) standard will allow you to save time on entering information about the purchase of services of the company RSIT JSC into 1C. Upload the XML file into 1C and it will generate a “Receipt of goods and services” document containing information about the purchased services. An invoice can be generated based on this document.

Detailed instructions are provided below.

1. Connecting external processing

1.1. If you are using the 1C:Enterprise 8.X information base with the "Enterprise Accounting 2.0" configuration, to load a document in CommerceML format you need to connect external processing () (see Figure 1). You can do this in two ways:

2. Connect processing to the information base (IS) permanently. Then it will be available to everyone (if working over a network) from the menu “Tools” → “Additional reports and processing” → “Additional external processing”.

Picture 1

  • In the “Tools” menu, select “Additional reports and processing” - “Additional external processing”.
  • Click the "Add" button. The form for adding a new directory item will open.
  • In the “Name” field, specify the name of the processing, for example “Loading data in CommerceML format (RU-CENTER Group)”.
  • Click the file select button and specify the path to the download processing file ().
  • Click OK.
  • Now the processing is connected to your infobase and is located in the “Additional external processing” directory, and can be opened by double-clicking.

1.2. If you use the "Management" configuration manufacturing enterprise" (versions 10.3 and higher) and "Trade Management" (versions 1.3 and higher) this processing is already enabled, go to step 2.

2. Formation of the document “Receipt of goods and services”

As a result of the steps below, information about the services you purchased from JSC RSIC will be entered into your 1C account.

A) save to your computer an XML file with data from the document “Receipt of goods and services” for the period you need. The file in XML format is located in the “Reporting Documents” section personal account under the link “XML for 1C”.

Click the select button to the right of the Data File Name field and select the file (see Figure 1). To the question “Read data from a file?” answer "OK". The data file will be read by processing.

B) If processing manages to determine all the correspondence between the data elements of the file and the data in your infobase, then the question “Save the data to the infobase?” will be asked. If you answer “Yes”, a new document “Receipt of goods and services” will be created. Go to step 3.

C) If not all data matches are identified, the message will be displayed: “When loading data, the program was unable to automatically find information security objects corresponding to the elements transferred in the exchange file...” and will offer to perform the comparison manually. In this case, you need to do the following:

  • Click OK. A form for comparing file objects and information security will open. It has several tabs that correspond to different types of objects (organizations, contractors, items, etc.). If data of some type has not been matched, then the corresponding tabs will be red exclamation marks(see Figure 2).

Figure 2

  • Go to the appropriate bookmarks and manually match the elements. It should be noted that matches of counterparties and organizations are searched by TIN, and matches of items - first by article, then by name. If the element that corresponds to the file data is not in the IB, then it can be created automatically using the file data by clicking the “Create using data from file” button.
  • When adding items, you must check the “Service” property (see Figure 3). You can also change the full and short names of an item in the nomenclature.

Figure 3

  • On the “Accounts” tab, it is advisable to add item accounting accounts so that when creating the “Receipt of goods and services” document, these numbers are entered automatically. For example, the following values ​​can be set for services: “Accounting account” - 25 (Overall production expenses) and “Accounting account for submitted VAT” - 19.04 (VAT on purchased services) (see Figure 4).

On a note: If the recommendations below are not clear to you, and you need to configure it, then I recommend contacting us - We will quickly configure the bank client for any 1C configuration.

All settings for exchange with a bank in the 1C: Accounting 8 program are placed on a single form. In order to configure data exchange via bank account with the "Client-Bank" program, in the "1C: Accounting 8" program (rev. 3.0) perform the following steps:

For your information- for individual full-fledged work on the trading market, I recommend using the free Forex program. The program implements charts and contains economic market reviews necessary for analysis and decision-making.

In the program “1C: Accounting 8”, to reflect the payment received, the document “Receipt to the current account” with the transaction type “Payment from the buyer” is used, and to reflect the payment, the document “Write-off from the current account” is used. All these documents can be viewed by clicking on the menu tab - “Bank and cash desk” - “ Bank statements».

At this point, the client-bank settings from the Accounting 3.0 side are completed. All that remains is to work in it correctly, performing the exchange - loading/unloading.

The principle of working with a client bank comes down to the following actions:

  1. Open the processing “Exchange with the bank” - “Bank and cash desk” - “Bank statements” - the “More” button - “Exchange with the bank”;
  2. When you receive payment from the supplier, you export the file from the client bank to 1C - “Exchange with bank” - “Download bank statement” - “Download” button, the document “Receipt to the current account” automatically appears;
  3. If you need to pay a supplier, you create a new counterparty in the “Counterparties” directory, enter their “Bank Accounts” data, then in the program create a new document “Write-off from the current account” with the transaction type “Payment to the supplier”, post it, export this document from 1C programs - “Exchange with the bank” - “Send to the bank” - “Unload” and import into the Client Bank. Thus, you will have a 2-way exchange: 1C programs and Client-Bank.

Video - Client bank in 1C 8.3 setting up, uploading and downloading statements

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