What if you treat polycystic ovary syndrome. Is it possible to cure polycystic ovary syndrome forever? Prevention of cancerous degeneration

2015-02-14 17:46:59

Anastasia asks:

Hello! I am 19 years old. I have had a delay in my periods for 3 years in a row, they come once every six months, and in their place I have brown discharge. I decided to go to the gynecologist, he sent me for an ultrasound. The ultrasound showed that the body of the uterus was in its normal position. The contours are smooth, the boundaries are clear. the form is normal. sizes are normal. length 45 mm, anterior-posterior 30 mm, width 40 mm. the structure of the myometrium is not changed. uterine volume: 46 cm3. m-echo: thickness 5.4 mm, clear boundaries: smooth contours. the echostructure is not changed. the endometrium does not correspond to the phase of the menstrual cycle. the cavity is not deformed: not expanded. the cervix is ​​determined to be of normal size up to 18 mm, the structure is not changed. cervical canal b/o. the right ovary is 30 mm long, 22 mm thick, the dimensions are normal, there are 11 follicles of 3 mm each, the echo structure is normal. the left ovary is 33 mm long, 24 mm thick, the dimensions are normal, there are 10 follicles of 3 mm each, the echostructure is normal. Conclusion: polycystic ovaries on both sides. NOMC. The doctor prescribed me to take Duphaston, but no changes occurred. What should I do and is it curable?

Answers Gumenetsky Igor Evgenievich:

Hello, Anastasia! In addition to delays in the menstrual cycle, what other symptoms are present - skin rashes, weight gain, etc.? Have you donated blood for sex hormones? The fact is that in your case it is necessary to induce menstruation with a progesterone drug (duphaston or, more rationally, injections), and then the gynecologist should prescribe hormone therapy. It is impossible to completely get rid of polycystic disease, but it is quite possible to adjust your hormonal levels until you have regular periods and the ability to get pregnant.

2013-09-03 06:48:17

Irina asks:

Good evening, an ultrasound revealed that I had polycystic ovary syndrome and was prescribed Regulon tablets. I am planning a pregnancy, but how can I be sure that this is generally curable.

Answers Korchinskaya Ivanna Ivanovna:

No one has yet been completely cured of polycystic disease; it can be corrected to achieve pregnancy. To make a final diagnosis, in addition to the ultrasound examination, it is rational for you to donate blood for sex hormones, and then, based on their results, the gynecologist should prescribe hormone therapy. I don’t know your age, specific hormone levels, or the state of the thyroid gland, so I can’t say for sure whether Regulon will suit you or not.

2011-04-04 10:50:01

Evgenia asks:

Tell me, please, can we cure polycystic ovary syndrome?

2010-03-14 18:55:10

Julia asks:

Good afternoon. I am 17 years old. The onset of menstruation is at the age of 14. Due to rashes on the face and constant irregularities in the menstrual cycle, I decided to consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist. She, in turn, did an ultrasound of the pelvis and discovered polycystic ovaries. She prescribed treatment: intramuscularly: cerebrum (once every 3 days), coenzyme (once every 3 days), ovarium (once every 3 days); noofen and veroshperon. Is the treatment prescribed correctly? After all, these drugs are intended to treat mainly the nervous system... And tell me, how dangerous is the disease itself and is it curable? For me now, first of all, I want to get rid of acne vulgaris, the cause of which is insidious polycystic disease...

Answers Gavrilova Irina Vsevolodovna:

Dear Yulia, it is possible to prescribe these medications, but you do not write anything about the level of hormones in the blood, which are the main criterion for making a diagnosis: polycystic ovary syndrome, and not ultrasound. In adolescence, the ovaries always have more follicles of varying diameters than in adults, but these are age-related characteristics, not a disease. So, without a blood test for hormones, I don’t know what you have.

The condition of the skin normalizes very gradually, with the normalization of the hormonal function of the ovaries and, as a rule, in case of serious disorders, if the non-hormonal treatment that you are currently receiving does not help, over time the question of hormonal therapy may arise. At this time, I advise you to consult a dermatologist - you may also have an infection (for example: demodex), which requires special treatment.

2009-03-01 20:21:36

Julia asks:

I'm 21. Polycystic ovary syndrome is in question. We took tests for hormones (it was revealed that prolactin was 1034). The endocrine system was normal, the sella turcica was checked and it was also normal. I took Janine for 6 months. Is this curable and will I be able to have children in the future?

Answers Bystrov Leonid Alexandrovich:

Hello, Julia!
Well, since PCOS is “questionable,” as you write, maybe it doesn’t exist? And if everything is fine with you (I hope you were examined in a specialized center), it is not clear for what purpose you took Zhanine, for the purpose of contraception or not? Regarding prolactin, the normative results of your laboratory are not presented. In general, your question is more rhetorical.

2008-07-02 14:50:00

Alice asks:

After examining me and taking smears, the doctor gave me a preliminary diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome and sent me for an ultrasound (I don’t know what kind of ultrasound this is, but they inserted some kind of elongated stick-shaped device into the vagina with a ball on it or something like that))) the doctor who performed the ultrasound confirmed the diagnosis and said that I have some kind of fat on my ovaries and this is polycystic disease. I have excess weight and excess hair, although not on my face and no acne. The gynecologist said that it is curable, but not completely, and can only be healed for a while (I am planning a child for me 21 years old) my question is that the doctor said that already this year I will become pregnant, but after reading your forum I see that many have been undergoing treatment for 3 years or more and nothing has come of it, and I haven’t even started taking anything yet (today is July 2, 2008 ) what are the chances that I can really get pregnant this year with polycystic ovary syndrome? write at least general statistics. Thank you very much in advance

Answers Consultant at the medical laboratory "Sinevo Ukraine":

Good afternoon, Alice! Each person is individual and the case of his illness is unique, so you should not attract either too rosy or too negative forecasts. You haven’t even tried to get pregnant, and you already consider the very fact of pregnancy impossible. Before talking about polycystic ovary syndrome, I repeat once again, it is necessary to confirm the diagnosis (ultrasound and examination are not enough!), then, if the diagnosis is confirmed, decide whether it is primary or secondary polycystic disease, and when its symptoms began to develop. You do not indicate whether you have menstruation, whether your menstrual cycle is regular or irregular, etc. You definitely (!) need to conduct hormonal studies to clarify the diagnosis and treatment regimen (at least LH, FSH and testosterone). Polycystic ovary syndrome is characterized by an increase in the level of luteinizing hormone (LH), an increase in the LH/FSH ratio by more than 2.5 times and an increase in the concentration of male sex hormones (testosterone). Also, to determine the source of androgens, it is necessary to conduct special tests: with dexamethasone and with ACTH. It is also necessary to determine metabolic disorders: blood lipid profile, glucose tolerance test. In some cases, laparoscopic diagnosis is indicated. If necessary and if there are appropriate indications, laparoscopy can be a treatment method.
Video Laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst in our “Video Encyclopedia”.
Sometimes hysteroscopy (video), examination of the mammary glands, neurological and psychological studies are required. Thus, only a comprehensive examination helps to establish an accurate diagnosis (form of the disease, stage, presence of complications) and draw up an effective treatment plan. Without this, no predictions or conclusions can be made. Be healthy!

2008-04-30 04:31:33

Julia asks:

Hello! I am 26 years old. I have been living in Germany since I was 15 years old. At the age of 14 years, 8 months (before leaving for Germany) I started getting my period. When I arrived in Germany, my periods stopped. At first I was afraid to go to the doctors, but when I finally decided to do so, they told me that I had polycystic disease and had never had periods. I was prescribed hormonal pills that protected me from pregnancy and at the same time normalized my menstrual cycle. I took these pills for many years, then I realized that as soon as I stopped taking the pills, I didn’t get my period anymore. in 2000, I was 18, I got married, but there was no improvement. In 2004, we decided to have a child and began visiting doctors. I realized that it would not be easy for me. First, my husband was completely examined, everything was fine with him. And they prescribed me injections and before that they took an x-ray of my ovaries and uterus ().Injections for ovulation. I injected myself for a month in order for the egg to mature. This continued for half a year and still without results. I am already 26 years old and we really want a child. The doctor does not see any other method of treatment for me. Help me please. What exactly is polycystic disease and why is it not curable? How can I get pregnant? Where else can I go?

Answers Bystrov Leonid Alexandrovich:

It’s difficult for me to advise you where else you can turn in Germany????! But I think, evaluating what you wrote about, that you should try the artificial insemination program.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is one of the most common causes of infertility in modern women.

According to statistics, it occurs in every fifth representative of the fair sex, including teenage girls, and in a third of patients, the disease leads to serious complications.

Accordingly, such a violation cannot be ignored - it requires immediate consultation with a doctor and adequate therapy. Many women with a similar diagnosis are interested in the question: is polycystic ovary syndrome treatable, and what therapeutic methods are used to combat the pathology?

The reasons that lead to the development of polycystic disease include:

  • stress and mental trauma;
  • infectious diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • hormonal imbalance.

In most cases, the disease is asymptomatic, and its main symptom is the absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) for six months or more.

In young girls during the formation of the menstrual cycle, this often does not cause concern, which is why the disease progresses. In addition to the absence of menstruation, women with this diagnosis note male-pattern hair growth on the skin, oily skin and hair, baldness, and sudden weight gain. If you do not pay attention to the problem, it can lead to infertility. Advanced polycystic disease (more than two years without treatment) can cause cystic formations and fibroadenoma of the mammary glands.

Is it possible to cure polycystic disease? Gynecologists answer this question in the affirmative. Polycystic ovary syndrome is not an independent disease, but a complex of disorders. It involves not only the reproductive organs, but also the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, pancreas and other organs.

Illustration of polycystic multiplex disease

Conservative treatment options

Conservative treatment of polycystic disease is carried out in several stages, and the woman needs consultation not only with a gynecologist, but also with an endocrinologist, nutritionist and other specialized specialists:

  1. At the first stage, measures aimed at weight loss are necessary. To do this, prescribe a low-calorie diet with the exception of “fast” carbohydrates (sugar, baked goods, sweet soda, processed foods), salty, hot and spicy foods. Along with the diet, light physical activity and giving up bad habits are necessary.
  2. The second stage is to increase the sensitivity of body tissues to insulin - with polycystic disease they become insulin resistant, as a result of which endocrine disorders develop. For this purpose, drugs are used that normalize the absorption of glucose and improve blood counts.
  3. They move on to the third stage only in cases where good results are obtained in the first two. Medicines that contain estrogen and stimulate ovulation are indicated for use. If such therapy does not produce results, stronger drugs containing gonadotropin are prescribed.

Women with diabetes are at risk for developing polycystic disease. Therefore, they need to undergo preventive examinations with a gynecologist and ultrasound of the pelvic organs at least once every six months.

Surgical method

In severe cases, when drug therapy does not produce results, doctors resort to surgical methods of treating the disease.

Today, two types of operations are used to treat polycystic disease - electrocautery and wedge resection of the ovaries, and each of them has its own indications and characteristics:

  • Electrocautery of the ovaries. The essence of the method is to destroy the dense capsule that forms around the ovary during polycystic disease and prevents the ripening of the egg. Several incisions are made in the abdominal cavity, through which instruments are inserted into the cavity - a video endoscope and a heated electrode. The ovarian capsule is fixed with forceps, after which small incisions are made on it using an electrode. The operation takes 15-30 minutes, and to consolidate the effect, drug stimulation of the ovaries is prescribed.
  • Wedge resection of the ovaries. Like the previous operation, wedge resection is performed laparoscopically, that is, without opening the abdominal cavity. Using special instruments, the ovary is excised in such a way that as little pathological tissue remains as possible, and as much healthy tissue as possible remains. After the procedure, hormonal therapy is prescribed.

The main advantage of such treatment methods is the minimal risk of postoperative complications (in rare cases, burns, injuries to blood vessels and internal organs, and the development of bleeding are observed) and a high probability of a successful outcome.

Ovulation occurs after about two weeks, and it should be monitored by ultrasound or measuring basal temperature. After surgical treatment of polycystic disease, 80% of women become pregnant within one year, so this method is considered one of the most effective in combating the disease.

Surgical treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome is advisable only for women of fertile age who want to conceive a child in the near future. A year after the operation, the likelihood of pregnancy is significantly reduced, and after 3-5 years the ovaries lose the ability to produce eggs.


Traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of polycystic disease are very popular among women.

Most often, medicinal herbs containing substances close to human hormones - phytohormones - are used to treat polycystic disease.

Effective remedies against gynecological diseases include plants such as:

  • red brush;
  • hog uterus.

They restore disrupted hormonal levels, have an antiandrogenic effect (reduce the production of male hormones) and rejuvenate the body. To treat polycystic disease, alcohol or water infusions are prepared from these plants and taken according to a certain scheme.

In addition, other herbs are widely used in the fight against the disease:

  • licorice and dandelion root;
  • evasive peony;
  • milk thistle;
  • field horsetail.

Shilajit, known to many women, has a good effect. It is diluted in warm water, after which a tampon is soaked in the solution and inserted into the vagina; the course of treatment depends on the stage of the disease and the individual characteristics of the body. In combination with treatment, women suffering from polycystic disease are recommended to take vitamins (especially folic acid and vitamin E). You also need to eat a balanced diet, give up bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Folk remedies against polycystic disease act much more slowly than medications, so they need to be taken for a long time - from 6 months to a year.

In modern medicine, polycystic disease is not considered a death sentence for women who dream of a child. Doctors have effective and safe means for treating gynecological diseases, and if all recommendations are followed, women with a similar diagnosis can get rid of the problem and experience the joy of motherhood.

Video on the topic

Polycystic ovary syndrome (or polycystic ovary syndrome, Stein-Leventhal disease). – an endocrine disease in which hormonal disorders cause disruptions in the menstrual cycle, amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), and ovulation disorders. For various reasons, polycystic ovary syndrome occurs; treatment is carried out with hormonal drugs, but their use is not always advisable, so it makes sense to use other methods of therapeutic therapy.

Polycystic disease is not a separate disease, but is a cause or side effect of other diseases. Before treating polycystic ovary syndrome, you should definitely make sure that this disease is present. To do this, at the first sign of problems with functioning, you need to visit a medical facility, where a specialist will conduct a series of diagnostic measures, one of them is taking an anamnesis. There is increased secretion of androgens and estrogens, hypersecretion of insulin.

Hormone therapy can lead to hormonal imbalances

The problem is one of the pathological conditions that are caused by hormonal imbalances. Polycystic disease is often combined with menstrual irregularities and problems conceiving a baby. The main factors needed to combat the syndrome are:

  • maintaining a proper diet;
  • systematic sports;
  • abstinence from bad habits, which manifest themselves in drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • control your own weight.

The main treatment for normalizing hormonal levels is the use of special medications. Unfortunately, there are no special remedies for this disease, but some medications significantly reduce the likelihood of other serious ailments, for example, diabetes, uterine cancer, infertility, heart disease, etc.

If the patient does not want to become pregnant in the future, then combined-action oral contraceptives are used for therapeutic therapy. Due to its antiandrogenic properties, the menstrual cycle is regulated. The following drugs have these properties:

  • Chloe;
  • KOKi Yarina;
  • Jess;
  • Diana-35;
  • Janine.

Chloe's birth control pills

If there is insufficient effect of the antiandrogenic effect of COCs, then they are combined with taking antiandrogens (Androcur) from the 5th to the 15th day of the menstrual cycle. Such therapy must be combined with monitoring of all blood parameters. The duration of treatment can last for 6-12 months.

It should be noted that hormonal drugs lead to various side effects, primarily to the fact that a woman cannot have children in the future. Additionally, the menstrual cycle is disrupted and serious health problems appear in general. It is very important to refuse self-medication and negligent attitude towards your condition, so you need to regularly visit a medical facility so that the attending physician can diagnose and correct the study.

With proper and timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable, symptoms can go away, and the woman carries and gives birth to a healthy child. However, you will need to control your hormonal levels throughout your life. However, if left untreated or if time is lost, infertility can last for years. And after menopause, type 2 diabetes may develop, in which case answering the question of how to cure polycystic ovary syndrome is much more difficult.

Many people are interested in how to treat polycystic ovary syndrome; in many ways, therapy depends on the degree of damage to the body, the manifestations and type of the disease, so greater attention should be paid to these factors.

Treatment is usually prescribed not just by a gynecologist, but by a gynecologist-endocrinologist. It all starts with drug treatment, medications that help stabilize the hormonal system. The doctor may recommend a special diet that allows you to reduce body weight, recommend exercise, because... The higher the body weight, the more aggravated hormonal disorders are. In mild forms of this disease, all disorders may resolve after weight loss.

Metformin may be prescribed to help the body use insulin correctly. In the case where a woman is concerned about infertility, the doctor stimulates the onset of ovulation by prescribing clostilbegit in the middle of the cycle or other medications. The onset of ovulation is monitored using ultrasound. The specialist observes polycystic ovaries, treatment with drugs shows good effectiveness,

If the treatment is ineffective, the gynecologist-endocrinologist recommends laparoscopy (surgical or laser excision of ovarian cysts). The operation has its risks: scars may form, the ovaries may become deformed. It is usually prescribed as a last resort. Since the causes of the disease are not fully understood, preventive measures also cannot serve as a guarantee that the disease will not occur. And yet, women need to control everything, be more attentive to their health, and consult a doctor when the first disturbing symptoms appear.

Treatment is usually prescribed by a gynecologist-endocrinologist

According to statistics, in our time, approximately 8-10% of women of reproductive age are diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, which causes disruption of the menstrual cycle, sometimes significantly worsening the woman’s condition and quality of life. However, the most serious complication is the occurrence of infertility, including in nulliparous women.

The etymology and causes of polycystic disease directly regulate the further process of treating the disease. This disease is a type of endocrine disease characterized by changes in the ovaries. Typically these changes occur due to neuroendocrine disorders. A large number of cysts develop on the ovaries, which are formed during anovulation.

Among the possible reasons for the development of polycystic ovary syndrome are hormonal imbalance in a woman, a hereditary factor, various infections of the genital organs and frequent stressful situations. In addition, factors that provoke the occurrence of this disease include diabetes mellitus, excess body weight, a large number of abortions or gynecological pathology.

Among the reasons for the development of polycystic ovary syndrome are hormonal imbalance in women, hereditary factors, and genital infections.

It is worth noting that this is a rather lengthy process, which consists of successive stages. Initially, it is necessary to reduce weight as quickly as possible through fractional consumption of low-calorie foods. Fatty fish, poultry and meat, spicy foods, alcohol and confectionery are excluded from the diet. This is followed by therapy through the use of hormone-containing drugs that regulate the menstrual cycle and minimize the effect of androgens. Additionally, when planning pregnancy, spironolactone may be prescribed.

If conservative treatment over a certain period of time does not produce an effect, there are all indications for laparoscopy. So, after 3 months, 75% of patients become pregnant, 50% within 6 months after laparoscopy, and 25% after 9 months. But if a woman does not become pregnant, she is prescribed ovulation stimulation.

Which method is the most effective?

Many girls live for a long time with such a serious and dangerous illness as polycystic disease. Some of them do not plan to become pregnant in the future, which is why they are so careless about their health, while others simply do not believe in the existence of treatment methods without the use of hormones. However, research shows that such methods exist and are actively used in modern medicine, and this is confirmed by positive reviews from women on various forums.

These methods include the following factors:

  1. Point impact on active points. Hirudotherapy, acupuncture, acupressure, etc. Due to these manipulations, the level of male hormones decreases, the functioning of the adrenal glands is regulated, and hormonal levels return to normal.
  2. Anti-inflammatory treatment. Often polycystic disease occurs as a result of serious chronic inflammatory diseases localized in the female genital area. Through proper treatment, it is possible to eliminate foci of inflammation and increase protective functions, which will be an excellent preventive measure against relapses of the disease.
  3. Regulation of the nervous system. This system is directly interconnected with the endocrine system. The concentration of male hormone in women depends on the functioning of the nervous sympathetic system. During her overexcitation, testosterone levels increase, which is one of the reasons for the appearance of polycystic disease.
  4. Diets. Liver problems complicate the process of neutralizing hormones. A sedentary lifestyle and excessive body weight provoke the problem. If you contact a good specialist, he will prescribe the correct diet, which will include necessary foods and prohibited ones. It is advisable to combine proper nutrition with exercise.

is a serious disease characterized by serious manifestations in which a woman may lose complete reproductive functions. That is why, at the first manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to contact a medical institution, where they will conduct a thorough examination of the body and prescribe the most effective treatment therapy. Polycystic disease is precisely that dangerous disease that requires immediate and urgent treatment, for this purpose hormonal agents, conservative treatment and surgical intervention are used.

Polycystic ovaries in the language of professionals is called Stein-Leventhal syndrome or sclerocystic ovaries. But the name of the disease does not change its essence. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a disease of the hormonal (endocrine) system, in which the ovaries become enlarged and cavities in them grow in the form of small bubbles filled with fluid.

According to statistics, about 5-10% of women who have not reached menopause suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome. The real figure may be much higher, since many potential patients do not seek medical help and are not even aware of the presence of this pathology.

A little physiology

During the menstrual cycle, every woman develops similar small vesicles (follicles) in her ovaries. Under normal physiological conditions, in the middle of the menstrual cycle, when ovulation occurs (follicle rupture and egg release), only one egg is released from one follicle. Other follicles “overripe”, grow old and cease to exist. And with polycystic ovary syndrome, the egg does not mature and ovulation does not occur. The follicles do not rupture, but instead their cavity is filled with fluid, forming small cysts. As a result, the ovaries increase in size by 2–4 times. Polycystic ovary syndrome develops with increased production (formation) in the ovaries of male sex hormones (androgens), which normally should be produced in very small quantities. Why is this happening?

Causes of polycystic disease

Oddly enough, polycystic disease does not have one clear and precise cause. Quite often, polycystic ovary syndrome occurs with Cushing's syndrome, tumors of the adrenal glands and ovaries. But these are only diseases that contribute to the development of polycystic disease. But there is no consensus on the occurrence of polycystic disease as an independent disease. But it is known that with polycystic ovary syndrome, there is a reduced sensitivity of the body to insulin, a hormone involved in regulating blood sugar levels. Knowing this, scientists suggest that high levels of insulin in the blood lead to excess production of male sex hormones (androgens) in the ovaries.

How does polycystic ovary syndrome manifest?

The first signs of the disease can appear at any age. But polycystic disease often develops around the age of 30. This is the average age of the “debut” of polycystic disease. It can also occur during puberty. And if this happens, then the woman discovers a delay or absence of menstruation.

Patients with polycystic ovary syndrome are often overweight. They are characterized by male-type hair growth: the appearance of hair on the face and chest. The appearance of patients with polycystic disease is quite specific: oily skin, acne on the body, thinning hair or male pattern baldness, fat deposits around the waist. A symptom of the disease is heavy menstrual bleeding - prolonged and painful: it can be irregular or absent for some time. The cardiovascular system responds to hormonal imbalances by increasing blood pressure. However, most often, patients with this diagnosis are seen by a doctor because of infertility, which is also a consequence of the disease.

Since the regulation of insulin in the blood is impaired, patients may have symptoms of diabetes: obesity, increased urination, chronic skin infections, candidiasis (vaginal thrush).

How to recognize polycystic disease?

The correct diagnosis can be made by combining clinical symptoms (increased male pattern hair growth, menstrual irregularities, etc.), the results of hormonal studies (blood test for androgens, insulin, etc.) and additional diagnostic methods. Additional tests to establish the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome include ultrasound. With the help of ultrasound, the doctor is quite capable of diagnosing polycystic disease. But in most cases, you still need to use a combination of all of the above data.

What can polycystic ovary syndrome lead to?

Polycystic ovary syndrome increases the risk of various diseases. There is an opinion that after menopause, the symptoms of polycystic disease may disappear. And on the one hand, this is true: the primary symptoms disappear, but along with this, other diseases “generated” by polycystic disease appear. Such diseases include:

1. Diabetes mellitus type 2. Very often (up to 50%) diabetes mellitus develops in women who have reached menopause and have polycystic ovary syndrome in their arsenal.

2. Hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol levels). When the level of androgens in the blood increases, primarily testosterone, the level of low-density lipoproteins (the most dangerous form of cholesterol) also increases, and this increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases (heart attacks, strokes).

3. One of the terrible consequences of polycystic ovary syndrome is endometrial (uterine) cancer. The development of uterine cancer is due to the fact that with this disease regular ovulation does not occur, and the endometrium (inner surface of the uterus) thickens, “builds up”. And excessive growth of the uterine mucosa increases the risk of developing cancer.

Is it possible to fight polycystic disease on your own?

If the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome is confirmed, then the patient can do something on her own to improve her health. For example, following a diet will help normalize insulin and cholesterol levels, as well as weight loss. And in combination with physical activity, these preventive measures can have a beneficial effect on reproductive function, that is, the patient will have a chance to become pregnant.

What help can the doctor offer?

Polycystic disease can be treated conservatively (drug therapy) and surgically. Conservative therapy for polycystic ovary syndrome involves the use of hormonal drugs that stimulate follicle growth and lead to ovulation. The effectiveness of drug treatment reaches 50%. During such treatment, oral contraceptives are often used, which, first of all, leads to the elimination of the symptoms of the disease (increased hair growth, acne, etc.). These drugs have antiandrogenic properties, that is, they block the action of male sex hormones. They are taken for several months (2–3 months). During this period, ovulation is restored and the chance of pregnancy increases. If this technique does not give positive results, ovulation stimulation is carried out: under ultrasound control, the patient receives special hormones in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, followed by the use of drugs that stimulate ovulation. The course of treatment takes 4–6 months.

If a patient with polycystic ovary syndrome has increased body weight, weight loss measures will be required. Sometimes, with a decrease in body weight, ovulation is restored on its own.

Surgical treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome in 90% of cases allows to achieve ovulation and in 70% of cases - pregnancy. The essence of surgical treatment is to remove the part of the ovary that produces male sex hormones (androgens), which subsequently leads to the restoration of connections between regulatory centers in the brain and ovaries. The effectiveness of such operations is obvious, but the effect is short-lived: the ovary is quickly restored. Therefore, the patient is advised to become pregnant within 4–5 months after the operation.

Among the operations for the treatment of polycystic disease, wedge resection (removal of part of the ovary) is common, which allows restoring ovulation in 85% of cases, and laparoscopic electrocoagulation of the ovaries (incisions are made on the ovary using electrodes), a more gentle operation that reduces the risk of adhesions in the pelvis and subsequent infertility.

Treatment of polycystic disease begins with conservative (drug) therapy, and if there is no effect within 4–6 months, surgical intervention is resorted to.

After surgery, the effect of hormonal therapy increases, and the chances of getting pregnant increase significantly.

Timely diagnosis and proper treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome reduces the risk of complications (diabetes, cardiovascular diseases) and, importantly, increases the likelihood of pregnancy.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a female pathology in which the altered ovaries are not able to perform their main function of creating favorable conditions for the ovulation process. Often at first it has an asymptomatic course, later, with the development of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), pronounced symptoms appear: constant delays in menstruation or their absence for several months, pain in the lower abdomen. The general condition of the body changes not for the better, weight increases sharply, and the appearance of the skin and hair worsens. All this is a consequence of hormonal and endocrine disruptions characteristic of this disease. Therefore, the question: how to treat polycystic ovary syndrome is very relevant for women faced with this disease.

Why you can't ignore the problem

The causes of the disease have not been reliably identified, so there is no universal radical treatment regimen. Doctors, taking into account the subtleties of hormonal relationships in the female body, use their accumulated experience to develop individual treatment tactics for polycystic ovary syndrome for each patient. But the main direction remains unchanged: to regulate hormonal levels to normal, eliminate a number of negative symptoms that bother the woman, and prevent the development of more serious pathologies.

The pathology of polycystic ovaries is considered in connection with:

  • deviations in the production of hormones-androgens in the adrenal glands in the upward direction;
  • with thyroid dysfunction;
  • impaired functioning of the pituitary and hypothalamic areas of the brain, as a result of which deviations in the synthesis of hormones develop, starting from adolescence;
  • genetic failures that cause a deficiency of enzymes involved in the metabolic processes of reproductive hormones.

Why is polycystic ovary syndrome dangerous? The ovarian tissue undergoes a transformation, the surface of which thickens due to an imbalance of hormones; the follicles do not develop in a cyclical manner, releasing a mature egg ready for fertilization, but remain at the embryonic level, swelling and growing into cysts. Polycystic disease disrupts the ovulation process, menstruation is delayed, and a woman cannot get pregnant.

Other manifestations of polycystic ovary syndrome include:

  • excess insulin in the blood;
  • a sharp jump in body weight gain and redistribution of fat deposits, with their predominant location on the waist and back;
  • fragility, oily hair, excessive hair loss, male-pattern bald spots;
  • acne lesions of the skin (especially on the face and back);
  • the appearance of hair on a woman’s body in uncharacteristic places due to increased levels of androgens – male sex hormones (on the face and chest in the area around the nipples);

The danger of polycystic disease is that hormonal dysfunction can lead to hyperestrogenemia, when estrogen levels increase. The uterine layers, in particular the endometrium, are highly sensitive to this. Therefore, myomatous nodes develop, the endometrium undergoes hyperplasia, polyps appear in the uterine cavity, which is fraught with the occurrence of uterine bleeding.

Experts consider the indirect involvement of polycystic ovary syndrome in the potential development of oncological processes.

The functions of the ovaries are closely intertwined with the functional activity of the extensive network of the endocrine system, so further development of the consequences of polycystic disease is dangerous:

  • malfunctions of the adrenal glands, pancreas and thyroid glands;
  • the appearance of fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • development of diabetes mellitus;
  • hypertensive manifestations;
  • dysfunction of the cardiovascular system due to the development of atherosclerosis.

The changes that occur in the female body with polycystic disease concern metabolic processes, because the harmonious functioning of the endocrine glands is disrupted. Therefore, how to treat polycystic ovary syndrome should be decided by a gynecologist in close collaboration with an endocrinologist.

Principles of treatment for polycystic ovary syndrome

When they first hear their diagnosis, many women rush to ask how to cure polycystic ovary syndrome? Experts say little about the possibility of a complete cure, but competent comprehensive treatment measures can regulate the balance of hormones, improve the regularity of the menstrual cycle, solve problems with ovulation, and get rid of the negative manifestations of other symptoms.

Therefore, to the question: is it possible to cure polycystic ovary syndrome, with a high degree of probability doctors will answer in the affirmative. The patient is prescribed a treatment regimen only after a comprehensive examination, including ultrasound and test results with a detailed picture of hormonal indicators. There is no need to despair, the pathology can be treated.

Basic principles of treatment:

  • hormone replacement therapy;
  • vitamin therapy and diet correction;
  • surgical intervention;
  • treatment of the underlying disease if the development of polycystic disease as a secondary pathology is detected.

Hormone therapy in the treatment process

There are no specially created drugs for this pathology, but the right combination of hormonal drugs can successfully cope with problems with polycystic ovary syndrome. The goals of drug treatment with hormones are:

  • bringing the menstrual cycle within the framework of normal cyclicity and duration;
  • stimulation of the ovulatory process (if the patient is planning a pregnancy);
  • elimination of unwanted cosmetic defects (acne, oily skin, hair on the face and chest) caused by an increase in androgens in the blood;
  • regulation of carbohydrate and lipid metabolic processes.

Hormones prescribed for polycystic ovary syndrome are designed to compensate for the biological deficiency with a synthetic analogue. The doctor selects medications in accordance with the clinical manifestations, taking into account the patient’s age. By comparing the magnitude of deviations in the levels of female and male sex hormones, the doctor selects an individual hormonal treatment regimen.

Stimulation of ovulation is carried out according to several schemes. For example, the drug “Clomiphene” is used for 4-5 months, from the 5th to the 19th day of the cycle. At the same time, the dose is gradually increased during the treatment process, prescribing the patient a maximum daily intake of the drug of no more than 200 mg.

Duphaston for polycystic ovary syndrome is considered a very effective component of hormonal treatment. Taking it takes place in the second phase of the cycle for 10 days. If such methods of therapy do not bring results, the doctor may need to reconsider the prescription, but, as a rule, treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome with Duphaston in most cases gives a good result.

In the treatment of the pathology of polycystic ovary syndrome, the drug Time Factor has proven itself well, the therapeutic effect of which is based on biologically active components in such proportions as to provide the woman with the elements she needs in each phase of the cycle.

Treatment of polycystic ovary pathology with hormones is a responsible and serious task, the solution of which can only be entrusted to a highly qualified doctor.

Its prescriptions should take into account the risk of adverse events, for example, the appearance of hyperplasia of the endometrial layer or the development of carcinogenesis, changes in the mammary glands. Therefore, some experts prescribe Femoston for polycystic ovary syndrome, which in low dosages reduces the risk of these phenomena, which corresponds to modern approaches to the treatment of the consequences of pathology.

If a woman has elevated prolactin levels, a course of treatment with Cyclodinone is prescribed. This drug reduces prolactin synthesis. Cyclodinone is prescribed in case of patient complaints of discomfort in the mammary glands and as part of complex treatment. Cyclodinone has almost no contraindications and is very well tolerated.

In case of abnormalities in adrenal function, the endocrinologist may prescribe the drug Metipred.

When the patient no longer plans to become pregnant, doctors use contraceptives for treatment. Birth control pills Yarina, Chloe, Diane-35, Jess, Belara stabilize the cyclicity of menstruation and have antiandrogenic properties. If there is insufficient antiandrogenic effect, then additional antiandrogenic drugs are prescribed, for example Androcur. Veroshpiron for polycystic disease is considered the most effective in this regard, since it significantly reduces the synthesis of androgens. The medicine Utrozhestan has a similar effect.

You can often hear in reviews that the drugs Jess or Belara are better tolerated than Diane-35. But under no circumstances should you choose your own medications. Jess is distinguished by its low-dose composition of the active substance, and only a doctor can decide how to take hormones based on the results of individual tests.

Drug therapy with hormonal drugs is carried out in a mode of constant monitoring of hormone levels in the blood. Taking into account the dynamics of the process is important from the point of view of possible adjustments when changing hormonal agents.

The benefits of vitamins, dietary nutrition and additional products

Vitamins for polycystic ovary syndrome are an additional, but no less important means of combating the manifestations of polycystic disease. Any illness is accompanied by reduced immunity. Vitamin therapy and diet will help give a certain stimulus to the body's defenses. Recommended:

  • B vitamins;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamins A and E.
  • ascorbic acid.

For women, the main thing about polycystic ovary syndrome, symptoms and treatment, is to reduce the amount of animal fats that increase cholesterol levels, and reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed. You need to eat more vegetables and fruits, which will not only reduce body fat, but also saturate the body with natural vitamins and minerals, improve the condition of the skin and hair. By the way, you can help your skin by taking Metypred, but only a doctor should prescribe it if the skin problem is caused by endocrine disorders.

Metypred is a Finnish medicine that has a very wide range of uses. Sometimes Metypred is prescribed as part of complex hormone therapy.

As an addition to the main treatment with tablets, suppositories are used. This form is able to quickly deliver the necessary substances through the lymphatic vessels. There are:

  • homeopathic suppositories to improve metabolism (fir based);
  • antioxidant, immunostimulating suppositories (contains propolis);
  • candles with regenerating properties (based on sea buckthorn)4
  • anti-inflammatory suppositories that reduce the intensity of inflammation in the pelvic organs.

Brave patients agree to such an unconventional method of treatment as hirudotherapy for polycystic disease. The leech treatment procedure, taking into account the correct technique, helps improve microcirculation and reduce congestion. This does not allow connective tissues to grow further and reduces the intensity of inflammation in the appendages, cystic neoplasms become smaller.

The need for surgical intervention

Is it possible to cure polycystic ovary syndrome with surgery? Since the pathology is associated with endocrine disorders, surgical intervention can only bring temporary improvement by removing the altered ovarian dense layer, which prevents the maturation of the follicle and the release of the egg.

Classic methods– excision of ovarian tissue by wedge-shaped resection or cauterization (cauterization with an electrode). Within 3-5 months after surgery, ovarian tissue produces healthy eggs that are ready for conception, especially if ovulation is further stimulated.

If the patient was unable to get pregnant after such an operation, she needs to look for other ways to solve the problem with her doctor.

How to tune in to results

The earlier polycystic disease is diagnosed, the sooner treatment will be prescribed and the woman’s health will improve. Many people wonder: how to cure polycystic disease forever, is it curable? Experts are confident that this pathology is very complex, but its manifestations and consequences can be cured, although it is rare that treatment is done without hormones. The attending physician must take into account the slightest nuances in order to cure the consequences of the disease and enable the woman to maintain reproductive functions.

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