Insurance company "D2 Insurance". Insurance company "D2 Insurance" Cost and tariffs

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Please first check the delivery status of your letter on the Russian Post website using the track number (indicated in the postal receipt). If you see that the documents have been delivered and you want to receive additional information, then write to .

Draw your attention to:

  • consideration of events that have signs of an insured event, and the implementation of the insurance payment is carried out within the time limits stipulated by your insurance program; you can view the insurance program, including in the section of the site "Private clients";
  • Refund of the insurance premium upon termination of the insurance contract is carried out within 10 working days from the date of receipt by the insurance company of your application.

Where to send documents?

Postal address of the insurance company: JSC "D2 Insurance", 630099, Novosibirsk, st. Soviet, 33.

How to change the address of the apartment in the policy (for property insurance)?

To change the territory of insurance, it is necessary to send an application to the insurance company (in free form, indicating the new address of the apartment). A copy of the policyholder's passport (pages with a photo and registration address) must be attached to the application.

Documents must be sent to the address: JSC "D2 Insurance", 630099, Novosibirsk, st. Soviet, 33.

How to cancel an insurance contract?

To terminate the insurance contract, you must send an application to the insurance company, attaching a copy of your passport (pages with a photo and registration address) and a copy of the insurance contract. An application form is available. Documents must be sent to the address: JSC "D2 Insurance", 630099, Novosibirsk, st. Soviet, 33.

In case of early termination of the insurance contract, the return of the insurance premium is carried out in the cases provided for in Art. 958 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Instruction of the Bank of Russia No. 3854-U.


  • If the insurance contract is terminated, the insurance coverage will cease and you will not be able to receive the insurance payment in the event of an insured event.
  • When lending, the rate on a loan may depend on the availability of a policy. It may be more profitable for you to keep your policy than to pay a loan at a higher rate.

insurance terms

  • Insurer- Insurance Company.
  • Policyholder– a capable individual or legal entity that has entered into an insurance contract with the insurer.
  • Insured person– a natural person, in case of harm to whose life or health an insurance contract has been concluded (in case of insurance against accidents and diseases).
  • Beneficiary- the recipient of the insurance payment.
  • insurance risk- the expected event, in the event of which the insurance contract is concluded.
  • Insurance case- an event that has taken place, provided for by the insurance contract, upon the occurrence of which the insurer's obligation to pay the insurance payment arises.
  • insurance premium– payment for insurance, which the policyholder pays to the insurance company in the manner and within the time limits established by the insurance contract.
  • Sum insured- the amount of money specified in the insurance contract, within which the insurer undertakes to make an insurance payment upon the occurrence of an insured event.
  • Insurance payment- the amount of money that is paid to the beneficiary upon the occurrence of an insured event.
  • Franchise- part of the loss that is not recoverable. The deductible can be conditional (the insurer is exempted from indemnification if its amount does not exceed the deductible, but reimburses it in full if the amount of loss exceeds the deductible) and unconditional (the amount of insurance payment is determined as the difference between the amount of loss and the deductible).

Closed Joint Stock Company "D2 Insurance" was founded in 1992. Among the main areas of the company's work, the following types of insurance can be distinguished - life and health insurance (including credit), as well as financial risks (including the risk of involuntary job loss, the risk of plastic card fraud).

In 2009, the authorized capital of the company amounted to 235 million 800 thousand rubles. The company "D2 Insurance" is a member of many commercial and non-profit public organizations, including the Association of Regional Banks "Russia", the All-Russian Union of Insurers and the Russian Union of Motor Insurers. Reinsurance activities in cooperation with the company are carried out by leading Russian and foreign reinsurers, and its clients are more than 150,000 people and 1,500 organizations.

The branch network of D2 Insurance is represented by the central office in Novosibirsk and 18 branch offices in 6 federal districts of Russia. The company is in the top 150 largest insurance companies throughout the country.

In December 2010, the rating agency "Expert RA" assigned the insurance company a reliability rating of "A" (high level of reliability). For several years prior, D2 Insurance had remained at B++ (acceptable). And since 2013, the company has also been a member of the Association of Regional Banks of Russia.

The company "D2 Insurance" is a reliable partner for its customers. It has a high rating, has proven itself well throughout the entire period of its existence. Works in many segments of insurance.

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About company

D2 Insurance began its activities back in 1992. Throughout this time, she developed all areas of her activity.

Which ultimately made it one of the most reliable on the territory of the Russian Federation. There are branches of this insurance company in the largest regions of the Russian Federation - the territorial coverage is very large.

The most important advantages of this insurance company are the following:

  • the product line is expanding continuously;
  • excellent support of all products (electronic client resources, employee training, and much more);
  • very high reliability rating.

But the most important advantage of "D2 Insurance" is its membership in specialized insurance pools.

Thanks to reinsurance protection, this company can give guarantees for quite dangerous and costly risks. In the event of any financial problems, reinsurance partners will always come to the aid of D2 Insurance.

Ratings and licenses D2 Insurance

The most authoritative rating agency operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, called "Expert Ra", assigned the company "D2 Insurance" a reliability rating of A (I). The sublevel of this rating is the first one. The prognosis is stable.

These indicators indicate that the insurance company in question is very likely to fulfill all its financial obligations. Moreover, both current and arising in the process of conducting insurance activities.

In the event of risks, the payments for which are very large, the probability of fulfilling obligations significantly depends on the stability of the economy, as well as the current situation in the insurance market. In 2014, the company ranked 75th in the ranking of the largest insurance companies.

To date, it has received licenses to operate in most of the existing insurance segments. Moreover, this company works with both corporate and private clients.

Regardless of the status of the insured, the service is at the highest level. In the event of any conflict situations, D2 Insurance will try to resolve all issues amicably.

Today, the following licenses are available for this company:

  • SI No. 1412;
  • OS No. 1412-03;
  • SL No. 1412.

All of them were updated on September 30, 2014. If necessary, you can very easily verify their authenticity - just go to the official website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Products for private clients

The priority direction in the activities of "D2 Insurance" is the insurance of risks arising from private clients.

This company provides a fairly large selection of insurance programs covering:

  • life and health;
  • property;
  • responsibility;
  • trips;
  • motor transport;
  • bank clients.

Moreover, in each separate direction the list of programs is quite large. That is why any client will be able to choose a convenient product for themselves without any difficulties.

The company "D2 Insurance" is quite loyal and in most cases provides the insured with the opportunity to independently choose a list of risks, as well as designate other parameters of the service.

Life and health

In the Life and Health segment, D2 Insurance offers its customers three programs:

  • "Accident or illness";
  • "Antiklesch";

All three products are very popular. "Accident or illness" - makes it possible to avoid financial difficulties as a result of the loss of the client's ability to work.

The company will pay substantial insurance compensation upon the occurrence of the risk indicated in the contract.

The cost of this policy depends on the following important factors:

  • age;
  • occupation and duration of the contract.

An insurance policy under the Anti-Tick program allows you to receive medical or other assistance in the event of the following risks:

  • the need to go to a medical institution in connection with a tick bite;
  • contacting a medical institution in connection with the occurrence of the following diseases: tick-borne encephalitis and tick-borne borreliosis.

This program includes the following services:

  • initial inspection;
  • insect removal;
  • preventive immunization with specialized preparations;
  • examination of an insect for the presence of diseases, viruses in its body.

A voluntary medical insurance policy purchased at D2 Insurance allows you to receive the following services completely free of charge:

  • ambulatory treatment;
  • hospital treatment;
  • comprehensive outpatient care;
  • diagnosis of diseases;
  • emergency medical care;
  • treatment for flu or tick bites.


D2 Insurance offers a choice of three property insurance programs for individuals:

  • « Property of individuals”;
  • "Ipoteka DI";
  • "Rent of residential and non-residential premises."

The program "Property of Individuals" will provide an opportunity to receive payment in the following cases:

  • fire damage, explosion;
  • flooding (breakthrough of water pipes, heating systems);
  • natural disasters;
  • illegal actions of third parties.

This type of policy covers structural elements, decoration, furniture and household appliances.

The Mortgage DI program applies to residential real estate purchased with a mortgage loan. The list of risks is standard. "Rent of residential and non-residential premises" - payment of compensation to the tenant in case of damage to the property that was rented by him.


"D2 Insurance" allows you to insure the liability of private clients to third parties. For example, this kind of policy will make it possible to avoid the need to pay monetary compensation in case of flooding of the apartment from below or otherwise damaging it.

The following risks are recognized as insured events in such situations:

  • fire for any reason;
  • water impact (accidents in water supply, heating and sewer systems);
  • undermining gas, which is used in household whole.


The cost of medical services outside the territory of the Russian Federation is quite high. That is why in order to travel abroad and obtain a visa, you must purchase a special policy. D2 Insurance provides this type of service on fairly favorable terms.

The program allows you to get, if necessary, completely free of charge:

  • first aid;
  • outpatient and inpatient treatment;
  • dental care for acute toothache.

Transport services are also included in the basic insurance package. The basic sum insured can be chosen by the client independently - it is 50-100 thousand dollars. In most cases, this insurance is enough to cover all the costs incurred.

Motor transport

Today, "D2 Insurance" allows you to purchase an insurance policy of the type. With the help of this service, you can insure your civil liability to other road users. And also receive insurance compensation in the event that the client is the injured party in an accident.

The amount of insurance payments under this policy purchased from D2 Insurance is:

For bank clients

"D2 Insurance" cooperates with a fairly large number of various banks. And this company provides their customers with a fairly extensive list of services.

Agreements have been reached with the following financial structures:

There is a separate insurance product "NS Mortgage". It allows the credited client to fully insure his financial liability to the bank.

This policy covers the following risks:

  • accident;
  • sudden acute illnesses.

"D2 Insurance" makes payments to the bank instead of its client if they lost their ability to work as a result of an accident (I or II group of disability was assigned), or death occurred due to an acute illness. The reimbursement limit is equal to the entire amount of the debt at the time of the conclusion of the contract + 10%.

Services for corporate clients

Despite the fact that the company in question has chosen the insurance of individuals as the main direction of its activity, it is also developing the corporate insurance segment quite dynamically.

To date, "D2 Insurance" offers legal entities to insure damage associated with:

  • transport;
  • building/inventory/equipment;
  • medicine;
  • agriculture;
  • responsibility;
  • cargo transportation.

For each area of ​​insurance, the company offers a fairly extensive list of programs. They take into account the interests of both customers and the company itself.


In the field of transport insurance, D2 Insurance offers the following programs:

  • "All inclusive";
  • "Rolling stock insurance";
  • OSAGO.

Moreover, the more equipment will appear in the contract, the more significant the discount will be provided.

With the help of CASCO "All Inclusive" you can insure:

  • vehicles of category "B";
  • light trucks, vans, minibuses;
  • construction, as well as highly specialized equipment;
  • trailers of various types.

CASCO from "D2 Insurance" allows you to receive monetary compensation in case of damage, as well as in case of theft of the vehicle.

The rolling stock insurance program makes it possible to take the following types of equipment for insurance:

  • electric locomotives, steam locomotives, as well as other types of locomotives;
  • motorized rolling stock;
  • wagon trains of cargo type;
  • carriage trains of passenger type.

OSAGO from "D2 Insurance" is provided on standard terms, which are indicated in the resolutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, as well as in the Federal Law. The cost of this service is also set by the Central Bank.

Buildings, equipment and inventory

D2 Insurance also offers the following insurance programs to corporate clients:

  • "Insurance of property of enterprises, organizations, institutions";
  • "Insurance of leased non-residential and residential premises".

In both cases, the property interests of the client act as the object of insurance. Insurance under the program "Insurance of property of enterprises, organizations, institutions" accepts both movable and immovable property.

Vehicles, crops, perennial plantings, cattle cannot be included in the insurance coverage.

When using the Non-Residential and Residential Leased Premises Insurance program, you can receive monetary compensation as a result of damage to the following property:

  • leased property;
  • serviceable electronic devices, equipment.

The risks are:

  • fire;
  • accident;
  • drowning;
  • illegal actions of third parties;
  • natural disasters.

The medicine

At D2 Insurance, corporate clients can purchase the following types of policies for their employees:

  • VHI (voluntary medical insurance);

Thanks to the VMI policy, an employee working in a company with which D2 Insurance has entered into contracts can receive qualified assistance. The IC in question works only with the most reliable and well-established companies.

If necessary, an accident insurance service can be used. When concluding an agreement of this type, the employee will be paid monetary compensation:

  • in case of temporary disability;
  • in case of permanent disability.


"D2 Insurance" is quite actively promoting a service such as. Thanks to this program, various organizations - breeding plants and other similar structures - can avoid damage due to the death of the farm.

The object of insurance is the property interests of the organization. Accepted for insurance:

  • cattle;
  • fur animals;
  • bird;
  • horses.

Various other animals may also be included in the insurance coverage. This product can cover the costs of both the entire livestock and a separate type of animal represented on the farm.


There is a wide range of different types of programs that make it possible to insure the liability of the organization.

The following products are most in demand:

  • professional liability insurance;
  • insurance of civil liability of organizations performing work at hazardous facilities;
  • third party liability insurance;
  • professional liability insurance of notaries;
  • appraiser liability insurance.

The most demanded service is liability insurance for the operation of hazardous facilities.

"D2 Insurance" pays monetary compensation as a result of the following situations:

Cargo transportation

"D2 Insurance" for corporate clients has prepared such a product as cargo insurance. It allows you to protect the property interests of the carrier as a result of damage to the transported property.

Risks for which monetary compensation is paid:

  • loss;
  • death;
  • lack.

Depending on various factors (type of cargo, transportation conditions, trade customs), shipments can be insured under the following conditions:

  • "Responsibility for all risks";
  • "Limited liability";
  • "Responsibility for thermal damage";
  • "Responsibility for damage is completely absent, payment is made upon death."

Very often transported goods have a very high value. These include expensive production equipment, precious metals, or something else.

Corporate clients can absolutely fearlessly entrust all possible risks to D2 Insurance. Since the insurance partners of this company are also financially responsible for the most costly of them.

Cost and tariffs

Insurance rates in each individual case are purely individual and depend on a large number of various factors.

So, when insuring a mortgage, the age of the insured person has the greatest influence on the cost of the insurance premium:

The cost of a voluntary medical insurance policy is influenced by the total number of services provided in the clinic with which D2 Insurance has an agreement:

Program content, duration Full program Optimum Minimum
Hospitalization for accidents + + +
Transport services and repatriation + + +
Ambulance + + +
Emergency room + +
Dentistry + +
Service at the clinic + +
Calling a doctor at home +
Cost for 1 year, rub. 12 000 8 000 5 000
Cost for 6 months, rub. 8 400 5 600 3 500

On February 17, 2018, I issued a consumer loan at PJSC UBRir. (Agreement KD203080000127341), while an employee of PJSC UBRD imposed an insurance contract on me, under the pretext that otherwise the loan would be denied. I was issued a combined insurance agreement with D2 Insurance JSC, number K-203080000127341, the insurance premium amounted to 8,000 rubles, with a loan amount of 60,000. The loan agreement was concluded for a period of 36 months, until 02/17/2021. The loan was repaid by me ahead of schedule, 02/25/2020. After that, I sent an application to JSC "d 2 Insurance" for early termination of the contract and the return of part of the insurance premium in proportion to the remaining period of insurance, with all the required documents attached. In response, I received a reply - a refusal to reimburse part of the insurance premium, due to the fact that with the payment of the loan, the risks could not cease to exist. Thus, I summarize that this IC, in conjunction with PJSC UBRD, simply produces a massive deception of consumers, imposing unnecessary insurance products, under the pretext that a loan will not be issued without this. also SK offered me to terminate the contract without refund of any funds.

Portal Administrator 29.02.2020 13:15

D2 Insurance 25.02.2020 5:53

Dear Olga080480!
The insurance contract is concluded on a voluntary basis and is in no way connected with ensuring the fulfillment of the client's obligations under any loan agreement.
In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 958 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation The insured may withdraw from the insurance contract at any time. The insurer refunds part of the insurance premium in proportion to the unexpired paid period of insurance, if the possibility of an insured event has disappeared, and the existence of an insured risk has ceased due to circumstances other than an insured event (clause 1, article 958 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Termination of the possibility of an insured event implies that the insured object cannot occur insured events stipulated by the insurance contract:
- In case of accident insurance - death, establishment of disability as a result of an accident. Termination of the possibility of an insured event may take place in the event that the client died as a result of a non-insurable event (as a result of illness, etc.).
- In case of insurance in case of loss of work - loss of work as a result of the liquidation of the organization or reduction in the number or staff of the organization's employees, paragraphs. 1-2 hours 1 tbsp. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Termination of the possibility of an insured event, in particular, may take place in the event of the departure of the insured person from life / the establishment of a non-working disability group for him.
- When insuring home property and civil liability - the insured event (apartment / house) cannot occur with the insured event provided for in the insurance contract (fire, explosion, flood, fall of aircraft and their parts), and this may occur if the object of insurance lost due to other circumstances that are not included in the list of insurance risks under the insurance contract (for example, destruction of property as a result of a hurricane, demolition of a residential building, etc.).
In other cases, in case of early cancellation of the insurance contract by the insured, the paid insurance premium is not refundable.
In connection with the termination of credit relations, the above risks could not cease to exist.
Sincerely, Your insurance company

ZAO D2 Insurance was founded in 1992. The head office of the company is located in Novosibirsk. Today, the company's branches operate in 18 major cities of Russia. The clients of the company "D2 Insurance" are more than 150,000 people and 150 organizations.

Types of insurance

Insurance company "D2 Insurance" offers individuals the following types of insurance:

  • property insurance;
  • travel insurance;
  • accident insurance;
  • medical and personal insurance;
  • mortgage insurance;
  • auto insurance.

Travel insurance

Basic Extended
emergency medical care + +
medical transportation + +
Repatriation in case of death + +
Medications as part of prescribed treatment + +
Visit of a third party in case of hospitalization of the Insured - +
Evacuation of the children of the Insured in case of his hospitalization - +
Emergency Dental Care - +
Legal assistance in case of civil liability to third parties - +
Administrative assistance in case of theft or loss of documents - +

The company offers its clients two tourist insurance programs: "Basic" and "Advanced".

The sum insured in both programs can be from 10,000 to 50,000 euros at the choice of the client. Another service provided by the insurance company is air travel insurance. In this case, it is possible to insure property interests related to life, work capacity or health.

The cost of an insurance policy for tourists

The cost of air travel insurance depends on the sum insured.

Sum insured (rub) Insurance premium (rub)
200 000 100
400 000 200
600 000 300


Are insurance policies recognized by consulates of other states?

Yes, the insurance policies of the company "D2 Insurance" are recognized by the consulates of all countries of the world.

Is it possible to insure against trip cancellation?

No, such a service is not provided for in the insurance programs of D2 Insurance.

Can I buy a civil insurance policy?

Yes, there is such a possibility. This risk is included in the Extended Insurance program.

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