Diet apple pie. Diet charlotte with apples: a recipe for cooking and tricks. Diet charlotte with apples on kefir

Diet charlotte with apples recipe © Shutterstock

Charlotte- a pie, without which one simply cannot live without in September. Charlotte with apples, charlotte with pears, charlotte with rhubarb - there are many variations, and I want to try everything. But the calorie content of traditional charlotte reaches 200 calories per 100g, that is, the average dieter can only afford one small piece. How to make sure that you can eat charlotte to your heart's content without sacrificing your waistline?

Diet charlotte: dough

The main calorie content of charlotte is provided by egg yolks - they have a lot of fat (and not the most useful). Luckily, the charlotte biscuit rises just fine with or without them. Therefore, out of 3 eggs for charlotte, you can safely replace two with just proteins.

Another option to reduce the calorie content of charlotte is to choose durum flour. It contains more complex carbohydrates, for the breakdown of which the body will need more time. Therefore, after eating a piece of such charlotte, you no longer want to get out to the kitchen for the next one.

Diet charlotte with apples recipe © Shutterstock

By the way, charlotte flour can be partially replaced with oatmeal - they have even more complex carbohydrates, the satiety effect will last longer. But about the calorie content, you should not have illusions - cereal in this regard is just as dangerous as flour.

Diet charlotte: sugar

The second important component of calorie content in charlotte is sugar. There is no getting away from it: without it, eggs will not beat. But there is still a way out: instead of 1/3 of sugar, use a substitute (for example, stevia). You can also use fructose, but remember: this is not a substitute, it has calories - the same as in sugar. It just doesn't raise blood glucose levels (important for diabetics).

Diet charlotte: apples

Apples, which are used for filling charlotte, are non-caloric in themselves. But in different recipes, it is often recommended to sprinkle them with sugar. Just give up this idea - everything will turn out fine without it.

Diet charlotte: how to lubricate the mold

Having prepared a completely dietary basis for charlotte, it is somehow a pity to send it to a form generously greased with fatty oil. Here's a trick for you Lubricate the mold with vegetable or butter, and then sprinkle it thickly with semolina - so that there are no uncovered areas with grains. During cooking, the semolina will "take over" some of the oil, and when the charlotte is ready, just shake off the surface of the pie from the grits or gently scrape it off with a knife.

Total the recipe for diet charlotte with apples will look like this:

  • 1 cup flour without a slide or half a glass of flour and half a glass of oatmeal;
  • 1 egg, 2 proteins;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar, a measuring spoon of a substitute;
  • apples;
  • vanilla for the dough and cinnamon for sprinkling the finished cake

Cooking method:

  1. Mix the eggs with sugar and beat with a mixer until foamy. Then slowly add flour and / or oatmeal while continuing to beat. Mix everything thoroughly and let the dough stand for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Wash apples, remove seeds. If necessary, you can peel and peel.
  3. Prepare a baking dish.
  4. Put the apples in the mold. Beat the dough again with a mixer.
  5. Pour the apples with dough, carefully level and put the charlotte in the oven. If desired, charlotte can be decorated with apple slices on top, laying them out in a fan. When baked, it will turn out very nice.
  6. Bake charlotte with apples for 40 minutes at a temperature of 190-200 degrees, checking readiness.
  7. Sprinkle the finished charlotte with apples with cinnamon or vanilla.

Bon appetit!


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Fragrant herbal tea and delicious hot cake will make homemade winter evening cozy. But what if the diet does not allow you to enjoy pastries? In such a case, any hostess in the stash has tricky recipes for dietary charlotte with apples.

Charlotte is a simple and delicious fruit pie that comes from medieval Europe. According to legend, this dessert was invented by a chef who was in love with a French woman named Charlotte. The biscuit, indeed, resembles the face of a young woman, and the red barrel of apples on top, as it were, indicate a blush on her face.

Diet charlotte with apples is popular because its recipe is quite simple, and the filling is available to everyone who wants to try this delicacy. Cooking the dough is not so difficult, it is important to fulfill the only condition - it is to beat it thoroughly.

Charlotte is made on kefir or low-fat sour cream, cooked in the oven or in a slow cooker.

Add the classic filling of apples with cinnamon or replace it with other fruits - plums, pears, and berries. You can experiment with charlotte. For example, to make dough with cottage cheese or without flour. There are a number of recipes for making a low-calorie dessert.

Recipe 1. Diet charlotte on kefir

Let's take the necessary products:

  • Ripe apples a couple of pieces;
  • A glass of flour;
  • Kefir, low fat;
  • A glass of sugar;
  • Butter;
  • Eggs, two things;
  • Soda.

Cooking process: remove the butter before cooking for 20 minutes, so that it melts and becomes soft. Combine it with sugar and rub it properly with a spoon or fork. Add the eggs to the mixture and beat well with a mixer or blender. Pour warm kefir into a bowl and mix. Fat content should not exceed 1%. In the floor ready dough add flour and soda. Beat the dough again with a blender. It should be thick like sour cream.

Let's move on to the main stuffing. Wash and peel the fruit, cut into rings or slices as you like. Add cinnamon to them, stir so that it is evenly distributed over the filling. We shift the apples into the dough and mix it. You can, on the contrary, put the dough in a mold and carefully decorate the top with apple halves with cinnamon.

We grease a baking sheet or a metal baking dish with oil and pour our finished dough into it, level the mass and put in the oven for 40 minutes.

We find out the readiness with the help of a wooden stick or a knife: we pierce the muffin through and through, if there is no raw dough on the knife blade or on the stick, then you can serve diet charlotte with apples on kefir to the table.

Recipe 2. Charlotte with cottage cheese

An excellent option for ladies on a diet and their children would be the idea of ​​​​cooking a dietary charlotte with apples and cottage cheese. The cake is soft and flavorful.

We make a list of products:

  • Flour two glasses;
  • Two eggs;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Baking powder;
  • A glass of sugar;
  • Apples;
  • Sprigs of mint;
  • Raisin.

We follow the cooking sequence:

  1. We rub the cottage cheese through a regular sieve so that it is homogeneous, without large lumps;
  2. In another bowl, prepare a mixture of eggs: beat them with a mixer with sugar until fluffy foam;
  3. Mix eggs with grated cottage cheese;
  4. Pour the flour into the resulting curd mass with a small amount of baking powder, knead the soft dough;
  5. Wash the raisins and pour boiling water over them. Take out on a saucer and cool;
  6. Peel the fruits and cut into small slices;
  7. Mix the fruit filling, raisins and dough;
  8. Lubricate the bottom of the form with butter, lay out the dough;
  9. We send the cake in the form to the oven, preheated to 200 degrees for 25 minutes.

Sprinkle the finished dessert with powdered sugar, decorating with mint leaves.

Recipe 3. Charlotte in a slow cooker

When you have to cook several dishes at once, a slow cooker helps a lot. With it, you can make a beautiful cake without much effort. The main thing is to strictly follow the recipe in the instructions and in half an hour you can please the guests with a wonderful diet charlotte with apples cooked in a slow cooker.

We remember the set of products:

  • A glass of flour;
  • Three eggs;
  • Apples 500 grams;
  • Sugar - no more than a glass.

Getting Started: First prepare the filling. We clean the fruits, cut into cubes. Whisk the eggs and sugar until foam forms like a meringue. In time it will be approximately 10 minutes. Add flour to eggs and mix well.

We get the dough. Then, on the bottom of the multicooker container, pre-oiled with oil, lay out the fruit filling and fill it with dough on top.

Select the mode for baking. Close the lid and wait for the timer signal. As soon as the cake is ready, we take out the bowl from the multicooker, let it cool a little, then carefully turn it over and take the cake onto a plate so that the fruit slices cut to the bottom are at the top. Herbal tea or unsweetened compote of dried fruits with sourness is perfect for the pie.

Recipe 4. Charlotte without flour

Instead of the usual flour or semolina, we use light wheat bran to prepare this diet baking. For the basis of the test, we give preference to kefir. For spice, add cinnamon and vanilla sugar.

To prepare a dietary charlotte with apples without flour, we will prepare the following products:

  • 4 sweet and juicy apples;
  • A glass of kefir;
  • 3 eggs;
  • Regular sugar 40 grams;
  • Baking powder;
  • Wheat bran two glasses;
  • Cinnamon and vanilla.

For ease of baking, it is better to use a ceramic or glass form.

Where to start: dissolve the baking powder in a glass of kefir and wait 10 minutes. As expected, beat the eggs and sugar, then combine them with kefir. Add bran, vanilla sugar and cinnamon to the container with the mixture. We mix everything. We clean the apples, and then cut them into thin slices, you can grate them on a special grater.

Pour the dough into the prepared form, lay out a layer of sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruit on top. We set 180 degrees in the oven.

Let's put our cake. After about an hour, we take it back and check for readiness with a pointed wooden stick. Cut into serving pieces. Diet treat is ready!

Diet does not mean starvation. Translated from Latin, this word means "way of life." But what it will be - fresh and tasteless, or sweet and pleasant - depends only on your desire to cook diet pies.

Good afternoon, dear readers. In the last summer month, you need to have time to enjoy fresh vegetables, berries, and fruits. Therefore, today I will tell you how I prepare dietary charlotte with apples.

In order to please yourself with delicious pastries and not harm your figure, it is recommended to purchase the following ingredients in advance:

  • 2 chicken proteins;
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar or sweetener;
  • 1 egg;
  • half a glass of oatmeal;
  • apples (their number is selected individually);
  • cinnamon for decoration.

The main stages of preparation:

  1. Proteins combine with sugar and mix with a fork. Then we drive in a whole egg and work with a mixer until airy foam appears.
  2. Gradually introduce oatmeal and continue to beat the air mass. We bring everything to maximum uniformity and let the dough brew for a quarter of an hour.
  3. During this time, wash the apples under cold water, cut out all the seeds. If the fruits are slightly beaten, then it is also allowed to cut off the entire peel.
  4. We take a round shape and put chopped apples on the bottom.
  5. Beat the dough again with a mixer at medium speed. Then pour it into the mold and carefully level the top with a spatula.
  6. For beauty, an oatmeal pie can be decorated with apple slices, laying them out in the shape of a fan or a beautiful semicircle. Everyone does it at their own discretion.
  7. Bake the charlotte in the oven (200 degrees) for about 40 minutes. Do not forget to check the readiness with a wooden stick or a toothpick.
  8. We take the pastry out of the mold, sprinkle it with cinnamon or vanilla.

It is very easy to make such a recipe at home if you have the following ingredients on hand:

  • 150 g of sifted flour;
  • 150 g oatmeal (Hercules);
  • 4 sour apples;
  • 2 proteins;
  • 2 tbsp. l. white sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 glass of low-fat kefir;
  • a pack of vanillin;
  • baking powder.

The main stages of preparation:

  1. Pour Hercules into a deep bowl (pan) and pour kefir. Cover with a towel (lid) and leave alone for 10 minutes. During this time, the flakes should swell enough.
  2. In a separate container, combine the whole egg with granulated sugar and beat them until fluffy. Then add the proteins and work with a whisk for another 3-5 minutes.
  3. Mix flour with baking powder and gradually add it to the egg mixture. Do not forget to stir so that no lumps form.
  4. At the end, pour Hercules soaked in kefir and mix everything again until smooth.
  5. Wash apples and peel them off. Remove the core and cut into small pieces. For more bright taste they can be sprinkled with ground cinnamon.
  6. We heat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease the bottom of the mold with butter. We put apple slices in it and fill everything with dough.
  7. We check the readiness of the cake after 40 minutes with a wooden stick or a toothpick.

In order to make your own cakes with cottage cheese, you will need the following set of ingredients:

  • 200 g pumpkin;
  • 200 g fat-free;
  • 130 g of buckwheat flour;
  • 130 g wheat flour;
  • 100 g of bee honey;
  • 2 large apples;
  • 0.5 tsp soda;
  • vanilla is added as desired.

The main stages of preparation:

  1. Beat the egg whites with a fork or whisk. Gradually we introduce sifted flour (both types), cottage cheese, liquid honey and vanilla to them for a brighter taste.
  2. Wash the apples under cold water and cut off the peel from them. Cut them into small pieces. We do the same with the peeled pumpkin.
  3. Cover a round (optional) baking dish with baking paper. We spread the apples mixed with pumpkin into it, and fill everything with an even layer of dough.
  4. Bake in a preheated oven for 35-45 minutes. Serve the finished charlotte without sugar to the table warm.

To cook fragrant, you will need a standard set of products.

We need:

  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 3 ripe apples;
  • 1.5 cups of sifted flour;
  • 1 glass of granulated sugar;
  • 1 cup sour cream (preferably homemade);
  • 1 st. l. ground cinnamon;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • 0.5 cup chopped walnuts;
  • vanilla is added to taste.

The main stages of preparation:

  1. Carefully separate the yolks from the proteins and beat them together with granulated sugar. It is best to use a mixer.
  2. In the resulting mass, we introduce ground nuts, sour cream, baking powder and a little cinnamon. Mix everything with a spoon or whisk to make the dough homogeneous.
  3. Separately, beat the proteins until light foam and gradually add them to the rest of the ingredients. Knead the dough thoroughly again and set it aside for 5-7 minutes.
  4. During this time, wash the apples and cut them into small cubes or thin slices. Before this, the hard core and bones can be removed.
  5. Mix fruit with liquid dough.
  6. We coat the multicooker bowl with a thin layer of vegetable oil, and sprinkle the bottom with a small amount of semolina.
  7. Pour the prepared mass into it and bake the cake for an hour, setting the “Baking” mode.

Diet charlotte with apples according to this recipe will turn out to be very tender, airy and fragrant. And most importantly, even a novice hostess can cook it.

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Who said that diet and baking are incompatible things? This is not true. Slimming girls can also please themselves with a delicious dessert. An excellent option would be a diet charlotte with apples. We offer you a choice of several recipes.

Classic apple pie


  • a glass of herculean flakes;
  • 3-4 large green apples;
  • juice from one lemon;
  • a glass of flour;
  • egg whites - 4 pieces;
  • cinnamon;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • butter;
  • some salt.

Step 1 - Grease the bottom of the baking dish with oil, and then sprinkle with sugar.

Step number 2 - wash the apples with water, remove the core and seeds. The pulp is cut into slices and laid out in a mold. Sprinkle lemon juice on top.

Step 3 - Place the egg whites in a deep bowl. Beat with a whisk, gradually adding sugar, flour and cereal. The result should be a thick and homogeneous mass.

Step number 4 - pour the dough over the apples, helping yourself with a spoon. Smooth everything out carefully.

Step number 5 - we send the form with the contents to the oven for 40 minutes, setting the average temperature. If you notice that the diet charlotte with apples has begun to burn, then it is better to reduce the heat.

Step number 6 - the cake should cool. You can not even take it out of the mold, but simply put it on the table without covering it with anything on top. When the charlotte has cooled, it is necessary to carefully turn it over onto a dish. Decorate with cinnamon and serve. We wish you bon appetit!

Recipe for multicooker

Grocery set:

Diet charlotte with apples in a slow cooker is prepared as follows:

1. First you need to rinse and cut the main ingredient. It's about apples. Then beat the eggs with sugar until a thick foam forms. We repeat this procedure 4-5 times. This will take no more than 15 minutes. When we get the right consistency, we can add flour. Mix the ingredients at low speed. As a result, we get the dough.

2. Turn on the multicooker. In the menu, select the "Baking" mode and set the timer for 60 minutes. Before this, it is advisable to grease the bottom of the bowl with oil. First, add the sliced ​​apples. Fill them with dough. Close the lid and wait for the beep to sound.

3. At the end of the selected program, carefully turn the charlotte over to the other side. Set the timer for another 15-20 minutes. We take out the cake from the bowl, put it in a deep plate. As soon as it cools down, cut into pieces and treat the household. Those who are on a diet can drink dessert with unsweetened tea or berry juice.

Treats for children

Diet charlotte with apples and cottage cheese - great option not only for losing weight girls, but also for kids (from 2 years old). No one can resist a fragrant and incredibly tender cake.

Grocery list:

Diet charlotte with apples, raisins and cottage cheese (cooking process):

1. We lay out the necessary products on the table. Let's start with cottage cheese. We wipe it through a sieve.

2. Break eggs into a deep cup (bowl), add sugar and beat. You should get a fluffy foam.

3. In one bowl, combine beaten eggs with cottage cheese. Mix these ingredients well.

4. We need to combine flour with baking powder. Sift them together through a sieve and pour into the curd mass. The pie dough should be soft.

5. We sort out the raisins, rinse in running water and wipe with a paper towel. Now let's start processing apples. We wash them, remove the seeds and core, cut the flesh into slices.

6. Raisins and pieces of apples are sent to the dough. Mix thoroughly.

7. Lubricate the bottom of the baking dish with oil. We spread the dough with apples.

8. Preheat the oven to 180-200 °C. We send the form with the test there. We mark 20-25 minutes. We put the finished cake on a plate, sprinkle with powdered sugar and decorate with mint sprigs.

Diet charlotte with apples: calories and benefits

Many of us love this wonderful cake. But does everyone know its calorie content and benefits for the body? This will be discussed below.

It is easy to guess that hospitable France is the birthplace of charlotte. There are many versions of this. According to one of them, the dessert got its name in honor of Queen Charlotte. Allegedly, she adored apples and ate them almost every day.

Why is charlotte considered diet dish? It's all about the low calorie dessert. There are many recipes for this pie. The use of additional ingredients affects the energy value of the dish. If you're on a diet, then you don't have to worry. We have selected the right recipes for you. The average calorie content of the charlottes presented in this article is 180 kcal per 100 g.

Now a few words about the benefits that the body receives when eating such a pie. Apples are the main ingredient. They are rich in vitamins and minerals, which means they are very useful for the body. Baked apples are better digested. This is especially important for people who are losing weight.

Polish apple charlotte

Dough Ingredients:

  • egg yolks - 3 pieces;
  • 310 g flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream of any fat content;
  • 120 g brown sugar;
  • some salt;
  • 200 g butter.

For filling:

Practical part:

1. Pour the flour into a bowl and sift several times. Butter cut into cubes. Add to flour. We rub it all with our hands into crumbs.

2. In a separate bowl, combine the yolks, sugar, salt and sour cream. Pour both mixtures into a deep bowl. Knead the dough and put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

3. Remove the core and seeds from apples. Cut the pulp into cubes. We send the apples to the pan and fry with sugar. As soon as the pieces become soft, you can add flour to them.

4. Lubricate the bottom of the baking dish with oil. We take out the dough from the refrigerator, divide it into 2 parts (2/3 and 1/3). The one that is larger, roll it into a circle and lay it out in a mold. It is advisable to make sides 3-4 cm high. We take a fork in our hands and begin to pierce the dough. We remove the form in a preheated oven for 12 minutes (at 180 degrees). We will have a "basket". It remains to put the filling in it and level it. Roll out the rest of the dough and cut into thin strips. We cover the filling with them. Put the mold back in the oven. We mark 30-35 minutes.


We told you about how to properly prepare a dietary charlotte with apples. All the recipes described in the article are easy to perform and do not require a lot of time. Eat a fragrant pie for health. You will definitely not get better from such a dessert.


For test:

  • Flour - 130 gr.
  • Oatmeal - 130 gr.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Egg white - 2 pcs.
  • Honey - 3 tsp
  • Kefir - 1 tbsp.
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp
  • Salt - on the tip of a knife

For filling:

  • Apples - 3 pcs. (large)
  • Ground cinnamon - 0.5 tsp

For lubrication:

  • Egg yolk - 1 pc.

Cooking time: 20 min - active; 40-50 min - baking

Servings: 6

Diet charlotte is a low-calorie dessert (up to 120 Kk per serving), which combines healthy products and rich taste.

How to cook diet charlotte with apples:

Beat the chilled egg whites with salt with a mixer in a lush foam.

Grind oatmeal into flour using a blender or coffee grinder.

In a bowl, mix all the loose ingredients, add honey, egg, kefir and gently mix the whipped proteins from the bottom up so that they do not fall off. The fewer air bubbles come out of the proteins during kneading, the more delicate and porous the final texture of the cake will be. The consistency of the dough is similar to thick sour cream.

Peel the apples, cut out the core and cut into small cubes. Leave half of the apple to decorate the charlotte and cut it into beautiful semicircular slices. To prevent the apples from turning brown, sprinkle them with lemon juice.

We cover the baking dish with parchment or grease it with softened butter, after which we pour the diced apples into it.

Pour the dough on top of the apples, level it with a spatula or turning the form several times in a circle.

We put the form in a preheated oven at 1800. Bake for 40-50 minutes. After the appearance of the crust, grease the charlotte with yolk. The yolk gives the crust a “blush” and makes the baking surface glossy.

We take the cake out of the oven, let it cool completely (!!!) and only after that we cut it into portions. Hot charlotte inside remains watery, and therefore it will not work to cut it.

You can serve dietary apple charlotte with cold milk, tea or sour jam.

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