There is a group 1 disabled person in the family. Benefits for disabled people of the first group in Russia. State basic rehabilitation program

In the Russian Federation, people with disabilities belong to socially vulnerable segments of the population. These citizens, due to their physical disabilities, injuries or problems of a psychological or mental nature, are limited in their ability to work. And within the framework of social policy, the state guarantees them various concessions, subsidies, discounts and compensation. Within the framework of this article, we will consider the list of benefits that are available to disabled children of group 1 in Russia.

Norms federal law on the social protection of disabled people, which, dated November 24, 1995, stipulates what benefits a disabled person from childhood with group 1 can receive.

General provisions

Before considering what benefits a disabled person of group 1 is entitled to since childhood, let’s look at who belongs to this category. So, Initially, we determine that this category includes persons who have from birth or received in childhood certain injuries, mutilations, illnesses that caused irreparable impairment of physical functions and resulted in disruption of life.

Qualities characteristic of childhood disabilities of the first group:

  • lack of abilities and skills for self-care;
  • need for outside help;
  • disorientation in space;
  • inability to move independently due to impaired motor function.

Attention! Guardianship is required for a disabled person of group 1, since childhood injuries and injuries prevent them from caring for themselves, moving without help, and adapting to society. A guardian who is forced to devote most of his time to caring for a disabled person, who to some extent compensates for the time he spent.

Confirmation of disability of the first group is a medical certificate, which is issued by the ITU Bureau after the applicant passes the commission. In the standard case, the status must be confirmed every two years. But persons who have irreversible impairments, consequences from childhood, in the mature phase after 18 years of age receive the status “Disabled Childhood Category 1”.

The authorized body may refuse recognition of disability if the restrictions, injuries, or incapacity of the applicant are caused by intentional harm to health, intentional drunkenness and drug abuse, or an immoral lifestyle.

Benefits in 2018

Children with disabilities from the first group are entitled to certain benefits, in the form of tax breaks, a social basket, housing subsidies, and material benefits. Let's look at the list of benefits relevant for 2018:

  • extraordinary medical care in public medical institutions;
  • a set of free medicines and rehabilitation products;
  • prosthetics in public dental clinics, including a range of dental services;
  • sanatorium and resort treatment with a free voucher, taking into account the profile of the underlying disease, lasting 18-42 days;
  • compensation for travel to the place of treatment and in the opposite direction, the cost of a ticket for all types of transport, including planes, is reimbursed;
  • travel on a free basis in public transport, with the exception of taxis (the “social taxi” service can be ordered once a month) - the norm has lost force at the federal level;
  • access to all infrastructure facilities, provided with free wheelchairs, guide dogs, installed ramps and other means;
  • preferential right to membership in a gardening partnership;
  • special rates for purchasing air tickets.

On a note! Free accommodation in a sanatorium + compensation for travel to and from treatment – ​​a benefit that applies to a disabled person and his guardian.

In addition to the above-mentioned in-kind benefits, in order to implement state guarantees of providing assistance to citizens with disabilities, material types of support are provided. These are benefits, pensions, monthly cash payments and compensation for the cost of the social basket.

Housing benefits

Certification of the fact of disability gives the right to a set of certain benefits, including in the housing sector. So, an applicant with the first group can receive:

  1. 50% discount on repayment of housing and communal services.
  2. 50% refund on payment overhaul residential premises, if we're talking about about an apartment in an apartment building.
  3. A plot of land on a free basis for individual housing construction, gardening, and subsidiary farming.
  4. Possibility of improving conditions in non-household areas (installation of ramps, handrails and other devices in the entrance, on the stairs, near the house).

As a standard procedure, beneficiaries can receive land from the state at a favorable price at an auction. Persons with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities are offered a simplified procedure. Initially, they are given land on lease for three years; after the expiration of the term and the start of construction, the land is registered as their property.

Reduced taxes for people with disabilities

As for preferences for people with disabilities in the tax industry, they also exist. So, the presence of the first group is the basis for providing:

  1. Tax deduction. Applicants with group 1 are exempt from property tax.
  2. Exemption from state duty.
  3. Relief on payment land tax. The preferential amount is 10,000 rubles, no tax is taken from it.
  4. Exemption from transport tax. It is provided exclusively for one passenger vehicle with an engine power of up to 150 hp. With.
  5. Deduction when personal income tax payment. The applicant is given 500 rubles per month, but the required 13% is not deducted from them.

Benefits in the education sector

Disabled people have a priority right to enter general education, professional and higher educational institutions. This right is exercised by applicants subject to:

  • successful completion of entrance examinations;
  • no contraindications to inpatient training.

On a note! Educational opportunities are provided free of charge to disabled persons. He is also guaranteed an increased stipend, which is 50% higher than the standard rate. Additionally, a person with disabilities is provided with free literature, sign language interpreter services and another set of aids.

Compensation for a set of social services

Every disabled person is guaranteed a set of social services. This includes obtaining travel vouchers, necessary medications, prosthetics, travel on public transport and other types of assistance. The state guarantees the applicant the right to receive these services in kind.

But if a person does not use the social basket, then he is entitled to compensation in the amount of the cost of individual services (full package). To receive a monetary refund, a statement of refusal from the package or individual services is written.

On a note! The cost of the package of social services from February 1, 2018 will be 1075.19 rubles, of them:

  • 828.14 rubles – determined for medicines;
  • 128.11 rubles - deducted monthly for the voucher;
  • 118.94 rubles goes towards compensation for travel on transport to the place of treatment.

Reader questions

  • First question: Which general order registration of benefits for a disabled person?

    Answer: Initially, you need to obtain a conclusion from the ITU Bureau. The second step is to contact the social security authorities at your place of residence. You can initiate the right by submitting an application, and confirm it with a set of supporting documents attached to the application.

  • Question two: What set of documents will be required to exercise the right to benefits?

    Answer: Along with the application, you must bring the ITU conclusion, an individual rehabilitation program, a passport and a copy of it.

    Hello! My name is Belova Olga Borisovna. I have been working in the field of jurisprudence since 2013. I specialize mainly in civil law. Studied at the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Faculty: Jurisprudence (Lawyer).

Each category of disabled people, based on Federal Law No. 181 of November 24, 1995 “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation,” has the right to receive a certain list of benefits. Benefits for disabled people of group 1 in 2016 are provided in the form of cash payments, compensation and benefits.

Payments in cash equivalent

The first group of disabled people can receive payments determined by the state, which include EDV, insurance, etc.

Monthly cash payments (MAP)

After monetization took place in 2005, every disabled person of the first group has the right to receive compensation in cash for a certain benefit of the social package. From February 1, 2016, the amount of compensation amounted to 3,357.23 rubles.

Disability insurance pension

This type of payment is assigned to disabled people of the first group, regardless of the reason and time of receipt of the group.

This pension is accrued if there is an insurance type of service, without determining its duration. In this case, the recipient’s employment also does not play a role. In 2016, starting from February, an insurance pension will be paid in the amount of:

  • for disabled people with no dependents – 9117.86 rubles;
  • having one dependent - at least 10,637.50 rubles;
  • two – 12157.14 rubles;
  • three – 13676.78 rub.

Social disability pension

Disabled people of this group who are citizens have the right to transfer a monthly social pension. Russian Federation.

In 2016, payment is made according to the approved amounts. For disabled children it is 11,445.68 rubles, for disabled people 9,538.20 rubles.

In 2016, payments to disabled people will be indexed by 7% and an increase to the basic pension () of 4%.

In addition to cash payments, people with disabilities are entitled to additional benefits of a certain nature.

Benefits for social services

These services include: care, assistance in resolving legal and social issues, assistance with employment and medical treatment, in-kind assistance, organization of leisure and funeral services.

The entire list of services is determined by the social security authorities at the place of registration of the person.

The following services can be provided to people with disabilities, guaranteed free of charge:

  • unable to attract third parties to care for them (including by or in the form of);
  • living in a family whose average income per person is less than the minimum regional consumption basket.

A package of social services is provided to disabled people of the first category with partial payment, in the case of:

  • if the citizen’s pension is at least 100–150% of the regional cost of living;
  • if a citizen has relatives who cannot care for him. Moreover, their income is at least 100–150% of the minimum subsistence level of the region;
  • if a person lives in a family with an average income per person of 100–150% of .

Important:in a situation where a citizen decides to receive compensation for the benefits of the social package, he is paid 995.23 rubles. This amount is current as of February 2016.

Benefits for the first group of disabled people in the field of education and medicine

Housing legislation also provides benefits for people with disabilities in this category. According to them, a family that has a disabled child of the first group or is directly disabled has the right to a preferential discount on rent and utilities, in an amount of at least 50%.

At the same time, they have the right to free acquisition of a plot of land as close as possible to their actual place of residence. It can be used for further construction of a private house, farming or farming.

When making transactions for the purchase and sale of premises in which a disabled person lives, he retains the right to live in it for life, in the event that he is not provided with other residential premises.

Tax benefits

This group of disabled people has the right to a reduction in rate or complete exemption from transport tax provided that the vehicle power does not exceed 150 Horse power, and it was purchased at the expense of a citizen.

In addition, the first group is completely exempt from personal property tax. persons and state duties. Also, the amount of payment of state duty is reduced by 50% for notarial actions. This discount does not apply to the direct work of a notary.

The procedure for correct registration of benefits

The procedure for correctly processing benefits involves collecting a certain package of documents and, in addition, consists of several stages:

  • carrying out a detailed examination in a medical institution and MSEC;
  • obtaining documents confirming disability and group;
  • collecting a package of documents and submitting them to the social security authorities for citizen registration.

What benefits are there for disabled people of group 1? After all, the first disability group itself is assigned to a person if he is declared completely incapacitated. He needs outside care. This group is the most complex in terms of the physical state of the body. For financial security and proper care of such citizens, benefits are provided for disabled people of group 1. If a person actually confirmed, during an examination by a medical commission, the presence of any illness, injury, or was declared incompetent, the state accrues financial payments to him.

In addition to cash benefits, disabled people are entitled to:

  1. Social assistance and services (social package).
  2. Benefits for disabled people of group 1, provided for by law.
  3. Pension and benefits.
  4. Housing subsidies

Since 2005, the state has been compensating for any benefits in the form of payments, cash subsidies along with the basic pension. To be able to receive such payments, you should contact the relevant government service with all the required documents. List of required papers:

  • pension insurance certificate;
  • passport;
  • a certificate issued by a medical and social examination confirming the assignment of disability.

Benefits provided by the state

For every citizen of Russia, social services established by the state are guaranteed, including provision of medicines, organization of treatment in sanatoriums with the provision of free travel, etc. If you wish, you can choose instead to receive cash benefits or payments, or to receive the necessary assistance through the services provided by social services.

People with 1st group of disability have the right to preferential education - non-competitive admission to educational institutions, both secondary specialized and higher, taking into account the successful completion of a competitive basis or as a result of testing. Educational institution is obliged to provide all appropriate conditions for training and provide everything necessary for training, based on the specifics of the disease, as well as pay a social stipend, which is 50% higher than usual.

The state must fully provide people with disabilities with medications, the list of which has been approved by the Ministry of Health. For disabled people with musculoskeletal disorders, the necessary prosthetics and provision of orthopedic shoes are provided free of charge. Products must be manufactured at a special enterprise and meet all GOST requirements and the needs of a disabled person.

Ocular prostheses or hearing aids must also be certified and issued by a medical institution. In the case of dental prosthetics, the situation is the same, with the exception of prostheses made of precious metals.

Labor legislation provides for a special work schedule, which states the following:

  • reduction of working hours;
  • total work hours should not be more than 35 hours per week. Wherein wage remains at the same level as other employees;
  • increase in vacation period.

Under the condition of a 6-day working week, annual leave is granted for a period of 30 days. If sanatorium-resort treatment is necessary, vacation can be extended to 45 days.

In the case where medical regulations allow a disabled person to work overtime or on weekends, then at will he can afford it.

Subsidies and benefits in the housing and communal services sector imply a 50% discount on rent for housing (only in the case of municipal housing, state, public housing funds) and housing and communal services. Disabled people have the right to own land plots, which are located close to their place of permanent residence.

Beneficiaries are provided with lifelong residence in the provided apartment or house. In the event of a controversial situation, the state is obliged to provide other suitable housing. If necessary, when a disabled person is required to receive care, assistance is required in Everyday life, he can count on it.

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What is important to know?

Assistance with care, catering, assistance in obtaining legal and medical care, employment, organization of leisure, provision of funeral services should be provided to a preferential contingent of citizens free of charge:

  1. Provided for disabled people who have relatives who, for objective reasons, cannot provide adequate care and assistance to family members in need (the only condition is low level pension received by these citizens in comparison with the subsistence minimum).
  2. If you live in a family where the income of each family member is lower living wage established for a specific region of residence.

Considering the situation when a single disabled person does not have guardians, social services must provide their employee to provide care and arrange the life of the person in need.

A separate topic concerns transport services. IN in this case disabled people have the right to free service not on all types of transport, but they are given a discount if they purchase travel documents.

Free travel is provided on intracity (excluding taxis), suburban railway transport, as well as road transport along the route to the place of treatment and back. A person (guardian) who accompanies a disabled person for treatment, who assists blind people or people with musculoskeletal disorders with daily mobility, has the same right.

One of the measures of social support for disabled people of the first group is a monthly cash payment (MCB) in the amount of 3,538.52 rubles, taking into account the refusal of a set of social services.

In total, this set is presented in the amount of 1048.97 rubles, of which 804.94 rubles. accrued on medications, 124.99 rub. for sanatorium-resort treatment, 116.04 rubles. for transport. Beneficiaries themselves choose how to manage the support: receive money or use assistance in kind.

Group 1 disabled people are a socially dependent and poorly protected category of the population. They are unable not only to work, but also to fully cope without the help of third parties.

In this material we will talk about what benefits a disabled person of group 1 is entitled to in accordance with current legislation for treatment, access to infrastructure facilities and receiving additional payments in 2018.

Legislation on benefits for disabled people of group 1

There are a number of fundamental regulations, according to which persons with group 1 disabled status enjoy benefits in various areas. The list of federal acts includes laws:

  1. dated December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ;
  2. dated July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ;
  3. dated November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ.

Using their right, local authorities establish additional benefits at the regional level.

Examples include the Government Decree “On the issuance, issuance and maintenance of social cards in the city of Moscow” of Moscow dated November 18, 2014 No. 668-PP.

Of course, programs like the Muscovite card are unique, however, one way or another, almost all regions will use measures to support people with disabilities as an incapacitated part of the population.

Who is eligible for benefits

The term “disabled person” means individual, who received this status based on the results of a medical and social examination due to the fact that his health is disturbed and is characterized by a persistent impairment of body functions, either as a result of injuries or diseases.

The life activity of such persons is limited, and they need social protection to a large extent.

There are three groups of disability, depending on how much the body’s functions are limited by the disease and how much the person’s health has been affected.

In accordance with the Government dated February 20, 2006 No. 95, a two-year period for using the status of a disabled person of the first group was established from the date of a written application for an examination, which determined the applicant’s state of health.

A person will be able to use benefits for the first disability group for 2 years, until the 1st day of the month following the month in which the examination for re-examination will be carried out.

What benefits do people with disabilities enjoy?

Disabled people of group 1 general rule disabled and unable to work. For this reason, they are provided with benefits in a variety of areas. Among them:

  • Payment;

What benefits does a disabled person of group 1 have: pension provision

In accordance with Art. 11 of Law No. 166-FZ, disabled people of group 1 enjoy preferences when assigning pension benefits.

They are entitled to a social pension. The amounts of this pension are established by the same law and are indexed annually. For example in 2018:

  • Clause 2 Part 1 Article 18 of Law No. 166-FZ established the amount of social pension in 12,082 rubles for disabled people of group 1 from childhood;
  • Clause 2.1 Part 1 Article 18 of Law No. 166-FZ determined its size at 10,068 rubles for disabled people of group 1.

If the pensioner lives in the areas Far North or equivalent regions, then when assigning a social pension, regional coefficients will be taken into account.

To assign benefits to the territorial office pension fund either the disabled person himself must apply, or, if we are talking about a child or incapacitated person, then his legal representative: parent, adoptive parent, guardian or trustee.

The pension is assigned regardless of length of service. Age matters only for its size when determined within the framework of Article 11 of Law No. 116-FZ.

As a general rule, benefits are provided on only one basis, but in some cases it is possible to simultaneously receive two types of pensions.

In addition to another, the following may apply for a disability pension:

  • Persons who became disabled group 1 as a result of injury in military conditions.
  • Disabled people are participants in the great Patriotic War(WWII).
  • Parents of persons who died during the passage military service or as a result of injuries received during combat operations despite the end of their service life.
  • Widows of persons who died during military service or as a result of injuries received during battles, despite the end of their service life, who have not remarried.
  • Residents of besieged Leningrad.
  • Direct relatives of the deceased astronauts.
  • Liquidators and other persons who suffered radiation sickness as a result of exposure to radiation during the Chernobyl accident

When waiving part of the benefits, the beneficiary is paid an additional amount of money.

Benefits for medical care and spa treatment

Disabled people of group 1 have the right not only to receive free medical care in case of illness in a hospital or on an outpatient basis, but also free prescription drugs and medical products.

Selling these drugs to people with disabilities, bypassing the rules on free drugs, is a crime. Children also receive special meals.

The list of medicines, products and food that should be provided free of charge to sick disabled people is determined by:

  • By Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of January 9, 2007 No. 1;
  • By Government Order of October 22, 2016 No. 2229-r.

The list also includes drugs indicated for use in oncology. Vivid examples state support should include the provision of wheelchairs for people with disabilities to increase their mobility and facilitate access to infrastructure, guide dogs for the blind, orthopedic shoes, prosthetic limbs.

If indicated, they are provided with a voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment. The list of indications was approved by Appendix No. 1 to the order of the Ministry of Health dated May 5, 2016 No. 281n. Such an institution must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Vouchers are purchased through the public procurement system. Traveling to places of sanatorium-resort treatment and returning to your place of residence is also free.

Since disabled people of the 1st group cannot do without the help of a legal representative or accompanying persons, they are provided with a second voucher and travel to the places of treatment of the ward on the same conditions as the disabled person himself.

Usually, you purchase tickets yourself. Upon return, you need to contact the authority social protection and receive compensation for the cost of tickets, including airline tickets.

The law established the length of such free treatment:

  • As a general rule, treatment lasts 18 days;
  • Disabled children of group 1 – 21 days;
  • 24 – 42 days, if disability is assigned due to spinal cord or brain injuries.

Housing benefits for disabled people of group 1

Despite the fact that Law No. 181-FZ dated November 24, 1995 talks about social benefits, the procedure for provision in the housing sector is determined by Government Decree No. 901 dated July 27, 1996.

The law does not always contain a division of this category of the population into groups, therefore it is correct to consider these benefits as extending, among other things, to disabled people of group 1.

  • Priority receipt of an apartment through a subsidy for disabled people of group 1 from the budget, subject to registration before 01/01/2005.
  • Registration as those in need of improved housing conditions after 01/01/2005 and subsidized housing in the general manner;
  • Providing subsidies for housing, taking into account the health characteristics of a disabled person. We can talk about equipping with ramps, handrails, etc.;
  • Providing apartment space with an area larger than the federal norm for one person. The excess should not be more than twofold, and is provided only for disabled people suffering from diseases specified by the Ministry of Health of Russia in Order No. 991n dated November 30, 2012;
  • Equipping existing residential premises with means for living and rehabilitation;
  • Extraordinary allocation of an apartment for accommodation to disabled children living in social housing. services after they reach 18 years of age;
  • Obtaining a plot of land for gardening and housing construction;
  • Compensation of 50 percent of payment costs:
    1. renting an apartment and maintaining living quarters;
    2. for the maintenance and current repairs of common property;
    3. water;
    4. electricity;
    5. public utilities;
    6. fuel and its transportation for use in houses without central heating.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 1996 No. 901 determined the list of documents that a disabled person or his representative must provide in order to register as a person in need.

To do this, you need to contact the territorial body dealing with the provision of residential premises. Usually this is a commission under the local government. So, you need to provide:

  • Passport of a disabled person;
  • Identification document of the legal representative;
  • Extract from the house register;
  • Certificate of disability;
  • Information about the rehabilitation program;
  • Bank account details;
  • Additional significant materials, they can either be of a medical nature or indicate the conditions in which the disabled person currently lives.

The disabled person will be able to privatize the resulting housing and register relatives.

To receive benefits for housing and communal services, the disabled person himself or his representative must contact the territorial body of social protection of the population and provide:

  • Identity document;
  • Application for compensation for housing and communal services;
  • Certificate of disability;
  • Bank account details;
  • Receipts of payment for services made.

As in other cases, benefits for disabled people of group 1 in housing and communal services are of a compensatory nature. This means that you first need to pay the receipts, and after that the funds will be returned to the account specified by the applicant.

Debtors cannot count on compensation until the debts are repaid.

Traffic regulations provide privileges for disabled people when parking, obliging them to allocate spaces for their cars.


In accordance with Art. 9 of Law No. 181-FZ, disabled people have the right to general and vocational education. Such education can be provided, inter alia, through special means, for example, literature for visually impaired children published using Braille.

Children with disabilities of group 1 are trained in educational institutions along with healthy children, if possible.

If it is impossible to provide such education, the child may be transferred to home education with the consent of the parents. This will require a medical report and a written request from the parents.

When receiving higher education, benefits for disabled people of group 1 are also provided. Disabled people of the first group study at budgetary departments and are admitted on a non-competitive basis under the following conditions:

  • The medical commission finds no contraindications to study;
  • The commission was provided with at least a satisfactory result in the entrance subjects.

Unlike other students, disabled people of the first group not only study on a budgetary basis, but also receive a scholarship regardless of their academic success.

If the results of their studies are sufficient, then they receive a scholarship for this in addition to the social one, which must be at least 50% higher than the usual one.

For admission, the applicant must provide:

  • passport or birth certificate with a note on citizenship;
  • application for admission to a university;
  • certificate of disability;
  • certificate of passing the Unified State Exam;
  • photos;
  • certificate.

Tax benefits for disabled people of group 1

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides a number of tax benefits. Among them:

  • Exemption from payment of state duty when applying to the courts general jurisdiction with a claim amount of no more than 1 million rubles.
  • When contacting a notary, only half of the state fee for notarial acts is paid, unless we are talking about the alienation of real estate and vehicles.
  • Complete exemption from property tax.
  • Decrease tax base land tax allows you to save up to 10 thousand rubles, provided that the plot is registered as the property of the applicant.
  • Transport tax benefits.

Transport tax on cars in to a greater extent regulated by local regulations, but the general picture is this:

  • Only one thing vehicle removed from the tax base;
  • the car must be driven by a disabled person and equipped for this;
  • the transport must be registered in the name of the applicant;
  • engine power should not exceed the established threshold, usually 150 l/s.

Benefits are issued at the territorial office tax service after submission:

  • application for benefits for a disabled person of group 1;
  • identification document;
  • a medical certificate confirming the fact and degree of disability;
  • documents for your own taxable object (car title, certificate of ownership of real estate, etc.)

Regional benefits for disabled people of group 1

The law gives regional authorities the right to implement local programs for the social protection of people with disabilities. In many regions, authorities take advantage of this opportunity and provide additional benefits.

For example, issuing a Moskvich social card.

The authorities of St. Petersburg are concerned about increasing the accessibility of significant social facilities. To solve this problem, they are provided with special transport for traveling to medical institutions.

In addition, in many regions people with disabilities:

  • completely exempt from transport tax;
  • have benefits when providing ritual services - burial;
  • have the opportunity to install a home telephone at a discount.

The full list of preferences in each region should be clarified in territorial body social protection of the population or in the MFC.

Benefits for family members of a disabled person of group 1

For the most part, the benefits provided to a group 1 disabled person apply only to him and cease with his death, but there are some exceptions.

First, most noticeable– the opportunity to receive a free voucher for sanatorium and resort treatment and compensation for travel to the place of treatment not only for the beneficiary himself, but also for the accompanying person.

A 50% discount on housing and communal services, the opportunity not to pay property tax and a reduction in the transport tax rate will have a noticeable impact on the budget of a guardian living with a disabled person.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation also provides benefits for the mother and father of such a child.

Second aspect– the possibility of receiving monthly care payments for guardians of disabled people or parents of such children. Care can be taken over by the husband, wife, or a third party can arrange guardianship.

These amounts are periodically indexed. You can find out how much the region is paying now at the territorial department of social protection of the population.

So, disabled people of group 1 are provided with a number of preferences in a variety of areas from pensions to education and medical care. There are also benefits for those who decide to care for such people.

All of them are of an application nature, but after contacting the competent authority, the applicant will quickly take advantage of the provided preferences.

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