Which vitamins with folic acid are better. What properties does vitamin B9 (folic acid) have and how is it useful? Doppelhertz active Folic acid

The discovery of vitamin B9 is inextricably linked with the fight against anemia.

In 1938, scientists isolated from yeast a complex of substances responsible for fighting anemia and improving blood counts when consumed regularly. And in 1941 they managed to isolate folic acid. Soon chemists learned to synthesize it artificially.

Folic acid is water soluble and essential for the growth and development of the circulatory and immune systems. Along with folic acid, vitamins also include its derivatives, including di-, tri-, polyglutamates and others. All such derivatives, together with folic acid, are collectively called folacin.

Physico-chemical properties of vitamin B9

Externally, folic acid is yellowish and even slightly orange crystals of a very small size, reminiscent of powder. Absorbs water and water vapor very well, but is almost insoluble in alcohol. Various alkalis are good solvents for it. Vitamin B9 does not tolerate heat and long exposure to light.

In many countries, legislation obliges producers of flour products and grains to fortify them with folic acid. During the cooking process, some folates are destroyed.

Daily requirement for vitamin B9

According to two scientific studies from 1988 and 1994, most adults consume less folic acid than recommended. However, in some countries, since the end of the 20th century, mandatory fortification of foods with folic acid has led to its consumption returning to normal.

The bioavailability of synthetic folic acid is higher than that of folic acid obtained from food. To mitigate the impact of these factors, the recommended daily allowance is measured in micrograms of “dietary folate equivalent.”

The table shows a more detailed daily requirement of the vitamin:

Pregnant women are recommended to consume 600 mcg, nursing women - 500 mcg, and everyone else - 400 mcg of folate equivalent per day. 1 mcg of natural folate consumed in food is equal to approximately 0.6 mcg of folate obtained in tablet form or as synthetic dietary supplements.

Folic acid is necessary for the creation and maintenance of new cells in a healthy state, so its presence is especially important during periods of rapid development of the body - at the stage of early intrauterine development and in early childhood. B9 significantly reduces the likelihood of premature birth and congenital brain defects. The vitamin also stabilizes the emotional background during the postpartum period and smoothes out climatic disorders.

Vitamin B9 affects the growth and development of all tissues, improves the functioning of the immune system, and supports the cardiovascular system. Also involved in the synthesis of amino acids and enzymes. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the hematopoietic system and the functionality of leukocytes, on the health of the liver and on the digestive system as a whole. In addition, folic acid regulates the processes of excitation and inhibition of the nervous system, smoothes out the consequences of stressful situations.

Harmful properties of vitamin B9

According to some scientists, dietary supplements containing vitamin B9 are the cause of malignant tumors in the mammary glands. Therefore, if a woman with breast cancer takes medications containing folic acid, her condition may worsen significantly.

Vitamin B9 absorption

The degree of absorption and utilization of folic acid depends on the nature of the food and the method of its preparation. The ability to be absorbed is significantly reduced with impaired liver function. In order for the vitamin to be better absorbed, it is necessary to additionally consume fermented milk products, live yoghurts, and complexes with bifidobacteria will be very helpful.

A lack of vitamin B9 can cause serious damage to all functions of the human body.

Signs of folic acid deficiency:

  • Depressed restless state;
  • Feeling of fear;
  • Memory problems;
  • Digestive problems;
  • Stomatitis in the oral cavity;
  • Anemia;
  • Early gray hair;
  • Problems during pregnancy;
  • Decreased human activity;
  • Irritability and aggression;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Hair loss.

Excess vitamin B9 in the body

Excess vitamin B9 is rare, and it is almost impossible to get it from food, since it is impossible to eat enough to cause hypervitaminosis.

But excess folic acid can occur when you take too much of the drug uncontrollably over several months. Against the background of an excess of vitamin in the body, kidney disease, nervous excitability and digestive disorders develop.

Interaction of vitamin B9 (Folic acid, vitamin M) with other substances

Taking aspirin, anticonvulsants, sulfonamides, and corticosteroid hormones leads to a decrease in the level of folic acid in the body.

The interaction of vitamin B9 with vitamins prevents the formation of plaques in blood vessels, thereby helping to reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

See more about vitamin B9 in the video “Organic Chemistry. Vitamin B9"

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) belongs to the group of water-soluble vitamins. For its beneficial properties, it has been given several “folk” names - “women’s vitamin”, “vitamin from leaves”. It was isolated from spinach leaves (leaf in Latin - “folicum”) by the English scientist N. Mitchell. It is partially synthesized by intestinal microflora, the main part of it enters the body with food.

All doctors and scientists recognize that vitamin B9 is the “foundation of the foundations” of the human body.

The effect of vitamin B9 (folic acid) on the body

The action of vitamin B9 is to regulate the development of new cells, chemical processes and enzyme activity. Folic acid is a participant in the synthesis of blood cells, in particular red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets, the synthesis of amino acids and RNA. This is important for the formation of the fetus and the prevention of fetal development defects and premature birth. The required dosage of folic acid normalizes metabolism and the digestive process.

It is worth remembering that vitamin B9 has the most beneficial effect only in conjunction with vitamin B12; the absence of one of them sharply limits the properties and effects of the other.

With age, the functioning of the digestive tract begins to become difficult; the body is no longer able to fully block poisons and toxins coming from food and the environment, and protein absorption becomes difficult. Vitamin B9 can eliminate these problems; its deficiency can aggravate the situation.

When exposed to folic acid, serotonin is released - the “happy hormone”. Its lack can lead to depression and stress, which today affects young people and the working population. Therefore, folic acid was given another nickname - “the good mood vitamin.”

In addition to the above, its sphere of influence includes immune processes, regeneration of the skin and internal tissues, and hair growth. So, to the attention of both women and men: a lack of folic acid necessarily leads to premature hair loss and baldness. Here the result of a bad attitude towards your body will be obvious!

What prevents folic acid from being absorbed?

It is not very easy to obtain folic acid; we lose some of it when digesting food, and we destroy some of it by taking alcohol, medications, and smoking. The ability to be absorbed is significantly reduced with impaired liver function.

As is already known, vitamin B9 can be produced independently in the intestines, but which of the residents of large cities today can boast of a healthy stomach? You will have to additionally consume fermented milk products, live yoghurts, complexes with bifidobacteria - they won’t hurt!

Heat treatment destroys the vitamin very quickly, so when cooking, try to cover the pan with a lid and not overcook it. In addition, folic acid degrades when exposed to sunlight at room temperature.

Cheese and meat contain a certain substance - methionine, which contributes to the consumption of folic acid in unnecessary directions. It is for this reason, as well as thanks to a plant-based diet, that vegetarians do not have problems with a lack of nutrients.

Alcohol is a terrible enemy of vitamin B6, but bifidobacteria, on the contrary, catalyze its own production. You just need to replace alcoholic cocktails with biokefir and your mood will improve, because the level of the “good mood vitamin” will increase. But there will be no hangover. It's a shame, isn't it?

Vitamin B9 should be taken in a balanced complex with B12 and ascorbic acid, because Large doses of one can neutralize the effects of the others.

Many drugs can also neutralize folic acid: aspirin, nitrofuran drugs, antiepileptic drugs (large doses of B9 can have the same effect on them), anti-tuberculosis therapy.

Daily norm

The daily intake of vitamin B9 is purely individual and depends on the circumstances. The optimal dosage for an adult is within the range of 200 mcg - minimum and 500 mcg - maximum per day, but the main condition is regularity. The minimum dose guarantees a healthy lifestyle. However, with increasing mental and physical stress, stress or illness, care must be taken to increase the dosage. During pregnancy and during feeding of newborn children, as well as with age, the dosage should increase significantly, and its rate will be determined by consultation with a doctor.

By the way, not only a woman should take care of the health of her unborn child. During pregnancy planning, a man would absolutely benefit from taking additional vitamin B9.

For children, norms depend on age:

  • 0-12 months – 50 mcg;
  • 1-3 years – 70 mcg;
  • 4-6 years – 100 mcg;
  • 6-10 years – 150 mcg;
  • From 11 years of age and older, you can give an adult dose of 200 mcg.

Sources of Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid)

Products containing the maximum amount of the beneficial substance indicated above are easy to determine - they are all dark green in color; nothing new has been discovered in this regard since time. It is worth consuming them every day to improve health, including mental health, as well as to increase stamina.

The list is quite extensive, so creating the “correct” menu will not be difficult. Let's start in order:

An interesting fact: village milk contains a lot of vitamin B9, but store-bought pasteurized and sterilized milk contains not a gram.

Lack of vitamin B9 (folic acid)

A lack of vitamin B9 can cause serious damage to all functions of the human body. First of all, it will affect cell growth, which in turn will cause the growth of cancer cells, mental retardation in children, and disrupt the functioning of the central nervous system and hematopoietic processes.

Signs of a lack of folic acid in the body: depressed restless state, feeling of fear, problems with memory, digestion, anemia, “red tongue” - stomatitis in the oral cavity, early gray hair, problems during pregnancy. Human activity decreases significantly. Aggression or irritability appears, which can later develop into mania and paranoia. It is necessary to recognize these symptoms, otherwise folic acid deficiency will lead to more serious complications, such as nervous disorders, early menopause or problems with puberty in girls, atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes.

Folic acid prevents the occurrence of skin diseases and hair problems, and therefore you understand what its deficiency can lead to!

Vitamin B9 is quickly consumed by people leading an active lifestyle and beach lovers under the sun. They are recommended to take additional doses of folic acid in order to avoid a significant lack of it in the body.

Excess vitamin B9 (folic acid)

Hypervitaminosis is observed extremely rarely; it is unrealistic to obtain such an amount from foods, therefore it is only possible by taking pharmacological forms of folic acid for several months. This leads to overexcitability, sleep disturbances and intestinal disorders.

An excess of folic acid in pregnant women can manifest itself in the newborn as asthma.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of vitamin B9 include:

Contents in pharmaceutical preparations

Folic acid is produced as a separate drug, sometimes in a complex of all B vitamins. It can be an integral part of multivitamin preparations, which contain a balanced complex.

Synthetic forms of folic acid are almost 2 times more active than natural ones. 600 mcg in tablets is equivalent to 1000 mcg of the substance from food.

Not all vitamin complexes are exclusively beneficial. Many drugs can lead to an overabundance of certain substances. Therefore, before using medications, you should consult a doctor for advice.

In recent years, the benefits and harms of its use have received special attention and will be presented in the article. You will also learn about ways to use it. Separately, it is necessary to mention the opinion of doctors regarding this remedy.

General description of the medication: composition

The drug "Folic acid" contains several components. It contains vitamin B9. The manufacturer can also add additional components that usually do not have a significant effect on the human body.

The cost of the medication depends on the production and number of tablets. The dosage also matters, because one tablet may contain 400, 800 or 1000 mcg of active substance. The average cost of the drug is in the range of up to one hundred rubles.

benefit and harm

There is still debate about the positive and negative effects of this substance. A few decades ago, the decision was made to fortify food with water-soluble folate.

Folic acid plays an important role in the human body. It is involved in the metabolism of amino acids and the synthesis of nucleic acids. This component is indispensable in the formation of new cells and hematopoiesis. Folic acid promotes normalization. The substance is also necessary for the immune and cardiac systems.

The benefits and harms of folic acid have been compared by scientists. The professors came to the conclusion that it can almost never cause harm. However, its excess still entails unpleasant consequences. Among them are problems such as the formation of kidney stones, tumors in the mammary glands, and so on.

Indications for use

In what cases is it necessary to take tablets with the trade name “Folic acid”? The benefits and harms for the patient must be previously assessed by a doctor. Therefore, in order not to encounter unpleasant reactions or to avoid getting an excess of the active ingredient, you need to consult a doctor. The instructions indicate that vitamin B9 is prescribed in case of its deficiency in the body. It may manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • megaloblastic anemia;
  • leukopenia;
  • chronic gastroenteritis;
  • intestinal tuberculosis;
  • anxiety and constant feeling of fear;
  • digestive problems;
  • or hair loss and so on.

For women

Quite often, doctors prescribe drugs such as folic acid during pregnancy. The benefits and harms for women from its use are also controversial. Vitamin B9 is necessary for the normal development of the embryo. Without its use, there is a high probability of developing neural tube defects. The drug also has a beneficial effect on the formation of the entire body. It is important to take enough folic acid for the proper development of the fetal brain.

What then is the harm of the substance? The thing is that excess vitamin B9 negatively affects breast diseases. If a woman has a tumor in this location, her condition can worsen greatly.

Contraindications to the use of the drug and adverse reactions

You already know what benefits and harms the drug “Folic acid” has for humans. If you take the medication as prescribed by a specialist in accordance with the indicated dosages, you will get an extremely positive effect. Vitamin B9 is never prescribed to patients who are hypersensitive to it. It is also worth paying attention to additional components, which may differ from individual manufacturers.

Among the adverse reactions, the instructions indicate allergies. It can be mild or severe: swelling, rash, itching, and so on. There is evidence that use of the drug caused fever in some people. If you have unpleasant symptoms after starting therapy, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Method of use

Before using the medication, be sure to read the instructions. Read the information about the benefits and harms of Folic Acid tablets. For men and non-pregnant women, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 400 mcg. During pregnancy, the need for folic acid increases. Expectant mothers are advised to consume up to six hundred micrograms of folate.

For children, the medication is prescribed in a lower dosage. It all depends on the age and body weight of the child. The duration of therapy is also determined individually. The tablets should be taken orally with water. If possible, take the medication with meals.

What do doctors say?

Gynecologists claim that the benefits of taking the drug “Folic acid” are achieved, and they cannot cause harm during pregnancy. Doctors explain their statement as follows. During pregnancy, a woman's diet changes. Often, expectant mothers feel disgusted by foods that contain vitamin B9. These are meat, mushrooms, root vegetables, greens. This results in a lack of folic acid in the body. This is aggravated by the fact that the fetus needs this vitamin every day. Therefore, pregnant women are often prescribed the drug without additional examinations.

Older people need folic acid to maintain the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Tablets are prescribed in courses with breaks. For children, the medication is prescribed much less frequently. There must be good reasons for this. Most children get the required amount of folic acid from food.

Let's sum it up

You have learned a lot about folic acid. Whether harm or benefit will be obtained from therapy depends on the situation and condition of the patient. If there is an excess of vitamin B9 in the body, then taking it can be dangerous. However, this situation occurs very rarely. Most patients are deficient in folic acid. Therefore, it is advisable to use it in the doses described above.

You can buy folic acid without a prescription at any pharmacy. If you are taking vitamin complexes at the same time, pay attention to whether the described component is there, so as not to provoke an excess of it in the body. I wish you good health and well-being!

Everyone knows that the human body has a certain daily requirement for each vitamin and microelement. But here it is worth considering that some substances can be fully or partially synthesized by the body itself, while others can come exclusively from external sources. Folic acid (or vitamin B9) is produced by the microflora of the large intestine, but this amount is so small that it is usually not even taken into account. This component is essential to ensure the normal functioning of organs and systems, so it is important to ensure its supply. What exactly is the benefit of the substance and how can it be obtained? – this is what we will find out in this article.

What is folic acid good for and what is it for?

Folic acid has a general positive effect on the human body, as it ensures the normal course of the following processes:

  • synthesis and maintenance of DNA structure integrity;
  • cell growth;
  • production of enzymes that prevent the appearance of tumors;
  • establishing immune defense;
  • cardiovascular system support;
  • amino acid synthesis;
  • beneficial effect on hematopoiesis;
  • regulation of processes of excitation and inhibition of the nervous system.

The component is necessarily included in the complex of therapy for Parkinson's disease and many other complex diseases.

Benefits for women's health

Folic acid is one of those components that is simply necessary for the female body. First of all, the substance helps to form new cells, which promotes the growth of hair and nails, and more active renewal of the skin. A number of studies have found that ensuring sufficient intake of the vitamin in the body reduces the likelihood of developing breast and ovarian cancer.

It is worth considering that women are more emotional, so their reaction to events happening around them is often quite acute. The described vitamin is a kind of prevention of depressive conditions due to the fact that it participates in the process of stimulating the production of the so-called happiness hormone - serotonin. But a deficiency of this component is a direct path to emotional depression, depression, increased fatigue and other unpleasant conditions.

Beneficial properties for men

The intake of all necessary vitamins and minerals into the body is the key to well-being, vigor and health. Each of the beneficial components has its own role in the human body, and folic acid is also indispensable for men in the following aspects:

  • the vitamin is involved in the process of formation of new cells, and when it is deficient, the number of active sperm is significantly reduced, which reduces a man’s ability to conceive;
  • for conception, it is important to take B9 for at least three months to reduce the likelihood of the formation of gene mutations in future offspring;
  • in adolescence, the component is necessary for the normal course of the process of puberty;
    Thanks to folic acid, the chances of suffering from baldness in old age are reduced.

Vitamin B9- an important component of all gender dependencies, and its intake in full is important to control at any age and situation.

When planning a pregnancy

B9 in sufficient quantities is especially important for pregnant women, as it is largely the key to a successful pregnancy and normal intrauterine development of the baby. Its intake helps achieve the following positive effects:

  • reduces the risk of premature birth;
  • helps normalize the emotional background in the postpartum period;
  • folic acid plays a significant role in the prevention of pathologies of neural tube development in a baby;
  • The substance may not help you get pregnant, but it prepares the body and provides the necessary conditions for conception, which makes it necessary to take the drug for at least a three-month period before the planned conception.

Some do not consider it necessary to take vitamin complexes both in preparation for pregnancy and during its course, but experts insist that this is a risk no longer for the mother herself, but for the unborn baby.

For the beauty of facial skin, hair and nails

This direction of the beneficial effect of the described component directly follows from its ability to influence the processes of active formation of new cells. The most obvious consequence of folic acid deficiency is the appearance of skin defects; often in women who are not concerned about a sufficient supply of the component, white spots appear on the skin. It is for the normal renewal of the skin of the face and the whole body that B9 is needed.

Folic acid is also useful for complexion, good condition of nails and hair. In both women and men, it helps avoid baldness as it stimulates hair growth. Considering all of the above, it is not at all surprising that the component is classified as a beauty vitamin.

For weight loss

In this aspect, it is worth mentioning the particular importance of the component in the metabolic functions of the body. Ensuring a normal supply of the component is not only good for health, but also for your figure: the vitamin helps process fat cells. This effect explains why many nutritionists recommend taking additional folic acid. But you should understand that this is not the only way to lose weight; a vitamin complex is just one element of an overall system designed to help you lose extra pounds.

Symptoms of vitamin B9 deficiency

It is not so easy for the body to obtain folic acid in the required volume. Firstly, part of such an important product is lost due to bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages and frequent use of medications. The substance is poorly absorbed if there are problems with the liver. Secondly, due to the fact that this vitamin is water-soluble, it is very quickly destroyed during heat treatment, at room temperature under the influence of sunlight; obtaining it from food is also a rather difficult process. Taking all this into account, approximately 7-8 people out of ten have a deficiency of this component, which can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  1. feeling of depression, frequent depressive moods;
  2. decreased activity and performance;
  3. irritability;
  4. insomnia;
  5. fast fatiguability;
  6. headache;
  7. noticeable memory impairment;
  8. defects in fetal development or frequent, causeless cases of termination of pregnancy.

An acute shortage of a component usually results in open hostility and aggressiveness towards the outside world, sudden weight loss, and loss of appetite. In particularly difficult cases, psychological disorders may even develop - various kinds of mania or paranoia.

A deficiency can occur only when sufficient supplies of a component have not been observed for more than a month. After 4 months of this condition, anemia develops, which disrupts the formation of blood cells in the bone marrow.

Instructions for use of vitamin B9 and dosage

To maintain your health, it is important to ensure at least a minimal intake of the vitamin into your body. For an adult, this lower line is 200 mcg, the optimal is up to 400 mcg. Getting a good result requires regular use of the tablet form of the vitamin, otherwise the effect will not be lasting. It is worth considering that additional intake of folic acid is necessary under conditions of increased mental and physical stress, during illnesses and stressful situations. In such situations, the minimum is increased to 300-400 mcg (this is especially important for people who are in professional sports).

Preparations with this component must be taken either during meals or immediately after once a day. The recommended duration of the preventive course is from two to three months.

How to take for pregnant women

Vitamin B9 is important for the development of the fetus, and during pregnancy, a woman’s need for this component increases 2-3 times. The specific dose should be prescribed by the doctor who is caring for the pregnancy, and usually the dosage is 500-800 mcg. In the 1st trimester, the increased dose is most relevant, after which it can be reduced. Do not be afraid of such large numbers - excess components are easily eliminated by the body, and an overdose is only possible if you take about three dozen tablets at once.

Directions for use for children

For a child, the rate of acid consumption is determined by his specific age. So, for example, up to one year it should be supplied in the amount of 50 mcg, up to 6 years the dosage increases to 100 mcg, for up to 10 years - 150 mcg, and, finally, over 12 years, a dose of 200 mcg is relevant. The main indication for use is usually the prevention of deficiency.

How to drink folic acid if it is deficient in the body

The deficiency of the component must be replenished systematically, without relying on taking the vitamin in large quantities at once. It will be enough to purchase the drug in tablets and take it according to the rules described in the instructions. The deficiency state can only be eliminated and prevented by the systematic use of supplements and correction of dietary style, which involves increasing the number of healthy foods.

What foods contain folic acid?

Vitamin B9 is found in food products, but it is worth remembering that during heat treatment it is almost completely destroyed, so if possible, they are eaten fresh. A distinctive feature of most products rich in B9 is their rich, dark green color. The list looks like this:

  • celery, spinach, different types of cabbage and green onions;
  • walnuts;
  • tomatoes;
  • citrus fruits and watermelons;
  • cereals, yeast;
  • sprouted wheat seeds;
  • beets, etc.

The component is also found in dairy products, egg yolks, sea fish and beef liver. It is worth mentioning that B9 is effectively absorbed only in the presence of a sufficient amount of vitamin B12, so nutrition must take into account and maintain this balance.

Names of drugs containing folic acid

You can buy useful vitamins with folic acid at any pharmacy, and the component can be either the only active component of the composition or be one of others. The simplest and most accessible remedy has a similar name - Folic acid tablets. The ingredients of such a supplement include only vitamin B9 (usually 1 mg per tablet) and auxiliary components.

You can also find the vitamin in complex vitamin supplements, for example:

  • Complivit;
  • Doppelhertz asset;
  • Foliber (product containing B9 and 12);
  • Maltofer;
  • Folic acid “9 months”;
  • Efalar (Folic acid + B6 + B12).

Considering the increased need for the component when carrying a baby, during this period specialized vitamin complexes are prescribed, for example:

  • Complimentary Mom;
  • Vitrum Prenatal Forte;
  • Alphabet Mom's health;
  • Pregnavit.

Harm and side effects from taking vitamin B9

Taking folic acid over a long period of time can cause some harm to the body, even though there is no accumulation effect. So, stimulating the production of estrogen for a woman is undoubtedly useful for conception, but to a certain limit. Excessive growth of the endometrium is an ideal platform for the development of neoplasms in the uterus. Normalization of endorphin production is also good in moderation - its increased amount leads to overexcitation, which is accompanied by irritability, sleep problems and even panic attacks. Side effects may affect the functioning of the kidneys, immune system, and digestive tract.


Considering that this vitamin is water-soluble, its excess is usually simply excreted from the body, but an overdose situation is still possible - when taking an increased dose for a long time. Previously, it was believed that there was no harm from vitamin B9, no matter how much it was taken, but recent studies have shown that if an overdose occurs during pregnancy, the risk of having a baby with a tendency to bronchial asthma and frequent colds increases.

Excessive intake of this substance for problems with the cardiovascular system can lead to the development of coronary insufficiency and heart attack in the future. In the presence of megaloblastic anemia, a large amount of the described substance can help hide symptoms and imperceptibly worsen the disease.

And although direct harm to a healthy person from an overdose is not described, if such symptoms occur, it is better to seek medical help:

  • metallic taste;
  • rash on the body;
  • digestive problems;
  • increased irritability;
  • sleep disorders.

Contraindications to the use of folic acid

The only clear contraindication to the use of folic acid is hypersensitivity to it, which depends on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. However, there are several situations in which the use of the substance is carried out with extreme caution, namely:

  • forms of anemia associated with a lack of vitamin B 12;
  • disturbance of iron metabolism in the body;
  • childhood;
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms.

This is a water-soluble vitamin, an indispensable companion to numerous processes in the human body. A person gets the vitamin from food; it is found in liver and meat, soybeans, oranges, egg yolks, brewer's yeast, and seeds.

But during pregnancy, when a woman needs twice as many nutrients to build a new body and maintain the normal functioning of her own, the need for folic acid increases significantly.

B9 deficiency also occurs with long-term diets, antibiotic treatment, nervous overload, and alcohol abuse. In these cases, it is necessary to take additional folic acid supplements.

Benefits and harms

What are the benefits of folic acid? It is needed to perform several essential functions:

  1. Hematopoiesis. It is involved in the formation of red blood cells and maintains the required level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  2. Normalization of liver and intestinal function, that is, the vitamin increases appetite and stimulates digestion.
  3. Improving performance and memory.
  4. Fight depression and chronic fatigue.
  5. Preparing the body for conception child, normal pregnancy and childbirth without complications.
  6. Prevention of hereditary and genetic diseases and abnormalities in children not only in the womb, but also after birth.

It is especially important to get enough folic acid when the neural tube and the main vital organs of the unborn child are formed.

Vitamin B9 also enhances the activity of male sperm and delays the onset of menopause in women. In general, folic acid is human and also prevents the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the body, preventing heart attack and stroke.

This is the vitamin of vigor and good mood, apathy, irritability, fatigue are one of the main signs of folic acid deficiency. The following symptoms will also help identify a deficiency of this vitamin:

An excess of folic acid occurs only if you take a dose of the vitamin exceeding the daily dose for several months in a row. This is fraught with increased excitability in children, attacks of nausea, and suppression of vitamin B12 in the body.

Approximately 90% of vitamin B9 contained in food is destroyed during heat treatment. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically take a course of vitamin complex to prevent deficiency, and before conceiving a child and immediately after it, this is an immutable rule.

Review of products: release forms and prices in pharmacies

Pharmacies offer folic acid both in pure form - in the form of pills or drops - and in combination with other vitamins and microelements.


The drug is directly related to the group of vitamins B. Interacting with vitamin C, it turns into folinic acid. It takes part in the process of formation of red blood cells and leukocytes.

Acid is necessary for the synthesis of protein cells in the skin and hair. The vitamin is prescribed to pregnant women (about folic acid during pregnancy), as well as for the treatment of gastritis, with a decrease in hemoglobin, to reduce the risk of cervical cancer.

A deficiency of this vitamin is indicated by fatigue, weight loss, anemia, depression, weakness, diarrhea, and memory impairment.

Adults need 200 mcg of this vitamin per day(for prevention). During the period of bearing a child, you should drink 400 mcg of folic acid per day, during lactation - 300 mcg.

For treatment, adults are prescribed 500 mcg of vitamin per day. For children, the vitamin is prescribed in the smallest doses. This vitamin should be taken for a month.

The drug is available in dosages of 100 mg, 400 mg.

Price at the pharmacy: from 29 rubles to 689 rubles(depending on the country of origin).


Includes folic acid and vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). These components, when interacting, prevent the formation of homocysteine, a harmful product of the interaction of amino acids, and protect against the appearance of atherosclerosis.

Used to prevent heart disease. Can be used by women at the time of pregnancy planning and in the first three months of pregnancy to prevent fetal development defects.

The drug is contraindicated in persons with intolerance to the components. Should be taken with caution by persons with impaired absorption of glucose and lactose.

Take 1 tablet. a day an hour before meals. Prevention course - 20-25 days

Foliber cost: from 120 to 257 rubles.

Doppelhertz active Folic acid

The composition of the drug includes: vitamin B9 - 600 mg, vitamin C - 300 mg, B6 - 6 mg, B12 - 5 mg, E - 36 mg.
This combination of vitamins in the complex promotes cell growth and serves as a prevention of heart and vascular diseases.

Prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding, for heart disease, to reduce the risk of complications in heart and vascular diseases, and for gynecological diseases.

Contraindications include intolerance to the components.

Doppelhertz active Folic acid is prescribed one tablet per day. Should be taken with meals. The duration of taking the vitamin complex is 1 month.

Price at the pharmacy: from 185 to 525 rubles.


This mineral and vitamin complex contains: folic acid - 0.35 mg and iron polymaltosate hydroxide - 357 mg.

Maltofer is prescribed for a lack of iron and folic acid, iron deficiency anemia, during lactation and pregnancy.

Contraindications include: non-iron deficiency anemia, deterioration of iron processing, iron overload in the body, intolerance to the components of the complex.

The dosage and duration of treatment depends on the condition of the body. For iron deficiency anemia, 1-3 tablets per day are prescribed for four to five months. During pregnancy, you need to take one tablet twice a day until the desired hemoglobin level is reached.

For mild iron deficiency, take one tablet per day.

Price at the pharmacy for Maltofer - folic acid with iron: from 504 rubles to 615 rubles.

Fenyuls Zinc

The vitamin complex includes: folic acid, pyridoxine hydrochloride, zinc sulfate monohydrate, ferrous sulfate.

Prescribed for the treatment and prevention of iron, folic acid, and zinc deficiency, even in children. It is also used in complex therapy for the treatment of skin diseases (juvenile acne, atopic dermatitis).

: obstructive changes in the gastrointestinal tract, children under 13 years of age, unresponsiveness of the components in the composition, non-iron deficiency anemia, excess iron in the body. The drug should be used with caution for peptic ulcers and intestinal diseases.

The duration of administration and daily dosage depend on the level of iron deficiency. For the treatment of moderate and small iron deficiency, it is necessary to take the drug for three months, twice a day, one tablet. During pregnancy, you need to take 1 capsule per day until the end of pregnancy. For skin diseases - 1 capsule per day.

Price: from 62 rubles to 157 rubles.

Folic acid with B6 and B12 from Evalar

The composition of the drug includes: folic acid - 600 mcg, B12 - 5 mcg, B6 - 6 mg. Is a dietary supplement.
It should be used to prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis and thrombosis due to the fact that the substances included in the drug lower homocysteine ​​levels.

The drug is indicated for pregnant women. Prevents the occurrence of heart diseases and their complications.
Contraindications include intolerance to the components of the drug.

For the purpose of prevention, adults should take one tablet every morning during meals. The duration of taking the drug Folic acid with B6 and B12 from Evalar is 60 days.

Price at the pharmacy: from 80 to 180 rubles.


Solution for oral administration. Includes: ammonium ferric citrate - 40 mg, folic acid - 0.3 mg, Excipients.

It is used for folate deficiency and iron deficiency anemia, after surgery on the stomach, during pregnancy and lactation, renal failure, and helminthic infestation.

Contraindications: excess iron, peptic ulcer, acute enterocolitis, individual intolerance to the components of the solution.
Must be taken 30 minutes before meals. The dosage is determined using a measuring cup. Children and adults should take 15-20 ml per day (one dose). Children under one year old: 3-6 mg per day per 1 kilogram of weight.

Price at the pharmacy: from 67 to 152 rubles.

Elevit Pronatal

The drug includes: iron, vitamins B, A, D3, C, E, folic acid, copper, magnesium, calcium pantothenate, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, nicotinamide.

The complex is intended for iron deficiency, folic acid deficiency during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Helps reduce the risk of birth defects in the fetus.

Contraindications: intolerance to the components of the complex. At the time of taking the drug, problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract may occur, but you should not stop taking the drug. Persons with excess calcium levels in the blood should not take the complex for a long time.

The drug is taken one tablet once a day after meals.

Price for these vitamins with B9 in the pharmacy: from 430 rubles to 1669 rubles.

Folic acid "9 months"

The drug consists of folic acid - 400 mcg.

Designed to replenish the lack of folic acid during pregnancy, to reduce the risk of developing pathologies. It is important to start taking the drug 1-3 months before the expected conception.

Contraindications include: childhood, malignant tumor, cobalamin deficiency, pernicious anemia.
You should take 1 tablet per day in the first trimester.

Price at the pharmacy: from 110 rubles to 230 rubles.

Folic acid is far from the only vitamin needed during pregnancy. Why and in what quantity is vitamin E needed? .

Find out about products containing vitamin E - the leaders in concentration:

Instructions for use

On average, the daily dose for a healthy adult or child is from 200 to 300 mcg per day, for those who experience constant physical activity - up to 400 mcg, for pregnant and lactating women - from 600 to 800 mcg per day.

Nutrients are better absorbed if taken with meals. A balanced diet rich in foods and vitamins containing folic acid should also be introduced. Find out more about healthy foods with this vitamin.

Any medication, even vitamins and microelements, must be taken only after consulting a specialist, he also determines the dosage and duration of treatment.

More detailed instructions on the use of folic acid.

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