Graphite grease. Graphite lubricant and its application. Application in machine components

Graphite is considered a fairly well-known material, as it is used in the manufacture of a simple pencil. Recently, it has also been used in the production of various lubricants, which are characterized by their specific performance characteristics. Graphite lubricant is designed to solve a wide variety of problems. At the same time, other additives can be added to the composition, due to which the substance is given special properties. Let us consider the features of such an offer in more detail.

When considering the composition of graphite lubricant, attention should be paid to the fact that it is often produced in the form of a plastic thick mass. The product in liquid form is not widely used, but if necessary, you can purchase a special spray, after application of which a dry graphite lubricant with the required properties is formed. Copper-graphite grease is also available for sale and is used to coat various surfaces.

Common graphite lubricants have the following properties:

  1. Industrial oil is used as a base. In this case, mineral and synthetic oils are isolated, the second is characterized by higher performance characteristics. Based on the composition, the base used is divided into several main categories: soap, hydrocarbon.
  2. Graphite in powder form is added to the oil. This material has certain properties that determine the possibility of using the substance in certain conditions.

By and large, graphite lubricant resembles grease, which has special properties. At the same time, a variety of technologies can be used for its production, which determines the cost. Today there is no point in producing the substance with your own hands, since the product found on sale is relatively inexpensive.

There are simply a huge number of different manufacturers that produce lubricants. The most widespread are:

  1. Felix. This brand produces a high-temperature product, the product is characterized by a general area of ​​application.
  2. Oilwright. On sale you can find the product in various packages from 100 to 180 grams. This domestically produced graphite lubricant has very attractive properties and can protect the material from cracks or corrosion. This product is characterized by a lower cost, which determines its wide range of applications.
  3. Agrinol. Some chemicals are designed to operate in low ambient temperatures. In addition, such a product is characterized by increased efficiency in difficult operating conditions. The product is characterized by increased resistance to washing off and has high adhesion.
  4. Yukoil. This brand has become very widespread, which is due to the high quality of the product. High-quality graphite lubricant is designed for operation in difficult conditions. With timely treatment of the surface with such a substance, the likelihood of a fairly large number of different problems can be eliminated.
  5. VAG. This manufacturer is very widespread; its products are used in mechanical engineering and everyday life.

Quite often the question arises about the degree of electrical conductivity of a lubricant. Conducted studies indicate that graphite does not create additional resistance at the contacts. This eliminates the possibility of them heating up. That is why the product in question is often used to protect contacts from corrosion. Contact protection eliminates the possibility of the wiring catching fire and becoming very hot, as well as the contacts melting due to exposure to high temperatures.

Most of the goods can be stored for no more than 5 years. After this, the basic performance characteristics may be significantly reduced and the graphite lubricant cannot be used.

Application area

This type of lubricant is found in a variety of areas, most often in the protection of automotive structures. The scope of application of graphite lubricant is as follows:

  1. Steering column mechanisms, ball, some parts of the hydraulic system.
  2. Various elements of the spring suspension, which at the time of operation are adjacent to each other.
  3. A fairly common question is whether bearings can be lubricated with graphite grease. Pillow bearings cannot be used without lubricant; graphite is quite common.
  4. The driveshaft can be called a very common mechanism, which also requires protection from friction. Graphite lubricant is suitable for it, which is also found in everyday life.
  5. Splined shaft connections. In this case, graphite lubricants for cars are used, which are supplied in the form of a spray. Due to the use in this form, the process of applying the substance to the surface is significantly simplified.
  6. Cable drives are also characterized by the fact that during operation they can experience high loads, leading to wear. That is why the surface is often lubricated using special substances.
  7. When considering the purpose, attention should be paid to the fact that graphite grease is often used to coat battery terminals and some other connections intended to transmit electric current.
  8. Too much load can cause the temperature of the metal to rise. Graphite lubricant eliminates the possibility of the nut sticking to the thread when used under difficult conditions.
  9. Certain properties allow it to be used for long-term storage of various parts. This eliminates the possibility of rust.

Bearings can be lubricated with graphite grease to eliminate the possibility of structural wear. Graphite lubricant is used when servicing a wide variety of mechanisms, which are characterized by their specific properties. Some machines cannot last for a long period using conventional lubricant. Application in a car is possible due to its special composition and performance properties; most often there is a spray on sale, which is quite easy to apply to the surface.

Chains, locks, door hinges and other products of this type are very common in everyday life. The increased degree of density allows this product to be used when mixed with various solvents. Due to this, it is possible to give the graphite lubricant the required fluidity, due to which it penetrates into various hard-to-reach places. After application and short-term use, the solvent begins to evaporate, and the lubricant remains in place. The product can be used to treat rubber and paint coatings.

In conclusion, we note that graphite lubricant is a modern offering on the market. By adding a certain impurity to the composition, performance characteristics in various temperature conditions are significantly increased.

  1. What is graphite lubricant?
  2. Graphite lubricant. Properties
  3. Application of graphite lubricants
  4. Advanced materials MODENGY and EFELE are an ideal replacement for traditional graphite lubricants!
Graphite began to be used as a lubricant back in the 18th century. As a rule, it was used to service various mechanisms of lifting devices. Graphite in such connections ensured smooth and silent operation.

What is graphite lubricant?

The first graphite lubricant was made from a mineral base oil thickened with graphite and calcium soap. Calcium soap provided the material with good resistance to being washed off with water. The finished product was a homogeneous black to dark brown ointment.

Today, graphite lubricants are any lubricant that contains graphite, such as graphite-infused oils, anti-friction coatings, greases, etc.

Graphite lubricant has a great advantage - durability. After the oil film stops working, the hard graphite particles protect the assembly surface from boundary friction, corrosion, scuffing, seizing and contact with abrasives.

Traditional graphite lubricants operate at temperatures from -20 °C to +70 °C. They are designed for servicing loaded mechanisms made of steel or copper alloys that are prone to oxidation (threaded connections, gears, lead screws, jacks, car suspension elements, etc.).

The use of graphite lubricant in automotive equipment is especially important, for example, in order to reduce friction between leaf springs, to lubricate the parking brake cable, the retractable antenna of a car (removes interference during the operation of the radio). In everyday life, door hinges can be treated with graphite lubricant to protect metal surfaces and eliminate squeaking.

Graphite lubricant. Properties

The performance characteristics of traditional graphite lubricants meet the operating conditions of equipment and machinery produced in Russia. Compared to conventional lubricants, graphite lubricants have the following advantages:
  • High anti-friction characteristics
  • Increased load-bearing capacity
  • Provides smoother running of mechanisms
  • Improves lapping of metal parts
  • Conduct electricity
  • Moisture resistance
However, graphite lubricants are not without disadvantages:
  • Low melting point of calcium thickener reduces upper operating temperature limit
  • Due to the coarsely refined, coarsely ground graphite, the field of application is limited to open components with poor surface quality
Using conventional graphite lubricant without taking into account the limitations described above will inevitably increase wear and significantly reduce equipment life. Therefore, there was a need to improve the properties of materials. Today, a large number of high-tech graphite lubricants are produced, suitable for the operating conditions of various equipment.

One of the discoveries of engineers is the synergistic interaction between graphite and molybdenum disulfide (MoS 2). It is based on replacing the weaknesses of one substance with the strengths of another. Thus, graphite performs poorly in a dry environment and unsatisfactorily in inert gases. Molybdenum disulfide, in turn, shows weak properties in a humid environment.

When combining graphite powders and molybdenum disulfide, a mixture is obtained that significantly exceeds the characteristics of each of these materials separately.

Application of graphite lubricants

Graphite is an excellent anti-friction filler, so graphite lubricant is ideal for servicing large and small mechanisms.
The scope of application of graphite lubricants is large. As a rule, they are used to service components and mechanisms operating under heavy loads - in oil production, automotive, construction, and agricultural equipment. In addition to protecting against wear, the lubricant prevents squeaks caused by friction of parts. In low-speed gearboxes, “graphite” softens the contact of gears by absorbing the energy of the impact interaction of the teeth.

In everyday life, graphite lubricant is used to protect garage and door hinges, locks, etc. Due to its good water resistance, the material does not require frequent replacement.

Graphite lubricant is most popular when servicing vehicle components.

  • Ball joints and suspensions
  • Steering knuckle bearings
  • Gears and steering racks
  • Threaded connections
  • Battery terminals
  • Cardan crosspieces on a rear-wheel drive car
  • Brake caliper guides
  • Anti-squeak washers in springs, etc.
It should be noted that graphite lubricant is not suitable for all vehicle components, since graphite, for example in small bearings, can cause premature wear.

Advanced materials MODENGY and EFELE are an ideal replacement for traditional graphite lubricants!

Anti-friction coating (dry lubrication) based on graphite and molybdenum disulfide (MoS 2) - developed by the Modeling and Engineering company. It is manufactured using unique technologies using high quality components.

MODENGY 1001 polymerizes at room temperature and works well under high loads over a wide temperature range (-180...+440 °C). Dry lubricant is not squeezed out of friction zones, prevents the adhesion of dust and abrasives, and protects against frictional wear for a long time. The coating works under high loads, under conditions of radiation and vacuum.

Application area:

  • Sliding friction units in cars: guides, hinges and hinges, locks, threaded and splined connections, throttle valve
  • Gears, sliding guides, chains of printing and pressing equipment
  • Sliding guides for polymer processing equipment
  • Lead screws and plain bearings for pipeline fittings
  • Chain drives for conveyors and hoisting machines
  • For cold extrusion of steel to prevent scuffing

Advantages of MODENGY 1001

  • High adhesion
  • Wide operating temperature range from -180 to + 440 °C
  • Air curing
  • Performance in dusty conditions
  • Aerosol packaging
  • Softens the movement of mechanisms
  • Prevents contact of dust and abrasives with work surfaces

Chain oil with graphite– ideal for servicing heavily loaded components, such as chain drives operating at low speeds.

Thanks to graphite and special additives, the oil has high load-bearing and anti-corrosion properties, and also does not flow out of friction zones under the influence of centrifugal forces.

Application area:

  • Chains with large links
  • Highly loaded chain drives operating at low speeds
  • Sliding guides operating under high loads and low speeds
  • Protection of chain drives and sliding guides operating in dusty environments

Advantages of EFELE MO-749

  • High load-bearing capacity
  • Anti-friction fillers reduce wear of components in dusty environments
  • Good anti-wear properties
  • Prevents stick-slip motion
  • Wide operating temperature range
  • High anti-corrosion properties
  • Has anti-emergency lubricant properties

Graphite lubricant is a very popular material that is used everywhere: from heavy industry to passenger cars.

Polarization allows the characteristics of graphite to be enhanced, i.e. polarizing agents are introduced into the layered structure of graphite. This is how polarized graphite is obtained. It works in humid environments, has greater adhesion to metal surfaces and is thermally stable. Today it is one of the most promising solid lubricants.

Due to its high performance properties, graphite, as an additive, can be used in almost any type of lubricants, enhancing their characteristics. Moreover, its presence in the composition practically does not increase the final cost of the product.

Everyone is familiar with graphite products such as a simple pencil. Car enthusiasts and home craftsmen know what brushes for an electric motor are. They are made with the addition of this material. This gray powder is also added to the rubber of windshield wipers to improve gliding.

The topic of our article: graphite lubricant, the scope of which is no less diverse. We know that friction parts must be lubricated in the working area.

In addition to traditional grease compositions made with the addition of lithium components, graphite or copper grease is widely used in cars. What is the advantage of this component? Let's find out in our review.

Composition and characteristics of graphite lubricant

The traditional form of release is a plastic mass with the consistency of thick sour cream. It is not used in liquid form, although it is packaged in spray form. After application, a thin film of dry lubricant is formed.

This material is not prepared directly from graphite; the powder is added to the finished composition, which can be used independently. By and large, graphite lubricant owes its appearance to good old grease, or as experienced car enthusiasts remember: grease. Therefore, speaking about the composition, let's talk about the methods of producing the base composition.

Almost any grease is produced on the basis of industrial oil. It is produced by simple methods of processing petroleum products.

Sublimation of fuel oil in a container without oxygen at high temperature, or deasphalting of tar. The resulting liquid material needs to be thickened.

For this, the technology provides two ways:

  1. Introduction of fatty acids of plant origin. The method is as old as the world of cars, but the quality of the final product is higher than that obtained using modern technologies. The only drawback is that such grease is more expensive.
  2. Currently, manufacturers prefer synthetics. Unlike motor oils, artificially created additives do not improve quality, although it meets all standards. Synthetic fatty acids are inexpensive to produce, so the final product also costs less. Hence the massive demand.
    The resulting solid oil is the basic basis of the graphite lubricant.

Another way to obtain the base composition is to add lithium soap to industrial oil. Unlike "lithol", no more additives.

Fine graphite powder is added to the finished mass. Grinding is similar to grain flour: the finer it is, the better the finished product.

Different mixing methods are used

  • In organic bases thickened with calcium soap, a plastic paste is formed. Graphite seems to dissolve in the mass, although from the point of view of the physics of the process, this is not so.
  • When creating a lubricant based on synthetic products, a suspension is obtained. Due to its density, the powder is always in suspension.

The main task is to distribute the graphite powder as evenly as possible. When applied to a lubricated surface, it remains in the working area until forced removal.

Is it possible to make “graphite” yourself?

Powder is not in short supply. It could be found even 30-40 years ago. But lubricants based on it were not always on store shelves. Therefore, car enthusiasts added a little motor oil to the solid oil (mineral water, of course), poured graphite dust (powder) into the container, then stirred for a long time and thoroughly.

The result was the highest quality composition: based on vegetable solid oil, without synthetic thickeners.

If you need to make a limited amount of such material, you can cut a little graphite from a pencil lead with a knife and mix it with lithol or grease.

How to make graphite lubricant with your own hands - video

Characteristics of graphite grease:

  • Operating ambient temperature range: from -20℃ to +60℃ (we are talking about long-term operation). Short-term heating up to +120℃ is allowed, but dripping begins already at +80℃. When used in rubbing parts such as springs, the lower limit may go beyond -20℃.
  • The permissible mass fraction of water is no more than 3%, after which an emulsion begins to form.
  • Shear strength from 100 Pa. Parameter measurement temperature: +50℃.
  • Compressive strength: 400 (+/- 200).
  • Tensile strength: 120.
  • Penetration more than 250 mm/10. Measurement temperature: +50℃.
  • Electrical resistance is no more than 5 kOhm per cm of length.

The properties of graphite lubricant are determined by the properties of graphite

  1. Good thermal conductivity (read: heat removal from the heating zone).
  2. Electrical conductivity (contacts can be lubricated).
  3. Resistance to moisture. It must be remembered that mechanical mixing with water forms an emulsion.
  4. Thermal resistance. Apart from a short-term change in viscosity value, there are no other problems. Limit temperature at which evaporation does not yet begin: +150℃.
  5. Chemical neutrality: upon interaction with the surface, no reaction occurs.
  6. As a bonus: provides durable anti-corrosion protection.
  7. High colloidal stability, in comparison with basic solid oil.
  8. Good friction reduction coefficient.
  9. The number of jams in lever mechanisms is reduced to a minimum.
  10. High adhesion to almost any materials.
  11. Does not respond to static voltage: currents simply flow through its electrically conductive layer.
  12. The antifriction indicator is at a high level.

There are also small disadvantages:

  1. Still, it cannot be used on units with long-term stable temperatures above +80℃.
  2. Despite the low coefficient of friction, it is not advisable to use it in friction joints with precision gaps. Increased wear may occur.

Where is graphite lubricant used in a car?

The use of graphite lubricant is determined by the instructions for routine maintenance, since mixing different oil compositions is unacceptable.

What is better: graphite lubricant or pennant?

The composition of the base is the same, except that the Vympel zinc grease does not use an organic thickener, mainly lithium soap. The consumer characteristics are similar, the fundamental difference is in the operating range.

Graphite grease is not as heat resistant: peak values ​​​​from +120℃ to +150℃ are allowed, but only for a short time. Zinc grease “Vympel” stably maintains its characteristics up to a temperature of +120℃.

Can bearings be lubricated with graphite grease? Only at low load and low speed. At the same time, “Vympel” is placed in loaded rotation bearings and moving suspension parts without restrictions.

Which is better, graphite or copper grease?

These two formulations have very similar characteristics. The same base, the same method of introducing fine powder. Just like copper, graphite grease conducts current. Another common quality: release form. There is a plastic paste, a less viscous gel and an aerosol.

However, copper compounds have an undeniable advantage: high temperature stability. The properties do not change even with short-term heating to +1000℃. And the normal range of application provides a constant temperature of up to +300℃.

Therefore, unlike graphite, it is successfully used in brake calipers.

To be fair, it is worth noting that copper grease does not “hold” high loads so well under the pressure of rubbing parts. Highly dispersed copper is simply squeezed out along with the carrier, and graphite particles remain on the surface of the metal, even when the lubricating base is completely dry. At the same time, copper grease is significantly more expensive than graphite grease.

Which is better, graphite lubricant or Litol?

If we talk about plastic consistency, there is no fundamental difference. Same scope, similar characteristics. In addition, many car enthusiasts make “graphite”, including from “”, introducing graphite powder into it. This reduces the temperature range.

Litol 24 in various packaging

So why is this being done? Litol accumulates contaminant particles; graphite lubricant eliminates this disadvantage. In addition, the dry graphite component works better in places where two metal parts are tightly adjacent.

At high pressure, lithol can be forced out, down to a dry contact patch. And graphite remains between the friction parts in any conditions. In addition, if electrical conductivity is needed, graphite has an undeniable advantage: Litol-24 is a 100% dielectric.

Copper-graphite grease

This is a good compromise between cost and consumer qualities. By selecting the proportions of fine copper and graphite, the manufacturer creates a lubricant with universal properties.

Electrical conductivity remains within the same parameters (both powders cope with this perfectly). Graphite ensures the preservation of the lubricating layer at high pressure, and copper powder increases heat resistance. Of course, +1000℃ for a two-component composition is an prohibitive value, but +500℃ or +700℃ does not change the characteristics.

By mixing the two materials, adhesion improves dramatically. When working with metal vapors subject to electrochemical corrosion (for example, copper + aluminum), it is the two-component composition that acts as a kind of buffer.


With all the advantages of compounds containing graphite, you need to remember a simple rule: “Each part has its own lubricant”

One should not attribute miraculous properties to “graphite”, although when used as intended, it significantly extends the life of mechanisms.

Graphite lubricant is obtained by processing petroleum oil, for which the so-called calcium soap is used. The result of such processing is a thick ointment. Currently, graphite lubricant, used in a car, which helps reduce friction, is presented in various names.

With the increase in the number of cars, the composition began to be used much more actively than during its discovery at the dawn of the automotive industry. In addition to choosing between different licensed brands, there is the possibility of making it yourself.


Lubricant characteristics

Externally, graphite lubricant resembles a thick cream of brown or dark color. The characteristics of different types of lubricant differ, primarily regarding the minimum temperature at which it begins to freeze. In most cases this occurs at minus 20 degrees Celsius. When this threshold value is reached, it begins to thicken, and therefore the friction between individual elements in the car increases.

There is another threshold - the maximum positive temperature, which is on average 70 degrees.

Azmol graphite lubricant

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that graphite lubricant has good contact only with metals susceptible to oxidation. In some cases it can be used for processing precious metals. This use is atypical and will not bring the desired result. If we consider the interaction of a substance with metals in a car, then in this case a reduction in friction is achieved due to the presence of water molecules between the individual layers of graphite. The weak connection of the elements reduces the friction of parts with each other, which is why lubricant has become so widespread in industry.

Ready to use graphite grease

Application of lubricant

For the first time, petroleum-based substances were used to treat individual parts of lifting devices. Subsequently, with the development of technology and the emergence of new methods of oil refining, its use became more active. In any car, a significant part of the fuel energy goes to overcome the friction force. In addition, too much contact between parts increases their wear, and accordingly, the cost of servicing the machine increases. Using one of the types of lubricants on the market, the car owner reduces fuel consumption and wear of the mechanism.

Diagram of a bicycle where the lubricant mixture is used

With the use of graphite, friction between the leaf springs is reduced, and the movement of the parking brake cable is also improved. In addition, motorists use the substance to lubricate hinges and improve the operation of the radio. The latter is achieved by lubricating the contact point - thanks to this, it is possible to cut off unnecessary interference and restore the previous level of signal reception.

In the absence of licensed lubricants, substitutes are sometimes used, however, their freezing point is often above 20 degrees, which is not always acceptable. Therefore, not everyone undertakes to make their own lubricants. One of the important conditions here has always been maintaining the correct proportion of source materials. So, for 500 grams of solid oil there are 100 grams of gear oil and graphite powder. Before mixing, the solid oil must be heated to 50 degrees. Heating is necessary for rapid dissolution of other components in the grease.

Video "Lubricant Testing"

In the video you can see the process of applying graphite oil and evaluate the benefits it brings.

If you have your own options for using graphite lubricant in a car or advice on choosing specific oils, leave your feedback on the article.

The beneficial properties of graphite have been known for centuries. For more than 300 years, it has been actively used to reduce friction in various mechanisms.

The use of graphite as a component of various lubricating compositions significantly expands their capabilities and scope of application.

Despite the emergence of many modern lubricants with higher performance properties, graphite lubricant remains one of the most popular and in demand today in production, in automotive maintenance, and for household applications.

What is graphite grease?

Graphite lubricants (graphite lubricants) mean all lubricants that contain graphite. It can act as additives or be used in powder form as an independent material.

Currently, graphite grease in its traditional form is most widely used. It is a thick, brown to black “ointment” made from oil and a soap thickener. Its main properties were standardized and fixed back in Soviet times by GOST 3333-80 (USsA mineral calcium graphite lubricant).

However, there are many developments that make it possible to use the beneficial properties of graphite as part of other materials - made on the basis of various basic components, as well as in the form of liquid lubricants, aerosols, pastes, and special anti-friction coatings.

Taking into account the synergistic effect of interaction, in addition to graphite, modern lubricants often add other substances (copper, molybdenum disulfide, etc.). Combinations of such materials in certain proportions significantly increase the performance properties of graphite lubricants.

Composition of graphite grease

Traditional graphite lubricant, manufactured in accordance with GOST 3333-80, is obtained by thickening petroleum mineral oil with calcium metal soap and graphite.

Modern formulations can be produced not only in the form of greases.

Aerosol lubricants, for example, are very convenient to apply to hard-to-reach places.

You can often find graphite lubricants in the form of liquid oil dispersions - their formula does not require the use of a thickener.

The composition of graphite lubricant manufactured according to various regulatory and technical requirements may also include other components. For example, using lithium soap instead of calcium made it possible to increase heat resistance to +130 °C and above.

Various additives improve the anti-corrosion, extreme pressure and other performance qualities of the lubricant.

To increase the adhesion of lubricants to metal surfaces, leading manufacturers use polarized graphite instead of regular graphite.


The characteristics of graphite lubricant are determined by the properties of the components present in the material.

Graphite is one of the forms of existence of carbon. It has a layered structure.

Graphite particles fill and smooth out micro-irregularities in the surface of the lubricated part, forming a kind of film on it. Thanks to this alignment and the formation of a graphite layer, the effective contact area of ​​the parts increases. At the same time, the load-bearing capacity of the lubricant increases, and the friction coefficient is significantly reduced.

The oils included in any graphite lubricant ensure optimal operation of components in friction modes, when the surfaces of the parts are separated by a layer of liquid lubricant.

The addition of graphite to the composition of greases gives them additional improved properties, allowing them to better remain in the friction zone and withstand high loads.

The cost of graphite is low, which is why lubricants based on this material are among the most affordable lubricants.

Thus, graphite lubricants have the following main characteristics:

  • increased load-bearing capacity
  • improved anti-friction properties
  • water resistance
  • excellent adhesion
  • antistatic properties
  • good combination of efficiency and cost

The heat resistance of graphite lubricants mainly depends on other components of the composition. Thus, materials made on the basis of calcium or lithium soaps are operational from -40...-30 to +70...+130 °C. Anti-friction coatings with graphite provide protective and lubricating properties up to several hundred degrees.

Graphite has good electrical conductivity. When its concentration is sufficiently high in lubricants, they can also have electrically conductive properties.

However, the structural features of graphite should be taken into account - under normal conditions there are molecules of water and oxygen between the layers of its particles. This causes a decrease in the lubricating properties of graphite lubricants in a vacuum.

The disadvantages of these lubricants also include restrictions on their use in high-speed mechanisms and assemblies with high precision in the manufacture of parts. In these cases, graphite particles disrupt the contact geometry, which leads to accelerated wear of parts.

Scope of application of graphite lubricant

Where is graphite grease used?

The scope of application of such lubricants is huge - they are used both in industry and in domestic conditions. In many cases, these materials also turn out to be an excellent solution for servicing heavy construction, road, special, oil-producing, and agricultural equipment.

Traditional graphite lubricants are used to service highly loaded friction units of low-speed mechanisms:

  • lead screws
  • hinges
  • sliding supports
  • guides
  • threaded connections
  • gearboxes
  • bearings

The use of thickeners and other types of liquids instead of calcium soap and mineral base oil makes it possible to increase the heat resistance, speed characteristics and other performance properties of graphite lubricants and significantly expand the scope of their application.

Oil dispersions can be used independently - in this case, graphite particles easily reach even hard-to-reach friction zones - or as additives to other commercial oils.

Automotive Applications

The scope of application of graphite lubricant in automotive technology remains quite wide even now, when many materials with higher performance properties have appeared on the market.

The extreme popularity is explained simply - “graphite” can be purchased almost everywhere, used for most components, and at a cost it is much more attractive than modern materials.

Application examples:

  • leaf springs to reduce friction and eliminate squeaking
  • wheel nuts, studs, bolts - to prevent jamming
  • cable drives – for smooth running and reduced wear
  • base of the retractable antenna pin - to eliminate crackling and rustling noises when receiving a radio signal
  • protection of electrical connections and contacts from corrosion
  • suspension and steering components (steering joints, racks, gears, ball joints, anti-creaking washers, etc.)
  • threaded connections of body parts and suspension
  • caliper guides and anti-squeak plates for disc brakes
  • cardan crosspieces in rear-wheel drive models
  • door hinges, lock mechanisms
  • seat guides
  • jacks
  • car coupling devices
  • CV joints

The use of graphite lubricant in a car is not limited to the examples given. Almost everywhere where there are loaded mechanisms with low speed, it will be very useful.

Industrial Application

The use of graphite lubricant in industrial production ensures high reliability of components and mechanisms, extended service intervals and excellent operating properties of equipment.

Mineral- and synthetic-based graphite lubricants are widely used in a wide variety of industries.

Examples of industrial equipment components for which graphite lubricants are used:

  • Drill bit supports in the oil industry
  • Units of special equipment, agricultural and industrial equipment operating in conditions of dust and other abrasive contaminants
  • Open gears of material handling equipment, bulk material mixers
  • Shut-off pipeline valves
  • Low speed bearings
  • Open and closed shafts
  • Rolling and sliding supports for drying chambers and ovens
  • Tender dryer chains
  • Coolant filtration mechanisms
  • Chains of powder coating lines, filling machines, sausage production lines
  • Conveyor chains
  • Bearings and gears for electric and pneumatic tools
  • Bearings and gears for centrifuge drives
  • Spindles of tinting machines
  • Trawlers winches
  • Screw pairs of machine tools

Household applications

Graphite lubricants are also used in everyday life. Good owners use them to lubricate door hinges and locks, for maintenance, repair and storage of electrical and mechanical tools, bicycles, etc.

Thus, we are convinced that lubricants with graphite are effective, inexpensive means for protecting contacting parts from wear, friction, corrosion and increasing their service life.

The use of these materials in the listed units, as well as for many other applications, will be a successful solution to many problems in the repair, maintenance and storage of industrial and household equipment and vehicles.

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